355 - 08 Marius Narcis MANOLIU
355 - 08 Marius Narcis MANOLIU
355 - 08 Marius Narcis MANOLIU
inquired by the addresser to check understanding. of language; the lyric, oriented toward the first
All these sentences convey information about the person, is connected with the emotive function;
lexical code their function being metalingual. poetry of the second person is filled with the
Any process of language learning, in particu1ar conative function.
child acquisition of the mother tongue, makes In verbal behavior there are used two types
wide use of such metalingual operations. arrangements, of, selection and combination. The
The poetic function is defined by Jakobson as ,, selection is produced on the base of equivalence,
the attitude towards the message itself, centering on similarity and dissimilarity, synonymity and
the message itself. “ The poetic function can not be antonymity, while the combination, the build up
reduced only to poetry, the same as poetry can of the sequence, is based on contiguity. The poetic
not be reduced only to the poetic function of the function projects the principle of equivalence from the
message, and consists in that it emphasizes the axis of selection into the axis of combination.
concrete side sign of the language, deepening the Equivalence is promoted to the constitutive
fundamental opposition between what is device of the sequence. In poetry one syllable is
intelligible and what is perceptible, between the equalized with any other syllable of the same
linguistic sign as a means of intelligible knowledge sequence; word stress is assumed to equal word
and the objects of the reference reality. stress, as unstress equals unstress; prosodic long
In the message with a poetic function the is matched with long, and short with short; word
relationship between the paradigmatic and the boundary equals word boundary, no boundary
syntagmatic is achieved in a unique way , equals no boundary; syntactic pause equals
unrepeatable. The extent to which that a message syntactic pause, no pause equals no pause
has a poetic function predominates, it is a (EMPSON, 1981).
construction intentionally developed, as a Poetry and metalanguage are in diametrical
diversion created or invented, to add something opposition to each other as in metalanguage the
to the existing code. Also, the poetic function is sequence is used to build an equation, whereas
not proper to poetry only, the carrying out of its in poetry the equation is used to build a sequence.
message dominated by the referential function The poetic function, as Hébert states, is intensified
or metalingual one is very rare, if not incidental as a result of a significant and selective
(RASTIER, 1997) . We have brought up all the six strengthening or weakening of any other
factors involved in verbal communication except language function, but the reverse is not
the message itself. The focus on the message for necessarily true (e.g., the emotive function is not
its own sake, is the poetic function of language. necessarily strengthened by intensifying the
This function should be studied in connection poetic function). It is hard to imagine that a
with the general problems of language, the same marked emphasis or attenuation in one function
as language requires a thorough analysis of its would not draw attention to the message itself,
poetic function. Reducing the sphere of poetic at least in some cases
function to poetry or confining poetry to poetic Poetics in the wider sense of the word deals
function would mean to oversimplify the with the poetic function not only in poetry,
approach. The poetic function is the determining where this function is superimposed upon the
function of the verbal art. This function, by other functions of language, but also outside of
promoting the palpability of signs, deepens the poetry, when some other function is
fundamental dichotomy of signs and objects that superimposed upon the poetic function. For
is why, when dealing with poetic function, Jakobson, what characterizes poetry and
linguistics cannot limit itself to the field of poetry distinguishes it from other genres is not so
(ARCAND & BOURBEAU, 1995). much the presence of the poetic function as its
The particularities of diverse poetic genres dominance. Jakobson recognizes that epic
imply a differently ranked participation of the poetry – focused on the third person, as opposed
other verbal functions along with the dominant to lyric poetry - first-person or poetry of the
poetic function. Epic poetry, focused on the third second person – “strongly involves the referential
person, strongly involves the referential function function of language” (JAKOBSON, 1960)
The poetic language makes use of elements of split reference, as it is cogently exposed in the preambles
expressiveness which are characteristic to poetry, to fairy tales of various peoples, for instance, in the
relying upon figurative language, the opposite of usual exordium of the Majorca storytellers: ‘Axio era
literal language, figurative language is the y no era’ (‘It was and it was not’).” (JAKOBSON,
language of imagination, and which demands the 1960). It is an essential condition of poetic
reader to understand the meaning. The language, “designed to stimulate and guide the
expressiveness is the feature of the poetic text to imaginative capacity” (COTEANU, 1967)
convey forcefully the ideas and feelings of the The ambiguity means the double possibility
author. The original figures of speech really bear of equivalence of some elements belonging to
an expressive effect, so identifying and poetic language, resulting from the specificity of
commenting on them is correct when asked to its construction, so as to open for the reader a
illustrate the expressiveness of a poetic text. The number of alternative possible connotations to
expressiveness is a quasi-general feature of poetry. the same expression of the language- significances
The expressiveness is precisely the quality of a and associated meanings implied by the choice
communication to be expressive, to convey the of a certain word.
message not only accurately, but also suggestively. In his study “Seven Types of Ambiguity”,
With reference to a literary work in verse, poetic William Empson establishes these types of
style the expressiveness denotes an author’s ambiguity, as resulting from: lexical polysemy,
uniqueness of poetic style, the novelty and the alternative meanings, simultaneity of meanings;
resourcefulness of his poetic imagery, selecting the combination of inconsistent meanings;
a certain lyrical lexis able to support the poetic confusion of the author, who discovers the idea
idea and the artistic images in such a way as to while writing, creating confusion for the reader,
impress the reader and make him recognize from an irrelevant tautology, a total contradiction
specific manner belonging to a great writer of meanings. The ambiguity is the phenomenon
(KLlNKENBERG, 1996). with greatest variability and opening of poetics,
Imagery is the use of language to represent generating the unlimited space of imagination
objects, actions, feelings, thoughts, ideas or states (LAZAR, 2013).
of mind. Poetics deals with problems of verbal Through all these figures of speech poetry
structure, just as the analysis of painting is
detaches the readers from their usual frames of
concerned with pictorial structure. Since
reference by carrying them into a world rhymes,
linguistics is the global science of verbal structure,
rhythms and sounds. In doing so they become
poetics may be regarded as an integral part of
sensitive to the relationship between the”
referential and the expressive aspects of language,
Images are pictures in words, a common
as the linguists call it or what cognitive scientists
feature of poetry. Similes such as ‘the moon was
call content space – ideas, facts and beliefs – and
sailing across the night sky like a balloon’ and
retorical space ormental representation of actual
metaphors (‘the moon was a balloon sailing across
or intended text.”(KRAMSCH, 2015).
the night sky’) are typical of how images are
The ambiguity results from the interpretable CONCLUSIONS
character of some poetic expressions, leading to
more ways of deciphering the poetic message, the The functions of language do not, all of them,
double meaning, often used deliberately by operate on the same level. A function may be the
authors, or as Jakobson states it: “Ambiguity is an main one operating in a certain context but while
intrinsic, inalienable character of any self-focused still being accompanied by others. The poetic
message, briefly a corollary feature of poetry [...] The function for example can be intensified as a result
supremacy of poetic function over referential function of some emphasis while others are weakening.
does not obliterate the reference but makes it ambiguous. In poetry the use of certain figures of speech may
The double-sensed message finds correspondence in a bring about a strengthening of the expressiveness
split addresser, in a split addressee, and besides in a intensified by emotional language expressing an
emotional or subjective reaction rather than a COTEANU, I. (1967) Elemente de lingvistică structurală,
logical or rational one, or the emotive language Scientific Publishing House, Bucureşti.
meant to respond or inspire an emotional EMPSON, W. (1981) Şapte tipuri de ambiguitate, Editura
Univers, Bucureşti.
response. Even though one function may be
HERBERT, L. (n.d.) Les fonctions du langage. Available from:
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work in pairs such as the expressive function JAKOBSON, R. (1960) Linguistics and Poetics, in T.
with the conative one and the referential with the Sebeok, (ed), Style in Language, pp. 350-377, M.I.T. Press,
poetic one. Functions are in a dynamic interaction Cambridge.
the strength of one of them resulting from the KRAMSCH, C. (2015) Context and Culture in Language
Teaching, Oxford University Press, UK.
use of a metaphor, similie, personification or of
KLlNKENBERG, J.M. (1996) Précis de sémiotique générale,
syntactic parallelism by successive replay of Seuil Publishing House, Paris.
sequences identical to grammar structure, mainly LAZAR, G. (2013) Literature and Language Teaching,
used in poetry. Cambridge University Press, UK.
RASTIER, F. (1997) Meaning and Textuality (trans. by
References Frank Collins & Paul Perron), University of Toronto
ALAN, D. & ALAN, M. (2007) Literature, Oxford Press, Toronto.
University Press, UK. TRITSMANS, B. (1987) Poétique, in M. Delcroix & F.
ARCAND, R. & BOURBEAU, N. (1995) La communication Hallyn (eds), Méthodes du texte. Introduction aux études
efficace. De l’intention aux moyens d’expression, Edité par littéraires, pp. 11-28, Duculot Press, Paris.
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