Faculty OF Science
Faculty OF Science
Faculty OF Science
is interested in the internal structure of words. We can define the word
Morphology as: it is the branch of linguistics that studies the structure of words.
In English and many other languages, many words can be broken down into parts.
For example:
* Unhappiness un-happi-ness
*horses horse-s
*walking walk-ing
*kicked kick-ed
Is the smallest unit which has a meaning or grammatical function that words can
be broken down into. It is the smallest bit of language that has its own meaning,
either a word or a part of a word.
For example:
There are several important distinctions that must be made when it comes to
free (open classes)
Morphemes functional
(closed classes)
bound derivational
(affixes) inflectional
** For example
Zebra only one morpheme but two syllables
Ze- and bra are not independent meaning bearing components of the word
zebra, making it monomorphemic word. In other words monomorphemic
word is a word that cannot be divided into morphemes. It will be meaningless
Bound morphemes are those that cannot be used independently but have to
be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.
**For example:
The word "teacher" consists of two morphemes.
Teach free morpheme -er bound morpheme
1- Derivational morphemes :
In derivation a new word is formed by adding an affix to the root or stem
Derivational morphemes form new words either:
a) By changing the meaning of the base to which they are attached. E.g. kind
unkind (adjectives), obey disobey (verbs)
b) By changing the word-class that a base belongs to. E.g. kind kindly,
simple simply
-s 3rd person sg. present
“He waits”
-ed past tense
“He waited”
-ing progressive
“He is waiting”
-en past participle
“I had eaten”
-s plural
“Both chairs are broken”
-’s possessive
“The chair’s leg is broken”
-er comparative
“He was faster”
-est superlative
“He was the fastest”
Affixes :
Linguistits use the term affix to describe where exactly a bound morpheme is
attached to a word.
English Language for University Students
Dr/ Sherif Ali & Dr/ Islam ALI
Word Formation
Compounds are words that we most readily identify as consisting of several parts.
In a compound several free morphemes are combined, resulting in a word that often
derives its meaning from the combination of its components.
Classroom = class+ room
Wallpaper = wall+ paper
In English, compounds are often not written as single words but separated or
combined by a hyphen (E.g. dry cleaner, on-line).
1- Noun + Noun =Noun
Class + room = classroom
2- verb + Noun =Noun
Talk + show = talkshow
3- Adj + Noun = Noun
Tight + rope =tightrope
4- Prep+ Noun = Verb
Over + Shadow = overshadow
Endocentric: the meaning of the compound is derived from the meaning of the
parts. E.g. raincoat
Exocentric: the meaning is not strictly contained in the components.
E.g. redhead is not a type of head but a person with red hair.
Is a term used to describe a word class change without any morphological marking.
English Language for University Students
Dr/ Sherif Ali & Dr/ Islam ALI
E.g.1- party (noun) – party (verb)
We will be at the party.
They like to party.
2- must (noun) – must (verb)
You must eat your sandwich.
It is a must that you call him .
When a word is imported from another language, we describe this process as
borrowing. English, like any other language had imported or borrowed many words
from different languages like Latin and Greek.
E.g. strata = street
In addition, English borrowed many words from French.
E.g. Passenger
Coffee- from Arabic via Turkish and Italian.
Candy- from Arabic and possibly Sanskrit via French.
Clipping :
It is a means of creating new words by shortening already existing words-
usually a single syllable. This is usually done to save time and space. E.g.
Quiz inquisitive
prof professor back clipping
Bus omnibus front clipping
Blends are combinations of two or more words in which the sound patterns overlap.
E.g. Brunch = breakfast + lunch
Smog = smoke + fog
A word (usually a noun) is reduced to form another word of a different type
(usually a verb)
E.g. editor edit
Donation donate
Burglar burgle
Zipper zip
English Language for University Students
Dr/ Sherif Ali & Dr/ Islam ALI
Television televise
Babysitter babysit
Synonyms: is a word or phrase which has the same or nearly the same meaning as
another word or phrase in the same language.
E.g. The words "small" and " little" are synonyms.
English Language for University Students
Dr/ Sherif Ali & Dr/ Islam ALI
Comes from the Greek homo which means "same" and onym which means "name".
So Homonyms can be defined as two or more words that share the same spelling or
the same pronunciation, or both, but have different meanings.
"No" and "Know" are homonyms.
"Bow" and " Bow " are also homonyms.
Homophones Heteronyms
Two or more words that share the same pronunciation but have different meanings.
They may or may not be spelled on the same way.
E.g. Write and right desert (to abandon) and desert (a thing deserved)
Homonyms that share the same spelling. They may or may not have the same
English Language for University Students
Dr/ Sherif Ali & Dr/ Islam ALI
E.g. present (a gift) and present (no introduce)
Row (argument) and row ( propel with oars)
Those are homonyms that share the same spelling but have different
pronunciations. That is they are homographs which are not homophones.
E.g. desert (to abandon) and desert (arid region).
a- Bound morphemes
b- Monomorphemic words
2- Give verbs of :
b- Apex
(Facet – Zenith – Pier)
c- Launch
(Initiate – persuade – Overcome)
A- Fluctuations in temperature
Question 2; It can be inferred from the passage that germs are spread………….
1-That creaking sound makes me wonder if this building is sound. (in good condition)
2-The oil well is yours and the gold mine is mine. ( belonging to me )
3-Tracey didn't feel well after falling into the well. ( in good health )