Recent IDS HR Studies
Recent IDS HR Studies
Recent IDS HR Studies
March 2007
August 2006
Absence management
Alcohol and drug policies
i HR Studies Update
April 2007 Bonus schemes 843
April 2007 Childcare support 844 846 Employee engagement
Sept 2006 Clerical & secretarial pay 829 Feature
Oct 2006 Coaching in the workplace 831
June 2006 Employee health & well-being HR Update 823
Human capital measurement
Human capital measurement models are beginning to identify clear
June 2006 European Works Councils 824 links between HR metrics and initiatives on the one hand and
Nov 2006 Flexible working HR Update 834 business performance on the other. Drawing on the latest initiatives
at two of the leading players in this field, we show how employee
May 2006 Flexitime schemes 822 engagement has been identified as one of the key ‘human capital
July 2006 Harassment and bullying 826 drivers’ that can make a measurable difference to the bottom line.
July 2006 Promoting race equality 825 Deloitte sets up new employee brand team to drive engagement
Dec 2006 Secondments & volunteering 836 Building the employer brand at Cabot Financial
Feb 2007 Share incentive plans 840
GlaxoSmithKline looks to build engagement through health
Jan 2007 Shift pay 838 interventions
March 2007 Standby & call-out pay 841
Nov 2006 Violence against staff 833
benchmarking HR policy and practice
case study
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group (RBS) has join, stay or leave the group is likely to vary at
around 4,000 offices in 30 countries, serving 35 different stages of their life and career. So, for
million customers. The group, which now has example, those who are young and without a
around 135,000 employees, has quadrupled in family, may seek a high base salary, high quality
size in less than ten years. Its brands include RBS, management and generous holiday. In contrast,
NatWest, Ulster Bank, Direct Line, Tesco Personal those with a family may prioritise work location,
Finance and Citizens Bank. It has a market a flexible work schedule, availability of childcare
capitalisation of $127.5 billion. The UK accounts and role clarity. The make-up of the employee
for around 57 per cent of its operating profits. proposition also determines the extent to which
employees are engaged with the business.
People the key differentiator
The group has calculated that, on average, it
RBS recognises that if it is to deliver its goal of
takes ten months to repay the recruitment and
being ‘the world’s most admired bank’ and
onboarding cost of a new recruit. It is, therefore,
outperform others in the sector, the contribution
important to be aware of what motivates and
and performance of its staff is the key
engages new recruits so that they do not become
differentiator. To achieve this objective, RBS
disillusioned and leave before contributing to
places considerable importance on having HR
the business.
policies in place that impact positively on staff.
Furthermore, it has been able to show that by Using its human capital model, RBS can show
improving employee engagement, measurable what elements of its employee proposition and
improvements in business performance and which HR initiatives bolster employee engagement
profit levels can result. for different employee groups and, in turn, have a
positive impact on business performance.
The employee proposition
By building a compelling employee proposition,
RBS seeks to attract, engage and retain the best
The HCM model
talent. The overall employee proposition (see the At the core of the RBS human capital
diagram on page 18) consists of: measurement model is the concept that the
employee proposition drives engagement, which
● total reward then delivers superior business performance.
● work itself The model is populated by employee survey
data, employee data from the HR management
● recognition system and business performance data.
● performance & development Correlations and links can then be sought
● leadership between these different elements to determine
the key drivers of engagement, which ultimately
● relationships has an effect on the bottom line.
● product brands and reputation
Obtaining survey data
● work-life balance and physical environment.
Before it can make any correlations or links
RBS recognises that the extent to which each of between HR and business metrics, RBS has to
these elements influences whether employees establish what motivates employees in the first
• Quality &
• Job-Related Skill Performance
Development Work-life • Image & Prestige
• Career Development Balance Leadership
• Role in Community
• Internal Mobility & Physical Product
• Performance
Performance Environment Brands &
& Development Reputation
• Informal
Recognition Work Itself
• Informal Manager • Interest
Feedback Total Reward
• Formal, Non-Financial
Relationships • Autonomy
• System/Process
Recognition Programmes • Tools &
• Salary Element
• Variable Pay • Manager
• RBSelect • Colleagues
• Retirement Benefits • Clients/Customers
• Sharing in Success
place. It obtains reliable and compatible data The characteristics of engaged employees
from across the group and across the employee Engaged employees are likely to be those who:
lifecycle through a number of different employee
surveys, including: ● Say – consistently speak positively about the
RBS Group to colleagues, potential
● employee opinion surveys employees, and customers
● joiner surveys ● Stay – have an intense desire to be a member
of the RBS Group
● leaver surveys
● Strive – exert extra effort and demonstrate
● targeted ‘pulse’ surveys. behaviours that contribute to business
These are supported and designed centrally to success.
avoid survey fatigue and ensure consistency of
approach. (The box on page 19 gives details of People data
the group’s annual global opinion survey.) Another key ingredient in the model is people
data (eg absence rates, labour turnover). The
Measuring employee engagement group’s employee data is pooled into a single
The surveys provide RBS with an understanding data warehouse from 25 systems worldwide to
of how employees judge their relationship with ensure consistent, reliable and single-source data.
the business. Rather than assessing levels of The Group has global definitions of its people
‘employee satisfaction’ or ‘commitment’, RBS metrics to ensure like-for-like comparisons for
uses what it regards as a much more relevant key measures such as labour turnover rates. The
measure – ‘employee engagement’. data can be segmented on the basis of tenure,
seniority, location, gender and age, for example.
A series of standard questions on employee
engagement allows meaningful comparisons to Influences on engagement
be made and to be benchmarked against external RBS calculates which elements of the employee
norms. proposition have the greatest influence on levels of
engagement and then prioritises the areas where
What is engagement?
the company will get ‘the best bang for its buck’.
RBS describes the distinction in the following
terms: if satisfaction is ‘How much I like things For example, the impact of a good manager can
here’ and commitment is ‘How much I want to have a significant impact on levels of
be here’, then engagement is ‘How much I want engagement. However, the organisational
to and actually do improve our business results’. impact of good managers is limited by their
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group's Integrated Human Capital Measurement Model
Employee Segmentation & Demographics
Example Inputs
Global People Work-Life Balance & Performance &
Data Physical Environment Development
Joiner Survey Business Metrics
➡ ➡
Recognition Relationships
Customer Service
Employee Branch Profitability
Survey Proposition Productivity
Cross-selling Ratio
Staff Turnover
Financial Performance
Pulse Survey
Total Reward Work Itself
Users also have access to HR Excellence (HR The toolkit has been so successful, that it is soon
leadership programme), What’s New to be launched in North America at the group’s
(information about new internal HR initiatives) Citizens Bank arm. The information base is
and Business Intelligence (a one-stop shop for being extended to have more global content,
business information relating to the Group and supporting businesses in Asia and the Middle
its competitors). When linking to various East. The aim is for the site to be a one-stop shop
websites, ‘silent authentication’, means that staff for all in-country resources.
do not have to repeatedly enter passwords.
Human capital board
Accessing the toolkit
Indicative of the importance attached to human
The ‘human capital toolkit’ is on a dedicated
capital measurement at RBS is the human capital
section of the RBS HR intranet. This provides a
board, which manages initiatives at a strategic
single point of access from the desktop PC to all
level. Meeting quarterly and reporting to the
human capital resources. Having all the HR
global HR board for the RBS Group, its
tools in one place avoids duplication and helps
membership includes the head of human capital
promote best practice. Moreover, the toolkit has
strategy, directors from a number of the
helped to increase ownership of the human
businesses and HR directors, as well as the
capital measurement concept, embedding it at all
group’s deputy chief economist. The make-up is
levels of the group.
intended to ensure that any human capital
As the introduction on the intranet explains: ‘The proposals are aligned to business needs.
toolkit helps you in the diagnosis of issues within
your business and is particularly valuable in the The board agrees priorities over a two-year
scoping of projects, in building business cases and timescale and discusses any emerging issues. For
comparing performance on people measures.’ example, after being highlighted at these
meetings, questions were included in the global
The toolkit allows HR staff to align more opinion survey to reflect the desire for greater
closely the service they offer with the needs of international analysis and to gauge the
the RBS businesses in which they work, effectiveness of the employee proposition
supporting their business in making informed
people decisions. HR business partners are on Discussion at such a senior level helps prioritise
the boards of the businesses for which they human capital initiatives across the RBS Group,
work so can add value at a high level. This while evaluating the effectiveness of any
means that there is something to show in proposals and then testing them against the
business terms for HR’s intervention. employee proposition.
Marketing HR Sales Service
Joined up approach