Carpio vs. Daroja 180 Scra 1
Carpio vs. Daroja 180 Scra 1
Carpio vs. Daroja 180 Scra 1
DIVISION circumstance in his favor, hereby sentences him to suffer the penalty
of One (1) month and One (1) day to Two (2) months
of Arresto Mayor in its minimum period. The accused is likewise
[ GR No. 84516, Dec 05, 1989 ] ordered to indemnify the complainant Dionisio A. Carpio the amount
of P45.00 representing the value of the 1/2 can of tomatoes lost; the
DIONISIO CARPIO v. SERGIO DOROJA + amount of P200.00 which complainant paid to
the Zamboanga General Hospital, to pay complainant the amount of
P1,500.00 as attorney's fees and to pay the cost of this suit.
"SO ORDERED." (p. 7, Rollo)
259 Phil. 467
Thereafter, the accused filed an application for probation.
At the early stage of the trial, the private prosecutor manifested his
desire to present evidence to establish the civil liability of either the
Before Us is a petition to review by certiorari the decision of the accused driver or the owner-operator of the
Municipal Trial Court of Zamboanga City, Branch IV, which denied vehicle. Accused's counsel moved that the court summon the owner
petitioner's motion for subsidiary writ of execution against the owner- of the vehicle to afford the latter a day in court, on the ground that
operator of the vehicle which figured in the accident. the accused is not only indigent but also jobless and thus cannot
answer any civil liability that may be imposed upon him by the
The facts of the case are undisputed. court. The private prosecutor, however, did not move for the
appearance of Eduardo Toribio.
Sometime on October 23, 1985, accused-respondent Edwin
Ramirez, while driving a passenger Fuso Jitney owned and operated The civil aspect of the above-quoted decision was appealed by the
by Eduardo Toribio, bumped Dionisio Carpio, a pedestrian crossing private prosecutor to the Regional Trial Court Branch XVI, appellant
the street, as a consequence of which the latter suffered from a praying for moral damages in the amount of P10,000.00,
fractured left clavicle as reflected in the medico-legal certificate and compensatory damages at P6,186.40, and attorney's fees of
sustained injuries which required medical attention for a period of (3) P5,000.00. The appellate court, on January 20, 1988, modified the
three months. trial court's decision, granting the appellant moral damages in the
amount of Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00), while affirming all
An information for Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Serious
other civil liabilities.
Physical Injuries was filed against Edwin Ramirez with the Municipal
Trial Court of Zamboanga City, Branch IV. On January 14, 1987, the Thereafter, a writ of execution dated March 10, 1988 was duly
accused voluntarily pleaded guilty to a lesser offense and was served upon the accused but was, however, returned unsatisfied due
accordingly convicted for Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Less to the insolvency of the accused as shown by the sheriff's
Serious Physical Injuries under an amended information punishable return. Thus, complainant moved for a subsidiary writ of execution
under Article 365 of the Revised Penal Code. The dispositive portion against the subsidiary liability of the owner-operator of the
of the decision handed down on May 27, 1987 reads as follows: vehicle. The same was denied by the trial court on two grounds,
namely, the decision of the appellate court made no mention of the
"WHEREFORE, finding the accused EDWIN RAMIREZ y WEE guilty
subsidiary liability of Eduardo Toribio, and the nature of the accident
as a principal beyond reasonable doubt of the Amended Information
falls under "culpa-aquiliana" and not "culpa-contractual." A motion for
reconsideration of the said order was disallowed for the reason that of industry for felonies committed by their servants, pupils, workmen,
complainant having failed to raise the matter of subsidiary liability apprentices, or employees in the discharge of their duties."
with the appellate court, said court rendered its decision which has
become final and executory and the trial court has no power to alter Respondent contends that the case of Pajarito v. Seneris cannot be
or modify such decision. applied to the present case, the former being an action involving
culpa-contractual, while the latter being one of culpa-aquiliana. Such
Hence, the instant petition. a declaration is erroneous. The subsidiary liability in Art. 103 should
be distinguished from the primary liability of employers, which is
Petitioner relies heavily on the case of Pajarito v. Seneris, 87 SCRA quasi-delictual in character as provided in Art. 2180 of the New Civil
275, which enunciates that "the subsidiary liability of the owner- Code. Under Art. 103, the liability emanated from a delict. On the
operator is fixed by the judgment, because if a case were to be filed other hand, the liability under Art. 2180 is founded on
against said operator, the court called upon to act thereto culpa aquiliana. The present case is neither an action for
has no other function than to render a decision based on the culpa?contractual nor for culpa-aquiliana. This is basically an action
indemnity award in the criminal case without power to amend or to enforce the civil liability arising from crime under Art. 100 of the
modify it even if in his opinion an error has been committed in the Revised Penal Code. In no case can this be regarded as a civil
decision." Petitioner maintains that the tenor of the aforesaid action for the primary liability of the employer under Art. 2180 of
decision implies that the subsidiary liability of the owner-operator the New Civil Code, i.e., action for culpa aquiliana.
may be enforced in the same proceeding and a separate action is no
longer necessary in order to avoid undue delay, notwithstanding the In order that an employer may be held subsidiarily liable for the
fact that said employer was not made a party in the criminal action. employee's civil liability in the criminal action, it should be shown (1)
that the employer, etc. is engaged in any kind of industry, (2) that the
It is the theory of respondent that the owner-operator cannot be employee committed the offense in the discharge of his duties and
validly held subsidiarily liable for the following reasons, namely: (a) (3) that he is insolvent (Basa Marketing Corp. v. Bolinao, 117 SCRA
the matter of subsidiary liability was not raised on appeal; (b) 156). The subsidiary liability of the employer, however, arises only
contrary to the case of Pajarito v. Seneris, the injuries sustained by after conviction of the employee in the criminal action. All these
the complainant did not arise from the so-called "culpa-contractual" requisites present, the employer becomes ipso
but from "culpa-aquiliana"; (c) the judgments of appellate courts may facto subsidiarily liable upon the employee's conviction and upon
not be altered, modified, or changed by the court of origin; and (d) proof of the latter's insolvency. Needless to say, the case at bar
said owner was never made a party to the criminal proceedings. satisfies all these requirements.
Thus, the underlying issue raised in this case is: whether or not the Furthermore, we are not convinced that the owner-operator has been
subsidiary liability of the owner-operator may be enforced in the deprived of his day in court, because the case before us is not one
same criminal proceeding against the driver where the award was wherein the operator is sued for a primary liability under the Civil
given, or in a separate civil action. Code but one in which the subsidiary civil liability incident to and
The law involved in the instant case is Article 103 in relation to Article dependent upon his employee's criminal negligence is sought to be
100, both of the Revised Penal Code, which reads thus: enforced. Considering the subsidiary liability imposed upon the
employer by law, he is in substance and in effect a party to the
"Art. 103. Subsidiary civil liability of other persons. The subsidiary criminal case. Ergo, the employer's subsidiary liability may be
liability established in the next preceding article shall apply to determined and enforced in the criminal case as part of the execution
employers, teachers, persons, and corporations engaged in any kind proceedings against the employee. This Court held in the earlier
case of Pajaritov. Seneris, supra, that "The proceeding for the
enforcement of the subsidiary civil liability may be considered as part are met, the employer becomes ipso facto subsidiarily liable, without
of the proceeding for the execution of the judgment. A case in which need of a separate action. Such being the case, the subsidiary
an execution has been issued is regarded as still pending so that all liability can be enforced in the same case where the award was
proceedings on the execution are proceedings in the suit. There is given, and this does not constitute an act of amending the
no question that the court which rendered the judgment has a decision. It becomes incumbent upon the court to grant a motion for
general supervisory control over its process of execution, and this subsidiary writ of execution (but only after the employer has been
power carries with it the right to determine every question of fact and heard), upon conviction of the employee and after execution
law which may be involved inthe execution." is returned unsatisfied due to the employee's insolvency.
The argument that the owner-operator WHEREFORE, the order of respondent court disallowing the motion
cannot be held subsidiarily liable because the matter of subsidiary for subsidiary writ of execution is hereby SET ASIDE. The
liability was not raised on appeal and in like manner, the appellate Court aquo is directed to hear and decide in the
court's decision made no mention of such subsidiary liability is of no same proceeding the subsidiary liability of the alleged
moment. As already discussed, the filing of a separate complaint owner?operator of the passenger jitney. Costs against private
against the operator for recovery of subsidiary liability is not respondent.
necessary since his liability is clear from the decision against the
accused. Such being the case, it is not indispensable for the SO ORDERED.
question of subsidiary liability to be passed upon by the appellate
court. Such subsidiary liability is already implied from the appellate
court's decision. In the recent case of Vda. de Paman v. Seneris,
115 SCRA 709, this Court reiterated the following pronouncement:
"A judgment of conviction sentencing a defendant employer to pay
an indemnity in the absence of any collusion between the defendant
and the offended party, is conclusive upon the employer in an
action for the enforcement of the latter's subsidiary liability not only
with regard to the civil liability, but also with regard to its amount."
This being the case, this Court stated in Rotea v. Halili, 109 Phil.
495, that the court has no other function than to render decision
based upon the indemnity awarded in the criminal case and has no
power to amend or modify it even if in its opinion an error has been
committed in the decision. A separate and independent
action is, therefore, unnecessary and would only unduly prolong the
agony of the heirs of the victim."
Finally, the position taken by the respondent appellate court that to
grant the motion for subsidiary writ of execution would in effect be to
amend its decision which has already become final
and executory cannot be sustained. Compelling the owner-operator
to pay on the basis of his subsidiary liability does not constitute an
amendment of the judgment because in an action under Art. 103 of
the Revised Penal Code, once all the requisites as earlier discussed