Sumerian Gods

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Sumerian Gods & Goddesses


- A sky god, the cuneiform symbol for this god, "Dingir," was the same as
that for heaven and for divinity in general, reflecting his prominence in the
Sumerian pantheon. He was generally regarded as the offspring of Uras, or
alternately of Ansar and Kisar. In general terms, he is viewed as the product
of the primordial heaven/earth which preceded the created world. His wife is
Antum, though some regarded Ki to be his bride. He is generally viewed as
the 'father' of the all the gods. An's function in mythological and theological
texts is primarily one of authority. As the apex of the divine hierarchy, his
command is 'the very foundation of heaven and earth.' In heaven, his
authority allowed him to 'raise up' other gods to positions of greater
importance. On earth, he conferred the power of kingship. His dynamic role
in the cosmos, however, faded with time, as primordial deities were
superseded by more developed divine personalities. His authority, however,
remained, and is often invoked by more active deities in support of their own

- Husband of the Goddess Inanna, His name literally means "rightful son"
(though it has been suggested that a more correct interpretation would be
'quickener of the young [in the mother's womb]'). Son of the sheep-goddess
Duttur, he was sometimes also known as Ama-usumgal-ana. His sister was
Gestinana. A shepherd-god, Dumuzi "died" each year in an aetiological
representation of the passing of the seasons. This passing was explained in
the myths "Inanna's Descent", and "The Death of Dumuzi", wherein Inanna
chose her consort as her substitute for the underworld upon learning of his
failure to properly mourn her passing. The ritual re-unification of Inanna and
Dumuzi each year, in a ceremony known as the 'Sacred Marriage,' was
thought to have been integral to the fertility of vegetation and animals, as
well as mankind. Dumuzi is one of the more complex figures in Sumerian
mythology. As a 'mortal' being (the 'shepherd'), his fate is death. However,
in his union with Inanna, he enters into an intimate relationship with the
great gods. Thereby deified, he stands between man and gods, between life
and death. This inherent tension was, however, merely a reflection of the
seasonal cycle itself; as new life emerged and flourished each year, only to
die back with the passing of the year.

- Enki, son of An and Nammu, was the god of the subterranean freshwater
ocean (the "abzu", sometimes referred to as the "apsu"). His name can be
taken to mean "Lord Earth," but "ki" can also refer to 'the below' in the two-
tiered cosmic structure, in opposition to "an": heaven. Enki is also a god of
wisdom, a faculty which included practical skills (such as arts and crafts),
intellectual faculties, the ability to "decree fates", and the command of
magical powers. Enki was one of the major Mesopotamian gods, holding a
rank just below An and Enlil (and competing for this third position, at times,
with Ninhursag). His most important cult centers were E-abzu and E-engura
at Eridu. As a provider of fresh water, and a creator god and determiner of
destinies, Enki was always seen as favorable to mankind. In the Atrahasis
myth, for example, it was Enki's intercession which saved mankind from the
flood and pestilence ordered by Enlil. He is sometimes referred to as
Nudimmud or Ninsiku. His wife is Damgaknuna/Damkina. Among his children
are Asarluhi, Enbilulu, Adapa, and Nanse. His symbols include the goatfish,
the tortoise, a ram-headed staff, and a ship or similar vessel overflowing
with water

- Enlil is one of the most important gods of the Mesopotamian pantheon.

Sometimes he is said to be the offspring of An, and brother of the birth-
goddess Aruru. He is also, however, sometimes described as the descendant
of Enki and Ninki ("Lord" and "Lady Earth," not to be confused with the deity
Enki). Yet a third tradition attributes his birth to the primeval water-goddess
Nammu. His wife is Ninlil (see the myth "Enlil and Ninlil"). Among his
prominent offspring are Inanna, Adad, Nanna, Nergal, Ninurta, and Utu. The
personality of Enlil is very complex. It is not certain what the Sumerian
element "lil" originally stood for. It has had meanings as diverse as 'air,' and
'spirit.' He is the lord who 'determines the fates,' a function he shares with
the god Enki. It was Enlil who was said to have separated the primordial
heaven/earth, thus bringing forth the created universe. On a cosmic level,
while Enki's realm was below (the abzu), and An ruled above (the heavens),
Enlil's realm was the earth and the spheres of the winds and weather above
it. Enlil was responsible for all aspects of life: fertility and prosperity, as well
as famine and catastrophe. His great cult center was the temple E-kur at
Nippur. He is sometimes also referred to as Nunamnir.

- 'Queen of The Great Below,' Ereskigal was likely the underworld aspect of
Ninlil, wife of Enlil, who followed her husband to the underworld following his
banishment by the Anunnaki. She is said to be the sister of Inanna, and
mother of Ninazu and Nungal. In later traditions she was wed to the
underworld god Nergal, though earlier traditions had Nergal usurping her
rule in the underworld sans wedding (see "Nergal and Ereskigal"). She is
sometimes also referred to as Allatu or Laz.

- The goddess Inanna was the most important female deity of ancient
Mesopotamia. The etymology of her name is uncertain; but by the end of the
third millennium B.C. it was taken to derive from : "Lady of
Heaven." Also known as Innin, her epithets reflect her broad role in the
pantheon: Ninmesarra - "Queen of all the Me," a title making her one of the
most influential deities in the world of gods and men; Nu-ugiganna - "the
Hierodule of Heaven," a projection of her erotic functions to the cosmic
scale; and Usunzianna - "Exalted Cow of Heaven," she who provides life and
sustenance to the land. In this aspect, it was Inanna who yearly reunited
symbolically with her consort Dumuzi to restore life and fertility in the land.
This cycle, known as the Sacred Marriage, was a common theme in songs
sung in her praise. Inanna represented the force of sexual reproduction and
the power of the passions so incited. This passion finds its compliment in her
martial character, 'the heroic champion, the destroyer of foreign lands,
foremost in battle.' She was the daughter of the moon-god Nanna (though
some traditions held her to be the daughter of An). Her sister was the
netherworld goddess Ereskigal. Inanna's beast was the lion. Her usual
symbol was the star or star disk (though it may also have been the rosette).
Lilit h

- Lilith is listed here in hopes it will help dispel some common confusion
regarding this personage. Some modern neo-pagan groups, particularly
those with feminist leanings, have deified Lilith - consciously molding her
into a kind of archetypal-feminist goddess. The simple fact, however, is that
lilith is not a deity. In fact, Lilith is not an individual at all, but rather a class
of ancient near-eastern demons. To quote "Gods, Demons, and Symbols of
Ancient Mesopotamia,":

The male lilu and two females lilitu and ardat-lili are a sort of family group of
They are not gods.

The only appearance of a Lilith in Mesopotamian mythology was in "Inanna

and The Huluppa Tree," wherein it was portrayed as an evil demon which
had infested Inanna's Huluppa tree, until forcibly driven out by Gilgamesh.

- Primeval mother-goddess, Nammu's sign was usually written with the sign
"en-gur;" the same sign used to denote the abzu: the underground sweet
waters which brought life to the land. It was from her ancient waters that
Enlil was said, in some traditions, to have been brought forth. She was also
said to be the mother of Enki (as well as the mother of the 'Great Gods' in
Nan na

- Son of Ninlil and 'first-born' of Enlil, Nanna was the Sumerian moon-god.
Resigned to live in the underworld due to his father's banishment by the
Anunnaki (see "Enlil and Ninlil") his place there was taken by his brothers
Nergal, Ninazu, and Enbilulu. He must still, however, spend three days each
month (at the time of the new moon) in the underworld, standing judgment
over the dead. He also had a strong connection with fertility, likely due to
the association of the lunar and menstrual cycles. Because the lunar-
crescent (his symbol) so strongly resembles bull's horns, this connection was
especially strong with cattle. Nanna's wife was the goddess Ningal, with
whom he fathered the sun-god Utu and the goddess Inanna. He was also
known as Suen (and occasionally Nanna-Suen), as well as Asumbabbar,
Namrasit, and Inbu. His major cult center was the temple E-kis-nu-gal at Ur.

- Her name is written with a composite sign for "house" and "fish." Like
Nammu, she is associated with water, though specifically with rivers and
canals (quite a few of which were named after her). She was known as the
'fishery inspector' (see "Enki and The World Order"). She was regarded as a
daughter of Enki, and a sister of Ningirsu and Nisaba. Nanse was especially
associated with divination and the interpretation of dreams. She also
appears to have been associated with weights and measures, and the
socially disadvantaged. Her main cult center was in Lagas.

- Nergal was the underworld personification of the sun-god Utu, more

specifically relating to the dark winter months when the sun was thought to
have descended to the great below. As a result, Nergal represented the
more negative aspects of the solar deity: pestilence, famine, disease. These
traits gave rise to an outwardly marshal character: a warrior god whose
wrath at time appears indiscriminate (see, for example "Erra and Ishum").
Born of Enlil and Ninlil, he was usually regarded as the husband of the
underworld goddess Ereskigal (see the myth Enlil and Ninlil). Among his
symbology is the scimitar, and the single or double-headed lion-sceptre. His
main cult center was the temple E-Meslam at Cutha. He was sometimes also
known as Erra (originally a separate deity, but who eventually became so
closely identified with Nergal as to lose his separate character) and
Meslamta-ea ("he who comes forth from Meslam").

- Son of Enlil and Ninlil (see "Enlil and Ninlil"), this god's name means "lord
healer." In this capacity, it was he who was considered the keeper of the
"Water's of Life" which were thought to be found in the underworld, his
primary domain. He was consigned to the great below, along with his
brothers Nergal and Enbilulu, as a substitute for his brother Nanna. Despite
this underworld connection, he appeared to have had some agrarian ties. His
son was the god Ningiszida.

- Also known as Ninmah, she was given the title Ninhursag - "Lady of the
Hursag (The stoney foothills)" by her son Ninurta in the myth Lugal-e. She
was an ancient Sumerian form of the mother-goddess, known as 'mother of
the gods,' and 'mother of all children.' It was Ninhursag who was said to
have been midwife to Nammu at the creation of man. She represents the
innert procreative power of the mother which, though powerful, requires the
union of the male force to be brought to its full potential (see the myth "Enki
and Ninmah"). This was not to diminish her role, but simply a recognition
that neither the female nor the male alone was a fully procreative force. Her
major cult center was probably at Kesh.

- There is no complete evidence for the meaning of this god's name, though
it has been suggested that it may be "Lord Earth," derived from the name of
the primal vegetation deity Uras. Ninurta, son of Enlil, was an ancient
thunder god originally viewed as a personification of the spring storms which
brought life to the lands. This tempestuous aspect of his character
engendered a warlike nature with which he is more commonly identified.
Many myths relate to his martial exploits, mainly directed against the
enemies of Sumer. True to his origins, however, he was also known as the
"Farmer of Enlil." The so-called Sumerian 'Farmer's Almanac,' a compilation
of the annual tasks related to the growing of barley, was called the
'Instructions of Ninurta.' Indeed, the plough is known to be one of the
symbols identified with him. These two aspects of his character were best
reconciled in the myth "Lugal-e," wherein Ninurta defeats the rebellious
stones of the mountain, led by Azag, and thereafter forms the mountainous
foothills (the "Hursag") to keep the annual floodwaters controlled and
contained, thus bringing life-giving waters to Sumer for agriculture and
fishing. He is closely identified with the Lagashite god Ningirsu; and,
although his origin may have been independent, in historical times Ningirsu
was a local form of Ninurta. Ninurta's wife is generally thought to have the
goddess of healing, Gula. However, due to his association with Ningirsu, he
is sometimes paired with the goddess Bau. His main cult center was the
temple E-sumesa at Nippur.

- Utu was the Sumerian sun-god, who rose each morning from the 'interior
of heaven,' and crossed the sky before finally reentering through the bolts in
the west. He represents the brilliant light of the sun, which returns each day
to illuminate the life of mankind, as well as giving beneficial warmth,
allowing the growth of plant and animal life. He was regarded as a god of
truth, justice, and right. Together with the storm-god Adad, he was often
invoked in extispacy rituals. He was the son of Nanna, the moon-god, and
twin brother of the goddess Inanna. His main cult center was at Larsa, in
temple E-Babbar (White House). His symbol was the pruning-saw.

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