Civ Ii - Obli 1-48
Civ Ii - Obli 1-48
Civ Ii - Obli 1-48
It is thus readily seen that an element of natural On February 10, 1940 spouses Patricio
obligation before it can be cognizable by the court Confesor and Jovita Villafuerte obtained an
is voluntary fulfillment by the obligor. Certainly agricultural loan from DBP, in the sum of
retention can be ordered but only after there has P2,000, as evidenced by a promissory note,
been voluntary performance. But here there has whereby they bound themselves jointly and
been no voluntary performance. In fact, the court severally to pay the account in ten (10) equal
cannot order the performance. yearly amortizations.
At this point, we would like to reiterate what we After ten years, the debt remained unpaid.
said in the case of Philippine Education Co. vs. CIR Confessor, now a Congressman, executed a
and the Union of Philippine Education Co., second promissory note acknowledging the
Employees (NUL) (92 Phil., 381; 48 Off. Gaz., loan and promising to pay the same before
5278) — June 15, 1961.
From the legal point of view a bonus is Still not having paid the obligation on the
not a demandable and enforceable specified date, the DBP filed a complaint
obligation. It is so when it is made a part against the spouses for the payment of the
of the wage or salary compensation. loan.
On December 15, 2003, the Office of the City In view of the foregoing, the Court found that
Prosecutor of Manila issued a Resolution petitioner is guilty of breach of contract when it
dismissing the criminal case for lack of probable unjustifiably refused to release respondents
cause. On September 10, 2004, respondents filed deposit despite demand. Having breached its
before the RTC of Manila a complaint for Breach contract with respondents, petitioner is liable for
of Obligation and Contract with Damages. damages.
In fact, it is significant to note that at the time Respondents, in turn, filed a Third-Party
petitioner issued the Hold Out order, the criminal Complaint against Galaxy Dvpt and Mgt Corp.
complaint had not yet been filed. Thus, (Galaxy), the agency contracted by FEU to provide
considering that respondent Rosales is not liable security services within its premises and Mariano
under any of the five sources of obligation, there D. Imperial (Imperial), Galaxy's President, to
was no legal basis for petitioner to issue the Hold indemnify them for whatever would be adjudged
Out order. in favor of petitioner, if any; and to pay attorney's
fees and cost of the suit. On the other hand, Galaxy
and Imperial filed a Fourth-Party Complaint
against AFP General Insurance.
'Par. 4. — Party of the Second Part (def endant) through the negligence of its per guard post.'
guards, af ter an inv estigation has been conducted by the Party of the First Part
(plaintif f ) wherein the Party of the Second Part has been duly represented shall
assume f ull responsibilities f or any loss or damages that may occur to any property 'Par. 5 — The party of the Second Part assumes the responsibility f or the proper
of the Party of the First Part f or which it is accountable, during the watch hours of perf ormance by the guards employ ed, of their duties and (shall) be solely
the Party of the Second Part, prov ided the same is reported to the Party of the responsible f or the acts done during their watch hours, the Party of the First Part
Second Part within twenty -f our (24) hours of the occurrence, except where such being specif ically released f rom any and all liabilities to the f ormer's employ ee or
loss or damage is due to force majeure, prov ided howev er that af ter the proper to the third parties arising f rom the acts or omissions done by the guard during
inv estigation to be made thereof that the guard on post is f ound negligent and that their tour of
duty .' ...
the amount of the loss shall not exceed ONE THOUSAND (P1,000.00) PESOS
After an evaluation of petitioner’s claim for the (2) Payment is made through mistake, and
second and third quarters of 2005, the court a quo not through liberality or some other cause.
partly granted the claim and ordered the issuance
of a tax credit certificate in favor of petitioner in Though the principle of solutio indebiti may be
the reduced amount of P27,170,123.36. applicable to some instances of claims for a
refund, the elements thereof are wanting in this
The parties filed their respective Motions for case.
Partial Reconsideration, which were both denied
by the CTA Division. First, there exists a binding relation between
petitioner and the CIR, the former being a
CTA en banc taxpayer obligated to pay VAT.
On appeal, relying on Commissioner of Internal
Revenue v. Aichi Forging Company of Asia, Inc. Second, the payment of input tax was not made
(Aichi), the CTA En Banc ruled that petitioner’s through mistake, since petitioner was legally
judicial claim for the first, second, and third obligated to pay for that liability. The entitlement
quarters of 2005 were belatedly filed. to a refund or credit of excess input tax is solely
based on the distinctive nature of the VAT system.
Issue: At the time of payment of the input VAT, the
amount paid was correct and proper.
Whether or not Solutio Indebiti will apply.
Finally, equity, which has been aptly described as
Ruling: "a justice outside legality," is applied only in the
absence of, and never against, statutory law or
No. Also devoid of merit is the applicability of the judicial rules of procedure. Section 112 is a
principle of solutio indebiti to the present case. positive rule that should preempt and prevail
According to this principle, if something is over all abstract arguments based only on equity.
received when there is no right to demand it, and Well-settled is the rule that tax refunds or credits,
it was unduly delivered through mistake, the just like tax exemptions, are strictly construed
obligation to return it arises. In that situation, a against the taxpayer. The burden is on the
creditor-debtor relationship is created under a taxpayer to show strict compliance with the
quasi-contract, whereby the payor becomes the conditions for the grant of the tax refund or credit.
creditor who then has the right to demand the
return of payment made by mistake, and the
person who has no right to receive the payment
becomes obligated to return it. The quasi- Case No. 14
contract of solutio indebiti is based on the ancient CANGCO vs. MRR
principle that no one shall enrich oneself unjustly 38 Phil 768
at the expense of another.
The petition is granted. The Decision of the Court ISSUE: Whether a creditor is barred by
of Appeals was reversed and set aside. The prescription in his attempted to collect on a
decisions of the Regional Trial Court of Makati, as promissory note executed more than 15 years
well as the decision of the Metropolitan Trial earlier.
Court of Makati City against the spouses
Bienvenido and Editha Broqueza, were affirmed. RULING: Yes.
Based on the evidence presented, the only
CASE No. 17 argument that merits the attention of the Court is
PAY VS PALANCA that of prescription. As noted by NCC 1179, any
Nature: Action for a sum of money based on a obligation that does not depend on a future or
promissory note uncertain event, or upon a past event unknown to
Ponente: Fernando the parties is demandable at once.
Date: June 28, 1974 As the obligation was due and demandable, the
filing of the suit after 15 years was much too late.
DOCTRINE: An obligation that does not depend The Civil Code additionally states that the
on a future or uncertain event, or upon a past prescriptive period of a written contract is 10
event unknown to the parties, is demandable at years.
once. The filing of an action only 15 years after is
too late to enforce.
Case No. 18
Relevant Provision of Law: SMITH BELL & CO., LTD. VS. VICENTE SOTELO
NCC 1179. Every obligation whose performance MATTI
does not depend upon a future or uncertain event, G.R. NO. L-16570, MARCH 9, 1922
or upon a past event unknown to the parties, is FACTS:
demandable at once Smith Bell & Co., Ltd., (Smith Bell) and Mr. Vicente
George Pay is a creditor of the late Justo Palanca. Sotelo (Sotelo) entered into contracts whereby
Pay‘s claim is based on a promissory noted dated Smith Bell obligated itself to sell and Sotelo to
January 30, 1952, wherein Justo Palanca and Rosa purchase from it the following: a.) 2 steel tanks for
Palanca promised to pay the amount of total price of P21, 000.00 to be shipped from New
Php26,900.00. Pay comes to the court seeking York and delivered at Manila within 3 or 4
that Segunda, the widow, be appointed as the months; b.) 2 expellers for P25, 000.00 per piece
administratrix under the belief that once a certain to be shipped from San Francisco in the month of
parcel of land is under her administration, Pay, as September 1918 or as soon as possible; and c.) 2
the creditor, could seek his claim against the Electric motors for P2, 000.00 per piece
administratrix. approximate delivery within 90days - this is not
Palanca denies stating that she had refused to be guaranteed. The tanks arrived in Manila on April
appointed as the administratrix, that the property 27, 1919, expellers on October 26, 1918 and the
no longer belonged to the deceased, and that the motors on February 27, 1919. Smith Bell brought
rights of Pay on the instrument had already a suit against Sotelo based on 4 separate causes of
prescribe; the note had been executed 15 years action alleging among other facts, that
prior. immediately notified Sotelo of the arrival of the
goods and asked instructions from him as to the
The courts shall also fix the duration of the period The Co spouses went to court to ask for the
when it depends upon the will of the debtor. renewal of the lease contract at P700 for 10 years.
The CFI ruled on their behalf. The lower court
In every case, the courts shall determine such judge interpreted paragraph 13 to mean that
period as may under the circumstances have been since the original lease was fixed for five years, it
probably contemplated by the parties. Once fixed follows, therefore, that the lease contract is
by the courts, the period cannot be changed by renewable for another five.
FACTS: WON the lease was renewed.
This is a petition for certiorari, prohibition and RULING: No.
mandamus to review the order of the Court of The lease contract (paragraph 13) can only mean
First Instance of Abra. that the lessor and lessee may agree to renew the
contract upon their reaching agreement on the
On June 17, 1975, a five year contract was terms and conditions. Failure to reach agreement
executed between petitioner Pacifica Millare as will of course prevent the contract from being
lessor and private respondent Elsa Co, married to renewed at all. In the instant case, the lessor and
Antonio Co, as lessee. Under the written the lessee conspicuously failed to reach
Case No. 31 The lower court ordered the defendants and the
Bachrach Motor Co. v. Espiritu intervenor to pay plaintiff in case 28497 the sum
52 PHIL 346 of P7,732.09 with interest at the rate of 12 per
Kinds of Obligations – As to presence of an cent per annum from May 1, 1926 until fully paid,
accessory undertaking in case of breach and 25 per cent thereof in addition as penalty. In
case 28498, the trial court ordered the defendant
FACTS: This is a consolidated case (Cases no. and the intervenor to pay plaintiff the sum of
28497 and 28948) involving two separate sale P4,208.28 with interest at 12 per cent per annum
transactions. One made in Feb. 18, 1925 (case from December 1, 1925 until fully paid, and 25
28498), when the defendant earlier bought a per cent thereon as penalty.
truck on installment from the petitioner and said
truck was mortgaged together with the two The appellants contend that trucks 77197 and
others (no. 77197 & 92744 in the the subsequent 92744 were not mortgaged, because, when the
sale transaction dated July 28, 1925. The said two defendant signed the mortgage deeds these
of the other trucks were also purchased (but trucks were not included in those documents, and
already paid previously) from the plaintiff. The were only put in later, without defendant's
Plaintiff Engineering Construction, Inc. (ECI) was As we have ruled in Juan F. Nakpil & Sons v. Court
to construct a Tunnel and several structures in of Appeals:
Norzagaray, Bulacan. The project was to be
accomplished in 2 major phases. The first phase Thus, if upon the happening of a fortuitous event
being completed, namely, the tunnel excavation or an act of God, there concurs a corresponding
work. All the equipment no longer needed were fraud, negligence, delay or violation or
transferred to the Ipo Site where the Dam of the contravention in any manner of the tenor of the
defendant is located. On November 1967, obligation as provided for in Article 1170 of the
typhoon “Welming” hit Central Luzon. Due to the Civil Code, which results in loss or damage, the
heavy downpour, the water in the reservoir of the obligor cannot escape liability.
Angat Hydro-Electric Project and Dam was rising The principle embodied in the act of God doctrine
perilously at the rate of 60 centimeters per hour. strictly requires that the act must be one
To prevent an overflow of water, since the water occasioned exclusively by the violence of nature
reached a danger height of 212 meters above sea and human agencies are to be excluded from
level, the defendant caused the opening of the creating or entering into the cause of the mischief.
spillway gates. As a result of which, the plaintiffs When the effect, the cause of which is to be
stockpile of materials and supplies were washed considered, is found to be in part the result of the
away, lost or destroyed. participation of man, whether it be from active
intervention or neglect, or failure to act, the whole
The appelate court held the defendant NPC liable occurrence is thereby humanized, as it was, and
for damages because of negligence. It failed to removed from the rules applicable to the acts of
exercise extraordinary care in the opening of the God.
spillway gates. The maintainers of the dam knew Thus, it has been held that when the negligence of
very well that it was safer to open the gates a person concurs with an act of God in producing
a loss, such person is not exempt from liability by