BX Class Book

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The ATWC Book of

B/X Classes!
A collection of new classes for B/X D&D, originally posted at
Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)
All the images in this book has been stolen off the internet via Google Image
Search. None of these classes have been playtested. Have fun!


Classes Page Number

The Angel 3
Blue Folk 5
Brass Man 6
Child of the Pines 8
Clocktopus 9
Deep One Hybrid 11
Disciple of the Word 13
Extras 15
Ghoul-Blooded 18
Goblin 20
Half-Troll 22
Inquisitor 23
Mesmerist 26
Noncombatant 30
Orc 31
Patchwork Girl 32
Renunciate 34
Sandsculptor 36
Serpent Folk Poisoner 38
Sirtya 39
Skaven Engineer 40
The Unkindness 43

Angel: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

Hit Dice, Experience, saving throws, to-hit  Blessings: You may cast Bless, as a
charts: All as Cleric. Cleric of equal level, once per day per
Weapons and Armour: Angels can use any  Divine Aegis: Once per day, you may
kind of weapons and armour. reroll a failed saving throw.
 Exorcism: You gain the ability to Turn
Angelic Gifts: At level 1, select one of the Undead like a Cleric of equal level, but
following Angelic Gifts for your character. your power also works on demons,
Select an additional Gift for each subsequent devils, and similar evil spirits.
level. Some gifts may be chosen more than  Fire From Heaven: May be chosen
once, as explained in their writeups. twice. Once per day per two levels, you
may call down holy fire to blast one
The gifts you may choose from are as nearby target. This has the same effect
follows: as a Magic Missile spell cast by a
Magic-User of the same level. If chosen
 Angelic Beauty: Once per day per two twice, you can use this gift once per day
levels, you may charm someone by per level, instead.
looking into their eyes. This has the  Flight: May be chosen up to three times.
same effect as a Charm Person spell cast Chosen once, this gift allows you to float
by a Magic-User of the same level. up to 1' above the floor at will, letting
 Angelic Gaze: May be chosen twice. you float over water, avoid certain traps
Chosen once, this gift allows you to see and hazards (collapsing floors,
in the dark. Chosen twice, it allows you quicksand, etc), and move without
to see into the souls of men: when you making sound or footprints. Chosen
make eye contact with someone, you twice, it permits you to slowly levitate
become instantly aware what single vertically up and down. Chosen three
action they feel most guilty or ashamed times, it permits true flight.
about. Unwilling targets may resist this  Gift of Tongues: You may
effect by making a saving throw. cast Comprehend Languages on yourself
 Authority: You may cast Command, as at will.
a Cleric of equal level, once per day per

 Halo: May be chosen twice. You have a  Judgement: May be chosen any number
glowing halo, which provides bright of times. Once per day, you may
illumination at all times. You may cause pronounce a Judgement upon someone
it to vanish and appear at will. If this gift as though you were an Inquisitor of
is chosen twice, the light of your halo equal level.
also fills all allies who can currently see  Miracle: Each morning, pick one spell
it with hope and determination, granting that a Cleric of your level would
them (but not you) a +1 to-hit and normally have access to. You may cast
damage bonus. that spell once. If not used by the end of
 Healing: May be chosen up to four the day, the spell is lost - unless you pick
times. You may cast Cure Light it again the next day, of course!
Wounds, as a Cleric of equal level, once  Music of the Spheres: Once per day,
per day per level. If chosen twice, your you may sing a song of such
heal spells also cure poison; chosen heartbreaking beauty that anyone who
three times they also cure madness or hears it (friend or foe) must make a save
disease, and chosen four times they also or sit and listen, enthralled, until you
remove curses. stop singing. You may sing for a
 Holy Blood: Your blood counts as holy maximum of one hour per level. Any
water, and you may create vials of holy kind of violence breaks this effect.
water by bleeding 1 HP worth of blood  Sense Evil: You feel intense discomfort
into a container. Any undead or demonic whenever a source of supernatural evil
creature which hits you with a bite attack (e.g. undead, demons, etc) is nearby. The
immediately takes 1d8 damage. range of this power is 10' per level.
 Holy Weapon: May be chosen up to six  Shepherd of the Dead: Once per day
times. Chosen once, it allows you to per level, you can communicate for up
conjure a flaming weapon of your choice to one minute per level with the spirit
into your hand at will: only you can of someone recently dead: the dead are
wield it, and it vanishes if you let go of generally well-disposed towards you,
it, but it is otherwise an ordinary weapon and will answer your questions truthfully
aside from being on fire. Each unless they have strong reasons not to.
subsequent time you choose this gift the Will not work on anyone who has been
holy weapon gains +1 to-hit and dead for more than one day per level.
damage, up to a maximum of +5.  Sustenance: While you can still eat and
drink if you want to, you can survive
indefinitely on nothing more than air and

The Blue Folk: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

To-Hit and Saves: As per Fighter. Suspiration: You don't require food or drink;
instead, you 'eat' fresh air and 'drink' water
Hit Dice: As per Cleric. vapour, both of which you absorb through
your skin. If you are trapped in arid or airless
Weapons and Armour: You are proficient conditions for an extended period, you will
with all one-handed weapons. (Two-handed become as weak as a human who has been
weapons are too heavy for you.) You are not deprived of food or drink for an equal length
proficient with shields, or with any armour of time. Making your own water vapour (by
heavier than leather. boiling water and standing in the steam) is
entirely possible.
Experience Per Level: As per Magic-User.
Lightfoot: You can jump incredible distances.
Combat Reflexes: In battle, you move with As long as you are unencumbered, you can
such incredible agility that you are very, very leap a number of feet equal to your Strength
hard to hit. As long as you are unencumbered score from a standing start, or three times that
and able to move freely, you gain a +4 AC distance with a decent run-up. You can also
bonus against all attacks. When fighting in leap a number of feet equal to your Strength
enclosed spaces, where you can't jump around score straight up. You are immune to falling
all over the place, this bonus drops to +2 AC. damage, regardless of the distance fallen.

Body of Air: Your body, while quite solid, is Natural Acrobat: You can perform amazing
made of cloudstuff rather than flesh and blood. feats of agility and acrobatics. Anything a
You weigh almost nothing, and bleed water human acrobat could achieve, you can do
vapour instead of blood. Being almost without needing a dice roll, and low-end
weightless, you can balance on surfaces which superhuman feats of agility (the sort of thing
would never support a human, such as twigs or that people do in martial arts movies) can be
thin ice. You can only carry half as much as a accomplished with a successful Dexterity roll.
human with the same strength score.
Mist-Eater: If damaged, you can rebuild your
Weather Sense: By tasting the air, you can body by immersing yourself in water vapour
predict the weather in the local area with (by standing in mist or heavy rain, sitting in a
perfect accuracy for a number of hours ahead hot spring or Turkish bath, etc). For each hour
equal to your Intelligence + Wisdom scores. spent in this way, you regain 10% of your
maximum HP, rounded up.

Brass Man: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

To-Hit, Hit Dice, and Saves: As per key in the process. They must sit still
Fighter. during the winding, or else they risk
damaging their delicate internal
Weapons and Armour: Like a fighter, machinery. One hour's auto-winding will
you can use any weapon, but your bulky power three hours of activity. If no fuel for
mechanical body prevents you from it is available, someone can turn your key
wearing any additional armour. by hand, but doing this takes six times as
long, is amazingly boring, and risks
Experience Per Level: As per Dwarf. causing strain injuries. For obvious
reasons, you cannot wind yourself up.
Brass Body: Your mechanical body grants
you innate protection equivalent to When you have been wound for a number
chainmail, and your heavy brass fists allow of hours equal to your Constitution score
you to inflict 1d4 damage with melee (thus permitting three times your
attacks even when unarmed. Constitution score in hours of continuous
activity), your main-spring is fully wound
Clicking and Ticking: The whirring and and further winding has no effect. If you
clanking of your heavy brass body makes a reach the end of your 'powered' time
hell of a lot of noise. Your enemies are without having a chance to rewind, you
never surprised, and you always fail any can stumble on for one extra hour, getting
attempts to move silently. slower and slower: you have -4 Dexterity
and Strength during this time. At the end
Made of Metal: You do not need to eat, of this extra hour, you shut down entirely
drink, sleep, or breathe, and you are until rewound.
immune to pain, poison and disease.
Emergency Repairs: Normal healing and
Clockwork Heart: You need winding up Cure spells do not help you, but you can
in order to function. All brass folk have repair yourself when damaged, regaining 1
steam-powered auto-winders, normally HP per day for field repairs carried out on
built directly into their bodies; when fed a the march, and 3 HP per day for a day
supply of wood or coal, these auto-winders spent doing nothing else.
will spin rapidly, turning the brass man's

Hard Reboot: If you are reduced to 0 HP, then you can be restored to
you are too badly damaged to be repaired functionality after 1d6 weeks of
in the field, but with the right tools and repairs, but lose one level permanently
expertise you can still be repaired by a as a result of damage to your
sufficiently skilled artificer in a suitably clockwork brain.
well-equipped workshop. The extent of  If you are reduced to a number of
possible repairs is determined by just how negative HP greater than five times
much damage you have taken: your level, your body can be repaired
after 1d6 months of work, but your
 If you are reduced to a number of memories and personality will have
negative HP equal to or less than twice been destroyed along with your
your level, you regain 3 HP per day of clockwork brain. If a new brain is
repairs until fully functional. installed you may rejoin play as a level
 If you are reduced to a number of 1 Brass Man with the same Strength,
negative HP greater than twice your Dexterity, and Constitution scores, but
level but less than five times your level, your Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Charisma must be rerolled.

Child of the Pines: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

Skin of Snow: You aren't immune to the cold,

but your cold tolerance is very high: you could
sleep outdoors in a blizzard and only be
moderately uncomfortable. Any cold damage
you take is halved, rounding any fractions

Blood of Sweet Sap: When cut, you bleed

thick, sweet sap, which rapidly hardens into
resin and seals the wound. Effects that cause
continual damage from bleeding will not affect
you. Your sap also has extremely potent
antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory
properties, and can be used for sealing other
people's wounds as easily as your own. By
cutting yourself and bleeding 1 HP worth of
sap into someone else's open wounds, you can
heal them for 1 HP. You can do this as many
times as they have wounds to treat. For
obvious reasons, this doesn't work on other
Children of the Pines.

Natural Climber: You are an absolutely

amazing climber. If something could possibly
To-Hit and Saves: As per Fighter. be climbed by a human, then you can climb it,
no rolls required. You also have incredible
Hit Dice: As per Cleric. natural balance, and can walk across branches,
tightropes, and so on without needing to worry
Weapons and Armour: You are proficient about falling unless you are actually pushed.
with bows, spears, knives, hatchets, throwing
weapons, and shields. You cannot wear The Language of Trees: You can talk to
armour heavier than studded leather. trees, by making weird creaking noises at them
and then listening to the creaking noises they
Experience Per Level: As per Dwarf. make in return. Trees are much more aware of
their surroundings than they like to let on, but
Tree-kin: Only half your nourishment comes their awareness is all vibrational; they can tell
from food; the other half comes from a man from a horse by the vibrations of their
photosynthesis. On the plus side, this means tread on the earth, and tell a shout from a
you only need half as much food as other whisper by the vibrations they leave in the air,
people. On the minus side, it means that if but visual details like colour mean nothing to
you're deprived of sunlight for too long you'll them. Their language is also very,
feel weak and listless, regardless of how much very slow, requiring a whole minute to
food you eat. Being completely deprived of communicate a single word. Each species also
sunlight for weeks on end will make you very, has its own dialect: you are fluent in the
very ill. You also smell of pine resin: this is far language of the coniferous trees, but the
cooler than smelling of sweat like everyone deciduous speech confuses you, taking twice
else, but it does make you rather easy to track as long to comprehend and imposing a 30%
by scent whenever you're not in a wood! chance of misunderstanding on each

Clocktopus: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

To-Hit, Hit Dice, and Saves: As per Fighter. Clockwork Heart: You need winding up in
order to function. All clocktopi have steam-
Weapons and Armour: You can use any one- powered auto-winders, normally built directly
handed weapon or shield, and indeed you can into their bodies; when fed a supply of wood
wield as many as eight of them at once, though or coal, these auto-winders will spin rapidly,
you can only actually use one weapon and one turning the clocktopus’ key in the process.
shield per round. You cannot wear armour, but They must sit still during the winding, or else
your brass body provides you with protection they risk damaging their delicate internal
equivalent to chainmail. If unarmed, you can machinery. One hour's auto-winding will
attack with your tentacles for 1d6 damage. power three hours of activity. If no fuel for it
You cannot use ranged weapons. is available, someone can turn your key by
hand, but doing this takes six times as long, is
Experience Per Level: As per Magic-User. amazingly boring, and risks causing strain
injuries. For obvious reasons, you cannot wind
Clicking and Ticking: The whirring and yourself up.
clanking of your heavy brass body makes a
hell of a lot of noise. Your enemies are never When you have been wound for a number of
surprised, and you always fail any attempts to hours equal to your Constitution score (thus
move silently. permitting three times your Constitution score
in hours of continuous activity), your main-
Made of Metal: You do not need to eat, drink, spring is fully wound and further winding has
sleep, or breathe,, and are immune to pain, no effect. If you reach the end of your
poison and disease. 'powered' time without having a chance to
rewind, you can stumble on for one extra hour,
Removable Hands: You have eight metal getting slower and slower: you have -4
hands hidden in a compartment inside your Dexterity and Strength during this time. At the
body. If you are performing a task which end of this extra hour, you shut down entirely
requires opposable thumbs, you can unscrew until rewound.
some of your tentacle-tips and replace them
with hands. Swapping a tentacle-tip with a
hand, or vice versa, takes 5 minutes per hand.

Octopod Body: You can swim twice as fast as  If you are reduced to a number of negative
a human, although doing this unwinds your HP equal to or less than twice your level,
spring at double normal speed. You can also you regain 3 HP per day of repairs until
climb just about anything that will support fully functional.
your weight. In an emergency you can just flip  If you are reduced to a number of negative
out and start thrashing your metal tentacles HP greater than twice your level but less
around randomly, forcing everyone within 10' than five times your level, then you can be
of you to save or take 1d6 damage and restored to functionality after 1d6 weeks
smashing any fragile objects nearby. of repairs, but lose one level permanently
as a result of damage to your clockwork
Emergency Repairs: Normal healing and brain.
Cure spells do not help you, but you can repair  If you are reduced to a number of negative
yourself when damaged, regaining 1 HP per HP greater than five times your level, your
day for field repairs carried out on the march, body can be repaired after 1d6 months of
and 3 HP per day for a day spent doing work, but your memories and personality
nothing else. will have been destroyed along with your
clockwork brain. If a new brain is installed
Hard Reboot: If you are reduced to 0 HP, you you may rejoin play as a level 1
are too badly damaged to be repaired in the Clocktopus with the same Strength,
field, but with the right tools and expertise you Dexterity, and Constitution scores, but
can still be repaired by a sufficiently skilled your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
artificer in a suitably well-equipped workshop. must be rerolled.
The extent of possible repairs is determined by
just how much damage you have taken:

Deep One Hybrid: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

Oceanic Adaptation: At level 5, your skin

becomes rough and scaly, and your body bulks
out with the masses of blubber and muscle
required for existence in the ocean depths. You
gain +1 AC, and inflict +1 damage in melee
due to your increased bulk and strength. By
this point you look like a total freak, and may
want to consider investing in some very big
hats and coats.

Blessing of Hydra and Dagon: From level 6

onwards, you gain spell-casting abilities equal
to those of a Cleric of half your level, rounded
down. (You don't gain any other cleric
abilities: just the spells.)

Lord of the Seas: At level 7, you gain the

ability to command the creatures of the
swamps and seas. This functions as per the
Chaotic cleric ability Command Undead,
except it applies to aquatic and amphibious
creatures instead of undead. This
To-Hit, Hit Dice, Saves, Weapons and ability does work on intelligent creatures such
Armour: All as per Fighter. as Bullywugs, but they get a save vs. spells to
resist it.
Experience Per Level: As per Magic-User.
Command the Formless Spawn: At level 8,
your Lord of the Sea ability also allows you to
Natural Swimmer: At level 1, you can swim
command unintelligent slime and ooze
at the same speed you can move on land, and
hold your breath for a number of minutes
equal to your Constitution score. You have Call the Cult: At level 9, you intuitively reach
webbed feet. out through your dreams to nearby unstable
individuals, calling them together to form a
Water Breather: At level 2, gills open on the cult of which you are the leader. Over the next
sides of your neck. You can now breathe few weeks, 3d6 crazy people (a mixture of 1st-
freely underwater. level fighters, thieves, and magic-users) will
arrive, and serve you with fanatical loyalty.
Innsmouth Look: At level 3, your eyes Whenever one dies, an equally crazy
become huge and bulging. You can now see replacement will turn up 1d3 weeks later. Each
perfectly even in very low light (although not time you go up another level you gain another
in total darkness). 1d6 cultists.
Teeth and Claws: At level 4, your teeth The Sea is Calling: At level 10, you hear a
become long and sharp, and your hands warp song in your dreams that calls you to a holy
into claws. You can do 1d4 damage in melee place in a sunken city at the bottom of the sea.
even when unarmed. If you follow it, and complete the hazardous
journey successfully, you undergo a final
metamorphosis in which you shed the last
remnants of your humanity. You cease to age,
become immune to disease, and will live
forever unless killed by violence.

Summary Table:

Level Abilities

1 Natural swimmer
2 Water Breather
3 Innsmouth Look
4 Teeth and Claws
5 Oceanic Adaptation
6 Blessing of Hydra and Dagon
7 Lord of the Seas
8 Command the Formless Spawn
9 Call the Cult
10 The Sea is Calling

Disciple of the Word: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

 Attention-Compelling
Word: Everyone who hears the word
must pass a save or stand and listen to
you attentively, without taking any
further action, until you stop speaking.
This effect breaks if they are attacked
or otherwise placed in obvious danger.
 Body-Mending Word: When
whispered lovingly in someone's ear,
this word will cause their body to heal
at an accelerated rate, restoring 1 HP
per minute for 1d6 minutes.
 Bolstering Word: Everyone who
hears this word gains +2 to all saves
for the next hour.
 Command: You shout a one-word
command at one person, who must
pass a save or be compelled to obey
this command for one round. (A
command of 'die' just makes them play
dead for one round.)
To-Hit, Weapons and Armour, Hit Dice,  Divine Confusion: A stream of
Experience Per Level, and Saves: All as glossolalia issues from your mouth,
per Cleric. which makes everyone who hears it
sink into a state of total confusion for
Linguistic Mastery: You can speak and 1d6 rounds unless they pass a save.
read all commonly-known languages, and  Lullaby: Any tired, sleepy, or
can get by even in obscure or long-dead naturally lazy person who hears this
languages if you succeed in rolling equal song must save or fall instantly into a
to or less than your Intelligence on 1d20. deep sleep, from which only loud
noises or pain will awaken them.
Words of Power: You know a number of (Anyone who is in an obviously
Words of Power equal to your level. If dangerous situation passes
your Intelligence is between 13 and 15, automatically due to the adrenaline
you start play knowing one additional flooding their system.) Anyone who
Word; if it is 16 or higher, you know two hears this song while sleeping drops
additional Words. You can use a number into an even deeper sleep, and is
of Words of Power equal to your level unlikely to be woken by anything short
before you have to rest your throat; this of actual injury or a trumpet blast
requires 4 hours spent without speaking at nearby. If they are allowed to sleep
all. (Hours spent sleeping count towards uninterrupted for a full eight hours (or
this.) Pick them from the following list: eight more hours, in the case of people
who are already asleep when affected),
they wake feeling refreshed and
revitalised and regain 1d3 HP.

 Project Voice: For 1 minute per level,  Stunning Word: This word, which
you may speak in such a way that your must be shouted at the top of your
voice seems to be coming from voice, stuns everyone who hears it for
somewhere else entirely: from a dark 1 round unless they pass a save. While
corner, an object, someone else's stunned, they are unable to take any
mouth, etc. You may also choose to actions.
have this effect distort your voice, so  Vocal Adaptation: For 1 minute per
that it is not recognisable as your own. level, you may 'speak' any kind of
(It is still very obviously a human sound you like: animal noises, the
voice, though.) While this effect is sound of running water, squeaky cart-
active you can speak without moving wheels, clattering pebbles, whatever.
your lips. (You cannot create any sound louder
 Rending Word: You howl this word than a human scream, however.) These
directly in someone's face. (They must noises will seem to be coming from
be within melee range.) This howl your location, unless this ability is
strikes them with such force that they used in conjunction with Project
take 1d12 damage. (Save for half Voice, above.
damage.)  Word of [Emotion]: Pick one
 Shattering Word: One inanimate emotion. Anyone who hears you speak
object within 30' is struck with a this word must pass a save or be filled
powerful sonic blow, as though you'd with this emotion for 1d20 minutes.
just whacked it with a large hammer The emotions must be within the limits
swung in both hands with all you of sanity - no berserker rages or
strength. If it's an object which suicidal depressions - but can
someone is holding, they must pass a definitely affect reaction rolls. Each
save or drop it. If it's an object which emotion is a separate Word of Power.
someone is wearing, they must pass a  Word of Ascendance: You speak a
save or take 1d4 damage. word, and then vanish. (This isn't
 Speech Bubble: You rapidly mutter a invisibility - you literally aren't there
speech to yourself, of any length, any more.) When you use this ability
under your breath; this takes about half you choose how long to stay vanished
as long as saying the same number of for, up to a maximum of 10 minutes
words would normally take, and is per level. When you reappear (in the
virtually soundless. Then you blow the same place you vanished from), you
speech out as a 'bubble' towards the are unable to remember exactly where
person you want to hear them; it floats you were while you were vanished, but
over to them, and a few seconds later you always return feeling faintly
they 'hear' the whole speech euphoric and healed of 1d4 HP.
instantaneously, without anyone else  Word of Enlightenment: You speak a
being able to hear anything at all. If word, which issues from your mouth as
someone else comes unexpectedly a stream of glowing runes which then
between you and them while the fly up and float around your head.
speech is 'in transit', they 'hear' it They shed light equal to a lantern, and
instead. remain for 1 hour per level.

The Extras: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

You aren't one person at all: instead, you are To-hit, Hit Dice, Weapons and Armour,
playing an indeterminate mob of nameless Saves: As per Fighter.
minor characters who follow the other PCs
around. You might be a pirate crew, a band of Experience Per Level: As per Magic-User.
Merry Men, or a bunch of faceless
stormtroopers, but two facts remain constant: Safety In Numbers: Apart from named
there are a lot of you (although exactly how characters (see below), The Extras always go
many seems to vary from scene to scene) and, around in a single big mob. If you use a battle
despite your numbers, collectively you only grid or similar, assume that this mob of extras
manage to achieve about as much as each of takes up an area 15' square whenever possible.
the main characters does individually. At best. (In a 5' wide tunnel, they'd form a single line 5'
wide and 45' long.) They always move as a
The essence of playing as The Extras is that single mass, and can attack or be attacked by
you aren't playing as a specific group with anything within 5' of the mob.
clearly-defined numbers and capabilities (e.g.
'the six archers Alice hired in the city'): use the Inverse Ninja Rule: Even though there are so
regular henchmen and followers rules for many of them, The Extras only get
those. Instead, you're playing as that bunch of a single action per round: so a whole mob of
guys who are milling around in the Extras attacking a monster is resolved with a
background in every scene. Every time you get single attack roll, and so on. (The exception is
in a dangerous situation, one or more of you Named Characters - see below.)
probably dies just in order to show that things
are serious; but, mysteriously, these deaths Many Hands Make Light Work: Whenever
never seem to affect your overall numbers. If, they're performing some kind of unskilled
for any reason, it ever becomes necessary to labour - e.g. standing watches, digging ditches,
determine exactly how many of you there at a carrying treasure, rowing oars, etc - The Extras
given moment, then roll 1d12+6; but the can accomplish the work of ten men. Even
number rolled has no effect on how many of though there are more of them than that.
you there are in the next scene, or indeed in Probably. Most of the time.
the next combat round.
Share the Pain: The Extras have a single HP
Game rules for playing The Extras are as total. Any healing or damage done to any of
follows: them affects them all. Weirdly, area-of-effect
damage only damages them once rather than
Hit Dice: 1d12. The Extras aren't individually many times, almost as if they really were just a
very tough, but there are a lot of them. single creature...

Arm the Troops: For The Extras to gain Each time you level up, you may create one
mechanical benefits from new equipment, they more Named Character, by giving one of The
must obtain at least ten copies of the Extras a name and a single distinguishing
equipment in question: so once they have ten characteristic. (E.g. 'Private Wilkins, always
swords they can make sword attacks, and so drunk'.) Just like Sarge, each of these named
on. If they have less than ten, then some of characters may also take one independent
them can be described as carrying the action per scene, but only one named
equipment in question, but they gain no character may take such an action per round.
mechanical benefit from it. (Oddly enough,
this does not extend to ammunition, which The  Example: Kat's Cutthroats (level 3) have
Extras consume as though there was only one three named members: Kat herself (their
of them present.) Sarge), No-Ears Jake (their musician), and
Silver Fork Sarah (who claims, and may
Magic For the Masses: The Extras can actually believe, that she is secretly a
collectively have any number of magic items princess). When they get into a fight with
'equipped' at once, but they can only gain the some goblins, the Cutthroats may act
mechanical benefit from each item once per twice on up to three rounds of the ensuing
scene. (The guy with the magic sword steps up combat: the Cutthroats take one collective
to take a swing, or the guy with a magic shield action per round, in one round Kat can
steps up to block a blow, and then they just take an action, in one round Jake can take
fade back into the mob.) If the item in question one, and in round Sarah can take one.
is assigned to a Named Character (see below), Once all three Named Characters have
then its benefits also apply to any independent taken one action each, the Cutthroats
actions they may take. revert to their normal single collective
action per round.
Named Characters: At level 1, give one of
the Extras a name and a personality, just as Die All, Die Merrily: If The Extras are ever
you would for a normal PC. This character reduced to 0 HP, describe them all dying in
(whom the other Extras will usually call some suitably tragi-comic fashion. (If this
'Sarge') acts as the 'face' of the mob, and is the makes no sense – e.g. they lose all their HP
character who you will play during social from touching one poisoned needle – then one
interactions and similar roleplay-focussed dies and the rest panic and flee, never to be
scenes. (Naturally, the rest of the Extras never seen again.) The only survivors will be the
get any lines.) Named Characters. The person playing The
Extras can immediately continue play as
Once per scene, you may have this character Sarge, who can be assumed to be a Fighter of
take an action independently of The Extras: so one level lower than The Extras; the other
The Extras could attack an orc while Sarge ran Named Characters will be fighters of half the
off to warn the other PCs, or whatever. This is level of The Extras, rounded down, who will
the only exception to the rule that The Extras instantly become Sarge's henchmen (or
must always act as a single unit, and it someone else's, if this would take Sarge above
effectively gives you two actions for that their limit.) Each of these characters emerges
round only. Next round, Sarge is assumed to from the general massacre with only
have been absorbed back into the general (1d6x10)% of their maximum HP.
group, and will spend the rest of the scene
acting as part of the mob.
 Example: Kat's Cutthroats (in the example
above) are reduced to 0 HP by the goblins.
The only survivors are Kat (who becomes
a level 2 fighter, and a new PC), and Jake
and Sarah (who become level 1 fighters,
and Kat's henchmen).

If all the named characters survive the If, on the other hand, Sarge or any of the other
adventure and make it back to town, they may Named Character goes on to die before a new
recruit a new band of faceless followers and band of Extras can be recruited, then the
regain their status as The Extras (or possibly remaining ones decide sorrowfully that It
just re-recruit the old ones, if they ran off Would Never Be The Same Without Them and
rather than dying). If this happens, then the remain as ordinary PCs and henchmen forever.
Named Characters merge happily back into the
new mob.

Ghoul-Blooded: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

Cannibal Cookery: At level 5, you gain the

ability to cook human or humanoid body parts
into meals that fill whomever eats them with
unholy vigour. The bonus granted depends on
the body part cooked:

 Brain: Grants +1 Intelligence.

 Eyes: Grants +1 Wisdom.
 Heart: Grants +1 Strength.
 Lungs: Grants +1 Dexterity.
 Liver: Grants +1 Constitution.
 Tongue: Grants +1 Charisma.
 Stomach: Grants +1 to all saves.
To-Hit: As per Fighter.
Preparing one portion of such a meal takes one
Hit Dice: 1d6
hour, and no-one can benefit from more than
Weapons, Armour, and Saves: All as per three such meals at the same time. (Breakfast,
Thief. lunch, and dinner!) The effects last for 24
Experience Per Level: As per Magic-User.
Gravedigger: At level 7 you gain the ability
Night Vision: You can see perfectly even in to tunnel through the earth with your claws
very dim light. At level 3, you gain the ability like a mole. You can dig through the earth at a
to see even in total darkness. rate of 10' per minute, but your tunnel will
collapse behind you unless someone else is
Teeth and Claws: Your nails and teeth are crawling behind you and shoring it up as you
strong enough to be used as weapons, allowing go.
you to attack for 1d4 damage even when
unarmed. At level 5 this rises to 1d6 damage, Call the Clan: At level 8, you may call your
and at level 9 it rises to 1d8. undead kindred to you. You must go out to a
graveyard on the night of the new moon and
Enhanced Smell: Your sense of smell is sing a keening, whistling song; 1d3 hours
extremely sensitive. If any scent could later, 1d6 ghouls will burrow their way out of
possibly be detected by a human nose, you the soil around you. These ghouls will obey
detect it automatically. At level 6 you can any non-suicidal orders for as long as you keep
track people by their scent like a dog. them supplied with carrion, and will serve you
until destroyed or until the night of the next
Foul Feasting: At level 2, you may eat raw new moon, whichever comes first.
and/or rotten meat without ill effects; doing so
never makes you sick, and nourishes you just Atavism: At level 9, you shed your humanity.
as much as if it was cooked and fresh. You are now an unliving monster; you no
longer need to eat, sleep, or breathe (although
Paralytic Venom: At level 4, your unarmed your hunger for carrion is as strong as ever),
attacks (only) inject paralytic venom into your and you are immune to poison and disease.
target, requiring them to save or be paralysed You also cease to age, and will live forever
for the next 1d6 rounds. Elves are immune to unless killed. Because you are not truly
this effect, as are undead, creatures not made undead, however, you cannot be turned by
of flesh and blood, and anything larger than an clerics.
ogre. You also become immune to the
paralytic venom of regular ghouls.

Summary Table:

Level Abilities

1 Low-light vision, enhanced smell, claws 1d4

2 Foul feasting.
3 Darkvision.
4 Paralytic venom.
5 Cannibal cookery, claws 1d6.
6 Track via scent.
7 Gravedigger
8 Call the clan
9 Atavism, Claws 1d8

Goblin: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

To-Hit, Hit Dice, Saves, Experience Per spending 1d6 hours 'taming' it and making
Level, Weapons and Armour: As per Thief. a Charisma roll. If you succeed, it will let
you ride it for as long as you keep it well
Darkvision: Goblins can see perfectly in the fed, but if you fail then it attacks you once
dark. and then runs off.
 Biter: All those hours spent filing your
Goblin Quirks: Starting at level 1, pick one teeth has finally paid off! You have a
Quirk from the following list. Pick an mouth full of razor-sharp teeth, which you
additional Quirk each time you advance a can use to chew through wood, ropes, etc.
level. Goblins get quirkier and quirkier (read: Instead of making a weapon attack, you
more and more spectacularly deformed, can bite for 1d4 damage.
freakish, and insane) the longer they survive!  Bouncer: You can jump a distance equal
to your full height straight up from a
You may choose from the following quirks: standing start. You take half damage from
 Arson: By spending 1d6 minutes  Coward: You gain a +4 bonus to AC
examining a building or object, you can whilst running away screaming.
intuitively work out what the most  Crazy Reflexes: Your body constantly
effective way to destroy it with fire would jerks around in unpredictable ways, giving
be. You gain a +4 bonus to saves against you an AC bonus equal to one-quarter of
fire attacks. your level, rounded up.
 Beast Affinity: Pick one of the following  Filth Eater: You can survive on a diet of
creatures: giant bat, giant rat, giant spider, just about any kind of organic matter. You
or wolf. You have an intuitive rapport with gain a +4 bonus to saves against poison
such creatures, and they won't attack you and disease.
except in self-defence or when  Goblin Fu: As long as you have both
really, really hungry. If you encounter hands free, you can attack by hysterically
such a creature with a number of hit dice clawing and chewing at people, inflicting
equal to or less than your own, you can try 1d6 damage per hit. If you also have the
to press it into service as a mount by Biter quirk, this increases to 1d8.

 Hyperactivity: Once per day per level  Stab Frenzy: When you successfully hit
you can go completely hyper for 1d6 someone in melee with a dagger, you may
rounds, moving at twice your normal immediately attempt to stab them again,
speed and attacking twice per round. with a -1 penalty to hit and damage; if you
 Lunatic: Your mind is so warped that it's hit then you may attack a third time (with
very difficult for other people to control. an additional -1 to hit and damage, for -2
You gain a +4 bonus to saves against total), and so on until you either miss, hit
mind-affecting powers and spells. Also but inflict 0 damage, or kill them. You can
you are crazy, but frankly you were only use this ability while screaming and
probably crazy already. gibbering incoherently.
 Mimic: You can perfectly mimic the voice  Substance Abuse: You gain +1 to-hit and
of anyone you have heard in the last 24 damage in melee whilst drunk and/or
hours, but can only maintain this mimicry high.
for a maximum of 1d6 minutes per level  Swarm King: You have a swarm of pet
before breaking down into fits of vermin of some kind (rats, spiders,
hysterical giggling. centipedes, etc), which either follow you
 Mushroom Mystic: Pick one first-level around or are carried with you in a sack.
Magic-User or Cleric spell. You can cast On your command they can be ordered to
this spell once per day, but only whilst swarm people, who then suffer a -1
stoned out of your head on hallucinogenic penalty to attack rolls, damage, and AC
mushrooms. for as long as they're covered in swarming
 Persistent Freak: Once per day, when vermin. (They don't get a save against this,
reduced to 0 HP or less by an attack, you but the effect ends if they find a way of
may draw upon your weird resilience to getting the swarm off them: jumping in
instantly regain (1d6+1 per level) HP. If water, for example.) You can also use
this is sufficient to take you above 0 HP, them for anything else you think a swarm
then you simply get back up again the of vermin would be useful for, but you
following round. can't give them any command more
 Poison Spit: Your saliva is so poisonous complex than 'go over there' and 'come
that you can envenom any edged weapon back'. Your swarm is big enough to engulf
by licking the blade. The next person up to one person per level.
stabbed with it must save vs. poison or  Twitchy: Whenever you are surprised,
suffer 1d6 days of horrible, incapacitating you have a 20% chance per level of
sickness, which begins 1d3 hours after spotting the danger just in time. (At level
they are stabbed. 5+, this effectively makes you impossible
 Rat Head: You're a rubbery little freak, to surprise.) You only sleep 1d4 hours per
and as long as you're not wearing night, but never seem to suffer any ill
inflexible armour you can squeeze your effects as a result.
whole body through a space half the width  Vandalism: You have a near-supernatural
of your own head. This is super freaky to ability to destroy inanimate objects. As
watch. long as you're bashing things hysterically
 Sneak: As long as you're not heavily while screaming your head off, you
burdened, you can move as soundlessly as gain +4 Strength for the purposes of
a cat. breaking things only.
 Spider Climb: As long as you're not
heavily burdened, you can swarm up walls
and crawl along ceilings like a fucking
spider. This ability won't work on
completely smooth surfaces.

Half-Troll: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

Troll Hunger: You require an enormous

amount of food to power your regenerative
abilities. Every time you regenerate, you feel
as hungry as if you had just gone for a full day
without food, and must gorge yourself on a
day's worth of rations at the first opportunity.
(So a half-troll who has just regenerated 9 HP
will feel as though they had gone without food
for three full days.) Eating a day's worth of
food in this fashion takes 20 minutes - which
means that if you're still regenerating while
you eat, you may finish your meal hungrier
than you were when you started it! Normal
limits on how much food you can eat at once,
or how quickly your stomach can digest it, do
not apply to these regeneration-fuelled binges:
a half-troll can easily swallow down ten or
twenty meals worth of food in a sitting, their
swollen stomachs digesting it almost instantly
to 'pay off' the enormous calorific debt
incurred by their regeneration.

To-Hit, Hit Dice, Saves: All as per Fighter. Metabolic Limits: Your regeneration cannot
function forever without food. If you are
Weapons and Armour: Half-trolls can use suffering from a number of 'days' of starvation
any melee or thrown weapons, but their thick, greater than your level (either due to
clumsy fingers are ill-suited to using bows or regeneration or extended fasting), your
crossbows. (If you insist on trying, you can regenerative abilities will shut down, and will
use them with a -4 penalty to-hit.) They can not work again until you eat at least a day's
wear any armour, but their huge, bulky frames worth of food.
mean that it must be made specially for them
at double normal cost: human-sized armour (Note that this means that your regeneration
will not fit. will never actually make you starve to death -
even a 20th level half-troll can only inflict the
Experience Per Level: As per Elf. equivalent of 21 days of hunger on themselves
through regeneration, which isn't enough to be
Low Light Vision: Half-trolls can see fatal - but it can leave you very, very weak.
perfectly in very dim light such as moonlight Assume a penalty of -1 to all rolls for physical
or starlight, but cannot see in total darkness. activity, including to-hit and damage rolls, for
every five 'days' of hunger.)
Regeneration: Your body can repair itself at
an incredible rate. When injured, you regain 3
HP every ten minutes. If reduced below 0 HP,
you continue to heal at a rate of 3 HP every ten
minutes unless reduced to more than twice
your level in negative HP. (So a third-level
half-troll dies at -7 HP, and so on.) This ability
cannot be used to heal damage caused by fire
or acid.

Inquisitor: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

Hit Dice, Experience, saving throws, to-hit Judgements available to all Inquisitors
charts, weapons, armour: All as Cleric.
 ...Destruction! The target takes 1d6
Turn Undead: As cleric of equal level. damage per level of the Inquisitor. (Save
for half.)
Judgements: The Inquisitor does not gain  ...Fear! The target must save or flee in
cleric spells. Instead, he gains the ability to blind terror for 1 round per level of the
pronounce Judgements upon his enemies. An Inquisitor.
Inquisitor can pronounce one Judgement per  ...Humiliation! The target must make
level per day. a saving throw or throw themselves prone
and grovel in the dirt for one round per
To pronounce a Judgement upon someone, the level of the inquisitor. They will continue
Inquisitor must point at them and doing this even if attacked.
declare: 'Sinner!' (or Blasphemer, or Heretic,  ...Pain! The target must make a saving
or Adulterer, or whatever.) 'I judge you to be throw or be overwhelmed with agonizing
worthy only of...' pain, taking a -4 penalty to their
attack rolls and AC. After a number of
They then complete the sentence with one of rounds equal to the Inquisitor's level, they
the Judgements listed below, which then takes are permitted another save to shake off the
immediate effect. Note that some of these are effects; if they fail, the effect resets.
only available to Inquisitors of a certain level  ...Silence! The target must pass a saving
or higher. An Inquisitor who is unable to point throw or be stricken dumb for 1 hour per
at people and/or unable to speak is unable to level of the Inquisitor.
pronounce Judgements.  ...Slavery! The target must make a saving
throw. If they fail, they must obey all
(NB: In case it isn't obvious, the person orders given to them by the Inquisitor for
playing the inquisitor needs to actually speak one hour per level of the Inquisitor.
the judgement, preferably in their best, spittle- Ordering them to do something totally
flecked, hellfire preacher voice. GMs may abhorrent to them permits a new saving
award saving throw penalties to their targets throw to break the effect, potentially with
for particularly impressive delivery of the a bonus for particularly awful acts. ('Eat
line.) your own eyeballs' is probably worth a
+10 modifier or so.) Being directly
The list of possible Judgements is as follows: attacked by the Inquisitor or his allies
causes this effect to end immediately.

Judgements requiring Inquisitor level 3 digging a hole six feet deep. This
Judgement will not work if the area
 ...Foulest Pestilence! The target must pass immediately beneath where the target is
a save or be infected with a horrible standing does not contain enough earth
rotting disease for 1 day per level of the and stone to contain such a prison. At the
Inquisitor. During this time they suffer a - end of the effect, the victim is spat back
2 penalty to their to-hit and damage rolls, out onto the surface.
and the stench of their rotting flesh is so  ...Loathing and Abandonment! For one
awful that everyone within 15' of them hour per level of the Inquisitor, all who
suffers a -1 to-hit penalty unless they wear look upon the target will perceive them as
a nosepeg or similar. Everyone will avoid being wretched and loathsome, deserving
them if at all possible, and they suffer a -2 only of scorn and contempt. They must
penalty to reaction rolls. pass a saving throw to bring themselves to
 ...Hellfire! The target takes 1d4 fire obey, defend, or cooperate with the target;
damage per level of the Inquisitor. If this if they fail, they just can't bring themselves
damage is enough to kill them, they to work with such a vile creature. The
explode in a ball of hellfire, inflicting half target themselves gets no save against this
this much damage on everyone within 10' effect.
 ...Icy Torment! The target takes 1d4 cold  ...Madness! The target must pass a saving
damage per level of the Inquisitor, and throw or be reduced to feral, paranoid
must pass a saving throw or be so numbed madness for 1 day per level of the
with cold that they suffer a -2 penalty to Inquisitor. During this period, they will
their to-hit and damage rolls until they get regard the Inquisitor himself and any
a chance to warm up. symbols or regalia associated with his
 ...Repentance! The target must make a religion with hysterical terror.
saving throw or spend 1 minute per level
of the Inquisitor grovelling on the ground, Judgements requiring Inquisitor level 7
tearfully confessing to all their misdeeds.
These confessions will always be true, but  ...Eternal Servitude! This Judgement can
the first sins they confess will be the ones only be pronounced on a corpse. Uttering
that they personally feel most guilty about, it causes the corpse to rise as a zombie or
which will not necessarily be the ones that skeleton under the Inquisitor's command.
the Inquisitor is interested in. The effect An Inquisitor can have a maximum
ends immediately if the victim is attacked. number of undead servants equal to twice
his level.
Judgements requiring Inquisitor level 5  ...Penance! The target must make a saving
throw or spend one round per level
 ...Blindness! The target must pass a saving wounding itself with whatever weapons it
throw or be stricken blind for 1 hour per has available, screaming that it does not
level of the Inquisitor. deserve to live. During this time it takes
 ...Imprisonment! The earth beneath the 1d4 damage per round (1d6 damage per
target's feet opens up to swallow them. round if armed), and will not actively
They must make a saving throw to leap defend itself against attacks.
clear; if they fail, they will be imprisoned  ...Oblivion! The target takes 1d6 damage
six feet beneath the earth for one day per per level of the Inquisitor, save for half. If
level of the Inquisitor. Their lightless this damage is enough to kill them, then
earthy prison is just big enough to stand up their corpse vanishes and everyone except
or sit down; it has its own air supply, but the Inquisitor forgets that they ever
food and water may be a problem for long- existed. People may gradually be able to
term imprisonments. The victim is unable piece together proof that they used to exist
to damage the walls of his own cell, but from diaries, official records, etc, but their
anyone else can dig down through the lost memories will never return.
earth and free him with no more difficulty
than would normally be involved in

Judgements requiring Inquisitor level 9 Mass Judgements: At level 5, the Inquisitor
can pronounce a judgement on a whole group
 ...Everlasting Misery! The target must of targets, up to a maximum of one per level.
pass a save or become desperately ill. The Inquisitor must still be able to point at
They will not die, but become so weak and them, so this will only work on a group of
feeble that they cannot stand or walk, and targets all standing fairly close together. The
even speaking requires enormous and victims of a mass judgement receive a +4
painful effort. Unless dispelled, this effect bonus to their saving throws.
will last for the rest of their natural life.
 ...Vile Deformity! The target must pass a Counter-Judgements: Any Inquisitor may
save or be warped into a horrible, mutated remove the ongoing effects of a Judgement
parody of themselves, with hideous inflicted by another inquisitor of equal or
features, animal-level intelligence, and an lower level by laying on hands and
instinctive, hysterical fear of the Inquisitor declaring: 'Behold! The infinite mercy of the
and the holy symbols of the Inquisitor's divine extends even to a wretch like
religion. This effect is permanent unless thee!' Doing this uses up one of their
dispelled. Judgements for the day.

An Inquisitor can remove the ongoing effects I Appeal That Judgement: If an Inquisitor
of a Judgement that he has pronounced at any attempts to use a Judgement on another
time simply by pointing at the target and Inquisitor, then the target may spend a
declaring: 'Sinner, I grant thee pardon for thy Judgement and declare: 'I defy thy false
vile transgressions.' In the case of the authority!' Each Inquisitor then rolls 1d6 and
Oblivion judgement, this will cause all lost adds their level. If the defending Inquisitor
memories of the victim to return. Judgements scores higher on this roll, then the Judgement
can also be removed with Dispel Magic just has no effect. If the defending Inquisitor was
like any other ongoing spell effect. one of several targets of a Mass Judgement,
then it has no effect on anyone.

Mesmerist: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

Hit Dice, Experience, saving throws, to-hit Mesmeric Passes: If you use both hands to
charts, weapons and armour: As magic-user. make continual waving motions at the target of
your Mesmeric Stare, propelling additional
Mesmeric Energy: You have a pool of waves of MESMERIC FORCE into their
Mesmeric Energy (ME) equal to your level. If bodies, they take a -2 penalty to their saving
your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score throw. You can only make Mesmeric Passes if
is 13 or higher, you gain an extra +1. If any of your hands are empty and your arms are
them are 16 or higher, you gain an extra +2, unencumbered.
instead. This energy is used to power your
Mesmeric Powers (see below), and is Sonambulism: Once you have placed
recharged after a good night's sleep. someone into a trance state using your
Mesmeric Stare, you can order them to
Iron Will: Whenever you are affected by a perform simple physical actions: 'drop your
mind-affecting supernatural power (e.g. sleep, weapon', 'walk forwards', 'unlock the door',
charm person, fear, etc), you may spend 1 ME and so on. All these actions will be performed
to reroll your save (or to make a save, if the very slowly and clumsily, making fine
power doesn't normally allow one). If you fail, manipulation impossible. (Similarly, if you tell
you can try again next round until you either them to attack someone, their blows will be so
pass your save or run out of ME. slow and clumsy that only an immobile target
will be in any danger from them.) If you order
Mesmeric Stare: By staring at someone for them to do something harmful to themselves,
one round, you can project waves of or repugnant to their beliefs, they may make a
MESMERIC FORCE into their bodies and new saving throw to break out of the trance;
their brains. This ability has a maximum range and if they actually take damage, the trance
of 20' plus 5' per level. Your target must make ends immediately.
a save or go into a trance state, effectively
paralysed by your mesmeric powers for as Mesmeric Transfer: By touching a fellow
long as you maintain total concentration. (Of mesmerist, you may transfer any amount of
course, if they want to enter a trance state, then your own Mesmeric Energy to them. If this
they can forgo their save.) If your target takes transfer brings them above their normal
any damage, or if you take any action other maximum level of Mesmeric Energy, the
than walking, talking, and staring, this effect excess must be used immediately or it is lost at
immediately ends. Once someone succeeds in a rate of 1 point per round.
a saving throw against your mesmeric stare,
you cannot attempt to mesmerise them again
for the next 24 hours.

Battle of Wills: If you ever try to involuntarily raspberry juice'.) Provided these
mesmerise another mesmerist, they are instructions are followed to the letter, the
instantly aware of your attempt; and, instead of patient will recover from their illness
making a saving throw, they may instead completely in 2d6 days.
choose to engage you in the world's most epic  Electric Sex: By spending 1 ME, you can
staring contest. Each round, you each roll 1d6 charge an iron bedframe with animal
and add your Mesmerist level; the loser loses magnetism for the next 24 hours. The next
1d3 points of Mesmeric Energy. Whoever runs two people who have sex on it during that
out of Mesmeric Energy first is mesmerised by time will be refreshed and revitalised: each
the winner. will regain 1d4 HP, and will gain a +1
bonus to Strength and Constitution for the
Mesmeric Powers: At level 1, you may select next day.
one of the following Mesmeric Powers for  Energy Drain: Once you have placed
your character. Select an additional Power for someone into a trance state, you may
each subsequent level. The powers you may concentrate for one round and spend 1 ME
choose from are as follows: to suck all the animal magnetism out of
them. They may make a new save to break
 Clairvoyance: Once you have placed the trance; but if they fail, they take 1d6
someone into a trance state, you may damage per level. Unlike all other forms
spend 1 ME to relocate their senses to of damage, this does not cause the trance
another location, with a maximum range to end. If the damage doesn't kill them,
of ten miles per level. The location must you can try to energy drain them again the
either be named (e.g. 'inside Lord following round.
Beaumont's study') or exactly specified  Enthrall: If you place a single individual
(e.g. 'on the other side of this door' or into a trance state (willingly or otherwise)
'three hundred yards west of here'). For the for at least one hour per day, and continue
duration of their trance, the entranced doing this for a number of days equal to
individual can see and hear whatever is their Wisdom score, then at the end of this
happening at this location as if they were time you may invest one point of ME in
actually present, and will truthfully answer them to reduce them to a state of reflexive
any questions you ask about what is obedience. While in this state they will
happening there. The effort is very tiring, automatically obey any instructions you
however, and can be maintained for a give them that are not obviously harmful
maximum of one minute per level; after or repugnant in character, and may be
this the subject collapses in exhaustion and placed in or out of trance states by you at
the trance ends. will, simply with a word, gesture, or
 Derange: Once you have placed someone glance. (You don't need to concentrate to
in a trance, you may spend 1 ME to maintain these trance states.) If you try to
scramble the animal magnetism in their force them to do something harmful or
brain. They may make a new save to break abhorrent and they then pass their saving
out of the trance and resist this effect; but throw to resist your command, then the
if they fail, they will start to behave in Enthrall effect ends as well and must be
completely crazy, random ways as soon as re-established from scratch.
the trance ends, and continue to do so for  Eyes in the Belly: Anyone whom you
one hour per level. have placed into a mesmeric trance gains
 Diagnosis: Once you have placed a sick the ability to see as though they had eyes
individual in a trance state, you can ask in their stomach. These 'gastric eyes' can
them to diagnose themselves. They will see through clothes, darkness, containers,
then proceed to recite some eccentric- and even thin walls, allowing them to see
sounding but basically harmless routine of inside locked chests, through doors, etc.
diet and exercise that they need to For the duration of their trance, the
undertake in order to get well. ('Eat celery individual will turn their eyes to look in
seven times a day and avoid all contact any direction you direct, and will
with hot water', for example, or 'run three truthfully recite what they can see through
miles every morning and drink nothing but them.

 Inspire Dread: When any enemy you are
facing makes a morale check, you may
spend any amount of ME to make yourself
seem fearsome and terrifying. Your
enemies take a penalty to their morale
check equal to the amount of ME spent.
 Long-Range Mesmerism: Once you have
successfully mesmerised someone, from
that point forwards you may spend 1 ME
to attempt to mesmerise them even if they
are not present, up to a maximum range of
10 miles per level. If they don't want to be
mesmerised, they get a saving throw as
normal, and if they pass their save then
you cannot attempt long-range mesmerism
against them again until you have re-
established your hold over them by
successfully mesmerising them in person.
(People under the influence of your
Enthrall ability don't get a saving throw,
however.) Once they are mesmerised, you
gain a general sense of where they are and
 Mass Mesmerism: By spending 1 ME
what they are doing, and you may then use
and directing your Mesmeric Stare against
any of your other mesmeric powers on
a whole group of people (who must all be
them - commanding them with
standing in a group, allowing you to stare
Sonambulism, healing them with
at all of them at once), you may attempt
Mesmeric Healing, etc - just as if you were
to simultaneously mesmerise a number of
actually present. The trance ends if they
people equal to twice your level. They all
are hurt or if your concentration is broken.
get saving throws as normal. You may
 Magnetise Fluid: By spending 1 ME, you
choose to have any subsequent mesmeric
may charge a bottle of water with animal
abilities you then use (e.g. Mesmeric
magnetism. Whoever drinks it will be
Sleep, Mesmeric Command, Suppress
healed, regaining 1d6 HP. The water will
Pain, etc) affect any or all of them, at your
retain the charge for a maximum of 24
hours, or 48 hours if mixed with iron
 Mesmeric Charisma: You may spend any
amount of ME to give yourself a magnetic
 Magnetise Ink: By spending 1 ME, you
and commanding quality to your words
can imbue the ink of a letter you've just
and gestures. For each point of ME
written with a mental impression: an
expended, your effective Charisma is
emotion, for example, or an image, or a
increased by 2 for one hour per level, up to
short phrase. The first person who reads
a maximum of 20.
the letter will immediately find this
 Mesmeric Command: By spending 1
emotion, phrase, or image taking root in
ME, you may gain a much more powerful
their mind, although if they're not familiar
form of control over someone whom you
with mesmerism they may not realise
have placed in a trance state, similar to
where it has come from!
a Charm Person spell. For as long as you
 Magnetise Metal: You may spend 1 ME
maintain complete concentration, they will
to charge a metal wand with animal
obey your commands to the full extent of
magnetism. Wielding this wand whilst
their normal ability: they will fight for
making Mesmeric Passes at people
you, perform complex tasks for you,
imposes an additional -2 penalty on their
truthfully answer questions you ask them,
saving throws against your Mesmeric
and so on. As with Sonambulism, harmful
Stare ability, for a total of -4. The wand
or abhorrent orders permit them to make a
retains its charge for 24 hours.
new saving throw to break the trance.

 Mesmeric Healing: Once you have placed  Phreno-Magnetism: By spending 1 ME,
someone in a trance state, you may spend you may channel mesmeric energy into
any number of points of ME to heal their one of the phrenological organs of a target
injuries. Each point expended allows them whom you have mesmerised, enormously
to heal 1d6 HP. If you spend three or more exaggerating one side of their personality:
points at once, they are also healed of any so you could supercharge their rage, their
poisons currently affecting them. fear, their friendliness, their laziness, and
 Mesmeric Sleep: By concentrating for so on. This effect begins as soon as the
one round, you may cause anyone whom trance ends, and lasts for a number of
you have placed in a trance to fall into a hours equal to your level.
deep sleep. They instantly pass out, and  Summons: Once you have successfully
unless awakened by loud noise, pain, or mesmerised someone, from that point
similar, they will continue to sleep for the forwards you may spend 1 ME to attempt
next 1d6 hours. By spending 1 ME, you to call them to you, up to a maximum
may instead choose exactly how long they range of 20 miles per level. They instantly
sleep, up to a maximum of 24 hours. become intuitively aware of your location,
(Taking any kind of damage still wakes and experience an overwhelming desire to
them up immediately, though.) come to you. If they attempt to resist this,
 Mesmeric Spiritualism: Anyone whom they may make a saving throw; if they
you place into a trance state gains the pass then the effect ends, and you cannot
ability to see and communicate with attempt to summon them again until you
nearby invisible beings, spirits, ghosts, etc. have re-established your hold over them
They will truthfully describe what they see by successfully mesmerising them in
and hear, and can convey messages back person. (People under the influence of
and forth between you and the spirits. The your Enthrall ability don't get a saving
effort is tiring, however, and can be throw, however.) Otherwise, they must
maintained for a maximum of ten minutes come to your side as quickly as possible.
per level; after this the subject collapses in The effect ends if your concentration is
exhaustion and the trance ends. broken.
 Perfect Recall: Anyone whom you place  Suppress Pain: Once you have placed
into a trance state gains the ability someone into a trance, you may spend 1
to answer questions about their past with ME to render them impervious to pain for
perfect accuracy, including recalling entire 1 hour per level. During this time, the
conversations word for word. During the damage they take from all attacks is
trance state they will truthfully and reduced by 1. (So a hit that would inflict 3
accurately answer any questions you ask damage inflicts 2 instead, and so on.) This
them about their past. Perfect recall is may be combined with Mesmeric Sleep to
tiring, however, and can be maintained for place people into mesmeric comas from
a maximum of ten minutes per level; after which they are effectively impossible to
this the subject collapses in exhaustion and awaken until the appointed time.
the trance ends.

The Noncombatant: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

they will start to take you seriously as a threat,

so this ability will usually only be usable once
per combat.
I’m Helping!: Once per day per level, while
another PC is fighting someone, you can make
a vital contribution which lets them get in a
telling blow. Maybe you trip the enemy, or
distract them; maybe you clumsily stumble
To-Hit, Hit Dice, Weapons and through the melee at just the right moment to
Armour: As per Magic-User. knock them off balance. The PC in question
gets a free attack, with a +2 bonus to their to-
XP per level and Saves: As per Thief. hit and damage rolls; but while their character
is the one who makes the attack, you roll the
Negotiator: As long as no bloodshed has yet attack and damage dice for it.
taken place, you get a +1 bonus to all reaction
rolls as long as you are the one doing the Duck For Cover: Once per day per level, you
talking. This stacks with any bonus you may may declare that a single attack automatically
get from a high Charisma score. misses you, or that you have automatically
passed a single save to dodge an attack such as
Not a Threat: For as long as you are a wand beam or dragon’s breath. You may
cowering, hiding, running away, etc, all make this declaration after the to-hit or saving
enemies will always ignore you until all your throw, turning a hit into a miss, but not after
more threatening comrades are dealt with, and damage has been rolled.
will not use lethal force against you unless
they have a strong reason to leave no Protect the Weak: Any time an attack would
survivors. Once they see you inflict real take you to 0 HP or below, any other nearby
damage on someone, this no longer applies. PC may elect to take the hit instead by yelling
'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!' and jumping in
Overconfidence: Enemies won't bother to the way of the attack. They take the same
defend themselves properly against you unless damage you would have done. This can only
you give them reason to do so. If you attack an occur once per encounter.
enemy who has not yet been given any reason
to view you as a real threat, you get +4 to-hit Inconspicuous: For as long as there are things
and inflict bonus damage equal to half your to hide behind, you can sneak from place to
level, rounded up. For as long as these attacks place without being spotted except under the
keep missing, enemies will continue to not most extreme circumstances. People looking
take you seriously (although they will try to for you will never find you unless they have
stop you attacking them, in a low-priority sort the time and opportunity to exhaustively
of way), but once one of your attacks does search the location you are hiding in.
damage then this bonus no longer applies.
To the Dungeons With You! If you surrender
Out Cold: Any time you are able to sneak up to your enemies, they will always take you
behind someone, either because they don't prisoner unless they have a strong reason for
know you're there or because they're ignoring doing otherwise. You will always be tied up in
you, you can try to whack them on the head such a way that you will be able to wriggle
with a table leg, rock, vase, etc. Make a to-hit free in 1d6 hours, and your captors will never
roll (with your +4 bonus, if appropriate): if it notice the looseness of your bonds until it is
hits, your victim must make save or be too late. If you are subsequently recaptured by
knocked out cold for 1d6 rounds. (Enemies the same group of enemies, however, they will
without heads or brains are, of course, treat you in the same way as anyone else.
immune.) Once enemies have seen you do this,

Orc: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

To-Hit, Hit Dice, Saves: All as per Fighter.

Weapons and Armour: Orcs can use any weapons, but are not proficient with any armour
heavier than chainmail.

Experience Per Level: As per Dwarf.

Nocturnal: Orcs can see perfectly in the dark, but bright light pains them. When in bright
sunlight, or close to a bright source of light, they suffer -1 to-hit until they can get back into
the darkness.

Orc Rage! Orcs get angry really, really easily. Whenever something happens to anger you
(e.g. being insulted, being frustrated, being betrayed, etc) you may declare you are going to
enter a battle rage. While raging you fight with no heed for your own personal safety: you
gain a +1 bonus to-hit and damage, and a +4 bonus to saves against fear effects, but suffer a -
2 penalty to AC. Your rage ends when the being(s) that provoked it are defeated, or after a
number of minutes equal to your level, whichever comes sooner.

Ritual Cannibalism: Whenever an orc eats the heart of a creature it has personally killed in
battle, it gains a number of HP equal to the HD of the dead creature. (Note that eating a heart
takes at least a couple of minutes, even for an orc!)

Speak Loudly and Carry a Big Axe: Orcs love huge, impractical, poorly-balanced
weaponry. Given a few hours and a heap of scrap metal, you can modify any two-handed
weapon to be even bigger, heavier, and spikier than it was before. The resulting weapon is the
kind of thing that no-one except an orc would ever consider using, but your combination of
brute strength and raw enthusiasm means that in your hands it becomes a lethal if clumsy
weapon, inflicting +1 damage at the cost of a -1 penalty to-hit.

Patchwork Girl: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

Hit Dice: 1d12. Patchwork girls don't feel Wear and Tear: The body of a patchwork girl
pain, and are very difficult to kill. is constantly threatening to come apart. She
must spend at least 1 hour per day repairing
Experience and saving throws: As Fighter. herself with a needle and thread; this rises to
four hours for any day in which she's been
To-Hit Charts: As magic-user. Patchwork involved in strenuous activities such as
girls aren't very good at fighting. (The fact that adventuring and combat. Each day in which
their hands keep coming off doesn't help these routine repairs are neglected lowers her
much.) Strength and Constitution by 1 until the whole
backlog of repairs is completed. (So a
Weapons and Armour: Patchwork girls patchwork girl who went three days without
cannot use two-handed weapons (the weight repairs would need 3 hours repair work, or 12
makes their hands fall off) or heavy armour hours if she'd spend those three days
(places too much strain on their seams). adventuring.) If either her Strength or
Constitution ever falls to 0, her seams split and
Immunities: Patchwork girls are immune to her body simply falls apart.
effects which cause pain (because their nerves
don't work), and also to poison and disease Oh My God She's Made Of Sewn-Together
(although some poisons do make their flesh Human Corpses: Patchwork girls
turn funny colours). They cannot be Turned, as look freaky. Full-face masks and mutterings
they are not true undead. They don't need food, about tragic childhood accidents are highly
drink, or air to survive; they also don't need to recommended.
sleep, although a magical sleep spell will
affect them normally. Just Look At the State of Her Stitching: If a
patchwork girl is reduced to 0 HP, she
Emergency Repairs: If damaged, a becomes inactive, but she doesn't
patchwork girl can sew herself back together actually die unless her brain is destroyed. (If
again at a rate of 1 HP per level per hour. At the damage just keeps on coming, assume
the GM's option, some kinds of damage may brain destruction occurs at negative HP equal
also require a suitable supply of 'spare parts' to five times her level.) In her inactive state
(i.e. dead bodies) with which to replace the she can be restored to 'life' by taking her to a
destroyed flesh. suitably qualified tailor or seamstress, who
will be able to sew her back together again.
Note that most tailors are likely to baulk at
being handed a heap of smashed-up body parts
and told to sew them into the shape of a girl.

Distributed Consciousness: Starting at level  Eyes: Can run around on adorable little
2, a patchwork girl can take off bits of her legs made from tweaked-out optic nerves,
body and send them off to act independently. spying on things. Anything they see is
She can divide herself into a number of pieces perceived by the patchwork girl. Have 1
equal to her level: so at level 3 she could send HP each.
both hands off in different directions, for  Head: Can roll around, speak to people,
example, while still retaining control of her etc. Has HP equal to 20% of the
body. Useful body parts include: patchwork girl's total HP. Warning: if your
head is destroyed, then your brain is
 Hands: Can be sent to scuttle off down smashed and you die for real!
corridors, climb walls, pull levers, carry
objects or messages, tie or untie things, Each body part removed reduces the
etc. If armed with a knife or similar small patchwork girl's maximum HP by a number of
weapon, can make attacks at a -4 penalty HP equal to that possessed by the part. (So a
for half damage. Has HP equal to 10% of girl with 20 HP has her total HP reduced by 2
the patchwork girl's total HP. each time she takes off one of her hands, as the
 Legs: Can hop about the place, setting off hand itself has 2 HP.) If reduced to 0 HP the
traps, kicking people (-4 to-hit, 1d2 body part in question becomes inactive until
damage), etc. Has HP equal to 20% of the the patchwork girl picks it up and sews it back
patchwork girl's total HP. on again. She can maintain control over her
 Ears: On their own they just kind of lie detached body parts out to a maximum range
there, but if held by a detached hand (or of 100' per level.
tied onto a detached leg) they can be used
to listen in on things at a distance. Superlative Seamstress: At level 9, the
Anything they hear is perceived by the patchwork girl gains the ability to make
patchwork girl. Have 1 HP each. magical clothing. (As per a magic-user of the
 Nose: As per ears, except for smell. same level, but can only be used to make
Remote smelling has to come in handy at enchanted cloaks, robes, hats, gloves, etc.)
some point, right?

Renunciate: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

To-hit, saves, XP per level: As Cleric. Fasting: You may go without food or rest
for a number of days equal to your level, and
Hit Dice: As per Fighter. without water for a number of days equal to
half your level, without suffering any ill
Weapons and Armour: You may only use effects. When this period ends, you are as
a staff as a weapon, and may not use armour. tired and hungry as if your ordeal had only
just begun. (So a level 3 Renunciate who
Renunciation: You have taken a vow of fasts for 5 days will be as hungry as a
absolute poverty, which forbids you from normal person who hasn't eaten for two
ever owning more than a robe, a staff, a pair days.)
of sandals, and a begging bowl. (Some
particularly hardcore orders may even leave Toughness: You can perform incredible
out the sandals.) You can borrow and use feats of endurance. You should be assumed
other equipment if necessary - you can ride to automatically succeed at all normal tests
borrowed horses to accompany your of endurance: resisting pain, heat, cold,
companions on long journeys, climb exhaustion, etc. Very extreme tests of
borrowed ropes when caving or endurance, such as resisting severe
mountaineering, borrow magical items from prolonged torture, may require a
your comrades to use when necessary, and Constitution roll.
so on - but these are the only items that you
will ever own, as opposed to borrowing as Body Mending Meditation: Your body can
needed on a case-by-case basis. repair itself with incredible speed. For every
four hours you spend in meditation, you
Asceticism: Your body is so hardened by regain 1 HP. (This does not count as resting,
your ordeals that you gain +1 AC due to and is not compatible with keeping watch.)
leathery skin and general toughness. You
can also add your Wisdom bonus (if any) to
your AC, to represent your superior body

Ascetic Attainments: At level 1, and every  Language of Beasts: You can speak
two levels thereafter, you may select one either the language of birds or the
Ascetic Attainment. The possible attainments language of animals (pick one: if
are as follows: you select this ability twice then you
can speak both). They tend to be
 Dervish Dance: You gain +2 AC mildly well-disposed towards you,
and +2 to saves while lightly but won't put themselves out of their
encumbered. way to help you unless you can give
 Feel No Pain: You gain +1 HP per them a good reason to.
level. You are also totally immune to  Levitation: By meditating cross-
physical pain. legged while lightly encumbered,
 Firebreather: Once per day you you may cause yourself to levitate
may exhale an enormous cloud of off the floor. While levitating you
fire right into the face of someone move at a slow walking pace, but
within melee range. This inflicts you can move freely in three
damage equal to 1d12 + your dimensions for as long as you
Wisdom modifier, although if they maintain absolute concentration.
pass a save then the damage is You can levitate for a maximum
halved. You can also use this ability number of rounds equal to your
to set fire to inanimate objects. wisdom score plus your level; at the
 Fire Walker: Fire will not burn you. end of this time you sink gently to
You are immune to heat and fire the floor and must wait 1d10
damage. minutes before you can levitate
 Healing Hands: By laying on hands, again.
you may cause any injured person to  Militant Ascetic: You have special
instantly regain 1 HP. This ability dispensation from your order to own
can be used at will, but each person weapons and armour, and to wield
may benefit from it once per day. them against the enemies of your
 Healthy Lifestyle: You are immune faith. You gain proficiency with all
to poison and disease. weapons and shields, and with
 Kung Fu: You're from one armour up to and including
of those monasteries. Pick some kind chainmail.
of impractical martial arts weapon,  Tummo Meditation: You have total
like a meteor hammer or a control over your own body heat. No
kusarigama; you are proficient with matter how cold it gets, you can
it, and may own one without simply choose to stay warm; you
breaking your vows. You gain a +1 could sleep naked in a snowstorm
to-hit bonus with it; it inflicts 1d8 and suffer no ill-effects. You are
damage wielded one-handed, or immune to cold damage.
1d10 damage wielded two-handed.
(If anyone else tries to use it, they do
only 1d6 damage and injure
themselves horribly every time they
roll a 1 when attacking.) You can
also inflict 1d4 damage with your
bare hands.

Sandsculptor: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

 At level 2, you can turn part of your

sandcloud into a sandbeast once per
day. This looks like any monster you
feel like, made of sand: it has the hit
points and to-hit of a monster with hit
dice equal to your level, and inflicts 1d8
damage per hit. It can remain for 5
rounds plus one round per level before
collapsing back into sand. At level 11,
the sandbeast becomes a permanent
companion; if it dies, you can just
reshape it out of sand by concentrating
for ten minutes.
To-hit, saves, advancement, hit dice: as
magic user. Can use weapons and armour  At level 3, you can shape part of your
appropriate to a desert-dwelling culture. sandcloud into a sandblade, sharp as
glass and hard as steel. It counts as a
 You are accompanied everywhere by a sword +1, with the bonus rising by 1
small personal sand-cloud; normally every 3 levels to a maximum of +5 at
this just hovers in the air around you, level 15. No-one else can wield it.
although you can send it to hover 10'
above your head if it’s cramping your  At level 4, you can shape your sandcloud
style. At will, you can make it swirl into a 10' square wall of sand, a
around you at high speed, granting you spinning barrier as hard as stone.
+2 AC (+4 AC vs missiles). You can see Maintaining it requires your complete
through your own sandcloud just fine. concentration, however, and you cannot
move or take any other actions without
 You can telekinetically sculpt allowing it to collapse. At level 14, you
sand within 10' per level. For as long as can maintain two such walls
you concentrate, up to 1 cubic foot of simultaneously.
sand per level per round can be sculpted
into any shape you desire. (It's still no  At level 7, you can turn your sandcloud
stronger than regular sand, though.) At into a spinning whirlwind, capable of
level 5, you can super-compress sand to carrying you aloft at heights of up to
be as hard as wood, allowing you to (level x2) feet at a speed equal to your
create bridges, barriers, etc. as long as sprinting speed. At level 10, your
there's enough sand around for you to whirlwind can carry one additional
work with. At level 8, you can hyper- passenger, and go as fast as a horse; at
compress it to be as hard as stone. level 13, it can go as fast as a horse at
full gallop, and can carry two additional
 Once per day per level, you can fire passengers. Anything standing directly
hurtling, needle-sharp sandblasts at below you (i.e. in the 'funnel' of your
people; these work the same as a magic whirlwind) must save vs. spell or be
missile cast by a magic-user of your blinded for 1d6 rounds.

Summary Table:

Level Abilities

1 Sandblast 1/day, sandsculpt, sand cloud.

2 Sandblast 2/day, sandbeast.
3 Sandblast 3/day, sandblade +1
4 Sandblast 4/day, wall of sand
5 Sandblast 5/day, superdense sandsculpt
6 Sandblast 6/day, sandblade +2
7 Sandblast 7/day, whirlwind (running speed, 1 passenger)
8 Sandblast 8/day, hyperdense sandsculpt
9 Sandblast 9/day, sandblade +3
10 Sandblast 10/day, whirlwind (horse speed, 2 passengers)
11 Sandblast 11/day, permanent sandbeast
12 Sandblast 12/day, sandblade +4
13 Sandblast 13/day, whirlwind (galloping horse speed, 3 passengers)
14 Sandblast 14/day, wall of sand (two at once)
15 Sandblast 15/day, sandblade +5

Serpent Folk Poisoner: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

To-Hit and Saves: As per Magic-User. HP per day for as long as they take whatever
you're dosing them with, up to a maximum of
Weapons and Armour: You can use any five patients per level.
weapon, but you cannot wear any armour
heavier than leather or elven chain. Master Poisoner: You are completely
immune to poison. You can automatically
Hit Dice and Experience Per Level: As per identify any poison you encounter, and will
Cleric. know how to make the antidote (if there is
Rainment of Scales: Your scaly skin grants a
+1 bonus to AC. You can also create poisons which, if ingested,
will kill, blind, or paralyse their victim (your
Blinding Venom: You may try to spit choice) within 2d6 hours unless a save vs.
blinding venom into an opponent's eyes. (This poison is passed. Creating one dose of poison
has an effective range of only a few feet, and takes 1d6 hours of work in a laboratory, which
can thus only really be used in melee is not portable. Normally these must be used
combat.) This requires a ranged to-hit roll at a within 24 hours, but you may keep up to two
-2 penalty, but if it hits then the victim must doses per level preserved indefinitely.
save vs. poison or be blinded until they get a
chance to rinse their eyes out thoroughly. If You can choose to create contact poisons with
the venom isn't rinsed out within 1d6 hours, the same effects, which force a save if handled
the blindness will become permanent. with bare skin or injected into the bloodstream
via a sharp weapon attack, but these are less
Alchemy: Given access to a suitably-equipped potent, permitting the victim a +4 bonus on
lab, you can brew up a variety of drugs their save. Any attempts to treat your poisons
(including morphine), as well as useful by medical means will fail unless the doctor
chemicals such as phosphorous. You also can roll under their Intelligence score on 1d20
know a great deal about medical with a penalty equal to your level. You can
pharmaceuticals, so all injured characters in always cure the effects of your own poisons.
your party (including you!) recover one extra

Sirtya: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

To-Hit, Hit Dice, Saves: As per Cleric.  At level 1 your clouds can float up to 5' off
the ground or over the surface of water,
XP per level: As per Dwarf. have the carrying capacity of a small pony,
and move as fast as a horse running at a
Weapons and Armour: You can use any gentle trot.
weapons or armour, but due to your small size  At level 4 your clouds can rise up to 10'
a single-handed weapon for a human will be a off the ground, have the carrying capacity
two-handed weapon for you: only daggers and of a light horse, and can move at the speed
similar tiny weapons are small enough for you of a horse running at a canter.
to wield one-handed. Armour must be made to  At level 7 your clouds can rise up to 20'
fit you specially. off the ground, have the carrying capacity
of a heavy work horse, and can move at
Cave-Dweller: You can see perfectly in the the speed of a galloping horse.
dark. You are also small, nimble, and very
good at hiding. When in a place with a decent Song of Confusion: Once per day per level,
amount of cover, as long as no-one is actually you can perform a song which clouds the
looking straight at you then you may spend minds of any non-Sirtya that hear it. (It affects
one round to 'disappear', hiding so expertly allies just as much as enemies, so your friends
that they will never be found without an might want to invest in earplugs!) Anyone
exhaustive search. hearing it must save or suffer confusion for
1d10 minutes, during which they suffer a -1
Arctic Adaptation: You do not feel the cold, penalty to morale and are unable to effectively
and are immune to cold damage. co-ordinate their actions with others. At level
5 or higher, it also imposes a -2 penalty on
Cloud-Singer: You can sing clouds down their to-hit rolls. The effect of multiple battle-
from the sky and ride around on them, steering songs does not stack.
them with your voice. (On a cloudless day this
ability is useless.) If you get off the cloud, or if Bronze Working: You are a highly-skilled
you are silenced or otherwise unable to sing, metalsmith, especially expert in the forging
the cloud stops moving and breaks up after and working of bronze. Given suitable tools
1d6 minutes. The capabilities of these clouds and raw materials, you can manufacture any
depend on your level: kind of weapon, armour, or decorative
metalwork to an extremely high standard.

Skaven Engineer: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

Sniff Out The Stone: You have a natural

talent for sniffing out warpstone deposits. At
any time, you may spend 1 hour sniffing
around and make a Wisdom check; if you
succeed, you sniff out a nearby lump of
warpstone, accessible after just 2d6 hours of
digging. (Of course, if you're in a settled area,
the local inhabitants might not be too keen
about you digging up their floor to retrieve the
magic plague-rocks buried underneath!) If
exact timekeeping isn't an issue, just assume
To-Hit, Weapons and Armour, Saves: All as that you are able to dig out one lump of
per Thief. You are also proficient with any warpstone for each full day you spend
weapons you make yourself. prospecting.

Hit Dice: As per Cleric. Desperate Measures: If you're really

desperate, you can swallow lumps of raw
Experience Per Level: As per Dwarf. warpstone, which is kind of like attempting to
metabolise a noxious mixture of
Rat Senses: Your ears, nose, and whiskers are amphetamines and rocket fuel. Make a save
all amazingly sensitive, and you can also see vs. poison. If you succeed, you take 1d3
into the ultraviolet spectrum. If something damage but also gain +2 to your melee to-hit
could be smelled, you will smell it. If and damage rolls for the next 1d20 minutes. If
something could be heard, you will hear it. you fail, you take 1d6 damage and are
You can't technically see in the dark, but your incapacitated by uncontrollable vomiting for
other senses are so sharp that you can operate the next 1d6 rounds. Whether you succeed or
in darkness without any penalties. fail, you have a 5% chance per lump
swallowed of developing a new mutation over
Warpstone Tolerance: You are able to the next 1d6 days. Any non-skaven stupid
endure the proximity of a number of lumps of enough to swallow warpstone gets double the
warpstone equal to your level +1. (If your penalties and none of the advantages.
Constitution is 13 or higher, add 1 to this
number; if your Constitution is 16 or higher, Secrets of the Skaven: At level 2, and each
add 2, instead.) For each lump of warpstone level thereafter, your ongoing experimentation
you carry around with you above this limit, with warpstone allows you to learn one of the
you suffer burns, weeping sores, and persistent following techniques. Pick one each time you
sickness, lowering your maximum HP by 1 per level up. Note that making many of the
lump until you get rid of the excess. If you technological items described below requires
carry excess warpstone for a full week, you access to a workshop and forge.
have a 5% chance per excess lump of starting
to mutate: this mutation has a 20% chance of Depleted Warpstone Shells: By subjecting a
being beneficial, a 30% chance of being lump of warpstone to an alchemical process,
harmful, and a 50% chance of just being weird and mixing the resulting 'depleted warpstone'
and freakish. Any non-skaven who carry with lead, you may cast a set of six shells,
warpstone around with them are treated as suitable for use as ammunition in a Warplock
having warpstone tolerance 0, and suffer Jezail (or other guns that you may have access
double the negative effects (i.e. loss of 2 to). These shells count as +2
maximum HP and 10% weekly mutation weapons. Carrying these shells around with
chance per lump). For obvious reasons, non- you counts as one warpstone lump for the
skaven tend to avoid warpstone like the purposes of warpstone tolerance.

Doomwheel (Requires Rodents of Unusual rounds, moving with the prevailing wind (if
Size): You can build a 'doomwheel': basically any), before evaporating; multiple overlapping
a giant spiky hamster wheel 5' wide and 8' clouds do not require additional saves, but do
high, powered by a bunch of giant rats running increase the damage by 1d6 per additional
along inside it. And then you can build a seat cloud. Carrying these around with you counts
on top of it and ride around on it while as one warpstone lump per globe for the
cackling madly, because you're obviously purposes of warpstone tolerance. Whenever
totally fucking nuts. Building a doomwheel you suffer a heavy impact while carrying them
takes a week and requires at least six giant rats (e.g. taking falling damage, being whacked
to power it; it moves at the same pace as a with a big club, etc), you must save vs. death
human, but once it gets going its momentum is or have 1d3 globes shattered by the impact,
enormous, allowing it to smash through creating a poison gas cloud centred directly on
fences, wooden huts, infantry lines, etc: you.
anyone it crashes into must make a save vs.
breath weapons to get out of the way, or take Ratling Gun (requires Warplock Jezail): You
2d6 damage from being run over. You can also can combine a whole bunch of warplock
strap up to three trigger-operated missile jezails into a single, hand-cranked, multi-
weapons onto it, one on each side and one on barrelled Ratling Gun, allowing you to fire
the front, all of which you can operate without once per round (until each barrel has been
leaving your chair - although if you want fired once, at which point you need to reload
actually aim them, you can still only fire one them all, which takes three rounds per barrel).
of them each round. The doomwheel has 24 A Ratling Gun can have up to six barrels, but
HP and AC equivalent to chainmail, and is carrying it around counts as one warpstone
immune to piercing attacks. lump per barrel for the purposes of warpstone

Rodents of Unusual Size: By breaking a lump

of warpstone into splinters and strategically
jamming them into a rat like acupuncture
needles, you can force it to undergo a
spectacular course of mutation-fuelled growth.
Over the next 2d6 days, it grows into a 1 HD
giant mutant rat; on some primitive level it
recognises you as its master, and will obey
simple commands as long as you keep it fed.
The maximum number of such rats that you
can command at once is equal to your level.

Screaming Bell: Given access to a forge, you

can create a bronze-and-warpstone alloy bell
which, when struck, generates an ear-splitting
wave of sound capable of shattering objects
and making people's eardrums burst in bloody
ruin. A peal of sound directed at an object
within 10' causes it to shatter, although if
Poison Wind Globes: You can grind someone's currently holding it they get a save
warpstone up into very fine airborne powder, vs. spell to resist; a peal directed at a person's
which you then seal inside a thick glass globe. head inflicts 1d8 sonic damage (save vs. spells
Each poison wind globe requires one lump of for half), instead. Either way, you take 1d4
warpstone and one day to make, as well as damage each time you ring the bell, as blood
access to glassblowing equipment. When pours from your ears and eyes in a thoroughly
thrown they smash open to release a 5' radius unpleasant way. Making a screaming bell
cloud of noxious poison gas: everyone caught requires three lumps of warpstone, and counts
within the affected area must save vs. poison as the same number for the purposes of
or take 2d6 damage. The gas persists for 1d6 warpstone tolerance.

Skalm: By mixing warpstone dust with pitch equal to the number used to make it for the
you can create a horrible tarry sludge which, purposes of warpstone tolerance.
when heated up and poured onto an open
wound, half-melts and half-glues it back Warplock Jezail: Given access to a workshop,
together, leaving horrible black scars. Making you can make a gun which uses a carefully-cut
one pot of skalm takes one day and uses up lump of warpstone in place of a flint in the
one lump of warpstone, and carrying it around ignition mechanism, creating a flash of
counts as one warpstone lump for the purposes warpflame when the gun is fired. The resulting
of warpstone tolerance. Applying it takes two weapon deals 1d12 damage, but takes three
rounds (one to heat it and one to pour it), heals rounds to reload. Carrying it around counts as
1d8 damage, and is horribly painful for the one warpstone lump for the purposes of
patient. warpstone tolerance.

Warpfire Thrower: You have learned how to Warpstone Snuff: You have learned a
mix warpstone dust into a horrible radioactive technique for 'cutting' warpstone dust with
sludge which, when combined with oil and tar, other chemicals to create warpstone snuff,
turns into a napalm-like substance that burns inhaling which is rather safer than just
with a ghastly green flame. Given one day in a swallowing lumps of warpstone raw. Grinding
workshop you can construct a crude a lump of warpstone into a dose of warpstone
flamethrower to launch this stuff at your snuff takes one hour; snorting it has the same
enemies, each flask of which allows you to effect as eating warpstone, but grants a +4
spray an area in front of you 15' long and 5' bonus on your save and has no chance of
wide. Anyone caught in the burning spray (or causing mutations. Carrying a dose of
simply splashed with the unlit fluid and then warpstone snuff counts as one warpstone lump
set on fire) takes 2d6 fire damage, save vs. for the purposes of warpstone tolerance.
breath weapons for half; while someone who
somehow managed to get an entire flask of the Warpstone Studs: You can break a lump of
stuff poured all over them would take 4d6 warpstone down into fragments, carve them
damage when ignited (no save, but this is not into pointy little talismans, and then hammer
likely to be practical in combat conditions). them into your own flesh in order to hyper-
Making each flask takes two hours and one stimulate your nervous system through
lump of warpstone, and carrying it around controlled warpstone exposure. Each set of
counts as one warpstone lump per flask for the warpstone studs boosts either your strength or
purposes of warpstone tolerance. dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 18, and
counts as one warpstone lump for the purposes
Warp-Lightning Projector: Given a week's of warpstone tolerance.
tinkering time in a workshop, you can
construct a crude lightning generator, which Weeping Blades: Given access to a forge, you
uses rats running on treadmills to build up an can melt down a mixture of metal and
electric charge and then channels it through a warpstone into an alloy which you then forge
warpstone prism to turn it into a crackling into a bladed weapon. The resulting weapon
wave of green electrical death. Building up a constantly 'weeps' corrosive red venom,
charge takes ten minutes, so this is not a increasing the damage it inflicts. The damage
weapon you can use every round, but when bonus granted depends on the number of
fired it zaps everything in a 30' line in front of lumps of warpstone melted down in making it:
you. The damage it inflicts varies based on one lump grants +1, three lumps grants +2, six
how much warpstone you use to make it: one lumps grants +3, and ten lumps grants +4.
lump grants 1d6, three lumps grants 2d6, six Carrying one of these weapons around counts
lumps grants 3d6, and ten lumps grants 4d6. as a number of warpstone lumps equal to the
(A save vs. spells is permitted for half number used to make it for the purposes of
damage.) Carrying one of these weapons warpstone tolerance.
around counts as a number of warpstone lumps

The Unkindness: A Character Class for B/X D&D
Originally posted at Against the Wicked City (http://udan-adan.blogspot.com)

To-Hit, Weapons and Armour, Experience Per Level, Saves: All as per Thief.

Hit Dice: As per Fighter.

Cling to Life: You are weirdly difficult to kill. You do not die unless reduced to a number of negative
HP equal to twice your level, and whenever you are reduced to 0 HP or less you will recover 1 HP
every three hours until you reach 1 HP, at which point you get back up again.

The Black Speech: You can talk to ravens. They usually treat you as a friend, especially if you feed
them some nice, tasty eyeballs. They won't risk their lives for you, but they can scout for you and tell
you what they've seen. You are followed everywhere by a flock of 2d6 ravens (reroll each month),
who will act as spies and spotters for you as long as they are well-fed.

What The Crow Knows: If you eat the eyes of a human or animal corpse, you will gain a sudden
vision of the last thing they saw before they died. This vision lasts for one second per level: so at fifth
level you will see the last five seconds of the target's life, and so on. This impression is purely visual:
you won't know what they thought, or felt, or heard, only what they saw.

Candlemaker: You can make corpse-candles, by taking a human finger, covering it in human fat,
adding a wick of human hair, and lighting it. Such candles attract the 'benevolent' attentions of the
raven-spirits who are the patrons of the Unkindness, and shed a weird, flickering light, which will be
full of the shadows of birds even if no birds are present. Anyone within 10' of a lit corpse-candle will
move completely soundlessly as long as they pay any attention at all to where they tread, and gains +4
AC vs. ranged attacks coming from outside the circle of illumination. Shiny objects, no matter how
tiny, will always flash out unmissably brightly when illuminated by corpse-candle-light, which makes
them a boon to looters. One corpse-candle will burn for one hour.


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