The Q-Slope Method For Rock Slope Engineering

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The Q-Slope Method for Rock Slope


Article in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering · August 2017

DOI: 10.1007/s00603-017-1305-0


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2 authors:

Neil Bar Nick Ryland Barton

Gecko Geotechnics Nick Barton & Associates


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Rock Mech Rock Eng
DOI 10.1007/s00603-017-1305-0


The Q-Slope Method for Rock Slope Engineering

Neil Bar1 • Nick Barton2

Received: 8 July 2017 / Accepted: 25 August 2017

 Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria 2017

Abstract Q-slope is an empirical rock slope engineering faults, weakness zones, or joint swarms have also been
method for assessing the stability of excavated rock slopes incorporated. This paper discusses the applicability of the
in the field. Intended for use in reinforcement-free road or Q-slope method to slopes ranging from less than 5 m to
railway cuttings or in opencast mines, Q-slope allows more than 250 m in height in both civil and mining engi-
geotechnical engineers to make potential adjustments to neering projects.
slope angles as rock mass conditions become apparent
during construction. Through case studies across Asia, Keywords Q-slope  Rock slope engineering  Slope
Australia, Central America, and Europe, a simple correla- stability  Rock mass classification  Empirical method
tion between Q-slope and long-term stable slopes was
established. Q-slope is designed such that it suggests stable, List of symbols
maintenance-free bench-face slope angles of, for instance, RQD Rock quality designation
40–45, 60–65, and 80–85 with respective Q-slope Jn Joint sets number
values of approximately 0.1, 1.0, and 10. Q-slope was Jr Joint roughness number
developed by supplementing the Q-system which has been Ja Joint alteration number
extensively used for characterizing rock exposures, drill- Jwice Environmental and geological condition
core, and tunnels under construction for the last 40 years. number
The Q0 parameters (RQD, Jn, Ja, and Jr) remain unchanged SRFslope Three strength reduction factors a, b, and c
in Q-slope. However, a new method for applying Jr/Ja SRFa Physical condition number
ratios to both sides of potential wedges is used, with rela- SRFb Stress and strength number
tive orientation weightings for each side. The term Jw, SRFc Major discontinuity number
which is now termed Jwice, takes into account long-term O-factor Orientation factor for the ratio Jr/Ja
exposure to various climatic and environmental conditions
such as intense erosive rainfall and ice-wedging effects.
Slope-relevant SRF categories for slope surface conditions, 1 Introduction
stress-strength ratios, and major discontinuities such as
In both civil engineering and mining projects, it is practi-
cally impossible to assess the stability of rock slope cut-
& Neil Bar tings and benches in real time, using analytical approaches
such as kinematics, limit equilibrium, or FEM/DEM
Nick Barton modeling. Excavation is usually too fast for this. The same
limitation usually applies to tunneling, despite numerical
Gecko Geotechnics Pty Ltd, P.O. Box 14226, Mt Sheridan, modeler’s wishes to the contrary. However, rock caverns of
QLD 4868, Australia larger span are sufficiently ‘stationary’ for thorough and
Nick Barton & Associates, Fjordveien 65c, Høvik, more necessary analysis, and the same applies to higher
1363 Oslo, Norway rock slopes. The purpose of Q-slope is to allow engineering

N. Bar, N. Barton

geologists and rock engineers to assess the stability of behavior. These may be accentuated when one of the
excavated rock slopes in the field and make potential illustrated joint sets is dominant. Anisotropic behavior is
adjustments to slope angles as rock mass conditions typical, as emphasized by Barton and Quadros (2015).
become visible during construction (Barton and Bar 2015). Several combinations of slope angles and jointing in Fig. 1
Prime areas of application are ‘from-surface-and-down- are expected to be stable (i.e., a2, b3, c3, which are [45;
wards’ bench angle decisions in open pits, and for the and d1, d2, d3, d4, which are equal to 45 in the idealized
numerous slope cuttings needed to reach remote hydro- examples illustrated).
power projects, tunnel and dam sites, often through Joint or discontinuity shear strength obviously has a
strongly varying structural geologies. Tens, if not hundreds significant role in rock slope stability. On a more
of thousands of kilometers of such rock cuttings, without sophisticated level than in Fig. 1, it may often be a cou-
support, are made each year. A significant proportion may pled problem where shear-deformation can improve
fail during construction, and shallower slope angles are drainage temporarily due to dilation (Fig. 2), until frac-
then chosen. tures are clogged with run-off fines in future storms.
Application of Q-slope can help to reduce maintenance Therefore, the environment in which the slopes are con-
(and bench-width needs) due to all the potential failures. structed is also critical. The sheared and dilated tension-
Such are frequently seen when initially constant slope fracture replicas on the right are from Barton (1973), and
angles are cut through varied structural domains. A series the three potential joint behavior modes involving mobi-
of ‘interesting’ but troublesome local failures is often the lized shear strength, dilation, and increase of permeability
result. Quite often these have been the result of adverse are based on coupled M–H (mechanical–hydraulic) Bar-
plane failures, wedge failures, or more rarely local top- ton–Bandis joint modeling, as described in Barton et al.
pling. Figure 1 illustrates the very basic classes of potential (1985).

Fig. 1 Common sense solutions to dominant joint orientation problems (S stable, F sliding failure, T toppling, US unstable)

The Q-Slope Method for Rock Slope Engineering

Fig. 2 Example of shear-deformation-dilation effects on permeability (until blocked by run-off fines)

1.1 Empirical Rock Engineering Methods tunneling and rock cavern related case records and has
been used by engineers across the world for over 40 years
Several empirical methods for assisting rock engineering (Barton et al. 1974; Barton and Grimstad 2014).
design have been developed in the last 50 years and are Single-shell B ? S(fr) tunnel support and reinforcement
used for a variety of applications by rock and mining design assistance, and open stope design, utilizing Q0 (the
engineers. first four parameters) have been the principal focus of
In tunneling, underground mining, and other under- applications in civil and mining engineering. Correlations
ground excavations, the following empirical methods are of Qc (Q normalized with UCS/100) with stress-dependent
commonly used to derive appropriate support and rein- P-wave velocities and depth-dependent deformation mod-
forcement for specific excavation spans. uli have also proved useful in site characterization and as
input to numerical modeling. These approximate correla-
• Q-system (Barton et al. 1974),
tions remain with the new Q-slope value, which may also
• RMR: rock mass rating (Bieniawski 1976, 1989),
vary over six orders of magnitude, from approx. 0.001 to
• MRMR: mining rock mass rating (Laubscher 1977;
1000. This large numerical range is an important reflection
Laubscher and Jakubec 2001).
of the large variation of parameters such as deformation
For the case of rock slope stability, empirical methods moduli and shear strength.
are less frequently used and either simple kinematics,
numerical modeling or ‘no modeling’ may be chosen (i.e.,
slope angles selected by equipment operators rather than 2 Q-Slope Development
engineers). The following empirical methods were devel-
oped to predict the support, reinforcement, and perfor- Q-slope utilizes the same six parameters RQD, Jn, Jr, Ja,
mance of excavated slopes: Jw, and SRF. However, the frictional resistance pair Jr and
Ja can apply, when needed, to the individual sides of
• SMR: slope mass rating (Romana 1985, 1995),
potentially unstable wedges. Simply applied orientation
• Global slope performance index (Sullivan 2013).
factors, like (Jr/Ja)1 9 0.7 for set J1 and (Jr/Ja)2 9 0.9 for
None of the aforementioned empirical rock engineering set J2, provide estimates of overall whole-wedge frictional
methods provide guidance in relation to appropriate, long- resistance reduction, if appropriate. The term Jw, which is
term stable slope angles in which rock reinforcement and now termed Jwice (one of two symbol-modifications) takes
support aredeliberately absent. Such slopes actually dom- into account an appropriately wider range of environmental
inate the demand by a huge margin. conditions appropriate to rock slopes, which obviously
stand in the open for a very long time. These conditions
1.2 Original Q-System include the extremes of intense erosive rainfall and ice
wedging, as may seasonally occur at opposite ends of the
The Q-system for characterizing rock exposures, drill-core, rock-type and regional spectrum. There are also slope-
and tunnels under construction was developed from rock relevant SRF categories.

N. Bar, N. Barton

Q-slope was conceived a decade ago, firstly at a In 2015, sufficient supporting data from several opencast
hydropower dam-access road in the Dominican Republic, mine bench slopes and road cuts in Australia, Papua New
requiring a precipitous day’s journey on a mule, adjacent to Guinea, and Laos, and from the motorway and other road
very steep planned slopes to reach a dam-site 20 km dis- cuts in Panama, permitted a correlation between Q-slope
tant. Despite the steepness of the river-cut slopes, varying and long-term stable, reinforcement-free slope angles
from 40 to 60, the owner did not accept the (presumed) (Barton and Bar 2015). At the time, limited data were
extra cost of suggested rock reinforcement for the mostly available for larger slopes requiring several stages of
steeper and extremely frequent cut slopes. excavation such as inter-ramp and overall slopes in open-
Q-slope in a more developed form was subsequently cast mines. As such, the correlation was initially limited to
applied at a new motorway to be excavated through hilly, slopes less than 30 m in height.
forested tropical terrain in Panama. How wide the con- Additional supporting data and case studies of steep
tractor should clear the forest to make way for twin, hard rock slopes in Australia and Slovenia demonstrated
appropriately shallow-angle cuttings in relic-jointed the practical applications of Q-slope (Bar and Barton
saprolite, and successively steeper-angle cuttings in 2016). It illustrated Q-slope’s potential to allow engineers
weathered, then fresher jointed rock masses was answered to respond to slope-forming rates of many tens of meters
using a combination of seismic refraction and about 1 km per day, stretching to hundreds of meters in the case of
of core logging. Planned slope angles were subsequently some opencast mining operations. Figure 4 illustrates
confirmed with Q-slope logging during their construction. improving geologic structure orientations allowing for
A visual demonstration of the ultra-simple initial steeper bench face angles with depth.
objective of Q-slope is shown in Fig. 3. The differently Highly weathered and saprolitic rock slopes were exam-
inclined slopes of a high cutting for the new Panama Canal ined across several projects in Far North Queensland (Aus-
extension were geotechnically designed by the Panama tralia) and demonstrated Q-slopes’ applicability to softer,
Canal Authority geotechnical engineers. Q-slope is weaker rocks (Bar et al. 2016). Further examination of slopes
designed such that it suggests similar safe, maintenance- in different regions, geological settings, and additional case
free, reinforcement-free bench-face slope angles of, for studies and supporting data for larger slopes now enables the
instance, 40–45, 60–65, and 80–85 for respective Q- use of Q-slope for these larger slopes. Figure 5 presents the
slope values of approximately 0.1, 1.0, and 10. stability chart for all slope heights (note: all case studies

Fig. 3 Convenient example of differentiated saprolite, weathered rock, and fresher rock mass qualities help to explain the appropriately
steepened, unreinforced permanent slopes (courtesy of Panama Canal Authority, Barton and Bar 2015)

The Q-Slope Method for Rock Slope Engineering

Fig. 4 Changing geologic structure orientations (steepening of Improved rock mass quality at greater depth is also expected to allow
bedding planes downslope) help to explain the appropriately steep- steeper slopes at greater depth
ened bench face angles in a large opencast mine setting, Laos.

Fig. 5 Q-slope stability chart

N. Bar, N. Barton

involving slopes larger than about 50 m in height were of • Saprolites of some of the aforementioned rock types
near-uniform rock mass quality with no changes in lithol- have also been examined.
ogy—these slopes are quite rare in nature).
The back-analyzed failed slopes in the case studies were
In order to apply Q-slope to larger slope heights, one
based on pre-failure slope geometry and contained a range
needs to adequately consider the uniformity of the litho-
of simple and complex failure mechanisms:
logical units and rock mass quality across the height of the
slope. Q-slope may not be applicable if the slope is a • Planar sliding on a single discontinuity.
combination of poor rock mass quality zones mixed with • Planar sliding on a discontinuity with a second
good quality zones. In these instances, and in general for discontinuity acting as a release plane (e.g., a sub-
slopes larger than say 50 m in height (i.e., which require vertical joint set).
several stages of excavation), more rigorous analysis is • Wedge failures comprising two intersecting
both warranted and advised. Figure 6 illustrates the Q- discontinuities.
slope dataset for different slope heights and slope angles. It • Complex wedge failures comprising two or more
is based on over 400 individual case studies from: intersecting discontinuities (often with at least one
acting as a release plane).
• Australia (New South Wales, Queensland, and Western
• Toppling failures (localized).
• Rotational failure as a result of shearing weak rock
• Asia (Laos, Papua New Guinea, and Turkey),
• Central America (Dominican Republic and Panama).
• Complex rotational failures including both sliding
• Europe (Serbia, Slovenia, and Spain).
along discontinuities and shearing through intact rock
Rock types in the case studies: bridges in strong rock masses.
• Igneous rocks (basalt, diorite, dolerite, granite, gran-
odiorite, monzonite, monzodiorite, porphyry, agglom-
erate, greywacke, and tuff). 3 The Q-Slope Method
• Sedimentary rocks (sandstone, siltstone, limestone,
mudstone, conglomerate, breccias, and banded iron The Q-slope method requires the assignment of ratings for
formation). rock quality designation (RQD), joint set number (Jn), joint
• Metamorphic rocks (shale, schist, skarns, slates, gneiss, roughness number (Jr), and joint alteration number (Ja),
phyllite, marble, metasandstone, and quartzite). which remain unchanged from the Q-system (Barton et al.

Fig. 6 Q-slope dataset (case studies)—slope heights (left) and slope angles (right)

The Q-Slope Method for Rock Slope Engineering

1974). For Q-system users, the formula for estimating Q- Table 2 Joint set number
slope is mostly familiar: Joint set number description Jn
RQD Jr Jwice
Qslope ¼   ð1Þ A Massive, no or few joints 0.5–1
Jn Ja 0 SRFslope
B One joint set 2
As with the Q-system, the rock mass quality in Q-slope C One joint set plus random joints 3
can be considered a function of three parameters, which are D Two joint sets 4
crude measures of: E Two joint sets plus random joints 6
F Three joint sets 9
1. Block size: (RQD/Jn).
G Three joint sets plus random joints 12
2. Shear strength: least favorable (Jr/Ja) or average shear
H Four or more joint sets, random, heavily jointed 15
strength in the case of wedges (Jr/Ja)1 9 (Jr/Ja)2.
J Crushed rock, earthlike 20
3. External factors and stress: (Jwice/SRFslope).
Shear resistance, s, is approximated using:
  since slopes are outside and exposed to the elements for a
s  rn tan1 ð2Þ very long time (Barton and Bar 2015).
Described in Table 6, Jwice has a new structure for
3.1 The First Four Parameters (RQD, Jn, Jr, and Ja) slopes, including tropical rainfall erosion effects and ice-
wedging effects. Adjustment factors in case of slope rein-
The Q-slope ratings for rock quality designation, RQD forcement or drainage measures are also included.
(Deere 1963; Deere et al. 1967), joint set number (Jn), joint Competent rocks are generally durable, resistant to
roughness number (Jr), and joint alteration number (Ja) erosion and deformation, and not susceptible to slaking.
remain unchanged from the Q-system (Barton et al. 1974; Often these have a relatively high unconfined compressive
Barton and Bar 2015). Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 describe the strength, say 50 MPa and above. The estimate of Jwice
ratings for RQD, Jn, Jr, and Ja, respectively. should take into consideration the environmental condi-
tions in which the slope is constructed, which will include
3.2 Discontinuity Orientation Factor: O-Factor the competence or otherwise of the rock, and therefore the
likely long-term stability of possibly adverse structures.
The discontinuity orientation factor (O-factor) described in The most hostile or dynamic environmental conditions
Table 5 provides orientation adjustments for discontinu- experienced by the slope should be adopted. For example,
ities in rock slopes (Barton and Bar 2015). Figure 7 pro- if a slope is constructed in a desert environment that reg-
vides photographic examples. ularly experiences extremely cold winters, freezing, and
The Set A orientation-factor is applied to the most thawing, it would be appropriate to adopt ice wedging as
unfavorable discontinuity set. If required, the Set B ori- the most adverse environmental condition.
entation-factor is applied to the secondary discontinuity set
(i.e., in case of potentially unstable wedge formations). 3.4 Strength Reduction Factor: SRFslope

3.3 Environmental and Geological Conditions: Jwice The strength reduction factor SRFslope is obtained by using
the most adverse i.e., maximum of SRFa, SRFb, and SRFc
The environmental and geological condition number, Jwice, described in the subsequent tables.
is more sophisticated than Jw of the original Q-system Table 7 describes strength reduction factors (SRFa) for
the physical condition of the slope surface (now or
Table 1 Rock quality designation expected) due to susceptibility to weathering and erosion.
Table 8 describes strength reduction factors (SRFb) for
Rock quality designation description RQD (%)a
adverse stress-strength ranges in the slope. SRFb becomes
A Very poor 0–25 more critical for weak, low strength materials such as highly
B Poor 25–50 weathered and saprolitic rocks, and also becomes more critical
C Fair 50–75 with increasing slope height, and therefore, with increasing
D Good 75–90 stress. Maximum principal stress (r1) may be estimated by
E Excellent 90–100 considering in situ stresses, material density, and slope
a geometry. However, in the unlikely event that slope-related
where RQD is reported or measured as B10 (including zero), a
nominal value of 10 is used to evaluate Q-slope. RQD intervals of 5, in situ stress measurements are available, these may be pre-
i.e., 100, 95, 90, etc., are sufficiently accurate ferred. This might apply in the case of high slopes.

N. Bar, N. Barton

Table 3 Joint roughness

Joint roughness number description Jr
(a) Rock-wall contact, (b) contact after shearing
A Discontinuous joints 4
B Rough or irregular, undulating 3
C Smooth, undulating 2
D Slickensided, undulating 1.5
E Rough or irregular, planar 1.5
F Smooth, planar 1.0
G Slickensided, planar 0.5
(c) No rock-wall contact when sheared
H Zone containing clay minerals thick enough to prevent rock-wall contact. 1.0
J Sandy, gravely or crushed zone thick enough to prevent rock-wall contact. 1.0
Descriptions refer to small-scale features and intermediate scale features, in that order
Add 1.0 if mean spacing of the relevant joint set is greater than 3 m
Jr = 0.5 can be used for planar, slickensided joints having lineations, provided the lineations are oriented
for minimum strength
Jr and Ja classification are applied to the discontinuity set or sets that are least favorable for stability both
from the point of view of orientation and shear resistance s, where s & rn tan-1 (Jr/Ja)

Table 4 Joint alteration number

Joint alteration number description Ja

(a) Rock-wall contact (no clay fillings, only coatings)

A Tightly healed, hard non-softening, impermeable filling, i.e., quartz or epidote 0.75
B Unaltered joint walls, surface staining only 1.0
C Slightly altered joint walls. Non-softening mineral coatings, sandy particles, clay-free disintegrated rock, etc. 2.0
D Silty- or sandy-clay coatings, small clay disintegrated rock, etc. 3.0
E Softening or low friction clay mineral coatings, i.e., kaolinite or mica. Also chlorite, talc, gypsum, graphite, etc., and 4.0
small quantities of swelling clays
(b) Rock-wall contact after some shearing (thin clay fillings, probable thickness & 1–5 mm)
F Sandy particles, clay-free disintegrated rock, etc. 4.0
G Strongly over-consolidated non-softening clay mineral fillings 6.0
H Medium or low over-consolidation, softening, clay mineral fillings 8.0
J Swelling-clay fillings, i.e., montmorillonite. Value of Ja depends on percent of swelling clay-size particles and access to 8–12
(c) No rock-wall contact when sheared (thick clay/crushed rock fillings)
M Zones or bands of disintegrated or crushed rock and clay (see G, H, J for description of clay condition) 6, 8, or 8–12
N Zones or bands of silty- or sandy-clay, small clay fraction (non-softening) 5.0
OPR Thick, continuous zones or bands of clay (see G, H, J for description of clay condition) 10, 13, or

Table 9 describes strength reduction factors (SRFc) for 3.5 Relationship Between Q-Slope and Slope Angles
major discontinuities such as faults, weakness zones, and
joint swarms which may also contain clay filling that Barton and Bar (2015) derived a simple formula for the
adversely affects slope stability. Major discontinuities may steepest slope angle (b) not requiring reinforcement or
or may not have a similar orientation to a discontinuity set support for slope heights less than 30 m. This formula is
such as a joint set or bedding plane. However, major dis- now extended to all slope heights:
continuities are typically single features with considerably b ¼ 20 log10 Qslope þ 65 ð3Þ
different geomechanical properties (i.e., lower shear
strength due to soft, plastic infilling). Equation 3 matches the central data for stable slope
angles greater than 35 and less than 85 as shown in

The Q-Slope Method for Rock Slope Engineering

Table 5 Discontinuity orientation factor—O-factor • Q-slope = 10 - slope angle 85.

O-factor description Set A Set B
• Q-slope = 1 - slope angle 65.
• Q-slope = 0.1 - slope angle 45.
Very favorably oriented 2.0 1.5 • Q-slope = 0.01 - slope angle 25.
Quite favorable 1.0 1.0
Figure 8 illustrates the available Q-slope data derived
Unfavorable 0.75 0.9
from the back-analysis of motorway, railway and road cuts,
Very unfavorable 0.50 0.8
opencast mine benches, and natural slopes:
Causing failure if unsupported 0.25 0.5
• Triangles indicate stable slopes. No visual signs of
instability observed at least several weeks, months or
Figs. 5 and 8. It has a probability of failure of 1%. From
years post-excavation.
the Q-slope data, the following correlations are simple and
easy to remember:
Fig. 7 Examples of the need
for O-factor (discontinuity
orientation factor) application

Very favorably to favorably oriented joints forming cubical Incipient, individually quite unfavorable relic joints
blocks: Norway. forming wedge in weak saprolite: Panama.

Unfavorable foliation in phyllite. Steep joints striking into Very unfavorable bedding planes in siltstone. Vertical
bench slopes are quite favorable: Western Australia. joints and joints dipping into slope favorable. Mt. Isa.

Extremely unfavorable joints day-lighting into excavation Extremely unfavorable joints day-lighting and causing
and causing failure when unsupported. Papua New Guinea. failure when unsupported. Papua New Guinea.

N. Bar, N. Barton

Table 6 Environmental and geological condition number

Jawice Desert environment Wet environment Tropical storms Ice wedging

Stable structure; competent rock 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.9

Stable structure; incompetent rock 0.7 0.6 0.3 0.5
Unstable structure; competent rock 0.8 0.5 0.1 0.3
Unstable structure; incompetent rock 0.5 0.3 0.05 0.2
When drainage measures are installed, apply Jwice 9 1.5, when slope reinforcement measures are installed, apply Jwice 9 1.3, and when
drainage and reinforcement are installed, apply both factors Jwice 9 1.5 9 1.3

Table 7 SRFa physical condition

Description SRFa

A Slight loosening due to surface location, disturbance from blasting or excavation 2.5
B Loose blocks, signs of tension cracks and joint shearing, susceptibility to weathering, severe disturbance from blasting 5
C As B, but strong susceptibility to weathering 10
D Slope is in advanced stage of erosion and loosening due to periodic erosion by water and/or ice-wedging effects 15
E Residual slope with significant transport of material downslope 20

Table 8 SRFb stress and strength Figure 8 also includes larger slopes such as inter-ramp
slopes in opencast mines where geological units and rock
Description rc/ra1 SRFb
mass quality are uniform or very close to uniform across
F Moderate stress-strength range 50–200 2.5–1 the height of the slope.
G High stress-strength range 10–50 5–2.5 Equation 3 does not represent a specific factor of safety
H Localized intact rock failure 5–10 10–5 as would be obtained by undertaking numerical analyses.
J Crushing or plastic yield 2.5–5 15–10 Rather it represents the boundary of long-term stable slopes
K Plastic flow of strain softened material 1–2.5 20–15 based on observed performance, normally between
6 months and over 50 years. However, users may, if they
rc = unconfined compressive strength (UCS), r1 = maximum
principal stress
wish, additionally apply a factor of safety on the steepest
slope angle (b) not requiring reinforcement or support.
Considering only the failed and quasi-stable slopes, both
• Squares indicate quasi-stable slopes (more than likely
of which are undesirable or unwanted events, the proba-
to collapse soon with rainfall or weathering effects).
bility of failure (PoF) was calculated and is displayed using
Visible signs of slope instability such as tension cracks,
iso-potential lines in Fig. 9. The authors acknowledge that
dislocation, or deformation by means of monitoring
these iso-potential lines are one possible interpretation of
(survey prisms or surface extensometers) are being
the data and that other similar interpretations are also
continuously observed.
possible. If certain degrees of failure are accepted, such as
• Crosses indicate failed or collapsed slopes that have
percentages of individual benches in opencast mines, then
been back-analyzed using known pre-failure geometries
the following equations can be derived:
and ground conditions.

Table 9 SRFc major discontinuity

SRFc Favorable Unfavorable Very Causing failure if
unfavorable unsupported

L Major discontinuity with little or no clay 1 2 4 8

M Major discontinuity with RQD100 = 0a due to clay and crushed 2 4 8 16
N Major discontinuity with RQD300 = 0b due to clay and crushed 4 8 12 24
a b
RQD100 = 1 m perpendicular sample of discontinuity, RQD300 = 3 m perpendicular sample of discontinuity

The Q-Slope Method for Rock Slope Engineering

Fig. 8 Q-slope data—412 case studies

PoF ¼ 1% : b ¼ 20 log10 Qslope þ 65 ð4Þ • Jwice = 0.8 (desert environment, competent rock but
unstable structure).
PoF ¼ 15% : b ¼ 20 log10 Qslope þ 67:5 ð5Þ
• SRFa = 2.5, SRFb = 1, SRFc = 1.

PoF ¼ 30% : b ¼ 20 log10 Qslope þ 70:5 ð6Þ
Based on the assigned ratings, Q-slope and b were

PoF ¼ 50% : b ¼ 20 log10 Qslope þ 73:5 ð7Þ estimated as follows:
95 1 0:8
Qslope ¼   0:25  ¼ 0:211:
12 3 2:5
4 Q-Slope Examples b ¼ 20 log10 ð0:211Þ þ 65 ¼ 51 :

Q-slope can be applied irrespective of rock strength, degree Q-slope suggests an angle of 51 would have resulted in
of fracturing, degree of weathering, etc. It also remains a stable slope. Given that the slope failed along a bedding
unchanged whether it is being used as a predictive or ret- plane dipping at approximately 50, the back-analysis is
rospective analysis. considered sensible.
Q-slope cannot be applied to soil masses, rock fill, or
landslide debris (Bar and Barton 2016). 4.2 Wedge Sliding

4.1 Planar Sliding A 30 m high slope was excavated at an angle of 65 and
failed shortly after. The wedge failure occurred in weak,
A 12 m high slope was excavated with a slope angle of 55 moderately weathered sandstone (rc = 35 MPa) as illus-
in very strong quartzite (rc [ 150 MPa). The outward trated in Fig. 10b. The following Q-slope ratings were
dipping bedding (*50) caused planar failure a few hours assigned during the back-analysis:
after excavation as illustrated in Fig. 10a. The following Q- • RQD = 40–50%
slope ratings were assigned during back-analysis: • Jn = 9
• RQD = 90–100% • Set A: Jr = 1, Ja = 4, O-factor = 0.5
• Jn = 12 • Set B: Jr = 3, Ja = 4, O-factor = 0.9
• Jr = 1, Ja = 3, O-factor = 0.25 (Set A only)

N. Bar, N. Barton

Fig. 9 Q-slope—probability of failure based on unwanted events (failed or quasi-stable slopes are both undesirable)

Fig. 10 a Plane failure in quartzite bench (slope height = 12 m) from a large opencast mine in Western Australia. b Wedge failure in sandstone
(slope height = 30 m). c Stable limestone slope in Serbia (slope height = 70 m)

The Q-Slope Method for Rock Slope Engineering

• Set C: Release plane or tension crack that did not saprolitic phyllite (rc = 1–2 MPa). Relic geologic struc-
contribute to the overall shear strength of the wedge. ture was clearly visible, even after excavation, and was
• Jwice = 1 (desert environment, competent rock, and quite favorably oriented. The following Q-slope ratings
generally stable structure where Set B has limited were assigned during back-analysis:
• RQD = 10% (minimum value)
• SRFa = 2.5 (slight loosening due to surface location),
• Jn = 6
SRFb = 2.5, SRFc = N/A.
• Jr = 2, Ja = 1, O-factor = 1 (Set A only)
Based on the assigned ratings, Q-slope and b were • Jwice = 0.6 (wet environment—incompetent rock and
estimated as follows: stable structure).
   • SRFa = N/A, SRFb = 7, SRFc = N/A (slope height of
55 1 3 1
Qslope ¼   0:5  0:9  ¼ 0:206: 5 m results in SRFb = 7).
9 4 4 2:5
b ¼ 20 log10 ð0:206Þ þ 65 ¼ 51 : Based on the assigned ratings, Q-slope and b were
estimated as follows:
Q-slope suggests an angle of 51 would have resulted in  
10 2 0:6
a stable slope (i.e., approximately 15 shallower than Qslope ¼   1:0  ¼ 0:095:
6 3 7
excavated and consistent with kinematic analysis).
b ¼ 20 log10 ð0:095Þ þ 65 ¼ 45 :
4.3 Steep Stable Slope
Q-slope suggests angles up to 45 would be stable for a
5 m high slope. In this instance, the slope was steepened to
A 70 m high slope has been stable for at least 70 years
45 while retaining the crest position. Further proposed
following road construction at an angle of approximately
earthworks required the slope height to be increased to
70 in strong limestone (rc = 70 MPa) as illustrated in
approximately 20 m. Since, the slope height has changed,
Fig. 10c. The following Q-slope ratings were assigned
Q-slope ratings as before were assigned, assuming ground
during back-analysis:
conditions will remain similar as excavation depths
• RQD = 90–100% (relatively uniform across entire increased:
slope measured at base and crest).
• SRFa = N/A, SRFb = 16, SRFc = N/A (slope height
• Jn = 9.
of 20 m results in SRFb = 16).
• Jr = 3, Ja = 3, O-factor = 1 (Set A only).
• Jwice = 0.9 (alpine environment—ice wedging and Based on the assigned ratings, Q-slope and b were
freeze–thaw in winter, competent rock and estimated as follows:
stable structure).  
10 2 0:6
• SRFa = N/A, SRFb = 3, SRFc = 1 (minor shears, Qslope ¼   1:0  ¼ 0:042:
6 3 16
favorably oriented).
b ¼ 20 log10 ð0:042Þ þ 65 ¼ 37 :
Based on the assigned ratings, Q-slope and b were
estimated as follows: Q-slope suggested the overall slope of 20 m in height
  could have a maximum angle of 37. This was supported
95 3 0:9
Qslope ¼   1:0  ¼ 3:167: by limit equilibrium analysis and a benched slope with an
9 3 3
overall angle of 35 was constructed as illustrated in
b ¼ 20 log10 ð3:167Þ þ 65 ¼ 75 : Fig. 11b.
Q-slope suggests angles up to 75 would be stable.
5 Discussion
4.4 Weak Rocks and Increasing Slope Heights
Engineering judgment is used in all empirical methods.
Residential subdivision earthworks cuttings in Far North
This is also true for Q-slope where the input parameters
Queensland often comprise weak weathered rocks and
may be, in some instances, open to interpretation in the
saprolites since excavations are usually relatively shallow
field. Some points to consider:
(Bar et al. 2016). Figure 11a is an example of such a slope
excavated 5 m high at an angle of 35 without any form of • When selecting input parameters for a slope face, local
geotechnical investigation or design. The slope comprised variability is almost certain. Adopting ranges of input
topsoil at the surface with the remainder being low strength parameters, where appropriate, is strongly

N. Bar, N. Barton

Fig. 11 a Preliminary saprolitic phyllite slope (height = 5 m) in a residential subdivision in Far North Queensland, Australia. b Final benched
slope (height = 15 m)

recommended (e.g., saying RQD ranges between 25 directions, depending on improved conditions in the
and 35% is encouraged rather than simply noting lower slope (normal case) or worsened conditions in the
RQD = 30%). case of a more jointed rock type at depth. The Jr/Ja ratio
• In the specific case of determining RQD from slope (and potential wedge formation) might well be more
faces, physically measuring RQD using a rod or tape as adverse for the higher slope since larger features may
described by Hutchinson and Diederichs (1996) is now be ‘sampled,’ possibly involving one or more
favored over visually ‘estimating’ or ‘guessing.’ This intersecting faults that did not influence the bench-scale
provides a similar estimation to core-based RQD. stability. A fifth and sometimes vitally important factor
• The use of strength reduction factors becomes ever is Jwice, because the larger slope height may be affected
more critical in weak materials and as slope heights by a less fully drawn down phreatic surface than the
increase. In both these instances, the stress and strength usually fully drained bench-scale slopes. Nevertheless,
factor (SRFb) has a tendency to dominate. Appropri- weather-related Jwice conditions will apply quite
ately estimating in situ stress in the slope is vitally strongly to the near-surface benches.
important. • On occasion, entirely unsupported cut rock slopes
• In contrast, for stronger materials or slopes of smaller appear to defy ‘common sense’ due to the degree by
heights, stability is often dictated by individual or sets which they exceed normal expectations of safety. Two
of geological structures or the presence of major faults cases in this category are illustrated in Fig. 12. The
(SRFc). Their mechanical characteristics and orienta- extreme steepness is of course possible principally
tions are likely to dictate stability. because of hard rock close to the surface and conve-
• As slope heights increase and slope angles are adjusted niently steep bedding planes and cross-joints. Never-
appropriately, even though the orientation of a geolog- theless, ‘normal’ civil engineering practice would have
ical structure does not physically change, it may suggested the fixing of mesh while forming the slopes.
become less and less favorable. For example, as slope Contrary arguments could be defended that loose
height is increased, the stress/strength factor (SRFb) blocks are best ‘flushed down’ by heavy rains, when
may reduce Q-slope and subsequently, the slope angle access should be limited.
(b). This reduction in slope angle may make a • Block-clearing by the occupants of successive vehicles,
geological structure that was initially considered to be both into and out of a hydropower site in Peru, where
unfavorable, now very unfavorable (e.g., a joint set sub- 200 km of hazardous roads separated opposite ends of a
parallel to the steeper slope may become undercut with 5 km-long headrace tunnel, and where several drivers
a shallower slope and therefore less favorable than were hospitalized, is fortunately the exception as
originally considered). regards defensible or indefensible access-road rock-
• A more generally applicable discussion of the effect of slope safety. An important advisory to those cutting
applying Q-slope to increasingly high slopes should wider roads in steep valleys (to aid heavy-equipment
include the advisory that the stress/strength factor transport) is that new slope instabilities are likely to be
(SRFb) may not be the only parameter affected by the caused which do not favor local communities, who
increased slope height. It is logical to expect that RQD have been promised ‘better roads.’ Application of Q-
and Jn could vary in either favorable or unfavorable slope could potentially benefit such situations.

The Q-Slope Method for Rock Slope Engineering

would always be preferred. For example, when dealing

with larger slopes (heights in excess of 50 m, or when
several stages of excavation are required), the increased
time-scale should permit more rigorous analyses to be
made, which are both warranted and advised. However,
engineers may sometimes need to respond at slope-con-
struction rates of many tens of meters per day, stretching to
hundreds of meters in the case of some large opencast
mining operations. In such cases, some quantifiable esti-
mates, with significant a posteriori case record supporting
evidence, may prove valuable because Q-slope is applica-
ble at low cost and is rather fast. More conventional,
analytical, and numerical methods for block and wedge
stability, though ‘fast,’ cannot reasonably be done while
accompanying new rock slope excavations on an hour-by-
hour basis, while stationed in the field. This is the actual
purpose of Q-slope and its relative simplicity.

Acknowledgments The authors sincerely thank Cameron Ryan

(Australia), Simon Thomas (Papua New Guinea), and Luis Jorda-
Bordehore (Spain) for their case study contributions.


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