Crisostomo vs. SEC
Crisostomo vs. SEC
Crisostomo vs. SEC
G.R. Nos. 89095 & 89555
Whether or not the investments in UDMC of the Japanese doctors violate the
Constitutional prohibition against foreigners practicing a profession in the
Philippines (Section 14, Article XII, 1987 Constitution)- NO
The investments in UDMC of Doctors Yamada and Enatsu do not violate the
Constitutional prohibition against foreigners practising a profession in the
Philippines (Section 14, Article XII, 1987 Constitution) for they do not practice
their profession (medicine) in the Philippines, neither have they applied for a
license to do so. They only own shares of stock in a corporation that operates a
hospital. No law limits the sale of hospital shares of stock to doctors only. The
ownership of such shares does not amount to engaging (illegally,) in the practice
of medicine, or, nursing. If it were otherwise, the petitioner's stockholding in
UDMC would also be illegal.