Moduflex Spec Sheet
Moduflex Spec Sheet
Moduflex Spec Sheet
Referen ce: Nu mb er o f b el l o w s:
Su p p l y o f materi al :
Silo: Belt-/screw conveyor:
Other: Is material fluidized: yes
O u tl et (see reverse si d e) :
A) Highest point of vehicle: mm
Materi al reci p i en t:
Tanker truck: Open goods wagon:
Materi al to b e l o ad ed :
O p erati o n :
Hand winch on inlet: Bellow with built-in filter module:
A) Highest point of the open truck. If several types of open trucks will use the bellow, the highest point of the highest
open truck must be given.
B) The lowest filling point of the open truck. If several types of open trucks will use the bellow, the filling point of the
lowest open truck must be given.
C) The height of the outlet (silo or conveying equipment) above the carriageway.
Sketch 2 sh o w s l o ad i n g i n tan ker tru ck w i th ro u n d tan ker i n l et. T h e measu res to b e w ri tten
o n th e q u esti o n n ai re are:
A) Highest point of the tanker truck.
B) The filling point of a lower tanker truck.
C) The height of the outlet (silo or conveying equipment) above the carriageway.
NO T I CE: Wh en th e b el l o w i s to b e u sed b y b o th o p en as w el l as tan ker tru cks, th e
fo l l o w i n g measu res mu st b e g i ven :
A) The highest vehicle’s highest point.
B) The lowest vehicle’s lowest point.
C) The height of the outlet (silo or conveying equipment) above the carriageway.