Sap Eng 3 Tarbiyah
Sap Eng 3 Tarbiyah
Sap Eng 3 Tarbiyah
Department : TARBIYAH
Course Title : English 3
Course Code :
Semester :3
Total of Meetings : 16
Meeting :1
A. Educational Objectives
1. General Educational Objectives : Students acquire the ability on how to
produce simple and complex sentences in acceptable language use
and understand both spoken and written English references.
2. Specific Instructional Objectives : students know and are able to give examples of
ethics in the class
Department : TARBIYAH
Course Title : English 3
Course Code :
Semester :3
Total of Meetings : 16
Meeting :2
A. Educational Objectives
1. General Educational Objectives : Students acquire
the ability on how to produce simple and
complex sentences in acceptable language
use and understand both spoken and written
English references.
2. Specific Instructional Objectives : students know and are able to create a good paragraph
Department : TARBIYAH
Course Title : English 3
Course Code :
Semester :3
Total of Meetings : 16
Meeting :3
A. Educational Objectives
1. General Educational Objectives : Students acquire the ability on how to
produce simple and complex sentences in
acceptable language use and understand both
spoken and written English references.
2. Specific Instructional Objectives : students know and are able to understand a procedure
Department : TARBIYAH
Course Title : English 3
Course Code :
Semester :3
Total of Meetings : 16
Meeting :4
A. Educational Objectives
1. General Educational Objectives : Students acquire the ability on how to produce
simple and complex sentences in acceptable language use and
understand both spoken and written English references.
2. Specific Instructional Objectives : students know and are able to create a good paragraph