Sap Eng 3 Tarbiyah

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Department : TARBIYAH
Course Title : English 3
Course Code :
Semester :3
Total of Meetings : 16
Meeting :1

A. Educational Objectives
1. General Educational Objectives : Students acquire the ability on how to
produce simple and complex sentences in acceptable language use
and understand both spoken and written English references.
2. Specific Instructional Objectives : students know and are able to give examples of
ethics in the class

B. Main Topic : Ethics

C. Sub Topic : Ethics in the Classroom
D. Method of Learning : Presentation, discussion, task-based learning
E. Learning Activities :

Stage Activities Students' activities Teaching Media

Introduction Talking about ethics Students listen to the LCD Projector/white
explanations. board
Presentation and skill Giving explanations on Students listen to the LCD Projector/white
practice 1. the outline of the explanation. board
course Students discuss
2. the concept of ethics interesting topics from
3. its examples the explanation.
Students raise
Closing Checking students' Students sum up the White board
understanding on the lesson.
lesson by summing up
the lesson.

F. Evaluation : Giving questions (oral and written)

G. References : articles from the internet

Pekalongan, September 2015

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris


Department : TARBIYAH
Course Title : English 3
Course Code :
Semester :3
Total of Meetings : 16
Meeting :2

A. Educational Objectives
1. General Educational Objectives : Students acquire
the ability on how to produce simple and
complex sentences in acceptable language
use and understand both spoken and written
English references.
2. Specific Instructional Objectives : students know and are able to create a good paragraph

B. Main Topic : Educational Activities

C. Sub Topic : Writing a paragraph
D. Method of Learning : Presentation, discussion, task-based learning
E. Learning Activities :

Stage Activities Students' activities Teaching Media

Introduction Talking about paragraph Students listen to the LCD Projector/white
explanations. board
Presentation and skill Giving explanations on Students listen to the LCD Projector/white
practice 1. the objective of the explanation. board
course Students discuss
interesting topics from
2. the concept of the explanation.
paragraph Students work in groups
3. how to make a good
Closing Checking students' Students sum up the White board
understanding on the lesson.
lesson by summing up
the lesson.

F. Evaluation : Giving questions (oral and written)

G. References : articles from the internet

Pekalongan, September 2015

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris


Department : TARBIYAH
Course Title : English 3
Course Code :
Semester :3
Total of Meetings : 16
Meeting :3

A. Educational Objectives
1. General Educational Objectives : Students acquire the ability on how to
produce simple and complex sentences in
acceptable language use and understand both
spoken and written English references.
2. Specific Instructional Objectives : students know and are able to understand a procedure

B. Main Topic : Understanding text

C. Sub Topic : Procedure text
D. Method of Learning : Presentation, discussion, task-based learning
E. Learning Activities :

Stage Activities Students' activities Teaching Media

Introduction Talking about paragraph Students listen to the LCD Projector/white
explanations. board
Presentation and skill Giving explanations on Students listen to the LCD Projector/white
practice 4. the objective of the explanation. board
course Students discuss
interesting topics from
5. the concept of the explanation.
procedure text Students work in groups
6. how to understand a
procedure text
Closing Checking students' Students sum up the White board
understanding on the lesson.
lesson by summing up
the lesson.

F. Evaluation : Giving questions (oral and written)

G. References : articles from the internet

Pekalongan, September 2015

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris


Department : TARBIYAH
Course Title : English 3
Course Code :
Semester :3
Total of Meetings : 16
Meeting :4

A. Educational Objectives
1. General Educational Objectives : Students acquire the ability on how to produce
simple and complex sentences in acceptable language use and
understand both spoken and written English references.
2. Specific Instructional Objectives : students know and are able to create a good paragraph

B. Main Topic : Educational Activities

C. Sub Topic : Writing a paragraph
D. Method of Learning : Presentation, discussion, task-based learning
E. Learning Activities :

Stage Activities Students' activities Teaching Media

Introduction Talking about paragraph Students listen to the LCD Projector/white
explanations. board
Presentation and skill Giving explanations on Students listen to the LCD Projector/white
practice 7. the objective of the explanation. board
course Students discuss
interesting topics from
8. the concept of the explanation.
paragraph Students work in groups
9. how to make a good
Closing Checking students' Students sum up the White board
understanding on the lesson.
lesson by summing up
the lesson.

F. Evaluation : Giving questions (oral and written)

G. References : articles from the internet

Pekalongan, September 2015

Tim Dosen Bahasa Inggris

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