Precio Hedónico Vino
Precio Hedónico Vino
Precio Hedónico Vino
ABSTRACT: Oak barrels have long been the preferred method for oak maturation of wine, but barrels contribute significantly
to production costs, so alternate oak maturation regimens have been introduced, particularly for wines at lower price points. To
date, few studies have investigated consumers’ acceptance of wines made using non-traditional oak treatments. In this study, two
Cabernet Sauvignon wines were aged using traditional (i.e., barrel) and/or alternative (i.e., stainless steel or plastic tanks and vats,
with oak wood added) maturation regimens. Chemical and sensory analyses were subsequently performed to determine the
influence on wine composition and sensory properties, that is, the presence of key oak-derived volatile compounds and
perceptible oak aromas and flavor. The quality of a subset of wines was rated by a panel of 10 wine experts using a 20-point
scoring system, with all wines considered technically sound. Consumer acceptance of wines was also determined. Hedonic ratings
ranged from 5.7 to 5.9 (on a 9-point scale), indicating there was no significant difference in consumers’ overall liking of each
wine. However, segmentation based on individual liking scores identified three distinct clusters comprising consumers with
considerably different wine preferences. These results justify wine producers’ use of alternative oak maturation regimens to
achieve wine styles that appeal to different segments of their target market.
KEYWORDS: oak, wine, descriptive analysis, preference, wine consumers
Consumer research is often used to gain insight into the market
improve the intensity, stability, and structure of wines.10,11 As a
consequence, barrel-aged wines are generally considered to be
acceptance, preference, and perception of different foods and of higher quality and therefore attract higher prices.12 However,
beverages, in particular, to establish the relative influence of because the use of barrels also contributes to significantly
extrinsic (e.g., packaging, labeling, and branding) and/or higher production costs, wine producers have increased their
intrinsic (e.g., sensory attributes) characteristics on consumer use of alternative oak maturation regimens. Several studies have
liking and purchase intent.1 For example, consumer studies reported the evolution of oak-derived volatiles and sensory
have been undertaken to determine the influence of different attributes in wine following treatment with oak chips,13,14 in
bottle closures (i.e., natural cork, synthetic cork, and screw cap) some cases with micro-oxygenation,15,16 so as to achieve
on consumers’ perceptions of wine quality and price.2 maturation conditions that more closely replicate traditional
Consumers were unable to differentiate wines bottled under barrel aging.
different closures during blind tastings, but consumer liking and To date, few studies have investigated consumers’ acceptance
quality ratings of wines bottled under screw cap decreased of wines made using non-traditional oak treatments. A recent
significantly when the closure type was disclosed.2 This study study compared consumer preferences for wines aged either in
demonstrates the importance of understanding the implications oak barrels or with oak chips and reported considerable
of production decisions, in this case packaging, on consumer disparity in consumers’ wine preferences.17 Because consumers
acceptability. did not significantly reject wines made with oak chips, the
Market segmentation can also be used to differentiate authors concluded that markets exist for wines made using both
consumer groups within a given population. For example, oak maturation regimens. The role of oak in winemaking is not
previous studies have segmented wine consumers according to well understood by most wine consumers, but knowledgeable
their lifestyles or their wine experience, knowledge, or consumers do appreciate traditional barrel maturation and are
involvement.3−7 This enables the inherent heterogeneity of a willing to pay a premium for barrel-aged wines, whereas less
population to be taken into account, and in some cases, for knowledgeable consumers are accepting of the use of oak
product development and/or marketing strategies to be chips.18 A greater understanding of consumer liking for wines
targeted toward specific groups within a market. The use of made using oak alternatives would enable the wine industry to
oak in winemaking provides another good example of the better ascertain their acceptability in the market. This study
potential application of consumer research. therefore aimed to investigate the influence of a range of
Oak barrels have long been the preferred method for oak
maturation of wine. During barrel maturation, volatile Received: September 21, 2014
compounds are extracted into the wine and impart desirable Revised: January 13, 2015
oak aromas and flavors,8,9 whereas the controlled oxidation and Accepted: January 13, 2015
modification of tannins and anthocyanins are considered to Published: January 13, 2015
Table 1. Regimens Used for Oak Maturation of 2009 and 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon Wines
wine sample code maturation vessel volume (L) oak maturation regimen
trial 1 2009 Padthaway SSVAT stainless steel vat 900 2 g/L toasted French oak chips
Cabernet Sauvignon P1VAT stainless steel vat with two 4.5 mm 900 2 g/L toasted French oak chips
HDPE panels
P2VATa stainless steel vat with two 1.5 mm 900 2 g/L toasted French oak chips
HDPE panels
FOVAT stainless steel vat with two French 900 1.6 m2 French oak panels
oak panels
trial 2 2011 Eden Valley barrela barrel 225−300b French oak (22% new, 16% 1-year-old, and 62% 2-year-
Cabernet Sauvignon old), medium toast
SS + OAKa stainless steel 4550 French oak staves (1.4 m2/kL), medium toast
SS − OAK stainless steel 4550 no oak treatment
P1 + OAKa plastic tank (with 12 g/L/year O2 1000 French oak staves (1.4 m2/kL), medium toast
P1 − OAKa plastic tank (with 12 g/L/year O2 1000 no oak treatment
P2 + OAK plastic tank (with 4 g/L/year O2 1000 French oak staves (1.4 m2/kL), medium toast
P2 − OAK plastic tank (with 4 g/L/year O2 1000 no oak treatment
Wines retained for consumer acceptability and expert panel testing. bBlend of wines aged in 4 × 300 L hogsheads and 26 × 225 L barriques.
traditional and alternative oak maturation regimens on the an end point of pH 8.2), volatile acidity (VA, as acetic acid equivalents
composition, sensory properties, quality, and consumer accept- to an end point of pH 8.2), free and total SO2 content (by the
ability of wine. The knowledge gained from this study can be aspiration method), wine color density, and total phenolics, according
to methods described previously.19 Glucose and fructose concen-
used by wine producers to both inform and justify their use of
trations were determined enzymatically (Boehringer-Mannheim/R-
oak alternatives, in particular for the production of wines at BioPharm, Darmstadt, Germany). Ethanol content (as % alcohol by
certain price points and/or targeted toward specific segments of volume) was measured with an alcolyzer (Anton Paar, Graz, Austria).
the wine market. Oak volatiles were quantified by gas chromatography−mass
spectrometry (GC-MS) using stable isotope dilution analysis (SIDA)
MATERIALS AND METHODS methods reported previously.20−22 These publications describe the
preparation of deuterated internal standards, method validation, and
Oak Maturation Trials. Two South Australian Cabernet instrumental operating conditions. Analysis of oak volatiles was
Sauvignon wines were sourced from industry-based trials, involving a performed by the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI)
range of different oak maturation regimens (Table 1). Trial 1 involved Commercial Services Laboratory using an Agilent 6890 gas chromato-
a 12 month maturation of a 2009 Padthaway Cabernet Sauvignon in graph coupled to a 5973 mass selective detector.
four types of 900 L Stakvats (Ausvat Pty. Ltd., Willunga, Australia), Sensory Analysis of Wine. Wines were equilibrated at 21 °C for
being (i) stainless steel, hereafter referred to as “SSVAT”; (ii) stainless 24 h prior to each sensory experiment. Wines were assigned a random
steel with two 4.5 mm high-density polyethylene (HDPE) panels, three-digit code for descriptive analysis (DA), expert and consumer
hereafter referred to as “P1VAT”; (iii) stainless steel with two 1.5 mm sensory assessments. Wine aliquots (30 mL) were presented in
HDPE panels, hereafter referred to as “P2VAT”; and (iv) stainless covered Viticole XL5 (ISO standard) 215 mL stemmed wine tasting
steel with two French oak wood panels, hereafter referred to as glasses, using a randomized presentation order.
“FOVAT”. French oak chips (medium toast) sourced from the same Descriptive Analysis. DA was undertaken using a panel comprising
batch of oak wood were inserted in each of the stainless steel and 10 University of Adelaide staff and students (seven females, three
plastic Stakvats (SSVAT, P1VAT, P2VAT), but not the oak-sided males). Panelists were recruited on the basis of their availability and
Stakvat (FOVAT), at a rate of 2 g/L. Trial 2 involved a 4 month previous participation on DA panels involving analysis of red wine.
maturation of a 2011 Eden Valley Cabernet Sauvignon in four different Prior to formal assessment, panelists underwent 9 h of training
vessels, being (i) 1000 L plastic tanks with oxygen ingress of 17 mg (comprising 6 × 1.5 h sessions held over 6 weeks) involving detection,
O2/L/year, hereafter referred to as “P1”; (ii) 1000 L plastic tanks with identification, evaluation, and intensity rating of red wine aroma and
oxygen ingress of 12.6 mg O2/L/year, hereafter referred to as “P2”; palate (i.e., flavor, taste and mouthfeel) attributes. During the training
(iii) 4550 L stainless steel tanks, hereafter referred to as “SS”; and (iv) sessions, the panel evaluated each wine at least twice, to generate
a combination of new, 1- and 2-year-old French oak barrels (medium appropriate aroma and palate terms and to gain familiarity in
plus toast), which were blended after maturation, hereafter referred to recognizing and scoring their intensity, according to previously
as “barrel”. Maturation in plastic and stainless steel tanks comprised published protocols.23 The training sessions also included three
treatments with and without the addition of French oak staves practice evaluation sessions conducted in sensory booths, under the
(medium toast), sourced from the same batch of oak wood (hereafter conditions used during formal assessment. Data were evaluated after
designated “+ OAK” and “− OAK”, respectively). Staves were added each practice evaluation to assess panelist-by-sample interactions, to
to achieve an area-to-volume ratio of 1.4 m2/kL. determine when formal assessment should commence. The panel
Following completion of each maturation trial, wines were bottled agreed upon 15 aroma attributes and 16 palate attributes; when
(using 750 mL bottles fitted with metal screw-cap closures for trial 1 reference standards were used, their preparation is shown in Table 2.
and 375 mL bottles fitted with plastic screw-cap closures for trial 2) Because panelists were unable to perceive any differences in wine
and stored at 15 °C prior to sensory and chemical analysis. Trial 1 color, appearance was not evaluated. Three formal assessment sessions
wines were bottle aged for 3 years prior to analysis, whereas trial 2 were held, with all 11 wines presented in each session, such that all
wines were analyzed approximately 4 months after bottling. wines were assessed in triplicate. Panelists assessed each wine in an
Chemical Analysis of Wine. Wines were analyzed (in duplicate) isolated tasting booth at 22−23 °C under red lights, with a light
to determine pH, titratable acidity (TA, as tartaric acid equivalents to temperature of 6500 K, and rated the intensity of each sensory
Table 2. Reference Standards Used in Descriptive Analysis exclusion criteria precluded participation by wine industry profes-
of Cabernet Sauvignon Wines after Oak Maturation sionals and university staff and students. One hundred and sixteen
consumers were recruited and acceptability tests were performed in
descriptora reference standard October 2012, approximately 3 months after DA was completed.
red fruit two McCain frozen raspberries and one fresh strawberry Consumers were asked to rate their hedonic liking of each wine using a
confectionary 1
/2 Allens strawberries and cream lolly + 0.5 cm piece Coles 9-point scale with anchors from 1 (dislike extremely) to 9 (like
banana lolly extremely). Prior to evaluation of wines, consumers were instructed on
dark fruit two McCain frozen blackberries and two McCain frozen how to assess the wine and use the hedonic scale. Coded samples were
blueberries presented monadically with consumers signaling the researchers for
herbaceous 0.5 cm cube of green capsicum, two small tomato plant their next sample using a switch in the sensory booth. Crackers and
leaves distilled water were provided as palate cleansers. After wines were
mint/menthol 1
/2 tsp eucalyptus solution (1 drop of eucalyptus oil evaluated, consumers answered demographic questions regarding
(Bosisto’s, Australia) in 2 L of water) gender, age, education, household income, and wine consumption.
dustyb 3 cm square of Hessian, 3 sticks of white chalk crushed Consumers also indicated their average spend per bottle of wine for
earthy 1 tsp wet earth with moss home consumption.
charry 1 tsp 4-ethylguaiacol solution (1 drop of 4-ethylguaiacol in The expert panel comprised 10 wine industry personnel (9 males
50 mL of water) and 2 tsp of oak solution (medium- and 1 female), who met the criteria of “expert” defined by Parr and co-
toasted American oak wood (Oak Chips Inc., Waverly, workers.24 Each panelist assessed 10 wines, that is, the subset of 5
OH, USA) prepared in 10% ethanol) wines in duplicate. Participants were asked to assess each wine
leatherb 3 cm × 10 cm piece of leather according to the 20-point scoring system used in Australian wine show
mocha 1 tsp of mocha solution (100 g of 70% Lindt chocolate + 20 judging25 and to provide informal comments describing what they
coffee beans in 250 mL of water) liked or disliked about each wine. Tasting was conducted 4 months
licorice 0.5 cm piece of Darrell Lea licorice after consumer acceptability testing in an open-plan tasting room at a
sweet oak /8 tsp of vanillin powder (Sigma-Aldrich) + 1/2 tsp of oak winery in the Barossa Valley.
solution Data Analysis. Data were analyzed using Senpaq v5.01 (Qi
spice /4 tsp of McKenzie’s mixed spice + 1/4 tsp of freshly Statistics, 2012) and XLSTAT 2013.1.01 (Addinsoft, 2012).
ground black pepper + 3 cloves Consumer acceptance data were analyzed using a combination of
woodyb 1 cm × 9 cm × 0.5 cm untoasted French oak wood (Oak descriptive and multivariate techniques, including analysis of variance
Chips Inc.) + 1/2 tsp of pencil shavings (ANOVA) with post hoc Tukey’s test, partial least-squares regression
Samples prepared in 30 mL of Cabernet Sauvignon cask wine, unless (PLSR), internal preference mapping, and principal component
otherwise stated. bDenotes samples that were prepared dry. analysis (PCA). Hedonic clusters were identified using cluster analysis.
Table 3. Wine Color Density, Wine Hue, Phenolics, Alcohol Content, pH, Titratable Acidity (TA), and Volatile Acidity (VA) of
Cabernet Sauvignon Wines after Oak Maturation
wine color phenolics alcohol
density wine hue (au) (% v/v) pH TAa (g/L) VAa (g/L)
trial 1, 2009 Padthaway mean 12.6 ± 0.3 0.84 ± 0.01 61 ± 1 14.6 ± 0.01 3.43 ± 0.01 6.1 ± 0.05 0.42 ± 0.02
Cabernet Sauvignon range 12.4−12.8 0.83−0.86 60−62 14.5−14.6 3.43−3.45 6.0−6.2 0.41−0.42
trial 2, 2011 Eden Valley mean 9.9 ± 0.4 0.77 ± 0.01 53 ± 2 14.2 ± 0.05 3.51 ± 0.01 6.4 ± 0.07 0.52 ± 0.15
Cabernet Sauvignon range 9.7−10.2 0.76−0.80 51−57 14.1−14.3 3.50−3.53 6.4−6.6 0.54−0.62
TA measured as g/L of tartaric acid; VA measured as g/L of acetic acid.
Table 4. Oak Volatile Composition of Cabernet Sauvignon Wines after Oak Maturationa
concentration (μg/L)
cis-oak trans-oak 4-methyl 5-methyl
treatment lactone lactone guaiacol guaiacol eugenol vanillin furfural furfural
trial 1, 2009 Padthaway SSVAT 128 ± 1 a 23 ± 0 7±0b 4±0b 12 ± 1 54 ± 1 b 121 ± 0 nd
Cabernet Sauvignon P1VAT 121 ± 1 b 27 ± 3 8±0a 11 ± 0 a 5±7 153 ± 12 a 123 ± 1 nd
P2VAT 121 ± 1 b 29 ± 0 8±0a 10 ± 0 a nd 128 ± 42 ab 119 ± 3 nd
FOVAT 122 ± 4 b 29 ± 3 8±0a 11 ± 1 a 10 ± 0 131 ± 19 ab 119 ± 2 nd
P value 0.048 0.107 <0.001 <0.001 0.096 0.052 0.243
trial 2, 2011 Eden Valley barrel 99 ± 1 a 79 ± 4 a 4±1c 1±0c 6±9 123 ± 3 b 261 ± 24 c 32 ± 1 d
Cabernet Sauvignon SS + OAK 39 ± 1 c 30 ± 1 c 28 ± 1 b 15 ± 0 b nd 242 ± 5 a 1877 ± 2 b 282 ± 1 b
SS − OAK nd nd 4±1c nd nd 18 ± 7 c 173 ± 1 cd nd
P1 + OAK 30 ± 1 d 46 ± 2 b 27 ± 1 b 16 ± 0 a nd 281 ± 64 a 32 ± 1 e 54 ± 1 c
P1 − OAK nd nd 4±1c nd nd 6±8c 121 ± 4 de nd
P2 + OAK 47 ± 1b 24 ± 2 d 33 ± 1 a 16 ± 0 a 6±8 313 ± 98 a 2633 ± 141 a 368 ± 13 a
P2 − OAK nd nd 3±0c nd nd 20 ± 11 c 116 ± 4 de nd
P value <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.580 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Values are the mean of two technical replicates (± standard deviation). Means within a column (per trial) followed by different letters are
significantly different (P = 0.05, one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s LSD post hoc).
Table 5. Mean Intensity Ratings for Sensory Attributes of Cabernet Sauvignon Wines after Oak Maturationa
trial 1 trial 2
2009 Padthaway Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 Eden Valley Cabernet Sauvignon
attributeb SSVAT P1VAT P2VAT FOVAT barrel SS + OAK SS − OAK P1 + OAK P1 − OAK P2 + OAK P2 − OAK
A-red fruit 4.8 5.2 5.5 5.2 7.1 ab 6.8 ab 8.3 a 6.2 b 7.8 a 5.9 b 7.8 a
A-confectionary 4.5 5.3 5.2 4.2 5.7 ab 6.0 ab 6.9 ab 5.5 b 7.0 ab 5.7 ab 7.1 a
A-dark fruit 6.8 7.6 7.2 6.9 6.8 b 6.7 b 7.1 ab 7.3 ab 7.0 ab 6.9 ab 8.2 a
A-herbaceous 3.5 3.3 3.9 3.5 4.1 ab 3.4 b 4.0 ab 4.3 ab 4.9 a 3.2 b 5.2 a
A-mint/menthol 4.1 4.1 4.0 3.6 4.3 bc 4.1 bc 4.4 bc 4.1 bc 5.4 ab 4.0 c 5.9 a
A-dusty 6.7 6.1 6.2 6.7 4.1 abc 4.3 abc 3.5 c 4.9 a 3.7 bc 4.5 ab 4.2 abc
A-charry 4.1 b 4.8 ab 5.1 ab 5.9 a 3.2 b 4.5 a 2.7 b 5.6 a 3.0 b 4.6 a 3.2 b
A-leather 5.2 b 5.0 b 5.4 ab 6.6 a 3.2 ab 3.3 ab 2.5 b 3.6 ab 3.0 ab 3.7 a 3.1 ab
A-mocha 3.5 4.3 4.0 4.2 3.0 c 3.8 bc 3.6 bc 5.0 a 3.5 bc 4.4 ab 3.5 bc
A-sweet oak 4.4 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.8 ab 5.1 ab 4.6 b 5.8 a 5.1 ab 5.7 ab 4.9 ab
A-woody 5.1 5.9 6.4 5.8 4.0 b 4.9 ab 3.9 b 5.4 a 4.0 b 5.2 ab 4.2 ab
P-red fruit 6.5 6.0 6.2 7.2 8.1 ab 7.0 ab 8.2 ab 6.9 b 7.9 ab 7.0 b 8.3 a
P-earthy 3.3 3.8 3.5 3.6 2.8 b 3.5 a 2.8 ab 3.3 ab 3.0 ab 3.2 ab 3.4 ab
P-charry 3.3 b 5.2 a 4.9 a 5.0 a 3.7 bc 4.4 ab 3.0 c 5.0 a 3.3 c 4.6 ab 3.7 bc
P-mocha 3.5 4.3 4.2 4.3 3.8 ab 4.2 ab 3.7 ab 4.4 a 3.4 b 4.3 a 3.4 b
P-licorice 3.7 3.9 3.2 3.6 3.5 bcd 2.9 d 4.4 a 3.9 abc 4.3 ab 3.5 cd 3.9 abc
P-sweet oak 4.7 ab 5.4 a 4.4 b 4.9 ab 4.7 bc 4.7 bc 4.2 c 5.6 ab 4.4 c 6.5 a 4.9 bc
P-woody 5.6 b 7.4 a 6.6 ab 6.4 ab 4.8 b 6.7 a 5.3 ab 5.9 ab 5.5 ab 5.9 ab 5.1 ab
tannins 7.9 b 8.5 ab 9.4 a 9.0 ab 7.2 ab 7.3 a 6.7 ab 7.2 ab 7.4 a 6.0 b 7.3 ab
Values are mean scores from one wine replicate (per treatment) presented to 10 judges in three replicate sessions. Means within a row (per trial)
followed by different letters are significantly different (P = 0.05, one way ANOVA, Tukey’s LSD post hoc). bA, aroma attribute; P, palate attribute.
between phenolic measurements obtained in the current study barrel-aged wine contained the highest concentrations of cis-
(i.e., 5−10%) would not be expected to lead to perceptible and trans-oak lactones (99 and 79 μg/L respectively), but
sensory differences. comparatively lower levels of other oak-derived volatiles. The
Similar concentrations of oak volatiles were observed in each maturation regimens involving addition of oak staves yielded
of the trial 1 wines, albeit SSVAT wines contained significantly similar oak volatile concentrations, albeit P1 + OAK wines
lower levels of vanillin than the other wines from trial 1 (Table contained extremely low levels of furfural and 5-methylfurfural
4). Of the oak volatiles measured, only cis-oak lactone and (i.e., <100 μg/L) compared to SS + OAK and P2 + OAK wines
eugenol occurred at concentrations above their detection (which contained >1800 μg/L) and even the unoaked wines.
thresholds, of 23 and 5 μg/L, respectively.27,28 More significant Again, cis-oak lactone was detected (in oaked wines) at
differences were observed between trial 2 wines. Wines aged concentrations above its detection threshold. The guaiacol and
using maturation regimens without the addition of oak wood vanillin levels of trial 2 wines aged using alternative oak
(i.e., SS − OAK, P1 − OAK, and P2 − OAK) contained low or maturation regimens also exceeded threshold concentrations,
undetectable (<1 μg/L) levels of oak volatiles, as expected. The being 10 and 200 μg/L, respectively.28
1596 DOI: 10.1021/jf5044025
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2015, 63, 1593−1600
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article
Figure 1. PCA biplot of oak volatile concentrations and sensory attribute ratings for Cabernet Sauvignon wines after oak maturation.
The differences observed between the oak volatile profiles of ratings for oak attributes in the barrel wine more closely
wines from trial 1 compared to those from trial 2 likely reflect resembled scores given to the unoaked wines, and instead, the
differences in oak composition, in agreement with previous barrel wine displayed more intense red f ruit and mint/menthol
studies.29−31 Interestingly, the oak wood used in trial 1 yielded aromas and red f ruit on the palate. P1 + OAK exhibited the
a considerably higher proportion of cis-oak lactone (i.e., highest charry, mocha, sweet oak, and woody aromas and charry,
approximately 4-fold higher levels) than trans-oak lactone, licorice flavor, whereas P2 + OAK displayed leather and sweet
whereas the oak used in trial 2 gave approximately equal oak on the palate. Previous studies have investigated the impact
concentrations of each isomer. Compositional differences can of micro-oxygenation (MOX) on wine sensory attributes,
also be attributed to differences in the rate of oak addition, the including the development of aged notes in MOX wines. For
surface area available for extraction, and the duration of oak example, Cejudo-Bastante and colleagues observed an increase
maturation. Surprisingly, meaningful differences in wine color, in nutty, tobacco, and spice notes in MOX-treated wines
phenolic and oak volatile profiles were not observed for the compared to wines stored in stainless steel tanks without
different maturation regimens, even when oxygen ingress varied oxygen addition.35 Several of the maturation regimens used in
considerably (Table 1). trial 2 deliberately enabled oxygen ingress (Table 1), but the
Influence of Oak Maturation Regimen on Sensory resulting wines did not exhibit overly apparent aged notes.
Properties of Wine. ANOVA was performed on the DA data, PCA was performed on the mean intensity ratings obtained
and 19 of 31 attributes were found to significantly differentiate for the sensory attributes that were perceived to be significantly
(P < 0.05) wines within each trial (Table 5). different across the two trials (Figure 1), with PC1 and PC2
Wines from trial 1 were generally rated higher in dusty, accounting for 44 and 22% of variation between wines,
charry, leather, and woody characters than trial 2 wines, with respectively. Clear separation was observed between oaked
FOVAT receiving the highest ratings for charry and leather wines, which were predominantly located in the right
aromas. Similar ratings were given to varietal attributes, that is, quadrants, and unoaked wines, which were located in the left
red f ruit, dark f ruit, and herbaceous attributes. That wines from quadrants. The barrel-aged wine was located in close proximity
this trial were perceived to be more complex, that is, to exhibit to the unoaked wines, which again was not surprising given its
more intense oak- and age-related sensory attributes, reflects relatively low levels of oak volatiles (Table 4). PC1 suggests
the extended period of oak maturation (12 months) and bottle separation of oaked and unoaked wines is primarily driven by
aging (24 months) prior to sensory analysis. The duration of the intensity of varietal (i.e., f ruit/green) versus oak-related
oak maturation directly influences the concentration of volatiles sensory attributes. Discrimination of trial 1 and 2 wines was
extracted from oak wood into wine,32 but biochemical reactions also observed, with wines aged in vats clustered together in the
continue to occur, for example, the conversion of furanic bottom right quadrant and wines aged in stainless steel or
aldehydes into their corresponding alcohols.33,34 This likely plastic tanks (containing oak) clustered in the top right
explains the lower levels of furfural (i.e., approximately 120 μg/ quadrant. Trial 1 wines were in part differentiated on the basis
L) and the absence of 5-methylfurfural observed in trial 1 of dusty and leather aromas, which reflect the increased age of
wines, compared to trial 2 wines, in particular SS + OAK and these wines. SS + OAK, P1 + OAK, and P2 + OAK each
P2 + OAK (Table 4). contained higher levels of vanillin (being 242−313 μg/L) than
The unoaked wines from trial 2 received similar ratings for trial 1 wines (Table 4). These concentrations exceed the
most attributes and tended to exhibit more intense varietal detection threshold reported for vanillin in red wine, that is,
characteristics, for example, red f ruit, dark f ruit, herbaceous, and 200 μg/L.28 Vanillin might therefore contribute to the sweet oak
mint/menthol attributes, than the oaked wines; the prominence and mocha attributes that helped differentiate these wines.
of varietal characters is due to the absence of oak influence. Of Differentiation of trial 1 and 2 wines may also have been
the oak-treated wines, the barrel-aged wine received the lowest influenced by guaiacol, cis-oak lactone, and eugenol, that is, the
scores for most oak-related attributes, which was not surprising other volatiles observed in selected wines at concentrations
given the low levels of oak volatiles observed in this wine. The above their threshold levels (Table 4).
1597 DOI: 10.1021/jf5044025
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2015, 63, 1593−1600
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article
Influence of Oak Maturation Regimen on Quality and Table 7. Consumer Demographics for Total Sample (n =
Consumer Acceptance of Wines. A subset of five wines was 116) and Consumer Segments
selected for quality and acceptability ratings by wine experts
total samplea cluster 1a cluster 2a cluster 3a
and consumers, respectively. The expert panel used a 20-point (n = 116) (n = 35) (n = 55) (n = 26)
scoring system to rate wine quality (Table 6); mean scores
male 50.9 42.9 63.6 34.6
Table 6. Consumer Liking and Expert Quality Ratings for female 49.1 57.1 36.4 65.4
Selected Cabernet Sauvignon Wines after Oak Maturationa age (years)
quality 18−34 27.6 37.1 20.0 30.8
hedonic ratingsb ratingsb 35−54 31.9 28.6 27.3 46.2
total wine 55+ 40.5 34.3 52.7 23.1
sample cluster 1 cluster 2 cluster 3 experts education
treatment (n = 116) (n = 35) (n = 55) (n = 26) (n = 10)
high school 10.3 17.1 7.3 7.7
barrel 5.7 5.11 b 6.35 a 4.85 b 13.75 technical/trade 15.5 5.7 21.8 15.4
SS + OAK 5.8 4.49 b 6.45 a 6.12 a 14.42 bachelor’s degree 29.3 28.6 30.9 26.9
P1 − OAK 5.9 4.31 b 6.60 a 6.23 a 14.82 postgraduate 44.8 48.6 40.0 50.0
P1 + OAK 5.9 3.91 b 6.73 a 6.58 a 13.92 household income ($AUD)
P2VAT 5.9 5.80 b 7.00 a 3.42 c 14.65 <$25000 8.6 11.4 7.3 7.7
Means within a row followed by different letters are significantly $25001−50000 11.2 5.7 14.5 11.5
different (P = 0.05, one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s LSD post hoc). $50001−75000 18.1 25.7 16.4 11.5
Hedonic ratings were determined using a 9-point scale and quality $75001−100000 21.6 25.7 18.2 23.1
ratings using a 20-point scoring system. $100001−150000 28.4 20.0 32.7 30.8
$150001−200000 7.8 5.7 7.3 11.5
ranged from 13.8 (for the barrel-aged wines) to 14.8 (for P1 − >$200000+ 4.3 5.7 3.6 3.8
OAK), which indicates all wines were technically sound. The wine consumption
experts informally described the unoaked sample as having 4+ times/week 22.2 22.9 27.3 11.5
“varietal characters, f resh cherry nose, forest f ruits, confectionary” 2−3 times/week 35.9 28.6 40.0 38.5
but “lacking complexity and palate length”. The barrel-aged wine once a week 27.4 28.6 23.6 34.6
was considered to display “dull, manufactured oak” and “lack once every 2 weeks 11.1 17.1 7.3 11.5
f ruit intensity”. P2VAT was described as “savory, chocolate, dusty, once a month 2.6 2.9 1.8 3.8
earthy, lacking f ruit f lavor” with “sof ter tannins” and “more average price/bottle for home consumption ($AUD)
complex than the other wines”. In general, these comments were <$10 2.6 2.9 1.8 3.8
in good agreement with DA results. $11−15 26.5 25.7 27.3 26.9
One hundred and sixteen consumers participated in the $16−20 37.6 40.0 41.8 26.9
acceptance test, and their demographic data are reported in $21−30 28.2 28.6 25.5 34.6
Table 7. A similar proportion of male and female participants $31−50 3.4 2.9 1.8 7.7
and a relatively even distribution of ages were achieved. Most $51+ 0.9 0 1.8 0
consumers were regular wine drinkers and consumed wine at a
Values expressed as percentages.
least once per week (i.e., 86%). There were no significant
differences in the hedonic ratings given by the consumer cohort
for the five wines (Table 6), with mean scores ranging from 5.7 drivers were observed for cluster 1, including leather aroma
to 5.9. However, as in previous research,17 disparity in (0.34) and flavor (0.33), licorice flavor (0.24), and astringent/dry
consumers’ wine preferences was observed, and cluster analysis mouthfeel (0.26), whereas strong negative drivers included
based on individual hedonic scores enabled the identification of mocha (−0.47) and charry (−0.30) aromas. This explains
three distinct consumer segments (Tables 6 and 7). The first cluster 1’s preference for P2VAT, which exhibited more
cluster comprised 35 consumers, who were not overly accepting apparent aged characters relative to other wines. Positive
of any wine, but who liked P2VAT most and P1 + OAK least. drivers for cluster 3 included red f ruit (0.42), charry (0.27), and
Cluster 2, the largest cluster (n = 55), gave similar scores to mocha (0.56) aromas and earthy (0.61) and woody (0.31)
each wine and quite closely resembled the total sample. Cluster flavors. The strong negative drivers for cluster 3 were dusty
3 comprised 26 consumers, who did not like the barrel-aged or (−0.44) and leather (−0.64) aromas and leather flavor on the
P2VAT wines, but equally liked the other wines. Surprisingly, palate (−0.57). Consumers within this cluster tended to be
the wine produced using traditional barrel maturation was not younger, from households with higher incomes, who were
favored by any segment and actually received the lowest overall willing to spend more for wine on average than consumers
score, whereas P1 − OAK, the wine made without oak contact, from clusters 1 and 2 (Table 7). On the basis of demographic
was quite well liked by clusters 2 and 3. data, hedonic scores, and the sensory attributes driving wine
Internal preference mapping was undertaken to investigate preferences, consumers from clusters 2 and 3 would be most
the sensory attributes driving consumer liking. PLSR was likely to be receptive to wines made using alternate oak
performed on the DA data and hedonic ratings for each maturation regimens; indeed, consumers from cluster 2 were
consumer segment and the total sample (Figure 2). Sensory generally accepting of all wines (Table 6).
attributes with regression coefficients > ±0.2 are generally This study demonstrates consumer acceptance of wines
considered to influence consumer liking.6 In the current study, made using alternative oak maturation regimes. The presence
there were neither positive nor negative drivers for either the of key oak-derived volatile compounds and perceptible oak
total consumer sample or cluster 2. In contrast, strong positive aromas and flavor in oak-aged wines was confirmed by chemical
1598 DOI: 10.1021/jf5044025
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2015, 63, 1593−1600
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Article
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AUTHOR INFORMATION profile of red wine. Food Sci. Technol. Int. 2007, 13, 293−299.
Corresponding Author (9) Chatonnet, P.; Boidron, J. N.; Pons, M. Maturation of red wines
*(K.L.W.) Fax: + 61 8 8313 7116. E-mail: kerry.wilkinson@ in oak barrels: evolution of some volatile compounds and their aromatic impact. Sci. Aliments 1990, 10, 565−587.
Funding (10) Ortega-Heras, M.; Rivero-Perez, M. D.; Pérez-Magariño, S.;
González-Huerta, C.; González-Sanjosé, M. L. Changes in the volatile
A.M.C. thanks the Australian Grape and Wine Authority for
composition of red wines during aging in oak barrels due to
provision of a research scholarship. microoxygenation treatment applied before malolactic fermentation.
Notes Eur. Food Res. Technol. 2008, 226, 1485−1493.
The authors declare no competing financial interest. (11) Ortega-Heras, M.; González-Huerta, C.; Herrera, P.; González-
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(12) Lockshin, L. S.; Rhodus, W. T. The effect of price and oak flavor
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this study; without their support this research would not have
(13) Cano-López, M.; Bautista-Ortín, A. B.; Pardo Mínguez, F.;
been possible. We acknowledge the technical support provided López-Roca, J. M.; Gómez-Plaza, E. Sensory descriptive analysis of a
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