A Study On Zirconium Rich Uranium-Zirconium Alloys PDF

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Trans Indian Inst Met (2014) 67(1):123–130

DOI 10.1007/s12666-013-0326-y


A Study on Zirconium Rich Uranium–Zirconium Alloys

Ambar Chandra Bagchi • Garimella Jagannath Prasad •

Kirity Bhusan Khan • Rishi Pal Singh

Received: 12 March 2013 / Accepted: 5 May 2013 / Published online: 28 August 2013
Ó Indian Institute of Metals 2013

Abstract Uranium–zirconium alloy is the potential can- preferred in as-cast condition for reactor fuel since
didate materials as metallic fuels for nuclear reactor mechanical working can induce unwanted texture in it and
applications. Along with other properties, volumetric sta- subsequent irradiation induced growth.
bility is an important issue for these types of fuels. In this Studies on irradiation properties of uranium–zirconium
work investigations were carried out on the zirconium rich alloys have been reported [4–6], but there have been very few
uranium–zirconium alloys (i.e. U–50 wt% Zr, U–60 wt% studies of physical metallurgy of the uranium–zirconium
Zr and U–70 wt% Zr) in as-cast as well as in heat treated alloys [7]. Small numbers of open literature are available
conditions. Microstructural and dilatometric studies were which report a comprehensive study on influence of Zr
carried out along with X-ray diffraction analysis to evalu- concentration on the various physical properties of U-rich
ate the phase content as well as the phase transformation U–Zr alloys. Lagerberg [8] has reported the phase transfor-
behaviour of these alloys under different heat treated mation behaviour in U–2 wt% Zr and recently the same is
conditions. re-evaluated by Basak [9]. Transformation behaviour on
quenching of different U–Zr alloys is described by Hills [10].
Keywords Uranium  Zirconium  Casting  Discussion on properties like microhardness, thermal prop-
Heat treatment  Scanning electron microscope  erties, variation of lattice parameters for alloy up to
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy U–10 wt% Zr are also reported by Basak [10, 11]. For
advanced LWRs, metallic fuels, with U–60 wt% Zr using
powder metallurgy route has been prepared due to its
1 Introduction excellent thermal conductivity [12]. It has already been
suggested in the literature that for the HYPER type reactor
The major metallic fuels for fast breeder reactor are U–Pu–Zr dispersion fuels of U–x wt% Zr (x = 10, 50, 55, 60, 64)
or U–Zr–Nb [1] ternary alloy system, where U–Zr is the could be used [13]. It can be thus summarized that U–Zr alloy
major sub-system. Uranium–zirconium alloys are main is a potential candidate for fast reactor and as such it can be
constituents for making metallic fuels. These fuels find their used as dispersion fuel in light water reactors [14].
use in monolithic form for fast reactor and in dispersion form
in thermal reactor [2, 3]. With suitable enrichment of ura- 1.1 Uranium–Zirconium System
nium, zirconium rich U–Zr alloys could be used as dispersion
fuel in advanced pressurised water reactor. The zirconium Liquid uranium solidifies at 1,135 °C. Solid elemental ura-
rich U–Zr alloys exhibit excellent thermal conductivity and nium exhibits three polymorphic forms; namely, bcc c phase
higher solidus temperature. Uranium alloys are usually ([776 °C), tetragonal b phase (between 668 and 776 °C) and
orthorhombic a phase (\668 °C), where as Zr has two
allotropes high temperature bcc b phase ([863 °C) and hcp a
A. C. Bagchi (&)  G. J. Prasad  K. B. Khan  R. P. Singh
phase (\863 °C) under atmospheric pressure. In U–Zr sys-
Nuclear Fuels Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Trombay, Mumbai 400085, India tem, c phase exhibits full mutual solid solubility of U with
e-mail: acbagchi@hotmail.com bZr. The U–Zr phase diagram is presented in Fig. 1. There is

124 Trans Indian Inst Met (2014) 67(1):123–130

only one intermetallic d phase that is formed at temperatures eutectoid line (Fig. 1). Heating the sample for 24 h below
about 617 °C by a peritectoid reaction a ? c00 ? d with a Peritectoid/Eutectoid line and slow (furnace) cooling will
nominal composition of UZr2. The d phase has a x-type bring it to equilibrium condition.
structure (space group P6/mmm), in which the corner The phase diagram exhibits monotectoid, eutectoid,
positions (0 0 0) are occupied by Zr atoms and the sites peritectoid and again eutectoid isotherms at 693, 662, 617
(1/3 2/3 1/2) and (2/3 1/3 1/2) are randomly shared by U and and 606 °C respectively. Temperatures and Zr-concentra-
Zr atoms. The d phase is not a line compound but has a tions corresponding to the different reaction isotherms are
composition range of 42.5–57.5 wt% Zr at 400 °C, as can be summarized in Table 1 as per the U–Zr phase diagram [8].
seen from the phase diagram (Fig. 1).
The present investigation deals mostly with the com-
parison of the properties related to physical metallurgy in 2 Alloy Sample Preparation
the Zr-rich U–Zr alloys with Zr concentration of 50, 60 and
70 wt%. The paper reports the as-cast and heat treated Melting of any Zr containing alloy sample in general poses
microstructures of Zr-rich U–Zr alloys. Variations in lattice difficulty owing to the fact that Zr is a good oxygen getter.
parameters and densities, derived from the X-ray diffrac- So, during the alloy melting it must be ensured that no
tion analysis (XRD) analysis, are reported here as a func- gaseous impurity comes from the outside into the melting
tion of Zr concentration. Dilatometric results are also chamber. It is thus advisable to melt lab scale U–Zr alloys
presented here and equations of the thermal expansion are in a chamber pressurized with argon or helium rather than
derived for these alloys. Also inferences are drawn under high vacuum. In the present study arc melting
regarding the phase transformation behaviour of these practices are used for preparation of the samples.
alloys from the microstructures, XRD analysis and dilato- Uranium rods were obtained from Atomic Fuels Division,
metric results. Referring to the Zr-rich part of U–Zr phase BARC, India in various diameters (2–12.5 mm) and length.
diagram (Fig. 1), it is easy to find that the choice of the Zirconium, on the other hand, was procured from nuclear fuel
present alloy compositions encompasses the eutectoid line. complex (NFC), Hyderabad, India. For alloy preparation
From the U–Zr diagram at 606 °C, it is observed that c-(U, amount of zirconium was adjusted against the weight of the
Zr)-BCC decomposes into aZr-HCP and *d-UZr2-Hex- uranium. Chemical composition of the uranium and zirco-
agonal. Heat treatment of the cast sample temperature is nium used are given in Table 2. Each U–Zr alloy finger was
selected below Peritectoid/Eutectoid line. This is because it melted 6–8 times turning the button upside-down after each
is expected that due to fast cooling while preparation of melting to ensure chemical homogeneity. In order to ensure
casting sample, composition of alloy will remain above the oxygen free environment during the arc-melting a pure Zr

Fig. 1 U–Zr diagram

Trans Indian Inst Met (2014) 67(1):123–130 125

Table 1 Different reaction

Isotherms Temp. (°C) Reacting phases and wt% Zr in each phase
isotherms, corresponding phases
and their respective Zr Monotectoid 693 c (4.8 wt% Zr) ? b(0.9 wt% Zr) ? c00 (22 % Zr)
concentrations as per the U–Zr
phase diagram Eutectoid 662 b (0.7 wt% Zr) ? a(0.2 wt% Zr) ? c00 (37 % Zr)
Peritectoid 617 a (0.2 wt% Zr) ? c00 (42.5 wt% Zr) ? d (39 % Zr)
Eutectoid 606 c (64 wt% Zr) ? a (99 wt% Zr) ? d (57.5 % Zr)

Table 2 Typical chemical composition of uranium and zirconium in wppm

Material Zr U C N O Y Fe Ni Cr Mg Mn Ce

Uranium – Rest 252 32 188 105 64 15 11 16 8 6

Zirconium Rest – 27 10 227 12 120 60 44 10 – –

button was melt before each melting cycle. The copper mould were adopted for grinding and polishing. Electro-etching
is constantly cooled to avoid overheating of the alloy and was carried out using 5 % H3PO4 aqueous solution as
ensuring cooling of the as cast sample. The alloy finger electrolyte and SS304 as cathode with a constant potential
obtained was sealed in quartz capsule that had been evacuated of 2 V. The microstructural analysis was carried out using
at room temperature to about 1 9 10-2 Pa and then filled with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and an energy
high-purity argon just above atmospheric pressure. The fin- dispersive spectroscope (EDXS). Cu-Ka radiation was
gers were first homogenized at 550 °C for 24 h and then used for XRD analysis with fixed slit optics and h–h
quenched in water. From Fig. 1 it is observed that equilibrium goniometer. Diffraction patterns were obtained with a step
state of U–Zr alloy is achieved below temperature line size of 0.008o and a dwell time of 2 s.
606/617 °C. To attain equilibrium state, homogenization
temperature shall be below 606/617 °C temperature. In nor- 2.2 Dilatometry
mal heating furnace temperature sensing may be varied
*50 °C up or down due to location of sample and sensor in The expansion behaviour of U–Zr was studied using a high
the furnace or due to improper sensitivity of the sensor. temperature vertical dilatometer (make: SETARAM Instru-
Keeping *50 °C as uncertainty on furnace temperature mentation, France; model: Setsys Evoluation 24).The heating
detection margin, 550 °C is taken as the sample homogeni- rate used for the present study was 5 °C min-1. Here, the
zation temperature. sample is loaded inside a sample holder which is made of
Chemical analysis of these alloys was carried out using ICP- Al2O3. The change of the length of the sample was transmitted
AES (Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectros- through the frictionless push rod to an LVDT transducer. The
copy) for the impurity analysis of the pure uranium, pure zir- samples were machined to 10 mm diameter and then cut into
conium (Table 2). For non-metallic impurities, e.g. carbon, parallel-sided cylinder. A nominal load of 5 g was chosen to
oxygen and nitrogen, standard C/N/O analyzer was used. be applied by the push rod over the sample. A calibrated
U–Zr sample composition prepared for the experiment thermocouple was placed to record the sample temperature.
found through EDXS is reported in Table 3. The dilatometric experiments were carried out in high purity
The characterization of the alloy was carried out by argon atmosphere at a dynamic gas flow rate of 2 dm3 h-1.
XRD and metallography. For the metallographic and XRD
analyses, the samples were cut from the finger into pieces
of suitable thickness using slow speed SiC abrasive cut-off 3 Results and Discussion
wheel. Standard metallographic techniques of U–Zr alloys
are given in detail in ASM metal handbook [15]. Cu-Ka Table 2 shows the typical chemical composition of ura-
radiation was used for XRD analysis with fixed slit optics nium and zirconium, the starting material. Uranium is in
and h–h goniometer. ingot form and zirconium is in sponge flake form. Table 3
shows the details of samples prepared.
2.1 Microstructural and XRD Analysis
3.1 Microstructure
For the metallographic and XRD analyses, the alloy sample
was cut into disc of suitable thickness using slow speed SiC Figure 2 show typical microstructures of Zr-rich U–Zr
abrasive cut-off wheel. Standard metallographic techniques alloys under bright field illumination. It is clear that the

126 Trans Indian Inst Met (2014) 67(1):123–130

Table 3 Details of sample composition found through EDXS 3.2 SEM for as Cast Sample
Nominal composition Weighted composition Weight
(wt%) (wt%) (gm) Scanning electron microscope of the cast samples were
carried out and given in Fig. 3. Large grain size is observed
1 U:50Zr U:49.90 Zr 21.14 in U–60 wt% Zr and U–70 wt% Zr samples.
2 U:60Zr U:60.44Zr 22.46
3 U:70Zr U:69.98Zr 21.04 3.3 EDXS for as Cast Sample

grains are relatively regular and large in size. In the heat Energy dispersive spectroscope has been carried out on as
treated samples grain growth is observed, which is reported cast sample. Each sample was analysed three different
in Table 4. locations to find out weight percentage of U and Zr present

Fig. 2 Optical photomicrograph of as cast U–Zr alloys under bright field illumination; a as cast U–50 wt% Zr b as cast U–60 wt% Zr c as cast
U–70 wt% Zr. d Heat treated U–50 wt% Zr e heat treated U–60 wt% Zr f heat treated U–70 wt% Zr. Irregular grain size may be noted

Trans Indian Inst Met (2014) 67(1):123–130 127

Table 4 Average grain size of uranium zirconium sample in lm sample, results do not match with the equilibrium diagram.
Nominal composition As cast sample Heat treated sample
But for compositions U–60 and 70 wt% Zr, XRD detec-
(wt%) tions are as per phase diagram.
Figure 4b shows the XRD of heat treated sample. After
1 U:49.90 Zr 145 488
heat treatment the alloy samples had reached equilibrium
2 U:60.44Zr 251 817 state. This is seen in the XRD result. The samples mostly
3 U:69.98Zr 307 390 contain d-phase.
For composition U–50 wt% Zr result is matching with
and then average was taken as reported in Table 5. Table 6 the phase diagram. However for composition U–60 wt% Zr
Provides the variation of actual weight of sample prepared and U–70 wt% Zr phase diagram (Fig. 1) indicates pres-
and EDXS calculated value. This shows variation is nominal. ence of both d phase and aZr. However, only d phase is
observed in XRD results of both the compositions.
3.4 XRD Analysis As seen in the chemical analysis of zirconium (Table 2),
oxygen is relatively more. Again during experiment, inert
X-ray diffraction analysis result is given in Fig. 4 for all environment is created using helium gas. Oxygen may be
the alloys. At room temp, as per equilibrium diagram present as impurity or entering in the experiment chamber
(Fig. 1) for U–50, 60 and 70 wt% Zr, should contain d as fine leak from the atmosphere. Zirconium has a high
phase, d phase and aZr respectively. affinity for oxygen. Free oxygen available has combined
Figure 4a shows the XRD of as cast sample. The sample with uranium/zirconium. The oxygen solubility limit in the
contains mostly d-phase and aZr. For U–50 wt% Zr alpha and beta phases is temperature dependent. During the

Fig. 3 Back scattered electron photomicrograph of as cast U–Zr alloys; a U–50 wt% Zr b U–60 wt% Zr c U–70 wt% Zr

128 Trans Indian Inst Met (2014) 67(1):123–130

exposure of Zr to an oxygen-containing atmosphere, an [16]. Formation energy is nearly the same for Zr and U.
oxygen concentration gradient, from the surface to the bulk Thus oxygen can be exchanged freely among them when
metal, will develop. When the solubility limit is exceeded, Zr and U are in contact. During solid state reaction, oxygen
a surface oxide scale will start to form. The Ellingham layers on the surface of uranium granules migrate to zir-
diagram can be used to predict the thermodynamic stability conium granules making increase of oxygen on the surface
of different oxygen-containing Zr compounds at different of zirconium granules. This layer of oxygen prevents the
temperatures and O2 pressures. Oxygen dissolution into the reaction between uranium and zirconium. With increasing
Zr matrix during oxidation can take place because it is oxygen concentration, the composition range of d rapidly
thermodynamically more favourable for oxygen to be dis- narrows and with continued addition of oxygen from inert
solved in the metal than to form the oxide layer. gas, d coexists with aU & aZr. Finally at still higher
From Ellingham diagram, free energy level for ZrO2 & oxygen concentrations, only aU & aZr exist in equilibrium
UO2 are -205 and -207 DG°kcal-1 mol-1 (at 1,000 °C) condition. Due to this reason, appropriate result is not
Table 5 Mean compositions of the alloys found through EDXS
3.5 Dilatometric Analysis
Alloy composition Element Average (Wt%)

U–50 wt%Zr ZrL 53.63 The intention of the dilatometric analysis is to find out the
UM 46.34 linear thermal expansion coefficients of the alloy compo-
Total 100 sition. Fig 5a–c show the thermal expansion curves corre-
U–60 wt%Zr ZrL 62.53 sponding to as cast and heat treated samples. It could be
UM 37.47 seen from the figures that for cast sample, during heating
Total 100 no phase transformation takes place up to around 430 °C.
U–70 wt%Zr ZrL 70.84 Then it shows a hump/depression indicating instability
UM 29.16
during thermal expansion. In case of heat treated (550/
Total 100
24 h) sample, no such hump/depression is visible. For as
cast sample, during heating, d phase while trying to attain
equilibrium, some portion of it (d-phase) disassociates to
Table 6 Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) for U–Zr alloy (as zirconium i.e. d ? d?Zr for as cast high Zr content U–Zr
cast, heat treated to 550 °C for 24 h then quenched in water) alloy. Dissociation of d-phase (UZr2) is possible due to
Sr No Composition CTE (30–600 °C) CTE (650–1,000 °C) various reasons; one of the reasons is presence of oxygen
(°C) (°C) (as impurity) with the inert gas. At around 610 and 620 °C
as cast and heat treated sample respectively, are going back
1 U–50 Zr 4.2418 9 10-6 4.1110 9 10-6
-6 to gamma phase as indicated in the phase diagram. This
2 U–60 Zr 5.5953 9 10 5.1082 9 10-6
-6 indicates due to heating, cast sample has reached equilib-
3 U–70 Zr 5.5996 9 10 5.93945 9 10-6
rium condition. It can be concluded that for high Zr content

(a) 110 (b) 110

140 140
120 120

100 002,Zr
Normalized Counts

100 111
Normalized Counts

111 U 201 211

80 80
111102,Zr 110,Zr
002 201 211
60 U-70Zr
40 U-60Zr
40 U-60Zr
20 U-50Zr
20 U-50Zr
40 50 60 70 30 40 50 60 70
2 theta 2 Theta

Fig. 4 Combined plot of XRD data for a as cast sample; b same sample with 24 h heat treated at 550 °C and then quenched in water. The peaks
are delta phase and zirconium phase for as cast sample and only delta phase for heat treated sample

Trans Indian Inst Met (2014) 67(1):123–130 129

(a) (b) 1.2


Thermal expansion(%), ( L/L0)x 100

Thermal expansion(%), ( L/L0)x 100

1.2 As Cast

As Cast 0.8


Heat Treated
0.8 0.6

Heat Treated 0.4

0.0 0.0

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

(c) (d) U-50Zr

Thermal expansion(%), ( L/L0)x 100

0.6 U-70Zr
Thermal expansion (%)

As Cast


Heat Treated
0.4 0.2


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

Fig. 5 Thermal expansion curve for a U–50 wt% Zr b U–60 wt% Zr c U–70 wt% Zr alloy as cast Samples and heat treated samples (heated to
550 °C for 24 h and quenched) and d Combined thermal expansion as a function of temperature for U–Zr heat treated alloy

U–Zr alloy undergoes d ? c transformation at around 610 3.5.1 Co-efficient of Thermal Expansion
and 620 °C during heating for as cast and heat treated
sample respectively. For both as cast and heat treated The dilatometric curve presented in Fig. 5d shows two
sample the change in length is reasonably sharp indicating distinct phase transformations at around 600 and 630 °C
kinetically fast transformation. Eventually around 650 °C (c-phase). These curves can be fitted by a third degree
complete c-phase is obtained. So within a window of 5 min polynomial and obtain a mathematical expression for the
(considering heating rate as 5 °C min-1) phase transfor- coefficient of thermal expansion from 30 °C (303 K) to
mation took place. 600 °C (873 K) (Zr and d-phase).
Slope of thermal expansion versus temperature curve for These expressions for different as-cast U–Zr alloys are
as cast and heat treated alloys with their having non- as follows
equilibrium/equilibrium microstructures are different. This For U–50 Zr (30–600 °C)
is because cast sample has not reached equilibrium stage ½DL=L0   100 ¼ 0:00344 þ 1:97837 104 T
due to relatively fast cooling during casting, while due to
prolonged heating, heat treated sample has reached equi- þ 4:72704 107 T2 2:04694 1010 T3
librium stage indicating comparatively a lower slope of the
expansion curve. Incidentally for all the as cast sample,
hump starts at 430 °C and ends after 600 °C. It may be For U–50 Zr (650–1,000 °C)
noted that U–60 wt% Zr (Fig. 5b), curve showing some ½DL=L0   100 ¼ 0:12321 þ 1:15746 104 T
irregularity with respect to other two compositions may be
due to in-homogeneity in the sample. þ 3:48886 107 T2 1:34308 1010 T3

130 Trans Indian Inst Met (2014) 67(1):123–130

For U60Zr (30–600 °C) Temperature coefficient of thermal expansion of the alloy
½DL=L0   100 ¼ 0:00828 þ 4:13045 10 4
T increases with increasing Zr concentration.
Different properties of the alloys have been reported. It
 7:05846 10 T þ 4:57617 1010 T3
is observed that there is no dimensional stability for as cast
sample with respect to heat treated sample. From this
observation it can be concluded that as cast fuel rod of U–
For U–60Zr (650–1,000 °C) 50 wt% Zr, U–60 wt% Zr and U–70 wt% Zr are dimen-
½DL=L0   100 ¼ 1:03360:00279 T sionally unstable. This has to be heat treated to obtain a
þ 3:79862 106 T2 1:39086 109 T3 stable structure. However these alloys can be used as dis-
persion fuel where it is expected to average out over vol-
For U–70Zr (30–600 °C) ume fraction depending upon particle size and their
½DL=L0   100 ¼ 0:00606 þ 1:96301 104 T
þ 8:13025 107 T2 3:99648 1010 T3 Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Dr. T. R. G. Kutty,
Head, FPES, RMD and his group for SEM and dilatometric analysis.
Dr. C. B. Basak has provided colossal support on work planning. Shri
S. Das, Uranium Extraction Division has allowed using his equip-
For U–70Zr (650–1,000 °C) ments for sample melting and cutting. And, last, but not the least,
thanks to the members of ED&AS, AFD for their help on sample
½DL=L0   100 ¼ 0:263839:86554 105 T preparation.
þ 6:19115 107 T2 1:97397 1010 T3

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