Instruction Day 2
Instruction Day 2
Instruction Day 2
Revised plan: Everything red is part of our revised plan after teaching the last class.
Nothing was deleted from original plan we only added to the
CO-Teaching Plan:
Team teaching after last class we determined that this may be better so that we can
better assist the students and give one on one care. We will alternate instructional
blocks and freely share instruction with the other teacher.
Environment: Teach in a classroom near a sink because we need the sink. Today in the
gym the class had a hard time focusing.
-Students will not pour water on each other, they will only pour water into the containers.
-Students will raise their hands and wait to be called on.
Standards: 3.MD.A.2 “Measure and estimate liquid volumes using standard units of
grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l). Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-
step work problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g.,
by using drawings (such as a beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the
4 graduated cylinders (500 mL)
6 containers of different volumes (mug, cereal bowl, soup can, empty soda bottle, empty
milk carton)
Scissors for each student
Review: 5 minutes
Gather students together and review their estimates compared to their predictions.
Which container held the most water? Which of their estimates was closest to the actual
volume? How did they estimate the volume?
-Volume chart
Today went a lot better!! The students were engaged working on the worksheets which
is interesting to me in the pre-assessment majority said that they liked worksheets so we
thought we would put that to the test. A problem we had was that we planned early
finishers but the students did not do it once they were done with their worksheets. They
played with their friends it was as if they felt as if the early finishers was not important.
For our next lesson the challenge will be to make that important to them. They were very
engaged in pouring the water and trying to figure out how much water fits into each
container. As I watched them play I gathered lots of data in my head as they were
pouring the water. They met the objective they know how many milliliters are in a litter.
They know how to measure it and when to use milliliters and liters to measure. They
made very good estimates they also were very precise in their measurement. If I could
go back and do it again, I would allow them more time to pour the water and to figure out
how much water was in there and maybe even have had that as the first activity. It
worked very well to have us both teach together and to have a big group. We were able
to assist the students and the one observing was able to understand if the students were
understanding or not.