Power Generation Using Vehicle Suspension

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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT)

(E-ISSN: 2321-9637)
Special Issue National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2017”, 09th April 2017

Power Generation Using Vehicle Suspension

Shubham R.Muley1 ,Nitin M. Pandao2 ,Pallavi M. Bhople3 ,Vishal P. Chatarkar4, Krishna G. Parihar5
Mechanical engineering Department1, 2, 3, 4,5,UG Student PLITMS BULDANA1, 2, 3, 4,5
Email:shubhammuley6233@gmail.com1 , pandaonitin001@gmail.com2

Abstract-Regenerative shock absorber is a type of suspension system that converts parasitic intermittent linear
motion & vibration into usefull energy, such as electricity. Conventional shock absorber simply dissipate these
energy as heat.
In our project, we use shock absorber, rack & pinion arrangement and dynamo. As shock absorber effect
formed, spring is compressed. Linear movement of crank is converted into the rotary motion due to pinion
moves as the rack is meshed with pinion and the pinion is mounted on the shaft which is connected to shaft of
dynamo.due to this arrengement, rotary motion of pinion is used to rotate dynamo. As dynamo rotation leds to
generation of energy. And these energy is used to charge the battery and these store energy is use for different
vehicle accessories like power window, lights & air conditioners etc. this energy applicable in most of the
military vehicles, race automobiles & maximum suspension system.
Keywords- Energy Generation, Suspension System, Dynamo
damper as well as an energy generator. The key
component is a unique motion mechanism, which
We propose a design plan that converts the we called “mechanical motion rectifier (MMR)”, to
mechanical energy in cars to electrical energy much convert the oscillatory vibration into unidirectional
more efficiently than it has been done before. The rotation of the generator.[4]
electricity generated will then be used to recharge the Shock absorbers are a critical part of a suspension
car battery for further use for functioning of the car. system, connecting the vehicle to its wheels. The
This project fulfills the course requirements for Ohio need for dampers arises because of the roll and
State University’s ECE Design Project and will be an pitches associated with vehicle and from the
entry into the Texas Instruments Design contest and roughness of roads. Thus focuses on to develop new
the Honda Design Contest. correlated methodologies that will allow engineers to
Fossil fuels are being consumed with very design components of shock absorbers by using FEM
fast rate. Also the cost of fuel is increasing with a very based tools. Bhoite R. et.al[5]
fast rate. Every need of a human being is in/directly Regenerative braking systems become
related with the cost of fossil fuels like petrol, diesel, increasingly popular, recovering energy that would
cog, and log. So somebody has to work on saving of otherwise be lost through braking. The system was
the fuel consumption. A wide experimentation & designed in SOLIDWORKS. When used in an
work is done on increment of IC engine efficiency.[1] electric vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle the
electricity generated by the shock absorber can be
diverted to its power train to increase battery life.
2. LITERATURE REVIEW Analysis was performed in CFD and values are
The purpose of this literature review Is to go through determined.[4]
the main topics of interest. The literature reviews is Rack–pinion mechanism scheme proposed;
concerned with design of spur gear, DC generator, mechanical motion rectifier (MMR) to convert the
design of shaft, Selection of bearings & shock oscillatory vibration into unidirectional rotation of
absorber with Theoretical and experimental the generator and this prototype’s regenerative
evaluation. efficiency was more than 60% at high frequency
1. Zhongjie Li, Lei Zuo*, JianKuang, and George excitation, which was much better than previous one.
Luhrs , This paper deal with energy-harvesting shock Two over running clutches and a planet gear
absorber is able to recover the energy otherwise mechanism to drive a generator, which can realize the
dissipated in the suspension vibration while similar function. The rotary energy harvesting
simultaneously suppress the vibration induced absorbers translate the up and down suspension
by road roughness.It can work as a controllable vibration into the bi-directional oscillation of the
electrical generation and produce electricity.[5]

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT)
(E-ISSN: 2321-9637)
Special Issue National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2017”, 09th April 2017

reciprocating or turbine steam engine, water falling

through a turbine or waterwheel, an internal
combustion engine, a wind turbine, a hand crank,
3. ELEMENTS compressed air or any other source of mechanical
energy [5].
3.1 Rack & Pinion Assembly
A rack and pinion mechanism is used to transform
3.3 Alternator
rotary motion into linear motion and vice versa. A
round spur gear, the pinion, meshes with a spur gear Without a commentator, a dynamo becomes an
which has teeth set in a straight line, the rack alternator, which is a synchronous singly fed
. generator. When used to feed an electric power grid,
an alternator must always operate at a constant speed
that is precisely synchronized to the electrical
frequency of the power grid. A DC generator can
operate at any speed within mechanical limits, but
always outputs direct current.

Fig 3.1 Rack And Pinion

A rack and pinion is a type of linear actuator that

comprises a pair of gears which convert rotational
motion into linear motion. A circular gear called "the
pinion" engages teeth on a linear "gear" bar called Fig 3.3 Alternator
"the rack"; rotational motion applied to the pinion
causes the rack to move, thereby translating the Typical alternators use a rotating field winding
rotational motion of the pinion into the linear motion excited with direct current, and a stationary (stator)
of the rack [2]. winding that produces alternating current. Since the
rotor field only requires a tiny fraction of the power
3.2 D.C.Generator generated by the machine, the brushes for the field
contact can be relatively small. In the case of a
brushless exciter, no brushes are used at all and the
rotor shaft carries rectifiers to excite the main field
List may be presented with each item marked by
bullets and numbers.
Before the connection between magnetism and
electricity was discovered, electrostatic generators
were invented that used electrostatic principles. These
generated very high voltages and low currents. They
operated by using moving electrically charged belts,
plates and disks to carry charge to a high potential

Fig 3.2. D.C.Generator

In electricity generation, an electric generator is a
device that converts mechanical energy to electrical In this project we have to develop a
energy. A generator forces electric charge (usually suspension energy generation unit by using rack and
carried by electrons) to flow through an external pinion method. It is less costly than the hydraulic unit.
electrical circuit. It is analogous to a water pump,
which causes water to flow (but does not create 1.Vertical movement of rack in actual operation is
water). The source of mechanical energy may be a happened due to suspension movement, but for

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology (IJRAT)
(E-ISSN: 2321-9637)
Special Issue National Conference “CONVERGENCE 2017”, 09th April 2017

experimental purpose we give its movement by hand controlled, while it generates electricity at the same
operation. time by means of the opposing induction forces
("Lorentz force").[1][4]

1.Output power at alternator is 3 watts of minimum 5
mm lift of rack which sufficient to glow the LED
lamp attached to the alternator.
2.For the variation of lift ±5mm to ±20mm DMM
shows the following readings. LED lamps glow when
we operate the rack by hand.
3. The experimental results indicate that advantage of
motion rectifier is more important, further more the
feasibility of this principle and the prototype is
verified by experimental test.
4. The rack and pinion gears is transmitted to D C
Fig 4. Working system generator to the bearing and D C generator generate
2.Hand lever is pushed by hand, this pushing of lever
results in vertical movement of rack attached to the REFERENCES
suspension frame.
3.This rack drives the pinion meshing with it. [1.]D.Venkata RaoȦ, K.Prasada RaoȦ, S.Chiranjeeva
4.On the pinion shaft 2nd gear is mounted which RaoȦ and R.Umamaheswara Rao “Design and
rotates with same RPM as of the pinion speed. Fabrication of Power generation System using
5.This 2nd gear drives the 3rd gear having bigger dia. Speed Breaker” International Journal of Current
Of 98 mm mounted on 2nd shaft. Engineering and Technology E-ISSN 2277 –
6.On this 2nd shaft V-groove pulley is mounted. 4106, P-ISSN 2347 - 5161 ©2014 INPRESSCO®
7.Another pulley is mounted on alternator which is Vol.4, No.4 (Aug 2014)
driven by belt drive. [2.]C. M. Pramodh, S. R. Shankapal “Regenerative
8.As alternator shaft rotates it cuts the magnetic flux Shock Absorber for Hybrid Cars” Department of
and EMF is generated at the output. Automotive & Aeronautical Engineering, M. S.
9.This EMF generated is used to glow the LED lamp, Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, Bangalore-
or we can measure the output voltage and current by 58 Page No. 41 to 45
using DMM for analysis propose.[5] [3.]Meghraj P.Arekar1, Swapnil Shahade “Power
Generating Shock Absorber” International Journal
5. ADVANTAGES of Innovative Research In Science, Engineering
and technology an ISO 3297: 2007 Certified
1. The"electricity-generating suspension system" has Organization Volume 4, Special Issue 3, March
a much higher energy yield than other, known 2015
inventions for example from the USA, which couple [4] Zhang Jin-qiu, PengZhi-zhao*, Zhang Lei, Zhang
an electricity generator to a conventional suspension Yu,“a Reviewon Energy-Regenerative Suspension
system, keeping normal steel springs or airbags and system for vehicles”, WCE 2013, July 3 - 5, 2013,
hydraulic shock absorbers. For more information, see: London, U.K.
www.levantpower.com [5] Zhongjie Li, Lei Zuo*, JianKuang, and George
2. In contrast, with the present invention, a much Luhrs, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
greater proportion of the kinetic energy from the
State University of New York at Stony Brook,
vertical wheel suspension movements and the excess
Stony Brook, NY, 11794
body acceleration energy is converted into electricity
by the coupled linear generators, as the usual steel
springs and shock absorbers are completely omitted
and replaced by a different, completely novel
suspension system.
3. The support and suspension function is provided by
an electronically controlled, double-action hydraulic
4. The vibration-damping function is provided by the
mechanically coupled linear generator, the power and
damping of which are likewise electronically


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