Implication of Student's Misbehaviors in Class
Implication of Student's Misbehaviors in Class
Implication of Student's Misbehaviors in Class
This study investigates the implication of students’ misbehavior in a given classroom and performance
misbehavior in class. It utilized quantitative and evaluation. He suggested that the bulk of peer effects
ualitative approach in which the responses of stem more from the academic performance of other
students were classified and recorded its frequency. It students than from their behavior. According to Sun
collects qualitative data through phenomenal and Shek (2012), it is a primary importance of a
observations on students’ behavior, and investigations teacher to identify what exactly are these behaviors
on respondents’ background. The data of this inside classroom.. Teachers usually reported that these
observation are in-depth
depth discuss according to the disturbing behaviors in the classroom are unbearable
result of investigation. Investigations reveal that and they had to spend a great deal of time and energy
students’ misbehaviors imply that they have different to manage the classroom (Johnson and Fullwood,
economic and learning needs. The misbehaviors 2006; Leung and Ho, 2001; Shen,, 2009).
they have shown is a sign that they do not find interest
to learn in the classroom environment, the lessons Classroom is a complex society that teachers are the
transfer by the teachers are not align to their interest, role models, and interactions affect that take place
or they need a special attention that teachers’ between teachers and students as well as to their peers
understanding and acceptance requires. (Ratcliff,, 2011). Similary, in Pakwan Integrated
School, School Year 2016-2017,
2017, one of the issues that
Keywords: students’ misbehaviors, implication, socio- teachers commonly raise is the misbehavior of Grade
economic and learning needs 10 students. For them, their behavior affects the
teachers’ activities plan;; objectives of the plan were
INTRODUCTION usually not carried out, and different teaching
Student misbehaviors are thorny issue in daily strategies were implemented but few showed
classroom interaction (Sun and Shek, 2012). It affects effective. Most of the teachers complain on them that
the effectiveness of teachers’ teaching and so with their misbehaviors affect also to the whole institution
class environment and other learners. Whereas, other especially in targeting a positive academic
scenarios shown that students’ misbehaviors affects performance. Thus, this study was employed to
time, decreased academic performance,, and increased investigate students’ misbehavior.
unnecessary behaviors ( Bryant,,2000; Weerman,
Harland ,, 2007).
). Thus, this study manifests the The proponent of this study found strength that
implication of student’s misbehavior in clas
class. strengthening school’s curriculum could be sustained
by taking a look and understanding students’
Some insights on students’ misbehaviors are cited by misbehavioror that could be a contribution in
different authors. The impact of disruptive behavior developing human capital. The unique of this study is
could lead to class suspension which is disadvantage significant in school’s educational system that
to teachers, school cultures, and student sides (Ford, findings are not only base to the phenomenon
2013). Hwung (2016) highlighted that there is a observations on students’ behavior but a deepen
strong initial relationship between the level of investigation on their learning
rning and social background.
@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ | Volume – 2 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2018 Page: 1196
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
The students who are “Participative in class or school “Fond of playing basketball/volleyball” , and those
activities and do teachers’ instructions” are evident who preferred to “Academic” Tracks are those who
active in class interaction and teachers’ instruction. are “Participative in class or school activities and do
Thus, the above mentioned students’ behavior affect teachers’ instructions”
to these learners. They destruct and annoy the
teaching-learning process in classroom. The “Undecided” track is closely related to students
whose behavior is “Listening to class but not doing
According to Tiwari (2014) there are various factors learning activities such writing notes, and solving
that cause behavior problems in the classroom such as problems”. This implication does not mean that these
mass media, school or family that affect the teaching students have no ability or talents. Hence, these
learning process as it influences teacher’s ability and students are have talents as explained in Table 1 but
competence in handling the classroom environment. not expose or involve in school activities. Perhaps,
Hence, when behavioral problems begin to occur, it is they just need a help from teachers to discover their
important for teachers to react in the right way. potentials and interests (Swift, 2012).
Teachers need to learn how to teach students with
behavior problems. No matter if the child is one The students who preferred “Arts and Design” Track
student in a classroom with a concern or if the are one of the students who are always leaving/cutting
classroom is designed for children with these complex classes and do misbehavior acts, and another one is
behavioral issues (The Room 241 Team, 2013). So, it one of the students who is “Physically present but
is a need for teachers and students to acknowledge mentally absent”.
their mutual contributions to student misbehavior.
Only when both groups start to take ownership of CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
their contribution to the problem of misbehavior can Students’ misbehavior in learning environment
be solved (Donetta,, 2009). This is similar to the proved that everybody learns in different way. The
statement of Powell and Kusuma-Powell (2011) that behaviors that observed and shown in group is a sign
teachers did forge personal connections with students, that they need in learning process that align to their
often when the personality of the student and teacher learning way and interest. Teachers should cater
were compatible or when they shared a common programs that relevant to their interests where they
interest (more often than not, this was an interest in have given an opportunity to pursue their learning
the subject the teacher was teaching). needs. With such mentoring and support, students
may reach their potential (Serra, 2017). Thus, accept
Table2. Students’ Preferred Tracks the students in his/her own way, capacity, and ability
Frequency (NOVA, 2017).
Indicators Rank
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