Semana 10 O - Durability - Metha Chapter 5

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durability problems affecting concrete structures in field


Designers of concrete structures have been mostly in-
terest in the strength characteristics of the material; for a A long service life is considered synonymous with
variety of reasons, they must now become durability con- durability. Since durability under one set of conditions
scious. Whereas properly constituted, placed, and cured does not necessarily mean durability under another, it is
concrete enjoys a long service life under most natural and customary to include a general reference to the environ-
industrial environments, premature failures of concrete ment when defining durability. According to ACI Com-
structures do occur and they provide valuable lessons for mittee 201, durability of portland cement concrete is de-
control of factors responsible for lack of durability. fined as its ability to resist weathering action, chemical at-
Water is generally involved in every form of deterio- tack, abrasion, or any other process of deterioration; that
ration, and in porous solids permeability of the material to is, durable concrete will retain its original form, quality,
water usually determines the rate of deterioration. There- and serviceability when exposed to its environment.
fore, at the beginning of this chapter the structure and No material is inherently durable; as a result of en-
properties of water are described with special reference vironmental interactions the microstructure and, conse-
to its destructive effect on porous materials; then factors quently, the properties of materials change with time. A
controlling the permeability of cement paste, aggregates, material is assumed to reach the end of service life when
and concrete, are presented. its properties under given conditions of use have deterio-
Physical effects that adversely influence the durability rated to an extent that the continuing use of the material is
of concrete include surface wear, cracking due to crystal- ruled either unsafe or uneconomical.
lization pressure of salts in pores, and exposure to temper-
ature extremes such as frost or fire. Deleterious chemical
effects include leaching of the cement paste by acidic so- SIGNIFICANCE
lutions, and expansive reactions involving sulfate attack, It is generally accepted now that in designing struc-
alkali-aggregate attack, and corrosion of the embedded tures the durability characteristics of the materials under
steel in concrete. The significance, physical manifesta- consideration should be evaluated as carefully as other as-
tions, mechanisms, and control of various causes of con- pects such as mechanical properties and initial cost. First,
crete deterioration are discussed in detail. there is a better appreciation of the socioeconomic impli-
In the end, special attention is given to performance of cations of durability. Increasingly, repair and replacement
concrete in seawater. Since numerous physical and chem- costs of structures arising from material failures have be-
ical causes of deterioration are simultaneously at work, come a substantial portion of the total construction bud-
a study of the behavior of concrete in seawater provides get. For example, it is estimated that in industrially de-
an excellent opportunity to appreciate the complexity of veloped countries over 40 percent of the total resources


of the building industry are applied to repair and main- deterioration are so closely intertwined and mutually re-
tenance of existing structures, and less than 60 percent inforcing that even separation of the cause from the ef-
to new installations. The escalation in replacement costs fect often becomes impossible. Therefore, a classification
of structures and the growing emphasis of life-cycle cost of concrete deterioration processes into neat categories
rather than first cost are forcing engineers to become dura- should be treated with some care. Since the purpose of
bility conscious. Next, there is a realization that a close such classifications is to explain, systematically and indi-
relation exists between durability of materials and ecol- vidually, the various phenomena involved, there is a ten-
ogy. Conservation of natural resources by making ma- dency to overlook the interactions when several phenom-
terials last longer is, after all, an ecological step. Also, ena are present simultaneously.
the uses of concrete are being extended to increasingly
hostile environments, such as offshore platforms in the
North Sea, containers for handling liquefied gases at cryo- WATER AS AN AGENT OF DETERIORATION
genic temperatures, and high-pressure reaction vessels in Concrete is not the only material that is vulnerable to
the nuclear industry. Failures of offshore steel structures physical and chemical processes of deterioration associ-
in Norway, Newfoundland and Brazil showed that both ated with water. Therefore it will be desirable to review,
the human and economic costs associated with premature in general, the characteristics of water that make it the
and sudden failure of the material of construction can be principal agent of destruction of materials.
very high.1
In the form of seawater, groundwater, rivers, lakes,
rain, snow, and vapor, water is undoubtedly the most
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS abundant fluid in nature. Being small, water molecules
Before a discussion of important aspects of durabil- are capable of penetrating extremely fine pores or cavities.
ity of concrete, a few general remarks on the subject will As a solvent, water is noted for its ability to dissolve more
be helpful. First, water, which is the primary agent of substances than any other known liquid. This property
both creation and destruction of many natural materials, accounts for the presence of many ions and gases in some
happens to be central to most durability problems in con- waters, which, in turn, become instrumental in causing
crete. In porous solids, water is known to be the cause chemical decomposition of solid materials. It may also
of many types of physical processes of degradation. As a be noted that water has the highest heat of vaporization
vehicle for transport of aggressive ions, water can also be among the common liquids; therefore, at ordinary tem-
a source of chemical processes of degradation. Second, peratures it has a tendency to remain in a material in the
the physical-chemical phenomena associated with water liquid state, rather than to vaporize and leave the material
movements in porous solids are controlled by the perme- dry.
ability of the solid. For instance, the rate of chemical de- In porous solids, internal movements, and changes of
terioration would depend on whether the chemical attack structure of water are known to cause disruptive volume
is confined to the surface of concrete, or whether it is also changes of many types. For example, freezing of water
at work inside the material. Third, the rate of deterio- into ice, formation of ordered structure of water inside
ration is affected by the type of concentration of ions in fine pores, development of osmotic pressure due to dif-
water and by the chemical composition of the solid. Un- ferences in ionic concentration, and hydrostatic pressure
like natural rocks and minerals, concrete is a basic mate- buildup by differential vapor pressures can lead to high in-
rial (because alkaline calcium compounds constitute the ternal stresses within a moist solid. A brief review of the
hydration products of portland cement paste); therefore, structure of water will be useful for understanding these
acidic waters are expected to be particularly harmful to phenomena.
Most of our knowledge of physical-chemical pro-
cesses responsible for concrete deterioration comes from Structure of Water
case histories of structures in the field, because it is diffi- The H-O-H molecule is covalent bonded. Due to dif-
cult in the laboratory to simulate the combination of long- ferences in the charge centers of hydrogen and oxygen,
term conditions normally present in real life. However, in the positively charged proton of the hydrogen ion belong-
practice, deterioration of concrete is seldom due to a sin- ing to a water molecule attracts the negatively charged
gle cause; usually, at advanced stages of material degra- electrons of the neighboring water molecules. This rela-
dation more than one deleterious phenomena are found tively weak force of attraction, called the hydrogen bound,
at work. In general, the physical and chemical causes of is responsible for the ordered structure of water.
1 On March 27, 1980, Alexander Kjeland, a steel structure drilling platform off the coast of Stavanger (North Sea) failed suddenly, resulting in the
death of 123 persons. Shortly after this incident an offshore oil-drilling steel structure collapsed near Newfoundland, causing the death of 64 persons.

The highest manifestation of the long-range order in nal movement, a concrete will not be vulnerable to water-
the structure of water due to hydrogen bonding is seen related destructive phenomena, provided that there is a lit-
in ice (Fig. 5-1a). Each molecule of water in ice is sur- tle or no evaporable water left after drying and provided
rounded by four molecules such that the group has one that the subsequent exposure of the concrete to the envi-
molecule at the center and the other four at the corners ronment does not lead to resaturation of the pores. The
of a tetrahedron. In all three directions the molecules latter, to a large extent, depends on the hydraulic conduc-
and groups of molecules are held together by hydrogen tivity, which is also known as the coefficient of permeabil-
bonding. Ice melts at 0◦ C when approximately 15 percent ity (K ). Note that in concrete technology it is a common
of the hydrogen bonds break up. As a result of the par- practice to drop the adjective and refer to K simply as the
tial breakdown in directionality of the tetrahedral bond, permeability.
each water molecule can acquire more than four nearest Garboczi2 has reviewed several theories which at-
neighbors, the density thus rising from 0.917 to 1. The tempt to relate the microstructural parameters of cement
reversibility of the process accounts for the phenomenon products with either diffusivity (the rate of diffusion of
that liquid water, on solidification, expands rather than ions through water-filled pores) or permeability (the rate
shrinks. of viscous flow of fluids through the pore structure). For
Compared to the structure of ice, water at room tem- materials like concrete, with numerous microcracks, a sat-
perature has approximately 50 percent of the hydrogen isfactory pore structure transport property factor is diffi-
bonds broken. Materials in the broken-bond state have cult to determine due to unpredictable changes in the pore
unsatisfied surface charges, which give rise to surface en- structure on penetration of an external fluid. Note that the
ergy. The surface energy in liquids causes surface ten- pore structure transport property of the material is chang-
sion, which accounts for the tendency of a large number ing continuously because of ongoing cycles of narrowing
of molecules to adhere together. It is the high surface ten- and widening of pores and microcracks from physical-
sion of water (defined as the force required to pull the chemical interactions between the penetrating fluid and
water molecules apart) which prevents it from acting as the minerals of the cement paste. According to Garboczi,
an efficient plasticizing agent in concrete mixtures until for a variety of reasons the diffusivity predictions need
suitable admixtures are added (p. ??). more development and validation before their practical
Formation of oriented structure of water by hydrogen usefulness can be proven. For practical purposes, there-
bonding in micropores is known to cause expansion in fore, in this text only permeability if discussed. However,
many systems. In solids the surface energy due to un- it is implied that the term, in a crude sense, covers the
satisfied charges depends on the surface area; therefore, oversall fluid transport property of the material.
the surface energy is high when numerous fine pores are Permeability is defined as the property that governs
present. If water is able to permeate such micropores, the rate of flow of a fluid into a porous solid. For steady-
and if the forces of attraction at the surface of the pores state flow, the coefficient of permeability (K ) is deter-
are strong enough to break down the surface tension of mined from Darcy’s expression:
bulk water and orient the molecules to an ordered struc- dq 1H a
ture (analogous to the structure of ice), this oriented or =K
dt Lµ
ordered water, being less dense than bulk water, will re-
quire more space and will therefore tend to cause expan- where dq/dt is the rate of fluid flow, µ viscosity of the
sion (Fig. 5-1b). fluid, 1H the pressure gradient, A the surface area, and L
the thickness of the solid. The coefficient of permeability
of a concrete to gases or water vapor is much lower than
PERMEABILITY the coefficient for liquid water; therefore, tests for mea-
In concrete, the role of water has to be seen in a proper surement of permeability are generally carried out using
perspective because, as a necessary ingredient for the ce- water that has no dissolved air. Unless otherwise stated,
ment hydration reaction and as a plasticizing agent for the the data in this chapter pertain to permeability of concrete
components of concrete mixtures, water is present from to pure water. It may also be noted that due to their inter-
the beginning. Gradually, depending on the ambient con- action with cement paste the permeabilities of solutions
ditions and the thickness of a concrete element, most of containing ions would be different from the water perme-
the evaporable water in concrete (all the capillary water ability.
and a part of the absorbed water, p. 27) will be lost leaving
the pores empty or unsaturated. Since it is the evaporable Permeability of Cement Paste
water which is freezable and which is also free for inter- In a hydrated cement paste, the size and continuity of
2 E.J. Garboczi: Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 591-601, 1990.

the pores at any point during the hydration process would typical cement pastes in hardened concrete, the volume of
control the coefficient of permeability. As discussed ear- pores in most natural aggregates is usually under 3 percent
lier (p. ??), the mixing water is indirectly responsible and rarely exceeds 10 percent. It is expected, therefore,
for permeability of the hydrated cement paste because its that the permeability of aggregate would be much lower
content determines first the total space and subsequently than that of the typical cement paste. This may not nec-
the unfilled space after the water is consumed by either essarily be the case. From the permeability data of some
cement hydration reactons or evaporation to the environ- natural rocks and cement pastes (Table 5-2) it appears that
ment. The coefficient of permeability of freshly mixed the coefficients of permeability of aggregates are as vari-
cement paste is of the order of 10−4 to 10−5 cm/sec; able as those of hydrated cement pastes of water/cement
with the progress of hydration as the capillary porosity de- ratios in the range 0.38 to 0.71.
creases, so does the coefficient of permeability (Table 5- Whereas the coefficient of permeability of most mar-
1), but there is no direct proportionality between the two. ble, traprock, diorite, basalt, and dense granite may be
For instance, when the capillary porosity decreases from of the order of 1 to 10 × 10−12 cm/sec, some varieties
40 percent to 30 percent (Fig. 2-11), the coefficient of of granite, limestone, sandstones, and cherts show values
permeability drops by a much greater amount (i.e., grow that are higher by two orders of magnitude. The reason
about 110 to 20 × 1012 cm/sec). However, a further de- some aggregates, with as low as 10 percent porosity, may
crease in the porosity from 30 percent to 20 percent would have much higher permeability than cement pastes is be-
bring about only a small drop in permeability. This is cause the size of capillary pores in aggregates is usually
because, in the beginning, as the cement hydration pro- much larger. Most of the capillary porosity in a mature
cess progresses even a small decrease in the total capillary cement paste lies in the range 10 to 100 nm, while pores
porosity is associated with considerable segmentation of in aggregates are, on the average, larger than 10 µ m.
large pores, thus greatly reducing the size and number of With some cherts and liestones the pore size distribution
channels of flow in the cement paste. Typically, about 30 involves a considerable content of finer pores; therefore,
percent capillary porosity represent a point when the in- permeability is low but the aggregates are subject to ex-
terconnections between the pores have already become so pansion and cracking associated with sluggish moisture
tortuous that a further decrease in the porosity of the paste movement and resulting hydrostatic pressure.
is not accompanied by a substantial decrease in the per-
meability coefficient.
Permeability of Concrete
In general, when the water/cement ratio is high and
Theoretically, the introduction of aggregate particles
the degree of hydration is low, the cement paste will have
of low permeability into a cement paste is expected to re-
high capillary porosity; it will contain a relatively large
duce the permeability of the system (especially with high-
number of big and well-connected pores and, therefore,
water/cement-ratio pastes at early ages when the capillary
its coefficient of permeability will be high. As hydration
porosity is high) because the aggregate particles should
progresses, most of the pores will be reduced to small
intercept the channels of flow within the cement paste ma-
size (e.g., 100 nm or less) and will also lose their inter-
trix. Compared to the neat cement paste, therefore, mortar
connections; thus the permeability drops. The coefficient
or concrete with the same water/cement ratio and degree
of permeability of cement paste when most of the capil-
of maturity should give a lower coefficient of permeabil-
lary voids are small and not interconnected is of the order
ity. Test data indicate that, in practice, this is not the case.
of 10−12 cm/sec. It is observed that in normal cement
The two sets of data3 in Fig. 5-2 clearly show that the
pastes the discontinuity in the capillary network is gener-
addition of aggregate to a cement paste or a mortar in-
ally reached when the capillary porosity is about 30 per-
creases the permeability considerably; in fact, the larger
cent. With 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7 water/cement ratio pastes
the aggregate size, the greater the coefficient of perme-
this generally happens in 3, 14, 180, and 365 days of moist
ability. Typically, permeability coefficients for moderate-
curing, respectively. Since the water/cement ratio in most
strength concrete (containing 38 mm aggregate and 356
concrete mixtures seldom exceeds 0.7, it should be obvi-
kg/m3 cement and an 0.5 water/cement ratio), and low-
ous that in well-cured concrete the cement paste is not the
strength concrete used in dams (75 to 150 mm aggregate,
principal contribution factor to the coefficient of perme-
148 kg/m3 cement, and an 0.75 water/cement ratio) are of
the order of 1×10−10 and 30×10−10 cm/sec, respectively.
The explanation as to why the permeability of mortar
Permeability of Aggregates or concrete is higher than the permeability of the corre-
Compared to 30 to 40 percent capillary porosity of sponding cement paste lies in microcracks that are present
3 The permeability coefficient in SI units is expressed as kg/Pa· m·sec, which is approximately 10−3 times smaller than the coefficient expressed in

in the transition zone between the aggregate and the ce- fate expansion, alkali-aggregate expansion, and corrosion
ment paste. As stated earlier (p. 22), the aggregate size of steel in concrete.
and grading affect the bleeding characteristics of a con- It needs to be emphasized again that the distinction
crete mixture which, in turn, influence the strength of the between the physical and chemical causes of deterioration
transition zone. During early hydration periods the transi- is purely arbitrary; in practice, the two are frequently su-
tion zone is weak and vulnerable to cracking due to differ- perimposed on each other. For example, loss of mass by
ential strains between the cement paste and the aggregate surface wear and cracking increases the permeability of
induced generally by drying shrinkage, thermal shrinkage, concrete, which then becomes the primary cause of one or
and externally applied load. The cracks in the transition more processes of chemical deterioration. Similarly, the
zone are too small to be seen by the naked eye, but they are detrimental effects of the chemical phenomena are physi-
larger in width than most capillary cavities present in the cal; for instance, leaching of the components of hardened
cement paste matrix, and thus instrumental in establish- cement paste by soft water or acidic fluids would increase
ing the interconnections, which increase the permeability the porosity of concrete, thus making the material more
of the system. vulnerable to abrasion and erosion.
Owing to the significance of the permeability to phys- An excellent review of the causes, mechanisms, and
ical and chemical processes of deterioration of concrete, control of all types of cracking in concrete is published
which will be described below, a brief review of the fac- by the ACI Committee 224.5 Cracking of concrete due to
tor controlling permeability of concrete should be useful. normal temperature and humidity gradients was discussed
Since strength and permeability are related to each other in Chapter 4; deterioration by surface wear, pressure of
through the capillary porosity (Fig. 2-11), as a first ap- crystallization salts in pores, freeze-thaw cycles, fire, and
proximation the factors that influence the strength of con- various chemical processes will be discussed here.
crete (Fig. 3-14) also influence the permeability. A re-
duction in the volume of large (e.g., > 100 nm) capillary
voids in the paste matrix would reduce the permeability.
This should be possible by using a low water/cement ratio,
adequate cement content, and proper compaction and cur- Progressive loss of mass from a concrete surface can
ing conditions. Similarly, proper attention to aggregate occur due to abrasion, erosion, and cavitation. The term
size and grading, thermal and drying shrinkage strains, abrasion generally refers to dry attrition, such as in the
and avoiding premature or excessive loading are neces- case of wear on pavements and industrial floors by ve-
sary steps to reduce the incidence of microcracking in the hicular traffic. The term erosion is normally used to de-
transition zone, which appears to be a major cause of high scribe wear by the abrasive action of fluids containing
permeability of concrete in practice. Finally, it should be solid particles in suspension. Erosion takes place in hy-
noted that the tortuosity of the path of fluid flow that de- draulic structures, for instance on canal lining, spillways,
termines permeability is also influenced by the thickness and pipes for water or sewage transport. Another possi-
of the concrete element. bility of damage to hydraulic structures is by cavitation,
which relates to loss of mass by formation of vapor bub-
bles and their subsequent collapse due to sudden change
CLASSIFICATION OF CAUSES OF CONCRETE of direction in rapidly flowing water.
DETERIORATION Hardened cement paste does not possess a high resis-
Mehta and Gerwick4 grouped the physical causes of tance to attrition. Service life of concrete can be seriously
concrete deterioration (Fig. 5-3) into two categories: sur- shortened under conditions of repeated attrition cycles,
face wear or loss of mass due to abrasion, erosion, and especially when cement paste in the concrete is of high
cavitation; and cracking due to normal temperature and porosity or low strength, and is inadequately protected by
humidity gradients, crystallization pressures of salts in an aggregate which itself lacks wear resistance. Using
pores, structural loading, and exposure to temperature ex- a special test method, Liu6 found a good correlation be-
tremes such as freezing or fire. Similarly, the authors tween water/cement ratio and abrasion resistance of con-
grouped the chemical causes of deterioration into three crete (Fig. 5-4a). Accordingly, for obtaining abrasion
categories: (1) hydrolysis of the cement paste components resistance concrete surfaces, ACI Committee 201 recom-
by soft water; (2) cation-exchange reactions between ag- mends that in no case should the compressive strength
gressive fluids and the cement paste; and (3) reactions of concrete be less than 4000 psi (28 MPa). Suitable
leading to formation of expansive products, such as in sul- strengths may be attained by a low water/cement ratio,
4 P.K. Mehta and B.C. Gerwick, Jr., Concr. Int., Vol. 4, No. 10, pp. 45-51, 1982.
5 ACI Report 224R-90, Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 3, 1991.
6 T.C. Liu, J. Aci. Proc., Vol. 78, No. 5, p. 346, 1981.

proper grading of fine and coarse aggregate (limit the tance to steady high-velocity flow of clear water, non-
maximum size to 25 mm), lowest consistency practicable linear flow at velocities exceeding 12 m/sec (7 m/sec in
for proper placing and consolidation (maximum slump 75 closed conduits) may cause severe erosion of concrete
mm; for toppings 25 mm), and minimum air content con- through cavitation. In flowing water, vapor bubbles form
sistent with exposure conditions. when the local absolute pressure at a given point in the
When a fluid containing suspended solid particles is water is reduced to ambient vapor pressure of water core-
in contact with concrete, the impinging, sliding, or rolling sponding to the ambient temperature. As the vapor bub-
action of particles will cause surface wear. The rate of bles flowing downstream with water enter a region of
surface erosion will depend on the porosity or strength of higher pressure, they implode with great impact because
concrete, and on the amount, size, shape, density, hard- of the entry of high-velocity water into the previously
ness, and velocity of the moving particles. It is reported vapor-occupied space, thus causing severe local pitting.
that if the quantity and size of solids is small, for exam- Therefore, the concrete surface affected by cavitation is
ple, silt in an irrigation canal, erosion will be negligible irregular or pitted, in contrast to the smoothly worn sur-
at bottom velocities up to 1.8 m/sec (velocity at or above face by erosion from suspended solids. Also, in contrast
which a given particle can be transported). When severe to erosion or abrasion, a strong concrete may not neces-
erosion or abrasion conditions exist, it is recommended sarily be effective in preventing damage due to cavitation;
that, in addition to the use of hard aggregates, the con- the best solution lies in removal of the causes of cavita-
crete should be proportioned to develop at least 6000 psi tion, such as surface misalignments or abrupt changes of
(41 MPa) compressive strength at 28 days and adequately slope. In 1984, extensive repairs were needed for the con-
cured before exposure to the aggressive environment. ACI crete lining of a tunnel of the Glen Canyon Dam (Fig.
Committee 201 recommends at least 7 days of continuous 5-4b); the damage was caused by cavitation attributable
moist curing after the concrete has been finished. to surface irregularities in the lining.
Test methods for the evaluation of wear resistance of
As to additional measures for improving the durabil- concrete are not always satisfactory, because simulation
ity of concrete to abrasion or erosion, it should be noted of the field conditions of wear is not easy in the labora-
that the process of physical attrition of concrete occurs at tory. Therefore, laboratory methods are not intended to
the surface; hence particular attention should be paid to provide a quantitative measurement of the length of ser-
ensure that at least the concrete at the surface is of high vice that may be expected from a given concrete surface;
quality. To reduce the formation of a weak surface called they can be used to evaluate the effects of concrete ma-
laitance (the term is used for a layer of fines from ce- terials and curing or finishing procedures on the abrasion
ment and aggregate), it is recommended to delay float- resistance of concrete.
ing and trowelling until the concrete has lost its surface
ASTM C 779 describes three optional methods for
bleed water. Heavy-duty industrial floors or pavements
testing the relative abrasion resistance of horizontal con-
may be designed to have a 25- to 75-mm-thick topping,
crete surfaces. In the steel-ball abrasion test, load is ap-
consisting of a low water/cement ratio concrete contain-
plied to a rotating head containing steel balls while the
ing hard aggregate of 12.5 mm maximum size. Because
abraded material is removed by water circulation; in the
of very low water/cement ratio, concrete toppings con-
dressing wheel test, load is applied through rotating dress-
taining latex admixtures or superplasticizing admixtures
ing wheels of steel; and in the revolving-disk test, revolv-
are becoming increasingly popular for abrasion or erosion
ing disks of steel are used in conjunction with a silicon
resistance. Also, the use of mineral admixtures, such as
carbide abrasive. In each of the tests, the degree of wear
condensed silica fume, presents interesting possibilities.
can be measured in terms of weight loss after a speci-
Besides causing a substantial reduction in the porosity of
fied time. ASTM C 418 describes the sadblast test, which
concrete after moist curing, the fresh concrete contain-
covers determination of the abrasion resistance character-
ing mineral admixtures is less prone to bleeding. Resis-
istics of concrete by subjecting it to the impingement of
tance to deterioration by permeating fluids and reduction
airdriven silica sand. There are no satisfactory tests for
in dusting due to attrition can also be achieved by appli-
erosion resistance. Due to a direct relationship between
cation of surface-hardening solutions to well-cured new
the abrasion and erosion resistance, the abrasion resis-
floors or abraded old floors. Solutions most commonly
tance data can be used as a guide for erosion resistance.
used for this purpose are magnesium or zinc fluosilicate
or sodium silicate, which react with calcium hydroxide
present in portland cement paste to form insoluble reac- CRACKING BY CRYSTALLIZATION OF SALTS IN
tion products, thus sealing the capillary pores at or near PORES
the surface. ACI Committee 201 cites evidence that a purely phys-
While good-quality concrete shows excellent resis- ical action (not involving chemical attack on the cement)

of crystallization of the sulfate salts in the pores of con- curving around two of the four corners of the slab). This
crete can account for considerable damage. For instance, type of cracking is described by the D-cracking. The dif-
when one side of a retaining wall or slab of a permeable ferent types of concrete deterioration due to frost action
concrete is in contact with a salt solution and the other are shown by the photographs in Fig. 5-5.
sides are subject to evaporation, the material can deterio- Air entrainment has proved to be an effective means
rate by stresses resulting from the pressure of salts crys- of reducing the risk of damage to concrete by frost ac-
tallizing in the pores. In many porous materials the crys- tion. The mechanisms by which frost damage occurs in
tallization of salts from supersaturated solutions is known the cement paste and are entrainment is able to prevent
to produce pressures that are large enough to cause crack- the damage are described below.
ing. In fact, moisture effects and salt crystallization are
believed to be the two most damaging factors in the decay Frost Action on Hardened Cement Paste
of historic stone monuments. Powers aptly described the mechanisms of frost action
Crystallization from a salt solution can occur only in cement paste, and also explained why air entrainment
when the concentration of the (C) exceeds the saturation was effective in reducing expansions associated with the
concentration (Cs ) at a given temperature. As a rule, the phenomenon:
higher the C/Cs ratio (or degree of supersaturation), the
greater the crystallization pressure. Winkler7 determined When water begins to freeze in a capillary cavity, the
the crystallization pressures for salts that are commonly increase in volume accompanying the freezing of
found in pores of rocks, stones, and concrete; these pres- the water requires a dilation of the cavity equals
sures, calculated from the density, molecular weight, and to 9% of the volume of frozen water, or the forc-
molecular volume for a C/Cs ratio of 2, are shown in Ta- ing of the amount of excess water out through the
ble 5-3. At this degree of supersaturating, NaCl (Halite) boundaries of the specimen, or some of both effects.
crystallizing at 0◦ C, 25◦ C, and 50◦ C produces 554, 605, During this process, hydraulic pressure is generated
and 654 atm pressure, respectively. The stress is strong and the magnitude of that pressure depends on the
enough to disrupt most rocks. When the degree of super- distance to an “escape boundary”, the permeability
saturation is 10, the calculated crystallization pressure is of the intervening material, and the rate at which ice
1835 atm at 0◦ C, and 2190 atm at 50◦ C. is formed. Experience shows that disruptive pres-
sures will be developed in a saturated specimen of
paste unless every capillary cavity in the paste is
DETERIORATION BY FROST ACTION not farther than three or four thousandths of an inch
from the nearest escape boundary. Such closely
In cold climates, damage to concrete pavements, re-
space boundaries are provided by the correct use of
taining walls, bridge decks, and railing attributable to
a suitable air-entraining agent.8
frost action (freeze-thaw cycles) is one of the major prob-
lems requiring heavy expenditures for repair and replace- Powers’s data and a diagrammatic representation of
ment. The causes of deterioration of hardened concrete by his hypothesis are shown in Fig. 5-6. During freezing to
frost action can be related to the complex microstructure −24◦ C, the saturated cement paste specimen containing
of the material; however, the deleterious effect depends no entrained air elongated about 1600 millionths, and on
not only on characteristics of the concrete but also on spe- thawing to the original temperature about 500 millionths
cific environmental conditions. Thus a concrete that is permanent elongation (Fig. 5-6a) was observed. The
frost resistant under a given freeze-thaw condition can be specimen containing 2 percent entrained air showed about
destroyed under a different condition. 800 millionths elongation on freezing, and a residual elon-
The frost damage in concrete can take several forms. gation of less than 50 millionths on thawing (Fig. 5-6b).
The most common is cracking and spalling of concrete The specimen containing 10 percent entrained air showed
that is caused by progressive expansion of cement past no appreciable dilation during freezing and no residual di-
matrix from repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Concrete slabs lation at the end of the thawing cycle. Also, it may be
exposed to freezing and thawing in the presence of mois- noted that the air-entrained paste showed contraction dur-
ture and deicing chemicals are susceptible to scaling (i.e., ing freezing (Fig. 5-6c). A diagrammatic illustration of
the finished surface flakes or peels off). Certain coarse Powers’s hypothesis is shown in Fig. 5-6d.
aggregates in concrete slabs are known to cause cracking, Powers also proposed that, in addition to hydraulic
usually parallel to joints and edges, which eventually ac- pressure caused by water freezing in large cavities, the
quires a pattern resembling a large capital letter D (cracks osmotic pressure resulting from partial freezing of solu-
7 E.M. Winkler, Stone: Properties, Durability in Man’s Environment, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1975. p. 120.
8 T.C. Power, The Physical Structure and Engineering Properties of Concrete, Bulletin 90, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Ill., 1958.

tions in capillaries can be another source of destructive urated porous bodies may not necessarily lead to mechan-
expansions in cement paste. Water in the capillaries is not ical damage. Mechanical damage occurs when the rate
pure; it contains several soluble substances, such as alka- of moisture transport is considerably less than demanded
lies, chlorides, and calcium hydroxide. Solutions freeze at by the conditions (e.g., a large temperature gradient, low
lower temperatures than pure water; generally, the higher permeability, and high degree of saturation).
the concentration of a salt in a solution, the lower the
It may be noted that during frost action on cement
freezing point. The existence of local salt concentration
paste, the tendency for certain regions to expand is bal-
gradients between capillaries is envisaged as the source
anced by other regions that undergo contraction (e.g., loss
of osmotic pressure.
of adsorbed water from C-S-H). The net effect on a spec-
The hydraulic pressure due to an increase in the spe-
imen is, obviously, the result of the two opposite tenden-
cific volume of water on freezing in large cavities, and
cies. This satisfactorily explains why the cement paste
the osmotic pressure due to salt concentration differences
containing no entrained air showed a large elongation
in the pore fluid, do not appear to be the only causes of
(Fig. 5-6a), while the cement paste containing 10 percent
expansion of cement pastes exposed to frost action. Ex-
entrained air showed contraction during freezing (Fig. 5-
pansion of cement paste specimens was observed9 even
when benzene, which contracts on feezing, was used as a
pore fluid instead of water.
Analogous to the formation of ice lenses in soil, a cap- Frost Action on Aggregate
illary effect,10 involving large-scale migration of water
Depending on how the aggregate responds to frost ac-
from small pores to large cavities, is believed to be the
tion, a concrete containing entrained air in the cement
primary cause of expansion in porous bodies. According
paste matrix can still be damaged. The mechanism un-
to the theory advanced by Litvan,11 the rigidly held water
derlying the development of internal pressure on freezing
by the C-S-H (both interlayer and adsorbed in gel pores)
a saturated cement paste is also applicable to other porous
in cement paste cannot rearrange itself to form ice at the
bodies; this includes aggregates produced from porous
normal freezing point of water because the mobility of
rocks, such as certain cherts, sadstones, limestones, and
water existing in an ordered state is rather limited. Gener-
shales. Not all porous aggregates are susceptible to frost
ally, the more rigidly a water is held, the lower will be the
damage; the behavior of an aggregate particle when ex-
freezing point. It may be recalled (p. 27) that three types
posed to freeze-thaw cycles depends primarily on the size,
of water are physically held in cement paste; in order of
number, and continuity of pores (i.e., on pore size distri-
increasing rigidity these are the capillary water in small
bution and permeability).
capillaries (10 to 50 nm), the adsorbed water in gel pores,
and the innerlayer water in the C-S-H structure. From the standpoint of lack of durability of concrete to
It is estimated that water in gel pores does not freeze frost action, which can be attributed to the aggregate, Ver-
above −78◦ C. Therefore, when a saturated cement paste beck and Landgren12 proposed three classes of aggregate.
is subjected to freezing conditions, while the water in In the first category are aggregates of low permeability
large cavities turns into ice the gel pore water continues to and high strength, so that on freezing of water the elas-
exist as liquid water in a supercooled state. This creates a tic strain in the particle is accommodated without causing
thermodynamic disequilibrium between the frozen water fracture. In the second category are aggregates of interme-
in capillaries, which acquires a low-energy state, and the diate permeability, that is, those having a significant pro-
supercooled water in gel pores, which is in a high-energy portion of the total porosity represented by small pores of
state. The difference in entropy of ice and supercooled the order of 500 nm and smaller. Capillary forces in such
water forces the latter to migrate to the lower-energy sites small pores cause the aggregate to get easily saturated and
(large cavities), where it can freeze. This fresh supply of to hold water. On freezing, the magnitude of pressure de-
water from the gel pores to the capillary pores increases veloped depends primarily on the rate of temperature drop
the volume of ice in the capillary pores steadily until there and the distance that water under pressure must travel to
is no room to accommodate more ice. Any subsequent find an escape boundary to relieve the pressure. Pressure
tendency for the supercooled water to flow toward the ice- relief may be available either in the form of any empty
bearing regions would obviously cause internal pressure pore within the aggregate (analogous to entrained air in
and expansion of the system. Further, according to Lit- cement paste) or at the aggregate surface. The critical dis-
van, the moisture transport associated with cooling of sat- tance for pressure relief in a hardened cement past if of the
9 J.J. Beaudoin and C. McInnis, Cem. Concr. Res., Vol. 4, pp. 139-48, 1974.
10 U. Meier and A.B. Harnik, Cem. Concr. Res., Vol. 8, pp. 545-51, 1978.
11 G.G. Kitvan, Cem. Concr. Res., Vol. 6, pp. 351-56, 1976.
12 G.J. Verbeck and R. Landgren, Proc. ASTM, No. 60, pp. 1063-79, 1960.

order of 0.2 mm; it is much greater for most rocks because In each case, however, the outcome is controlled actually
of their higher permeability than cement paste. by the interaction of several factors, such as the location
These considerations have given rise to the concept of of escape boundaries (the distance by which water has to
critical aggregate size with respect to frost damage. With travel for pressure relief), the pore structure of the sys-
a given pore size distribution, permeability, degree of sat- tem (size, number, and continuity of pores), the degree of
uration, and freezing rate, a large aggregate may cause saturation (amount of freezable water present), the rate of
damage but smaller particles of the same aggregate would cooling, and the tensile strength of the material that must
not. For example, when 14-day-old concrete specimens be exceeded to cause rupture. As discussed below, provi-
containing a 50:50 mixture of varying sizes of quartz and sion of escape boundaries in the cement paste matrix and
chert used as coarse aggregate were exposed to freeze- modification of its pore structure are the two parameters
thaw cycles, those containing 25- to 12-mm chert required that are relatively easy to control; the former can be con-
183 cycles to show a 50 percent reduction in the modulus trolled by means of air entrainment in concrete, and the
of elasticity, compared to 448 cycles for similarly cured latter by the use of proper mix proportions and curing.
concretes containing 12- to 5-mm chert.13 Air entrainment. It is not the total air, but void
There is no single critical size for an aggregate type spacing of the order of 0.1 to 0.2 mm within every point in
because this will depend on freezing rate, degree of sat- the hardened cement, which is necessary for protection of
uration, and permeability of the aggregate. The perme- concrete against frost damage. By adding small amount
ability plays a dual role: first, it determines the degree of certain air-entraining agents to the cement paste (e.g.,
of saturation or the rate at which water will be absorbed 0.05% by weight of the cement) it is possible to incor-
in a given period of time; and second, it determines the porate 0.05- to 1-mm bubbles. Thus, for a given volume
rate at which water will be expelled from the aggregate on of air depending on the size of air bubbles, the number
freezing (and thus the development of hydraulic pressure). of voids, void spacing, and degree of protection against
Generally, when aggregates larger than the critical size are frost action can vary a great deal. In one experiment,14 5
present in a concrete, freezing is accompanied by pop- to 6 percent air was incorporated into concrete by using
outs, that is, failure of the aggregate in which a part of the one of five different air-entraining agents. Agents A, B,
aggregate piece remains in the concrete and the other part D, E, and F produced 24,000, 49,000, 55,000, 170,000,
comes out with the mortar flake. and 800,000 air voids per cubic centimeter of hardened
Aggregates of high permeability, which generally con- cement paste, and the corresponding concrete specimens
tain a large number of big pores, belong to the third cate- required 29, 39, 82, 100, and 550 freeze-thaw cycles to
gory. Although they permit easy entry and egress of wa- show 0.1 percent expansion, respectively.
ter, they are capable of causing durability problems. This Although the volume of entrained air is not a suffi-
is because the transition zone between the aggregate sur- cient measure for protection of concrete against frost ac-
face and the cement paste matrix may be damaged when tion, assuming that mostly small air bubbles are present, it
water under pressure is expelled from an aggregate parti- is the easiest criterion for the purpose of quality control of
cle. In such cases, the aggregate particles themselves are concrete mixtures. Since the cement paste content is gen-
not damaged as a result of frost action. Incidentally, this erally related to the maximum aggregate size, lean con-
shows why the results form freeze-thaw and soundness cretes with large aggregates have less cement paste than
tests on aggregate alone are not always reliable in predict- rich concretes with small aggregates; therefore, the latter
ing its behavior in concrete. would need more air entrainment for an equivalent degree
It is believed that in concrete pavements exposed to of frost resistance. Total air contents specified for frost
frost action, some sandstone or limestone aggregates are resistance, according to the ACI Building Code 318, are
responsible for the D-cracking phenomenon. The aggre- shown in Table 5-4.
gates that are likely to cause D-cracking seem to have a The aggregate grading also affects the volume of en-
specific pore-size distribution that is characterized by a trained air, which is decreased by an excess of very fine
large volume of very fine pores (i.e., < 1 µm in diame- sand particles. Addition of mineral admixtures such as fly
ter). ash, or the use of very finely ground cements, has a simi-
lar effect. In general, a more cohesive concrete mixture is
Factors Controlling Frost Resistance of Concrete able to hold more air than either a very wet or a very stiff
By now it should be obvious that the ability of a con- concrete. Also, insufficient mixing or overmixing, exces-
crete to resist damage due to frost action depends on the sive time for handling or transportation of fresh concrete,
characteristics of both the cement paste and the aggregate. and overvibration tend to reduce the air content. For these
13 D.L. Bloem, Highway Res. REc., No. 18, pp. 48-60, 1963.
14 H. Woods, Durability of Concrete, ACI Monograph 4, 1968, p. 20.

reasons, it is recommended that air content should be de- Strength. Although there is generally a direct re-
termined on concrete as placed, and the adequacy of void lationship between strength and durability, this does not
spacing be estimated by microscopical determination as hold in the case of frost damage. For example, when
described by the ASTM Standard Method C 457. comparing non-air-entrained with air-entrained concrete,
Water/cement ratio and curing. Earlier it was ex- the former may be of higher strength, but the latter will
plained how the pore structure of a hardened cement paste have a better durability to frost action because of the pro-
is determined by the water/cement ratio and degree of tection against development of high hydraulic pressures.
hydration. In general, the higher the water/cement ratio As a rule of thumb, in medium- and high-strength con-
for a given degree of hydration or the lower the degree cretes, every 1 percent increase in the air content reduces
of hydration for a given water/cement ratio, the higher the strength of concrete by about 5 percent. Without any
will be the volume of large pores in the hydrated cement change in water/cement ratio, a 5 percent air entrainment
paste (Fig. 2-8). Since the readily freezable water re- would, therefore, lower the concrete strength by 25 per-
sides in large pores, it can therefore be hypothesized that cent. Due to the improved workability as a result of en-
at a given temperature of freezing the amount of freezable trained air, it is possible to make up a part of the strength
water will be more with higher water/cement ratios and at loss by reducing the water/cement ratio a little while
earlier ages of curing. Experimental data of Verbeck and maintaining the desired level of workability. Newerthe-
Klieger confirmed this hypothesis (Fig. 5-7a). The influ- less, air-entrained concrete is generally lower in strength
ence of water/cement ratio on frost resistance of concrete than the corresponding non-air-entrained concrete.
is shown in Fig. 5-7b.
The importance of the water/cement ratio on the frost
resistance of concrete is recognized by building codes. Concrete Scalling
For example, ACI 318-83 requires that normal-weight
It is known that resistance of concrete against the com-
concrete subject to freezing and thawing in a moist con-
bined influence of freezing and deicing salts,15 which are
dition should have a maximum 0.45 water/cement ratio in
commonly used to melt ice and show from pavements, is
the case of curbs, gutters, guardrails, or their sections, and
generally lower than its resistance to frost alone. Many re-
0.50 for other elements. Obviously, these water/cement
searchers have observed that the maximum damage to the
ratio limits assume adequate cement hydration; therefore,
concrete surface by scaling occurs at salt concentrations
at least 7 days of moist curing at normal temperature is
of about 4 to 5 percent.
recommended prior to frost exposure.
Degree of saturation. It is well known that dry or According to Harnik et al.,16 the use of deicing salt
partially dry substances do not suffer frost damage (see has both negative and positive effects on frost damage,
box). There is a critical degree of saturation above which and the most dangerous salt deterioration is a consequence
concrete is likely to crack and spall when exposed to very of both effects, the supercooling effect of salt on water
low temperatures. In fact, it is the difference between the (i.e., the lowering of the temperature of ice formation)
critical and the actual degree of saturation that determines may be viewed as a positive effect. On the other hand,
the frost resistance of concrete, as explained in Fig. 5-8. the negative effects are: (1) and increase in the degree of
A concrete may fail below the critical degree of saturation saturation of concrete due to the hygroscopic character of
after adequate curing, but depending on the permeability, the salts; (2) an increase in the disruptive effect when the
it may again reach or exceed the critical degree of satu- supercooled water in pores eventually freezes; (3) the de-
ration when exposed to a moist environment. The role velopment of differential stresses cause by layer-by-layer
of the permeability of concrete is therefore important in freezing of concrete due to salt concentration gradients;
frost action because it controls not only the hydraulic pres- (4) temperature shock as a result of dry application of de-
sure associated with internal water movement on freezing icing salts on concrete covered with show and ice; and (5)
but also the critical degree of saturation prior to freezing. crystal growth in supersaturated solutions in pores. Over-
From the standpoint of frost damage the effect of increase all, the negative effects associated with the application of
in permeability, as a result of cracking due to any physical deicing salts far outweigh the positive effect; therefore,
or chemical causes, should be apparent. the frost resistance of concrete under the combined influ-
ence of freezing and deicing salts is significantly lowered.
Bugs do not freeze to death in winter. Some bugs
are able to reduce the water content in their bodies
so that they can hibernate without freezing; others
contain a natural antifreeze in their blood. DETERIORATION BY FIRE
15 Typically, chlorides of ammonia, calcium, or sodium are used.
16 A.B. Harnik, U. Meier, and Alfred Fösli, ASTM STP 691, 1980, pp. 474-84.

Human safety in the event of fire is one of the con- concrete may take place in the form of surface spalling.
siderations in the design of residential, public, and indus- Spalling occurs when the vapor pressure of steam inside
trial buildings. Concrete has a good service record in this the material increases at a faster rate than the pressure re-
respect. Unlike wood and plastics, concrete is incom- lief by the release of steam into the atmosphere.
bustible and does not emit toxic fumes on exposure to By the time the temperature reaches about 300◦ C, the
thigh temperature. Unlike steel, when subjected to tem- interlayer C-S-H water, and some of the chemically com-
peratures of the order of 700 to 800◦ C, concrete is able bined water from the C-S-H and sulfoaluminate hydrates,
to retain sufficient strength for reasonably long periods, would also be lost. Further dehydration of the cement
thus permitting rescue operations by reducing the risk of paste due to decomposition of calcium hydroxide begins
structural collapse. For example, in 1972 when a 31-story at about 500◦ C, but temperatures on the order of 900◦ C,
reinforced concrete building in São Paulo (Brazil) was ex- are required for complete decomposition of the C-S-H.
posed to a high-intensity fire for over 4 hr, more than 500
persons were rescued because the building maintained its Effect of High Temperature on Aggregate
structural integrity during the fire. It may be noted that The porosity and mineralogy of the aggregate seem
form the standpoint of fire safety of steel structures, a 50- to exercise an important influence on the behavior of con-
to-100 mm coating of concrete or any other fire-resisting crete exposed to fire. Porous aggregates, depending on the
material is routinely specified by building codes. rate of heating and aggregate size, permeability, and mois-
As is the case with other phenomena, many factors ture state, may themselves be susceptible to disruptive
control the response of concrete to fire. Composition of expansions leading to pop-outs of the type described in
concrete is important because both the cement paste and the case of frost attack. Low-porosity aggregates should,
the aggregate consist of components that decompose on however, be free of problems related to moisture move-
heating. The permeability of the concrete, the size of the ments.
element, and the rate of temperature rise are important be- Siliceous aggregates containing quartz, such as gran-
cause they govern the development of internal pressures ite and sandstone, can cause distress in concrete at about
from the gaseous decomposition products. Fire tests have 573◦ C because the transformation of quartz from α to β
shown that the degree of microcracking, and therefore the form is associated with a sudden expansion of the order
strength of concrete, is also influenced by test conditions of 0.85 percent. In the case of carbonate rocks, a similar
(i.e., whether the specimens are tested hot and under load, distress can begin above 700◦ C as a result of the decar-
of after cooling to the ambient humidity and temperature). bonation reaction. In addition to possible phase transfor-
Again, the actual behavior of a concrete exposed to mations and thermal decomposition of the aggregate, the
high temperature is the result of many simultaneously in- response of concrete to fire is influenced in other ways by
teracting factors that are too complex for exacting analy- aggregate mineralogy. For instance, the aggregate miner-
sis. However, for the purpose of understanding their sig- alogy determines the differential thermal expansions be-
nificance, some of the factors are discussed below. tween the aggregate and the cement paste and the ultimate
strength of the transition zone.
Effect of High Temperature on Cement Paste
The effect of increasing temperature on hydrated ce- Effect of High Temperature on Concrete
ment paste depends on the degree of hydration and mois- Abram’s data17 shown in Fig. 5-9 illustrate the ef-
ture state. A well-hydrated portland cement paste, as fect of short-duration exposure up to 1600◦ F (870◦ C)
described before, consists mainly of calcium silicate hy- on compressive strength of concrete specimens with an
drate, calcium hydroxide, and calcium sulfoaluminate hy- average 3900 psi (27 MPa) f c0 before the exposure.
drates. A saturated paste contains large amounts of free Variables included aggregate type (carbonate, siliceous,
water and capillary water, in addition to the adsorbed wa- or lightweight expanded shale) and testing conditions
ter. The various types of water are readily lost on raising (heated unstressed, i.e., without load and tested hot;
the temperature of concrete. However, from the stand- heated with load at stress level that is 40 percent of the
point of fire protection, it may be noted that due to the original strength and tested hot; and tested without load
considerable heat of vaporization needed for the conver- after cooling to ambient temperature).
sion of water into steam, the temperature of concrete will When heated without load and tested hot (Fig. 5-
not rise until all the evaporable water has been removed. 9a), the specimens made with the carbonate aggregate
The presence of large quantities of evaporable water or the sanded lightweight aggregate (60 percent of the
can cause one problem. If the rate of heating is high and fine strengths at temperatures up to 1200◦ F (650◦ C).
the permeability of the cement paste is low, damage to At this temperature, concrete specimens containing the
17 M.S. Abrams, Temperature and Concrete, ACI SP-25, 1973, pp. 33-50.

siliceous aggregates retained only 25 percent of the orig- pore fluid in portland cement pastes. It is obvious that
inal strength; they had retained 75 percent of the original portland cement concrete would be in a state of chemical
strength up to about 800◦ F (427◦ C). The superior perfor- disequilibrium when it comes in contact with an acidic
mance of the carbonate or the lightweight aggregate con- environment.
cretes at the higher temperature of exposure can be due Theoretically, any environment with less than 12.5 pH
to a strong transition zone and less difference in the coef- may be branded aggressive because a reduction of the al-
ficients of thermal expansion between the matrix and the kalinity of the pore fluid would, eventually, lead to desta-
aggregate. bilization of the cementitious products of hydration. Thus,
Strengths of specimens tested hot but loaded in com- from the standpoint of portland cement concrete, most in-
pression (Fig. 5-9b) were up to 25 percent higher than dustrial and natural waters can be categorized as aggres-
those of unloaded companion specimens, but the superior sive. However, the rate of chemical attack on concrete
performance of carbonate and lightweight aggregate con- will be a function of the pH of the aggressive fluid and
cretes was reaffirmed. However, the effect of aggregate the permeability of concrete. When the permeability of
mineralogy on concrete strength was significantly reduced the concrete is low and the pH of the aggressive water is
when the specimens were tested after cooling to 70◦ F or above 6, the rate of chemical attack is considered too slow
21◦ C (Fig. 5-9c). Microcracking in the transition zone as- to be taken seriously. Free CO2 in soft water and stagnant
sociated with thermal shrinkage was probably responsible waters, acidic ions such as SO2− −
4 and CI in groundwater
and seawater, and H in some industrial waters are fre-
for this.
In the range 3300 to 6500 psi f c0 (23 to 45 MPa), quently responsible for lowering the pH below 6, which is
Abrams found that the original strength of the concrete considered detrimental to portland cement concrete.
had little effect on the percentage of compressive strength Again, it needs to be emphasized that chemical re-
retained after high-temperature exposure. In a subsequent actions manifest into detrimental physical effects, such
study18 it was observed that compared to compressive as increase in porosity and permeability, decrease in
strength of the heated specimens, the elastic moduli of strength, and cracking and spalling. In practice, several
concretes made with the three types of aggregate dropped chemical and physical processes of deterioration act at the
more rapidly as the temperature was increased. For ex- same time and may even reinforce each other. For the
ample, at 304 and 427◦ C, the moduli were 70 to 80 per- purpose of developing a clear understanding, the chemi-
cent and 40 to 50 percent of the original value, respec- cal processes can be divided into three subgroups shown
tively. This can be attributed to microcracking in the tran- in Fig. 5-10, and discussed one at a time. Special atten-
sition zone, which has a more damaging effect on flexural tion will be given to sulfate attack, alkali-aggregate attack,
strength and elastic modulus than on compressive strength and corrosion of embedded steel, as these phenomena are
of concrete. responsible for deterioration of a large number of con-
crete structures. Finally, the last section of this chapter
is devoted to durability of concrete in seawater, because
DETERIORATION BY CHEMICAL REACTIONS coastal and offshore structures are exposed to a maze of
The resistance of concrete to deterioration processes interrelated chemical and physical processes of deterio-
triggered by chemical reactions involves generally, but ration, which aptly demonstrate the complexities of con-
not necessarily, chemical interactions between aggressive crete durability problems in practice.
agents present in the external environment and the con-
stituents of the cement paste. Among the exceptions are Hydrolysis of Cement Paste Components
alkali-aggregate reactions which occur between the alka- Water from ground, lakes, and rivers contains chlo-
lies in cement paste and certain reactive materials when rides, sulfates, and bicarbonates of calcium and magne-
present in aggregate, delayed hydration of crystalline CaO sium; it is generally hard water and it does not attack
and MgO if present in excessive amounts in portland ce- the constituents of the portland cement paste. Pure water
ment, and electrochemical corrosion of embedded steel in from condensation of fog or water vapor, and soft water
concrete. from rain or from melting of snow and ice, may contain
In a well-hydrated portland cement paste, the solid little or no calcium ions. When these waters come in con-
phase, which is composed primarily or relatively insol- tact with portland cement paste, they tend to hydrolyze or
uble hydrates of calcium (such as C-S-H, CH, and C-A-S- dissolve the calcium-containing products. Once the con-
H), exists in a state of stable equilibrium with a high-pH tact solution attains chemical equilibrium, further hydrol-
pore fluid. Large concentrations of Na+ , K+ , and OH− ysis of the cement paste would stop. However, in the case
ions account for the high pH value, 12.5 to 13.5, of the of lowing water or seepage under pressure, dilution of the
18 C.R. Cruz, J. Res. & Dev., Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Ill., No. 1, pp. 37-45, 1966.

contact solution will take place, thus providing the con- does not increase the porosity and the permeability of the
dition for continuous hydrolysis. In hydrated portland ce- system.
ment pastes, calcium hydroxide is the constituent that, be- Due to certain features of the carbonic acid attack on
cause of its relatively high solubility in pure water (1230 cement paste, it is desirable to discuss it further. The typ-
mg/liter), is most susceptible to hydrolysis. Theoretically, ical cation-exchange reactions between carbonic acid and
the hydrolysis of the cement paste continues until most calcium hydroxide present in hydrated portland cement
of the calcium hydroxide has been leached away; this ex- paste can be shown as follows:
poses the other cementitious constituents to chemical de-
composition. Eventually, the process leaves behind sil- Ca(OH)2 + H2 CO3 → CaCO3 + 2H2 O (5.2)
ica and alumina gels with little or no strength. Results
from two investigations showing strength loss from port-
land cement pastes by leaching of lime are cited by Bic-
zok19 (Fig. 5-18c). In another case,20 a concrete that had CaCO3 + CO2 + H2 O  Ca(HCO3 )2 (5.3)
lost about a fourth of its original lime content was reduced
After the precipitation of calcium carbonate which is in-
to one-half the original strength.
soluble, the first reaction would stop unless some free
Besides loss of strength, leaching of calcium hydrox-
CO2 is present in the water. By transforming calcium
ide from concrete may be considered undesirable for aes-
carbonate into soluble bicarbonate in accordance with the
thetic reasons. Frequently, the leachate interacts with CO2
second reaction, the presence of freeze CO2 aids the hy-
present in air and results in the precipitation of white
drolysis of calcium hydroxide. Since the second reaction
crusts of calcium carbonate on the surface. The phe-
is reversible, a certain amount of free CO2 , referred to as
nomenon is known as efflorescence.
the balancing CO2 , is need to maintain the reaction equi-
librium. Any free CO2 over and above the balancing CO2
Cation-Exchange Reactions would be aggressive to the cement paste because by driv-
Based on cation exchange, the three types of deleteri- ing the second reaction to the right it would accelerate the
ous reactions that can occur between chemical solutions process of transformation of calcium hydroxide present
and the components of portland cement paste are as fol- in the hydrated paste into the soluble bicarbonate of cal-
lows. cium. The balancing CO2 content of a water depends on
Formation of soluble calcium salts. Acidic solu- its hardness (i.e., the amount of calcium and magnesium
tions containing anions which form soluble calcium salts present in solution).
are frequently encountered in industrial practice. For
It should be noted that the acidity of naturally occur-
example, hydrochloric, sulfuric, or nitric acid may be
ring water is generally due to the dissolved CO2 which is
present in effluents of the chemical industry. Acetic,
found in significant concentrations in mineral waters, sea-
formic, or lactic acid are found in many food products.
water, and groundwater when decaying vegetable or ani-
Carbonic acid, H2 CO3 , is present i soft drinks; high CO2
mal wastes are in contact with the water. Normal ground-
concentrations are also found in natural waters. The
water contain 15 to 40 mg/liter CO2 ; however, concentra-
cation-exchange reaction between the acidic solutions and
tion of the order of 150 mg/liter are not uncommon; sea-
the constituent of portland cement paste give rise to sol-
water contains 35 to 60 mg/liter CO2 . As a rule, when the
uble salts of calcium, such as calcium chloride, calcium
pH of groundwater or seawater is 8 or above, the free CO2
acetate, and calcium bicarbonate, which are removed by
concentration is generally negligible; when the pH is be-
low 7, harmful concentration of free CO2 may be present.
Through the cation-exchange reaction, the solutions
Formation of insoluble and nonexpansive calcium
of ammonium chloride and ammonium sulfate, which are
salts. Certain anions when present in aggressive water
commonly found in the fertilizer and agriculture industry,
may react with cement paste to form insoluble salts of
are able to transform the cement paste components into
calcium; their formation may not cause damage to con-
highly soluble products, for example:
crete unless the reaction product is either expansive (see
2NH4 Cl + Ca(OH)2 → CaCl2 + 2NH4 OH. (5.1) below), or removed by erosion due to flowing solution,
seepage, or vehicular traffic. The products of reaction be-
It should be noted that since both the reaction products tween calcium hydroxide and oxalic, tartaric, tannic, hu-
are soluble, the effects of the attack are more severe than, mic, hydrofluoric, or phosphoric acid belong to the cat-
for instance, MgCl2 solution, which would form CaCl2 egory of insoluble, nonexpansive, calcium salts. When
and Mg(OH)2 . Since the latter is insoluble, its formation concrete is exposed to decaying animal waste or vegetable
19 I. Biczok, Concrete Corrosion and Concrete Protection, Chemical Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1967, p. 291.
20 R.D. Terzaghi, Inc., J. ACI, Proc., Vol. 44, p. 977, 1948.

matter, it is the presence of humic acid that cause chemi- water) endanger concrete and more than 0.5 percent solu-
cal deterioration. ble sulfate in soil (over 2000 mg/liter SO4 in water) may
Chemical attack by solutions containing magne- have a serious effect.
sium salts. Chloride, sulfate, or bicarbonate of magne- Most soils contain some sulfate in the form of gyp-
sium are frequently found in groundwaters, seawater, and sum (typically 0.01 to 0.05 percent expressed as SO4 );
some industrial effluents. The magnesium solutions read- this amount is harmless to concrete. The solubility of gyp-
ily react with the calcium hydroxide present in portland sum in water at normal temperatures is rather limited (ap-
cement pastes to form soluble salts of calcium. As dis- proximately 1400 mg/liter SO4 ). Higher concentrations of
cussed in the next section, MgSO4 solution is the most sulfate in groundwaters are generally due to the presence
aggressive because the sulfate ion can be deleterious to of magnesium and alkali sulfates. Ammonium sulfate is
the alumina-bearing hydrates present in portland cement frequently present in agricultural soil and waters. Efflu-
paste. ent from furnaces that use high-sulfur fuels and from the
A characteristic feature of the magnesium ion attack chemical industry may contain sulfuric acid. Decay of or-
on portland cement paste is that the attack is, eventually, ganic matter in marshes, shallow lakes, mining pits, and
extended to the calcium silicate hydrate, which is the prin- sewer pipes often leads to the formation of H2 S, which
cipal cementitious constituent. It seems that on prolonged can be transformed into sulfuric acid by bacterial action.
contact with magnesium solutions, the C-S-H in hydrated According to ACI Committee 201, the water used in con-
portland cement paste gradually loses calcium ions, which crete cooling towers can also be a potential source of sul-
are replaced by magnesium ions. The ultimate product of fate attack because of the gradual buildup of sulfates from
the substitution reaction is a magnesium silicate hydrate, evaporation of the water. Thus it is not uncommon to find
the formation of which is associated with loss of cementi- deleterious concentrations of sulfate in natural and indus-
tious characteristics. trial environments.
Degradation of concrete as a result of chemical reac-
tions between hydrated portland cement and sulfate ions
REACTIONS INVOLVING FORMATION OF EX- from an outside source is known to take two forms that
PANSIVE PRODUCTS are distinctly different from each other. Which one of the
Chemical reaction that involve formation of expansive deterioration processes is predominant in a given case de-
products in hardened concrete can lead to certain harm- pends on the concentration and source of sulfate ions (i.e.,
ful effects. Expansion may, at first, take place without the associated cation) in the contact water and the compo-
any damage to concrete, but increasing buildup of internal sition of the cement paste in concrete. Sulfate attack can
stress eventually manifests itself by closure of expansion manifest in the form of expansion of concrete. When con-
joints, deformation and displacements in different parts of crete cracks, it permeability increases and the aggressive
the structure, cracking, spalling, and pop-outs. The four water penetrates more easily into the interior, thus acceler-
phenomena associated with expansive chemical reactions ating the process of deterioration. Sometimes, the expan-
are: sulfate attack, alkali-aggregate attack, delayed hydra- sion of concrete causes serious structural problems such
tion of free CaO and MgO, and corrosion of steel in con- as the displacement of building walls due to horizontal
crete. thrust by an expanding slab. Sulfate attack can also take
the form of a progressive loss of strength and loss of mass
due to deterioration in the cohesiveness of the cement hy-
dration products. A brief review of some theoretical as-
A survey21 of 42 concrete structures located along
pects of sulfate-generated failures, selected case histories,
the Gulf coast of eastern Saudi Arabia showed that most
and control of sulfate attack follows.
structures suffered from an undesirably high degree of de-
terioration within a short period of 10 to 15 years; de-
terioration was attributed mainly to two causes: corro- Chemical Reactions Involved in Sulfate Attack
sion of reinforcement and sulfate attack. Sulfate attack Calcium hydroxide and alumina-bearing phases of
on concrete has been reported from many other parts of hydrated portland cement are more vulnerable to at-
the world, including the Canadian prairie provinces and tack by sulfate ions. On hydration, portland cements
the western United States. In fact, as early as 1936 a con- with more than 5 percent potential C3 A 22 will contain
crete construction manual published by the U.S. Bureau most of the alumina in the form of monosulfate hydrate,
of Reclamation warned that concentrations of soluble sul- C3 A·CS·H18 . If the C3 A content of the cement is more
fates greater than 0.1 percent in soil (150 mg/liter SO4 in than 8 percent, the hydration products will also contain
21 Rasheeduzzafar et al., J. ACI, Proc., Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 13-20, 1984.
22 For cement chemistry abbreviations see Table 6.1.

C3 A·CH·H18 . In the presence of calcium hydroxide in the stability of the C-S-H in the system is reduced and it
portland cement pastes, when the cement paste comes in is also attacked by the sulfate solution. The magnesium
contact with sulfate ions, both the alumina-containing hy- sulfate attack is, therefore, more severe on concrete.
drates are converted to the high-sulfate form (ettringite,
C3 A·3CS·H32 :
Selected Cases Histories
C3 A· CS· H18 + 2CH + 2S+ 12H → C3 A·3CS·H32 An interesting case history of sulfate attack by spring
(5.4) water on Elbe River bridge piers in Magdeburg, East Ger-
many, is reported by Biczok.25 The pier-sinking opera-
tion in a closed caisson opened up a spring. The spring
C3 A· CH· H18 + 2CH + 3S+ 11H → C3 A·3CS·H32
water contained 2040 mg/liter SO4 . The expansion of the
concrete lifted the piers by 8 cm in 4 years and caused
There is general agreement that the sulfate-related expan-
extensive cracking, which made it necessary to demolish
sions in concrete are associated with ettringite; however,
and rebuild the piers. Obviously, such occurrences of sul-
the mechanisms by which ettringite formation causes ex-
fate expansion can be avoided by a thorough survey of
pansion is still a subject of controversy.23 Exertion of
environmental conditions, and by providing suitable pro-
pressure by growing ettringite crystals, and swelling due
tection against sulfate attack when necessary.
to adsorption of water in alkaline environment by poorly
crystalline ettringite, are two of the several hypotheses Bellport26 described the experience of the U.S. Bu-
that are supported by most researchers. reau of Reclamation in regard to sulfate attack on hy-
Gypsum formation as a result of cation-exchange re- draulic structures located in Wyoming, Montana, South
actions is also capable of causing expansion. However, it Dakota, Colorado, and California. In some cases, the sol-
has been observed24 that deterioration of hardened port- uble sulfate content of soil was as high as 4.55 percent,
land cement paste by gypsum formation goes through a and the sulfate concentration of water was up to 9900
process leading to the reduction of stiffness and strength; mg/liter. Many cases of serious deterioration of concrete
this is followed by expansion and cracking, and eventual structures, 5 to 30 years old, were reported. Research
transformation of the material into a mushy or noncohe- studies showed that sulfate-resisting cements containing 1
sive mass. to 3 percent potential C3 A performed better than 0 percent
Depending on the cation type present in the sulfate C3 A cements, which contained unusually large amounts
solution (i.e., Na+ or Mg2+ ), both calcium hydroxide and of tricalcium silicate (58 to 76 percent).
the C-S-H of portland cement paste may be converted to As a result of sulfate exposure for 20 years, strength
gypsum by sulfate attack: loss was reported from concrete structures of the Ft. Peck
Dam in Montana (Fig. 5-11). The sulfate content of
Na2 SO4 + Ca(OH)2 + 2H2 O → CaSO4 · 2H2 O + 2NaOH
groundwaters, due entirely to alkali sulfates, was up to
10,000 mg/linter. An investigation of the deteriorated
concretespecimens (Fig. 5-12) showed large amounts of
MgSO4 + Ca(OH)2 + 2H2 O → CaSO4 · 2H2 O + Mg(OH)
gypsum formed at the expense of the cementitious con-
3MgSO4 +3CaO·2SiO2 · 3H2 O + 8H2 0 → stituents normally present in hydrated portland cement
 Similar cases of sulfate deterioration are re-
3(CaSO4 ·2H2 O) + 3Mg(OH)2 + 2SiO2 · H2 O
(5.7) ported from the prairie soils in western Canada, which
In the first case (sodium sulfate attack), formation of contain as high as 1 1/2% alkali sulfates (groundwaters
sodium hydroxide as a by-product of the reaction ensures frequently contain 4000 to 9000 mg/liter sulfate). Typ-
the continuation of high alkalinity in the system, which ically, as a consequence of the sulfate attack, concrete
is essential for stability of the main cementitious phase was rendered relatively porous or weak and, eventually,
(C-S-H). On the other hand, in the second case (magne- reduced to a sandy (noncohesive) mass.
sium sulfate attack) conversion of calcium hydroxide to Verbeck28 reported the results of a long-time investi-
gypsum is accompanied by formation of the relatively in- gation on concrete performance in sulfate soils located at
soluble and poorly alkaline magnesium hydroxide; thus Sacramento, California. Concrete specimens made with
23 M.D. Cohen and B. Matgher, ACI Materials Jour., Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 62-69, 1991.
24 P.K. Mehta, Cem. Concr. Res., Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 401-6, 1983.
25 Biczok, Concrete Corrosion and Concrete Protection.
26 B.P. Bellport, in Performance of Concrete, ed. E.G. Swenson, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1968, pp. 77-92.
27 T.E. Reading, ACI SP 47, 1975; pp. 343-66; and P.K. Mehta, J. ACI, Proc., Vol. 73, No. 4, pp. 237-38, 1976.
28 G.J. Verbeck, in Performance of Concrete, ed. E.G. Swenson, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1968.

different types of portland cement at three cement con- (4) the form of construction, and (5) the quality of con-
tents were used. The soil in the basin contained approx- crete. If the sulfate water cannot be prevented from reach-
imately 10 percent sodium sulfate. The deterioration of ing the concrete, the only defense against attack lies in the
the concrete specimens was evaluated by visual inspec- control of factor 5, as discussed below. It is observed that
tion, and by measurement of strength and dynamic mod- the rate of attack on a concrete structure with all faces
ulus of elasticity after various periods of exposure. Ver- exposed to sulfate water is less than if moisture can be
beck’s data regarding the effect of C3 A content of port- lost by evaporation from one or more surfaces. Therefore,
land cement and the cement content of concrete on the basements, culverts, retaining walls, and slabs on ground
average rate of deterioration are shown in Fig. 5-13. The are more vulnerable than foundations and piles.
results clearly demonstrate that the cement content (in The quality of concrete, specifically a low permeabil-
other words, the permeability of concrete) had more influ- ity, is the best protection against sulfate attack. Ade-
ence on the sulfate resistance than the composition of ce- quate concrete thickness, high cement content, low wa-
ment. For example, the performance of concrete contain- ter/cement ratio and proper compaction and curing of
ing 390kg/m3 of the 10 percent C3 A cement was two to fresh concrete are among the important factors that con-
three times better than the concrete containing 310 kg/m3 tribute to low permeability. In the event of cracking due
of the 4 percent C3 A cement (Fig. 5-13a). With a high- to drying shrinkage, frost action, corrosion of reinforce-
C3 A cement (11 percent C3 A), the effective C3 A content ment, or other causes, additional safety can be provided
in the cementitious mixture can be reduced by the addition by the use of sulfate-resisting cements.
of a pozzolanic admixture such as fly ash (Fig. 5-13b), Portland cement containing less than 5 percent C3 A
thus causing a beneficial effect on the sulfate resistance. (ASTM Type V) is sufficiently sulfate resisting under
An interesting case of sulfate attack was brought to the moderate conditions of sulfate attack (i.e., when ettrig-
attention of the authors, which showed that soil, ground- ite forming reactions are the only consideration). How-
waters, seawater, and industrial waters are not the only ever, when high sulfate concentrations of the order of
sources of sulfate. Deterioration of the drypack grout be- 1500 mg/liter or more are involved (which are normally
tween the cantilevered precast concrete girders and the associated with the presence of magnesium and alkali
cast-in-place concrete bleacher girders was reported from cations), the Type V portland cement may not be effec-
Candlestick Park Stadium (fig. 1-7) in San Francisco, Cal- tive against the cation-exchange reactions involving gyp-
ifornia.29 Apparently, the grout was not compacted prop- sum formation, especially if the C3 S content of the ce-
erly during construction; therefore, leaching of the ce- ment is high.32 Under these conditions, experience shows
mentitious material resulted in a high strength loss30 and that cements potentially containing a little or no calcium
caused the formation of calcium carbonate stalactites in hydroxide on hydration perform much better: for in-
the vicinity. X-ray diffraction analysis of the deteriorated stance, high-alumina cements, portland blast-furnace slag
material showed the presence of considerable amounts of cements with more than 70 percent slag, and portland poz-
ettringite and gypsum formed as a result of sulfate attack. zolan cements with at lest 25 percent pozzolan (natural
It may be noted that the joint containing the grout is lo- pozzolan, calcined clay, or low-calcium fly ash).
cated 18 to 30 m above ground level. Due to inadequate Based on standards originally developed by the U.S.
drainage, it was found that rain water had accumulated in Bureau of Reclamation, sulfate exposure is classified into
the vicinity of the mortar. It seems that, due to air pollu- four degrees of severity in the ACI Building Code 318-83,
tion, the sulfates present in rain water (see box below) can which contains the following requirements:
cause deterioration of mortar or concrete above ground. • Negligible attack: When the sulfate content is un-
This is likely to happen when the material is permeable, der 0.1 percent in soil, or under 150 ppm (mg/liter)
and when during design and construction adequate pre- in water, there shall be no restriction on the cement
cautions are not taken for drainage of rain water. type and water/cement ratio.
• Moderate attack: When the sulfate content is 0.1
Control of Sulfate Attack to 0.2 percent in soil, or 150 to 1500 ppm in wa-
According to a BRE Digest,31 the factors influencing ter, ASTM Type II portland cement or portland
sulfate attack are (1) the amount and nature of the sulfate pozzolan or portland slag cement shall be used,
present, (2) the level of the water table and its seasonal with less than an 0.5 water/cement ratio for normal-
variation, (3) the flow of groundwater and soil porosity, weight concrete.
29 Engineering New Record, p. 32, January 5, 1984.
30 Group cores showed about 600 to 1000 psi against the normal 4000 psi compressive strength.
31 Building Research Establishment Digest 250, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, 1981. Hereafter, BRE Digest 250.
32 Bellport, in Performance of Concrete, p. ??.

• Severe attack: When the sulfate content is 0.2 to ling the phenomenon, are discussed below.
2.00 percent in soil, or 1500 to 10,000 ppm in wa-
ter, ASTM Type V portland cement, with less than Cements and Aggregate Types Contributing
an 0.45 water/cement ratio, shall be used.
to the Reaction
Raw materials used in portland cement manufacture
• Very severe attack: When the sulfate content is account for the presence of alkalies in cement, typically
over 2 percent in soil, or over 10,000 ppm in water, in the range 0.2 to 1.5 percent equivalent34 Na2 O. De-
ASTM Type V cement plus a pozzolanic admixture pending on the alkali content of a cement, the pH of the
shall be used, with less than an 0.45 water/cement pore fluid in normal concretes is generally 12.5 to 13.5.
ratio. For lightweight-aggregate concrete, the ACI This pH represents a caustic or strongly alkaline liquid
Building Code specifies a minimum 28-day com- in which some acidic rocks (i.e., aggregates composed of
pressive strength of 4250 psi for severe or very se- silica and siliceous minerals) do not remain stable on long
vere sulfate-attack conditions. exposure.
Both laboratory and field data from several studies
It is suggested that with normal-weight concrete a in the United States showed that portland cements con-
lower water/cement ratio (or higher strength in the case of tained more than 0.6 percent equivalent Na2 O, when used
lightweight concrete) may be required for watertightness in combination with an alkali-reactive aggregate, caused
or for protection against corrosion of embedded items and large expansions due to the alkali-aggregate reaction (Fig.
freezing and thawing. For every severe attack conditions 5-14a). ASTM C 150 therefore designated the cements
BRE Digest 250 requires the use of sulfate-resisting port- with less than 0.6 percent equivalent Na2 O as low-alkali,
land cement, a maximum 0.45 water/cement ratio, a mini- and with more than 0.6 percent equivalent Na2 O as high-
mum 370 kg/m3 cement content, and a protective coating alkali. In practice, cement alkali contents of 0.6 percent
on concrete. It may be noted that concrete coatings are or less are usually found sufficient to prevent damage due
not a substitute for high-quality or low-permeability con- to the alkali-aggregate reaction irrespective of the type of
crete because it is difficult to ensure that thin coating will reactive aggregate. With concretes containing very high
remain unpunctured and that thick ones will not crack. cement content, even less than 0.6 percent alkali in ce-
ACI Committee 515 recommendations should be consid- ment may prove harmful. Investigations in Germany and
ered for barrier coatings to protect concrete from various England have shown that if the total alkali content of the
chemicals. concrete from all sources is below 3 kg/m3 , damage will
probably not occur.
As discussed below, the presence of both hydroxyl
ALKALI-AGGREGATE REACTION ions and alkali-metal ions appear to be necessary for the
Expansion and cracking, leading to loss of strength, expansive phenomenon. Due to the large amount of cal-
elasticity, and durability of concrete can also result from cium hydroxide in hydrated portland cements, the con-
chemical reaction involving alkali ions from portland ce- centration of hydroxylions in the pore fluid remains high
ment (or from other sources), hydroxylions, and certain even in low-alkali cements; in this case the expansive phe-
siliceous constituents that may be present in the aggre- nomenon will therefore be limited by the short supply of
gate. In recent literature, the phenomenon is referred to alkali-metal ions unless these ions are furnished by any
as alkali-silica reaction. Pop-outs and exudation of a vis- other source, such as alkali-containing admixtures, salt-
cous alkali-silicate fluid are other manifestations of the contaminated aggregates, and penetration of seawater of
phenomenon, a description of which was first published deicing solutions containing sodium chloride into con-
in 1940 by Stanton33 from investigations of cracked con- crete.
crete structures in California. Since then, numerous exam- In regard to alkali-reactive aggregates, depending on
ples of concrete deterioration from other parts of the world time, temperature, and particle size, all silicate or silica
have been reported to show that the alkali-silica reaction is minerals, as well as silica in hydrous (opal) or amor-
at least one of the causes of distress in structures located phous form (obsidian, silica glass), can react with alka-
in humid environments, such as dams, bridge piers, and line solutions, although a large number of minerals re-
sea walls. Characteristics of cements and aggregates that act only to an insignificant degree. Feldspars, pyroxenes,
contribute to the reaction, mechanisms associated with ex- amphiboles, micas, and quartz, which are the constituent
pansion, selected case histories, and methods of control- minerals of granites, gneisses, schists, sandstones, and
33 T.E. Stanton, Proc. ASCE, Vol. 66, p. 1781-812, 1940.
34 Both sodium and potassium compounds are usually present in portland cements. However, it is customary to express the alkali content of cement
as acid-soluble sodium oxide equivalent, which is equal to Na2 O + 0.658K2 O.

basalts, are classified as innocuous minerals. Opal, ob- gregate of sand-size alkali-reactive particles, especially
sidian, cristobalite, tridymite, chalcedony, cherts, cryp- in the size range 1 to 5mm. Satisfactory explanations
tocrystalline volcanic rocks (andesites and rhyolites), and for these observations are not available due to the simul-
strained or metamorphic quartz have been found to be al- taneous interplay of many complex factors; however, a
kali reactive, generally in the decreasing order of reactiv- lower water adsorption tendency of alkali-silica gels with
ity. A comprehensive list of substances responsible for a higher silica/alkali ratio, and relief of hydraulic pressure
deterioration of concrete by alkali-aggregate reaction is at the surface of the reactive particle when its size is very
given in Fig. 5-14b. A few cases of reaction between al- small, may partially explain these observations.
kali and carbonate rocks are also reported in the literature,
but they will not be discussed here.
Selected Case Histories
Mechanisms of Expansion From published reports of concrete deterioration due
Depending on the degree of disorder in the aggre- to alkali-aggregate reaction, it seems that deposits of
gate structure and its porosity and particle size, alkali- alkali-reactive aggregates are widespread in the United
silicate gels of variable chemical composition are formed States, eastern Canada, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand,
in the presence of hydroxyl and alkali-metal ions. The South Africa, Denmark, Gemany, England, and Iceland.
mode of attack in concrete involves depolymerization or Blanks and Kennedy36 described some of the earlier cases
breakdown of silica structure35 of the aggregate by hy- in the United States. According to the authors, deteriora-
droxyl ions followed by adsorption of the alkali-metal tion was first observed in 1922 at the Buck hydroelectric
ions on newly created surface of the reaction products. plant on the New River (Virginia), 10 years after construc-
Like marine soils containing surface-adsorbed sodium or tion. As early as 1935, R.J. Holden had concluded from
potassium, when the alkali silicate gels come in contact petrographic studies of concrete that the expansion and
with water, they sell by imbibing a large amount of wa- cracking were caused by chemical reaction between the
ter through osmosis. The hydraulic pressure so developed cement and the phyllite rock used as aggregate. Linear
may lead to expansion and cracking of the affected ag- expansion in excess of 0.5 percent caused by the alkali-
gregate particles, the cement paste matrix surrounding the aggregate reaction had been detected in concrete. The
aggregates, and the concrete. crown of an arch dam in California deflected upstream
Solubility of the alkali silicate gels in water accounts by about 127 mm in 9 years following construction in
for their mobility from the interior of aggregate to the 1941. Measurements at Parker Dam (California-Arizona)
microcracked regions both within the aggregate and the showed that expansion of the concrete increased from the
concrete. Continued availability of water to be concrete surface to a depth of 3 m, and linear expansions in excess
causes enlargement and extension of the microcracks, of 0.1 percent were detected.
which eventually reach the outer surface of the concrete. Since chemical reactions are a function of tempera-
The crack pattern is irregular and is therefore referred to ture, in colder countries, such as Denmark, Germany, and
as map cracking. England, it was first thought that the alkali-silica reaction
It should be noted that the evidence of alkali-aggregate may not be a problem. Subsequent experience with cer-
reaction in a cracked concrete does not necessarily prove tain alkali-reactive rocks has shown that the assumption
that the reaction is the principal cause of cracking. Among was incorrect. For example, in 197137 it was discovered
other factors, development of internal stress depends on that concrete of the Val de la Mare dam in the United
the amount, size, and type of the reactive aggregate Kingdom (Fig. 5-15) was suffering from alkali-silica re-
present and the chemical composition of the alkali-silicate action, possibly as a result of the use of a crushed diorite
gel formed. It is observed that when a large amount of a rock containing veins of amorphous silica. Extensive re-
reactive material is present in a finely divided form (i.e., medial measures were needed to ensure the safety of the
under 75 µm), there may be considerable evidence of the dam. By 1981,38 evidence of concrete deterioration at-
reaction, but expansions to any significant extent do not tributable to alkali-silica reaction was found in 23 struc-
occur. On the other hand, many case histories of expan- tures, 6 to 17 years old, located in Scotland, the Midlands,
sion and cracking of concrete attributable to the alkali- Wales, and other parts of southwestern England. Many of
aggregate reaction are associated with the presence in ag- the structures contained concrete made with inadequately
35 In the case of sedimentary rocks composed of clay minerals such as phyllites, graywackes, and argillites, exfoliation of the sheet structure due to
hydroxyl ion attack and water adsorption is the principal cause of expansion. In the case of dense particles of glass and flint, reaction rims form around
the particles with the onion-ring type of progressive cracking and peeling.
36 R.F. Blanks and H.L. Kennedy, The Technology of Cement and Concrete, Vol. 1, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 1955, pp. 316-341.
37 J.W. Figg, Concrete, Cement and Concrete Association, Grosvenor Crescent, London, Vol. 15, No. 7, 1981, pp. 18-22.
38 D. Palmer, Concrete, Cement and Concrete Association, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1981, pp. 24-27.

washed sea-dredged aggregates. Control of the access of water to concrete by prompt re-
pair of any leaking joints is therefore highly desirable to
Control of Expansion prevent excessive concrete expansions.
From the foregoing description of case histories and
mechanisms underlying expansion associated with the
alkali-aggregate reaction it may be concluded that the HYDRATION OF CRYSTALLINE MgO AND CaO
most important factors influencing the phenomenon are: Numerous reports, including a review by Mehta,41 in-
(1) the alkali content of the cement and the cement con- dicate that hydration of crystalline MgO or CaO, when
tent of the concrete; (2) the alkali-ion contribution from present in substantial amounts in cement, can cause ex-
sources other than portland cement, such as admixtures, pansion and cracking in concrete. The expansive effect of
salt-contaminated aggregates, and penetration of seawater high MgO in cement was first recognized in 1884, when a
or deicing salt solution into concrete; (3) the amount, size, number of concrete bridges and viaducts in France failed
and, reactivity of the alkali-reactive constituent present in two years after construction. About the same time the
the aggregate; (4) the availability of moisture to the con- town hall of Kassel in Germany had to be rebuilt as a re-
crete structure; and (5) the ambient temperature. sult of expansion and cracking attributed to MgO in ce-
When cement is the only source of alkali ions in con- ment. The French and the German cements contained 16
crete and alkali-reactive constituents are suspected to be to 30 percent and 27 percent MgO, respectively. This led
present in the aggregate, experience shows that the use of to restrictions in the maximum permissible MgO. For ex-
low-alkali portland cement (less than 0.6 percent equiv- ample, the current ASTM Standard Specification for Port-
alent Na2 O) offers the best protection against alkali at- land Cement (ASTM C 150-83) requires that the MgO
tack. If beach sand or sea-dredged sand and gravel are to content in cement shall not exceed 6 percent.
be used, they should be washed with sweet water to en- Although expansion due to hydration of crystalline
sure that the total alkali content39 from the cement and CaO has been known for a long time, in the United States
aggregates in concrete does not exceed 3 kg/m3 . If a the deleterious effect associated with the phenomenon
low-alkali portland cement is not available, the total al- was recognized in the 1930s when certain 2- to 5-year-
kali content in concrete can be reduced by replacing a old concrete pavements cracked. Initially suspected to
part of the high-alkali cement with cementitious or poz- be due to MgO, later the expansion and cracking were
zolanic admixtures such as granulated blast-furnace slag, attributed to the presence of hard-burnt CaO in the ce-
volcanic glass (ground pumice), calcined clay, fly ash, or ments used for construction of the pavements.42 Labo-
condensed silica fume.40 It should be noted that, similar ratory tests showed that cement pastes made with a low-
to the well-bound alkalies in most feldspar minerals, the MgO portland cement, which contained 2.8 percent hard-
alkalies present in slags and pozzolans are acid-insoluble burnt CaO, showed considerable expansion. However, in
and probably are not available for reaction with aggregate. concrete, due to the restraining effect of aggregate, rel-
In addition to reduction in the effective alkali content, atively large amounts of hard-burnt CaO are needed to
the use of pozzolanic admixtures results in the formation obtain a significant expansion. The phenomenon is vir-
of less expansive alkali-silicate products with a high sil- tually unknown in modern concretes because better man-
ica/alkali ratio. In countries such as Iceland where only ufacturing controls ensure that the content of uncombined
alkali-reactive volcanic rocks are available and the cement or crystalline CaO in portland cements seldom exceeds 1
raw materials are such that only high-alkali portland ce- percent.
ment is produced, all portland cement is now blended with The crystalline MgO (periclase) in a portland cement
condensed silica fume. clinker which has been exposed to 1400 to 1500◦ C is es-
With mildly reactive aggregates, another approach for sentially inert to moisture at room temperature because
reducing concrete expansion is to sweeten the reactive ag- reactivity of periclase drops sharply when heated above
gregate with 25 to 30 percent limestone or any other non- 900◦ C. No cases of structural distress due to the presence
reactive aggregate if it is economically feasible. Finally, of periclase in cement are reported from countries such
it should be remembered that subsequent to or simulta- as Brazil, where raw material limitations compel some
neously with the progress of the reaction, moisture avail- cement producers to manufacture portland cements con-
ability to the structure is essential for expansion to occur. taining more than 6 percent MgO. Several cases of ex-
39 The total alkali content is the acid-soluble alkali determined by a standard chemical test method.
40 Condensed silica fumes is an industrial by-product which consists of highly reactive silica particles on the order of 0.1 µm in size.
41 P.K. Mehta, ASTM STP 663, 1978, pp. 35-60.
42 Conversion of CaCO to CaO can occur at 900 to 1000◦ C. The CaO thus formed can hydrate rapidly and is called soft-burnt lime. Since portland
cement clinker is heat-treated to 1400 to 1500◦ C, any uncombined CaO present is called hard-burnt, and it hydrates slowly. It is the slow hydration of
hard-burnt CaO in a hardened cement paste that causes expansion

pansion and cracking of concrete structures were reported process. The electrochemical potentials to form the cor-
from Oakland (California) when the aggregate used for rosion cells may be generated in two ways:
making concrete was found to have been accidentally con-
taminated with crushed dolomite bricks, which contained 1. Composition cells may be formed when two dis-
large amounts of MgO and CaO calcined at temperatures similar metals are embedded in concrete, such as
far below 1400◦ C. steel rebars and aluminum conduit pipes, or when
significant variations exist in surface characteristics
of the steel.
2. Concentration cells may be formed due to dif-
ferences in concentration of dissolved ions in the
Deterioration of concrete containing embedded met-
vicinity of steel, such as alkalies, chlorides, and
als, such as conduits, pipes, and reinforcing and prestress-
ing steel, is attributable to the combined effect of more
than one cause; however, corrosion of the embedded metal As a result, one of the two metals (or some parts of
is invariably one of the principal causes. A survey43 of the metal when only one metal is present) becomes an-
collapsed buildings in England showed that from 1974 to odic and the other cathodic. The fundamental chemical
1978, the immediate cause of failure of at least eight con- changes occurring at the anodic and cathodic areas46 are
crete structures was corrosion of reinforcing or prestress- follows (see also Fig. 5-16b).
ing steel. These structures were 12 to 40 years old at the The transformation of metallic iron to rust is accom-
time of collapse, except one which was only 2 years old. panied by an increase in volume which, depending on the
It is to be expected that when the embedded steel is state of oxidation, may be as large as 600 percent of the
protected from air by an adequately thick cover of low- original metal (Fig. 5-16c). This volume increase is be-
permeability concrete, the corrosion of steel and other lieved to be the principal cause of concrete expansion and
problems associated with it would not arise. That this ex- cracking. It should be noted that the anodic reaction in-
pectation is not fully met in practice is evident from the volving ionization of metallic iron will not progress far
unusually high frequency with which even properly built unless the electron flow to the cathode is maintained by
reinforced and prestressed concrete structures continue to consumption of the electrons at the cathode; for this the
suffer damage due to steel corrosion. The magnitude of presence of both air and water at the surface of the cath-
damage is especially large in structures exposed to ma- ode is absolutely necessary. Also, ordinary iron and steel
rine environments and to deicing chemicals. For example, products are covered by a thin iron-oxide film which be-
in 1975 it was reported44 that the U.S. Interstate Highway comes impermeable and strongly adherent to the steel sur-
System alone needed $6 billion for repair and replacement face in alkaline environments, thus making the steel pas-
of reinforced concrete bridges and bridge decks. Approx- sive to corrosion; that is, metallic iron will not be avail-
imately 4800 of the 25,000 bridges in the state of Penn- able for the anodic reaction until the passivity of steel is
sylvania were found to be in need of repair. destroyed.
The damage to concrete resulting from corrosion of In the absence of chloride ions in the solution, the
embedded steel manifests in the form of expansion, crack- protective film on steel is reported to be stable as long
ing, and eventually spalling of the cover (Fig. 5-16a). In as the pH of the solution stays above 11.5. Since hy-
addition to loss of cover, a reinforced-concrete member drated portland cements contain alkalies in the pore fluid
may suffer structural damage due to loss of bond between and about 20 weight percent solid calcium hydroxide, nor-
steel and concrete and loss of rebar cross-sectional area mally there is sufficient alkalinity in the system to main-
- sometimes to the extent that structural failure becomes tain the pH above 12. In exceptional conditions (e.g.,
inevitable.45 A review of the mechanisms involved in con- when concrete has high permeability and alkalies and
crete deterioration due to corrosion of embedded steel, se- most of the calcium hydroxide are either carbonated or
lected case histories, and measures for control of the phe- neutralized by an acidic solution), the pH of concrete in
nomenon are given here. the vicinity of steel may be reduced to less than 11.5, thus
destroying the passivity of steel and setting the stage for
Mechanisms Involved in Concrete Deterioration the corrosion process.
by Corrosion of Embedded Steel In the presence of chloride ions, depending on the
Corrosion of steel in concrete is an electrochemical Cl− /OH− ratio, it is reported that the protective film may
43 Building Research Establishment News, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, London, Winter 1979.
44 R.E. Carrier and P.D. Cady, ACI SP-47, 1975, pp. 121-68.
45 P.D. Cady, ASTMSTP 169B, 1978, pp. 275-99.
46 B. Erlin and G.J. Verbeck, ACI SP-49, 1978, pp. 39-46

be destroyed even at pH values considerably above 11.5. eightfold in 5 years, so that 45 percent of the deck sur-
When Cl− /OH− molar ratios are higher than 0.6, steel face had spalled by the time the bridge was only 16 years
seems to be no longer protected against corrosion, prob- old. Similar case histories of bridge deck damage on nu-
ably because the iron-oxide film becomes either perme- merous highways including those in Pennsylvania are re-
able or unstable under these conditions. For the typical ported (Fig. 5-17a).
concrete mixtures normally used in practice, the thresh- Furthermore, the Kansas survey showed that corrosion
old chloride content to initiate corrosion is reported to of the reinforcing steel also produced vertical cracks in
be in the range 0.6 to 0.9 kg of Cl− per cubic meter of the deck, which contributed to corrosion of the steel gird-
concrete. Furthermore, when large amounts of chloride ers supporting the deck. Drawing attention to bridge deck
are present, concrete tends to hold more moisture, which corrosion problems due to deicing salt applications, Carl
also increases the risk of steel corrosion by lowering the Crumpton of the Kansas State Transportation Department
electrical resistivity of concrete. Once the passivity of the said:
embedded steel is destroyed, it is the electrical resistiv-
ity and the availability of oxygen that control the rate of The wedding of concrete and steel was an ideal
corrosion; in fact, significant corrosion is not observed union and we used lots of reinforced concrete for
as long as the electrical resistivity of concrete is above bridge decks. Unfortunately, we began tossing salt
50 to 70 × 103 ·cm. It should be noted that the com- to melt snow and ice instead of rice for good fertil-
mon sources of chloride in concrete are admixtures, salt- ity. That brought irritation, tensions, and erosion of
contaminated aggregate, and penetration of deicing salt previously good marital relations. No longer could
solutions or seawater. the two exist in blissful union; the seeds of destruc-
tion had been planted and the stage had been set for
today’s bridge deck cracking and corrosion prob-
Selected Case Histories lems.48
A survey of the collapsed buildings and their imme-
diate causes by the British Building Research Establish- It was reported49 that many heavily reinforced, 16-
ment47 showed that in 1974 a sudden collapse of one by 6-ft (8- by 3.7- by 1.8 m) spandrel beams of the San
main beam of a 12-year-old roof with post-tensioned pre- Mateo-Hayward bridge at the San Francisco Bay (Cali-
stressed concrete beams was due to corrosion of tendons. fornia) had to undergo expensive repairs due to serious
Poor grouting of ducts and the use of 2 to 4 percent cal- cracking of concrete associated with corrosion of embed-
cium chloride by weight of cement as an accelerating ad- ded steel (Fig. 5-17b). The beams were made in 1963
mixture in the concrete were diagnosed as the factors re- with a high-quality concrete (370 kg/m3 cement, 0.45 wa-
sponsible for the corrosion of steel. A number of similar ter/cement ratio). The damage was confined to the un-
mishpas in Britain provided support for the 1979 amend- derside and to the windward faces which were exposed
ment to the British Code of Practice 110 that calcium to seawater spray, and occurred only in the precast steam-
chloride should never be added to prestressed concrete, cured beams. No cracking and corrosion were in evidence
reinforced concrete, and concrete containing embedded in the naturally cured cast-inplace beams made at the same
metal. time with a similar concrete mixture. It was suggested
A survey by the Kansas State Transportation Depart- that a combination of heavy reinforcement and differen-
ment showed that in bridge decks exposed to deicing salt tial cooling rates in the massive steam-cured beams might
treatment there was a strong relation between depth of have resulted in the formation of microcracks in concrete,
cover and concrete deterioration in the form of delami- which were later enlarged due to severe weathering condi-
nations or horizontal cracking. Generally, good protec- tions on the windward side of the beams. Thereafter, pen-
tion to steel was provided when the cover thickness was etration of the salt water promoted the corrosion-cracking-
50 mm or more (at least thrice the nominal diameter of more corrosion type of chain reaction which led to the se-
the rebar, which was 15 mm); however, the normal distri- rious damage. More discussion of cracking-corrosion in-
bution of variation in cover depth was such that about 8 teraction and case histories of seawater attack on concrete
percent of the steel was 37.5 mm or less deep. It was cor- are presented later.
rosion of this shallower steel that was responsible for the
horizontal cracks or delaminations. On one bridge deck, a Control of Corrosion
combination of the freeze-thaw cracking and corrosion of Since water, oxygen, and chloride ions play important
steel in concrete extended the area of delamination about roles in the corrosion of embedded steel and cracking of
47 Building Research Establishment New, see reference 43.
48 C.F. Crumpton, ACI Convention Paper, DAllas, 1981.
49 P.K. Mehta and B.C. Gerwick, Jr., Concr. Int., Vol. 4, No. 10, pp. 45-51, 1982.

concrete, it is obvious that permeability of concrete is the crete bridge decks damaged by corrosion of reinforcing
key to control the various processes involved in the phe- steel have become a major maintenance expense. Many
nomena. Concrete-mixture parameters to ensure low per- highway agencies now prefer the extra initial cost of pro-
meability, e.g., low water/cement ratio, adequate cement viding a waterproof membrane, or a thick overlay of
content, control of aggregate size and grading, and use an impervious concrete mixture on newly constructed or
of mineral admixtures have been discussed earlier. Ac- throughly repaired surfaces of reinforced and prestressed
cordingly, ACI Building Code 318 specifies a maximum concrete elements that are large and have flat configu-
0.4 water/cement ratio for reinforced normal-weight con- ration. Waterproof membranes, usually preformed and
crete exposed to deicing chemicals and seawater. Proper of the sheet-type variety, are used when they are pro-
consolidation and curing of concrete are equally essential. tected from physical damage by asphaltic concrete wear-
Design of concrete mixtures should also take into account ing surfaces; therefore, their surface life is limied to the
the possibility of a permeability increase in service due life of the asphaltic concrete, which is about 15 years.
to various physical-chemical causes, such as frost action, Overlay of watertight concrete 37.5 to 63 mm thick pro-
sulfate attack, and alkali-aggregate expansion. vides a more durable protection to penetration of aggres-
For corrosion protection, maximum permissible chlo- sive fluids into reinforce or prestressed concrette mem-
ride contents of concrete mixtures are also specified by bers. Typically, concrete mixtures used for overlay are
ACI Building Code 318. For instance, maximum water- of low slump, very low water/cement ratio (made possi-
soluble Cl− ion concentration in hardened concrete, at an ble by adding a superplasticizing admixture), and high ce-
age of 28 days, from all ingredients (including aggregates, ment content. Portland cement mortars containing poly-
cementitious materials, and admixtures) should not ex- mer emulsion (latexes) also show excellent impermeabil-
ceed 0.06, 0.15, and 0.30 percent by weight of cement, ity and have been used for overlay purposes; however,
for prestressed concrete, reinforced concrete exposed to vinylidene chloride-type latexes are suspected to be the
chloride in service, and other reinforced concretes, re- cause of corrosion problems in some cases, and it is now
spectively. Reinforced concretes that will remain dry or preferred that styrene-butadiene-type products be used.
protected from moisture in service are permitted to con- Reinforcing bar coatings and cathodic protection pro-
tain up to 1.00 percent Cl− be weight of cement. vide other approaches to prevent corrosion and are costlier
Certain design parameters also influence permeabil- than producing a low-permeability concrete through qual-
lity. That is why for concrete exposed to corrosive envi- ity, design, and construction controls. Protective coatings
ronment, Section 7.7 of the ACI Building Code 318-83 for reinforcing steel are of two types: anodic coatings
specifies minimum concrete cover requirements. A mini- (e.g., zinc-coated steel) and barrier coatings (e.g., epoxy-
mum concrete cover of 50 mm for walls and slabs and 63 coated steel). Due to concern regarding the long-term
mm for other members is recommended. Current practice durability of zinc-coated rebars in concrete, the U.S. Fed-
for coastal structures in the North Sea is to provide mini- eral Highwar Administration in 1976 place a temporary
mum 50 mm of cover on conventional reinforcement and moratorium on its use in bridge decks. Long-time perfor-
70 mm on prestressing steel. Also, ACI 224R-80 speci- mance of epoxy-coated rebars is under serious investiga-
fies 0.15 mm as the maximum permissible crack width at tion in many countries. Cathodic protection techniques
the tensile face of reinforced concrete structures subject to involve suppression of current flow in the corrosion cell,
wetting-drying or seawater spray. The CEB Model Code either by supplying externally a current flow in the oppo-
recommends limiting crack widths to 0.1 mm at the steel site direction or by using sacrificial anodes. According to
surface for concrete members exposed to frequent flexural Carrier and Cady,50 both systems have been used exten-
loads, and 0.2 mm to others. The FIP (International Pre- sively with mixed results.
stressing Federation) recommendations specify that crack
widths at points near the main reinforcement should not
exceed 0.004 times the nominal cover (i.e., maximum per- CONCRETE IN SEAWATER
missible crack width for a 500-mm cover is 0.2 mm and For several reasons, effect of seawater on concrete de-
for a 75-mm cover is 0.3 mm). Many researchers find serves special attention. First, coastal and offshore sea
no direct relation between the crack width and corrosion; structures are exposed to the simultaneous action of a
however, it appears that by increasing the permeability of number of physical and chemical deterioration processes,
concrete and exposing it to numerous physical-chemical which provide an excellent opportunity to understand the
processses of deterioration, the presencd of cracks would complexity of concrete durability problems in practice.
eventually have a deleterious effect. Second, oceans make up 80 percent of the surface of the
The repair and replacement costs asociated with con- earth; therefore, a large number of structures are exposed
50 R.E. Carrier and P.D. Cady, in ACI SP-47.

to seawater either directly or indirectly (e.g., winds can concentration is higher than 1500 mg/liter; similarly, port-
carry seawatere spray up to a few miles inland from the land cement paste can deteriorate by cation-exchange re-
coast). Concrete piers, decks, break-water, and retaining actions when magnesium ion concentration exceeds, for
walls are widely used in the construction of harbors and instance, 500 mg/liter.
docks. To relieve land from pressures of urban congestion Interestingly, in spite of the undesirably high sulfate
and pollution, floating offshore platforms made of con- content of seawater, it is a common observation that even
crete are being considered for location of new airports, when a high-C3 A portland cement has been used and large
power plants, and waste disposal facilities. The use of amounts of ettringite are present as a result of sulfate at-
concrete offshore drilling platforms and oil storage tanks tack on the cement paste, the deterioration of concrete is
is already on the increase. not characterized by expansion; instead, it mostly takes
Most seawaters are fairly uniform in chemical com- the form of erosion or loss of the solid constituents from
position, which is characterized by the pesence of about the mass. It is proposed that ettringite expansion is sup-
3.5 percent soluble salts by weight. The ionic concentra- pressed in environments where (OH)− ions have essen-
tions of Na+ and Cl− are the highest, typically 11,000 and tially been replaced by Cl− ions. Incidentally, this view
20,000 mg/liter, respectively. However, from the stand- is consistent with the hypothesis that alkaline environment
point of aggressive action to cement hydration products, is necessary for swelling of ettringite by water adsorption.
sufficient amounts of Mg2+ and SO2− 4 are present, typ- Irrespective of the mechanism by which the sulfate expan-
ically 1400 and 2700 mg/liter, respectively. The pH of sion associated with ettringite is suppressed in high-C3 A
seawater varies between 7.5 and 8.4, the average value portland cement concretes exposed to seawater, the influ-
in equilibrium with the atmospheric CO2 being 8.2. Un- ence of chloride on the system demonstrates the error too
der exceptional conditions (i.e., in sheltered bays and es- often made in modeling the behavior of materials when,
tuaries) pH values lower than 7.5 may be encounterred; for the sake of simplicity, the effect of an individual factor
these are usually due to a higher concentration of dis- on a phenomenon is predicted without sufficient regard
solved CO2 , which would make tthe seawater more ag- to the other factors present, which may modify the effect
gressive to portland cement concrete. significantly.
Concrete exposed to marine environment may deteri- It may be noted that according to ACI Building Code
orate as a result of combined effects of chemical action 318-83, sulfate exposure to seawater is classified as mod-
of seawater constituents on cement hydration products, erate, for which the use of ASTM Type II portland ce-
alkali-aggregate expansion (when reactive aggregates are ment (maximum 8 percent C3 A) with a 0.50 maximum
present), crystalization pressure of salts within concrete if water/cement ratio in normal-weight concrete is permit-
one face of the structure is subject to wetting and others to ted. In fact, it is stated in the ACI 318R-21 Building Code
drying conditions, frost action in cold climates, corrosion Commentary that cements with C3 A up to 10 percent may
of embedded steel in reinforced or prestressed members, be used if the maximum water/cement ratio is further re-
and physical erosion due to wave action and floating ob- duced to 0.40.
jects. Attack on concrete due to any one of these causes
tends to increase the permeability; not only would this The fact that the presence of uncombined calcium
make the material progressively more susceptible to fur- hydroxide in concrete can cause deterioration by an ex-
ther action by the same destructive agent but also to other change reaction involving magnesium ions was known
types of attack. Thus a maze of interwoven chemical as as early as 1818 from investigations on disintegration of
well as physical causes of deterioration are found at work lime-pozzolan concretes by Vicat, who undoubtedly is re-
when a concrete structure exposed to seawater is in an garded as one of the founders of the technology of modern
advanced stage of degradation. The theoretical aspects, cement and concrete. Vicat made the profound observa-
selected case histories of concrete detereiorated by sea- tion:
water, and recommendations for construction of concrete
structurs in marine environment are discussed next.
On being submitted to examination, the deterio-
rated parts exhibit much less lime than the others;
Theoretical Aspects what is deficient then, has been dissolved and car-
From the standpoint of chemical attack on hydrated ried off; it was in excess in the compound. Nature,
portland cement in unreinforced concrete, when alkali- we see, labors to arrive at exact proportions, and to
reactive aggregates are not present, one might anticipate attain them, corrects the errors of the hand which
that sulfate and magnesium are the harmful constituents has adjusted the doses. Thus the effects which we
in seawater. It may be recalled that with groundwaters, have just described, and in the case alluded to, be-
sulfate attack is classified as severe when the sulfate ion come the more marked, the further we deviate from

these exact proportions.51 deterioration of concrete as a result of long-term exposure

to seawater are summarized in Table 5-5 and discusssed
Several state-of-the-art review52 on the performance below.
of structures in marine environments confirm that Vicat’s In the mild climates of southern France and southern
observation is equally valied for portland cement con- California, unreinforced mortar and concrete specimens
crete. From long-term studies of portland cement mor- remained in excellent condition after more than 60 years
tars and concretes exposed to seawater, the evidence of of seawater exposure, except when permeability was high.
magnesium ion attack is well established by the pres- Permeable specimens showed considerable loss of mass
ence of white deposits of Mg(OH)2 , also called brucite associated with magnesium ion attack CO2 attack, and
(Fig. 5-18b), and magnesium silicate hydrate. In seawa- calcium leaching. In spite of the use of high C3 A port-
ter, well-cured concretes containing large amounts of slag land cements, expansion and cracking of concrete due to
or pozzolan in cement usualy outperform reference con- ettringite was not observed in low-permeability concretes.
crete containing only portland cement,53 partly becuse the Therefore, the effect of cement composition on durability
former contain less uncombined calcium hydroxide after to seawater appears to be less significant than the perme-
curing. The implication of loss of lime by cement paste, ability of concrete.
whether by magnesium ion attack or by CO2 attack, is Reinforced concrete members in a mild climate (Piers
obvious from Fig. 5-18c. 26 and 28 of the San Francisco Ferry Building in Califor-
Since seawater analyses seldom include the dissolved nia), in spite of a low-permeability concrete mixture 390
CO2 content, the potential for loss of concrete mass by kg/m3 cement content), showed cracking due to corrosion
leaching away of calcium from hydrated cement paste due of the reinforcing steel after 46 years of service. Since
to carbonic acid attack is often overlooked. According to corrosion requires permeation of seawater and air to the
Feld,54 in 1955, after 21 years of use, the concrete piles embedded steel, poor consolidation of concrete and struc-
and caps of the trestle bends of the James River Bridge tural microcracking were diagnosed to be the causes of
at Newport News, Virginia, required a $ 1.4 million re- the increase in permeability (which made the corrosion of
pair and replacement job which involved 70 percent of the stell possible).
2500 piles. Similarly, 750 precast concrete piles driven In the cold climates of Denmark and Norway, con-
in 1932 near Ocean City, New Jersey had to be repaired crete that was not protected by entrained air was subject
in 1957 after 25 years of service; some of the piles had to expansion and cracking by frost action. (It may be
been reduced from the original 550 mm diameter to 300 noted that air entrainment was not prevalent before the
mm. In both cases, the loss of material was associated 1950s). Therefore, cracking due to freeze-thaw cycles
with higher than normal concentrations of dissolved CO2 was probably responsible for the increase in permeabil-
present in the seawater. ity, which promoted other destgructive processes such as
It should be noted that in permeable concrete the nor- alkali-aggregate attack and corrosion of the reinforcing
mal amount of CO2 preseent in seawater is sufficient to steel.
decompose the cementitious products eventually. The Investigations of reinforce concrete structure have
presence of thaumasite (calcium silicocarbonate), hydro- shown that, generally, concrete fully immersed in seawa-
calumite (calcium carboaluminate hydrate), and aragonite ter suffered only a little r no deterioration; concrete ex-
(calcium carbonate) have been reported in cement pastes posed to salts in air or water spray suffered some deteri-
derived from deteriorated concretes exposed to seawater oration, especially when permeable; and concrete subject
for long periods. to tidal action suffered the most.

Case Histories of Deteriorated Concrete Lessons from Case Histories

Compared to other structural materials, generally, For the construction of concrete sea structures, impor-
concrete has a satisfactory record of performance in sea- tant lessons from case histories of concrete deteriorated
water. However, published literature contains descriptions by seawater can be summed up as follows:
of a large number of both plain and reinforced concretes
which showed serious deterioration in marine environ- 1. Permeability is the key to durability. Deleterious
ment. For the purpose of drawing useful lessons for con- interactions of serious consquence between con-
strucion of concrete sea structures, six case histories of stituents of hydrated portland cement and seawa-
51 L.J. Vicat, A Practical and Scientific Treatise on Calcareous Mortars and Cements, 1837 (translated by J.T. Smith, London).
52 W.G. Atwood and A.A. Johnson, Trans. ASCE, Vol. 87, Paper 1533, pp. 204-75, 1924; F.M. Lea, The Chemistry of Cement and Concrete, Chemical
Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1971, pp. 623-38; P.K. Mehta, Performance of Concrete in Marine Environment, ACI SP-65, 1980, pp. 1-20.
53 O.E. Gjorv, J. ACI, Proc., Vol. 68, pp. 67-70, 1971.
54 J. Feld, Construction Failures, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1968, pp. 251-55.

ter take place when seawater is not prevented from interior of the concrete follows a general pattern.55
penetrating into the interior of a concrete. Typical The formation of aragonite and bicarbonate by CO2
causes of insufficient watertightness are poorly pro- atack is usually confined to the surface of concrete,
portioned concrete mixtures, absence of properly the formation of brucite by magnesium ion attack is
entrained air if the structure is located in a cold cli- found below the surface of concrete, and evidence
mate, inadequate consolidation and curing, insuffi- of ettringite formation in the interior shows that sul-
cient concrete cover on embedded steel, badly de- fate ions are able to penetrate even deeper. Unless
signed or constructed joints, and microcracking in concrete is very permeable, no damage results from
hardened concrete attributable to lack of control of chemical action of seawater on cement paste be-
loading conditions and other factors, such as ther- cause the reaction products (aragonite, brucite, and
mal shrinkage, drying shrinkage, and alkali aggre- ettringite), being insoluble, tend to reduce the per-
gate expansion. meability and stop further ingress of seawater into
It is interesting to point out that engineers on the the interior of the concrete. This kind of protective
forefront of concrete technology are becoming in- action would not be available under conditions of
creasingly conscious of the significance of perme- dynamic loading and in the tidal zone, where the
ability to durability of concrete exposed to aggres- reaction products are washed away by wave acion
sive waters. For example, concrete specifications as soon as they are formed.
for offshore structures in Norway now specify the
maximum permissible permeability directly (k ≤ 3. Corrosion of embedded stell is, generally, the major
10−13 kg/Pa· m · sec). cause of concrete deterioration in reinforced and
prestressed concrete structures exposed to seawa-
2. Type and severity of deterioration may not be uni-
ter, but in low-permeability concrete this does not
form throughtout the structure (Fig. 5-19). For ex-
appear to be the first cause of cracking. Based on
emple, with a concrete cylinder the section that al-
numerous case histories, it appears that cracking-
ways remains above the high-tide line will be more
corrosion interactions probably follow the route di-
susceptible to frost action and corrosion of embed-
agrammatically illustrated in Fig. 5-20. Since the
ded steel. The section that is between high- and
corrosion rate depends on the cathode/anode area,
low-tide lines will be vulnerable to cracking and
significant corrosion and expansion accompanying
spalling, not only from frost action and steel cor-
the corrosion should not occur until there is suffi-
rosion but also from wet-dry cycles. Chemical at-
cient supply of oxygen at the surface of the rein-
tacks due to alkali-agrregate reaction and seawater-
forcing steel (i.e., an increase in the cathode area).
cement paste interaction will also be at work here.
This does not happen as long as the permeability of
Concrete weakened by microcracking and chem-
steel-cement paste interfacial zone remains low.
ical attacks will eventually disintegrate by action
and the impact of sand, gravel, and ice; thus maxi- Pores and microcracks already exist in the inter-
mum deterioration occurs in the tidal zone. On the facial zone, but their enlargement through a vari-
other hand, the fully submerged part of the structure ety of phenomena other than corrosion seems to
will only be subject to chemical attack by seawater; be necessary before conditions exist for significant
since it is not exposed to subfreezing temperatures corrosion of the embedded stell in concrete. Once
there will be no risk of frost damage, and due to the conditions for significant corrosions are estab-
lack of oxygen there will be little corrosion. lished, a progressively escalating cycle of cracking-
It appears that progressive chemical deterioration of corrosion-more cracking begins, eventually leading
cement paste by seawater from the surface to the to complete deterioration of concrete.


1. What do you understand by the term durability? Compared to other considertions, how much importance should be
given to durability in the design and construction of concrete structures?

2. Write a short note on the structure and properties of water, with special reference to its destructive effect on mate-
55 Biczok, Concrete Corrosion and Concrete Protection, pp. 357-58.

3. How would you define the coefficient of permeability? Give typical values of the coefficient for (a) fresh cement
pastes; (b) hardened cement pastes; (c) commonly used aggregates; (d) high-strength concretes; and (e) mass
concrete for dams.

4. How does aggregate size influence the coefficient of permeability of concrete? List other factors that determine the
permeability of concrete in a structure.

5. What is the difference between erosion and cavitation? From the standpoint of durability to severe abrasion, what
recommendations would your make in the design of concrete and construction of an industrial floor?

6. Under what conditions may salt solutions damage concrete without involving chemical attack on the portland ce-
ment paste? Which salt solutions commonly occur in natural environments?

7. Briefly explain the causes and control of scaling and D-craking in concrete. What is the origin of laitance; what is
its significance?

8. Discuss Powers’s hypothesis of expansion on freezing of a saturated cement paste containing no air. What modi-
fications have been made to this hypothesis? Why is entraiment of air effective in reducing the expansion due to

9. With respect to frost damage, what do you understand by the term critical aggregate size? What factors govern it?

10. Discuss the significance of critical degree of saturation from the standpoint of predicting frost resistance of a

11. Discuss the factors that influence the compressive strength of concrete exposed to a fire of medium intensity (650◦ C,
short-duration exposure). Compared to the compressive strength, how would the elastic modulus be affected, and

12. What is the effect of pure water on hydrated portland cement paste? With respect to carbonic acid attack on
croncrete, what is the significance of balancing C O2 ?

13. List some of the common sources of sulfate ions in natural and industrial environments. For a given sulfate con-
centration, explain which of the following solutions would be the most deleterious and which would be the least
deleterious to a permeable concrete containing a high-C3 A portland cement: Na2 SO4 , MgSO4 , CaSO4 .

14. What chemical reactions are generally involved in sulfate attack on concrete? What are the physical manifestations
of these reactions?

15. Critically review the BRE Digest 250 and the ACI Building Code 318 requirements for control of sulfate attack on

16. What is the alkali-aggregate reaction? List some of the rock types that are vulnerable to attack by alkaline solutions.
Discuss the effect of aggregate size on the phenomenon.

17. With respect to the corrosion of steel in concrete, explain the significance of the following terms: carbonation
of concrete, passivity of steel, Cl− /OH− ratio of the contact solution, electrical resistivity of concrete, state of
oxidation of iron.

18. Briefly describe the measures that should be considered for the control of corrosion of embedded steel in concrete.

19. With coastal and offshore concrete structures directly exposded to seawater, why does most of the deterioration
occur in the tidal zone? From the surface to the interior of concrete, what is the typical pattern of chemical attack
in sea structures?

20. A heavily reinforced and massive concrete structure is to be designed for a coastal location in Alaska. As a consul-
tant to the primary contractor, write a report explaining the state of the art on the choice of cement type, aggregate
size, admixtures, mix proportions, concrete placement, and concrete curing procedures.


ACI Committee 201, ‘Guide to Durable Concrete”, ACI Mat. Jour., Vol. 88, No. 5, pp.544-582, 1991.
Malhotra, V.M., ed., Durability of Concrete, ACI SP 126, Vol. 1&2, 1991.
Scanlon, J.M., ed., Concrete Durability. ACI SP 100, Vol. 1&2, 1987.
Mehta, P.K., Schiessl, P., and Raupach, M., “Performance and Durability of Concrete Systems”, Proc. 9th International
Congress on the Chemistry of Cements, Vol. 1, New Delhi, 1992.

Chemical Aspects of Durability

Biczok, I., Concrete Corrosion and Concrete Protection, Chemical Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1967.
Lea, F.M., The Chemistry of Cement and Concrete, Chemical Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1971, pp. 338-59,

Alkali-Aggregate Expansion
Blank, R.F., and H.O. Kennedy, The Technology of Cement and Concrete, Vol. 1, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,
1955, pp. 318-42.
Diamond, S., Cem. Concr. Res., Vol. 5, pp. 329-46, 1975; Vol. 6, pp. 549-60, 1976.
Gratten-Belleue, P.E., ed., Proc. 7th Int’l. Conf. on Alkali-Aggregate Reactions, National Research Council, Ottawa,
Canada, 1987.
Hobbs, D.W., Alkali-silica Reaction in Concrete, Thomas Telford, London, 1988.

Corrosion of Embedded Steel

Crane, A.P., ed., Corrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete Construction, Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester, West Sussex,
U.K., 1983.
Tonini, E.E., and S.W. Dean, Jr., Chloride Corrosion of Steel in Concrte, ASTM STP 629, 1977.

Seawater Attack
Malhotra, V.M., ed., Performance of Concrete in Marine Environment, ACI SP-65, 1980.
Malhotra, V.M., ed., Performance of Concrete in Marine Environment, ACI SP198, 1988.
Mehta, P. Kumar, Concrete in the Marine Environment, Elsevier Publishing, 1991.

Frost Action and Fire

ACI, Behavior of Concrete under Temperature Extremes, SP-39, 1973.
Betonghandboken (in Swedish), Svensk Byggtjanst, Stockholm, 1980; and Report of RILEM Committee 4 CDC, Materi-
als and Structures, Vol. 10, No. 58, 1977.
Litvan, G.G., and P.J. Sereda, eds., Durability of Building Materials and Components, ASTM STP 691, 1980.

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