Asc Oct 18
Asc Oct 18
Asc Oct 18
Contributing Writers
Bill Delaune
Linda Melancon
PPLGA TOURNAMENT.............36
Goosie Guice SNO’S RECIPE........................... 45
For Advertising
Information Please call:
E-Mail Comments
5405 Highway 44, Gonzales, Louisiana 70737 • (225) 473-3007
an exciting live auction. EATEL, Rouse’s Markets and conservation group in the chapters, CCA has been active
Hancock Whitney Bank, and state. Since 1983, CCA in state, national and
This event was a huge the many other businesses Louisiana has been dedicated international fisheries
success thanks to the Blue and individuals who sponsored to the conservation of management issues. Including
Marlin Sponsors: Bevel Tech and donated. Louisiana's marine resources. banning gill nets in state
Group, Inc. and Relief Entering its 35th year with waters, establishing redfish as
Windows, the Yellowfin Tuna CCA Louisiana is the largest more than 30,000 members a gamefish and ensuring good
Sponsors: Shell, Cabela’s, non-profit marine resource and volunteers in 29 local stewardship of Louisiana's
Prairieville held a ribbon-
cutting ceremony on
Wednesday, September 19th
to celebrate their new location
in Ascension Parish at
17545 Old Jefferson Highway,
Prairieville, LA 70769.
Camp Bow Wow Prairieville
offers dog day care, overnight
boarding, grooming and
training with all-inclusive
pricing with no hidden fees.
They are the premier and
trusted provider of safe, fun
and individualized care for your
four-legged family members, Parents can view their free for Camp Bow Wow- Officer Martin McConnel,
promoting happy, healthy pets online Camper Cams on their Prairieville were owner Drew Ascension Chamber of
and happy people! Director of mobile devices or computers. Detlef, Director of Marketing Commerce Chairman Michael
Marketing and Operations Nina Whether a parent is away for and Operations Nina S. Wager, Buturla, Ascension Chamber of
S. Wager says pups “dig” their the day or travelling, you can Manager Brittany Hagoort and Commerce board member
climate-controlled indoor play check in on your furry kid and Front House Manager Alexis Ranee Rogers, Ascension
yards, and they can also get watch them romp and play with Paddie. Also, in attendance Chamber Ambassadors and
some fresh air and have fun in all their fur-iends. were Ascension Parish Camp Bow Wow- Prairieville
their large outdoor play yards. Attending the Ribbon Cutting Government Public Information family and friends.
Now Taking
Orders for
Fried or Smoked Turkeys
Order Early
Open 7 Days a Week • 225.673.8876 • Airline Hwy • Prairieville
Gonzales Garden Club hostesses are (from left) Marilyn Rice, Pam Fiegel, Gwen Heck, Weezie Cashat, Cathy Venable and Janis Poche.
The Gonzales Garden Club chose The Bug Man Professional Pest Control for its
GGC Member Janis D’Benedetto created this vertical line floral design. Burgundy and pink October Commercial Landscape of the Month. It is located at 511 E. New River
pentas and white vincas form a triangular mass with pink fringe plant sprigs and iris leaves Street off Airline Hwy near McDonald’s Restaurant. This appealing property is
compact and neat. It features a hedge of gardenias across the facade and an
forming vertical lines. A green sateen cloth over an elevated base gave height to the island flower bed centered in the lawn. A large cluster of bright pink caladiums
arrangement within the black niche. stands in the center of a mounded border of deep red vincas that accentuate
the business sign, doors and shutters.
Don’t let accessibility or
insurance coverage stop you
from getting the recommended
screenings. There are several
resources in and around our
area that offer opportunities
for screenings.
Jambalaya Festival Association Elects Officers
The Jambalaya Festival
JFA Host Booth
at the Hot Air
Association held it’s monthly
meeting with a big turnout for
Balloon Festival
the election of this years Board
of Directors. The board didn’t
change much this years with
all incumbents retaining their
position. The officers are as
follows: working volunteers.
What started out to be a
Wally Taillon, President promising weekend with the
Tammy Guillory, V. President Hot Air Balloon Festival turned
Brenda Taillon, Treasurer into a rainy mess that caused
Brigitte Reulet, Secretary the event to shut down early.
Members at Large
Layne Gautreau Here are a few photos from
Robert ‘Hoss’ Reine the event.
Koby Thacker
Mike Gonzales
Phone (225)647-2937
Dutchtown Physical Therapy Proud Sponsor of Dutchtown Primary.
2018-2019 Teacher of
and need my help. I have voluntarily taught Kindergarten
inclusion at Dutchtown Primary for the past 6 years. I feel it is
When Should
class. (However, while
diversification can help reduce the
You See a
impact of market volatility, it can’t
guarantee profits or protect
against all losses.)
children, you’ll have new
responsibilities – and you’ll have
some new financial issues that
should be addressed. If
It can be challenging to achieve something happened to you,
your financial objectives. could your children still have the
Fortunately, you don’t have to same lifestyle and educational
go it alone – but when should opportunities? Would they even
you seek help? be able to stay in the same
home? To help ensure your
Watch a Ball Game and
Here are some of the key life children’s security, you may need
events in which you might be able to add more life and disability Pick Some Crabs
to benefit from the services of a insurance.
financial professional: • Oysters By the Sack
While life insurance could help
First professional job – pay for your children’s education,
• Fresh Shrimp
Eventually, you will land that first you also should prepare for
job, which will offer benefits and a
• A Wide Variety
education costs as if you will be
401(k) or similar employer-spon- around. So you may want to
of Fish and Seafood
sored retirement plan. Since you consider an education savings
may not have any experience with investment such as a 529 plan.
• Snow Crabs
a 401(k), you may have several A financial professional can help
• Turtle Meat
questions: How much should I you with your insurance and
contribute? What sorts of education-funding needs.
investments should I choose?
When should I change my Retirement – Once you retire,
Ask for Sally’s stuff crabs.
investment selections? A financial you will face a variety of financial
Doug & Sally
professional can help you review decisions, but here’s one of the
You’ll love them.
your plan and explain the most important ones: How much
aspects that may affect your money should you withdraw each
investment choices. year from your retirement
accounts? To choose an annual
Marriage – When you get mar- withdrawal rate that’s appropriate
ried, you and your spouse may
decide to merge your finances,
for your needs, you should
Hey Dr. Rob,
including your investments. But if
consider several factors: how
much you have in your retirement Did you make me
each of you brings similar
investments to the table, you
accounts, how much Social
Security you’ll receive, what other
this Purdy?
might create some redundancies. sources of income (such as
A financial professional can look part-time work or consulting) you
at your respective portfolios and might have, your age at
recommend ways to diversify. retirement, your spouse’s
Generally, the more diversified projected retirement assets, your
you are, the greater your protec- retirement lifestyle, and so on. It
tion against market downturns might not be easy for you to
that primarily hit one type of asset consider all these elements and
then arrive at a suitable
withdrawal rate, but a financial
professional has the experience,
training and technology to help
determine a figure that could
work for you.
7 Reasons a
those with disabilities shows potential
customers just how valuable they are to
Business Needs to be
you. Because of this, word of mouth
begins to travel and you’re destined for
better business opportunities.
ADA Compliant
6. Improves your SEO
Meta tagging, alternative image text, and
video transcripts are ways to help create
by Orhan Mc Millan an ADA compliant website. When
dezinsINTERACTIVE inclusive of these things, your search
engine optimization ratings increase.
Want your website first on google
search? Have a great website thats
inclusive of all people.
spouse is allowed to retain. But in rate (MAPR) for a veteran with
the case of the VA, this number one dependent in need of aid and
will include both the applicant’s attendance. For example, assume
assets and income. It will be the net worth limit is $123,600
Attendance) to pay for long-term indexed to inflation in the same and an applicant has a net worth
care benefits. The rules establish an way that Social Security increases. of $115,000. The applicant
asset limit, a look-back period, and An applicant’s house and up to a transferred $30,000 to a friend
an asset transfer penalties for those two-acre lot will not count as an during the look-back period. If the
applying for VA pension benefits. asset even if the applicant is applicant had not transferred the
The VA offers Aid and currently living in a nursing home. $30,000, his net worth would have
Attendance to low-income veterans Applicants will also be able to been $145,000, which exceeds the
(or their spouses) who are in deduct medical expenses – now net worth limit by $21,400. The
nursing homes or who need help including payments to assisted and penalty period will be calculated
at home or in assisted living with independent living facilities, as a based on $21,400, the amount the
everyday tasks like dressing or result of the new rules – from applicant transferred that put his
bathing. Aid and Attendance their income. assets over the net worth limit
provides money to those who The regulations also establish a (145,000-123,600).
By Linda Melancon need assistance. three-year look-back provision. The new rules go into effect on
Currently, to be eligible for Aid Applicants will have to disclose all October 18, 2018. The VA will
and Attendance a veteran (or the financial transactions they were disregard asset transfers made
As Veterans veteran’s surviving spouse) must involved in for three years before before that date, so applicants may
Benefit Rules meet certain income and asset
limits. The asset limits aren’t
the application. Applicants who
transferred assets to put themselves
still have time to get through the
process before the new rules are in
Change, Some specified, but $80,000 is the below the net worth limit within place.
amount usually considered the three years of applying for benefits Obviously, these rule changes are
Taking Immediate maximum asset limit to qualify for will be subject to a penalty period complex. Veterans or their spouses
the benefit. However, unlike with that can last as long as five years. who think they may be affected by
Action the Medicaid program, there This penalty is a period of time the new rules should contact a
historically have been no penalties during which the person who VA-accredited attorney
Though there has been talk if an applicant divests him- or transferred assets is not eligible for immediately.
of change for years, the rules herself of assets before applying. VA benefits. There are exceptions
surrounding Veterans Aid & That is, before now you could The information provided is not intended to
to the penalty period for fraudulent
Attendance have remained the transfer assets over the VA’s limit be legal advice and does not constitute an
transfers and for transfers to a trust attorney/client relationship. You should consult
same until recently the Department before applying for benefits and for a child who is unable to with an attorney for individual advice regarding
of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced the transfers would not affect your own situation.
a few weeks ago that it was making eligibility. Under the new rules, the VA will Ms. Melancon is an attorney with Legacy Estate &
big changes that would take place Not so anymore. The new determine a penalty period in Elder Law of Louisiana, LLC, with offices in
in less than 30 days. regulations set a net worth limit Baton Rouge, LA and Prairieville, LA. The
months by dividing the amount primary focus of her practice is estate planning,
The VA has finalized new rules of $123,600, which is the current transferred that would have put the probate, special needs planning and elder law. For
that make it more difficult to maximum amount of assets (in more information or to attend an upcoming
applicant over the net worth limit
qualify for VA Pension (i.e. Aid & estate planning seminar, call her office at
2018) that a Medicaid applicant’s by the maximum annual pension (225) 744-0027
•Proven Leader
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Esquire Magazine. In had more to learn and wanted to House I'm bringing new ideas,
Celebrated Chef 2012 he appeared on grow as a chef." Following his new technology and new recipes to
the Food Network departure from Houmas House the kitchens." Says Langlois.
Jeremy Langlois show "Chopped", Langlois was a chef at the Baton Houmas House owner Kevin Kelly
and in 2014 was Rouge Italian Restaurant was eager to announce the return
Returns to Houmas offered the Ruffino's. From there he was hired of Chef Langlois. "Jeremy was so
prestigious as Executive Chef at White Oak important to the growth of the
House and Gardens opportunity to Plantation under Chef John Folse. restaurants at Houmas House. It
prepare dinner at the "I loved my time at Ruffino's and feels right to have him back. There
James Beard House White Oak Plantation and learned is a new energy among all the staff
This month, Houmas House in New York. Most recently, Chef so much about myself as a chef and with his return, and I am excited
welcomes the return of Executive Langlois was the to see what his plans are for the
Chef Jeremy Langlois who opened recipient of the Top three restaurants" Says Kelly.
the flagship restaurant Latil's 40 Under 40 Award
Landing at Houmas House in by the Baton Rouge Houmas House was purchased
2005. Langlois was instrumental in Business Report. by Kevin Kelly in 2003 and
establishing the historic estate's underwent a six-month
success as a wedding venue and In 2012 Houmas restoration. Since its grand
a tourist attraction. House opened The re-opening, the property has
Inn at Houmas expanded, offering restaurants,
Within a few months of the House. With the expansive gardens and overnight
restaurant's opening Langlois also addition of overnight accommodations. "Houmas House
opened Café Burnside which accommodations, offers so much more than just a
offered lunch daily to tourists and Chef Langlois home tour." Says Kelly. "Guests
locals. "With visitation numbers opened The Carriage come to see the architecture, the
growing and so many tourists House Restaurant, rare antiques, formal gardens
making day trips from New predominately for the and hear about the humble
Orleans, it just made sense to have overnight guests beginnings of Houmas House dat-
a restaurant open during the day. staying in the upscale ing back to 1774. We are always
The café menu was created to give Inn. The restaurant expanding and adding to the
tourists local cuisine in a offers dinner nightly guest experience."
beautiful setting." Says Langlois. and breakfast daily to
overnight guests and Houmas House is open daily
Since arriving to Houmas House in locals alike. "The except for Christmas Day and
2005, Langlois has quickly become constant growth at New Year's Day.
a well-known Louisiana chef Houmas House was
garnering much publicity for fun to watch and be a part of." a manager. More information is available at
himself and the Houmas House Says Langlois. or call
restaurants. In 2005, his recipes "When the opportunity to return 225-473-9380.
escalated Latil's Landing to Top 20 "It was such a tough decision to became available I couldn't pass it
New Restaurants in the USA by leave back in 2015, but I knew I up. With my return to Houmas
Eric Lambert
• Smoked Sausage
is 6:05am December 8, 2017. I’ve of the other hunters were at the
• Italian Sausage
deer hunt. It has been raining for hunt later that evening. Suck it up
• Cajun Sausage
the last couple of days and our area y’all, she was out there where you
• Breakfast Sausage
is presently experiencing a very can shoot a the woods,
hard showering of wet snow. Al- not at the campsite!
• Jalapeno & Cheese though I’ve taken a vacation day to We all pick and choose what
hunt, it is now breaking day and weather conditions, times and days
• Vacuum Packed
I’m still sitting on the couch. You that we care to hunt on. Hold up!
can’t kill a deer like that, that’s a It’s 7:45 and I’ve heard a loud
Custom Cuts fact. It’s safe to say that the more crash outside of my house. I open
Available with time you spend in the woods, the the door and see a large oak limb
better chance that you will eventu- that has fallen because of the
ally get your prize. weight of the snow. It has fallen on
5% Off
Mention this ad
I was successful a couple of years my gas meter in the front yard. I
and receive
ago after following a suggestion manage to roll it off of the meter
from my wife while trying to make and the meter doesn’t seem to be
up my mind whether to hunt or leaking. That’s luck. Now back to
not. It was the last day of what had the subject. Sometimes we make
been an unproductive deer season the correct choice at being success-
your next order.
for me. After turning the alarm ful on days that we go and some-
clock off, I made the statement times maybe we do not. One things
that I really didn’t feel like making for certain. You’ll never know what
Tee Wayne's what would be my last hunt of the could have been on those days
Cajun Cooking season. She quietly replied, you
need to go. You complain when
when the decision was made to stay
at home. Each to their own, but
still offers you have to work and can’t go. there are certain times that I just
full-time, Now you’re off and you can’t make don’t feel like fooling with a dead
up your mind whether to go or deer for a number of reasons. I
not. I listened to her for a change guess it comes with age. At this
catering. and at 7:15 that morning I was particular moment with four inches
call 225.806.FOOD
wheeler. the highway and branches falling
Just last year, several members of out of trees I’m content being at
our hunting club experienced a home. Would I have been success-
prime example of what it means to ful this morning if I would have
be there at the right time. Several gone? Who knows? Will I go for
members of the group had been the evening hunt? I don’t know
hunting a buck that was pictured as yet...I’ll make up my mind later.
one of the better racks on our One things for sure, I won’t shoot
property. This was immediately one sitting here and for the mo-
after the passage of a severe line of ment that’s alright. At present I’m
rain, thunder, lightning and wind praying that this heavy snowfall
when the large deer was harvested quits before the weight of it harms
by the only hunter in the woods my house or property. That’s way
that evening. They all accept the more important than killing a deer
39087 Hwy. 621, Gonzales, fact that he deserved it. He was out at this time.....
La. 225.644.FOOD
Tee Wayne
there and they were not.
225.644.3065 (fax) This past season my friend’s thir- Till Next Time,
Monday & Tuesday: teen year old daughter shot the Go When You Can
11am-2pm biggest deer that their Livingston James “Goosie” Guice
Wednesday, Thursday, Parish club has ever taken on that
Friday & Saturday: land. She was sitting alone at a not
11am-8pm hard to get to stand location. It
was around 1:00 in the afternoon
with Kellie
Useless Random Facts
Reindeer like to eat bananas.
The first automobile race ever seen in the United States was
held in Chicago in 1895. The track ran from Chicago to
Evanston, Illinois. The winner was J. Frank Duryea, whose
average speed was 71/2 miles per hour.
Each of us generates about 3.5 pounds of rubbish
October 26th
In Aspen Colorado, you can have a maximum income of
$104,000 and still receive government subsidized housing.
Blueberry Jelly Bellies were created especially “ L I K E ” U S O N FA C E B O O K
for Ronald Reagan
1711 S. BURNSIDE • GONZALES • 644-8901
connections brought was dead.
Frankenstein to life. Screams I looked down and there it
St. Amant Booster Gator Head Football Coach, Coach, Athletic Director and
Longtime Gator
Coach Moreau had coaching and a record of 93-48-1, years in the Gator Program,
stops that included Marksville currently the winningest John Brooks, Josh and Cristy.
Coach Doug Moreau and Winnfield, wh...ere he won coach in St. Amant history.
a Class 2A state title in 1982 at St. Amant Gator Fans, let’s
Winnfield, coaching a team After retiring from the St. show Coach Doug Moreau
St. Amant Gator Fans,
that defeated tradition power Amant Administration, Coach and the entire Moreau Family
please focus your attention on
house John Curtis in the State Moreau came back to St. how much we appreciate his
the Gator Field tonight as
Championship Title Game. Amant for an additional four long outstanding efforts to the
St. Amant Principal Beth
seasons as the Gator St. Amant Gator Family by
Templet, Athletic Director
Coach Moreau coached a total Offensive Coordinator under recognizing him tonight as
David Oliver and St. Amant
of 38 seasons in the State of Coach David Oliver. He then our “Honorary Team Captain”
Fire Chief & Booster Club
Louisiana. Thirteen of those finished up his 38-year career here at The Pit.
President James LeBlanc
seasons occurred here in coaching at Ascension
recognize long-time St. Amant
Gator Nation as Head Football Catholic for three seasons.
Keeping My Promise
Ascension Magazine made a Then later that day I had the
few promises while I was out need to go by Lowe’s and
taking photos this past month. when I exited I met Cub Scout
First I got up early to watch Troop #399. These kids were
the balloons take off from working hard in the hot sun
St. Amant. There was a Mom and I had no cash. I felt bad
there that was originally from that I had to turn them down
Iowa and now lives in Denham but I did promise to put their
Springs. I promised the kids for photo in this issue of the
getting up so early I’d put them magazine. Promise made
in this issue. This is my and promise kept.
promise keep.
in Prairieville
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35 Acres $665,000
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Office Hours: 9am – 5pm • Access Hours: 6am – 11pm, 7 days a week
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Pelican Point Golfers Invade the 44th About 520 two-man teams pre-registered to expand the 2018
Front End
We’ve Got The Place.
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WELCOMING LOUISIANA CASUAL LIVING premium grills and accessories. We If you would like more information on
are dedicated to helping our customers Louisiana Casual Living, please call
make the most of their outdoor (225) 225-450-6844, e-mail
living space.” allison@louisianacasualliving.
com or visit their website
Attending the Ribbon Cutting for
Louisiana Casual Living was owner They are opened Monday – Friday
Allison Woodfield, Ascension Sheriff 10:00am- 6:00pm, Saturday 10:00am-
Department Chief Deputy Bobby 4:00pm and Closed on Sunday. For
Webre, Ascension Parish Government more information on the Ascension
Public Information Officer Martin Chamber of Commerce, please visit
McConnell, City of Gonzales Mayor, e-mail
Barney Arceneaux and Ascension or
Chamber of Commerce call (225) 647-7487.
President/CEO Barker Dirmann.
Also, in attendance were Ascension
Chamber Ambassadors and Louisiana
Casual Living family and friends.
Place the miriltons in a large pot and cover with water. Bring the
water to a boil and cook for about 20 minutes or until tender.
Drain in a colander and cool. When cool enough to handle, half the
mirlitons, peel, then remove the seeds and cut into cubes.
SHRIMP & MIRLITON STUFFING (Chayote) While the militons are cooking, cook your onions, celery, bell
pepper and garlic in a little olive oil until tender. Add the mirlitons
and shrimp and cook until shrimp are done (about 15 minutes).
Prep: Remove from heat, then add the creole mustard, green onions,
bread crumbs and seasoning. Mix well.
40 minutes
Cook Time: Preheat oven to 450 degrees. In a greased baking dish, evenly
25 minutes spread your stuffing and bake for 20-25 minutes or until brown.
Servings: Sprinkle the top with parmesan cheese and serve.
Executive Chef 8 servings ** Great stuffing for chicken, turkey, or pork**
Sam Penton