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resesseney JT. race snnmen 7 losre 16/05/01 PFA. ENGINEERING Jesse: pesicn sucer4 loncxcoey [JS onc WING SPANWISE LIFT DISTRIBUTION: SCHRENK APPROXIMATION. One of the most important jobs to be carried out when designing an aircraft is to calculate the strength of the wing in bending, so that the main spar and wing attachment fittings caw he size* The spar bending loads are derived through the caleulation sf shear force and bending moznent diagrams. The tenm shear force reivz to the vertical is on ihe wing, goncrated by wing lif and wing weight. The term bending moment refers to the inczents generated along the spar caused by these shear forces acting at a distance from the load reaction points along the ‘wing (wing root, strut locations, ete) To be able to calculate the loads on the wing, an assumption has to be made about how the lift forces generated by the wing are distributed along the wing-span. The most aerodynamically efficient wing (for minimum induced drag) will have an elliptical distribution of lift along the span, with zero lift generated at the tip and maximum lift generated at the aircraft centre-line. Most practical wing geometries have a spanwise lift distribution approaching ical, but with relatively small variations in spanwise lift distribution due to wing planform. Wing twist, flap deployment and changes in aerofoil section along the wing will effect the lift distribution along the span, and these effects should be taken into account where appropriate Careful thought must be given when choosing a lift distribution approximation. ‘The most often used method is the Schrenk approximation, where the spanwise lift distribution is assumed to be a variation on elliptical. This method will be demonstrated in this data sheet. However, before ploughing into the Schrenk distribution calculation, thought should be given to the type of structure you are looking a. If you have a cantilever monoplane, then the Schrenk distribution method will be a satisfactory and useful technique. Ifthe aircraft isa biplane, ora strut braced monoplane, then more thought should be given, and often a much simpler assumption of tit distribution is acceptable and much more useful from the stressing point of view. This is because the extemal bracing of the structure results in compression in the wing spars, which then act as “beam columns". That is, the spars will be under combined compression and bending and will require special techniques for finding stresses in these components. Most often, these techniques will be based on uniformly ¥ Monee GLete DysteGsTeD Lire 2 aw Aten 06 Guten tanong, 2 axl, en of Use = Tod, Use SCHEME AeA Tae & Tem atone Tat eal, « aw a mY, gay Figure 1 1 ‘The Schrenk Approximation The Schrenk method relies on the fact that the distribution of lift across the span of an unswept wing does not differ ‘much from elliptic, even for a highly non-elliptic planform. The process required is therefore to create an ell planform over a wing semi-span, and then modify it by considering the wing chord variation atong the wing, The first step isto consider the wing without any washout, just looking at the wing planform. {find this the ideal application for a computer spreadsheet. Once setup, the spreadsheet will be there forall design iterations. What we are about to do isto find the lift coefficient distribution along the span assuming an aircraft lift coefficient of 1. Based on these result, we will eventually factor this lift coefficient distribution by whatever aireraft lift coefficient wwe have to obiain the true lift coefficient, and hence lift distribution. Draft Report. PFA Ulsir Ltd accepts no liability what-so-ever from use of these data sheets or the data held within them. In particular, this data sheet is in draft form only, and may need correction. 48. f_(2xV mY ipse teigh: 3 Draw a line averaging the two plots. coefficient for a global lift coefficient, Cy = 1.0. DESIGN EXAMPLE Jeraneoov JT lscemamcn 3 bare 16/05/01 P.F.A. ENGINEERING | hero: pesign SHEET 4 Method 1. Construct a quarer ellipse with a length equal tthe semi-span The height ofthe ellipse is given by the equation: 4s = aircraft contre line Height = —~ (Up) tthe siteratt cents tine Height =) where $= wing area, b= wing span, y = distance along span from aircraft centre-line Plot this against span location, y, on a graph, and add to this a plot of the wing chord, This will generate a curve showing the parameter eC, where ¢ is the local wing chord and Cis the local lift Columns are numbered 1 to 6. The equations used in each column are as follows: WING ROOT ‘Table 1. Schrenk Approximation. SPAR D wor WING AR iS SeSISOFT—] Span b Wing area § Wing Chord (1) Choose a numberof spanwise locations a a a Forexample inthis aicaf the wing root joint is 15 inches outboard from the centre STATION] 275 Tine, Hence have chosen a pont a station 15. WW) an SCRENK| UNIT] Apart fom these poins ofneress you may vant ING TH CHORD [ELLIPSE] ccla | ~Ca—| topace a point at sah ib, vos hove servi vere the ibs are going. This will enable you to Hag io 300 S.c0er +9 ee add discrete loads at each rib later on in the oat — tn Str —tSe S20 op ato One ie cnet eet — Sez} — 22H 7a] tel O88] sar wing the ands willbe inet nto he ae a SO rer aush Os lnetan, There ey SL —Uaeet — sed — ssert — Sent — 2869 Fave boon chosen to produce vice rhe [sso —0:748| —2 76) 2.070] —2 58) —t 059 80.0] 0.702] 2.89] 3.175] 3.035|__1.048) | (2) = 2x (IM(12 xb) 750] —035e| 031 —3'3set —3.rorl 1.0 a : Bote — et a 33381024 (3) Wing chord at each span locaton 500] 0.420] 36a] 008] see] —T oe a 40.0 0.361] 3.05] 4.1731 —a sof 1.09 in 3 300] —026al 421] —aool anes) tor] @) Ellipse = = (1-2) 3500210 a sat —a aol a aee| —t ont 200] 0.173] —aa7| 4.387] ano] — 0.9 ‘90a. —40if —asiel asi] 9800 oc, - G)+(4) ‘0.0| 0.000] 5.00] 4.486) 4.728) —o.sae| (5) a 2 © — -6va) Note that the odd 12 has crept in to convert Draft Report. PFA Ulair Ltd accepts no liability what-so-ever from use ofthese data sheets or the data held within them. In particular, this data sheet is in draft form only, and may need correction,

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