1 s2.0 S0016699507000101 Main - 3
1 s2.0 S0016699507000101 Main - 3
1 s2.0 S0016699507000101 Main - 3
Original article
Paratethyan Ostracod immigrants in Italy during the Late Miocene
Immigrants paratéthysiens parmi les ostracodes au
Miocène supérieur en Italie
Elsa Gliozzi a,b,*, Maria Elena Ceci a, Francesco Grossi a, Silvia Ligios a
Dipartimento di Scienze Geologiche, Università Roma Tre, Largo S. Leonardo Murialdo, 1, 00145 Roma, Italy
IGAG, CNR, c/o Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università La Sapienza, Roma, Italy
Received 18 January 2005; accepted 27 October 2006
Available online 1 May 2007
In this paper the ostracod assemblages recovered from several brackish Late Miocene Italian deposits have been analysed from a
palaeobiogeographical perspective. During late Tortonian-early Messinian it is possible to recognize in Italy rich ostracod assemblages
characterized by a wide contingent of taxa with central European or Mediterranean affinity, while only few brackish and freshwater ostracods
show Paratethyan affinity. The recognized composition of the ostracod assemblages matches the palaeogeographic setting of the palaeo-
Mediterranean/Paratethys at that moment. In fact during late Tortonian-early Messinian the palaeo-Mediterranean and Paratethysian domains were
divided and, even if the connection via the present Marmara Sea-Strimon Basin was still open, the different salinity between them represented an
ecological barrier, preventing faunal exchanges. Since normal aquatic migration was impossible, it must be assumed that the Paratethyan-like taxa
entered the palaeo-Mediterranean area via passive dispersal by aquatic birds. On the contrary, the ostracod assemblages from the Italian Lago-Mare
deposits show the absolute predominance of Paratethyan taxa, which, according to the known palaeogeographic setting during the late Messinian
Lago-Mare event, could actively migrate from the Paratethys domain, colonizing the palaeo-Mediterranean, whose endemic fauna was severely
impoverished by the Messinian salinity crisis and the following water dilution.
# 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Cette étude est focalisée sur les implications paléobiogéographiques des associations d’ostracodes récoltées sur de nombreux dépôts saumâtres
du Miocène supérieur d’Italie. Au Tortonien supérieur-Messinien inférieur il est possible de reconnaı̂tre en Italie beaucoup d’ostracodes
caractérisés par une affinité méditerranéenne et européenne centrale. Seules quelques ostracodes saumâtres montrent une affinité paratéthysienne.
L’association d’ostracodes retrouvés reflète la géographie de la paléo-Méditerranée et de la Paratéthys à ce moment. Pendant le Tortonien
supérieur-Messinien inférieur, la connexion à travers l’actuelle mer de Marmara et le bassin du Strymon était encore ouverte, mais la différence de
salinité entre la paléo-Méditerranée et la Paratéthys représentait une barrière écologique interdisant les échanges faunistiques à l’origine des deux
bioprovinces paléo-méditerranéenne à l’Ouest et paratéthysienne à l’Est. Dans ce cas, seule une dispersion passive par les oiseaux aquatiques peut
être envisagée. Au contraire, les ostracodes des dépôts du Lago-Mare d’Italie indiquent la dominance absolue des taxa paratéthysiens : la barrière
écologique entre la paléo-Méditerranée et la Paratéthys avait disparu et cet important contingent d’ostracodes migra effectivement vers l’Ouest, en
colonisant la paléo-Méditerranée dont la faune endémique avait été fortement appauvrie par la crise de salinité messinienne et la dilution des ses
eaux qui s’en suivit.
# 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Late Miocene; Palaeo-Mediterranean; Paratethys; Brackish ostracods; Palaeobiogeography; Dispersal modes
Mots clés : Miocène supérieur ; Paléo-Méditerranée ; Paratéthys ; Ostracodes saumâtres ; Paléobiogéographie ; Modalités de dispersion
1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. During the Miocene the Mediterranean area was affected by
E-mail address: gliozzi@uniroma3.it (E. Gliozzi). important palaeogeographic changes linked to the collision
0016-6995/$ – see front matter # 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
326 E. Gliozzi et al. / Geobios 40 (2007) 325–337
between the African and Adria plates and the subsequent (2003), during this time interval a connection between palaeo-
building of the peri-Mediterranean orogenic belt. During the Mediterranean and Paratethys probably still existed through the
Serravallian the emergence of the Carpathian and Alpine present Marmara Sea area. The ecological barrier that existed
foreland domains progressively closed the northern connection between the two palaeobioprovinces (marine realm in the
between the Western (palaeo-Mediterranean) and the Eastern palaeo-Mediterranean and brackish conditions in the Para-
Tethys (Paratethys), which, from the Burdigalian, was open tethys) prevented any faunal exchange among them.
through the Pannonian back-arc basin (Meulenkamp and The late Messinian was characterized by the closure of the
Sissingh, 2003, and references therein). From this moment, the palaeo-Mediterranean/Atlantic connection through the Bethic
Paratethyan marine realm was separated into several brackish and Riff Straits (Hsü et al., 1973; Cita, 1973; Benson, 1975;
(oligo-mesohaline) basins (Pannonian, with its Vienna and Weijermars, 1988), which completely changed the palaeogeo-
Styrian sub-basins, Dacic, Euxinic and Caspian-Aral basins), graphic and palaeoenvironmental conditions of the Mediterra-
which, notwithstanding the subsequent uplift of the Dinarid and nean area. After the evaporite deposition due to the Messinian
Balkan peri-Mediterranean chains, maintained a partial/ Salinity Crisis, the palaeo-Mediterranean was affected by a
intermittent connection among them. Within these basins, severe humid climate phase (Zeit Wet Phase sensu Griffin,
molluscs and ostracods underwent an important adaptive 2002) linked to astronomical cyclicity (Hilgen, 1991; Krijgs-
radiation, giving rise to the Paratethyan palaeobioprovince, man et al., 1999) and the palaeo-Mediterranean waters became
distinctly different from the palaeo-Mediterranean palaeobio- diluted down to oligo-mesohaline salinities. This caused the
province (Marinescu, 1992) (Fig. 1). disruption of the ecological barrier between palaeo-Mediterra-
During the Tortonian and early Messinian the palaeo- nean and Paratethys and the westward migration of the
Mediterranean was connected with the Atlantic Ocean, and, Paratethyan fauna that entered and flourished in the palaeo-
consequently, it was characterized by fully marine conditions. Mediterranean whose local fauna had been severely impover-
Although not all authors agree (Orszag-Sperber et al., 2000), ished by the salinity crisis and the following water dilution.
according to the palaeogeographic reconstructions proposed by Finally, at the beginning of the Pliocene, the re-establishment of
Steininger and Rögl (1985) and Meulenkamp and Sissingh the Atlantic-palaeo-Mediterranean connection, due to the
Fig. 1. Structural sketch map of the Mediterranean and Paratethys (ruled areas), with the location of the late Messinian Lago-Mare localities mentioned in Table 7. 1. Vera
Basin (Spain) Carbonnel, 1978a; Cita et al., 1980; Benson and Rakic-El Bied, 1991). 2. Sorbas Basin (Spain) (Roep and Th. Van Harten, 1979; Krstić and Stancheva,
1990). 3. ODP 978 (Alboran Basin) (Iaccarino and Bossio, 1999). 4. DSDP 372 (Balearic Basin) (Benson, 1978). 5. ODP 975 (Balearic Basin) (Iaccarino and Bossio,
1999). 6. Rhone Basin (France) (Carbonnel, 1978a). 7. Aleria Basin (Corse, France) (Carbonnel, 1978a). 8. Caprera Canyon (Tyrrhenian Basin) (Aleria, 1979). 9. ODP 974
(Tyrrhenian Basin) (Iaccarino and Bossio, 1999). 10. ODP 654 (Tyrrhenian Basin) (Cita et al., 1990). 11. ODP 652 (Tyrrhenian Basin) (Borsetti et al., 1990). 12.
Castell’Arquato, Casa Giovanni Bello, Savignano sul Panaro (Italy). 13. Monticino quarry, Cella (Italy). 14. Perticara, Sapigno, Agip drill-holes, Buttafuoco (Italy). 15.
Pergola, Maccarone (Italy). 16. Cava Serredi, Valdelsa Basin, Volterra Basin, Ribolla Basin, Casino Basin, Podere S. Pace, Torrente Morra (Italy). 17. Blera, Civitella Cesi
(Italy). 18. Mondragone well (Italy). 19. Le Vicenne (Italy). 20. Roccacaramanico, Roccamorice, S. Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore, Ca’Ciucco, Fonte dei Pulcini (Italy).
21. Eraclea Minoa (Italy). 22. Pasquasia (Italy). 23. Strimon Basin (Greece) (Gramann, 1969). 24. Aegina Island (Greece) (Krstić and Stancheva, 1990). 25. Corfou
(Greece) (Vismara-Schilling et al., 1976). 26. Crete (Greece) (Cosentino et al., 2007 this volume). 27. Kos Island (Greece) (Guernet et al., 1976). 28. DSDP 375 (Eastern
Mediterranean) (Benson, 1978). 29. DSDP 376 (Eastern Mediterranean) (Benson, 1978). 30. ODP 968 (Eastern Mediterranean) (Rouchy et al., 2001).
Fig. 1. Carte structurale de la Méditerranée et de la Paratéthys avec la localisation géographique des gisements du Lago Mare (Messinien supérieur) mentionnés dans
le Tableau 7.
E. Gliozzi et al. / Geobios 40 (2007) 325–337 327
extensional tectonics, which affected the Gibraltar area, Livental in Buryndina, 1969, and Mediocytherideis Mandel-
restored fully marine conditions to the palaeo-Mediterranean stam 1956 (included in family Leptocytheridae).
(Zanclean deluge, Benson, 1986). All of the mentioned Candoninae originated in the Late
Miocene ostracod palaeobiogeography seems to match well Miocene of the Paratethys, except for Propontoniella, which,
the palaeogeographic reconstructions of Middle and Late according to Krstič and Shao-Zeng, 2000 probably appeared in
Miocene. Jiřiček and Řı́ha (1991) show that ostracods record the Late Palaeogene of China. Camptocypria includes living
the latter marine connection between palaeo-Mediterranean representatives in the Caspian lake (Naydina, 1970; Schorni-
and Paratethys during the Serravallian (Badenian), with the kov, 1966; Boomer et al., 2005).
ostracod Paratethyan zones Acanthocythereis histrix/Bythocy- Loxoconchissa s.s. originated during the Maeotian (Torto-
pris lucida, Eocytheropteron inflatum/Falunia spinulosa, nian) of Romania (Triebel and Malz, 1969) while Loxoconch-
Pajenborchella laskarevi/Neocyprideis (Miocyprideis) sarma- issa (Loxocaspia), whose living representative [L. (Loxocaspia)
tica elongata and Carinocythereis carinata/Phlyctenophora immodulata (Stepanajtis)] is known from the Aral Lake, is also
farkasi, while no palaeo-Mediterranean ostracods migrating known as fossil from the Plio-Pleistocene of Paratethys and
into the Paratethys domain are recognized during the Tortonian- Greece (Agalarova et al., 1961; Krstić and Dermitzakis, 1981;
early Messinian or vice-versa. During this time interval the Mostafawi, 1994). Thus, the late Tortonian and early Messinian
Paratethyan ostracod assemblages show a strong endemic Italian species of L. (Loxocaspia) seems to represent the more
character, while the palaeo-Mediterranean marine ones shows ancient forms of this taxon. At present, taking into account the
strong similarities to the Atlantic ostracods (Benson, 1976, geographical distribution there is no evidence to suggest a
1984, 1990). On the contrary, during the post-evaporitic late palaeo-Mediterranean origin for this genus.
Messinian, the palaeo-Mediterranean ostracod assemblages, Amnicythere, Chartocythere and Mediocytherideis are
from Spain to Cyprus, are dominated by a rich contingent of probably Paratethyan genera distributed from the Sarmatian
ostracods with Paratethyan affinity (late Messinian Lago-Mare (Serravallian) to the Pontian (Messinian) (Mediocytherideis up
biofacies) (Gliozzi et al., 2002, 2005, and references therein). to the Early Pleistocene, Amnicythere up to present with living
Notwithstanding the documented palaeogeographic isola- representatives in the Caspian and Black Seas) (Stancheva,
tion of palaeo-Mediterranean and Paratethys during the 1968; Krstić and McKenzie, 1991). On examining some
Tortonian-early Messinian, within some Italian brackish Leptocytheridae specimens from the Volterra Basin (Radicon-
deposits of this period some ostracods with Paratethyan affinity doli area), Gliozzi et al. (2005) excluded the presence in Italy of
have been recovered. The aim of this paper is to detail such taxa Chartocythere and referred them to the palaeo-Mediterranean
and to explain the different dispersal modes that affected subgenus Mediocytherideis (Sylvestra) Doruk. The possibility
ostracods during the late Tortonian-early Messinian on one side to see other samples recorded in the Volterra Basin confirm the
and late Messinian on the other. presence of at least three or four species referable to
Chartocythere, while, at present, the authors of this paper
2. Late Tortonian-early Messinian Paratethyan are not convinced of the validity of the subgenus Sylvestra,
immigrants which could be considered as a junior synonym of Medio-
cytherideis s.s. If further taxonomic studies will confirm this
Late Tortonian-early Messinian Italian brackish deposits are hypothesis, the genus Mediocytherideis, can no longer be
known mainly from Tuscany (central Italy) (Bossio et al., 2002 considered a Paratethyan taxon.
and references therein). Recently, several sampling pro- In conclusion, apart from the Leptocytheridae, which gave
grammes have been carried out for micropaleontological rise to a great adaptive radiation in the Paratethyan domain but
analyses and, among a rich contingent of Italian endemic or whose origins date to the Serravallian, a period when the
central European species, a few brackish and freshwater palaeo-Mediterranean and Paratethys were still in partial
ostracods with Paratethyan affinity have been recognised. In connection, all the other genera appeared in the Paratethys after
particular, the authors have directly investigated three basins: the separation of the two realms; they can therefore be
the Velona Basin (Ghetti et al., 2002), the Valdelsa Basin considered true Paratethyan immigrants.
(unpublished data) and the Cinigiano-Baccinello Basin The Italian forms pertaining to the previously mentioned
(Benvenuti et al., 2004). Further data has been obtained from genera collected in the late Tortonian-early Messinian of Italian
the literature (Devoto, 1968; Bossio et al., 1994a, 1994b, 1994c, brackish basins are reported in Table 1 from which it can be
1996, 2002; Testa, 1995) concerning other Tuscan localities as seen that during this time interval the Paratethyan affinity is
Belforte (Siena), Val di Cornia (Grosseto), Casino Basin and limited to a generic or subgeneric rank. In fact, almost all the
Volterra Basin (Fig. 2). The Paratethyan genera recovered in Paratethyan taxa gave rise, in Italy, to new, endemic species, or
these deposits are Bakunella Schneider, 1958, Camptocypria are represented by few valves (often early instars) left in open
Zalányi, 1944, Labiatocandona Krstić and Stancheva, 1990, nomenclature.
Lineocypris Zalányi, 1929, Propontoniella Krstić, 1972 (all
included in the subfamily Candoninae), Loxoconchissa 3. Late Messinian Lago-Mare Paratethyan immigrants
(Loxoconchissa) Triebel and Malz, 1969 and Loxoconchissa
(Loxocaspia) Schornikov, 1973 (included in the family The Italian late Messinian Lago-Mare deposits outcrop
Loxoconchidae) and Amnicythere Devoto, 1965, Chartocythere widely along the whole peninsula and have been intensively
328 E. Gliozzi et al. / Geobios 40 (2007) 325–337
Fig. 2. Structural sketch map of Tuscany with the location of the studied late Tortonian-early Messinian basins.
Fig. 2. Carte structurale de la Toscane avec la localisation des basins étudiés du Tortonien supérieur-Messinien inférieur.
studied (Table 2). They are characterized by several rich brackish (10.3%) are represented by palaeo-Mediterranean species
ostracod assemblages made up by a dominant Paratethyan referable to the genera Cyprideis and Cypria, 38 (55.9%) have
contingent. Moreover, during this period the very strong affinity been identified as Paratethyan species while the remaining 24
between palaeo-Mediterranean and Paratethyan assemblages (35.3%) are still in open nomenclature, but their affinity with
can be detected at the specific level. In fact, apart from few Paratethyan species has been remarked upon. According to
palaeo-Mediterranean endemic species such as Cyprideis Bassetti et al. (2003) the importance of the Paratethyan
agrigentina, Cyprideis anlavauxensis, Cyprideis tessalonikae, contingent within the palaeo-Mediterranean Lago-Mare ostra-
Cyprideis sp. five sensu Gliozzi and Grossi (2004) (which, cod assemblages has been overestimated. They recognize the
according to Krstić, 1968a, 1968b and Carbonnel, 1978b, 1980 presence of a high number of new species referable to
are not related with the Cyprideis species of the Paratethyan Paratethyan genera for which they suppose a palaeo-Mediterra-
bioprovince), Cypria robusta and some Amnicythere species nean speciation. This speciation should have occurred either
still in open nomenclature, several Paratethyan species have also during the 200 Ka long Lago-Mare event or in a longer time
been recovered (Table 3). At present, 68 species have been interval, deriving from yet unknown species, which inhabited the
recognized within the late Messinian Lago-Mare deposits: six palaeo-Mediterranean brackish waters before and during the
E. Gliozzi et al. / Geobios 40 (2007) 325–337 329
Table 1
Italian late Tortonian-early Messinian taxa referred to Paratethyan genera
Tableau 1
Taxa italiens du Tortonien supérieur-Messinien inférieur se rapportant à des genres paratéthysiens
Species Basin Age References
Bakunella sp. (juv.) Cinigiano-Baccinello Basin early Messinian Benvenuti et al., 2004
Camptocypria sp. (juv.) Cinigiano-Baccinello Basin late Tortonian Benvenuti et al., 2004
Camptocypria sp. Volterra Basin early Messinian Bossio et al., 1996
Camptocypria aff. C. ossoinae milonovici Krstic Marsiliana late Tortonian-early Messinian Bossio et al., 1994c
Camptocypria aff. C. labiata Val di Cornia late Tortonian-early Messinian Bossio et al., 1994b;
Volterra Basin Testa, 1995; Bossio et al., 1996
Casino Basin Bossio et al., 2002
Marsiliana Bossio et al., 1994c
Candona cf. C. postsarmatica Krstic Casino Basin late Tortonian-early Messinian Bossio et al., 2002
Labiatocandona globosa Ceci and Gliozzi Valdelsa Basin late Tortonian-early Messinan Unpublished data
Lineocypris sp. 1 (juv.) Valdelsa Basin late Tortonian-early Messinan Unpublished data
Lineocypris sp. 2 (juv.) Valdelsa Basin late Tortonian-early Messinan Unpublished data
Propontoniella sp. Cinigiano-Baccinello Basin early Messinian Benvenuti et al., 2004
Loxoconchissa (Loxoconchissa) kinoi Faranda, Cinigiano-Baccinello Basin early Messinian Faranda et al., 2007 this volume
Gliozzi and Ligios
Loxoconchissa (Loxocaspia) cosentinoi Faranda, Velona Basin early Messinian Faranda et al., 2007 this volume
Gliozzi and Ligios
Loxoconchissa (Loxocaspia) nuda Faranda, Cinigiano-Baccinello Basin middle Tortonian-early Messinian Faranda et al., 2007 this volume
Gliozzi and Ligios
Loxoconchissa (Loxocaspia) punctata Faranda, Velona Basin early Messinian Faranda et al., 2007 this volume
Gliozzi and Ligios
Loxoconchissa (Loxocaspia) reticulata Faranda, Velona Basin early Messinian Faranda et al., 2007 this volume
Gliozzi and Ligios
Loxoconchissa (Loxocaspia) tuberosa Faranda, Cinigiano-Baccinello Basin middle Tortonian-early Messinian Faranda et al., 2007 this volume
Gliozzi and Ligios
Loxoconchissa (Loxocaspia) velonae Faranda, Velona Basin early Messinian Faranda et al., 2007 this volume
Gliozzi and Ligios
Amnicythere palimpsesta (Livental). Casino Basin late Tortonian-early Messinian Bossio et al., 2002
Amnicythere aff. A. palimpsesta (Livental). Marsiliana late Tortonian-early Messinian Bossio et al., 1994c
Amnicythere pequenita (Stancheva) Belforte early Messinian Devoto, 1968
Amnicythere sp. Val di Cornia late Tortonian-early Messinian Bossio et al., 1994b;
Casino Basin Bossio et al., 2002
Chartocythere spp. (3 species) Val di Cornia late Tortonian-early Messinian Bossio et al., 1994b;
Volterra Basin Testa, 1995
Marsiliana Bossio et al., 1994c
Chartocythere cf. C. franzi Marsiliana late Tortonian-early Messinian Bossio et al., 1994c
Mediocytherideis spp. (7 species) Velona Basin early Messinian Ghetti et al., 2002
Volterra Basin late Tortonian-early Messinian Bossio et al., 1994a
salinity crisis. We partially disagree with these hypotheses since (2003) that limited palaeo-Mediterranean speciation events
we recognize a high similarity at a specific level with the Pontian could have occurred, giving rise to new subspecies or species, but
Paratethyan ostracods. We think that to the 54% of Paratethyan we think that their hypothesis of speciation during the Lago-Mare
species discussed above it is reasonable to add also the 35% event is more reliable because, as illustrated in the previous
related to the Paratethyan-like taxa. In fact, sometimes chapter, the pre-evaporitic Late Miocene brackish ostracod
difficulties in identifying the valves at specific level is linked assemblages of Italy show only a few Paratethyan genera, often
to several causes such as bad preservation, scarcity of material, represented only by juvenile valves. It is our opinion that the
unclear illustrations of the type-specimens published within old Paratethyan affinity of the Italian Lago-Mare assemblages could
Russian papers. Often slight differences of dimensions or reach over 90% of species.
ornamentation have been overvalued, without taking into
account that these species lived in unstable water environments 4. Discussion
characterized by salinity fluctuations that could be responsible
for ecophenotypical changes within the same taxon. Anadon In order to evaluate the degree of affinity between the Late
et al. (2002) and Boomer and Eisenhauer (2002) report several Miocene Italian and Paratethyan brackish ostracod assem-
examples of ecophenotypical characters recognized in marginal blages three tables have been prepared (Tables 4–6) in which
marine ostracod species included in genera Cyprideis, Lox- the genera distributed in late Tortonian (Late Pannonian), early
oconcha, Leptocythere, Hemicyprideis, Cytheromorpha, due to Messinian (early and middle Pontian) and Late Messinian (Late
temperature and salinity variations. We agree with Bassetti et al. Pontian) in Italy and Paratethys are listed. To better understand
330 E. Gliozzi et al. / Geobios 40 (2007) 325–337
Table 2
Italian late Messinian Lago-Mare localities
Tableau 2
Localités italiennes du Lago Mare (Messinien supérieur)
Localities Regions References
Castell’Arquato Emilia Grekoff and Molinari, 1963
Casa Giovanni Bello Emilia Krstić and Stancheva, 1990
Savignano sul Panaro Emilia Fregni et al., 2003
Monticino quarry Romagna Colalongo, 1988
Cella Romagna Colalongo et al., 1978
Sapigno Marche Bassetti et al., 2003
Perticara Marche Gliozzi and Grossi, 2004
AGIP Drill-holes (Montepetra, Ca’Blindana) Marche Unpublished data
Buttafuoco Marche Unpublished data
Pergola Marche Molinari Paganelli, 1975
Maccarone Marche Carbonnel, 1978a
Ca Ciucco Abruzzo Carbonnel, 1978a
Roccamorice, Roccacaramanico Abruzzo Patacca et al., 1992
S. Valentino in Abruzzo Citeriore Abruzzo Cipollari et al., 1999b, Gliozzi et al., 2002
Le Vicenne Abruzzo Colacicchi et al., 1967, Cipollari et al., 1999a, Gliozzi, 1999.
Fonte dei Pulcini Abruzzo Cipollari et al., 2003
Valdelsa Basin Tuscany Bossio et al., 1993b
Ribolla Basin Tuscany Bossio et al., 1993a
Volterra basin (several localities) Tuscany Bossio et al., 1994a, 1996
Podere S. Pace (Massa Marittima) Tuscany Bossio et al., 1976
Torrente Morra (Leghorn) Tuscany Bossio et al., 1997
Cava Serredi Tuscany Bossio et al., 1981
Casino Basin Tuscany Bossio et al., 2002
Blera, Civitella Cesi Latium Gliozzi et al., 2002
Mondragone well Campania Cipollari et al., 1999b
Eraclea Minoa, Capo Rossello Sicily Bonaduce and Sgarrella, 1999
Pasquasia-Capodarso Sicily Colalongo, 1967
ODP 974 Tyrrhenian Sea Iaccarino and Bossio, 1999
ODP 654 Tyrrhenian Sea Cita et al., 1990
ODP 652 Tyrrhenian Sea Borsetti et al., 1990
the assemblage composition for each period, the number of been recovered in Italy (Tables 4 and 5) while, during the late
species for each genus has been reported. Data for Paratethyan Messinian Lago-Mare event almost all the Paratethyan genera
ostracod assemblages are taken mainly from the results of the that populated the Pontian Paratethyan waters are present in the
International Geological Correlation Program ‘‘Stratigraphic Italian assemblages (Table 6).
correlation Tethys-Paratethys Neogene’’, (Jiřiček, 1985; Krstić, If we consider some selected pre-evaporitic Late Miocene
1985; Sokač, 1985; Krstić and Stancheva, 1990, Marinescu deposits, whose ostracod assemblages have been investigated in
et al., 1990; Olteanu, 1990, 1995; Sokač, 1990a, 1990b), to detail such as the Velona Basin, Cinigiano-Baccinello Basin
which other specific papers have been added (Agalarova et al., and Valdelsa Basin (Ghetti et al., 2002; Benvenuti et al., 2004;
1940, 1961; Agalarova, 1967; Sokač, 1972; Olteanu and Vekua, unpublished data) the percentages of palaeo-Mediterranean
1989; Stancheva, 1989, 1990; Pipı́k, 1998, 2001; Tonoğlu and taxa and Paratethyan-like taxa have been calculated (Table 7),
Gökçen, 1997; Tonoğlu, 2002). Ostracods from the Caspian- which range 57–69% and 30–42%, respectively. These
Aral basin have not been reported, since this basin is very far percentages are far from those calculated for the late Messinian
from the palaeo-Mediterranean and its palaeontological litera- ostracod assemblages (10% palaeo-Mediterranean taxa, 35%
ture, all in Russian, is rather old, thus not taxonomically Paratethyan-like taxa, 54% Paratethyan species). The differ-
updated. In Table 4 (Pannonian/Maeotian/Tortonian) the ences are much more striking if we take into account that a high
Euxinic basin has not been included since during this time- percentage of late Tortonian-early Messinian Paratethyan-like
interval, according to the palaeogeographic reconstructions by taxa are referred to genera which are not represented in the
Hámor (1988) and Steininger and Rögl (1985), this basin was Italian Lago-Mare ostracod assemblages (Mediocytherideis, L.
still characterized by a polyhaline environment. This recon- (Loxocaspia), Bakunella and Propontoniella). Similar percen-
struction is confirmed by the Maeotian ostracod assemblages tages in the ostracod assemblage composition have also been
recovered by Tonoğlu and Gökçen (1997), which show a clear calculated from Late Miocene West palaeo-Mediterranean
marine affinity. localities such as the brackish deposits of France (Carbonnel,
It is possible to see from Tables 4–6, that during late 1969, 1978a) and Spain (Carbonnel, 1978a; Gliozzi et al., 2005)
Tortonian and early Messinian very few Paratethyan genera, (Table 7), showing that the composition of Late Miocene
which lived in the Pannonian, Dacic and Euxinic Basins, have ostracod assemblages in the palaeo-Mediterranean is rather
E. Gliozzi et al. / Geobios 40 (2007) 325–337 331
Table 3
Italian late Messinian Lago-Mare species with Paratethyan affinity at a specific or generic level.
Tableau 3
Espèces italiennes du Lago Mare (Messinien supérieur) d’affinité paratéthysienne
Amnicythere anormalis (Suzin) Cyprideis ex gr. tuberculata Mehés (Bossio et al., 1986; Gliozzi, 1999)
Amnicythere cellula (Livental) Cytherura pyrama Schneider
Amnicythere costata (Olteanu) Euxinocythere (Euxinocythere) suzini (Scheneider)
Amnicythere idonea Mandelstam, Markova, Rozyeva and Stepanaytis/ Euxinocythere (Maeotocythere) bosqueti (Livental)
A. pontica (Scheydaeva)
Amnicythere ex gr. A. larga Krstić Euxinocythere (Maeotocythere) aff. E. (M.) bosqueti (Livental)
Amnicythere lata (Schneider) Euxinocythere (Maeotocythere) aff. E. (M.) moesica Olteanu
Amnicythere litica (Livental) Euxinocythere (Maeotocythere) praebaquana (Livental in Agalarova et al., 1940)
Amnicythere multituberculata (Livental) Euxinocythere (subgen. ?) lacunosa (Reuss)
Amnicythere palimpsesta (Livental) Labiatocandona aff. L. labiata (Zalányi)
Amnicythere liticoides Krstić and Stancheva Labiatocandona aff. C. portaferrica Pokorný and Stancheva, 1990
Amnicythere propinqua (Livental) Lineocypris cf. L. fossulata (Pokorný)
Amnicythere aff. A. propinqua (Livental) (Miculan in Bassetti et al., 2004) Lineocypris cf. L. hodonensis (Pokorný)
Amnicythere aff. A. resupina (Bonaduce and Sgarrella, 1999) Lineocypris sp. 1 (Gliozzi and Grossi, 2004)
Amnicythere rosalinae (Schneider in Agalarova, 1940) Lineocypris sp. (Molinari Paganelli, 1975)
Amnicythere soluta (Livental) Lineocypris sp. (Carbonnel, 1978a)
Amnicythere subcaspia (Livental in Agalarova et al., 1940) Loxoconcha ancilla Stancheva
Amnicythere sp. 1 (Gliozzi and Grossi, 2004) Loxoconcha eichwaldi Livental
Amnicythere sp. 1 (Gliozzi et al., 2002) Loxoconcha aff. L. kochi Mehés
Amnicythere sp. 2 (Gliozzi et al., 2002) Loxoconcha cf. L. ludica Olteanu
Amnicythere sp. C (Miculan in Bassetti et al., 2004) Loxoconcha muelleri Mehés
Amnicythere sp. D (Miculan in Bassetti et al., 2004) Loxoconcha rhombovalis Pokorný
Amnicythere sp. G (Miculan in Bassetti, 2004) Loxoconcha cf. L. schweyeri dacica Olteanu
Camptocypria aff. C. glabra (Krstić) Loxocorniculina djafarovi (Schneider in Suzin)
Camptocypria sp. 1 (Gliozzi and Grossi, 2004) Mediocytherideis (Sylvestra) sp. (Miculan in Bassetti et al., 2004)
Candona cf. C. postsarmatica Krstić Pontoniella pontica (Agalarova) n. ssp. (Gliozzi and Grossi, 2004)
Caspiocypris pontica (Sokač) Pontoniella aff. P. pontica (Agalarova) (Bonaduce and Sgarrella, 1999)
Caspiocypris cf. C. alta (Zalányi) Pontoniella sp. (Molinari Paganelli, 1975)
Chartocythere sp. (Bossio et al., 1996, 1986) Pseudocythere limata (Schneider in Agalarova et al., 1940)
Cypria robusta (Devoto) Semicytherura aff. S. inversa (Seguenza)
Cyprideis agrigentina Decima Typhlocypris cf. T. redunca (Zalányi)
Cyprideis anlavauxensis Carbonnel Tyrrhenocythere ruggierii Devoto
Cyprideis ex gr. torosa (Jones) (Bossio et al., 1986) Tyrrhenocythere pontica (Livental)
Cyprideis thessalonikae Krstić Tyrrhenocythere cf. T. taurica Sinegub in Krstić, 1977
Cyprideis sp. 5 (Gliozzi and Grossi, 2004) Zalanyiella venusta (Zalányi)
homogeneous, suggesting that their distribution is probably settings of the palaeo-Mediterranean-Paratethys area and they
driven by the palaeogeography. Further confirmation of this must reflect different dispersion modes.
hypothesis come indirectly from the composition of the late The geographic occurrence of the late Tortonian-early
Serravallian ostracod assemblages recovered in Spain (Ebro Messinian Paratethyan-like ostracods shows a disjunct dis-
Basin, Gliozzi et al., 2005) (Table 7). While the percentage of tribution, which is consistent with a passive dispersal. Griffiths
palaeo-Mediterranean and Paratethyan-like taxa are rather and Holmes (2000) summarize the possible passive dispersal
comparable with the Tortonian-early Messinian ones, in the late modes of freshwater ostracods, which include wind, aquatic
Serravallian assemblages a few Paratethyan species are still birds, aquatic insects, amphibians, fishes and man. Wind and
present (23.5%) whose presence is probably linked to the aquatic insects would seem to be dispersal agents only for short
northern connection with the Paratethyan domain which was distances (Thienemann, 1950; Fryer, 1953) and, in the case of
closing just at that time (Meulenkamp and Sissingh, 2003). Paratethys/palaeo-Mediterranean relations, amphibians and
In conclusion, the data suggest that the Italian late Tortonian- fishes must be rejected since there was no aquatic continuity
early Messinian and late Messinian Lago-Mare brackish between the two domains. Thus, the most reliable passive
ostracod assemblages are characterized by a different degree dispersal agent seems to be aquatic birds. Many papers
of affinity with the Paratethys bioprovince: in the first case the document this dispersal mode; freshwater ostracods are proved
Paratethyan contingent is smaller and the affinity is limited to to have been transported either as individuals or as eggs directly
the generic or subgeneric level while in the second case the or through mud attached to bird bodies (feet, feathers and
Paratethyan contingent made up the majority of the assemblages beaks) (De Deckker, 1977; Löffler, 1964; Horne and Smith,
and the affinity reaches the specific level. Such differences in 2004). Several papers showed that Cypridinid eggs preserve
the palaeobiogeographical composition of the Late Miocene their vitality during the passage through the digestive tract of
ostracod assemblages match the different palaeogeographic aquatic birds (Proctor, 1964; Proctor and Malone, 1965;
332 E. Gliozzi et al. / Geobios 40 (2007) 325–337
Table 4
Late Tortonian ostracod genera distributed in Italy and in the Paratethyan domains
Tableau 4
Genres d’ostracodes du Tortonien supérieur distribués en Italie et dans les domaines paratéthysiens
Italian basins Pannonian basin Dacic Basin
Amnicythere 8 Amnicythere 4
Amplocypris 16
Bakunella 1
Bononiella 1 Bononiella 6
Camptocypria 3 Camptocypria 11 Camptocypria 3
Chartocythere 4 Chartocythere 1
Caspiocypris 1 Caspiocypris 1
E.Euxinocythere) 1 E. (Euxinocythere) 1
E.(Maeotocythere) 1 E. (Maeotocythere) 11
H. (Hemicytheria) 12
H. (Getocytheria) 16
Hungarocypris 4
Labiatocandona 1
Lineocypris 6 Lineocypris 1
Loxocorniculina 1
L. (Loxocaspia) 9
L.(Loxoconchissa) 2
Mediocytherideis 3 Mediocytherideis 1
Ochridella 3
Pontocythere 1
Pontoleberis 3 Pontoleberis 1
Pontoniella 2 Pontoniella 3
Propontoniella 1
Reticulocandona 2
Serbiella 7
Sinegubiella 2
Stanchevia 2 Stanchevia 4
Thaminocypris 3
Turkmenella 1 Turkmenella? 4
Typhlocyprella 3
Typhlocypris 2 Typhlocypris 1
Tyrrhenocythere 6
Zalanyiella 2 Zalanyiella 3
McKenzie, 1971). Thus, we can conclude that the occasional lived during the Late Pontian in the eastern Pannonian, Dacic
dispersion of Paratethyan-like taxa during late Tortonian-early and western Euxinic Basins were more diversified than the
Messinian probably occurred through aquatic birds. If it is true Paratethyan species, which effectively entered the palaeo-
what stated by Morales (1993) that the migratory behaviour of Mediterranean. In particular the major differences concern the
birds seems to appear later (Early Pleistocene) we must suppose pointed candonids, clustered in this informal group for their
the existence of aquatic birds whose areal distribution was pointed postero-ventral border, referable to genera Camptocy-
extended E-W from Paratethys to palaeo-Mediterranean. pria, Pontoniella, Lineocypris and Zalanyiella. Only two
On the contrary, when late Messinian Lago-Mare ostracod species (P. pontica and Z. venusta) against 38 potential
assemblages are considered, the areal distribution of the immigrants has been recognized in the late Messinian Italian
Paratethyan species seems to be continuous, from the Lago-Mare deposits. Surely this figure is slightly under-
Dardanelli area to the west (Gliozzi et al., 2002 and references estimated, due to identification problems, but, even if we take
therein). At that time, apart from some small thrust-top brackish into account the Italian pointed candonids left in open
basins, the palaeo-Mediterranean was characterized by several nomenclature, their numbers rise to a maximum of only ten
huge brackish basins partially connected to each other (Benson, species (Table 3). According to some palaeoecological data, the
1986; McCulloch and De Deckker, 1989), thus the Paratethyan Messinian Lago-Mare pointed candonids seem to be char-
ostracod dispersion could have been performed both by acteristic of oligo- to mesohaline rather deep waters (Gofman,
hydrological pathways and by passive dispersal via aquatic 1966; Gliozzi and Grossi, 2004). On the contrary, shallow
birds. In both cases the dispersal rate and the efficiency of the mesohaline genera such as Amnicythere, E. (Maeotocythere),
dispersion were higher than in the late Tortonian-early Loxocorniculina and Loxoconcha are represented in the Italian
Messinian, due to more favourable palaeogeographic condi- late Messinian by the 54% of the potential Paratethyan
tions, giving rise to a complete ostracod assemblage turnover in immigrants. These figures could be explained if it were
only a few tens of thousands of years. Paratethyan species that assumed that shallow mesohaline environments were more
E. Gliozzi et al. / Geobios 40 (2007) 325–337 333
Table 5
Early Messinian ostracod genera distributed in Italy and in the Paratethyan domains
Tableau 5
Genres d’ostracodes du Messinien inférieur distribués en Italie et dans les domaines paratéthysiens
Italian basins Pannonian basin Dacic basin Euxinic basin
Amnicythere 4 Amnicythere 9 Amnicythere 23 Amnicythere 5
Amplocypris 9 Amplocypris 1 Amplocypris 1
Bakunella 1 Bakunella 2 Bakunella 3 Bakunella 1
Bononiella 1
Camptocypria 3 Camptocypria 9 Camptocypria 19 Camptocypria 4
Chartocythere 4 Chartocythere 1
Caspiocypris 4 Caspiocypris 2
Cryptocyprideis 1
E. (Euxinocythere) 1 E. (Euxinocythere) 2
E. (Maeotocythere) 2 E. (Maeotocythere) 3 E. (Maeotocythere) 2
Hastacandona 1 Hastacandona 3
H. (Hemicytheria) 8 H.(Hemicytheria) 2 H.(Hemicytheria) 2
Hungarocypris 2 Hungarocypris 1
Kowalskiella 1
Labiatocandona 1 Labiatocandona 3 Labiatocandona 1
Lineocypris 6 Lineocypris 1
Loxoconcha 1
L.(Loxoconchissa) 1
Loxocorniculina 1 Loxocorniculina 1
Mediocytherideis 7 Mediocytherideis 3
Pontoleberis 1 Pontoleberis 2
Pontoniella 5 Pontoniella 15 Pontoniella 1
Propontoniella 1
Pseudocythere 1
Reticulocandona 1
Serbiella 4 Serbiella 1 Serbiella 1
Sinegubiella 1
Thaminocypris 2
Typhlocyprella 1
Typhlocypris 1 Typhlocypris 1
Tyrrhenocythere 1 Tyrrhenocythere 8 Tyrrhenocythere 1
Zalanyiella 3 Zalanyiella 3
Table 6
Late Messinian Lago-Mare ostracod genera distributed in Italy and in the Paratethyan domains
Tableau 6
Genres d’ostracodes du Lago Mare (Messinien supérieur) distribués en Italie et dans les domaines paratéthysiens
Italian basins Pannonian basin Dacic basin Euxinic basin
Amnicythere 23 Amnicythere 8 Amnicythere 17 Amnicythere 6
Amplocypris 2 Amplocypris 1
Bakunella 4 Bakunella 1 Bakunella 1
Camptocypria 2 Camptocypria 11 Camptocypria 9 Camptocypria 2
Candona 1 Candona 1
Caspiocypris 2 Caspiocypris 4 Caspiocypris 3
Chartocythere 1
Cryptocyprideis 1
Cyprinotus 1
Cytherura 1
Dacicandona 1
E. (Euxinocythere) 1 E. (Euxinocythere) 1 E. (Euxinocythere) 2
E. (Maeotocythere) 4 E. (Maeotocythere) 2 E. (Maeotocythere) 4 E. (Maeotocythere) 2
Hastacandona 2
H. (Hemicytheria) 2
Hungarocypris 1
Labiatocandona 2 Labiatocandona 1 Labiatocandona 1
Lineocypris 5 Lineocypris 6 Lineocypris 3
Loxoconcha 8 Loxoconcha 4 Loxoconcha 5 Loxoconcha 1
Loxocorniculina 1 Loxocorniculina 1 Loxocorniculina 1
Mediocytherideis 1
Pontoleberis 1
334 E. Gliozzi et al. / Geobios 40 (2007) 325–337
Table 6 (Continued )
Italian basins Pannonian basin Dacic basin Euxinic basin
Pontoniella 3 Pontoniella 5 Pontoniella 6 Pontoniella 1
Pseudocythere 1 Pseudocythere 1
Reticulocandona 1
Semicytherura 1
Serbiella 1
Typhlocyprella 1
Typhlocypris 1 Typhlocypris 1
Tyrrhenocythere 3 Tyrrhenocythere 1 Tyrrhenocythere 6
Zalanyiella 1 Zalanyiella 2
Table 7
Comparisons between the percentage composition of the ostracod assemblages from Late Miocene in selected palaeo-Mediterranean localities (see Fig. 1)
Tableau 7
Comparaisons des compositions en % des associations d’ostracodes du Miocène supérieur dans les localités paléo-méditerranéennes les plus importantes (voir Fig. 1)
Basins Palaeo-Mediterranean Palaeo-Mediterranean species Paratethyan
taxa (%) with Paratethyan affinities (%) species (%)
Ebro Basin (late Serravallian) 52.9 23.5
Cinigiano- Baccinello (middle-late Tortonian) 62.5 37.5
Valdelsa Basin (late Tortonian-early Messinian) 69.2 30.8
Rhône Basin (Tortonian-early Messinian) 88.5 11.5
Velona Basin (early Messinian) 57.1 42.9
Cinigiano-Baccinello (early Messinian) 68.4 31.6
Several Italian Lago-Mare assemblages 10.3 35.3 54.4
Several French Lago-Mare assemblages 7.7 11.5 80.8
Several Spanish Lago-Mare assemblages 11.8 29.4 58.8
widely dispersed in the palaeo-Mediterranean and that the notwithstanding the favourable palaeogeographic conditions
Paratethyan species, which were able to enter the palaeo- for the active dispersion during the late Messinian Lago-Mare
Mediterranean, were the most euryplastic forms among those event, the palaeo-Mediterranean was colonized only by half
that made up the Paratethyan assemblages, thus more easily of the potential Paratethyan ostracod immigrants. It is
adaptable to slightly different environments. probable that the species that were able to enter the palaeo-
Mediterranean were the most euryplastic.
5. Conclusions
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