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United States Department of Agriculture

National Agricultural Statistics Service

Alabama Crop Progress
and Condition Report
Cooperating with the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries
Southern Region, Alabama Field Office · 4121 Carmichael Road · Montgomery, AL 36106 · (334) 279-3555 ·(334) 279-3590 FAX

October 15, 2018 Media Contact: Cynthia Price

General Crop Progress for Week Ending 10/14/18

According to the National Agricultural Statistics Crop stage This week Prev week Prev year 5 Year avg
Service in Alabama, there were 5.5 days suitable for (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)
fieldwork for the week ending Sunday, October 14,
Corn - Harvested ............. 97 94 98 94
2018. Precipitation estimates for the state ranged from Cotton - Bolls Opening ..... 90 88 86 88
no rain up to 3.60 inches. Average high temperatures Cotton - Harvested........... 28 19 31 31
Hay - 3rd Cutting.............. 95 89 85 NA
ranged from the mid 70s to the mid 80s. Average low Peanuts - Dug.................. 63 46 72 NA
temperatures ranged from the high 60s to the high 60s. Peanuts - Harvested ........ 46 28 59 52
Soybeans - Dropping
Leaves ............................. 93 90 91 88
County Comments Soybeans - Harvested ..... 46 24 42 39
Hurricane Michael destroyed the cotton crops and left Winter wheat - Planted..... 15 6 11 10
peanuts in a volatile state with destruction of local
buying points and warehouses. Conditions for Week Ending 10/14/18
Bobby Beasley, Henry County Very
Crop Poor Fair Good Excellent
Grasses, soybean, and corn crops are drying rapidly (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent) (percent)
due to heat and no rain. County had a good weather Cattle .......................... 0 2 15 78 5
week for harvesting crops. Cotton ......................... 4 8 25 49 14
Pasture and range ...... 3 3 16 68 10
Belinda Woods, Cullman County Peanuts ...................... 0 6 35 45 14
Soybeans ................... 0 3 30 59 8
Hurricane Michael caused a great deal of damage to the
cotton crop in the area. Peanuts seemed to fare well Soil Moisture for Week Ending 10/14/18
from the storm in our area. Previous
Topsoil This week 5 Year avg
Allie Corcoran, Barbour County week
(percent) (percent) (percent)
Hurricane Michael damaged the cotton crop across the Very short .................................. 2 1 NA
county. Peanuts were less affected, but we will learn Short .......................................... 8 11 NA
more at harvest. Timber, pecan, and minor crops were Adequate ................................... 84 83 NA
Surplus ...................................... 6 5 NA
also affected and damaged. Cattle fences were down
across the county. Subsoil This week 5 Year avg
James Jones Jr, Henry County (percent) (percent) (percent)
Very short .................................. 2 1 NA
Harvest is in full swing and going well. Pastures were Short .......................................... 6 10 NA
Adequate ................................... 86 84 NA
improving with the rain and cooler temperatures. Surplus ...................................... 6 5 NA
Tim Malone, Marion County

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