Fuel Oil Flowmeter
Fuel Oil Flowmeter
Fuel Oil Flowmeter
The “F” range of oval gear fuel and oil meters from Another benefit of our unique rotor design is simplicity of repair.
Macnaught are a family of positive displacement oval With only 2 moving parts, our meters are simple to repair, require
minimal repair parts stock, and can even be repaired inline, resulting
gear flowmeters that are optimized for fuel and oil in less downtime.
measurement applications.
Oval Gear flowmeters are ideally suited to applications requiring
accurate dispense quantities. Measurement of very low flow
rates, pulsating flow, small batch sizes, viscous products, and
Macnaught Fuel and Oil meters are constructed utilizing a robust
non-conductive liquids are all ideal uses for oval gear meters.
cast aluminium body suitable for use in the harshest environments.
Because these meters don’t require flow conditioning, no straight
Our bearing-less PTFE/PPS rotors provide exceptionally low
piping runs are required, so they can be used in installations where
pressure drop and can even be used in gravity fed applications.
space is limited without effecting performance.
This unique rotor design ensures minimal wear resulting in many
years of reliable service. This approach has proven over time to With 12 mechanical and digital display options to choose from,
provide consistently accurate flow measurement that is not Macnaught flowmeters are the perfect choice with outputs and
affected by variations in temperature, viscosity, or pressure. displays to suit virtually any application requirement.
• Service and Fueling Trucks
• Fuel Depots
• Portable Fueling Systems
• Bio-Diesel Blending and
• Lubricant Blending and
• Hydraulic Fluid Dispensing
and test stands
• Boiler and generator fuel
• Fuel consumption for
mining, construction, and
military vehicles
• Bitumen/ Asphalt
Meter Selection
Step 1 Verify Fluid Compatibility & Application Conditions Step 4 Choose Standard or High Viscosity Rotors
Determine if your fluid is compatible with the wetted parts of the
meter. All wetted parts are made from: Aluminium, FKM, PPS, and Tips: Choose high viscosity rotors if the fluid is above 1000cp. If
316SS. Also determine if the Pressure and Temperature are within the the fluid is between 100 and 1000cp and the flow rate is over
stated limits. 50% of the maximum rated flow of the meter, high viscosity rotors
can be used if lower pressure drop is required.
Tips: If the temperature is between 80-120C, our Solvent meters
use a high temperature SS rotor and can be used on high
temperature fuel oil applications as well. We also offer high Step 5 Choose Mechanical Display or Pulse Output options
pressure models in our industrial meter line if the operating
pressure is beyond the limits of our Fuel and Oil meters. Tips: Choose a pulse output if you want to use a digital display.
The Digital displays are listed in the next step and can either be
mounted on the meter or remotely.Our standard pulse output
Step 2 Choose the model based on your flow rate comes with both hall effect sensor and reed switch outputs. If
(see Flow Range Chart) you are installing the meter in a hazardous environment, you can
choose option "2" which will give you 2 reed switches, which
Tips: If possible, choose a meter model where your expected flow classifies the output of the meter as a "simple device".
rates fall between 20-80% of the maximum flow range for
optimum performance. If you are measuring a high viscosity fluid Step 6 Choose Accessories
(over 1000cp), the maximum flow range will be lower. You should (See Chart 1 & 2)
consult the factory if you are unsure which model you need.
Tips: All of our digital displays can be mounted either locally on
the meter itself, remotely on a wall, on a panel, or nearby on the
Step 3 Choose your connection thread type piping. Just choose the functions you need and the housing type
you require.
Tips: We also offer flange adaptor kits for all of our meters from If you are looking for flanged end connections, you can also order
F025 and larger (see step 5). We offer ANSI 150, DIN PN16, and the appropriate flange type here. For models F050 and larger,
JIS flange adaptors. Our adaptors can be fitted to any of our adaptors must be ordered with the meter.
meters regardless of the threaded connection type. Flange
adaptors are ordered separately in step 5. Please note that if you Our strainers all come with the appropriate mesh size for the
order a mechanical meter and want NPT threads with display in meter that they fit, so the connection size is the only choice you
Litres, a type "3" connection should be specified. Also note that need to make.
the F050 and larger meters do not include threaded connections. The chart below list the available accessories and consult price
The adaptors must be ordered separately. list for part numbers
F006 0.5-100LPH
Chart 1
Mechanical Registers Digital Displays
Total ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ
Resettable Total ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ
Flow Rate Display ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ
Pulse Output ᔢ ᔢ
4-20 ma Output (Passive) ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ
4-20 ma Output (Active) ᔢ
Batch Control (Relay Out) ᔢ
Batch Control (Transistor Out) ᔢ
Net Use Function ᔢ
Intrinsic Safety ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ
Aluminium Housing IP67 ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ ᔢ
Plastic Housing ᔢ
Digit Size (mm/ in.) 5mm 17mm 5mm 12mm 12mm 17mm 17mm 17mm 17mm 17mm 17mm 17mm
Designed and Manufactured in Australia Bearingless PPS Rotors
• Quality is controlled from concept to completion by Macnaught • Minimize Wear
• Improved Availability • Low Pressure Drop
• 2 Year Warranty • Quiet Operation
• Simple Repairs
Mechanical Displays (See Chart 1) • Reduced Friction
• IP67 Versions for use in high pressure washdowns
• Low-cost version with plastic housing Modular End Connections (See Chart 2)
• Enhanced Accuracy • Flexible Inventory for Faster Delivery
• Wide Variety of Connection Types
Electronic Displays (See Chart 1) • Threaded Mounting Holes
• All displays have resettable and
non-resettable totals Cast Aluminium Body
• 4-20ma and pulse output versions • Robust Design
• Batch controllers • Suitable for use in the harshest outdoor environments
• Meter mounted and remote displays
• Compact version for use with small meters Strainers and Air Eliminators Available
or where space is limited (See Chart 2)
• Intrinsically safe for use in hazardous areas
Meter Body
Environment Quality
ISO 14001 ISO 9001