Procedure Manual For Epwp Phase 3 PDF
Procedure Manual For Epwp Phase 3 PDF
Procedure Manual For Epwp Phase 3 PDF
Version 1(2014/15)
EPWP Phase 3
How to use this Manual
This manual is structured in such a way that users can easily find the relevant
information they need. Each chapter will focus on a specific topic. While it is useful to
read the entire manual to get a good overall understanding of how the subsidy functions,
users can also just use specific chapters to ensure they are able to complete specific
tasks they are responsible for.
Each chapter of the manual will distinguish the user of such information; the following
categories of users have been identified:
a- NPO’s that are contracted to the NSS Programme
b- Beneficiaries that have been contracted by the NPO’s in the NSS Programme
c- IDT & DPW Programme Managers
d- Provincial staff implementing the EPWP programmes
e- Service Providers who need to understand their reporting responsibilities
f- Provincial Project Management Teams supporting the EPWP in the provinces and
the National Project Management Team that plays an advisory role over the
Chapter 1: Introduction of the EPWP Non-State Sector Programme
Chapter summary: This chapter defines the EPWP Non-State Sector Programme and
the objectives of the programme.
Definitions Box
The Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) is one element within a broader DPW is the
Department of
government strategy to reduce poverty through the alleviation and reduction of Public Work it is
the custodian of
unemployment. Phase I of the Expanded Public Works Programme commenced on the Expanded
Public works
1 April 2004 and had the goal of creating 1 million work opportunities over its first Programme.
five years.
A work
opportunity is paid
Phase II (2009-2014) of the EPWP is an extension of the first phase with the work created for
an individual on an
following additions: EPWP project for
any period of time.
A full time
The scale of the programme has increased significantly to approximately equivalent job
refers to one
four times its current scale. The programme aims to provide 4, 5 million person-year of
employment. One
work opportunities (2 million full time equivalent jobs) over the next five person year is
equivalent to 230
years. The first phase created 1.6 million work opportunities, and the target person days of
was 1 million.
EPWP means the
Expanded Public
Works Programme
A new component called the Non State Sector Programme (NSS) has been (2009 – 2014) as
approved by
introduced which uses the wage subsidy to support non state entities in Cabinet.
providing work opportunities as part of the EPWP. The Non-State sector is The EPWP Wage
Subsidy Allocation
to create 640 000 work opportunities in the next five (5) years. is a specifically and
allocation to eligible
The NSS NPO Programme in EPWP Phase III (2014-2019) of the EPWP is an Non- Profit
Organisations to
extension of the EPWP Phase II NSS with the following additions: expand EPWP
work for the EPWP
target group by
3 years multi-year contracting for NPOs EPWP programmes
to achieve a
Focus on support to the management of the NPO and creation of networks targeted number of
for the NPOs. The IDT is the
The NSS NPO Programme will not fund NPO’s already supported by the Development
Social Sector.
Focus of programmes grassroots community services e.g. family support
and social awareness and cross cutting national issues of priority that do
not really have a departmental home for implementation e.g. youth Definitions Box
In line with the NSS NPOs Programme design, the objective of the NSS NPOs
Financial Year a
Programme is as follows: Period of 1st April –
31 March
1.2. Focus on the Creation of Work for the EPWP Target Group
NPO Non-Profit
While many projects and programmes of government create work, not all of Organisations
them are classified as EPWP. Given the wide variation of projects implemented
by government, it is not always straightforward to distinguish between EPWP MOA a contractual
agreement signed
and non-EPWP projects. by to entities with
regards to the
implementation of
the NSS
The key characteristics of EPWP projects are listed below: Programme.
For the purpose of distinguishing what work will qualify as EPWP work falling
within the Non- State Sector EPWP it has been set that:
a- Work that complies with the Ministerial Determination and the Code of Good
Practice for Special Public Works Programmes will be categorised as EPWP work
qualifying for the incentive.
b- In addition to the above Code, it should be noted that:
Government employees or permanent employees of the implementing agent
will not be included in the count of the number of FTEs created
The EPWP target group may not be paid below the daily wage rate upon which
the subsidy is based – i.e. may not be paid below R71 per person day of work
in 2014/15.
NPO’s must use the wage subsidy allocation for wage costs of beneficiaries.
The purpose of the NSS programme is to:
create an avenue where NPO's can assist government in creating income for
large numbers of individuals through socially constructive activities in their local
provide accredited training to beneficiaries so that at the end of the year
Definitions Box
beneficiaries can evolve into the second phase of the job market which
EPWP Target Group
would be to exist into full time jobs in line with the 6 job drivers of refers to unemployed,
local, low skilled South
governments’ new growth path and Africans willing to
work on EPWP
projects and
Encouraging municipalities in utilizing the human capacity of NPO’s programmes for a
minimum wage rate of
funded by the NSS Programme in municipal IDP projects aimed at R60 per person day of
developing local communities.
The Minister of Labour
issued a Ministerial
Determination and
Good Practice for
The daily wage in some NGO’s will be used as a supplement to the wages of Special Public Works
Programmes which
beneficiaries. As long as private sector, sector departments or municipalities allows for special
conditions to facilitate
continue to fund the resources of the programme DPW complements the work greater employment
on Public Works
of the NPO by providing the wage subsidy. This will continue to build a co- Programmes. Refer to
Gazette No 64, 1
funding approach in which national, provincial, local government and private November 2010.
Given the nature of the Non-State Sector, which will involve a wide range of activities
that coincide with the roles and functions of government and sector stakeholders, an
Interdepartmental Committee (Project Management Team) has been established to
oversee the NSS. The Project Management Team (PMT) is an Advisory Technical
Committee which has these key responsibilities:
Reviewing the sector to make recommendations for its improvement and growth.
Provide oversight on the non-state programme i.e. ensuring that the 5 year
targets are met.
Setting criteria for the selection of non-state sector organizations to be procured
by IDT.
Developing funding model and re-imbursement plan for the sector
Evaluating and adjudicating non-state organization tenders (evaluation at
regional level)
Aligning non-state programmes to government priorities e.g. focus on rural
Establishment of the following committees: evaluation and audit committees.
Review funding models of the non-state sector
The intermediary the Independent Development Trust (IDT) has been appointed to
implement the programme as an intermediary at national and provincial level. IDT is a
schedule 2 entity of government which already disburses funds to NGO’s and CBO’s. It
monitors activities of programmes to ensure that they comply with the requirements as
set by DPW. The role of the programme manager is to:
• Manage the cash flow projections which form part of the national Programme
Implementation Plan (PIP);
• monitor the implementation of the national PIP
• ensure that non-state sector organisations are directly contracted as independent
• Monitor the PIP of NPOs submitted upon appointment by the IDT regional
programme managers.
DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS– is the custodian of the Expanded Public
Works Programme.
TEAM – are sector
intermediary appointed by DPW for the implementation of the
specialists who play an
NSS Programme. Their role is to contract NPOs and monitor
oversight and advisory
the work of NPOs in implementing the NSS programme.
role of the work
undertaken in the NSS
programme. The PMT
consists of the following
stakeholders: Dept Public
Community Constituency,
Department of Social
Development and
National Youth
NON PROFIT ORGANISATIONS – contract unemployed people
that participate in the programme, these people are called beneficiaries. Development Agency.
NPO’s administer payments of wage subsidies to beneficiaries.
Beneficiaries should be employed in line with the ministerial
Chapter 2: Principles of the Non-State Sector EPWP Wage Subsidy
Chapter summary: This chapter explains the key principles that underpin the intent of
the Non-State Sector EPWP Wage Subsidy.
There are a number of principles that explain the intention of the Non-State Sector wage
subsidy which is important for implementing the NSS EPWP programme.
2.1.1. Be registered as an NPO (NGO, CBO or FBO) with the Department of Social
2.1.2. Have a solid plan to expand by creating EPWP work opportunities, and align
to EPWP principles of focusing on poor unemployed South Africans.
2.1.3. Have proof of capacity for scaling up those Programmes that would generate
increased employment.
2.1.5. The NPO must have proof of existence and be operational for a period of 2
years. (This is to ensure that credible entities with good track record
participate, and at the same time, allows for medium sized entities to
2.1.7. Present proof of their ability to report on; work to be undertaken, number of
extra jobs created, duration of work opportunities, cost of the work
opportunity, training provided (if any), number of beneficiaries employed by
gender and age and developmental outputs.
2.1.8. Provide an expansion plan over the contractual period must be submitted.
Budget to be outlined.
b) Aimed at providing wage subsidies for workers in NPO’s that have the potential
to expand further.
Increasing the number of NPOs (bringing in new NPOs) delivering these
services and expanding the scope and coverage of the programme.
Expanding a broader range of non-state sector services.
A Baseline FTE
target means the
There should be mechanisms within the NPO’s and IDT as the intermediary targeted number of
Full Time
Equivalent Jobs that
that monitors spending and systems that can easily identify the expenditure the programme is
required to create
patterns of disbursements and wage payments. using its baseline
budget within the
period 1 April
2011 to 31 March
There should be clear funding agreements between IDT and the NGOs 2012.
regarding the allocation, disbursement and use of the subsidy. An Incentive FTE
target means the
targeted number of
Full Time
Equivalent Jobs that
Over and above the wage subsidy, there is a 5% provision of the NPOs the programme is
required to create
non-wage costs. The 5% non-wage subsidy is broken down and allocated using its incentive
allocation within
as follows (1% for payment of bank charges by NPOs, 1% for NPO the period 1 April
2011 to 31 March
contribution to COIDA, 1% for NPO contribution to UIF and 2% for NPO 2012.
administration costs).
The R67 Wage
Subsidy is
adjusted on on a
Reporting should occur in the prescribed EPWP reporting format and within yearly basis
according to
the time frames prescribed so as to promote consistency in what is reported Ministerial
to determine progress. Determination
2.4. Effective use of Funds
The subsidy must only be utilised in the manner indicated in the approved MOA and the
contract between IDT and the NGOs.
2.4.2. Is the Non- State Sector EPWP wage subsidy different to the incentive
Yes. The EPWP incentive grant allocation available to provincial departments and
municipalities in the infrastructure, social and environment and culture sectors is an
indicative amount. The amount received from the sectors and other spheres of
government is not fixed, but will depend on the performance of the provincial department
during the set financial year.
The Non- State Sector wage subsidy is a fixed amount set aside for NPO wage
costs and the NPO bank fees based on the number of beneficiaries that the NPO
has agreed to employ for a set financial year. This amount will be disbursed
monthly in terms of an agreed contract. The wage subsidy allocation is
determined by the set Non-State Sector work opportunity targets.
Chapter 3: How the Non-State Sector EPWP Wage Subsidy Works
Chapter summary: This chapter explains how NPOs become eligible, how their subsidy
allocations are calculated and disbursed, and how the subsidy should be utilised.
As with any other subsidy the first steps involve determining a basis for distribution and
identifying the parties eligible for the subsidy. The following process describes the basis
of the Non-State Sector EPWP Wage Subsidy.
3.2.2. Beneficiary and performance responsibility
Ensure all workers sign for their daily attendance (morning & afternoon).
Deal with absenteeism, negligent, dereliction of duty and any conduct affecting
the performance of a worker, in accordance with signed contract.
Reporting is one of the essential responsibilities that both IDT and Knop’s are obliged to
perform. NPO's should submit the reports to IDT in time so that IDT can submit
performance reports on monthly and quarterly basis to Public Works. These reports
however differ in content and structure.
3.2.4. Responsibility of NPO on reporting:
Compile monthly and quarterly performance report to IDT (the report shall cover
finance, beneficiaries and programme impact/analysis).
Ensure that reports are submitted on time and are of good quality as per IDT
standard (refer to template by IDT).
Second, How many days in a month that the beneficiaries in NPO x will work e.g. (36)
[factor b]
Example 1
Subsidy Allocation = [a] x[b] x [c]
= R 382 400
Example 2
= R19.88
Example 3
conduct due diligence site visits, call NPO's for briefing sessions on the process
of appointment and adjudication of projects,
submit recommended proposals to the Tender Evaluation Committee and
Facilitate the process of signing contracts of approved NPO's that have been
approved by TAC and legal.
Road shows and The provinces will hold work shops to Advertisement calling for
workshops to explain assist NPOs understand what must be Expression of Interest in the
the NSS programme provided in the proposals. (September – NSS Programme (November
in provinces (May - October) – December)
TAC – Approves
Provincial PMT TEC submission Submission made
guided by IDT made to NSS Nat to TAC with or disapproves
engage Tender Team for Tender budget
Evaluation Adjudication
Committee (TEC) Committee
processes (TAC)
1st May
Chapter 4: Branding & Training in the Non-State Sector Programme
Chapter summary: This chapter presents the detailed information on how NPOs can
brand the projects affiliated with the EPWP NSS Programme.
4.1. Branding
The Department of Public Works encourages all Non-Profit Organisations, communities
and beneficiaries to communicate the lessons learnt and best practices of the
programme to the media and the intermediary. The programme also encourages
communities to write letters of testimony with regards to how the programme is
impacting on their lives. NPOs are encouraged to communicate through radio and
newspapers the work that they have managed to undertake through assistance of the
NSS wage subsidy provided by the department.
For the programme to gain recognition the Department of Public Works requires that
project sites should include the EPWP logo on their signboards. As part of profiling the
programme one of the requirements of the programme is for the NPO to keep the
intermediary and DPW updated on any awards that the NPOs may receive for profiling
Chapter summary: This chapter presents the detailed procedures that must be
followed by eligible NPO's to be able to access the subsidy as intended and
report on progress and the use of the incentive.
Every EPWP programme must collect and keep specific programme information for the
purpose of EPWP and the wage subsidy paid; all of the information below should be
kept by each NPO for every EPWP programme:
A beneficiary list must be maintained by every NPO. The information required in this
beneficiary list is indicated in Annexure B of this manual. This form should be filled in
(either weekly or bi-weekly) and signed off and checked by the NPO at every monthly
reporting cycle. A beneficiary list containing the following information should be kept and
maintained for audit purposes: Identity – name, surname, date of birth and a unique identifier number Medical certificate for people with disabilities Gender, age and disability status Daily wage to be received Training attended.
5.2. Site information:
This generally seeks to confirm the number of people at work daily for the programme.
The following information must be maintained and provided by the NPO to the National
Department of Public Works upon request when undertaking sample project auditing.
The documentation that should be kept includes:
5.2.1. Daily attendance register – register showing all the beneficiaries that
were registered at work every day. Attendance registers should be
completed on site on a daily basis and signed off by the project manager
on a weekly basis.
5.3.1. Payment register – which is a list of workers, showing the wages paid to
each worker, signed off as proof of acceptance of payment. Information
on this register must include: the name of the worker, either an identity
number or other unique identifier, the number of calendar days that the
pay period covers, the wage rate and total wages paid.
5.4.2. This information must be available and applicable for the entire period for
which the NPO is receiving the Non-State Sector EPWP wage subsidy for
person days of work created.
Definitions Box
Data Capturers
are IDT officials
For each NPO, beneficiary information, employment information and sitting at regional
IDT offices who
financial information will be part of the monthly reporting requirements load NPO
to the provincial department. Site information and payment information will employment and
only be required for auditing or information quality assessment tests. These information for
purposes of
will only be carried out on a sample of projects periodically during the monitoring,
evaluation and
financial year. reporting.
5.7. Responsibility of IDT on Reporting
24 The EPWP Web Based Reporting System will validate the information
provided. DPW will provide IDT with an exclusion report showing 'validated
information' as well as 'un-validated information' (indicating
information requiring clean-up). IDT should ensure that the required
information cleaning processes are undertaken to deal with all 'un-
validated information' so that the overall EPWP report at the next
quarterly reporting date presents an accurate performance picture. DPW will on a quarterly basis, report to the National Treasury, on the
following dates an example of this financial year– 29 July 2014 (for
Q1), 31 October 2014 (for Q2), 31 January 2015 (for Q3) and 30
April 2015 (for Q4): The progress NSS EPWP programme against the targets set for each
programme in the contract. Wage subsidy spending by the NPOs and for the sector as a whole.
5.8.3. Reporting Flow Chart:
5.10.1. The Non-State Sector EPWP Subsidy will be evaluated in order to assess its
effectiveness and to inform any changes that need to be made to make it
function better. Some of the studies that will be undertaken through the
EPWP unit will address:
i. Whether the implementation of the subsidy is being done in accordance
with the regulations and procedures
ii. Whether the subsidy is leading to better performance of non-state entities
on the EPWP
iii. What non-state entities use the subsidy for
iv. Whether the procedures for the subsidy need to be adjusted
v. Areas in which the overall EPWP programme design needs to be amended
5.10.2. Non-state entities that are eligible for the EPWP subsidy are expected to
cooperate fully with any evaluation conducted by the EPWP Unit by
providing evaluators with relevant information and records; ensuring that
provincial department staff participates in interviews, focus group
discussions and surveys; and facilitating access to project sites and EPWP
5.11. Annual Audit:
DPW will undertake an annual audit on the performance of the programme; control
effectiveness and compliance with the conditions of the Non-State Sector EPWP Wage
Subsidy. The audit work to be undertaken could unearth non-compliance or inaccurate
performance information. The following could be found:
Can the wage subsidy amount received be distributed at the discretion of the
No. The Non-State Sector EPWP wage subsidy allocation is determined based on
specific set targets of the number of beneficiaries that the NPOs must contract.
Chapter 6: Navigating the EPWP Integrated Reporting System
Chapter summary: This chapter provides a description of the EPWP IRS and some of
its key features and aims to assist officials who have to use the EPWP IRS for
performance reporting. It aims to provide a basic overview of the EPWP IRS and the
project registration and progress reporting processes and the type of information that
needs to be entered into the system.
Sectors: Choose from the dropdown list the sector that the user will be
accessing on the system.
Access Rights/User Role: Choose from the dropdown list whether as a
user, capturer, viewer or signing off person. Click the register button to be
registered, the users’ information will be registered on the system. An email
will be sent informing the user of his/ her successful registration status.
Only after receipt of this email, can the new user start using the system.
Note: The system will not allow a user to login if the incorrect province has been
selected or an incorrect username and/or password has been entered. All three of
these must be entered correctly in order to login successfully. A successful login
will lead the user to the home page. The Home page will reflect a number of
functionalities. Some of them are only applicable to certain users depending on
their access rights. Select from the four predefined sectors (Infrastructure,
Environmental & Culture, Social and Non-State Sector) the sector that the user
wants to access. After choosing the appropriate sector, the system will take the
user to the Welcome Screen for that sector.
Chapter 7: Records Management and Audit Requirements
Chapter summary: The Audit Requirements apply to external and internal audits. It is
expected that all NPOs and regions will compare their current practices and approaches
to the management of project information with these requirement and take the necessary
action to comply with the stated requirements. These Audit Requirements have been
formulated as a set of principles for all public bodies within EPWP broadly, to assist their
understanding in meeting these requirements.
Objective: The objective of the Internal Audit function at the Department of Public
Works for the Non-State Sector EPWP wage subsidy is to identify and evaluate
significant exposures to risks to be able to develop risk mitigation plans for management,
control and governance systems. This should include:
7.1.1. Overseeing the risk management framework and monitoring risk.
7.1.2. Reviewing the established systems to ensure compliance with those
procedures, laws and regulations that could have a significant impact on
operations and report and determine whether the department is in
7.1.3. Ensuring that an effective system of internal controls exist and is operating
as required.
7.1.4. Evaluating the reliability and integrity of financial, project management and
other operational information.
7.2 Scope of Information that NPOs must keep in their records and may
be requested during audit processes
Internal Audit will communicate in time their plans to conduct an audit of particular NPOs
contracted through the NSS programme or the intermediary contracted to implement the
NSS programme nationally. The following documents must always be available for audit
Chapter 8: Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and Compensation Fund
(CF) Registration
Chapter summary: In order to claim for the 1% UIF and 1% Compensation Fund cost
from the Implementing Agent; the programme requires proof of registration that includes
the names of the beneficiaries registered by the NPO for the NSS NPO programme for
Department of Labour (DOL).
Get information like the ID numbers and addresses of employers and workers
ready before registering.
Re: If employers want to register via e-mail they should use the following steps:
Get the UI-8 and UI-19 (for business employers) or the UI-8D and UI-19 (for
domestic employers) from the website or any Labour Centre.
Employers must complete the forms for both themselves and their workers. The
form for the registration of workers asks for an employer reference number.
Employers who do not have a reference number yet, can leave this part open.
The UIF will create a reference number and send it to you. Also ignore the part
asking for a signature.
Domestic Employers:
E-mail the forms to the UIF at
Commercial Employers:
E-mail the forms to the UIF at
All applicable items must be completed on both pages of the WA.s 2. This
document MUST be signed and dated.
A copy of the CK1/2 OR CM1 + CM29 Close Corporations and Companies, Trust
documents or N.P.O certificates MUST be attached.
A copy of ID-document(s) MUST be attached in respect of sole
Mark with "X" in the relevant space to indicate whether the employer is a sole proprietor
(farmers included), close corporation, company, partnership, public -/local authority,
organisation/association or a trust etc.
If the first employee was employed prior to this period, this part should not be
completed. This Office will mail the Return of Earnings document(s) (WA.s 8)
for the relevant years to the employer to be completed and returned to this
8.3.6. If the employees estimated earnings might be less than this maximum
amount per person per year, the amount estimated must be declared.
Those employees who might earn in excess of this maximum amount per
year, earnings up to that maximum amount must be declared per person
per year as estimated earnings. A Provisional assessment will be raised
on this estimated amount. The reason for the maximum earnings is that
compensation for injuries on duty is calculated and paid up to that maximum
amount. Estimate the earnings expected to be paid to all the employees
expected to be employed during this current assessment year (March
this year to February next year or any in between period). Estimate the cash value of food and lodging for the same period if
applicable Estimate the cash value of other in-kind benefits if applicable Estimate the earnings of working members of organisation up to the
same maximum earnings indicated under section 8.3.6. Add up the estimated totals from item to and write it in
the available space. Indicate for what period the estimation was done by
writing the dates in the available space.
8.4. Letter of good standing
LETTER OF GOOD STANDING can be obtained once the employer has complied with
the requirements of the Act, inter alia:
South African citizens to prove the citizenship
Non State Sector (NSS) - One of the sector programmes in the Expanded
Public Works Programme
National Team - both IDT and Public Works Non State Sector
officials based at their respective national offices
PIM - Project Implementation Manager
PM - Programme Manager
Annexure A: EPWP Non-State Sector NGO Application Guide
Annexure B: DRAFT EPWP Report Template
PART A: Example of the Beneficiary Information part of the Template
Annexure C: Beneficiary Payment Claim Form
Project Name
Supervisor Name
Payment Month
Date of Payment
Full Names
Identity Number
Date of Birth
Number of days worked
Amount Paid R
Date: _____________________________
Annexure D: Beneficiary Registration Form
Annexure E: Beneficiary agreement
Employer’s Name
Of (Employer’s Address)
Name: __________________________________________________
(Beneficiary full names)
Annexure F: Ministerial Determination
Annexure G: Code of Good Practice