Swachhatha Related To Children and Their Environment

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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol 2 Issue 9 September

Swachhatha Related to children and Their Environment

Visweswara, B.Y
Srinivasa, K.V

Assistant Prof. of Economics, Govt. First Grade College, Malur, Kolar District, Karnataka
Assistant Prof. of Political Science, Govt. First Grade College, Malur, Kolar District, Karnataka

Children are less than age of ten. This concept is immense relevance to people working
in childcare and educational institutions as of significance to those who may have avoice of
influence over the regulation of such as crèche. Playschools and primary schools where
children spend a lot of time. HDI is an major determinant of Economic development.
contraction of HDI value based on certain indicators. Under 5, child mortality is a key metric.
When it comes to under 5 child death rates out of every 100 children born in India, about 50
may not survive beyond the age of five. In the medium term, our goal should be to bring this
down to less than 20 per 100, This is a problem of the poor and is not relevant to educated
urban citizens.
Children death results from a downward spiral of diarrhoea, respiratory illness,
malnutrition as well as disease induce malnutrition. The child who dies is one out of
hundreds who suffer from repeated diarrhea and malnutrition cycle. In India almost 50% of
children suffer from malnutrition, 45% are stunted. Educated parents are becoming aware of
the need to keep infections at day and they are particular about not touching other to touch
baby without washing hands childbirth hospitals also highlight this to the parents and
relations. In recent years increased awareness about continuing breastfeeding for at least 6
months protect the child from infections. Hot water disinfectant solution is a good way of
practicing hygiene and preventer child up of gives.
Measures to Avoid Diseases
Avoid infant’s l1 year old coming in contact with dirt, dust and soil as these may
contain spores of the bacterium. In children over 1 year of age and in healthy adults this
bacterium is known to cause food borne infections by virtue of the toxin it produces in the
food which happens only after the bacterium grows to large numbers. In Western countries,
infants are not fed honey as it could be contaminated with fed honey as it would be
contaminated with clostridium spores. Raw vegetables should be avoided for at least the first
two years. Fruits should be the roughly washed and enter skin pealed and egg chicken, fish
and wheat should be thoroughly cooked before feeding infants less than 1 years of age.
Therefore, we need to take precautions when another member of the family fall and
adults suffering from respiratory inspections cold and conch need to think about preventing
the spread of germs in the house. Mouth and nose should be covered while sneezing. A child
should be touched only after proper hard wash and use of a disposable facial mask by the
unwell adult during the days he/ she is infections when children fall sick, there are things to
watch out for t prevent illnesses from becoming serious .
Especially relevant if the child is less than 5 years of age in case the child has a fever for no
apparent reason. A blood culture to rule out the present of bacteria in the blood needs to be
considered. The other thing one has to watch out for is the signs of urinary tract infections
pain while urinating cloudy urine fever, very little flow of urine.
When children suffer from common infections, some care at home can give substantial
relief it the child is having a stuffy nose few drops of saline solution available at the pharmacy
could be put in each nostril. This vice help the nasal discharge to thin out and flow out. In dry
weather, a stream vaporizer left on for some time in a room can give relief in the child. Putting
a warm cloth on the chest of the child and tapping his / her back with your hand can relieve
chest congestion and help loosen the mucus.
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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol 2 Issue 9 September

In modern homes it is increasingly common that the mother resumes active work once
the child reaches about 4 months of age. Childcare then falls on grandparents. When
grandparents provide case if becomes trickily for the child’s mother to suggest hygienic and
infection preventing practices to their parents in laws raised their children, who are one could
engage grandparents in a discussion about the general state of health of children in India and
how each small step in improving hygiene goes a long way in preventing infections. Also, one
can highlight recent scientific evidence indicating in that the overall health and development
of a child is much better. If he/ she has not suffered from too many infection as a child.
Responsibility of the Parents
Parents are responsible for ensure their child is not a source of infection spread among
other students. At times, it becomes difficult, especially when the sickness is in early phases
or appears to be mild, to make a decision whether to send the child to childcare centre/school
or not. As a thumb rule, you should not send your child to school if you find that the diarrheal
stool is laced with blood or has whitish mucus, or if the child has vomited two or more times
within the last 24 hours, or if there are skin eruptions, or the child is feeling unusually
lethargic and running a fever, or is having difficulty in breathing.
How do we prevent infections when children engage in leisure, sports activities or travel
for picnics and camps? In recent times, one of the favorite places for children, either in malls
or in children friendly restaurants, is the colorful ball pool. Parents gleefully watch their
toddlers enjoying among hundreds of colorful plastic balls. Many stories about dangers, such
as injury and insect or reptile bites, while playing in ball pools have been circulating, though
some of these may be rumors. It is quite likely that this ball pool could be harboring
microorganisms capable of causing infection. Let us think about the situation. Given that
mostly 2- to 6-year 01 play in these pools, there i a possibility that the kids may drool vomit
urinate or defecate while playing in ball pools. Also, despite good intentions, it is impractical
to clean and is infect thousands of plastic balls. , These two factors raise the chances of
exposure disease-causing germs. A thorough disinfection of hands after playing in' the ball
pool could help in reducing the chances of infection.
Most parents look for an all-round development of their children, and thus,
increasingly, extra-curricular activities form an important part of a child's learning journey.
Engaging in active sports, where groups of kids play competitive sports such as cricket,
football and many others is becoming a norm. Similarly, during holidays, children attend
summer holiday camps. Picnics and outings are also an integral part of kids' lives.
Undoubtedly, these help children develop a rounded perspective of life, and therefore, are very
important. As parents, we do give several instructions to our children and ensure safeguards,
such as telling them to be in proximity of the supervisors, use the right sporting gear and use
insect repellants. Perhaps, we also need to give thought to preventing infections.
A fungal infection of the foot - athlete's foot or tinea pedis - is common among those
pursuing active sports. Factors such as tight-fitting shoes and sweating, which is likely in
long-duration and/or high-intensity games such as tennis, cricket or football, increases
susceptibility to this infection. The feet, especially the skin between the toes, may become
scaly, flaky and dry, and an itchy rash may develop. This infection is easily transmitted
through snaring of towels and other items In dressing rooms of sportsmen. It is more common
in children aged 12 years or more and in male adults. Such infections could be prevented by
wearing proper-fitting shoes and breathable socks, avoiding sharing of napkins and washing
feet thoroughly, especially between the toes, and keeping them dry. Several cases of infections
contracted during picnics have been reported in Western countries due to their strong
disease- reporting systems. There was a case when children ate their meals on a table in a
park on which there were bat droppings (guano), and developed a serious parasitic infection.
Making sure that kids .understand hygienic measures and simple acts such as spreading a
table cloth or newspaper on the surface where the food is served can prevent infections.
Similarly, foods packed for picnics should. Throughout the day without spoiling to prevent
food poisoning In case hand-wash facilities are lacking, hand sanitizers may be used. Hand
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sanitizer should be applied only after ensuring that here are no visible dirt particles or grease
on the hands, as these render the sanitizer ineffective.
Water parks are another source of infection. Especially, during scorching summers,
many people flock to water parks and thus the place gets crowded. Within such water bodies,
if there are fun-lovers who may have recovered from flu, or typhoid or hepatitis A, there is a
possibility that they shed the germs into the water. Usually, dilution' as well as disinfection of
the water reduces the chances of exposure to pathogens. However, during times of
overcrowding, the disinfection may get compromised due to the overload of dirt and vulnerable
children may catch a disease. Skin infections too are commonly transmitted through such
activities. Ensuring that children wear the right gear in water parks, bathe thoroughly with
soap after getting out of the water and, as far as possible, avoid ingestion of the water, can go
a long way in preventing a fun outing from turning into a sickness
In India death rate of children under the age of five is higher than that of some our
neighbouring countries. Bangladesh and Srilanka and enteric and respiratory infection which
are preventable through proper hygiene measures are the principle cause of such deaths. In
India professional childcare centre are canes of speeding illness to children. They need to
upgrading hygiene. A good appreciation of infection control measures suitable in fracture and
staff training are essential some of the outside activities of the child will lead various
discharges. Children need to make aware of hygiene practices to preset infection and illness.

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