- designation of an heir is not essential for the This element consists of the:
validity of a will; what is essential is that the succession
must be effected through the testators will executed in a. Decedent - whether or not he left a will
the form prescribed by law
- that which is effected by operation of law in default b. Persons who are called to succeed such decedent by
of a will; hence when the decedent even made a will but will or by operation of law such as the: (Art. 782)
not in accordance with the formalities prescribed by law,
his presumed will as provided by law shall govern the
distribution of his hereditary estate after his death
i. Heirs - the person called to the whole or to
an aliquot portion of the inheritance either
by will is called the voluntary heir and the
3. Mixed Succession (Art. 780) compulsory heir is the one who succeeds,
- based on the will and rules on legal succession by operation of law, to a portion of the
testator’s estate known as the legitime
- partly by will and partly by operation of law;
testamentary succession shall take place with respect to
that part of his property which he has disposed of in his 2 parts: Disposable free portion over which the testator
will, while legal succession shall take place with respect has absolute testamentary control and which may be
to that part which he has not disposed of. disposed of by his will and the Legal portion of legitime
over which the testator has no testamentary control
because the law has already reserved it for complusory
4. Compulsory Succession heirs hence cannot be disposed of by his will in favor of
any other person
ii. Devisee - is a person to whom a gift of 3. All of the property and rights which may have
specific real property is given by virtue of accrued to the hereditary estate since the opening of
a will the succession - righst arising from obligations or rights
of obligation whether or not contractual or generally
iii. Legatee - is a person to whom a gift of transmissible except by nature, by agreement or by law
specific personal property is given by are instransmissible.
virtue of a will
Are all legal or intestate heirs, compulsory heirs? No. Art. 1311
Are all compulsory heirs, legal or intestate heirs? Yes. GR: Contractual Obligations are transmissible
The State is considered legal or intestate heirs? E: If the rights and obligations arising from the
contractual obligations are purely personal (legal support)
or by operation of law (Art. 1830 whereby death
2. Objective Element of Succession extinguishes partnership) or by stipulation
Article 776. The inheritance includes all the property, Estate of Hemady vs Luzon Surety (1956)
rights and obligations of a person which are not
extinguished by his death. Generally, contractual rights and obligations are
transmissible to the successors
Article 781. The inheritance of a person includes not only
the property and the transmissible rights and obligations In this case, The contracts of suretyship entered into by
existing at the time of his death but also those which Hemady in favor of Luzon Surety not being rendered
have accrued thereto since the opening of the intransmissible due to the nature of the undertaking, nor
succession. by stipulations of the contracts themselves, nor by
provisions of law, his eventual liability thereunder
necessarily passed upon his death to his heirs. The
contracts therefore give rise to contingent claims
This element is known as the Inheritance which
provable against his estate. The reimbursement is a
payment of a sum of money resulting from an obligation
to give.
A probate court has the jurisdiction to determine all the unless expressly authorized by law as provided under Art.
properties of the deceased, to determine whether they 1347
should or should not be included in the inventory or list of
properties to be administered. Therefore, filing of a - Presumption of death under Arts. 390 and 391
money claim against the decedent’s estate in the probate applies:
court within the time limited in notice is mandatory Art. 390. After an absence of seven years, it being
otherwise they are barred forever (in accordance with unknown whether or not the absentee still lives, he shall
Section 5, Rule 86). As petitioner failed to file its money be presumed dead for all purposes, except for those of
claim with the probate court, it may only go after Edmund succession.
(son of respondent) as co-maker of the decedent under
the promissory notes and continuing guaranty. The absentee shall not be presumed dead for the
purpose of opening his succession till after an absence
of ten years. If he disappeared after the age of
* Monetary obligations of the decedent can only be seventy-five years, an absence of five years shall be
charged against his estate and not against his heirs. sufficient in order that his succession may be opened.
It must be noted that the claims or obligations which can
be charged against the estate of the decedent after his Art. 391. The following shall be presumed dead for all
death are only those contracted by the decedent himself purposes, including the division of the estate among the
during his lifetime and not those contracted by his heirs. heirs:
Doctrine of general transmissibility of the rights and (2) A person in the armed forces who has taken part in
obligations of the deceased to his legitimate children and war, and has been missing for four years;
heirs upon the former’s death - Petitioners being the
heirs of the Late Rosendo Alvarez, they cannot escape (3) A person who has been in danger of death under
the legal consequences of their father’s transaction, other circumstances and his existence has not been
which gave rise to the present claim for damages. The known for four years.
hereditary assets are always liable in their totality for the
payment of the debts of the estate. Uson vs. Del Rosario ( 1953)
*No succession shall be declared unless and until a Future inheritance cannot be subject of a contract nor
liquidation of the assets and debts left by the decedent can it be renounced
shall have been made and all his creditors fully paid.
Retroactivity of the NCC cannot prejudice vested rights
Until a final liquidation is made and all debts are paid,
acquired under Old CC
the right of the heirs to inherit remains inchoate.
Nevertheless, this will not affect the principle that the
rights to the succession are transmitted at the moment of
the death of the decedent. Borja vs. Vda de Borja ((1972)
Construction of Wills - intention and purpose of the 2. If the change is after the execution and before death of
testator is controlling testator
Interpretation in case of doubt - the interpretation by E: Expressly provided or is necessarily implied from the
which the disposition is to be operative shall be preferred; language used therein (this is not a violation of
that construction which will sustain and uphold the will in Constitutional prohibition because statute is enacted
all its parts (Art. 788) before death of the testator hence no rights vested yet in
the persons called to the inheritance)
GR: Property acquired during the interval between the Article 796. All persons who are not expressly prohibited
execution of the will and the death of the testator are not by law may make a will.
included among the properties disposed of
- This rule is only applicable to devises and legacies (Art. 1. Persons below 18 (Art. 797)
2. Persons with unsound mind (Art. 798)
- Hence absolute soundness of mind and memory is not It is incumbent upon those who oppose the probate of a
essential in order that a person can make a will. will to clearly establish that the decedent was in unsound
mind at the time of the execution of the will.
b) By third person writing the testator’s name by 6. All the pages must be numbered correlatively in letters
the latter’s express direction and in his and placed on the upper part of each page
7. Must contain attestation clause
2. Attested and subscribed by three or more credible
witnesses inthe presence of the testator and of one 8. Must be acknowledged before a notary public by the
another testator and witnesses
b) Instrumental witnesses
4. All the pages are numbered correlatively in letters A complete signature is not essential to the validity of the
placed on the upper part of each page will provided the part of the name written was affixed to
the instrument with intent to execute it as a will
2. If the attestation clause is in a language not known to Another Must be the name of the testator, in his
the witnesses, it shall 3. Number of pages presence, by his expressed direction and
should be stated in the attestation clause
3. Fact that the instrumental witnesses have witnessed
and signed the will and all the pages thereof in the
presence of the testator and of one another
Payad vs. Tolentino (1936)
1. Must be acknowledged before the notary public by the Garcia vs. Lacuesta (1951)
testator and the witnesses
It was not shown that the cross is the usual signature of
the testator. A cross cannot and does not have the
trustworthiness of a thumbmark.
1. In writing
Place of signature: At the foot or end of the will
2. Written in a language known to the testator
The position of the signature at the end of the will
3. Subscribed at the end thereof by the testator himself furnishes in itself internal evidence of finality or
or the person requested by him in his presence and by completion of intent.
his express direction
“The true test of presence of the testator and the (The will was not numbered and not signed on the left
witnesses in the execution of wills is not whether they margin)
actually saw each other sign, but whether they might
have seen each other sign, had they chosen to do so, In a will consisting two sheets the first of which contains
considering their mental and physical condition and the testamentary dispositions and is signed at the bottom
position with relation to each other at the moment of by the testator and 3 witnesses and the second contains
inscription of each signature.” only the attestation clause and is signed also at the
bottom by the 3 witnesses, it is not necessary that both
sheets be further signed on their margins by the testator
and the witnesses, or be paged.
No order of signing by the testator or by
instrumental witnesses is required as long as each
signed in the presence of each other is sufficient (Gordon
v. Parker) Azuela vs. CA (2006)
With respect to the validity, it is unimportant whether the - A will whose attestation clause is not signed by the
person who writes the name of the testatrix signs his own witnesses is fatally defective.
or not. It is immaterial who writes the name of the
testatrix provided it is written at her request and in her - A will which does not contain an acknowledgment but a
presence of all the witnesses to the execution of the will. mere jurat, is fatally defective.
1. To prevent fraud GR: Failure of the attestation clause to state the number
of pages on which the will was written is a fatal defect
2. To avoid substitution
E: If the will states elsewhere in it how many pages it is
3. To guarantee the truth and authenticity of the will comprised of (Caneda vs. CA)
Exception to the rule that it should be signed on the Caneda vs. CA (1993)
left margin:
While it appears that the testator have signed the will and
1. In the last page, when the will consists of two or more all its pages in the presence of the instrumental
pages witnesses as well as state the number of pages that were
used, what is lacking in the attestation clause is the
2. When the will consists of only one page statement that, the witnesses signed the will and every
3. When the will consists of two pages (Abangan v. page thereof in the presence of the testator and of one
Abangan) another. Absence of such is a fatal defect which must
necessarily result in the disallowance of the will.
sufficiency of execution, the capacity of the testatrix, the Doctrine of Liberal Interpretation
absence of undue influence, and the like.
b) Once by the notary public before whom the will Cagro vs. Cagro (1953)
is acknowledged
The attestation clause is a memorandum of the facts
attending the execution of the will required by law to be
made by the attesting witnesses, and it must necessarily
Garcia vs. Vasquez (1970)
bear their signatures. An unsigned attestation clause
The testatrix executed 2 wills; one in 1956 consisting of cannot be considered as an act of the witnesses,
12 pages written in Spanish which is a language she since the omission of their signatures at the bottom
knew and spoke, witnessed by 3 persons and thereof negatives their participation.
acknowledged before a notary public and the other one
was in 1960 consisting of 1 page written in Tagalog, had
3 witnesses and acknowledged before a notary public. Notarial Acknowledgement - mandatory (applicable
The latter will was said to have been read “silently” by the only to ordinary wills)
testatrix before she signed it. The eyesight of the testatrix
in 1960 was already poor and defective that she could
not have read the provisions of the will. As declared by
Article 806. Every will must be acknowledged before a
her opthalmologist, although her left eye was operated
notary public by the testator and the witnesses. The
she can only see forms not read while her right eye can
notary public shall not be required to retain copy of the
only see distant objects; her vision remained mainly for
will, or file another with the office of the Clerk of Court.
viewing distant objects and not for reading fine print.
Thus, for all intents and purpose of the rules on probate,
the deceased testatrix was not unlike a blind testator and
the due execution of the will would have require the Cruz vs. Villasor (1973)
observation of Article 808. Atty. Angel Teves was one of the attesting witnesses and
acted as an acknowledging witness. The Court ruled that
4. If made CONTEMPORANEOUS to the execution of reason that nothing remains in the Will after that which
the will, the will is void because it is not entirely written could remain valid.
by the hand of the testator.
the compulsory presentation of 3 witnesses to identify by the law of the country in which he may be. Such will
the handwriting of the testator. may be probated in the Philippines.
their joint probate. The law prohibits joint execution not 4. Below 18
joint probate.
5. Any person who is blind, deaf or dumb
1. By implication of law; or
As regards revocation by codicil: if revocation is partial, it presence. The intention of revoking the will is manifest.
will have the effect of republishing the will as of the date (animo revocandi)
of the codicil with respect to all parts not revoked but if
the revocation is total, there is no republication.
Maloto vs. CA (1988)
As regards revocation by nontestamentary writing, it is It is clear that the physical act of destruction of a will, like
not essential that the writing should contain any burning in this case does not per se constitute an
affirmative disposition of property. effective revocation, unless the destruction is coupled
with animus revocandi on the part of the testator. Animus
revocandi is only one of the necessary elements for the
effective revocation of the last will and testament. The
Implied: when the provisions of the subsequent will or intention to revoke must be accompanied by the overt
codicil are partially or absolutely inconsistent with those physical act of burning, tearing, obliterating or cancelling
of the previous will the will carried out by the testator or by another person in
his presence by his express direction. These
requirements were not proven in this case. It was not
Article 831.Subsequent will which do not revoke the established that the document burned by the maid of the
previous ones in an express manner, annul only such testator is actual will made by the latter, in his presence
dispositions in the prior wills as are inconsistent with or and by his express direction.
contrary to those contained in the later wills.
Presumption of Revocation:
3. By burning, tearing, canceling or obliterating the
will with the intention of revoking it, by the testator 1. Where the will cannot be found following the death of
himself, or by some other person in his presence, the testator and it was shown that it was in the testator’s
and by his express direction. If burned, torn, possession when last seen, the presumption is, in the
cancelled, or obliterated by some other person, absence of other evidence, that he must have destroyed
without the express direction of the testator, the will it animo revocandi (Gago vs. Mamuyac)
may still be established, and the estate distributed in 2. Where the will cannot be found following the death ot
accordance therewith, if its contents, and due the testator and it is shown that the testator had ready
execution and the fact of its unauthorized access to it, the presumption is, in the absence of other
destruction, cancellation, or obliteration are evidence, that he must have destroyed it animo
established according to the Rules of Court. revocandi
the testator who has not sufficient mental capacity to Article 837. If after making a will, the testator makes a
make a will is procured through undue influence, of the second will expressly revoking the first, the revocation of
such, in other words, where the second will is really no the second will does not revive the first will, which can be
will, it does not revoked the first will or affect it in any revived only by another will or codicil.
manner. (Doctrine of Conditional or dependent relative
revocation applies)
- The only way by which a previously revoked will may be
revived is through another will or codicil hence, the
Revocation by Mistake (Art. 833) testator will have to make another will or codicil either
reproducing the contents of the revoked will or
Where a testator by a codicil or later will revokes a incorporating thereto such revoked will be reference in
devise or legacy in his will, expressly grounding such accordance with Art. 837
revocation on the assumption of a fact which turns out to
be false, the revocation does not take effect.
REPUBLICATION OF WILLS - either express or Necessity of Probate (Art. 833 par. 1): MANDATORY - It
constructive revocation is within the jurisdiction of a probate court to approve the
sale of property of a deceased person by his prospective
heirs or administrator before final adjudication otherwise,
such sale is null and void and title does not pass to the
Express purchaser.
Article 835. The testator cannot republish, without
reproducing in a subsequent will, the dispositions
contained in a previous one which is void as to its form. Guevara vs. Guevara
“Even if the decedent left no debts and nobody raises
any question to the authenticity and due execution of the
- It is express if the testator reproduces in a subsequent will, none of the heirs may sue for the partition of the
will the dispositions in a previous one which is void as to estate in accordance with that will without first securing
its form. its allowance or probate by the court, first, because the
law expressly provides that no will shall pass either real
- Its purposes is to cure the will of its formal defects or personal estate unless it is proved and allowed in the
proper court. Second, because the probate of a will,
which is a proceeding in rem, cannot be dispensed with
and substituted by any other proceeding, judicial or
Constructive extrajudicial, without offending against public policy
Article 836. The execution of a codicil referring to a designed to effectuate the testator’s rights to dispose of
his property by will in accordance with law and to protect
previous will has the effect of republishing the will as
the rights of the heirs and legatees under the will and to
modified by the codicil.
protect the rights of the heirs and legatees under the will
thru the means provided by the law.”
no effect and cannot be the basis of any claim of the right available to prove the voluntariness of his actions, aside
of possession. from the fact that the transfer of the estate is usually
onerous in nature and that no one is presumed to give
Statute of limitations is not applicable to the probate - Nemo praesumitur donare. No intestate distribution of
of wills because such proceedings are not established in the estate can be done until and unless the will had failed
the interest of the surviving heirs but primarily for the to pass both its extrinsic and intrinsic validity. If the will is
protection of the testator’s expressed wishes. extrinsically void, the rules of intestacy apply regardless
of the intrinsic validity thereof. If it is extrinsically valid,
the next test is to determine its intrinsic validity that is
Questions Determinable by the Probate Court: ICE whether the provisions of the will are valid according to
the laws of succession. In this case, the court had ruled
1. WON the instrument which is offered for probate is the that the will of Alejandro was extrinsically valid but the
last will and testament of the decedent (question of intrinsic provisions thereof were void. Thus, the rules of
identity) intestacy apply as correctly held by the trial court.
2. WON the testator had testamentary capacity at the WHEN PROBATE COMMENCED (Art. 838 par. 2)
time of the execution of the will (question of capacity)
1. Probate ante mortem / During the testator lifetime -
3. WON the will has been executed in accordance with testator himself files the petition for probate
the formalities prescribed by law (question of due
execution) 2. Probate post mortem / After his death - it is any person
interested in the estate who files
E: Given the exceptional circumstances (the will is - The pertinent provisions of the Rules of Court for the
intrinsically void), the probate court is not powerless to allowance of wills after the testators death shall govern ,
do what the situation constrains it to do and pass upon whether the will is presented during testator’s lifetime or
certain provisions of the will (Nepomuceno vs CA, where after his death (Art. 838 par. 2)
the probate court declared the donation void under Arts.
739 and 1028 as having been made between persons - The Supreme Court shall formulate additional Rules as
who are guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time of may be necessary (Art. 838 par. 3; see Art 811)
the execution of the will)
It should be noted that probate proceedings deals - not subject to collateral attack; it stands as final if not
generally with the extrinsic validity of the will sought to be modified, set aside or revoked by a direct proceeding
probated, particularly on three aspects: whether the will
submitted is indeed, the decedents last will and
testament; compliance with the prescribed formalities for Gallanosa v. Arcangel
the execution of wills; the testamentary capacity of the
testator; and the due execution of the last will and The decree of probate is conclusive as to the due
testament. Under the Civil Code, due execution includes execution or formal validity of the will. That means that
a determination of whether the testator was of sound and the testator was of sound and disposing mind at the time
disposing mind at the time of its execution, that he had he executed the will and was not acting under duress,
freely executed the will and was not acting under duress, menace, fraud, or undue influence; that the will was
fraud, menace or undue influence and that the will is signed by him in the presence of the required number of
genuine and not a forgery, that he was of the proper witnesses, and that the will is genuine. Accordingly,
testamentary age and that he is a person not expressly these facts cannot again be questioned in a subsequent
prohibited by law from making a will. proceeding, not even in a criminal action for the forgery
of the will. After the finality of the allowance of a will, the
The intrinsic validity is another matter and questions issue as to the voluntariness of its execution cannot be
regarding the same may still be raised even after the will raised anymore. The SC also held that the decree
has been authenticated. Thus, it does not necessarily of adjudication, having rendered in a proceeding in rem,
follow that an extrinsically valid last will and testament is is binding upon the whole world.
always intrinsically valid. It can be clearly inferred from
Article 960 of the Civil Code, on the law of successional Manahan vs Manahan
rights that testacy is preferred to intestacy. But before Once a will has been authenticated and admitted to
there could be testate distribution, the will must pass the probate, questions relative to the validity thereof can no
scrutinizing test and safeguards provided by law more be raised on appeal. The decree of probate is
considering that the deceased testator is no longer conclusive with respect to the due execution thereof and
it cannot impugned on any of the grounds authorized by - To establish undue influence it must be shown that the
law, except that of fraud, in any separate or independent influence exerted upon the testator was such as to
action or proceedings. amount to force, coercion, or importunities which he
could not resist.
When allowance may be set aside:
1. If the formalities required by law have not been 6. If the testator acted by mistake or did not intend
complied with that the instrument he signed should be his will at
the time of affixing his signature thereto
- Chapter 2, Subsection 3
- Mistake which will invalidate a will is a mistake as to the
2. If the testator was insane, or otherwise mentally identity or character of the instrument which he signed,
incapable of making a will, at the time of execution as well as a mistake as to the contents of the will itself.