Indian History

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Bharat Mata, aka Mother India, is home to over 1.

2 billion people, with such diversity that is

impossible to cover them all. It has a range of languages with every community having their
own, they’re not even dialects..they have different meanings to words yet they are all united by
the tongue of Hindi. It’s thought that the country has 347 spoken languages. Colours splash on
the streets daily, devotees parade down celebrating festivals and there is never a moment where
you would be sitting idly. Yet go outside and you can find landscapes ranging from jungles to
deserts to mountain regions. It has culture, it has history and it has stupendous beauty.

India was a thriving country and had it not been for the British invasion, I think it would have
been one of the most powerful countries already. However, what is rather odd about India are the
mysteries surrounding it. What I am to do in this thread is bring just some of them to your eyes,
which you’ve probably already met and try to show you that India is just not a country where
poverty is seen but it’s rich domain where jewels can be found in the oddest of places.

Welcome to my thread on India. I hope to cover topics ranging from its religion to conspiracies
within it. If there’s any questions, free feel to ask. My thread is just one view, the fact is, there
isn’t one “right” view when we come to talking about the scriptures so there are many variations.

 A Brief Overview of Sacred Scriptures – Shruti and Smriti

 An Aryan Conspiracy?
 Ancient Tech: Nuclear Wars
 Ancient Tech: Vimanas
 Ancient Tech: Other
 Secret Brotherhoods

I’d quickly like to direct people onto this thread: Ancient Series: Indians by Serbsta (goes into
much more detail than I do...a MUST read
A Brief Overview of Sacred Scriptures
Before we get onto the real cover-up, I’d like to give a brief overview to just some of the
amazing literature India’s history holds. Many think Hinduism is one of the oldest living
religions to still exist. There are elements from it which were part of the religion from the Indus
Civilisation which abruptly vanished. Moreover, we have Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism that
are closely related to it. Its scriptures are the basis of India and Nepal’s main religion; Hinduism.
To me, Hinduism is rather strange compared to other religions. There is no single founder, there
is no single set of teachings and there is no single set of teachings which people HAVE to adhere
to. For example, you cannot find ‘The Ten Commandments’ like in Christianity...our religion is
just based on stories, our interpretation of them and that’s one of the reasons what makes
Hinduism so unique. Key figures teach different philosophies and many consider the sacred
scriptures to be a ‘way of life’ or a ‘family of religions’ rather than a single religion.

Shruti Literature
The Vedas are part of the Shruti literature which contain revelations, which can be translated to
‘which is heard.’ Many consider the Vedas to be divine in origin and not made by humans. It’s
thought that they were composed in the early stages of civilisation, passed down in generations
and written around 1500BC. They are thought to be nitya (eternal) and apauruseya (our of this
world.) Many Hindus believe in something similar to animism for example, the words written in
the Vedas are Brahma Dev himself.

The word ‘Veda’ means wisdom, knowledge. They are the oldest and most authoritative
scriptures of Hinduism. Hindus believe that they weren’t composed by anyone but “revealed” to
Rishis. The Vedas consist of:

1) Rigveda (written before the Aryans settled in India)

2) Yajurveda
3) Samaveda
4) Atharvaveda

Each of these are then made up of 4 divisions which are separated into:
-Samhita – hymns
-Brahmana – rituals and moral principles
-Aryanyaka – meditations
-Upanishads – records of transcendental experiences

They all address not only the divine gods and goddesses but spiritual entities that exist in our
awareness and awake as we progress through the various stages of advancement for Self
Realisation. Looking deeper, one can see the descent of specific energies/forces descending into
our consciousness from higher worlds.

The truths and principles from the Upanishads were all brought together in the form of sutras.
These are known as the ‘Brahma Sutras’ and form the basis of the philosophy system, also
known as Vedanta –Darshana. To read more about the Vedantas:

The 4 parts of the Vedas have significance to the four ashramas of life, the 4 stages of life.

1)Brahmacharya – this is the phase of the student.

2)Grihasthashrama – this is phase of the householder. They adult must live a righteous life and
work for the preservation of family and society by carrying our righteous deeds.
3)Vanaprastha – At this stage the person leaves his house and properties to the children and go
and lead a spiritual life.
4)Sanyasashrama – The final stage where the person renounces all worldly life and spends it in
contemplation of God and self.

To read the Vedas, here’s a good place:

You can actually read some verses from the Vedas...just click on the names.

Smriti Literature
Compared to the revelations as written above, the Smriti literature is a product of human intellect
where the information is based upon the Vedas and their interpretations of it. Yes, there are law
books such as the ‘Dharma Shastras’ which are of 4. Manusmriti is the most popular which is
like a guidebook to human conduct, social and religious behaviour. In many of the Dharma
Shastras there are rules on groups of individuals such as castes.

Yes, there have been a lot of criticism to it; the caste system, the status of women which is
definitely narrow minded, please remember that this doesn’t have the same status as the Vedas
and is written by humans....this all came as a by-product of them and their political and social
circumstances. These books do not have to be necessarily accepted as final authority on any
issue...unlike the Vedas they are not eternal or fallible. There is no caste system in the Vedas nor
discrimination between man and women.

Itihasa means history. The Mahbharata and Ramayana are included in this category, which have
some very interesting occurrences which I hope to talk about later on in the thread. Another is
the well known Bhagavad Gita.

Mahabharata is the story of Pandavas and Kauravas and greed for the political power which led
to massive war and destruction of both families, leaving the Pandavas winning only probably
because Krishna Bagwaan gave his support to them. It is indeed difficult to read this without
coming to terms with the destructive nature of mankind and the dangers of us. The BG describes
the message of Krishna Bagwaan to Arjuna on the battlefield in the Mahabharata. However, it’s
not just to him but to entire humanity describing words of wisdom to help not only with external
battles but battles internally as well. There’s a lot of spiritual truth within it. The Ramayana is the
story of Rama and his battle against the demons by Ravana. He abducts Sita and it tells the tale
of the rescue her and a quite unique twist at the end.

These describe the religious events that happened in the past. They deal with the numerous
incarnations of God and the deeds done by them. While the above epics deal with what happened
on earth in the past, the Puranas just don’t deal with Gods on earth but on their different planes.
There is their own Vedic conception of time which we separate out into 4 stages and we are
thought to be in the fourth stage. What is written below is found in the Puranas which is
considered to be the fifth Veda.

1) Satya-Yuga: 1,728,000 human years

2) Treta-Yuga: 1,296,000 human years
3) Dvapara-Yuga: 864,000 human years
4) Kali-Yuga: 432,000 human years

The Puranas describe the above four stages. The first one is thought to be the “Golden Age.”
There is no such thing as hate nor envy, no such thing as fear....just wisdom and virtue dominate
this era. People in this age live for around 100,000 years. The second stage is where the good
qualities reduce by a third (though others may say a quarter.) Sacrifices are introduced with
people desiring goods, wanting to be rewarded for work. They live now for a maximum for
10,000 years. In the third stage, its good qualities are only a half of what it was in the Treta-
Yuga. The Vedas are divided into 4 parts and a minority study them. Sensual desires, diseases
and injustice begin to spread and people here live to a maximum of 1000 years. Lastly, we come
to the Iron Age, where men are short lived and have less intelligence. The maximum duration is
100 years of human life. Humans are now misled, disturbed and morals and principles are
literally not to be seen.

What’s interesting is that as the number of good qualities decrease, the lifespan of the humans
decrease. And well, we do rarely live to the age of 100 which have been predicted by scriptures
that are written thousands and thousands of years ago.

History is most often written with an agenda. Early indologists wished to control and convert the
followers of Vedic cultures, therefore spreading the word that the Vedas were simply mythology.
Let’s take Max Muller for example. He initially wrote that the ‘Vedas were worse than savage’
and that India must be conquered again by education. He went on to say that the religion there is
doomed although later on glorified the Vedas.

It was these Indologists that devised the Aryan Invasion Theory who many believe intentionally
misinterpreted the Sanskrit language to make the Vedas look primitive. It is no secret that the
British who invaded India, tried to make India feel ashamed of their own culture, thus indicating
that perhaps these men were motivated by a racial bias. Nowadays, the Aryan Invasion Theory is
under scrutiny. Did it actually occur? Nope. No evidence that it actually did occur. The Vedic
culture is thought to have derived from foreign soil according to the Aryan invasion yet there are
NO FINDINGS that can be associated with Aryan people coming to India.

Nowhere in the Vedas is there a single mention of an Aryan homeland outside of India, yet the
Saraswati River where two thirds of the 2,500 Indus sites were found, was. Now the Aryans are
thought to have arrived AFTER the Saraswati River dried up. Why would a desolated river be
mentioned over 50 times in the Rig Veda if there was no use for the river? Why would the
Aryans even write about it? The way the Saraswati River is described in the Vedas indicate that
it was written pre-Aryan.

There is no genetic, cultural, archaeological substantial evidence proving that there was an
invasion. It is all just theory and yet it’s still being taught as a fact today in textbooks, in schools.
Max Muller is the main guy who actually proposed the Aryan Invasion. Now...anyone seeing
what I’m seeing? Is anyone already seeing the manipulation I’m seeing? This guy believed in the
Biblical chronology. He placed the world at 400BC and the flood approximately 2500BC and
therefore randomly suggested that the Aryans came to India around 1500BC. However he later
goes on to contradict himself. He admitted the purely speculative nature of the Vedic
chronology yet it appears all of mankind have seemed to turn a blind eye to that.

Now let us examine the facts about the so-called evidences in support of AIT:

1. Real Meaning of the Word 'ARYA' In 1853, Max Muller introduced the word 'Arya' into the
English and European usage as applying to a racial and linguistic group when propounding the
Aryan Racial theory. However, in 1888, he himself refuted his own theory and wrote:

I have declared again and again that if I say Aryas, I mean neither blood nor bones, nor hair, nor
skull; I mean simply those who speak an Aryan me an ethnologist who speaks of
Aryan race, Aryan blood, Aryan eyes and hair, is as great a sinner as a linguist who speaks of a
dolichocephalic dictionary or a brachycephalic grammar. (Max Muller, Biographies of Words
and the Home of the Aryas, 1888, pg 120) In Vedic Literature, the word Arya is nowhere defined
in connection with either race or language. Instead it refers to: gentleman, good-natured,
righteous person, noble-man, and is often used like 'Sir' or 'Shree' before the name of a person
like Aryaputra, Aryakanya, etc.

Actually there is evidence that the scriptures are indigenous to the Indians that occupied the
country. For example the linguistic characteristic between the Indus civilisation and Vedic is so
similar. Om symbols can be found, the swastika and many more. Harappan seals have been
deciphered consistently Vedic. Pottery found has written ‘the sacred land which is bounded by
the Saraswati River.’ Again, that river is mentioned in the Vedas. Even the practices of some
gods from the Indus civilisation were found in the Vedas as well.

Even the word ‘Aryan’ which means ‘master race’ seems rather big headed. It shows me an
image of people who believe that they are right. Why would the Aryans who invaded write in a
different language that is not their own? And in Sanskrit...a very difficult language? They
wouldn’t. A proud race like them would have not bothered trying to learn the new culture or
language and tried to rein everything with their own. We should be seeing a different culture that
the Aryans would have brought with them.

So all in all, here are some major flaws which I mentioned above clearly shown:

 There is no mention of a region outside of India. If indeed the Aryans had taken over,
they would have at least spoken about their “mighty victory” of capturing the land of
India. If Hindu-Aryans were outsiders, why are all the holy places found in India?
 Why talk about the Saraswati river more than 50 times when it dried up by the time of the
so called invasion? It had no use. Why praise it?
 If the Aryans invaded the towns of the Harappa valley and killed the citizens...why did
they not take over the towns and live there themselves?
 There is no genetic, cultural, archaeological substantial evidence proving that there was
an invasion. It is all just theory and yet it’s still being taught as a fact today in textbooks,
in schools.
 Max Muller created the Aryan Invasion Theory and later on admitted its speculative

More info on anomalies within Aryan Invasion Theory (scroll down)

Interesting site to read on the Aryan Invasion Theory

Here’s a couple of videos on each blog to read... (might have to scroll down a bit!)
Scientific Verification of Vedic Lit and Proof
Myth of Aryan Invasion and Proof

More About the Vedantas

There is actually substanstial evidence that the Mahabharata war actually occurred, such as in
Kurukshetra, the scene of the Mahabharata war, iron arrows and spearheads have been excavated
and dated by thermoluminence to 2,800 B.C.E., the approximate date of the war given within the
Mahabharata itself. And below I’d like to talk about another one.

Dwarka, known as Dvaraka, is one of the cities that are mentioned in the Mahabharata. It was a
port city having a lot of trade relations. More famously it is known famously it is referred to the
capital of Krishna Bagwaan’s capital, which arose from the ocean at his commend and returned
when Krishna Bagwaan no longer walked the earth. The most expensive materials were used for
construction, commonly gold, precious stone sand silver. This is all learnt from the Mahabharata
and we also learn:

The sea, which had been beating against the shores, suddenly broke the boundary that was
imposed on it by nature. The sea rushed into the city. It coursed through the streets of the
beautiful city. The sea covered up everything in the city. I saw the beautiful buildings becoming
submerged one by one. In a matter of a few moments it was all over. The sea had now become as
placid as a lake. There was no trace of the city. Dwaraka was just a name; just a memory. –
Arjuna, Mahabharata

The search for the lost city was ongoing since the 1930s. The MAU (Marine Archaelogy Unit) of
the National Institute of Oceanography took part in this search in 1983 and yes, it was found.
Excavations have been made actually finding this city underwater CORRESPONDING with the
Mahabharata. Scary isn’t it? It was discovered between 1983 to 1990, and found to have been
built in six sectors along the banks of a river. The foundation of boulders on which the city's
walls were erected proves that the land was reclaimed from the sea. The general layout found
agrees with what is found in the Vedas. Moreover, dating has shown that it appears to have sunk
approximately 9500 years ago. This once again, appears to have occurred during the
Mahabharata period.

One of the main objects that actually further proved that this city was Dwarka was a seal of a
three headed animal. In the Vedas, it describes that this seal was given to the citizens as an
identity of proof when the city was being threaded by King Jarasandha. This seal was also found
in the ruins under the ocean.

This one is DEFINITELY worth viewing: A thread by Zorgon With Videos of Underwater
Here’s also an interesting video:
YouTube Link

Not only does Dwarka collaborate by the words written in the scriptures but the 3 cities that the
Pandavas had at the end of the Mahabharata shows cultural consistency with the events and even
images such as on pottery painted of the win. Talking about cities. Let me briefly mention
Hastinapur. In the Vayu Puranas and Matsya, a great flood occurred which destroyed the capital
city of Hastinapur. This made the inhabitants move to Kausambi where archaeological evidence
actually has been found and dated back to just after the flood. The soil of Hastinapur also shows
proof for the flooding.

Ancient Tech - Evidence For A Nuclear War

What’s rather odd is that within the ancient scriptures there are continuous mentions of advanced
technology from mechanical flying machines to weapons that seem like our own. Think about it
carefully. People from thousands and thousands of years ago could think of weapons that we
have created, think of disasters that have already occurred yet described in detail and people
thousands of years ago, who we believe lived primitively had the ability to think of it? That’s just
incredible. The writings so clearly compare to e.g. nuclear wars that we have to question how
they could think that with such remarkable detail and even question if they indeed had the
technology for that....If they did, that would mean a big, big change in all of our thinking today.

A wise man once stated:

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be
fought with sticks and stones.

What Einstein said was magnificent., yet give it a moment....what if he was only relating the
past? What if humans had to start again, had to fight again with sticks and stones?

The human race appears to be very arrogant. We consider ourselves as the most superior in all of
history and out of all species. Well, I don’t think so. The destruction that we cause is fuelled by
our greed and hunger for power. And apparently to people, that seems to be a perfectly sound
reason. Yet let us go way way back. I actually believe there was advanced technology in many
cultures. If we try to go back in history, we’d just come to a massive gap where we know
nothing. Let’s look at some ancient technology that appeared in the Hindu scriptures.

Some interesting links:

Hindu Wisdom
A Myth or a Reality?


The Mahabharata is rather strange. As shown above, there is actually loads of evidence that the
Vedas are true. In this beautiful literature depicting a war, we see many mentions of effects of
what we call ‘nuclear weapons.’

Here’s one passage:

“Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana [fast aircraft],

hurled a single projectile [rocket]
charged with the power of the Universe [nuclear device].

An incandescent column of smoke and flame,

as bright as ten thousand suns,
rose with all its splendour.
It was an unknown weapon,
an iron thunderbolt,
a gigantic messenger of death,
which reduced to ashes
the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.

The corpses were so burned

as to be unrecognizable.

Hair and nails fell out;

Pottery broke without apparent cause,
and the birds turned white.

…After a few hours

all foodstuffs were infected…
…to escape from this fire
the soldiers threw themselves in streams
to wash themselves and their equipment.”

Reading through it, a lot of what is written does appear familiar. Indeed, when a nuclear blast
occurs we see a lengthy column that is emitting light and smoke. Our food becomes
contaminated and deadly to falls out....corpses are burned. These are all sure signs of a
nuclear blast. However, most people die from the effects of the nuclear blasts, the radiation and
this passage probably describes the actual blast itself.

A historian:

The passage tells of combat where explosions of final weapons decimate entire armies, causing
crowds of warriors with steeds and elephants and weapons to be carried away as if they were dry
leaves of trees. Instead of mushroom clouds, the writer describes a perpendicular explosion with
its billowing smoke clouds as consecutive openings of giant parasols. There are comments about
the contamination of food and people's hair falling out. – Kisari Mohun Ganguli (historian)

Francis Taylor, an archaeologist, said that etchings in nearby temples, which he translated,
suggest that they prayed to be spared from the great light that was coming to lay ruin to the city.
"It's so mid-boggling to imagine that some civilization had nuclear technology before we did.
The radioactive ash adds credibility to the ancient Indian records that describe atomic warfare."
Here’s another passage:

“Dense arrows of flame,

like a great shower,
issued forth upon creation,
encompassing the enemy.
A thick gloom swiftly settled upon the Pandava hosts.
All points of the compass were lost in darkness.
Fierce wind began to blow
Clouds roared upward,
showering dust and gravel.

Birds croaked madly…

the very elements seemed disturbed.
The sun seemed to waver in the heavens
The earth shook,
scorched by the terrible violent heat of this weapon.

Elephants burst into flame

and ran to and fro in a frenzy…
over a vast area,
other animals crumpled to the ground and died.
From all points of the compass
the arrows of flame rained continuously and fiercely.”

And this one is from the Ramanya:

”(It was a weapon) so powerful

that it could destroy the earth in an instant–
A great soaring sound in smoke and flames–
And on it sits death…” . — The Ramayana

It has a resemblance to deaths by radiation poisoning and the blast itself.

A Town near Mohenjo-Daro

There’s a lot of discussion from what I’ve seen on ATS and outside about this topic on
mysterious weapons found once again in the Mahabharata. Many people believe it’s myths but
there’s an uncanny resemblance once again to what is written in the Vedas. The effects described
seem to be identical to what they actually are.

Near Mohenjo-Daro, excavations were carried out in the early 1900s which led to a large town
being discovered. Rather than what it held, scientists are more intrigued by its death. There is no
evidence of a flood; there weren’t many skeletons nor remnants of weapons nor anything else
that showed there was a war or a natural disaster. From the scientific analysis, the catastrophe
had occurred very quickly and unexpectedly. So what actually caused this?

Davneport and Vincenti are 2 scientists who put forward a theory...that there was a nuclear blast.
What they found was stratums of green glass and clay which causes archaeologists to believe
that there were high temperatures that melted the clay and sand and immediately hardened
afterwards. These stratums of green glass can be found in Nevada desert AFTER EVERY
nuclear explosion. Researchers believe that the temperature was over 1,500 degrees centigrade to
melt this. If we look at the walls and foundations of the city, there are literally vitrified; fused

There also appeared to be some kind of “epicentre.” Destruction appears to have lessened
towards the outskirts. Loads of skeletons were found in the area of Mohenjo-Daro which were 50
times more radioactive than normal which were found by a Soviet scholar. What’s unsettling
is that many of these skeletons were found all over the place, holding hands and sprawled in the
streets. The skeletons are thousands of years old and there appears to be no cause of physically
violent death. They have been dated back to 2500 BC but please remember when atomic
explosions are involved; it makes it seem much younger. Carbon-dating meaurs the amount of
radiation left which for this type is rather unreliable. Furthermore, why didn’t they get eaten by
wild animals? And why didn’t it decay?

Rajasthan: Radioactive Ash

If we look at some other cities nearby, in Northern India, many show evidence for explosions of
a massive magnitude. In one city between the Ganga and the Rajmahal mountains, we can find
it’s been subjected to intense heat.

Yet let us go to Rajasthan. This one particularly caught my eye. A heavy layer of ash covers a 3
square mile area. This is around 10 miles west of Jodhpur. The levels of radiation are so high that
the government has now made that region off limits. Scientists have also found a high rate of
birth defects and cancer where a housing development was built. Scientists then apparently
unearthed an ancient city where they found evidence of an atomic blast dating back thousands of
years: from 8,000 to 12,000 years. Most of the buildings were destroyed and apparently ½ a
million people.
Could this possibly be another piece of evidence that the Mahabharata’s events occurred?

Quite a fascinating video to watch:

YouTube Link

Ancient Tech – UFOs

Clearly the ancient story of mankind is far more exciting than anything we are taught in school
today. Various threads, evidence, show the lies, the misconceptions that children are fed and
manipulated to believe causing many humans to share the narrow and rigid mind many have. Be
open to all the prospects; don’t believe that this can’t occur because you think it can’t. There’s no
evidence neither proving nor disproving it. I hear numerous times that ‘people couldn’t do this or
that because they just couldn’t be clever enough in the past.’ What’s more, it’s easy to wipe out
civilisations as we’ve seen in history...what’s stopping an event that destroys any signs of

Vimanas are thought to be like UFOs. There are, once again, many mentions of flying aircrafts in
the Mahabharata during the battle. In the Mahabharata, there is an enormous poem where we
learn that a guy called Asura Maya had a Vimana, that has 4 wheels and measures 12 cubits in
circumference and the Ramayana describes a Vimana as a double-deck, circular aircraft with
portholes and a dome. Furthermore it’s thought that the Vimanas were able to be made invisible
in some way. When Krishna Bagwaan was pursuing Salva, his Vimana was made invisible in
some way. However, Krishna Bagwaan, it is said, fired off a special weapon, that ‘quickly laid
an arrow, which killed by seeking out sound.’
The Puspaka car that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the powerful
Ravan; that aerial and excellent car going everywhere at will.... that car resembling a bright
cloud in the sky"... and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent car at the command of the
Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere.” – Ramayana

In the Samarangana Sutradhara, it’s written:

Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light
material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By
means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man
sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that
it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the
help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to
earth. The Hakatha (Laws of the Babylonians) states quite unambiguously: The privilege of
operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient of our
inheritances. A gift from 'those from upon high'. We received it from them as a means of saving
many lives.
How to engineer this though?
Imagine a mechanical study on Apollo’s Sun Chariot. Well this is what one of the Kings who
reigned from 1000-1055AD who went by the name of King Bhoja of Dhar did. One of his most
famous works is an encyclopaedia on Indian architecture the Samarangana Sutradhara as I
mentioned above. This man went on to talk about the Vimanas, much more than any other Vedic
texts. He portrays them as practical machines and nothing “celestial” about them. He wrote about
them having a ‘mercury engine,’ possibly it having an internal iron heating apparatus. What’s
rather strange is that the man wrote:

"manufacturing details of the vimanas are withheld for the sake of secrecy, not out of ignorance.”

Subbaraya Shastry
In 1918, a guy named Subbaraya Shastry fell into a trance where he recited ancient Sanskrit
verses. He then went to speak of the Vimanas. Rather than stories about the gods, he spoke
scientifically about them and apparently they were written already by an ancient guy called
Bharadvaja. 35 years on, this text was found and translated into Hindi and published by G.R.

It is called the ‘Vaimanika Shastra.’ This one goes into a lot of detail compared to the Vedic
texts and Bhoja. It has 8 titles, a few being:
Chapter 1 – The secret of constructing airplanes which will not break, which cannot be cut, will
not catch fire and cannot be destroyed
Chapter 3 – The secret of making planes invisible
Chapter 8 – The secrets of destroying enemy planes
Particularly interesting is a discussion of how flying has changed over time: in the earliest Yuga
(epoch), the text claims that people could fly without the use of vimanas. In other words, Indians
invented ancient flying machines only after they lost the ability to fly on their own. The text goes
on to describe a number of specific vimana models (complete with fine drawings by a local
engineer), serving various purposes; some are built to carry hundreds of passengers or
large loads of ammunition, others have the capacity to transform into boats or submarines.

Finally, the text cites 32 “secrets” related to construction and operation of vimanas. These
include anti-gravity, radar, invisibility, the use of heat-absorbent metal alloys, solar energy,
protective force-fields, and mirrors and lenses crafted for purposes of attack and defense.
Also included are concoctions of animal urine as a source of power as well as a weapon
called a ‘marika,’ which resembles modern laser technology.Proponents of ancient
technology theories, for whom the apparently thousands-of-years-old Vaimanika Shastra is a
touchstone, point out that the manuscript references “the work of no less than 70 authorities and
10 experts of air travel in antiquity.”

When the Vaimanika Shastra was brought before the Indian Institute of Science, the scientists
scoffed. As thoroughly as it had been written, the committee just as thoroughly dismantled the
study in an essay called A Critical Study of the Work Vymanika Shastra. They questioned
whether the author (whoever that may have been) had any grasp of basic physics, chemistry and
electricity, not to mention the “disciplines of aeronautics: aerodynamics, aeronautical structures,
propulsive devices, materials, and metallurgy.” Their conclusion: “None of the planes has
properties or capabilities of being flown; the geometries are unimaginably horrendous from the
point of view of flying; and the principles of propulsion make them resist rather than assist

Okay, let’s suppose there was NO WAY IN HELL trying to fly them....think more about what
was written thousands of years ago...radar technology, anti-gravity, invisibility? Some of this
stuff we’re still experimenting on. Even for them to have the concepts about these would in my
opinion, make them definitely advanced. Much more advanced than we believe them to be.

Why did the Indian Institute of Science went to great lengths to dismiss the Vaimanika Shastra?
Why does the Vimanas repeatedly mentioned throughout history? Moreover, what inspired the
writers to believe in and continuously write about these aircrafts?

Yet we talk about the Vimanas, but apparently theorists claim there to be a previous type of
Vimanas. In the Rig Veda, it’s described as ‘golden coloured...birds’ that fly ‘up to the heavens.’
They also appear to be structural:

Another translation adds “pivots and instruments” to the description. Advocates of ancient
technology theories call them the “mechanical birds.”

In the Ramayana (ca. 4th century BC), the Hindu epic poem recounting how Lord Rama rescues
his wife Sita from the evil god Ravana, vimana experts cite the flying chariot called the
Pushpaka vimana:
Self-propelled was that car. It was large and finely painted. It had two stories and many
chambers with windows... It gave forth a melodious sound as it coursed along its airy way.

Later, the Pushpaka vimana is described as an “aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at
will…[rising] up into the higher atmosphere.”
Furthermore, Arjuna describes:

“celestial cars by thousands stationed in their respective places and capable of going everywhere
at will, and he saw tens of thousands of such cars moving in every direction.”

And it goes on about an iron city in space.

In another Indian source, the Samar, the Vimanas were

“iron machines, well-knit and smooth, with a charge of mercury that shot out of the back in the
form of a roaring flame.

Yet it doesn’t even stop there. There’s information in the Chaldean work, ‘The Sifrala’ which
contains over a hundred pages on details on building the flying machine. It contains words that
mean in English; graphite rods, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable angles.
Going on, we can also find batteries in ancient scriptures written:

In another amazing Indian text the Agastrya Samhita gives the precise directions for constructing
electrical batteries:
"Place a well-cleaned copper plate in an earthenware vessel.
Cover it first by copper sulfate and then moist sawdust.
After that put a mercury-amalgamated-zinc sheet on top of
an energy known by the twin name of Mitra-Varuna. Water will
be split by this current into Pranavayu and Udanavayu. A
chain of one hundred jars is said to give a very active
and effective force."
ÄÄ Agastya Samhita
(Indian Princes' Library)

By the way, MITRA-VARUNA is now called cathode-anode, and Pranavayu

and Udanavayu are to us oxygen and hydrogen. This document again
demonstrates the presence of electricity in the East, long, long

Source: .

Alexander the Great

Now we come onto the theories. I found this from an article, that I thought I’d briefly mention
since it caught my eye:

It is interesting to note that when Alexander the Great invaded India more than two thousand
years ago, his historians chronicled that at one point they were attacked by "flying,fiery shields"
that dove at his army and frightened the cavalry. These "flying saucers" did not use any atomic
bombs or beam weapons on Alexander's army however, perhaps out of benevolence, and
Alexander went on to conquer India.

Apparently (and it’s a big apparently since I can’t find any evidence for this) the Soviet scientists
have also found ‘age-old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehicles’ in the caves in the
Gobi desert and Turkestan. They have a drop of mercury inside and are hemispherical. Could it
be a Vimana?

Of course I don’t know how credible this is but if indeed this is true...more evidence to add to
quite a substantial pile already.

More interesting links to browse through:

Proof Indian Civilisation Was Advanced (ATS Thread)
More (and probably better) info on Vimanas
Ancient Indian Flying Machines, UFOs or Sanskrit Sci-fi?
A PDF on Vimanas
More quotes on Vimanas from the scriptures
Mentions of Aircrafts (Forum post)

A video from a segment from the History Channel on Vimanas:

YouTube Link

Ancient Tech - Other
And no, it just doesn’t stop there with the “weapons” and technology. There’s loads mentioned
in the books. What’s more, it’s not just one that has similarities with ours but there’s so many.
Let’s look at the some of the Astras; weapons:

Agneyastra Brahmastra,Chakram, Garudastra, Kaumodaki, Narayanastra, Pashupata, Shiva

Dhanush, Sudarshana Chakra, Trishul, Vaishnavastra, Varunastra, and Vayavastra.

These weapons are said to only be able to be used by the Gods. They use the elements to their
strength. Out of all these, the Brahmastra is the most powerful weapon. It can only be used for
one person but it’s absolutely lethal. The first passage that I mentioned in the nuclear war section
is thought to be the effects of this use. It contained the power of the universe and the passage
describes nuclear radiation effects....this then could have probably been the nuclear weapon.

Another weapon that seems similar to what we have today is the missile. In the Mahabharata, we
learn that Salva who was flying in an invisible Vimana was attacked by a special fire weapon
that seeked sound and downed the Vimana and killed Salva.

Then you can find “mirrors” that are used to amplifiy light, deflect, reflect etc light. Reminds me
of laser beams and holograms. Most of the information on this bit is from this blog which I
believe this is the source: url=
Handbook-in-Ancient-Documents]The Anti-Gravity Book by David Childress[/url] which is
probably worth then reading.

The 5 main Darpana Yantras are:

1) Vishwa kriyaa darpana: This device is used to obtain high resoluton real-time imagery of all
activites around the Vimana, while in flight, and projected onto some screen. These lens are
placed in a special arrangement with crystals, special mirrors and through a combination of solar,
electric and mercury power are projected through some mechanism.

2) Shaktyakarshana darpana: This device is used as a protection to neutralize harmful

radiation in certain atmospheric zones. It is made up of 6 crystals positioned in a special
arrangement that attract the harmful radiation and then gradually covert it to heat before it
dissipates into the atmosphere.

3) Vyroopya darpana: This is tactical device used to project battle field holographic images to
confuse the enemy or to change the appearance of the Vimanas with a special deflecting mirror.

4) Guha garbha darpana: This is a weapon device and used to harness the energy from the sun,
winds, and ether and to redirect it to incapaciate the enemy via a special redirecting mirror;
essentially a directed energy weapon.
5) Rowdree Darpana: This is also some kind of directed energy weapon device. It combined
Rodwdree beams(?) with solar rays and produces a high heat intensity ray that can melt anything
it is directed on.

Other Yantras in the Vimana:

Guhagarbha Aadarsha Yantra: Used to locate mines or hidden explosives through air-
reconnaissance. Through a sequence of mirrors and image reflecters an image of the ground
below is obtained, which is then processed through a special crystal Chumbakamani, and then
electricity and light rays are passed through it and then directed on a downwards mirror, that
scans the ground.

Tamogarbh Yantra: Used to create some form of invisibility. The device works with revolving
two faced mirrors collecting solar rays, activation of acid in the vessel on the opposite side, of
mirrors, allowing solar ray to enter the crystal in an acid vessel. By turning a separate wheel in
the west, darkness-intensifying mirror begin to function. By operation of a central wheel the rays
attracted by the mirror will reach the crystal and envelop it. By operating the main wheel at high
speed, darkness will envelop the entire vimana making it invisible.

Shabdhakarshaka yantra: Used in listening to sound waves in a range of 27 miles. It works on

some kind of rotary component sensitive to sound.
Going on according to the source, it states that China found a few years ago documents in
Sanskrit which they sent back to India to be translated. They spoke off directions for building
interstellar spaceships.

Their method of propulsion, she said, was “anti-gravitational” and was based upon a system
analogous to that of “laghima,” the unknown power of the ego existing in man’s physiological
makeup, “a centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull.” According to
Hindu Yogis, it is this “laghima” which enables a person to levitate.

Dr. Reyna said that on board these machines, which were called “Astras” by the text, the ancient
Indians could have sent a detachment of men onto any planet, according to the document, which
is thought to be thousands of years old. The manuscripts were also said to reveal the secret of
“antima”; “the cap of invisibility” and “garima”; “how to become as heavy as a mountain of

Naturally, Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously, but then became more positive
about the value of them when the Chinese announced that they were including certain parts of
the data for study in their space program! This was one of the first instances of a government
admitting to be researching anti-gravity.

So what I got really out of that is...the Chinese are researching anti-gravity because of
Vedic scriptures?
It doesn’t really talk about any interstellar travelling however in the Ramayana there’s a detailed
trip to the moon and details of a battle with another airship.

This is just a small amount of technology that they talk about in the Mahabharata and a couple of
small quotes...there are too many quotes referring to all these technology to put into this
thread...there’s loads of sources on the Internet if you’d like to find out more.

Secret Brotherhoods
I’ve also read on many articles (which appear to be copied and pasted from an original source
which I have no idea what it is) that allegedly, there are secret brotherhoods which are hording
the Vimanas and keeping it a secret from us. Those that know about this are thought to be
“exceptionally enlightened” human beings and keep their knowledge away from us. That’s not
surprising at all. I mean, they know we’d use it for devastation, for bad purposes as history time
and time shows us. If I knew something that could be potentially used to cause death or such, I
wouldn’t even utter a word.

Many writers believe that these Brotherhoods keep the Vimanas in caverns in Tibet or in
underground bases. The Lop Nor Desert is meant to be a big UFO mystery and that could indeed
be a place. Again, there is indeed no evidence for this. Just theories. But this theory must have
started somewhere and should have an element of truth. If it’s correct, it’s one great hidden

Slightly deviating I’d quickly like to mention the ‘Nine Unknown Men.’ They are actually
probably one of the most famous secret societies thought to exist. To read more, click here: ATS
Thread on Nine Unknown Men. Skip any references to ‘Lost’ and it seems quite believable. The
ancient Indians possessed loads of knowledge and I wouldn’t be surprised if this was true. Each
of them guarded one book of knowledge...also at this point, I’d further like to say that in my
family there’s one particular legend that COULD relate to this. Apparently, some Germans came
to visit India...and read these books. Legend has it, they stole it and took it with them...hence the
whole engineering phase of Germany and how absolutely amazing it is with its technology.
Anyway back to the NUM. They apparently had to keepsake 1 book each. People say that these
books are hidden in a secret library in India/Tibet...or they could be lost...or one or two books
could be with the Germans...

The Nine Books

It was said that the each of the Nine had responsibility over one book – guarding it from society
and also trying to improve the knowledge in it. This means that each of the Nine had access to
the source of this knowledge, were from another planet, or just unbelievably intelligent.

Each book had a different branch of this knowledge. The practices of the disciplines talked about
are said to cause the destruction of the world. It is widely accepted that the following subjects
were covered:

1) PROPAGANDA AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE – This is a set of messages aimed

to influence the opinions and behaviour of large numbers of the people; basically information
that influences the audient; allowing a mass opinion. It will allow anyone to govern the world.

Allowing anyone to govern the world. Sounds familiar to anyone? Many people believe in the
NWO, Antichrist and so on.

2)PHYSIOLOGY – This is the study of the mechanical, physical and biochemical functions of
living organisms. It is well known to hold instructions on how to perform the “touch of death.”
(Basically, death is caused by a reversal of the nerve impulse.) The are rumours, true or false,
that speak of Judo being leaked from this book.

3) (MICRO)BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY - A myth known very well to the

inhabitants of India is that the water of Ganges is holy – special microbes were added to purify
the rivers water (the microbes were designed by the Nine). It was said that the microbes were
released into the river at a secret base in the Himalayas.

However the thing to be considered is that there are millions of ill, diseased pilgrims. Some with
horrific ones. However, they can bathe in there without harming the healthy pilgrims. Rather
unusual isn’t it? It has been discovered though, that the strange properties of the water are
credited also to the bacteriophages that are contained. I’m not very good with this part of the
topic, however isn’t one of the main ways people gain diseases and so on are through human
contact? Surely the pathogens would be carried through the water.

4) ALCHEMY (+ TRANSMUTATION OF METALS) - Another major rumour in India is

that during times of drought and other natural disasters, it has been said that temples and
religious organisations receive large quantities of gold. They do not know who gave it from
them. The fact that India has a few gold mines has puzzled many, also due to the large amount of
gold given. However, this isn’t to say this is true – it could be a made up rumour to soothe the
folks there. Also, we see India as a poor (but rapidly developing) country makes us wonder if
there was really gold given to the country.

5) COMMUNTION (+ WITH E-Ts) – It probably indicates how to communicate with E-Ts

and maybe new and advanced ways to communicate on Earth.

6) GRAVITATION (VAMINAKA SASTRA) - Many of you should be known to the Vimana.

Apparently, this book does contain instructions on how to make one.

7) COSMOLOGY - If you believe in UFOs, one of the main queries is how they can travel so
fast. In the 7th book, it describes how to travel at enormous speeds through spacetime fabric –
possibly time travel. It seems that intra and inter universal trips are also discussed in this.

In the Indian Puranas, thought to be more than 1200 years old. A speed of the sun is given based
on the Rig Veda. That speed is: 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesa. These are given in ancient indian
units. Here is a conversion:

A yojanas is 8000 Dhanus/bows and each bow is 6 feet

A nimesa is 16/73 of a second, as deduced from the following in the Purans:

15 nimesa = 1 Kastha
30 Kastha = 1 Kala
30 Kala = 1 Mahutra
30 Malhutra = 1 day and night

If we convert them to their equivalent modern units, where each yojanas is 9 miles and each
nimesha is 16/73.3 seconds, substituting it into the speed of the sun by the Rig Veda gives the
speed of the sun as 186,536 miles per second which is most definitely not far off.

This means the Rig Veda figure is pretty accurate to the modern figure. This kind of accuracy
can only be achieved with laser technology and highly sophisticated measuring equipment.
However, this just corroborates what we already know from the Vymanika Shastra, that they did
indeed have laser technology.

8) LIGHT - In this, it describes how to increase and decrease the speeds of light, to use it as a
weapon and so on. Recently, we’ve seen such things as light being repelled and so on. Maybe
we’ll eventually reach this stage? This works quite well with the Darpana Yantras.

9) SOCIOLOGY - The final books contains rules, laws , predictions, in a way on the evolution
of societies and how to predict their downfall. This probably is one of the key ones – wouldn’t
anyone want to stop fate (considering if this is actually true)?


There’s actually no physical, tangible evidence that some of this is actually true so please bear
that in mind. Yet the depth of some of the writing, or the fact it’s even mentioned seems
bewildering. For example, who would have come up with a nuclear blast? I mean, we didn’t
even know what the effects were until actually testing it out and unfortunately that appeared to
occur at Japan. We didn’t know how bad it’d be, or even what it’d look like. The Vimanas as
well. Why would they talk about chariots or flying machines? Laser technology? How can one
come up with that with no advanced knowledge?

What would have sparked that imagination that seems to protrude from the scriptures? Aliens?
Or are these actual feats of intelligence? Or is it just another story contorted as it passed down
edit on 21-7-2011 by BlackPoison94 because: (no reason given)

The Ancients Series for

Authored by serbsta.

Part I: The Sumerians

Part II: The Indians <===
Part III: The Chinese
Part IV: The Egyptians
Part V: The Maya

Welcome to the Part II of the Ancients series. There has been a lot of recent news regarding new
archaeological discoveries which continually make us question conventional history. In this
series I will aim to explore 5 ancient civilizations which all heavily dispute our currently
accepted history through their recorded literature and technological feats. The main focus will
be on any areas of interest in regards to these civilizations, whether these be technological,
mythological, etc. In doing so I hope to cement a strong case that will at least allow for credible
discretion against current accepted theory ; further, to have a guide here for those who are new
to this area and are interested in getting the basics and exploring the main areas of interest for
each civilization.

Grab a coffee, a snack, strap yourself in and enjoy.

Disclaimer: I subscribe to no ideas or theories presented below, they serve only for the purpose of discussion and/or education.


The Epics that once were

Much of ancient Hindu material is preserved in classical Sanskrit literature. These two epics are
called the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, they are written after the Vedas and the Upanishads.
They tell stories of human virtue and portray idealistic ways of living for various members of
society and various members of a family. They tell stories of ancient wards that took place,
where the world was nearly destroyed as the God’s enacted vengeance against one another.
These are some of the biggest texts in existence.

The Mahabharata: In its essence, this epic is a tale of how the world that existed within the
Kali Yuga (Yuga’s are epochs, or periods of time within Hindu literature) came into its existence
and also how it got to be in its current state. Much like the Ramayana, there are tales of betrayal
and revenge, but it far exceeds itself in these respects. The climax is the tale of how two bands of
brothers, the cousins that were the Pandavas and the Kauravas fought a massive battle that was
the Battle of Kurukshetra. It was a fight to the death, one which almost ended up destroying the
human race.

The Pandava brothers and the Kaurava brothers were enemies. Pandu had five sons, his
Pandava’s, these are the heroes of the Mahabharata. Yudishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and
Sahadeva are the five Pandava sons.

The Kauravas are the sons of Dhiritarashtra. One of his sons, called Duryodhana is jealous and
despises his cousins, the Pandava’s. His father cannot manage to control his sons rage. There is a
game of dice between Yudishthira (the oldest Pandava) and the uncle of Duryodhana (the old
Kaurava) in which Yudishthira gambles away everything, even his own life.
The Pandava’s end up getting send to exile, and upon their return they engage in a battle. In the
battle, the Hindu God Krishna fights alongside the Pandava’s, specifically, Arjuna, who is his
companion. As Arjuna faces his cousins in the battle, he becomes weak, sinks to his knees and is
unable to fight. The Baghavad-Gita, a text which we will examine later, is a book within the
Mahabharata; it contains the words that were spoken by Krishna to Arjuna at that moment.

Although the Pandava’s do end up winning the battle, the world is forever scarred by the battle
that transpired.

The Ramayana: The Ramayan literally means ‘the journey of Rama’. Rama is the incarnation
of the God, Vishnu; he is the son of the Kind Desaratha. The purpose of the incarnation of Rama
was to do battle with the demon that was Ravana. Ravana had obtained some form of protection
from the other demons and other evil spirits, but because of his hatred towards men and animals,
he did not get protection from them. Besides Rama, King Desartha had 3 other sons. Firstly,
Lakshama, who is heavily loyal to Rama. Then there was Bharata, who is the son of King
Desartha’s wife, Kaikeyi. Then there Satrughna who is supportive of Bharata, just like Lakshama
is to Rama.
King Desartha decides to make Rama king once he passes away. Queen Kaikeyi is very angry at
this decision. She convinces her husband to appoint Bharata as king and to send Rama into exile.
His brother, Lakshama, who was loyal to him, accompanies him to exile along with Rama’s wife
Sita. Once their exile has ended, the demon Ravana abducts Rama’s wife, Sita and carries her off
to the city of Lanka. Rama, Lakshama along with the monkey lord Hanuman (who is also loyal
to Rama) follow Ravana. Rama finally defeats Ravana in battle.

So that brings to a close our summary and the two most important peices of Hindu literature.

Thunderbolts of the Gods

The war that occurred between the Pandava’s and the Kauravas is called the Kurukshetra war.
Naturally soldiers, and the God’s that accompanied them, required weapons in order to fight a
war. In the Kurukshetra war, and in the battle between Rama and Ravana as depicted in the
Ramayana text describe regular weapons, such as swords and bows, but some carry strange
characteristics, which we will examine.

The Arrow of Bhrama: During Rama’s battle with Ravana, Rama was having trouble
destroying Ravana, as he destroyed one of his heads, more appeared. Rama was resorted to using
a special arrow which was given to him by a powerful sage while he was exiled in the forest. The
point of the arrow were that of sun’s and flames, the arrow itself had feathers of winds, while the
shaft was Mount Meru (divine place, considered a spiritual and physical universe, discussed in
earlier Sumerian thread as it is sometimes called Mount Sumeru). As Rama used this special
arrow on Ravana it passed through the body of Ravana and made its way back to the quiver of
Rama. Strange to say the least as all the other weapons (besides the ones we discuss here) are
depicted quite ordinarily, as they are known now.

Sudarshana Chakra: This was a metallic spinning disc which was said to have 10 million
spikes in two rows, it could slay any enemy, even badly hurt another God. It is seen as a divine
weapon and usually attributed to the God Vishnu as he holds it around his finger and after using
it, it would always return to his finger.

Naturally one would question the factual existence of such weapons, but when myth and fact are
intertwined so closely, with the wars of Gods and men, it becomes difficult to establish what is
real and what is not. What has aroused so much interest in Hindu mythology though, are the




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The Astras: Hindu mythology makes use of these Astra’s which were said to be supernatural
elements which only certain God’s could control. Significantly, Astra means ‘missile weapon’.
Specific incantations and spells were required in order to be able to gain the Astra’s and to use
them. Because of the power of these Astra’s, only those who were righteous and understood the
conditions of use could be taught the power of being able to attain the use of one. Astra’s are
used in both epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Let’s examine some of the Astra’s that
were used:

Brahmastra:This was the weapon that was created by Brahma. Nothing could stop the
Brahmastra once it was unleashed and it could never miss it’s intended target. This Astra causes
massive environmental damage and no life could survive in the area once it was used, it cannot
rain, and the ground grows dry.

Narayanastra: This Astra was the personal weapon of Vishnu. It released an outburst of
thousands of missiles and the only way to stop it was for the target to bow down in complete

Pashupatastra: This was the personal Astra of Siva. It could be controlled by the eyes and the
mind. It was said to be capable of destroying life and all creation.

Vaishnavastra: Another Astra of the God Vishnu. Once released, this missile could not be
stopped without Vishnu himself commanding it.

Varunastra: This Astra was said to be a water weapon, it could master the oceans and control
them to be used as a weapon of war.

These Astra’s do sound a lot like modern day weaponry to some, with all the effects (destruction,
impacts on the natural world, etc). Some have compared, specifically the Brahmastra to a
modern day nuclear bomb.

The Destroyer of Worlds

Whether or not nuclear weapons have been used in the past, the influence of the Hindu Epics is
prominent today, notably, in association with the first detonation of the atomic bomb. J. Robert
Oppenheimer was a world famous physicist, and the head of Project Manhattan. Upon
witnessing the nuclear test in 1945, Oppenheimer famously recalled verse 32 from chapter 11 of
the Baghavad Gita:

“Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds”.

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It is clear that Oppenheimer understands what he has done, and is feeling remorseful, he could be
coming to an understanding of the cyclical nature of humanity, and how man destroys man with
mans own creation. Oppenheimer is quoting Lord Krishna (avatar of Vishnu) once he has
transformed into his celestial form in front of Arjuna. Remember, the Bhagavad Gita is the text
inside the Mahabharata Epic which shows the conversation between Arjuna and Vishnu. As
Vishnu transforms he becomes consumed with a bright light. Could this be Vishnu showing
Arjuna the weapons they have available to use, in a way giving Arjuna the courage to continue
fighting against his cousins. Oppenheimer considers the Bhagavad Gita as the most important
literature that shaped his philosophy of life.
Notably, Krishna (Vishnu) has transformed into a cosmic (celestial) form, emitting some form of
radiance. One could describe the following (Arjuna speaking to Krishnu) as a description of a
atomic bomb exploding, capturing everything in its path. The following are excerpts from the
Bhagavad Gita:

These warriors of the mortal world are entering your blazing mouths as many torrents of the
rivers enter into the ocean. (11.28)

All these people are rapidly rushing into your mouths for destruction as moths rush with great
speed into the blazing flame for destruction. (11.29)

You are licking up all the worlds with your flaming mouths, swallowing them from all sides.
Your powerful radiance is filling the entire universe with effulgence and burning it, O
Krishna. (11.30)

Krishnu then explains that he has destroyed all the opposing armies without Arjuna having to

Lord Krishna said: I am death, the destroyer of worlds. I have come here to destroy all these
people. Even without your participation in the war, all the warriors standing arrayed in the
opposing armies shall cease to exist. (11.32)

In quoting the Mahabharata itself, we witness a destructive incident, possibly the result of an

The splendour, equal to that of either the Sun or

the Moon, of bracelets and diadems of all the heroic kings, became
dimmed. And the dust that rose looked like a cloud, the flash of bright
weapons constituting its lightning. And the twang of bows, the whiz of
arrows, the blare of conchs, the loud beat of drums, and the rattle of
cars, of both the armies, constituted the fierce roar of those clouds.
Section CXVI
And more famously, consider the following passages:

...A single projectile,

charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns
Rose in all its splendour...
A perpendicular explosion
with its billowing smoke clouds...
...the cloud of smoke
rising after its first explosion,
formed into expanding round circles
like the opening of giant parasols...

...It was an unknown weapon,

An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death,
Which reduced to ashes,
The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
...The corpses were so burned
As to be unrecognisable.

The hair and nails fell out;

Pottery broke without apparent cause,
And the birds turned white.

After a few hours,

All foodstuffs were infected... escape from this fire.
The soldiers threw themselves in streams,
To wash themselves and their equipment.

Looking at it from a non bias side, this is a VERY accurate description of the after effects of a
nuclear explosion.
We should not however, forget Oppenheimer. At Rochester University a student asked
Oppenheimer whether or not the bomb that was detonated at Alamogordo the first one to be
detonated. To that, Oppenheimer replied:

Well – yes, in modern times, of course.

What Arjuna is describing when witnessing the transformation of Krishnu or what strange events
that seem to be massive explosions are being described can be interpreted in many ways, but
what leaves only two possible interpretations, fact or fiction, is the tale of the Vimanas.





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Golden Birds and Flaming Chariots

Vimana’s have been heavily discussed on this website, some see them as the ET UFO’s of
ancient times, others, just as with the rest of the issues discussed here, as pure myth. Vimana
itself means ‘to traverse’, or ‘the traverser’, although modern usage means ‘aircraft’.

The Vedas (text’s which predate the ones we have discussed here) do not directly make reference
to Vimana’s, but there is evidence of ‘flying machines’ in the Rig Veda itself.

"Dark the descent: the birds are golden-coloured; up to the heaven they fly robed in the waters.
Again descend they from the seat of Order, and all the earth is moistened with their fatness."
"Twelve are the fellies, and the wheel is single; three are the naves. What man hath understood
it? Therein are set together spokes three hundred and sixty, which in nowise can be loosened."
RV 1.164.47-48

Vimana’s are mentioned in the Epics above as well. The Ramayana describes the use of a
Vimana in the battle between Ravana and Rama.

"The Pushpaka chariot that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by the
powerful Ravana; that aerial and excellent chariot going everywhere at will .... that chariot
resembling a bright cloud in the sky ... and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent chariot at
the command of the Raghira, rose up into the higher atmosphere.'"

They do indeed seem to be describing aircraft, but how? In ancient India? Surely it can’t be
possible? The Mahabharata makes this even more inconceivable, as it depicts not only an
aircraft, but a weapon of war.
In the Mahabharata the Asura (group of divine entities) have a Vimana which is described as
having four strong wheels and measures twelve cubits in circumference. Spherical shape?
Flying saucers anyone?

Further, it describes the Vimana of the Asura as having weapons such as ‘blazing missiles’
which caused massive destruction. But something more frightening, is Indra’s Dart which was a
circular reflector, it produced a shaft of light and immediately destroyed it’s target.

The above extracts offer a very general overview of some of the Vimana’s used in Indian Epics.
But below, I will highlight some extracts which may sound strange, but sound strangely similar
to our modern day space travel. Keep an open mind while reading what is below.

EXTRACT 1: While Dhruva Maharaja was passing through space, he saw, in succession, all the
planets of the solar system, and on the path he saw all the demigods in their vimanas showering
flowers upon him like rain.
(Bhagavata Purana)

EXTRACT 2 : He traveled in that way through the various planets, as the air passes freely in
every direction. Coursing through the air in that grand and splendid vimana, which could fly at
will, he surpassed even the Devas.
(Bhagavata Purana)

EXTRACT 3 : Then the highly intelligent Asura Maya built the cities . . . There were many
palaces with gems. Aerial cars shining like the sun, set with Padmaraga stones, moving in all
directions and looking like moonbeams, illuminated the cities.
(Siva Purana)

EXTRACT 4 : The Puspaka Car, that resembles the sun and belongs to my brother, was brought
by the powerful Ravan; that aerial and excellent car, going everywhere at will, is ready for thee.
That car, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, is in the city of Lanka.

EXTRACT 5 : The vimana had all necessary equipment. It could not be conquered by the gods
or demons. And it radiated light and reverberated with a deep rumbling sound. Its beauty
captivated the minds of all who beheld it. Visvakarma, the lord of its design and construction,
had created it by the power of his austerities, and its outline, like that of the sun, could not be
easily delineated.

EXTRACT 6 : And on this sunlike, divine, wonderful chariot the wise disciple of Kuru flew
joyously upward. When becoming invisible to the mortals who walk the earth, he saw wondrous
airborne chariots by the thousands.
EXTRACT 7 : We beheld in the sky what appeared to us to be a mass of scarlet cloud
resembling the fierce flames of a blazing fire. From that mass many blazing missiles flashed, and
tremendous roars, like the noise of a thousand drums beaten at once. And from it fell many
weapons winged with gold and thousands of thunderbolts, with loud explosions, and many
hundreds of fiery wheels. Loud became the uproar of falling horses, slain by these missiles, and
of mighty elephants struck by the explosions . . . Those terrible Rakshasas had the shape of large
mounds stationed in the sky.

I suppose you could take them with a grain of sand. It is still heavily debated what these
‘vimana’s’ were, for one who sees all of this as pure myth, they remain nothing more, but for one
who searches for some trace of history in what has been recorded, what has been written,
remains a possible reality.







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posted on 10-11-2009 @ 21:29 this post



Hindu mythology, Vedic and Purānic, Oxford, 1882

Handbook of Hindu mythology, ABC, 2003

The Ramayana and the Mahabharata, J.M. Dent, 2006


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posted on 10-11-2009 @ 22:16 this post

Here's an interesting video which talks about nuclear radiation found in an ancient destroyed
Indian city.

YouTube Link

It touches on some interesting points.

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