Lecture 36 - Single Stage Amplifier: Design For Specific Gain
Lecture 36 - Single Stage Amplifier: Design For Specific Gain
Lecture 36 - Single Stage Amplifier: Design For Specific Gain
Unilateral Transistor
Using (1) and (2) in the expression for GT [from (12.13) in the
text] provides what is called the unilateral transducer gain, GTU,
given as
1 | S |2 1 | L |2
GTU | S21 |2
|1 S S11 |2
|1 S 22 L |2
G0 S 21
and (9)
The S parameters of the transistor are fixed by the device itself
as well as the particular DC biasing.
In other words, the source and load gain factors in (7) and (8)
will be adjusted downward from their maximum values GSU max
and GLU max in order to achieve the specified gain. As we
discussed in the previous lecture, the maximum GS occurs when
there is a conjugate match at the transistor input ( Z S Z in* ), so
that for a unilateral device
S *in *
S11 (10)
L *out *
S 22 (11)
where the maximum source and load gain factors for the
unilateral device are
GSU max (12.47a),(13)
1 S11
and GLU max (12.47b),(14)
1 S 22
1 L
g L LU 1 S 22
and (12.48b),(16)
1 S 22 L
GLU max (8),(14)
so that 0 g S 1 and 0 g L 1.
As shown in the text, (15) and (16) can be cast in the forms
S CS RS and L CL RL , (17),(18)
respectively, where
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g S S11*
CS (12.51a),(19)
1 1 g S S11
1 g S 1 S11
1 1 g S S11
g L S 22
and CL (12.52a),(21)
1 1 g L S22
1 g L 1 S 22
1 1 g L S22
As we’ve seen many times now, (17) and (18) are equations for
circles in the complex S and L planes, respectively. Any
value of S or L on these circles will produce the desired
normalized gain factor.
The first step in this design process is to ensure that the device is
unconditionally stable at 4.0 GHz. With S12 0 , the mu stability
factor is
1 S11 1 S11
2 2
S22 S11 S 21S12
S22 S11* S11S 22
If S11 1 and S22 1 then > 1, so this FET is unconditionally
From (13) and (14), the maximum gain factors at 4 GHz are
GSU max 2.29 3.59 dB
1 0.752
and GLU max 1.56 1.94 dB
1 0.60 2
Notice the points GSmax and GLmax . These are actually the points
CS max and CL max from (19) and (21), respectively, with g S 1
and g L 1, respectively. Think of these as constant gain circles
with radius equal to zero, which is what they actually are.
L 0.2270º
S 0.33120º