Verbal Advantage Summary

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Verbal Advantage Summary

Abet: v. to encourage, support, help, aid, promote, assist in achieving a purpose

Abject: adj. degraded, brought low in condition or status; hence, lacking self-
respect, contemptible, wretched

Abrogate: v. to abolish by legal or authoritative action or decree

Abstemious: adj. sparing or moderate, especially in eating or drinking
Abstruse: adj. difficult to understand, hard to grasp mentally, deep, profound,
incomprehensible, unfathomable
Accede: v. to consent, yield, give in or agree to

Accolade: n. an award; sign of respect or esteem; expression of praise; mark of

acknowledgement; anything done or given as a token of appreciation or approval

Acerbic: adj. sour, bitter, and harsh in flavor, tone, or character

Acme: n. the peak, highest point, summit, zenith, especially the point of
culmination, the highest possible point in the development or progress of
Acquiesce: v. to agree without protest, accept without argument or resistance, give
in quietly
Adamant: adj. unyielding, immovable, inflexible, refusing to give in, unshakable,
unrelenting, implacable
Adduce: adj. to offer or cite as a reason, as evidence, or as authority for an opinion
or course of action
Adept: adj. skilled
Admonish: v. to warn or notify of a fault or error, especially in conduct or attitude;
to criticize or reprove gently but earnestly
Adroit: adj. skillful, clever, dexterous; specifically, showing skill in using one's
hands or in using one's brains
Adventitious: adj. accidentally or casually acquired, not belonging naturally to
something, associated by chance, not inherent or integral
Advocate: v. to support, plead for, be in favor of, defend by argument; especially,
to speak or write in favor or defense of a person or cause
Affinity: n. close resemblance or relationship, a strong likeness, similarity, or

Alacrity: n. cheerful readiness, eagerness, or promptness in action or movement

Aleatory: adj. depending on luck, chance, or on some contingent event; hence,

uncertain, unpredictable
Allegation: n. an assertion or declaration, especially made without proof
Allocate: v. to assign, designate, earmark, set aside for a specific purpose
Allude: v. to refer to something indirectly, make a casual reference
Aloof: adj. apart, at a distance, removed, withdrawn, not wishing to speak or
associate with others
Altruism: n. selflessness, unselfish concern for the welfare of others
Ambiguous: adj. uncertain, unclear, doubtful, dubious, questionable, puzzling,
having an obscure or indefinite meaning

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Ambivalent: adj. uncertain, indecisive, having conflicting feelings or desires,

simultaneously drawn in opposite directions, attracted to and repulsed by
something at the same time
Ameliorate: v. to make or become better or more tolerable, improve, amend,
correct, reform, rectify, raise the condition or state of
Analogous: adj. similar, akin, comparable, corresponding partially, sharing some
aspects of form, function, or content
Animosity: n. ill will, hostility, antagonism, strong dislike or hatred

Anomalous: adj. irregular, abnormal, out of place; deviating from what is usual or
expected; not fitting in with a common type or conforming to a general rule

Apocryphal: adj. not genuine, counterfeit, illegitimate; specifically, of doubtful

authenticity or authorship
Apodictic: adj. absolutely certain, necessarily true, proved or demonstrated beyond
a shadow of a doubt

Approbation: n. approval, acceptance; especially, official approval or authorization

Arbitrary: adj. unreasoned, based on personal feelings or preferences rather than

on reason, logic, or law

Arduous: adj. very difficult, hard to achieve or accomplish, requiring great effort

Assiduous: adj. hardworking, industrious; done with persistent, careful, and

untiring attention
Assimilate: v. to absorb, take in, incorporate, appropriate, adapt
Assuage: v. to relieve, ease, allay, mitigate, make less severe or intense; also to
satisfy, appease, make content
Astute: adj. shrewd, clever, perceptive, discerning, acute, keenly aware, quick-
Attest: v. to affirm to be true, genuine, or correct; certify or authenticate officially;
stand as proof or evidence of
Auspicious: adj. favorable, fortunate, marked by favorable circumstances or good
fortune, conducive to success, boding well
Austere: adj. severe, somber, stern, serious, grim, grave, dour
Autonomous: adj. independent, self-governing, not under the control of something
or someone else
Avaricious: adj. greedy, money-grubbing, miserly, consumed with a selfish desire
to accumulate money or property
Aver: v. to state positively, declare with confidence
Avuncular: adj. like an uncle, pertaining to an uncle, or exhibiting some
characteristic considered typical of an uncle
Badinage: n. banter; playful, teasing talk; good-natured joking or gently mocking
Banal: adj. common, ordinary, unoriginal; flat, dull, and predictable; lacking
freshness or zest

Beguile: v. to deceive, delude, or mislead; also, to charm, amuse, or delight

Benign: adj. kindly, good-natured, gracious, mild, having or showing gentle


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Blandishment: n. flattering or coaxing speech or action; an ingratiating remark or

Blatant: adj. noisy, disagreeably or offensively loud, boisterous, clamorous
Bombastic: adj. pompous, pretentious, inflated, overblown
Boon: n. a blessing, timely and welcome benefit, something beneficial bestowed
upon one, something to be thankful for
Brevity: n. shortness, briefness
Bucolic: adj. rural, rustic, of or pertaining to country life
Cachinnate: v. to laugh loudly and immoderately, laugh convulsively or
Cacophony: n. a harsh, jarring sound, especially a harsh and unpleasant blend of
Callow: adj. immature, inexperienced, unsophisticated, green, naive, lacking
experience in and knowledge of the world
Calumny: n. defamation of character, slander, a false and malicious statement or
accusation meant to injure a person's reputation
Candor: n. frankness, openness, sincere expression
Cantankerous: adj. difficult to deal with, disagreeable, argumentative, quick to
quarrel or to exhibit ill will

Capacious: adj. roomy, spacious, ample, able to contain or hold a great deal

Capitulate: v. to yield, surrender; specifically, to surrender on specified terms or

Capricious: adj. unpredictable, tending to change abruptly for no apparent or
logical reason

Captious: adj. faultfinding, quick to point out faults or raise trivial objections

Carnal: adj. bodily, pertaining to flesh as opposed to spirit, sensual, corporeal

Castigate: v. to punish or criticize severely

Cataclysm: n. a disaster, great mishap, catastrophe, violent upheaval
Categorical: adj. absolute, unqualified, explicit; without exceptions, conditions, or

Catholic: adj. universal, all-inclusive, all-embracing, comprehensive; specifically,

broad-minded, tolerant, or all-embracing in one's sympathies, interests, or tastes

Cavil: v. to criticize or complain unnecessarily, point out petty flaws, raise trivial or
frivolous objections
Censure: v. to blame, condemn, find fault with, criticize harshly, express stern
disapproval of
Charlatan: n. a fake, quack, impostor, fraud, humbug; specifically, a person who
pretends to have a special skill or knowledge

Chimera: n. a foolish fancy, fantastic notion or idea, figment of the imagination

Chrysalis: n. the pupa of a butterfly; the stage in the development of the insect
between the larval and adult stages, during which the insect is enclosed in a case or

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Circuitous: adj. roundabout, indirect, not straightforward, following a roundabout

and often extended course
Circumscribe: v. to limit, restrict, confine, hem in, fix the boundaries of
Circumspect: adj. careful, cautious, wary, watchful, carefully considering all
circumstances before acting or making a judgment
Clairvoyant: adj. having exceptional powers of perception, unusually clear-sighted
or discerning; specifically, able to see objects or events that others cannot, having
ESP or the power of divination
Clandestine: adj. kept secret, done in secrecy, especially for an evil, immoral or
illegal purpose
Clement: adj. mild, calm, tranquil, moderate, temperate, not severe or extreme;
also, merciful, lenient, inclined to pardon or forgive
Colloquial: adj. conversational; pertaining to, characteristic of, or used in spoken
language; hence, informal, casual, natural

Comity: n. courtesy, civility, politeness, respectful and considerate behavior

Commensurate: adj. proportionate, corresponding in amount, measure, or degree;

also, equal, of the same size or extent

Commiserate: v. to sympathize, feel or express sympathy, show sorrow or pity for

Commodious: adj. spacious, having plenty of room, comfortably convenient

Complacent: adj. self-satisfied, smug, overly pleased with oneself.

Complicity: n. conspiracy, partnership in wrongdoing, criminal participation,
direct association in guilt, the state of being an accomplice
Compunction: n. a twinge of regret caused by an uneasy conscience; a pang of
guilt for a wrong done or for pain that one has caused another
Concur: v. to agree, be in accord with, unite in opinion
Congenial: adj. sympathetic, agreeable, compatible, kindred, harmonious, having
same taste, nature, or temperament
Conjecture: v. to guess; especially, to make an educated guess; to form an opinion
or make a judgment based on insufficient evidence
Construe: v. to interpret, explain the meaning or intention of
Contentious: adj. argumentative, quarrelsome, ready and eager to argue, bicker,
or debate.
Contretemps: n. an embarrassing, awkward, unexpected situation or event; a
sudden mishap or hitch; an inopportune occurrence
Contrition: n. remorse, penitence, repentance, deep and devastating sorrow for
one's sins or for something one has done wrong
Conversant: adj. familiar, acquainted, well-informed or well-versed
Convivial: adj. sociable, merry, festive
Copious: adj. abundant, plentiful, large in amount or number
Corroborate: v. to confirm, support, make more certain or believable
Credence: n. belief, acceptance, especially belief in a published report or
acceptance of another's opinion or testimony

Creed: n. belief, professed faith or opinion, especially a system of religious belief

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Crepitate: v. to crackle; make a crackling, snapping, or popping noise

Crotchet: n. an odd notion or whim that one clings to stubbornly
Cull: v. to pick out, select from various sources, gather, collect
Cupidity: n. greed, a strong desire for wealth or material things

Cursory: adj. quick, hasty, not methodical, done rapidly with little attention to
detail, passing quickly over or through something that deserves closer examination

Cynosure: n. a center of attention or interest, focal point

Dearth: n. a lack, scarcity, insufficiency, inadequate supply of something needed

Defenestrate: v. to throw something or someone out of a window

Defray: v. to pay, provide money for, cover the cost or expenses of
Defunct: adj. dead, extinct, obsolete, no longer in existence, effect, operation, or
Deipnosophist: n. an adept conversationalist, especially one who enjoys
conversing at the table
Delegate: v. to entrust with authority or power, deliver to another's care or
management, hand over to an agent or representative.
Deleterious: adj. harmful, destructive, injurious, detrimental; especially, harmful
to health or well-being
Demonstrable: adj. capable of being demonstrated, able to be proved
Denouement: n. the unraveling or resolution of a plot, as of a novel or a drama;
the outcome or resolution of any complex situation
Desiccated: adj. dried or dried up, dehydrated, deprived of moisture
Didactic: adj. instructive, designed or intended to teach
Diffident: adj. shy, timid, bashful, lacking in self-confidence, hesitant to speak or
Digress: v. to wander, stray from the point, ramble, deviate, go off in another
Dilatory: adj. delaying, causing or intended to cause delay; also, slow, tardy,
characterized by delay or procrastination
Dilemma: n. a predicament, in general, any difficult problem or unpleasant
situation; specifically, a predicament in which one must choose between two
equally undesirable alternatives
Discernible: adj. recognizable, detectable, perceptible, capable of being recognized
by the senses or by the mind
Discursive: adj. rambling, roving, covering a wide range of topics, wandering from
one subject to another
Dishabille: n. the state of being partly clothed; partial undress
Disingenuous: adj. insincere, crafty, sly, not straightforward or frank
Disparage: v. to belittle, depreciate, discredit, lower in estimation or value, speak
of or treat as inferior

Disquisition: n. a formal discussion of or inquiry into a subject; a discourse

Dissemble: v. to disguise; conceal under a false appearance; speak or behave

hypocritically; cover up the facts or one's true feelings or motives; mask under a
pretense or deceptive manner

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Dissident: adj. isagreeing, disaffected, dissenting, nonconformist /n. a person who

disagrees with a prevailing opinion, method, or doctrine
Diurnal: adj. daily, recurring each day, performed or happening in the course of a
Divagate: v. to wander, ramble, or drift about; hence, to digress
Docile: adj. submissive, obedient, compliant; easy to direct, manage, or supervise;
following instructions
Droll: adj. amusing, humorous, comical; especially, funny or witty in an odd or
outrageous way
Duplicity: n. deceit, cunning, double-dealing, hypocritical deception
Ebullience: n. lively enthusiasm, high spirits, bubbly excitement
Edify: v. to instruct, improve, teach, enlighten; especially, to instruct or improve
intellectually, morally, or spiritually
Efface: v. to rub out, wipe out, obliterate, erase, expunge
Efficacy: n. effectiveness; the power to produce a desired effect or result
Effusive: adj. gushing, overflowing, overly demonstrative, expressing emotion in
an excessive or unrestrained manner
Egregious: adj. conspicuously bad, remarkable or outstanding for some
undesirable or offensive quality
Embellish: v. to decorate, dress up, adorn, enhance with ornamentation, make
more beautiful, elegant or interesting
Emendation: n. a correction, alteration, change made to correct or improve,
especially a change made in a piece of writing to correct an error or restore the text
to its original state
Emolument: n. wages, salary, payment received for work
Enervate: v. to weaken, drain of energy, deprive of force or vigor
Engender: v. to bring out, bring into being, give rise to, cause to exist, sow the
seeds of
Enigma: n. a mystery, puzzle, riddle; perplexing problem; something or someone
hard to understand or explain
Ephemeral: adj. short-lived, passing, fleeting, lasting for a short time
Epicene: adj. having characteristics or qualities of both sexes
Epigraph: n. an inscription; especially, an inscription on a building or monument,
or a brief quotation at the beginning of a literary composition that suggests or is
germane to its theme
Equanimity: n. composure, calmness, evenness of mind and temper
Erudite: adj. learned, scholarly, possessing extensive knowledge acquired chiefly
from books
Eschew: v. to avoid, shun, abstain from; keep away from something harmful,
wrong, or distasteful
Esoteric: adj. intended for or designed to be understood only by a select group,
known only by a few people; hence, not public, secret, confidential

Ethereal: adj. heavenly, not earthly; hence, very light, airy, delicate, or refined

Excoriate: v. to strip, scrape, or tear off the skin; hence, to rebuke or denounce
harshly and severely

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Execrate: v. to denounce vehemently, declare hateful or detestable; also, to loathe,

abhor, detest utterly
Exemplary: adj. worthy of imitation, praiseworthy, commendable, serving as a
model of excellence, appropriateness, or correctness
Exigency: n. an urgency, pressing need; a situation demanding immediate
attention or action
Exonerate: v. to free from blame, free from a charge or the imputation of guilt,
declare blameless or innocent
Expatiate: v. to elaborate, speak or write at great length
Expedite: v. to speed up, hasten, facilitate, accelerate the progress of, handle or
perform quickly and efficiently
Expiation: n. atonement; reparation for a sin, crime, or offense
Exponent: n. a person who stands or speaks for something, a representative or

Expunge: v. to erase, delete, cancel; punch, strike, or wipe out; eradicate, obliterate

Expurgate: v. bowdlerize, to cleanse by removing offensive material, free from

objectionable content
Extant: adj. existing, still in existence, not extinct, not lost or destroyed

Extemporize: v. to improvise, to speak or compose with little or no preparation or

practice, perform something in an offhand or unpremeditated way

Extirpate: v. to pull or dig up by the roots, root out, exterminate, abolish or

destroy completely
Facile: adj. easy, easily done; performed or achieved in an easy, effortless way;
working or acting in a smooth, free, and unrestrained manner
Factitious: adj. not natural or genuine, produced artificially
Fainéant: adj. lazy, idle, sluggish, good-for-nothing
Fallacious: adj. false, misleading, deceptive, invalid, based on a fallacy
Farrago: n. a mixture, especially a confused or jumbled mixture
Fastidious: adj. extremely delicate, sensitive, or particular, especially in matters of
taste or behavior; dainty, fussy, finicky, overnice
Fervent: adj. passionate, having or showing great warmth or intensity of feeling,
fiery, earnest, impassioned
Fetid: adj. stinking, foul-smelling; having an extremely offensive odor, as of
something rotten or decayed.
Flagitious: adj. extremely wicked; shamefully and scandalously criminal, vice-
ridden, or corrupt
Flippant: adj. disrespectful in a frivolous way, treating something serious in a
trivial manner
Foible: n. a weak point, slight fault or flaw, minor failing, especially a weakness in
a person's character

Frangible: adj. breakable, fragile, frail, delicate, easily damaged or destroyed

Frugal: adj. spending carefully and wisely, thrifty, economical

Fugacious: adj. fleeting, passing quickly away

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Fuliginous: adj. sooty, smoky; pertaining to, resembling, or consisting of soot or

Fulminate: v. to explode, especially to explode with invective and denunciations; to
shout forth condemnation and censure
Garrulous: adj. talkative, especially in a rambling, annoying, pointless, or long-
winded way
Genesis: n. a coming into being, beginning, origin, birth, creation
Genteel: adj. refined, polite, well-bred, sophisticated, eleganily stylish or
fashionable, pertaining or belonging to high society
Germane: adj. relevant, fitting, appropriate, precisely to the point
Glabrous: adj. smooth and bald
Glib: adj. smooth-spoken, speaking in a ready, fluent manner, with natural or
offhand ease, talkative in a nonchalant way
Goad: v. to prod or urge to action, stimulate, arouse, stir up
Grandiloquent: adj. characterized by lofty, high-flown language; full of grand or
high-sounding words

Gratuitous: adj. free; given without charge or obligation; also, without legitimate
cause or reason, uncalled-for, unjustified, baseless, unwarranted

Gullible: adj. easily deceived, fooled or cheated

Haggard: adj. worn out, tired gaunt, drawn, emaciated
Hebdomadal: adj. weekly; pertaining to a week or seven-day period
Hebetude: n. stupidity, dullness, obtuseness, lethargy of mind or spirit
Heliolatry: n. worship of the sun
Heterodox: adj. having or expressing an opinion different from the accepted
opinion; not in agreement with established doctrine or belief
Heterogeneous: adj. varied, composed of parts of different kinds, made up of
unrelated or diverse elements, mixed, dissimilar, miscellaneous
Hieratic: adj. priestly; pertaining to or used by priests; reserved for holy or sacred

Hispid: adj. covered with stiff hairs, bristles, or small spines; rough and bristly

Hortatory: adj. encouraging or urging to some course of action; giving earnest

counsel or advice
Hyperbole: n. exaggeration in speech or writing; especially, extravagant
exaggeration that is intentional and obvious
Iatrogenic: adj. caused by medical examination or treatment

Iconoclast: n. a person who attacks cherished or popular beliefs, traditions, or

institutions; someone who destroys or denounces an established idea or practice

Idiosyncrasy: n. a peculiarity, distinctive characteristic of a person or group, an

identifying trait or mannerism
Imbroglio: n. a complicated or intricate situation; a difficult, perplexing state of
affairs; also, a misunderstanding or disagreement of a complicated and confusing
Impalpable: adj. incapable of being felt or understood, not able to be perceived
either by the sense of touch or by the mind

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Impeccable: adj. perfect, faultless, flawless; free from faults or imperfections; also,
unable to do wrong, incapable of sin
Impervious: adj. impenetrable, incapable of being entered or passed through;
hence, unable to be moved or affected by something
Impetuous: adj. hasty, rash, overeager, acting in sudden, vigorous, emotional way
with little thought
Importune: v. to trouble or annoy with requests or demands, make urgent or
persistent entreaties or solicitations
Impromptu: adj. made up or done on the spur of the moment, uttered or
performed without preparation, improvised for the occasion
Impute: v. to charge or attribute, especially with a fault or misconduct, lay the
responsibility or blame upon, ascribe, assign
Incessant: adj. constant, uninterrupted, continuous, unceasing
Inchoate: adj. just begun; in an early stage of development; partly in existence; not
fully formed; undeveloped; imperfect; incomplete
Incongruous: adj. out of place, inappropriate, inconsistent, unsuitable, lacking
harmony of parts or agreement in character
Incorrigible: adj. bad beyond correction or reform, hopeless, irreformable; also,
unruly, unmanageable, difficult to control
Incriminate: v. to charge with a crime, accuse of wrongdoing, implicate, present
evidence or proof of involvement in a wrongful act
Indefeasible: adj. not capable of being undone, taken away, annulled, or rendered
Indigent: adj. destitute, poor, needy, penniless, impoverished, down-and-out,
Ineffable: adj. inexpressible, unable to be expressed or described in words
Inexorable: adj. relentless, unyielding, merciless; not able to be stopped, changed,
or moved by entreaty or persuasion
Infinitesimal: adj. too small to be measured or calculated
Ingratiating: adj. flattering, attempting to win approval or curry favor, trying to
gain acceptance, done to charm or please another

Inimitable: adj. unable to be imitated, copied, or reproduced; beyond compare

Insatiable: adj. greedy, hungry, unable to be satisfied or appeased

Inscrutable: adj. incomprehensible, unfathomable, extremely difficult to
understand, not open to investigation or analysis
Insouciant: adj. carefree, nonchalant, lightheartedly unconcerned or indifferent,
free from worry or anxiety, calm and unbothered
Interpolate: v. to insert, introduce; specifically, to insert words into a piece of
writing or a conversation
Intractable: adj. hard to manage or control, stubborn, unruly
Intransigent: adj. uncompromising, refusing to come to an agreement, unwilling
to modify one's position or give ground
Invective: n. vehement or abusive language involving bitter, scathing accusations
or denunciations
Inviolable: adj. secure, safe from assault, infringement, or destruction, sacred,
untouchable, unassailable, incorruptible
Irascible: adj. easily angered, hot-tempered, extremely irritable or touchy

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Itinerant: adj. wandering, traveling about, moving from place to place, especially
to perform work
Jaded: adj. worn out, tired, fatigued, weary, exhausted; specifically, worn out by
overwork or overindulgence
Jargon: n. specialized and often pretentious language; speech or writing that is
highly technical and difficult to understand
Jejune: adj. dull, uninteresting, or unsatisfying; devoid of nourishment, substance,
or significance

Jovial: adj. merry, full of good humor, hearty and fun-loving, jolly, convival

Judicious: adj. wise and careful, having or showing sound judgment

Juxtapose: v. to place side by side or close together, especially so as to compare or
Lacerate: v. to tear, cut roughly, rend, mangle
Laconic: adj. using few words, briefly and often bluntly expressed
Laity: n. nonprofessionals, laypeople collectively, all the people outside of a given
profession or specialized field
Lassitude: n. weariness, fatigue; a weak or exhausted state or feeling; a sluggish
relaxation of body or mind

Laudable: adj. praiseworthy, commendable, worthy of approval or admission

Legacy: n. something handed down from the past, an inheritance

Legerdemain: n. sleight of hand, a cleverly executed trick or deception
Lethargy: n. lack of energy, sluggishness, dullness, apathy, stupor; an abnormally
dull, drownsy, inactive condition or state of mind
Levity: n. lightness or gaiety of manner or expression; specifically, a lightness or
lack of seriousness that is inappropriate or unbecoming
Licentious: adj. sexually abandoned; lacking moral restraint, especially in sexual
Lionize: v. to treat a person as a celebrity or as an object of great interest or
Lissome: adj. limber, flexible, moving with ease and grace
Longanimity: n. long-suffering patience; the ability to calmly endure hardship or
Lucid: adj. clear, easy to see or understand, plainly expressed
Lucrative: adj. profitable, producing wealth, money-making, financially
productive, remunerative
Lucubration: n. nocturnal labor; study, writing, or work done late at night
Lugubrious: adj. mournful and gloomy; expressing sadness or sorrow, often in an
exaggerated, affected, or ridiculous way
Machination: n. a crafty or treacherous plot, malicious scheme, cunning design or
plan to achieve a sinister purpose
Magnanimous: adj. noble, honorable, generous in overlooking injury or insult,
high-minded, unselfish
Malinger: v. to pretend to be sick or incapacitated so as to avoid work or duty; to
shirk or dodge responsibility by feigning illness or inability
Malleable: adj. capable of being shaped, able to be molded or manipulated,
adaptable, impressionable

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Manifold: adj. numerous and varied, consisting of many kinds, containing many
elements, features, or characteristics

Manumit: v. to set free, liberate, emancipate, deliver from slavery or bondage

Martinet: n. a strict disciplinarian, taskmaster, rigid enforcer of rules and

Mellifluous: adj. flowing smoothly and sweetly, like honey
Mendacious: adj. not truthful, lying, false, dishonest, deceitful
Mercenary: adj. greedy, done for payment only, motivated by a selfish desire for
money or other reward
Mercurial: adj. quick to change moods or change one's mind, having an
unpredictable temperament
Meretricious: adj. tawdry, gaudy; attractive in a flashy or cheap way; falsely
alluring; deceptively enticing
Minatory: adj. threatening, menacing; having a threatening or menacing aspect or
Miscreant: n. an evil, unscrupulous, vicious person; someone without principles or
conscience; a villain, criminal
Mnemonic: adj. helping or pertaining to the memory, assisting or improving the
ability to recall
Mollify: v. to calm, soothe, pacify, appease, soften in feeling or tone, male less
harsh or severe
Monotonous: adj. lacking variety, tediously uniform, unvarying and dull

Morass: n. literally, a swamp, marsh, bog; figuratively, something that traps,

confines, or confuses, a sticky situation or troublesome state of affairs

Mordant: adj. biting, cutting, keen, sarcastic, scathing

Morose: adj. gloomy, moody, glum, grumpy, ill-tempered, depressed
Mundane: adj. of the world, worldly, earthly, material as distinguished from
Munificence: n. great generosity, lavish giving

Myopic: adj. short-sighted; not able to see the long-range picture; having a narrow
or circumscribed view; lacking discernment, foresight, or perspective

Myriad: adj. countless, innumerable, infinite, consisting of a great or indefinite

Myrmidon: n. a loyal follower, faithful servant or subordinate, especially someone
who is unquestioningly obedient
Nacreous: adj. pearly, consisting of or resembling mother-of-pearl
Narcissism: n. self-love, excessive admiration of oneself
Nascent: adj. beginning to exist or develop; in the process of being born or begun;
coming or having just come into being
Nebulous: adj. unclear, vague, obscure, hazy, indefinite, indistinct
Negligible: adj. unimportant, trifling, of little consequence
Neophyte: n. a beginner, novice, amateur, tyro; specifically, a new member of or
convert to a religion
Nepotism: n. favoritism shown to relatives

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Nettle: v. to irritate, annoy, vex, harass, pester, provoke

Noctivagant: adj. wandering at night
Noisome: adj. harmful to health or well-being, unwholesome, dangerous,
destructive; also, foul-smelling, offensive, disgusting
Nomenclature: n. a system of names, especially a system of names used in a
science, art, or branch of knowledge
Nonage: n. immaturity, youth; especially the period of legal minority, the state of
being a minor in the eyes of the law
Nostrum: n. a quack remedy or medicine; a panacea; hence, a dubious or
dishonest plan or scheme for curing a social or political problem
Obeisance: n. a gesture of respect or submission, or an attitude of respect and

Obfuscate: v. to make obscure, cloud over, darken, make unclear or indistinct

Objurgating: n. a harsh rebuke, vehement scolding or denunciation

Obligatory: adj. required, necessary, binding, mandatory
Obsequious: adj. subservient, submissive, obedient; ready and willing to serve,
please, or obey
Obstinate: adj. stubborn, inflexible, unwilling to give in or compromise, not
yielding to argument or persuasion
Obviate: v. to prevent, make unnecessary, meet and dispose of, clear out of the
Odious: adj. hateful, detestable, offensive, revolting, arousing strong dislike or
Offal: n. waste, garbage, refuse, rubbish
Officious: adj. meddlesome, nosy, intrusive, interfering, prying; specifically,
offering unwanted advice or unnecessary services, especially in a high-handed,
overbearing way
Oligarchy: n. government by a few; rule or control exercised by a few persons or
by a small, elite group

Omnipotent: adj. all-powerful, almighty, having unlimited power or authority

Onerous: adj. burdensome, troublesome, oppressive, hard to bear, difficult to

accomplish or endure
Opulent: adj. rich, wealthy, very well-to-do, having substantial means
Ostensible: adj. apparent, appearing or seeming to be true, professed or declared
as true without being demonstrated or proved
Ostentatious: adj. showy, extremely conspicuous, extravagant, flamboyant;
specifically, displayed or done in a flashy, vain manner
Ostracize: v. to banish, send into exile, expel from a place; to bar, exclude, or reject
from a group or from acceptance by society
Palliate: v. to lessen the severity of, gloss over, make something seem less serious
or severe

Panacea: n. a cure-all, universal antidote, remedy for all diseases and difficulties

Paradigm: n. an example, model, or pattern

Paragon: n. a model of excellence, perfect example

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Verbal Advantage Summary

Paraphrase: v. to restate, put what someone else has expressed into different
Pariah: n. an outcast; a person despised or rejected by society
Parsimonious: adj. stingy, miserly, extremely tight with money
Parvenu: n. an upstart; specifically, a person who suddenly acquires wealth and
power and rises to a higher class, but who is not accepted by the members of that
Paucity: n. an insufficiency, scarcity, especially a serious or extreme one, a dire
Peccadillo: n. a small sin, slight offense, minor fault or flaw
Peculate: v. to steal, embezzle; specifically, to steal or misuse money or property
entrusted to one's care
Pedantic: adj. absurdly learned; scholarly in an ostentatious way; making an
inappropriate or tiresome display of knowledge by placing undue importance on
trivial details, rules, or formalities
Peevish: adj. irritable, cross, complaining, fretful, ill-humored and impatient,
difficult to please
Penchant: n. a liking, leaning, strong inclination, decided taste
Pensive: adj. thoughtful, absorbed in thought, especially in a deep, dreamy, or
melancholy way
Perfunctory: adj. mechanical, routine, listless, done merely as a duty, performed in
an indifferent, halfhearted, superficial, and often careless way, without interest or
Peripatetic: adj. walking about, going from place to place on foot
Peripheral: adj. external, outer, lying at or forming the outside boundary of
something; hence, not essential, irrelevant
Pernicious: adj. deadly, fatal, destructive, causing great harm or injury
Perquisite: n. a benefit, incidental gain or reward; specifically, an expected or
promised benefit, privilege, or advantage received in addition to one's normal
salary or wages
Personable: adj. attractive, pleasing in appearance, handsome, comely, fair,
Pettifogger: n. a mean, tricky lawyer; especially, a lawyer who handles petty cases
in an unethical, unscrupulous way
Philanthropic: adj. charitable, benevolent, humane; motivated or done out of a
desire to help or improve the welfare of others
Phlegmatic: adj. calm and unemotional; having a sluggish, apathetic temperament;
difficult to move to emotion or action
Pittance: n. a small amount, portion, or share, especially a small or meager
amount of money
Platitude: n. a flat, dull, ordinary remark, a trite statement or hackneyed saying,
especially one uttered as if it were original or profound
Plethora: n. an excess, surplus, overabundance, oversupply
Plexiform: adj. in general, complicated or elaborate; specifically, like a plexus or
Pliant: adj. bending easily, flexible, adaptable, workable
Poignant: adj. piercing, sharp, biting, penetrating, keen

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Verbal Advantage Summary

Pontificate: v. to speak in a pompous and overbearing way, make pretentious or

categorical statements, express one's opinion as though it were an official,
authoritative decree
Pragmatic: adj. practical, having to do with actual practice, concerned with
everyday affairs as opposed to theory or speculation
Preclude: v. to prevent, make impossible, exclude or shut off all possibility of
something happening

Precociousness: n. early development or maturity, especially in mental ability

Predilection: n. a preference, partiality, preconceived liking, an inclination or

disposition to favor something
Pretext: n. an excuse, ostensible reason or motive, professed purpose
Probity: n. honesty, integrity; fairness, straightforwardness, and sincerity in one's
dealings with others
Proclivity: n. an inclination, liking, leaning; a strong natural bent or tendency,
often toward something disagreeable, objectionable, or wicked
Prodigious: adj. enormous, huge, tremendous, immense; extraordinary in size,
extent, force, or degree
Prognosticate: v. to predict; especially, to predict from signs, symptoms, or
present indications
Proletariat: n. the working class, especially the industrial wage-earning class,
which earns its living by manual labor
Prolific: adj. fruitful, fertile, productive
Prolix: adj. wordy and tiresome, long-winded and boring, verbose, using far too
many and a great deal more words than are necessary and essential to get the point
Promulgate: v. to make known, publish, proclaim, make public in an official
Propinquity: n. nearness in place or time, proximity; also, nearness or similarity in
nature, kinship, close relation
Propitiate: v. to appease, gain or regain the goodwill or favor of, cause to become
favorably inclined
Prosaic: adj. dull, ordinary, uninteresting, unimaginative.
Proscribe: v. to prohibit, forbid, outlaw
Protean: adj. highly variable or changeable; readily assuming different shapes,
forms, characters, or meanings
Protract: v. to draw out, drag out, extend in time, lengthen, prolong, especially to
Provident: adj. thrifty, economical, saving or providing for future needs

Proximity: n. nearness, closeness, the state of being in the vicinity of something

Prudent: adj. cautious, careful, planning wisely, exercising sound judgement in

practical matters
Puerile: adj. childish, immature; foolish, silly
Pugnacious: adj. given to fighting, combative, quarrelsome, ready and willing to
Puissant: adj. powerful, mighty, strong, forceful

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Pulchritude: n. beauty, loveliness, attractiveness.

Pungent: adj. sharp, penetrating, biting, acrid, caustic

Pusillanimous: adj. cowardly, lacking courage, timid, fainthearted, irresolute

Putative: adj. supposed, reputed, commonly considered or regarded as such;

deemed to be so but not proved
Quandary: n. a state of uncertainty, perplexity, or doubt
Quiescent: adj. still, quiet, tranquil, inactive, at rest or repose
Quixotic: adj. foolishly impractical or idealistic, especially in an extravagantly
chivalrous or romantic way; inclined to pursue lofty, unreachable goals or far-
fetched, unworkable schemes
Quotidian: adj. daily, recurring every day or pertaining to every day
Rapprochement: n. reconciliation, a reestablishing of friendly relations

Rebuff: v. to refuse bluntly, reject sharply, turn down abruptly, snub or spurn

Reconcile: v. to make friendly again, restore friendly relations between, settle,

resolve, bring into harmony or agreement
Recrimination: n. a countercharge or counteraccusation
Recrudescence: n. a revival, renewal, fresh outbreak after a period of inactivity or
Recur: v. to happen again, occur again, especially at intervals or after some lapse of
Redoubtable: adj. formidable, fearsome, arousing awe or dread; hence, worthy of
or commanding respect
Redress: n. reparation, compensation, satisfaction for a wrong done
Refractory: adj. stubborn and disobedient, actively resisting authority or control,
unruly, impossible to work with or manage
Refulgent: adj. shining brightly, brilliant, radiant, resplendent
Remonstrate: v. to object, protest, reprove, rebuke, argue or plead against
Remuneration: n. payment, compensation, or reward
Renaissance: n. a revival, rebirth, resurgence, renewal of life or vigor

Replete: adj. fully or richly supplied, well-stocked, chock-full, filled to capacity

Reprobate: adj. thoroughly bad, wicked, corrupt, morally abandoned, lacking all
sense of decency and duty
Repudiate: v. to reject, cast off, disown, renounce, refuse to accept as one's own;
also to reject as false, deny the authority of, refuse to accept as true
Rescind: v. to cancel, take back, take away, remove; also, to render void, annul,
Resolute: adj. firmly determined or settled, resolved, having a set opinion or
purpose, steadfast, unwavering, persevering
Retort: n. a quick reply, especially one that is cutting or witty
Ribald: adj. humorous in a mildly indecent, coarse, or vulgar way
Risible: adj. provoking or capable of provoking laughter
Rodomontade: n. arrogant boasting or bragging
Ruminate: v. to turn over in the mind, think about again and again, consider
carefully or at length

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Verbal Advantage Summary

Sagacious: adj. wise, shrewd, perceptive; showing sound judgment and keen
insight, especially in practical matters
Salient: adj. conspicuous, noticeable, prominent; sticking or jutting out

Salubrious: adj. healthful, wholesome, favorable or conducive to well-being.

Sanctimonious: adj. self-righteous; holier-than-thou; characterized by insincere or

affected righteousness, virtuousness, or religious piety
Sanction: v. to approve, allow, permit, authorize, certify, ratify
Sanguine: adj. confident, cheerful, hopeful, optimistic
Saturated: adj. soaked, thoroughly wet, full of moisture
Saturnalia: n. an orgy, licentious merrymaking, unrestrained revelry.

Saturnine: adj. gloomy, sullen, or somber in appearance, manner, or temperament

Scarify: v. to wound the feelings of; make cutting remarks about; distress by
criticizing sharply

Sciamachy: n. shadow-boxing; the act of fighting a shadow or an imaginary enemy

Sciolist: n. a person who has only superficial knowledge of a subject, or who

pretends to have knowledge
Scurrilous: adj. foul-mouthed, obscene; using or expressed in language that is
coarse, vulgar, and abusive
Senescent: adj. aging, growing old, on the decline
Sinecure: n. a position that provides a good income or salary but that requires
little or no work; in colloquial terms, a cushy job
Solicitous: adj. concerned, showing care and attention, especially in a worried,
anxious, or fearful way
Sonorous: adj. resonant; deep, full and rich in sound; having, or capable of
producing, a powerful, impressive sound
Sophistry: n. deceptive reasoning, subtle and misleading argument
Specious: adj. appearing to be true, genuine, or correct but actually false or
deceptive; superficially just or reasonable but not so in reality
Spendthrift: adj. wasteful, spending extravagantly or foolishly, squandering one's
Sporadic: adj. occasional, infrequent, irregular, not constant, happening from time
to time, occurring in a scattered or random way
Spurious: adj. false, counterfeit, artificial; not true, authentic, or genuine
Squalid: adj. dirty and run-down as a result of poverty or neglect, foul or filthy
from lack of care, wretched, miserable, degraded
Stigma: n. a mark of shame or disgrace, a moral blemish, a stain on one's
character or reputation
Stoic: adj. showing no feelings, unemotional, unaffected by pleasure or pain,
bearing pain or suffering without complaint
Stolid: adj. not easily moved, aroused, or excited; showing little or no feeling or
sensitivity; mentally or emotionally dull, insensitive, or obtuse
Stricture: n. a criticism, critical comment, especially an unfavorable or hostile
observation or remark
Strident: adj. loud and harsh-sounding, grating, shrill

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Verbal Advantage Summary

Subjugate: v. to conquer, defeat, vanquish, overwhelm completely, bring under

rigid control, make submissive, dominate, enslave
Subterfuge: n. a deception, trick, underhanded scheme

Succor: v. to aid, help, relieve, give assistance to in time of need or difficulty

Superannuated: adj. retired because of age, weakness, or ineffectiveness; old and

worn out; outdated, outmoded, obsolete
Supercilious: adj. haughty, proud, scornful, contemptuous, disdainful
Supine: adj. lying down on the back, with the face turned upward
Supplicate: v. to ask, beg, or plead for humbly and earnestly
Supposition: n. an assumption, theory, hypothesis
Suppurate: v. to fester, form or discharge pus
Surfeit: v. to supply, fill, or feed to excess, especially to the point of discomfort,
sickness, or disgust

Surreptitious: adj. stealthy, characterized by secrecy and caution; done, made,

obtained, or enjoyed in a secret and often sly or shifty manner, so as to avoid notice

Susurrus: n. a soft, subdued sound; a whispering, murmuring, muttering, or

rustling sound
Sycophant: n. a flatterer, parasite, toady, fawning follower, hanger-on
Tacit: adj. unspoken, silent, implied or understood without words
Taciturn: adj. silent, not talkative, holding one's tongue, reserved,
uncommunicative, reticent

Tangential: adj. not closely related, only slightly connected, digressive, divergent

Tantamount: adj. equivalent; having equal force, effect, or value

Tawdry: adj. cheap and showy, gaudy, garish, sleazy
Temerity: n. recklessness, rashness, foolhardiness; reckless disregard for danger,
risk, or consequences

Tenable: adj. defensible, reasonable; able to be defended, maintained, or upheld

Tenuous: adj. thin, slender, slight, flimsy, weak, not dense or substantial, lacking a
strong basis

Tergiversation: adj. desertion; specifically, the act of deserting something to which

one was previously loyal, such as a cause, a party, or a religious faith

Terse: adj. brief and to the point, free of superfluous words, expressed in a pointed
and polished way
Tirade: n. a long drawn out speech, especially a vehement and abusive one

Traduce: v. to publicly disgrace or humiliate by making false and malicious

statements; to make a mockery of; to expose to public ridicule or contempt

Transient: adj. temporary, passing away with time, lasting only a short while,
momentary, fleeting, short-lived
Transitory: adj. passing, temporary, fleeting, not permannt or enduring

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Verbal Advantage Summary

Transmute: v. to transform; specifically, to change from one nature, form, or

substance into another, especially to a higher, better, or more refined one

Trenchant: adj. keen, penetrating, vigorously effective, sharp and to the point

Triturate: v. to grind, crush, or pound into fine particles or powder

Troglodyte: n. a cave dweller; also, a person who lives or behaves in a primitive
manner, or who lives in seclusion
Truculent: adj. fierce, ferocious, especially in a brutal, bullying, threatening, or
aggressively defiant way
Truncate: v. to cut short, shorten by cutting or lopping off
Turbid: adj. literally, muddy, clouded, roiled, murky, as if from stirred-up
sediment; figuratively, muddled, obscure, confused, not lucid
Ubiquitous: adj. existing or seeming to exist everywhere at the same time
Umbrage: n. offense, resentment
Uncanny: adj. eerie, strange, weird, mysterious

Unequivocal: adj. clear and direct, definite, straightforward, certain, having a

single, obvious meaning, capable of being interpreted in only one way

Unprecedented: adj. unheard of, novel, new, having no precedent or parallel,

having no prior example
Unscrupulous: adj. untrustworthy, dishonorable, deceitful, corrupt, lacking
integrity or moral principles
Urbane: adj. polished, sophisticated, suave, cosmopolitan
Vacillate: v. to waver, fluctuate, be indecisive, show uncertainty, hesitate in making
up one's mind
Vacuous: adj. empty, vacant; devoid of substance, interest, intelligence, expression,
or meaning
Vanguard: n. the forefront of an action or movement, leading position or persons
in a movement
Vapid: adj. lifeless, dull, boring, flat, stale; lacking spirit, interest, or flavor
Variegated: adj. in a broad sense, varied, diverse, showing variety of character or
form; in a strict sense, spotted, streaked, or dappled; having marks or patches of
different colors
Venal: adj. corruptible, bribable, capable of being bribed or bought off, able to be
obtained for a price
Vendetta: n. a bitter, protracted feud or rivalry
Venerate: v. to respect deeply, revere, regard with awe and adoration
Venial: adj. excusable, forgivable, pardonable, able to be overlooked

Verbose: adj. wordy, having too many words, long-winded, full of verbiage

Vernacular: n. the native language of a people, especially, the common, everyday

language of ordinary people as opposed to the literary or cultured language

Vernal: adj. pertaining to spring, occurring in the spring; also, having the qualities
of spring: fresh, warm, and mild
Vicissitude: n. a change, variation

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Vilify: v. to defame, slander, attack with vicious, abusive language

Vindicate: v. to clear from blame, free from suspicion of wrongdoing or dishonor,
uphold or maintain the truth or innocence of something or someone in the face of
criticism or imputations of guilt
Vindictive: adj. seeking or wanting revenge, vengeful, characterized by a desire to
get even
Vitiate: v. to corrupt, spoil, ruin, contaminate, impair the quality of, make faulty or
impure; also, to weaken morally, defile, debase
Volatile: adj. changeable, unstable, inconstant, likely to change or shift rapidly and
Volition: n. will, choice, decision, determination
Voluble: adj. talkative, talking much and easily, characterized by a great and
continuous flow of words
Waive: v. to relinquish voluntarily, give up, forgo
Warrant: v. to justify, give good reason for, authorize, sanction
Wizened: adj. dried up, shriveled, withered, shrunken and wrinkled

Wry: adj. twisted, crooked, lopsided, askew, distorted in an odd, amusing way

Xenophobia: n. fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners, or of anything strange or


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