Maintain Planned Ind Reqmts (SAP T CODE MD61, MD62, MD63)
Maintain Planned Ind Reqmts (SAP T CODE MD61, MD62, MD63)
Maintain Planned Ind Reqmts (SAP T CODE MD61, MD62, MD63)
Via SAP Standard Menus Logistics Production-Process Production Planning Demand Management
Planned Independent Requirements Create / Change / Display
Via Transaction Code MD61 / MD62 / MD63
On screen “Create Planned Independent Requirements: Initial Screen”, enter information in the following
used fields as specified below:
Plant “1100”
Define Section Header
Version Alphanumeric description R By entering one or more version From SOP to Demand
of a demand program, numbers for the demand program, management the default
also known as the you can use the version version is “GP”
(demand) version management function.
number. The system uses the version
number that you enter here as the
default value for items that are to
be created.
Enter “00”
Planning Section Header
From Start of the period of O Enter relevant Start date or select
examination. from pull down list.
To End of the period of O Enter relevant End date or select
examination. from pull down list.
Planning Defines the calendar O Enter relevant calendar period or D
Period periods for entering the select from pull down list.
requirements dates.
(Note: R = Required, O = Optional, C = Conditional, D = Display, N = Not used)
Select at least one line and click the “Sched. Lines” tab.
On screen “Plnd ind. reqmts Create: Schedule Lines”, enter information in the following used fields as specified
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Sched. Tab
Indicator: version active R Active indicator controls
whether the demand plan is
relevant to MRP planning.
List Display
Period Defines the calendar R Enter relevant Period indicator “D – for day format like
indicator periods for entering the or select from dropdown list. 31.10.2008”
requirements date
Enter for period indicator “M”. it “M – Month format like
will consider as the 12.2008”
requirement date is at the
beginning of the month
Reqmnts Requirements Date or R Enter relevant data or select Period indicator determines
dt. period on/in which the from pull down list. which format of the date is to
planned independent be used
requirement is planned.
Planned The planned quantity R Enter relevant Quantity or Always in Base Unit of
qty determines the quantity select from pull down list. measurement
of a planned independent
requirement for a certain
time or a certain period.
Split This indicator causes the O Enter relevant Period split or Left blank
planned quantity to be select from pull down list.
split up into periods within
the defined intervals.
Use MD62 and MD63 to change and display Planned independent requirements.