Peprexwrlaltfuw: As For
Peprexwrlaltfuw: As For
Peprexwrlaltfuw: As For
As you are aware, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) recently released a Letter Health Consultation
regarding the AmericanZinc Recycling facility in Palmerton, Carbon County, Pennsylvania. This
report was initiated at the request of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 3,
Office of Air Protection Division Office of Air Enforcement and Compliance (APD OAECA)
requesting that the ATSDR ooconduct a public health evaluation of the community's current
exposures to lead in air near the operating American Zinc Recycling LLC (AZR)..."
Based on their analysis, the ATSDR concluded thata public health hazard is likely for young
children and/or pregnant women living within 3 miles of AZR. I am aware that the EPA and the
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) recently met to discuss air
monitoring of lead near AZR.
While this is an important step towards protecting the residents near AZR,I strongly urge the PA
DEP to monitor for other particulate matters as well as conduct additional air monitoring and
sampling around the facility. It is my understanding that there are two locations outside of the
facility that test for air quality. Due to the health concerns raised by the ATSDR report, I would
urge the PA DEP to add additional monitors for data.
Furthermore, I recognizethe work the PA DEP has already done in conducting onsite observations
and following up with corrective actions. I also recognize the importance of recognizing the
benefits ofAZR, such as the employment opportunities, but I am also conscious ofthe balance we
must strike between supporting industry and protecting the health of those potentially affected by
this facility.
I appreciate the open dialogue from the EPA and the PA DEP concerning AZR. My hope is that
this dialogue continues to frrther educate and protect the residents of Carbon County.
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Doyle Heffley, Member
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