Prophecies of Last Days: Senior Division
Prophecies of Last Days: Senior Division
Prophecies of Last Days: Senior Division
'l'he perilous times on every hand should lead all to realize that
we arc living in the last days. All have hea.rd such wtlrnings over
the years but now the evidences compel us to recognize that the end
is hasting on apace. It is essential that everyone should be acquaint eli
with the prophecies that pertain to the time in which we are living
and the events that particularly l'elate to the church of God in the
closing scenes. The only thing that ia reliable in this time of uncertainty
is the sure word of prophecy. Therefol'e in order to help members and
f;l'iends who study in the Sabbath schools throughout the world, this
series of lessons has been prepared, "Prophecies of the Last Days."
It is our desire aJ1d prayer that as each one studies these lessons
they may draw near to the Lord and gain the spiritual and pmctical
preparation that will be needed to stand ill the perilous times ahead.
It is easy to apply lessons to others and yet not realhe the message
that the 8pirit of the Lord is trying to cOlllmunicate to us personally
and individually through both the Scripturea and the Sphit of Prophecy.
We would repeat two warnings given by our Master: " . . . He that
hath ears to hear, let him I,eal'," and "Let these sayings sink down
into your ears . . . " (Luke 8:8; 9:44). These words apply to us
both as individuals and as a Sabbath school and church.
"I saw that the remnant were not prepared for what is coming
upon the ea.rth. Stupidity, like lethargy, seemed to hang upon the
minds of most of those who profess to believe that we are having
the last message. My a.ccompanying angel cried out with awful
solemnity, 'Get ready! get ready! get ready! for the fierce anger
of the Lord is soon to come. His wrath is to be poured out, unmixed
with mercy, and ye are not ready. Hend the heart, and not the
garment. A great work must be done for the remnant . . . "-EW 119.
"I saw that many were neglecting the preparation so needful and
were looking to the time of 'refreshing' and. the 'latter rain' to fit
them to stand in the day of the Lord and live in His sight. Oh, how
many I saw in the time of trouble without a shelter! They had neg-
lected the needful preparation; therefore they could not l'eceive the
refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of a
holy God . . ." -Ibid., page 71.
8·ahbath 8chool Lpsson Qua rterly, "Prophecies of the Last Days" for
Jallllal'y to MaTch, 1fl70, is published by the Seventh Day Adventist
Heform Movement General Coderence. Mailing Address; 3031 Franklin
mvd. 8acramento, CA., 95817, USA.
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GC Archive
4. What are the agencies of evil doing and w;hat is their intent?
What is said concerning the final movements? Joel 3:11-14.
• ' U'l'J<;: '''1'he agencies of evil are combining their forces and con-
solidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great
changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final mu\rements
will be rapid ones." -9'1' 11.
.NOTJ<.:: "The Bible, and the Bible only, gives a correct view of these
things. Here are revealed the gl'e,at final scenes in the history of our
world, events that already al'e casting their shadows before, the sound
of their approach causing the carth to tremble and men's hearts to fail
them for fear." -PK 537.
9. What do we know about the development of the controversy be-
tw~n truth and error? 2 Timothy 3: 13.
.NOTJ<.:: " . . . The contest will wax more and more fierce on the
part of Satan; for he is moved by a power from b.en,eath. As the
work of God's people moves forward with sanctified, resistless energy,
planting the staJIdard of Christ's righteousness in the church, moved
by a power from the throne of God, the great con,troversy, will wax
stronger and stronger, and will become more and more determined . ."
-'I'M 407.
10. What awaits the true people of G<ld amid the general shaking?
How will they stand aJId whlllt will they do in spite of the fea.rtul
situation? Isa.iah 24:11-16; Hebrews 12:26-29.
.NOTJ<.:: ".I!~eaIful tests and trials await the people of God. The spirit
of war is stirring the nations from one end of the earth to the other.
But in the midst of the time of trOUble that is coming,-a time of
trouble such as has not been since there was a. natioll,-God's chosen
people will stand unmoved. Sa.tan and his host cannot destroy them,
for angels that excel in strength will protect them." -9'1' 17.
Lesson No.2. Sabbath, .Tanuary 10, 1970.
7. WlJy are educators, statesmen, nl1ers, and religious leaders unabl&
to solve the prGblems that' perplex the world? Hosea. 4:2,61-12;
John 15:5.
NO'l'~: . Behold 1'obberies are of frequent occurence. Strikes
are common, Thefts and murders are committed on every hand. Men
possessed of demons are taking the lives of men, women, and lit.tle
children. Men have become infatuated with vice, and every species
of evil preva,ils." 9'1' 11.
, 'There are not many, eve1l a mong educators and statesmen, who
comprehend the causes t.hat underlie the present state of society.
I... hose who hold the reins of government are not able to solve the
problem of mOl'al eOJ'J'upt.ion, poverty, pauperism, and increa'sing crime.
'rhey nrc st.ruggling in vain to place business operat.ions on a more
secure basis. If men would give more heed to the teaching of God's
'1'0]'(1, they would find a solution of the problems that perplex them."
-Ibid., page 13.
8. What was proplhesietd about the relationship that would exist
between the nations in the latter days? Rev. 11:18; Mat. 24:6,7.
NO'rl'> "The world is stined with the spirit of wa.r. The propheey
of the eleventh e,hnpter of Daniel has nearly reached its complete ful-
fillment. Soon the scenes of trouhle spoken of in the prophecies will
take place." -9'1' 14.
9. WlJat is meant by the four winds of the earth and why are they
being held back? Daniel 7:2; Rev. 7:1; Jer. 25:31-33.
NO'l'~: " . . . The foul' winds of heaNen striving upon the great
sea represent the terrible scenes of conquest and revolution by which
kingdoms have attained to power." -GO 440.
" . . . I saw that the anger of the nations, the wrath of God,
and the time to judge the dead were separate and distinct, one following
the other, also that Michael had not stOOd up, and that the time of
trouble, such as never was, had not yet commenced. The nations are
now getting angry, but when our ~igh Priest has finished His work
in the sanctuary, He will stand up, put on the garments of vengeance,
and then the seven last plagues will be poured out.
"I saw that the foul' angels would hold the four winds until
Jesus' work was done in the sanctual'~', and then will come the seven
last plagues . , , ." -EW 36.
10. How is the final overthrow of all earthly dominions plainly fore-
1l01d? Daniel 2:34,35,44.
11. WlJo is to have the crown of universal dominion once lost by
Israel? Ezekiel 21:26,217.
NOT1£: •• ']'he crown removed from 1sra.el passed successively to the
kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, GI'eece, and Rome. God says,
'it shall be no more, until He come whose right it is; and I will give
it Him.'
"'l'hat time is at hand. Today the signs of the times declare that
we are st::mding on the thresh hold of great and solemn events "
-1£ducation 179.
5. What was wrong with the Protestant churches even before the
third angel's message was first giVelJl.? James 4:4.
NOTE: " . . . While blindly clinging to the creed of their fathers
and refusing to accept any truth in advance of what they saw, the
children of the reformers depart widely from their example of humility,
self-denial, and renunciation of the world. Thus' the first simplicity
disappears.' A worldly flood, flowing into the church, carries 'with
it its customs, practices !lnd idols.'" -GC 385.
6. What other characteristics are seen in Babylon? Rev. 18:3.
NO'l'E: "Besides a sinfnl union with the world, the churches that
sepamted from Rome present other of her characteristics." -GC 383.
•• . . . The fallen denominational churches are Babylon. Babylon
has been fostering poison'Jus doctrines, the wine of error. This wine
of errol' is made up of false ductrines; such as the na tura.l immorta.lity of
the soul, the etet'nal torment of the wicked, the denial of the pre-
existence of Christ prior to His birth in Bethlehem, and advocating
and exalting the first day of the week above God's holy and sanctified
day . . ." -TM 61.
'f. How does God, nevertheless, regard many sincere Catholic and
Protestant believers? Revelation 18: 4.
NO'!'E: ., Notwithstanding the spiritual darkness and alienation from
God that exist in the churches which constitute Babylon, the great
body of Christ's true followers are still to be found in their com-
munion. . . ." -Great Oontroversy, page 390.
8. In view of this situation. what message should be procla.imed
and What work should be accomplished in our days? Joel 2:1, 15-17;
Revela.tion 14:6-12.
NO'l'.I£: "To prepare a pl:'uple to stand in the da,y of God, a great
work of reform was to be accomplished. God saw that many of His
professed people were not b1.:ilding for eternity, and in His mercy He
was about to send a message of warning to arouse them from their
stupor and lead them to make ready for the coming of the Lord.
• "'l'his warning is brought to view in Rlilvelation 14. Here is a
threefold message reprl:'sented as proclaimed by heavenly beings and
immecliately followed hy the coming of the Son of man to reap 'the
harvest of the earth.' . . ." -GC 311.
9. Why and with what additional mention must tlhe message of the
fall of Babylon be repeated? Revelation 18:1-3.
NP'l'.I£: . . , The spirit of world conforming and indifference to
the testing truths for our time exists and has been gaining ground
In churches of the Protestant faith in all the countries ol Ohristendom;
and these churches are included in the solemn and terrible denunciation
of the second angel. But the work of apostasy has not yet reached
its culmination.
" . . . The message of the fa.!l of. Babylon, as given by the
second angel, is repeated, with the additional mention of the corruptiom
'which have been entering the churches since 1844 . . ." -EW 277.
10. What change will take place in the sincere believers in Babylon
before the close of probation? What relations:hip will finally
eXist among all of Christ's true followers? John 10:16; Ez.e. 37:22,24.
NO'!'1',;: " . . the light of truth will shine upon all whose hearts
are open to receive it, and all the 3hildren of the Lord that remain
in Babylon will heed the call: 'Come out of her, My people' (Reve-
lation 18:4)." -GC 390.
assiImption that lorded it over kings and princes, and claimed the
'Prerogatives of God. Her spirit is no less cruel and despotic now
than when she crushed out human liberty and slew the saints of
the l\'lost High." -GC 571.
NO'l'J<;: . Paul states plainly that the 'man of sin' will con-
tinue until the second advent. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8. To the very
close of time he will carry fonYard the work of deception ',
-GU 579.
9. In what way will Rome still receive homage from the world?
Revelation 13: 4,8.
N O'l'J<;: . In both the Old and the New World, the papacy
will receive homage in the honor paid to the Sunday institution, that
rests solely upon the authority of the Roman Church." -GC 579.
10. What final reward is prepared for Rome? Rev. 16:10; 17:1&.
Z. How does the enemy of souls try to hinder this work? Mat. 7:22.
Ezekiel 33:31.
.NO·1'~: " . . . The enemy of souls desires to hinder this work;
3.nd before the time fur such a movement phall come, he will endeavor
to prevent it by introducing a counterfeit. In those churches which he
('un bring under his deceptive pUlver he will make it appeal' that God's
special b,lessing is poured out; there will be manifest what is thought
to be great religious interest. Multitudes will exult. that God is worl~ing
marvelously for them, when the work is that of another spirit . . ."
-"reat Controversy page 464.
3. What enables us to determine the true nature of all spurious re-
vivals? Isa.iah 8: 20; Matthew 7: 20.
fill> 1'1';: . In the light of God's word it is not difficult to deter-
mine thc nature of these movements. Whel'ever men neglect the
testimony of the Bible, tmning away from those plain, soul-testing
truths which require self-denial and renunciation of the world, there
we may be sure that God's blessing is not bestowed. And by the
rule which Christ Himself has given, 'Ye shall know them by their
f~'uits' (Matthew 7:16), it is evident that these movements are not
the work of the tlpirit of God." -GO 465.
4. In spite of these so-called revivals, what condition prevails in
the popUlar churches? Rev. 18:2,3; 2 Thess. 2:10,11 .
•\ U'l'~: "The ~ig!l~ of the pupular churches are whitewashed over.
.'lja.ny of the members indulge in the grossest vices and are steeped
III iniquity. Babylon is fallen anc) has become the cage of every foul
and hateful bird! 'l'he most revolting sins of the age find shelter
beneath the cloak of Uhristianity. .Nlany proclaim the law of' God
abolished, and surely their lives are in keeping with their faith.
it there is no law, then there is no transgression, and therefore no
sin; for sin is the transgression of the law." -4T 13.
.i'I v r~: ' 'I saw that God has honest children among the nominal
Adventists a11d the fallen churches, and before the plagues shall be
puured out, ministers and people will be called out from these churches
and will gladly receive the truth. Satan knows this; and b6fore
the loud cry of the third angel is given, he raises an excitement in
t11e8e religious bodies, that those who have rejected the truth may
thlllk that God is with them. He hopes to deceive the honest and
lead them to think that God is still working for the churches. But
the light will shine, and all who al'e honest will leave the fallen
churches, and take their stand with the remnant." -EW 261.
10. How w1ll Spiritualism be a.ble to exert ita 1nflullIIIce on the Pr'...
toestant cihurches? Revela.t1on 18: 13,14.
NOTE: " Here the apostle has pointed out one of the muked
characteristics of spiritualist teachers. They refuse to lIr.knowledge
Christ as the Son of God . . ." -pp 686.
3. 'What does John declare concerning suob. OOachers? 1 John 2:22,~.
NOT.I<;: " . . . 'I saw that the mysterious knocking in New York
and ether places was the pOW":)r of Satan, and that such things would
be more and more common, clothed in a religious gUb so u to lull
the deceived to greater security and to dra.w the minds of God'8
people, if pos8ible, to those things and cause them to doubt the
teaching and power of the Holy Ghost.' . . ." -EW 86.
" , . . . I shown that by the rapping and mesmerism these
modern magicians would yet Rccount for all the miracles wrought by
our Lord Jesus Christ, and that many would believe nat an the
mighty works of the Son of God when on earth were accomplished by
this same power.' " -Ibid., page 87..
Key Text: "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs cume out of
the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and
out of the mouth of the false prophet." -Revelation 16:13.
All opposed to God is will and work: '!.. .'l.ntichri8t, meaning
all who exa'lt themselves again~t the will and work of God, will at the
appointed time feel the wrath of Him who gave Himself tha t they
might !lot perish but have otarnal life "-7BO 950.
6. What is the meaning of the two lamblike horns of the second
beast? Revelation 13:11.
N O,r.\.;: ' 'Here is a striking figure of the rise and growth of our own
natioll. And the lamblike ho.ns, emblems of innocence and gentleness,
well represent the character of our government, as expressed in its two
fundamental principles, republicanism and Protestantism (4SP 277)."
-7HC 975.
7. Wliat is meant by its •• speaking as a draion I '? Rev. 13: 11 (las1i
part) .
.'11 OT.b:: ' "rhe lamblike horus aud dragon voice of the symbol point
~o a striking contradictiolL between the professions and the practice
cf the nation thus represented. 'The' speaking' of the nation is the
vctiu!l of its legislative and judiciaoJ authorities. By such action it
will give the lie to those libel'lll and peaceful principes which it has put
forth as the founda hon of j t8 policy. 'The prediction that it will speak
• as /I, dragon' and exercise 'all the power of the first beast' plainly
foretells a development of the spirit of intolerance and persecution
.Hat was manifested by the nations represented by the d.ragon and
tile leopardlike beast , , ." -GO 442.
8. What is the image of the beast? When and by whom will it
be formed? Revelation 18:11·14.
N 0'1'1:'::: The 'image to the beast' represents that form of
apostate Protestantism which will be developed when the Protestant
churches shall seek the aid of the civil powel' for the enforcement of
their dogmas , , ," -GC 445 .
•• When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon
[uch points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence
the state to enforce their decrees and to sustain their ii,stitutions,
then Protestant America will have formed an image of the "Roman hier-
archy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will in-
~vita"bly result." -Ibid.
.N O'T'\';:
' 'J olm wa.i called to behold a people distinct from those
who worship the b<:ast and his image by keeping the first day of the
week. The observal1ce of this day is the mark of the beast (Letter
:n,1898)." -78C 979.
11. Wherein will Catholics ~nd Protestants unite? Galatians 4: 10.
1\ OT.E; . . The power a,ttending the message will only madden
those who oppose iI . . . The church appeals to the strong arm of
cIvil power, and, in this ,york, papists and Protestants unite. As the
lllOvement for Sunday ellforCfll1ent becomes more bold and decided,
tl,e law will be im;oked against commandment keepers. They will
he threatened with fines and imprisonment, and some will be offereo.
positions of influence, and other rewards and advantages, as induce-
ments to renounce their faith. But their steadfast answer is; 'Show
u!' from the word of God 'Jur error' . . ." -GC 607.
KOTE: "It is a solemn statement tha·t I make to the church, that
not one in twenty whose names are registered upon the church books are
Fcpared to close their earthly history, and wquld be as verily without
Uoe] and without hope ill the world as the common sinner . " So
llll:nj' have brought into the church their own unsubdued spirit, un·
rdinedj their spiritual taste is perverted by their own immoral,
Clcbasing cOl'l'uptions, symbali'iling the world in spirit, in heart, in pur-
l'(\se, conforming themselves in lustful practices, and are full of
o('ception through and through in their professed Christian life. Living
"8 sinners, cla·iming to be Christians! Those who claim to be Christians
~nd will confess Christ should come out from among them and touch
rot the unclean thing, and be separate . . ." -Chs 41.
4. Wllat was the sp·iritual condition of t!le SDA church as far back
as 1903? Was this condition open to human view or carefully con-
cealed from sight of men? IsaiaJ1 1:21.
~-";O'I'J!]: "In the balances of the sanctuary the Seventh-day Adventist
church is to be weighed. tlhe will be judged by the privileges and ad-
vantages that she has had. If her spiritual experience does not corre-
spond to the advantages that Christ, at infinite cost, has bestoweel
on her, if the blessings conferred have not qualified her to do the work
on trusted to her, on her will be pronounced the sentence: 'Founel
wanting'. By the light bestowed, the opportunities given, will she be
judged." -S'1' 247.
II . . I saw our Insmctor pointing to the garments of so-called
righteousness. Stripping tham off, He laid bare the defilement be-
n eatL Then He sa·id to ru'3: ICan you not see how they havc pre-
tentiuusly covered up their dl'filcment and rottenness of chamcter1
"How is the faithful city be('I)me a harlot!" :My Pather's house is
made a house of merchandise, iii place whence the divine presence
and glory have departed! .1<'01' this cause there is weakness, ana
strcngth is lacking.'
II Unless the church, which is now being leavened with her own
ba.cksliding, shall repent and be converted, she wIll eat of the fruit
of her own doing, until she shall abhor herself . . ." ---':ST 250.
NO'l'.I<.:: " . . . 1'hose who receive the pure mark of truth, wrought
in them by the power of the Holy Ghost, represented by a mark by
the mall in linen, are those' that sigh and that cry for all the abomin-
ations that be done' in the church . . . " -3'1' 267.
9. What is the condition of modern Israel when the seal of God
is being applied t.o those who are prepared to receive it?
1110'1'.1<.:; " . . . the glory of the Lord had departed from Israel;
altllOugh many still continued the forms of religion, His power and
presellce were lacking." -51' 210.
10. What ha,p,pens immediately after the close of probation? Eze. 9 :5-8.
N OT.I<.:: {, Here we see that the church - the Lord's sanctua-ry - was
the first to feel the stroke of the wrath of God. The ancient men, those
to whom God had given great ligt and who had stood as gua,rdians
d the spiritual interests of the people, had betrayed their trust . . ."
--5'1' 211.
L6Ii1!lon No. II. Sabbath, February 28, 1870.
Key,Text: "And after these things I sa,,," another angel come down
from heaven, having gr'Jat power; and the earth was lightened
with his glory," -Revelation 18:1.
1. How many angels does God use to give the last mellIage and
complete the work? Re,velation 14:6-10; 18:1.
.NU'!'.!']: "We ar,e to throw a~;de our narrow, selfish pIans) remember-
ing that we have a work of the largest magnitude and highest impor'
tance. In doing this work we are sounding the first, second, and
third angel's messages, and are thus being prepared for the coming
of that other angel froll1 heaven who is to lighten the earth with his
glory." -6'1' 406.
2. Why is the nominal SDA church not in a spiritual position to ac-
complish t;he work? What is it, that makes the coming of the
fourth angel necessary? Revelation 3:15-17; Mat~ew 23:1-3.
NOT.!']: "'The time of test is just upon' us, for the loud cry of the
third angel has already begull iii the revelation of the righteousnes~
of Christ, the sin-pardoning REdeemer. This is the beginnini' of the
Hght of the angei whose giory shall fifl the wlloie earth.' -Review
b,na Herald, November 22, 1892 " -COR 56.
" 'G od has raised up me1l. to meet the necessit~, of this time
who will" cry aloud and spare not," who ,,-ill lift up their" voice like
a trumpet, and show .My people their transgression, and the house
of Ja,cob their sins." Their work is not only to proclaim the law,
but to preach the truth for this time, - the Lord our righteousness "
-Ibid., pp. 47,48.
" 'In every meeting since the General Conference (1888), souls
have eagerly .accepted the precious message of the righteousness of
Chl·ist. We thank God that there are souls who realize that they
are in need of something which they do n t possess, - gold of f.aith
and Jove, white raimcnt of Christ's righteousness, eyes-a.]ve of spiritual
Cl:scernment . . ." -Ibid., page 45.
4. Besides the sinc6'l'e •'.sighing and crying" S'DAs, who elBe sh.ould be
helped by tile fourth a.ngel? Revelation 18:4.
NO'f]<;: " . . . God still has a people in Babylon; and before the
"isitation of His judgments these faithful ones must be' called out,
that they partake not of her sins and' l'eceive not her plagues '. Hence
the movement symbolized by the angel coming down from heave:n.,
lightening the earth with his glory and erying mightily with a strong
voice, announcing t,l].e sins of Babylon. In connection with his message
the call is heal'd: 'Come out of her, My people.' These announcements,
uniting with the third angel's message, constitute the final warninlr
to be given to the inhabitants of the earth." -GC 604.
5. Who are the believers, forming the movement to wbom t.he Lord
has entrusted the finishing of 1lhe work, and who will have given
the final warning when the great test is broughtl? What warning
is given by Christ? Matthew 7:21-23•
.1\01']<;: In Great Controversy page 608 it is written that" . . when
1he test is brought, . . ." the class indentified as the "former
brethrcn", 'and "tl:e Lord's servants," " . . . have fa-ithfully
given the warning, . . "
6. What will be unmasked and laid open when the time comes for
the thlD:d angel's message to be given with great power? Reve-
lation 18: 2,3.
.,... -,-
unlism, the stealthy but rapid progress of the papal power - all will
be unmasked. By these solemn warnings the people will be stirred.
';'housanils upon thuusands will listen who have never heard words
like these . . ." -GC 606.
7. W1l.a't will be tlhe issue when the final warning 1s given by the
angel of Revelation 18? Rev. 12:17; 13:16,17.
J\()'J'E: "Fearful is the issue to which the world is to be hrought.
'lhe powers of earth, uniting to war against the commandments of God,
will decree that 'a11, both small and gm::t,t, rich and poor, free and
bond' (Revelation 13:16), shall conform to the customs of the church
by the observane.e of the false sabbath . . ." -GO 604.
". . . The decree is not to be urged upon the people blindly.
.I~veryoneis to have sufficient light to make his decision intelligently."
-Ibid., page 605.
8. When the final test shall be brought, what mark will those receive
Who have proved themselves dislo·yal to 'the conunan,dments of God?
What work, started in the early days of the third angel's message,
will then be completed? Revelation 7:1-4.
.N O'l'E: . While ('ne class, by accepting the sign of submission
to earthly powers, receive the mark of the bea~t, the other choosing
the token of allegiance to diYine authority, receive the seal of God."
--Great Controversy 605.
9. Before the time of probation is closed, what will be the experience
of those sincere believers that are still found in the nominal SDA
church? And What step will sincere Protestants and Catholics
then t.ake? John 10:16.
NOTE: . 'rhe time of the judgment is a most solemn period,
when the Lord gathel's His own from among the ta·res. 'rhose who have
been members of the same family are separ·ated. A mark is placed upon
tIle righteous. 'They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in tha,t
<lay when I make up My jewels; and I will spare tIl em, as a man
spoareth his own son that serveth him.' Those who have been obedient
to God's commandments will unite with the company of the saints in
light; . . . " -T\1: 234. -
"I saw that God has honest children n.mong the nominal Adventist
and the fallen churches, and before the plagues shall be poured out,
ministers and people will be called out from these churches and will
gladly receive the truth. Satan knows th is; and before the loud cry of
the third angel is given, he r.3ise8 an excitement in these religious
bodies, that those who have rejected the truth may thillk that God
is with them. He hopes to deceivll the honest and lead them to think
that God is still working for the churches. But the light will shine,
and all who are honest will leave the fallen churches, and take their
stand with the remnant." -EW 261.
10. Wllat happens in the sanct,uary above, as soon as the number of
Christ's subjects is made up a.nd the sea.l is received by them?
Revelation 22:11.
NO'l'l!:: " . . . An angel returning from the earth announces that
his work is done; the final test has been brought upon the world,
and all who have proved themselves loyal to the divine precepts have
received 'the sea,1 of the living God.' Then Jesus ceases His inter-
cession in the sanctwary above . . . " ~GC &13.
3. What happened ill Israel as a consequence of king Saul's att.i1iud87
2 Slamuel 3: 1.
N O'l'~: " . . . '1'here were: many who had lost confidence in the
Tuler of Israel, for they C011ld see tha,t he was no longer guided by
the 8pirit of the Lord . . ." -PP 658.
,. . . . The revolution was quiet and dignified, befitting the
great work they ,yere doing . . ." - Ihid., page 701.
4. What difficulties did the church also have to meet in the days of
Paul, Luther, and Miller? Luke 17:1,2.
NO'l'~: "'1'he fact that a few fanatics worked their way into the
ranks of Adventists is no more reason to llecide that the movement
was not of God than was the presence of fanatics and deceivers in
the church in Paul's or Luthn's day a· sufficient excuse for condemning
their work . . . ." -GC 398.
5. Wha.t similar trOUble was there in the early days of the third
angel's message? 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 1 John 2:18,19. Were the
people, Who had to reject. s'ome of the leaders (1 T 6), responsible
for tilte ensuing division?
N O'l'~: •• God's frown has been brough 1. upon the chm'ch on account
of inividuals with COlTUpt hearts being in it. They have wanted to
be foremost, when neithar God nor their brethren placed them there.
8elfiehness and exalkltioll have ma]'ked their course . . ." -IT 122.
•• 'God is sifting His pcuple. He will have a clean and holy church.
We cann.ot read the heart of man. But the Lord has provided means
to keep the church pure. A COJ'l'Upt people has ]'isen who could not
live with the people of Gud. They despised reproof, and would not be
corrected . . . .
•, . ~very honest soul that may be deceived by these disa~ected
ones, will halVe the true J:ght in regard to them, if every a.ngel from
heaven has to visit them, to enlighten their minds. We have nothing
to fear in this matter. As we near the judgment, all will manifest their
true character, and it will be made plain to what company they belong.
'['.,e sieve is moving. Let us not say: Stay Thy hand, 0 God. The
c.hurch must be purged, and it will be , , , -IT 99,100.
6. What prophesied experience would also take place in this last
Reformation which started in 1914'1 Acta 2D:29,SO.
NO'l'~: " . . . Let t.he people of God arouse out of sleep and begin
in en I'nest the work of repentance and reforma'tion; let them search
'the 8criptures to learn the truth as it is in Jesus; let them make I1n
entire consecration to God, and evidence will not be wanting tb!l-t
"atan is still active and vigilant. With all p~ssible deception 116
will manifest his power, calling to his aid all the fallen angels of his
realm. " -GC 398.
•• . , . These men ·assumed to engage in the wprk on their own
responsibility. They indulged in much murmuring and faultfinding,
~)roposing new pla'ns and seeking to pull d"wn the work of the men
whom God had ordained to teach the gospel message. From the first
the church has had such obstacles to meet and ever will have till the
close of time." -AA 196,197.
7. When can it be said that men create divisions and assume to
"engage in the work on their own responsibility"?
a) When they ignore the fact that they cannot be leaders un-
less recognized as such by the people:
NO'rE: "Men whose lives are not holy ancl who are unqualified
to teach the present truth enter the field without heing acknowledged
by the church or the brethren generally, and confusion and disunion
are the result . . . " -E"\'V 97.
b) When th ey feel that they can be independent of the voice
of the whole body of believers:
. , , in the early Christian church , . (difficult) matters were
not permitted to ereate n division in the church, but were referred
to a general council of the entire body of believers, made up of
appointed delegates . . ," -AA 95,96.
•• . . . 'rhe greater the responsibilities placed upon the human
agent, and the larger his opportunities to dictate and control, the more
harm he is sure to do if he does not carefully follow the way of
the Lord and labor in harmony with the decisions arrived at oy the
general body of believers in united council." -Ibid., page 199.
8. When a few men refuse 00 let •• His peop,Ie counsel together",
as •• a united church", "in Ohrist a perfect whole", whose voice
do they follow? What do they form when they refus'e to counsel
and become organized together with the rest of the workers in
the caus'e, according to 8T 237? Isaiah 8:10-12.
NO'l'.l~: '" , . . Great peril was about the people, but some knew
it not. Unbelief and impenitence blinded their eyes, ' . . In the
weakness of human judgment, men were gathering into their finite
hands the lines of control, . . . Men of stubborn, iron-like will, bvth
out and ill the Office, were confederating together, determined to drive
certain measures through in accol'Clance with their own judgment.
• No confederacy should be formed with unbelievers, neither
should you call together a certain chosen number who think as you·
do, and who will say Amen to all that you propose, while others are
excluded, who you think will not be in harmony . . .' JJ -LS 320,321.
" . . . God never designed that one man, or four, or twenty,
should ta·kc an important work into their own hands, and carry it
forward independently of other workers in the cause. God wants His
people to counsel together, to be a united church, in Christ a perfect
whole . . . No one company is to form a confederacy, and say,
, Weare going to ta,ke this work, and carry it on in our own way;
'l'his is Satan's voice, not God's . . ." -2SM 374.
9. Since there are groups of men who re,fuse to be counseled' with
the voice of the whole body of belie,vers in general council, what
will they form, and with what result?
~ ,O'1'~: ' 'Oonfederacies will increase in number and power as we
dra w nearel' to the cnd of time. These confederacies will create
opposing influences to the truth, forming new parties of professed
believers who will act out their own delusive theories. The apostasy
will mcrease . "-2SM 383.
10. What will men do as long as time lasts? What must we, as a
people, do with such mEm, regardless of their claims, self-justi.
t'icat~ons or accusations against us? Revelation Z:Z; Romans 16:17.
l\lO'1'~: "'1'0 thc end of timc, mcn will ~rise to create confusion and
rebellion among those who claim to be representatives of the true
liod. Those who prophesy lies will encourage men to look upon sin
as a light thing. When the terrible results of their evil deed are
made manifest, they will seek, if possible, to make the one who ha~
faithfully warned them, rcsponsible for their difficulties, "
t'rophcts and Kings 442.
" . , . Brethren, have we not seen crisis after crisis come upon
the work, and h,as not the Lord carried us through, and wrought for
the glory of Bis Iilune~ Can you not believe in Him ~ Can you not
cOlllmit the cause to Him ~ You cannot with you finite minds under·
stand the working of all the providences of God. Let Go'd take care
of His own work.
•• . . . In the closing work we shaH meet with perils that wc
know not how to deal with; but let us not forget that the three great
powers of heaven are working, that a divine hand is on the wheel,
and that God will bring His purposes to pass. He will gUither from
the wodd a people who will serve Rim in righteousness.
, 'J!'earful pcrils al'e before those who bear responsibilities in the
Lord's work-perils the thought of which makes me tremble. But
the word comes, 'My hand is on the wheel, and in My providence I
will cany out the dIvine plan.' -'1'he Review and Herald, May 5, 1903."
-i::3clected Messages Book 2, page 391.
God will use ways nnd means by which it will be seen that He is
taking the reins in His own hands . . ." -'1'11 300.
3. What- should we know a,bout those who pretend to be entitled to
the highest positions regardless of the voice of the people (ST 238;
EW 97)? Were the apostles, in the days of Christ, free from this
delusions? Matthew 18:1; 20:21.
~OT.I;;: "He (Lucifer) sought fur himself the highest pl'aee, and
every being who is actuated by his spirit will do the same. Thus
nlienation, discord, and strife will be inevitable . . ," -DA 435,436.
4. What does the Lord say to those who claim to be invested with
power and authority over the people of God? I Peter 5:2,3.
.:.; OT.I;;: "Those whom God hns placed in positions of l'esponsibility
should never seek to eXll!lt themselves . . . '1'hey must not ask for
power that they lilay lord it over God's heritage; for only those
II"ho arc under the rule of Satan will do this." -'I'M 279, 280.
5. Is it according to the order of God for any man or group to
exercise contrOlling power over others? What is one of the
greatest curses everywhere? Matthew 20:25,26.
1'IJ 0'1'.1;;:
' 'Many of our people are in danger of trying to exercise
a controlling power upon others and of bl'inging oppression upon their
fellow men. There is danger that those who are entrusted with
responsibilities will acknowledge but one power, the power of an
uIlsa'nctified will. Some have exercised this power unscrupulously
and have caused gl'eat discomfiture to those whom the Lord is
using. One of the greatest curses in our world (and it is seen in
clllU'ches and in society everywhere) is the love of supremacy. Men
become absorbed in seeking to secme power and popularity. 'Phis
spirit has manifested itself in the ranks of Sabbathkeepers, to our
grief and shame . . "-6'1' 397.
6. Wllat principles were developed by ~he SDA leaders through
adopting a Slanhedrin-like General Conference organization?
~ 0'1'.1;;: . the Ueneral Conference is itself becoming corrupted
with wrong sentiments and principles . " - ' I ' M ' 359.
7. Did the Lord make any distinctions among His disciples as far
as authorijt:y is concerned? What is the only distinction in the
kingdom of Christ? Matthew 23:8,9.
.i\OT./<;: "The Saviow' did not commit the work of the gospel to
.Peter individually. At a later time, repeating the words that ,vere
s.poken to .Peter, He applied them directly. to the church. And the
same substance was spoken a.]so to the twelve as l'epreselltatives of
the body of believers. If Jesus had delegated any special authority
to one of the disciples above the others, we should not find them
so often contending as to whom should be the greatest . . ." -DA 414.
"./<;vory human being has been Dought with a price, and as God's
heritage he has certain rights, of which no one should deprive him "
-Testimonies to Ministers, pages 280,281.
I I • • • Christ has looked upon the kingly dictation . . . and
He says: .
" I My kingdom is not of this world; for it refuses all human
pa tronage . . . .' "
"'1'hose who are true to the divine Leader will hold fast to the
simplicity of the gospel, and will put away the masterly sentiments
and sophistries that ,are coming in to deceive. Those who would be
saved from the wily, deceptive influences of the foe must now break
every yoke, and take their position for Christ and for truth .
Unless they obtain this freedom, they will go on step by step in the
downward path, until they deny Him who has bought them witJi the
price of His blood." -Special '1'estimonies, Series B, Nos. 2 and 7, p. 45.
, 'Many become decided transgressors of God's holy law as the
rcsult of union, concord, and co-operation with companions who are
instrumcnts of Satan. God sends them light to undeceive them, but
they refuse to take the 'Word of God as it rea(ls . . . " Ev 239.
NO'l'l~: " . . . God has bestowed the highest power under he,aven
lIPon His church. It is the voice of God in His united people in
church capacity which is to be respected." -3'f 451.
"' . . . The church is God's delegated authority upon earth . .
.Lt is tho want of defet'ence for the opinions of the churcli that causes
so much trouble among brethren. The eyes of the church may be able
to discern in its individual members that which the erring may not
see. A few persons may be as blind as the one in errol', but the
majority of the church is a power which should control its individual
members. " -5T 107.
NOTE: "Notwithstanding thc fact tll,at Paul was personally taught
l,:v God, he had no strained ideas of individual responsibility. While
looking to God for direct guidance, he was ever ready to recognize the
aut.horit.y vested in the body of believers united in church fellow-
ship . . . With Peter, he taught that all united in church capacity
should be 'subject one to another. J I Peter 5 :5." -AA 200.
2. Under what condition can the members be united in one sym-
metrical body? To ensure unity, are we required to' be subject
to the mind of a few individuals or to that of the whole church?
I Corinthians 1 :10-13.
" . . Those who keep the la IV of Goel wilJ be one with Him in
the great cOlltrovers~' commenced in heaven bctween 8ata'n alld God
-28M 160.
5. For what kind of unity did the Lord pray? John 17:20-23.
J'lO'l'1!:: " . . 'All ye arc brethren' will be the sentiment of every
child of faith. When the followers of Christ are one with Him, there
lI'ill be no first flI1(! last, no less respected 01' less important ones.
A blessed brotherly fellowship ono with another wi]] biJJ(! all who
t.rul~· receive the Lore! Jesus Christ in a firm loyalty that cannot
be hroken. All will be equally one with Christ (M8 28, 1897)."
·-5HU 1098.
6. So long as there are some who make it a point to have the
supremacy, what do they actually repudiate? Luke 10,: 26-28·;
I John 5:2; James 2:8,9.
N O'1'E: ' 'V. ell may the question
be asked , . . 'Do I love the
Xnw of God, is the love of Jesus Christ in my hearH' If wc love
one another as Christ has loved us then we are getting ready for
the blessed heavcn of peace and rest. There is no struggling there
to be first to have the supremacy; all will love their n'eighbour as
themselves . . ." -2SM 389.
7. Is it enough fOr anyone to profess to believe present truth or
right principles? In the controversy between tlruth and error,
What does the Lord require? Titus 1: 16.
~ O'1'.~: "If some who profess to beileve present truth could under-
stnnd their true position, they would despair of the mercy of God.
They have been eXCl'ting all their influence Against the truth, ilgainst
the voice of warning, against the people of God. They ha·ve been
(loing the work of Satan . . " -5T 103.
8. change must take place in tlhe practical life of many be-
lievers to complete the work of preparation? Matthew 18:1-4;
John 17:17.
NOT'!!;: . In view of the comlllon peril, strife for supremacy
will cease; there will be no disputing as to who shall he accounted
gre::ttest. No one of the true believel's will say: 'I am of Paul;
a.nd 1 of Apollos; amI I of Cephas.' The testimony of one and all
will be: 'I cleave unto Christ; I rejoice in Him as my personal
~aviou]'. '
"'l'hus will the truth be brought into practical life, and thus will
be answered the prayer of Christ, uttered just before His humiliation
and death: 'That they all may be olle; as Thou, Foather, art in Me,
and I in '1'hee, that they also lllny, be one in Us: that the world
m.:lY believe that 'l'hou hast scnt Me.' .Tohn 17:21. The love of
Christ, the love of our brethren, will testify to the world that
,,'e hnve been with .Jesus and learned of Him " - 6 T '401.
working in right lines will lead other members to unite with him in
making intercession for the revela'tion of the Hol~' Spirit. There
,,~il1 be no confusion, because all will be in harmony with the mind
of the Spirit. The barriers separGting believer from believer will
be broken down, and God's servants ,vill speak the same things.
'rhe Lord will co-operate with His servants . . " -8T 251.
10. How will the Lord then co-operate with His people and what
blessing will He pour out on them? Acts 3:19.
.NO'l'B: " . . Christ calls for unity. But He does not call for us
t.o unify on wrong practices . . . He does not gloss over wrong-
doing with a coat of un tempered mortar. I urge our brethren to
unify upon a true, scriptural hGsis." -Manuscript 10, 1905.
"When the labourers have an abiding Christ in their own souls;
When all selfishncss is deGd, when thcre is )10 rivalry, 110 strife fOl'
supremacy, when oneness exists, when they sanctify themselves, so
that love for one another is seen and felt, then the showers of the
Hol~' Spirit will just as surely come upon them as that God's promise
will never fail in one jot or tittle . . ." -ISM 175.
" . . . 'l'hen will the mess'age of the third angel swell to a
loud cry, and the whole ea'rth will be lightened with the glory of
the Lord." -6T 401.
NO'l'J<.:: "'I'he voice of God is heard from heaven, declaring the day
and hour of J"esus' coming, and delivering the everlasting covenant
t.o His people. Like peGls of loudest thunder His words roll through
tho earth. '1'he Israel of God stand listening, with U;eir eyes fixed
upward. '1'heir countenances arc lightened np with His glory, and
shine a~ did the face of Moses when he came down from Sinai. '1'he
lI'illkod cunnot look upon them. And when the blessing is pronounced
on those who have honoUl'ed God by keeping His Sabbath holy, there
IS a mighty shout of victory." -GO 6·40.
NO'1'J<.:: ":Soon thel'e appeal's iu the east a small black cloud, about
half the size of a mGn's hand. It is the cloud which surrounds the
:S·a viaur and which seems in the distance to be shrouded in darkness.
The people of God know this ta be the sign of the Son of man.
In solemn silence they gaze upon it as it draws nearer the ea-rth,
1Jecoming lighter and more glorious, until it is a great white cloud,
its base a glory like consuming fire, and above it the rainbow of the
covenant. " -GO 640,641.
.NO'!'J!]: •• '1'he earth mightily shook as the voice of the Son of God
called forth the sleeping saints. They responded to the call and came
fOl'th clothed with glorious immortality, crying, •VictOl'y, victory, over
(leath and the gr,avel 0 death, where is thy stiJ]g~ 0 grave, where
is thy victory?' '1'h611 the living saints and the Tisen ones raised
their voices in a long, tTansporting shout of victory. Those Lodies
that had gone down into the grave bearing the marks of disease
and death came up in immortal health and vigor. The living saints
are changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and caught up
with the risen ones, and together they meet their Lord in the air . ."
-J%l'Jy Writings page 287.
10. What final song of victory will be sung when the saints are
about to enter the Holy City? Isaiah 26:2.
NO'J'J~: "What a song that will be when the Tansomed of th,e Lord
meet at the gate of the Holy City, which is thrown back on its
glittering hinges, and the nations that have kept His word - His
commandments - enter into the city, the crown of the overcomer is
placed upon their heads, and the golden harps are placed in their
hands! AU heaven is filled with rich music, and with songs of praise
to the J.Jamb. Saved, everlastingly saved, in the kingdom of glory!
'1'0 have a life that measures with the life of God - that is the
reward (MS 92, 1908,)." -7BO 982.