TQM and Knowledge Management: Literature Review and Proposed Framework
TQM and Knowledge Management: Literature Review and Proposed Framework
TQM and Knowledge Management: Literature Review and Proposed Framework
This research study seeks to come up with a conceptual framework that investigates the different
dimensions of total quality management (TQM) and its effects on knowledge management (KM). This is
to help build a theoretical framework of TQM and its dimensions, which mainly consists of leadership,
strategic planning, information and analysis, process management, human resource focus and
customer focus. These constructs are rooted in the work of Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
(MBNQA). To build the conceptual framework, the background of TQM and Knowledge Management
theory served as a good starting point. The current research study is based on the complete
assessment of present literatures, the six constructs of TQM and the three elements of knowledge
acquisition, knowledge application and knowledge dissemination. This paper serves as a guide to
senior management, who seeks to improve their company’s organizational knowledge management
activities through the execution of TQM practices, in which the TQM practices support their company’s
knowledge management efforts. Furthermore, the conceptual model serves as a benchmark for
practitioners to execute their TQM programmes more effectively and efficiently in their own respective
firms. This paper seeks to close the gap on the existing literature, by giving guidance to the senior
management of TQM companies that aspires to discover the competency of knowledge management.
By developing a deeper understanding of the relationship between TQM practices and knowledge
management, senior management can thus focus their efforts on the practices that ensure the firms’
ability to establish a competitive knowledge management capability.
Key words: Total quality management, knowledge management, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
Paper type: Conceptual paper
For the past two centuries, the introduction of Total plays a vital role in giving firms a sustainable competitive
Quality Management (TQM) on both practical and edge when it is implemented successfully (Prajogo and
theoretical levels have played an important role on the Sohal, 2004). Examples quoted by previous researchers
growth of management practices (Bayo-Moriones and in their studies have emphasized how through the imple-
Merino-Diaz, 2001; Hoang et al., 2006; Prajogo and mentation of TQM practice enabled many companies to
Sohal, 2003). The definition of TQM defined by Lin and attain a sustainable competitive edge (Adam, 1994; Dean
Ogunyemi (1996) is an all inclusive business manage- and Bowen, 1994), to participate in the global arena com-
ment beliefs, which consists of a set of guiding principles petitively (Saraph et al., 1989; Ahire et al., 1995; Black
that exemplifies the foundation for continuous improve- and Porter, 1996; Hendricks and Singhal, 1997), leading
ment and hence it is acknowledged as the most ‘holistic’ to the upgrading of operating performance (Flynn et al.,
approach offered to date in sustaining the efforts for 1994; Samson and Terziovski, 1999), which is asso-
organizational improvement (Dar-El, 1997). TQM is ciated with market orientation (Mohr-Jackson, 1996).
characterized as one of the most important topics in ope- Knowledge Management (KM) has developed into
rations management research (Filippini, 1997; Samson differrent areas in the study of firms and is alleged to play
and Terziovski, 1999; Nair, 2006) and it is well known it an important part in attaining sustainable competitive ad-
634 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
vantage in the present day business and academic arena research concerning its key elements that show the capa-
(Wong, 2006; Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995; Gloet and bilities of what TQM portrays when referred (Shenawy et
Berrell, 2003). According to Scarbrough et al., (OCED, al., 2007; Escrig-Tena and Bou-Llusar, 2005). Hence,
2003), KM can be described as “covering any intended there arises a difficulty of reaching an agreement on the
and methodological process or put into practice the elements of TQM due to the inconsistency in the previous
knowledge of acquiring, capturing, sharing and using research (Hoang et al., 2006). A complete assessment of
knowledge, wherever it resides in, to improve the learning TQM literature have shown that TQM practices could be
capability and performance of firms” (as cited by Bozbura secured in seven areas, being leadership, strategic plan-
(2007, p. 210)). In spite of the large body of literature in ning, customer focus, information and analysis, human
TQM, there is still insufficient systematic experimental resource management (HRM), process management and
evidence with regard to the degree of TQM practices and supplier management (Sila, 2007). A huge amount of
its result on knowledge management (KM) behaviour, previous literatures that confirms the practices of TQM
despite the importance of their relationship within the theoretically and practically is mainly based on the criteria
firms(Molina et al., 2007). It was proposed by Decaloris of Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (Shenawy et
and Deeds (1999) that by managing TQM well and to al., 2007; Wilson and Collier, 2000). The constructs
achieve KM behaviour purposely and tactically, are vital embedded in the TQM practices are leadership, strategy
in helping a firm achieve a competitive advantage. In and planning, customer focus, information and analysis,
addition to that, it was concluded by Ju et al. (2006) that people management and process management (Prajogo
these two facets play as one major role in maintaining the and Sohal, 2003). It was argued by Samson and
development of an organization. For an organization to Terziovski (1999) that their model includes the Malcolm
survive and succeed, it is crucial to manage TQM well Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) criteria that
and to attain KM holistically, both in terms of theory and have been acknowledged as representing TQM practices
practicality (Molina et al., 2004; Ju et al., 2006; Hsu and by several scholars such as Ahire et al., (1995), Dean
Shen 2005). Molina et al. (2004) furthermore emphasized and Bowen (1994) and Juran (1995). These practices are
that a theoretical base is helpful to clarify the relation- also consistent with the standard of the Malcolm Baldrige
ships in TQM in the literature, which is vital for achieving National Quality Award (MBNQA) as implied by Sila
a competitive edge for firms. To close the gap in the (2007) and Sila and Ebrahimpour (2003), who examined
existing literatures and to provide practical help to the TQM practices taken out by 76 empirical TQM ana-
manage the effects of TQM on KM, this paper propose a lysis and categorized them under 2002 MBNQA model
set of TQM practices and furthermore, to come up with a (Sila, 2007). Hendricks and Singhal (1997); Wrolstad and
conceptual model that could shed some guidance on the Krueger (2001) further mentioned that by putting into
implementation of TQM. effective practice the MBNQA criteria, it will enhance
Given the above reasons, this paper will investigate economic performance.
the past literature and then supplement this work by Through the comprehensive examination of past re-
investigating each TQM practices and their relationship search, which includes the criteria of the most esteemed
with knowledge management behaviour. The other sec- quality award such as MBNQA (1999), six dimensions of
tions of this research paper are structured as follows: In TQM practices were formed to signify the main TQM
the next section, the theories laid down in the literature of practices in this research study as shown in Table 1, for
key practices of TQM and knowledge management. The three most important reasons (Hoang et al., 2006): (a)
literature review leads to examine how certain TQM integrate the most well-recognized quality award criteria
practices are related and present the propositions and of leadership, customer and market focus, information
then followed by the proposed conceptual framework. and analysis, strategic planning, human resource and
Finally, the conclusions with respect to the new people management – extensively acknowledged by
knowledge from this study are discussed followed by TQM researchers and practitioners; (b) comprise the
limitations of the study, implications, and constructs that signify the soft and hard facets of TQM
recommendations for future research. conferred in the literature and (c) have been regarded as
key practices of TQM implementation in both
manufacturing and service industries by past researchers
LITERATURE REVIEW and scholars (Powell, 1995; Prajogo and Sohal, 2003;
Samson and Terziovski, 1999; Hoang et al., 2006).
Key practices of TQM
Several efforts have been done to prove the elements of Knowledge management
TQM in the past decade (Saraph et al., 1989; Flynn et al.,
1994; Ahire et al., 1996). According to prior TQM resea- Many definitions regarding knowledge management (KM)
rch, the constructs of TQM has been categorized in a few can be found in literature written by famous scholars such
ways, even though they complement each other (Prajogo as Darroch, 2003; Lee and Yang, 2000; Lee et al., 2001;
and Sohal, 2003). There is no clear agreement of TQM Nonaka, 1994). It is essential to understand the definition
Ooi. 635
Customer Focus Black and Porter (1996); Evans and Lindsay To have well satisfied customers is one critical objective.
(1995); Samson and Terziovski (1999); Prajogo Develop and manage strong customer relationships for
and Sohal (2003); Flynn et al. (1994); Powell the longer term. Know the customers’ current needs and
(1995); Hoang et al. (2006) future expectations.
Strategic Planning Anderson (2000); Prajogo and Sohal (2003); The degree to which the organization has a clear vision,
Prajogo and Sohal (2004); Motwani (2001); mission, long-term plan and quality policy.
Powell (1995); Saraph et al. (1989)
Information and Prajogo and Sohal (2003); Prajogo and Sohal The degree to which data and information to be
Analysis (2004); Samson and Terziovski, (1999); Sila and collected and analyzed for the aim of quality
Ebrahimpour (2003); Hackman and Wageman improvement.
Process management Juran (1995); Motwani (2001); Powell (1995); Emphasizing adding value to processes, increasing
Samson and Terziovski (1999); Teh et al. (2008); quality levels, and having program to reduce wasted
Flynn et al. (1994); Zairi (1997); Ahire et al. time and costs in all internal processes.
Human Resource Flynn et al. (1994); Black and Porter (1996); The degree of a wide-ranging management process that
Management Samson and Terziovski (1999); Wilson and Collier is designed and incorporated in the firm’s strategy.
Source: adapted from Hoang et al. (2006).
of knowledge before having a better understanding of creation and manages the distribution and sharing of
KM. According to Nonaka (1994), knowledge is a com- knowledge within and between each organization.
prehensive concept with profound meanings, bearing the Darroch’s definition of KM portrays that KM is made out
belief that it increases an organization’s ability for of three main sections, which are knowledge acquisition,
effectual action. Knowledge can be further divided into knowledge dissemination and knowledge responsive-
two, that is, tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge ness; whereas for Lee et al. (2001), KM incorporates only
(Nonaka, 1994 and Gupta et al., 2000). Tacit knowledge two parts, namely knowledge acquisition and knowledge
is defined as one that is inherent inside an individual and dissemination. From the process point of view, KM
according to Nonaka, (1994); Lin and Lee, (2004), it is consists of knowledge creation, knowledge retrieval,
acquired through imitation and practice. On the other knowledge sharing and knowledge application (Nonaka
hand, explicit knowledge is defined as a data which is and Takeuchi, 1995). Based on the statements given
either technical or in academic terms or information that above, KM behaviours cover the acquisition of know-
is written in a formal language (Smith, 2001; Ooi et al., ledge, the dissemination of it as well as the application.
2009). Furthermore, explicit knowledge can be further These three constructs of knowledge have soon become
articulated in the form of rules, guidelines and principles the major concepts of KM, whereby each construct of KM
(Nonaka, 1994). Four different forms of knowledge is presented as dependent on the other components. In
conversion were mentioned by Nonaka (1994), namely other words, knowledge is acquired, distributed and then
socialization, externalization, combination and internaliza- comes the application part.
tion, in which the model explicitly describes the
conversion of knowledge being a spiral and continuous
process between the interactions between explicit and THE CONCEPTUAL MODEL AND PROPOSITIONS
tacit knowledge. DEVELOPMENT
KM is defined as a methodological method that
enhances the capability of a company to assemble and The hypothesized conceptual model is developed to
organize the knowledge in order to improve the decision- simultaneously examine the relationship between TQM
making ability and business strategy formulation process practices and organizational KM behaviours (that is,
(Hsu and Shen, 2005; Ooi et al., 2009). According to knowledge acquisition, knowledge dissemination and
Darroch (2003), KM is termed as a process for knowledge knowledge application). The link between TQM principles
636 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
and organizational knowledge management behaviours (Robbins, 2003). As cited by Zairi and Youssef (1995,
are illustrated in Figure 1. In this theoretical framework, p.38) of Mele and Colurcio (2006), the empirical studies
TQM practices and knowledge management behaviours concluded that “in the context of TQM, leadership is not
are independent and dependent variables respectively. so much about power, authority and control, but more of
The present study thus attempts to bridge the gap by pro- empowerment, recognition, giving guidance and deve-
viding a basis for a thorough and insightful discernment loping others”. Hence, one of the most effectual methods
of the influence of TQM practices on knowledge manage- for leaders to fuel the energy of a group is to be creative
ment behaviours. Although the causal relationships in allowing the group to innovate (Ahmed, 1998).
among the constructs shown in Figure (1) seem to be Given the existing situation of firms, where its focal
straightforward, to our knowledge, the present study is point are mainly knowledge based, TQM needs a change
the only one that holistically examines the associations in the main organizational elements, in particularly the
between TQM practices and KM behaviours. In order to leadership styles (Powell, 1995). Macneil (2001)
make practical statements about TQM multidimensio- mentioned that management leadership could add
nality and its associations with KM behaviours, the model tremendously to the core competencies improvement and
require further analysis. skills in the course of their role being helpers of
organizational learning in the workplace, in particularly by
helping to cultivate a knowledge management behaviour
Propositions between TQM practices and KM environment in which employees are encouraged to
behaviours apply their inferred and tacit knowledge to solve problems
that arises. Many studies have confirmed that senior
Leadership: Leadership is described as a link through managers play an important role to control the rate of
which one individual have control over the performance success for KM activities (Wong, 2006; Horak, 2001;
and conduct of other individuals (Ehigie and Akpan, Holsapple and Joshi, 2000) as well as enhancing the pro-
2004; Mullins, 1996) to attain a company’s set objectives cess of managing organizational process (Bryant, 2003).
Ooi. 637
Bryant (2003) furthermore mentioned that mission, ciate KM programmes to strategic planning have become
motivation, systems and structures design for the various a vital source of competitiveness for all firms (Chong et
activities of a company that supply the means to trade al., 2006).
knowledge should come from management leadership. Related closely to the idea of strategy, is the formation
The senior manager’s role as a helper in supporting of a convincing and shared vision for pursuing KM beha-
the practice of knowledge management in teams, namely viours. It is essential that employees support and share
knowledge acquisition, knowledge dissemination and this vision and trust that it will work (Wong, 2006). It was
knowledge sharing is vital for the development and further commented by Wong (2006) that value hypothesis
enhancement of collective learning ability in organizations had to be clearly defined and stated so that passion to
(Ellinger and Bostrom, 1999). Wong (2006) recommen- attain it can be created among management and emplo-
ded that management leadership should portray good yees. In short, before a significant investment can be
examples by freely contributing their knowledge, made made to instigate a KM effort, all the above fundamentals
known the significance of KM to other workers and also need to be carefully developed. The American
to attempt to cultivate a culture that encourages the Productivity and Quality Centre (1999) made a study and
sharing and creation of knowledge. In other words, it is concluded that firms running after different KM strategies
vital for management leadership to institute this situation have more success when the strategy employed is asso-
for KM to be effective (Holsapple and Joshi, 2000; Wong, ciated with their business strategic plan. Hence, based on
2006). Apart from that, it has also been widely known and this, for firms that wish to implement KM behaviours, it is
established by both researchers and practitioners that essential to ensure their knowledge program are consis-
leaders do have a vital role to play in creating and tent with the company’s missions. Hence, the following is
maintaining a favourable knowledge management envi- proposed:
ronment (Gupta et al., 2000; Macneil, 2001; Bryant, 2003;
Ellinger and Bostrum, 1999). In a study done by Storey P2: Strategic planning is positively related to knowledge
and Barnett (2000), they found that the support given by management behaviours (that is knowledge acquisition,
management leadership should be continuous and be knowledge dissemination and knowledge application).
conveyed in a practical manner and such support could
then be converted into intensive efforts that would contri- Customer focus: Sila (2007) and Brah et al. (2000) both
bute to KM success. Hence, the following proposition is mentioned that a firm’s success in the long run is
given: dependent upon how its customers’ needs are satisfied
effectively and efficiently on a continuous basis. To
P1: Leadership is positively related to knowledge create a value for the customer is the main principle
management behaviours (i.e. knowledge acquisition, (Mele and Colurcio, 2006; Woodruff, 1997), whereby it
knowledge dissemination and knowledge application). portrays how well the company confirms current and up-
and-coming customer requirements, expectations,
Strategic planning: Strategic planning has been catego- satisfaction, as well as providing effectual customer
rized as activities which are conducted both socially and relationship management (Samson and Terziovski, 1999;
cognitively to obtain success and stay competitive in any Evans and Lindsay, 1995). Hence, the issues of
sector (Calantone et al., 2003). In the latest research customer focus and satisfaction received the largest
conducted by Anderson (2000), strategic planning, under coverage in the literature world due to it main efforts in
certain conditions and circumstances, does contribute to increasing customer satisfaction in nearly every kind of
the higher performance of an organization. The focal business (Hoang et al., 2006). As the environment is
point of this criterion lies in the strategic planning and changing constantly, total quality-oriented firms that
exploitation of plans of an organization, coupled with the employ innovative activities should be attentive to the
organization’s focus on key customers and operational information and act in response to meet the needs of the
performance requirements (Samson and Terziovski, customers (Santos-Vijande and Alvarez-Gonzalez, 2007).
1999; Evans and Lindsay, 1995). To characterize customer focus, the practices incorpo-
In their studies, Carayannis et al. (2000) and Grant rate the gathering of information about the expectations
(1996) commented that the extent of a firm being of customers and then to distribute such information
competitive mainly comes from the special knowledge of within the firm itself (Dean and Bowen, 1994). To push
its employees, the ability of a firm to create new know- forward these activities, knowledge sharing is highly
ledge and be innovative, and the strategic actions taken encouraged among employees, in particularly for those
by the firm. Strategy points to where and the way in tasks that are dependent on prior task by other
which an organization will be heading to in the coming colleagues. For example, line managers are dependent
years (Beijerse, 2000). Liebowitz (1999) mentioned that on the statistical information that the sales and marketing
one of the main factors of KM success is to have a well division supply (e.g. the number of sales purchases of
thought out strategy, as this strategy provides a founda- new product, customers’ feedback on product and
tion for how a firm can organize its capabilities and services), in which it is a helpful evaluation on the orders
resources to attain its KM objectives. All efforts to asso- that customer placed and whether their needs are being
638 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
satisfied. In simple terms, as customers’ input is helpful and performances that exemplify the KM discipline
towards quality improvements, customers’ information (Wong, 2006) and that the literature stressed a few of the
and feedback should be shared among employees within processes that are connected with KM (Al-Mabrouk,
a firm. One of the examples being Philips (Royal Philips 2006). For example, adequate measures needed to be
Electric), whereby this company from Netherland has a ready to ascertain that KM processes are addressed in
strong principle in putting customers satisfaction as the an organized and structured manner. Hence, the
company’s main concern. In order to be successful, every organization of how the KM process is to be implemented
decision made by the organization should be customer is vital (Holsapple and Joshi, 2000; Al-Mabrouk, 2006).
centred and that incorporates matters such as the Clarke (2006) claimed that process management
suggestions made by customers in knowledge creation endeavours to execute process capabilities, ensuring
activities, storing of knowledge that is valuable to custom- consistent outcomes and that customers’ needs and
mers, assessing through customer complaints and using expectations are met. Both quality and KM structure are
that knowledge to satisfy customer needs and improve assumed to be things that can be handled and controlled
customer satisfaction (Ju et al., 2006). Furthermore, busi- by the organization. Due to this perception, one can
ness processes that emphasized on customer knowledge assumed that firms adopting the process management
are part and parcel of intellectual assets that a firm can approach will at the same time implement the structural
have (Bassi and Van Buren, 1999). approach to KM. In a case study done by Ju et al., (2006)
In a different example, a study was conducted by in Taiwan, on the link between TQM critical factors and
O’Dell et al. (1999) on Dow Chemical Company (Dow), KM value chain activities, they found that knowledge
and it was found that one of the key factors in measuring storage can reduce the engineers’ time for ASE Inc. In
its value for Dow is through customer success. The terms of knowledge distribution, searching time have
company attempts to recognize these intellectual capitals been reduced and problem solving skills was further
that are link with customer success and then identifying improved as the company rearranges all the documents
the individual elements that affect them. In addition to the orderly. As for knowledge applications, in order to apply
same research (O’Dell et al., 1999), it was also reported process management into it, reports on company’s
that USAA, one of USA’s top insurance companies, owns projects are made available to every employee in need. A
a system that is able to quantify customers feedback, and proposition made by Lee et al. (2001) was that an effec-
hence this has contributed to the improvement of their tive process management will have an effect on quality
overall customer base knowledge. O’Dell et al. (1999) performance. This could be attained by reducing process
further emphasised that customer focus strategy is about variation where quality performance is acquired, dissemi-
capturing knowledge about customers, understanding nated and shared. As process variance is being reduced,
their needs and using the knowledge within the firm to the chances of having defective parts will also shrink
solve customer problems. In another study done by accordingly. Molina et al., (2007) concluded that the most
Stankosky and Baldanza (2001), it is of utmost significant matter in the link between TQM processes
importance to understand the needs and problems of control and the internal knowledge transfer is the syste-
customers as these are the main factors for continuous matic use of control processes in a firm, which has an
improvements and innovations to any company. Hence, important part to play on the search for and transfer of
the following propositions were made: knowledge to which they are applied. For firms that have
put TQM into practice, it is widely known that TQM helps
P3: Customer focus is positively related to knowledge in the continuous improvement of processes, and this will
management behaviours (that is, knowledge acquisition, direct such firms to seek and use the knowledge they
knowledge dissemination and knowledge application). need. Hence, the following proposition can be suggested.
Process management: Process management is defined P4: Process management is positively related to
as the behavioural and systematic principles that are knowledge management behaviours (that is knowledge
important to managing the process rather than the acquisition, knowledge dissemination and knowledge
outcomes (Anderson et al., 1994; Teh et al., 2008). It also application).
points to the way how businesses strive to be successful
by encouraging the need for knowledge innovation and Human resource management: In the present
creativity in process improvement and optimisation (Zairi, knowledge-based economy, people are regarded as the
1997). most important asset (Fang et al., 2005), in which it is
Process management stresses the value adding to a widely acknowledged in the literature the significance of
process, increasing the productivity of every employee human aspects, such as providing training and compen-
and enhancing the quality of the company (Motwani, sation plans, from the perspective of TQM (Tari et al.,
2001). Ju et al. (2006) commented that the basic require- 2007). Oltra (2005, p. 71) make mention that “both
ments of process management are to lower down costs, knowledge and human resources are being gradually
boost efficiency and reducing cycle-time, which all can be looked upon as the main force of a multifaceted business
applied to KM behaviours. There are several processes environment”. Furthermore, Alvesson (1993) made a
Ooi. 639
claim that the people are the ultimate knowledge inventor information and analysis lies within the “scope, manage-
and owners. This is supported by a statement made by ment and the utilization of data and information, to
Devenport and Volpel’s (2001, p. 212), whereby they maintain a good focus on customers, to strive towards a
stated that “to manage knowledge is to manage people; greater quality control and to improve performance of a
to manage people is to manage knowledge”. Numerous firm”.
studies were done to survey the relationships between In particularly for firms that operate in the technology-
human resources and KM, one of them being Zupan and based arena and for those that find it difficult to stay
Kase (2007). Through the study of line managers and HR afloat in the competitive marketplace, information is seen
specialists and their structural positions in knowledge to be an important element for firms to improve and en-
creation and knowledge sharing, both of them have hance their innovation process (Lemos and Porto, 1998).
explored the inferences for devising and executing HR According to Hsu et al., (2007), for a firm to stay com-
practices in knowledge intensive firms. The results petitive in the present global arena, it is essential that a
obtained has shown that the line managers are the main firm know how to manage their information and
source to the knowledge networks and are considered to knowledge.
be the knowledge actors; whereas the HR specialists are Information and analysis are sensible elements of KM
not. As a result of this finding, it was concluded that in a and can be applied to KM behaviours effectively (Hussain
knowledge intensive firm, the decentralised method is a et al., 2004). According to several scholars, it plays an
more preferred way to HRM. This leads to the suggestion essential role in the trend towards KM behaviours and as
that HR practices are more focus on line managers and well to provide support to a firm’s KM processes (Wong,
this can have a better effect on the knowledge creation 2006; Hussain et al., 2004). It has been suggested by
and knowledge sharing process. Stenmark (2002) a multi-perspective view of intranet,
In an interesting study done by Lin (2007), it was found which would help in the creation of an effective KM
that individuals often enjoy helping others and at the culture that can be segmented into different categories:
same time, to enhance self knowledge efficacy. With the information perspective, awareness perspective and
support from senior management and appropriate communication perspective. Information analysis
organizational rewards, it could further enhance the facilitates a speedy search of information, recovers infor-
knowledge sharing process, which could then lead to mation very quickly and enables communication among
superior innovation. In short, Lin (2007) concluded that employees and hence allowing the creation and
employees, in general, are willing to collect and share transferring of KM processes within the firm (Al-Mabrouk,
their knowledge and this would enable the company to 2006).
encourage and cultivate a knowledge sharing culture, Hussain et al. (2004) claimed that information plays an
which would eventually lead to an increase in innovation essential part as a mechanism for reflection; an informa-
performance in the firm. Undeniably, many researchers tion standpoint on the intranet is highly relevant and
have stressed the significance of HRM as one way to applicable for works that have a need for knowledge.
enhance knowledge transfer, in particularly in the form of From the point of view of awareness, it was propose that
technology know-how (e.g. Sparkes and Miyake, 2000; explicit information should be exploited to link firm’s
Zander and Kogut, 1995), due to the fact that HRM and employees with information and other individuals that
KM have become more sophisticated and comprehensive might be otherwise missed. A study was done by Hung et
(Gloet, 2006; Yahya and Goh, 2002). In accordance to al. (2005) on the crucial success factors that involved the
Dougherty (2001), teamwork creates an image of sharing implementation of a knowledge management system
out the work, which in turn help in the knowledge transfer (KMS) for the pharmaceutical sector in Taiwan. The
within a firm. Taking into consideration of such matters, findings show the importance of an information systems
the following propositions have been formulated: infrastructure in the adoption of a KMS. This implies that
large organizations are more prone to notice that a
P5: Human Resource management is positively related to system can be successful depends largely on the quality
knowledge management behaviours (that is knowledge of information system structure and the capability of its
acquisition, knowledge dissemination and knowledge maintenance personnel. From the point of view of
application). communication, Hussain et al. (2004) stated that informa-
tion analysis helps employees in a firm to collectively
Information and analysis: In the present digital era, interpret the available information by lending support to
information plays an important part in the business opera- the different forms of channels for negotiations and
tions (Sen, 2001). This component is used to emphasize conversations, and hence converting such knowledge to
the significance of data-base information, which is used benefit the organization as a whole. Hence, the following
to help in making more informed decisions (Dean and proposition was made:
Bowen, 1994; Hackman and Wageman, 1995). Both
Samson and Terziovski (1999) and Malcolm Baldrige P6: Information and analysis is positively related to
National Award Criteria (1999) have make mention that knowledge management behaviours (that is knowledge
640 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.
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application). knowledge application
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