Solemnity of Body and Blood of Christ

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus,

Today we Celebrate the Solemnity of the most holy body and blood of jesus Christ.

You and may wonder why we need a solemnity of the most holy body and blood of our Lord Jesus?

Isn’t it everttine we celebrate the Holy Eucharist we are actually celebrating the body and blood of
our Lord Jesus Christ.

Morever one every year on Maundy Thursday we celebrate the institution of Holy Eucharist ,
celebrating the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then why we need a seprate feast to
declared as solemniy of the Most holy body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Let me give you a brief background of the origin of this feast. This will help us to clarify what does
this feast emphaisez about and what does in emphasis.

In the year 1263 a certain priest in Italy was doubting in His priestly vocation. In such a crises while
he was offering the Hoy /mass during the prayer consecatio the bread turned into flesh and wine
into blood and it was visible to all the people present in the Church. A year later in the year 1264
Pope Urban the IV declared the solemnity of the most holy body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
There was numerous other instance of Eucharistic miracles. Well I don’t prefer to call it Eucharistic
miracle because Eucharist is greatest miracle in itself that when a Priest offers the the bread and
wine it becomes the body and blood of Christ. Yes the manifestation of this miracle can take place in
different way, in various time and place according to the will of God. These manifestions are to
emphasise that the Eucharistic Lord is truly and really present in the blessed sacrament. These
manifestations do happen in our times too. I remember few years ago listening to a Nun from
Jalandhar on her experience of the Holy Eucharsit. When she used that in the Church people take
part in the Eucharistic half- hearted, distracted, showing no reverene to the Eucharistic, she often
used to get troubled. She started praying to the Lord in the blessed sacrament, telling Lord to reveal
his presence in the blessed sacrament. That people may witness through their naked eyes that truly
is the body and blood of Christ. One morning she came to the chapel for the Adoration of the
Eucharaistic Lord. As she bowed head and lifted her eyes to the Eucharistic Lord, there in the
monstrance she saw a live human heart beating/ throbbing. She was in tears and but she looked
around she noticed where not see what she was witnessing now. Next day morning, during the
Holy Mass, what she saw that the as the Priest consecrated the bread, it has turned to the live
human heart and it was still throbbing as it laid on the palette, the wined has turned into blood. She
wanted to cry out to the Lord, but again she realised that this manifestation was only visible to her.
She came forward to receive the holy communion, there in the ciborium she saw not the little hosts
but the little live human hearts, still beating. Priest placed a little heart on her tongue, she was in
tears. It was very painful experience it was very difficult to consume the holy communion. Every day
she came for the holy mass she witnessing this miracle. A weak later this manifestation ceased. Just
imagine today as you walk up to receive the holy communion, and as priest gives the holy
communion on your tongue it changes into flesh, what would be your response. Thank God that our
hides is real presence in the Eucharist so that we can receive him.

These manifestations express the real presence of our Lord in the Eucharist.

This earlier was known as the Corpus Christi, later on it came to be called as the body and blood of
Jesus. Dear brothers and sisters, blood is considered sacred in the Jewish belief, blood had life. In
todays reading the one key concepts that stands out is the covenant and selfless- selfgiving.
People in the OT times made covenants. Infact in their words then it was called the cutting of the
covenant. This means that when two parties came close to each other to make covenant the cut the
palm of their hands and allow to bleed and then they shook hand allowing the blood to mingle. This
meant that they become brothers in blood. If any party breaks the covenant, will cost his life.

Todays first reading we find Moses making covenant with God. Where do we blood of God. We read
that he offers young bulls as sacrifice and blood is collected. Half portion he throws on the altar.
Then he read the commandment and then half portion he throws on the people.

In the second reading which is taken from the letter to Hebrews, we hear God in Jesus through his
blood making covenant with us. He reconciles with the father. The greatest act of love.

In today’s Gospel we read Jesus gathering his disciples around at the last supper and making a
covenant, an eternal covenant. In other last supper narrative, we hear Jesus saying do this in
Memory of me. The word memory used here is not to be understood as speak about memory of
some past celebration, Birthday celebration or wedding celebration. And we refresh our memory
going through photo albums. Infact the Greek used here is “ memoria” memoria means reliving the
event. Everytime we partake the holy Eucharist we are not remembering some event occurred in the
past, but in fact we are reliving the mystery which is occurring right now before us. This means to
say that every Eucharist is absolutely the very same sacrifice of the Calary. The sacrifice is really
taking place.

We apply this

1. Today as we come forward to receive the Holy communion pray that we grow in awareness
as we are his heart. As the priest places the communion on our tongue let us become aware
of it. When he says the body of Christ. Let your Amen be heard as AMEN.
2. I am happy to many of you are for the Holy Eucharis. Many of you are regular for Sunday
Masses. Can we go one step further, say if you are not regular for holy Masses can we from
today become regular. Say if we are regular for Sunday Mass can we take time out to attend
the Saturday and be regular. Can we atleast in this week attend one morning Mass. We have
::masses in both the convents. At CJM, these days is it at 7:00 Am and at missionary Charity
at 6:00
3. As we come for Mass become aware we going to witness “ the miracle”, the greatest miracle
on this earth. Prepare as you come for the Mass, say Rosary, or decade of Rosary, as you are
from home to Church, say a small pray asking Lord to prepare you. Reach say atleast five
minutes before the holy Mass, spent time thanking God for the opportunity he has given you
to witness this greatest mystery.

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