Machines, Machine Languages, and Digital Logic: Accumulator Machines Have A Sharply Limited Number of Data

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2.1. Classification of Computers and Their Instruction

Accumulator machines have a sharply limited number of data
accumulators, often just one, in addition to the address registers within the
CPU. They are called accumulators because they serve both as resource of one
operand and as the destination for arithmetic instructions, and thus they serve
to accumulate data.
Stack machines do away with register names or numbers altogether.
Operands are “pushed” onto the stack from memory as plates are pushed onto
dispenser and “popped” off of the stack in reverse order: last-in-first-out.
General register machines have a set of numbered registers within the

2.2. Computer Instruction Set

The instruction set of a computer is nothing more or less than its
repertoire: the entire collection of instructions it can interpret and the actions
is thereby effects. The most important are the arithmetic, or ALU, instructions,
as they “get the job done”. The data movement instructions move data within
the machine and to or from input/output devices.
Either explicitly or implicitly:
 Which operation to perform
 Where to find the operand or operands, if there are operands
 Where to put the result, if there is a result
 Where to find the next instruction

a) Data Movement Instructions
From the staging point, information is moved into the CPU, where
it becomes part of the processor state, residing in one or another CPU
And additional data type that some machine distinguish is the
address data type.
b) ALU Instruction
In subsequent machines, operands and results of ALU operations
could be located in registers or memory.
c) Branch Instructions
A transfer of control, or a branch, to an instruction other than the
next one in sequence requires computation of a target address, which
is the address to which control is to be transferred.
The bit or bits that described the condition are stored in a register
variously called the processor status word (PSW), the condition code
(CC) register, or the status register.
d) 4-,3-,2-,1-, and 0-Address and General Register Machine Classes
The 4-Address Machines and Operations Memory accesses
required when the instruction execute. In a microcoded design, the
steps requires to execute an instruction are themselves stored as
sequence of microcode instructions that are executed to effect
instruction execution.
The 3-Address Machines and Operations The inclusion within
the CPU of a program counter that always points to the next
instruction eliminates the need to specify the address of the next
instruction in all but the class of branch instructions.
The 2-Address Machines and Operations A reduction to two
addresses can be obtained by storing the result into the memory
address of one of the operands.

The 1-Address (Accumulator) Machines and Instructions
requires additional operand to load and store the accumulator’s
contents, however.
The 0-Address (Stack) Computers and Address Formats Notice
that the push and pop operations still require a memory address, and
the word count for the code above is bytes for each push and pop, and
additional byte for expression evaluation, for a total bytes.
e) Access Path to Operands: Addressing Modes
The many different kinds of data structures and program variable
references possible in modern high-level languages have driven
machine architects to develop many sophisticated ways of providing
access paths to operands in memory and CPU registers: addressing
To access an operand in memory, the CPU must first generate an
address, which it then issues to the memory subsystem. That address is
referred to as an effective address.
The immediate addressing mode, is used to access constants stored
in the instruction.

2.3. Informal Description of the Simple RISC Computer, SRC

In informal description there is a:
a) Register and Memory Structure
b) Instruction Formats
c) Arithmetic and Logic Instruction
d) Branch Instruction
e) Miscellaneous Instructions

2.4. Formal Description of SRC Using Register Transfer Notation, RTN

The importance of moving data among registers and memory cells in a
computer, sometimes transforming that data in the process, makes notation

schemes known as register transfer (RT) languages a good method for
incorporating the right level of precision into a computer specification.

a. An RTN Description of the Simple RISC Computer, SRC

Memory The most significant memories are the processor-state items,
which are used by many instructions. The next most important memory
elements are those of the large set or identical storage cells known as the
main memory.
Effective Address Calculations Some of the most important formats that
name expressions using register fields instead of just renaming bits are
those used to compute the effective address for a memory load or store.
Instruction Interpretation and the Fetch-Execute Cycle The actions
that occur for every instruction before the specific instruction is ever
decode are known as instruction interpretation.
Instruction Execution It takes the form of a long list of conditional
Memory Reference Instruction Instructions can be divided into different
classes based on what kind of action they perform. The following
instruction use a memory address, so their description includes the names
defined in the effective address section.
Branch Instructions Some special formatting on the constant field of the
instruction is used only with branches.
ALU Instructions For the time being we will limit this simple SRC
computer to add, subtract, and negate on 32-bit 2’s complement numbers.
Miscellaneous Instructions The nop instruction causes no action to take
place, and the stop instruction halts the computer until the next start signal
is received.
b. Formal versus Informal Description
RTN should be considered a metalanguage, a language that is used to
describe languages. RTN helps prevent two kinds of errors that can arise
during design and implementation:

1) Errors caused by a misinterpretation of the machine description
2) Errors of design and implementation

2.5. Describing Addressing Modes with RTN

The need for different addressing modes is based on common ways of
structure data in computer programs. A simple variable in memory can be
addressed by a constant whose value is known when the instruction is

2.6. Register Transfers and Logic Circuits: From Behavior to Hardware

In logic circuits courses, AND, OR, and NOT gates are thought of as
components of Boolean expressions and flip-flops as state variables in
sequential circuits.
a. Logic Circuits to Implement Register Transfer
The data bit “moves” (is copied) into A when the Strobe signal is
activated. Strobe signals are seldom directly connected to the machine
clock, so the term strobe input may be less confusing.
Multiple-Bit Transfers The fact that Strobe is only one wire implies a
parallel connection to the corresponding inputs of all m flip-flops in the A
Data Transmission in the Computer Logic gates and flip-flops can be
viewed in terms of their data transmission behavior.
Merging and Extracting Data The real utility of this viewpoint comes
when we adopt the multidevice and multiwire conventions.
Controlled Extraction of Data If we have m wires on which the data x
and y are multiplexed, x can be separated from y by a set of m AND gates
gated by Gx.
Multiple Register Transfers Multiplexer and timing are the key to
transferring data from one of several source registers to one several

b. The Bus as Data Highway
Eliminating the Multiplexer by Open-Collector Gates To simplify a
brief excursion into electronics.
Eliminating Multiplexer By Using Tri-State Gates A slightly different
form is more commonly used for the present purpose of multiplexed
register transfers.
Register Transfer Using a Tri-State Bus An m-wire tri-state bus can be
used to connect n registers together.
A Register Transfer Bus with Arithmetic Capability Although a single
bus can interconnect registers so that the register transfer Dst Src can
be done for any source and destination register.
Abstract RTN, Concrete RTN, and Control Signals An abstract RTN
describes the register transfer in terms of its effects only. A concrete RTN
it refers to how the register transfer happens in a particular hardware
implementation. The control sequence is a translation of the concrete RTN
to the sequence of control signals needed to accomplish the concrete RTN.
c. Register Transfer Operations and Data Path
Hardware structures that interconnect registers, including arithmetic units
and other data transformers, constitute the data path of a computer. A
collection of register transfers between different sources and destinations
may be implemented by a shared bus connection, provided that two source
values do not need to be moved at the same time.
RTN statements involving data transformation imply the existence of
arithmetic units in the data path.

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