TEFL 2 - Group Investigation

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Compiled By:
1. Septiani Rizkinawati 1501050036
2. Ihsan Muhammad Haq 1501050057
3. Auliya Barkah Dwi Pangesti 1501050071


A. Introduction
1. Understanding

Group Investigation Learning is one form of cooperative learning model that

emphasizes the participation and activities of students to find their own subject matter
(information) to be learned through the materials available, for example from textbooks or
students can search through the internet. Students are involved since the planning, both in
determining the topic and how to study it through investigation.
This type requires students to have good communication skills as well as in group
process skills. The Group Investigation model can train students to cultivate independent
thinking skills. Active student involvement can be seen from the first stage to the last stage
of learning Group Model Investigation.
In Group Investigation method there are three main concepts, namely: research or
inquiry, knowledge, and group dynamics or teamwork (Udin S. Winaputra, 2001: 75 in
https://idtesis.com/metode-pembelajaran-group-investigation, accessed on 28 February
2018). The research here is the dynamics of the students responding to the problem and
solving the problem. Knowledge is a learning experience that students acquire either directly
or indirectly. While group dynamics shows an atmosphere that describes a group of
interacting that involves various ideas and opinions as well as exchanging experiences
through the process of mutual argumentation.

2. Objectives

According to Asma (in Devi, 2013 in an article written Yudi, 2014 in http://yudi-
wiratama.blogspot.co.id/2014/01/modelpembelajaran-kooperatif-tipe.html, accessed
February 28, 2018) cooperative learning development aims:

1) Achievement of learning outcomes. experts argue that this strategy is superior in

helping students understand difficult concepts.
2) Acceptance of diversity. an important effect in cooperative learning is the formation
of accepting differences in race, religion, culture, social class, ability and other
3) Development of social skills. Cooperative learning can teach collaboration and
collaboration skills.
B. Steps of Implementing
In group investigation, learners work through six stages. These stages and their
components are described as follows:

1) Identifying Topics and Organizing Students into Groups

a. Students research several sources, propose a number of topics, and categorize
b. Students join the group to learn the topics they have chosen.
c. The group composition is based on student interest and must be heterogeneous.
d. Teachers assist in gathering information and facilitating arrangements.

2) Plan the Tasks to be Learned The students plan together about: What we learn,
how we learn it, who does what, for what purpose or interest we are investigating
this topic.

3) Implement Investigation
a. Students gather information, analyse data, and make conclusions.
b. Each member of the group contributes to his group's efforts.
c. Students exchange, discuss, clarify and synthesize all ideas.

4) Preparing the Final Report

a. Group members determine the essential messages of their project.
b. Group members plan what they will report, and how they will make their
c. Group representatives formed an organizing committee to coordinate
presentation plans.

5) Present the Final Report

a. Presentations created for the whole class in a variety of forms.
b. The presentation should actively involve the audience.
c. The listeners evaluate the clarity and presentation of the presentation based on
predetermined criteria by all class members.

6) Evaluation
a. The students give each other feedback on the topic, about the work they have
done, about the effectiveness of their experiences.
b. Teachers and students collaborate in evaluating student learning.
c. Assessment of learning should evaluate the highest thinking.

The stages of student progress in learning using group investigation type for more
details can be seen in the Six Stages Progress of Learners table in Cooperative Learning
with group investigation type.

C. Implementation
1. Topic: Novel
2. Skill: Reading
3. Indicator:
a. Analysing intrinsic and extrinsic element
b. Summarizing the story
c. Presenting the result in front of the class
d. Giving suggestion to another group
4. Activity:
Action 1: Identifying the topic and make some groups
a. Students suggest the sub topic
b. Teacher helps student to make their group
c. Students join with their groups based on the topic chosen
d. Teacher helps students’ suggestion where they have some suggestion

Action 2: Planning what the students should do

a. Teacher explain the role of activity and what the students should do about
what they will learn, how to analyse the topic, what the role is, what purpose
they will analyse the topic.

Action 3: Doing Analysis

a. Every groups analyse each topic
b. Each member contributes to their groups
c. Students exchange, discuss, clarify and make the same the ideas each other
Action 4: Preparing the result
a. Group members plan what they will report, and how they will make their
b. Each member divides their role in the presentations

Action 5:
a. Students present the result.

Action 6:

a. The others give evaluation, suggestions and criticisms of the results presented.
b. Teacher clarifies in case of error.

D. Conclusion
In this model students are divided into groups of 3-5 people. Groups can be formed
based on the similarity of interest in a topic but remain heterogeneous. Students select the
sub topic they want to learn and the topic is usually determined by the teacher.
Then students and teachers determine the learning steps. Then at the end they will
present the results in front of their friends and will give each other evaluation related of the
results of the discussion. Teachers will also contribute to the evaluation in case of error.

Suprijono, Agus. 2009. Cooperative Learning. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Isjoni. 2011. Cooperative Learning. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Wirata, Yudi. 2014. Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation (GI). Taken
from: http://yudi-wiratama.blogspot.co.id/2014/01/modelpembelajaran-kooperatif-
tipe.html. Accessed on 28 February 2018.
IDTesis. 2015. Metode Pembelajaran Group Investigation. Taken from:
https://idtesis.com/metode-pembelajaran-group-investigation/. Accessed on 28
February 2018.

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