Tnfusrc Forester Syllabus PDF
Tnfusrc Forester Syllabus PDF
Tnfusrc Forester Syllabus PDF
language, custom‐India‐as secular state‐Organizations for fine arts, dance, drama,
music‐ Growth of rationalist, Dravidian movement in TN‐Political parties and populist
schemes‐Prominent personalities in the various spheres – Arts, Science, literature and
Philosophy – Mother Teresa, Swami Vivekananda, Pandit Ravishankar ,
M.S.Subbulakshmi, Rukmani Arundel and J.Krishnamoorthy etc.
Unit VII: Aptitude & Mental Ability Tests (includes data analysis)
Conversion of information to data‐Collection, compilation and presentation of data ‐
Tables, graphs, diagrams‐Parametric representation of data‐Analytical interpretation of
data Simplification‐ Percentage‐Highest Common Factor (HCF)‐Lowest Common
Multiple (LCM)‐Ratio and Proportion ‐ Simple interest‐Compound
interest‐Area‐Volume‐ Time and Work‐Behavioral ability ‐Basic terms, Communications
in information technology‐Application of Information and Communication Technology
(ICT)‐ Decision making and problem solving‐Logical Reasoning‐Puzzles‐Dice‐Visual
Reasoning‐Alpha numeric Reasoning‐Number Series‐Logical Number /Alphabetical /
Diagrammatic Sequences.
3 gphpj;bjGJf
4 vjph;r;brhy;iy vLj;bjGJjy;
6 gpiH jpUj;jk;
11 nth;r; brhy;iyf; bfhLj;J - tpidKw;W. tpidbar;rk;. tpidahyiza[k; bgah;. bjhHpw; bgaiu - cUthf;fy;
14 bgah;r;brhy;ypd; tifawpjy;
15 ,yf;fzf; Fwpg;gwpjy;
2: Immune System: Health and its significance, Diseases and causes, Diseases caused by
microbes and Prevention, Modes of transmission, Immunization, Treatment and prevention,
Biotechnology in Medicine, HIV and Prevention
4: Structure and Physiological Functions of Plants: Plant cells, Plant tissues, Plant
Functions, Photosynthesis, Transpiration,Respiration,Transportation, Plant Nutrition
Reproduction in Plants: Modes of reproduction- vegetative, asexual and sexual
reproduction in Plants, Pollination, Fertilization, Fruits and seeds, Movements in plants,
Sensitivity in plants formation,Seed dispersal
5: Animal Kingdom: Invertebrates, Vertebrates --focus on special features in addition to
basic functions, Various Modes of reproduction in animals ( asexual and sexual
reproduction), Reproduction in human, Fertilization, Development of embryo, Viviparous,
Oviparous, Young ones to adult
A Representative Study of Mammals Morphology: Habitats, Adaptations, Basic
Physiological Functions, Circulatory system in man, Excretory system in man, Relationship
of structure to functions, Animal Behaviour, Behaviour (social,reproductive, parental care)
Some case studies from researchers(animals behavior)
6: Cells and Tissues : Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Multi cellular organisms, Cell as a
basic unit of Life, Cell membrane and Cell wall, Cytoplasm, Cell organelles, Nucleus,
Chromosomes- DNA structure Cell division and types, stages of mitosis, Diffusion
/exchange of substances between cells and their environment, Tissues Types, structure and
function of plant tissues.
Life Processes: Definition, Types of nutrition and human digestive system, Respiration,
Transportation in plants-water and minerals and animals -blood circulation, Excretion in
plants and animals, Nervous system, Coordination in plants, Movement due to growth,
Hormones in animals
7: Bio-Geochemical Cycle: Life –non-life interactions (biotic & abiotic factors), Water
cycle, Nitrogen cycle, Carbon cycle, Oxygen cycle
Conservation of Environment: Bio degradable and non bio degradable wastes, Water
management, Wild life sanctuaries, Balance in Ecosystem, Coal and petroleum, Green
chemistry, Science today –Towards a global Village
8: Pollution and Ozone Depletion: Kinds of pollution, Air pollution, Water pollution,
Soil pollution, Radio active pollution, Noise pollution, Global warming, Green house effect,
Ozone layer depletion, Science today – Oil spills
Waste Water Management: Journey of water, Sewage, Treatment, Domestic practices,
Sanitation and diseases, Alternate arrangement for sewage disposal, Sanitation in public
places, Energy Management, Energy audit (home, school), Renewable sources (solar,
hydrogen, wind), Non–renewable sources—(coal, petroleum, natural gas), Bio-fuels—
generation & use, Energy Conservation & How we can help, Bio-fuels—generation & use,
Energy, Conservation & How we can help.
11: Chemical equation: Types of ions and radicals, Learning to write chemical symbols
and chemical formulae by crisscrossing valencies, Introduction to write chemical reactions,
Balancing chemical equations, Informations conveyed by chemical equation, Informations
not conveyed by Chemical equation
Properties of ionic compounds, Common Properties of covalent compounds, Differences
between Ionic and covalent Compounds, Coordinate covalent bond, Common properties of
coordinate compounds
13. Carbon and its Compounds: Introduction, Compounds of carbon, Modern definition
of organic chemistry, Bonding in carbon and its compounds, Allotropy, Physical nature of
carbon and its compounds, Chemical properties of carbon compounds, Homologous series,
Hydrocarbons and their Types, Functional groups, Classification of organic compound based
on functional group, Ethanol, Ethanoic acid
15: Motion and liquids: Uniform and non uniform motion- Measuring the rate of motion,
Rate of change of velocity, Graphical representation of motion, Equation of motion by
graphical method, Uniform circular motion, Centripetal and centrifugal forces, Liquids, Up
thrust & buoyancy, Archimedes, Relative Density, Explanation for a body wholly or partially
immersed in a liquid due to gravity
Laws of Motion and Gravitation: Balanced and imbalanced forces, First law of motion,
Inertia and mass, Momentum, Second law of motion-F=ma, Third law of motion,
Conservation of momentum and proof , Moment of force and couple, Gravitation, Newton’s
law of gravitation, Mass, Weight, Acceleration, Mass of Earth, Science Today-Chandrayan,
Cryogenic Techniques and Manned Space Station
16: Work, Power, Energy, and Heat: Work, Energy, Potential energy, Kinetic energy,
Law of Conservation of energy, Rate of doing work or power, Unit of power, Heat, Thermal
Capacity –Specific Heat Capacity, Change of State –melting and boiling point, Kelvin’s scale
of Temperature, Gas laws and Gas equation
16a: Electricity and Energy: Electric current and circuit, Electric potential and potential
difference, Circuit diagram, Ohm’s law, Resistance of a conductor, System of resistors,
Heating effect of electric current, Joules law of heating, Role of fuse, Domestic electric
circuits, Electric power, Chemical effect of electric current, Electrolysis electro chemical cells,
Primary and Secondary cells, Sources of Energy, Conventional sources of energy, Non-
conventional source of energy, Nuclear energy, Radioactivity, Nuclear fission and nuclear
fusion, Nuclear reactivity advantages, Hazards of nuclear energy, Science today –Energy
from seas.
17: Sound: Production of sound, Propagation of sound, Longitudinal and Transverse waves,
Reflection of sound, Echo, Reverberation, Range of hearing, Application of ultra sound
(Sonar, Doppler effect)
18: Magnetic Effect of Electric Current and Light: Magnetic field and magnetic lines
of force, Magnetic field due to current carrying conductor, Magnetic field due to current
carrying Straight Conductor, Magnetic field due to current carrying Circular loop, Force on a
current carrying conductor in a magnetic field, Fleming left hand rule, Electric motor,
Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s Experiments, Electric generator, Light, Reflection of
light by Spherical mirrors – image formation and Mirror Formula, Refraction – Laws of
refraction, Refractive index, Refraction by spherical lenses, Image formation by lenses, Lens
formula and magnification, Power of lens, Refraction of light through a prism, Dispersion-By
a glass prism, Atmospheric refraction, Human eye –Defects and rectification, Science today
–Hubble space telescope.