OFDM Thesis Lawrey
OFDM Thesis Lawrey
OFDM Thesis Lawrey
Thesis submitted by
Eric Phillip LAWREY BE (Hons)
in December 2001
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I wish to convey warmest thanks to my parents; Cheryl and Michael, who have given
me endless support, and provided me with the opportunity to reach this far with my
I wish to thank my supervisor A/Prof Cornelis Jan Kikkert for his support and
I also thank A/Prof Greg Allen, and Dr. Graham Woods of the Department of
Electronic and Computer Engineering at James Cook University for their expert help
and recommendations.
I would like to thank Craig Blackburn for the many hours of white board discussion,
and support.
I would also like to thank both Noel Lovisa and Noel Lovisa (senior) for their
support as friends and for sharing my excitement of discoveries made during this
I would particularly like to thank Dr. Nicole Kessissoglou for her motivational
discussions about research and publications, without which, I would probably still be
not finished.
I also would like to thank all staff of the School of Engineering at James Cook
University for their kind help.
This thesis presents an investigation into methods for maximising the spectral
efficiency of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems. As part
of this, an investigation of detrimental effects on OFDM is presented, showing the
effect of: band pass filtering, the use of a raised cosine guard period, clipping
distortion, Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) on modulation BER rate, time
synchronisation error, and frequency offset errors.
GHz. These measurements show the changes in the frequency selective fading with
small increments in space, allowing the effects of different tracking rates for the
adaptive allocations schemes to be investigated.
This thesis also presents a method for maximising the signal strength within
buildings, by using transmission repeaters. This is similar to the Single Frequency
Networks used in DAB and DVB systems, except applied to small-scale bi-
directional communications. Using multiple repeaters causes multipath problems in
most conventional systems, however OFDM has a sufficiently high multipath
tolerance to combine the multipath energy. It was found to decrease the path loss by
7 dB for an indoor system with two repeaters, and up to 20 dB for eight repeaters.
In addition, two techniques are presented for reducing the Crest Factor (peak to
average power ratio of the RF signal envelope) of OFDM signals. The first technique
is a phasing scheme for OFDM pilot symbols, which uses genetic algorithms to
optimise the phase angle of each subcarrier. This technique achieves a lower CF than
any previously published techniques, obtaining a CF as low as 0.65 dB, which is 2
dB lower than commonly used techniques. The second technique reduces the CF of
data carrying symbols, by including additional subcarriers that are optimised in
amplitude and phase to cancel out the peaks in the overall OFDM symbol. This was
found to produce a net improvement of 4 dB to the worst-case symbol CF.
Abstract....................................................................................................................... v
List of Figures........................................................................................................... xv
Chapter 1 Introduction.............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Third Generation Wireless Systems ............................................................ 2
1.2 4th Generation Systems and beyond ............................................................. 3
1.3 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing............................................. 4
1.3.1 Digital Audio Broadcasting.......................................................... 5
1.3.2 Digital Video Broadcasting.......................................................... 7
1.3.3 Multiuser OFDM.......................................................................... 9
1.3.4 HiperLAN2 and IEEE802.11a ................................................... 10
1.4 Thesis outline and contributions to the field .............................................. 11
1.4.1 Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM ........................................ 11
1.4.2 Chapter 3 Radio Propagation ..................................................... 12
1.4.3 Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM ....................................................... 13
1.4.4 Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters.............................................. 14
1.4.5 Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi- Tone Signals . 14
1.4.6 Chapter 7 Crest Factor Minimisation of OFDM Data Symbols . 15
1.4.7 Chapter 8 Summary.................................................................... 15
Chapter 2 Basic Princlipes of OFDM..................................................................... 16
2.1.1 Orthogonality ............................................................................. 18
2.1.2 Frequency Domain Orthogonality.............................................. 20
2.2 OFDM Generation and Reception............................................................. 21
2.2.1 Serial to Parallel Conversion...................................................... 22
2.2.2 Subcarrier Modulation................................................................ 23
2.2.3 Frequency to Time Domain Conversion.................................... 25
2.2.4 RF Modulation ........................................................................... 26
2.2.5 Real verses Complex OFDM generation ................................... 27
2.3 Guard Period .............................................................................................. 30
2.3.1 Protection against Time Offset................................................... 32
2.3.2 Protection against ISI ................................................................. 32
2.3.3 Guard Period Overhead and Subcarrier Spacing........................ 36
2.4 Bandlimiting of OFDM and windowing.................................................... 37
2.4.1 Band Pass Filtering..................................................................... 39
2.4.2 Computational Complexity of FIR band pass filtering .............. 42
2.4.3 Effect of band pass filtering on OFDM performance ................ 43
2.5 Raised Cosine Guard Period ...................................................................... 48
2.6 Effect of Additive White Gaussian Noise on OFDM ................................ 51
2.6.1 Modulation schemes................................................................... 52
2.6.2 OFDM verses Single Carrier Transmission............................... 53
2.6.3 Modulation Limitations of systems............................................ 55
2.6.4 Simulation Set up ....................................................................... 56
2.6.5 Gray Coding ............................................................................... 57
2.6.6 Coherent Modulation.................................................................. 62
2.6.7 Differential Phase Modulation................................................... 62
2.6.8 Differential QAM ....................................................................... 64
2.6.9 Simulation Results...................................................................... 67
2.7 Effect of pilot symbol channel equalisation in coherent modulation........ 69
2.8 Effect of Distortion on OFDM .................................................................. 72
2.8.1 Distortion Modelling .................................................................. 74
2.8.2 Spectral SpreadinG from Distortion Clipping............................ 77
2.8.3 Effective SNR from Clipping Distortion ................................... 79
2.8.4 Effect of pilot symbol type on the BER with distortion............. 80
2.9 Reduction of spectral spreading by Pre- filter Clipping ............................. 82
2.10 Effect of Time Synchronisation Error ....................................................... 86
2.11 Effect of Frequency Synchronisation Error............................................... 88
4.2.1 Limitations of Adaptive Modulation........................................ 130
4.2.2 Effective SNR measurement .................................................... 131
4.2.3 Single User Adaptive Modulation............................................ 133
4.3 Multiuser Subcarrier Allocation .............................................................. 138
4.3.1 Fixed frequency grouped subcarriers ....................................... 140
4.3.2 Random frequency hopping ..................................................... 143
4.3.3 Time Division Multiple Access Allocation.............................. 146
4.3.4 Comb Spread Subcarriers ......................................................... 149
4.3.5 Adaptive User Allocation and Adaptive Bandwidth................ 151
4.3.6 Summary of user allocation scheme performance ................... 158
4.4 Tracking Rate Required for Adaptive Modulation and Adaptive User
Allocation............................................................................................................. 159
4.4.1 Effect of delay on the performance of adaptive modulation.... 163
6.1.1 Random Phase DMT symbols.................................................. 197
6.1.2 Measurement of Crest Factor ................................................... 199
6.1.3 Estimation of error in CF measurements.................................. 200
6.1.4 Simulated Results ..................................................................... 203
6.1.5 CF Errors in Practice................................................................ 204
6.2 Crest Factor Minimisation using Genetic Algorithms ............................. 204
6.2.1 Shapiro-Rudin Phases .............................................................. 205
6.2.2 Newmann Phases...................................................................... 206
6.2.3 S. Narahashi and T. Nojima phasing scheme........................... 208
6.2.4 Genetic Algorithm Phase Optimisation.................................... 210
6.3 Phasing Schemes for Null Symbol Synchronisation............................... 219
6.3.1 Spectral Flatness....................................................................... 221
6.3.2 Experimental Verification........................................................ 224
References............................................................................................................... 244
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone
signals ...................................................................................................... 285
D.1 Phase difference between evolved low CF DMT symbols and Newmann’s
phasing scheme .................................................................................................... 292
Table 1-1, DAB Transmission parameters for each transmission mode [20] ........................ 6
Table 1-3, SNR required and net bit rate for a selection of the coding and modulation
combinations for DVB ................................................................................. 9
Table 1-5, Physical Layer for HiperLAN2 and IEEE802.11a. Derived from [99] ................11
Table 2-2, IQ diagrams for modulations used in the OFDM simulations. (script
s0045) ........................................................................................................59
Table 3-1, Table of typical path loss exponent for different environments..........................95
Table 4-1, Required SNR to maintain a BER below a given threshold. ............................132
Table 4-2, Summary of system performance when using different user allocation
schemes. Note: all schemes used adaptive modulation. ................................158
Table 6-1, Shapiro-Rudin phase sequences for generating low CF DMT signals ...............205
Table A - 1, Transition width and side-lobe power of different window functions.
(script s0039) ............................................................................................260
Table A - 2, Side-lobe power of different window functions when used with the
window method of FIR filter design. (script s0071) .....................................261
Table A - 3, Transition of FIR filters using different window functions. (script s0071) .....262
Table A - 4, Window loss for different window functions (script s0075) ..........................264
Table A - 5, Coefficients for Lawrey5 and Lawrey6 window functions, and other
common window functions........................................................................265
Figure 1-1, Current and future mobile systems. The general trend will be to provide
higher data rates and greater mobility. Derived from [12] and [13]. ................. 4
Figure 2-2, Frequency response of the subcarriers in a 5 tone OFDM signal. (script
0006) .........................................................................................................21
Figure 2-4, Example IQ modulation constellation. 16-QAM, with gray coding of the
data to each location. (script s0045)..............................................................24
Figure 2-5, IQ plot for 16-QAM data with added noise. (script s0083)...............................25
Figure 2-7, RF modulation of complex base band OFDM signal, using analog
techniques. .................................................................................................26
Figure 2-8, RF modulation of complex base band OFDM signal, using digital
techniques. (DDS = Direct Digital Synthesis) ...............................................27
Figure 2-9, DC offset OFDM signal, W - bandwidth, f off - frequency offset from DC, f c
centre frequency. ........................................................................................28
Figure 2-10, Construction of the subcarriers for generating a real output time domain
waveform. ..................................................................................................29
Figure 2-13, Function of the guard period for protecting against ISI. .................................33
Figure 2-14, Effectiveness of adding a guard period for removal of ISI. (script s0082) .......36
Figure 2-15, Time waveform of a single carrier OFDM signal, showing 3 symbols. ...........37
Figure 2-16, Spectrum of a 52 subcarrier OFDM signal with no band-limiting. (script
s0050) ........................................................................................................38
Figure 2-18, Spectrum of a 20 subcarrier OFDM, with and without band pass
filtering. Centre subcarrier was not used. (script s0050) .................................41
Figure 2-19, Effective SNR as a function of the time offset for a band pass filtered 52
subcarrier OFDM signal. (script s0057) ........................................................44
Figure 2-20, Section of the waveform that the receiver FFT is taken from depending
on the time offset........................................................................................44
Figure 2-21, Effective SNR for each subcarrier as a result of band pass filtering.
(script s0057) ..............................................................................................45
Figure 2-22, Subcarrier effective SNR, due to band pass filtering. (script s0085) ................47
Figure 2-24, Envelope of OFDM symbols with a flat guard period and an overlapping
raised cosine guard period. ..........................................................................48
Figure 2-25, Side-lobe power for an OFDM signal with 20 subcarriers as the length of
the RC guard period is varied. (script s0050) ................................................50
Figure 2-26, Side-lobe power for an OFDM signal with 100 subcarriers as the length
of the RC guard period is varied. (script s0050) ............................................50
Figure 2-27, Side-lobe power for an OFDM signal with 4000 subcarriers as the length
of the RC guard period is varied. (script s0050) ............................................51
Figure 2-28, IQ plot of 16-PSK using gray coding. Note that each successive IQ
location changes by only a single bit. ...........................................................58
Figure 2-30, Bit Error Rate verses the Energy per Bit to Noise Ratio for a selection of
OFDM modulation schemes. (script s0041) ..................................................67
Figure 2-31, SNR required to maintain a BER of < 1x10-5 , for all the simulated
modulation schemes. (script s0046) ..............................................................69
Figure 2-32, Effect of distortion on a 2 tone signal, showing harmonics and IMD.
(script s0049) ..............................................................................................72
Figure 2-33, Measured Input verses Output for an MAR6 amplifier, showing
distortion. ...................................................................................................75
Figure 2-34, Input verses Output for a power limited linear amplifier. ...............................76
Figure 2-35, Spectrum of OFDM signal with clipping distortion. (script s0048) .................78
Figure 2-36, Strength of the spectral spreading as a function of the Output Power
Backoff. (script s0048) ................................................................................78
Figure 2-37, Crest Factor distribution verses number of subcarriers for an OFDM
signal. (script s0032) ...................................................................................79
Figure 2-38, Effective SNR of an OFDM transmission verses the Output Power
Backoff for 8, 64 and 512 transmission subcarriers. (script s0052) .................79
Figure 2-39, Effective SNR verses output power backoff using different pilot
symbols. (script s0054) ................................................................................81
Figure 2-40, Pre-filter clipping is to reduce spectral spreading due to clipping in the
power amplifier. .........................................................................................82
Figure 2-41, Spectrum of a 64 subcarrier OFDM signal with pre-filter clipping. (script
s0063) ........................................................................................................85
Figure 2-42, Side-lobe power caused by IMD as a result of clipping in the power
amplifier, for different levels of pre-filter clipping. (script s0063) ..................85
Figure 2-43, Effective SNR of the OFDM transmission as a function of the OBO in
the Power Amplifier, and the Pre-filter clipping used. (script s0062) ..............86
Figure 2-44, Effective SNR of an OFDM signal with a time offset error, using a flat
guard period of 40 samples. (script s0053) ....................................................87
Figure 2-45, Effective SNR of an OFDM signal with a time offset error, using a
raised cosine guard period. (script s0069) .....................................................88
Figure 2-46, Effective SNR for Coherent QAM with frequency offset error. (script
s0068) ........................................................................................................90
Figure 3-1, Expanding RF pulse from a central transmitter. (script s0029) .........................92
Figure 3-2, Effect of receiver position on the relative strength of the received direct,
reflected and diffracted signals.....................................................................94
Figure 3-3, Impulse response and phasor plot for multipath channel. .................................96
Figure 3-4, Example channel impulse response for a 2.4 km transmission at 910 MHz
on Manhattan Island, New York City [71]. ...................................................97
Figure 3-5, Plot of fast fading with distance. This is measured data for a short indoor
link. (script s0030) ....................................................................................100
Figure 3-6, Two path transmission to demonstrate frequency selective fading. (see
text) .........................................................................................................101
Figure 3-7, Frequency selective fading for a short indoor link. (script s0028) ...................102
Figure 3-8, Short term fading, showing fading dependence on distance and frequency.
(script s0030) ............................................................................................103
Figure 3-9, Plan of measurement locations for frequency space fading measurements.......105
Figure 3-10, Set up of equipment for frequency space fading measurements. ...................105
Figure 3-11, Experimental set up for measuring the radio channel response as a
function of distance...................................................................................106
Figure 3-12, Measured frequency space measurement for a 14.9 m non-LOS indoor
link. (script s0030) ....................................................................................107
Figure 3-13, Path loss of the measurements taken. (script s0030) ....................................108
Figure 3-14, Fading probability distribution for each of the measurement locations.
(script s0030) ............................................................................................109
Figure 3-15, Experimental set up. The Network Analyser was used to measure the
amplitude and phase of the channel. The Digital Oscilloscope was used
to capture the results for further processing. ................................................112
Figure 3-16, Photo of the room where the propagation measurements were taken.............113
Figure 3-17, Plan view of the test room, showing the layout of the benches, and the
position of the transmitter and receiver. Note: All lengths are in metres........113
Figure 3-18, Movement of the person in the test room during the measurement period .....114
Figure 3-19, Radio channel response variation due to a person walking toward the
transmitter. (At 940 MHz) (script s0028) ....................................................116
Figure 3-21, Movement of the person relative to the transmitter and receiver...................120
Figure 3-22, Fading caused by a person walking in the same room as the transmitter
and receiver. (script s0028)........................................................................121
Figure 4-1, Peer-to-peer network. Users communicate directly to each other, with no
centralised control. ....................................................................................123
Figure 4-2, Base Station connected system. All data passes through the base station. ........124
Figure 4-4, Reverse link of an OFDM system using a single cell network and FDM
for user allocation. ....................................................................................126
Figure 4-5, Adaptive Modulation. The modulation scheme is set based on the SNR of
the channel. ..............................................................................................129
Figure 4-6, Algorithm for estimating the signal plus noise, to noise ratio ((S+N)/N)
for a subcarrier. This approximates the SNR when the noise is
significantly smaller than the signal power..................................................131
Figure 4-7, Signal to Noise Ratio of wide band radio channel used for single user
adaptive modulation simulation. (script s0059) ...........................................134
Figure 4-8, Modulation scheme allocated to each subcarrier. (script s0059) .....................135
Figure 4-9, Location of the bit errors for the adaptive modulation simulation. (script
s0059) ......................................................................................................136
Figure 4-10, Location of bit errors for fixed modulation of QPSK, for the same
channel as used for the adaptive modulation simulation (script s0059)..........137
Figure 4-11, Frequency allocations for the fixed frequency group of subcarriers
simulation. (script s0059) ..........................................................................141
Figure 4-13, Frequency allocations for each user with random frequency hopping.
(script s0059) ............................................................................................144
Figure 4-15, Frequency allocations for each user with TDMA. (script s0059) ..................147
Figure 4-16, Simulated performance for TDMA allocation. (script s0059) .......................148
Figure 4-17, Frequency allocations for each user with a comb frequency pattern.
(script s0059) ............................................................................................149
Figure 4-18, System performance when using adaptive modulation and comb
frequency allocation. (script s0059) ............................................................150
Figure 4-21, BER as a function of the distance between tracking points for a multiuser
system using adaptive modulation and adaptive user allocation. (script
s0061) ......................................................................................................160
Figure 4-22, Calculated BER for adaptive modulation. (script s0065) ..............................163
Figure 4-23, BER as a function of the delay between channel measurement and
adaptive modulation allocation (script s0085) .............................................164
Figure 4-24, Location of the bit errors in a single user adaptive modulation scheme at
a SNR of 42 dB. Channel measurement Figure A - 12 was used for this
simulation. (script s0059) ..........................................................................164
Figure 5-2, Pictorial demonstration showing the difference in shadowing when using
a single transmitter (a), and 4 transmitters (b).............................................167
Figure 5-3, Increase in the multipath delay spread as a result of using Access Point
Repeaters. ................................................................................................170
Figure 5-5, Path loss measurement locations in the ECE building for APR testing. ...........175
Figure 5-6, Photo of the mobile receiver trolley, showing the rotating antenna on top,
spectrum analyser in the middle, and the battery for powering the pre-
Figure 5-7, Transmitter set up simulating Access Point Repeaters. The total
transmitter power from Tx2a and Tx2b were matched to the Tx1 power.......176
Figure 5-8, The receiver antenna was swept over a circle to average out effect of
fading. ......................................................................................................177
Figure 5-9, Measured path loss with one transmitter over the area of the ECE building
at 990 MHz. (script s0011) ........................................................................177
Figure 5-10, Measured path loss for two transmitters over the area of the ECE
building at 990 MHz. (script s0011) ...........................................................178
Figure 5-11, Probability of path loss over the measured area of the building. (script
s0011) ......................................................................................................179
Figure 5-12, Attenuation calculations for a ray passing through two objects.....................180
Figure 5-13, Diagram showing the method for find the intercepts between a ray and
an object...................................................................................................182
Figure 5-14, Polar to rectangular conversion used for plotting of simulated path loss........182
Figure 5-15, Example of spatial aliasing due to finite number of rays used.......................183
Figure 5-16, Cumulative Distribution Function of the path loss within the measured
and simulated building. (script s0011) ........................................................184
Figure 5-17, Simulated path loss for one transmitter at 990 MHz. (script s0011) ..............185
Figure 5-18, Simulated path loss for two transmitters at 990 MHz. (script s0011) .............186
Figure 5-19, Simulated path loss for four transmitters for 990 MHz. (script s0011) ..........186
Figure 5-20, Simulated path loss for 8 transmitters for 990 MHz. (script s0011) ...............187
Figure 5-21, Cumulative Probability Distribution for simulated results, showing the
result for 1, 2, 4 and 8 transmitters. (script s0011) .......................................187
Figure 5-22, Received signal power for interferer and wanted signal. (script s0010) .........191
Figure 5-23, Average spectral efficiency over the area of the top building, as a
function of the movement of the interferer. (script s0009) ............................192
Figure 5-24, Quality of service provided in the top building in the simulation. (script
s0009) ......................................................................................................192
Figure 6-1, The magnitude of the complex base band DMT signal (shown in red)
represents the envelope. (script s0001) .......................................................195
Figure 6-2, Envelope for 26 tone DMT symbol for different phasing schemes. (script
s0005) ......................................................................................................197
Figure 6-3, Crest Factor probability distribution function (split into 40 bins) for
simulated random phase DMT signals, with 8, 32 and 128 tones (script
s0032) ......................................................................................................198
Figure 6-4, CF distribution of phase modulated OFDM signals verses the number of
tones. (script s0032) ..................................................................................199
Figure 6-8, Crest Factor of a multitone signal when using Shaprio-Rudin's phasing
scheme. (script s0067) ...............................................................................205
Figure 6-9, Time envelope and spectrogram for DMT based Shaprio-Rudin's phasing
scheme. (script s0055) ...............................................................................206
Figure 6-10, Crest Factor for Newmann's Phasing scheme. (script s0067) ........................207
Figure 6-11, Time envelope and spectrogram for DMT based on Newmann’s
quadratic phasing scheme. (script s0055) ....................................................207
Figure 6-12, Crest Factor as a function of the number of tones for S. Narahashi and T.
Nojima phasing scheme [106] (script s0067) ...............................................208
Figure 6-13, Time envelope and spectrogram for DMT based on S. Narahashi and T.
Nojima’s quadratic phasing scheme. (script s0055) .....................................209
Figure 6-14, Crest Factor for the steepest descent optimised phasing scheme proposed
in [107]. (script s0034) ..............................................................................209
Figure 6-15, Genetic Algorithm used to minimise the CF of the DMT waveforms............213
Figure 6-16, Best crest factor found using GA verses the number of tones in the
signal. (script s0020) .................................................................................214
Figure 6-17, Power distribution of the time waveform for DMT signals generated
using a range of phasing schemes. (script s0055) .........................................214
Figure 6-19, Effect of population size for genetic algorithm optimisation of CF, for 26
tone signal. (script s0021) ..........................................................................216
Figure 6-20, Effect of percentage population used to breed the next generation for
genetic algorithm optimisation of CF. (population = 100). (script s0021) ......217
Figure 6-21, Effect of changing the amplitude of the mutation noise for genetic
algorithm optimisation of CF. (script s0021) ...............................................217
Figure 6-22, Effect of initial phase sequence used for genetic algorithm optimisation
of the CF. (script s0021) ...........................................................................218
Figure 6-23, (a) Crest factor and (b) time spectral flatness as a function of the phase
equation coefficient A. (script s0056) .........................................................222
Figure 6-24, Fitness of the phase scheme for null symbol time synchronisation as a
function of the phase gain coefficient A. (script s0056) ................................223
Figure 6-25, Crest Factor and Time spectral flatness as a function of the number of
tones. (script s0056) ..................................................................................224
Figure 6-26, Time waveform and spectrogram of a 224 tone OFDM signal using the
time spectral flatness optimised phasing scheme. (script s0055) ...................224
Figure 6-27, Experimental set up for investigating the performance of the time
synchronisation method. ............................................................................225
Figure 6-28, Measured time synchronisation accuracy for different reference symbols. ....227
Figure 7-1, CF verses number of edge grouped PRCs (8 BPSK data subcarriers)..............230
Figure 7-2, Maximum CF verses number of data subcarriers and edge grouped PRCs,
where M is the number of PRCs.................................................................231
Figure 7-3, Net CF improvement verses number of edge grouped PRCs. (10 BPSK
data subcarriers)........................................................................................232
Figure 7-5, CF verses position of 2 grouped PRCs (10 BPSK data subcarriers) ................233
Figure 7-6, CF verses position of 4 grouped PRCs (10 BPSK data subcarriers) ................233
Figure 7-7, CF verses the number of spread PRCs (10 BPSK data subcarriers).................235
Figure 7-8, Net improvement in CF, position optimised PRCs (10 BPSK data
DMT Discrete Multi-Tone
DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying
DSBSC Double Side Band Suppressed Carrier
DS-CDMA Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access
DSP Digital Signal Processing
DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
DVB Digital Video Broadcasting
DVB-C Digital Video Broadcasting – Cable
DVB-S Digital Video Broadcasting – Satellite
DVB-T Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial
EBNR Energy per Bit to Noise Ratio
FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing
FEC Forward Error Correction
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FIR Finite Impulse Response (digital filter)
FM Frequency Modulation
Fs Sample Frequency
FSK Frequency Shift Keying
GA Genetic Algorithm
GHz Gigahertz - 109 Hz
GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
GSM Global System for Mobile communications
HDTV High Definition Television
HiperLAN2 HIgh PErformance Radio Local Area Network, WLAN standard
(Europe) based on OFDM, with a maximum data rate of 54 Mbps.
Similar to IEEE802.11a
Hz Hertz (cycles per second)
ICI Inter-Carrier Interference
IEEE802.11a WLAN standard (U.S.) based on OFDM, with a maximum data
rate of 54 Mbps. Similar to HiperLAN2
IEEE802.11b WLAN standard (U.S.) based on DSSS, with a maximum data rate
of 11 Mbps
IF Intermediate Frequency
IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
IMD Inter-Modulation Distortion
IQ Inphase Quadrature
ISI Inter-Symbol Interference
ISM Industrial Scientific Medical
IS-95 Mobile phone standard using CDMA transmission method.
JCU James Cook University
K Kelvin
kbps Kilo bits per second (103 bps)
kHz Kilohertz - 103 Hz
km Kilometer (103 m)
λ Lambda - RF wavelength
LO Local Oscillator
LOS Line Of Sight
m Metre
Mbps Mega bits per second (106 bps)
MHz Megahertz - 106 Hz
MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group (Video compression standard)
NF Receiver Noise Figure
OBO Output power BackOff
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
PAPR Peak to Average Power Ratio
PC Personal Computer
PDA Personal Digital Assistant
ð Pi (3.14159265 ….)
PLL Phase Locked Loop
PM Phase Modulation
PRC Peak Reduction Carriers
PRS Pseudo Random Sequence
PSK Phase Shift Keying
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QOS Quality Of Service
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
RAKE Multiple tap multipath equalisation for CDMA
RC Raised Cosine (Guard Period)
RF Radio Frequency
RMS Root Mean Squared
SFN Single Frequency Network
SHARC Super Harvard ARChitecture, Digital Signal Processor by Analog
SIR Signal to Interference Ratio
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
SSB Single Side Band
SSPA Solid State Power Amplifier
TDM Time Division Multiplexing
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TWTA Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier
µm Micrometre (10-6 m)
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
µs Microsecond (10-6 s)
VSB Vestigal Side Band
W Watt (energy per unit time, one joule per second)
W-CDMA Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
WLL Wireless Local Loop
Each of the simulation plots shown in this thesis were produced using a Matlab
simulation script. Each of these simulation files was assigned a unique script number.
The start of the script file name is shown on each of the plots, for example: script
s0059 corresponds to a complete filename of s0059_aofdm.m. The simulation files
for this thesis are included in electronic format on CD. This CD is available from the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at James Cook University,
Australia. The script corresponding to each plot can be found by using a file search
Most of the simulation files generate several plots from a single simulation; see the
comments in each simulation file for more details. Where possible the simulation
scripts were written to produce the plots shown in this thesis. There are however
several scripts that were modified to produce a series of figures. The settings in these
scripts must be set to the required application to produce the required plot.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Most WLAN systems currently use the IEEE802.11b standard, which provides a
maximum data rate of 11 Mbps [96]. Newer WLAN standards such as IEEE802.11a
[100] and HiperLAN2 [98], [99] are based on OFDM technology and provide a
much higher data rate of 54 Mbps. However systems of the near future will require
WLANs with data rates of greater than 100 Mbps, and so there is a need to further
improve the spectral efficiency and data capacity of OFDM systems in WLAN
For cellular mobile applications, we will see in the near future a complete
convergence of mobile phone technology, computing, Internet access, and potentially
many multimedia applications such as video and high quality audio. In fact, some
may argue that this convergence has already largely occurred, with the advent of
being able to send and receive data using a notebook computer and a mobile phone.
Although this is possible with current 2G (2nd Generation) Mobile phones, the data
rates provided are very low (9.6 kbps – 14.4 kbps) and the cost is high (typically
$0.20 - $1.30 AUD per minute) [24], [25], limiting the usefulness of such a service.
The goal of third and fourth generation mobile networks is to provide users with a
high data rate, and to provide a wider range of services, such as voice
communications, videophones, and high speed Internet access. The higher data rate
of future mobile networks will be achieved by increasing the amount of spectrum
Chapter 1 Introduction
Third generation systems use Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access (W-
CDMA) as the carrier modulation scheme [10]. This modulation scheme has a high
multipath tolerance, flexible data rate, and allows a greater cellular spectral
efficiency than 2G systems. Third generation systems will provide a significantly
higher data rate (64 kbps – 2 Mbps) [1] than second-generation systems (9.6 – 14.4
kbps). The higher data rate of 3G systems will be able to support a wide range of
applications including Internet access, voice communications and mobile
videophones. In addition to this, a large number of new applications will emerge to
utilise the permanent network connectivity, such as wireless appliances, notebooks
with built in mobile phones, remote logging, wireless web cameras, car navigation
systems, and so forth. In fact most of these applications will not be limited by the
data rate provided by 3G systems, but by the cost of the service.
The demand for use of the radio spectrum is very high, with terrestrial mobile phone
systems being just one of many applications vying for suitable bandwidth. These
applications require the system to operate reliably in non-line-of-sight environments
with a propagation distance of 0.5 - 30 km, and at velocities up to 100 km/hr or
higher. This operating environment limits the maximum RF frequency to 5 GHz, as
operating above this frequency results in excessive channel path loss, and excessive
Chapter 1 Introduction
Doppler spread at high velocity. This limits the spectrum available for mobile
applications, making the value of the radio spectrum extremely high.
In Europe auctions of 3G licenses of the radio spectrum began in 1999. In the United
Kingdom, 90 MHz of bandwidth [8] was auctioned off for £22.5 billion [9]. In
Germany the result was similar, with 100 MHz of bandwidth raising $46 billion (US)
[7]. This represents a value of around $450 Million (US) per MHz. The length of
these license agreements is 20 years [8] and so to obtain a reasonable rate of return of
8% on investment, $105 Million (US) per MHz must be raised per year. It is
therefore vitally important that the spectral efficiency of the communication system
is maximised, as this is one of the main limitations to providing a low cost high data
rate service.
Research has just recently begun on the development of 4th generation (4G) mobile
communication systems. The commercial rollout of these systems is likely to begin
around 2008 - 2012, and will replace 3rd generation technology. Few of the aims of
4G networks have yet been published, however it is likely that they will be to extend
the capabilities of 3G networks, allowing a greater range of applications, and
improved universal access. Ultimately 4G networks should encompass broadband
wireless services, such as High Definition Television (HDTV) (4 - 20 Mbps) and
computer network applications (1 - 100 Mbps). This will allow 4G networks to
replace many of the functions of WLAN systems. However, to cover this application,
cost of service must be reduced significantly from 3G networks. The spectral
efficiency of 3G networks is too low to support high data rate services at low cost.
As a consequence one of the main focuses of 4G systems will be to significantly
improve the spectral efficiency.
In addition to high data rates, future systems must support a higher Quality Of
Service (QOS) than current cellular systems, which are designed to achieve 90 - 95%
coverage [11], i.e. network connection can be obtained over 90 - 95% of the area of
the cell. This will become inadequate as more systems become dependent on wireless
networking. As a result 4G systems are likely to require a QOS closer to 98 - 99.5%.
Chapter 1 Introduction
In order to achieve this level of QOS it will require the communication system to be
more flexible and adaptive. In many applications it is more important to maintain
network connectivity than the actual data rate achieved. If the transmission path is
very poor, e.g. in a building basement, then the data rate has to drop to maintain the
link. Thus the data rate might vary from as low as 1 kbps in extreme conditions, to as
high as 20 Mbps for a good transmission path. Alternatively, for applications
requiring a fixed data rate, the QOS can be improved by allocating additional
resources to users with a poor transmission path.
4G systems 5G systems
(2012) (2020)
3G systems
Figure 1-1, Current and future mobile systems. The general trend will be to
provide higher data rates and greater mobility. Derived from [12] and [13].
Chapter 1 Introduction
OFDM is a modulation scheme that allows digital data to be efficiently and reliably
transmitted over a radio channel, even in multipath environments. OFDM transmits
data by using a large number of narrow bandwidth carriers. These carriers are
regularly spaced in frequency, forming a block of spectrum. The frequency spacing
and time synchronisation of the carriers is chosen in such a way that the carriers are
orthogonal, meaning that they do not cause interference to each other. This is despite
the carriers overlapping each other in the frequency domain. The name ‘OFDM’ is
derived from the fact that the digital data is sent using many carriers, each of a
different frequency (Frequency Division Multiplexing) and these carriers are
orthogonal to each other, hence Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing.
The origins of OFDM development started in the late 1950’s [30] with the
introduction of Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) for data communications. In
1966 Chang patented the structure of OFDM [32] and published [31] the concept of
using orthogonal overlapping multi-tone signals for data communications. In 1971
Weinstein [33] introduced the idea of using a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) for
implementation of the generation and reception of OFDM signals, eliminating the
requirement for banks of analog subcarrier oscillators. This presented an opportunity
for an easy implementation of OFDM, especially with the use of Fast Fourier
Transforms (FFT), which are an efficient implementation of the DFT. This suggested
that the easiest implementation of OFDM is with the use of Digital Signal Processing
(DSP), which can implement FFT algorithms. It is only recently that the advances in
integrated circuit technology have made the implementation of OFDM cost effective.
The reliance on DSP prevented the wide spread use of OFDM during the early
development of OFDM. It wasn’t until the late 1980’s that work began on the
development of OFDM for commercial use, with the introduction of the Digital
Audio Broadcasting (DAB) system.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Broadcast systems operate with potentially very long transmission distances (20 -
100 km). As a result, multipath is a major problem as it causes extensive ghosting of
the transmission. This ghosting causes Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI), blurring the
time domain signal.
For single carrier transmissions the effects of ISI are normally mitigated using
adaptive equalisation. This process uses adaptive filtering to approximate the impulse
response of the radio channel. An inverse channel response filter is then used to
recombine the blurred copies of the symbol bits. This process is however complex
and slow due to the locking time of the adaptive equaliser. Additionally it becomes
increasing difficult to equalise signals that suffer ISI of more than a couple of symbol
OFDM overcomes the effects of multipath by breaking the signal into many narrow
bandwidth carriers. This results in a low symbol rate reducing the amount of ISI. In
addition to this, a guard period is added to the start of each symbol, removing the
effects of ISI for multipath signals delayed less than the guard period (see section 2.3
for more detail). The high tolerance to multipath makes OFDM more suited to high
data transmissions in terrestrial environments than single carrier transmissions.
Table 1-1 shows the system parameters for DAB. DAB has four transmission modes.
The transmission frequency, receiver velocity and required multipath tolerance all
determine the most suitable transmission mode to use.
Doppler spread is caused by rapid changes in the channel response due to movement
of the receiver through a multipath environment. It results in random frequency
Chapter 1 Introduction
The high multipath tolerance of OFDM allows the use of a Single Frequency
Network (SFN), which uses transmission repeaters to provide improved coverage,
and spectral efficiency. For traditional FM broadcasting, neighbouring cities must
use different RF frequencies even for the same radio station, to prevent multipath
causes by rebroadcasting at the same frequency. However, with DAB it is possible
for the same signal to be broadcast from every area requiring coverage, eliminating
the need for different frequencies to be used in neighbouring areas.
The data throughput of DAB varies from 0.6 - 1.8 Mbps depending on the amount of
Forward Error Correction (FEC) applied. This data payload allows multiple channels
to be broadcast as part of the one transmission ensemble. The number of audio
channels is variable depending on the quality of the audio and the amount of FEC
used to protect the signal. For telephone quality audio (24 kbps) up to 64 audio
channels can be provided, while for CD quality audio (256 kb/s), with maximum
protection, three channels are available.
Chapter 1 Introduction
is optimised for the transmission channel being used. Satellite broadcasts use a single
carrier transmission, with QPSK modulation, which is optimised for this application
as a single carrier allows for large Doppler shifts, and QPSK allows for maximum
energy efficiency [16]. This transmission method is however unsuitable for terrestrial
transmissions as multipath severely degrades the performance of high-speed single
carrier transmissions. For this reason, OFDM was used for the terrestrial
transmission standard for DVB. The physical layer of the DVB-T transmission is
similar to DAB, in that the OFDM transmission uses a large number of subcarriers to
mitigate the effects of multipath. DVB-T allows for two transmission modes
depending on the number of subcarriers used [18]. Table 1-2 shows the basic
transmission parameters for these two modes. The major difference between DAB
and DVB-T is the larger bandwidth used and the use of higher modulation schemes
to achieve a higher data throughput. The DVB-T allows for three subcarrier
modulation schemes: QPSK, 16-QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) and 64-
QAM; and a range of guard period lengths and coding rates. This allows the
robustness of the transmission link to be traded at the expense of link capacity. Table
1-3 shows the data throughput and required SNR for some of the transmission
DVB-T is a uni-directional link due to its broadcast nature. Thus any choice in data
rate verses robustness affects all receivers. If the system goal is to achieve high
reliability, the data rate must be lowered to meet the conditions of the worst receiver.
This effect limits the usefulness of the flexible nature of the standard. However if
these same principles of a flexible transmission rate are used in bi-directional
communications, the data rate can be maximised based on the current radio
conditions. Additionally for multiuser applications, it can be optimised for individual
remote transceivers.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Subcarrier Code Rate SNR for BER = 2 × 10 -4 after Bit rate (Mbps)
Modulation Viterbi (dB) Guard Period (Fraction of
Useful symbol duration)
Gaussian Rayleigh
Channel Channel 1/4 1/32
QPSK ½ 3.1 5.4 4.98 6.03
QPSK 7/8 7.7 16.3 8.71 10.56
16-QAM ½ 8.8 11.2 9.95 12.06
16-QAM 7/8 13.9 22.8 17.42 21.11
64-QAM ½ 14.4 16.0 14.93 18.10
64-QAM 7/8 20.1 27.9 26.13 31.67
Table 1-3, SNR required and net bit rate for a selection of the coding and
modulation combinations for DVB
Note: Code rate can be any of the following values: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8. The
Guard Period duration can be any following values: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32.
Derived from [18].
Williams and Prodan [82], patented the use of multiuser OFDM in cable applications
in 1995. This introduced the use of a hybrid user allocation, using Frequency
Chapter 1 Introduction
Division Multiplexing (FDM) and TDM. In this system the users were allocated time
and frequency slots depending on the data demand. This patent however, fails to
address problem of obtaining and maintaining accurate time and frequency
synchronisation between users, which is critical for maintaining orthogonality
between users.
IEEE802.11a has the same physical layer as HiperLAN2 with the main difference
Chapter 1 Introduction
HiperLAN2 is used extensively as an example OFDM system in this thesis. Since the
physical layer of HiperLAN2 is very similar to the IEEE802.11a standard these
examples are applicable to both standards.
Parameter Value
Channel Spacing 20 MHz
IFFT used for 20 MSPS 64
Data Subcarriers 48
Pilot Subcarriers 4
Carrier Spacing (Fc) 312.5 kHz (=20 MHz/64)
Nominal Bandwidth 16.25 MHz (=312.5 kHz × 52)
Useful Symbol Period 3.2 µsec (=1/ Fc)
Guard Period 0.8 µsec
Modulation Schemes BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM
Coding Rate 1/2, 2/3, 3/4
Table 1-5, Physical Layer for HiperLAN2 and IEEE802.11a. Derived from [99]
is presented. This chapter establishes the performance of OFDM over a wide range
of modulation schemes from BPSK through to 4096-QAM and over a range of
detrimental effects. This work forms the foundation for the development of adaptive
modulation schemes that are presented in Chapter 4.
Most radio fading models in literature are based on statistical results, making them of
little use for investigating the performance of the adaptive modulation scheme
presented in Chapter 4. The performance of this technique is dependent on the
correlation of the frequency selective fading and how fast the fading changes with
position of the transceiver. To overcome this problem this chapter includes an
experimental investigation of small-scale frequency selective fading of multipath
environments, which is a measure of the variation in the multipath fading with small
changes in position. This work is used in Chapter 4 to simulate the performance of
adaptive modulation.
Also presented is an experiment measuring the rate of change of the radio channel
with movement of nearby people. This also looks at the error in tracking the channel
under these conditions, giving a guide to how fast adaptive schemes must actively
track the radio channel characteristics.
Chapter 1 Introduction
This technique has been applied to wire line (telephone cable) OFDM systems such
as xDSL (x – Asymmetric or Symmetric, Digital Subscriber Loop) [87]. Such a
technique is relatively easy to apply to copper cables, due to the static nature of the
channel response. In a mobile environment the frequency response of the radio
channel changes as a result of the relative movement of the transmitter, receiver and
the surrounding objects. This response changes significantly for movements as small
as a fraction of a wavelength, which is typically 10-30 cm. This dynamic nature of
the channel makes it difficult to track its response, especially when mobile users are
travelling faster than walking speed.
Work has been done studying the use of adaptive modulation in single carrier
systems [90] - [93], however not much work has been published on use of adaptive
modulation in OFDM systems.
presented for optimisation of user subcarrier frequency. This chapter investigates the
feasibility of such techniques and the possible advantages such as increased capacity,
improved quality of service, and a significant reduction in required forward error
This chapter describes how the CF of a sampled signal can be measured accurately,
and outlines a new phasing technique for generating OFDM pilot reference symbols
Chapter 1 Introduction
The new phasing scheme uses genetic algorithms to optimise the phase of the
subcarriers to minimise the CF of the waveform. This form of optimisation has never
been applied to this application. The result of this process is that symbols with a CF
as low as 0.65 dB are possible. This is 0.7 dB lower than any previously known
algorithm. The very low CF of the OFDM signals makes them useful for pilot
symbols in coherent modulation or for adaptive modulation to allow tracking of the
radio channel. Because of their ultra low CF the average power of these symbols can
be boosted significantly (~6 dB) while still maintaining a lower peak power than data
symbols. This improves the SNR of the channel estimation, reducing the number of
pilot symbols needed, and potentially the channel estimation speed.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
orthogonal nature of the modulation. Typically with FDM the transmission signals
need to have a large frequency guard-band between channels to prevent interference.
This lowers the overall spectral efficiency. However with OFDM the orthogonal
packing of the subcarriers greatly reduces this guard band, improving the spectral
Each of the carriers in a FDM transmission can use an analogue or digital modulation
scheme. There is no synchronisation between the transmission and so one station
could transmit using FM and another in digital using FSK. In a single OFDM
transmission all the subcarriers are synchronised to each other, restricting the
transmission to digital modulation schemes. OFDM is symbol based, and can be
thought of as a large number of low bit rate carriers transmitting in parallel. All these
carriers transmit in unison using synchronised time and frequency, forming a single
block of spectrum. This is to ensure that the orthogonal nature of the structure is
maintained. Since these multiple carriers form a single OFDM transmission, they are
commonly referred to as ‘subcarriers’, with the term of ‘carrier’ reserved for
describing the RF carrier mixing the signal from base band. There are several ways
of looking at what make the subcarriers in an OFDM signal orthogonal and why this
prevents interference between them.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Signals are orthogonal if they are mutually independent of each other. Orthogonality
is a property that allows multiple information signals to be transmitted perfectly over
a common channel and detected, without interference. Loss of orthogonality results
in blurring between these information signals and degradation in communications.
Many common multiplexing schemes are inherently orthogonal. Time Division
Multiplexing (TDM) allows transmission of multiple information signals over a
single channel by assigning unique time slots to each separate information signal.
During each time slot only the signal from a single source is transmitted preventing
any interference between the multiple information sources. Because of this TDM is
orthogonal in nature. In the frequency domain most FDM systems are orthogonal as
each of the separate transmission signals are well spaced out in frequency preventing
interference. Although these methods are orthogonal the term OFDM has been
reserved for a special form of FDM. The subcarriers in an OFDM signal are spaced
as close as is theoretically possible while maintain orthogonality between them.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
(1a), (2a), (3a) and (4a) show individual subcarriers, with 1, 2, 3, and 4 cycles
per symbol respectively. The phase on all these subcarriers is zero. Note, that
each subcarrier has an integer number of cycles per symbol, making them
cyclic. Adding a copy of the symbol to the end would result in a smooth join
between symbols. (1b), (2b), (3b) and (4b) show the FFT of the time
waveforms in (1a), (2a), (3a) and (4a) respectively. (4a) and (4b) shows the
result for the summation of the 4 subcarriers.
Sets of functions are orthogonal to each other if they match the conditions in
equation (2-1). If any two different functions within the set are multiplied, and
integrated over a symbol period, the result is zero, for orthogonal functions. Another
way of thinking of this is that if we look at a matched receiver for one of the
orthogonal functions, a subcarrier in the case of OFDM, then the receiver will only
see the result for that function. The results from all other functions in the set integrate
to zero, and thus have no effect.
C i= j
∫ s (t )s (t )dt = 0
i≠ j
i j
Equation (2-2) shows a set of orthogonal sinusoids, which represent the subcarriers
for an unmodulated real OFDM signal.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
where f o is the carrier spacing, M is the number of carriers, T is the symbol period.
also Mf o .
These subcarriers are orthogonal to each other because when we multiply the
waveforms of any two subcarriers and integrate over the symbol period the result is
zero. Multiplying the two sine waves together is the same as mixing these
subcarriers. This results in sum and difference frequency components, which will
always be integer subcarrier frequencies, as the frequency of the two mixing
subcarriers has integer number of cycles. Since the system is linear we can integrate
the result by taking the integral of each frequency component separately then
combining the results by adding the two sub-integrals. The two frequency
components after the mixing have an integer number of cycles over the period and so
the sub-integral of each component will be zero, as the integral of a sinusoid over an
entire period is zero. Both the sub-integrals are zeros and so the resulting addition of
the two will also be zero, thus we have established that the frequency components are
orthogonal to each other.
1 OFDM signals typically use a time domain guard period. This guard period extends the length of the
transmitted OFDM symbol, but is removed at the receiver (see section 2.3). As a result we can ignore its effect on
the spectrum seen by the receiver.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
The orthogonal nature of the transmission is a result of the peak of each subcarrier
corresponding to the nulls of all other subcarriers. When this signal is detected using
a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) the spectrum is not continuous as shown in
Figure 2-2 (a), but has discrete samples. The sampled spectrum are shown as ‘o’s in
the figure. If the DFT is time synchronised, the frequency samples of the DFT
correspond to just the peaks of the subcarriers, thus the overlapping frequency region
between subcarriers does not affect the receiver. The measured peaks correspond to
the nulls for all other subcarriers, resulting in orthogonality between the subcarriers.
1 1
0.8 0.8
Tx Power
Tx Power
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency (Carrier spacings) Frequency (Carrier spacings)
(a) (b)
Figure 2-2, Frequency response of the subcarriers in a 5 tone OFDM signal.
(script 0006)
(a) shows the spectrum of each carrier, and the discrete frequency samples seen
by an OFDM receiver. Note, each carrier is sinc, sin(x)/x, in shape. (b) Shows
the overall combined response of the 5 subcarriers (thick black line).
OFDM signals are typically generated digitally due to the difficulty in creating large
banks of phase lock oscillators and receivers in the analog domain. Figure 2-3 shows
the block diagram of a typical OFDM transceiver. The transmitter section converts
digital data to be transmitted, into a mapping of subcarrier amplitude and phase. It
then transforms this spectral representation of the data into the time domain using an
Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT). The Inverse Fast Fourier Transform
(IFFT) performs the same operations as an IDFT, except that it is much more
computationally efficiency, and so is used in all practical systems. In order to
transmit the OFDM signal the calculated time domain signal is then mixed up to the
required frequency.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
The receiver performs the reverse operation of the transmitter, mixing the RF signal
to base band for processing, then using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to analyse the
signal in the frequency domain. The amplitude and phase of the subcarriers is then
picked out and converted back to digital data.
The IFFT and the FFT are complementary function and the most appropriate term
depends on whether the signal is being received or generated. In cases where the
signal is independent of this distinction then the term FFT and IFFT is used
Phase I I I
Serial Guard Frame RF
to Mapping IFFT Q Period Q Sync Q Modulator
Serial Insertion Insertion Amplifier
TX data
Transmitter Carrier Time Waveform
Frequency Correction LO
Para. Modulation Guard RF
to Slicer FFT Q Period Q Amplifier
Serial Removal Demod
RX data
Time Sync.
Receiver Detection
For adaptive modulation schemes such as described in section 4.2, the modulation
scheme used on each subcarrier can vary and so the number of bits per subcarrier
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
also varies. As a result the serial to parallel conversion stage involves filling the data
payload for each subcarrier. At the receiver the reverse process takes place, with the
data from the subcarriers being converted back to the original serial data stream.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
In the receiver, mapping the received IQ vector back to the data word performs
subcarrier demodulation. During transmission, noise and distortion becomes added to
the signal due to thermal noise, signal power reduction and imperfect channel
equalisation. Figure 2-5 shows an example of a received 16-QAM signal with a SNR
of 18 dB. Each of the IQ points is blurred in location due to the channel noise. For
each received IQ vector the receiver has to estimate the most likely original
transmission vector. This is achieved by finding the transmission vector that is
closest to the received vector. Errors occur when the noise exceeds half the spacing
between the transmission IQ points, making it cross over a decision boundary.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Figure 2-5, IQ plot for 16-QAM data with added noise. (script s0083)
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
End Time
Parallel to serial
IQ vector
Data >
Zeros Guard signal
The output of the OFDM modulator generates a base band signal, which must be
mixed up to the required transmission frequency. This can be implemented using
analog techniques as shown in Figure 2-7 or using a Digital Up Converter as shown
in Figure 2-8. Both techniques perform the same operation, however the performance
of the digital modulation will tend to be more accurate due to improved matching
between the processing of the I and Q channels, and the phase accuracy of the digital
IQ modulator.
Anti-aliasing IQ modulator
Low pass
Complex RF
OFDM RF carrier output
Base Band
Digital Analog
Figure 2-7, RF modulation of complex base band OFDM signal, using analog
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Digital Up Converter
I Interpolation
cos RF
Complex output
90 °
Base Band DAC
Q Interpolation
Digital Analog
Figure 2-8, RF modulation of complex base band OFDM signal, using digital
techniques. (DDS = Direct Digital Synthesis)
A real signal is equivalent to a complex base band signal, centred on DC, mixed to
the new centre frequency using an IQ modulator:
fc = +f off (2-3)
where f c is the frequency translation required to shift the complex base band signal to
form the real OFDM signal, W is the signal bandwidth and f off is the offset from DC,
also see Figure 2-9. In wired applications such as ASDL, the lower most subcarrier
is offset from DC by a small amount compared with the signal bandwidth. This
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
means that the real signal can be generated directly using the IFFT stage instead of
requiring the use of an IQ modulator for frequency translation.
Figure 2-9, DC offset OFDM signal, W - bandwidth, f off - frequency offset from
DC, f c centre frequency.
Figure 2-10 shows the set up of the OFDM signal in the frequency domain for the
generation of a real waveform. With a real waveform the useable bandwidth of the
signal is only half the sampling frequency, and so to generate a real OFDM signal
only one half of the available subcarriers can be used for data modulation. To create
a real waveform the upper frequency bins of the IFFT must be set to the complex
conjugate of the mirror of the lower half.
This can be contrasted with the construction of a complex base band OFDM signal as
shown in Figure 2-11. In this case all of the frequency bins can be used for subcarrier
modulation, with the main limitation being that the outer bins must be kept as zero to
allow reconstruction of the analog signal, without aliasing occurring. In most
applications the subcarrier corresponding to DC is not used. Its removal simplifies
the implementation hardware. Most OFDM system currently using an analog base
band the same as shown in Figure 2-7. In order for the DC subcarrier to be used it
requires that the IQ outputs are DC coupled to the IQ mixer. This is difficult to
achieve in hardware as offset errors result in large errors in the generated IQ vector.
Using AC coupling reduces the complexity of the implementation and so the DC
subcarrier is usually not used. If digital modulation is used as shown in Figure 2-8
then the DC subcarrier can be used.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Figure 2-10, Construction of the subcarriers for generating a real output time
domain waveform.
(The slope on the top of the signal block is to show spectral reversing of the
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
For a given system bandwidth the symbol rate for an OFDM signal is much lower
than a single carrier transmission scheme. For example for a single carrier BPSK
modulation, the symbol rate corresponds to the bit rate of the transmission. However
for OFDM the system bandwidth is broken up into Nc subcarriers, resulting in a
symbol rate that is Nc times lower than the single carrier transmission. This low
symbol rate makes OFDM naturally resistant to effects of Inter-Symbol Interference
(ISI) caused by multipath propagation.
The effect of ISI on an OFDM signal can be further improved by the addition of a
guard period to the start of each symbol. This guard period is a cyclic copy that
extends the length of the symbol waveform. Each subcarrier, in the data section of
the symbol, (i.e. the OFDM symbol with no guard period added, which is equal to
the length of the IFFT size used to generate the signal) has an integer number of
cycles. Because of this, placing copies of the symbol end-to-end results in a
continuous signal, with no discontinuities at the joins. Thus by copying the end of a
symbol and appending this to the start results in a longer symbol time. Figure 2-12
shows the insertion of a guard period.
Guard Guard
Period Period
Symbol N -1 Ts Symbol N +1
Symbol N
The total length of the symbol is Ts=TG + TFFT, where Ts is the total length of the
symbol in samples, TG is the length of the guard period in samples, and TFFT is the
size of the IFFT used to generate the OFDM signal.
In addition to protecting the OFDM from ISI, the guard period also provides
protection against time-offset errors in the receiver.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
arriving at slightly different times, changing the received subcarrier vector. Figure
2-13 shows this effect. Adding a guard period allows time for the transient part of the
signal to decay, so that the FFT is taken from a steady state portion of the symbol.
This eliminates the effect of ISI provided that the guard period is longer than the
delay spread of the radio channel. The remaining effects caused by the multipath,
such as amplitude scaling and phase rotation are corrected for by channel
Figure 2-13, Function of the guard period for protecting against ISI.
The guard period protects against transient effects due to multipath, removing
the effects of ISI, provided it is longer than the channel delay spread. This
example shows the instantaneous phase of a single carrier for 3 symbols.
The addition of guard period removes most of the effects of ISI; however in practice,
multipath components tend to decay slowly with time, resulting in some ISI even
when a relatively long guard period is used.
Figure 2-14 shows the simulated performance of an OFDM system in the presence of
static multipath. In this case the multipath impulse response (see section 3.3 for more
detail) followed an exponential decay with a time constant of 8 samples, resulting in
an RMS delay spread of 3.5 samples. Each sample in the impulse response was
complex and Gaussian distributed. The RMS delay spread is a common parameter to
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
estimate the spread of the multipath energy in time, and used to estimate the level of
ISI in single carrier communications. Section 3.4 provides a more detailed
description of RMS delay spread with typical values for a range of environments. A
more appropriate measure is the time over which 99% of the total accumulated
impulse energy arrived, which in this simulation was 16 samples.
The results shown in Figure 2-14 plot the effective SNR of the demodulated OFDM
signal as a function of the channel SNR. Effective SNR is used extensively though
out this thesis as a measure of the performance of the communications link. It is a
measure of the signal to noise ratio as seen by the OFDM receiver after
demodulation, where the signal power is the magnitude of the wanted signal, and the
noise is the combined error in the received signal due to all the detrimental effects in
the system including channel noise, IMD, filtering, ISI, ICI, frequency errors, time
offset errors, channel equalisation errors, etc. The effective SNR provides a measure
of the OFDM performance, independent of the modulation scheme. Traditionally the
BER is used to measure the performance of a link, however in this thesis OFDM is
considered the work with a large number of modulation schemes making BER a poor
method of measurement. The BER of any particular modulation scheme can be
estimated from the effective SNR by finding the BER of the modulation scheme in
an AWGN channel with a SNR equal to the effective SNR (see section 2.6.9
Figure 2-14 shows the effect of multipath on the OFDM transmission. Ideally the
effective SNR should follow the channel SNR, however detrimental effects such as
ISI lead to degraded performance. We can see from the results that as the length of
the guard period is increased the maximum effective SNR improves. For example,
the effective SNR of the OFDM signal only reaches a maximum of 15 dB when the
guard period length is 4 samples in length, but reaches 25 dB when a guard period of
16 samples is used. This is a result of more of the ISI energy being removed by the
guard period. This shows that having a guard period (16 samples) that is more than
four times the multipath RMS delay spread (3.5 samples) still results in significant
The low effective SNR for when the guard period was a similar length to the channel
RMS delay spread is fine for robust modulation schemes such as BPSK and QPSK,
but is insufficient for higher spectral efficiency modulation schemes such as 64-
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
QAM and 256-QAM. Traditionally the RMS delay spread has been used as a
measure of ISI and the allowable symbol rate in a multipath environment [68], [69],
[70]. However if a higher spectral efficiency is required a more appropriate measure
is needed. To achieve very high spectral efficiencies an effective SNR of greater than
35 dB must be able to be reached. In this case it required a guard period of at least 64
samples in length. This length of the guard period corresponds to the time it took for
the impulse energy to decay to –35 dBc. Thus if we require a SNR of 25 dB then we
have a guard period that is at least long enough to remove all impulse reflections that
are stronger than –25 dBc.
The last two results in the simulation show the performance when using a guard
period of 64 samples, with an IFFT size of 128, and 512. In the 128-point IFFT
simulation, 80 subcarriers were used while in the 512-point simulation, 320
subcarriers were used, making the bandwidth of both systems the same. In order for
the OFDM carriers to remain orthogonal to each other, the channel response must be
approximately flat over the bandwidth of each subcarrier (see section 3.7.1 ). The
simulation using 320 subcarriers divides the channel response using finer subcarriers,
and hence the variation of the channel fading over their bandwidth of each subcarrier
is more constant, improving the performance. The effective SNR for the 128 IFFT
size is not limited by the guard period, but instead by poor channel equalisation
caused by an insufficient number of subcarriers. For OFDM to operate effectively,
the frequency response must be approximately flat over the bandwidth of a
subcarrier. If insufficient subcarriers are used then the frequency response changes
too rapidly, leading to degraded performance.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Exp. Decay T=8 samp, RMS del.=3.5 samp, 99% Energy=16 samp
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Channel SNR (dB)
Figure 2-14, Effectiveness of adding a guard period for removal of ISI. (script
∆f = (2-4)
In Equation (2-4), Äf is the subcarrier spacing in Hz, Fs is the sample rate in Hz, and
NFFT is the size of the FFT. The guard period adds time overhead, decreasing the
overall spectral efficiency of the system.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
0 Symbol 1 1 Symbol 2 2 Symbol 3 3
Note: Each symbol has an integer number of cycles per symbol, which is
required for orthogonality. Also there are sharp phase transients between
symbols. (script s0037)
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Power (dB)
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
Frequency (Normalised to Subcarrier Spacings)
Power (dB)
-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Frequency (Normalised to Subcarrier Spacings)
This is the same frequency response as an un-filtered Type I DAB signal. For
DAB the subcarrier spacing corresponds to 1 kHz.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Figure 2-18 (a) shows the frequency response of the OFDM signal with no filtering.
Figure 2-18 (b) - (e) shows examples of a band pass filtered OFDM signal. These
signals have been filtered with a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter [120]
developed using the windowing method (see Appendix A). A low number of
subcarriers were used in these plots so that the roll off of the FIR filtering could be
seen. The filtering removes virtually all of the side lobes, but does so at the cost of
the computational expense of implementing the FIR filtering, and it reduces the
effective SNR of the OFDM channel (see section 2.6 for calculating the BER for a
given modulation scheme and effective SNR). The act of filtering the OFDM signal,
chops off significant energy from the outer subcarriers, distorting their shape and
causing ICI.
No publications to date could be found studying the effects of band pass filtering of
OFDM signals, looking at the reduction in the effective SNR caused by the filtering.
Very sharp cut off filters allow separate blocks of OFDM signals to be packed very
closely in the frequency domain, improving the spectral efficiency. But this tight
filtering can result in a degraded effective SNR, and so its effects must be taken into
consideration when designing a system.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Power (dB)
(a) -70
- 3 2 - 2 8 - 2 4 - 2 0 - 1 6 - 1 2 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Frequency (Normalised to Subcarrier Spacings)
8 sub-
-10 carriers
Power (dB)
(b) -70
- 3 2 - 2 8 - 2 4 - 2 0 - 1 6 - 1 2 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Frequency (Normalised to Subcarrier Spacings)
Power (dB)
(c) -70
- 3 2 - 2 8 - 2 4 - 2 0 - 1 6 - 1 2 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Frequency (Normalised to Subcarrier Spacings)
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Power (dB)
(d) -70
- 3 2 - 2 8 - 2 4 - 2 0 - 1 6 - 1 2 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Frequency (Normalised to Subcarrier Spacings)
Power (dB)
- 3 2 - 2 8 - 2 4 - 2 0 - 1 6 - 1 2 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Frequency (Normalised to Subcarrier Spacings)
Figure 2-18, Spectrum of a 20 subcarrier OFDM, with and without band pass
filtering. Centre subcarrier was not used. (script s0050)
Filtered results were band pass filtered using an FIR filter, which was developed
using the windowing method with a Kaiser window function. See Appendix A.
(script s0050)
(b) Kaiser window width of 3 (Side lobe attenuation of 89 dB). The transition
width of the filter was 8 subcarrier spacings (24 tap FIR filter)
(c) Kaiser window width of 3 (Side lobe attenuation of 89 dB). The transition
width of the filter was 2 subcarrier spacings (96 tap FIR filter)
(d) Kaiser window width of 1.5 (Side lobe attenuation of 40 dB). The transition
width of the filter was 8 subcarrier spacings (12 tap FIR filter)
(e) Kaiser window width of 1.5 (Side lobe attenuation of 40 dB). The transition
width of the filter was 2 subcarrier spacings (48 tap FIR filter)
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Ntaps = ceil T (2-5)
where Ntaps is the number of taps in the FIR filter, WT is the transition width of the
window function used to generate the FIR filter (see section A.2 in the appendix for a
description of window functions), IFFT is the size of the IFFT used to generate the
signal, and FT is the transition width of the filter normalised for subcarrier spacings.
Ceil is a rounding toward infinity, i.e. ceil(1.1) = 2.
For example, to generate the signal shown in Figure 2-18 (b) requires filtering with a
24 tap FIR filter. This can be calculated from the signal specifications. The signal
was generated using an IFFT size of 64 and so IFFT = 64. A Kaiser window function
with a transition width of 3 was used. This results in a stop band attenuation of 89 dB
(see Figure A - 5 in the appendix). The side-lobe power of the unfiltered OFDM
signal is –20 dBc and so after filtering it should be –109 dBc. This matches the
results shown in Figure 2-18 (b). The transition width of the window function used
was 3.0 and so the number of taps would be:
3.0 × 64
N taps = ceil = 24 (2-6)
Each tap of the FIR filter requires two Multiply and ACcumulate operations (MAC)
as a result of the complex samples, and so for a sample rate of 20 MHz the number of
calculations would be 20×106 ×24×2 = 960 MMAC (Million MACs).
In applications where the required number of taps in the filter is high (> 100), it is
probably more efficient to implement it using an FFT implementation of an FIR
filter. Another method for reducing the number of calculations is to implement the
filtering using an IIR filter, however a review of the amount of ISI caused by the
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Figure 2-19 shows the simulated performance of a band pass filtered OFDM signal,
with different transition widths for the filter, in a channel with no channel noise. This
plot shows the performance of the OFDM transmission when the time
synchronisation offset was varied. The guard period used in this simulation was of
the same length as the IFFT section of the symbol. This very long guard period was
used so that the effect of the time offset could be varied over a large range, while still
maintaining a time offset within the guard period. The effective SNR was calculated
by averaging effective SNR over all the subcarriers in the transmission. When the
time offset is 0 this corresponds to the receiver taking the FFT of the IFFT section of
the transmitted signal. When the time offset is negative this corresponds to the
receiver taking the FFT over the IFFT section and part of the symbol guard period
(see Figure 2-20).
The lowest ISI is achieved when the time offset is negative and half the guard period
length. The sharper the filter cuts off the signal (in the figure the sharpest filter
removes the side-lobes down to below –100 dBc within 2 carrier spacings), the
longer the ISI. The residual capping of the SNR at 85 dB is caused by ICI, and
distortion of the subcarriers at the edges of the signal.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
2 carr. cutoff
30 4 carr. cutoff
8 carr. cutoff
-0.5 -0.45 -0.4 -0.35 -0.3 -0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0
Time Offset (Fraction of Symbol)
Figure 2-19, Effective SNR as a function of the time offset for a band pass
filtered 52 subcarrier OFDM signal. (script s0057)
The guard period in this test was 50% of total symbol time, thus guard period
length = useful symbol time. Carr. cutoff corresponds to the transition width of
the filter in subcarrier spacings.
Guard Guard
IFFT Period IFFT output Period IFFT
Receiver FFT
Time offset:0
Receiver FFT
Figure 2-20, Section of the waveform that the receiver FFT is taken from
depending on the time offset.
The effective SNR of a band pass filtered OFDM signal depends on the effects of
both ISI and ICI. Figure 2-21 shows the performance of an OFDM system matching
the specifications of HiperLAN2 or IEE802.11a. In this case 52 carriers are used, and
the guard period is 20% of the total symbol time. The effective SNR varies with
subcarrier number as the filter distorts the response of the outer subcarriers the most.
The highest modulation scheme used in HiperLAN2 and IEEE802.11a systems is 64-
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
QAM, which requires an effective SNR of greater than 26 dB. We can see from the
results in Figure 2-21 that the effective SNR exceeds 26 dB for all carriers even
when using a very sharp band pass filter that cuts off within one half of a subcarrier
(a) 55
45 0.5 carr. cutoff
40 3 carr. cutoff
35 4 carr. cutoff
30 5 carr. cutoff
25 6 carr. cutoff
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Subcarrier number from edge of signal
(b) 45
0.5 carr. cutoff
30 4 carr. cutoff
25 6 carr. cutoff
20 8 carr. cutoff
15 10 carr. cutoff
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Subcarrier number from edge of signal
Figure 2-21, Effective SNR for each subcarrier as a result of band pass filtering.
(script s0057)
An odd number of subcarriers (53) were simulated to make the signal
symmetrical about DC. The band pass filtering was implemented using an FIR
filter based one the windowing method using a Kaiser window. Each result
shows five different sharpness of the filter (carr. cutoff).
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Signals with a larger number of carriers than the one shown in Figure 2-21, still have
the effective SNR limited by the band pass filtering. Figure 2-22 shows the effective
SNR for a signal with many subcarriers. Only the lower section is shown, as the SNR
is symmetrical about the centre subcarrier. These results can be used to estimate the
subcarrier effective SNR for any sized OFDM signal. In this simulation the only
source of noise is the ISI caused by the band pass filtering of the signal.
For example: let us assume that we wanted to know the effective SNR of the 26th
subcarrier from the edge of a HiperLAN2 signal when it is band pass filtered using a
transition width of 6 subcarriers and we use a Kaiser window with a window width
of 3, and a guard period of 20% is used. From Figure 2-22 (g) we can estimate the
effective SNR to be 64 dB. In a HiperLAN2 signal the 26th carrier corresponds to the
middle of the signal bandwidth and so it suffers from degradation from the filtering
of both edges of the signal in the frequency domain. This degrades the effective SNR
of the 26th subcarrier by 3 dB, thus the resulting in an effective SNR of 61 dB. This
matches the direct simulated results shown in Figure 2-21 (b).
We can see that for each halving of the guard period length the transition width of
the band pass filter must be approximately doubled in order to maintain the same
effective SNR. Subcarriers more than 10 subcarrier spacings from the signal
boundary have an effective SNR of greater than 30 dB regardless of the sharpness of
the filtering provided some guard period is present. This effective SNR is sufficiently
high to support a modulation scheme up to 128-QAM with a low error rate (see
Figure 2-31), providing that there are no other detrimental effects. For subcarriers on
the edge of the OFDM signal, their effective SNR can be as low as 20 dB, which
may pose a small problem for modulation schemes above 32-QAM.
Band pass filtering of OFDM signals allows the side-lobes to be removed from an
OFDM signal, effectively reducing its bandwidth, and improving the spectral
efficiency. It does this with little or no extra overheads in the time domain, as the
guard period is needed for protection from multipath delay spread.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Guard 0%, Wind. Width 1.5, Filter Atten: 40 dB
1 carr. cutoff
80 24 carr. cutoff
32 carr. cutoff
Effective SNR (dB) 48 carr. cutoff
60 64 carr. cutoff
0 1 2
10 10 10
Subcarrier number from edge of signal
(a) (b)
Guard 5%, Wind. Width 1.5, Filter Atten: 40 dB
Effective SNR (dB)
30 1 carr. cutoff
12 carr. cutoff
16 carr. cutoff
10 24 carr. cutoff
32 carr. cutoff
0 1 2
10 10 10
Subcarrier number from edge of signal
(c) (d)
Guard 10%, Wind. Width 1.5, Filter Atten: 40 dB
Effective SNR (dB)
30 1 carr. cutoff
6 carr. cutoff
8 carr. cutoff
10 12 carr. cutoff
16 carr. cutoff
0 1 2
10 10 10
Subcarrier number from edge of signal
(e) (f)
Guard 20%, Wind. Width 1.5, Filter Atten: 40 dB
Effective SNR (dB)
30 1 carr. cutoff
3 carr. cutoff
4 carr. cutoff
10 6 carr. cutoff
8 carr. cutoff
0 1 2
10 10 10
Subcarrier number from edge of signal
(g) (h)
Figure 2-22, Subcarrier effective SNR, due to band pass filtering. (script s0085)
An OFDM signal with a large number of subcarriers (701) was simulated and
only the lower 100 subcarriers is show. The guard period is specified as a
percentage of the total symbol time (IFFT and the guard period)
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
One of the simplest methods for suppressing the side-lobes of an OFDM signal is to
round the guard period of the OFDM signal, tapering it smoothly to zero before the
next symbol. This tapering smooths the transition between symbols, resulting in
reduced side-lobe power. Figure 2-23 shows the make up of a single OFDM symbol
with a Raised Cosine (RC) guard period. This section of the guard period is
windowed with a squared cosine shape (cos(θ)2 ), hence the name raised cosine.
The raised cosine section of a guard period can be overlapped with the previous and
next symbol as this section of the guard period only provides minimal protection
against multipath and timing errors, and is ignored at the receiver. Because this
section tapers to zero it results in minimal additional ISI. The main advantage of
overlapping is that the length of the raise cosine section can be made double in length
without incurring additional time overhead. Figure 2-24 shows a diagram of
overlapping symbols.
Figure 2-24, Envelope of OFDM symbols with a flat guard period and an
overlapping raised cosine guard period.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
The spectrum of an OFDM signal only varies slightly as the number of subcarriers is
increased. The main difference occurs for the side-lobe level when little or no RC
guard period is used. It can be seen in the simulations that as the number of
subcarriers is increased from 20 (Figure 2-25) to 4000 (Figure 2-27) the level of the
side-lobes, 200 subcarrier spacings from the edge of the signal, increases by about 8
dB. The increase is a result of the combined effect of all the subcarriers in the signal.
In Figure 2-25 through to Figure 2-27 the RC guard period length has been specified
as a percentage of the flat section of the OFDM symbol, that is:
RC = 100 ⋅ % (2-7)
Where RC is the raised cosine percentage, TGRC is the length of the RC guard period,
TFFT is the length of the FFT section of the symbol and TGF is the length of the flat
guard period, see Figure 2-24. For example: The IEEE802.11a standard recommends
a RC guard period of 100 ns. The useful symbol period (TFFT) is 3.2 ìs and the total
guard period is 800 ns. The flat section of the guard period is the total guard period
(800 ns) minus the RC section of the symbol (100 ns), thus TGF = 700 ns. The RC
section is thus:
RC = 100 ⋅ = 2.56% (2-8)
700 + 3200
From Figure 2-25 and Figure 2-26 we can estimate that the side-lobes will be –40
dBc approximately 30 subcarriers from the edge of the signal. Since HiperLAN2
uses 52 signal subcarriers (spaced at intervals of 312.5 kHz) the total system
bandwidth using a threshold of –40 dBc is (2×30+52)×312.5 kHz = 35 MHz. The
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
0 No RC
RC: 0.2%
RC: 0.4%
-20 RC: 0.8%
RC: 1.6%
RC: 3.1%
-40 RC: 6.3%
RC: 12.5%
Power (dB)
RC: 25.0%
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320
Frequency wrt. edge subcarrier (Subcarrier Spacings)
Figure 2-25, Side-lobe power for an OFDM signal with 20 subcarriers as the
length of the RC guard period is varied. (script s0050)
0 No RC
RC: 0.2%
RC: 0.4%
-20 RC: 0.8%
RC: 1.6%
RC: 3.1%
-40 RC: 6.3%
RC: 12.5%
Power (dB)
RC: 25.0%
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320
Frequency wrt. edge subcarrier (Subcarrier Spacings)
Figure 2-26, Side-lobe power for an OFDM signal with 100 subcarriers as the
length of the RC guard period is varied. (script s0050)
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
0 No RC
RC: 0.2%
RC: 0.4%
-20 RC: 0.8%
RC: 1.6%
RC: 3.1%
-40 RC: 6.3%
RC: 12.5%
Power (dB)
RC: 25.0%
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320
Frequency wrt. edge subcarrier (Subcarrier Spacings)
Figure 2-27, Side-lobe power for an OFDM signal with 4000 subcarriers as the
length of the RC guard period is varied. (script s0050)
from amplification, primarily have white Gaussian noise properties, allowing them to
be modelled accurately with AWGN. Also most other noise sources have AWGN
properties due to the transmission being OFDM. OFDM signals have a flat spectral
density and a Gaussian amplitude distribution provided that the number of carriers is
large (greater than about 20 subcarriers), because of this the inter-cellular
interference from other OFDM systems have AWGN properties. For the same reason
ICI, ISI, and IMD also have AWGN properties for OFDM signals.
phase of ∠( I + j ⋅ Q) where j = − 1 .
Increasing the number of points in the constellation does not change the bandwidth
of the transmission, thus using a modulation scheme with a large number of
constellation points, allows for improved spectral efficiency. For example 256-QAM
has a spectral efficiency of 8 b/s/Hz, compared with only 1 b/s/Hz for BPSK.
However, the greater the number of points in the modulation constellation, the harder
they are to resolve at the receiver. As the IQ locations become spaced closer
together, it only requires a small amount of noise to cause errors in the transmission.
This results in a direct trade off between noise tolerance and the spectral efficiency
of the modulation scheme and was summarised by Shannon's Information Theory
[53], which states that the maximum capacity of a channel of bandwidth W, with a
signal power of S, perturbed by white noise of average power N, is given by
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
C = W log 2 1 +
The spectral efficiency of a channel is a measure of the number of bits transferred per
second for each Hz of bandwidth and thus the spectral efficiency SE is given by
= log 2 1 +
SE = (2-10)
where both the signal and noise is linear scale, and the spectral efficiency is
measured in b/s/Hz. If the SNR is significantly higher than one then each doubling of
the signal power (a 3 dB increase) the ideal spectral efficiency increases by 1 b/s/Hz
If we look at just a single OFDM subcarrier (since the subcarriers are orthogonal to
each other, this does not effect the performance in any way) then this is exactly the
same as a single carrier transmission that is quadrature modulated with no band pass
filtering. The transmitted amplitude and phase is held constant over the period of the
symbol and is set based on the modulation scheme and the transmitted data. This
transmitted vector is then updated at the start of each symbol. This results in a sinc
frequency response, which is the required response for OFDM.
The optimal receiver for such a single carrier transmission is to use a coherent
matched receiver, which can be implemented by mixing the signal to DC using an IQ
mixer. This results in an IQ output that describes the amplitude and phase of the
received modulated carrier. The amplitude and phase of the transmitted signal is
constant over the symbol period, and so the optimal method of removing the most
noise from the signal is to use an integrate-and-dump filter. This filter averages the
received IQ vector over the entire symbol, then performs IQ demodulation on the
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
From this we can conclude that in AWGN, OFDM will have the same performance
as a single carrier transmission with no band limiting.
Multipath propagation results in frequency selective fading (see section 3.6 for more
details) that leads to fading of individual subcarriers. Most OFDM systems use
Forward Error Correction to compensate for the subcarriers that suffer from severe
fading. The adaptive modulation scheme proposed in section 4.2 matches the
modulation scheme of each subcarrier to its SNR. The additional spectral efficiency
of those subcarriers that have a SNR greater than the average (due to constructive
interference) tends to compensate for subcarriers that are subjected to fading
(destructive interference). As a result of this the performance of such an OFDM
system in a multipath environment is similar to its performance in an AWGN
channel. The performance of the OFDM system will be primarily determined by the
noise seen at the receiver. However, the performance of a single carrier transmission
will degrade rapidly in the presence of multipath.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
The symbol rate of single carrier systems has to be high if they are to obtain a high
bit rate, and as a result, systems such as GSM require complex equalisation (up to 4
symbol periods) to cope with multipath propagation. GSM systems are designed to
cope with a maximum delay spread of 15 µs, which corresponds to the typical delay
spread experienced at a transmission distance of 30 - 35 km. The symbol rate for
GSM is 270 kHz corresponding to a symbol period of 3.7 µs, thus ISI caused by the
multipath spans over 4 symbol periods. This would normally completely destroy the
transmitted information, but is recovered in practice by using complex adaptive
equalisation. Although this works for robust modulation schemes such as Gaussian
Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) [22], [23] as used in the GSM system, it is difficult
to successfully apply to higher modulation schemes, as the residual errors in the
equalisation will cause a high error rate.
In DS-CDMA systems the problem is not primarily limited by multipath, but instead
inter-user interference. DS-CDMA systems utilise the fact that by spreading the user
information over a wide bandwidth it allows multiple users to transmit at the same
frequency [26], [27]. Each of these users spread the information signal by
multiplying it by a unique higher speed Pseudo Random Sequence (PRS). At the
receiver the signal from each user is extracted by multiply the by the same PRS and
integrating over the period of an information symbol. This process is however non-
orthogonal in the reverse link, resulting in users appearing as noise to each other. The
system capacity is maximised when the number of users is maximised, resulting in
very high levels of noise. This results in the system typically operating at an Energy
per Bit to Noise Ratio (EBNR) of around 5 - 8 dB after demodulation. This rules out
the use of high spectral efficiency modulation schemes since the SNR is too low.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
OFDM on the other hand, minimises both of these effects. Multipath is minimised by
using a low symbol rate and the use of a guard period. Equalisation of the channel
can be easily achieved through the use of pilot symbols and or pilot tones. This type
of equalisation is accurate and results in minimal residual error, thus allowing a high
average SNR. Additionally, users in OFDM are kept orthogonal to each other, by use
of time division multiplexing or synchronised frequency division multiplexing,
minimising inter-user interference. Both these advantages mean that a high effective
channel SNR can be maintained even in a multiuser, multipath environment. This
potential for a high SNR means that high modulation schemes can be used in OFDM
systems, allowing for improved system spectral efficiency.
The results presented show the BER performance as a function of the channel SNR.
Other simulations in this thesis, present the performance of OFDM under a range of
detrimental effects. These simulations measure the performance by finding the
effective SNR of the channel instead of the BER. These simulations show the
communication performance that corresponds to an equivalent AWGN SNR. The
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
results presented in this section can then be used to predict the BER for the particular
modulation scheme used.
The symbol error rate of most common modulation schemes has been derived in
algebraic form [117]. However, the derivation of the BER is difficult due to
possibility of multiple bit errors per symbol. Additionally the BER for only square
QAM modulation schemes, such as 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, etc, can be
calculated directly. To overcome this problem the BER performance of OFDM was
obtained by using simulation. There are four main categories of modulation
presented, which are, coherent QAM, coherent PSK, differential QAM, and
differential PSK.
Gray coding can be used for all PSK modulation schemes (QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-PSK,
etc), and square QAM (16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, etc). For square QAM each
axis is mapped separately using gray coding.
G1 = {0, 1}
G2 = {0, 1, 3, 2}
G3 = {0, 1, 3, 2, 6, 7, 5 4} (2-11)
{ ( ) ( )
GN +1 = GN 1, 2, 3, K , 2 N , GN 2 N , 2 N − 1, 2 N − 2, K, 1 + 2 N }
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
0,1,1,0 Imaginary
0,1,1,1 0,0,1,0
0,1,0,1 0,0,1,1
0,1,0,0 0,0,0,1
1,1,0,0 0,0,0,0
1,1,1,1 1,0,0,1
1,1,1,0 1,0,1,1
Figure 2-28, IQ plot of 16-PSK using gray coding. Note that each successive IQ
location changes by only a single bit.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
1 1 01
0.5 0.5
0 1 0 0 11 00
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1 10
(a) (b)
I-Q diagram for 8QAM I-Q diagram for 16QAM
101 1000 1001 1011 1010
0.5 011 001 1100 1101 1111 1110
0 111 100 0
(c) (d)
I-Q diagram for 64QAM
I-Q diagram for 32QAM
0 0
00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001
00000 00001 00010 00011 -1
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
(e) (f)
Table 2-2, IQ diagrams for modulations used in the OFDM simulations. (script
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
(g) (h)
I-Q diagram for 512QAM I-Q diagram for 1024QAM
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
(i) (k)
(l) (m)
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
1 011 1 0110
0111 0010
0.5 0.5
0100 0001
0 110 000 0 1100 0000
1101 1000
-0.5 -0.5
1110 1011
-1 101 -1 1010
(n) (o)
I-Q diagram for 64PSK
I-Q diagram for 32PSK
1 01101 01100 00100
01111 00101
01110 00111
01010 00110
01000 00001
0 11000 00000 0
11001 10000
11011 10001
11111 10110
11101 10111
-1 11100 10100 10101
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
(p) (q)
I-Q diagram for 128PSK I-Q diagram for 256PSK
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Real Real
(r) (s)
Table 2-2, continued.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
D-QPSK has the same IQ diagram except that each data combination corresponds to
a phase difference. The most obvious method for allocating word combinations to
phase differences, is to linearly map the binary word combinations to a linear phase
difference, as shown in Table 2-3. For example, if the data to be transmitted is {1,0
1,1 0,0 0,1} then the differential phase would be {180°, 270°, 0°, 90°}, thus if the
starting phase is 0° then the transmitted phase would be {180°, 180°+270° = 90°,
(90°+0°) = 90°, (90°+90°) = 180°}.
In a noisy channel phase errors can result in the received phase being closer to the
next or previous phase difference combinations, causing a symbol error. The number
of bits in error depends on the data word mapping. Linear mapping is not optimal as
a wrap around error from 270° to 0° causes a double bit error (1,1) to (0,0). By using
gray coding, the number of bit errors can be reduced by ensuring that the phase-
difference combinations that are closest to each other, only differ by a single bit in
the data word.
This shows two options for allocating data word combinations to the transmitted
phase difference.
Differential modulation has the advantage of cancelling out channel phase rotations,
eliminating the need for additional channel equalisation. Additionally the phase
tracking of the channel is effectively updated at the symbol rate, thus tracking the
channel very quickly. Differential modulation is thus highly suited to mobile
communication. The disadvantage of differential modulation is the limited range of
modulation schemes, and that it requires about 3 dB higher SNR than coherent
modulation. The output symbol phase corresponds to the phase difference between
the present and previous symbols, and as a result the symbol noise is doubled
(degrading the performance by 3 dB) compared with the phase noise of a single
symbol (as used in coherent modulation).
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
0, 3 1, 3 2, 3 3, 3
0, 2 1, 2 2, 2 3, 2
0, 1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1
0, 0 1, 0 2, 0 3, 0
Data is split in two equal numbers of bits, then modulo integrated from symbol
to symbol. Each number represents 2 bits (0 - 3) with each pair being 4 bits.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Bit Error Rate
QPSK 8 16 32 64
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Energy per Bit to Noise Ratio (dB)
Bit Error Rate
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Energy per Bit to Noise Ratio (dB)
Figure 2-30 part 1 of 3. Note: Modulation schemes with an order number of bits
per symbol (8-QAM, 32-QAM, 128-QAM, etc) don’t use gray coding, resulting
in a higher BER at a low EBNR.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Bit Error Rate
8 16 32 64 128 256
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
Energy per Bit to Noise Ratio (dB)
Differential QAM
Bit Error Rate
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
Energy per Bit to Noise Ratio (dB)
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Bit Error Rate
-4 8 16 32 64 128 256
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Energy per Bit to Noise Ratio (dB)
(f) D-8PSK, D-16 PSK, D-32 PSK, D-64 PSK, D-128 PSK, D-256 PSK
Figure 2-30, Bit Error Rate verses the Energy per Bit to Noise Ratio for a
selection of OFDM modulation schemes. (script s0041)
The number matching each line on the plot corresponds to the modulation
scheme. For example, for part (e) the numbers 8, 16, 32, etc correspond to D-
8PSK, D-16PSK, and D-32PSK, where D means differential.
QAM. The BER verses the SNR can be calculated from EBNR shown on the plots in
Figure 2-30. The SNR for each modulation takes into account the number of bits per
symbol, and so the signal power corresponds to the energy per bit times the number
of bits per symbol. In log scale the SNR for a given EBNR can be found with:
where SNR is in dB, Nb is the number of bits per symbol for the modulation scheme
and EBNRdB is the EBNR in dB. For example, for 256-PSK the number of bits
transferred per symbol is 8 bits/symbol and thus the SNR is 10.log10 (8)+EBNR, thus
for an EBNR of 40 dB, the SNR is 49 dB.
Figure 2-31 shows a comparison between all of the modulation schemes simulated. It
shows the required SNR for a fixed BER of 1×10-5 . Coherent QAM performs best
requiring the least SNR, while differential PSK is the worst. Also shown is
Shannon’s limit, which represents the lowest possible SNR for a given spectral
efficiency over which zero error communications can occur. In order for a
communication system to approach Shannon’s limit powerful forward error
correction coding techniques must be used. For the BER shown coherent QAM is
approximately 7.5 dB worse than Shannon’s limit. For QAM the required SNR for a
fixed BER increases by approximately 3 dB for each additional 1 b/s/Hz in spectral
efficiency, which matches the same slope as Shannon’s limit. In comparison, for
PSK the required SNR increases by 6 dB for each addition 1 b/s/Hz resulting in the
capacity of PSK modulation techniques being approximately half that of QAM for
the same SNR. The low efficiency of PSK is a result of under utilisation of the IQ
vector space. PSK only uses the phase angle to convey information, with amplitude
being ignored. QAM uses both amplitude and phase for information transfer and so
is more efficient.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
15 Coherent QAM
Coherent PSK
Diff QAM
5 Diff PSK
Shannon's Limit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Modulation Spectral Efficiency (bits/Hz/sec)
Figure 2-31, SNR required to maintain a BER of < 1x10-5 , for all the simulated
modulation schemes. (script s0046)
Also shown is Shannon’s Limit. Note that the slope for QAM is 3 dB per
bit/Hz/sec, whereas for PSK it is 6 dB per bit/Hz/sec.
Averaging multiple pilot symbols allows the noise on the channel measurements to
be made arbitrarily small, by increasing the number of symbols averaged over.
However the greater the amount of averaging the larger the overhead used by the
channel characterisation. This limits the allowable characterisation rate for a fixed
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Table 2-4 shows the detrimental effects of channel measurement noise on the BER
for different modulation schemes. The noise in the channel characterisation means
that to achieve the same BER performance as with perfect characterisation, the SNR
must be higher. When only a single pilot symbol is used the noise performance is
about 3 dB worse, which is almost exactly the same as the performance loss when
using differential modulation. The SNR performance loss reduces almost
proportionally with the number of pilot tones, thus the loss when using 4 pilot tones
is 4 times lower (in dB). For example from Table 2-4(b) at a BER of 1x10-4 the
performance loss when using only a single pilot symbol is 2.4 dB, when four
symbols are used the loss reduces to 0.6 dB.
From the simulated results a single low CF pilot symbol with a boosted power of 6
dB would result in the performance loss due to imperfect channel characterisation of
0.1 dB to 0.9 dB depending on the modulation scheme.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Pilot symbols were used to perform channel estimation. These pilot symbols are
subject to channel noise and thus result in imperfect channel estimation and an
increase in the BER. The tables show degradation in SNR (i.e. need a higher
SNR for the same error rate) as compared with perfect channel estimation.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
One of the problems with OFDM is that the signal has a high peak power compared
with its average power. When an RF carrier is modulated with an OFDM signal it
results in a similar variation in power of the carrier envelope. This results in the
requirement that the signal is amplified and transmitted in a linear way. It is very
difficult to maintain a high degree of linearity at high power levels, and so most of
the distortion in a radio transmission usually occurs in the power amplifier of the
transmitter. Some additional distortion can occur in the receiver if it is not designed
properly, but in general it is relatively easy to keep the level of distortion in the
receiver significantly lower than the transmitter. Distortion in the transmitter causes
the most problems in the transmission chain, as it can result in spectral spreading,
which can cause interference to neighbouring systems in RF frequency. For this
reason we will focus on the effects of distortion in the transmitter.
2nd Harmonic
IMD 3rd Harmonic
4th Harmonic
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
IMD is much more of a problem as it results in distortion components, which are in-
band and out of band but close to the main transmission. These components are a
result of mixing between each of the harmonics of the system, and subsequent
mixing between the IMD products. In-band components result in added noise to the
OFDM signal at the receiver, effectively limiting the SNR of the system, even in the
absence of other sources of noise. Out of band components spread the signal in
bandwidth, resulting in potential interference with other radio communications in
neighbouring frequency bands. Even if the signal is perfectly band-limited before
going to the transmitter power amplifier, spectral spreading will occur if the power
amplifier is non-linear. Spectral spreading can be slightly reduced by using analog
band pass filters after the power amplifier, however these will generally not have a
sharp roll off because they are operating at the RF frequency.
The effect of distortion on OFDM transmissions has previously been studied by [54]-
[56]. In [54] the effect of three different amplifier distortion models on the
performance of DAB transmission is compared. The amplifier models compared are
a Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA), a Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier (TWTA)
and a perfectly linearised amplifier. The results show that the optimal Output power
Back Off (OBO) (see next section for explanation of OBO) for DAB is
approximately 2 - 3 dB, with only a small difference of 0.6 dB due to the different
amplifier models. These results are however limited to OFDM transmissions using
QPSK, which is a very robust modulation scheme, and hence robust against effects
of distortion. Modulation schemes that have a higher spectral efficiency (such as 16-
QAM, 256-QAM, etc) are more susceptible to the effects of distortion due to the
requirement of a higher effective SNR. In [55] the performance of both a QPSK and
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
a 16-QAM OFDM system was investigated. The optimal OBO for QPSK
transmissions were found to be 3 dB in this study, which compare well with results
presented in [54]. For 16-QAM the optimal OBO was found to be higher,
approximately 6 dB. The performance of a 64-QAM modulated OFDM signal was
investigated in [56], which showed that the optimal OBO is 6 dB for clipping
distortion, and closer to 10 dB for a smooth limiter. Each of these papers show the
performance of a fixed system, limiting the usefulness of the results. A more general
study is presented showing the performance of an OFDM system as a function of
clipping distortion. The effect of distortion causes in-band noise due to IMD,
resulting in a lowering of the effective SNR of the channel. The results are presented
as an effective SNR of the OFDM channel, and so are independent of any particular
modulation scheme. The BER for a particular modulation scheme can be found from
the effective SNR by using the results shown in section 2.6.
Figure 2-33 shows the input verses output for a real amplifier. This result shows that
the amplifier is not perfectly linear up to the clipping power, but tends to roll off as it
becomes saturated. Additionally it shows that the response is not symmetrical in that
the positive half of the output clips at a lower level than the negative side.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Figure 2-33, Measured Input verses Output for an MAR6 amplifie r, showing
One way to reduce the effects of non-linearities in the transmitter power amplifier is
the use of predistortion [57]-[61]. This involves predistorting the signal before the
power amplifier in such a way as to cancel the distortion caused by the power
amplifier. This predistortion is typically done at base band by changing the amplitude
and phase of the time waveform. The most general form of predistortion uses feed-
back from the power amplifier output to achieve an accurate linearisation.
Figure 2-34 shows the input verses output of the distortion model used for the
simulations. In fact this is a model of a perfectly linear, but power limited amplifier,
which is the best result that could be obtained. Distortion is a result of clipping of the
signal power.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Figure 2-34, Input verses Output for a power limited linear amplifier.
One method for estimating the efficient use of the output power amplifier is the
Output power Back Off (OBO), which is defined as
OBO = 10 ⋅ log 10 (2-12)
where Psat is the saturation power of the amplifier and Po is the average output signal
power. It is desirable to operate at a low OBO to allow high utilisation of the
available power. This however tends to result in excessive distortion degrading the
signal, and generating out of band spectral spreading.
The OBO is measured based on the average power of the signal after clipping,
making it difficult to directly determine the required amount of clipping to be applied
to the input signal. The amount of clipping required varies depending on the signal
amplitude distribution. To overcome this difficulty, an iterative solution was used to
determine this level to meet the required OBO.
The simulation results show the effect of clipping distortion on the performance of
OFDM. For real amplifiers the onset of distortion is not as abrupt as clipping, and so
the performance of the system will be degraded even before the signal power reaches
the clipping power. This must be taken into account when studying the results of the
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
The worst case CF for an OFDM signal is 10×log10 (N) where N is the number of
subcarriers, and so for a 100 subcarrier signal the worst case CF is 20 dB. This would
tend to suggest that significant distortion should occur for an OBO all the way up to
20 dB. This is not the case due to the CF distribution of OFDM signals. Even though
the worst case CF is very high, the probability of it occurring is incredibly small.
Figure 2-37 shows the CF distribution for OFDM signals. This shows that for signals
with 100 subcarriers, only 1% of the symbols have a CF greater than 10 dB. Even
these symbols will only have a very small fraction of the total symbol energy above
10 dB, and so clipping at 10 dB OBO has little effect.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
OB: 4dB
Power (dB)
OB: 6dB
No Distortion
-200 -100 0 100 200
Frequency (Carrier Spacings)
Figure 2-35, Spectrum of OFDM signal with clipping distortion. (script s0048)
This is for a 100 subcarrier OFDM signal, which has been frequency band
limited using an FIR (see section 2.4.1 ) before the distortion was applied.
Side Lobe Power (dBc)
55% BW from center
-90 100% BW from centre
200% BW from centre
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Output Power Backoff (dB)
The distortion is caused by clipping of the signal. The spectrum of the OFDM
signal goes up to 50% of the signal bandwidth (BW) from centre and so the
55% BW from the centre result corresponds to the out of band energy just
outside the pass band.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
(a) (b)
Figure 2-37, Crest Factor distribution verses number of subcarriers for an
OFDM signal. (script s0032)
Effective SNR (dB)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Output Power Backoff (dB)
Figure 2-38, Effective SNR of an OFDM transmission verses the Output Power
Backoff for 8, 64 and 512 transmission subcarriers. (script s0052)
Figure 2-38 shows the effective SNR of an OFDM transmission subjected to clipping
distortion. The number of carriers has relatively little effect on the results. The CF of
most OFDM signals is around 8 - 12 dB, and so we would expect clipping distortion
to start to have a detrimental effect on the signal for an OBO of 8 - 12 dB. Figure
2-37 shows the distribution of the CF for random OFDM signals as a function of the
number of subcarriers. This shows that the CF levels out at about 10 - 12 dB even for
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
large numbers of subcarriers. In addition to this, even if the CF is greater than the
OBO, the peaks in the signal are only a small fraction of the total symbol period and
thus clipping them result in only minor distortion to the overall symbol. This means
that the effect of clipping distortion is almost independent of the number of
subcarriers in the OFDM signal.
Figure 2-31 shows that for QPSK an effective SNR of 12 dB is needed to maintain a
BER lower than 1×10-5 . From Figure 2-38 an OBO of as low as 2.5 dB can be used
while still maintaining a sufficient effective SNR for QPSK. This matches closely
with published results in [54] and [55], which showed an optimal OBO for QPSK of
2 - 3 dB. For 64-QAM, Figure 2-31 shows that an effective SNR of 26 dB is needed,
which corresponds to a minimum OBO of 5.5 dB from Figure 2-38. This is slightly
lower than the result published in [56] of 6 dB. This slight difference is due to the
lower BER used and the increased number of subcarriers used in the simulations in
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Figure 2-39, Effective SNR verses output power backoff using different pilot
symbols. (script s0054)
(a) Genetic Algorithm Optimised phasing scheme (average power equal to data
power), (b) Quadratic Phasing Scheme [106], boosted by 6 dB in power, (c) GA
Optimised phasing scheme boosted by 6dB, (d) random phase angle symbol
boosted by 6 dB.
Figure 2-39 shows the effective SNR verses OBO for four different pilot symbol
schemes. As well as distortion, AWGN was added to assess the effectiveness of the
pilot symbol for estimating the channel response. The SNR of the simulation was set
to 25 dB. As the OBO is increased the effective SNR of the OFDM channel also
increases, approaching the upper limit of 25 dB. Figure 2-39 (a) shows the result for
a single pilot symbol that has a CF of 0.65 dB (see section 6.2 for more detail on the
phasing scheme used). From an OBO of 1 to 4 dB the effective SNR follows the
same performance as that simulated in Figure 2-38. Even though the CF of the pilot
symbol is 0.65 dB the data symbols are not, resulting in the degradation shown in the
simulation. Above 4 dB the effect of the AWGN begins to limit the effective SNR.
Above an OBO of 7 dB the effective SNR is capped at 22.5 dB. This is a degradation
of 2.5 dB compared with the ideal performance of 25 dB, and is a result of noise on
the channel characterisation, which is estimated from the pilot symbol.
Figure 2-39 (c) shows the performance with the same pilot symbol boosted by 6 dB.
The resulting cap on effective SNR is 24.1 dB, reducing the degradation to only 0.9
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
dB. This improvement in the degradation is due to the improved channel estimation
from the boosted pilot symbol power. The disadvantage of this boosted power is that
clipping of the pilot symbol occurs when the OBO is below 6 dB. This results in
rapid degradation of the effective SNR as the channel estimation is degraded.
Figure 2-39 (b) shows a similar result to (c) except that a different low CF pilot
symbol was used. See section 6.2.3 for details on generation of this pilot symbol.
The CF of this pilot symbol was 2.7 dB, making it 2.05 dB higher than the ultra low
CF used in (c). Despite the higher CF, the performance was only slightly worse by
approximately 0.8 dB, which is due to the small percentage of symbol power in the
Figure 2-39 (d) shows the performance when a boosted random pilot symbol was
used. The CF of this symbol was 8.2 dB and so its performance was significantly
worse than the other pilot symbols used.
This simulation has shown that the pilot symbol power can be boosted above the
average power, provided that it has a low CF. This boosting of the power increases
the effectiveness of the pilot symbol, improving channel characterisation.
OFDM without any output filtering has a broad spectrum, as discussed in Section 2.4
page 37. One method for reducing this problem is to filter the output of the OFDM
transmission. This filtering can also be used to reduce the amount of output spectral
spreading caused by clipping in the output power amplifier.
Applying clipping to the OFDM signal in a digital form before the power amplifier,
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Numerous other techniques for crest factor minimisation have been published [108] -
[113]. Section Chapter 7 provides a description of these techniques and presents a
new method for CF minimisation of OFDM signals. This investigation into pre-filter
clipping is to show the effectiveness of such a simple technique for spectral
spreading minimisation.
If we were designing an OFDM system with 64 subcarriers and had decided that we
needed an effective SNR of 35 dB, then by looking at Figure 2-38 we can see that the
lowest OBO that can be used is 6.5 dB. At this OBO the spectral spreading due to
IMD, 64 subcarriers from the system centre frequency, is –36 dBc (see Figure 2-36,
100% system BW at OBO of 6.5 dB). However if we know that the power amplifier
in the transmitter is going to clip the waveform, then why not clip the signal before
sending the signal to the power amplifier. Most of the spectral spreading can then be
removed by digitally band-pass filtering the signal before transmission. This reduces
the CF of the signal, reducing the amount of subsequent clipping in the PA, and
spectral spreading in the broadcast signal. This eases the requirements on the analog
band-pass filter after the PA.
Figure 2-41 shows the effect of pre-filter clipping on the output spectrum. This
spectrum also shows the filtering of the OFDM signal. In this simulation the IFFT
size used to generate the signal was 128 points, the transition width of the filter was 8
subcarrier spacings and the window function used to generate the filter had a window
width of 2 (similar to hamming window function, see Appendix A). The resulting
filter required 128/8×2 = 32 taps. A guard period of 16 samples was used to remove
the ISI caused by the filtering.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
When no pre-filter clipping is applied, the out of band side-lobes are exactly as
predicted by Figure 2-36. However as pre-filter clipping is applied to the signal the
side-lobe energy is reduced, with a 10 dB improvement for pre-filter clipping OBO
of 6 dB, and a 34 dB improvement with a pre-filter clipping OBO of 5 dB. Clearly by
clipping and filtering the signal before the PA can significantly reduce the broadcast
spectral spreading. The question is how much has the pre-filter clipping reduced the
effective SNR of the OFDM transmission.
Pre-filter clipping reduces the output spectral spreading, however it does not remove
the in-band IMD products. Additionally for the pre-filter clipping to be effective the
OBO used must be lower than the OBO used at the power amplifier. Typically it
must be 0.5 - 1.5 dB lower to have a significant effect. This consequently increases
the in-band distortion products reducing the effective SNR. Figure 2-43 shows the
resulting effective SNR of the OFDM transmission for different levels of pre-filter
clipping, and the OBO used in the power amplifier. We can see that for our example
system earlier, that if we used a per-filter clipping of 6 dB, and an OBO in the power
amplifier of 6.5 dB, that effective SNR drops to 31 dB. Thus we gain 10 dB side-lobe
suppression for a loss in effective SNR of 4 dB (35 dB to 31 dB). Alternatively we
can increase the pre-filter clipping OBO to 7 dB and the output power amplifier
OBO to 8 dB, the effective SNR increases by 3 dB to 38 dB, and the side-lobe
suppression increased by 37 dB to –77 dBc, all for the cost of only 1.5 dB reduced
output power. To achieve this level of out of band suppression without using pre-
filter clipping the power amplifier OBO would have needed to be increased to 9.7
dB, compared with 8 dB with the pre-filter clipping.
Pre-filter clipping can be used to trade off between the effective SNR of the
transmission and the out of band suppression. Its use in practice will depend on the
amount of distortion the system can tolerate. Also it can only be used in a system that
uses digital filtering before the power amplifier. In a multiuser OFDM system,
filtering removes the orthogonal nature between users which are using neighbouring
subcarriers in the spectrum, thus limiting its used to system wide filtering.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
The signal was clipped, digitally band pass filtered then re-clipped in the PA to
an OBO of 6.5 dB.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Output Power Backoff (dB)
OFDM is relatively tolerant against timing errors, due to the inclusion of the guard
period between symbols. For a channel with no multipath delay spread, the time
offset error can be as much as the length of the guard period with no loss of
orthogonality results, only a phase rotation in the subcarriers. The phase rotation is
corrected as part of the channel characterisation, hence resulting in no degradation in
performance. Time offset errors greater than the guard period result in a rapid loss in
performance, as the section of the symbol that the FFT is applied to will contain
some of the neighbouring symbol, leading to Inter-Symbol Interference.
Figure 2-44 shows the effective SNR of an OFDM transmission as a function of the
time offset error. The zero point in time is taken with respect to the FFT section of
the symbol. A positive time offset results in some of the next symbol being captured
in the FFT, thus lowering the effective SNR. A negative time offset results in part of
the guard period being used in the FFT. Since this is a cyclic extension of the symbol
no ISI occurs. In a dispersive channel the effective length of the guard period is
reduced by the delay spread of the channel resulting in a corresponding reduction in
the allowable time offset error.
Figure 2-45 shows the effect of using an overlapping raised cosine guard period (see
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Figure 2-24) on the timing error tolerance of the system. In this simulation the raise
cosine section of the guard period was 50% of the total guard period time. This
shows that the raised cosine section of the guard period only provides partial
protection against time offsets, compared with a flat guard period. The effective
length of the raised cosine guard period is shorter than its actual length. For a cut off
of 30 dB effective SNR, the raised cosine guard period provides time offset tolerance
equivalent to one quarter (5 samples) its actual length (20 samples).
Effective SNR (dB)
Figure 2-44, Effective SNR of an OFDM signal with a time offset error, using a
flat guard period of 40 samples. (script s0053)
The time origin is with respect to the start of the IFFT section of the symbol,
just after the guard period. A positive time error means the FFT in the receiver
is capturing some of the next symbol; a negative time error results in the
receiver getting the guard period.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Flat GP: 20, Raised Cos GP: 20, Overlap: 20, IFFT size:128
Figure 2-45, Effective SNR of an OFDM signal with a time offset error, using a
raised cosine guard period. (script s0069)
The length of the flat guard period is 20 samples, with an overlapping raised
cosine guard period of 20 samples.
One significant problem with OFDM is its sensitivity to frequency offsets affecting
the performance. The demodulation of an OFDM signal with an offset in the
frequency can lead to a high bit error rate. This is caused by the loss of orthogonality
between the subcarriers resulting in inter-carrier interference (ICI), and a lack of
correction for phase rotation of the received data vectors.
Frequency errors will tend to occur from two main sources. These are local oscillator
errors and Doppler spread. Any difference between transmitter and receiver local
oscillators will result in a frequency offset. This offset is usually compensated for by
using frequency tracking, however any residual errors result in a degraded system
Movement of the transmitter or receiver results in Doppler shift in the signal. This
appears as a frequency offset for free space propagation. This offset is usually
corrected for as part of the local oscillator compensation. A much more serious
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
Figure 2-46 shows the effect of frequency errors on the effective SNR of an OFDM
transmission using coherent QAM. Any frequency offset results in a continual phase
rotation of all the received subcarrier vectors. The greater the frequency offset, the
greater the phase rotation. If the channel characterisation is only performed at the
start of each frame then the unresolved frequency errors will lead to degradation in
the performance with time. The first symbol after the channel compensation will
have the maximum effective SNR, which will degrade to a low effective SNR by the
end of the frame. Figure 2-46 shows the effective SNR of the 1st , 4th , 16th , and 64th
symbol in an OFDM transmission with only channel compensation at the start of a
frame. The spikes in the response for a frequency offset error > 10-2 , are caused by
full rotations of the received vector.
The performance of differential phase modulation will be similar to that of the SNR
of the first symbol after characterisation, as phase rotations will be corrected for
every symbol.
Chapter 2 Basic Principles of OFDM
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1
10 10 10 10 10
Frequency Offset Error (carrier spacings)
Figure 2-46, Effective SNR for Coherent QAM with frequency offset error.
(script s0068)
The effective SNR for the 1st , 4th , 16th , and 64th , symbol in an OFDM frame with
channel equalisation, only at the start of the frame.
There have been numerous techniques developed to measure and track the frequency
offset [35] - [52]. Also it has been stated that the frequency accuracy must be
maintained to within 2 - 4% to prevent significant performance loss [35] - [37]. In a
mobile multi-user environment the problem is worse, as the transmission from each
user can have a different frequency offset. Even if each user is synchronized to the
base station perfectly, there will still be significant different frequency offsets for
each user due to Doppler shift. Frequency offset in a single user OFDM link isn't a
significant problem as it can be compensated for with minimal increased receiver
complexity. However in a multi-user case there is no easy way of correcting the
frequency errors.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
This chapter provides a brief review of the major characteristics of radio propagation,
and the problems these cause in transmitting digital information.
Radio propagation effects such as path loss, frequency selective fading, Doppler
spread and multipath delay-spread limit the effectiveness of wireless
communications. An understanding of radio propagation is needed before different
forms of multiuser OFDM can be discussed. This chapter provides a review of well-
known propagation effects and extends these to look at the effects on wide
bandwidth transmissions. This chapter includes an experimental investigation of
small-scale frequency selective fading of multipath environments. It looks at the
variation of the multipath fading with small changes in space. This work was needed
to allow different user allocation schemes, such as adaptive subcarrier modulation, to
be investigated. This work provides insight into how fast radio channels change with
space and time. Although there has been extensive work done on narrow band radio
modelling, not much work has been done on wide band modelling (10 - 100 MHz
bandwidth). Most models in literature are based on statistical results, making them of
little use for investigating user allocation schemes in an OFDM system. For this the
clustering of the frequency fading and change with space is needed to decide how
subcarrier hopping systems will work. This work is very important for OFDM
systems development because it provides a deterministic relationship between
frequency selective fading and space (movement).
During propagation, radio signals weaken with distance. This is due to the wave front
of the radio signal expanding and thus reducing in power density. In free space, the
propagating wave expands as a sphere and thus the power density reduces in
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
proportion to the surface area of this sphere. If the signal is transmitted using a
directional antenna, the signal still expands as a sphere, except that the energy
density is concentrated to one or more areas (see Figure 3-1). If we transmitted the
same energy from an omnidirectional as a direction antenna, the integrated energy
over the surface area of the RF sphere, the energy would be the same. Figure 3-1
shows an expanding RF pulse, if we were to imagine a sinusoidal transmission
(single frequency) it would be continuous stream of expanding spheres, with the
power of these following a sinusoid waveform.
(a) (b)
The area of a sphere is proportional to the radius squared, and thus in free space the
RF field strength reduces proportionally with distance squared. Equation (3-1)
calculates the received power over transmission in free space.
PR = PT GT G R (3-1)
Where PR is the received signal power (watts), PT is the transmitted power (watts),
GR gain of the receive antenna with respect to an isotropic antenna, GT gain of the
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
Free space propagation is very predictable, and can be used to accurately model
satellite communications and directional links with no obstructions, such as short-
range microwave directional point-to-point links. However for most terrestrial
communications such as mobile phones and wireless LAN systems, the environment
is much more complex making propagation modelling much more difficult.
Position 1
P Position 2
P - Direct Path
D - Diffraction
Building R - Reflection
Figure 3-2, Effect of receiver position on the relative strength of the received
direct, reflected and diffracted signals.
The path loss measured in terrestrial non-LOS links is higher than the predicted value
when using the free space path loss equation (3-1). The signal power in cluttered
environments typically falls off faster than free space. One common method to model
this increased rate of decay is to change the distance dependent exponent from 2
(path loss is proportional to the distance squared) to a higher value. An adjusted path
loss equation is shown in (3-2).
PR = PT GT GR (3-2)
Where α is the path loss exponent, other terms are defined after Equation (3-1).
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
Environment Frequency Path loss σ (dB)
(MHz) α)
Exponent (α
Retail stores 914 2.2 8.7
Grocery store 914 1.8 5.2
Office, hard partition 1500 3.0 7.0
Office, soft partition 900 2.4 9.6
Office, soft partition 1900 2.6 14.1
Indoor to street (Suburban 900 3.0 7.0
Textile/chemical (LOS) 1300 2.0 3.0
Textile/chemical (LOS) 4000 2.1 7.0
Textile/chemical (OBS) 4000 2.1 9.7
Metalworking (LOS) 1300 1.6 5.8
Metalworking (OBS) 1300 3.3 6.8
Paper/cereals 1300 1.8 6.0
Also specified is the standard deviation (σ) measurements compared with the
straight line predicted from the path loss exponent. LOS – Line Of Sight path,
OSB – Obstructed path. Results obtained from [63] and * [64]
Using (3-2) only gives a rough estimate for the path loss, with no consideration of
the actual environment and fine scale effects such a slow and fast fading.
In a radio link, the RF signal from the transmitter may be reflected off objects such
as hills, buildings, vehicles, walls, etc. Some of these reflections will arrive at the
receiver, effectively creating multiple transmission paths, commonly referred to as a
multipath environment. The radio signal travels over a different distance for each of
these paths, and thus takes a different amount of propagation time. If we were to
transmit an RF pulse in a multipath environment we would receive a signal like the
one shown in Figure 3-3 (a). Each impulse corresponds to one path, with the strength
of each impulse dependent on the path loss for that path. For a fixed frequency
signal, (i.e. a sine wave) the propagation delay results in a phase rotation of the
signal. The amount of phase rotation corresponds to 360° for each wavelength of
path length travelled. Each of the multipath signals will have a different propagation
distance and thus a different phase rotation. These signals add at the receiver,
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
1 2
4 5
Resultant 1
Propagation Time
(a) (b)
Figure 3-3, Impulse response and phasor plot for multipath channel.
(a) Impulse response of a radio channel with 5 significant paths. (b) Phasor plot
of the same channel for a particular RF frequency. The length of each vector
corresponds to the power and the angle of the vector corresponds to the phase of
the RF signal at the receiver for that path. The receiver sees the vector addition
of all the multipath signals.
Figure 3-4 shows an example of a channel impulse response. This is for an urban link
over 2.4 km. This signal has a strong direct path signal (0 µs) and two large
reflections at 4.5 µs and 7.5 µs.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
Figure 3-4, Example channel impulse response for a 2.4 km transmission at 910
MHz on Manhattan Island, New York City [71].
Transmitter height of 120 m, receiver height 2 m. ‘d’ is the average excess delay
(centre of gravity with respect to first arrival delay), ‘s’ is the RMS delay
spread, and ‘o’ is the absolute transmission delay.
Delay spread is a measure of the spread in the time over which the multipath signals
arrive. It is a measure of the time dispersion of a channel, and is very important in
determining how fast the symbol rate can be in digital communications.
A symbol is a period over which one or more groups of bits of information are sent.
For a single carrier transmission, using Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) as the
modulation scheme, each symbol carries one bit of information. The symbol
corresponds to the period required to send the phase information as 0° or 180°, which
corresponds to the digital information of zero or one respectively. The faster the
phase is varied the faster the symbol rate and the higher the data rate and bandwidth.
For OFDM transmission, each symbol corresponds to a parallel transmission of
many low bandwidth carriers. The symbol time in this case corresponds to the period
over which the amplitude and phase of the data carriers is remained fixed
corresponding to one data vector.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
H (t ) = ∑ Ak ⋅ δ (t − Tk ) (3-3)
k =1
where Ak is the complex amplitude and Tk is the time delay of each impulse; m is the
number of received multipath components, and is δ the dirac delta function.
The RMS delay spread is one of the most widely used measurements for
characterising the delay spread of a multipath channel and was originally used by
Cox [72].
0 .5
∑ (Tk − D ) ⋅ Pk
Trms = k =1 m (3-4)
∑ Pk
k =1
where Trms is the rms delay spread, and D is the average excess time delay, which is
equivalent to the centre of energy for the impulse response.
∑T k ⋅P k
D= k =1
∑P k
k =1
where P is the power of each impulse and is the magnitude of the complex impulse
Pk = Ak
Delay spread results in time blurring, where energy from previous data symbols
becomes mixed in with current symbols. This causes interference, known as Inter-
Symbol Interference (ISI), because previous symbols are uncorrelated, effectively
adding noise to the signal. Single carrier transmissions are particularly prone to
problems caused by delay spread as it normally sets the upper limit on symbol rate.
This is because the bit error rate (BER) increases as the delay spread time becomes a
significant fraction of the symbol time. Simple modulation schemes such as BPSK
can tolerate a delay spread of approximately 10 - 20% of the symbol period; any
more and the BER is too high. However, higher modulation schemes such as 16-
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
QAM, 256-QAM, etc, which have a higher spectral efficiency, are much more
sensitive to ISI and thus the delay spread must be less than several percent of the
symbol period.
Table 3-2 shows the RMS delay spread for a range of propagation environments. For
small indoor environments (< 10 m) the RMS delay spread ranges from 8 – 22 ns,
where as it is higher in larger buildings (up to 100 m) with the RMS delay spread
varying from 20 – 100 ns.
In a multipath environment, the received signal fades with distance due to the
changing phase of the multipath components. Short term fading is caused by the
interference (constructive or destructive) that result from the combination of multiple
received waves. As the receiver or transmitter are moved in space the relative phase
between the different multipath components change, causing the interference to also
change, resulting in fades in the received signal power. At certain locations, the
signal can suffer almost compete cancellation of the signal, resulting in a deep null in
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
the signal. These nulls can be as much as 30 dB. Nulls occur approximately at
intervals of the RF wavelength (30 cm for 1 GHz transmission). The rate of fading
with distance is usually measured using the coherence distance. This is a measure of
the distance over which the radio channel experiences comparable or correlated
Figure 3-5, Plot of fast fading with distance. This is measured data for a short
indoor link. (script s0030)
See section 3.8.1 for the location of the link. The spacing between fades is
approximately one wavelength, in this case 30cm.
Multipath also causes fading changes with frequency. This is due to the phase
response of the multipath components varying with frequency. The received phase,
relative to the transmitter, of a multipath component corresponds to the number of
wavelengths the signal has travelled from the transmitter. The wavelength is
inversely proportional to frequency and so for a fixed transmission path the phase
will change with frequency. The path distances of each of the multipath component
is different and so results in a different phase change. Figure 3-6 shows an example
two-path transmission. Path 1 is a direct signal and has a transmission distance of 10
m, while the second path is a reflection with a longer transmission distance of 25 m.
For a wavelength of 1 m each path is an integer number of wavelengths hence the
phase change from transmitter to receiver will be 0° for each path. At this frequency,
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
the two paths will reinforce each other. If we change the frequency to have a
wavelength of 0.9 m then path 1 will be 10/0.9 = 11.111λ, or a phase of 0.111 × 360°
= 40°, while second path will be 25/0.9 = 27.778λ, a phase of 0.778 × 360° = 280°.
This makes the two paths out of phase, which results in a reduction in the signal
amplitude at this frequency.
Path 1
Path 2
If we look in terms of the phasors of the multipath components as in Figure 3-3 (b),
each phasor rotates in phase at a different rate, with changes in frequency. The rate of
phase rotation is proportional to the path distance of each multipath component. For
environments with a large number of multipath components, this results in complex
variations in the fading verses frequency. Figure 3-7 shows an example of measured
frequency selective fading within an indoor environment. The signal power varies by
more than 25 dB with frequency, showing that at certain frequencies near complete
signal cancellation is occurring. The frequency selective fading characteristics of a
channel can be summarised by the correlation bandwidth of the channel. This is the
approximate maximum bandwidth or frequency interval over which the fading is
similar and correlated. The exact correlation bandwidth depends on the required level
of correlation. The correlation bandwidth is inversely proportional to the channel
delay spread.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
3.5m from receiver toward entrance door
Power (dB)
8 8.5 9 9.5 10
Frequency (Hz) 8
x 10
Phase (Radians)
8 8.5 9 9.5 10
Frequency (Hz) 8
x 10
Figure 3-7, Frequency selective fading for a short indoor link. (script s0028)
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
Figure 3-8, Short term fading, showing fading dependence on distance and
frequency. (script s0030)
One method to overcome the limitations of delay spread for single carrier
transmission is to use equalisation. The aim of equalisation is to find an inverse filter
that compensates for the ISI so that all the multipath signals become shifted and
aligned in time, rather than being spread out. For example, the GSM phone system,
which uses 270 k symbols/s (3.7 µs symbol period), can tolerate a delay spread of up
to 15 µs. This is a delay spread of over four symbol periods. The problem with
equalisation is that it becomes increasing difficult, as the ISI is spread over more
symbols. Errors in equalisation, particularly for delay spreads over more than one
symbol, make it difficult to use higher modulation schemes in multipath
OFDM systems work by resolving the frequency domain so that the width of the
subcarriers is much narrower than frequency selective fading of the radio channel.
This makes the frequency response over the bandwidth of each subcarrier effectively
flat. Only simple equalisation is required for each subcarrier for data transmission as
the flat fading on each subcarrier only results in an amplitude scaling and a phase
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
An experiment was set up to measure the fading as a function of frequency and space
for an indoor environment. The aim of this experiment was to measure changes in
frequency selective fading as a function of distance.
from concrete block. The internal walls were constructed mainly from plasterboard,
with support columns approximately every 6 m. Measurements were taken at six
locations on the second floor, and two locations on the first floor (Rm120 and
Set of the receiver, showing the guide track in the middle of the raised section
of the bench. On this track is the antenna trolley, which pulled along by the
motor on the left. A spectrum analyser was used to measure the power
frequency response at each location along the track, which were logged by a PC
shown on the right.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
The set up used in the experiment is shown below in Figure 3-11. The signal
generator produced a slow sweep (approximately 3 min per sweep) across the
frequency band of interest (970 - 1040 MHz). This signal appears as a slow moving
continuous wave signal by the spectrum analyser. The maximum hold feature of the
spectrum analyser was then used to trace out the received power at each frequency
across the band. This trace corresponds to the power response of the radio channel
transfer function. This channel response was then logged to a PC and after each
sweep measurement the trolley was moved 1 cm and the process repeated. In all, 240
sweep measurements were done, taking a total time of about 12 hours. The
measurements we very sensitive to any movement within the building and so the
measurements were performed overnight.
Figure 3-11, Experimental set up for measuring the radio channel response as a
function of distance.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
The results of the measurements show that there is a strong correlation between
fading as a function of distance and fading as a function of frequency. The fading
pattern shows regions of strong constructive interference, with some of these peaks
reaching 6 dB lower path loss than the mean. Nulls caused by destructive
interference occur between these peaks, and are typically relatively small in distance
and bandwidth. Although the nulls are small, they sometimes form clusters resulting
in large suppressed regions.
Same data as in Figure 3-8 except as a 2D surface plot. The brightness indicates
the received power for a particular position in space and frequency. Note the
dotted contour shows the mean path loss.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
Figure 3-13 shows the path loss for all the measurements taken. The path loss shown
was taken as the average over the entire data set for each location. The path loss
exceeds free space loss for all but one location. The best-fit path loss exponent (á)
for all the measurement locations was 2.6, which compares well with previously
published results for office buildings of 2.4 – 3.0, see Table 3-1. The variations in the
path loss closely correlate with environment for each transmission. The LOS
locations have a lower path loss, closely matching free space, with the exception of
location 5. The path loss for this measurement was higher due to its location being
directly above the measurement track, which corresponds to a null in the antenna
pattern. This null is a result of the use of monopole antennas. Most of the other
locations fall around the α = 2.5 line, with the largest deviations occurring for
location 7 and 8. These locations correspond to the next floor down in the building,
resulting in an additional 6 - 9 dB of attenuation. Measurements that were taken at
bench height have a higher path loss, due to the larger number of objects in the
transmission path.
3 C
-65 6 C
8 B,floor 1
-75 2 B
7 C,floor 1
-80 1 C
1 B
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Transmission Distance (m)
The number beside each data location corresponds to the position number, while
‘B’ indicates that the measurement was taken at bench height, and ‘C’
corresponds to ceiling height. Two of the data points were taken on the next
floor down show by the ‘floor 1’ tag. Lines shown represent the expected path
gain for different path loss exponents.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10
Received Signal Strength (dB about median)
Figure 3-14 shows the fading distribution for each of the measurement locations.
They all closely follow a Rayleigh fading distribution [119], indicating that the direct
signal energy is significantly smaller than the multipath energy. This was even true
for LOS measurements.
The aim of this set of experiments is to address the issue of how fast do the
characteristics of indoor radio channels change, due to movement of people and
movement of the transmitter. These measurements were performed to provide a
guide to how fast radio channels change. Numerous studies have been performed to
describe the statistical distribution of narrow band fading [62]. However, not many
studies have been performed to investigate the effects of moving bodies around
transmitter antennas [74]. This experiment simulates the variations in the channel
response that would be experienced in a Wireless LAN application.
This thesis outlines several new adaptive schemes (see Chapter 4) for maximising the
link capacity of an OFDM system. One of the reasons these techniques have not been
used before in mobile applications is that, they must track the response of the radio
channel continuously. This tracking adds complexity to the system and more
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
In any radio channel the amount of disturbance an object makes to the channel
response depends on several factors. These include, the size of the object, the
distance it is from the transmitter and receiver, its reflectiveness, and how much
fading the transmission was suffering from before moving the object. If the channel
response is in a deep fade, only a very small change in the physical channel is
required to cause a large change in channel response. For this reason the channel
disturbance measurements were taken under two different conditions. The first test
involved positioning the transmit antenna so that the overall channel response, before
any object movement, was at a local maximum in the frequency fading spectrum.
The other test was done when the position of the transmitter resulted in a local
minimum (deep fade) in the channel response.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
network analyser calculates the transfer function of the channel by comparing the
received amplitude and phase to this reference signal. The channel measurement
taken was the combined the transfer function of the coax, antennas, radio channel,
preamplifiers and receiver band pass filter. The transfer function of these elements is
however fixed, and since the aim of the experiment is to analyse the changing nature
of the radio channel these static elements do not affect the results. A digital
oscilloscope was used to capture the real and imaginary output waveforms from the
network analyser. Before each measurement, a zero point measurement was made to
ensure offsets in the IQ measurement taken by the Network Analyser were
compensated for. The captured results were processed further on a PC using Matlab
scripts 2.
If we assume that the received power level primarily determines the SNR of the
channel, then from this data we can estimate how fast the modulation scheme must
be updated in an adaptive modulation system. For example, for square QAM
modulation schemes, the SNR threshold changes by 3 dB for each 1 b/s/Hz change in
spectral efficiency. Thus if the channel power level changes by more than 3 dB then
the modulation scheme should also change, otherwise the BER will become large if
the SNR dropped, or the spectral efficiency should increase by 1 b/s/Hz if the SNR
went up.
2 Code\IQchannelmeas\s0028_plotdata.m
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
Tx antenna
9 dB Loss Monopole
935 MHz
Digital Oscilloscope Bandpass
Tektronix, TDS380 15 MHz BW
2 dB Loss
Figure 3-15, Experimental set up. The Network Analyser was used to measure
the amplitude and phase of the channel. The Digital Oscilloscope was used to
capture the results for further processing.
The results can be roughly scaled in frequency by changing the time scale. Fading
effects and multipath are proportional to the RF wavelength, and thus the higher
frequency the shorter the distance between signal fades. The results shown here are
measured in time and not distance, and so for a fixed velocity, changing the time
scale will effectively give an indication of the fading rate for a different RF
frequency. For example for HiperLAN2 that operates at 5.2 GHz, the time scale on
the plots needs to be reduced by 5.2/0.94 = 5.53 times. Thus tracking of fading at 5.2
GHz has to be 5.53 times faster than at 940 MHz to maintain the same performance.
The actual effect of objects moving within the lab will vary slightly with frequency
because of the size of the moving object relative to the wavelength of the radio
carrier will be different.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
Figure 3-16, Photo of the room where the propagation measurements were
Bench 0.9
Bench 2.0
2.8 5.7m
Transmitter Bench 0.9
Figure 3-17, Plan view of the test room, showing the layout of the benches, and
the position of the transmitter and receiver. Note: All lengths are in metres.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
Figure 3-18, Movement of the person in the test room during the measurement
Figure 3-19 shows the measured channel response during the movement of the
person toward and away from the transmitter. The results show that the movement of
the person has a significant effect on the channel response, particularly if the
subcarrier signals are in a null in the spectrum. The magnitude of the disturbance
from the person was about the same in both tests. The ripple in the measured IQ
channel response caused by a person walking was about 2x10-4 (Unit-less due to the
relative testing) in both cases. This disturbance had a much greater effect when the
transmission was in a local minimum due to the disturbance being a large percentage
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
of the transmission power. The average power in the local minimum case is about 10
dB lower than the local maximum measurement. The Doppler shift was 10 times
higher for the local minimum case and the disturbance to the power was about 14 dB
compared with 2 dB for the local maximum.
These results show that the energy reflected from the person walking around was not
sufficient to cause complete fading for frequencies that are at a local maximum. This
means for an adaptive modulation system, which tracks the peaks in the spectrum,
only small disturbances are caused by the movement of a person. Thus if the adaptive
modulation system used a link margin of greater than 2 dB it would not have had to
track the fine structure of the movement of the user. The link margin is difference
between the channel SNR and the minimum SNR required for the modulation
scheme used and the BER threshold chosen.
For the adaptive modulation scheme, as proposed in section 4.2, the modulation
needs to be updated for each 3 dB change in the channel response. From Figure 3-19
(e) we can see that when the transmission is at a local maximum that a tracking rate
of 4 Hz is sufficient to maintain a tracking error smaller than 1.2 dB for 99.9% of the
time. Even when the transmission is in a null a tracking rate of 8 Hz will ensure that
the tracking error is less than 3 dB for 98% of the time (Figure 3-19 (f)).
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
Power (dB)
Power (dB)
paused -70
Phase (Radians)
-0.8 -1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec) Time (sec)
(a) (b)
(Local Maxima) Walked to tx, stopped, walked back to start (Local Minima) Walked to tx, stopped, walked back to start
Doppler (Hz)
Doppler (Hz)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-4 Time (sec)
x 10 -4 Time (sec)
x 10
real 6
Rx Amplitude
10 real
Rx Amplitude
5 4
0 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec)
(Local Maxima) Walked to tx, stopped, walked back to start (Local Minima) Walked to tx, stopped, walked back to start
90% 90%
98% 98%
1 99.5 99.5
99.9% 6
Tracking Error (dB)
0.8 5
0.2 1
4 5 6 7 8 10 15 20 30 50
Tracking Sample Rate (Hz) 4 5 6 7 8 10 15 20 30 50
Tracking Sample Rate (Hz)
(e) (f)
Figure 3-19, Radio channel response variation due to a person walking toward
the transmitter. (At 940 MHz) (script s0028)
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
The largest disturbance in the channel response occurred after the person sat down in
front of the antenna and lent forward. This is a result of the large displacement of the
body so close to the antenna. The typing in front of the antenna had very little effect
on the channel response, resulting in only a 1 dB ripple for the antenna in a local
maximum, and a 3 dB ripple for the antenna in a local minimum. From Figure 3-20
(e) we can see that only a very low tracking rate (> 4 Hz) is required for an adaptive
modulation scheme, provided the signal is in a local maximum. However if the signal
is in a local minimum the tracking rate needs to be 15 – 30 Hz to ensure that the
tracking error is smaller than 3 dB.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
-58 lent forward
Power (dB)
Power (dB)
-62 -100
Walk to tx Walk to tx lent paused pretend typing
& sat down paused pretend typing & sat down forward
-64 -110
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec) Time (sec)
-0.5 5
Phase (Radians)
Phase (Radians)
-1 0
-1.5 -5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec) Time (sec)
(a) (b)
(Local Maxima) Walked to tx, sat down and pretended to type (Local Minima) Walked to tx, sat down and pretended to type
0.3 8
Doppler (Hz)
Doppler (Hz)
0.2 6
0.1 4
-0.1 -2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-3 Time (sec) Time (sec)
x 10 x 10
Rx Amplitude
Rx Amplitude
imag 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec)
(Local Maxima) Walked to tx, sat down and pretended to type (Local Minima) Walked to tx, sat down and pretended to type
90% 35 90%
98% 98%
2 99.5 99.5
99.9% 99.9%
Tracking Error (dB)
1 15
4 5 6 7 8 10 15 20 30 50
4 5 6 7 8 10 15 20 30 50
Tracking Sample Rate (Hz)
Tracking Sample Rate (Hz)
(e) (f)
Figure 3-20, Fading causes by a person pretending to type on a keyboard 15 cm
from the transmitter antenna. (script s0028)
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
From these results we can estimate the tracking rate required for implementation of
adaptive modulation. If a passive user allocation scheme (FDMA, TDMA, Random,
Comb, see section 4.2) than the user is just as likely to be allocated a local minimum
as a local maximum. If we assume a maximum tracking error of 3 dB, and a 98%
tracking probability then a tracking rate of 12 Hz is required in the local minimum to
cope with the disturbance of the person moving in the lab.
If adaptive user allocation is used then users are allocated peaks in the channel
response (local maximum) and so the disturbance is smaller and requires less
tracking. From Figure 3-22 (e) we can see that for a local maximum the disturbance
is small enough that only a very low tracking rate is required (< 4 Hz) in order to
maintain a tracking error of less than 3 dB.
Although a tracking rate of 4 Hz will be sufficient when the receiver and transmitter
are stationary, it will not be enough if the transmitter or receiver is moved. Section
4.4 shows that when the antenna (transmitter or receiver) is moving a tracking rate of
around 100 Hz is needed for walking speed at 1 GHz.
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
2.7 0.9
Figure 3-21, Movement of the person relative to the transmitter and receiver
Chapter 3 Radio Propagation
Power (dB)
-59 -70
-60 -75
Walk from (1) to (2) Walk from (2) to (3) pause P pause
Walk from (2) to (3)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec) Time (sec)
-0.5 2
Phase (Radians)
Phase (Radians)
-1.5 -1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec) Time (sec)
(a) (b)
(Local Maxima) Walking in the same room as Tx and Rx in an L shape (Local Minima) Walking in the same room as Tx and Rx in an L shape
Doppler (Hz)
Doppler (Hz)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-3 Time (sec) -4 Time (sec)
x 10 x 10
real 6 real
Rx Amplitude
Rx Amplitude
imag imag
-1 -2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (sec) Time (sec)
(c) (d)
(Local Maxima) Walking in the same room as Tx and Rx in an L shape (Local Minima) Walking in the same room as Tx and Rx in an L shape
90% 90%
98% 10 98%
99.5 99.5
2 99.9% 99.9%
Tracking Error (dB)
0.5 2
4 5 6 7 8 10 15 20 30 50 4 5 6 7 8 10 15 20 30 50
Tracking Sample Rate (Hz) Tracking Sample Rate (Hz)
(e) (f)
Figure 3-22, Fading caused by a person walking in the same room as the
transmitter and receiver. (script s0028)
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
OFDM has been used successfully in several broadcast systems, namely DAB and
DVB, and for point-to-point communications [80]. However, its application in
multiuser two-way communication systems has been limited. Only recently has it
been applied to Wireless LAN applications, with the development of HiperLAN2
[97] and IEEE 802.11a [99].
OFDM is a good contender for the RF interface in 4th generation mobile systems,
however not much work has been done to date in addressing the issues of applying
OFDM in large scale multiuser applications. Multiuser OFDM provides a very
flexible RF interface allowing users to be allocated using Frequency Division
Multiplexing (FDM), by Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) or a hybrid of
FDM/TDM. In addition to this, the multicarrier nature of OFDM allows the radio
channel to be characterised and monitored quickly and easily, presenting numerous
opportunities for optimising the overall system performance, such as:
• Dynamically change the bandwidth of each user based on the link quality.
This allows the bandwidth of weak users to be reduced so that their energy
spectral density remains sufficiently high to maintain communications.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
external Data
External Data
Internal Data
(File Sharing)
Bad Link
Peer-to-peer networking requires that all stations can communicate with each other.
As a result most systems use half duplex communications and transmit and receive at
the same frequency.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
mobiles always send data to the same computer. This set up is more suited to larger
WLAN systems and has effectively the same structure as an isolated cell from a
cellular network. One of the main advantages of having a base station is that
additional resources can be added to it, such as improved antennas, diversity
reception and multiple channel processing. These resources on the base station can
significantly improve the performance of the entire network. Additionally due to the
centralised control, resources such as time and frequency allocations can be
External Data
Base Station
External Data
Internal Data
(File Sharing)
Figure 4-2, Base Station connected system. All data passes through the base
As all traffic passes through the Base Station (BS), the communication channel
consists of a forward and reverse channel.
requires that the signals for all users are time and frequency synchronised to each
In the forward link all user subcarriers are transmitted from the base station, and thus
all subcarriers can be transmitted with perfect frequency and time synchronisation
with respect to each other. However in the reverse link, subcarriers from each user
are transmitted from different sources, leading to possible inter-user interference.
Rx. User 2
Channel 2
Base Station
Channel 1 Spectrum
Due to the spectral overlapping nature of OFDM any loss of orthogonality can result
in high levels of inter-carrier interference. Frequency and time synchronisation errors
result in loss of orthogonality between subcarriers. A frequency offset error of 1 - 2
% of the subcarrier spacing results in a subcarrier power to interference ratio of 20
dB [85].
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Station 2
Channel 1 Channel 3
Remote Remote
Station 1 Station 3
Transmit Transmit
Spectrum Spectrum
Figure 4-4, Reverse link of an OFDM system using a single cell network and
FDM for user allocation.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Adaptive modulation has not been used extensively in wireless applications due to
the difficulty in tracking the radio channel effectively. Work has been done studying
the use of adaptive modulation in single carrier systems [90] - [93], however not
many works have been published on use of adaptive modulation in OFDM systems.
BeamReach is a new communications company that formed in March 2000. They are
utilising adaptive modulation in conjunction with OFDM and beam forming [95].
Unfortunately little information has been released due to the propriety nature of the
research. In [94] the effectiveness of a multiuser OFDM system using an adaptive
subcarrier, bit and power allocation was investigated. Optimisation of the
transmission was achieved by minimising the power requirement for a given
transmission channel and user data rate. It was found that the use of adaptive
modulation, and adaptive user allocation reduced the required transmitter power by 5
- 10 dB. The work in [94] didn’t however investigate the effects of channel tracking
errors on the BER performance.
This chapter outlines adaptive modulation and adaptive user allocation, with a focus
on maximising the user data rate and the QOS (connection access probability).
Section 4.3 shows the simulated performance of an adaptive multiuser OFDM
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
system. This research also investigates the effects of channel tracking errors on the
BER performance.
Most OFDM systems use a fixed modulation scheme over all subcarriers for
simplicity. However each subcarrier in a multiuser OFDM system can potentially
have a different modulation scheme depending on the channel conditions. Any
coherent or differential, phase or amplitude modulation scheme can be used
including BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, etc, each providing a trade off
between spectral efficiency and the bit error rate. The spectral efficiency can be
maximised by choosing the highest modulation scheme that will give an acceptable
Bit Error Rate (BER).
In a multipath radio channel, frequency selective fading can result in large variations
in the received power of each subcarrier. For a channel with no direct signal path this
variation can be as much as 30 dB in the received power resulting in a similar
variation in the SNR. In addition to this, interference from neighbouring cells can
cause the SNR to vary significantly over the system bandwidth. To cope with this
large variation in SNR over the system subcarriers, it is possible to adaptively
allocate the subcarrier modulation scheme, so that the spectral efficiency is
maximised while maintaining an acceptable BER.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
SNR (dB)
Figure 4-5, Adaptive Modulation. The modulation scheme is set based on the
SNR of the channel.
The SNR must be greater than the threshold (chosen from Table 4-1) to
maintain a maximum BER. Excess SNR results in the BER being lower than the
BER threshold. This diagram assumes that the modulation scheme is updated
continuously and with no delay.
Using adaptive modulation has a number of key advantages over using static
modulation. In systems that use a fixed modulation scheme the subcarrier modulation
must be designed to provide an acceptable BER under the worst channel conditions.
This results in most systems using BPSK or QPSK. However these modulation
schemes give a poor spectral efficiency (1 - 2 b/s/Hz) and result in an excess link
margin most of the time. Using adaptive modulation, the remote stations can use a
much higher modulation scheme when the radio channel is good. Thus as a remote
station approaches the base station the modulation can be increased from 1 b/s/Hz
(BPSK) up to 4 - 8 b/s/Hz (16-QAM – 256-QAM), significantly increasing the
spectral efficiency of the overall system. Using adaptive modulation can effectively
control the BER of the transmission, as subcarriers that have a poor SNR can be
allocated a low modulation scheme such as BPSK, or none at all, rather than causing
large amounts of errors with a fixed modulation scheme. This significantly reduces
the need for Forward Error Correction.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
There is a trade off between power control and adaptive modulation. If a remote
station has a good channel path the transmitted power can be maintained and a high
modulation scheme used (i.e. 64-QAM), or the power can be reduced and the
modulation scheme reduced accordingly (i.e. QPSK).
Distortion, frequency error and the maximum allowable power variation between
users limit the maximum modulation scheme that can be used. The received power
for neighbouring subcarriers must have no more than 20 - 30 dB variation at the base
station, as large variations can result in strong signals swamping weaker subcarriers.
Inter-modulation distortion results from any non-linear components in the
transmission, and causes a higher noise floor in the transmission band, limiting the
maximum SNR to typically 30 - 60 dB. Frequency errors in the transmission due to
synchronisation errors and Doppler shift result in a loss of orthogonality between the
subcarriers. A frequency offset of only 1 - 2 % of the subcarrier spacing results in the
effective SNR being limited to 20 dB [85]. The limited SNR restricts the maximum
spectral efficiency to approximately 5 - 10 b/s/Hz.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Channel Delay
Response N symbols
Modulate Data
2 2 Pilot Symbol
x x Vector
b (Noise Power)
a a SNR
(Signal Power)
Figure 4-6, Algorithm for estimating the signal plus noise, to noise ratio
((S+N)/N) for a subcarrier. This approximates the SNR when the noise is
significantly smaller than the signal power.
This is for coherent modulation schemes. The switch selects whether to use
blind feed forward estimation, or to use a known pilot symbol. To use the pilot
symbol, the SNR estimation must be synchronised with the received pilot
symbol. |x| is the absolute of the complex vector, <x> is the average.
Adaptive modulation requires accurate knowledge of the radio channel. Any errors in
this knowledge can result in large increases in the BER, due to the small link margin
used. The effective SNR of each subcarrier can be estimated by calculating the noise
vector on the received signal after channel response compensation. Figure 4-6 shows
a block diagram of an algorithm for estimating the SNR. The first step is to equalise
the received data vector by dividing it by the measured channel response. This
algorithm assumes that the noise on this channel response measurement is zero. In
practice this is not the case as channel measurements will be subjected to the same
noise as we are trying to measure. However the noise on the channel measurements
can be minimised in several ways including boosting the power of the pilot tones or
symbols, and combining results from multiple measurements.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
After equalisation, the noise in the signal is found by taking the difference between
the known reference IQ vector for each subcarrier and the received IQ vector. The
SNR is then found by finding the ratio between the signal power and the noise
power. These powers must be averaged over multiple symbols to smooth out the
variations in the noise.
This type of measurement will treat any form of signal degradation as noise, such as
AWGN, distortion, residual frequency errors, Doppler Spread, etc. Transmitting a
symbol with known data allows the phase error to be estimated, giving the Signal to
Interference, Noise and Distortion Ratio (SINADR) of each subcarrier. This
SINADR can then be used to select the modulation scheme. The SINADR is referred
to here as the effective SNR.
Another method is to use the demodulated data as though it was known data, which
is approximately true provided that the BER is low. The demodulated data is
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Another method for estimating the subcarrier SNR is to measure the receiver power
on each subcarrier. The channel equalisation information can be used to measure the
received power on each subcarrier. The SNR can then be estimated by taking the
ratio of the received power to the average noise floor. The level of noise in most
transmissions will be relatively constant, and so a separate measurement of the noise
floor can be made. This method can estimate the SNR very quickly as it does not
require averaging over multiple symbols. The noise floor can be estimated by
averaging the noise vector over many symbols, thus allowing it to roughly track the
noise of the channel.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
QPSK transmission. Figure 4-7 shows the resulting SNR of the channel, which varies
from 0 dB up to 25 dB depending on the fading depth. The signal bandwidth of 65
MHz was divided into 200 subcarriers, and the adaptive modulation was updated
every 1 cm, of travel. This corresponds to a velocity of 54 km/hr at an update rate of
1500 Hz. A delay of one update period (1 cm in distance travelled) in the adaptive
modulation was used to simulate the time required for the measurement and
reallocation of the subcarrier modulation schemes.
Figure 4-7, Signal to Noise Ratio of wide band radio channel used for single
user adaptive modulation simulation. (script s0059)
In order to set up an adaptive modulation system an acceptable BER for the system
must be decided. This BER threshold is used for deciding the SNR thresholds for
each of the modulation schemes. To complicate the matter slightly, the overall BER
of the system will be higher than the chosen BER threshold as a consequence of
movement of the user and objects in the environment, and the delay between channel
response measurement and the reallocation of the subcarrier modulation schemes.
For this experiment the system BER was chosen to be 1×10-4 as this was considered
to be low enough for most forward error correction schemes to work effectively. The
BER threshold used for the adaptive modulation allocation was chosen to be 2×10-6
to ensure that final BER of the system maintained a BER of below 1×10-4 . Figure 4-8
shows the resulting modulation scheme applied to each subcarrier as a function of the
position moved by the user. The modulation scheme allocated varied from no
modulation up to 5 b/s/Hz (32-QAM).
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
The BER of the modulation allocation was estimated based on the delay in the
allocation, and the SNR of the channel between the modulation updates. The BER
was solely estimated based on the modulation scheme currently in use and the
channel SNR. Other detrimental effects were not simulated, including Doppler
spread, ISI, time and frequency sync errors and effects of distortion. This
simplification, should however still give accurate results, as the above detrimental
effects can be minimised with suitable system design. The BER as a function of
modulation scheme and channel SNR was estimated using the simulated results in
section 2.6. The channel SNR was calculated with a distance sample rate 10 times
the update rate to ensure that fading between allocation updates was modelled
accurately. Figure 4-9 shows the location of the bit errors as a function of frequency
and space. This is very similar to a contour plot of the channel SNR, with more
errors occurring around the transitions between modulation scheme allocations. The
bit errors are also clustered around the falling edges of the channel SNR, where the
modulation is being reduced from a high to a lower modulation scheme. The errors
tend to occur here due to the delay in the allocation scheme. The BER threshold used
for modulation allocation was 2×10-6 , which is 20 times lower than the resulting
BER of 4.5×10-5 . This is also due to the delay in the allocation.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Figure 4-9, Location of the bit errors for the adaptive modulation simulation.
(script s0059)
The fixed modulation simulation was repeated, but with a higher SNR. It was found
that the SNR had to be raised to 34 dB before the BER dropped below the BER of
the adaptive modulation scheme at a SNR of 17.4 dB. This shows that the adaptive
modulation dramatically decreased the effects of fading, allowing the SNR to be
lowered by 16.5 dB as compared with a fixed modulation scheme.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Figure 4-10, Location of bit errors for fixed modulation of QPSK, for the same
channel as used for the adaptive modulation simulation (script s0059).
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
There are several methods for allocating subcarriers to users in a multiuser OFDM
system. The main five schemes are to use a group of subcarriers with a fixed
frequency, randomly hopped subcarriers, using TDMA, spread out subcarriers in a
comb pattern and adaptive user allocation.
The performance of these five different user allocation schemes were simulated using
the wide band radio measurements presented in Chapter 3 section 3.8. These data
sets are a measurement of the path loss to 10 locations with in the Electrical and
Computer Engineering building. The details of each measurement are shown in
Appendix C. The path loss was measured as a function of frequency and distance,
with it showing the dependence of frequency selective fading with space.
The multiuser allocation simulation was performed using 10 users. The propagation
characteristics for each user were obtained by matching each user to one of the
propagation measurements shown in Appendix C. The velocity of all the users was
set to 3 m/s and the user allocation was performed over a movement path of 2 m. All
five simulations used adaptive modulation in order to determine the modulation for
each subcarrier in each time slot, with the only difference being the subcarrier
frequencies allocated to each user. The adaptive modulation and the subcarrier
frequency allocation was updated at a rate of 250 Hz, which corresponds to a
distance travelled between updates of 4% of wavelength, for the carrier frequency of
1005 MHz used. The frequency allocations we subdivided into 100 subcarriers over
the system bandwidth of 70 MHz. In practice the number of subcarriers would be
more than this, however the number was kept reasonably low so that the frequency
allocations could be seen in the simulation plots.
A BER threshold of 1×10-6 was used to decide on the SNR thresholds for the
adaptive modulation allocation. The choice of this BER threshold is arbitrary and
dependent on requirements of the final application of the system. Changing this
threshold would result in a slight change in data throughput, however the general
conclusions derived from the comparison of the different techniques would be the
same. In this simulation the adaptive modulation, and user allocation were performed
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
with zero delay. The effect of adding delay to the allocation scheme is investigated in
section 4.4.
Perfect channel estimation was assumed in this simulation. This would enhance the
performance of the simulated system as compared with a practical system. In a
practical system the effects of noise in the channel estimation can be minimised
using several techniques discussed in section 2.7, and so the absolute error
introduced by assuming perfect channel estimation will be less than 0.5 - 3 dB,
depending on the system implementation. Since all the user allocation schemes will
be affected in a similar manner the error in the comparison between these schemes
will be much smaller (about 0.2 – 0.5 dB).
For each user allocation scheme simulation, two tests were performed. The first
simulation measured the performance when all the transmitters in the system used a
fixed transmitter power of –10 dBm. Since the path loss to each of the users varied
by 40 dB the average received SNR also varied by about 40 dB. The second
simulation measured the performance when power control was used to set the
average SNR of all users to 20 dB. This power control was performed by calculating
the average path loss of the channel from the base station to each user, then setting
the transmitter power so that the average SNR at the base station was 20 dB. This
calculated transmitter power was fixed over the 2 m path moved by each user.
In each of these simulations multiple users are transmitting at the same time in the
same frequency band. These multiple transmissions form a single OFDM signal at
the base station’s receiver. In order for these signals to remain orthogonal to each
other, they must all be frequency and time synchronised with each other. The time
synchronisation must be accurate to within the effective guard period length (shorter
then the actual guard period length due to channel delay spread), while frequency
synchronisation must be sufficiently accurate as to maintain a sufficiently high
effective SNR as to use the modulation schemes used in the simulation. The
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
maximum spectrum efficiency used in the adaptive modulation scheme used was
256-QAM, which requires an effective SNR of at least 32 dB (see Figure 2-31). If we
assume that the period between channel characterisation pilot symbols is 16 symbols,
then from Figure 2-46 we can estimate that a frequency offset accuracy of less than
0.02% of the subcarrier spacing is required to ensure that the SNR is not degraded by
frequency errors. For a system with subcarrier spacings the same as HiperLAN2
(312.5 kHz) the maximum allowable frequency offset would be 62.5 Hz. At the
transmission frequency of HiperLAN2 (5.2 GHz) a velocity of 3.6 m/s would result
in a Doppler spread of 62.5 Hz. In order to use 256-QAM at higher velocities a
multiuser Doppler spread correction technique would need to be implemented. The
best method for implementing this is currently unknown. The frequency error
tolerance of the system improves when the modulation scheme is lowered or the
number of pilot symbols or tones is increased.
Each user in this simulation was allocated a continuous block of spectrum, 7 MHz in
bandwidth. The frequencies were fixed over the simulated path and showup as
horizontal stripes in Figure 4-11.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Figure 4-11, Frequency allocations for the fixed frequency group of subcarriers
simulation. (script s0059)
Figure 4-12 shows the simulated performance for the fixed user allocation scheme.
For the simulation using a fixed transmitter power of –10 dBm, several of the users
have insufficient power to support the bandwidth allocated, and so their SNR is
insufficient to support even BPSK. These users have a data rate of 0 bps. Several of
the users have a very high SNR and so end up continually operating at the maximum
spectral efficiency, which in this simulation was set to 8 b/s/Hz.
The second simulation shows the performance when the path loss between the users
is normalised using a rough power control. In this simulation the average SNR of
each user was set to 20 dB. Each of the ten users suffers from frequency selective
fading causing their data rate to vary significantly with time. Each of the users
experienced fading of sufficient enough depth to interrupt the data transfer
(modulation efficiency of 0 b/s/Hz). The length of these nulls was typically 5 cm in
It can be seen from Figure 4-12 (g) and (h) that the overall system throughput was
higher for the slow power control experiment. This is simply due to a higher average
SNR and does not imply that slow power control is better than a fixed transmitter
power. The absolute throughput of the slow power control simulation was not
intended to be compared directly with the fixed power simulation, but more to
highlight the different properties of these techniques.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Fixed Transmitter Power Slow Power Control
(-10dBm) (Normalised Power to give SNR of 20dB)
60 30
50 25
-20 -5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Percentage Time User Data > 0 Mbps, for all users : 79.39% Percentage Time User Data > 0 Mbps, for all users : 98.48%
60 45
User Data Rate (Mbps)
User Data Rate (Mbps)
40 30
20 15
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(e) (f)
Average System Throughput: 250.8 Mbps Average System Throughput: 196.8 Mbps
320 280
Total System Data Rate (Mbps)
Total System Data Rate (Mbps)
200 140
180 120
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(g) (h)
Figure 4-12, Simulated performance from allocating a fixed frequency group of
subcarriers to each user. (script s0059)
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Figure 4-13, Frequency allocations for each user with random frequency
hopping. (script s0059)
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Fixed Transmitter Power Slow Power Control
(-10dBm) (Normalised Power to give SNR of 20dB)
50 26
Mean SNR for Each User (dB)
20 16
-10 6
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Percentage Time User Data > 0 Mbps, for all users : 85.55% Percentage Time User Data > 0 Mbps, for all users : 100%
60 40
User Data Rate (Mbps)
User Data Rate (Mbps)
30 20
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(e) (f)
Average System Throughput: 249.3 Mbps Average System Throughput: 192.6 Mbps
290 260
Total System Data Rate (Mbps)
Total System Data Rate (Mbps)
250 200
210 140
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(g) (h)
Figure 4-14, Simulated performance for randomly hopped groups of subcarriers.
(script s0059)
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
The performance of a round robin TDMA user allocation scheme is shown in Figure
4-16. In this simulation each user was allocated the full bandwidth of the channel.
The 10 users were then allocated evenly spaced time slots in a round robin fashion.
The peak transmitter power was boosted by 10 dB to ensure that the average power
was the same as the other user allocation tests.
Figure 4-16 (a) shows the SNR verse distance travelled for all 10 users. The SNR is
discontinuous due to the switching of time slots between users.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Figure 4-15, Frequency allocations for each user with TDMA. (script s0059)
Each user is shown as a different colour and tone. The users are allocated time
slots in a round robin fashion, during which the single user allocated the time
slot uses all the system subcarriers.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Fixed Transmitter Power Slow Power Control
(-10dBm) (Normalised Power to give SNR of 20dB)
50 26
Mean SNR for Each User (dB)
20 18
-10 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Percentage Time User Data > 0 Mbps, for all users : 100%
Percentage Time User Data > 0 Mbps, for all users : 88.41%
User Data Rate (Mbps)
300 200
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m)
Distance (m)
(e) (f)
Average System Throughput: 245.4 Mbps Average System Throughput: 192.2 Mbps
600 400
Total System Data Rate (Mbps)
0 50
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(g) (h)
Figure 4-16, Simulated performance for TDMA allocation. (script s0059)
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Figure 4-18 shows the simulated performance of a 10 user multiuser system using
adaptive modulation and a frequency allocation using a comb pattern. The frequency
allocation is shown in Figure 4-17. Using a comb pattern results in a high frequency
diversity of the signal. The average SNR of the subcarriers allocated to each user (see
Figure 4-18 (a)) is very small with relative small fading (< 10 dB).
Figure 4-17, Frequency allocations for each user with a comb frequency pattern.
(script s0059)
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Fixed Transmitter Power (-10 dBm) Slow Power Control (Normalised Power to
give SNR of 20 dB)
50 26
Mean SNR for Each User (dB)
30 20
10 14
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 8
Distance (m) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Percentage Time User Data > 0 Mbps, for all users : 85.79% Percentage Time User Data > 0 Mbps, for all users : 100%
60 40
50 35
User Data Rate (Mbps)
User Data Rate (Mbps)
0 5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(e) (f)
Average System Throughput: 249.8 Mbps Average System Throughput: 192.2 Mbps
280 230
Total System Data Rate (Mbps)
Total System Data Rate (Mbps)
250 190
220 150
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(g) (h)
Figure 4-18, System performance when using adaptive modulation and comb
frequency allocation. (script s0059)
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
All the previous user allocation schemes outlined from section 4.3.1 - 4.3.4 have
allocated a fixed amount of bandwidth to each user, regardless of the received signal
power. This has led to problems for users that have low received signal strength. The
SNR of these users was insufficient to support communications even using BPSK.
The SNR seen at the receiver is dependent on the signal bandwidth, and so reducing
the bandwidth while using the same transmitter power increases the SNR of the
signal. For example, reducing the signal bandwidth by 10 times, allows the full
transmitter power to be concentrated into one tenth the bandwidth, increasing the
transmitted power spectral density by 10 fold, resulting in an improved received SNR
of 10 dB.
Adaptive bandwidth by itself will not be suitable for all applications, especially those
that required a fixed data rate such as streaming video and audio. In these
applications a joint optimisation of bandwidth and modulation scheme could be
preformed to maintain a fixed data rate, while minimising the amount of bandwidth
used at any one time. This could be achieved by allocating both the user bandwidth
and modulation scheme so that the spectral efficiency multiplied by the user
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
bandwidth results in the required data rate. This way, as the signal strength becomes
weaker, the amount of bandwidth allocated to that user increases to compensate. This
fixed data rate optimisation is not included in the presented adaptive user allocation
algorithm, and could be researched as future work.
In order for the adaptive techniques (adaptive user allocation, adaptive modulation
and adaptive bandwidth) to work effectively all users in the system must be
frequency and time synchronised to each other in order to maintain subcarrier
orthogonality in the reverse link to the base station. In addition to this, the base
station requires complete knowledge of the channel response to all the users in the
system. This makes full implementation of such a technique difficult, as the overhead
in requiring this information can be very high, particularly if the mobile users are
moving or the system bandwidth is low. The principles involved in adaptive user
allocation and adaptive bandwidth can however be reduced to fit various
applications, while still providing some optimisation of system efficiency.
(1) Initially allocate all users an equal number of subcarriers, using the adaptive user
allocation algorithm (see algorithm shown in section
(2) Calculate the SNR of all the subcarriers for a given user, based on the bandwidth
allocated and the particular subcarriers that were allocated in step 1.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
(3) Find the minimum SNR of the subcarriers allocated to each user.
(4) For each user check that every subcarrier allocated to that user, has a SNR greater
than a given threshold. This is done to ensure that each subcarrier has a
sufficiently high SNR to support at least BPSK modulation. A threshold of 12 dB
was used in the simulations shown in Figure 4-19 and Figure 4-20. If a user has
any subcarriers below this threshold then reduce the BW (number of subcarriers)
allocated to that user. This frees up BW, making it available to other users. Make
sure that each user is allocated at least one subcarrier. This prevents the
degenerate case where a user is allocated zero subcarriers, which in turn makes
the estimated SNR infinite (The SNR is inversely proportional to the signal
If all subcarriers meet the minimum SNR threshold, then the user allocation is
complete, so apply adaptive modulation to each subcarrier and exit. If the SNR of
one or more subcarriers is below the threshold then continue onto step 5.
(5) Redistribute the free BW by allocating it to users that have a SNR significantly
greater than the minimum SNR threshold. Transmitting over a wider BW results
in a lower transmitted spectral density and received SNR. Thus there is no use
reallocating the extra BW to a user that is just above the SNR threshold, as this
would result in their SNR dropping below the threshold, defeating the purpose of
the reallocation. In the simulations the extra BW was only allocated to users that
were at least 3 dB above the minimum SNR threshold.
To help with data load levelling, the extra BW should be allocated to users that
have a low SNR first, as users with a high SNR will already have a
comparatively high data rate and thus shouldn’t need more BW.
(5) Based on the new user BW allocations, reallocate the subcarriers to users by
repeating the adaptive user allocation algorithm (see algorithm shown in section
(6) Repeat from (2) until all allocated subcarriers have a SNR above the required
The exit for this algorithm is in step (4). It usually takes 3-5 iterations, however
under certain channel conditions there will be no solution for meeting the minimum
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
The algorithm outlined below performs relatively poorly if all of the users have a
similar average SNR, as the user with the highest SNR (even if it is only 0.1 dB
higher than the other users) will get last pick of the subcarriers. As a consequence it
may end up with subcarriers that are all in nulls. A fairer algorithm in this case might
be to allocate single subcarriers from each user in a round robin fashion.
Optimisation of the algorithm is left to future research.
(1) Find the mean SNR over the entire system BW for each user.
(2) Perform allocation of subcarriers to users in-order, from, lowest mean SNR, to
highest mean SNR. This helps to ensure that weak users get access to the best
(3) Sort the SNR response for the user being allocated, removing any subcarriers that
have already been allocated to other users. The SNR response is the SNR of each
subcarrier as seen by that user. This will be different for each user, due to
propagation variations.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
(4) Allocate from the sorted SNR response subcarriers in descending order from best
SNR to worst SNR subcarriers to meet the BW required for the user. Repeat from
step 2 until all users have been allocated.
Figure 4-19 (a) and (c) show the performance of a system with a fixed user
transmission power of (-10 dBm). From this we can see that the bandwidth allocated
to each user varies due to the adaptive bandwidth scheme. In previous simulations
several of the users could not support any data transmission due to an insufficient
SNR. With adaptive bandwidth the weakest user was only allocated a bandwidth of
less than 1 MHz, instead of the usual 7 MHz, (see Figure 4-20 (c)). From Figure 4-20
(e) we can see that the percentage time where the data rate is above 0 bps, is 100%,
which is much better than other allocations schemes (fixed bandwidth group 79.4%,
Random frequency hopping 85.6%, TDMA 88.4% and Comb 85.8). This is a direct
result of the adaptive bandwidth allocation. A SNR threshold of 12 dB was used to
determine the maximum bandwidth that could be supported by each user. If their
SNR was below 12 dB then the user bandwidth was reduced until the SNR of their
weakest subcarrier achieved a SNR above 12 dB. The effect of this algorithm can be
seen in Figure 4-20 (a) where the SNR of the weaker users hovers around the
threshold of 12 dB. Their SNR dips below the 12 dB threshold several times due to
the slow tracking rate of the adaptive user allocation (0.04λ).
For the simulation using power control, Figure 4-19 (b) and (d), the modulation
applied is very consistent, with little evidence of fading.
The system data rate with adaptive user allocation is much higher than that achieved
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
by any passive allocation scheme. For the fixed transmitter power the average system
data rate was 348 Mbps, which is 40% higher than the passive allocation schemes
that all achieved a data rate of approximately 250 Mbps.
Adaptive user allocation combined with adaptive bandwidth and adaptive modulation
produces a system that has both a very high quality of service and a high spectral
Fixed User Power of –10 dBm Slow Power Control, All users average power
normalised to give SNR of 20 dB
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4-19, Simulated adaptive user allocation, utilising adaptive bandwidth,
adaptive frequency, and adaptive modulation. (script s0059)
Results shown in (a) and (c) are for each user having a fixed transmission
power. The transmitter power in (b) and (d) were set so that the average
received power would result in an average SNR of 20 dB. (a) and (b) show the
frequency allocations for each of the users. Each user is shown as a different
colour. (c) and (d) show the modulation scheme used at each frequency. This
simulation assumed perfect channel knowledge for each user.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Fixed User Power of –10 dBm Slow Power Control, All users average power
normalised to give SNR of 20 dB
50 35
Mean SNR for Each User (dB)
10 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(a) (b)
20 14
14 10
User BW (MHz)
User BW (MHz)
6 4
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(c) (d)
Percentage Time User Data > 0 Mbps, for all users : 100% Percentage Time User Data > 0 Mbps, for all users : 100%
120 50
User Data Rate (Mbps)
User Data Rate (Mbps)
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(e) (f)
Average System Throughput: 348.2 Mbps Average System Throughput: 288 Mbps
420 340
Total System Data Rate (Mbps)
400 320
380 300
360 280
340 260
320 240
300 220
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance (m) Distance (m)
(g) (h)
Figure 4-20, Continuation of results from Figure 4-19
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
(a) and (b) show the SNR for each user, (c) and (d) shows the bandwidth
allocated to each user, (e) and (f) shows the resulting data rate for each user, and
(g) and (h) showing the overall system data rate. (script s0059)
Fixed User Power (-10 dBm) Slow Power Control (Avg. SNR
User 20 dB)
Allocation System QOS BER System QOS BER
Data Rate (% User Data (x10-5 ) Data Rate (% User Data (x10-5 )
(Mbps) > 0 Mbps) (Mbps) > 0 Mbps)
Fixed Group 250.8 79.4 0.95 196.8 98.5 0.61
TDMA 245.5 88.4 1.1 192.2 100 0.60
Random 249.3 85.6 1.4 192.6 100 0.59
Comb 249.8 85.8 1.3 192.2 100 0.62
Adapt. User 348.2 100.0 0.4 288.0 100 0.27
Table 4-2, Summary of system performance when using different user
allocation schemes. Note: all schemes used adaptive modulation.
It can be seen from Table 4-2 that the system data rate for all of the passive user
allocation schemes is approximately the same at around 250 Mbps. This is a result of
the uniform probability distribution of all radio channels. All of the radio channels in
the simulation had a Rayleigh fading probability distribution (see section 3.8). As a
result any passive allocation scheme will also suffer from Rayleigh fading, regardless
of how the frequency-time slots are allocated. This means that the system throughput
of all passive allocation schemes will be approximately the same, as each of them
will have approximately the same SNR distribution and corresponding spectral
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
The only scheme that performed better is adaptive user allocation. It resulted in a
higher system data rate, a higher QOS, and a lower BER, all of which can be
attributed to the optimisation of the user frequency allocation. The higher data rate is
a result of the users being allocated peaks in the channel response, which reduced the
path loss and consequently resulted in a higher average SNR and data rate. The
higher QOS was a result of the adaptive bandwidth algorithm used. The lower BER
of adaptive user allocation as compared with passive allocation schemes is a result of
the users being allocated peaks in the channel response. The channel response
(magnitude of the channel response in log scale) changes slower at the peaks than the
nulls and as a result the channel tracking for adaptive modulation is more accurate.
This reduces tracking error and results in a reduction in the BER.
Adaptive modulation and adaptive user allocation are dynamic techniques that
require continual tracking of the changing channel conditions in order to perform
well. The reallocation of the modulation and the user subcarriers have to be refreshed
many times per second in order to maintain a high performance.
Two different user allocation schemes were simulated (adaptive user allocation and
fixed frequency group allocation) at different tracking rates, both using adaptive
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
Adaptive Modulation allocation threshold BER of 1x10
10 Adapt, Margin 0 dB, 304.1 Mbps
Adapt, Margin 2 dB, 260.3 Mbps
Fixed, Margin 0 dB, 211.4 Mbps
-10 Fixed, Margin 2 dB, 172.1 Mbps
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16
Distance between Tracking (Fraction of wavelength)
Figure 4-21, BER as a function of the distance between tracking points for a
multiuser system using adaptive modulation and adaptive user allocation. (script
Figure 4-21 shows the BER as a function of the update rate. For adaptive user
allocation both the subcarriers allocated to each user and the modulation scheme
used were reallocated at each update. For the fixed group of subcarriers, only the
modulation scheme was updated for each subcarrier. This simulation assumed that
the BER of the link was determined only by the modulation scheme used and the
current SNR of each subcarrier. Perfect channel knowledge was also assumed and
that the delay between the channel response measurement and reallocation of the
modulation scheme was zero.
Although the time between changing the modulation scheme was potentially large
(up to 0.16λ) in this simulation it was assumed that the equalisation of OFDM
receiver would be updated sufficiently fast to not cause a detrimental effect on the
communication link. Also other detrimental effects such as distortion, frequency
errors, Doppler spread, etc were not considered. Also overheads required
implementing an adaptive user allocation scheme, or adaptive modulation was not
included in the system data rate results. The main aim of this simulation was to focus
on the potential effectiveness of both adaptive modulation and adaptive user
In Figure 4-21 the distance has been normalised as a fraction of the wavelength of
the RF carrier.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
D= (4-1)
In the legend for Figure 4-21, the right most set of numbers shows the average
system capacity for each simulation result. The system capacity was nearly constant
as a function of update distance, with it varying by less than 1%. Adaptive user
allocation, with a link margin of 0 dB, achieved the highest system data rate of 304.1
Mbps, (an average of 4.34 b/s/Hz). The fixed subcarrier allocation method only
achieved 211.4 Mbps (3.02 b/s/Hz) for the same transmission power and
communication channels. Adaptive user allocation achieves a higher capacity by
exploiting the frequency selective fading so that users are allocated peaks in the
frequency response, improving the average received power by about 4 dB. If the
radio channels were completely flat with no fading, both fixed frequency allocation
and adaptive user allocation would have performed equally well. In fact the adaptive
user allocation would have been worse since it requires overhead to perform the
adaptive allocation. Note however that the above simulation has not taken this
overhead into account.
A link margin was added to the SNR thresholds determined by the BER. This link
margin would increase the required SNR for each of the modulation schemes,
resulting in the adaptive modulation erring on the side of caution. A positive link
margin consequently results in a reduction in the BER and system spectral efficiency.
The SNR thresholds used to decide on the modulation allocations were chosen to
give a maximum BER of 1×10-5 . These thresholds can be found in Table 4-1.
However, at low speed, with a 0 dB link margin, the BER ends up being lower than
this threshold (approx. 2×10-6 ), which is a result of quantisation of the modulation
Another simulation was done showing the BER when a link margin of 2 dB was
added to the SNR thresholds for a BER of 1×10-5 . This is also shown in Figure 4-21.
The increased SNR threshold dramatically reduced the BER, but can at the cost of a
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
reduced overall system capacity. The system data rate for adaptive user allocation
dropped from 304.1 Mbps (4.34 b/s/Hz) when no link margin was used, to 260.3
Mbps (3.71 b/s/Hz) for a 2 dB margin. This drop in the data rate is to be expected.
For coherent QAM the spectral efficiency can be increased by 1 b/s/Hz for every 3
dB increased in SNR. Thus for a 2 dB margin we would expect 2/3 = 0.67 b/s/Hz
drop in the system spectral efficiency. The simulated results showed a drop of 4.34-
3.71 = 0.63 b/s/Hz, closely matching the expected value of 0.67 b/s/Hz. The
advantage of this added link margin is that it allows the tracking rate to be lowered,
while still maintaining the BER below the required threshold.
The lower limit on the BER that can be expected for adaptive modulation for a
chosen BER threshold can be calculated. The easiest case is when the tracking rate is
sufficiently high that it appears to be continuous. This is the case in Figure 4-21
where the distance between subsequent modulation updates is less than 0.01 × λ. If
the adaptive modulation is updated on a continuous basis then SNR of the channel
will always exceed the minimum SNR to achieve the chosen BER threshold. This
excess in SNR, above the minimum threshold, results in the BER being lower than
the chosen BER threshold.
If we assume that the SNR of the channel varies in a random manner, then the excess
SNR will be approximately uniformly distributed between 0 and the SNR difference
between the modulation scheme thresholds. For coherent QAM modulation this
difference corresponds to 3 dB for each 1 bit/s/Hz increase. The average BER for a
particular modulation scheme can be calculated by taking the average of the BER
from the minimum SNR up to the threshold for the next modulation scheme. In most
systems the SNR will vary sufficiently such that all modulation schemes will be
used, thus the overall BER will be the average of average BER results for all
modulation schemes.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
This is for a high update rate (distance between updates less than λ/100), using
modulation schemes from BPSK through to 1024-QAM. The BER verses SNR
for each modulation was found using simulation result shown in Section 2.6.
Chapter 4 Multiuser OFDM
B E R t h r e s h o l d 1 x 1 0 - 6, M o d . U p d a t e R a t e : 5 0 p e r w a v e l e n g t h
SNR: 17 dB
SNR: 30 dB
0.01 0.1
Delay (wavelengths)
Figure 4-23, BER as a function of the delay between channel measurement and
adaptive modulation allocation (script s0085)
Figure 4-24, Location of the bit errors in a single user adaptive modulation
scheme at a SNR of 42 dB. Channel measurement Figure A - 12 was used for
this simulation. (script s0059)
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Currently the number of WLAN systems is relatively low and thus interference
between most systems is low. In addition to this, most operate within buildings,
which provide significant interference shielding by the outer walls. This results in the
SNR being primarily limited by transmission power not intercellular interference. If
we can therefore minimise the path loss over the coverage area of the WLAN, we
can therefore maximise the SNR, and the corresponding data rate.
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
In a free space environment, the path loss is proportional to the transmission distance
squared. However, for indoor environments the path loss typically increases much
faster with distance due of shadowing caused by absorption from obstructing objects,
such as walls, cabinets, doors etc.
Network BS PS
(a) (b)
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
A form of spatial diversity can also be achieved by splitting the signal from a single
central base station and transmitting the same signal from multiple locations around
the building to be covered. This is shown in Figure 5-1 (b). Shadowing is reduced
because there are multiple opportunities to receive the signal. Even if several paths
are blocked by walls or buildings, others may have a reasonable transmission path.
Using multiple transmitters effectively reduces the transmission distance, as the
closest transmitter dominates the signal power.
Figure 5-2, Pictorial demonstration showing the difference in shadowing when
using a single transmitter (a), and 4 transmitters (b).
The total power in both cases is the same. With 4 transmitters the energy is
spread more evenly. (Produced using Corel 3D Dream 6.0)
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
The problem with using APRs is the mobile receiver will see signals from all APR
transmitters. The propagation delay from each transmitter will be different, and so
will arrive at the receiver with a different delay. This is equivalent to receiving the
signal distorted by strong multipath. This causes frequency selective fading, and an
increase in the delay spread of the transmission, which can result in Inter-Symbol
Interference (ISI). This is particularly a problem for modulation schemes such as
Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), as the maximum symbol rate is limited by ISI caused
by delay spread.
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) systems have a high multipath tolerance
when a RAKE receiver is used [102]. A RAKE receiver uses correlation to resolve
delayed copies of the signal caused by multipath propagation. These are then aligned
in time and combined. This allows the signals from each of the transmitters to be
resolved and combined. The maximum delay spread that can be tolerated by an
IEEE802.11b DSSS WLAN system, using a 16-tap RAKE receiver, is 125 ns at 11
Mbps and 250 ns at 5.5 Mbps [103]. This level of multipath tolerance should allow
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
OFDM has a higher multipath tolerance than DSSS, and allows for a much greater
range of modulation schemes to be used. Minimising the path loss allows the SNR to
be increased, provided inter-cellular interference is low. This improved SNR can be
utilised by adaptively setting the modulation scheme based on the SNR, allowing the
throughput of the system to be increased.
The high multipath tolerance of OFDM is a result of the low symbol rate used, and
the use of a guard period between symbols. The guard period is a cyclic extension of
each OFDM symbol, giving protection against ISI, provided it is longer than the
delay spread of the radio channel.
Multipath causes frequency selective fading, which can result in subcarriers of the
OFDM signal being lost in nulls in the spectrum. These nulls are typically handled
by including forward error correction to compensate for the lost data. Adding
multiple transmitters will result in an increased delay spread, resulting in a decrease
in the correlation bandwidth of the channel. This will not cause any detrimental
effects on the OFDM transmission, provided that enough subcarriers are used.
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Receiver Receiver
Time Time
Figure 5-3, Increase in the multipath delay spread as a result of using Access
Point Repeaters.
The overall impulse response with APRs corresponds to the sum of the impulse
responses from each APR antenna.
The use of multiple transmitters to obtain improved coverage was first introduced in
the Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) system [20]. DAB uses OFDM with a low
symbol rate and a long guard period. With DAB, it is possible for all transmitters to
use the same frequency and transmit copies of the same signal, referred to as a Single
Frequency Network (SFN). For VHF band transmissions, DAB uses 1536 subcarriers
with a symbol time of 1 ms, and a guard period of 246 µs, allowing transmitters to be
up 96 km apart in a SFN, before the delay spread is too large.
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
moves much closer to either of the transmitters then the signal power will be
dominated by just one of the transmitters reducing the multipath fading.
The guard period for HiperLAN2 is 800 ns, and so the first approximation for
maximum spacing between the transmitters is:
where D is the space between the transmitter antennas, TGF is the length of the flat
section of the guard period and c is the speed of light.
This estimate is however overly optimistic for several reasons. Some of the guard
period is needed to allow for error in the accuracy of the time synchronisation,
shortening the allowable delay spread. Also band pass filtering in the transmitter and
receiver can introduce additional delay spread. In addition to this, the result would
only be valid if we were only using BPSK or QPSK. These modulation schemes are
robust and can tolerate a large amount of ISI energy. However, HiperLAN2 uses
higher modulation schemes such as 16-QAM and 64-QAM, which are more sensitive
to ISI caused by delay spread, and as a consequence the maximum antenna
separation must be reduced. This will reduce the channel delay spread and the
resulting ISI. In a typical building the RMS delay spread is in the order of 20 - 60 ns
(see Table 3-2). This is much shorter than the length of the HiperLAN2 guard period,
however the RMS delay spread is only a good indicator for robust modulation
schemes such as BPSK and QPSK. The RMS delay spread can be though of as
approximately the time period over which half the channel impulse energy arrives.
This means that the other 50% of the energy is spread over a longer period. For 64-
QAM, it can only tolerate a very small amount of ISI energy. At a BER of 1×10-5 ,
64-QAM requires an effective SNR of 25.6 dB. Channel noise, IMD, frequency and
time synchronisation errors, Doppler spread, channel equalisation noise and ISI all
degrade the effective SNR of the OFDM transmission, and so the degradation from
just ISI must result in an effective SNR of significantly greater than 25.6 dB. For this
reason it has been estimated that the level of ISI must be result in an effective SNR
of greater than 30 dB.
In order to maintain an effective SNR of greater than 30 dB the level of ISI must be
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
less than 0.1% of the symbol power, thus the guard period must be sufficiently long
so that it covers the period over which 99.9% of the multipath impulse energy
arrives. Most publications on multipath characterisation on have focused primarily
on the RMS delay spread [69], [71], [73], [76], [77], however what is needed is the
time period over which 99.9% of the energy arrives. This time spread can be
estimated approximately by looking at the time spread over which the impulse
reflections have died away to below 30 dB the normalised power. This type of
measurement is known as the profile width and has been used in [77], [78], and [79].
Unfortunately all these papers are for urban radio propagation, making there results
difficult to apply to indoor environments. However they do allow the relationship
between the RMS delay spread and the profile width to be estimated. From these
results it was estimated that the profile width with a cut off of 30 dB below the
normalised power is approximately 6 - 8 times that of the RMS delay spread.
Obviously this will vary based on the actual environment but it does allow an
estimate of the guard period used up by multipath in a typical building environment.
If the RMS delay spread is 20 - 60 ns than period over which 99.9% of the energy
arrives will be about 160 - 480 ns.
Several other factors haven’t been included in this estimate, such as the possible
detrimental effect of the decreased channel coherence bandwidth on channel
equalisation and degraded time synchronisation accuracy due to the larger delay
spread. As a result of these degradations, it is estimated that the maximum allowable
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
All APRs within the same cell transmit and receive the same signal, thus only one
base station (BS) is needed per cell. For transmission, the signal generated by a base
station is split N ways, where N is the number of APRs. Coaxial cable or some other
medium, such as optic fibre, is used to deliver the signal to each APR. The signal is
then amplified at the APR to compensate for any losses in the coaxial cable
transmission. For reception, the reverse process is used. Each APR has a Low Noise
Amplifier (LNA) to compensate for losses in the coax, in order to maintain a low
noise figure. The received signals from all APRs are combined and demodulated at
the base station. Phase differences between the APRs have little or no effect as they
are corrected for, in the OFDM demodulation process.
RF filter IF filter
PA (5 GHz) (1 GHz)
Clock filter
Synth (10MHz) To BS
Clock combiner
Access Point Repeater Reference
(b) High frequency APR where coax losses are too large. The signals to and
from the BS are sent on the coax at a suitable IF frequency.
Figure 5-4 (a) shows a simple implementation of an APR, which can be used when
the loss in the coaxial cable is low (< 20 dB). The mast-head amplifier operates at the
RF frequency and so no frequency translation is required. A low frequency control
signal can be used to select whether to transmit or receive. For a full duplex system,
the RF switches can be replaced with diplexers.
In larger systems where the cable losses are too large, the signal can be transmitted
on the cable at an IF frequency. Figure 5-4 (b) shows one possible implementation
for an IF APR. A common clock reference must be used by all APRs to ensure
frequency synchronisation, otherwise frequency errors will reduce the orthogonality
of the OFDM, causing ICI. A suitable out of band clock reference must be
transmitted from the base station. This common clock can then be frequency
multiplied using a Phase Locked Loop (PLL) to generate the Local Oscillator (LO)
for the IF-RF mixing. For such a design, care must be taken to ensure the phase noise
of the clock reference is low and that the clock signal does not interfere with the
received signal.
Another method for distributing high frequency RF signals is to use optic fibre. The
RF signals can be converted to optical signals and transmitted over long distances
with optic fibre. This type of technology is currently being developed for use in
mobile phone applications as a method for producing pico sized cells [101].
The path loss was measured at 235 locations on the second floor of the Electrical and
Computer Engineering (ECE) building at James Cook University. The measurement
locations and the building layout are shown in Figure 5-5. The internal walls are
shown as dark lines. The selection of the measurement locations, the position of the
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
transmitters, and the construction of the building can easily influence the overall path
loss probability distribution. However, the results presented will be representative of
the improvement that could be expected in a typical building of similar construction
to the one the measurements were taken in.
Figure 5-5, Path loss measurement locations in the ECE building for APR
Lines represent internal walls. The thin lines are plaster board walls, and the
thick ones are concrete walls.
The transmitter set up is shown in Figure 5-7. Simple monopole antennas were used
and were assumed to have an effective gain of 0 dBi, including matching losses. The
uncertainty in the gain of the antennas resulted in an absolute error in the path loss
measurements of approximately 3 dB and a differential error between the single and
dual transmitter measurements of 1 dB.
The signal strength at each location was measured using a spectrum analyser on a
trolley, as shown in Figure 5-6, and converted to path loss by compensating for
transmitter power and receiver gain. A slightly different frequency was used for the
single and dual transmitters to allow simultaneous measurements of the path loss.
The receiver antenna was placed on a rotating platform, as shown in Figure 5-8,
which was turned during the received power measurement. Video averaging on the
spectrum analyser was used to average the power over a 0.6 m circular path swept by
the antenna. This was done to remove the effects of frequency selective fading, and
obtain an accurate measure of the path loss. Even though the path loss was measured
using a continuous wave transmission, the results are still valid for a wide bandwidth
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Figure 5-6, Photo of the mobile receiver trolley, showing the rotating antenna
on top, spectrum analyser in the middle, and the battery for powering the pre-
Signal Generator 1
990.2 MHz
Signal Generator 2
990.0 MHz
Figure 5-7, Transmitter set up simulating Access Point Repeaters. The total
transmitter power from Tx2a and Tx2b were matched to the Tx1 power.
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Movement of Antenna
Figure 5-8, The receiver antenna was swept over a circle to average out effect of
Figure 5-9 shows the path loss for the single transmitter. The path loss increases
rapidly with distance from the transmitter. The path loss in the bottom left corner of
Figure 5-9 at location 5 m, 5 m, has a high path loss of over 100 dB, which is
equivalent to 1 km of free space loss, even though it is less than 20 m from the
transmitter. Figure 5-10 shows the path loss when two transmitters were used. In this
case the path loss is lower and much more evenly distributed.
Figure 5-9, Measured path loss with one transmitter over the area of the ECE
building at 990 MHz. (script s0011)
The dark lines are the internal walls. The × shows the location of the
transmitters. (script s0011)
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Figure 5-10, Measured path loss for two transmitters over the area of the ECE
building at 990 MHz. (script s0011)
This simulates two APRs. Note the total transmitter power is the same as for the
one transmitter measurements. The × shows the location of the transmitters.
(script s0011)
Figure 5-11 shows the measured and simulated probability distribution of the path
loss. It shows that the measured path loss is more than 7 dB lower when using two
transmitters as compared with one. This result is to be expected, as the longest
distance to a transmitter was reduced by 1.62 times. The typical path loss exponent
of an obstructed path within a building is 4 to 6 [119], as compared to a path loss
exponent of 2 for free space loss. We would therefore expect the path loss to be
reduced by 8.4 to 12.6 dB for a reduction in distance of 1.6 times. Since the
transmission power is split over two transmitters this will reduce the received power
by 3 dB, thus resulting in an overall improvement of 5.4 to 9.6 dB. This compares
well with the measured improvement of 7 dB. Even though there are two
transmitters, the received signal power tends to be dominated by the closest
transmitter due to the rapid fall of power with distance. This is why the improvement
in signal power can be estimated with reasonable accuracy by considering the
reduction in distance to the transmitter.
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Single Tx
Dual Tx
65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Pathloss (dB)
Figure 5-11, Probability of path loss over the measured area of the building.
(script s0011)
At a large distance, multiple APRs appear as a point source and so the received
power is the same as when using a single Access Point, where the total transmitted
power is the same. This means that the interference to neighbouring systems is
approximately the same regardless of the number of APRs used, for fixed total
transmission power. The near field path loss can be reduced by 7 dB using two
APRs, allowing the total transmitted power to be reduced by up to 7 dB for the same
SNR. This will reduce the overall interference to distant (distance is greater than the
diameter of the APR WLAN system) WLAN systems by 7 dB. Further
improvements could be made using a higher number of APRs. Using one APR per
room could potentially decrease the near field path loss by 20 - 30 dB, allowing a
large reduction in external interference with suitable power control. The reduced
interference will allow a better frequency reuse in a cellular system.
A simple ray trace path loss model was developed to allow continued investigation
into the use of multiple access point repeaters. This is similar to the model used in
[75]. A 2D model was used instead of a 3D one for simplicity and to reduce the
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
amount of simulation time. The 2D model calculates the path loss along radial rays,
which are converted to a fixed rectangular data grid using interpolation. The
rectangular grid allows the signal power from multiple transmitter sources to be
added together.
0 1 2 3 4
Object Loss
Object Loss
(b) Reflection
Loss (dB)
Figure 5-12, Attenuation calculations for a ray passing through two objects.
The path loss along each ray is found by calculating its intercept to each object in the
environment. The loss through each object is calculated based on the reflection
coefficient of the object surface and the distance through the object. Each surface the
ray intercepts results in energy being reflected causing a jump in the accumulated
attenuation. As shown in Figure 5-12 (a), surface 1, 2, 3, 4 result in jumps in the
accumulated object loss shown in Figure 5-12 (b). In this model, the amount of
reflected energy is constant regardless of the angle of the ray. This reflected energy is
not calculated as another ray, and is ignored to simplify the model.
In addition to reflected losses, each object absorbs energy as the ray passes through
it. This is calculated as a loss proportional, in dB, to the distance travelled through
the object medium. The loss along the ray is accumulated as the ray passes through
multiple objects. This loss is then added to the loss calculated by the standard free
space radio path loss equation to obtain the overall attenuation with distance. The
radio path loss equation is
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
λ α
PL = −10 log 10
where PL is the path loss (dB), λ is the wavelength of the radio signal (m), R is the
distance from the transmitter (m), and α is the path loss exponent. For free space
propagation, α = 2. The simulation calculates the path loss due to objects, and so
ideally, the path loss exponent used in the simulation should be two. However due to
the simplicity of the model, a path loss exponent of 2.65 was found to best match the
measured results.
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Line 3
Line 4 Line 2
Line 1
Object vertex
Figure 5-13, Diagram showing the method for find the intercepts between a ray
and an object.
Once the path loss has been calculated along all rays, it is converted to a rectangular
grid system using 2D cubic interpolation. This normalisation of the grid locations
allows the signal power from multiple simulations to be combined. This allows for
simulation of multiple transmitters, and the investigation of interference between
transmitters in neighbouring cells. Figure 5-14 shows the conversion from the polar
grid to rectangular.
Rectangular Grid
(used for plotting)
Polar Grid (pathloss
found at locations on
Ray (line of pathloss
Figure 5-14, Polar to rectangular conversion used for plotting of simulated path
The path loss is calculated along at each point on the polar grid. These results
are then converted to a 2D rectangular grid using 2D cubic interpolation.
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Figure 5-15, Example of spatial aliasing due to finite number of rays used.
A ray that just misses an object, or one that just intersects an object results in
shadowing which is disproportionate to the objects.
In the simulation, the material properties of the walls were optimised to obtain a
good match between the simulated and measured building path loss shown in Figure
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
5-9 and Figure 5-10. The resulting simulation parameters were found to closely
match the direct wall loss measurements, as shown in Table 5-1. Figure 5-16 shows
the resulting match between the measured and simulated results. This figure shows
the percentage area of the building (Y-axis), which has a path loss worse than a
specified path loss in the X-axis. For example, 20% of the building has a path loss of
greater than 90dB when using a single transmitter, where as it is only 3% for two
This shows direct measurements and wall loss found by simulation optimisation
1 Tx (Meas)
2 Tx (Meas)
Probability of worse pathloss
1 Tx (Sim)
2 Tx (Sim)
60 70 80 90 100
Pathloss (dB)
Figure 5-16, Cumulative Distribution Function of the path loss within the
measured and simulated building. (script s0011)
measured results is that the simulated results are smoother, which is the result of the
simple environment model.
In addition to simulating one and two transmitters, the path loss was simulated with
four and eight transmitters. The transmitters were positioned in the simulation to
approximately maximise their effectiveness. Figure 5-19 and Figure 5-20 shows the
simulated results for 4 APR and 8 APR respectively. These show that the path loss
continues to decrease significantly as the number of repeaters is increased. This is
despite the fact that the energy being transmitted by each repeater becomes smaller
and smaller, as the total transmission power is fixed. Figure 5-21 shows the path loss
distribution for all the simulated results. The path loss for the worst 2% of the area of
the building was improved by 7 dB when using two transmitters, 16 dB for four
transmitters and 22 dB for eight transmitters.
Figure 5-17, Simulated path loss for one transmitter at 990 MHz. (script s0011)
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Figure 5-18, Simulated path loss for two transmitters at 990 MHz. (script
Figure 5-19, Simulated path loss for four transmitters for 990 MHz. (script
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Figure 5-20, Simulated path loss for 8 transmitters for 990 MHz. (script s0011)
Note the total transmission power is the same as for one transmitter. The ×
shows the location of the transmitters.
1 Tx
2 Tx
Probability of worse pathloss
4 Tx
8 Tx
60 70 80 90 100
Pathloss (dB)
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Two buildings were set up side by side to simulate neighbouring buildings. Both
buildings in the simulation used the same lay out as the Electrical and Computer
Engineering building at JCU. This model was used as it has been previously verified
with measurement. If a different building model were used, it would result in a
different shadowing pattern and thus a different result, however the general results
would be much the same.
The top building was set up as a fixed wireless LAN system using 1, 2, 4, or 8 APRs.
The interference between this WLAN and a moving interferer was simulated. The
interferer was moved from the outside of lower building then moved in a straight-line
passing through the lower building and out the other side. The signal to noise ratio
over the area of the top building was calculated for each movement of the interferer.
Where PLAN is the power received from the fixed wireless LAN system (from the
APRs) in dBm, PI is the power from the interferer in dBm, and NP is the noise power
from thermal and electrical noise, also in dBm.
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
The received power for multiple APRs was calculated by adding the power received
from each APR.
PLAN = 10 log 10 ∑ (Tk ⋅ H k ) ( dBm ) (5-3)
k =1
Where A is the number of APRs, Tk is the transmitted power from each APR in mW,
and Hk is the channel gain from the transmitter to the receiver. The channel gain is
the ratio of the transmitted power to the received power and was found using the ray
trace model, and is the inverse of the path loss.
For the interferer the calculation was the same except that there was only a single
Where TI is the transmitted power from the interferer in mW, and HI is the channel
gain from the interferer to the receiver.
In addition to interference noise, thermal and electrical noise was included in the
SNR calculation:
For the simulations the bandwidth was set to 20 MHz, the NF set to 10 dB, the
antenna temperature set to 300 K, the interferer power set to 100 mW, and the total
APR transmitter power to 100 mW.
Figure 5-22 shows the signal power for the interferer and APRs, from which the SNR
was calculated. The performance of the simulated WLAN system was measured by
taking the average SNR over the area of the top building. From this calculated SNR
the spectral efficiency of an OFDM system was estimated for a system using
adaptive modulation. Coherent QAM from 1 b/s/Hz to 10 b/s/Hz were used and
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
allocated based on a BER threshold of 1×10-4 . Figure 5-23 shows the resulting
spectral efficiency as the interferer moves through the lower building. The spectral
efficiency is more than double for 8 transmitters compared with a single transmitter,
corresponding to an improvement of 10 dB. The interferer has the most detrimental
effect when it is outside the lower building, which is to be expected as the building
will tend to shield and contain the interference.
As well as spectral efficiency, the QOS was estimated by measuring the percentage
area of the building where the SNR was insufficient to support a spectral efficiency
of at least 1 b/s/Hz (SNR > 8.4 dB). Figure 5-24 shows the QOS of the WLAN
system in the top building as the interferer is moved. For the WLAN system using a
single APR between 25 - 40 % of the building is not covered indicating a poor
performance. However, increasing the number of APRs improves the performance
considerably, with both 4 and 8 APRs resulting in an average outage of less than 1%.
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Interferer (passes through the lower buildi ng) Wanted signal, for 1, 2, 4 and 8 APRs.
(each × is an APR)
Figure 5-22, Received signal power for interferer and wanted signal. (script
The interferer column shows the results at four points in the simulation. The
APR column shows the result for 4 separate simulations. (colourbar in dBm)
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
1 transmitter
2 transmitters
4 transmitters
8 transmitters
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Distance travelled by interfering mobile user (m)
Figure 5-23, Average spectral efficiency over the area of the top building, as a
function of the movement of the interferer. (script s0009)
The boundary of the building that the interferer passes though is from 0 m
through to 53 m. (y-axis units are in b/s/Hz)
1 transmitter
40 2 transmitters
Percentage Area < 1 bits/Hz
4 transmitters
35 8 transmitters
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Distance travelled by interfering mobile user (m)
Figure 5-24, Quality of service provided in the top building in the simulation.
(script s0009)
Chapter 5 Access Point Repeaters
Using multiple Access Point Repeaters is a low cost method that can be used to
reduce shadowing and near field path loss within a building. This allows a reduction
in intercellular interference with suitable power control. It was shown experimentally
to decrease the near field path loss by 7 dB @ 1 GHz within an indoor environment,
using two repeaters as compared with a single transmitter. Simulated results show
that the improvement can be as much as 20 dB for eight transmitters. Using multiple
APRs will result in an increase in the received multipath, however OFDM systems,
including HiperLAN2 and IEEE802.11a, should be able to tolerate this without
detrimental effects. This tolerance should allow a maximum spacing of 40 - 60 m
between any two APRs in a HiperLAN2 cell. Using APRs can be used to minimise
the effects of interference, by improving the coverage within a building. This allows
a reduction in the frequency reuse in cellular and neighbouring WLAN networks
improving the overall spectral efficiency.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
One disadvantage of OFDM is that the peak of the signal can be up to N times the
average power (where N is the number of subcarriers). These large peaks increase
the amount of inter-modulation distortion resulting in an increase in the error rate.
The average signal power must be kept low in order to prevent the transmitter
amplifier limiting. The variability of a signal is normally measured by its crest factor
(CF), which corresponds to a measure of the peak to average envelope power of the
modulated RF carrier. Minimising the CF allows a higher average power to be
transmitted for a fixed peak power, improving the overall signal to noise ratio at the
This chapter describes how the CF of a sampled signal can be measured accurately,
and outlines several techniques for minimising the crest factor of multi-tone signals.
The term Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) is used throughout this chapter to describe the
OFDM signals under investigation. Although these terms refer to the same signals,
OFDM implies data communications, while DMT simply describes the signal
structure. The term DMT is used here to emphasise the focus on the multi-tone
nature of the signals rather than the use for communications.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
26 tones, Carrier Offset : 2 tone spacings 26 tones, Carrier Offset : 2 tone spacings
1 50
Amplitude (Normalised to peak)
Power (dB)
-0.5 -200
Real DMT symbol -300
Magnitude of Complex Base Band DMT symbol
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (Normalised to symbol period) Frequency (Normalised to the Carrier Spacing)
(a) (b)
26 tones, Carrier Offset : 32 tone spacings 26 tones, Carrier Offset : 32 tone spacings
1 50
Amplitude (Normalised to peak)
Power (dB)
-0.5 -200
Real DMT symbol -300
Magnitude of Complex Base Band DMT symbol
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (Normalised to symbol period) Frequency (Normalised to the Carrier Spacing)
(c) (d)
26 tones, Carrier Offset : 256 tone spacings 26 tones, Carrier Offset : 256 tone spacings
1 50
Amplitude (Normalised to peak)
Power (dB)
-0.5 -200
Real DMT symbol -300
Magnitude of Complex Base Band DMT symbol
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (Normalised to symbol period) Frequency (Normalised to the Carrier Spacing)
(e) (f)
Figure 6-1, The magnitude of the complex base band DMT signal (shown in
red) represents the envelope. (script s0001)
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
When this is quadrature modulated to RF the signal can be written in polar form as:
where a(t) is the amplitude and θ(t) is the phase of the signal. Thus:
a (t ) = s I (t ) + sQ (t )
2 2
The CF is the ratio of the peak envelope power to the mean envelope power, taken
over a given time period. Since we are interested in the CF of individual DMT
symbols the time period is taken to be the symbol time of the DMT signal. The
definition of the CF is shown in Equation (6-4), where T is the DMT symbol period
( )
max a2 (t )
CFdB = 10 log 10 0 < t < T 2 (6-4)
( )
mean a (t )
0< t < T
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
low CF:0.896dB
random phase:7.86dB
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (Normalised to symbol period)
Figure 6-2, Envelope for 26 tone DMT symbol for different phasing schemes.
(script s0005)
Low CF uses the phasing method described later in this chapter (see section
Figure 6-2 shows three DMT symbols. These symbols have equal power on each of
their subcarriers. The difference between them is that the phase angle of the
subcarriers is different. The CF of a DMT is dependent on the phase angle of the
subcarriers. If the phase of the subcarriers is set to zero, or a linear ramp, the
envelope will be the same as a band limited impulse. This has the worst case CF,
which corresponds to N for N subcarriers, thus in dB, for the 26 subcarriers the CF
will be:
number of tones is increased the mean CF also increases, however the standard
deviation decreases, thus the spread of the CF distribution is decreased.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CF (dB)
Figure 6-3, Crest Factor probability distribution function (split into 40 bins) for
simulated random phase DMT signals, with 8, 32 and 128 tones (script s0032)
Studying random phase DMT symbols is also useful for analysing the CF
distribution for digital data transmission using OFDM. If we assume that the data is
random and that the transmission uses a phase modulation scheme such as QPSK,
16-PSK, etc, the distribution of the CF of the data symbols can be considered to be
close to a random phase distribution. Figure 6-4 shows the distribution for random
phase DMT symbols. This plots shows that for data transmissions the CF will only
very rarely go over 11 dB (less than 0.1% of the time) even for a large number of
subcarriers such as 1000. This CF is much lower than the worst-case CF of
10×log10 (N), where N is the number of subcarriers. For 1000 subcarriers the worst-
case CF is 10×log10 (1000) = 30 dB.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
CF (dB) 7
6 99.9%
5 90%
4 10%
3 0.1%
1 2 3
10 10 10
Number of tones
Note: most (99.9%) random phase DMT symbols have a CF much less than the
worst case of 10 log10 (number of tones).
One method for measuring the peaks accurately is to interpolate the signal, and then
measuring the peak of the resulting signal. The greater the signal is interpolated the
better the estimate of the true peak and consequently the higher the accuracy of the
CF measurement. This method assumes that the reconstructed signal will be perfectly
frequency band limited. In practice when the signal is converted back to analogue,
non-ideal reconstruction, such as aliasing non-linear amplification, and non-ideal
frequency response, will result in slight variations in the peaks of the waveform, and
consequently changes in the CF. This amount of deviation from ideal is however
typically small (0.01 - 0.1 dB).
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
1 1.0000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (samples)
Carrier Envelope
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
Figure 6-6 shows the waveform for the CF error estimation, which is a sine wave
with amplitude the same as the carrier. The sampled locations are shown as red dots.
The worst peak estimation will occur when the two sample locations around the true
peak are the same in amplitude. Due to the symmetrical nature of the sine wave, this
will occur when the true peak is exactly half way between samples. Let y(t) be the
modulating sine wave, with y p the true peak of the waveform and y e be the
estimated peak, based on the sampled waveform. Let N be the number of samples per
half cycle of the sine wave. This means that N is the interpolation rate. For the
minimum interpolation rate of one (N = 1), there would be two samples per cycle of
the sine wave, hence the frequency would correspond to the nyquist rate. t is the
sample time, thus in terms of phase:
t= (6-6)
Since N is the number of samples per half cycle and there are π radians per half
The estimated peak can be found from the samples that are centred one either side of
the true peak. The amplitude of these samples is equal, and so the estimated
amplitude can be found using the sample to the left of the peak.
π t
y e = A + A sin − (6-7)
2 2
Thus the estimated peak, as a function of the over sampling rate N is,
π 1
y e = A + A sin 1 − (6-8)
2 N
To find the error in the CF measurement for the sample signal, we need to find the
CF for the continuous signal and the sampled signal.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
max ( A + A sin (θ ))
θ =2 π
CFp =
mean( A + A sin (θ )) θ =0
(2 A ) 2
1.5 A 3
CFe =
1.5 A 2
π 1 (6-11)
A + A sin 1 −
2 N
1.5 A 2
π 1 π 1
1 + 2 sin 1 − + sin 2 1 −
2 N 2 N
CFe = (6-12)
Thus the error in the CF estimation can be determined by the difference between the
CF of the continuous waveform and the sampled waveform. The CF calculated
previously was in linear scale, however the error in dB is what is of interest, thus CF
error can be found by difference between CFp and CFe after converting to dB. Thus
the error in the CF estimation for the sampled system is:
π 1 π 1
1 + 2 sin 1 − + sin 2 1 −
8 2 N 2 N
CFerror = 10 log 10 − 10 log 10
π 1 π 1
= 10 log 10 (4) − 10 log 10 1 + 2 sin 1 − + sin 2 1 −
2 N 2 N
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
2 carriers
8 carriers
10 256 carriers
0 1 2
10 10 10
Oversample rate
The over sampling is the simulated bandwidth used divided by the minimum
nyquist bandwidth for the signal. This is a plot of simulated DMT results, and
theoretical results for a sine wave modulated subcarrier.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
This section outlines a new phasing method for generating ultra low Crest Factor
(CF) OFDM symbols. This phasing scheme uses genetic algorithms to optimise the
phase of the subcarriers to minimise the CF of the waveform. The result of this
process is that symbols with a CF as low as 0.65 dB are possible, which is 0.7 dB
lower than any previously known algorithm. These ultra low CF symbols can be used
for channel estimation due to the known phase angle of the subcarriers transmitted.
This makes them useful for pilot symbols in coherent modulation or for adaptive
modulation to allow tracking of the radio channel.
Because of their ultra low CF, the average power of these symbols can be boosted
significantly (~6 dB) while still maintaining the same peak power as data symbols.
This allows the channel estimation to have an improved SNR and thus improve
channel estimation and speed.
Several phasing schemes have been previously developed, producing low overall
CFs. We start out by looking at the performance of these techniques.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
0, sk = 1
θk = (6-15)
π, s k = −1
If N is not a power of 2 the crest factor is still low, with it dipping to 2 when the
number of tones is a power of two. To generate a non-power of two number of tones,
the phase sequence is truncated from both directions. Figure 6-8 shows the crest
factor as a function of the number of tones for Shaprio-Rudin's phasing scheme.
Crest Factor (dB)
1 2 3
10 10 10
Number of Tones
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
Time Envelope of the signal Spectrogram showing time dependence of the
frequency response
Shapiro-Rudin Phase scheme
Power Envelope (linear)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (Normalised to Symbol Length)
Figure 6-9, Time envelope and spectrogram for DMT based Shaprio-Rudin's
phasing scheme. (script s0055)
Shapiro and Rudin's scheme is interesting in that the phase angles used are discrete,
and semi-random. This differs from the other schemes such as Newmann [105] and
Narahashi [106] (as described later) as these schemes vary the phase continuously in
a quadratic form.
π (k − 1) 2
θ= (6-16)
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
1 2 3
10 10 10
Number of Tones
Figure 6-10, Crest Factor for Newmann's Phasing scheme. (script s0067)
Figure 6-11 shows the time waveform and spectrograph of a 224-tone signal using
Newmann’s phasing scheme. From the spectrograph it can be seen that the signal is
very similar to a linear frequency sweep. If we take a single continuous tone it will
have a constant envelope power, resulting in a CF of 0 dB. If this tone is then swept
slowly, then we end up with a signal similar to a DMT signal produced by
Newmann’s phasing scheme. The main difference is the transients at the start and
end of the sweep. The FFT of the DMT will be perfectly flat in the frequency
domain, and will have a small amount of ripple in the time domain, resulting in a CF
of greater than 0 dB. Conversely, the linear frequency sweep will be perfectly flat in
the time domain, but have a slight ripple in the frequency domain.
Power Envelope (linear)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (Normalised to Symbol Length)
(a) (b)
Figure 6-11, Time envelope and spectrogram for DMT based on Newmann’s
quadratic phasing scheme. (script s0055)
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
(k − 1)(k − 2 ) π (6-17)
N −1
Crest Factor (dB)
1 2 3
10 10 10
Number of Tones
Figure 6-12, Crest Factor as a function of the number of tones for S. Narahashi
and T. Nojima phasing scheme [106] (script s0067)
The time waveform and spectrograph of a 224-tone DMT signal generated using S.
Narahashi and T. Nojima’s phasing scheme is shown in Figure 6-13. Not surprisingly
it is almost identical to that obtained using Newmann’s method, as both schemes use
a quadratic phase equation of approximately the same gain, and both give about the
same CF.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
Time Envelope of the signal Spectrogram showing time dependence of the
frequency response
S. Narahashi and T. Nojima phasing scheme
Power Envelope (linear)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (Normalised to Symbol Length)
(a) (b)
Figure 6-13, Time envelope and spectrogram for DMT based on S. Narahashi
and T. Nojima’s quadratic phasing scheme. (script s0055)
This is for a 224-tone signal.
In 1995, S. Narahashi presented a new method for producing low CF symbols [107].
Instead of developing an equation to minimise the CF, an iterative optimisation
procedure was performed. The algorithm starts with a random phase sequence, and
then uses steepest descent minimisation on the variance of the instantaneous
envelope. This process is repeated for many random phase sequences and the best
resulting sequence is kept. This algorithm results in a much lower CF symbols than
previous methods. Figure 6-14 shows the resulting CF using this algorithm compared
with the GA method presented in this chapter.
Steepest Descent
2.8 Genetic Algorithm Optimised
Crest Factor (dB)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Number of tones
Figure 6-14, Crest Factor for the steepest descent optimised phasing scheme
proposed in [107]. (script s0034)
Also shown is a comparison with the result obtained using the proposed
technique presented in section 6.2.4 , using genetic algorithms to optimise the
phase sequence.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
There is no known direct analytical method for calculating a phase sequence that will
result in the minimum CF possible [107], and so previous published research has
focused obtaining a minimisation of the CF by using a mathematical approximation
for the envelope of the DMT symbols [105], [106]. Two of the most important
phasing schemes developed using this technique have been outlined in section 6.2.2
and 6.2.3 . CF minimisation was achieved by using analytical minimisation of
envelope approximation. This method resulted in good solutions (CF of 2.6 dB), but
does not approach the lowest CF possible.
This thesis presents a new method for obtaining phasing schemes that result in DMT
signals with a very low CF. The method presented uses Genetic Algorithms (GA) to
perform a searching algorithm to find low CF phase sequences. This method does not
rely on any approximations for the signal envelope and so results in a much better
end solution. The lowest CF obtained using this method was 0.65 dB, which was for
64-tone signal, making this 2 dB better than analytical techniques. This process uses
numerical searching to obtain good solutions and so the performance of the end
result is dependent on the amount of computer processing applied to the problem,
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
and so it is still an open question as to how low the CF can be made for a multi-tone
GAs are based on the principles of Darwinian evolution. To use genetic algorithms to
solve a problem, the solution is represented as a sequence of variables known as a
genome (or chromosome). In the case of optimising the phase scheme for generation
of low CF DMT symbols, the genome corresponds to the sequence of phase angles
applied to each tone in the DMT signal. Multiple genome sequences are used,
making up a population. The genomes within a population are all different,
representing genetic diversity. The actual problem domain to be optimised is defined
by the transformation from each genome to its performance or fitness. For the case
under investigation, the fitness corresponds to calculating the CF of the DMT for
each of the phase sequences, where the lower the CF, the higher the fitness of the
phase sequence. Optimisation occurs by selecting the highest performing phase
sequences, then using these to create a new generation by mutating these sequences.
Figure 6-15 shows the algorithm used to perform the CF minimisation.
sequence, by using a random splicing location. To this new sequence a small amount
of random noise is added to simulate mutations in reproduction. The amount of
random noise added is initially relatively large, but is decayed with the generations.
This simulates a form of settled annealing. A large amount of mutation noise allows
the problem domains to be widely searched; however it tends to prevent any settling
into minima, resulting in a poor performance in the long run. Using a small amount
of mutation noise results in a very slow progression, requiring a large number of
generations to be simulated. In addition to this, it also tends to result in the process
lodging in a local minima, leading to a poor performance. Starting with a large
amount of mutation noise, then reducing it with the number of generations, results in
good overall performance. In the simulations performed an exponential decay was
used, with a decay time constant of 400 generations. In each of the simulations a
population size of 1000 was used, and 200 of the best sequences were selected to
create the next generation.
Figure 6-16 shows the CF as a function of the number of tones in the signal when
using the GA outlined above. For symbols with more than 12 tones the CF is below
1.4 dB, and for 60 – 350 tones the CF is below 1.0 dB. For greater than 200 tones,
the crest factor is artifically high due to insufficient number of generations simulated,
as a result of the large number of computations required. For up to 56 tones the
number of generations simulated was 5000. Above this, the number decreased
gradulally to 1200 generations for 512 tones. Most of the simulations were
performed on the university supercomputer, with an approximate total simulation
time of 10 CPU months (233 MHz processor). This large amount of simulation time
was required due to the large number of generations and the large number of
different test set as the number of tones in the signal was varied from 2 to 512. The
number of generations needed to approach the minimum possible CF, varies as a
function of the size of the population used, the amount of mutation noise, the starting
phase sequence and the number of sequences kept to make the next generation. This
simulation time could have been significantly reduced had the GA parameters been
more optimised. This prompted the research on parameter optimisation shown in
New Generation
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
Evolved Crest Factor verses number of tones
Figure 6-16, Best crest factor found using GA verses the number of tones in the
signal. (script s0020)
Cumulative Power (fraction of total power)
Figure 6-17, Power distribution of the time waveform for DMT signals
generated using a range of phasing schemes. (script s0055)
S.N. T.N. quadratic phasing scheme (see section 6.2.3 ), Flatness Optimised
details are outlined in section 6.3.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
This is for a 26 tone signal. The simulation was repeated 100 times, showing the
variation in the evolution process.
algorithms. Figure 6-18 shows the crest factor verses the number of generations
simulated. The solution obtained varies from simulation to simulation due to the
random searching nature of genetic algorithms. Many of the simulations do not
obtain a solution that is close to the global minimum. This is due to fact that the
problem domain has many dimensions (1 dimension for each tone) and has many
local minima. The search tends to get lodged in a local minima, thus rerunning the
simulation multiple times tends to find a better solution.
Figure 6-19 shows the effect of changing the population on the performance of the
GA. The results shown are the average of ten repetitions of the GA optimisation. As
the population is increased the rate of optimisation is slower at the start of the GA
optimisation, however after a sufficient number of generations is simulated a better
end result is achieved. Using a large population improves the genetic diversity,
which in turn improves the end solution.
Pop = 100
Pop = 600
Mean Crest Factor (dB)
0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10
Figure 6-19, Effect of population size for genetic algorithm optimisation of CF,
for 26 tone signal. (script s0021)
The mean CF was found by repeating the evolution simulation 10 times. (Keep
= 50% for next generation)
Figure 6-20 shows the effect of changing the percentage number of the population to
use for breeding of the next generation. Keeping the top 30% of the population for
breeding the next generation results in the fastest progression to a good solution (CF
< 3 dB), however it produced worst results than keeping 50% and 70% after 2000
generations. If too few of the sequences are used from one generation to the next
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
than genetic diversity is reduced resulting in the solution tending to get lodged in
local minima is the optimisation space, rather then continually optimising to the
global minimum.
Keep = 30%
Keep = 50%
Keep = 70%
Mean Crest Factor (dB)
0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10
Figure 6-20, Effect of percentage population used to breed the next generation
for genetic algorithm optimisation of CF. (population = 100). (script s0021)
Seq Noise = 4
Seq Noise = 2
Seq Noise = 0.5
Mean Crest Factor (dB)
0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10
Figure 6-21, Effect of changing the amplitude of the mutation noise for genetic
algorithm optimisation of CF. (script s0021)
Figure 6-21 shows the effect of changing the amount of mutation noise added to the
phase sequences as part of calculating the next generation. For all the GA
simulations performed the level of noise added to the sequences was decayed with
the generation number, so that the level of noise was high at the start of the evolution
and low toward the end on the simulation. In these simulations the level of the noise
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
As the mutation noise is increased if increases the genetic diversity and hence the
searching capability of the GA. It prevents the solution getting lodged in local
minima, although too much noise tends to prevent any progression, as the solution
never settles down.
Figure 6-22, Effect of initial phase sequence used for genetic algorithm
optimisation of the CF. (script s0021)
Figure 6-22 shows the effect of changing the initial population of phase sequences.
The random simulation started with an initial population with purely random phase
sequences. The other two tests started with the phase sequence calculated by
Newmann’s phasing scheme (see section 6.2.2 ) and Narahashi & Nojima’s phasing
scheme (see section 6.2.3 ). Newmann’s and Narahashi phasing schemes generate
low CF signals using a quadratic phase equation. Both these schemes perform much
better than using a random phase sequence. This is probably due to the initial
population starting with a result that is close to the global minimum (best solution),
where as when a random phase sequence is used a much larger solution space needs
to be searched before the global minimum is found.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
One method for time synchronising an OFDM signal is to insert a null symbol (zero
power transmitted for a complete symbol period) at the start of each frame. This null
symbol can be detected at the receiver using a relatively simple envelope detector.
This form of time synchronisation is used in the DAB system [20] for its simplicity.
The best way to detect the null symbol is to measure the instantaneous power of the
received signal, and then apply a moving average filter that averages over the null
symbol length. The output of this detector is approximately constant when the
OFDM signal is present, however when a null symbol is received the output drops
will a minimum occurring at the start of the first OFDM symbol in the frame (Figure
6-28 (d) shows a good example of this). The first symbol in the OFDM frame is
usually a reference symbol for channel equalisation for coherent modulation, or as a
phase reference for differential modulation. This symbol contains a known (by the
transmitter and receiver) phase reference on each of the subcarriers, allowing the
receiver to measure the phase rotation and amplitude scaling of the radio channel.
This phase reference does not transmit any data information due to its predetermined
phase sequence.
When using a null symbol for synchronisation, the waveform of the first symbol in
the frame determines the performance of the time synchroniser under fading
conditions. The question is: how do we pick a suitable reference symbol? To make
the reference symbol effective all of the subcarriers should have an equal
transmission power. Ideally this symbol should have a low CF, so that it can be
boosted in power without causing clipping distortion. It should also give a sharp time
response when using a null symbol synchroniser. The synchroniser basically uses
envelope detection, and so we want a symbol that has a consistently flat envelope,
even over short periods of time (fraction of the symbol time). Thus a phasing scheme
is required so that the CF is minimised and the time response is sharp.
One possible candidate is to use a low CF phasing scheme, such as those developed
by S. Narahashi, T. Nojima [106] or by Newmann [105] or the Genetic Algorithm
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
Optimised low CF developed in Section 6.2. All these phasing schemes have very
low CFs, and have a time response that is very similar to a frequency sweep.
Although this type of phase reference has a low CF, its time domain response can
cause a problem in a multipath environment. Frequency selective fading causes the
filtering of the signal, resulting in some frequencies being boosted in power and
others being reduced. The low CF symbols have a frequency sweep time domain
waveform, and as a result the envelope follows the frequency response of the
channel. This causes the envelope of the received symbol to be non-flat, degrading
the performance of the null symbol time synchroniser. An example of this can be
seen in Figure 6-28 (b).
Ideally the reference symbol should have a low CF, but be spectrally flat regardless
of the time interval over which it is viewed. That way the detected envelope will be
flat regardless of the frequency selective fading of the channel. As a starting place it
would seem logical to start with a low CF phasing scheme. These schemes result in a
single frequency sweep over the period of the symbol. If the rate of the sweep could
be increased so that it repeats many times per symbol then the symbol would appear
to be more spectrally flat, as taking a sub-section of the symbol would contain a
complete sweep, covering all frequencies.
θ = Ak 2 (6-18)
where A is a constant coefficient and k is the subcarrier number. For example for a
48-tone signal k would vary from 1 to 48. Varying the coefficient A changes the rate
of the resulting frequency sweep in the generated OFDM signal.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
Measuring the spectral flatness by looking at the peak to average power ratio of the
spectrogram is effective as it shows the variation in the frequencies generated in each
subsection of the symbol. If the signal was perfectly flat over all time slices then the
peak to average power ratio of the spectrogram would be 0 dB.
The aim of producing a low CF reference signal is so that the power of this symbol
can be boosted without suffering significant additional distortion. The amount of
interference caused by clipping of peaks in the signal is dependent on the height of
the peak and the percentage time the clipping occurred for. For this reason the peak
to average power ratio of the spectrogram was estimated using the 99% percentile of
the waveform distribution instead of the true peak of the spectrogram. To improve
the quality of the measurement, the length of the FFT used in the spectrogram was
varied from half the symbol length to 1/16 the symbol length in four steps. This
effectively changes the time/frequency resolution over a wide range, removing any
assumptions about the time window used. The worst peak to average power ratio for
these four different results was taken as the measured time spectral flatness.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
In addition to measuring the time spectral flatness, the CF was measured as well, as
the required symbol must perform well in the frequency domain and time domain.
The results are shown in Figure 6-23. The crest factor function is an extremely
complex function, with small changes in the gain coefficient A resulting in large
variations in the crest factor. Both equations (6-16) and (6-17) divide the phase by
the total number of tones in the signal (N). This scales the CF function so that all
peaks align even for different number of tones and gain coefficients. By removing
this division the CF function becomes more random, as can be seen in Figure
6-23(a). The problem with leaving this term in, is that it causes problems with the
time spectral flatness. Leaving it in results in the time spectral flatness function
varying with the number of tones used. By removing it, the function becomes
normalised, making it less randomised. The spectral flatness is the most important
part of the optimisation and so it is more important that the time spectral flatness is
normalised. Although the CF is relatively randomised there are regions that have a
generally lower crest factor. The time spectral flatness is more regular than the CF,
but is also a complex function. The time spectral flatness is fractal in nature in that
the structure is self-similar.
Measured for 15 different carrier sizes, from 16 to 256 Measured for 15 different carrier sizes, from 16 to 256
18 16
Time Spectral Flatness (dB)
16 14
Crest Factor (dB)
6 6
4 4
Figure 6-23, (a) Crest factor and (b) time spectral flatness as a function of the
phase equation coefficient A. (script s0056)
The results are for 15 different number tones from 16 to 256. The final equation
has to work effectively for any number of tones, hence the need to analyse
range of combinations.
In order to choose a phasing scheme that would perform well over a wide range of
tones, a fitness criteria was decided based on the CF and the time spectral flatness.
For a particular number of tones the fitness criteria was based on adding one quarter
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
of the CF to the time spectral flatness, where both are in linear scale and not dB. This
fitness was then calculated for a wide range in the number of tones. The mean fitness
of all the tone tests was taken as the estimate of the fitness. Figure 6-24 shows the
fitness criteria, from has a local minimum for A of 3.6315. The performance of the
fitness approximately repeats every π.
To verify the effectiveness of the phasing scheme, the crest factor and time spectral
flatness was measured as a function of the number of tones.
θ = 3.6315k 2 (6-19)
Fitness (lower is better) 10log (CF/4+Flat)
Mean Fitness for 15 different carrier sizes, from 16 to 256 Mean Fitness for 30 different carrier sizes, from 16 to 384
7 6
6 5.5
3.45 3.5 3.55 3.6 3.65 3.61 3.615 3.62 3.625 3.63 3.635 3.64 3.645 3.65
Phase Equation Coeff. A, Ph = A*X2 Phase Equation Coeff. A, Ph = A*X 2
(a) (b)
Figure 6-24, Fitness of the phase scheme for null symbol time synchronisation
as a function of the phase gain coefficient A. (script s0056)
(a) shows a wide view of the fitness, while (b) shows a zoomed up section,
indicating that the local minimum is at a value of 3.6315.
Figure 6-25 shows the CF and time spectral flatness as the number of tones is varied.
The CF varies between 3.3 dB and 6.8 dB, which corresponds to a CF that is
significantly lower than 99.9% of random phase symbols (see Figure 6-4). The time
spectral flatness is very low for signals containing more than 40 tones, which
remains below 3.6 dB up to the testing limit of 2000 tones.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
3.5 3.5
1 2 3 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10
Number of Carriers Number of Carriers
Figure 6-25, Crest Factor and Time spectral flatness as a function of the number
of tones. (script s0056)
Figure 6-26 shows the time waveform and the spectrogram of a 256 tone OFDM signal
using the time spectral flatness optimised phasing scheme. The spectrogram shows
that the signal is very flat and consistent over the entire symbol period. The time
waveform is semi-repetitive, with around 13 similar sections.
Power Envelope (linear)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (Normalised to Symbol Length)
Figure 6-26, Time waveform and spectrogram of a 224 tone OFDM signal using
the time spectral flatness optimised phasing scheme. (script s0055)
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
synchronisation symbol.
Figure 6-27 shows the test set up. An OFDM generator was implemented on a
SHARC DSP development board. The generated signal consisted of a 192 subcarrier
OFDM signal using a bandwidth of 18 kHz, with a null symbol inserted every 30
symbols for time synchronisation. A real output signal was generated using a 512-
point IFFT with a guard period of 64 samples.
The receiver’s DSP performed time synchronisation on the signal. The receiver
generated two output results, one being the null symbol time synchroniser and the
other a straight though, showing the signal as seen by the receiver. The null symbol
synchroniser consisted of taking the magnitude of the input signal and applying a
moving average filter equal in length to the null symbol, corresponding to the IFFT
size plus the guard period (512+64 = 576 samples). The resulting signal is high
during the presence of the OFDM signal, changing to a 'V' shape during the null
symbol. The minimum of this 'V' corresponds to the start of the OFDM frame. In
order for a receiver to use this synchronisation signal, further processing would need
to be applied to detect the minimum in the 'V'.
Test 1
ADSP-21061 ADSP-21061
DSP Test 2 DSP
OFDM Generator OFDM Receiver/
Talk Through Sync Signal
Digital CRO
Figure 6-27, Experimental set up for investigating the performance of the time
synchronisation method.
Test 2 is a straight through test. Test 1 shows the performance with simulated
channel filtering.
Test 2 showed the performance of the synchroniser with no detrimental effects. Test
1 applied a low pass filter to the transmitted OFDM signal. The signal was filtered
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
with a 3rd order passive filter to simulate a distorted frequency response. This filter
was a highly resonant low pass with a 6 dB peak just before the cut off frequency.
The filter removed approximately 50% of the signal bandwidth. This filtering
represents an extreme example of multipath frequency selective fading.
Figure 6-28 (a) – (c) show measured results for time synchronisation when using the
S. Narahashi, T. Nojima phasing scheme. When no filtering was applied the
performance is adequate, with the time synchroniser forming a reasonably sharp 'V'.
The problem occurs when filtering is applied since this results in the signal envelope
changing dramatically due to the frequency sweep nature of the signal. The envelope
in fact tracks the frequency response of the filter. The resulting time synchronisation
waveform is very poor, with no clear minimum occurring at the start of the frame. If
this signal had a higher amount of noise the performance would be very poor.
Figure 6-28 (d)-(f) shows the same test using the phasing scheme developed. The 'V'
formed by the synchroniser is very sharp with no filter, and remains sharp even when
subjected to the low pass filtering. This verifies that the phasing scheme performs
very well regardless of channel filtering.
Chapter 6 Generation of low Crest Factor Multi-Tone Signals
S.N. T.N Phasing Scheme Phasing scheme developed
(k − 1)( k − 2) θ = 3.6315k 2
θ= π
( N − 1)
(a) (d)
No filtering No filtering
(b) (e)
Filtered response Filtered response
(c) (f)
Zoom up for the filtered response Zoom up for the filtered response
Figure 6-28, Measured time synchronisation accuracy for different reference
The bottom trace shows the OFDM signal, and the top signal is the frame
detection signal. The actual time synchronisation is found by finding the
minimum of this waveform. The filtered response was for a passive low pass
filter removing 50% of the OFDM spectrum.
Chapter 7 Crest Factor Minimisation of OFDM Data Symbols
A technique is described for a better than 5 dB reduction in the crest factor for data
carrying OFDM signals. This improvement is achieved by inserting additional
subcarriers into the signal referred to as peak reduction carriers (PRC). These PRC
are set in phase and amplitude, using a codebook, to minimise the overall symbol CF.
The codebook is obtained using a search of all possible signal combinations. This
technique is optimised for signals using a low number of subcarriers, and low
modulation schemes such as BPSK and QPSK, due to the brute force searching
technique employed.
Chapter 7 Crest Factor Minimisation of OFDM Data Symbols
involves adding extra subcarriers in which the phase of every fourth subcarrier is
calculated based on an algorithm using the phase of the previous three information
subcarriers. This method is similar to the presented technique except that it gives sub
optimal results.
This chapter presents a technique that combines selective mapping and cyclic coding.
A reduction in the CF is achieved by adding extra subcarriers referred to as Peak
Reduction Carriers (PRC). The phase and amplitude of the PRCs is varied to
minimise the overall CF. The original information subcarriers are unaffected and can
be decoded normally. The receiver can disregard the PRCs, or they can be used for
error detection. The frequency of PRCs, or relative positioning of the PRCs can be
varied with respect to the information subcarriers depending on the application. The
results presented were found using a computationally intensive exhaustive search to
find the optimal setting for the PRCs. However it is assumed that further work will
allow a more efficient algorithm to be found.
An optimal setting for the PRCs corresponds to the combination of phase and
amplitude that achieves the lowest CF of the overall OFDM symbol (information
subcarriers and PRCs). In this paper the phase and amplitude of the PRCs was set in
a coarse quantised manner to minimise the number of combinations needed to be
searched. The phase of the PRCs was set to 0° or 180° and the subcarriers were
turned on or off. There are therefore 3M combinations for the PRCs for each
information code word (where M is the number of PRCs). This level of quantisation
was found to be appropriate for BPSK information subcarriers. Finer quantisation
may produce improved results for higher modulation schemes.
Chapter 7 Crest Factor Minimisation of OFDM Data Symbols
The results shown were calculated based on all combinations of information code
words, thus will give a good indication of the practical CF improvement.
For each experiment the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) of the subcarrier
configuration was used to give a complex base band signal.
For the simulations carried out, the base band subcarriers were centred on DC and
the size of the IFFT was made at least 8 times greater than the number of subcarriers,
oversampling the time domain signal. This ensures that peaks in the signal were
accurately represented to get an accurate CF [111], [112].
Figure 7-1, CF verses number of edge grouped PRCs (8 BPSK data subcarriers)
The simplest arrangement for the relative positioning of the data and PRCs is to have
a block of data subcarriers immediately followed by a block of PRCs. This
arrangement was used for the results shown in Figure 7-1 through to Figure 7-3.
Figure 7-1 shows the worst-case CF and the 90% point in the cumulative distribution
of CF as the number of PRCs is increased. The maximum CF for the 8 information
subcarriers is reduced by > 5.5 dB for the addition of 10 PRCs. Selecting the optimal
amplitude and phase of the PRC improves the performance significantly as compared
Chapter 7 Crest Factor Minimisation of OFDM Data Symbols
with only setting the phase as used in cyclic coding [110]. For this reason phase and
amplitude modulation of the PRCs was used in all later experiments due to the
improved performance.
Figure 7-2, Maximum CF verses number of data subcarriers and edge grouped
PRCs, where M is the number of PRCs.
Figure 7-2 shows the effect of adding PRCs to the CF as the number of information
subcarriers is varied. The improvement in CF remains relatively constant as the
number of information subcarriers is increased. This shows that this technique gives
consistent performance gains as the number of information subcarriers is varied.
Adding PRCs reduces the CF at the expense of additional transmission power and
bandwidth. Figure 7-3 shows the net improvement in CF due to the addition of
PRCs. The CF reduction was calculated as the difference between the CF results for
zero PRCs and the CF results with the addition of PRCs. The loss in signal power
due to the PRCs was then subtracted from the CF reduction in order to give the net
CF improvement. If the data signal power lost due to the transmission of the PRCs
was more than the CF gain then there would be little point in adding the PRCs. It can
be seen that for 10 BPSK subcarriers there is little improvement in adding more than
2 PRCs. In fact adding more than 5 PRCs results in a worsening of the average
(50%) CF. This is due to the power cost of the PRCs.
Chapter 7 Crest Factor Minimisation of OFDM Data Symbols
Figure 7-3, Net CF improvement verses number of edge grouped PRCs. (10
BPSK data subcarriers)
Previous results are shown for grouped PRCs that were positioned immediately after
the data subcarriers as shown in Figure 7-4 (a). Two different positioning tests were
performed. One test kept the PRCs grouped together as in Figure 7-4 (a), however
they were moved with respect to the data subcarriers as in Figure 7-4 (b). The second
test positioned the PRCs in a spread out manner. The best spread pattern was
established using a randomised search.
Spread PRCs
1 2 3 ... . . . 13 14
Chapter 7 Crest Factor Minimisation of OFDM Data Symbols
Figure 7-5, CF verses position of 2 grouped PRCs (10 BPSK data subcarriers)
Figure 7-6, CF verses position of 4 grouped PRCs (10 BPSK data subcarriers)
Chapter 7 Crest Factor Minimisation of OFDM Data Symbols
In this scheme the PRCs were maintained as a group of subcarriers. They were
repositioned by sliding them with respect to the data subcarriers. Figure 7-5 and
Figure 7-6 show the effect of the position on effectiveness of the PRCs. Figure 7-5
shows that for a small number of PRCs the performance is not particularly dependent
on the position of the PRCs within the data subcarriers. However with 4 or more
PRCs the position has a significant effect on the performance of the PRCs. Placing
the PRCs within the data subcarriers with an off centre of 3 subcarriers gives the best
results. This gives a further reduction of 1 dB as compared with edge grouped PRCs.
Not having edge grouped PRCs prevents the overlapping of the PRCs from different
users in a multi-user OFDM system. As a consequence the bandwidth used by the
PRCs will be effectively doubled.
The position of the 4 grouped PRCs had a significant effect on the PRC performance,
thus it seemed likely that spreading the PRCs out might lead to further
improvements. The exact relationship between the position of the PRCs and the CF
distribution is currently unknown and so a random search was used for optimisation.
The PRCs and data subcarriers were positioned randomly to form a block of
subcarriers with no gaps as shown in Figure 7-4 (d). For each position combination
the CF distribution was found and the combination that resulted in the lowest
maximum CF was selected as the optimised PRCs position.
Chapter 7 Crest Factor Minimisation of OFDM Data Symbols
Figure 7-7, CF verses the number of spread PRCs (10 BPSK data subcarriers)
The CF distribution was found by testing all combinations of the data code words.
For each data code word combination the optimum PRCs were found as described in
section 3. The CF distribution verses the number of PRCs is shown in Figure 7-7.
This result is for 10 data subcarriers and shows that spreading the PRCs can result in
large reductions in the CF of the OFDM symbol. A reduction of greater than 6 dB is
Figure 7-8 shows the overall net improvement in the CF using position optimised
PRC. This can be directly compared to Figure 7-3 which shows the results for edge
grouped PRCs. The maximum net gain for position optimised PRCs is approximately
2 dB better than that of the edge grouped PRCs. Figure 7-8 shows that the net CF
gain increases rapidly up to 4 PRCs, after which the gain is minimal. Thus the
optimal number of PRCs would be 4 for 10 data subcarriers. Other tests also show
that the number of PRCs needs to be approximately 40% of the number of data
subcarriers in order to get significant improvements in the CF.
Chapter 7 Crest Factor Minimisation of OFDM Data Symbols
Figure 7-8, Net improvement in CF, position optimised PRCs (10 BPSK data
The addition of 4 PRCs with 10 data subcarriers results is a large net gain of 4.5 dB,
allowing more power to be transmitted. For a transmission with no PRCs at an error
rate of 1×10-3 , adding the PRCs and maintaining the same peak power the error rate
would be decreased to 1×10-7 .[117], [118] This is more efficient than adding simple
error correcting bits at the same coding rate. For example Hamming coding at a rate
of 4 parity bits for 11 data bits gives a gain of only 1.2 dB at a bit error rate of 1×10-4
which is significantly less than 4.5 dB.
Table 1 shows the number PRC positions tested, and the best combination found.
Chapter 7 Crest Factor Minimisation of OFDM Data Symbols
Chapter 8 Summary
OFDM has a promising future for use in wireless LAN networks and for fixed and
mobile communications. Its use is likely to be significantly increased over the next
10 years, due to its high spectral efficiency and flexibility in spectrum allocation and
modulation. OFDM is mostly suited to low mobility high data rate networks, making
it difficult to apply to mobile phone networks. At low user data rates, much of the
adaptive techniques would not be suitable due to the high overhead of implementing
such techniques. As a result, in multiuser applications at low data rates the overall
efficiency of OFDM is much poorer with little advantage over CDMA techniques.
Mobile networks of the future will shift away from low data rate voice applications
to become primarily data terminals, striving for high data rates.
Chapter 8 Summary
The effective use of adaptive modulation and adaptive user allocation will depend on
the overhead required for implementation. Protocols need to be developed that will
allow these techniques to be implemented efficiently. Research is needed to
investigate the trade off between overhead and technique efficiency, so the optimal
amount of overhead for each application can be established. Research is also needed
for optimisation of the adaptive user allocation algorithm so as to satisfy the
requirements of the different user in the system. This includes optimising so that the
system throughput and quality of service is maximised. The optimisation will need to
cope with variable and fixed data rate services. Additionally the effect of multi-
cellular user allocation needs to be investigated.
With the advent of OFDM, higher spectral efficiency modulation schemes (16-QAM,
64-QAM, etc) are now being used in terrestrial wireless networks. These modulation
schemes are more susceptible to the effects of ISI caused by multipath propagation
than previously used low spectral efficiency modulation schemes such as BPSK and
QPSK. The use of OFDM helps to reduce the level of ISI by using a low symbol rate,
and the use of a guard period. The guard period represents a significant time
overhead and so should be minimised in length. The most suitable length depends on
the multipath in the environment and the modulation scheme used. Traditionally the
length of the required guard period has been estimated using the RMS delay spread
of the propagation channel. This measurement is accurate for predicting the guard
Chapter 8 Summary
period length required for BPSK and QPSK modulation schemes, but si inadequate
for estimating the performance of high spectral efficiency modulation schemes. The
estimated guard period length is too short for these modulation schemes, resulting in
significant remaining ISI, resulting in degraded BER. The delay spread of indoor
environments needs to measured using a more appropriate multipath estimate than
the RMS delay spread. Such a measurement might be, the delay spread over which a
given percentage of the impulse energy arrives. For example if the length of the
guard period matches the time over which 99.9% of the impulse energy arrives, then
the ISI should only be 0.1%, resulting an effective SNR of 30 dB, which is suitable
for 64-QAM. A set of propagation experiments is needed using such a multipath
measurement so the performance of OFDM systems using higher modulation
schemes can more accurately be assessed.
This thesis presented the use of Access Point Repeaters as a method for low cost
maximisation of signal strength in indoor environments. This technique could be
extended to cellular networks as a method for controlling shape of cells, and for
minimising shadowing within a cell. The effectiveness of using this technique in a
cellular environment depends on the cost of installing extra base stations as
compared with APRs, and with potential problems with combining APR with smart
antenna technology. Research needs to be done to establish the amount of additional
multipath created by using APRs, and the practical effectiveness of the technique.
Much work has been done on minimising the crest factor of data carrying OFDM
signals. The high CF of OFDM signals requires a moderate power back off (6 - 9 dB)
in the transmitting power amplifiers. However OFDM is very efficient in terms of
the amount of power required for transmission, making this less significant. Most of
the focus on minimisation techniques has been on minimising the worse case CF.
However with sufficient data whitening the probability of very large CF symbols is
so low that this is not a problem. Focus needs to be placed on CF minimisation
techniques that will reduce the output power back off required. Currently published
CF minimisation techniques only give minimal overall improvement, with most
requiring large overheads in either complexity or throughput. The potential
improvement for CF minimisation techniques is relatively small (2 – 4 dB) and so
overhead in implementation must be small to justify its use.
Chapter 8 Summary
This thesis has presented an investigation into the application of OFDM in multiuser
systems, and has focused on techniques for improving the system spectral efficiency.
Most current communication systems operate at a very low spectral efficiency,
resulting in under utilisation of the radio spectrum. Future systems will have to
improve the spectral efficiency to achieve the capacities required. This thesis has
investigated techniques that exploit the flexibility of OFDM to maintain a maximum
spectral efficiency, by matching the system parameters, such as subcarrier
modulation and frequency, based on current conditions of the radio channel. The aim
of this work is for the communication system to approach the maximum theoretical
channel capacity given the constraints of the radio channel, transmitter power and
quality of service. While many cellular systems are primarily limited by inter-cellular
interference, this thesis has primarily focused on the performance of isolated
communication networks. This work is thus appropriate for applications such as
Wireless LAN systems, which tend to be partially shielded from interference by the
outer walls of indoor environments.
The required tracking rate for mobile systems employing adaptive modulation was
found to be in the order of 0.05 - 0.1λ, with the actual required rate depending on the
required BER, the amount of link margin used in the modulation allocation, the delay
in the allocation, and the subcarrier allocation scheme. This technique is suited to
Chapter 8 Summary
Adaptive User Allocation was presented as a method for optimising the subcarrier
frequency allocation in multi-user applications. This technique exploits the variation
in channel response between users, caused by frequency selective fading. This
technique also reduces the effects of fading as users tend to be allocated strong
subcarrier frequencies, with nulls in the frequency response of the channel being
avoided. This technique can be used in conjunction with adaptive modulation, to
provide an additional signal power gain of around 3 - 5 dB. This technique requires
complete knowledge of the channel response to each user, and so implementation
requires significant overheads, making this technique only suitable for relatively
fixed wireless applications such as wireless LAN systems.
This thesis has also presented a method for maximising the signal strength within
buildings, by using transmission repeaters. The implementation complexity and cost
is low, as multiple repeaters are distributed from a single base station. This technique
is similar to Single Frequency Networks used in DAB and DVB, except at a much
smaller scale. This technique increases the multipath in most environments, but this
is compensated for by the high multipath tolerance of OFDM. The performance of
using Access Point Repeaters (APR) was measured by finding the reduction in path
loss in a simulated WLAN system using a simple ray trace model. This was verified
against direct measurement of the building that was simulated. It was found to
decrease the path loss by 7 dB for a system with two APRs, and up to 20 dB for eight
In addition, two techniques were presented for reducing the Crest Factor (peak to
average power ratio of the RF signal envelope) of OFDM signals.
The first technique is a phasing scheme for OFDM pilot symbols, which uses genetic
algorithms to optimise the phase angle of each subcarrier to achieve very low CF
waveforms. This technique achieves a lower CF than any previously published
techniques, obtaining a CF as low as 0.65 dB, which is 2 dB lower than commonly
Chapter 8 Summary
used techniques. These low CF symbols can be used for reference pilot symbols. The
low CF of these symbols allows the average power to be boosted (up to 6 dB) while
maintaining a peak power significantly lower than the data symbols. This boosted
power reduces the noise in the channel equalisation, improving the system
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Appendix A Window functions
Window functions are used for frequency analysis and for designing FIR filters. For
spectral analysis the time waveform is usually multiplied by a window function to
reduce the effects of spectral spreading. Spectral analysis is normally performed
using a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). This calculates the frequency response of the
cyclic extension of the time waveform. As a consequence if the time waveform is
non-cyclic it results in a transient between the end of the time waveform and the
start, resulting in spectral spreading. Applying a window function tappers the start
and ends of waveform reducing these transients, and consequently spectral
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (Normalised)
The power spectrum of a discrete time waveform s(t), can be estimated using the
P( s ) = 20 log 10 ( FFT (s(t ) ⋅ w(t )) ) − 20 log 10 + WL
Appendix A Window functions
Where w(t) is the window function being used, WL is the window loss of the window
function, N is the number of samples in s(t), and P(s) is the power spectrum in dB. N
is also usually the length of the FFT. | x | is the magnitude of the complex value x.
Figure A - 2 shows the application of window functions for spectral estimation. The
spectrum shown is for a four-tone signal with a large variation in tone power. Figure
A - 2 (a) shows the result for a boxcar window function. This is the same as having
no window function at all. This spectral spreading in this result masks all but the
strongest tone. Figure A - 2 (b) shows the result when using a Hanning window
function. This allows for three of the tones to be seen clearly. The Blackman Harris
window function allows the fourth tone to be just seen at a frequency of 0.25,
however it is too close to the strong tone at a frequency of 0.2, to allow accurate
estimation. Figure A - 2 (d) shows the estimation with the new presented Lawrey6
window function. Details of the implementation of this window function are shown
in section A.4. The side-lobes of the window function are sufficiently low to allow
all four tones to be easily distinguished. One other thing that can be seen is that the
width of the main lobe of the tone becomes wider as the side-lobe power is reduced.
Boxcar Hanning
0 0
-20 -20
-40 -40
Power (dB)
Power (dB)
-60 -60
-80 -80
-100 -100
-120 -120
-140 -140
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Frequency (1 = Nyquist) Frequency (1 = Nyquist)
(a) (b)
4 Term Blackman Harris 6 Term Lawrey
0 0
-20 -20
-40 -40
Power (dB)
Power (dB)
-60 -60
-80 -80
-100 -100
-120 -120
-140 -140
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Frequency (1 = Nyquist) Frequency (1 = Nyquist)
(c) (d)
Figure A - 2, Power spectra of a 4 tone signal with power levels varying up upto
100 dB. (script s0074)
Appendix A Window functions
Power (dB)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Frequency (1 = 1/Symbol Time)
There is a strict trade off between side-lobe power and the transition width of a
window function. Decreasing the side-lobe power increases the transition width, thus
using a window functions with low side-lobe power for spectral analysis results in a
lower frequency resolution. Figure A - 4 shows the side-lobe power for a number of
window functions, as a function of the transition width. The Kaiser window function
incorporates a side-lobe power control parameter, allowing a trade off between side-
lobe power and transition width. See [120] for more details on the Kaiser window
Appendix A Window functions
-20 Kaiser
-30 Boxcar
-50 Hamming
-80 Lawrey5
-90 Lawrey6
y = -25.66.x+12.06 (dB)
Table A - 1 shows the transition width and side-lobe power for a variety of window
functions. This is the performance that would be seen when using the window
functions for spectral analysis.
Window functions can be used to design FIR filters. This is achieved by taking the
inverse fourier transform of the required frequency response to find the time domain
impulse response of the filter. This impulse response is the coefficients of the FIR
design. If we take for example and ideal brick-wall low pass filter, the impulse
Appendix A Window functions
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Window function transition width (Normalised to boxcar)
Figure A - 5, Side-lobe power for Kaiser window function when used with the
window method of FIR filter design. (script s0071)
When a window function is used for FIR filter design the out of band attenuation is
greater than the side-lobe power of just the window function itself. Table A - 2
shows the maximum side-lobe power for FIR filters designed using the window
method for a range of window functions. Table A - 3 shows the transition width of
Appendix A Window functions
each of the window functions when used with the window method for FIR filter
design. The transition width has been normalised to the number of taps in the filter.
The transition width of an FIR filter will be approximately:
ft = f
N s
Where f t is the transition frequency width in Hz, wt is the window function transition
width as in Table A - 3, N is the number of taps in the filter, and f s is the sample rate
in Hz. For example if I used a 100 tap filter with a Hanning window function, a
sample rate of 1 kHz, then the transition width from the pass band (6dB down) to the
first null would be:
ft = 1000 = 16.7 Hz
Also shown in Table A - 3 is the relative transition width from –6dBc to –20dBc for
each of the window functions. This represents the ratio of the number of filter taps
required to maintain the same rate of filter roll off and an example is shown in Figure
A - 7.
Window Function Transition Width of FIR filter Transition Width for FIR
(From X dB point to first null) filter from –6 dB to -20
1 dB 3 dB 6 dB dB, normalised to Boxcar
Boxcar 1.05 0.83 0.62 1
Hanning 2.59 2.09 1.67 2.15
Hamming 2.65 2.17 1.76 2.04
Triangle 2.95 2.38 1.95 2.36
Blackman 4.18 3.54 3.03 2.67
4 term Blackman Harris 5.39 4.64 4.03 3.14
5 term Lawrey 6.00 5.19 4.53 3.41
6 term Lawrey 7.45 6.52 5.78 3.85
Table A - 3, Transition of FIR filters using different window functions. (script
Appendix A Window functions
FIR transition width for Kaiser window function
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Window function transition width (Normalised to boxcar)
0 boxcar: 40 taps
blackh4: 126 taps
Power (dB)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Frequency (1 = Nyquist)
Figure A - 7, Frequency response of two FIR filters with the same rate of roll
off. The FIR filter using the Blackman Harris window function requires 3.14
times more filter taps than the boxcar filter. (script s0073)
Applying a window function as part of spectral analysis tapers the start and end of
the time waveform, resulting in a loss of power seen in the spectrum of the signal.
This power loss is referred to as window loss. Table A - 4 shows the loss for each of
the common window functions.
Appendix A Window functions
Window Function Window Loss (dB)
Boxcar 0.000
Hanning 6.018
Hamming 5.354
Triangle 6.021
Blackman 7.537
4 term Blackman Harris 8.906
5 term Lawrey 9.583
6 term Lawrey 10.608
Table A - 4, Window loss for different window functions (script s0075)
Window functions with low side-lobe power are especially important for spectral
analysis and FIR filter design. The Kaiser window function is a flexible window
function that can be used to generate side-lobes with arbitrary attenuation, however
Bessel functions are required to calculate the window function. This makes it
difficult to implement on a DSP.
Two window functions were developed to provide lower side-lobes than the 4-term
Blackman Harris window function, and be simple to implement. Both window
functions were calculated by approximating a Kaiser window function using a sum
of sinusoids. The coefficients were optimised to maximise the side-lobe attenuation
for the given number of coefficients.
θ= t = 0, 1, L n − 1
(n − 1) ⋅ t
w(t ) = c1 + c 2 cos(θ ) + c3 cos(2θ ) + L + c m cos((m − 1)θ )
Appendix A Window functions
All digits are required to maintain window function performance. For Lawrey5
and Lawrey6 single precision representation of the coefficients is sufficient.
-20 Lawrey6
Power (dB)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Frequency (1 = 1/Symbol Time)
Appendix B BER verses SNR for OFDM in AWGN
The performance of OFDM in the presence of AWGN was simulated. These tables
show the same results as that shown in Section 2.6.9 but in tabular form.
Appendix B BER verses SNR for OFDM in AWGN
Appendix B BER verses SNR for OFDM in AWGN
Appendix B BER verses SNR for OFDM in AWGN
Appendix B BER verses SNR for OFDM in AWGN
Appendix B BER verses SNR for OFDM in AWGN
Appendix B BER verses SNR for OFDM in AWGN
Appendix B BER verses SNR for OFDM in AWGN
Appendix B BER verses SNR for OFDM in AWGN
Appendix B BER verses SNR for OFDM in AWGN
Appendix B BER verses SNR for OFDM in AWGN
Appendix C RF Measurements
These results are from the measurements presented in section 3.8 starting page 104.
The location of each of the measurements is shown in Figure 3-9.
Appendix C RF Measurements
Figure A - 10, Wide bandwidth frequency fading over distance for room 205 to
Figure A - 11, Wide bandwidth frequency fading over distance for room 205 to
Appendix C RF Measurements
Figure A - 12, Wide bandwidth frequency fading over distance for room 206 to
Figure A - 13, Wide bandwidth frequency fading over distance for room 207 to
Appendix C RF Measurements
Figure A - 14, Wide bandwidth frequency fading over distance for room 210 to
210. This is a LOS link, as a result the correlation bandwidth is wider.
Figure A - 15, Wide bandwidth frequency fading over distance for room 205 to
210. This is a LOS link.
Appendix C RF Measurements
Figure A - 16, Wide bandwidth frequency fading over distance for room 210
above the centre of the receiver track to the guide track also in room 210.
Figure A - 17, Wide bandwidth frequency fading over distance for room 209 to
Appendix C RF Measurements
Figure A - 18, Wide bandwidth frequency fading over distance for room 120 to
Rm120 is on the next floor down. From 155 –170 cm the data is blurred due to
movement within the building during the measurement.
Figure A - 19, Wide bandwidth frequency fading over distance for room 122 to
Rm122 is on the next floor down, resulting in additional path loss and a lower
correlation bandwidth for the short transmission distance.
Appendix C RF Measurements
The probability distribution of the fading depth was found by taking the statistics
across each of the frequency bins and each of the different measurement locations.
The results from all 10 measurement-sets in Appendix C were used to estimate the
Separation : 20.3cm
% Prob. Rx. Signal Strength < Abscissa
No Diversity
Diversity 2 Diversity 4
-28 -24 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4
Received Signal Strength (dB about median)
Note: The data has been normalised about the median. The average power for
an antenna diversity of 2 was 3.0 dB higher, and for an antenna diversity of 4 it
was 6.0 dB higher. (script s0030)
receiver using the measurement sets taken. The distance between the two antennas in
this result were 20.3 cm. The “Diversity 4” result shows the result for the fading
depth when the power is combined from 4 virtual antennas spaced 20.3 cm apart.
Also shown on the plot is the fading depth that would be expected in a Rayleigh
fading channel with zero correlation between the diversity antennas. The simulated
diversity performance based on the measured channel fading show a greater fading
depth than Rayleigh fading. This is likely to be partly due to correlation between the
antennas spaced at 20.3 cm apart. This simulation was repeated for an antenna
separation of 40 cm with similar results. The increased fading in the measured results
compared with Rayleigh fading may also be due to small amounts of shadowing
along the path of the measurement.
Figure A - 21 shows the fading depth as a function of the antenna separation for a
receiver using an antenna diversity of 4. This shows that for antenna separations
must be greater than approximately 10 cm (1/3 wavelength) in order to achieve the
best performance from the diversity receiver.
Diversity: 4, Frequency: 1005 MHz
Fading Depth (dB from median)
-14 10%
-18 0.3%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 15 20 25 30 40
Separation between antennas (cm)
Figure A - 21, Effect of antenna separation on the fading depth for diversity
reception. (script s0030)
The five results show the probability of the fading exceeding the value shown.
For example, for a separation of 10 cm there is a 0.1% chance of the fading
exceeding 10.1 dB. The non-smooth characteristics of the 0.1% and 0.3%
probability curves are due to measurement variation.
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
The following tables show the phase angles of each subcarrier in radians for the
phase sequence found to have the lowest crest factor. These phase sequences were
developed using the genetic algorithm optimisation algorithm outlined in section 6.2.
Each column in the table represents the phase sequence for a given number of tones
in the signal. Each row specifies the phase angle for each of the tones (c1, c2, etc) in
the signal. For example: for a DMT signal with 9 tones the best phase sequences is:
where the lowest frequency tone (c1) is set to a phase of –0.1506 radians, the next
tone (c2) is set to 0.8477 radians, through to the highest frequency tone set to a phase
of –2.9157 radians (c9). All the tones must have the same amplitude.
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
N 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
CF (dB) 3.0096 2.2180 1.8401 1.7562 1.9353 1.9959 1.1357 0.9195 1.3760 2.0681 1.6585 1.2855
c1 0.3227 0.1739 0.0698 -0.0337 -0.2617 0.3423 0.1494 -0.1506 -0.4931 -0.0515 -0.2348 -0.1128
c2 1.4762 0.7015 0.6043 0.3935 -0.1001 0.6874 1.3464 0.8477 0.5232 0.2956 -0.2604 0.9819
c3 -1.9125 2.9478 3.0420 2.9791 1.5422 1.1741 1.1603 1.2104 1.1168 1.0707 1.5980
c4 0.8174 -0.8563 -0.6664 -2.4205 3.0161 2.7360 2.6591 2.6873 -2.9699 2.2874
c5 -2.5333 1.5292 0.6219 -0.5100 -0.3339 -0.7343 -1.9001 -1.4402 -2.4297
c6 0.3593 -1.1533 -3.1208 2.0445 2.0989 1.0755 -0.3012 0.6287
c7 -2.4180 2.5664 -0.2213 -1.4154 -2.4557 -2.1887 1.9462
c8 0.6028 -1.2250 2.7908 1.5700 0.2226 -1.2270
c9 -2.9157 1.4838 -0.5681 -1.8615 1.8849
c10 -0.1529 -1.9320 1.7537 0.2902
c11 -2.8432 1.0931 -1.1668
c12 0.0312 -1.2351
c13 -2.7297
N 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
CF (dB) 1.5296 1.4061 1.0676 1.3035 1.1744 1.2271 1.3548 1.3244 1.0552 1.2040 1.1719 0.9441
c1 -0.3143 -0.1263 -0.5219 -0.4220 -0.3229 -0.5961 -0.4055 -0.0107 -0.4534 0.2200 -0.1952 -0.2114
c2 0.2432 0.4711 0.2380 0.3865 0.2420 0.2429 0.2536 1.1275 0.6360 0.8695 0.2656 0.8631
c3 0.5139 1.2162 1.2461 0.8953 0.0416 0.4724 0.2400 0.8363 0.4350 0.9187 1.0006 0.5844
c4 1.7704 1.5999 1.2962 1.6693 1.3563 0.8890 1.0576 1.4033 1.0431 1.4434 1.0848 1.2006
c5 -2.3605 2.9087 2.6942 2.4072 -2.8477 3.0993 2.7334 2.1464 2.0145 1.7812 1.7638 1.7043
c6 -0.6212 -0.2779 -0.4868 -1.6116 -1.8718 -2.2509 -2.3239 -3.1319 -2.9506 2.7395 2.9505 -3.0657
c7 1.9108 1.5417 1.0382 1.1731 0.1778 -0.5172 -0.8969 -0.7769 -0.9944 -1.6769 -1.4679 -1.6283
c8 -1.4077 -2.7183 -2.9410 2.6807 2.3801 2.6164 1.5054 0.8011 0.9142 0.1213 0.1237 -0.5484
c9 1.8683 1.1185 0.0036 -0.8592 -1.3292 -1.8447 -1.6609 2.8528 2.3265 1.9701 2.4190 2.0344
c10 -0.3490 -1.1290 -2.6962 2.3154 1.6415 1.1984 -0.2321 -0.5192 -0.8118 -1.9034 -2.1511 -2.6010
c11 -2.9433 1.6382 1.6725 0.4448 -1.2756 -2.1785 -2.3851 2.8782 2.3203 1.8072 0.4510 -0.8429
c12 1.7131 -0.0948 -1.8216 -2.7057 2.4617 1.9484 0.0099 -1.0587 -0.9372 -1.2398 -2.1815 2.6975
c13 0.9508 -0.8998 2.6614 0.9486 0.0636 -1.5241 -2.0682 2.3418 1.9614 0.7807 0.8952 -0.7629
c14 -0.0831 -2.0682 2.2164 -0.1557 -1.2543 2.6941 1.6879 0.3070 -1.5622 -2.4343 -3.0688 2.1955
c15 -3.0921 0.8151 -1.2969 2.6074 1.4298 -0.0698 -1.8807 2.9414 1.8431 0.3025 -1.0723
c16 -0.3348 -2.1686 0.9460 -1.1177 -2.1905 2.0249 0.9088 -0.3910 -1.7525 -2.7590
c17 2.9411 0.7987 -1.8713 1.8195 0.3572 -1.3860 -2.5124 2.0835 0.8732
c18 -0.1094 -2.4346 1.3435 -0.4166 -2.9621 1.4247 0.1917 -1.5739
c19 2.6738 0.4657 -1.7183 2.0559 0.3541 -1.9411 -2.8132
c20 -0.4869 -1.8388 1.2277 -1.1698 2.8961 1.5308
c21 -3.0810 1.1041 -0.8913 1.9613 -0.1880
c22 -0.1812 -2.3530 1.6802 -0.8995
c23 -3.1265 0.7232 -2.1706
c24 -0.0529 -1.9480
c25 2.8559
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
N 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 36 38 40 42
CF (dB) 0.8956 1.0133 1.1251 1.1699 1.2577 1.0325 1.1387 0.9430 0.9542 1.1888 1.1130 0.9188
c1 -0.5829 -0.9571 -0.7045 -0.4533 -0.3604 -0.5336 -0.4014 -0.3149 -0.8210 -0.5677 -0.4621 -0.6650
c2 0.3906 -0.0206 0.6325 0.6797 0.4653 0.3320 0.3673 0.4108 0.0075 0.3619 0.3729 0.2501
c3 0.3867 0.1552 0.3764 0.4762 0.1261 0.6501 0.7934 0.5717 0.2890 0.3591 0.6553 0.4720
c4 1.1177 0.8282 1.3278 1.5319 0.7180 0.5086 1.0739 1.1594 0.8382 0.7963 0.4722 0.7403
c5 1.4465 1.3389 1.8584 1.4224 1.2045 1.3927 1.2120 1.2048 1.2137 1.2182 1.4019 0.8690
c6 2.9086 2.8253 -2.9376 2.7094 2.5228 2.2783 2.4187 2.0015 1.5555 1.8393 1.4324 1.5233
c7 -1.7391 -2.1450 -2.2856 -2.9256 -2.3025 -2.2570 -2.6220 -3.1093 2.7923 2.8033 2.8631 2.8752
c8 -0.2711 -0.3521 -0.4919 -1.3678 -1.3458 -1.4864 -0.7328 -1.7771 -2.1231 -2.5376 -2.5514 -2.2075
c9 1.6222 1.4643 2.1462 1.1630 0.4167 -0.1381 -0.0796 -0.0199 -0.7593 -1.1638 -1.1878 -1.0911
c10 -2.3949 -2.7933 2.8563 2.2907 2.2077 1.8730 1.7388 1.2619 1.1484 0.2462 0.0834 -0.6207
c11 -0.7489 -0.5723 -1.5618 -2.1579 -2.0624 -2.5096 3.1500 2.8907 2.7525 2.0819 1.9094 1.1940
c12 2.1981 1.4586 1.3100 0.8547 0.3606 -0.4489 -0.7996 -1.5420 -2.2753 -2.5713 -3.1608 3.1359
c13 -0.8726 -0.9790 -3.1740 2.3575 2.7569 2.3360 1.3554 0.6230 -0.3638 -1.2097 -1.3888 -1.8455
c14 2.1356 1.5357 -0.0985 -0.3045 -0.6869 -0.6500 -2.3914 -3.0363 2.1613 1.3177 1.0749 -0.1139
c15 -1.3128 -1.2534 2.5837 2.0418 1.7489 1.4047 0.9445 -0.4022 -1.1893 -2.8029 2.8850 2.1152
c16 1.7840 0.9763 -0.5141 -0.4666 -1.5344 -2.3154 2.9156 2.3104 1.3805 -0.0982 -0.8644 -1.8366
c17 -0.0779 -1.3895 2.4841 1.8283 2.0342 1.2316 -0.5656 -1.7308 -2.0996 2.5932 1.7838 0.7421
c18 -2.5874 2.5171 0.8816 -0.2637 -0.9305 -1.0011 -3.1489 1.3148 -0.3464 -0.8781 -2.5896 2.8478
c19 1.5684 0.1765 -1.3547 -2.2402 2.7093 1.7453 1.3227 -1.1314 2.8437 1.7511 0.1747 -1.0847
c20 -0.1587 -1.9856 2.3095 1.3832 0.2070 -1.2617 -1.9902 2.2394 0.5848 -1.6820 -3.0595 1.8793
c21 -2.0296 2.5702 1.0751 -0.4963 -2.0972 2.8037 1.6270 -0.5740 -2.2136 1.7913 0.1660 -0.9072
c22 2.5737 0.9878 -0.3762 -2.2303 2.1859 0.6821 -1.0669 2.8915 1.2249 -1.1803 3.0464 2.2257
c23 2.0077 -0.7581 -1.8973 2.4868 0.2709 -1.4959 -2.8259 0.5376 -1.4301 2.5155 0.4225 -1.4130
c24 1.0272 -1.4714 2.7017 0.6037 -0.8273 -3.0624 1.6379 -1.5150 1.8821 0.5050 -2.3310 1.6738
c25 0.7693 -2.4172 1.6071 -0.5767 -2.5348 2.2266 -0.3347 2.9585 -0.0296 -2.7667 1.3548 -0.8591
c26 -0.4273 -2.6937 1.4484 -1.0221 2.2722 0.2583 -1.6185 1.4737 -1.9153 1.4545 -1.5782 -3.0616
c27 2.4435 0.8836 -2.0902 1.4935 -0.7889 -2.8143 -0.4702 2.5881 -0.7649 2.1346 0.5837
c28 -0.0145 -2.2062 0.6615 -1.9006 2.2819 -1.9919 1.2642 -2.6260 0.7646 -2.0106
c29 2.7755 0.7787 -1.8910 1.6006 2.9169 -0.2843 2.2196 -1.3526 1.8169
c30 -0.1720 -2.4314 1.3488 1.9349 -2.5088 1.0373 -3.0078 0.0015
c31 2.7566 0.9095 1.6870 2.3292 -1.3894 1.6859 -1.4456
c32 -0.0790 0.9137 1.9995 -2.6045 0.1360 2.7574
c33 0.5499 1.2610 2.6657 -1.0742 0.7891
c34 -0.3637 0.8912 2.0626 -2.4307 0.0535
c35 0.3888 1.7345 2.4731 -1.1556
c36 -0.5790 1.0586 1.8962 -2.4971
c37 0.5361 1.2238 2.3982
c38 -0.7169 0.8796 1.5205
c39 0.5340 1.2946
c40 -0.3249 0.9101
c41 0.5586
c42 -0.5792
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
N 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 68
CF (dB) 1.0488 0.8532 1.0083 0.6722 1.0039 1.0210 1.0769 0.8749 0.9523 0.8729 0.6497 0.9294
c1 -0.3672 -0.7000 -0.4721 -0.7352 -0.6789 -0.7884 -0.4569 -0.6801 -0.7019 -0.6667 -0.7835 -0.5704
c2 0.3432 0.3875 0.1339 0.3779 0.1906 -0.0295 0.3630 0.0328 0.1436 0.2478 0.1563 0.1868
c3 0.5836 0.2467 0.4575 0.3017 0.4815 0.1621 0.5291 0.1928 0.4523 0.2959 0.5840 0.3545
c4 0.7219 0.7115 0.7983 0.9442 0.6655 0.5736 0.4339 0.7313 0.4302 0.7634 0.6903 0.7806
c5 1.2275 0.9359 0.9406 1.0287 0.8392 0.7504 0.8594 0.5182 0.9408 0.7533 1.1734 0.8108
c6 1.3225 1.4730 1.3388 1.4566 1.4530 1.1877 1.1233 1.1379 0.9331 1.1853 1.1812 1.1655
c7 2.5813 2.0500 1.9793 1.9028 1.9162 1.4858 1.5157 1.2884 1.5048 1.4275 1.6980 1.5260
c8 -2.9130 3.0362 2.8013 2.7648 -3.0122 2.8974 2.6563 2.4689 2.2287 2.1635 1.9463 1.9038
c9 -1.6215 -1.9820 -2.1956 -2.3763 -2.3523 -2.3066 -2.5743 -2.9679 3.1185 -2.9599 2.6055 2.8857
c10 -0.1148 -0.6402 -0.6336 -0.8215 -1.1346 -1.5871 -1.5045 -1.9419 -2.1950 -2.2701 -2.7304 -2.6889
c11 0.9026 0.7848 0.2664 0.3426 -0.0766 -0.2847 -0.5095 -0.6344 -1.1982 -0.9832 -1.4055 -1.7162
c12 2.2961 1.9352 1.5782 1.4733 1.4008 0.8171 0.4431 0.1380 0.1677 -0.1305 0.1101 -0.1916
c13 -2.4891 -2.9942 2.9442 2.9686 2.7835 2.3480 1.5955 1.6668 1.2287 1.0528 0.8676 0.5077
c14 -0.6867 -1.0353 -1.8006 -1.8313 -2.2711 -2.6512 -3.0269 2.8013 2.6587 2.4118 2.0974 1.6667
c15 1.3393 0.9616 -0.1107 -0.6294 -0.5667 -1.2032 -1.4292 -2.0510 -2.4811 -2.6299 2.9992 2.8141
c16 -2.5187 2.8628 2.2626 1.5694 0.9741 0.6087 -0.3139 -0.3167 -0.9637 -1.3186 -1.9585 -2.3353
c17 -0.6639 -0.5815 -1.8677 -2.2438 2.7530 2.3404 1.8224 1.4508 0.9293 0.0809 -0.4962 -0.7795
c18 1.8657 1.1936 0.5809 -0.3744 -0.8721 -1.8494 -1.9364 -2.8582 2.8924 2.1213 1.3926 0.7742
c19 -2.3839 3.0835 2.5210 2.1426 1.0696 0.4444 -0.6170 -0.5493 -1.1724 -1.9283 -2.9933 2.4492
c20 0.0889 -0.5971 -1.7114 -2.0635 -3.0606 2.6097 1.7261 1.3563 0.3667 -0.2694 -0.6423 -1.7441
c21 -2.8912 2.0551 0.6757 -0.4308 -0.9262 -1.7029 -2.5369 2.9154 2.3373 1.8720 1.2220 -0.0628
c22 0.3033 -0.9431 -2.6329 2.1787 1.0332 0.3565 -0.7227 -1.1108 -2.1961 -2.5529 2.8977 2.1223
c23 -2.9116 1.8758 0.3225 -1.0803 -2.3703 3.0093 2.1748 0.9232 -0.0318 -0.8347 -1.4798 -2.6220
c24 0.0258 -1.3403 -2.8739 2.2229 0.5155 -0.7822 -0.9733 -2.7273 2.4565 1.3890 0.2800 -0.6854
c25 2.8702 1.9808 -0.0042 -1.2851 -2.9012 2.3798 1.3279 0.3433 -1.0163 -2.0489 2.5534 1.3666
c26 0.2683 -1.4494 -2.8411 1.7615 -0.4085 -1.2429 -2.6372 2.9597 1.6513 0.6896 -0.5654 -2.4149
c27 -1.9066 2.0542 0.1173 -1.2243 2.7218 1.7050 0.4609 -1.1158 -2.0357 2.9681 2.3140 -0.1885
c28 1.7153 -0.7006 -2.9921 1.6631 -0.0010 -1.3516 -3.0237 1.6976 0.6948 -0.6911 -1.5420 2.4267
c29 -0.2730 -2.7771 1.0007 -1.4652 -3.0028 1.8828 -0.1642 -1.6372 -2.9798 2.0081 1.3881 -1.3311
c30 -2.8585 1.6437 -1.0190 2.0946 0.2127 -1.0003 -3.0967 1.3636 0.2506 -1.4256 -2.3820 1.1651
c31 1.2455 -1.3606 2.7344 0.2802 -2.6815 2.3665 0.5005 -1.6701 -3.0891 1.4110 0.1274 -2.3946
c32 -0.7053 2.8467 0.5492 -1.8986 1.4559 -0.3768 -2.6081 1.6232 -0.0492 -1.7298 2.8932 0.3747
c33 -2.3283 0.7961 -1.8102 1.7008 -0.8815 2.9570 1.1446 -0.9255 -2.8405 1.5877 -0.3090 -3.0881
c34 2.4368 -1.3169 2.0218 -0.2990 3.1091 0.6540 -1.8752 2.7487 1.1903 -1.4759 -3.1493 -0.6730
c35 1.2489 -2.8254 0.0873 -2.8069 1.1070 -1.4388 1.8172 -0.1022 -1.5990 1.9953 0.5707 2.5292
c36 -0.3926 2.2126 -1.6138 1.0969 -1.5870 2.4983 -0.0499 -3.0374 1.6111 -0.7370 -2.1429 -0.0798
c37 -1.8174 0.6240 -3.0148 -0.1580 2.6815 0.3348 -2.2540 1.1117 -1.2978 3.0216 1.1638 -2.9887
c38 -2.7548 -0.8536 1.8347 -1.6587 1.1917 -2.1628 1.5175 -1.2671 2.3931 0.2769 -1.3367 0.3024
c39 2.1135 -2.2546 0.6339 2.9571 -0.4992 2.1011 -0.4935 -3.0846 -0.0142 -2.5463 1.9122 -2.3995
c40 1.9022 2.9083 -1.1641 1.6481 -2.1881 0.3947 -2.0663 1.4485 -1.8393 1.3008 -1.2923 1.3895
c41 1.2528 2.2125 -2.3612 0.2191 2.5539 -1.1368 1.7524 -1.0391 2.3669 -0.6000 2.6550 -1.3474
c42 0.9751 1.4862 2.8254 -1.3656 1.0655 -2.7156 0.1328 3.1166 0.3053 -2.3550 0.8180 2.2887
c43 0.5931 1.1656 2.0170 -2.5138 0.1223 1.7299 -1.4355 1.2083 -1.7704 1.5442 -1.2039 -0.0083
c44 -0.2685 0.5731 1.4102 2.7592 -1.1403 0.6352 -2.6827 -0.5498 2.4762 -0.3322 -2.9384 -2.6748
c45 0.5402 0.9778 2.1742 -2.1715 -0.6424 2.3331 -2.1088 0.6573 -2.3587 1.2920 1.5029
c46 -0.6584 0.6993 1.5828 2.6519 -1.5142 0.5475 2.8748 -0.9696 1.6590 -1.1409 -0.4603
c47 0.0871 1.3137 2.0792 -2.6212 -0.5064 1.3968 -2.3428 0.1694 -3.1044 -2.3329
c48 -0.5210 0.5684 1.3803 2.2131 -1.7908 0.3041 2.3522 -1.1659 1.2369 1.7310
c49 0.5436 1.0299 1.7482 -2.5594 -0.9327 1.1951 -2.6036 -0.3547 0.2683
c50 -0.6785 0.7499 1.0925 2.4951 -2.1376 0.2201 2.2904 -1.7418 -1.9861
c51 0.3466 0.9813 1.7183 -3.0444 -1.1460 0.9572 -2.7516 2.3589
c52 -0.5345 0.4964 1.1610 1.9861 -2.3085 0.0232 2.1755 0.8216
c53 0.3370 0.4787 1.7187 2.9152 -1.3000 1.3396 -0.8130
c54 -0.6012 0.5756 1.0270 2.1406 -2.2198 -0.3440 -2.1344
c55 0.1020 1.0400 1.4442 2.9698 -1.7062 2.9409
c56 -0.7951 0.4752 1.4224 2.0668 -2.7104 1.5242
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
N 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 68
c57 0.2111 0.8376 1.7619 2.7551 0.8373
c58 -0.6500 0.5449 1.1821 2.4264 -0.8283
c59 0.2177 1.0896 1.7888 -1.7630
c60 -0.6123 0.5940 1.6728 -2.6455
c61 0.4198 1.0345 2.5010
c62 -0.5951 0.7952 2.1024
c63 0.3031 1.5230
c64 -0.6640 1.1232
c65 1.0375
c66 0.5432
c67 0.1909
c68 -0.6021
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
These plots show the difference between the evolved phase sequences outlined in
Appendix D and the original starting point using Newmann’s phasing scheme as
show in equation A3-1
π (k − 1) 2
θ= A3-1
The evolved phase sequences correspond to the phase shown in A3-1 plus the phase
difference shown here in D.1. The results show that the difference is a complex
sequence, which is almost fractal in nature. It is important to remember that due to
the process of evolution the results shown may not the global minima but local
minima. In addition, if the evolution was run again the results might vary slightly.
The main variations appear to be mirroring in the X or Y axis, or resulting is a
completely different sequence. Sequences for tones from 2 – 30 have been simulated
twice. The only major variations between the different evolution runs was for 12
tones the sequence was mirrored in the X axis and for 13 tones the sequence was
quite different.
The evolved results give a clue as to the optimal phasing scheme to achieve the
minimum CF for a DMT signal. There may exist a direct mathematical method for
deriving this phasing scheme, which is left for future research.
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
Num Tones: 2, CF: 3.0096 dB, Gen: 5120 Num Tones: 3, CF: 2.218 dB, Gen: 5130
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
-0.6 -0.6
-0.8 -0.8
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 4, CF: 1.8401 dB, Gen: 5120 Num Tones: 5, CF: 1.7561 dB, Gen: 5100
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
-0.6 -0.6
-0.8 -0.8
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 1 2 3 4 5
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 6, CF: 1.9351 dB, Gen: 5001 Num Tones: 7, CF: 1.9958 dB, Gen: 5037
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.5 0.4
0 0
-0.5 -0.4
-1 -0.8
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 8, CF: 1.1352 dB, Gen: 5056 Num Tones: 9, CF: 0.91938 dB, Gen: 5016
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.5 0.4
0 0
-0.5 -0.4
-1 -0.8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 10, CF: 1.3812 dB, Gen: 5089 Num Tones: 11, CF: 2.0746 dB, Gen: 5037
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
-0.6 -0.6
-0.8 -0.8
2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
Num Tones: 12, CF: 1.6717 dB, Gen: 6559 Num Tones: 13, CF: 1.2945 dB, Gen: 6551
1 1.5
-1 -1
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 14, CF: 1.5293 dB, Gen: 5032 Num Tones: 15, CF: 1.4061 dB, Gen: 5032
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
-0.6 -0.6
-0.8 -0.8
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 16, CF: 1.0672 dB, Gen: 5024 Num Tones: 17, CF: 1.3035 dB, Gen: 5022
1 1
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 18, CF: 1.1744 dB, Gen: 5012 Num Tones: 19, CF: 1.2269 dB, Gen: 5022
1 1
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 5 10 15
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 20, CF: 1.3924 dB, Gen: 6530 Num Tones: 21, CF: 1.3241 dB, Gen: 5008
1 1
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
Num Tones: 22, CF: 1.0547 dB, Gen: 5014 Num Tones: 23, CF: 1.2093 dB, Gen: 6528
-0.2 -0.5
-0.8 -1.5
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 24, CF: 1.1771 dB, Gen: 6531 Num Tones: 25, CF: 0.94408 dB, Gen: 5000
Phase Adjustment (radians)
-1 -1
5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 25
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 26, CF: 0.89551 dB, Gen: 5000 Num Tones: 27, CF: 1.0268 dB, Gen: 6528
Phase Adjustment (radians)
-0.2 -0.5
-0.8 -1.5
5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 28, CF: 1.1267 dB, Gen: 6516 Num Tones: 29, CF: 1.1699 dB, Gen: 5004
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0 0
-1.5 -0.8
5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 30, CF: 1.2577 dB, Gen: 5015 Num Tones: 31, CF: 1.0321 dB, Gen: 5014
Phase Adjustment (radians)
-0.2 -0.5
-0.8 -1.5
5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
Num Tones: 32, CF: 1.1441 dB, Gen: 6520 Num Tones: 34, CF: 0.9421 dB, Gen: 5010
0.5 0.4
0 0
-0.5 -0.4
-1 -0.8
5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 36, CF: 0.95368 dB, Gen: 5012 Num Tones: 38, CF: 1.1888 dB, Gen: 5005
1 1
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 40, CF: 1.125 dB, Gen: 3377 Num Tones: 42, CF: 0.91881 dB, Gen: 5004
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.4 0.5
0 0
-0.4 -0.5
-0.8 -1
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 44, CF: 1.0488 dB, Gen: 5004 Num Tones: 46, CF: 0.85321 dB, Gen: 4840
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.4 0.5
0 0
-0.4 -0.5
-0.8 -1
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 20 30 40
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 48, CF: 1.0083 dB, Gen: 4840 Num Tones: 50, CF: 0.67163 dB, Gen: 4400
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.4 0.5
0 0
-0.4 -0.5
-0.8 -1
10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 50
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
Num Tones: 52, CF: 1.0039 dB, Gen: 4400 Num Tones: 54, CF: 1.021 dB, Gen: 3966
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
-0.6 -0.6
-0.8 -0.8
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 56, CF: 1.0788 dB, Gen: 5472 Num Tones: 58, CF: 0.87486 dB, Gen: 3961
1 1
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 60, CF: 0.95225 dB, Gen: 3960 Num Tones: 62, CF: 0.87943 dB, Gen: 2864
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.5 0.4
0 0
-0.5 -0.4
-1 -0.8
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 64, CF: 0.65427 dB, Gen: 12284 Num Tones: 68, CF: 0.93792 dB, Gen: 2864
1 1
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 72, CF: 0.94467 dB, Gen: 4207 Num Tones: 76, CF: 0.91803 dB, Gen: 4211
1 1
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.5 0.5
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
Num Tones: 80, CF: 0.81197 dB, Gen: 3822 Num Tones: 84, CF: 0.87431 dB, Gen: 3718
0.5 0.4
0 0
-0.5 -0.4
-1 -0.8
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 88, CF: 0.90421 dB, Gen: 3713 Num Tones: 92, CF: 0.89519 dB, Gen: 3714
1 1
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0 0
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20 40 60 80
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 96, CF: 0.90472 dB, Gen: 3328 Num Tones: 100, CF: 0.67178 dB, Gen: 3325
Phase Adjustment (radians)
-0.2 0
-0.8 -1
20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 100
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 104, CF: 0.88944 dB, Gen: 3325 Num Tones: 108, CF: 0.82768 dB, Gen: 3325
Phase Adjustment (radians)
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
-0.6 -0.6
-0.8 -0.8
20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 112, CF: 0.84251 dB, Gen: 3662 Num Tones: 116, CF: 0.81751 dB, Gen: 3268
Phase Adjustment (radians)
20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Appendix D Phase tables for evolved low Crest Factor Discrete Multi-Tone signals
Num Tones: 120, CF: 0.80376 dB, Gen: 3271 Num Tones: 124, CF: 0.8424 dB, Gen: 3364
20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120
Carrier Number Carrier Number
Num Tones: 128, CF: 0.90487 dB, Gen: 2676 Num Tones: 136, CF: 0.83785 dB, Gen: 3339
Phase Adjustment (radians)
-0.2 0
-0.6 -0.5
20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120
Carrier Number Carrier Number