Farmers Weekly Sheep Event Show Guide

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The Essential Technical Event for Sheep Producers
Organised by the National Sheep Association
Tuesday 3rd August
Venue: Three Counties Showground,
Malvern, Worcestershire WR13 6NW

Official Guide
Published by

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FarmSkills Sheep courses
Comet us this Autumn will include:
and vi Sheep
at thehow
15 September
Sheep parasite control Macclesfield
S 7 October
Total Sheep Northumberland
12 October
Practcal tps to manage Hereford
sheep lameness
12 October
Practcal lambing Devon
18 October
Practcal sheep husbandry North Yorkshire
19 October
Sheep parasite control Derby
3 November
Advanced sheep keeping South Wales
– lameness and nutriton
10 November
Advanced sheep keeping South Wales
– parasite control and
infectous diseases
11 November
Alpaca husbandry Dorset
12 November
Sheep parasite control Hereford
17 November
Farmer Claire Basic sheep skills and stockmanship Gloucester
Crocker from
Somerset said 18 November
: “The FarmSk
course on max ills Practcal lambing Derby
imising lamb
survival gave 7 December
me some real
practcal tech ly Lambing and practcal kidding Dorset
niques for this
year’s lambin 8 December
g season”
– positve ben Practcal lambing Hereford
efits from
practcal cou 9 December
Practcal lambing Derby

We also regularly run courses across the country in DIY AI, catle and sheep foot
trimming, catle nutriton and mastts control, calf rearing and buying the right
beef bull – along with many others.
For more details,
why not log on to our website
Telephone 07748 805497 e-mail
XL Vets UK Ltd, Carlisle House, Townhead Road, Dalston, Carlisle CA5 7JF

74.6_Farmskills 2 Ad - Farmers Weekly A4.indd 1 14/07/2010 12:06:59
12/07/2010 16:02
editorial & contents 3

Build on success at
BROWN GATE – Sheep Exhibitors Entrance Only



14 15

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Row 2

Row 3
Bay 1 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

NSA Sheep 2010

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
197 199 dog sale
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
53 54 55 56
49 50 51 52 59
Bay 2 60 61 62 63
201 203
57 58 64 65 66 67 196 204
68 69 70 71
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 195 206

96 89 90 93 94 95
Bay 3 91 92 Catering
97 98 99 100 101 194 207
and bar area
104 105 106 107 108 102
103 110 111 112

e look forward to welcoming you

109 113
115 115 116 117 118 193
119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 208
Bay 4 130
129 133

to NSA Sheep 2010, the specialist

135 136 131 132 139
134 137 138 210

WYE HALL 239 192

one-day event with every possible

Event office
241 191

opportunity to hand, on one site, and on

213 Sponsors and
international visitors
Seminar 214
Catering marquee 190

one day to help you develop and grow


243 216
Toilets 244

your sheep farming enterprise and to do



Row 2

Row 3

140 141 142 143 146

244 245

148 151

We are currently enjoying a stronger

147 187 219
149 153 154
156 150 231
159 186

position, after two years of operating in

158 161 220
160 185 232
171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163
174 173 172 162 184
221 233

a relatively buoyant marketplace. It’s one


223 car park

to build on for the future and NSA Sheep

Young shepherd
of the year 182 224
Zolvix & Clik
demonstration area

2010 is the vehicle that will help you to





progress, whether you are a sheep farmer, a
Row 3

partner, shepherd, manager, consultant or

Row 2

178 179

Avenue F
Avenue F
have other interests in sheep farming.
More than 250 exhibitors will be
South car park
and visitor entrance Exhibitor car park

offering a huge range of advice – technical,

12 inspections business and finance – and there will be
opportunities to find out what’s new in
4 talking point nutrition and management along with
environmental issues and the latest in
machinery and equipment.
The event has also attracted associations
and societies representing more than
40 different sheep breeds enabling you
to catch up on cutting-edge genetic
Away from the exhibitors’ stands, there
will be plenty for involvement throughout
the day, from testing your own lamb and
carcass selection skills, to learning new
shearing techniques from the competitive
shearing classes.
8 farm shops Succession is absolutely vital within our
industry and involving the next generation
4 Talking Point 14 Succession in the event has been paramount. For
NSA’s chief executive Peter Morris looks at Planning a clear strategy for passing on a example, we will be staging the NSA
how the industry can build on strengths in the business to the next generation Young Shepherd of the Year, and most of
market place 16 Lambing our seminars and panels featuring issues
6 Competitions, demonstrations and For a Dorset farmer lambing out of season from health and welfare to marketing and
seminars brings benefits EID, will be chaired by the industry’s
A round-up of what’s on offer to see at this 18 Parasites youngsters.
year’s event A look at strategies to reduce sheep parasite Finally, this event has been organised
8 Farm Shops risk by NSA and I would like to express my
Using the whole carcass is the key to 21 Breed societies list personal thanks to Helen Davies and
profitability in farm butcheries Find where each breed society and her team of organisers. NSA is the sole
organisation is at the event industry body working hard for all UK
11 EID sheep farmers; if you are not already a
EID helps one Devon farmer keep a firm grip on 24 A-Z exhibitor list member, then I urge you to join and
performance Find all the stands you need to visit quickly
become part of this dynamic organisation.
12 Inspections and easily
We hope you enjoy your day.
Farm assurance inspections can work to 34 Event map and details
farmers’ advantages Find your way around the showground Jonathan Barber
NSA chairman

6 Competitions 16 lambing

NSA Sheep 2010, published by Farmers Weekly, Reed Business Information Ltd, Quadrant House, The Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5AS for the proprietors © Reed
Business Information Ltd 2010. Advertising prepress by ITM Publishing Services. Printed by Polestar Colchester Ltd for the proprietors Reed Business Information Ltd.

FarmersWeekly  23 July 2010 Sheep2010

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tim scrivener
Peter Morris
NSA chief

 There has never been greater

awareness among sheep farmers
about what happens to their
lambs beyond the farm gate than
there is now. That said I would be
deluding myself if I thought sheep
farmers knew all they needed to
about the destiny of their animals
in terms of how the supply chain
works, which markets matter and
how markets are developed and
It is fascinating to me that so
many sheep farmers now know
the daily fluctuations of sterling
against the euro almost as well
as they know the number of
sheep they have in each field.
Watching the currency market
has become something of a
preoccupation – and rightly
so. However, as the economic
difficulties spread throughout the
EU there is almost the same level
of uncertainty about the future
of the euro as there has been
about sterling and as a result there
has been a slight but significant
strengthening of sterling against
the currency upon which so much
of farming fortunes ride.
The weakness of sterling has
introduced real competition into
the marketplace for lamb which
has been the main contributing
factor in better prices for sheep
farmers. However, things will
change and through currency
changes and seasonal trends
the amount of export driven
buoyancy will alter and the UK
retailers will probably be able
to reassert themselves as the
strongest players in town.

Let’s build on our position

The question for me is having
taken advantage of currency to
strengthen UK lamb exports into
France and other EU countries,

of strength in the market

what should the industry do
now from a position of relative
strength to consolidate the
progress that has been made in
securing increased market share in
mainland Europe? All too often
when prices are relatively good from the levy boards that progress do now in these relatively So instead should the question
there is a sense of complacency has been made in establishing good times? Should sheep be “How much extra levy do
that sets in. The ability to build the UK lamb brand in mainland farmers throughout the UK be you need to turn a short-term
from a position of strength is Europe. Examples such as the banging on the doors of their marketing success story into
missed and the sheep industry “Agneau Presto” or “Quick Lamb” respective levy bodies asking for solid infrastructure for long-term
waits for fortunes to diminish campaign have moved French increased resources to be put market growth and share?” As I
and then tries to rebuild out of consumers into regarding lamb as into consolidating these export don’t pay levies, that is not my
a position of desperation and a quick and easy meal proposition markets? The levy board response question to answer. However
weakness. in the same way as happened in would probably and quite rightly those of you who do might think
It is plain to see that through the UK a decade ago. This can be “OK, but what is it you want about what value you put upon
the good work of exporters and only be good news. us to cut in order that we might the financial benefits that exports
the support they have received So what should the industry finance this?” have brought to your business.
Sheep2010 23 july 2010  FarmersWeekly

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񡑓񡑆񡑀񡑕񡑙񡑦񡑠񡑀񡑔񡑩񡑣񡑧񡑡񡑥񡑀񡑓񡑢 񡑣񡑩񡑰񡑘񡑕񡑙!񡑨񡑱񡑰񡑀񡑃񡑀񡑀񡑃񡑇񡑁񡑂񡑃񡑁񡑄񡑂񡑃񡑂񡑀񡑀񡑃񡑃񡑒񡑄񡑃񡑀񡑀񡑗񡑙񡑤񡑣񡑀񡑃

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FWS_230710_005 5 14/07/2010 14:12:12
6 Competitions, demonstrations and seminars

Brush up on your practical skills

Sheep farmers and shepherds visiting NSA
Sheep Event 2010 will be able to brush up on a
variety of technical skills at a series of working
demonstrations and seminars. Here’s a round-
up of what’s on offer to see
Time Competition/demonstration
09:00 Cookery demonstrations
Asda cookery demonstrations will take place every 45
minutes in the Avon Hall
09:00-14:30 NSA Young Shepherd of the Year competition
Watch 26 young shepherds sort finished lambs for
slaughter, demonstrate handling, vaccinating and dosing
techniques, shearing and putting an ATV through its
paces among other things. Awards presented at 16:00,
Intervet/Schering Plough Animal Health stand.
09:00-17:00 Scanning and Shearing
Visit the National Association of Agricultural Contractors
stand to find out more about the latest techniques.
09:00-17:00 Sharpen up: Watch the experts or bring your own shears
for sharpening to the Trafalgar Products stand.
10:00-15:00 English Shearer of the Year Award and the Open
Shearing Competition. Watch competitors promote their
skills and sheep handling excellence. Award presented
at 15:30, shearing shed.
10:00 BWMB Fleece Competition
Wool from a variety of sheep breeds will be split in
to seven sections – fine, medium, cross, lustre, hill,
mountain and natural coloured fleeces. Award presented
at 15:30, organiser’s office.
10:00-15:00 National Lamb Selection Competition
An open competition staged on the EBLEX stand in the
Avon Hall designed to test stock judging skills. Awards
presented at 15:30, EBLEX stand.
10:00-15:00 Farm Shop Lamb Butchery and Display Competition
Britain’s farm shop butchers will be at work in the Avon
Hall competing for the Best Farm Shop Award and the seminars
Best English Farm Shop Award. Awards presented at
15:45, Avon Hall. Time seminar
10.00 Resistance management, getting it right
10:30 Opening Ceremony Novartis’s Simon Harris
Farm minister Jim Paice MP, followed by presentations,
Chairman: Farm manger, Jake Freestone
NSA stand, Wye Hall 3.
10:30-16:00 Sheep Dog Sale 11.00 Sheep, good for the environment?
The 13th biennial sale of working sheep dogs with more Natural England’s Ross Evans
than 40 Border Collie entries from novice to trial dogs. Farmer James Evans
Chairman: Lloyds TSB’s Mike Lord
10:30-16:00 Kelpie Demonstration
A working demonstration of Kelpies, the Australian bred 12.00 Marketing, what’s the hottest option for you
dogs noted for their natural ability for backing sheep. EBLEX’s Remi Fourier
10:30-13:30 Tornado Wire Fencer of the Year Marks & Spencer’s Steve McLean
More than a dozen professional fencing contractors will Producer group representative Mayhill Lamb’s Henry
test their skills against their fellow competitors. Award Dunn
presented 15:00 at Tornado stand. Farmer Geoffrey Probert
Chairman: Dr Steven Johnston
11:00 Worming Demonstration using Clik
Worm resistance management; get to grips with what to 13.00 EID, are you really up to speed?
do, when and how to do it in the demonstration area. Shearwell’s Richard Webber
11:00 Ready Steady Cook DEFRA’s Terry Gurnhill
Styled on the popular TV series, Ready, Steady Cook, Auctioneer: CCM’s Ted Ogden
watch Farmers Weekly livestock editor Jonathan Long Chairman: Farmers Weekly’s Sarah Trickett
go head-to-head with Farmers Guardian editor Emma 14.00 Managing lameness, how much could you save?
Penny in the Avon Hall. Intervet Shearing Plough’s Jennifer O’Connor
14:00 Ready Steady Cook Case study: FAI Farms’ Ruth Clements
Watch Innovis’s Eurion Thomas go head-to-head with Chairman: NSA’s Louise Moorhouse
Edward Adamson, NI NSA development officer. 15.00 UK genetics, fit for purpose?
14:00 Worming Demonstration using Zolvix New Zealand farmer, Murray Rolhoff
Demonstration area Signet’s Sam Boom
14:00 NSA Open Shearing Competition UK farmer, Neil McGowan
Shearing shed Chairman: LAA’s Alastair Sneddon

Sheep2010 23 JULY 2010  FarmersWeekly

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FWS_230710_007 7 14/07/2010 10:39:36

8 farm shops

Abby Janaway: Investing in consumer education is the key.

Giving odd cuts

a bit of a leg up
There’s more to a lamb than just its legs,
as Sarah Trickett finds out
 Legs, chops and steaks – they the leg and shoulder, but many
are cuts of lamb most consumers people are scared of different
are familiar with, but what about cuts as they assume just because
the shank, shoulder and neck? they have seen something in a
When you’re marketing your own restaurant, such as a rack of lamb,
meat, it’s even more important that it must be hard to cook, but
to make the most of the carcass, it’s not,” she says.
but the key is knowing what to do For this reason the shop
with the less popular cuts. provides free recipe cards –
And making the most from supplied by EBLEX – to help
a carcass comes down to a few promote a whole range of cuts.
essential points – education, “The butchers will also explain
consumer confidence, knowing how to cook something to
the market, butchery skills and increase consumer confidence
presentation, says Abby Janaway, and they will butcher different
owner of Newlyns Farm Shop, joints to make them easier to
Hook, Hampshire. “When we carve.”
have new-season lamb everyone Presentation of the meat in
wants a leg, but we are trying the chiller is also vital, says head
to educate the public that the butcher Terry Tarrant. “People
shoulder is just as good and that buy with their eyes and when
it’s not an inferior cut,” she says. something looks good they are
That education is vital when more likely to buy it. Some
it comes to selling different cuts, parts of the carcass are harder to
says Mrs Janaway, who set up the sell than others, but by dicing
farm shop awards First impressions: Mouthwatering
displays and marinating can help
farm shop along with the rest of
the Janaway family six years ago.
lamb, making kebabs and rolling
and stuffing shoulder joints as
 NSA and EBLEX are launching boost sales of unusual cuts. “We try to not stick to selling just examples, we can make these
two new awards – the Best more appealing as they look good
Farm Shop and the Best English on display.”
Farm Shop awards, designed to Marinating different cuts and
test the skills of UK farm shop targeting specific seasons, such as
owners selling lamb, together the summer BBQ season, with
with those of their managers or different recipe ideas also helps
butchers. Each entrant will be sell less popular cuts.
given one hour to prepare and “In the summer we will sell
display a variety of cuts from a different flavour lamb kebabs
whole dressed lamb carcass. and have even sold lamb sausages
Judges for the competition, during the season. By getting
which takes place in the Avon different cuts from the forequarter
Hall, will be looking for the best we can essentially turn an
set of butchery skills, together unwanted product in to a value-
with innovation and appealing added product,” he says.
presentation. TV programmes are also a
driver for what is sold in the shop,
sheep2010 23 july 2010  FarmersWeekly

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farm shops 9

Head butcher Terry Tarrant says

using the whole carcass is the most
profitable route to take.

comments Mr Tarrant. “Whether

it’s from a cookery show or a food
campaign such as those driven by
Jamie Oliver or Hugh Fearnley-
Whittingstall we often get a surge
The Multivitamin
in demand for different cuts when
they have appeared on TV.”
Any joints that don’t sell get
Drench range from
used in ready meals, which the
Janaway family sells in the shop.
Mrs Janaway says: “With the
ready meals we essentially pitch
to two different markets – less-
expensive and more-expensive
dishes, with meals ranging from Come along to our stand at NSA SHEEP 2010
shepherd’s pie to lamb tagine. and take advantage of our
This means there is no wastage
as everything, even down to the EARLY TUPPING PROMOTION
bones, is used to make stock.”
And buying the whole animal, BUY TWO GET ONE FREE
using it in this way is the most (Orders placed in August 2010 for delivery by 15th September 2010)
profitable route to take, says Mr
Tarrant. “When you have the
whole carcass to work with it
OVITHRIFT: with or without copper
(Requirement must be established before administering copper)
simply means you can add value
throughout the whole animal. • Highly bio-available source of Copper,
You can lose a lot of value when Cobalt and Selenium for sheep
the whole carcass isn’t used.”
Allowing customers to see • Balanced levels of essential vitamins and amino acids
behind the scenes, whether that’s • High energy carrier
in the farm shop or on farm, is • Amino acids, lysine and methionine are
also important, adds Mrs Janaway.
essential for milking ewes
“We open our farm on several
occasions in the year, allowing • Lysine deficiency is recognised as first
the customer to see where all limiting factor of production and
our meat comes from as we are is essential for growth and
fortunate enough to be able to milk production
supply our own home-produced
lamb, beef, pork or chicken.
• Methionine, when combined
Consumers aren’t great at reading with Lysine produces carnitine,
things which is why we open our vital for the metabolism of
doors to them.” fatty acids in the liver
“Customers can also see • Recommended usage
through to the butchery so they
can see what goes on. This is Pre tupping
important as, when it comes to Pre lambing
meat quality, how an animal is
butchered is just as important as Lambs at three months or weaning
how it is reared and killed. We
just want to be open with the
To find out how you can improve the profitability of your
livestock, just give us a call on +44 (0)1576 205480 or visit:
FarmersWeekly  23 july 2010 sheep2010

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FWS_230710_010 10 15/07/2010 09:59:19

eid 11

Electronic identification can

bring data gathering benefits
The ‘power of data’
from sheep EID can
help farmers keep
a firm handle on
Aly Balsom reports
 Compulsory sheep EID may
be viewed by many as yet more
legislation to make producers’
lives increasingly difficult, but
one Devon farmer has proved the
EID gives you the ability to
manage ewes better and quickly
identify any shortcomings in your
system, says Peter Baber, Weir
Park Farm, Christow.
As a breeder of Suffolks, Texels,
Exlana, Suftex and Friesland,
totalling 1150 ewes, an enormous
amount of data are needed to
determine the best animal for
“We take a lot of measurements
to see which lambs perform best
in our low-input system. And by
john eveson

recording at the same time as you

would normally handle stock, you
are almost getting ‘free’ data,” Mr Devon farmer Peter Baber is using EID to collect large amounts of data to establish the best animals for breeding.
Baber explains.
Before EID was introduced occasions, and the computer screen by eye and writing information, Producers should take
five years ago, only lamb weights only touched three to four times. using EID is like the difference advantage of the opportunities
were recorded. However the new At scanning, a short race is between driving a sports car or EID provides to improve
system, which incorporates a set up after the scanning point pushing a wheelbarrow.” profitability, says Richard Webber,
weigh pad, has increased the ease so key data can be recorded, he And the power of the Shearwell Data. “When the
with which both ewes and lambs says. “The system automatically information produced, alongside software is right, you can do
can be monitored. records the number of the animal, the added labour benefits, anything you want in terms of
“It is simpler to weigh both weight and which group they are becomes apparent as soon as management recording.”
mothers and lambs rather than from. Body condition score and the system is in place. “The auto And by linking EID to an
split them off as they come number of lambs is then entered weigher may be more expensive, automated weigh platform,
through the race. And by manually.” but you can easily justify it in farmers are provided with
recording year on year, it is easy to The farm also records ease of time savings – we frequently the opportunity to make
assess how the system is working.” birth, lamb vigour, colostrum weigh 300 animals an hour. And management choices, he says. “By
Although it has taken a number yields and mothering ability at with this, the scales easily pay for assessing weigh records, farmers
of years to gather benchmarking lambing. themselves in two years.” can plan when an animal will
figures, collated data can now And although the benefit of EID has the potential to be ready for slaughter. And in
be used to make informed EID may be more marked on benefit both commercial and some cases, poor live weight gains
management decisions. “We can the breeding side, the system also pedigree producers, he says. have been linked back to stale
now see whether ewes have lost comes into play for finishing “More and more commercial pastures.”
more weight that season and animals. “When finishers are not farmers are becoming breeders in
whether we need to wean earlier achieving a target daily live weight their own right by producing their
for example.”
Lambs are weighed at eight
gain of about 270-330g a day,
we can accurately identify them
own female replacements. And
EID provides these guys with the
Learn more
weeks, weaning and 20 weeks, and within minutes,” he says. tools to select their best stock for Producers looking for more
ewes at scanning, eight weeks post “The more automated the the future. information on sheep EID should
scanning, weaning and tupping. system, the better – there is always “But the main benefits are head to the EID, are you really up
The way the system is set up the potential for human error speed, efficiency and close to to speed seminar at 1pm in the
means five pieces of information when recording manually. 100% accuracy in data recording,” seminar marquee.
can be recorded on some “When comparing reading a tag Mr Baber stresses.
FarmersWeekly  23 july 2010 Sheep2010

FWS_230710_011 11 15/7/10 11:10:34

12 Inspections

Be prepared and turn a farm

inspection to your advantage
Farm assurance pointed out is important as this
could prevent injury and as a
inspections may result, potential welfare issues.
seem like an added So to have an inspection every
18 months is not a lot of money
burden for sheep when you can prevent injury and
potentially deaths.”
farmers but, with a And having an inspection is
little preparation, this something Mr Hutchings views
as a continuous improvement
needn’t be so. tool. “Each year when we have
Sarah Trickett reports an inspection it makes us think
of areas we may need to improve.
Nothing is ever perfect, but each
time we will always try to be
Mr Hutchings says he walks
 Farm inspections, whether the farm before an inspection. “I
for cross-compliance or farm look at things such as handling
assurance, may be the bane of facilities to make sure there are no
many sheep farmers’ lives, but broken railings I also make sure
they need not be and can actually feed storage is all fine and records
turn out to be beneficial. are up to date.
A bit of preparation prior to “It doesn’t take too long, but
a visit is all that’s needed to ease a bit of preparation can help
the stress and reduce the chance prevent any non-conformances
of getting a non-compliance, being raised.”
according to Nick Davies, SAI There are elements of the farm
Global beef and lamb scheme assurance inspection that could
manager. “It’s amazing when you also affect cross-compliance,
look at the most common reasons adds Mr Davies. “Having a
for non-compliance they are often regular inspection as part of farm
for the simplest of things that assurance helps keep farmers up
could be easily rectified,” he says. to speed and makes them aware
For example, the most of potential issues that, if they
common pitfall is with medicine were to get a cross-compliance
records, explains Mr Davies. inspection, could affect the Single
“Often withdrawal dates haven’t Farm Payment.”
been recorded and animals not
identified and these are simple
things that should be recorded.
It’s all about being prepared, non-compliance
when administering drugs making top 10
sure all the paperwork is up to 1. Inadequate/incomplete
date, and getting everyone on the Inappropriate storage is a common area of non-compliance. medicine records
farm disciplined to recording.” 2. Inadequate/incomplete health
Health plans for sheep/beef medicine book and withdrawal a farmer may have left a bottle plans for sheep
are the second largest non- dates are down. of wormer by the race when 3. I nadequate/incomplete written
compliance area. “It’s not that “It’s like the inspection is a drenching, but this is classed as manure management plans
people don’t have health plans in prick to the conscience, as it being inappropriately stored. 4. Medicines inappropriately
place, it’s just that they often can’t makes sure you have everything “And with planned biosecurity stored
find it, it’s incomplete or it just in place,” adds Mr Hutchings. measures it’s amazing how 5. Inadequately planned
hasn’t been reviewed.” many people still use Jeyes fluid biosecurity measures
And it’s simple things like Common areas instead of a DEFRA-approved 6. No records of dog and cat
health plans and medicine records Other common areas of non- disinfectant. These are all things worming procedures
that sheep and beef farmer conformance include being people can easily rectify and 7. Housing which could cause
Stuart Hutchings, Leominster, unable to provide a written which they often do rectify there injury and distress
Herefordshire, makes sure he has manure management plan, and then when the inspector 8. Inadequate/incomplete
up to date prior to inspections. medicines inappropriately stored, points it out.” purchased feed records
“As soon I know an inspector planned biosecurity measures not Another common pitfall is 9. I nadequate handling facilities
is coming I check the medicine in place and dog and cat worming unsafe housing – which can 10. Feed stored in unclean
cupboard and make sure they are routines not recorded, says Mr be classed as broken gates and conditions with potential for
all within date and that everything Davies. “Some of the things are cubicles to broken tin sides on contamination
has been correctly recorded in the easy to fall foul of, for example sheds. “Having unsafe housing
Sheep2010 23 JULY 2010  FarmersWeekly

FWS_230710_012.indd 12 13/7/10 11:24:36

We’ve said goodbye to
FOOTROT First for footrot

“We couldn’t believe how well Footvax

cleared up the footrot problem.
“ Footvax has increased lambing by 4-5%
and delivered more saleable lambs.
Hewitson Family, Cumbria
” Finlay Smith, Lanarkshire

“Vaccination with Footvax means footrot is a

rarity and we don’t footbath at all.
“Since vaccinating with Footvax, lameness
amongst ewes has fallen to less than 2%.
Jonathan Kendall, Dorset
” Morris Brothers, Shropshire

t e r v e t/Sche
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u g h i n the A
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a t t h e NSA Sh
Hall ss a
o discu l
Event t ro
ss cont
lamene y in
your fl

LAMENESS is a concern in many flocks throughout

the country, with footrot being a common cause.
The results are suffering for sheep, reduced growth rates and a cost to the industry of £24million
per year1. Footvax provides proven prevention and treatment of footrot, which means you
can concentrate on increasing your returns rather than counting the cost of lameness.
Talk to your animal health supplier about the benefits of
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Reference: 1. Nieuwhof and Bishop (2005) Animal Science, 81:23-29.
Footvax contains ten strains of inactivated Dichelobacter nodosus with an oil adjuvant. Legal category: POM-VPS
Further information is available on request.
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health. Walton Manor, Walton, Milton Keynes MK7 7AJ • Tel: 01908 685 685

FWS_230710_013 13 14/07/2010 12:08:48

14 succession

By FW reporters

 Succession is universal to all

businesses, and particularly owner
managed farms. The great danger
is ignoring it in the hope it will
go away – it won’t, it will just
become a bigger issue as time
goes by, says Lloyds TSB’s Dick
Mason. “Like going to the dentist,
don’t put it off,” he says.
Plan early and involve the
whole family. You might think
you know what their hopes and
aspirations are, but you might
not, explains Mr Mason. “Be
prepared to listen to them and
understand their concerns. Above
all, discuss it before making
any significant expansion or
development of the farm. The
earlier you do it the better.”
Retirement for most people
in salaried jobs comes naturally
at the end of their working life,
usually at 60 or 65 years. But
many farmers never retire, adds
Mr Mason. “For this reason it’s
important to ask yourself whether
that’s what your partner wants, or

whether it’s what your successor

wants. It may be time to step aside A clear strategy for passing on your business to the next generation can help avoid difficult problems in the future.
and let the next generation have

Planning is vital when

their head,” he says.
And when it comes to finance
there are a few key issues to
consider, says Mr Mason.

handing over the reins

“Pensions, for example, may have
had a bit of a chequered history
but they are great to have when
you retire, reducing pressure on
the business and your successors.
“Also make sure there is an Succession is one issue sheep farmers should to consider the transfer of the
equitable settlement on children tenancy into the successor’s
not involved in the business in not leave until the last minute to plan name, prior to retirement
order that your successor is not or death. “This can remove
burdened with debt that the inheritance tax so it is beneficial looks like you are in a landlord/ uncertainty for all,” he says.
business cannot cope with. With from a tax view point to continue tenant relationship it could And at all stages in the
capital gains tax, if it rises, find operating the farm even in jeopardise IHT relief.” business involving the successor
out whether dispensation will be retirement, but take care to be When it comes to tenancies is vital, advises Mr Mason. “For
allowed for business assets.” seen to be actively involved in the it is worth approaching the example, get them involved with
Farm land may be exempt from business, says Mr Mason. “If it landlord to see if he is prepared meetings with your accountant,
bank manager, major suppliers,
CASE STUDY purchasers and consultant. Too
often this doesn’t happen early
JK Smith and Sons enough. Young blood could have
a lot to offer as well as learn.”
Drawing up a detailed business
Q Rich Smith, who farms 1100 and while I was in my mid-20s and the appropriate provision, and we plan will also help the successor
acres carrying 1600 ewes and a Lynne her early 30s.” are able to make further changes realise whether the hopes are
160-cow suckler herd, says it is While taking responsibility for the should the situation arise. financially viable. “Succession
thanks to his parents Dick and farm’s running, which evolved over “We are in a fortunate and often results in increased
Marjorie’s forward thinking a family the years for Rich and Lynne, the comfortable business position, which borrowing and increased drawings
partnership and subsequent arrangement meant they started to enables us to think outside the box on the business,” says Mr Mason.
succession were agreed in 2001. become fully engaged in all aspects and do things differently. We decided “For many it will pay to use
“They were a driving force of the business, from buying and to abandon the arable operations and a good consultant. They can
and wanted to make sure that selling to managing the accounts. focus on sheep and beef. challenge you, advise you and
myself and my sister, Lynne, “We believe we have a “Dad is still active around the crucially pull it all together into a
became business partners and responsibility for each other and farm, he provides a guiding hand robust budget. That way you, your
a succession plan was in place have taken advice from various where necessary and we take major successor and your banker will have
before they reached 65 years, sources on CGT and IHT and made decisions as a family.” the confidence to move forward.”
Sheep2010 23 JULY 2010  FarmersWeekly

FWS_230710_014 14 15/7/10 11:41:15

Take pride in your sheep.

A single intram
uscular injectio
with a 63-day mea n*
t withdrawal giving
flexibility, quick thro yo u
ughput and peace of
mind that every shee
p has been dosed.
You want the best for your sheep
so you inject with Dectomax.
As you know, Dectomax is the only endectocide
that eliminates scab as well as treating internal
parasites with a single intramuscular injection.*1
This means Dectomax works harder for you,
killing more with less. After all, they can only give
you their best when you give them your best.

One handy jab treats worms and scab

* After treatment, contact between treated and untreated animals must be avoided for at least 14 days.
1. Data sheets for Dectomax, moxidectin and ivermectin, 2010.

For further information please contact your supplier.

Elanco Animal Health, Lilly House, Priestley Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 9NL. Telephone: 00 44 1256 353131
EL406 Dectomax Injectable Solution for cattle and sheep contains 1% doramectin w/v (10mg/ml). POM-VPS Advice should be sought from a suitably qualified person prior to use.

FWS_230710_015 15 15/07/2010 15:13:04


Lambs are given a better start to

life with out-of-season breeding
Spring is traditionally
seen as core lambing
season for most, but
not for one Dorset
sheep farmer, as Sarah
Trickett found out
 While most sheep farmers can
sit back and ponder the success
and failures of this year’s lambing
season, for sheep farmer Robert
Hole, of Sherborne in Dorset,
the busiest time of year is yet
to come.
Lambing 300 pedigree Dorset
ewes in September and a further
120 in December is a routine that
fits Mr Hole’s 147ha farm well.
“Because we contract-rear 250
dairy heifers for three local dairies
it essentially means the lambs Lambing at the end of the year allows lambs to get off to the best start, says Robert Hole.
graze cattle grass in winter, leaving
cattle to have access to the best on this farm is often cold and in lamb. Ewes are lean and are for the Easter trade meaning
pasture in the summer, when ewe wet, which isn’t an ideal situation fantastic mothers and milk well, we essentially get two bites of
stocking rates are at their highest.” to rear lambs in. However, by which also aids the lambs good the cherry.” Marketing lambs at
It’s like trying to put a big jigsaw September the weather tends to start to life.” the start of the year also means
together,” he says. be better and lambs get off to a But, because ewes are put to a guaranteed contract price is
And lambing at the latter end flying start, which means we are the ram in April it means some agreed months in advance.
of the year is something Mr Hole, finishing lambs off between 14-20 of the best land is offered for Breeding lambs that are not
who farms in partnership with his weeks of age.” flushing. “Much to the horror of only a good pedigree animal but
father, has always practiced. This The good start to life also my dairy neighbours, ewes are are also commercial is important,
is because it not only fits well in means lamb losses are minimal flushed on silage ground, but says Mr Hole. “We are trying to
his system, but because it also when they are weighed at lush grass along with teaser rams produce top pedigree lambs that
marks the start of the pedigree eight weeks old and grazing gets the ewes cycling well.” are commercial. Along with the
year as well as having the added management means worm Ewes are then scanned at the lambs that are marketed through
benefit of being able to target the burdens are negligible. end of June, with any empties Waitrose we also sell about 100
lucrative Christmas market. “I And it’s the Dorset breed that returning to the ram. “These breeding females and 25-30 rams
definitely wouldn’t want to lamb is fundamental to lambing out of empty ewes are the ones that and keep 100 breeding females
at any other time of the year and season since it is the only breed lamb in December and they do for replacements.”
for farmers with cattle the Dorset in the UK to be able to breed have a slightly higher lambing And out-of-season breeding
does have a place,” he says. naturally all year round. “This percentage. This is probably is profitable as all costings are
Lambing out of season also out-of-season ability to breed is because the weather in April can calculated by Promar, explains
helps lambs get off to a better perfectly natural so we don’t have sometimes be cold, which can Mr Hole. “If the system wasn’t
start, believes Mr Hole. “March too many problems getting ewes influence conception rates.” profitable we wouldn’t do it.
However, realistically, Mr Hole Lambs are finished on stubble
says he would not want all ewes turnips but do have some access
lambing down in September to creep feed, but the cost of
as labour resource is kept to providing a little creep feed
a minimum and spreading pays off at the slaughter house
out lambing dates allows two because January lambs this year
different market periods to be were averaging 19kg deadweight
targeted. along with 95% of lambs grading
“Between 65 and 70% of our U and R 2+3Ls.”
lambs are marketed in January
and February through Waitrose
and with more people becoming
have your say
aware of the availability of fresh Fancy joining the debate on
lamb in January there is quite whether UK genetics are fit for
a demand. Those lambing at purpose? Then visit the seminar
Lambs graze cattle grass in the winter, which fits in with the rotation. Christmas can then be marketed marquee at 15:00.

Sheep2010 23 JULY 2010  FarmersWeekly

FWS_230710_016 16 15/7/10 11:08:12

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FWS_230710_017 17 14/07/2010 12:42:02


Producing high-quality
swards, rotating stock
and undertaking
targeted treatment
can help reduce
sheep parasite risk.
Aly Balsom reports

 Efficient parasite control

and good grazing management
go hand in hand, according to
independent sheep consultant
Lesley Stubbings. “It is essential
producers get grass management
right for optimal animal
performance,” she says. “There’s a
danger grazing management can

Tim scrivener
be counter-productive to parasite
control but the fact is, when stock
are provided with high-quality
feed, they are more able to cope Grazing at the correct height influences parasite burdens, with shorter swards increasing parasite concentration.
with a parasite challenge.”

To achieve this, grass should be
grazed at 4-6cm. “At this level,
The key to worm control
and grazing management
grass quality is at its highest –
the key is to maintain it at this
height by matching stocking
density with grass levels and
measure dry matter production
on a regular basis.” as producing good quality feed.” grazed this season should be monepantel (orange wormer) – a
Nutrition and health also have a And producers with the luxury prioritised for cattle.” In this way, new family of wormers with
huge influence on how an animal of having both cattle and sheep you can prevent nematodirus risk. no resistance – for maximum
copes with a worm challenge, so on farm should use the balance of Weaning can also act as an control.”
it is paramount farmers make the stock to their advantage. excellent parasite management
most out of grass. tool, says Ms Stubbings. CHICORY
Grazing at the correct height CATTLE AND SHEEP “Mid-season is when parasites Introducing chicory into the
also influences parasite burdens, “By grazing pasture with cattle are at their highest. This is when sward is also another way of
with shorter swards increasing one year and sheep the next, you lambs can be moved to low risk reducing parasite risk, explains
parasite concentration. “Most can reduce the parasite burden for pastures, such as silage or hay Ms Stubbings.
larvae are in the first 3cm of the following season,” she says. fields, and sheep and cattle swards “Chicory included in a rye
the sward – above 4cm the “Assess where the risk is on can be swapped.” grass/clover mix can provide an
concentration drops rapidly – so your farm and graze cattle excellent nutritional base.” The
going in at this height has as accordingly. For example, fields TARGETED TREATMENT structure of the plant also makes it
much to do with parasite control where ewes and lambs were Targeted worm treatment at difficult for worms to climb up –
weaning is also key to preventing reducing the chance of ingestion,
the build up of worm resistance while the plant itself is thought to
CASE STUDY in the flock, she says. have anthelmintic properties.
“Do not treat all stock at And there is some evidence to
Sheep and cattle rotation strategy weaning – use egg counts to suggest the high level of nutrition
assess risk in the flock and when provided by chicory means even
Q Rotational grazing of cattle and sheep has been part of a strategy by counts are low, there is no need when stock are exposed to high
Cornwall farmer Steven Thorn, to prevent unnecessary use of wormers. to drench.” egg counts they are more able to
“We regularly worm early lambs but, once weaned, we only worm in But when moving sheep onto cope with the challenge.
response to faecal egg counts – we don’t want to use wormers when it’s not low-risk pastures, it may be
necessary and this is where rotational grazing of stock comes into play.” worth targeting treatment to the
smallest animals, as these could
Ground is grazed by cattle one year and then with sheep the next year, For more information on
with the aim to cut down sheep parastites. potentially be worm carriers, says
Ms Stubbings. resistance management visit
Grazing in such a way was influenced by a reduction in the grazing the worming demonstration
platform at Lower West Panson, St Giles on the Heath. The key is to minimise the
number of resistant worms on areas at 11:00 and 14:00, where
“We were grazing extensively, with 800 sheep and 200 mostly observers will be shown how
Limousin cattle on 243ha (600 acres) but, following renting out a pastures, stresses Novartis brand
manager Simon Harris. to get to grips with resistance.
proportion of ground, grazing land was reduced and stocking density A seminar on “Resistance
increased. “There is a role for using a
wormer when stock first come management, getting it right” will
“Rotationally grazing stock was a means of minimising the risk of also take place in the seminar
increased parasite numbers by resting fields.” onto farm. SCOPS recommends
using a quarantine dose of marquee at 10:00.

Sheep2010 23 JULY 2010  FarmersWeekly

FWS_230710_018 18 15/7/10 11:06:08

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FWS_230710_020 20 15/07/2010 12:31:57

breed societies 21


Alphabetical listing of 59 breed societies and organisations taking stands at NSA Sheep 2010
Badger Face Welsh Mountain 11 Bluefaced Leicester SBA 21 Sue Archer
Ffynnonddwrgi Fawr, Cwm Cou, Riverside View, Warwick Road, Carlisle, 024 7654 1766 Q The Society aims to; develop and
Newcastle Emlyn, Ceredigion SA38 9PF Cumbria, CA1 2BS maintain the purity of the Cotswold
Brian Kempton Helen Carr-Smith sheep breed, provide registration/full
01239 710 435 01228 59 8022 Q Superior conformation while retaining membership services to existing/new prolificacy and milkiness. Rouge for members. breeding stock and Rouge for meat
Q Hardy mountain sheep. Bred pure for Q The Blue Leicester the only sire of production. Dorset Down SBA 47
perfect meat. Very popular in the show the “UK Mule” – famous throughout Havett Farm, Dobwalls, Liskeard,
ring with two colour choices Torddu/ the United Kingdom for its prime lamb British Vendeen 108 Cornwall, PL14 6HB
Torwen. production. Darkes House, Conderton, Tewkesbury, C Opie
Gloucestershire, GL20 7PP 01579 320 273
Beltex Sheep Society 34 Brecknock Hill Cheviot Sheep Andrew John
Shepherds View, Barras, Kirkby Stephen, Society 35 01386 725 229
Cumbria, CA17 4ES 3 Lion Street, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7HY Q King of the prime lamb breeds, one of
Rachel Buckle 01874 622 488 the oldest native breeds renowned for
01768 341 124 Q Contact the secretary for access to producing early maturing lambs from Q Brecknock Hill Cheviot Sheep are very the best performance recorded flocks. grass. prolific, excellent mothers with super Remember that the Vendeen will breed
Q The breed renowned for double conformation. out of season. Dorset Horn & Poll Dorset SBA
muscling, achieving maximum killing  106
out percentages. The superior choice British Berrichon du Cher Sheep Cambridge Sheep 110 Agriculture House, Acland Road,
for using on any type of ewe. Newborn Society 53 Pharm House, Willaston, Neston, CH64 Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1EF
lambs readily stand and suckle. Tregwynt, Three Ashes, Hereford, HR2 2TL Maruerite Cowley
8LY Alun Davies 01305 262 126
Black Welsh Mountain SBA 10 Sue Powell 0151 327 5699, www.
Strathearn, Ruthwell, Dumfries, DG1 4NN 01989 770 071
Fiona Sloan Q The breed’s role in the production of Q Dorset sheep, favourites with
01387 870 653 or 07803 171 007 commercial, medium size, productive farmers and butchers for their docile Q Easy, early lambing breed, quick crossbred ewes such as the Camtex will temperament, ability to lamb at any time growing, easily finished lambs with deep be featured. and their fantastic carcasses.
Why Black Welsh Mountain? Prolific, gigots. Hardy breed ideal for cross bred
maternal, fast growing, easy keeping, ewe replacements. Charmoise Hill Sheep Society 98 Easy Care SBA 14
disease resistant, good to eat. Meet Llandinam Hall, Llandinam, Powys, Glantraeth, Bodorgan, Anglesey, LL62
breeders on the stand. British Coloured SBA 131 SY17 5DN 5EU
c/o Graig Fach, Cross Ash, Abergavenny, David Trow 07788 585 309
Blackface SBA 28 Monmouthshire, NP7 8PD 01686 688 234
Woodhead of Mailer, Perth PH2 0QA 01873 821 205 Q Chamoise hill sheep are hardy and Q The ultimate wool shedding, low
Aileen McFadzean prolific French hill sheep that cross on maintenance prime breed. Specifically
07768 820 405 native breeds to produce good quality bred for ease of lambing, low costs and Q Promoting interest in the keeping and carcasses. maximum meat production. breeding of coloured sheep and use of
Q The No 1 hill breed in the UK. Keep up undyed, coloured wool and sheepskins. Charollais Sheep Society 86 Eppynt Hill & Beulah Speckled
to date with news and information by Youngmans Road, Wymondham, Norfolk, Face 23
visiting our website. British Dorper Sheep Society 82 NR18 0RR The Firs, 63 Garth Road, Builth Wells,
Churchill Farm, Buckfastleigh, Devon, Carroll Barber Powys, LD2 3NH
Bleu du Maine Sheep Society 88 TQ11 0EZ 01953 603 335 Dennis Jones
Longwood Farm, Trostrey, Usk, Amy Bridle 01982 553 726
Monmouthshire, NP15 1LA 07854 611 090
Jane Smith Q Charollais – A terminal sire ideal Q Our exhibits show the excellent
01291 673 816, jane@bleudumaine. for your farm. Easy kept, easy to lamb crossing of the Beulah ewe, easy to Q Dorper sheep are hardy and prolific and easy to finish plus a high quality, manage with a reputation for good milkers which shed their wool. They profitable prime lamb. mothering and adaptability.
Q Display of pure and millennium and are renowned world-wide for quality
Cheviot x Bleus. Ewes and rams are carcasses and conformation. Cheviot Sheep Society 25 Exmoor Horn Sheep Breeders
prolific, producing lively lambs which Holm Cottage, Langholm, Dumfries, Society 30
grow quickly. A very easy lambing breed. British Gotland Sheep Society DG13 0JP Kitridge Farm, Withypool, Somerset,
 112 Isobel McVittie TA24 7RY
c/o Whitehall Farm, Luppitt, Honiton, 01387 380 222 Mrs G Rawle
Blue Texel Sheep Society 107 Devon, EX14 4TR 01643 831 593
The Bungalow, Sheepwash Lane, David Barlow
Steventon, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX13 01404 42141 Q Hardy breed, good mothers, easily
6SD kept. Crosses with any sire and Q A hardy, dual-purpose hill breed
Sylvia Pasak produces a quality lamb suitable for that is excellent for the table and also
01235 831 573, sylvia@ Q Gotland sheep are attractive, friendly export or home market. produces the popular commercial sheep, prized for their lustrous curly Exmoor Mule. fleece in attractive shades of light to Cotswold Sheep Society 3
Q Blue Texels are a relatively new breed. dark grey. Hampton Rise, 1 High Street, Meysey Hampshire Down SBA 83
Excellent conformation, docile, good Hampton, Gloucestershire, GL7 5JW Rickyard Cottage, Denner Hill, Great
looking. Visit our stand and look at the british Rouge Sheep Society 96 Lucinda Foster Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16 0HZ
potential. Marston Mill Farm, Wolston, Coventy 01285 851 197 Richard Davis
CV8 3FX 01494 488 388 ➔

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22 breed societies in the Teifi Valley many years before. DG11 3HR Llanwenog can be used as a commercial Alison Brodie
Q Hampshire Down the terminal sire breed along with pure breeding to 01461 600 646
for easy-care lambs: quick to suckle; produce meat as required by today’s
robust; hardy; finishing off grass with no modern market.
concentrates. Q The quality hill breed. Versatile, hardy
Lleyn Sheep Society 84 and profitable. Enduring quality and
Hebridean Sheep Society 2 8 Whenby Lodge, Whenby, York, YO61 value without compromise.
Coney Grey, Sherington, Newport 4SF
Pagnell, MK16 9PE Heather Stoney North of England Mule SBA 20
Mrs H Brewis 07915 361 896 Albierigg Farm, Canonbie, Dumfriesshire,
01908 611 092 DG14 0RY Marion Hope Q The Lleyn an indigenous pure 01387 371 777
Q The leading UK breed for conservation breed, originating in North Wales. A
grazing: The Hebridean is a hardy prolific, maternal naturally healthy, low
versatile productive and easily managed maintenance breed offering high returns Q Commercial breeding sheep for prime
native breed. from low inputs. lamb production.

Hill Radnor Flock Book Society Manx Loaghtan Sheep Breeders’ Oxford Down SBA 3
 13 Group 15 Hillfields Lodge, Lighthorne, Warwick,
16 Ship Street, Brecon, Powys, LD3 9AD Cannons, Huntly Road, Tibberton, CV35 0BQ
John Lewis Gloucestershire, GL19 3AB Paul Froehlich
01874 623 200 Carol Kempson 01926 650 098 01452 790 309
Q The Hill Radnor is a prolific hill breed
native to the Welsh Borders and centered Q The Oxford Down is the original sire
predominantly in Breconshire, Radnorshire Q The Manx Loaghtan is a small of easy lambing, vigorous, hardy, fast
and West Herefordshire. A hardy, prolific primitive rare breed sheep, with multiple growing, large, lean quality lambs for
yet docile breed, ideal for crossing and for horns. There is an enthusiastic group of premium markets.
the production of prime lamb. breeders.
Portland Sheep 39
Jacob Sheep Society 5 Masham SBA 18 Huish Barns, Winterborne Zelston,
Oaktree Farm, Buttermilk Lane, Oak Bank, Bentham, Lancaster, LA2 7DW Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 9ES
Claverdon, Warwickshire, CV35 8HP Val Lawson Tessa Hucklesby
01926 843 434 01524 261 606 01929 459 082 Q Portlands, the ideal sheep for
Q The Jacob is a hardy, prolific, maternal Q To market and promote Masham smallholders. Excellent meat, easy
and produces sweet, tender lean meat. sheep. handling, ewes milky with strong
The fleece is attractive to spinners and mothering instincts, fleeces for hand
weavers. Meatlinc 54 spinning.
West Grange, Thorganby, York, YO19 6DJ
Kerry Hill Flock Book Society24 George Fell rare breeds survival trust
The Bramleys, Broadheath, Presteigne, 01904 448 675 (RBST) Combined Flock Book 45
Powys, LD8 2HG Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth,
Pam Chilman Warwickshire, CV8 2LG
01544 267 353 Q A commercially bred terminal sire Sally Renshaw, 024 7669 6551 selected for fast growth and high muscle
Q Kerry Hill Sheep – At home on the offering ease of lambing and vigour at
uplands happy on the lowlands. The birth. Q Boreray, Castlemilk Moorit, Manx
much favoured sheep for less favoured Loaghtan, Norfolk Horn, Portland,
areas. Meatlinc Sheep Company (E R & J North Ronaldsay, Soay and Whitefaced
E Vines) 89 Woodland, represented by Rare Breeds
Leicester Longwool Sheep Burton Farm, Linton, Ross-on-Wye, Survival Trust.
Breeders’ Association 9 Herefordshire, HR9 7RR
White Lodge Farm, Frisby on the Wreake, Edward Vines Romney Sheep Society 8
Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE14 01989 720 289 2 Woodland Close, West Malling, Kent,
2PA ME19 6RR
R Hatton Alan West
01664 840 642 Q A terminal sire commercially reared 01732 845 637 for ease of lambing, outstanding lamb
www. vigour, with excellent growth rate and
leicesterlongwoolsheepassociation. deep muscle. Q Romney, the adaptable and flexible breed. Good and hardy mothers ideal for
Q To encourage the breeding of Nelson South Wales Mountain 46 modern production systems; purebred or
tim scrivener

Leicester Longwool sheep, maintenance 40 Rhys Road, Blackwood, Caerphilly, as commercial crossbreds.
of their character, purity and bloodlines, NP12 3QR
promote and safeguard the existence of Glyn Davies Rough Fell Sheep 31
the breed. 01443 839 234 High Borrow Bridge, Selside, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 9LG Roussin Sheep Society 90
Llanwenog Sheep Society 6 Q The draft ewes of this traditional hill Jayne Knowles Mount Pleasant, Deckport Cross,
Nantgwyn, Llanfair Road, Lampeter, breed are renowned for their hardiness 01539 823 270 Hatherleigh, Devon, EX20 3LN
Ceredigion, SA48 8JY and longevity, producing cross bred
Andrea Molyneux
Meinir Green breeding stock, the rams improve size Q Large outstanding hill breed. Easily
01570 423 135 01837 810 006
and conformation in smaller hill breeds. adaptable, ideally suited to modern farming. Buy our popular video/DVD, North Country Cheviot Sheep clothing and “Rough” products.
Q The society was established in Society 7 Q Roussin are hardy, easy lambing, dual
1957, although the breed was known Wallacehall West, Waterbeck, Lockerbie, purpose breed particularly noted for its
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breed societies 23 fleece, highest grade price on wool board schedule.
Q Scotch Mule sheep are ideal for
today’s modern sheep industry crossed Texel Sheep Society 48 & 91
with any terminal sire they produce National Agri Centre, Stoneleigh Park,
excellent prime lambs and breeding Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2LG
lambs. John Yates
024 7669 6629
Shropshire SBA 12 & 105
Gibshiel, Tarset, Hexham,
Northumberland, NE48 1RR Q Most popular terminal sire chosen
Jane Wilson
by producers, excellent converter of
01434 240 435
forage, vigorous lambs improving health,
development and growth rate, robust
and versatile sought by producers from
Q Shropshires – a traditional terminal
diverse topography and climates.
sire producing finished lambs off grass.
Proven record when used commercially
in tree plantations. Welsh Half Bred 32a
Bryn Teg, Penygarnedd, Llanrhaeadr YM,
Society of Border Leicester Powys, SY10 0AW
Sheep Breeders 32 Gill Napper
Rock Midstead, Alnwick, 01691 860 336
Northumberland, NE66 2TH
Ian Sutherland
07891 245 870 Q Welsh Halfbreds (Border Leicester on Welsh ewe) are long-lasting producers of quality lambs in upland and lowland
Q The Border Leicester is a versatile situations.
breed which transmits excellent
conformation to prime lambs and Welsh Mule SBA 29
crossbred commercial ewes Gorseland, North Road, Aberystwyth,
Ceredigion, SY23 2WB
Southdown Sheep Society 4 Moss Jones
Meens Farm, Capps Lane, Halesworth, 01970 636 688
Suffolk, IP19 0PD
Gail Sprake
01986 782 251
Q The Welsh Mule ewes are adaptable,
prolific, milky, easy to handle, hardy.
Good foragers, excellent mothers and
produce superior finished lambs.
Q Southdown – the reliable all-rounder.
Southdown rams produce consistent
results, good carcass conformation, Wensleydale Longwool SBA 111
finishing off grass, ideal on ewe lambs. Coffin Walk, Sheepdip Lane,
Princethorpe, Rugby, CV23 9QF
Suffolk Sheep Society 85 Dr L Clouder
Unit B Ballymena Livestock Market, 1 01926 633 439
Woodside Park, Ballymena, Co Antrim,
BT42 4HG Q The exhibit includes male and female
Lewis McClinton Wensleydale Longwool sheep and a
028 2563 2342 variety of wool products and marketing material.
Q For faster growth rates, greater Wiltshire Horn Sheep Society 16
efficiency in food conversion and Stickle Heaton Farm, Cornhill-on-Tweed,
management traits, use Suffolk terminal Northumberland, TD12 4XG
sires. Adrian Bell
0844 800 1029
Swaledale SBA 26
Barnley View, Town Head, Eggleston,
Barnard Castle, DL12 0DE Q Easy management lowland breed.
John Stephenson
Superior terminal sire, producing top
01833 650 516
quality heavyweight lambs without
excess fat, and wool-shedding
replacement ewes.
Q England’s premier hill sheep breed.
Adaptable and versatile. Excellent
mothers and foragers. Mother of the
Zwartbles Sheep Association104
celebrated North of England Mule. Hillfields Lodge, Lighthorne, Warwick,
success on hill breeds and in organic Q Historic breed – ideal for producing CV35 0BQ
farming systems. prime lambs in organic and grass based Teeswater SBA  17 Yvonne Froehlich
systems. Excellent for use as a crossing Meadowcroft Farm, Ugthorpe, Whitby, 01926 651 147
Ryeland Flock Book Society 1 sire. Yorkshire, YO21 2BL
Ty’n y Mynydd Farm, Boduan, Pwllheli, Denise Newey
Gwynedd, LL53 8PZ Scotch Mule Association 22 01947 840 914 Q Zwartbles the breed to try – fast
Dot Tyne Bogside Cottage, Ochiltree, Cumnock, growth rate; lean carcass; easy lambing;
01758 721 898 Ayrshire, KA18 2QF www.teeswater-sheep highly prolific; extremely milky; very George Allan Q Premier longwool crossing breed. maternal; striking appearance; Easy 01292 591821 Good milking, prolific mothers. Fantastic management.
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24 exhibitor listing

SHEEP 2010
Find out who’s who, what they do and where
to find them on the showground in this A-Z
exhibitor listing for NSA Sheep 2010
Addfield Environmental 198 01207 529 000 fax: 01207 529 966
Chase View, Walkers Rise, Hednesford,
Cannock, WS12 0QU
P J Honeybourne Q Alligator, the UK’s leading aluminum
01543 877 977 fax: 01543 877 911 sheep handling system. Alligator is lightweight, durable and easy to use, with
Q Leading manufacturer of Addfield range lifetime guarantee.
of animal carcass incinerators for over
20 years in the many varied farming Animax  66
industries. Shepherd Grove West, Stanton, Bury St
Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2AR
Agridata Thistle 169 Graeme Dalton
Brockhole Farm, Morebath, Tiverton, 01359 252 181 fax: 01388 526 676
Devon, EX16 9BZ
John Westcott
0845 500 5449 Q Animax manufacture medicines nutrition and hygiene products for livestock. Now the only sheep dip
Q Easy to use software program for manufacturer based in the UK.
sheep, beef and dairy farmers, compatible
with a number of EID readers and ARC- Addington Fund 165
electronic weighers. The Red Stable Block, Stoneleigh Park,
Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 2LZ
Agri-Lloyd 154 Ian Bell
Glendower Road, Leominster, 024 7669 0587
Herefordshire, HR6 0RL Bayer 102 Stephen Dennis
Hayley Welch Bayer House, Strawberry Hill, Newbury, 01524 261 444/261 246 fax: 01524 263
01568 610 111 fax: 01568 610 666 Q The fund continues to offer short term Berkshire, RG14 1JA 857 financial support and meet the long term Gaby Pohl housing needs of farming families. 01635 563 000
Q Agri Lloyd produces a range of unique Q Livestock auctioneers. Special sales of
micro-nutritional drenches and animal Asda Lamb Link 147 North of England gimmer lambs, gimmer
health care products to support all types Visit the stand for further details and Q Bayer plc has recently launched shearlings and breeding ewes. Sales
of ruminant. watch the Asda cookery demonstrations Baycox sheep. Visit the stand to find out of horned hill ewes and all classes of
in the Avon Hall throughout the day. more about coccidiosis and how to take lowland sheep; store cattle, dairy cattle
Agrimin  61 action against it with Baycox. and calves. Weekly sales of cast ewes,
Elsham Wold Ind Est, Brigg, North Bagshaws & High Peak Livestock prime and store lambs.
Lincolnshire, DN20 0SP Society 155 BCF Technology 122
Sean O Toole Agricultural Business Centre, Bakewell, 3 Tailend Court, Starlaw Road, Livingston, Bioflow @ Greenway Trading 215
01652 688 046 fax: 01652 688 049 Derbyshire, DE45 1AH Edinburgh, EH54 8TE Greenway Farm, Greenway, Littledean, 01629 812 777 fax: 01629 814 764, Jason Rogers Gloucestershire, GL14 3LL 01506 460 023 fax: 01506 460 045 Jill Phillips
Q Cost-effective and technically 01594 826 359
advanced livestock care for farmers and Q Bagshaws are livestock auctioneers
their flocks. with a modern facility in Bakewell, Q For 26 years, BCF has been developing Q Bioflow magnotherapy – natural pain
Derbyshire and holding sales on behalf of and manufacturing portable ultrasound relief for humans and animals with a full
Allflex Europe (UK)  137 the High Peak Livestock Society. scanners for identifying sheep 90 day money back guarantee.
Units 7 & 8, Galalaw Business Park, pregnancies.
Hawick, TD9 8PZ Ball of Madley  240 Birch Farm Plastic
Helen Sheppard Crossways, Eaton Bishop, Hereford, HR2 Beef & Lamb New Zealand  156 Collection 116
01450 364 120 fax: 01450 364 121 9QR Avenue des cettes 20, bte 8, Brussels Fforch Egel Farm, Gwrhyd Road, Rhiwfawr, 01981 250 301 fax: 01981 250 123 1040 Swansea, SA9 2SE enquiries@ballofmadley-herefordshire. Anne Berryman 01269 826 680 fax: 01269 826 646
Q Allflex Europe (UK) has a 032 2 234 5670 fax: 032 2 230 5067
manufacturing and printing capability Q Suppliers of natural red lump rocksalt.
for all types of official and management Q The Birch family have been recovering
livestock identification products, including Barfield Travel Agritravel 166 Q Beef & Lamb New Zealand is the waste farm plastic for recycling for over
pig slap marking equipment. 14 Chain Lane, Newark, Nottinghamshire, industry organisation representing New 20 years. Recycled products on display.
NG24 1AU Zealand sheep and beef farmers globally.
Alligator Mobile Sheep 01636 705 612 fax: 01636 707 600 BOCM Pauls  41
Handling 196 Bentham & District Farmers’ Portbury Mill, Royal Portbury Dock,
1 Greencroft Ind Park, Stanley, Co Auction Mart 68 Bristol, BS20 7XS
Durham, DH9 7YA Main Street, High Bentham, Lancaster, David Forbes
Norma Harris LA2 7HF 01275 378 341 fax: 01275 373 828
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exhibitor listing 25

Q Every year Wairere rams tup 1.5-2m

ewes in New Zealand. Find out how to get
hold of them in the UK at our stand. Q Countrywide is the leading UK
business in the supply of products to the
Caltech 119 rural community. Businesses include
Solway Mills, Silloth, Wigton, Cumbria, agriculture, energy and retail.
01697 332 592 fax: 01697 332 339 Cox Agri 127 1 Parkhead, Greencroft Ind Park, Stanley, Co Durham, DH9 7YA
Q Manufacturers of Crystalyx the leading Norma Harris
feed lick in UK and Ireland. Main selling 01207 529 000 fax: 01207 529 966
brand extra high energy Crystalyx for
ewes, rams and finishing lambs.
Q Cox Agri – specialist stockbreeder
Castle Sculptures 216 products, EID equipment, Iconix electronic
Park Gate Farm, Scorton, Nr Preston, weighing systems, ear tags, farmer’s
Lancashire, PR3 1BT choice nutrition plus much more.
Jean Fowler
01524 791 488 CST Recorded Ram Marketing 87 Crogham Offices, Youngmans Road,
Q Blackface, Beltex, Shorthorn, Angus – Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0RR
some of the many breeds, sculpted and Carroll Barber
individually hand painted by Jean Fowler 01953 607 860
in limited editions. Come and see them! Q CST Performance Ram Marketing
aims to increase the awareness and
CCM Auctions – Skipton 36 advantages of using a high performance
Skipton Auction Mart, Lingfields, Gargrave terminal sire to produce more profitable
Road, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 1UD prime lambs. Examples of Charollais,
Ted Ogden Suffolk and Texel recorded rams will be
01756 792 375 fax: 01756 797 959, ted@ on display. D & J Smith trailers 194
Q Farmstock auctioneers and valuers. Park Farm, Stanford Bridge,
Major autumn sales of store lambs, Worcestershire, WR6 6SQ
gimmer lambs and breeding sheep. Large Dave Smith
year round sales of store cattle. 01886 853 697 fax: 01886 853 696
Ceva Animal Health 62 Q Midlands stockist Hudson Trailers. Also
90 The Broadway, Chesham, suppliers of Portequip, Ritchie, as well as
Buckinghamshire, HP5 1EG new and used general farm machinery. British Seed Houses 173 Martin Gough Portview Road, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 01494 781 510 fax: 01494 781 519 D M Handling Systems 203
Q BOCM Pauls offers a total feed range 9JH Wester, Bowhouse Farm, Maddiston, FK2
from blends to straights to compounds 0117 982 3691 fax: 0117 982 3691 0BX
covering all production systems including Q Ceva Animal Health is an innovative 07889 454 526
organic. It certainly pays to feed Ewbol company with a range of sheep
quality. Q Suppliers of Aber high sugar grasses products; Spectam Scour Halt, CEVAC, Q The all-in-one kit; handling, weighing,
and clovers, PunaII chicory and forage Chlamydophila, Cyclo Spray, Regulin and EID, back-fat genetic scanning, blood
Border Software  75 brassicas which provide optimal animal Rehydion. sampling.
Llety Mawr, Llangadfan, Welshpool, performance and profit.
Powys, SY21 0PS Chanelle Animal Health  93 Dallas Keith  67
Martin Tomkins British Wool Marketing PO Box 4, Leominster, Herefordshire, Bromag Ind Estate, Witney, Oxfordshire,
01938 820 625 Board 130 HR6 0YE OX29 0SR Wool House, Roydsdale Way, Euroway Tim Rees Chris Willett Trading Estate, Bradford, BD4 6SE 07774 854 049 fax: 01568 750 432 01993 773 061 fax: 01993 771 338
Q Embrace the power of EID with 01274 688 666
Farmit3000. Record, analyse and manage
your flock for breeding, pedigree and Q The BWMB represents the majority of Q Visit our stand to discuss sheep Q A wide range of liquid molasses, feed
performance. Visit UK sheep farmers, marketing British wool products inc Albox Tribex-Animec Oral and mineral buckets for all classes of
via auction to the international textile and Thrive Plus Prazite LC for your sheep sheep from tupping to lambing.
Brennan Fencing  237 industry. dogs.
Crosspatrick, Johnstown, Co Kilkenny, Dalton ID Systems 207a
Ireland Bryce Suma Post Drivers 227 Coldtraila 224 Dalton House, Newtown Road, Henley on
Michael Brennan Linton Hill, Morebattle, Kelso, Danemoor Farm, Welland, Worcestershire, Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 1HG
0353 5688 31421 fax: 0353 5688 31855 Roxburghshire, TD5 8AE WR13 6NL 01491 419 000 fax: 01491 419 001 Jock Bryce Ross Pushman 01573 440 314 fax: 01573 440 616 01684 311 811 fax: 0870 705 9776
Q Designers and manufacturers of the Q Dalton provide the widest range of
Vector power drive range of post drivers. sheep and goat ID systems. Come and
Q A full range of award winning post Q Refrigerated carcass hanging see the I-Tag and I-Tagomatic working with
Brintons  Sponsor drivers with a combination of patents and towing trailers fitted with internal steel Gallagher readers and the Ruddweigh
P O Box 16, Exchange Street, features unmatched by any other post framework, aluminum hanging rails with autodrafter provide the complete EID
Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 1AG driver in the marketplace. stainless steel hooks. management system.
01562 635 617 C J & C J Hodgkins 206 Countrywide Farmers 189 David Ritchie (Implements) 197 Locks Farm, Washington, Pulborough, Earls Croome, Defford, Worcestershire, Carseview Road, Suttieside, Forfar,
West Sussex, RH20 4AA WR8 9DF Scotland, DD8 3BT
01903 892 443 fax: 01903 892 443, Alice White David Richardson 01386 757 303 fax: 01386 757 390 01307 462 271 fax: 01307 464 081 ➔

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26 exhibitor listing
Q Manufacturers of livestock handling,
weighing and feeding equipment, bale
handling and grassland equipment.
Manufactured under an approved quality

9 Millbank, c/o 17 Smith Square, London,
Sue Warner
0845 955 077 fax: 020 7238 2188
Q DEFRA will be available at the event
to answer queries on the new rules for
electronic identification for sheep.

Customer Contact Unit, Eastbury House,
30-34 Albert Embankment, London, SE1
Tim Smith
0845 9335 5577 fax: 020 7238 2188
Q DEFRA is the UK government
department responsible for policy and
regulations on the environment, food,
farming and rural affairs.

Denis Brinicombe Group 40

Fordton Ind Estate, Crediton, Devon,
EX17 3BZ
Easyrams (New Zealand Q We give advice to help you use and
Kym Moore
Suffolks) 37 dispose of sheep dip, store and dispose Q Farmdata has been supplying farm
Pikesend Farm, Cockshutt, Ellesmere, of farm waste and comply with other software for 30 years. Sheepdata now
0800 374 325 fax: 01363 776 761 environmental regulations such as NVZ’s includes full EID facility.
Shropshire, SY12 0JZ action measures and water abstraction
Robyn Hulme licence. Farmers Fresh 157
01939 270 670 fax: 01939 270 802
Q Denis Brinicombe Group – a family Rouncil Lane, Kenilworth, Warwickshire,
owned manufacturing business producing Euro Quality Lambs  148 CV8 1NN
and selling unique products for cattle, Euro House, Dale Street, Craven Arms, 01926 853 211 fax: 01926 858 642
Q Easyrams (New Zealand Suffolks/
sheep and equine. Call 0800 374 325. Shropshire, SY7 9PA
Sufftex) the UK’s only supplier of pure NZ
Suffolk and Suftex rams. Use Easyrams Rizvan Khalid Q Procuring lambs from producers
Dow AgroSciences 230 01588 673 000 fax: 01588 673 773, throughout England and Wales, we are a
for less work and more profit.
Latchmore Court, Brand St, Hitchin, supplier of quality lamb carcasss to the
Hertfordshire, SG5 1NH
Paul Savage
EBLEX Better Returns European market.
01462 457 272
Programme 150 Q Family-run abattoir and cutting plant in
Ashton House, Ambury Road South, Shropshire. Export and Halal specialists, Farmers Weekly 190 suppliers to wholesalers and retailers. No Quadrant House, Sutton, Surrey, SM2
Huntington, PE29 2EH compromise on quality and service. 5AS
Mandy Robins
Q The manufacturers of effective 020 8652 3500 fax: 020 8652 4005
0870 241 8829 fax: 01480 453 005
herbicides for the control of perennial and Farm Wizard  207
annual weeds. TEIC Building, University of Ulster, Shore
Q BRP delivers a programme of free Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 0QB Q In the magazine and online. Unbiased
Drivall  179 Anthony Warmington quality reporting helping you to make
practical demonstrations and on
Narrow Lane, Halesowen, West Midlands, 07973 128 429 the best business decisions. Subscribe
farm events supported by technical
B62 9PA here today.
publications to assist producers.
Helen Smith
0121 423 1122 fax: 0121 422 9498 Farming Crisis Network 242
England Catchment Sensitive Q A web-based flock management and
Farming Delivery Initative performance package. Simple and easy 64 Gardens Walk, Upton on Severn,
Q Fencing tools, fasteners, accessories,
(ECSFDI) 76 to use giving you the information you Worcestershire, WR8 0JE
Natural England, 3rd Floor, Bridgwater require when and where you need it. 01684 592 125
including wire strainers and clamps. Compatible with all major weigh heads. Q Providing support to the rural members
House. 60 Whitworth St, Manchester,
Ezepull tools and sleeves, shuv holers, of the community.
M1 6LT
post hole diggers, electric fencing, Farm XS 213
0300 060 2350 fax: 0300 060 1791
spraying equipment. c/o The Dairy, Hook, Wootton Bassett, Farmplan Computer Systems 60
landmanage/water/csf Swindon, Wiltshire, SN4 8EF Farmplan House, Mews Business Park,
Dunbia (Llanybydder) & Dunbia Catherine Elmes Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, GL17 0SN
Q The England catchment sensitive
(Preston) 221 01793 842 062 fax: 01793 842 006 Rachel Arthurs
farming delivery initiative, through free
Teify Park, Lampeter Road, Llanybydder, 01594 545 000 fax: 01594 545 012
training, advice and possible grants,
Carmarthen, SA40 9QE
helps farmers reduce diffuse water
Yvonne Rudd Q National farm plastic and cardboard
01570 480 284 or 01938 810 014 recycling scheme. Q Visit the Farmplan stand to find out
Environment Agency 142 how sheep software can help you with
National Customer Contact Centre, P O Farmdata  160 the new sheep EID legislation.
Q Dunbia meat processing facilities are Westertown, Rothienorman,
Box 544, Rotherham, S60 1BY
located in South West Wales, Mid Wales Aberdeenshire, AB51 8US Farmsense  42
08708 506 506
and Preston. Visit our stand to meet your 01467 671 457 fax: 01467 671 448 Docklands, Dock Road, Lytham,
local full-time fieldsman. Lancashire, FY8 5AQ
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exhibitor listing 27

Fearing International 0114 275 2255 fax: 0114 275 1155 01873 890 712
(Stockaids) 63
Creaton Road, Brixworth, Northampton,
NN6 9BW Q Gripple provides a quick and easy way Q Manufacturers of hand and drum
Kate Aston to terminate fence with a range of wire carders for processing fleece. Retailers
01604 881 491 fax: 01604 881 616 joiners and tensioners. of spinning wheels and accessories, felt making and kitting kits. Hainsworth 99
Q Fearing direct are suppliers of EID tags Spring Valley Mills, Stanningley, Pudsey, Herefordshire College of
and the Litams range of tag readers, data West Yorkshire, LS28 6DW Technology – Holme Lacy
loggers and auto draft sheep crates. Victoria Mellor Campus 162
0113 395 5657 fax: 0113 395 5686 Holme Lacy, Hereford, HR7 4JS
Field Science  120 0800 032 1986
Downsview House, Grove Avenue, Coombe
Dingle, Bristol Q Hainsworth natural legacy woollen
John Wanklyn coffins support British farmers, using Q Specialising in full and part time land
0117 985 8580 three fine down type fleeces per coffin based courses – agriculture, forestry, and showing alongside the Poll Dorset arboriculture, gamekeeping, horticulture, sheep. countryside legislative courses in
Q Tailor made trace element/mineral chainsaws, machinery and sheep dips.
dressings for all soils. No more mineral Hanco Agricultural 202
buckets, drenches, boluses or injections, Woolhope, Hereford, HR1 4QX Heritage & Sons  235
just healthy fertile sheep. H J Hancock High View, Common Lane, Corley Moor,
01432 860 518 fax: 01432 860 815 Coventry, CV7 8AQ
Fleece Competition 129 Paul Heritage 01676 540 270 fax: 01676 542 670
G D Troth 241 Q Green polypropylene slatted sheep
32 Outram Road, Newbold, Chesterfield, flooring. Agritech glassfibre bulk bins,
S41 7DW augers. Suevia enameled cast iron or Q Heritage & Sons (Warwickshire) is
01246 204 000 Aquathan plastic livestock drinkers. the central England agents for Solway
Q Domestic and agricultural knives. Recycling. Suppliers of collection service
Harrington Sheep Handling 231 and recycled products.
Gallagher Power Fence  204 Tynewood Farm, Gowthorpe, Fangfoss,
Curriers Close, Canley, Coventry, CV4 8AW York, YO41 5QL Hexham & Northern Marts 59
Hayley Welch Neil Forknall 01759 369 935, Mart Offices, Tyne Green, Hexham,
01253 667 420 fax: 01253 667 425 0844 850 0101 fax: 0844 850 1545 Q Manufacturer of static and mobile Northumberland, NE46 3SG
Q Farmsense manufacturers market handling systems and shearing trailers. Trevor Simpson
leading animal health care products for 01434 605 444 fax: 01434 604 651
UK farmers such as Ovicol Colostrum®, Q Electric fencing and animal Harrison & Hetherington 44
through to the unique rehydration product performance systems. Borderway Mart, Rosehill, Carlisle,
Diarex®. Cumbria, CA1 2RS Q Auctioneers and valuers. Large autumn
Genesis Manufacturing 212 David Pritchard sales of all classes of breeding sheep and
Farmshop Butchery competition 4 Merlin Way, Bowerhill Ind Estate, 01228 406 232 fax: 01228 406 231 store lambs.
 141 Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6TJ
EBLEX, Ashton House, Ambury Road 01225 700 476 Hopes of Wigton  217
South, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, Q Livestock auctioneer, broker and valuer. 93 High St, Wigton, Carlisle, Cumbria,
PE29 3EH CA7 9PG
01480 482 981 Hawes Farmers Auction Mart 57 David Bowman
Diane Northrop George Mudge & Co 218 Burtersett Road, Hawes, North Yorkshire, 01697 342 202 fax: 01697 345 001
NSA, together with EBLEX, is launching Meadowside, Collaton, Devon, PL19 9JT DL8 3NP
two new, prestigious awards at the event George Mudge R J Lund
which are designed to test the skills of 01822 615 456 01969 667 207 fax: 01969 667 220 Q Providing unparalled auctioneering
farm owners throughout the UK selling Q Sheep shearing and handling services to the regions prime and store
lamb, and those of their managers or equipment specialists. stock producers. 5000 mule gimmer
butchers. The awards will be the Best Q Livestock auctioneers and valuers. lambs – Wednesday 15th Sept 2010.
Farm Shop Award and the Best English Gripple 211
Farm Shop Award. The Old West Gun Works, Savile Street Hedgehog Equipment 135 Horner Shearing 183
East, Sheffield, S4 7UQ Daren Uchaf Farm, Cwmyoy Mons, Laneside Farmhouse, Grindleton Road,
Iwona Jablonska Monmouthshire, NP7 7NR West Bradford, Clitheroe, Lancashire, ➔


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28 exhibitor listing

BB7 4QH Iorwerth Roberts

Willie Horner 01490 412 527
01200 427 419 fax: 01200 427 459 Q We will have on display a range of
Q Sheep shearing machines, shearing sheep and stock trailers. We will also be
handpieces, flexible driveshaft, comb, displaying some of our other extensive
cutters, clothing, spares and repairs all at range of trailers.
discount price.
Innovis Breeding Services 27
Howgill UK  233 Aubrey Farm, Albright Lane, Bromeberrow,
The Shieling, Broad Hembury, Honiton, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1RZ
Devon, EX14 3LW 0844 800 9050
Tim Howgill
01404 841 770 fax: 01404 841 880 Q Innovative Breeding Solutions; artificial insemination, embryo transfer, semen
Q Mobile cattle crushes, cattle corals, and embryo freezing, import and export,
Agritubel equipment. scrapie genotyping, consultancy and
Humane Slaughter
Association 164 Innovis Genetics 52
The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Brogerddan, Penrhyncoch, Aberystwyth,
Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, AL4 8AN Ceredigion, SY23 3ED
Charles Mason Eurion Thomas
01582 831 919 fax: 01582 831 414 01979 828 236 fax: 01970 822 018
Q The Humane Slaughter Association is Q A sheep breeding company working in
the only registered charity committed to partnership with hill and lowland sheep
the welfare of food animals in markets, farmers to improve productivity using the
during transport and to point of slaughter. best UK genetics.

Huntsmoor Park Farm 243 Intervet/Schering Plough Animal

Ford Lane, Iver, Buckinghamshire, SL0 Health 161
9LL Walton Manor, Walton, Milton Keynes,
Bil Lidgate Buckinghamshire, MK7 7AJ
07860 328 133 fax: 01753 653 128 01908 685 407 fax: 01908 685 473
Q Sweepex – Tuchel and Broomex Q Intervet/Schering-Plough has a wide
Manufacturers of Vecoxan, Supaverm and Q Electric fencing for farmers,
brushes, Harlequin plastic diesel tanks range of sheep vaccines, which have
Flukiver. smallholders and equestrian. ORINGI
and Western steel tanks. consistently been included in planned
waterproof protective clothing for farmers
sheep health programmes. Visit our stand
Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion to discuss your Flock Health Programme
John Deere  187 and outdoor people.
Harby Road, Longer, Nottinghamshire,
Wales 94 requirements, including Footvax™, Bovillis®,
Ty Rheidol, Parc Merlin, Aberystwyth, BTV8, Bravoxin™, Heptavac-P Plus®,
NG13 9HT L M Bateman 188
Adrienne Mitchell Island Works, Cheadle Road, Cheddleton,
Ceredigion, SY22 3FF Ovivac-P Plus®, Enzovax®, and Toxovax®.
0800 085 2522 fax: 01949 860 490 Staffordshire, ST13 7HN
01970 625 050 fax: 01970 615 148 Ian Byrne J G Animal Health 81 01538 361 326 fax: 01538 360 803 Windrush , Cradley, Malvern,
Q See new 5 Series 70hp to 100hp
Q HCC is the industry – led organisation Worcestershire, WR13 5LF
tractors, with compact features ideal for
responsible for the development, Jonathan Guy
livestock farms, plus the Gator utility Q Manufacturers of quality sheep and
promotion and marketing of Welsh red 01886 880 482 fax: 01886 880 385
vehicle. cattle handling and feeding equipment.
IAE 193 Q Specialist livestock supplements
Kawasaki Motors  185 Lambert & Dyson  199
1 Dukes Meadow, Millboard Road, Bourne Landy Works, Keighley Road, Skipton, N
Mossfield Road, Adderley Green, Longton, formulated to help maximise livestock
End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5XF Yorkshire, BD23 2TA
Stoke on Trent, ST3 5BW performance. Custom mix minerals and
Simon Riches Matt Lambert
Jack Jackson proven nutritional drenches. Premier
01628 856 600 01756 794 291 fax: 01756 700 695
08451 777 200 fax: 08451 777 300 sheep and Premier lamb. Jakoti Handshears 132
Q Kawasaki is a manufacturer of ATVs Q The Landy range of pto and petrol
Q Manufacturers of high quality livestock Churchmoor Barn, Martin Street,
and Mule Utility vehicles, from 250cc ATV powered high pressure cleaners and
handling and feeding equipment. Baltonsborough, Somerset, BA6 8QT
to the popular Mule 4010 Trans diesel. drain jetters, associated accessories,
Jack Tinker
attachments and detergents. See our new
ID & SB James Country Supplies71 01458 850 066
Hundred House, Llandrindod Wells,
Kilco 174 tank mounted units.
Broomhouses 2 Industrial Estate, Old
Powys, LD1 5RY
Susan James Q Top quality manual sheep shears. The
Glasgow Road, Lockerbire, DG11 2SD Land Registry 229
Margaret McGladery Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PH
01982 570 200 fax: 01982 570 210 blades have a unique self-sharpening
07967 374 176 fax: 01576 205 483 0800 432 0432 action. Feel free to try before you buy.
Q Sheep and cattle showing and
husbandry products. Clippers, shears, Janssen Animal Health 186
Q Land Registry is a government
halters, dehorners, shampoos, coat 50-100 Holmers Farm Way, High
dressings, head restrainers, sheep and Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP12 4EG
KiwiKit  200 department responsible for maintaining
Springfield House, Ashford Carbonell, Nr the land registry for England and Wales.
showman coats. Nick Burford
Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 4BX
01494 567 555
Ifor Williams Trailers  208
Jackie Brundrett Lister Shearing Equipment 177
01584 831 452 fax: 01584 831 140 Long Street, Dursley, Gloucester, GL11
The Old Station, Corwen, Denbighshire, Q Visit our stand for free expert advice on 4HR
LL21 0AD coccidiosis and fluke and worm control. David John
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exhibitor listing 29

concentrates, mineral supplements, supply of fencing, view our premium

mineral buckets and more. XFENCE wire netting range.

May Hill Lamb Producers  09 Meadow Quality Limited 223

Upleadon Court Collection Centre, The Old Wheat Store, New House Farm
Newent, Gloucestershire, GL18 1EG Bus Centre, Langley Road, Edstone,
01452 840 249 Warwickshire, B95 6DL Judy Underwood
Q May Hill Lamb Producer Group – run 01789 734 100 fax: 01789 734 199
by farmers for the benefit of farmers.
We aim to provide an efficient low-cost
marketing strategy with high animal Q At Meadow Quality we believe in
welfare standards. making your sheep count! Call to see
what we can add to your marketing.
McArthur Group  180
Unit 12, Glen Industrial Estate, Essendine, Minsups  72
Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 4LE Road One, Industrial Estate, Winsford,
Nick Caddy Cheshire, CW7 3RG
0845 372 1839 fax: 0870 238 4486 Jane Hague 01606 556 161 fax: 01606 861 530
Agricultural and fencing products
including Cyclone fencing systems, Q Minsups manufacture and supply a
Kinghitter post driver, fencing tools and wide range of cost effective high quality
introducing the new X fence for horses mineral feed supplements formulated to
and badgers. help improve livestock performance and
increase profitability.
McCartneys LLP 95
Ox Pasture, Overton Road, Ludlow, Modulamb 226
Shropshire, SY8 4AA Peter Hall Farm, Coombefields, Coventry,
01584 872 251 fax: 01584 875 727 CV2 2DR R B Meakin 024 7661 1647 fax: 024 7661 3866
Q McCartneys – auctioneers, chartered
surveyors, land and estate agents with a
reputation for offering first class, friendly Q Sheep handling and dipping
and honest professional advice. equipment, award winning handling
trailer, Electrodip jetter and docking crate,
McGregor Polytunnels  222 walk trough troughs and lamb weighers.
Winton Farm, Petersfield Road, Ropley,
Hampshire, SO24 0EG Mole Valley Farmers 220
01453 544 830 fax: 01453 545 110 Marks & Spencer 152 01962 772 368 Station Road, South Molton, Devon, EX36 Waterside House, 35 North Wharf Road, 3BH London, W2 1NW Q Manufacturers of the Cheviot range 01769 573 431
Q Lister Shearing is the leading 020 7935 4422 of polytunnel housing for in-wintering
manufacturer of sheep shearing, animal Q Marks & Spencer is proud to support and lambing, expert advice available on
clippers, trimmers and accessories British agriculture and delighted to be at management in this type of housing. Q Mole Valley Feed solutions offer a
supplied to more than 60 countries. NSA Sheep 2010. technical answer to the individual farm
McVeigh Parker & Co  205 business’ nutritional requirement – feed,
Lloyds TSB Agriculture 153 Marr & Macgregor Feeds 70 Southend, Bradfield, Nr Reading, soil, minerals and forage.
Hereford Agricultural Office, 8 High Town, Rosendale Hose, 19-23 Prospect Street, Berkshire, RG7 6HA
Hereford HR1 2AE Bridlington, East Yorkshire, YO15 2AE Chris Hambridge MorrisonsSponsor
Jerry Ault Sophie Martin 0845 120 7755 fax: 0118 974 4123 Hilmore House, Gain Lane, Bradford, West
01432 355 295 fax: 01432 20646 01262 602 408 fax: 01262 609 458 Yorkshire, BD3 7DL 0845 611 5000 www.marrand Q Fencing and farming supply specialists,
Q With over 80 specialist managers Q We supply a wide range of huge stocks, fast delivery, great prices on
across 42 offices nationwide, we can livestock nutrition products, factory a full range of troughs, feeders, weighers Mr Toby Meader 210a
provide a truly local agricultural service. to farm, nationwide including protein and handling equipment. Leaders in the 7A Offington Lane, Worthing, West ➔

Reduce your autumn challenge –

treat now for fluke...
...and get 6 weeks protection against
Haemonchus contortus too!

Always seek advice on the correct use of medicines from the prescriber, your veterinarian or a suitably qualified distributor. FLUKIVER 5% w/v Oral Suspension contains 50 mg/ml closantel. SUPAVERM
Oral Suspension contains 50 mg/ml closantel and 75 mg/ml mebendazole. Legal category POM-VPS Use medicines responsibly. Further information is available from
Janssen Animal Health, 50-100 Holmers Farm Way, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 4EG, UK Tel: 01494 567555 Fax: 01494 567556 Email:

1388 29
- Haemonchus Ad_210x80_FarmersWeekly_AW.indd 1 15/7/10 12:19:15
22/6/10 11:14:13
30 exhibitor listing

Sussex, BN14 9RY Norbrook Pharmaceuticals

01905 266 960 Worldwide 51 The Green, Great Corby, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA4 8LR
Q Mr Meader is promoting his artwork. Sarah Ivinson
He specialises in sheep portraits and has 01228 562 888 fax: 01228 561 614
been painting them for three years.
National Assoc of Agricultural Q With over 40 years experience,
Contractors (NAAC) 236 Norbrook has become a world leader in
The Old Cart Shed, Easton Lodge Farms, developing and manufacturing veterinary
Old Oundle Rd, Wansford, Peterborough, pharmaceutical and animal health
PE8 6NP products.
Alice Clayton
08456 448 750 fax: 01780 784 933 North West Auctions 38 Wyresdale Road, Golgotha, Lancaster, LA1 3JQ
Q The only trade association representing R Gardiner
land-based contractors. Looking for a 01524 63308 fax: 01524 69779
professional contractor, or interested in
joining? Please visit the stand.
Q Pedigree and commercial livestock
National Beef Association 170 auctioneers and valuers.
Mart Centre, Tyne Green, Hexham,
Northumberland, NE46 3SG Novartis UK  58
Euan Emslie Frimley Business Park, Frimley,
01434 601 005 fax: 01434 601 008 Camberley, Surrey, GU16 7SR James Crawford 01276 694 402
Q The main voice for all UK cattle
producers and finishers. NBA aims to Q Come and visit our new CLIK trailers
serve as the beef industry leader. at the Novartis Animal Health stand and
talk to us about your blowfly and worm
National Farmers Union 43 control.
Agriculture House, Stoneleigh Park,
Warwickshire, CV8 2TZ National Sheep Association 92
Josie Twinning The Sheep Centre, Malvern,
024 7685 8500 Worcestershire, WR13 6PH, Dyana Webb 01684 892 661
Q The NFU is passionate in its support Organic Sheepskins 103
of all farmers, lobbying government and Q NSA works on behalf of the industry Lesser Netherton, Harewood End,
fighting to deliver the future of British to ensure that the interests of sheep Hereford, HR2 8LA Q Leading North of England livestock
farming. producers are heard at the highest level. Nicki Port mart. Renowned for store cattle and
NSA sits on all key industry stakeholder 01989 730 615 breeding sheep. Livestock manager, John
Natural England 158 groups and provides dedicated lobbying Wharton 07912 946 549
PO Box 530, Worcester, WR5 2WZ on all issues affecting the sheep
Neil Henderson industry. Q The only organically registered tannery Pfizer Animal Health 121
0300 060 1115 fax: 0300 060 1125 At the heart of NSA is its regional in the British Isles. Contract tanning and Walton Oaks, Dorking Road, Tadworth, structure – eight active regions who beautiful skins, including baby rugs for Surrey, KT20 7NS work together to deliver specialist sale. Emma Bloomfield
Q Working with farmers and land technical events, sales and other 0845 300 8034
managers through the provision of free services and guidance for grass-roots Osmonds 117
advice and specific grants to enhance the producers. These vital links with grass Bradeley Green, Tarporley Road, Q Dectomax™ Injection is the only
natural environment and support farm roots ensures that NSA’s voice in policy Whitchurch, Shropshire, SY13 4HD endectocide that eliminates sheep scab
businesses. discussions is always as practical and Fiona Wilson as well as treating parasites with a
realistic as it can be. 01948 668 100 fax: 01948 668 101 single injection. Also available in pour-on
Net-Tex Industries 79 formulation for cattle.
Priestwood, Harvel, Meopham, Kent, Offa Industries  238
DA13 0DA Unit 3, Knighton Enterprise Park, Q Osmonds produce a wide range of Pharmweigh 214
Tony Meakin Knighton, Powys, LD7 1HJ health, nutrition digestive and hoof George Hill Unit 3, Barningham Road,
01474 813 999 fax: 01474 812 112 Dave Andrews products for sheep and other livestock. Stanton, Bury St Edmunds, IP31 2AD 01547 529 401 fax: 01547 529 398 Trade enquiries welcome. Victor Lovedale 01359 250 917 fax: 01359 251 602
Q COL-LATE colostrums, tonics and Paul Chapman 167
vitamin and mineral drenches are integral Q Offa fabricate quality galvanised Old Bell Farm, Billingford, Dereham,
parts of the shepherd’s tool kit. Ask about steel farm equipment including feeders, Norfolk, NR20 4RF Q Developer of the original Pharmweigh
them on the stand. troughs, races and other products that Paul Chapman crate conversion kit, all stainless steel
assist with livestock farming. 01362 668 481 fax: 0871 715 2929 IP68 loadbars, open topped weigh crates,
New Zealand Romneys (High the unique silent 12V DC Auto Drafter
Country) 37a Oliver Seeds 114 and Auto marker and the Pharmweigh PC
Hill Farm, Llanigon, Hay on Wye, Unit 3 , Saxilby Enterprise Park, Q Farm livestock promotional products, scale. All standard stainless steel load
Hereford, HR3 5RH Skellingthorpe Road, Lincoln, LN1 2LR personalised ceramic tableware, herd and cells have 150% Safety Overload capacity
Richard Chantler Rod Bonshor flock signs. and three years warranty.
01497 820 304 01522 706 500 fax: 01522 706 509 Penrith & District Portequip  195
Q Pure imported, easy lambing, high Farmers Mart 19 Penninghame, Girvan Road, Newton
weaning precentage, grass fed, NZ Q Exceptional grass seed mixtures to Agricultural Hall, Skirsgill, Penrith, Stewart, DG8 6RD
Romneys, selected for high worm cater for all your flocks requirements. Talk Cumbria, CA11 0DN Willie Johnstone
resistance. Only NZ genetics used for 25 to us about chicory, grazing lucerne and David Crowden 01671 402 775 fax: 01671 403 791
years. clovers. 01768 864 700 fax: 01768 846 099

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exhibitor listing 31

Livestock Show, NEC, Birmingham. Tickets fertility, longevity, easy lambing, fast
will be available to purchase from our growth off grass.
Ritchey 123
Rancher 192 Fearby Road, Masham, Ripon, North
1 & 2 Carlingwark Street, Castle Douglas, Yorkshire, HG4 4ES
DG7 1DW Jenny Robinson
01556 504 888 fax: 01556 504 404 01765 689 541 fax: 01765 689 851
Q Design and manufacture of strong, Q Ritchey, British manufacturer of animal
practical equipment for livestock farmers. identification ear tags and essential
Celebrating 40 years helping design livestock management care products.
safe, efficient working stock handling Visit the Ritchey stand to see our EID
yards. Quality equipment with a friendly sheep tags and readers.
personal service.
Romney 2000 97
Rappa Fencing 182 Aragon Farm, Sissinghurst, Kent, TN17
Steepleton Hill, Stockbridge, Hampshire, 2AB
SO20 6JE P H & P E Skinner
Mark Grant 01580 714 400 fax: 01580 714 400
01264 810 665 fax: 01264 810 779 Q Romney 2000’s are still nice easy
Q Manufacturer of Rappa electric fencing Romney sheep but with improved growth
and winding machines, distributors of and lambing rate, worm resistance and
speedrite electric fencing and Prattley shapier carcass.
sheep handling equipment.
Royal Agricultural Benevolent
Red Tractor Farm Assurance – Institution (RABI) 149
Beef and Lamb (ABM) 168 Shaw House, 27 West Way, Oxfordshire,
PO Box 5273, Winterhill House, Snowdon OX2 0QH
Drive, Milton Keynes, MK6 1HL Kate Roberts
Emma Surman 01865 724 931 fax: 01865 202 025
01908 393 750 fax: 01908 691 092 Q With compassion and discretion
Q A vital element of the assurance chain we provide welfare advice, care and
underpinning the Red Tractor logo on financial provision to those in the farming
British beef and lamb. community suffering need, hardship or Northern Ireland, BT79 0EU distress.
Q Manufacturers of high quality cattle Stephen Hasham Reg Marshall 136
and sheep feeding and handling 028 8225 2352 fax: 028 8224 1734 15 The Bines, Clehonger, Hereford, Royal Society for the Protection
equipment. All types of mobile feeders are HR2 9RA of Birds (RSPB) 172
available. 01981 251 435 The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19
Q Provita manufacture high quality 2DL
Protech Machinery 225 natural animal health solutions including Q A demonstration of stickmaking, wood 01767 680 551 fax: 01767 689 836
Woolridge Farm, Hartpury, Hoofsure Endurance, Lamb Response and and horn.
Gloucestershire, GL19 3BG Provita lamb colostrum.
07971 079 751 Rissington Breedline  101 Q Many birds in the UK are dependent on RABDF 175 Estate Office, Bowhill, Selkirk, Scotland, farming. Visit us to find out the farming Dairy House, Unit 31, Abbey Park, TD7 5ES practices that make a real difference to
Q Exhibiting our complete range of post Stareton, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 Bayden Wilson the birds in your area.
drivers for tractor, telehandler, excavator 2LY 07403 484 881
and compact mounting from contractor to Tom Roberts Rumenco 191
farmer models. 0845 458 2711 fax: 0845 458 2755 Stretton House, Derby Road, Stretton, Q Supplying great tasting lamb Staffordshire, DE13 0DW
Provita Eurotech 124 combining Highlander (maternal) with Nigel Lyon
21 Bankmore Road, Omagh, Co Tyrone, Q Organisers of the Dairy Event and Primera (terminal) genetics. Efficiency, 01283 511 211 fax: 01283 563 887 ➔

07766 252 983
The best MOBILE
sheep handling
system on the

FarmersWeekly  23 july 2010 Sheep2010

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32 exhibitor listing
Q Rumenco is an independent company,
established for more than 40 years,
supplying the ruminant livestock
sector with Rumevite blocks, Lifeline
and SUPAlyx buckets, Promol protein
concentrates and farm minerals from our
base in Burton-on-Trent.

Rural Hub West Midlands 163

c/o Unit 1 – YFC Centre, Hereford,
Worcestershire, WR3 7SG
01432 870 033 fax: 01432 870 566

SAC 244
CT Unit, Sir Stephen Watson Building,
Bush Estate, Penicuik, EH26 0PH
Kirsty McClean
0131 535 3250 fax: 0131 535 3121
Q SAC CT scanning services for pedigree
sheep breeders, agricultural research and
commercial services.

SAC Premium Sheep & Goat Health

Scheme 145
PO Box 5557, Inverness, IV2 4YT
Ian Pritchard
01463 226 995 fax: 01463 711 103
Q Disease accreditation schemes for the
livestock industry including Maedi Visna
and enzootic abortion.

SAI Global Assurances Services

Winterhill House, Snowdon Drive, Milton
Keynes, MK6 1PB
fax: 01908 249 973 John Parker Shepherds Ice Cream 139 07741 003 738 Cwm Farm, Peterchurch, Hereford, HR2 Q Do you want better grass in 2010? 0TA Find the seven steps to take to grow
Q Select Nutrition supply Tendahoof™ Martin Orbach mineral rich, highly palatable grass.
SCA Nutec 126 to farms throughout the UK to reduce 01981 550 716
SCA Mill, Dalton Airfield Ind Estate, Dalton, the incidence of lameness in sheep and Solway Recycling 234
Thirsk, YO7 3HE cattle. Rigghead Farm, Shawhead, Dumfries,
01845 578 125 fax: 01845 578 100 Recently launched Tendahealth™ to Q Organic ice cream made with sheep’s DG2 9SH improve the performance of sheep and milk. Visit our parlours at Widemarsh St, 01387 730 666 cattle when fed diets limited by essential Hereford and High St, Hay on Wye; seven
Q SCA NuTec is promoting its range trace elements. days a week.
of milk replacers as well as minerals, Q Solway Recycling Limited are the UK
molassed mineral buckets, animal health Shearwell Data 128 Sinclair McGill 56 market leaders in the collection and
and the Shepherdess feeder. Putham Farm, Wheddon Cross, Minehead, c/o Limagrain UK, Camp Road, Witham St reprocessing of used farm plastics.
Somerset, TA24 7AS Hughs, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN6 9TN Recycled plastics are turned into new
SCOPS 143 01643 841 611 Paul Lees products such as Stokbord, calf pens,
c/o 3 Fullers Close, Aldwincle, Kettering, 01522 861 300 fax: 01522 869 703 sheep pens and a range of small animal
Northamptonshire, NN14 3UU shelters.
01832 720 230 Q Suppliers of animal identification and management systems from ministry Q The newly introduced Matrix Enhanced StockTrace 100
Q SCOPS (Sustainable Control of approved cattle and sheep tags to full Ryegrass Mixtures are featured plus our Hutchinson House, 21 Sandown Lane,
Parasites in Sheep). Visit us to discuss management systems using EID and on portfolio of other leys designed to fatten Wavertree, Liverpool, L15 8HY
how to maintain good parasite control in farm software. lambs faster. Jimmy Tyrer
your sheep. 0151 203 2191 fax: 0151 733 5417
Sheep Veterinary Society 144 Slightly Sheepish 138
Scotpen  219 Moredun Research Institute, Pentlands Walnut Tree Farm, Regil, Winford, Nr Q StockTrace suppliers of Integrated
The Dods, Lauder, Berwickshire, TD2 6SD Science Park, Bush Loan, Penicuik, EH26 Bristol, BS40 8BD Traceability Solutions. We have all the
01578 722 272 fax: 01578 722 229 0PZ 01275 472 207 answers to your problems – from tag Hazel Rice Q Watercolour paintings of sheep and readers to software. 0131 445 5111 other agricultural livestock – originals,
Q Aluminum sheep handling system prints and greeting cards. Sum-It Computer Systems  184
with unique drafting system. Hurdles Samuel House, Chinnor Road, Thame,
the tallest and strongest on the market. Q The Sheep Veterinary Society is Soil Fertility Services  181 Oxfordshire, OX9 3NU
Designed in the UK. a specialist division of the British Mill Farm Barns, Mill Road, Showdham Ben John
Veterinary Association and aims to Thorpe, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE33 0EA 01844 213 003 fax: 01844 214 722
Select Nutrition 113 promote the prevention of disease and Keryn Middleton
Penrheol Cottage, Cwmdu, Crickhowell, welfare of sheep. 01366 437 247 fax: 01366 347 774
Powys, NP8 1RU Q Sum-It provides a range of intergrated

Sheep2010 23 july 2010  FarmersWeekly

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exhibitor listing 33

Tenant Farmers Association 50 J Sample 01248 423 213 fax: 01248 423 271
5 Brewery Court, Theale, Reading, 01606 595 000 fax: 01606 595 045
Berkshire, RG7 5AJ Q Welsh Country Foods is the main
Jenna Kirkpatrick supplier of British lamb to Asda. Asda
0118 930 6130 fax: 0118 930 3424 Q Tithebarn manufacture and supply Lamb Link provides benefits for a full range of mineral/trace element producers, including free haulage and supplements and blocks, forage additives fieldsmen services together with bonus
Q The TFA supports the tenanted sector and probiotics. paid for lambs within specification. For
through strong lobbying of Government further information and hospitality please
and gives professional advice to farm Tornado Wire  178 visit our show stand.
tenants. Waterloo Road Estate, Bidford on Avon,
Warwickshire, B50 4JH Wessex Animal Health 73
The Farming & Wildlife Advisory 0845 071 0890 fax: 0845 071 0891 Kingfisher Park, Headlands Business
Group (FWAG) 171 Park, Salisbury Road, Ringwood,
Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, Hampshire, BH24 3NX
Warwickshire, CV8 2RX Q Proud sponsors of the fencing Suzanne Barker
024 7669 6699 fax: 024 7669 6760 competition, Tornado Wire will be 01425 474 455 fax: 01425 474 446 presenting a full range of agricultural
www.fwag, fencing products and accessories.
Q FWAG – professional advice on all Q Distributors of animal medicines and
agri-environment issues including HLS, Trace Element Services 125 nutritional health products to livestock
ELS, environmental cross compliance, Cwm Gwyn, Abergorlech Road, farmers nationwide, with free delivery,
resource and habitat management plans. Carmarthen, SA32 7LN advice and dedicated service to its
Advisors in all areas. Elizabeth Jones customers.
01267 290 229
The Glenside Group  201 Wynnstay Group 65
Block 2, Unit 4, Bandeath Ind Estate, Eagle House, Llansantffraid, Powys,
Throsk, Stirling, FK7 7XY Q Specialists in correcting the balance of SY22 6AQ
Marilyn Miller trace elements in farmland with 28 years Gail Jones
01786 816 655 fax: 01786 816 100 experience we can manufacture a pasture 01691 828 512 fax: 01691 827 123 treatment lasting many years.
Q Glenside improves flock profitability
using their Albrecht® Soil Surveys to Trafalgar Products 239 Q Operating throughout Wales and West
develop more cost effective soil, fertiliser 41 Hillcrest Road, Deepcar, Sheffield, of England, Wynnstay is a progressive
and grassland management policies. S36 2QL agri-business supplying a full range of
Brian Marson inputs to farmers and country dwellers.
The Goodlife Press 209 0114 288 6293 fax: 0114 288 6293
The Old Pigsties, Clifton Fields, Lytham Q We demonstrate the almost lost art of XL Vets UK 118
Road, Clifton, Preston, PR4 0XG blade shear bending. Old shears can be Carlisle House, Townhead Road, Dalston,
Paul Melnyczuk reset/resharpened for £5. Carlisle, CA5 7JF
01772 633 444 Joanne Dodgson Trident Feeds 80 01228 711 788 fax: 01228 711 960 64 Innovation Way, Peterborough
programs for commercial and pedigree Q Publishers of Home Farmer magazine Business Park, Lynch Wood,
sheep enterprises, handling all legislative, and a wide range of books and DVDs on Peterborough, PE2 6FL Q XL Vets is an exciting initiative
EID and management requirements. animal husbandry and rural skills and Rachel Larder conceived from within the veterinary
pursuits. 01733 422 165 fax: 01733 890 182 profession aimed at supporting UK
Symtag  69 agriculture in the 21st century.
Unit 9, Mendip Business Park, The Moredun Foundation 151
Rooksbridge, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 Pentlands Science Park, Bush Loan, Q Trident is one of the country’s top Yamaha – Motor UK  49
2UG Penicuik, Midlothian, EH26 0PZ names in feed. Our wide range ensures a Sopwith Drive, Brooklands, Weybridge,
John Symonds Margaret Bennet choice of quality ingredients and systems. Surrey, KT13 0UZ
01934 750 410 0131 445 5111 fax: 0131 445 6235 01932 358 000, brochure@yamaha- Veterinary Laboratories Agency 146
Q Manufacturer and supplier of sheep, Q Visit our stand for lots of free practical Woodham Lane, New Haw, Addlestone, Q Yamaha UK will be exhibiting its full
goat and cattle identification eartags. information from our vets and specialists Surrey, KT15 3NB range of utility ATV’s used in agriculture,
on a range of sheep health issues. Emma Squire along with various livestock accessories
Tagmaster 133 01932 341 111 fax: 01932 347 046 from Logic.
25 Fisher Avenue, Hawick, Roxburghshire, The Smallholder Series 74
TD9 9NB Green Farm, Blackwells End, Hartpury, Q VLA provides research, diagnosis and Yara (UK) 115
01450 370695 fax: 01450 374 360 Gloucestershire, GL19 3DB surveillance on farm animal diseases to Manor Place, Wellington Road, The Ind Carole Young the Government, livestock industry and Est, Pocklington, York, YO42 1DN 01452 700 463 private sector 01759 302 545 fax: 01759 305 928
Q Livestock electronic identification
equipment. Volac 232
Q Presented by Adam Henson, these Volac House, Orwell, Royston, Q Grasstrac meets the needs of sheep for
Telsol  78 inspirational DVDs will guide you through Hertfordshire, SG8 5QX important trace elements while at grass
23/24 Colomendy Ind Estate, Denbigh, the shepherd’s year with advice from top Sophie Gale in an effective and natural way.
North Wales, LL16 5TA experts. 01223 208 021
Stewart Telfer Zintec Feed Supplements 64
0113 226 0666 fax: 0113 226 0999 Three Counties Agri Society 210 Downwood, Shobdon, Herefordshire, The Showground, Malvern, Q Volac are leaders in lamb nutrition, HR6 9NH Worcestershire, WR13 6NW providing natural colostrum alternatives, Christopher Williams
Q Manufacturer and distribution of 01684 584 900 ewe milk replacer and labour saving 01568 708 008 fax: 01568 708 987
Cosecure and Zincosel trace-element equipment.
boluses for sheep and cattle. Prevention
and cure of thiomolybdate toxicity. Welsh Country Foods – Vion Food Q For the complete nutritional answers
Tithebarn  55 Wales and West England 140 for your flock talk to Zintec, we specialise
Road Five, Industrial Estate, Winsford, Gaerwen Ind Estate, Gaerwen, Anglesey, in manufacturing nutrional solutions to
CW7 3PG LL60 6HR improve health and performance.

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34 general information


Admission Tickets, covering car parking and a free copy of the official A49 A449
Show Guide, cost £10 for adults; £5 for NSA Members (on M5
production of 2010 membership card); £5 for students (on
A44 Worcester
production of student card) and under 16 and international visitors
free (on production of a passport). Three Counties A44
Event hours The event is open 9am–5pm on Tuesday 3 August,
2010. Hereford A449
Ledbury A46
Location The Three Counties Showground, Great Malvern,
Worcestershire WR13 6NW. A49
First Aid Qualified first aid staff are available at the event. M5
Disabled Facilities Car parking and toilets available on site. Ross-on-Wye
Dogs Only assistance dogs and dogs entered for the sheepdog sale Gloucester
will be permitted.
Further Information NSA: 01684 892 661 How to get there
Email Web Venue address The Three Counties Showground, Malvern,
Worcestershire WR13 6NW.
Event Officials By road From the M5, exit at either Junction 7 or Junction 8 and follow
Event management team Helen Davies, Mike Credland, David Croston, signs to the Three Counties Showground.
Peter Morris, Liz Snaith, Dyana Webb By rail There is a regular service to Great Malvern station from
Chief executive Peter Morris Birmingham New Street. For more information, visit the National Rail
Chairman Jonathan Barber Enquiries website
Chief event steward Richard Sparey By taxi Great Malvern Taxis, 01684 561 117; Malvern Taxis, 01684
Site manager Nick Davies Press officer Liz Snaith 572 020; AA Taxis, 01684 891 414.
Working committee on site: Assistance kindly given by members By air The Three Counties Showground is only a 45-minute drive from
from all NSA regions Birmingham International Airport.

Finding your way around

What’s what, who’s who and where are they at this year’s Sheep Event
NSA is indebted to the following companies for sponsoring
NSA Sheep 2010
Major sponsors Lloyds TSB Agriculture, EBLEX, Shearwell Data, Sai
Global, Novartis Animal Health
Mainline themed Natural England, Marks & Spencer
Competition Tornado, Footvax, Red Tractor Farm Assurance
– Beef and Lamb (ABM)
Mainline Rumenco,
Welsh Country
Foods/Asda, Farm
Wizard and Dalton
ID Systems
Other sponsor Morrisons
National David Ritchie
Farm Implements, Innovis
Breeding Sheep Ltd, Agri-Lloyd,
J G Animal Health, DEFRA, Gallagher Fencing,
British Wool Marketing Board, McArthur Group
Ltd, Bayer Animal Health
Local Brintons Carpets, Farmplan, Lister,
Janssen Animal Health, Hainsworths, Natural
Dinner Randall Parker Foods, Livestock
Auctioneers Association
The Event is supported by Three Counties
Agricultural Society and Farmers Weekly

23 july 2010  FarmersWeekly

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event map 35

BROWN GATE – Sheep Exhibitors Entrance Only

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
14 15 16 Toilets

Row 2

Row 3
Bay 1 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
197 199 dog sale
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
53 54 55 56
49 50 51 52 59
Bay 2 60 61 62 63
201 203
57 58 64 65 66 67 196 204
68 69 70 71
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 195 206

96 89 90 93 94 95
Bay 3 91 92 Catering
97 98 99 100 101 194 207
and bar area
104 105 106 107 108 102
103 110 111 112
109 113
115 115 116 117 118 193
119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 208
Bay 4 130
129 133
135 136 131 132 139
134 137 138 210

WYE HALL 239 192
Event office
241 191

213 Sponsors and

international visitors
Seminar 214
Catering marquee 190


243 216
Toilets 244


218 230
Row 2

Row 3

140 141 142 143 146

244 245

148 151
147 187 219
149 153 154
156 150 231
159 186
157 158 161 220
160 185 232
171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163
174 173 172 162 184
221 233

223 car park
Young shepherd
of the year 182 224
Zolvix & Clik
demonstration area 225


Shearing 238
competition 227
Row 3
Row 2

178 179

Avenue F
Avenue F Kelpie
Tornado demonstration
South car park
and visitor entrance Exhibitor car park

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Please read the product data sheet and seek advice before use. The dosing programme should be
established by a veterinary surgeon or suitably qualified person. Manufactured and distributed in NI by:
Norbrook Laboratories Ltd, Station Works, Newry, Co. Down, BT35 6JP. Distributed in GB by: Norbrook
Laboratories (GB) Ltd, The Green, Great Corby, Carlisle CA4 8LR. Legal Category: POM-VPS
Closamectin Solution for Injection for sheep contains 0.5%w/v ivermectin and 12.5%w/v closantel.

FWS_230710_036 36 14/07/2010 10:29:01

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