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2 EC 2004

Duration : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 150 (A) L1 + L2 + M (B) L1 + L2 - M

(C) L1 + L2 + 2 M (D) L1 + L2 - 2 M
Q.1—Q.30 carry one mark each.
Q.3 The circuit shown in Fig. Q.3, with R = 1 3W,
Q.1 Consider the network graph shown in Fig. Q.1.
L = 1 4 H, C = 3 F has input voltage v( t) = sin 2 t. The
Which one of the following is NOT a tree of this graph?
resulting current i( t) is

v(t) R C L

Fig Q.1 Fig Q.3

(A) 5 sin(2 t + 531

. °) (B) 5 sin(2 t - 531
. °)
(C) 25 sin(2 t + 531
. °) (D) 25 sin(2 t - 531
. °)

Q.4 For the circuit shown in Fig. Q.4, the time

constant RC = 1 ms. The input voltage is
vi ( t) = 2 sin 10 3 t. The output voltage vo( t) is equal to
(A) (B)

vi(t) C vo(t)

Fig Q4.

(C) (D) (A) sin(10 t - 45 ° )

(B) sin(10 3 t + 45 ° )
(C) sin(10 3 t - 53° ) (D) sin(10 3 t + 53° )
Q.2 The equivalent inductance measured between the
terminals 1 and 2 for the circuit shown in Fig. Q.2 is Q.5 For the R-L circuit shown in Fig. Q.5, the input
M voltage vi ( t) = u( t). The current i( t) is
i(t) 1H
L1 L2

vi(t) 2W

Fig Q.2 Fig Q.5
568 EC 2004 Chap 10.2

i(t) i(t) (C) increase in input impedance and decrease in

0.5 1 output impedance
0.31 0.63
(D) decrease in input impedance and increase in
t(sec) t(sec)
2 ½ output impedance

(A) (B)
Q.11 The circuit in Fig. Q.11 is a
i(t) i(t)
0.5 1
0.31 0.63
t(sec) t(sec) R R
½ 2 vi

(C) (D) C C

Q.6 The impurity commonly used for realizing the

Fig Q.11
base region of a silicon n-p-n transistor is
(A) Gallium (B) Indium (A) low-pass filter (B) high-pass filter

(C) Boron (D) Phosphorus (C) band-pass filter (D) band-reject filter

Q.12 Assuming VCEsat = 0.2 V and b = 50, the minimum

Q.7 If for a silicon n-p-n transistor, the base-to-emitter
base current ( I B ) required to drive the transistor in
voltage ( VBE ) is 0.7 V and the collector-to-base voltage
Fig. Q.12 to saturation is
( VCB ) is 0.2 V, then the transistor is operating in the
3 V
(A) normal active mode (B) saturation mode
1 kW
(C) inverse active mode (D) cutoff mode IB

Q.8 Consider the following statements S1 and S2.

S1 : The b of a bipolar transistor reduces if the base

Fig Q12.
width is increased.
S2 : The b of a bipolar transistor increases if the (A) 56 mA (B) 140 mA
doping concentration in the base is increased. (C) 60 mA (D) 3 mA
Which one of the following is correct ?
(A) S1 is FALSE and S2 is TRUE Q.13 A master-slave flip-flop has the characteristic
(B) Both S1 and S2 are TRUE that
(C) Both S1 and S2 are FALSE (A) change in the input is immediately reflected in the
(D) S1 is TRUE and S2 is FALSE
(B) change in the output occurs when the state of the
Q.9 An ideal op-amp is an ideal master is affected
(A) voltage controlled current source (C) change in the output occurs when the state of the
(B) voltage controlled voltage source slave is affected

(C) current controlled current source (D) both the master and the slave states are affected
at the same time
(D) current controlled voltage source

Q.10 Voltage series feedback (also called series-shunt Q.14 The range of signed decimal numbers that can be
feedback) results in represented by 6-bit 1’s complement numbers is
(A) increase in both input and output impedances (A) -31 to +31 (B) -63 to +64
(B) decrease in both input and output impedances (C) -64 to +63 (D) -32 to +31
Chap 10.2 EC 2004 569

Q.15 A digital system is required to amplify a (B) an NMOS inverter with depletion mode transistor
binary-encoded audio signal. The user should be able as load
to control the gain of the amplifier from a minimum to (C) a CMOS inverter
a maximum in 100 increments. The minimum number (D) a BJT inverter
of bits required to encode, in straight binary, is
Q.19 The impulse response h[ n] of a linear
(A) 8 (B) 6 time-invariant system is given by
(C) 5 (D) 7 h[ n] = u[ n + 3] + u[ n - 2 ] - 2 u[ n - 7 ]

Q.16 Choose the correct one from among the where u[ n] is the unit step sequence. The above
system is
alternatives A, B, C, D after matching an item from
(A) stable but not causal
Group 1 with the most appropriate item in Group 2.
(B) stable and causal
Group 1 Group 2 (C) causal but unstable

P: Shift register 1: Frequency division (D) unstable and not causal

Q: Counter 2: Addressing in memory chips Q.20 The distribution function FX ( x) of a random

R: Decoder 3: Serial to parallel data conversion variable X is shown in Fig. Q.20. The probability that
X = 1 is
(A) (B) (C) (D)
P–3 P–3 P–2 P–1
Q–2 Q–1 Q–1 Q–3 0.25

R–1 R–2 R–3 R–2 x

-2 0 1 2
Fig Q.20
Q.17 Fig. Q.17 shows the internal schematic of a TTL
AND-OR-Invert (AOI) gate. For the inputs shown in (A) zero (B) 0.25
Fig. Q.17, the output Y is (C) 0.55 (D) 0.30
y Q.21 The z-transform of a system is
Input are
Floating z
Fig Q.17 H ( z) =
z - 0.2

(A) 0 (B) 1 If the ROC is|z |< 0.2, then the impulse response
(C) AB (D) AB of the system is
(A) (0.2) n u[ n] (B) (0.2) n u[ -n - 1]
Q.18 Fig. Q.18 is the voltage transfer characteristic of
(C) -(0.2) n u[ n] (D) -(0.2) n u[ -n - 1]

Q.22 The Fourier transform of a conjugate symmetric

function is always
(A) imaginary (B) conjugate anti-symmetric
(C) real (D) conjugate symmetric
Fig Q.18 Q.23 The gain margin for the system with open-loop
transfer function
(A) an NMOS inverter with enhancement mode
2(1 + s)
transistor as load G( s) H ( s) = , is
570 EC 2004 Chap 10.2

(A) ¥ (B) 0 (A) equal to its group velocity

(C) 1 (D) -¥ (B) less than the velocity of light in free space
(C) equal to the velocity of light in free space
Q.24 Given
(D) greater than the velocity of light in free space
G( s) H ( s) = ,
s( s + 1)( s + 3) Q.30 Consider a lossless antenna with a directive gain

the point of intersection of the asymptotes of the of +6 dB. If 1 mW of power is fed to it the total power

root loci with the real axis is radiated by the antenna will be

(A) -4 (B) 1.33 (A) 4 mW (B) 1 mW

(C) -1.33 (D) 4 (C) 7 mW (D) 1/4 mW

Q.25 In a PCM system, if the code word length is

Q. 31–Q.90 carry two marks each.

increased from 6 to 8 bits, the signal to quantization

Q.31 For the lattice circuit shown in Fig. Q.31,
noise ratio improves by the factor
Z a = j2 W and Z b = 2 W. The values of the open circuit
(A) 8/6 (B) 12
impedance parameters
(C) 16 (D) 8
éz z12 ù
Z = ê 11 are
ëz 21 z 22 úû
Q.26 An AM signal is detected using an envelope
detector. The carrier frequency and modulating signal
frequency are 1 MHz and 2 kHz respectively. An
appropriate value for the time constant of the envelope

detector is
(A) 500 msec (B) 20 msec Zb

(C) 0.2 msec (D) 1 msec Fig Q.31

Q.27 An AM signal and a narrow-band FM signal with é1 - j 1 + jù é 1 - j 1 + jù

(A) ê (B) ê
identical carriers, modulating signals and modulation ë1 + j 1 + j úû ú
ë -1 + j 1 - j û
indices of 0.1 are added together. The resultant signal
é1 + j 1 + jù é1- j -1 + j ù
can be closely approximated by (C) ê (D) ê
ë1 - j 1 - j úû ë -1 - j 1 - j úû
(A) broadband FM (B) SSB with carrier
(C) DSB-SC (D) SSB without carrier Q.32 The circuit shown in Fig. Q.32 has initial current
iL (0 - ) = 1 A through the inductor and an initial voltage
Q.28 In the output of a DM speech encoder, the
vC (0 - ) = -1 V across the capacitor. For input v( t) = u( t),
consecutive pulses are of opposite polarity during time
the Laplace transform of the current i( t) for t > 0 is
interval t1 £ t £ t2 . This indicates that during this
i(t) 1W 1H
(A) the input to the modulator is essentially constant
v(t) 1F
(B) the modulator is going through slope overload
(C) the accumulator is in saturation –
(D) the speech signal is being sampled at the Nyquist Fig Q.32
s s+2
(A) (B)
Q.29 The phase velocity of an electromagnetic wave s2 + s + 1 s2 + s + 1
propagating in a hollow metallic rectangular s -1 s -2
(C) (D)
waveguide in the TE10 mode is s2 + s + 1 s2 + s + 1
Chap 10.2 EC 2004 571

Q.33 Consider the Bode magnitude plot shown in Fig. (A) (1 - 2 e - t + e -2 t ) u( t)

Q.33. The transfer function H ( s) is (B) (1 + 2 e - t - e -2 t ) u( t)
20 log H(jw) (C) (0.5 + e - t + 15
. e -2 t ) u( t)
0 20 dB/dec
(D) (0.5 + 2 e - t + 2 e -2 t ) u( t)

-20 -20 dB/dec

Q.37 Consider the following statements S1 and S2.
40 dB/dec
S1 : At the resonant frequency the impedance of a
series R–L–C circuit is zero.
1 10 100 w
Fig Q.33 S2 : In a parallel G–L–C circuit, increasing the
conductance G results in increase in its Q factor.
( s + 10) 10( s + 1)
(A) (B) Which one of the following is correct ?
( s + 1)( s + 100) ( s + 10)( s + 100)
(A) S1 is FALSE and S2 is TRUE
10 2 ( s + 1) 10 3( s + 100)
(C) (D) (B) Both S1 and S2 are TRUE
( s + 10)( s + 100) ( s + 1)( s + 10)
(C) S1 is TRUE and S2 is FALSE
Vo( s)
Q.34 The transfer function H ( s) = of an R–L–C (D) Both S1 and S2 are FALSE
Vi ( s)
circuit is given by
106 Q.38. In an abrupt p–n junction, the doping
H ( s) =
s 2 + 20 s + 106 concentrations on the p-side and n-side are
N A = 9 ´ 10 16
cm 3
respectively. The p-n junction is
The Quality factor (Q-factor) of this circuit is
reverse biased and the total depletion width is 3 mm.
(A) 25 (B) 50
The depletion width on the p-side is
(C) 100 (D) 5000
(A) 2.7 mm (B) 0.3 mm
Q.35 For the circuit shown in Fig. Q.35, the initial (C) 2.25 mm (D) 0.75 mm
conditions are zero. Its transfer function
Q.39 The resistivity of a uniformly doped n-type
H ( s) = VC ( s) Vi ( s) is
silicon sample is 0.5 W-cm. If the electron mobility (m n )
10 mH
10 kW is 1250 cm 2 /V-sec and the charge of an electron is
1.6 ´ 10 -19 Coulomb, the donor impurity concentration
vi(t) 100 mF vo(t) ( N D) in the sample is
(A) 2 ´ 1016 cm 3 (B) 1 ´ 1016 cm 3
(C) 2.5 ´ 1015 cm 3 (D) 5 ´ 1015 cm 3
Fig Q35.

Q.40 Consider an abrupt p-n junction. Let Vbi be the

1 106
(A) (B) built-in potential of this junction and VR be the applied
s + 10 3 s + 106
s 2 + 10 3 s + 106
reverse bias. If the junction capacitance ( C j ) is 1 pF for
10 3 106
(C) 2 (D) 2 Vbi + VR = 1 V, then for Vbi + VR = 4 V, C j will be
s + 10 3 s + 106 s + 106 s + 106
(A) 4 pF (B) 2 pF
Q. 36 A system described by the following differential (C) 0.25 pF (D) 0.5 pF
Q.41 Consider the following statements S1 and S2.
d2 y dy
+3 + 2 y = x( t) S1 : The threshold voltage ( VT ) of a MOS capacitor
dt dt
decreases with increase in gate oxide thickness.
is initially at rest. For input x( t) = 2 u( t), the
S2 : The threshold voltage ( VT ) of a MOS capacitor
output y( t) is decreases with increase in substrate doping
572 EC 2004 Chap 10.2

Which one of the following is correct ? (B) I C = 0.5 mA, VCE = 375
. V
(A) S1 is FALSE and S2 is TRUE (C) I C = 1 mA, VCE = 2.5 V
(B) Both S1 and S2 are TRUE (D) I C = 0.5 mA, VCE = 39
. V
(C) Both S1 and S2 are FALSE
Q.46 A bipolar transistor is operating in the active
(D) S1 is TRUE and S2 is FALSE
region with a collector current of 1 mA. Assuming that
Q.42 The drain of an n-channel MOSFET is shorted to the b of the transistor is 100 and the thermal voltage
the gate so that VGS = VDS . The threshold voltage ( VT ) ( VT ) is 25 mV, the transconductance ( g m ) and the input
of the MOSFET is 1 V. If the drain current ( I D) is 1 mA resistance ( rp) of the transistor in the common emitter
for VGS = 2 V, then for VGS = 3 V, I D is configuration, are
(A) 2 mA (B) 3 mA (A) g m = 25 mA/V and rp = 15.625 kW
(C) 9 mA (D) 4 mA (B) g m = 40 mA/V and rp = 4.0 kW
(C) g m = 25 mA/V and rp = 2.5 kW
Q.43 The longest wavelength that can be absorbed by
(D) g m = 40 mA/V and rp = 2.5 kW
silicon, which has the bandgap of 1.12 eV, is 1.1 mm. If
the longest wavelength that can be absorbed by Q.47 The value of C required for sinusoidal
another material is 0.87 mm, then the bandgap of this oscillations of frequency 1 kHz in the circuit of Fig.
material is Q.47 is
(A) 1.416 eV (B) 0.886 eV
1 kW 2.1 kW
(C) 0.854 eV (D) 0.706 eV

Q.44 The neutral base width of a bipolar transistor,

biased in the active region, is 0.5 mm. The maximum
electron concentration and the diffusion constant in 1 kW

the base are 1014 cm 3 and Dn = 25 cm 2 sec respectively.

Assuming negligible recombination in the base, the
1 kW C
collector current density is (the electron charge is
1.6 ´ 10 -19 Coulomb)
Fig Q.47
(A) 800 A/cm2 (B) 9 A/cm2
(C) 200 A/cm2 (D) 2 A/cm2 1
(A) mF (B) 2p mF
Q.45 Assume that the b of the transistor is extremely 1
(C) mF (D) 2 p 6 mF
large and VBE = 0.7 V, I C and VCE in the circuit shown in 2p 6
Fig. Q.45 are
Q.48 In the op-amp circuit given in Fig. Q.48, the load
5 V
current iL is
4 kW 2.2 kW
+ vi
VEC vo

1 kW 300 kW

R2 R1
Fig Q.45

Fig Q.48
(A) I C = 1 mA, VCE = 4.7 V
Chap 10.2 EC 2004 573

vs vs following sets of numbers ?

(A) - (B)
R2 R2 (A) 25, 9 and 57 respectively
vs vs (B) –6, –6 and –6 respectively
(C) - (D)
(C) –7, –7 and –7 respectively

Q.49 In the voltage regulator shown in Fig. Q.49, the (D) –25, –9 and –57 respectively

load current can vary from 100 mA to 500 mA.

Q.54 The 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface is
Assuming that the Zener diode is ideal (i.e., the Zener
used as described below.
knee current is negligibly small and Zener resistance
(i) An A/D converter is interfaced to a microprocessor
is zero in the breakdown region), the value of R is
through an 8255. The conversion is initiated by a
signal from the 8255 on Port C. A signal on Port C
causes data to be stobed into Port A.
Variable Load
12 V 5V 100 to 500 mA (ii) Two computers exchange data using a pair of
8255s. Port A works as a bidirectional data port
Fig Q.49 supported by appropriate handshaking signals.
The appropriate modes of operation of the 8255
(A) 7 W (B) 70 W
for (i) and (ii) would be
(C) 70/3 W (D) 14 W
(A) Mode 0 for (i) and Mode 1 for (ii)
Q.50 In a full-wave rectifier using two ideal diodes, Vdc (B) Mode 1 for (i) and Mode 2 for (ii)
and Vm are the dc and peak values of the voltage (C) Mode 2 for (i) and Mode 0 for (ii)
respectively across a resistive load. If PIV is the peak (D) Mode 2 for (i) and Mode 1 for (ii)
inverse voltage of the diode, then the appropriate
relationships for this rectifier are Q.55 The number of memory cycles required to
V execute the following 8085 instructions
(A) Vdc = m , PIV = 2Vm
p (i) LDA 3000H
V (ii) LXI D, FOF1H
(B) I dc = 2 m , PIV = 2Vm
would be
(C) Vdc = 2 , PIV = Vm (A) 2 for (i) and 2 for (ii)
Vm (B) 4 for (i) and 2 for (ii)
(D) Vdc = , PIV = Vm
p (C) 3 for (i) and 3 for (ii)
(D) 3 for (i) and 4 for (ii)
Q. 51 The minimum number of 2-to-1 multiplexers
required to realize a 4-to-1 multiplexer is Q.56 In the modulo-6 ripple counter shown in Fig.
(A) 1 (B) 2 Q.56, the output of the 2-input gate is used to clear the
(C) 3 (D) 4 J–K flip-flops.
Q.52 The Boolean expression AC + BC is equivalent to
(A) AC + BC + AC
(B) BC + AC + BC + ACB


Q.53 11001, 1001 and 111001 correspond to the 2’s
Fig Q56.
complement representation of which one of the
574 EC 2004 Chap 10.2

The 2-input gate is (A) JNZ LOOP, ADD B, DCR C

(A) a NAND gate (B) a NOR gate (B) ADD B, JNZ LOOP, DCR C
(C) an OR gate (D) an AND gate (C) DCR C, JNZ LOOP, ADD B
Q.57 Consider the sequence of 8085 instructions given
below Q.60 A 1 kHz sinusoidal signal is ideally sampled at
LXI H, 9258 1500 samples /sec and the sampled signal is passed
MOV A, M through an ideal low-pass filter with cut-off frequency
CMA 800 Hz. The output signal has the frequency

MOV M , A (A) zero Hz (B) 0.75 kHz

Which one of the following is performed by this (C) 0.5 kHz (D) 0.25 kHz
(A) Contents of location 9258 are moved to the
Q.61 A rectangular pulse train s( t) as shown in Fig.
Q.61 is convolved with the signal cos 2 ( 4 p ´ 10 3 t). The
(B) Contents of location 9258 are compared with the
convolved signal will be a
contents of the accumulator
(C) Contents of location 8529 are complemented and
stored in location 8529
(D) Contents of location 5892 are complemented and
stored in location 5892 t
1 ms 0
Fig Q.61
Q.58 A Boolean function f of two variables x and y is
defined as follows : (A) DC (B) 12 kHz sinusoid
(C) 8 kHz sinusoid (D) 14 kHz sinusoid
f (0, 0) = f (0, 1) = f (1, 1) = 1; f (1, 0) = 0

Assuming complements of x and y are not Q.62 Consider the sequence

available, a minimum cost solution for realizing f x[ n] = [ -4 - j5 1 + j2 5 ]
using only 2-input NOR gates and 2-input OR gates ­
(each having unit cost) would have a total cost of
The conjugate anti-symmetric part of the
(A) 1 unit (B) 4 units
sequence is
(C) 3 units (D) 2 units
(A) [-4 - j2.5 j2 4 - j2.5]
Q.59 It is desired to multiply the numbers 0AH by (B) [- j2.5 1 j2.5]
0BH and store the result in the accumulator. The (C) [- j2.5 j2 0]
numbers are available in registers B and C (D) [-4 1 4]
respectively. A part of the 8085 program for this
purpose is given below:
Q.63 A causal LTI system is described by the
MVI A, 00H
difference equation
LOOP: ––––––––––
––––––––––– 2 y[ n] = ay[ n - 2 ] - 2 x[ n] + bx[ n - 1]

––––––––––– The system is stable only if

HLT (A) a = 2, b < 2

END (B) a > 2, b > 2

(C) a < 2, any value of b
The sequence of instructions to complete the
program would be (D) b < 2, any value of a
Chap 10.2 EC 2004 575

Q.64 A causal system having the transfer function x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

a b c d 1
H ( s) =
s+2 e f g
Fig Q.68
is excited with 10u( t). The time at which the
output reaches 99% of its steady state value is 1 - ( be + cf + dg)
(A) 2.7 sec (B) 2.5 sec abcd
(C) 2.3 sec (D) 2.1 sec bedg
1 - ( be + cf + dg)
Q.65 The impulse response h[ n] of a linear time abcd
invariant system is given as 1 - ( be + cf + dg) + bedg
1 - ( be + cf + dg) + bedg
ì -2 2 n = 1, - 1 (D)
ï abcd
h[ n] = í 4 2 n = 2, - 2
ï 0 otherwise é -2 2ù
î Q.69 If A = ê ú, then sin At is
ë 1 -3û
é sin( -4 t) + 2 sin( -t) - sin( -4 t) + 2 sin( -t) ù
(A) ê
2 sin( -4 t) + sin( -t) úû
If the input to the above system is the sequence
ë - sin( -4 t) + sin( -t)
e jpn 4 , then the output is
ésin( -2 t) sin(2 t) ù
(A) 4 2 e jpn 4
(B) 4 2 e - jpn 4
(B) ê ú
ë sin( t) sin( -3t) û
(C) 4 e jpn 4
(D) -4 e jpn 4

é sin( 4 t) + 2 sin( t) 2 sin( -4 t) - 2 sin( -t) ù

(C) ê
Q.66 Let x( t) and y( t) with Fourier transforms F ( f ) ë - sin( -4 t) + sin( t) 2 sin( 4t) + sin( t) úû
and Y ( f ) respectively be related as shown in Fig. Q.66. é cos( -t) + 2 cos( t) 2 cos( -4 t) - 2 sin( -t) ù
(D) ê
Then Y ( f ) is ë - cos( -4 t) + sin( -t) -2 cos( 4 t) + cos( t) úû
x(t) y(t)
1 Q.70 The open-loop transfer function of a unity
feedback system is
-2 0 t
t K
-2 0 2 G( s) =
s( s 2 + s + 2)( s + 3)
The range of K for which the system is stable is
Fig Q.66
(A) > K >0 (B) 13 > K > 0
1 1
(A) - X ( f 2) e - j 2 pf (B) - X ( f 2) e j 2 pf 21
2 2 (C) <K <¥ (D) -6 < K < ¥

(C) - X ( f 2) e j 2 pf (D) - X ( f 2) e - j 2 pf
Q.71 For the polynomial

Q.67 A system has poles at 0.01 Hz, 1 Hz and 80 Hz; P ( s) = s 5 + s 4 + 2 s 3 + 2 s 2 + 3s + 15

zeros at 5 Hz, 100 Hz and 200 Hz. The approximate the number of roots which lie in the right half of
phase of the system response at 20 Hz is the s-plane is
(A) –90° (B) 0° (A) 4 (B) 2
(C) 90° (D) –180° (C) 3 (D) 1

Q.72 The state variable equations of a system are :

Q.68 Consider the signal flow graph shown in Fig.
x x& 1 = -3 x1 - x2 = u, x& 2 = 2 x1 , y = x1 + u
Q.68. The gain 5 is
x1 The system is
576 EC 2004 Chap 10.2

(A) controllable but not observable

Balanced HPF
(B) observable but not controllable 1 Mhz, 1 V y(t)
Modulator 100 Mhz

(C) neither controllable nor observable

(D) controllable and observable 100 Mhz, 1 V 100 Mhz, 1 V 90
Fig Q.76
é1 0 ù
Q.73 Given A = ê ú, the state transition matrix e

ë0 1 û (A) constant (B) 1 + sin(2 p ´ 106 t)

is given by (C) 5 4 - sin(2 p ´ 106 t) (D) 5 4 + cos(2 p ´ 106 t)

é 0 e- t ù é 0 et ù
(A) ê - t ú (B) ê t ú Q.77 Two sinusoidal signals of same amplitude and
ëe 0û ëe 0 û
frequencies 10 kHz and 10.1 kHz are added together.
ée - t 0ù ée t 0 ù The combined signal is given to an ideal frequency
(C) ê -t ú
(D) ê tú
ë 0 e û ë0 e û detector. The output of the detector is
(A) 0.1 kHz sinusoid (B) 20.1 kHz sinusoid
(C) a linear function of time(D) a constant
Q.74 Consider the signal x( t) shown in Fig. Q.74. Let
h( t) denote the impulse response of the filter matched
Q.78 Consider a binary digital communication system
to x( t), with h( t) being non-zero only in the interval 0
with equally likely 0’s and 1’s. When binary 0 is
to 4 sec. The slope of h( t) in the interval 3 < t < 4 sec is
transmitted the voltage at the detector input can lie
x(t) between the levels -0.25 V and +0.25 V with equal
probability; when binary 1 is transmitted, the voltage
at the detector can have any value between 0 and 1 V
0 1 2 3 4
with equal probability. If the detector has a threshold
of 0.2V (i.e. if the received signal is greater than 0.2V,
Fig. Q.74 the bit is taken as 1), the average bit error probability
(A) ½ sec -1 (B) –1 sec -1
(A) 0.15 (B) 0.2
(C) –1/2 sec -1 (D) 1 sec -1
(C) 0.05 (D) 0.5

Q.75 A 1 mW video signal having a bandwidth of 100

Q.79 A random variable X with uniform density in
MHz is transmitted to a receiver through a cable that
the interval 0 to 1 is quantized as follows:
has 40 dB loss. If the effective one-sided noise spectral
if 0 £ X £ 0.3, xq = 0
density at the receiver is 10 -20 Watt/Hz, then the
if 0.3 £ X £ 1, xq = 0.7
signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver is
where xq is the quantized value of X. The
(A) 50 dB (B) 30 dB
root-mean square value of the quantization noise is
(C) 40 dB (D) 60 dB
(A) 0.573 (B) 0.198

Q.76 A 100 MHz carrier of 1V amplitude and a 1 MHz (C) 2.205 (D) 0.266
modulating signal of 1V amplitude are fed to a
Q.80 Choose the correct one from among the
balanced modulator. The output of the modulator is
alternatives A, B, C, D after matching an item from
passed through an ideal high-pass filter with cut-off
Group 1 with the most appropriate item in Group 2.
frequency of 100 MHz. The output of the filter is added
Group 1 Group 2
with 100 MHz signal of 1V amplitude and 90° phase
shift as shown in Fig. Q.76. The envelope of the 1 : FM P : Slope overload

resultant signal is 2 : DM Q : m-law
Chap 10.2 EC 2004 577

3 : PSK R : Envelope detector Q.84 A source produces binary data at the rate of 10
4 : PCM S : Capture effect kbps. The binary symbols are represented as shown in
T : Hilbert transfer Fig.Q.84
Binary 1 Binary 1
U : Matched filter
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1–T 1–S 1–S 1–U 0.1
t(ms) 0 t(ms)
0 0.1
2–P 2–U 2–P 2–R
3–U 3–P 3–U 3–S -1 V

Fig Q.84
4–S 4–T 4–Q 4–Q

Q.81 Three analog signals, having bandwidth 1200 The source output is transmitted using two
Hz, 600 Hz and 600 Hz, are sampled at their modulation schemes, namely Binary PSK (BPSK) and
respective Nyquist rates, encoded with 12 bit words, Quadrature PSK (QPSK). Let B1 and B2 be the
and time division multiplexed. The bit rate for the bandwidth requirements of BPSK respectively. Assum-
multiplexed signal is ing that the bandwidth of the above re tangular pulses
(A) 1, 15.2 kbps (B) 28.8 kbps is 10 kHz, B1 and B2 are
(C) 27.6 kbps (D) 38.4 kbps (A) B1 = 20 kHz, B2 = kHz
(B) B1 = 10 kHz, B2 = 10 kHz
Q.82 Consider a system shown in Fig. Q.82. Let X ( f )
(C) B1 = 20 kHz, B2 = 10 kHz
and Y ( f ) denote the Fourier transforms of x( t) and y( t)
(D) B1 = 10 kHz, B2 = 10 kHz
respectively. The ideal HPF has the cutoff frequency
10 kHz. Q.85 Consider a 300 W, quarter-wave long (at 1 GHz)
X(f ) transmission line as shown in Fig. Q.85. It is
connected to a 10 V, 50W source at one end and is left
open circuited at the other end. The magnitude of the
f (kHz) voltage at the open circuit end of the line is
-3 -1 1 3

Balanced HPF Balanced

x(t) y(t) 10 V, 50 W source Zo = 300 W
Modulator 10 kHz Modulator

~ ~ l/4
10 kHz 13 kHz Fig Q.85
Fig Q.82
(A) 10 V (B) 5 V
The positive frequencies where Y ( f ) has spectral (C) 60 V (D) 60/7 V
peaks are
(A) 1 kHz and 24 kHz (B) 2 kHz and 24 kHz Q.86 In a microwave test bench, why is the microwave
(C) 1 kHz and 14 kHz (D) 2 kHz and 14 kHz signal amplitude modulated at 1 kHz ?
(A) To increase the sensitivity of measurement
Q.83 A parallel plate air-filled capacitor has plate area (B) To transmit the signal to a far-off place
of 10 -4 m 2 and plate separation of 10 -3 m. It is connect-
(C) To study amplitude modulation
ed to a 0.5 V, 3.6 GHz source. The magnitude of the
(D) Because crystal detector fails at microwave
displacement current is ( e o = 1 36 p ´ 10 -9 F m) frequencies
(A) 10 mA (B) 100 mA
(C) 10 A (D) 1.59 mA
578 EC 2004 Chap 10.2

Q.87 If E = (a$ x + ja$ y) e jkz - jwt and
H = ( k wm )(a$ y + ja$ x ) e
vector is
jkz - jwt
,the time-averaged Poynting
(A) null vector (B) ( k wm )a$ z
(C) (2k wm )a$ z (D) ( k 2wm )a$ z
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (C)
Q.88 Consider an impedance Z = R + jX marked with
6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (C)
point P in an impedance Smith chart as shown in Fig.
Q.88. The movement from point P along a constant 11. (A) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (D)

resistance circle in the clockwise direction by an angle 16. (B) 17. (A) 18. (C) 19. (A) 20. (D)
45° is equivalent to
21. (D) 22. (C) 23. (A) 24. (C) 25. (C)

26. (B) 27. (B) 28. (A) 29. (B) 30. (A)

31. (D) 32. (B) 33. (C) 34. (B) 35. (D)
36. (A) 37. (D) 38. (B) 39. (B) 40. (D)

41. (A) 42. (D) 43. (A) 44. (B) 45. (C)
x = -0.5
P 46. (D) 47. (A) 48. (A) 49. (D) 50. (B)
x = -1

Fig. Q.88
51. (B) 52. (D) 53. (C) 54. (D) 55. (B)

56. (C) 57. (A) 58. (D) 59. (D) 60. (C)
(A) adding an inductance in series with Z
61. (D) 62. (C) 63. (C) 64. (C) 65. (A)
(B) adding a capacitance in series with Z
66. (B) 67. (A) 68. (C) 69 (B) 70 (A)
(C) adding an inductance in shunt across Z
(D) adding a capacitance in shunt across Z 71. (B) 72. (D) 73. (B) 74 (D) 75 (A)

76. (C) 77. (B) 78. (A) 79 (B) 80 (C)

Q.89 A plane electromagnetic wave propagating in
free space is incident normally on a large slab of 81. (C) 82. (B) 83. (A) 84. (C) 85. (D)

loss-less, non-magnetic, dielectric material with e > e 0 . 86. (D) 87. (A) 88. (A) 89 (D) 90. (D)
Maxima and minima are observed when the electric
field is measured in front of the slab. The maximum
electric field is found to be 5 times the minimum field.
The intrinsic impedance of the medium should be
(A) 120p W (B) 60p W
(C) 600p W (D) 24p W

Q.90 A lossless transmission line is terminated in a

load which reflects a part of the incident power. The
measured VSWR is 2. The percentage of the power
that is reflected back is
(A) 57.73 (B) 33.33
(C) 0.11 (D) 11.11

MCQ GATE-ECE by RK Kanodia
Kindly note that our publication GATE-ECE by RK Kanodia, has the following features that make it an excellent
study material in comparison to other books available on the GATE exam:

1. MCQs: The book contains only solved Multiple choice questions (MCQ) which is the main requirement of the GATE exam.
Each and every problem has its complete solution. We understand that theoretical studies should be done from the
standard book, that one has studied for the semester exams and thus one should use the same material to
understand the concepts of the same. We have deliberately excluded theoretical matter in the guide book so as not to mislead
the students. However, wherever needed, satisfactory explanation of the formula has been included in the solution.

2. Adherence to Pattern: All Multiple choice questions are strictly according to the GATE pattern. Every problem selected
and included in the book is a model problem for the preparation of the exam which would thus prepare and equip the students
better. Kindly note, that the standard of Multiple choice questions and their solution in every unit is much better than
the ones available in a famous series of problems & solutions as far as GATE is concerned.

3. Levels of MCQs: The Multiple choice questions included in this book are in a conceptually evolving method, allowing the
student to progress from one level of complexity to another but always aiding in understanding the basic foundation of the
subject. Thus, the MCQs gradually and scientifically advance from the basic level to a more complex level, helping in the
systematic understanding of the problem rather than an abrupt one.

4. Unit Division: Each unit has been further sub-divided into separate chapters and not clustered together. Thus the
non-combination of all the problems in a single unit makes the reader, to remain focused and able to manage his time during his

5. Time Management: Time is a very important factor in any competitive exam and the same applies for GATE too. It has
been observed and concluded that if students can manage time, they can get a better score in GATE. The solutions provided
are extremely logical yet tricky so that they save time when the student solve them in the examination, as they have already
been used to solving difficult and tricky problems.

6. Variety: The book carries in it a large variety of problems. The words of one of the senior educators of a reputed coaching
institute bear testimony to the fact wherein he comments that “We can’t expect so much variety of problems in a single
book available in the market.”

7. Includes Previous Exam Questions: This book contains questions on earlier IES, IAS & GATE exams that
might be relevant to learn some concepts but we have purposely not mentioned them in our book. We believe and strongly
advocate that every year GATE contains new and unique problems.

8. Less Erroneous: The book has very few errors [less than 5%] compared to the other books available in the market which
have upto 40% errors. This puts the students in a better and more comfortable situation as all the errors are traceable due to
availability of the complete solution and moreover, the errors are never conceptual but data or typo mistakes. Kindly note
that, all the errata will be soon available at our website

9. Attractive Format: We understand student psychology and the fact that if the book is in an attractive format, the student
would feel good in reading the book. This fact also heightens the interest to study in a student. Thus the style of the book is so
designed that it appeals to its readers, yet is expressive and detailed.

10. Aim : The aim of the book is to provide quality material, a fact which can easily be seen in books available for the
preparation of IIT-JEE, AIEEE, CPMT & CAT, but till date never observed in the material available GATE preparation. In other
words, we want to provide ELITE material but which is also economical.

E : Expressive
L : Less Erroneous
I : Individualistic
T : Targeted approach
E : Exhaustive content

We have received feedback, which state that the book fulfills more than what is stated above and thus it has been a great
success last year, on all aspects. Everyone who got through, due to this book, has given excellent feedback. Reviews can be read at
our website

However, nothing in the world can be achieved without the help of constructive criticism and thus we would be obliged if you
can send across your feedback to make our book, a GUIDE in true sense of the word.

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