PE 2011, Theory of Mechanisms and Machines

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Defence Engineering College

Department of Production Engineering

Course Syllabus

1. Instructor Information
Office Location
Phone Number
Office Hours
2. Course Information
Course Name Theory of Mechanisms and Machines
Course Code PE 2011
Credit hours 3-2-3
3. Course Description
Aim: To enable student to understand the motion characteristics of machines and mechanisms and
the kinematics of cams, gears, governors, and gyroscopes.

Course description: Kinematics; Kinematic diagrams; Mobility; Four bar mechanism and its
inversions; Single and double slider crank mechanisms and its inversions. Position and
displacement analysis; Mechanism design (synthesis); Velocity and acceleration analysis of
mechanisms; Kinematic analysis of cams and followers, gears and gear trains, governors and
gyroscopes. Force analysis of machinery.

4. Method of Instruction
Class lectures 2 fifty minutes lecture hours every week
 Active learning (involves the full participation of
In-class Tutorial 3 fifty minutes tutorial hours every week
 Student will solve the problems using the graphical or
analytical methods with the assistant of the instructor.
Study of lecture notes  This is fully the responsibility of the learner
Demonstration  Different Models
5. Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the course the student will have the
following attributes:
5.1 Knowledge
5.1.1 Define the basic components that comprise a mechanism, draw a kinematic diagram, and
compute the number of degrees of freedom of a mechanism.
5.1.2 Identify a four-bar mechanism and its inversion, Single-slider-crank mechanism and its
inversion, and the Double-slider-crank mechanism and its inversion.
5.1.3 Define position of a point, link, and mechanism, and the linear and angular displacement
of a point or link.
5.1.4 Describe mechanism synthesis.

5.1.5 Define linear, rotational, and relative velocities and convert between linear and angular
velocities and know instant centres.
5.1.6 Understand and define linear, rotational, normal, tangential, Coriolis, and relative
5.1.7 To do the kinematic analysis of cams, gears & gear trains, Governors, and gyroscopes.
5.2 Intellectual and practical skills
5.2.1 Determine graphically and analytically the position of all links in a mechanism as the
driver links is displaced and determine the limiting positions of a mechanism.
5.2.2 Design an in-line slider-crank mechanism, offset slider-crank, crank-rocker, and four-bar
5.2.3 Determine the velocity of a point on a link graphically and/ or analytically using the
relative velocity method, knowing the velocity of another point on that link, and
determine the velocity of a point of interest on a floating link.
5.2.4 Solve graphically for the acceleration of a point on a link, knowing the acceleration of
another point on that link using the relative acceleration method.
5.2.5 Kinematic design of Cams, gear trains, governors, and gyroscopes.
5.3 Attitude and behavior

 Appreciate the role of graphical and analytical methods of position, displacement,

velocity and acceleration analysis in the synthesis of mechanisms
 Gain in confidence in the analysis and design of mechanisms.
6. Course Outline
Chapter Topics to be covered Learning Assignments/activity
Week (Lecture hours) Outcomes (Tutorial hours)

 Orientation and discussion of Students will tour the

1 syllabus 5.1.1 automotive engine shop /
Chapter: 1  Mechanism terminology: or the dynamics lab to
Kinematic link (element), visualize few of the
Kinematic pair (joint), mechanisms and their
Mechanisms and Kinematic chain, types of elements.
Kinematics kinematic pair
 Mechanism, Machine, &
(4 weeks) Structure

 Kinematic diagrams Students solve tutorial

2  Mobility (Degrees Of Freedom) 5.1.2 problems on the
 Gruebler’s equation concerned topics with
 Four- bar chain or Quadric the assistance of the
cycle chain and its inversions. instructor.

 Grashof’s Criterion Students solve tutorial

3  Single slider crank chain and problems on the
its inversions 5.1.2 concerned topics with the
assistance of the
instructor or listen to the

. Students solve tutorial
4  Double slider crank chain and problems on the
its inversions 5.1.2 concerned topics with the
assistance of the
Chapter: 2  Position: Position of a point, Students solve tutorial
5 Angular position of a link, problems on the
Position of a mechanism. 5.1.3 concerned topics with the
 Displacement: Linear assistance of the
displacement, Angular 5.2.1 instructor.
Position and displacement.
Displacement Analysis  Displacement: Graphical
 Position: Analytical Students solve tutorial
6 analysis problems on the
 Closed-form position 5.1.3 concerned topics with the
(2weeks) analysis equations assistance of the
 Limiting positions: 5.2.1 instructor.
Graphical / Analytical
 Displacement diagrams
 Introduction Students solve tutorial
 Time ratio problems on the
Chapter: 3  Design of in-line slider crank 5.1.4 concerned topics with
7 the assistance of the
 Design of offset slider crank 5.2.3 instructor.
Mechanism mechanism
 Design of Crank-Rocker 5.1.4 Students solve tutorial
Design 8 mechanisms: 5.2.3 problems on the
 Mechanism to move a link concerned topics with
(2weeks) between two and three positions the assistance of the

9 Mid semester examination period

Chapter: 4  Velocity of a link
11  Relationship between linear and Students solve tutorial
angular velocities 5.1.5
Velocity Analysis problems on the concerned
 Graphical/ or analytical velocity topics with the assistance
analysis: Relative velocity 5.2.3 of the instructor.
(1 week) method
 Instantaneous centre of rotation ,
Kennedy’s theorem
Chapter: 5  Acceleration of a link Students solve tutorial
12  Linear and angular problems on the
acceleration 5.1.6 concerned topics with the
Acceleration Analysis assistance of the
 Normal, Tangential, & Total
acceleration 5.2.4 instructor.
(1 week)  Relative acceleration analysis:
Graphical method
 Coriolis acceleration

Chapter: 6  Types of cams and followers Students solve tutorial
13  Follower motion schemes,& problems on the concerned
Graphical disk cam profile 5.1.7 topics with the assistance
Cams of the instructor.
 Analysis of the motion of the 5.2.5 Students will also have a
(1 week) follower for cams with demonstration of cams.
specified contours

Chapter: 7  Law of gearing Students solve tutorial

14  Relationships of gears in problems on the concerned
mesh 5.1.7 topics with the assistance
Gears and Gear trains of the instructor.
 Simple and compound gear
trains, velocity ratio 5.2.5 Students will also have a
(1 week) demonstration of epicyclic
gear trains
 Epicyclic or planetary gear
Chapter: 8 16  Functions of a Governor Students solve tutorial
 Classification of Governors problems on the concerned
 The Watt and Porter Governor: 5.1.7 topics with the assistance
Governors of the instructor.
Construction, operation, and
terminology 5.2.5 Students will also have a
(1 week) demonstration of available
Porter governor
Chapter: 9 17  Principles of gyroscope Students solve tutorial
 Directions of spin vector, problems on the concerned
precession vector, and torque 5.1.7 topics with the assistance
Gyroscope of the instructor.
vector with forced precession
 Gyroscopic effect due to rolling, 5.2.5 Students will also have a
(1 week) steering, and pitching. demonstration of
 Gyroscopic stabilization gyroscope effect using
gyroscope model
Chapter: 10 18  Force analysis of a four-bar Student groups will
linkage present their group
 Force analysis of a four-bar 5.1.7 assignment.
Dynamic Force
slider-crank linkage

(1 week)
18 Semester End Examination
19 Semester End Examination
7. Laboratory Activities
8. Required Text and Reference
Text Book 1. Machines and Mechanisms-Applied kinematic analysis, by
David H. Myszka, 3rd edn. Prentice hall
2. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms by
Prof.P.L.Ballaney,Khanna publishers, Delhi

Reference Books 1. Design of Machinery an introduction to the synthesis and analyis

of mechanisms and machines, 2nd edition, by Robert L.Norton,
2. Theory of Machines by Thomas Bevan, Longmans

3. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms by Shigley, J.V. Uicker,
McGraw Hill international.
Software Required -Nil-
9. Assessment
Type Weight Due date Behavior and Criteria
Mid semester Exam 30% 9th week of the semester Examination will be set to address
learning outcomes 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3,
5.1.4 & 5.2.1.
50% 18th week of the semester Examination will be set to address
Final semester Exam learning outcomes 5.1.5 to 5.1.7, and
5.2.2 to 5.2.5 mentioned above. 10%
weightage will be given to pre-mid
25% Every student must solve the
Assignment Ind.Assgt TBA individual assignment problems
(10%) & independently and the group
Group assignment must involve group
Assgt participation. The group assignment
10%. question will involve the kinematic
synthesis and design of mechanisms.
Lab Practice Nil
10. Academic Honesty
Copying from any outside sources (e.g. Fellow students, and Internet, etc.) on any material to be graded is
not permitted, and will be considered cheating. Cheating will result in failure of the assignment, failure of
the class and/or face possible disciplinary action. Each student is responsible for securing his or her work
from copying. Each student is expected to abide by college policies on academic conduct.
11. Due Date
All assignments must be turned in the class on the due date for full credit. No assignment will be
accepted after class on the due date. Since the group assignment is due in week 17, papers for this
presentation should be submitted one week prior to this. Failure of submission and presentation of
the group assignment in week 17 will be awarded as zero out of 10 points.
12. Classroom Behavior
Anything that disturbs your instructor or your colleagues during the class period is considered a
troublesome behavior. Examples include: Using mobiles, PDA, making offensive remarks, sleeping,
working on assignments related to other courses, etc. troublesome behaviors are completely prohibited.
13. Approval (Affidavit)
Name Signature Date
Section Head:
Department Head:

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