Subsituted by F.D. Notification No. 389-IV-R-II-66, dated 26.2.66.
placed at his disposal he, and not the absent Government servant
will draw the allowance.
Inserted by F.D. Notification No. 2266-639-IV-R-I, dated 16.7.63.
Provided that-
Substituted by F.D. Notification No. 284-R-331-IV-R-I, dated 21.3.70.
(iv) the capital cost, however calculated, shall not take into
consideration (1) any charges on account of establishment
and tools and plant other than such as were actually charged
direct to the work in cases in which the residence was
constructed by Government, or (2) in other cases, the
estimated amount of such charges;
The substantive part of the rule provides that for the purpose
of the assessment of licence fee the capital cost of a residence shall
be either-
Notes.- (1) For the purpose of sub-clauses (a) and (b) above, the
addition for both ordinary and special maintenance and repairs,
shall not include anything for the establishment and tools and plant
charges, except to the extent allowed under proviso (iv) to clause
Substituted by F.D. Notification No. 1369-CR-1600-IV-R-I, dated 16.9.66.
Rate of interest. A.G.I. The rates of interest given in the following table
should be applied in calculating the Standard licence Fee of
residences, under clause III (b) of Fundamental Rules 45-A and 45-
Date of accquisition or Rate of interest
construction of the residence
Building Building
occupied on occupied
or before the after the 19th
19th June June 1922
Substituted by F.D. Notification No. 929-CR-820-IV-R-I, dated 2.5.62.
(i) at any time after the standard licence fees have been
calculated under the provisions of clause III above, group a
number of residences, whether in a particular area or of a
particular class or classes for the purpose of assessment of
licence Fee subject to the following conditions being fulfilled:-
(2) that the amount taken from any officer shall not exceed
10 per cent of his monthly emoluments;
(6) who does not vacate the residence after the cancellation
of allotment.
[(d) (i) where the standard licence fee of a residence cannot
be determined for reasons to be recorded in writing at the
Inserted by F.D. Notification No. 1930-CR-2381-IV-R-I, dated 26.10.63.
(ii) the licence fee so fixed shall remain effective till the
standard licence fee for that building is determined on
completion of the building and will not be increased in any
case during the interim period.]
A- Service
Indian Civil Service
Indian Police.
Indian Agricultural Service.
Indian Educational Service.
Indian Forest Service.
Indian Forest Engineering Service.
Indian Medical Service (Civil).
Indian Service of Engineers.
Indian Veterinary Service.
Indian Audit and Accounts Service.
Superior Service Officer of the Military Accounts
(Department of Mints and Assay Department).
Imperial Customs Service.
Superior Telegraph Engineering and Wireless Branches
of Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department.
Geological Survey of India (Director, Superintendent,
Assistant Superindents and Chemists).
Indian Meteorological service (Director-General of
Observatories and Meteorologists.)
Department of Mines in India.
Archaeological Department .
Zoological Survey of India.
Survey of India, Class 1.
Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment.
Political Department of the Government of India.
Medical Research Department (Excluding Indian
Medical Service Officers).
Opium Department excluding officers who joined the
Department after the 2nd April 1907.
Bengal Pilot Service.
1. Indian Posts and Telegraph Department -
(i) In the postal department -
Deputy Director General.
Postmasters General.
Deputy Postmaster General.
Assistant Directors General.
Presidency Postmasters (including
Postmaster, Rangoon).
(ii) In the Telegraph Traffic Branch-
Deputy Director General.
Assistant Director General.
First Division of Superior Traffic Branch.
II. For the purposes of sub -clause (b) of clause III, the
capital cost of a residence owned by Government shall not include
the cost or value of such special services and installations
(including furniture, tennis courts and sanitary, water-supply or
electric installations and fittings) as it may contain and shall be
Provided that-
(iv) the capital cost, howsoever calculated, shall not take into
consideration (1) any charges on account of establishment and
tools and plant other than such as were actually charged direct to
the work in cases in which the residence was constructed by
Government, or (2) in other cases, the estimated amount of such
Substituted by F.D. Notification No.1369-CR-1600-IV-R-I, dated 16.4.66.
(i) at any time, after the standard licence fee have been
calculated under the provisions of clause III above,
group a number of residences, whether in a particular
area or of a particular class or classes for the purpose
of assessment of licence fee subject to the following
conditions being fulfilled:-
Inserted by F.D. Notification No. 929-CR-820-IV-R-I, dated 2.5.62.
Inserted by F.D. Notification No. 1930-CR-2381-IV-R-I, dated 26.10.63.
Emoluments for F.R.45-C. For the purpose of rules 45-A and 45-B
purposes of
recovery of emoluments mean-
licence fee.
(i) Pay;
Inserted by F.D. Notification No. 703-3695-76-R-I-IV, dated 14.6.77.
Inserted by F.D. Notification No.773-104-IV-R-I-69, dated 30.6.69.
Inserted by F.D. Notification No. 51/R-2295/R-I/81/IV, dated 12.1.81.
Substituted by F.D. Notification No. 228-2791-IV-R-I, dated 11.12.66.
L.G.R. For the purpose of rule 45-C (ii) only that portion of
the fees received by a Government servant which he is allowed to
retain for himself should count as 'emoluments.'
Inserted by F.D. Notification No. 809-119-IV-R-I, dated 24.3.60.
Inserted by F.D. Notification No. 4776-IV-R-II, dated 13.8.60.
Inserted by F.D. Notification No.277 P.K. 316-IV-R-2-71, dated 5.2.71.
A.G.I. 1. The rule requires that the reasons for the grant Reasons to be
should be recorded in writing, as it is intended that the grant of an
honorarium or fee should be carefully controlled by Government
and scrutinized by audit, and that audit should be given an effective
opportunity of comment if it be deemed necessary. Audit officers
may, therefore, require that the reasons for the grant of an
honorarium or fee should be communicated to them in each case.
Powers to frame F.R. 47. Subject to the provisions of the rules made by the
rules regarding
grant of Governor-General in Council under rule 46-A a local Government
honoraria. may make rules prescribing the conditions and limits subject to
which authorities subordinate to it may sanction the grant or
acceptance of honoraria, and the acceptance of fees, other than the
acceptance of fees by medical officers in civil employ for
professional attendence.
S.R. 2. A Government servant may not, without the previous Sanction required
to undertaking
sanction of the local Government undertake any work not work.
connected with his public duties for which a fee is offered.
Inserted by F.D. Notification No. 886-506-IV-R-II, dated 5-5-1967.
slaughter houses and to accept fees therefor from the funds of the
local bodies subject to the following conditions:-
(2) that the total fee offered for the work does not
exceed Rs. 25 per mensem.
Examination work Exception 4. - In the following cases no sanction is required
for which fee or is
offered. either for undertaking the work or accepting a fee therefor:-
Inserted by F.D. Notification No.886-506-IV-R-II-67, dated 5.5.67.
Insert ed by F.D. Notification No.1510-CR-105-IV-R-II, dated 5.4.61.
Inserted by F.D. Notification No.5112-IV-R-III, dated 21.11.61.
are fixed by the court, provided he obtains the sanction of the head
of department to the acceptance of the fees.
Note.- (1) This rule does not apply to the acceptance of fee by
medical officer in civil employ for services other than professional
attendance. Such fees will be regulated by the orders issued under
Fundamental Rule 46-A and those contained in Appendix XXXIV
to the Madhya Pradesh Medical Mannual.
Inserted by F.D. Notification No.F.B> 1-75-R-IV-, dated 11.11.75 effective from 1.10.75.
(4) The rule is not applicable in the case of fees received under the
existing convention when the services of a Governmet servant are
lent by one Government to another for a short priod [c.f. para 3 of
State Government Order (ii-A) under direction 2 in Section I of
Appendix II, Financial Rules, Volume II.]
Inserted by F.D. Notification No. F.B.1-1-76-R-II-IV, dated 27-1-1976.
Substituted by F.D. Notification No. 648-3583-IV-R-II, dated 6.2.61.
(ii) the extent to which the inventor has used the facilities
provided at Government expenses;
(iii) whether the results are of such a nature that they should
be published instead of being patented;
13. If the Government are satisfied that the invention has not
connection whatever with the inventor's official duties, or does not
fall within a technical field of activity of the department concerned
they will, if the inventor has applied for permission to take out a
patent, grant him the permission under Fundamental Rule 48-A
without any restriction.
(ii) the condition that the inventor will not assign or deal with
or grant licences to any person without obtaining the prior
permission of the Government.
Request for permission to file an application for a patent
accompanied by a Provisional Specification direct to the
Patent Office.
Date ........................................................................
Inventor's Signature, Designation
My/Our address for service .......................................... in
the Dominion of India is ...............................................
Permission granted.
Date ................. Signature of the Head of the
Research Organisation, Designation.
Received one copy. Signature of Inventor or Inventors.
Date ...............
[Govt. of the C.P. & Berar Commerce & Industry Dept. Memo
No.3984-1453-VII, dated 6-7-1948]