Heat and Mass Transfer

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Heat and Mass Transfer


Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction 1 / 537

Course: Heat and Mass Transfer

Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics
Incropera FP and Dewitt DP, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass
Transfer, Fifth edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2010.
Cengel YA, Heat and Mass Transfer - A Practical Approach,
Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010.
Holman JP, Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Class Timings: ME305

Tue: 9 AM to 10 AM, Room-107
Wed, Thu, Fri: 11 AM to 12 AM, Room-107 Weblinks


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Course Content: Heat and Mass Transfer

What, How, and Where?
External and internal flows
Thermodynamics and Heat
Free convection
Boiling and condensation
Heat exchangers
Physical mechanism of heat
View factors
Mass Transfer:
1D, steady-state
2D, steady-state
Mass diffusion equation
Transient diffusion

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Heat Transfer - What?

The science that deals with the determination of the rates of

energy transfer due to temperature difference.

Driving force
Temperature difference
as the voltage difference in electric current
as the pressure difference in fluid flow
Rate depends on magnitude of dT

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Heat Transfer - How?

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Heat Transfer - Where?

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Heat Transfer - Where else?

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Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Deals with the amount of energy (heat or work) during a process
Only considers the end states in equilibrium

Heat Transfer
Deals with the rate of energy transfer
Transient and non-equilibrium
How long?

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Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

Laws of Thermodynamics
Zeroth law - Temperature
First law Energy conserved
Second law Entropy
Third law S → constant as T → 0

Laws of Heat Transfer

Fouriers law - Conduction
Newtons law of cooling - Convection
Stephan-Boltzmann law - Radiation

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Heat Transfer - History

Caloric theory (18th Century)

Heat is a fluid like substance, ‘caloric’ poured from one body
into another.
Caloric: Massless, colorless, odorless, tasteless

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Heat Transfer - History

Kinetic theory (19th Century)

Molecules - tiny balls - are in motion possessing kinetic energy
Heat: The energy associated with the random motion of atoms
and molecules

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Heat, Rate, Flux

The amount of heat transferred during a process, Q
Heat transfer rate
The amount of heat transferred per unit time, Q̇ or simply q
Z ∆t
Q= qdt
Q = q∆t, if q is constant

Heat flux
The rate of heat transfer per unit area normal to the direction
of heat transfer:
q 00 =

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Heat, Rate, Flux

24 W
q 00 = 2
= 4 W/m2

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Conduction - Macroscopic View

Viewed as
The transfer of energy from the more energetic to the less
energetic particles of a substance due to interactions between
the particles.
Net transfer by random molecules motion - diffusion of energy

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Conduction: Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction

T1 − T2 dT
qcond = −kA = −kA
∆x dx

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Problem: Conduction

The wall of an industrial furnace is constructed from 0.15 m thick

fireclay brick having a thermal conductivity of 1.7 W/m K.
Measurements made during steady-state operation reveal
temperatures of 1400 and 1150 K at the inner and outer surfaces,
respectively. What is the rate of heat loss through a wall that is
0.5 × 1.2 m2 on a side?
Ans: 1.7 kW

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Comprised of two mechanisms

Energy transfer due to random molecular motion - diffusion
Energy transfer by the bulk motion of the fluid - advection

Boundary layer development in convection heat transfer

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Convection - Classification

Forced and Free/Natural Convection

Boiling and Condensation

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Convection: Newton’s Law of Cooling

qconv = hAs (Ts − T∞ )

Process h (W/m2 K)
Free convection
Gases 2-25
Liquids 50-1000
Convection with phase change
Boiling and Condensation 2500-100,000

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Thermal Radiation

Energy emitted by matter that is at a nonzero temperature
Transported by electromagnetic waves (or photons)
Surface Emissive Power
The rate at which energy is released per unit area (W/m2 )

Eb = σTs4

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Radiation: Stefan-Boltzmann Law

For a real surface:

E = εσTs4
= εσ Ts4 − Tsur


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First Law of Thermodynamics

Ein − Eout = ∆Est

In rate form:

Ėin − Ėout = = Ėst

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First Law of Thermodynamics

The inflow and outflow terms are surface phenomena.

The energy generation term is a volumetric phenomenon.
chemical, electrical
The energy storage is also a volumetric phenomenon.
∆U + ∆KE + ∆P E
∆U : sensible/thermal, latent, and chemical components

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First Law of Thermodynamics

Steady state with no heat generation

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Surface Energy Balance

Ein − Eout =0
qcond − qconv − qrad =0

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Problem Solving: Methodology

Analysis of different problems will give a deeper appreciation for

the fundamentals of the subject, and you will gain confidence in
your ability to apply these fundamentals to the solution of
engineering problems.
Be consistent in following these steps:
1 known
2 Find
3 Schematic
4 Assumptions
5 Properties
6 Analysis

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Problem: Conduction

The hot combustion gases of a furnace are separated from the

ambient air and its surrounding, which are at 25◦ C, by a brick wall
0.15 m thick. The brick has a thermal conductivity of 1.2 W/m K
and a surface emissivity of 0.8. Under steady-state conditions an
outer surface temperature of 100◦ C is measured. Free convection
heat transfer to the air adjoining the surface is characterized by a
convection coefficient of 20 W/m2 K. What is the brick inner
surface temperature.
Ans: 625 K

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Problem: Convection

An experiment to determine the convection coefficient associated

with airflow over the surface of a thick stainless steel casting
involves the insertion of thermocouples into the casting at
distances of 10 and 20 mm from the surface along a hypothetical
line normal to the surface. The steel has a thermal conductivity of
15 W/m K. If the thermocouples measure temperatures of 50 and
40◦ C in the steel when the air temperature is 100◦ C, what is the
convection coefficient?
Ans: 375 W/m2 K

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Problem: Radiation

The roof of a car in a parking lot absorbs a solar radiant flux of

800 W/m2 , and the underside is perfectly insulated. The
convection coefficient between the roof and the ambient air is
12 W/m2 K.
a) Neglecting radiation exchange with the surroundings, calculate
the temperature of the roof under steady-state conditions if the
ambient air temperature is 20◦ C.
b) For the same ambient air temperature, calculate the
temperature of the roof if its surface emissivity is 0.8.
c) The convection coefficient depends on air flow conditions over
the roof, increasing with increasing air speed. Compute and
plot the roof temperature as a function of h for
2 ≤ h ≤ 200 W/m2 K.
Ans: 86.7◦ C

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Heat and Mass Transfer

Heat Diffusion Equation

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna
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Steady-state vs Transient

Fourier’s law of heat conduction

qcond = −kA dT
multidimensional - complex geometries

Steady-state heat transfer Transient heat transfer

No change with time at any Time dependence
point within the medium T = T (x, y, z, t)
T and q 00
remains Special case - lumped - T
unchanged with time changes with time but not
T = T (x, y, z) with location:
Usually no but assumed T = T (t)

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Coordinate System

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Multidimensional Heat Transfer

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Heat Flux Direction
The direction of heat flow will always be
normal to a surface of constant
temperature, called an isothermal surface.
∂T 00 ∂T 00 ∂T
qx00 = −k ; q = −k ; q = −k
∂x y ∂y z ∂z

qn00 = qx00~i + qy00~j + qz00~k

∂T ~ ∂T ~ ∂T ~
= −k i+ j+ k
∂x ∂y ∂z
= −k∇T

where n is the normal of the isothermal

surface and
qn00 = −k
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Thermal Conductivity

Thermal conductivity

q 00
(∂T /∂x)

The rate of heat transfer through a unit thickness of the material

per unit area per unit temperature difference.

Specific heat, Cp Thermal conductivity, k

Ability to store thermal energy. Material’s ability to conduct heat
At room temperature, At room temperature,

Cp = 4.18 kJ/kg K, water k = 0.607 W/m K, water

= 0.45 kJ/kg K, iron = 80.2 W/m K, iron

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Thermal Conductivity

Transport property
Indication of the rate at which energy is transferred by the
diffusion process
Depends on the physical structure of matter, atomic and
molecular, related to the state of the matter
Isotropic material - k is independent of the direction of
transfer, kx = ky = kz
Laminated composite materials and wood
k across grain is different than that parallel to grain

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k for Different Materials at T∞ and P∞
Kinetic theory of gases:
vrms = 3RT M

T ↑ k↑
M↑ k↓

He(4), Air(29)

Liquids: Strong
intermolecular forces

Most liquids: T ↑ k↓
M↑ k↓

Except water: Not a linear

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k - Temp. Dependency

Temp. dependency
causes considerable
complexity in
conduction analysis

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k for Solids

k = kl + ke

High k for pure metals is due to ke

kl depends on the way the molecules
are arranged
Diamond - highly ordered crystalline solid
Highest known k
However a poor electric conductor (even semiconductors like
Diamond heat sinks - cooling electronic components

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k for Alloys

Pure metals have high k

kiron = 83 W/m K
kchromium = 95 W/m K

Steel is iron + 1% chrome

ksteel = 62 W/m K

Alloy of two metals k1 and k2 < k1 and k2

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Thermal Diffusivity α

Thermophysical properties
k Transport property
ρ, Cp Thermodynamic properties
ρCp is volumetric heat capacity (J/m3 K)

High α: faster propagation of heat into the medium

Small α: heat is mostly absorbed by the material and a small
amount of heat is conducted further

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Heat Diffusion Equation: Application

Problem and application

Determine temperature distribution in a medium resulting
from conditions imposed on its boundaries
The conduction heat flux at any point in the medium or on
the surface may be computed from Fourier’s law
This information could be used to determine thermal stresses,
expansions, deflections
Temperature distribution may also be used to optimize the
thickness of an insulating material or to determine the
compatibility of special coatings or adhesives used with the

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Control Volume

Homogeneous medium No bulk motion (advection)

Consider an infinitesimally small (differential) CV, dx.dy.dz

qx+dx = qx + dx
qy+dy = qy + dy
qz+dz = qz + dz

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Volumetric Properties


Ėg = ėg dxdydz

ėg is in W/m3


Ėst = ρCp dxdydz
| {z∂t}

Rate of change of the sensible/thermal energy of the

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Heat Diffusion Equation

Governing Equation
Ėin − Ėout + Ėg = Ėst

qx + qy + qz − qx+dx − qy+dy − dz+dz + ėg dxdydz = ρCp dxdydz
∂qx ∂qy ∂qz ∂T
− dx − dy − dz + ėg dxdydz = ρCp dxdydz
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂t
∂T ∂T ∂T
qx = −kdydz ; qy = −kdxdz ; qz = −kdxdy
∂x ∂y ∂z

∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂T
k + k + k + ėg = ρCp
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t

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Special Cases

Fourier-Biot equation - Isotropic

∂2T ∂2T ∂2T ėg 1 ∂T
+ 2
+ 2
+ =
∂x ∂x ∂x k α ∂t

Diffusion equation - Transient, no heat generation

∂2T ∂2T ∂2T 1 ∂T
+ 2
+ 2
∂x ∂x ∂x α ∂t

Poisson equation - Steady-state

∂2T ∂2T ∂2T ėg
+ 2
+ + =0
∂x ∂x ∂x2 k

Laplace equation - Steady-state, no heat generation

∂2T ∂2T ∂2T
+ + =0
∂x2 ∂x2 ∂x2
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Coordinate Systems

Cartesian coordinates T (x, y, z)

∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂T
k + k + k + ėg = ρCp
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t

Cylindrical coordinates T (r, φ, z)

1 ∂T 1 ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂T
kr + 2 k + k + ėg = ρCp
r ∂r r ∂φ ∂φ ∂z ∂z ∂t

Spherical coordinates T (r, φ, θ)

1 ∂ 2 ∂T 1 ∂ ∂T
kr + 2 2 k
r2 ∂r ∂r r sin θ ∂φ ∂φ
1 ∂ ∂T ∂T
+ 2 k sin θ + ėg = ρCp
r sin θ ∂θ ∂θ ∂t
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Boundary and Initial Conditions

Necessary to solve the appropriate form of the heat equation

Depends on the physical conditions at boundaries
On time
Boundary conditions can be simply expressed in mathematical
Second order in space, two boundary conditions for each
coordinate needed to describe the system
First order in time, only one condition, initial condition
must be specified

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Boundary Conditions at x = 0

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Problem: Diffusion Equation

A long copper bar of rectangular cross section, whose width w is

much greater than its thickness L, is maintained in contact with a
heat sink at its lower surface, and the temperature throughout the
bar is approximately equal to that of the sink, To . Suddenly, an
electric current is passed through the bar and an airstream of
temperature T∞ is passed over the top surface, while the bottom
surface continues to be maintained at To . Obtain the differential
equation and the boundary and initial conditions that could be
solved to determine the temperature as a function of position and
time in the bar.

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Solution: Diffusion Equation

Copper bar initial temperature, To
Suddenly heated up by electric current, ėg
Airstream, h, T∞

Find Schematic
Differential equation;
Boundary conditions;
Initial condition

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Solution: Diffusion Equation

w  L - side effects are neglected. Thus heat transfer is
primarily one dimensional (x)
Uniform volumetric heat generation, ėg
Constant properties

∂2T ėg 1 ∂T
+ =
∂x k α ∂t

Boundary conditions Initial condition

T (0, t) = To T (x, 0) = To
−k |x=L = h [T (L, t) − T∞ ]
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Solution: Diffusion Equation

1 If T , T , ė , and h are known, then the equations can be
o ∞ g
solved to obtain the T (x, t)
2 Top surface, T (L, t) will change with time. This is unknown
and may be obtained after finding T (x, t)

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Solution: Diffusion Equation

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Heat and Mass Transfer

One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna
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One-Dimensional, Steady-State

Temp. gradients exist along only a single coordinate direction

Heat transfer occurs exclusively in that direction
Temp. at each point is independent of time
We will see:
Temp. distribution & heat transfer rate in common (planar,
cylindrical and spherical) geometries
Thermal resistance
Thermal circuits to model heat flow
Electrical circuits to current flow

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Cartesian Coordinates: T (x)

d dT
k =0
dx dx

For 1-D, steady-state conduction

in a plane wall with no heat
generation, heat flux is a
constant, independent of x.

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Plane Wall

If k is constant then, T (x) = C1 x + C2

T (0) = Ts,1 and

T (L) = Ts,2
T (x) = (Ts,2 − Ts,1 ) + Ts,1
dT kA
qx = −kA = (Ts,2 − Ts,1 )
dx L
qx00 = (Ts,2 − Ts,1 )

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Thermal Resistance

Ratio of driving potential to the corresponding transfer rate

(Ts,1 − Ts,2 ) L
Rt,cond = =
qx kA
Es,1 − Es,2
Re =
(Ts − T∞ ) 1
Rt,conv = =
q hA
Under steady state condi-
Convection rate = Conduction rate = Convection rate
into the wall through the wall from the wall
T∞,1 − Ts,1 Ts,1 − Ts,2 Ts,2 − T∞,2
qx = = =
1/h1 A L/kA 1/h2 A
T∞,1 − T∞,2 1 L 1
qx = Rtot = + +
Rtot h1 A kA h2 A
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Thermal Resistance: Radiation

The thermal resistance for radiation - radiation exchange

between the surface and its surroundings:
Ts − Tsur 1
Rt,rad = =
qrad hr A

qrad = hr A (Ts − Tsur )

The radiation heat transfer coefficient, hr :
hr = εσ (Ts + Tsur ) Ts2 + Tsur

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The Composite Wall

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The Composite Wall

T∞,1 − T∞,4
qx =
1 LA LB LC 1
Rtot = + + + +
h1 A kA A kB A kC A h4 A
If U is the overall heat transfer coefficient

qx = U A∆T
Rtot A

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Series-Parallel Composite Wall

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Contact Resistance

00 TA − TB
Rt,c =

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Thermal Resistance of Solid/Solid Interfaces

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Porous Medium

For a porous medium, an effective conductivity is considered.

Assuming, there is no fluid bulk motion and if T1 > T2
kef f A
qx = (T1 − T2 )

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The Cylinder

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The Cylinder

The governing equation for 1D, steady state conduction in

cylindrical coordinates:
1 d dT
kr =0
r dr dr

The heat flux by Fourier’s law of conduction,

dT dT
qr = −kA = −k(2πrL)
dr dr

Here, A = 2πrL is the area normal to the direction of heat

kr dT

The quantity dr dr is independent of r
The conduction heat transfer rate qr (not the heat flux, qr00 ) is
a constant in the radial direction
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The Cylinder

Temperature distribution and heat transfer rate

Ts,1 − Ts,2 r
T (r) = ln + Ts,2
ln(r1 /r2 ) r2

Note that the temperature distribution associated with radial

conduction through a cylindrical wall is logarithmic, not linear, as
it is for the plane wall.

2πLk (Ts,1 − Ts,2 )

qr =
ln(r2 /r1 )

Note that qr is independent of r.

ln(r2 /r1 )
Rt,cond =
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The Cylinder

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The Cylinder

(T∞,1 − T∞,2 )
qr = ln(r2 /r1 ) ln(r3 /r2 ) ln(r4 /r3 )
1 1
2πr1 Lh1 + 2πkA L + 2πkB L + 2πkC L + 2πr4 Lh4
(T∞,1 − T∞,2 )
qr = = U A (T∞,1 − T∞,2 )
If U is defined in terms of the inside area, A1 = 2πr1 L, then:
U= r1
h1 + kA ln( rr21 ) + r1
kB ln( rr23 ) + r1
kC ln( rr43 ) + r1 1
r4 h4

U A is constant, while U is not

In radial systems, q is constant, while q 00 is not

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The Sphere
Consider a hollow sphere, whose inner and outer surfaces are
exposed to fluids at different temperatures.

1 d 2 dT
kr =0
r2 dr dr
qr = −k(4πr2 )
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The Sphere

Temperature distribution and heat transfer rate

Ts,1 − Ts,2 1 1
T (r) = Ts,1 +   −
− 1 r1 r
r2 r1
4πk (Ts,1 − Ts,2 )
qr =  
1 1
r1 − r2
1 1 1
Rt,cond = −
4πk r1 r2

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Problem: Sphere

A spherical thin walled metallic container is used to store liquid

nitrogen at 80 K. The container has a diameter of 0.5 m and is
covered with an evacuated, reflective insulation composed of silica
powder. The insulation is 25 mm thick, and its outer surface is
exposed to ambient air at 310 K. The convection coefficient is
known to be 20 W/m2 K. The latent heat of vaporization and the
density of the liquid nitrogen are 2 × 105 J/kg and 804 kg/m3 ,
respectively. Thermal conductivity of evacuated silica powder
(300 K) is 0.0017 W/m K.
1 What is the rate of heat transfer to the liquid nitrogen?
2 What is the rate of liquid boil-off?

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Solution: Sphere

Liquid nitrogen is stored in a spherical container that is insulated
and exposed to ambient air.

The rate of heat transfer to the nitrogen.
The mass rate of nitrogen boil-off.


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Solution: Sphere

1 Steady state conditions
2 One-dimensional transfer in the radial direction
3 Negligible resistance to heat transfer through the container
wall and from the container to the nitrogen
4 Constant properties
5 Negligible radiation exchange between outer surface of
insulation and surroundings

Rt,cond Rt,conv

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Solution: Analysis

1 1 1
Rt,cond = −
4πk r1 r2
1 (T∞,2 − T∞,1 )
Rt,conv = 2
 qr = = 12.88W
h 4πr2 Rt,cond + Rt,conv
Energy balance for a control surface about the nitrogen:
Ėin − Ėout = 0
q − ṁhf g = 0
=⇒ ṁ = 6.44 × 10−5 kg/W
= 5.56 kg/day

= = 0.00692 m3 /day
= 6.92 liters/day

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The Critical Radius of Insulation

We know that by adding more insulation to a wall always

decreases heat transfer.
This is expected, since the heat transfer area A is constant,
and adding insulation will always increase the thermal
resistance of the wall without affecting the convection
However, adding insulation to a cylindrical piece or a spherical
shell, is a different matter.
The additional insulation increases the conduction resistance
of the insulation layer but it also decreases the convection
resistance of the surface because of the increase in the outer
surface area for convection.
Therefore, the heat transfer from a pipe may increase or
decrease, depending on which effect dominates.

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The Critical Radius of Insulation

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The Critical Radius of Insulation

The rate of heat transfer from the insulated pipe to the

surrounding air can be expressed as:

(T1 − T∞ )
qr = 

ln r1 1
2πLk + h(2πr2 L)

The value of r2 at which heat transfer

rate reaches max. is determined from
the requirement that dq r
dr (zero slope):

rcr,cylinder =

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Problem: Critical Radius

A 3 mm diameter and 6 m long electric wire is tightly wrapped

with a 2 mm thick plastic cover whose thermal conductivity is
k = 0.15 W/m K. Electrical measurements indicate that a current
of 10 A passes through the wire and there is a voltage drop of 8 V
along the wire. If the insulated wire is exposed to a medium at
27◦ C with a heat transfer coefficient of h = 12 W/m2 K,
determine the temperature at the interface of the wire and the
plastic cover in steady operation. Also determine whether doubling
the thickness of the plastic cover will increase or decrease this
interface temperature. Ans: 89.5◦ C, 77.5◦ C

Hint: qr = V I

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Problem: Critical Radius

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Problem: Critical Radius

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Conduction with Thermal Energy Generation

A very common thermal energy generation process involves the

conversion from electrical to thermal energy in a current carrying
medium (resistance heating). The rate at which energy is
generated by passing a current through a medium of electrical
resistance Re is:

Ėg = I 2 Re

If this power generation occurs uniformly throughout the medium

of volume V , the volumetric generation rate (W/m3 ) is:

Ėg I 2 Re
q̇ = =

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Conduction with Ėg in a Plane Wall

Consider a plane wall, in which there is uniform energy generation

per unit volume (q̇ is constant) and the surfaces are maintained at
Ts,1 and Ts,2 . The appropriate form of the heat equation:

T (−L) = Ts,1
d T q̇
+ =0
dx k
T (L) = Ts,2

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Conduction with Ėg in a Plane Wall

q̇L2 x2
Ts,2 − Ts,1 x Ts,1 + Ts,2
T (x) = 1− 2 + +
2k L 2 L 2
The heat flux at any point in the wall may be determined by
Fourier’s Law. The heat flux is not independent of x.

Special case: Ts,1 = Ts,2 = Ts

The temperature distribution is then symmetrical about the central
q̇L2 x2
T (x) = 1 − 2 + Ts
2k L
The maximum temperature exists at the central plane:

T (0) = T0 = + Ts

Heat and Mass Transfer 1D, Steady-State Conduction 87 / 537

Conduction with Ėg in a Plane Wall

T (x) − T0  x 2
Ts − T0 L

It is important to note that the temperature gradient

dx |x=0 = 0 at the plane of symmetry.
No heat transfer across this plane - adiabatic surface.
The above equation can also be applied to plane walls that
are perfectly insulated on one side (x = 0) and a fixed Ts on
the other side (x = L).
However, in most of the cases, Ts is an unknown. It is computed
from the energy balance at the surface to the adjoining fluid:

−k = h(Ts − T∞ )
dx x=L
=⇒ Ts = T∞ +
Heat and Mass Transfer 1D, Steady-State Conduction 88 / 537
Conduction with Ėg in Radial Systems
Consider a long, solid cylinder (may be a current carrying wire).
For steady state conditions: Ėg = qconv .

Heat and Mass Transfer 1D, Steady-State Conduction 89 / 537

Conduction with Ėg in Radial Systems
1 d dT q̇
r + =0
r dr dr k
Boundary conditions:

= 0, T (R) = Ts and T (r = 0) = T0
dr r=0
q̇R2 r2
=⇒ T (r) = Ts + 1− 2
4k R
T (r) − Ts  r 2
or =1−
T0 − Ts R
Ts can be obtained from the energy balance at the surface:
q̇ πR2 L = h 2πRL (Ts − T∞ )
Ts = T∞ +
Heat and Mass Transfer 1D, Steady-State Conduction 90 / 537

Consider one-dimensional conduction in a plane composite wall.

The outer surfaces are exposed to a fluid at 25◦ C and a convection
heat transfer coefficient of 1000 W/m2 K. The middle wall B
experiences uniform heat generation q̇B , while there is no
generation in walls A and C. The temperatures at the interfaces
are T1 = 261◦ C and T2 = 211◦ C. Assuming negligible contact
resistance at the interfaces, determine q̇B and kB .
Ans: 4 × 106 W/m3 , 15.3 W/m K.

Heat and Mass Transfer 1D, Steady-State Conduction 91 / 537

From an energy balance on wall B,
Ėi n − Ėo ut + Ėg = Ėst

−qA − qC + q˙B V = 0
00 00
=⇒ −qA − qC + q˙B 2LB = 0
qA + qC
q̇B =
Heat flow across ambient and wall A:
T1 − T∞ 261 − 25
qA = =
1 30×10−3
= 107272.7 W/m2
1 LA
h + kA 1000 + 25

Heat and Mass Transfer 1D, Steady-State Conduction 92 / 537


Heat flow across ambient and wall C:

T1 − T∞ 211 − 25
qC = =
1 20×10−3
= 132857.1 W/m2
1 LC +
h + kC 1000 50

qA + qC 107272.7 + 132857.1
q̇B = = = 4 × 106 W/m3
2LB 60 × 10−3

Heat and Mass Transfer 1D, Steady-State Conduction 93 / 537


q̇B L2B x2
T2 − T1 x T1 + T2
T (x) = 1− 2 + +
2kB LB 2 LB 2
00 q̇B T2 − T1
qB (x) = −kB (−2x) +
2kB 2LB

T2 − T1
qB x=−LB
= −q̇B LB − kB
−qA00 + q̇ L
kB = = 15.35 W/m K
(T1 − T2 )/2LB

Heat and Mass Transfer 1D, Steady-State Conduction 94 / 537


A plane wall is a composite of two materials, A and B. The wall of

material A has uniform heat generation q̇ = 1.5 × 106 W/m3 ,
kA = 75 W/m K, and thickness LA = 50 mm. The wall material B
has no generation with kB = 150 W/m K, and thickness
LB = 20 mm. The inner surface of material A is well insulated,
while the outer surface of material B is cooled by a water stream
with T∞ = 30◦ C and = 1000 W/m2 K.
Sketch the temperature distribution that exists in the
composite under steady state conditions.
Determine the temperature T0 of the insulated surface and
the temperature T2 of the cooled surface.

Heat and Mass Transfer 1D, Steady-State Conduction 95 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer

1D Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces - Fins

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 96 / 537

Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces

Extended surface: solid that experiences energy transfer by

conduction within its boundaries, as well as energy transfer by
convection and/or radiation between its boundaries and the

ings. A
strut is used to provide mechanical support to two walls at
different T . A temperature gradient in the x-direction sustains
heat transfer by conduction internally, at the same time there is
energy transfer by convection from the surface.
Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 97 / 537
Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces

The most frequent application is one in which an extended surface

is used specifically to enhance the heat transfer rate between a
solid and an adjoining fluid - called as fin

Consider a plane wall:

qconv = hA(Ts − T∞ )

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 98 / 537

Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces

For fixed Ts , 2 ways to enhance the rate of heat transfer:

Increase the fluid velocity: cost of blower or pump power
T∞ could be reduced: impractical
Limitations: Many situations would be encountered in which
increasing h to the max. possible value is either insufficient to
obtain the desired heat transfer rate or the associated costs are
prohibitively high.

How about increasing surface area for

By providing fins that extend from the wall
into the surrounding fluid.

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 99 / 537

Fin Material

k of the fin material has a strong effect on the temperature

distribution along the fin and therefore influences the degree
to which the heat transfer rate is enhanced.
Ideally, the fin material should have a large k to minimize
temperature variations from its base to its tip.
In the limit of infinite thermal conductivity, the entire fin
would be at the temperature of the base surface, thereby
providing the maximum possible heat transfer enhancement.

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 100 / 537

Application of Fins

The arrangement for cooling engine heads on motorcycles and

For cooling electric power transformers
The tubes with attached fins used to promote heat exchange
between air and the working fluid of an air conditioner

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 101 / 537

Typical Finned Tube Heat Exchangers

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 102 / 537

Fin Configurations

For an extended surface, the direction of heat transfer from the

boundaries is perpendicular to the principal direction of heat
transfer in the solid.

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 103 / 537

General Conduction Analysis

To determine the heat transfer rate associated with a fin, we must

first obtain the temperature distribution along the fin.

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 104 / 537


1-D heat transfer (longitudinal x direction). In practice the

fine is thin and the temperature changes in the longitudinal
direction are much larger than those in the transverse
Steady state
k is constant
No heat generation
Negligible radiation from the surface
The rate at which the energy is convected to the fluid from
any point on the fin surface must be balanced by the rate at
which the energy reaches that point due to conduction in the
transverse (y, z) direction.
h is uniform over the surface

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 105 / 537

Derivation for fin

qx = qx+dx + dqconv
qx = −kAc
Ac may vary with x.
qx+dx = qx + dx

qconv = hdAs (T − T∞ )
dAs is the surface area of dx
d dT
=⇒ k Ac dx − hdAs (T − T∞ )
dx dx

d2 T
1 dAc dT 1 h dAs
+ − (T − T∞ )
dx2 Ac dx dx Ac k dx
Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 106 / 537
Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area

T (0) = Tb
Ac is constant, dAc /dx = 0
As = P x where x is measured from base, P is fin perimeter
dAs /dx = P
d2 T hP
− (T − T∞ ) = 0
dx2 kAc
Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 107 / 537
Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area

Excess temperature, θ

θ(x) = T (x) − T∞

dθ/dx = dT /dx

d2 θ
− m2 θ = 0
where m2 = kA c
The above equation is a linear, homogeneous, second-order
differential equation with constant coefficients. The general
solution is of the form:

θ(x) = C1 emx + C2 e−mx

It is necessary to specify appropriate BCs for C1 and C2 .

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 108 / 537
Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area

One such condition may be specified in terms of the temperature

at the base of the fin (x = 0):

θ(0) = Tb − T∞ = θb

The second condition, specified at the fin tip (x = L), may

correspond to any one of the four different physical conditions:
A. h at the fin tip
B. Adiabatic condition at the fin tip
C. Prescribed temperature maintained at the fin tip
D. Infinite fin (very long fin)

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 109 / 537

Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area

A. Infinite fin (very long fin): As L → ∞, θL → 0

B. Adiabatic condition at the fin tip

dx x=L

C. h at the fin tip

dT dθ
hAc [T (L)−T∞ ] = −kAc =⇒ hθ(L) = −k
dx x=L dx x=L

D. Prescribed temperature maintained at the fin tip: θ(L) = θL

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 110 / 537

Case A: Infinite fin (very long fin)

As L → ∞, θL → 0 and e−mL → 0

θ|x=0 = θb ; θ|x=L =0
θb = C1 e mx
+ C2 e ; C1 e mL
+ C2 e−mL = 0

Equation for infinite fin

= e−mx

dθ p
qf = −kAc = hP kAc θb
dx x=0

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 111 / 537

Case B: Adiabatic Condition at the Fin Tip

θ|x=0 = θb ; =0
dx x=L
θb = C1 emx + C2 e−mx ; C1 emx − C2 e−mx = 0
θ emx e−mx
= +
θb 1 + e2mL 1 + e−2mL

Equation for adiabatic condition

θ cosh[m(L − x)]
θb cosh mL

eA + e−A
Note: cosh A =
Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 112 / 537
Case B: Adiabatic Condition at the Fin Tip

dT dθ
qf = −kAc = −kAc
dx x=0 dx x=0
1 1
= −kAc mθb −
1 + e2mL 1 + e−2mL
e − e−mL
p  mL 
= hP kAc θb mL
e + e−mL

Rate of heat transfer: Adiabatic Condition

qf = hP kAc θb tanh mL

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 113 / 537

Case C: h from the Fin Tip

A practical way is to account for the heat loss from the fin tip is to
replace the fin length L in the relation for the adiabatic tip case by
a corrected length.
Lc = L +

θ cosh[m(Lc − x)]
θb cosh mLc
qf = hP kAc θb tanh mLc

Lc,rectanular f in =L+
Lc,cylindrical f in =L+

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 114 / 537

Uniform Cross-Sectional Fin: Summary
Temperature distribution & heat loss for fins of uniform cross-section

Tip Cond. at x = L θb

Infinite fin θ(L) = 0 e−mx M

Adiabatic dx x=L =0 cosh mL M tanh mL

cosh[m(Lc −x)]
Convection hθL = −k dx x=Lc cosh mLc M tanh mL

hP p Ac
m= ; M= hP kAc θb ; Lc = L +
kAc P
Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 115 / 537
A very long rod 5 mm in diameter has one end maintained at
100◦ C. The surface of the rod is exposed to ambient air at 25◦ C
with a convection heat transfer coefficient of 100 W/m2 K.
Determine the temperature distributions along rods
constructed from pure copper, 2024 aluminium alloy and type
AISI 316 stainless steel. What are the corresponding heat
losses from the rods? Ans: 8.3 W, 5.6 W and 1.6 W
Estimate how long the rods must be for the assumption of
infinite length to yield an accurate estimate of the heat loss.

At T = (Tb + T∞ )/2 = 62.5◦ C = 335 K :

kcopper = 398 W/m K
kaluminium = 180 W/m K
kstainless steel = 14 W/m K

Hint: For an infinitely long fin: θ/θb = e−mx

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 116 / 537

T (x) and heat loss when rod is Cu, Al, SS.
How long rods must be to assume infinite length.

Steady state conditions, 1-D along the rod
Constant properties and uniform h
Negligible radiation exchange with surroundings

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 117 / 537

Solution: Analysis - Part 1

T = T∞ + (Tb − T∞ )e−mx

is little additional heat transfer associated with lengths more than
50 mm (SS), 200 mm (Al), and 300 mm (Cu).
qf = hP kAc θb

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 118 / 537

Solution: Analysis - Part 2
Since there is no heat loss from the tip of an infinitely long rod, an
estimate of the validity of the approximation may be made by
comparing qf for infinitely long fin and adiabatic fin tip.
p p
hP kAc θb = hP kAc θb tanh mL

tanh 4 = 0.999 and tanh 2.5 = 0.987

=⇒ mL ≥ 2.5
2.65 kAc
L≥ = 2.5
m hP

LCu = 0.18 m; LAl = 0.12 m; and LSS = 0.033 m

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 119 / 537

Solution: Comments

The above results suggest that the fin heat transfer rate may
accurately be predicted from the infinite fin approximation if
mL ≥ 2.5
For more accuracy, if mL ≥ 4.6:
L∞ = 0.33 m (Cu), 0.23 m (Al) and 0.07 m (SS)

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 120 / 537

Proper Length of a Fin
qf in
= tanh mL
qlong f in

mL tanh mL
0.1 0.100
0.2 0.197
0.5 0.462
1.0 0.762
1.5 0.905
2.0 0.964
2.5 0.987
3.0 0.995
4.0 0.999
5.0 1.000

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 121 / 537

Fin Efficiency

No fin: qconv = hAb (Tb − T∞ )

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 122 / 537

Fin Efficiency

The temperature of the fin will be Tb at the fin base and

gradually decrease towards the fin tip.
Convection from the fin surface causes the temperature at any
cross-section to drop somewhat from the midsection toward
the outer surfaces.
However, the cross-sectional area of the fins is usually very
small, and thus the temperature at any cross-section can be
considered to be uniform.
Also, the fin tip can be assumed for convenience and
simplicity to be adiabatic by using the corrected length for the
fin instead of the actual length.
In the limiting case of zero thermal resistance or infinite k, the
temperature of fin will be uniform at the value of Tb . The heat
transfer from the fin will be maximum in this case (k → ∞):
qf in,max = hAf in (Tb − T∞ )
Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 123 / 537
Fin Efficiency

In reality, however, the temperature of the fin will drop along the
fin and thus the heat transfer from the fin will be less because of
the decreasing [T (x) − T∞ ] toward the fin tip.

To account for the effect of this decrease in temperature on heat

transfer, we define fin efficiency as:
qf in Actual heat transfer rate from the fin
ηf in = =
qf in,max Ideal heat transfer rate from the fin
if the entire fin were at base temperature

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 124 / 537

Fin Efficiency

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 125 / 537

Fin Efficiency: Uniform Cross-Sectional Area

Case A: Infinitely long fins

qf in 1
ηlong fin = =
qf in,max mL

∵ Af in = pL
Case B: Adiabatic tip
qf in tanh mL
ηadiabatic = =
qf in,max mL

Case C: Convection at tip

qf in tanh mLc
ηh at tip = =
qf in,max mLc

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 126 / 537

Fin Efficiency: Proper Length of a Fin

An important consideration in the design of finned surace is

the selection of the proper fin length, L.
Normally the longer the fin, the larger the heat transfer and
thus the higher the rate of heat transfer from the fin.
But also the larger the fin, the bigger the mass, the higher the
price, and the larger the fluid friction.
Therefore, increasing the length of the fin beyond a certain
value cannot be justified unless the added benefits outweigh
the added cost.
Also, ηf in decreases with increasing fin length because of the
decrease in fin temperature with length.
Fin lengths that cause the fin efficiency to drop below 60%
usually cannot be justified economically and should be
η of most fins used in practice is > 90%.
Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 127 / 537
η of Rectangular, Triangular, Parabolic Profiles

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 128 / 537

η of Annular fins of constant thickness, t

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 129 / 537

Fin Effectiveness

The performance of the fins is judged on the basis of enhancement

of heat transfer relative to the no fin case.
qf in qf
εf in = =
qno f in hAb (Tb − T∞ )

where Ab is the fin cross-sectional area at the base.

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 130 / 537

Fin Effectiveness: Physical Significance

εf in = 1 indicates that the addition of fins to the surface

does not affect heat transfer at all. That is, heat conducted
to the fin through the base area Ab is equal to the heat
transferred from the same area Ab to the surrounding medium.
εf in < 1 indicates that the fin actually acts as insulation,
slowing down the heat transfer from the surface. This
situation can occur when fins made of low k are used.
εf in > 1 indicates that the fins are enhancing heat transfer
from the surface. However, the use of fins cannot be justified
unless εf in is sufficiently larger than 1 (≥ 2). Finned surfaces
are designed on the basis of maximizing effectiveness of a
specified cost or minimizing cost for a desired effectiveness.

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 131 / 537

Efficiency and Effectiveness

ηf in and εf in are related to performance of the fin, but they are

different quantities.
qf in
εf in =
qno f in
qf in
hAb (Tb − T∞ )
ηf in hAf in (Tb − T∞ )
hAb (Tb − T∞ )
ηf in Af in
=⇒ εf in =

Therefore, ηf in can be determined easily when εf in is known, or

vice versa.

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 132 / 537

ε for a Long Uniform Cross-Section Fin

√ r
qf in hP kAc θb kP
εf in = = =
qno f in hAb (Tb − T∞ ) hAc
∵ Ac = Ab and θb = Tb − T∞

k of fin should be high. Ex: Cu, Al, Fe. Aluminium is low

cost, weight, and resistant to corrosion.
P/Ac should be high. Thin plates or slender pin fins
h should be low. Gas instead of liquid; Natural convection
instead of forced convection. Therefore, in liquid-to-gas heat
exchangers (car radiators), fins are placed on the gas side.

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 133 / 537

Multiple Fins

Heat transfer rate for a surface

containing n fins:

qtot,f in = qunf in + qf in
= hAunf in (Tb − T∞ )
+ ηf in Af in (Tb − T∞ )

qtot,f in = h(Aunf in + ηf in Af in )(Tb − T∞ )

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 134 / 537
Overall Effectiveness
We can also define an overall effectiveness for a finned surface as
the ratio of the total q from the finned surface to the q from the
same surface if there were no fins:
qf in
εf in,overall =
qnof in
h(Aunf in + ηf in Af in )(Tb − T∞ )
hAnof in (Tb − T∞ )

Anof in is the area of the surface when there are no fins

Af in is the total surface area of all the fins on the surface
Aunf in is the area of the unfinned portion of the surface.

εf in,overall depends on number of fins per unit length as well as

εf in of individual fins.
εf in,overall is a better measure of the performance than εf in of
individual fins.
Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 135 / 537
Steam in a heating system flows through tubes: outer diameter is
D1 = 3 cm and whose walls are maintained at 125◦ C. Circular
aluminium fins (k = 180 W/m K) of D2 = 6 cm, t = 2 mm are
attached. The space between the fins is 3 mm, and thus there are
200 fins per meter length of the tube. Surrounded air: T∞ = 27◦ C,
h = 60 W/m2 K. Determine the increase in heat transfer from the
tube per meter of its length as a result of adding fins.

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 136 / 537


Properties of the fin, ambient conditions, heat transfer coefficient,
dimensions of the fin.

Increase in heat transfer from the tube per meter of its length as a
result of adding fins.

Steady state conditions, 1-D along the rod
Constant properties and uniform h
Negligible radiation exchange with surroundings

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 137 / 537

Solution: Analysis
In case of no fins (per unit length, l = 1 m:
Anof in = πD1 l = 0.0942 m2
qnof in = hAnof in (Tb − T∞ ) = 554 W

r1 = D1 /2 = 0.015 m
r2 = D2 /2 = 0.03 m
r2 + 2t
= 2.07
L = r2 − r1 = 0.015 m
t h
ξ = L+ = 0.207
2 kt
=⇒ ηf in = 0.95

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 138 / 537

Solution: Analysis
q from finned portion q from unfinned portion of tube

Af in = 2π r22 − r12 + 2πr2 t

Aunf in = 2πr1 S
= 0.00462 m = 0.000283 m3
qf in = ηf in qf in,max qunf in = hAunf in (Tb − T∞ )
= ηf in hAf in (Tb − T∞ )
= 27.81 W = 1.67 W

There are 200 fins per meter length of the tube. The total heat
transfer from the finned tube:
qtot,f in = n(qf in + qunf in ) = 5896 W
∴ the increase in heat transfer from the tube per meter of its
length as a result of the addition of fins is:
qincrease = qtot,f in − qnof in = 5342 W per meter tube length
Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 139 / 537
Solution: Comments

The overall effectiveness of the finned tube is:
qtot,f in
εf in,overall = = 10.6
qtot,nof in

That is, the rate of heat transfer from the steam tube increases by
a factor of 10 as a result of adding fins.

Heat and Mass Transfer Fins 140 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer

Transient Heat Conduction

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 141 / 537

Transient Heat Conduction

Time dependent conduction - Temperature history inside a

conducting body that is immersed suddenly in a bath of fluid at a
different temperature.

Ex: Quenching of special alloys, heat treatment of bearings

The temperature of such a body varies with time as well as

T (x, y, z, t)

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 142 / 537

Transient Heat Conduction
A body is exposed to ambient

∂2T q̇ 1 ∂T
+ =
∂x2 k α ∂t
No heat generation

∂T ∂2T
=α 2
∂t ∂x
α → Thermal diffusivity (m2 /s) Tt=0 = Ti

It appears only in the transient =0
conduction ∂x x=0
qx=±L = h(T∞ − T )
T = f (x, t)

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 143 / 537

Lumped Capacitance Model

Lumped: Temperature is essentially uniform throughout the body.

T (x, y, z, t) = T (t)

Copper ball with uniform temperature Pot

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 144 / 537

Lumped Capacitance Model

Hot forging that is initially at uniform temperature, Ti and is

quenched by immersing it in a liquid of lower temperature T∞ < Ti

Ėin − Ėout + Ėgen = Ėst

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 145 / 537

Lumped Capacitance Model

−hA(T − T∞ ) = ρV Cp
dT hA
=− dt
T − T∞ ρV Cp
T =Ti t=0

θ T − T∞ t ρV Cp
= = e− τ τ=
θi Ti − T∞ hA

τ= (ρV Cp ) = Rt Ct
Rt - Resistance to convection heat transfer
Ct - Lumped thermal capacitance of the solid

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 146 / 537

Time Constant

= 0.368
θi t=τ

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 147 / 537

Total Energy Transfer
The rate of convection heat transfer between the body and its
environment at any time: q = hA[T (t) − T∞ ]
Total energy transfer occurring up to sometime, t:

Q= qdt
= hA[T (t) − T∞ ]dt
= hA(Ti − T∞ ) e− τ
h t
Q = ρV Cp (Ti − T∞ ) 1 − e− τ

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 148 / 537

Criteria of the Lumped System Analysis

Consider a body exposed to


qconv = qcond
Ts,1 − Ts,2
h(Ts,2 − T∞ ) = k
Ts,1 − Ts,2 hLc
= = Bi
Ts,2 − T∞ k
Lc = A

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 149 / 537

Biot Number

Bi =
k∆T /Lc
Conv. at the surface of the body
Conduction within the body

Lc /k
Bi =
Conduction resistance within the body
Conv. resistance at the surface

Generally accepted, Bi ≤ 0.1 for assuming lumped.

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 150 / 537

Biot Number

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 151 / 537

Biot Number

Small bodies with higher k and low h are most likely satisfy
Bi ≤ 0.1.

When k is low and h is high,

large temperature differences
occur between the inner and
outer regions of the body.

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 152 / 537

Professor Jean-Baptiste Biot

French physicist, astronomer, and

mathematician born in Paris, France.
Professor of mathematical physics at
Collège de France .
At the age of 29, he worked on the
analysis of heat conduction even
earlier than Fourier did (unsuccessful).
After 7 years, Fourier read Biot’s work.
Awarded the Rumford Medal of the
Royal Society in 1840 for his
contribution in the field of Polarization
of light.

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 153 / 537

Problem: Thermocouple Diameter

Determine the thermocouple junction diameter needed to have a

time constant of one second.
Ambient: T∞ = 200◦ C, h = 400 W/m2 K
properties: k = 20 W/m K, Cp = 400 J/kg K, ρ = 8500 kg/m3 Ans:

0.706 mm

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 154 / 537

Problem: Solution

Thermo-physical properties of the thermocouple junction used to
measure the temperature of a gas stream.
Thermal environmental conditions.

Junction diameter needed for a time constant of 1 second.

Temperature of the junction is uniform at any instant.
Radiation exchange with the surroundings is negligible.
Losses by conduction through the leads is negligible.
Constant properties.

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 155 / 537

Problem: Analysis

V πD3 /6 D hLc
Lc = = 2
= Bi = = 2.35 × 10−3 < 0.1
A πD 6 k
ρCp V ρCp D Criterion for using the lumped
τ= =
hA 6h capacitance model is satisfied
and the lumped capacitance
D = 0.706 mm method may be used to an
excellent approximation.

Heat transfer due to radiation exchange between the junction and
the surroundings and conduction through the leads would affect
the time response of the junction and would, in fact, yield an
equilibrium temperature that differs from T∞ .

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 156 / 537

Problem: Predict the Time of Death

A person is found dead at 5 PM in a room. The temperature of

the body is measured to be 25◦ C when found. Estimate the time
of death of that person.

T of the person at 5 PM.
Thermal environmental

The time of death of the person
is to be estimated.

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 157 / 537

Problem: Solution

The body can be modeled as a cylinder.
Radiation exchange with the surroundings is negligible.
The initial temperature of the person is 37◦ C.
Assuming properties of water.

V (πD2 /4)L
Lc = = = 0.069 m
A πDL + 2(πD2 /4)

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 158 / 537

Problem: Solution

Bi = = 0.9 > 0.1
Comment: Criterion for using the lumped capacitance model is
not satisfied. However, let us get a rough estimate.
ρCp V ρCp V
τ= = = 35891 s
hA hA
T − T∞ 25 − 20 t
= = e− τ
Ti − T∞ 37 − 20

t = 43923 s = 12.2 hours

Therefore, the person would have died around 5 AM.

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 159 / 537

Transient Conduction with Spatial Effects - 1D
A large plane wall A long cylinder A sphere

T (x, 0) = Ti Initial

= 0 Symmetry
∂2T 1 ∂T ∂x x=0
∂x2 α ∂t ∂T
−k = h [T (L, t) − T∞ ] Boundary
∂x x=L
Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 160 / 537
Transient Conduction with Spatial Effects - 1D

In all these three cases posses geometric and thermal symmetry:

the plane wall is symmetric about its center plane (x = 0),
the cylinder is symmetric about its center line(r = 0), and
the sphere is symmetric about its center point (r = 0)
Neglect qrad or incorporate as hr .

The solution, however, involves infinite series, which are

inconvenient and time consuming to evaluate.

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 161 / 537

Transient Temperature Profiles

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 162 / 537

Reduction of Parameters

It involves the parameters, x, L, t, k, α, h, Ti , and T∞ which are too

many to make any graphical presentation of the results practical.

T (x, t) − T∞
Dimensionless temperature: θ(x, t) =
Ti − T∞
Dimensionless distance from center: X=
Dimensionless h (Biot number): Bi =
Dimensionless time (Fourier number): Fo = 2 = τ
The non-dimensionalization enables us to present the temperature
in terms of three parameters only: θ = f (X, Bi, Fo).

In case of lumped system analysis, θ = f (Bi, Fo).

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 163 / 537

Fourier Number: Physical Significance

kL2 ∆T

αt L
Fo = 2 =
ρL3 Cp ∆T

L t
Rate of heat conducted across L of a body of volume L3
Rate of heat stored in a body of volume L3

Fo =

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 164 / 537

Exact Solution: One-Term Approximation
The exact solution involves infinite series. However, the terms in
terms in the solutions converge rapidly with increasing time, and
for τ > 0.2, keeping the first term and neglecting all the
remaining terms in the series results in an error under 2%.
T (x, t) − T∞ 2
Plane Wall: θ(x, t)wall = = A1 e−λ1 τ cos(λ1 x/L)
Ti − T∞
T (r, t) − T∞ 2
Cylinder: θ(r, t)cyl = = A1 e−λ1 τ J0 (λ1 r/r0 )
Ti − T∞
T (r, t) − T∞ 2 sin(λ1 r/r0 )
Sphere: θ(r, t)sph = = A1 e−λ1 τ
Ti − T∞ λ1 r/r0
A1 and λ1 are functions of the Bi number only.

Note: cos(0) = J0 (0) = 1 and the limit of (sin x)/x = 1.

T0 − T∞ 2
θ0 = = A1 e−λ1 τ
Ti − T∞
Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 165 / 537
Exact Solution: One Term Approximation

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 166 / 537

Special Case

1 k
= = 0 corresponds to h → ∞,
Bi hL
which corresponds to specified surface temperature, T∞ , case.

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 167 / 537

Total Energy Transferred from the Wall
The maximum amount of heat that a body can gain (or lose if
Ti > T∞ ) is the change in the energy content of the body:

Qmax = mCp (T∞ − Ti ) = ρV Cp (T∞ − Ti )

Qmax represents the amount of heat transfer for t → ∞. The

amount of heat transfer, Q at a finite time t is obviously less than
this. It can be expressed as the sum of the internal energy changes
throughout the entire geometry as:
Q= ρCp [T (x, t) − Ti ]dV

Assuming constant properties:

V ρCp [T (x, t) − Ti ]dV
Q 1
= = (1 − θ)dV
Qmax ρV Cp (T∞ − Ti ) V V

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 168 / 537

Total Energy: One Term Approximation

Q sin λ1
Plane Wall: = 1 − θ0,wall
Qmax wall λ1
Q J1 (λ1 )
Cylinder: = 1 − θ0,cyl
Qmax cyl λ1
Q sin λ1 − λ1 cos λ1
Sphere: = 1 − θ0,wall
Qmax sph λ1

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 169 / 537

Fraction of Total Heat Transfer: Gröber Chart

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 170 / 537

Graphical Solution: Heisler Charts

Valid for τ > 0.2

Plane wall

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 171 / 537

Graphical Solution: Heisler Charts

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 172 / 537


Limitations of One-term solution and Heisler/Gröber charts

Body is initially at an uniform temperature
T∞ and h are constant and uniform
No energy generation within the body

Infinitely Large or Long?

A plate whose thickness is small relative to the other
dimensions can be modeled as an infinitely large plate, except
very near the outer edges.
The edge effects on large bodies are usually negligible.
Ex: A large plane wall such as the wall of a house.
Similarly, a long cylinder whose diameter is small relative to
its length can be analyzed as an infinitely long cylinder.

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 173 / 537


An ordinary egg can be approximated as a 5 cm diameter sphere.

The egg is initially at a uniform temperature of 5◦ C and is dropped
into boiling water at 95◦ C. Taking the convection heat transfer
coefficient to be h = 1200 W/m2 K, determine how long it will
take for the center of the egg to reach 70◦ C.

The water content of eggs is about

74%, and thus k and α of eggs can be
approximated by those of water at the
average temperature
(5 + 70)/2 = 37.5◦ C.

k = 0.627 W/m K; α = k/ρcp = 0.151 × 10−6 m2 /s

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 174 / 537


Ti = 5◦ C; T∞ = 95◦ C T0 = 70◦ C h = 1200 W/m2 K

k = 0.627 W/m K; α = k/ρcp = 0.151 × 10−6 m2 /s

hLc hr0
BiLc = = 16 Bir0 = = 47.8
k k

One-term approximation
T0 − T∞ 2
θ0 = = A1 e−λ1 τ , τ > 0.2
Ti − T∞
τ= r02
λ1 = 3.0754; A1 = 1.9958

τ = 0.209, Ans: 14.4 min

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 175 / 537
Semi-Infinite Solids

A single plane surface and extends to infinity in all directions.

Ex: Earth -temperature variation near its surface
Thick wall - temperature variation near one of its surfaces
For short periods of time, most bodies are semi-infinite solids.
The thickness of the body does not enter into the heat
transfer analysis.
Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 176 / 537
Semi-Infinite Solids

∂2T 1 ∂T T (0, t) = Ts ; T (x → ∞, t) = Ti
∂x α ∂t
T (x, 0) = Ti

Convert PDE into ODE by combining the two independent

variables x and t into a single variable η:

Similarity variable, η
η = 0 at x = 0
η → ∞ at x → ∞
η → ∞ at t = 0

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 177 / 537

Semi-Infinite Solids

∂T dT dη x dT
= =− √
∂t dη dt 2t 4αt dη
∂T dT dη 1 dT
= =√
∂x dη dx 4αt dη
2 1 d2 T
∂ T d ∂T dη
= =
∂x2 dη ∂x dx 4αt dη 2

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 178 / 537

Convective Boundary Condition

The exact solution for a convective boundary condition:

Temperature distribution
T (x, t) − Ts x
1−θ = = efrc √
T∞ − Ts 2 αt
hx h2 αt
x h αt
− exp + 2 efrc √ +
k k 2 αt k

The complementary error function, erfc ξ is defined as

erfc ξ = 1 − erf ξ. The Gaussian error function, erf ξ, is a standard
mathematical function that is tabulated.

Heat and Mass Transfer Transient Conduction 179 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer

Multidimensional Steady-State Conduction

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna
Heat and Mass Transfer Multidimensional Conduction 180 / 537
Two-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction

Governing equation
∂2T ∂2T
+ =0
∂x2 ∂y 2

Solve for T (x, y)

Determine qx00 and qy00 from the rate equations


Heat and Mass Transfer Multidimensional Conduction 181 / 537

Analytical Approach

Method of separation of variables:

2 X (−1)n+1 + 1 nπx sinh(nπy/L)
θ(x, y) = sin
π n L sinh(nπW/l)

Heat and Mass Transfer Multidimensional Conduction 182 / 537

Graphical Approach

Conduction Shape Factor

q = kS∆T1−2
where ∆T1−2 is the temp. difference between boundaries.

S (m) depends on the geometry of the system only and R = 1/Sk.

Heat and Mass Transfer Multidimensional Conduction 183 / 537
Conduction Shape Factor

Heat and Mass Transfer Multidimensional Conduction 184 / 537

Conduction Shape Factor

Heat and Mass Transfer Multidimensional Conduction 185 / 537

Conduction Shape Factor

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Conduction Shape Factor

Heat and Mass Transfer Multidimensional Conduction 187 / 537

Numerical Approach

(a) Nodal Network (b) Finite-difference approximation

Heat and Mass Transfer Multidimensional Conduction 188 / 537
Heat and Mass Transfer

Numerical Methods - FDS

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 189 / 537

Numerical Technique

Advances in numerical computing now allow for complex heat

transfer problems to be solved rapidly on computers. Some
examples are:
Finite-difference method
Finite-element method
Boundary-element method
In general, these techniques are routinely used to solve problems in
heat transfer, fluid dynamics, stress analysis, electrostatics and
magnetics, etc. Finite-difference method is ease of application.
Numerical techniques result in an approximate solution.
Properties (e.g.,T , u) are determined at discrete points in the
region of interest - referred as nodal points or nodes.

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 190 / 537

Finite-Difference Analysis

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 191 / 537

Finite-Difference Analysis

∂2T ∂2T
+ =0 (1)
∂x2 ∂y 2
∂T ∂T

∂ 2 T ∂x m+1/2,n − ∂x m−1/2,n

∂x2 m,n ∆x
Tm+1,n − 2Tm,n + Tm−1,n
≈ (2)

∂ 2 T

Tm+1,n − 2Tm,n + Tm−1,n
≈ (3)
∂y 2 m,n (∆y)2
Using a network for which ∆x = ∆y and substituting Eqs. (2)
and (3) in Eq. (1):

Tm,n+1 + Tm,n−1 + Tm+1,n + Tm−1,n − 4Tm,n = 0

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 192 / 537
Energy Balance Method

Assuming that all the heat flow is into the node, Ėin + Ėg = 0:
q(i)→(m,n) + q̇(∆x · ∆y · 1) = 0

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 193 / 537

Energy Balance Method

Tm−1,n − Tm,n
q(m−1,n)→(m,n) = k(∆y · 1)
Tm+1,n − Tm,n
q(m+1,n)→(m,n) = k(∆y · 1)
Tm,n+1 − Tm,n
q(m,n+1)→(m,n) = k(∆x · 1)
Tm,n−1 − Tm,n
q(m,n−1)→(m,n) = k(∆x · 1)

Tm,n+1 + Tm,n−1 + Tm+1,n + Tm−1,n + − 4Tm,n = 0

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 194 / 537

Energy Balance Method

Tm−1,n − Tm,n
q(m−1,n)→(m,n) = k(∆y · 1)
Tm,n+1 − Tm,n
q(m,n+1)→(m,n) = k(∆x · 1)

∆y Tm+1,n − Tm,n
q(m+1,n)→(m,n) = k( · 1)
2 ∆x
∆x Tm,n−1 − Tm,n
q(m,n−1)→(m,n) = k( · 1)
2 ∆y

∆x ∆y
q(∞)→(m,,n) = h · 1 (T∞ − Tm,n ) + h · 1 (T∞ − Tm,n )
2 2
1 h∆x h∆x
Tm,n+1 +Tm,n−1 + (Tm+1,n +Tm−1,n )+ T∞ − 3 + Tm,n = 0
2 k k
Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 195 / 537
Specified Heat Flux Boundary Condition

T1 − T0 ∆x
qsurface + kA + q̇A =0
δx 2
Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 196 / 537

Consider a large uranium plate of thickness L = 4 cm and

k = 28 W/m K in which heat is generated uniformly at a constant
rate of q̇ = 5 × 106 W/m3 . One side of the plate is maintained at
0◦ C by iced water while the other side is subjected to convection
to an environment at T∞ = 30◦ C with h = 45 W/m2 K.
Considering a total of three equally spaced nodes in the medium,
two at the boundaries and one at the middle, estimate the exposed
surface temperature of the plate under steady conditions using the
finite difference approach.

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 197 / 537

For the interior node (1), the energy balance would result in:
T0 − 2T1 + T2 q̇
+ =0
(∆x) k

T0 − 2T1 + T2 = −

2T1 − T2 = 71.43 (1)

Let us write the governing equation for the corner Node (2):
T1 − T2 ∆x
h(T∞ − T2 ) + kA + q̇A =0
∆x 2
h∆x h∆x q̇(∆x)2
T1 − (1 + )T2 = − T∞ −
k k 2k

T1 − 1.032T2 = −36.68 (2)

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 198 / 537
Solution: Generalizing

T0 − 2T1 + T2 = −
Tm−1 − 2Tm + Tm+1 = −

h∆x h∆x q̇(∆x)2

T1 − (1 + )T2 = − T∞ −
k k 2k
h∆x h∆x q̇(∆x)2
TM −1 − (1 + )TM = − T∞ −
k k 2k

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 199 / 537


Consider an aluminum alloy fin (k = 180 W/m K) of triangular

cross section with length L = 5 cm, base thickness b = 1 cm, and
very large width w in the direction normal to the plane of paper.
The base of the fin is maintained at a temperature of T0 = 200◦ C.
The fin is losing heat to the surrounding medium at T∞ = 25◦ C
with a heat transfer coefficient of h = 15 W/m2 K. Using the finite
difference method with six equally spaced nodes along the fin in
the x-direction, determine (a) the temperatures at the nodes, (b)
the rate of heat transfer from the fin for w = 1 m, and (c) the fin

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 200 / 537


T0 = 200◦ C k = 180 W/m K

b = 1 cm w = 1 cm
T∞ = 25 C ◦
h = 15 W/m2 K

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 201 / 537


qleft + qright + qconv = 0

Tm−1 − Tm Tm+1 − Tm
kAleft + kAright + hAconv (T∞ − Tm ) = 0
∆x ∆x

Aleft = 2w[L − (m − 1/2)∆x] tan θ

Aright = 2w[L − (m + 1/2)∆x] tan θ
Aconv = 2w(∆x/ cos θ)
tan θ = = 0.1 =⇒ θ = 5.71◦
Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 202 / 537

(5.5 − m)Tm−1 − (10.01 − 2m)Tm + (4.5 − m)Tm+1 = −0.209

Four equations for m = 1 → 4. Boundary condition at node (5):

T4 − T5
kAleft + hAconv (T∞ − T5 )
Aleft = 2w(∆x/2) tan θ Aconv = 2w
cos θ
Total 5 equations with 5 unknowns.

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 203 / 537


   −1  
T1 −8.01 3.5 0 0 0 −900.21

 T2   3.5
  −6.01 2.5 0 0 

 −0.21 

 T3 = 0
  2.5 −4.01 1.5 0  ×
 −0.21 

 T4   0 0 1.5 −2.01 0.5   −2.1 
T5 0 0 0 1 −1.01 −0.21
 
 197.1 
 ◦
 195.7
=  C

 194.3 

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 204 / 537

Direct/Iterative Methods

Direct Methods
Solve in a systematic manner following a series of well-defined

Iterative Methods
Start with an initial guess for the solution, and iterate until
solution converges.

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 205 / 537

Gauss-Seidel/Iterative Method
Application of the Gauss-Seidel iterative method to the finite
difference equations in the previous triangular fin example.

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 206 / 537

Transient: The Explicit Method

1 ∂T ∂2T ∂2T
= +
α ∂t ∂x2 ∂y 2
The problem must be discretized in time.
t = p∆t
p+1 p
∂T Tm,n − Tm,n

∂t m,n ∆t
In explicit method of solution, the temperatures are evaluated at
the previous (p) time - forward-difference approximation to the
time derivative.
p+1 p p p p
1 Tm,n − Tm,n Tm+1,n + Tm−1,n − 2Tm,n
α ∆t (∆x)2
p p p
Tm,n+1 + Tm,n−1 − 2Tm,n
Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 207 / 537
Transient: The Explicit Method

Solving for the nodal temperature at the new (p + 1) time and

assuming that ∆x = ∆y, it follows that:
p+1 p p p p p
Tm,n = Fo(Tm+1,n + Tm−1,n + Tm,n+1 + Tm,n−1 ) + (1 − 4Fo)Tm,n

where Fo =

If the system is 1D in x, the explicit form of the finite-difference

equation for an interior node m reduces to:
p+1 p p p
Tm = Fo(Tm+1 + Tm−1 ) + (1 − 2Fo)Tm

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 208 / 537

Stability Criterion

Explicit method is not unconditionally stable.

The solution may be characterized by numerically induced
oscillations, which are physically impossible
Oscillations may become unstable, causing the solution to
diverge from the actual steady-state conditions.

Stability Criterion
The criterion is determined by requiring that the coefficient
associated with the node of interest at the previous time is greater
than or equal to zero.
p+1 p p p
Tm = Fo(Tm+1 + Tm−1 ) + (1 − 2Fo)Tm
1D :(1 − 2Fo) ≥ 0 =⇒ Fo ≤
2D :(1 − 4Fo) ≥ 0 =⇒ Fo ≤
Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 209 / 537
Energy Balance at the Boundary

Ėin + Ėg = Ėst

kA p ∆x T0p+1 − T0p
hA(T∞ − T0p ) + (T1 − T0p ) = ρA Cp
∆x 2 ∆t
T0p+1 = 2 Fo (T1 + Bi T∞ ) + (1 − 2 Fo − 2 Bi Fo)T0p

Bi = k
From the stability Criteria:
1 − 2 Fo − 2 Bi Fo ≥ 0
Fo(1 + Bi) ≤
Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 210 / 537
A fuel element of a nuclear reactor is in the shape of a plane wall
of thickness 2L = 20 mm and is convectively cooled at both
surfaces, with h = 1100 W/m2 K and T∞ = 250◦ C. At normal
operating power, heat is generated uniformly within the element at
a volumetric rate of q̇1 = 107 W/m3 . A departure from the
steady-state conditions associated with normal operation will occur
if there is a change in the generation rate. Consider a sudden
change to q̇2 = 2 × 107 W/m3 , and determine the fuel element
temperature distribution after 1.5 s.

The fuel element

thermal properties are
k = 30 W/m K and
α = 5 × 10−6 m2 /s.

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 211 / 537

For m = 0 → 4:
p p p p p+1 p
Tm−1 − Tm Tm+1 − Tm Tm − Tm
kA + kA + q̇A∆x = ρA∆xCp
∆x ∆x ∆t
p+1 p p p
Tm = Fo Tm−1 + Tm+1 + + (1 − 2Fo)Tm
For m = 5:
T4p − T5p p ∆x ∆x T5p+1 − T5p
kA + hA(T∞ − T5 ) + q̇A = ρA Cp
∆x 2 2 ∆t
T5p+1 = 2Fo T4p + Bi T∞ + + (1 − 2Fo − 2Bi Fo)T5p
Fo(1 + Bi) ≤

Bi = 0.0733 =⇒ Fo ≤ 0.466 =⇒ ∆t ≤ 0.373 s

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 212 / 537
Assuming ∆t = 0.3 s, Fo = 0.375,
T0p+1 = 0.375(2T1p + 2.67) + 0.250T0p
T1p+1 = 0.375(T0p + T2p + 2.67) + 0.250T0p
T2p+1 = 0.375(T1p + T3p + 2.67) + 0.250T0p
T3p+1 = 0.375(T2p + T4p + 2.67) + 0.250T0p
T4p+1 = 0.375(T3p + T5p + 2.67) + 0.250T0p
T5p+1 = 0.750(T4p + 19.67) + 0.195T0p
For 1D, steady state, q̇, symmetrical about the plane:

q̇L2 x2
T (x) = 1 − 2 + Ts p=0 107 × 0.01
2k L T 5 = 250+ = 340.9◦ C
q̇L p=0
Tm = 16.67(1−10000x2 )+340.9
Ts = T∞ +
Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 213 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 214 / 537

Transient: The Implicit Method

1 ∂T ∂2T ∂2T
= +
α ∂t ∂x2 ∂y 2
p+1 p
∂T Tm,n − Tm,n

∂t m,n ∆t
In implicit method of solution, the temperatures are evaluated at
the new (p + 1) time - backward-difference approximation to the
time derivative.
p+1 p p+1 p+1 p+1
1 Tm,n − Tm,n Tm+1,n + Tm−1,n − 2Tm,n
α ∆t (∆x)2
p+1 p+1 p+1
Tm,n+1 + Tm,n−1 − 2Tm,n

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 215 / 537

A fuel element of a nuclear reactor is in the shape of a plane wall
of thickness 2L = 20 mm and is convectively cooled at both
surfaces, with h = 1100 W/m2 K and T∞ = 250◦ C. At normal
operating power, heat is generated uniformly within the element at
a volumetric rate of q̇1 = 107 W/m3 . A departure from the
steady-state conditions associated with normal operation will occur
if there is a change in the generation rate. Consider a sudden
change to q̇2 = 2 × 107 W/m3 , and determine the fuel element
temperature distribution after 1.5 s.

The fuel element

thermal properties are
k = 30 W/m K and
α = 5 × 10−6 m2 /s.

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 216 / 537


For m = 0 → 4:
p+1 p+1
Tm−1 − Tm T p+1 − Tm
p+1 p+1
Tm p
− Tm
kA +kA m+1 +q̇A∆x = ρA∆xCp
∆x ∆x ∆t

p+1 p+1 p+1 p q̇(∆x)2

Fo Tm − (1 + 2Fo)Tm + FoTm+1 = −Tm − Fo
k m=0→4
For m = 5:

T4p+1 − T5p+1 ∆x ∆x T5p+1 − T5p

kA +hA(T∞ −T5p+1 )+q̇A = ρA Cp
∆x 2 2 ∆t

2FoT4p+1 − (1 + 2Fo + 2Bi Fo)T5p+1 = −T5p − F o
k m=5

Heat and Mass Transfer Numerical Methods - FDS 217 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer

Introduction to Convection

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 218 / 537

Convective Heat Transfer

Convective heat transfer involves

fluid motion
heat conduction
The fluid motion enhances the heat
transfer, since it brings hotter and
cooler chunks of fluid into contact,
initiating higher rates of conduction at a
greater number of sites in fluid.
Therefore, the rate of heat transfer
through a fluid is much higher by
convection than it is by conduction.

Higher the fluid velocity, the higher the

rate of heat transfer.

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 219 / 537

Convective Heat Transfer

Convection heat transfer strongly depends on

fluid properties: µ, k, ρ, Cp
fluid velocity: V
geometry and the roughness of the solid surface
type of fluid flow (laminar or turbulent)

Newton’s law of cooling

qconv = hAs (Ts − T∞ )

T∞ is the temp. of the fluid sufficiently far from the surface

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 220 / 537

Total Heat Transfer Rate

Local heat flux

qconv = hl (Ts − T∞ )
hl is the local convection coefficient

Flow conditions vary on the surface: q 00 , h vary along the surface.

The total heat transfer rate q:

qconv = q 00 dAs
= (Ts − T∞ ) hdAs

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 221 / 537

Total Heat Transfer Rate

Defining an average convection coefficient h̄ for the entire surface,

qconv = h̄As (Ts − T∞ )

h̄ = hdAs

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 222 / 537


A fluid flowing over a stationary surface - no-slip condition

A fluid and a solid surface will have the same T at the point of
contact, known as no-temperature-jump condition.
Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 223 / 537
No-slip, No-Temperature-Jump
With no-slip and the no-temperature-jump conditions: the heat
transfer from the solid surface to the fluid layer adjacent to the
surface is by pure conduction.

00 00 ∂T
qconv = qcond = −kf luid
∂y y=0

T represents the temperature distribution in the fluid (∂T /∂y)y=0

i.e., the temp. gradient at the surface.
qconv = h(Ts − T∞ )

−kf luid ∂y y=0
Ts − T∞

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 224 / 537

Experimental results for the local heat transfer coefficient hx for
flow over a flat plate with an extremely rough surface were found
to fit the relation hx (x) = x−0.1 where x (m) is the distance from
the leading edge of the plate.
Develop an expression for the ration of the average heat
transfer coefficient h̄x for a path of length x to the local heat
transfer coefficient hx at x.
Plot the variation of hx and h̄x as a function of x.

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 225 / 537


The average value of h over the region from 0 to x is:

h̄x = = hx (x)dx
= x−0.1 dx
1 x0.9
= = 1.11x−0.1
x 0.9

h̄x = 1.11hx

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 226 / 537


Boundary layer development causes both hl and h̄ to decrease with
increasing distance from the leading edge. The average coefficient
up to x must therefore exceed the local value at x.
Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 227 / 537
Nusselt Number

Nu =
kf luid

Heat transfer through the fluid layer will

be by convection when the fluid involves
some motion and by conduction when
the fluid layer is motionless.

qconv = h∆T qcond = k
qconv h∆T hL
= = = Nu
qcond k∆T /L k

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 228 / 537

Nusselt Number

Nu =
Nusselt number: enhancement of heat transfer through a fluid
layer as a result of convection relative to conduction across the
same fluid layer.

Nu >> 1 for a fluid layer - the more effective the convection

Nu = 1 for a fluid layer - heat transfer across the layer is by pure


Nu < 1 ???

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 229 / 537

Prof. Wilhem Nußelt

German engineer, born in Germany (1882)

Doctoral thesis - Conductivity of Insulating
Prof. - Heat and Momentum Transfer in
1915 - pioneering work in basic laws of
Dimensionless groups - similarity theory of heat transfer
Film condensation of steam on vertical surfaces
Combustion of pulverized coal
Analogy of heat transfer and mass transfer in evaporation
Worked till 70 years. Lived for 75 years and died in München on
September 1, 1957.

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 230 / 537

External and Internal Flows

External - flow of an unbounded fluid over a surface

Internal - flow is completely bounded by solid surfaces

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 231 / 537
Laminar and Turbulent Flows

Laminar - smooth and orderly: flow of high-viscosity fluids such as

oils at low velocities
Internal - chaotic and highly disordered fluid motion: flow of
low-viscosity fluids such as air at high velocities
The flow regime greatly influences the heat transfer rates and the
required power for pumping.
Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 232 / 537
Reynolds Number

Osborne Reynolds in 1880’s, discovered that the flow regime

depends mainly on the ratio of the inertia forces to viscous forces
in the fluid.

Re can be viewed as the ratio of the inertia forces to the viscous

forces acting on a fluid volume element.

Inertia forces V Lc ρV Lc
Re = = =
Viscous ν µ

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 233 / 537

The Effects of Turbulence

Taylor and Von Karman (1937)

Turbulence is an irregular motion which in general makes its
appearance in fluids, gaseous or liquids, when they flow past solid
surfaces or even when neighboring streams of same fluid past over
one another.
Turbulent fluid motion is an irregular condition of flow in which
various quantities show a random variation with time and space
coordinates, so that statistically distinct average values can be

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 234 / 537

The Effects of Turbulence

Because of the motion of eddies, the transport of momentum,

energy, and species is enhanced.

The velocity gradient at the surface, and therefore the surface

shear stress, is much larger for δturb than for δlam . Similarly for
temp. & conc. gradients.

Turbulence is desirable. However, the increase in wall shear stress

will have the adverse effect of increasing pump or fan power.
Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 235 / 537
1-, 2-, 3- Dimensional Flows

1-D flow in a circular pipe

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 236 / 537

Velocity Boundary Layer

Vx=δ = 0.99U∞

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 237 / 537

Wall Shear Stress
Friction force per unit area is called sheat stress
Surface shear stress

τw = µ
∂y y=0

The determination of τw is not practical as it requires a knowledge

of the flow velocity profile. A more practical approach in external
flow is to relate τw to the upstream velocity U∞ as:
Skin friction coefficient
τw = Cf

Friction force over the entire surface

F f = C f As
Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 238 / 537
Thermal Boundary Layer

δt at any location along the surface at which

(T − Ts ) = 0.99(T∞ − Ts )

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 239 / 537

Prandtl Number

Shape of the temp. profile in the thermal boundary layer

dictates the convection heat transfer between a solid surface
and the fluid flowing over it.
In flow over a heated (or cooled) surface, both velocity and
thermal boundary layers will develop simultaneously.
Noting that the fluid velocity will have a strong influence on
the temp. profile, the development of the velocity boundary
layer relative to the thermal boundary layer will have a strong
effect on the convection heat transfer.

Molecular diffusivity of momentum ν µCp

Pr = = =
Molecular diffusivity of heat α k

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 240 / 537

Prandtl Number

Typical ranges of Pr for common fluids

Fluid Pr
Liquid metals 0.004-0.030
Gases 0.7-1.0
Water 1.7-13.7
Light organic fluids 5-50
Oils 50-100,000
Glycerin 2000-100,000

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 241 / 537

Prandtl Number

≈ Prn
n is positive exponent

Pr = 1 for gases =⇒ both momentum and heat dissipate
through the fluid at about the same rate.
Heat diffuses very quickly in liquid metals (Pr < 1).
Heat diffuses very slowly in oils (Pr > 1) relative to
Therefore, thermal boundary layer is much thicker for liquid
metals and much thinner for oils relative to the velocity
boundary layer.

δ = δt for Pr = 1
δ > δt for Pr > 1 Pr =
δ < δt for Pr < 1
Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 242 / 537
Prof. Ludwig Prandtl

German Physicist, born in Bavaria (1875 -

Father of aerodynamics
Prof. of Applied Mechanics at Göttingen for
49 years (until his death)
His work in fluid dynamics is still used today
in many areas of aerodynamics and chemical
His discovery in 1904 of the Boundary Layer which adjoins the
surface of a body moving in a fluid led to an understanding of skin
friction drag and of the way in which streamlining reduces the drag
of airplane wings and other moving bodies.

Heat and Mass Transfer Introduction to Convection 243 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer

Convection Equations

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna
Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 244 / 537

Assuming the flow/fluid to be:

2D, Steady
constant properties (ρ, µ, k, etc.)

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 245 / 537

Continuity Equation

Rate of mass flow into CV = Rate of mass flow out of CV

rate of fluid entering CVleft : rate of fluid leaving CVright :

ρu(dy · 1) ρ(u + dx)(dy · 1)

∂u ∂v
ρu(dy · 1) + ρv(dx · 1) = ρ(u + dx)(dy · 1) + ρ(v + dy)(dx · 1)
∂x ∂y

∂u ∂v
+ =0
∂x ∂y

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 246 / 537

Momentum Equation
Expressing Newton’s second law of motion for the control volume:

(Mass) (Acceleration in x) = (Net body and surface forces in x)

δm · ax = Fsurface,x + Fbody,x (3)

δm = ρ(dx · dy · 1)

du ∂u dx ∂u dy
ax = = +
dt ∂x dt ∂y dt
∂u ∂u
=u +v (4)
∂x ∂y

Steady state doesn’t mean that acceleration is zero.

Ex: Garden hose nozzle

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 247 / 537

Momentum Equation

Body forces: gravity, electric and magnetic forces - ∝ volume.

Surface forces: pressure forces due to hydrostatic pressure and
shear stresses due to viscous effects - ∝ surface area.

Viscous forces has two components:

1 normal to the surface- normal stress
related to velocity gradients ∂u/∂x and ∂v/∂y
2 along the wall surface - shear stress
related to ∂u/∂y
For simplicity, the normal stresses are neglected.

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 248 / 537

Momentum Equation

∂τ ∂P
Fsurface,x = dy (dx · 1) − dx (dy · 1)
∂y ∂x
∂τ ∂P
= − (dx · dy · 1)
∂y ∂x
τ =µ ∂y
∂ u ∂P
= µ 2 − (dx · dy · 1) (5)
∂y ∂x
Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 249 / 537
Momentum Equation

Combining Eqs. (3), (4) and (5):

∂ 2 u ∂P
∂u ∂u
ρ u +v =µ 2 −
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x

x-momentum equation

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 250 / 537

Boundary layer approximations

y-momentum equation
∂P dP
P = P (x) =⇒ =
∂x dx
Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 251 / 537
Energy Equation: Balance

(Ėin − Ėout )by mass + (Ėin − Ėout )by heat + (Ėin − Ėout )by work = 0
Flowing fluid stream: is associated with enthalpy (internal energy
and flow energy), potential energy (PE) and kinetic energy (KE)
Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 252 / 537
Energy Balance: by Mass
The total energy of a flowing stream is:
 0
u2 2

0 +v 
ṁ(h + pe + ke) = ṁ h + 
>+   = ṁCp T


KE: [m2 /s2 ] ≈ J/kg. h is in kJ/kg. So, KE is expressed in kJ/kg

by dividing it by 1000. KE term at low velocities is negligible.
By similar argument, PE term is negligible.
∂(ṁCp T )x
(Ėin − Ėout )by mass,x = (ṁCp T )x − (ṁCp T )x + dx
∂[ρu(dy · 1)Cp T ]
=− dx
∂T ∂T
(Ėin − Ėout )by mass = −ρCp u +v dxdy (7)
∂x ∂y

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 253 / 537

Energy Balance: by Heat

(Ėin − Ėout )by heat,x = qx − qx + dx
∂ ∂T
=− −k(dy · 1) dx
∂x ∂x
= k 2 dxdy

∂ T
(Ėin − Ėout )by heat =k + dxdy (8)
∂x2 ∂y 2

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 254 / 537

Energy Balance: by Work

Work done by body forces: considered only if significant

gravitational, electric, or magnetic effects exist.
Work done by surface faces: consists of forces due to fluid
pressure and viscous shear stresses.
Work done by pressure (the flow work) is accounted in enthalpy
Shear stresses that result from viscous effects are usually small
(low velocities)

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 255 / 537

Energy Equation

Combining Eqs. (6), (7), and (8):

∂T ∂T ∂ T
ρCp u +v =k +
∂x ∂y ∂x2 ∂y 2
| {z } | {z }
convection conduction

Net energy convected by the fluid out of CV

Net energy transfered into CV by conduction

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 256 / 537

Energy Equation with Viscous Shear Stresses

When viscous shear stresses are not neglected, then:

∂T ∂T ∂ T
ρCp u +v =k + + µΦ
∂x ∂y ∂x2 ∂y 2 |{z}
| {z } | {z } viscous dissipation
convection conduction

where the viscous dissipation term is given as:

"   2 #
∂u ∂v 2 ∂u 2
µΦ = µ + + 2µ +
∂y ∂x ∂x ∂y

This accounts for the rate at which mechanical work is irreversibly

converted to thermal energy due to viscous effects in the fluid.

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 257 / 537

Energy Equation with no Convection

∂2T ∂2T
∂T ∂T
u +v =α +
∂x ∂y ∂x2 ∂y 2
| {z } | {z }
advection diffusion

When the fluid is stationary, u = v = 0:


∂ T
k + =0
∂x2 ∂y 2

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 258 / 537

Differential Convection Equations
Steady incompressible, laminar flow of a fluid with constant
∂u ∂v
Continuity: + =0
∂x ∂y
∂ 2 u dP
∂u ∂u
Momentum: ρ u +v =µ 2 −
∂x ∂y ∂y dx
∂T ∂T ∂ T
Energy: ρCp u +v =k +
∂x ∂y ∂x2 ∂y 2
with the boundary conditions

At x = 0 : u(0, y) = u∞ , T (0, y) = T∞
At y = 0 : u(x, 0) = 0, v(x, 0) = 0, T (x, 0) = Ts
At y → ∞ : u(x, ∞) = u∞ , T (x, ∞) = T∞

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 259 / 537

Principle of Similarity

x ∗ y u v P T − Ts
x∗ = , y = , u∗ = , v∗ = ,P∗ = 2
,T∗ =
L L U∞ U∞ ρU∞ T∞ − Ts

∂u∗ ∂v ∗
Continuity: + =0
∂x∗ ∂y ∗
∂u∗ ∂u∗ 1 ∂ 2 u∗ dP ∗
Momentum: u∗ ∗ + v ∗ ∗ = −
∂x ∂y ReL ∂y ∗2 dx∗
∂T ∗ ∂T ∗ 1 ∂2T ∗
Energy: u∗ ∗ + v ∗ ∗ =
∂x ∂y ReL Pr ∂y ∗2
with the boundary conditions
At x∗ = 0 : u∗ (0, y ∗ ) = 1, T ∗ (0, y ∗ ) = 1
At y ∗ = 0 : u∗ (x∗ , 0) = 0, v ∗ (x∗ , 0) = 0, T (x∗ , 0) = 0
At y ∗ → ∞ : u∗ (x∗ , ∞) = 1, T ∗ (x∗ , ∞) = 1

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 260 / 537

Principle of Similarity

Parameters before nondimensionalizing: L, V, T∞ , v, α

Parameters after nondimensionalizing: Re, PrThe number of

parameters is reduced greatly by nondimensionalizing the
convection equations.

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 261 / 537

Functional Forms

For a given geometry, the solution for u∗ can be expressed as:

u∗ = f1 (x∗ , y ∗ , ReL )

The shear stress at the surface:

τw = µ
∂y y=0
µU∞ ∂u∗

L ∂y ∗ y∗ =0
= f2 (x∗ , ReL )

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 262 / 537

Functional Forms

Now the local friction factor:

Cf,x = 2 /2
µU∞ /L
= f (x∗ , ReL )
2 /2 2
= f2 (x∗ , ReL )
Cf,x = f3 (x∗ , ReL )

Friction coefficient for a given geometry can be expressed in terms

of the Re and the the dimensionless space variable x∗ alone,
instead of being expressed in terms of x, L, V, ρ and µ.

This is a very significant finding, and shows the value of

nondimensionalized equations.
Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 263 / 537
Functional Forms

T ∗ = g1 (x∗ , y ∗ , ReL , Pr)
The local convective heat coefficient becomes:
k(T∞ − Ts ) ∂T ∗ k ∂T ∗

k ∂T
hx = − =− =
Ts − T∞ ∂y y=0 L(Ts − T∞ ) ∂y ∗ y∗ =0 L ∂y ∗ y∗ =0

Nusselt number relation gives:

∂T ∗

hx L
Nux = = = g2 (x∗ , ReL , Pr)
k ∂y ∗ y∗ =0

The Nu is equivalent to the dimensionless temp. gradient at the

surface, and thus it is properly referred to as the dimensionless
heat transfer coefficient.

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 264 / 537

Nusselt Number

The Nu is equivalent to the

dimensionless temp. gradient at
the surface, and thus it is
properly referred to as the
dimensionless heat transfer

Local Nusselt number: Nux = f (x∗ , ReL , Pr)

Average Nusselt number: Nu = f (ReL , Pr)

A common form: Nu = CRem

L Pr

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 265 / 537

Momentum and Heat Transfer - Analogy

When Pr = 1, and dP dx∗ = 0 ( =⇒ u = u∞ in the free stream, as
in flow over a flat plate), then
∂u∗ ∗ ∂u
∗ 1 ∂ 2 u∗
Momentum: u∗ + v =
∂x∗ ∂y ∗ ReL ∂y ∗2
∂T ∗ ∂T ∗ 1 ∂2T ∗
Energy: u∗ ∗ + v ∗ ∗ =
∂x ∂y ReL ∂y ∗2

Profile: u∗ = T ∗
∂u∗ ∂T ∗

Gradients: =
∂y ∗ y∗ =0 ∂y ∗ y∗ =0
Analogy: Cf,x = Nux
2 Reynolds analogy

h for fluid with Pr ≈ 1 from Cf which is easier to measure.

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 266 / 537
Stanton Number

h Nu
St = =
ρCp V ReL Pr
= Stx (Pr = 1)

Stanton number is also a dimensionless heat transfer coefficient. It

measures the ratio of heat transferred into a fluid to the thermal
capacity of fluid.

dP ∗
Reynolds analogy is limited to Pr = 1, and dx∗ = 0.

An analogy that is applicable over a wide range of Pr by adding a

Prandtl number correction.

Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 267 / 537

Modified Reynolds or Chilton-Colburn Analogy
Laminar flow over a flat plate

Cf,x = 0.664Re−1/2
Nu = 0.332Pr1/3 Re1/2
Cf,x = Nux Pr−1/3
=⇒ = StPr2/3 ≡ jH
2 0.6 < Pr < 60

Here jH is called the Colburn j-factor.

Experiments show that it may be applied for turbulent flow over a

surface, even in the presence of pressure gradients ( dP
dx∗ 6= 0).

However, the analogy is not applicable for laminar flow unless

dP ∗
dx∗ = 0. Therefore, it does not apply to laminar flow in a pipe.
Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 268 / 537
Heat and Mass Transfer Convection Equations 269 / 537
Heat and Mass Transfer

External Flow

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 270 / 537

Heat Transfer

Local Nusselt number: Nux = f (x∗ , ReL , Pr)

Average Nusselt number: NuL = f (ReL , Pr)

A common form: NuL = CRem

L Pr

The Empirical Method

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 271 / 537

Heat Transfer

Ts + T∞
Tf ≡

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 272 / 537

Flat Plate in Parallel Flow

Steady, incompressible, laminar flow with constant fluid properties
and negligible viscous dissipation.

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 273 / 537

Flat Plate in Parallel Flow

∂u ∂v
Continuity: + =0
∂x ∂y
∂u ∂u ∂2u
Momentum: u +v =ν 2
∂x ∂y ∂y
∂T ∂T ∂2T
Energy: u +v =α 2
∂x ∂y ∂y

First solved in 1908 by German engineer H. Blasius, a student of

L. Pradtl. The profile u/u∞ remains unchanged with y/δ. A
stream function ψ(x, y) is defined as,

∂ψ ∂ψ
u= and v = −
∂y ∂x
This takes care of continuity equation.
Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 274 / 537
Flat Plate in Parallel Flow
A dimensionless independent similarity variable and a dependent
variable such that u/u∞ = f 0 (η),
u∞ ψ
η=y and f (η) = p
νx u∞ νx/u∞

∂ψ ∂ψ ∂η df
u= = = u∞ = u∞ f 0
∂y ∂η ∂y dη
∂ψ 1 νu∞ df
v=− = η −f
∂x 2 x dη
(∵ −2x ∂f ∂f
∂x = η ∂η )

2f 000 + f f 00 = 0

The problem reduced to one of solving a nonlinear third-order

ordinary differential equation.
Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 275 / 537
Flat Plate in Parallel Flow

2f 000 + f f 00 = 0
A third-order nonlinear differential equation with boundary

u(x, 0) = v(x, 0) = 0 and u(x, ∞) = u∞

df df
= f (0) = 0 and =1
η η=0 η η→∞
The problem was first solved by Blasius using a power series
expansion approach, and this original solution is known as the
Blasius solution.

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 276 / 537

Flat Plate in Parallel Flow

f 0 = u/u∞ = 0.99, for η = 5.0

5.0 5x
yη=5.0 = δ = p =√
u∞ /νx Rex
As δ ↑ with x, ν ↑ but δ ↓ with u∞ ↑

u∞ d2 f
τw = µ = µu∞
∂y y=0 νx dη 2 η=0
=⇒ τw = 0.332u∞ u∞ /νx

Cf,x = = 0.664Re−1/2
ρu2∞ /2

Unlike δ, τw and Cf,x decrease along the plate as x−1/2 .

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 277 / 537
Flat Plate in Parallel Flow

The energy equation:

T (x, y) − Ts
θ(η) =
T∞ − Ts

d2 θ dθ
2 2
+ Prf =0
dη dη
Boundary conditions:

θ(0) = 0, θ(∞) = 1

For Pr = 1: δ and δt coincide. u/u∞ and θ are identical for

steady, incompressible, laminar flow of a fluid with constant
properties over an isothermal flat plate.

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 278 / 537

Flat Plate in Parallel Flow

d2 θ dθ
2 2
+ Prf =0
dη dη
For Pr > 0.6,

= 0.332 Pr1/3
dη η=0
dT 1/3 u∞
= 0.332 Pr (T∞ − Ts )
dy y=0
1/3 u∞
hx = 0.332 Pr k Nux = 0.332 Rex1/2 Pr1/3

δ 5x
δt = 1/3
= 1/3
√ (Tf = (Ts + T∞ )/2)
Pr Pr Rex

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 279 / 537

Turbulent Flow

ρu∞ x
Rex = Recr = 5 × 105

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 280 / 537

Turbulent Flow

5x 0.664
Laminar: δv,x = 1/2
and Cf,x = 1/2
, Rex < 5 × 105
Rex Rex
0.382x 0.0592
Turbulent: δv,x = 1/5
and Cf,x = 1/5
, 5 × 105 ≤ Rex ≤ 107
Rex Rex
Average skin friction coefficient

1 1.328
Laminar : Cf = Cf,x dx = 1/2
, Rex < 5 × 105
Turbulent : Cf = 1/5
, 5 × 105 ≤ Rex ≤ 107

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 281 / 537

Turbulent Flow


Z cr
Cf =  Cf,lam dx + Cf,turb dx
0 xcr

0.074 1742
Cf = 1/5


(5 × 105 ≤ Rex ≤ 107 )

 ε −2.5
Rough surface, turbulent: Cf = 1.89 − 1.62 log
(Re > 10 , ε/L > 10−4 )

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 282 / 537

Turbulent Flow

hx x
Laminar: Nux = = 0.332Re0.5
x Pr
(Pr > 0.6)
hx x
Turbulent: Nux = = 0.0296Re0.8
x Pr
(0.6 ≤Pr ≤ 60)
(5 × 105 ≤ Rex ≤ 107 )

Average values:
Nulam = = 0.664Re0.5
x Pr
Nuturb = = 0.037Re0.8
x Pr

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 283 / 537

Turbulent Flow


Z cr
h= hx,lam dx + hx,turb dx
0 xcr

− 871 Pr1/3

Nu = 0.037ReL
(0.6 ≤Pr ≤ 60)
(5 × 105 ≤ ReL ≤ 107 )

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 284 / 537

Other Configurations

Liquid metals
Such as mercury have high k, very small Pr. Thus, the δt develops
much faster than δ.

We can assume the velocity in δt to be constant at the free stream

value and solve the energy equation.

Nux = 0.565(Rex Pr)1/2 = 0.565Pe1/2

x (Pr < 0.05, Pex ≥ 100)

Churchill’s correlation for all Prandtl numbers

0.3387Rex Pr1/3
Nux = h i1/4 (Rex Pr ≥ 100)
1 + (0.0468/Pr)2/3

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 285 / 537

Flat Plate with Unheated Starting Length

Nux |ξ=0 0.332Re0.5

x Pr
Laminar: Nux =  1/3 =  1/3
1 − (ξ/x)3/4 1 − (ξ/x)3/4
Nux |ξ=0 0.0296Re0.8
x Pr
Turbulent: Nux =  1/9 = 1/9
1 − (ξ/x)9/10 1 − (ξ/x)9/10

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 286 / 537

Flat Plate with Uniform Heat Flux

Laminar: Nux = 0.453Re0.5

x Pr

Turbulent: Nux = 0.0308Re0.8

x Pr

Net heat transfer from the surface:

Q̇ = qs As

qs = hx [Ts (x) − T∞ ]
=⇒ Ts (x) = T∞ +

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 287 / 537


Engine oil at 60◦ C flows over the upper surface of a 5 m long flat
plate whose temperature is 20◦ C with a velocity of 2 m/s.
Determine the total drag force and the rate of heat transfer per
unit width of the entire plate.

Tf = 40◦ C
ρ = 876 kg/m3
Pr = 2870
k = 0.144 W/m K
ν = 242 × 10−6 m2 /s

Known: Engine oil flows over a flat plate.

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 288 / 537

Find: Total drag force, Q̇ per unit width of plate.
Assumptions: The flow is steady, incompressible

u∞ L
ReL = = 41322.3 (< Recr = 5 × 105 )
Cf = 1.328ReL = 6.533 × 10−0.3

FD = Cf As = 57.23 N
Nu = 0.664ReL Pr1/3 = 1938.5

h= Nu = 55.98 W/m2 K

Q̇ = hAs (T∞ − Ts ) = 11.2 W

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 289 / 537
Flow Across Cylinder
Churchill and Bernstein correlation:

0.62Re1/2 Pr1/3
Nucyl = 0.3 +  1/4
1 + (0.4/Pr)2/3
"  5/8 #4/5
× 1+
282, 000

Nu is relatively high at the

stagnation point. Decreases with
increasing θ as a result of
thethickening of the laminar
boundary layer.
Minimum at 80◦ , which is the
separation point in laminar flow.

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 290 / 537

Flow Across Cylinder

Increases with increasing as a result

of the intense mixing in the
separated flow region (the wake).
The sharp increase at about 90◦ is
due to the transition from laminar
to turbulent flow.
The later decrease is again due to
the thickening of the boundary
Nu reaches its second minimum at
about 140◦ , which is the flow
separation point in turbulent flow,
and increases with as a result of
the intense mixing in the turbulent
wake region.
Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 291 / 537
Empirical Correlations

All properties are evaluated at


Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 292 / 537

Flow Across Tube Banks

ST Transverse pitch
SL Longitudinal pitch
SD Diagonal pitch
NuD =
= C Rem n
D Pr (Pr/Prs )

ReD is defined at umax

but not the u∞ .

All properties except Prs

are evaluated at
(Tinlet + Toutlet )/2 of fluid.

Prs is evaluated at Ts .

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 293 / 537

Flow Across Tube Banks

NuD,NL<16 = F NuD

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 294 / 537

Methodology for a Convection Calculation

Become immediately cognizant of the flow geometry.

Specify the appropriate reference temperature and evaluate
the pertinent fluid properties at that temperature.
Calculate the Reynolds number.
Decide whether a local or surface average coefficient is
Select the appropriate correlation.

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 295 / 537

Problem: Cylinder
Experiments have been conducted on a metallic cylinder (D = 12.7 mm,
L = 94 mm). The cylinder is heated internally by an electrical heater and
is subjected to a cross flow of air in a low-speed wind tunnel
(V = 10 m/s, 26.2◦ C). The heater power dissipation was measured to be
P = 46 W, while Ts = 128.4◦ C. It is estimated that 15% of the power
dissipation is lost through conduction and radiation.
1 Determine h from experimental observations.
2 Compare the result with appropriate correlation(s).

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 296 / 537

Problem: Cylinder
Experiments have been conducted on a metallic cylinder (D = 12.7 mm,
L = 94 mm). The cylinder is heated internally by an electrical heater and
is subjected to a cross flow of air in a low-speed wind tunnel
(V = 10 m/s, 26.2◦ C). The heater power dissipation was measured to be
P = 46 W, while Ts = 128.4◦ C. It is estimated that 15% of the power
dissipation is lost through conduction and radiation.

0.6 0.37 1/2

NuD = 0.26 ReD Pr (Pr/Prs ) (Zhukauskasa relation)
Air (T∞ = 26.2◦ C):
ν = 15.89 × 10−6 m2 /s, k = 26.3 × 10−3 W/m K, Pr = 0.707
Air (Tf = 77.3◦ C):
ν = 20.92 × 10−6 m2 /s, k = 30 × 10−3 W/m K, Pr = 0.700
Air (Ts = 128.4◦ C): Pr = 0.690
" 5/8 #4/5
0.62ReD Pr1/3

NuD = 0.3 +  1/4 1 + 282, 000
1 + (0.4/Pr)2/3
(Churchill relation)
Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 297 / 537
Problem: Cylinder

Experiments have been conducted on a metallic cylinder (D = 12.7 mm,

L = 94 mm). The cylinder is heated internally by an electrical heater and
is subjected to a cross flow of air in a low-speed wind tunnel
(V = 10 m/s, 26.2◦ C). The heater power dissipation was measured to be
P = 46 W, while Ts = 128.4◦ C. It is estimated that 15% of the power
dissipation is lost through conduction and radiation.

NuD = 0.193 Re0.618

D Pr1/3 (Hilpert correlation)

Air (T∞ = 26.2◦ C):

ν = 15.89 × 10−6 m2 /s, k = 26.3 × 10−3 W/m K, Pr = 0.707
Air (Tf = 77.3◦ C):
ν = 20.92 × 10−6 m2 /s, k = 30 × 10−3 W/m K, Pr = 0.700
Air (Ts = 128.4◦ C): Pr = 0.690

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 298 / 537

Problem: Sphere

The decorative plastic film on a copper sphere of 10 mm diameter

is cured in an oven at 75◦ C. Upon removal from the oven, the
sphere is subjected to an airstream at 1 atm and 23◦ C having a
velocity of 10 m/s. Estimate how long it will take to cool the
sphere to 35◦ C.
Copper (T = 55◦ C):
ρ = 8933 kg/m3 , k = 399 W/m K, Cp = 387 J/kg
Air (T∞ = 23◦ C):
µ = 181.6 × 10−7 Ns/m2 , ν = 15.36 × 10−6 m2 /s,
k = 0.0258 W/m K, Pr = 0.709
Air (Ts = 55◦ C): µ = 197.8 × 10−7 Ns/m2

1/2 2/3

0.4 µ
NuD = 2 + 0.4 ReD + 0.06 ReD Pr

All properties except µs are evaluated at T∞ .

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 299 / 537
Problem: Sphere

The decorative plastic film on a copper sphere of 10 mm diameter

is cured in an oven at 75◦ C. Upon removal from the oven, the
sphere is subjected to an airstream at 1 atm and 23◦ C having a
velocity of 10 m/s. Estimate how long it will take to cool the
sphere to 35◦ C.
Copper (T = 55◦ C):
ρ = 8933 kg/m3 , k = 399 W/m K, Cp = 387 J/kg
Air (T∞ = 39◦ C):
ν = 17.15 × 10−6 m2 /s, Pr = 0.705
Air (Ts = 55◦ C): µ = 197.8 × 10−7 Ns/m2

All properties
are evaluated at

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 300 / 537

Quiz 4
A flat plate of 0.3 m long is maintained at a uniform surface
temperature, Ts = 230◦ C, by using two independently controlled
electrical strip heaters. The first heater 0.2 m long and the second
one is 0.1 m long. The ambient air temperature at T∞ = 25◦ C
flows over the plate at a velocity of 60 m/s. At what heater is the
electrical input a maximum? What is the value of this input.
Air (Tf = 400 K):
ν = 26.41 × 10−6 m2 /s, k = 0.0338 W/m K, Pr = 0.69

Laminar boundary layer ¯ x = h̄x x = 0.664 Re1/2 Pr1/3

Nu x
(Re < 5 × 105 )
¯ L = h̄L L = (0.037 Re4/5 − 871) Pr1/3
Mixed boundary layer Nu L
(Re > 5 × 105 )

Heat and Mass Transfer External Flow 301 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer

Internal Flow

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 302 / 537

Internal Flows

External flow
Fluid has a free surface
δ is free to grow indefinitely

Internal flow
Fluid is completely confined by the inner surfaces of the tube
There is a limit on how much δ can grow

Circular pipes can withstand large

pressure difference between inside
and outside without distortion.
Provide the most heat transfer
for the least pressure drop.

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 303 / 537

Internal Flows

ρum D
ReD =
Critical ReD,c ≈ 2300
Laminar ≈ 0.05ReD
 x D  lam
Turbulence ≈ 10
D turb
Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 304 / 537
Mean Velocity

ṁ = ρum Ac = ρu(r, x)dAc

um = 2 u(r, x)rdr

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 305 / 537

Velocity Profile in Fully Developed Region
Assumptions: Laminar, incompressible, constant property fluid in
fully developed region, circular

  "  2 #
1 dp r
u(r) = − ro2 1−
4µ dx ro

r2 dp
um = − o
8µ dx
"  2 #
u(r) r
=2 1−
um ro
Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 306 / 537
Friction Factor
The Moody (or Darcy) friction factor:

ρu2m /2

Friction coefficient, Fanning friction factor,

τs f
Cf = 2
ρum /2 4

For laminar flow:

For turbulent flow:
f = 0.316ReD ReD . 2 × 104
f = 0.184ReD ReD & 2 × 104

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 307 / 537

Moody Diagram

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 308 / 537

Pump or Fan Power

Zp2 Zx2
ρu2 ρu2m
∆p = − dp = f m dx = f (x1 − x2 )
2D 2D
p1 x1

Power, P = ∆p

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 309 / 537


ρum D
ReD =
Critical ReD,c ≈ 2300
Laminar ≈ 0.05ReD Pr
 x D  lam
Turbulence ≈ 10
D turb

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 310 / 537

Mean Temperature
Advection rate: integrating the product of mass flux (ρu) and the
thermal energy (or enthalpy) per unit mass, Cp T , over Ac .

ṁCp Tm = ρuCp T dAc

For incompressible flow in a

circular tube with constant Cp :

Tm = uT rdr
um ro2

qs00 = h(Ts − Tm )
Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 311 / 537
Dimensionless Temperature

∂ Ts (x) − T (r, x)
∂x Ts (x) − Tm (x) fd,t
∂ Ts (x) − T (r, x) −∂T /∂r|r=ro
=⇒ = 6= f (x)
∂x Ts (x) − Tm (x) fd,t Ts − Tm

00 ∂T ∂T
qs = −k = −k
∂y y=0 ∂r r=ro
=⇒ 6= f (x)
In thermally fully developed flow of a fluid with constant
properties, hlocal is a constant, independent of x.

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 312 / 537

Heat Transfer Coefficient for Flow in a Tube

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 313 / 537

General Considerations

dqconv = ṁCp [(Tm + dTm ) − Tm ]

dqconv = ṁCp dTm

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 314 / 537

General Considerations: Const. q

qs00 P
Tm (x) = Tm,i + x

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 315 / 537

General Considerations: Const. T

Ts − Tm (x) Px
= exp − h
Ts − Tm,i ṁCp

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 316 / 537

Fully Developed Laminar Flow: Const. q

∂T α ∂ ∂T
u = r
∂x r ∂r ∂r
11 qs00 D
T (r, x) =⇒ Tm (x) − Ts (x) = −
48 k
11 k hD
h= =⇒ NuD = = 4.36
48 D k
Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 317 / 537
Fully Developed Laminar Flow: Const. T

NuD = = 3.66

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 318 / 537

The Entry Region

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 319 / 537

Turbulent Flow in Circular Tubes

Dittus-Boelter equation
NuD = 0.023ReD Prn

where n = 0.4 for heating (Ts > Tm ) and 0.3 for cooling
(Ts < Tm ).

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 320 / 537

The Entry Region

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 321 / 537

Heat Transfer Enhacement

Heat and Mass Transfer Internal Flow 322 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer

Free Convection

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna
Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 323 / 537
Physical Considerations

Combined presence of a fluid density gradient and a body force
that is proportional to density.

Body Force
Centrifugal force in rotating fluid machinery
Coriolis force in atmospheric
Oceanic rotational motions

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 324 / 537

Free Convection: Examples

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 325 / 537

Conditions of Stable & Unstable T Gradient

Classification: bounded or unbounded

Free boundary flows
Bounded by a surface

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 326 / 537

Free Boundary Flows

May occur in the form of a plume or a buoyant jet. plume is

associated with fluid rising from a submerged heated object.

A heated wire immersed in an extensive, quiescent fluid.

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 327 / 537

Heated Vertical Plate

∂u ∂u 1 ∂P 1 ∂2u
Momentum: u +v =− + X +ν 2
∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ρ ∂y

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 328 / 537

Buoyancy Force

Force by gravity per unit volume:

X = −ρg

∂u ∂u 1 ∂P ∂2u
=⇒ u +v =− −g+ν 2
∂x ∂y ρ ∂x ∂y

From y-momentum equation: (∂p/∂y) = 0

= −ρ∞ g

∂u ∂u ∆ρ ∂2u
=⇒ u +v =g +ν 2
∂x ∂y ρ ∂y
where ∆ρ = ρ∞ − ρ

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 329 / 537

Boussinesq Approximation

Thermodynamic property, Volumetric thermal expansion coeff.,

1 ∂ρ
ρ ∂T p

Approximate form:
1 ∆ρ 1 ρ∞ − ρ
β≈− =−
ρ ∆T ρ T∞ − T

(ρ∞ − ρ) ≈ ρβ(T − T∞ )

∂u ∂u ∂2u
u +v = gβ(T − T∞ ) + ν 2
∂x ∂y ∂y

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 330 / 537

The Governing Equations

Steady incompressible, free convection, laminar flow of a fluid with

constant properties:
∂u ∂v
Continuity: + =0
∂x ∂y
∂u ∂u ∂2u
Momentum: u +v = gβ(T − T∞ ) + ν 2
∂x ∂y ∂y
∂T ∂T ∂2T
Energy: u +v =α 2
∂x ∂y ∂y

For an ideal gas (ρ = p/RT ),

1 ∂ρ 1
β=− =
ρ ∂T p T

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 331 / 537

Dimensionless Parameters

x ∗ y u ∗ v T − T∞
x∗ ≡ , y ≡ , u∗ ≡ ,v ≡ ,T∗ ≡
L L u0 u0 Ts − T∞
u0 is an arbitrary reference velocity.

∂u∗ ∗ ∂u
∗ gβ(Ts − T∞ )L ∗ 1 ∂ 2 u∗
Momentum: u∗ + v = T +
∂x∗ ∂y ∗ u20 ReL ∂y ∗2
∂T ∗ ∂T ∗ 1 ∂2T ∗
Energy: u∗ ∗ + v ∗ ∗ =
∂x ∂y ReL Pr ∂y ∗2

Coefficient of T ∗ is in terms of unknown reference velocity u0 .

Eliminate it to get a dimensionless parameter:
gβ(Ts − T∞ )L3

gβ(Ts − T∞ )L u0 L
GrL ≡ =
u20 ν ν2

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 332 / 537

Grashof number

gβ(Ts − T∞ )L3 Buoyancy force

GrL ≡ 2
ν Viscous force

1: Free convection is neglected
NuL = f (ReL , Pr)
1: Forced convection is neglected
NuL = f (GrL , Pr)
≡1: Combination of free and forced

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 333 / 537

Similarity Solution
Boundary conditions:

At y = 0 : u = v = 0, T = Ts
At y → ∞ : u → 0, T → T∞

Similarity parameter of the form:

y Grx 1/4
x 4
and representing the velocity components in terms of a stream
function defined as:
"   #
Grx 1/4
ψ(x, y) ≡ f (η) 4ν

∂ψ ∂ψ ∂η 2ν 1/2 0
u= = = Gr f (η)
∂y ∂η ∂y x x
Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 334 / 537
Similarity Solution

∂ψ T − T∞
v=− and T ∗ ≡
∂x Ts − T∞
The reduced partial differential equations:

f 000 + 3f f 00 − 2(f 0 )2 + T ∗ = 0
00 0
T ∗ + 3Prf T ∗ = 0
Boundary conditions:

At η = 0 : f = f 0 = 0, T∗ = 1
At η → ∞ : f 0 → 0, T∗ → 0

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 335 / 537

Laminar, Free Convection

Laminar, free convection boundary layer conditions on a isothermal

vertical surface.
Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 336 / 537
Laminar, Free Convection

Newton’s law of cooling:

hx [q 00 /(Ts − T∞ )]x
Nux = = s
k k
Fourier’s law:

Grx 1/4 dT ∗
∂T k
qs00 = −k = − (Ts − T∞ )
∂y y=0 x 4 dη η=0

dT ∗ Grx 1/4
hx Grx
=⇒ Nux = =− = g(Pr)
k 4 dη η=0 4

g(Pr) =
(0.609 + 1.221Pr1/2 + 1.238Pr)1/4
0 ≤ Pr ≤ ∞
Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 337 / 537
Laminar, Free Convection

k gβ(Ts − T∞ ) 1/4
1 dx
h= hdx = 2
L L 4ν x1/4
0 0

hL 4 GrL
NuL = = g(Pr)
k 3 4
NuL = 3 NuL

These results apply irrespective of whether Ts > T∞ or Ts < T∞ .

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 338 / 537


Critical Rayleigh number:

gβ(Ts − T∞ )x3
Rax,c = Grx,c Pr = ≈ 109

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 339 / 537

Consider a 0.25 m long vertical plate that is at 70◦ C. The plate is
suspended in air that is at 25◦ C. Estimate the boundary layer
thickness at the trailing edge of the plate if the air is quiescent.
How does this thickness compare with that which would exist if the
air were flowing over the plate at a free stream velocity of 5 m/s?

Air properties at Tf = 47.5◦ C:

ν = 17.95 × 10−6 m2 /s, Pr = 0.7, β = 1
Tf = 3.12 × 10−3 K−1

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 340 / 537

Air properties at Tf = 47.5◦ C:
ν = 17.95 × 10−6 m2 /s, Pr = 0.7, β = 1
Tf = 3.12 × 10−3 K−1

gβ(Ts − T∞ )L3
GrL = = 6.69 × 107
RaL = GrL Pr = 4.68 × 107
For Pr = 0.7, η ≈ 6.0 at the edge of the boundary layer.

y Grx 1/4
η≡ = 0.6 =⇒ δL = 0.37 m
x 4
Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 341 / 537
Air properties at Tf = 47.5◦ C:
ν = 17.95 × 10−6 m2 /s, Pr = 0.7, β = 1
Tf = 3.12 × 10−3 K−1

For airflow at u∞ = 5 m/s

u∞ L
ReL = = 6.97 × 104
For laminar boundary layer:
5x δ
δ=√ = 0.0047 m ≈ Pr1/3
ReL δt

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 342 / 537


δ are typically larger for free convection than for forced
Gr / Re2  1, and the assumption of negligible buoyancy
effects for u∞ = 5 m/s is justified.

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 343 / 537

Empirical Correlations

Nu = k = C(GrL Pr)n = C RanL
gβ(Ts − T∞ )L3
RaL = GrL Pr =
Properties of the fluid are calculated at the mean film temperature,
Tf ≡ (Ts + T∞ )/2.

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 344 / 537

Empirical Correlations

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 345 / 537

Empirical Correlations

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 346 / 537

Combined Free and Forced Convection

Nuncombined = (NunForced ± NunNatural )

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 347 / 537

Inclined Plate

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 348 / 537

Horizontal Plate

Heat and Mass Transfer Free Convection 349 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer

Boiling and Condensation

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 350 / 537

Physical Considerations

Free and Forced convection depends on

ρ, Cp , µ, kf luid

Boiling/Condensation Heat Transfer depends on

ρ, Cp , µ, kf luid
∆T = |Ts − Tsat |
Latent heat of vaporization, hf g
Surface tension at the liquid-vapor interface, σ
body force arising from the liquid-vapor density difference,
g(ρl − ρv )
h = h[∆T, g(ρl − ρv ), hf g , σ, L, ρ, Cp , k, µ]
10 variables in 5 dimensions =⇒ 5 pi-groups.

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 351 / 537

Dimensionless Parameters

ρg(ρl − ρv )L3 Cp ∆T µCp g(ρl − ρv )L2

=f , , ,
k µ2 hf g k σ
ρg(ρl − ρv )L3
NuL = f , Ja, Pr, Bo

Jakob number
Ratio of max sensible energy absorbed by liquid (vapor) to latent
energy absorbed by liquid (vapor) during condensation (boiling).

Bond number
Ratio of the buoyancy force to the surface tension force.

Unnamed parameter
Represents the effect of buoyancy-induced fluid motion on heat
Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 352 / 537
Boiling and Evaporation

The process of addition of heat to a liquid such
a way that generation of vapor occurs.
Solid-liquid interface
Characterized by the rapid formation of vapor

Liquid-vapor interface
Pv < Psat of the liquid at a given temp
No bubble formation or bubble motion

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 353 / 537


Boiling occurs
Solid-liquid interface
when a liquid is brought into contact with a surface at a
temperature above the saturation temperature of the liquid

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 354 / 537


The boiling processes in practice do not occur under

equilibrium conditions.
Bubbles exist because of the surface tension at the liquid
vapor interface due to the attraction force on molecules at the
interface toward the liquid phase.
The temperature and pressure of the vapor in a bubble are
usually different than those of the liquid.
Surface tension ↓ ↑ Temperature
Surface tension = 0 at critical temperature
No bubbles at supercritical pressures and temperatures

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 355 / 537

Boiling - Classification

Pool boiling Flow boiling

Fluid is stationary Fluid is forced to move in a
Fluid motion is due to heated pipe or surface by
natural convection currents external means such as
Motion of bubbles under the pump
influence of buoyancy Always accompanied by
other convection effects

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 356 / 537

Boiling - Classification

Subcooled boiling Saturated boiling

Tbulk of liquid < Tsat Tbulk of liquid = Tsat

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 357 / 537

Boiling Regimes - Nukiyama, 1934
Boiling curve for saturated water at atmospheric pressure

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 358 / 537

Boiling Regimes - Nukiyama, 1934

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 359 / 537

Boiling Regimes
Methanol on horizontal 1 cm steam-heated copper tube

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 360 / 537

Boiling Regimes

Natural convection
Governed by natural convection currents
Heat transfer from the heating surface to the
fluid is by natural convection

Nucleate boiling
Stirring and agitation caused by the entrainment
of the liquid to the heater surface increases h, q 00
High heat transfer rates are achieved

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 361 / 537

Boiling Regimes

Transition boiling
Unstable film boiling
Governed by natural convection currents
Heat transfer from the heating surface to the
fluid is by natural convection

Film boiling
Presence of vapor film is responsible for the low
heat transfer rates
Heat transfer rate increases with increasing ∆Te
as a result of heat transfer from the heated
surface to the liquid through the vapor film by

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 362 / 537

Boiling Nucleation - Boiling Inception

The process of bubble formation is called Nucleation

The cracks and crevices do not constitute nucleation sites for

the bubbles. Must contain pockets of gas/air trapped
It is from these pockets of trapped air that the vapor bubbles
begin to grow during nucleate boiling
These cavities are the sites at which bubble nucleation occurs

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 363 / 537

Heat Transfer in Nucleate Boiling

Rohsenow postulated:
Heat flows from the surface first to the adjacent liquid, as in
any single-phase convection process
High h is a result of local agitation due to liquid flowing
behind the wake of departing bubbles
g(ρl − ρv ) 1/2
00 Cp,l ∆Te
qs = µl hf g
σ Cs,f hf g Prnl
Nucleate boiling

When used to estimate q 00 , errors can amount to ±100%. The

errors for estimating ∆Te reduce by a factor of 3 ∵ ∆Te ∝ (qs00 )1/3

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 364 / 537

Heat Transfer in Nucleate Boiling

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 365 / 537

Critical Heat Flux

Zuber’s correlations for flat horizontal plate:

00 g(ρl − ρv )
qmax = 0.149hf g ρv

Critical heat flux

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 366 / 537

Leidenfrost Temperature

Rewetting of hot surfaces: Liquid does not we hot surface.

00 gσ(ρl − ρv )
qmin = Chf g ρv
(ρl + ρv )2
C is a non-dimensional constant which lies between 0.09 and 0.18.

C = 0.09 provides a better fit.

C = 0.13 is sometimes taken as an intermediate value

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 367 / 537
Prof. Dr. Johann G. Leidenfrost (1715-1794)

Father - Minister
Started off with Theological studies
PhD thesis, ‘’On the Harmonious
Relationship of Movements in the
Human Body”
Professor at University of Duisburg
Areas of influences:
Physician (Private Medical practice)
As a Prof. taught:
Medicine, Physics, and Chemistry

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 368 / 537

Film Boiling

" #1/4
hconv D g(ρl − ρv )h0f g D3
N uD = =C
kv νv kv (Ts − Tsat )
C = 0.62 for horizontal cylinders

C = 0.67 for spheres

The effective latent heat of vaporization allows for the inclusion of

sensible heating effects in the vapor film.

h0f g = hf g + 0.5Cp,v (Ts − Tsat )

Vapor properties are evaluated at the film temperature,

Tf = (Ts + Tsat )/2.

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 369 / 537

Radiation Effects in Film Boiling

3 εs σ(Ts4 − Tsat
4 )
htotal = hfilm conv + hrad hrad =
4 Ts − Tsat

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 370 / 537

Effect of Liquid Subcooling

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 371 / 537

Enhancement of Heat Transfer

Roughening or structuring or coating of the heating surface

Production of artificial nucleation sites by sintering and
Addition of gases or liquids or solids

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 372 / 537


The bottom of a copper pan, 0.3 m in diameter, is maintained at

118◦ C by an electric heater. Estimate the power required to boil
water in this pan. What is the evaporation rate? Estimate the
critical heat flux.

Saturated water, liquid at 100◦ C:

ρl = 1/vf = 957.9 kg/m3 , Cp,l = Cp,g = 4.217 kJ/kg K,
µl = µf = 279 × 10−6 N s/m2 , Prl = Prf = 1.76,
hf g = 2257 kJ/kg, σ = 58.9 × 10−3

Saturated water, vapor at 100◦ C:

ρv = 1/vg = 0.5955 kg/m3

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 373 / 537


Saturated water, liquid at 100◦ C:

ρl = 1/vf = 957.9 kg/m3 , Cp,l = Cp,g = 4.217 kJ/kg K,
µl = µf = 279 × 10−6 N s/m2 , Prl = Prf = 1.76,
hf g = 2257 kJ/kg, σ = 58.9 × 10−3

Saturated water, vapor at 100◦ C:

ρv = 1/vg = 0.5955 kg/m3

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 374 / 537


Saturated water, liquid at 100◦ C:

ρl = 1/vf = 957.9 kg/m3 , Cp,l = Cp,g = 4.217 kJ/kg K,
µl = µf = 279 × 10−6 N s/m2 , Prl = Prf = 1.76,
hf g = 2257 kJ/kg, σ = 58.9 × 10−3

Saturated water, vapor at 100◦ C:

ρv = 1/vg = 0.5955 kg/m3
 1/2  3
g(ρl − ρv ) Cp,l ∆Te
qs00 = µl hf g
σ Cs,f hf g Prnl

qs00 = 55.8 kW

ṁevap = 89 kg/h
hf g

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 375 / 537


Saturated water, liquid at 100◦ C:

ρl = 1/vf = 957.9 kg/m3 , Cp,l = Cp,g = 4.217 kJ/kg K,
µl = µf = 279 × 10−6 N s/m2 , Prl = Prf = 1.76,
hf g = 2257 kJ/kg, σ = 58.9 × 10−3

Saturated water, vapor at 100◦ C:

ρv = 1/vg = 0.5955 kg/m3
g(ρl − ρv )
qmax = 0.149hf g ρv = 1.26 MW/m2
00 gσ(ρl − ρv )
qmin = Chf g ρv
(ρl + ρv )2

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 376 / 537


Condensation is a process in which the removal of heat from a

system causes a vapor to convert into liquid.
Important role in nature:
Crucial component of the water cycle
The spectrum of flow processes associated with condensation
on a solid surface is almost a mirror image of those involved in
Can also occur on a free surface of a liquid or even in a gas
Condensation processes are numerous, taking place in a
multitude of situations.

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 377 / 537

Condensation - Classification

1 Mode of condensation: homogeneous, dropwise, film or direct

2 Conditions of the vapor: single-component, multicomponent
with all components condensable, multicomponent including
non-condensable component(s), etc.
3 System geometry: plane surface, external, internal, etc.
There are overlaps among different classification
methods.Classification based on mode of condensation is the most

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 378 / 537

Condensation: Classification

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 379 / 537

Homogeneous Condensation

Can happen when vapor is sufficiently cooled < Tsat to induce

droplet nucleation.
It may be caused by:
Mixing of two vapor streams at different temperatures
Radiative cooling of vapor-noncondensable mixtures
Fog formation
Sudden depressurization of a vapor
Cloud formation - adiabatic expansion of warm, humid air
masses that rise and cool
Cloud - water or ice? -30◦ C
Although homogeneous nucleation in pure vapors is possible,
in practice dust, other particles act as droplet nucleation

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 380 / 537

Heterogeneous Condensation

Droplets form and grow on solid surfaces

Significant sub-cooling of vapor is required for condensation
to start when the surface is smooth and dry.
The rate of generation of embryo droplets in heterogeneous
condensation can be modeled by using kinetic theory
Heterogeneous condensation leads to:
film condensation
dropwise condensation

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 381 / 537

Film vs Dropwise

Dropwise condensation
Surface is coated with a
substance that inhibits
Film condensation wetting
The surface is blanketed by Drops form in cracks, pits,
a liquid film of increasing and cavities.
thickness. Typically, > 90% of the
‘’Liquid wall” offers surface is drops.
resistance. Droplets slide down at a
Characteristic of clean, certain size, clearing &
uncontaminated surfaces exposing surface.
No resistance to heat
transfer in dropwise. h is 10
times higher than in film.

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 382 / 537

Dropwise Condensation

Providing and maintaining the non-wetting surface

characteristics can be difficult.
The condensate liquid often gradually removes the promoters.
Furthermore, the accumulation of droplets on a surface can
eventually lead to the formation of a liquid film.
It has been postulated that heat transfer occurs at the smaller
droplets due to higher thermal resistance in larger drops.

hdc = 51, 104 + 2044Tsat 22◦ C < Tsat < 100◦ C

= 255, 510 100◦ C < Tsat

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 383 / 537

Laminar Film Condensation

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 384 / 537

Nusselt Integral Analysis

1 Laminar flow and constant properties
2 Gas is assumed to be pure vapor and at an uniform Tsat .
With no temperature gradient in the vapor,
Heat transfer to the liquid-vapor interface can occur only by
condensation at the interface and not by conduction from the
3 Shear stress at the liquid-vapor interface is negligible
∂u/∂y|y=δ = 0
4 Momentum and energy transfer by advection in the
condensate film are assumed to be negligible.

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 385 / 537

Nusselt Integral Analysis

∂2u 1 dp X
= −
∂y 2 µl dx µl

∂2u g
= (ρl − ρv )
∂y µl
u(0) = 0, ∂u/∂y|y=δ = 0

g(ρl − ρv )δ 2 y 1  y 2
u(y) = −
µl δ 2 δ

Mass flow rate per unit width,

gρl (ρl − ρv )δ 3
Γ(x) = = ρl u(y)dy =
b 3µl

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 386 / 537

Nusselt Integral Analysis

dq = hf g dṁ
dq = qs00 (bdx)

kl (Tsat − Ts )
qs00 =
dΓ kl (Tsat − Ts )
dx hf g

4kl µl (Tsat − TS )x 1/4

δ(x) =
gρl (ρl − ρg )hf g

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 387 / 537

Nusselt Integral Analysis

4kl µl (Tsat − TS )x
δ(x) =
gρl (ρl − ρg )hf g
The thermal advection effects may be accounted by:
Cp ∆T
h0f g = hf g (1 + 0.68Ja) Ja =
hf g
qx00 = hx (Tsat − Ts )
" #1/4
kl gρl (ρl − ρv )kl3 h0f g
hx = =
δ 4µl (Tsat − Ts )x
∵ hx ∝ x−1/4
ZL " #1/4
1 4 gρl (ρl − rhov )kl3 h0f g
hL = hx dx = hL = 0.943
L 3 4µl (Tsat − Ts )L

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 388 / 537

Nusselt Integral Analysis

" #1/4
hL L gρl (ρl − rhov )L3 h0f g
NuL = =
kl 4µl kl (Tsat − Ts )
The total heat transfer to the surface may be obtained by:

q = hL A(Tsat − Ts )

q hL A(Tsat − Ts )
ṁ = =
h0f g h0f g

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 389 / 537

Turbulent Film Condensation

Reδ ≡
Condensate mass flow rate, ṁ = ρl um bδ,
4ṁ 4ρl um δ
Reδ ≡ =
µl b µl

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 390 / 537

Turbulent Film Condensation

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 391 / 537

Film Condensation on Radial Systems

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 392 / 537

Film Condensation on Radial Systems

" #1/4
hD D ρl g(ρl − ρv )h0f g D3
NuD = =C
kl µl kl (Tsat − Ts
C = 0.826 for sphere and 0.729 for the tube.

For N horizontal unfineed tubes, the average coeff.:

hD,N = hD N n

n = − 14

Heat and Mass Transfer Boiling and Condensation 393 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer

Heat Exchangers

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 394 / 537

Heat Exchangers

Heat Exchangers
The process of heat exchange between two fluids that are at
different temperatures and separated by a solid wall.

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 395 / 537

Heat Exchanger Types

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 396 / 537

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

1 1 1 1 1
= = = + Rw +
UA Uh Ah U c Ac hh Ah hc Ac
Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 397 / 537
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

! !
Rf,h 00
1 1 1
= + + Rw + +
UA hh Ah Ah hc Ac Ac
1 1 00 1 1 00
= + Rf,h + Rw + + Rf,c
Ah hh Ac hc

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 398 / 537

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient: Fins

The overall surface efficiency is expressed as:

q = ηo hA(Tb − T∞ )

A is the total (fin + exposed base) surface area.

ηo = 1 − (1 − ηf )
Af is entire fin surface area, ηf is η of single fin.

For a straight fin with an adiabatic tip:

ηf =
m= kAc

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 399 / 537

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient: Fins

1 1 1 00 1 1 00
= + Rf,h +Rw + + Rf,c
UA ηo,h Ah hh ηo,c Ac hc
1 1
= +Rw +
(ηo Up A)h (ηo Up A)c

Up partial overall heat transfer coefficient.

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 400 / 537

Heat Exchanger Analysis

q = ṁh Cp,h (Th,i − Th,o )

q = ṁc Cp,c (Tc,o − Tc,i )
q = U A∆Tm
∆T ≡ Th − Tc

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 401 / 537

Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 402 / 537

Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger

1 Insulated from surroundings,
2 Axial conduction along the tubes is negligible
3 PE and KE changes are negligible
4 Constant fluid specific heats
5 U is constant
dq = −ṁh Cp,h dTh ≡ −Ch dTh
dq = ṁc hCp,c dTc ≡ −Cc dTc
C is fluid heat capacity rate.

dq = U ∆T dA

∆T = Th − Tc local temp. diff.

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 403 / 537

Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger

1 1
d(∆T ) = dTh − dTc = −dq +
Ch Cc
1 1
= −U ∆dA +
Ch Cc
Z2   Z2
d(∆T ) 1 1
= −U + dA
∆T Ch Cc
1 1
∆T2 Th,i − Th,o Tc,o − Tc,i
ln = −U A +
∆T1 q q
=− [(Th,i − Tc,i ) − (Th,o q − Tc,o )]
=− [∆T2 − ∆T1 ]

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 404 / 537

Parallel-Flow Heat Exchanger

∆T2 − ∆T1
q = UA
ln(∆T2 /∆T1 )
= U A∆Tlm

Log mean temperature difference,

∆T2 − ∆T1 ∆T1 − ∆T2

∆Tlm = =
ln(∆T2 /∆T1 ) ln(∆T1 /∆T2 )

For parallel-flow exchanger,

∆T1 ≡ Th,1 − Tc,1 = Th,i − Tc,i

∆T1 ≡ Th,2 − Tc,2 = Th,o − Tc,o

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 405 / 537

Counter-Flow Heat Exchanger

∆T1 ≡ Th,1 − Tc,1 = Th,i − Tc,o

∆T1 ≡ Th,2 − Tc,2 = Th,o − Tc,i
Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 406 / 537
Special Operating Conditions

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 407 / 537


A counterflow, concentric tube heat exchanger is used to cool the

lubricating oil for a large industrial gas turbine engine. The flow
rate of cooling water though the intter tube (Di = 25 mm) is
0.2 kg/s, while the flow rate of oil through the outer annulus
(Do = 45 mm) is 0.1 kg/s. The oil and water enter at
tempertaures of 100 and 30◦ C, respectively. How long must the
tube be made if the outlet temperature of the oil is to be 60◦ C?

Oil (T h = 80◦ C):

Cp = 2131 J/kg K, µ = 3.25 × 10−2 N s/m2 ,
k = 0.138 W/m K.Water (T h = 35◦ C):
Cp = 4178 J/kg K, µ = 725 × 10−6 N s/m2 , k = 0.625 W/m K,
Pr = 4.85.

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 408 / 537

Problem: Solution

Oil (T h = 80◦ C):

Cp = 2131 J/kg K, µ = 3.25 × 10−2 N s/m2 ,
k = 0.138 W/m K.Water (T h = 35◦ C):
Cp = 4178 J/kg K, µ = 725 × 10−6 N s/m2 , k = 0.625 W/m K,
Pr = 4.85.

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 409 / 537

Problem: Solution

q = ṁh Cp,h (Th,i − Th,o ) = ṁc Cp,c (Tc,o − Tc,i )

q = 8524 W, Tc,o = 40.2◦ C

q = U A∆Tlm

∆Tlm = 43.2◦ C U= 1 1
hi + ho
ReD =
πDi µ
4/5 k
NuD = 0.023 ReD Pr0.4 hi = Nu

ReD = 14050, NuD = 90, hi = 2250 W/m2 K

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 410 / 537
Problem: Solution
For flow in annulus, Dh = Do − Di = 0.02 m
ρum Dh
ReD =
um = ρπ(Do2 −Di2 )/4

4ṁh ho D h
ReD = NuD =
π(Do + Di )µ k

ReD = 56, NuD = 5.56, ho = 38.4 W/m2 K

U = 37.8 W/m2 K
U πDi ∆Tlm

L = 66.5 m
Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 411 / 537
Effectiveness - NTU Method
The max. possible heat transfer rate, qmax could, in principle, be
achieved in a counterflow heat exchanger of infinite length.

The max. possible temp. diff., Th,i − Tc,i

Cc < Ch : qmax = Cc (Th,i − Tc,i )

Ch < Cc : qmax = Ch (Th,i − Tc,i )

qmax = Cmin (Th,i − Tc,i )

Ch (Th,i − Th,o ) Cc (Tc,o − Tc,i )
ε= =
Cmin (Th,i − Tc,i ) Cmin (Th,i − Tc,i )

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 412 / 537

Effectiveness - NTU Method

q = εCmin (Th,i − Tc,i )

ε = f NTU,

The number of transfer units (NTU) is a dimensionless parameter,

NTU is defined as the ratio of the system’s ability to transfer heat
(U A) to the fluid’s minimum ability to absorb heat (Cmin ).

NTU indicates the size of the heat exchanger required for a given
U and Cmin .
Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 413 / 537
Effectiveness - NTU Relations

Consider a parallel-flow with Cmin = Ch .

Th,i − Th,o
Th,i − Tc,i

Cmin Tc,o − Tc,i

Cr = =
Cmax Th,i − Th,o

1 − e− NTU(1+Cr )
1 + Cr

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 414 / 537

Heat Exchanger Effectiveness Relations

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 415 / 537

Heat Exchanger NTU Relations

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 416 / 537

Heat Exchanger NTU Relations

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 417 / 537

Heat Exchanger NTU Relations

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 418 / 537

Heat Exchanger NTU Relations

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 419 / 537

Heat Exchanger Design Calculations

1 Fluid inlet temperatures
2 Flow rates
3 Desired hot or cold fluid outlet temperatures
Specify a specific heat exchanger type
Determine size, A to achieve the desired outlet temp.

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 420 / 537

Heat Exchanger Performance Calculations

An existing heat exchangeris analyzed to determine

1 Heat transfer rate
2 Fluid outlet temperatures for prescribed flow rates
3 Inlet temperatures
Associated with
Off-the-shelf heat exchanger types and sizes available from a

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 421 / 537

Heat Exchangers Problem Solving

For design problems

1 Calculate ε and Cr
2 Obtain NTU from appropriate eq. or chart
3 Determine A
For performance calculations
1 Calculate NTU and Cr
2 Obtain ε from appropriate eq. or chart
3 qmax = Cmin (Th,i − Tc,i )
4 q = εqmax

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 422 / 537


Hot exhaust gases, which enter a finned-tube, cross-flow heat

exchanger at 300◦ C and leave at 100◦ C, are used to heat
pressurized water at a flow rate of 1 kg/s from 35 to 125◦ C. The
exhaust gas specific heat is approximately 1000 J/kg K, and the
overall heat transfer coefficient based on the gas-side surface area
is Uh = 100 W/m2 K. Determine the required gas-side surface area
Ah using the NTU method.
Water (T c = 80◦ C): Cp,c = 4197 J/kg K Ah = 40 m2 .

Heat and Mass Transfer Heat Exchangers 423 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer


Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 424 / 537

Radiation: Processes and Properties

Thermal radiation requires no matter

Applications: Industrial heating, cooling and drying processes,
energy conservation methods - fossil fuel combustion and solar
Means by which thermal radiation is generated
Specific nature of radiation
Manner in which radiation interacts with matter

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 425 / 537

Heat Exchanger Types

Radiation can occur between two bodies, even when they are
separated by a medium colder than both.

Solar radiation reaches the earth after passing through cold air
layers at high altitudes.
Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 426 / 537
Fundamental Concepts

Ts > Tsur
No conduction or convection - still solid will cool
Solid gets cooled - emission of thermal radiation from the
surface of the solid

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 427 / 537

Fundamental Concepts

Radiation - Propagation of electromagnetic waves

J.C. Maxwell - accelerated charges or changing electric currents

give rise to electric and magnetic fields. These moving fields are
called Electromagnetic Waves or Electromagnetic Radiation

Electro-magnetic Radiation - energy emitted by matter as a

result of the changes in the electronic configurations of the atoms
or molecules.

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 428 / 537

Fundamental Concepts
Characteristics of Electro-magnetic Radiation
Frequency ν (Hz - 1/s)
Wavelength λ (m)
c co
λ= c=
ν n
In vacuum co = 2.998 × 10 m/s and n is the index of refraction

Material n
Air and most gases 1.0
Glass 1.5
Water 1.33

λ, c: depend on medium through which wave travels.
ν: independent of the medium depends only on the source.
Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 429 / 537
Energy - Photons
Electro-magnetic Radiation Propogation of a discrete packets of
energy called photons or quanta

Each photon of frequency ν is considered to have an energy of

e = hν =
Planck’s constant, h = 6.625 × 10−34 J s

Energy of the photon is inversely proportional to its

Shorter wavelength radiation possess larger photon energies
No wonder, we try to avoid very short wavelength radiation
such as gamma rays and X-rays since they are highly
Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 430 / 537
Electromagnetic Spectrum

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 431 / 537

Wavelength Range

Color Wavelength band

Violet 0.40-0.44 µm
Blue 0.44-0.49 µm
Green 0.49-0.54 µm
Yellow 0.54-0.60 µm
Orange 0.60-0.67 µm
Red 0.63-0.76 µm

Solar radiation
Electromagnetic radiation emitted by sun, 0.3 - 3 µm
Some portion in visible range
Other portion in ultraviolet and infrared range

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 432 / 537

Thermal Radiation

In heat transfer, we are interested in energy emitted by bodies due

to their temperature only, Thermal radiation: 0.1 − 100µm.

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 433 / 537

Thermal Radiation

All bodies emit radiation - Radiation at absolute zero temp. is zero

Thermal radiation- Rate at which energy is emitted by matter as a

result of its finite temp.

Mechanism of emission - energy released as a result of oscillations

of many electrons that constitute matter
Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 434 / 537
Radiation - Phenomena

Volumetric phenomenon for semitransparent solids, and gas

Surface phenomena in most solids and liquids
Radiation emitted from interior molecules is strongly absorbed
by adjoining molecules
Radiation emitted from a solid or a liquid originates from
molecules within a distance of 1 µm from the exposed surface

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 435 / 537

Radiation Heat Fluxes

Over all wavelengths and in all directions

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 436 / 537

Semitransparent Medium

Reflectivity, ρ is the fraction of the irradiation that is reflected.

Absorptivity, α is the fraction of the irradiation that is absorbed.

Transmissivity, τ is the fraction of the irradiation that is


ρ+α+τ =1

J = E + Gref = E + ρG
qrad = J − G = εσTs4 − αG

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 437 / 537

Description of Thermal Radiation

Spectral distribution and Directionality

Emitted radiation is continuous, non-uniform distribution of
mono-chromatic (single wavelength) components
Spectral distribution depends on
Nature of the emitting surface
Temperature of the emitting surface

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 438 / 537

Radiation Intensity

Radiation emitted by a surface propagates in all directions

Radiation incident on the surface may come from different
Response of the surface to the radiation depends on the
Directional effects - concept - Radiation Intensity

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 439 / 537

Solid Angle

Emission of radiation from

a differential area dA1 into
a solid angle dω subtended
by dAn at a point on dA1
dω ≡ steradian, sr

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 440 / 537

Solid Angle

dω ≡ dAn = (rdθ)(r sin θdφ)
∴ dω = sin θdθdφ

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 441 / 537

Solid Angle of a Sphere

Z Z2π Zπ
An = dAn = r2 sin θdθdφ
sphere φ=0 θ=0

= 2πr sin θdθ = 2πr2 · − cos θ|πθ=0 = 4πr2

An = 4πr2
For a sphere with unit radius, solid angle is 4π

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 442 / 537

Solid Angle

Differential solid angle dω subtended by a differential surface area

dA when viewed from a point at a distance r from dA1 is
expressed as
dAn dA cos α
dω = 2 =
r r2
where α is the angle between the normal to the surface and the
direction of viewing, and thus dAn = dA cos α is the normal (or
the projected) area to the direction of viewing.

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 443 / 537

Solid Angle
Small surfaces viewed from a relatively large distances can
approximately treated as differential areas in solid angle

For example, the solid angle subtended by 6 cm2 plane surface

when viewed from a point at a distance of 90 cm along the normal
of the surface
An 6
ω= 2
= 2 = 7.41 × 10−4 sr
r 90
If the surface is tilted so that the normal of the surface makes an
angle of 60◦ with the line connecting the point of viewing to the
center of the surface, the projected area would be
dAn = dA cos α = 6cos60◦ = 3 cm2
and the solid angle in this case would be half of the value just
Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 444 / 537
Intensity of Emitted Radiation

Radiation streaming through dAn is ∝ dω subtended by dAn

Radiation is also ∝ dA1 as seen by an observer on dAn , max.
at top (θ = 0◦ ) and min. at bottom (θ = 90◦ )

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 445 / 537

Intensity of Emitted Radiation

Radiation intensity for emitted radiation Ie (θ, φ) is defined as the

rate at which the radiation energy dq is emitted in the (θ, φ)
direction per unit area normal to this direction and per unit solid
angle about this direction.
dq dq
Ie (θ, φ) = = W/m2 sr
dA1 cos θ · dω dA1 cos θ · sin θdθdφ

Radiation flux for emitted radiation is the Emissive Power (E):

rate at which radiation energy is emitted per unit area of the
emitting surface which is expressed in the differential form
dE = = Ie (θ, φ) cos θ sin θdθdφ

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 446 / 537

Emissive Power
Emissive power from the surface into hemisphere surrounding it,
Z Z2π Zπ/2
E= dE = Ie (θ, φ) cos θ sin θdθdφ W/m2
hemisphere φ=0 θ=0

Ie varies with direction (especially with zenith angle θ). Practically

approximated as Diffuse, i.e., Ie is constant.
Z2π Zπ/2 Zπ/2
cos θ sin θdθdφ = 2π cos θ sin θdθ
φ=0 θ=0 θ=0

− cos 2θ π/2

= sin 2θdθ = π =π
2 2

E = πIe
Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 447 / 537
A small surface of area A1 = 10−3 m2 is known to emit diffusely
and from measurements the total intensity associated with
emission in the normal direction is In = 7000 W/m2 sr. Radiation
emitted from the surface is intercepted by other surfaces of area
A2 = A3 = A4 = 10−3 m2 , which are 0.5 m from A1 . What is the
intensity associated with emission in each of the three directions?
What are the solid angles subtended by the three surfaces when
viewed from A1 ? What is the rate at which radiation emitted by
A1 is intercepted by the three surfaces?

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 448 / 537


Surface A1 emits diffusely
A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 may be approximated as differential surfaces,
Aj /rj2  1

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 449 / 537


Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 450 / 537


Intensity is independent of direction, I = 7000 W/m2 sr

dAn A3
ω3−1 = ω4−1 = 2
= 2 = 4 × 10−3 sr
r r
A2 cos θ2
ω2−1 = = 3.46 × 10−3 sr

q1−j = I × A1 cos θ1 × ωj−1

q1−2 = 12.1 × 10−3 W
q1−3 = 28.0 × 10−3 W
q1−4 = 19.8 × 10−3 W

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 451 / 537

Relation to Irradiation
The intensity of incident radiation, Ii (θ, φ) is the rate at which
radiation energy dG is incident from the (θ, φ) direction per unit
area of the receiving surface normal to this direction and per unit
solid angle about this direction.

Z2π Zπ/2
Gλ (λ) = Iλ,i (λ, θ, φ) cos θ sin θdθdφ
φ=0 θ=0

G= Gλ (λ)dλ

If the incident radiation is diffuse,

Gλ = πIλ,i (λ); G = πIi

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 452 / 537


The spectral distribution of surface irradiation is given below.

What is the total irradiation?

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 453 / 537


G= Gλ dλ
5Zµm 20
Z µm 25
Z µm Z∞
G= Gλ dλ + Gλ dλ + Gλ dλ + Gλ dλ
0 5 µm 20 µm 25 µm

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 454 / 537

Relation to Irradiation

Z2π Zπ/2
Jλ (λ) = Iλ,e+r (λ, θ, φ) cos θ sin θdθdφ
φ=0 θ=0

J= Jλ (λ)dλ

If the surface is diffuse reflector and diffuse emitter,

Jλ = πIλ,e+r (λ); J = πIe+r

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 455 / 537

Black Body

1 Absorbs all incident radiation, regardless of wavelength and

2 For a given T, λ, no surface can emit more energy than a
3 Ie ≡ f (λ, T ), independent of direction, Diffuse emitter.

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 456 / 537

Planck Distribution
The spectral distribution of blackbody emission,

Iλ,T =  hco

λ5 exp( λkT )−1

Planck constant: h = 6.625 × 10−34 J s

Boltzmann constant: k = 1.3805 × 10−23 J/K

The spectral emissive power of a blackbody (diffuse emission)

Eλ,T = πIλ,T =  C2

λ5 exp( λkT )−1

The first and second radiation constants are:

C1 = 2πhc2o = 3.742 × 108 W µm4 /m2
C2 = (hco /k) = 1.439 × 104 µm K
Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 457 / 537
Professor Max Planck (1858-1947)

German physicist.
Studied in Berlin with
H.L.F. von Helmholtz and G.R. Kirchhoff,
but obtained his doctorate at the
University of Munich before returning to
Berlin as Prof. in theoretical Physics.
Later became head of the Kaiser Wilhelm
Society (today the Max Planck Institute).
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918 for his
development of the quantum theory.

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 458 / 537

Spectral Blackbody Emissive Power

Important Features:
1 Emitted radiation varies
continuously with λ
2 At any λ, E increases with T
3 More radiation appearing at
shorter λ as T increases
4 Significant portion of solar
radiation (5800 K) is in visible
5 For T . 800 K, emission is
predominantly in the infrared
region of the spectrum and is
not visible to the eye.

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 459 / 537

Wien’s Displacement Law

λmax T = C3 = 2897.8 µm K

1 Maximum spectral power is displaced to shorter λ with

increasing T
2 Solar radiation - middle of the spectrum (λ = 0.5 µm), since
5800 K
3 Blackbody at 1000 K, peak emission - 2.9 µm
4 With increasing T , shorter λ become more prominent, until
eventually significant emission occurs over the entire visible
5 Tungsten filament lamp - 2900 K (λmax = 1.0 µm) emits
white light, although most of the emission remains in infrared

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 460 / 537

Professor Wilhen Wien (1864-1928)

German physicist.
Prof. of Physics at the University of
Giessen and later at the University of
Besides his research in the area of
electromagnetic waves, his interests
included other rays, such as electron
beams, X-rays, and α-particles.
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1911 for his
discovery of his displacement law.

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 461 / 537

Stephan-Boltzmann Law

Eb =  C2
 dλ = σT 4 W/m2
λ5 exp( λkT ) − 1

σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W/m2 K4

This enables calculation of the amount of radiation emitted in all

directions and over all wavelengths simply from the knowledge of
the temperature of the blackbody.

The total intensity associated with blackbody emission is:

Ib = W/m2 sr

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 462 / 537

Historical Perspective of Stefan-Boltzmann Law

Joseph Stefan (1835-1893)

Gymnastics, Poet, Austrian Physicist.
Prof. at the University of Vienna
Eb ∝ T 4 from experiments in 1879
Ludwig Erhard Boltzmann (1844-1906)
Austrian Physicist. Doctorate from the
University of Vienna. Prof. in Vienna, Graz,
Munich and Leipzig (Germany).
His greatest contributions were in the field of
statistical mechanics (Boltzmann statistics).
Derived from thermodynamics in 1889.
John Crepeau, Josef Stefan: His Life and Legacy in the Thermal
Sciences, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 31 (2007) 795-803.

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 463 / 537

Band Emission

Rλ Rλ
Eλ,b dλ Eλ,b dλ
0 0
F(0−λ) ≡ =
R∞ σT 4
Eλ,b dλ

λT = m; dλT = dm; dλ = dm/T

λ = 0; m = 0

Eλ,b d(λT ) Eλ,b d(λT )
F(0−λ) ≡ =
σT 4 T σT 5
0 0

= f (λT )

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 464 / 537

Band Emission

Rλ2 Rλ1
Eλ,b dλ − Eλ,b dλ
0 0
F(λ1 −λ2 ) = = F(0−λ2 ) − F(0−λ1 )
σT 4

Since the integrand (Eλ,b /σT 5 ) is exclusively a function of

wavelength temperature product (λT ). The results are presented
in tabular form to obtain F0−λ as a function of λT .
Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 465 / 537
Blackbody Radiation Functions

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 466 / 537

Emission from Real Surfaces

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 467 / 537

Surface Emission

E(T )
ε(T ) = =⇒ E(T ) = ε(T )σT 4
Eb (T )

Spectral, directional emissivity,

Iλ,e (λ, θ, φ, T )
ελ,θ (λ, θ, φ, T ) =
Iλ,b (λ, T )

Total, directional emissivity,

Ie (θ, φ, T )
εθ (θ, φ, T ) =
Ib (T )
Spectral, hemispherical emissivity,
Eλ (λ, T )
ελ (λ, T ) =
Eλ,b (λ, T )

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 468 / 537

Emission from Real Surfaces

ελ (λ, T )Eλ,b (λ, T )
ε(T ) =
Eb (T )

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 469 / 537

Emission from Real Surfaces

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 470 / 537


α depends strongly on Tsource at which the incident radiation is

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 471 / 537
Perception of Color

Tsur < 1000 K - Emission is in IR region - not seen by eye.

Color is due to selective reflection and absorption of the
visible portion of the irradiation.
Leaf is grean - Chlorophyll - absorbs the blue, red and
preferential reflection in the green.
Color of the Surface - not an indicator of the overall capacity
of an absorber or reflector, since much of the irradiation may
be in the IR region.
Surface coated with lamp black/soot appears to be black to
the human eye. Also thermally black. Snow is ‘white’ to the
eye but black for the thermal radiation.

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 472 / 537

Kirchhoff’s Law
Consider a large, isothermal enclosure of Ts within which several
small bodies are confined.

Regarless of its orientation, the irradiation experienced by any

body in the cavity is diffuse and equal to emission from a
blackbody at Ts .
G = Eb (T
Heat and Mass Transfer s)
Radiation 473 / 537
Kirchhoff’s Law
Under steady state conditions, thermal equilibrium must exist,
T1 = T2 = T3 = . . . = Ts and the net rate of energy transfer to
each surface must be zero.

Applying energy balance to a control surface about body 1,

α1 GA1 − E1 (Ts )A1 = 0

α1 Eb (Ts ) − E1 (Ts ) = 0 ∵ G = Eb (Ts )

E1 (Ts ) E2 (Ts ) E3 (Ts )
= = = . . . = Eb (Ts )
α1 α2 α3

This relation is known as Kirchoff’s law . No real surface can have

an emissive power exceeding that of a black surface at the same
temperature, and the notion of the black body as an ideal emitter
is confirmed.
Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 474 / 537
Kirchhoff’s Law

ε1 ε2 ε3
= = = ... = 1
α1 α2 α3
Hence, for any surface in the enclosure, ε = α.

Total hemispherical emissivity = total hemispherical absorptivity.

The restrictive conditions inherent in this derivation is:

the surface irradiation has been assumed to correspond to
emission from a blackbody at the same temperature as the

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 475 / 537

Kirchhoff’s Law

ελ (T ) = αλ (T ) , valid when G is independent of direction.

The form of the Kirchoff’s law that involves no restrictions is the

spectral directional form,

ελ,θ (T ) = αλ,θ (T )

It is very tempting to use Kirchoff’s law in radiation analysis

∵ the relation ε = α together with ρ = 1 − α enables us to
determine all three properties of a opaque surface from a
knowledge of only one property.
Although, ε = α gives acceptable results in most cases, in
practice, care should be exercised when there is considerable
difference between Tsurface and Tsource .

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 476 / 537

Professor Gustav Kirchhoff (1824-1887)

German physicist.
Formulated his circuit laws, ubiquitous in
electrical engineering in 1845, while still a
He completed this study as a seminar
exercise, it later became his doctoral
Proposed his law of thermal radiation in
1859, and gave proof in 1861.
He was called to the University of
Heidelberg in 1854, where he collaborated
in Spectroscopic work with Robert
Bunsen. Together, they discovered
Caesium (z = 37) and Rubidium (z = 55)
in 1861.
Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 477 / 537
Gray Surface

Properties are independent of λ.

Diffuse surface is a surface in which its properties are
independent of direction.
Emissivity of a gray, diffuse surface is total hemispherical
emissivity of that surface because of the independence of λ
and direction.

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 478 / 537

Solar Radiation

The irradiance at the earth’s surface due to atmospheric emission,

Gatm = σTsky

Tsky is the effective sky temperature

= 275 K, moderate temp.
= 230 K, cold, clear sky
= 285 K, warm, cloudy sky

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 479 / 537


A flat-plate solar collector with no cover plate has a selective

absorber surface of emissivity 0.1 and solar absorptivity 0.95. At a
given time of day the absorber surface temperature Ts is 120◦ C
when the solar irradiation is 750 W/m2 , the effective sky
temperature is -10◦ C, and the ambient air temperature T∞ is
30◦ C. Assume that the heat transfer coefficient for the calm day
conditions can be estimated from,

h = 0.22(Ts − T∞ )1/3 W/m2 K

Calculate the useful heat removal rate (W/m2 ) from the collector
for these conditions. What is the corresponding efficiency of the

Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 480 / 537


αs Gs + αsky Gatm − qconv − E − qu00 = 0

αs Gs + εσTsky − h(Ts − T∞ ) − εσTs4 − qu00 = 0

qu00 = 516 W/m2 ; η= = 0.69
Heat and Mass Transfer Radiation 481 / 537
Heat and Mass Transfer

View Factor

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna
Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 482 / 537
Radiation Exchange Between Surfaces

Radiation heat transfer between surfaces depends on the

orientation of the surfaces relative to each other as well as
their radiation properties and temperatures.
This dependence is accounted for by the view factor.
By facing the fire from front or back - maximum radiation
By facing the fire from the side - minimum radiation
Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 483 / 537
View/Shape/Configuration/Angle Factor

Fij - the fraction of the radiation leaving surface i that strikes the
surface j directly.

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 484 / 537

View/Shape/Configuration/Angle Factor
The rate at which radiation leaves dAi and is intercepted by dAj is,
dqi→j = Ie+r,i cos θi dAi dωj−i
Ie+r,i - intensity of radiation leaving surface i, and dωj−i - solid
cos θj dAj
angle subtended by dAj when viewed from dAi : dωj−i = R2

cos θi cos θj
dqi→j = Ie+r,i dAi dAj
Assuming that surface i emits and reflects diffusely,
cos θi cos θj
dqi→j = Ji dAi dAj
The total rate of radiation leaving surface i towards j,
cos θi cos θj
qi→j = Ji dAi dAj
Ai Aj

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 485 / 537

View/Shape/Configuration/Angle Factor

Fij =
Ai Ji
1 cos θi cos θj dAj
Fij = dAi dAj
Ai πR2
Ai Aj
1 cos θi cos θj dAj
Fji = dAi dAj
Aj πR2
Ai Aj

These equations may be used to determine the view factor

associated with any two surfaces that are diffuse emitters and
reflectors and have uniform radiosity.

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 486 / 537

View Factor Relations

Ai Fij = Aj Fji
Reciprocity relation

For an enclosure,
Fij = 1

Summation rule
From the conservation
requirement that all radiation
leaving surface i must be
intercepted by the enclosure

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 487 / 537

View Factor Relations
To calculate radiation exchange in
an enclosure of N surfaces, a total
of N 2 view factors is needed.
 
F11 F12 F13 . . . F1N
 F21 F22 F23 . . . F2N 
 
 .. .. .. .. .. 
 . . . . . 
FN 1 FN 2 FN 3 . . . FN N

N eqs. from summation rule.

N (N − 1)/2 eqs. from reciprocity.

A total of
N 2 − (N + N (N − 1)/2) =
N (N − 1)/2 view factors need to be
determined directly.
Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 488 / 537
View Factor Relations - Example

n2 = 4 view factors (F11 , F12 , F21 , F22 ).

N (N − 1)/2 = 1 to be determined directly.

F12 = 1

A1 A1
F21 = F12 =
A2 A2
F11 + F12 = 1 =⇒ F11 = 0
F21 + F22 = 1 F22 = 1 −

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 489 / 537


Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 490 / 537


Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 491 / 537


Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 492 / 537


Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 493 / 537


Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 494 / 537


Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 495 / 537

Subdivided Surface

Fi(j) = Fi,k

Aj F(j)i = Ak Fk,i
Ak Fk,i
F(j)i = n
This may be applied when the originating surface is composed of
several parts.
Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 496 / 537

Determine the view factors F12 and F21 for the following

1 Sphere of diameter D inside a cubical box of length L = D.

2 One side of a diagonal partition within a long square duct.
3 End and side of a circular tube of equal length and diameter.

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 497 / 537

Assumptions: Diffuse surfaces with uniform radiosities.
1 Sphere within a cube: F
12 = 1

A1 π
F21 = F12 =
A2 6
2 Partition within a square duct: 
*+ F + F = 1

12 13

F12 = F13 = 0.5 from symmetry

F21 = F12 = 0.71
3 Circular tube: Fij (L/ri , rj /L) = Fij (2, 0.5) ≈ 0.17
 F12 + F13 = 1 =⇒ F12 = 0.83
F21 = F12 = 0.21

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 498 / 537

Blackbody Radiation Exchange

qi→j = (Ai Ji )Fij

For a blackbody, Ji = Ebi ,

qi→j = Ai Fij Ebi

Similarly, qj→i = Aj Fji Ebj

The net radiative exchange between the two surfaces,

qij = qi→j − qj→i = Ai Fij σ(Ti4 − Tj4 )

qij is the net rate at which radiation leaves i as a result of its

interaction with j = the net rate at which j gains radiation due to
its interaction with i.
Ai Fij σ(Ti4 − Tj4 )
For an enclosure of black surfaces, qi =

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 499 / 537


A furnace cavity, which is in the form of a cylinder of 75 mm

diameter and 150 mm length, is open at one end to large
surroundings that are at 27◦ C. The sides and bottom may be
approximated as blackbodies, are heated electrically, are well
insulated, and are maintained at temperatures of 1350 and
1650◦ C, respectively. How much power is required to maintain the
furnace conditions?

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 500 / 537


Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 501 / 537


q = q13 + q23
= A1 F13 σ(T14 − T34 ) + A2 F23 σ(T24 − T34 )

Fij (L/ri , rj /L) = Fij (4, 0.25) ≈ 0.06

From summation rule, F21 = 1 − F23 = 0.94

From reciprocity, F12 = A1 F21 = 0.118

From symmetry, F13 = F12

q = 1639 + 205 = 1844 W

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 502 / 537

Diffuse, Gray Surfaces in an Enclosure

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 503 / 537

Diffuse, Gray Surfaces in an Enclosure

qi = Ai (Ji − Gi )
Ji ≡ Ei + ρi Gi
For an opaque, diffuse, gray surface,

Ji = εi Ebi + (1 − εi )Gi

Ebi − Ji
qi =
(1 − εi )/εi Ai
(Ebi − Ji ) is the driving potential with a surface radiative
resistance of the form (1 − εi )/εi Ai .

Ji =?

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 504 / 537

Radiative Exchange Between Surfaces

Ai G i = Fji Aj Jj = Fij Ai Jj
j=1 j=1

We have, qi = Ai (Ji − Gi )
 
=⇒ qi = Ai Ji − Fij Jj 

From summation rule,

 
qi = Ai  Fij Ji − Fij Jj 
j=1 j=1

qi = Ai Fij (Ji − Jj ) = qij
j=1 j=1

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 505 / 537

Radiative Exchange Between Surfaces

If Ti is known,
X (Ji − Jj )
Ebi − Ji
(1 − εi )/εi Ai (Ai Fij )−1

If qi is known,
X (Ji − Jj )
qi =
(Ai Fij )−1

Solve N equations for N unknowns, J1 , J2 , J3 , . . . , JN .

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 506 / 537

Radiative Exchange Between Surfaces

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 507 / 537

Two-Surface Enclosure

σ(T14 − T24 )
q12 = q1 = −q2 = 1−ε1
ε1 A1 + A11F12 + 1−ε 2
ε2 A2

This can be used for any two diffuse, gray surfaces that form an
Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 508 / 537
Two-Surface Enclosure

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 509 / 537

Radiation Shields

A1 σ(T14 − T24 )
q12,no shield = 1 1
ε1 + ε2 − 1
Eb,1 − Eb,2
q12 = 1−ε1 1 1−ε3,1 1−ε3,2 1 1−ε2
ε1 + A1 F1,2 + ε3,1 + ε3,2 + A3 F3,2 + ε2

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 510 / 537

Radiation Shields

F13 = F32 = 1
A1 σ(T14 − T24 )
q12 =    
1 1 1 1
ε1 + ε2 − 1 + ε3,1 + ε3,2 −1

A1 σ(T14 − T24 )
(q12 )N =      
1 1 1 1 1 1
ε1 + ε2 − 1 + ε3,1 + ε3,2 − 1 + . . . + εN,1 + εN,2 −1

If all emissivities are equal,

(q12 )N = (q12 )0
N +1
(q12 )0 is the radiation transfer rate with no shields (N = 0).
Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 511 / 537

A thin aluminium sheet with an emissivity of 0.1 on both sides is

placed between two very large parallel plates that are maintained
at uniform temperatures T1 = 800 K and T2 = 500 K and have
emissivities ε1 = 0.2 and ε2 = 0.2, respectively. Determine the net
rate of radiation heat transfer between the two plates per unit
surface area of the plates and compare the result to that without
the shield.

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 512 / 537


Aσ(T14 − T24 )
(q12 )0 = 1 1 = 3.625 kW/m2
ε1 + ε2 − 1

A1 σ(T14 − T24 )
(q12 )1 = 1 1 1−ε3,1 1−ε3,2 = 0.806 kW/m2
ε1 + ε2 + ε3,1 + ε3,2

Comment: Radiation heat transfer rate reduces to about one

fourth of what it was as a result of placing a radiation shield
between the two parallel plates.

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 513 / 537

Reradiating Surface
qi = 0, well insulated on one side and for which convection effects
may be neglected on the opposite (radiating) side.

Eb1 − Eb2
q1 = −q2 = 1−ε1 1 1−ε2
ε 1 A1 + h
1 1
i−1 + ε 2 A2
A1 F12 + A1 F1R
+A F
2 2R

Heat and Mass Transfer View Factor 514 / 537

Heat and Mass Transfer

Mass Transfer

Sudheer Siddapuredddy


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institution of Technology Patna

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 515 / 537

Mass Transfer

Many significant HT problems in practice involve mass

1/3rd of the heat loss from a resting person is due to
A close resemblance between heat and mass transfer relations.

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 516 / 537

Mass transfer - Bulk fluid motion

Mass transfer requires the presence of two regions at different

chemical compositions
Movement of a chemical species from a high concentration
region towards a lower concentration one relative to the other
chemical species present in the medium.
Fluid flow is due to pressure difference, whereas Mass transfer
is due to concentration difference.
No mass transfer in a homogeneous medium.

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 517 / 537

Diffusion Coefficient

Flow rate ∝ (N ormalarea)(Concentrationgradient)

= −DA
where D is the diffusion coefficient of the medium, a measure of
how fast the mass diffuses in the medium.
Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 518 / 537
Diffusion Coefficient

Molecules in a gas mixture continually collide with each other.

The collision of unlike molecules influence the rate of
diffusion, as different masses have different movement.
The diffusion process is dominated by heavier molecules
The diffusion rates will be higher at higher temperatures.
Molecular spacing also influences diffusion process.

DGas  Dliquids  Dsolids

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 519 / 537

Analogy Between Heat and Mass Transfer

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 520 / 537


Fourier’s law: Q = −kA dT


Fick’s law of diffusion:

Rate of mass diffusion of species
A in a stationary medium in the
direction x:
ṁdiff = −DAB A
DAB is mass diffusivity

CA is conc. of species A in
mixture at that location.

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 521 / 537

Mass Diffusion Equation

The differential equations for both heat conduction and mass

diffusion are of the same form.
Therefore, the solutions of mass diffusion equations can be
obtained from the solutions of corresponding heat conduction
equations for the same type of boundary conditions by simply
switching the corresponding coefficients and variables.

∂ ∂wA ∂ ∂wA ∂ ∂wA ∂ρA
ρDAB + ρDAB + ρDAB +ṁ000
A =
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t

Species generation is a volumetric phenomenon, homogeneous


Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 522 / 537


Qconv = hconv As (Ts − T∞ )

ṁconv = hmass As (Cs − C∞ )

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 523 / 537

Concentration Based on Mass, Mole

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 524 / 537

Ideal Gas Mixtures Transfer

At low pressures, a gas mixture can conveniently be approximated

as an ideal gas with negligible error. Ex.: A mixture of dry air and
water vapor at atmospheric conditions.

Dalton’s law of additive pressures:

P = Pi

Pi Ni Ru T /∨ Ni
= = = yi
P N Ru T /∨ N
The pressure fraction of species i of an ideal gas mixture is
equivalent to the mole fraction of that species and can be used in
place of it in mass transfer analysis.

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 525 / 537

Fick’s Law of Diffusion

Stationary Medium Consisting of Two Species

Mass basis:
ṁdif f,A d(ρA /ρ) d(wA )
jdif f,A = = −ρDA,B = −ρDA,B kg/s m2
A dx dx
Mole basis:

Ṅdif f,A d(CA /C) d(yA )

jdif f,A = = −CDA,B = −CDA,B mol/s m2
A dx dx
ρi ρ
mi = Ni Mi =⇒ Ci = and C =
Mi M
m X ρi Mi
M= = yi Mi and wi = yi
N ρ M

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 526 / 537

Mass Diffusivity

T 3/2

Diffusion of water vapor in air:

T 2.072
DH2 O,air = 1.87 × 10−10
(m2 /s), 280 K < T < 450 K

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 527 / 537

Mass Diffusivity

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 528 / 537

Diffusion Types

Ordinary diffusion mass diffusion due to the concentration gradient

Thermal diffusion mass diffusion due to the temperature gradient
Pressure diffusion mass diffusion due to the pressure gradient
Forced diffusion An external force field such as an electric or
magnetic field applied on a mixture or solution can
be used successfully to separate electrically charged
or magnetized molecules from the mixture
Knudsen and Surface diffusion Porous solid such as silica gel are
smaller than the mean free path of the gas
molecules; and when the size of the gas molecules is
comparable to the pore size, adsorbed molecules
move along the pore walls.
All the above phenomena causing mass diffusion are usually
neglected assuming the dominant driving potential is the species
concentration gradient.
Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 529 / 537
Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer
Fourier’s law of conduction:
q 00 = −k (W/m2 )
Newton’s law of viscosity:
τ = −µ (N/m2 )
Fick’s law of diffusion:
ṁ00dif f,A = −DAB (kg/s m2 )
00 dCA
ṁdif f,A = −DAB (kmol/s m2 )

Diffusion (m2 ):

Momentum (ν); Thermal (α); Mass (DAB )

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 530 / 537
Non-Dimensional Numbers

ν Momentum diffusivity
Prandtl number : Pr = =
α Thermal diffusivity

ν Momentum diffusivity
Schmidt number : Sc = =
DAB Mass diffusivity

Sc α Thermal diffusivity
Lewis number : Le = = =
Pr DAB Mass diffusivity

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 531 / 537

Mass Diffusion Equation

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 532 / 537

Mass Diffusion Equation

ṁin − ṁout + ṁg = ṁst

∂ ∂wA ∂ ∂wA ∂ ∂wA ∂ρA
ρDAB + ρDAB + ρDAB +ṁ000
A =
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t
∂ ∂yA ∂ ∂yA ∂ ∂yA ∂CA
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂t

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 533 / 537

Boundary and Initial Conditions

First condition:

yA (0, t) = yA,s

Second condition:

∂yA ∗
−CDAB = JA,s
∂x x=0

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 534 / 537

Boundary and Initial Conditions

Impermeable surface:

∂x x=0

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 535 / 537

Steady Mass Diffusion Through a Wall

ṁdiff,A = jA A = constant (kg/s)

ṁdiff,A dwA
jA = = −ρDAB
A dx
= constant

wA,1 − wA,2
ṁdif f,A,wall =

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 536 / 537

Steady Mass Diffusion Through a Wall

wA,1 − wA,2
ṁdiff,A, wall =

ρA,1 − ρA,2
ṁdiff,A, cyl = 2πLDAB
ln(r2 /r1 )
ρA,1 − ρA,2
ṁdiff,A, sph = 4πr1 r2 DAB
r2 − r1 )

Heat and Mass Transfer Mass Transfer 537 / 537

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