Universal Real-Time Navigational Assistance: Project Summary

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Universal Real-time

Navigational Assistance

Project Summary
Jack Baskin School of Engineering
University of California, Santa Cruz

Project Team
Shawn Bohonos Alex Lee
sbohonos@ucsc.edu alexlee@ucsc.edu
Computer Engineering Computer Engineering
Multimedia Networks

Amir Malik Chung Thai

amalik@ucsc.edu cthai@ucsc.edu
Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering
Multimedia Communications
Table of Contents

Section Page

Project Overview……………......................... 1
System Hardware……………........................ 2
Software Development……......................... 5
Trade Studies & Challenges........................ 7
The Future................................................. 10
References................................................. 11
Project Overview
The Universal Real-time Navigational Assistance (URNA) design project
is the second of a two-part project that has been proposed by Professor
Roberto Manduchi. The first project deals with computer vision and entails
the use of a mobile phone camera to allow a blind person to track physical
symbols across a room or a street.
Our project deals specifically with mobile phone-based navigation
using audio alerts as a navigational guide. The general idea is to use
Bluetooth as an assistive technology for both visually impaired and sighted
people. The system will consist of a series of short-range (between 5 and 20
meter radius) Bluetooth beacons that broadcast location-aware information
to nearby Bluetooth devices. Any person equipped with a Bluetooth-enabled
mobile phone will be able to take advantage of the system. Transmitters
could be installed at traffic intersections to alert the visually impaired of the
location of the crosswalk and when it is safe to cross. The goal of our project
is to design and implement a functional pedestrian navigation system
utilizing the ubiquity of Bluetooth technology in modern mobile phones.
We believe that a navigation system should benefit both sighted and
visually impaired users. Due to the growing popularity of Bluetooth-enabled
phones, our system could enable access to a wide audience. Ideally, we
would like to see our system be capable of informing any user about
pertinent information in a city, such as nearby bus routes and timetables,
tourist attractions, and store directories. The technology need not be limited
to only pedestrians, for example, even drivers could be alerted of nearby
parking facilities.
The group was formally founded on October 5, 2006. We set up an
online wiki (http://urna.projects.unoc.net/) early on to help our team track
our research progress through the design phase of the project. The wiki also
serves as a publicity site for our project, as well as internal documents,
which are hidden from the public view. In addition, we use a CVS
(Concurrent Versions System) repository to share code, documentation, and
publicity materials such as artwork. We have overcome many challenges
along the way, and anticipate many more.

System Hardware

Navigation Controller
The heart of our system is a PCB that we call NavCon, short for
‘Navigation Controller’ that will interface between the traffic controller and
our Bluetooth modules. NavCon will take input signals from the traffic
controller via R2-232 serial or Ethernet, and relay the data to the Bluetooth
modules after processing. The system-level block diagram is shown in Figure
1 below. The Bluetooth modules are to be mounted at the four corners of an
intersection atop an intersection’s ‘ped-heads’. Ped-heads are the electronic
signs that signal to ‘Walk’ or ‘Don’t Walk’ when a pedestrian is crossing an

Figure 1. System-level block diagram.

Initial NavCon development has begun using Altera's Quartus II
Integrated Development Environment and the Altera-Modelsim simulator
software packages. Once we acquire the Nios II Development Board this
week, we will transfer our Verilog code to the board which contains a
Cyclone II FPGA that contains 33,216 logic elements. We plan to store audio
and/or text in the non-volatile flash memory chip known as the EPCS or
serial loader on the Nios II board that is normally used to store the FPGA's
configuration file. We need the data to be retained even if there is a power
outage, so for this reason we need the data stored in a non-volatile location.
The audio and/or text files will contain information such as street names and
traffic light status commands that will be sent to the Bluetooth modules and
transmitted to the end user's mobile phone via Bluetooth. We will also be
designing another custom PCB for the Bluetooth modules. Ideally, we will
have four Bluetooth modules, so will need four of these PCB’s printed. The
Bluetooth PCB’s will be used to mount the Bluetooth modules and
accommodate for extra logic needed.

Bluetooth Modules
The Bluetooth modules are class 2 devices that have a 10 meter range
and can support 7 simultaneously serial connections based on the type of
firmware used. Our target data throughput for the system is 700kbps, since
that is the bottleneck of the over-the-air (OTA) connection between a
module and a mobile phone. We plan to implement our own external
antenna design which will be omni-directional with a short-range 360 degree
signal dispersion. The exact design details of the antenna are still yet to be
determined, but we have met with Professor Peterson and he has
volunteered to assist us with the design.
The modules that we will acquire will conform to the Bluetooth 2.0
specification. The 2.0 spec has numerous improvements over the older
version 1.2. Version 2.0 has 3 times faster transmission speed, lower power
consumption, a simplification of multi-link scenarios due to more available
bandwidth and improved bit error rate performance. When searching for the
Bluetooth modules to be used for our system, a few of the requirements in
order of priority were as follows:
(a) Bluetooth 2.0
(b) DIP packaging for mounting so the chip could be re-used
between development and actual implementation
(c) enough of a low-level firmware to be able to support 7
active separate serial connections
(d) availability / lead-time
(e) price

“In order to use Bluetooth wireless technology, a device must be able
to interpret certain Bluetooth profiles. The profiles define the possible
applications. Bluetooth profiles are general behaviors through which
Bluetooth enabled devices communicate with other devices.”(1)
The profile that we will be utilizing is the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile
(SPP). The Serial Port Profile allows Bluetooth devices to perform serial cable
emulation. This is how we will have a connection to transfer data from the
Bluetooth modules to our custom software on a mobile phone.
We have a few candidates for the Bluetooth module that we will use
and will decide which to acquire the day that this report is to be submitted.
Our primary candidate module is manufactured by A7 Engineering in San
Diego that will possibly be donated for our project through their ‘Bluetooth
Research Sponsorship Program’. They have a new version module that is set
to hit the market either later this month or possibly early next year. One of
our group members has been in communication with a lead contact at A7,
and has consummated the possibility of having the pre-public versions of the
module. Our second candidate module is a connectBlue module that meets
the above listed requirements and is fairly priced. We will purchase two of
these modules for the development phase if we do not hear back from A7
Engineering. Our third candidate module is the Linkmatic 2.0 out of the UK.
It too, meets all of our requirements, but since the purchase would be made
from overseas, shipping costs are high. Further considerations pertaining to
the acquirement of the Bluetooth modules can be reviewed in the ‘Trade
Studies’ section below.

Traffic Controller
The traffic controller that has been donated to us is an Econolite 2070
controller. We are not specifically concerned with the exact inter-workings of
the controller, but our main requirement to allow it to be integrated into our
system was that it needed to have a ‘timing plan’ preloaded into it that
would act as a mock intersection for us. “The primary objective of a signal
timing plan is to alternate the right-of-way among various phases at an
intersection to provide for the orderly movement of traffic, minimize average
delay to vehicles and pedestrians, reduce the potential for certain types of
crashes and maximize the traffic capacity.”(2)
Econolite has kindly offered to provide us with a timing plan preloaded, as
well as 24-7 tech support as though we were a customer.

Communications & Power
We’ve considered various methods of communication to interface our
FPGA/PCB hardware to the Bluetooth modules over a distance of about 30
meters maximum. We discussed the ability to provide power to each
individual Bluetooth module. Most manufacturers recommend RS-232, but
we are transmitting over a significant distance, thus need a differential
transmission scheme to help avoid EMI interference. We decided that the
next logical candidate was to use RS-422. RS-422 is a differential
transmission method, and can normally accommodate for higher BAUD rates
than RS-232. This means that our custom PCB on the FPGA side will contain
four RS-422 serial chips via 8P8C connectors as well as USB female
connectors to accommodate for sending power to each Bluetooth module.
The power supply requirements for our application were simple and
can be easily implemented without additional design complication. Each of
the Bluetooth’s transceivers will have a voltage regulator to filter undesirable
voltage feeds into the device. The main controller board will have its power
supply from the traffic light controller between 12 to 24 volts. It too will
need some kind of voltage regulator so the amount of voltage supply will be
between 5 to 10 volts depending on the FPGA voltage requirement and other
chips on board (i.e. memory).

Software Development
In order for the system to be completely functional, a great deal of
software needs to be written. For the Navigation Controller, this includes
hardware description code in Verilog for the FPGA, and assembly and C code
for the Nios II soft-processor. On the mobile phone side, an application will
need to be developed that will communicate over Bluetooth with the
Navigation Controller, and issue audio alerts when necessary.

Because we are going to be using the Altera Nios II soft-processor, an
operating system (OS) will be required. We are currently evaluating an
embedded version of Linux, called µClinux, which we may use for the base
OS. Because we will need to interface with custom Bluetooth modules, we
may or may not need to write a Bluetooth driver for Linux, since the BlueZ
stack already exists. Reusability depends on the modules we acquire, and
how low-level they allow us to get with respect to the Bluetooth protocol.

The task of the NavCon server software is to communicate with up to
four Bluetooth modules connected to the board and issue commands to each
Bluetooth radio. In addition, by having the modules centrally controlled, we
are able to track pedestrians as they pass from one crosswalk to the next.
This will enable us to give more route-specific information if desired.
Essentially, the main NavCon server software will actively be scanning
for new Bluetooth devices and attempt to connect to them. The PedNav
Protocol, currently in the draft stage, will be used to communicate with
mobile phones. Because Bluetooth’s built-in security, such as pairing and
encryption, will not be used due to implementation weaknesses on many
devices, we must use our own security architecture. We are planning to
implement a simple public-key infrastructure (PKI) that would enable us to
have encrypted and authenticated communications in the application layer.
One trusted authority would issue certificates for different NavCon
installations around a city, and each installation of the phone software would
know, upon connecting to a NavCon server, whether or not its public key has
been signed (i.e. approved for public use) by the city.

Although most of the logic of the system is contained in NavCon, the
mobile phone software, known as PedNav is equally important. It will be the
only interface with which the pedestrian needs to interact. PedNav is written
in Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) due to its availability on all modern mobile
phones and other devices. This allows us to have a single code base for
millions of devices available on the market today. In addition, due to
numerous Java Specification Request (JSR) standards, we are also able to
access the Bluetooth hardware from Java applications.
The role of PedNav is to accept incoming connections from nearby
NavCon systems. Proper authentication and security will be used to make
sure that the NavCon system is trustworthy, through the use of certificates,
which are installed alongside the application. For example, whenever a new
NavCon-enabled traffic light comes into range, audio will be streamed to the
phone and played back via a headset or the built-in speakerphone. The user
will also be able to interact with the software by using the keypad on their
phone. This would allow menu-based applications to be implemented, such
as selecting from a list of bus routes or timetables.

Trade Studies & Challenges
One major challenge that we were presented with in the beginning of
the design phase was figuring out how we were going to implement and test
our system. After numerous group discussions and a key meeting with a
lead traffic engineer in the City of Santa Cruz, we came to the conclusion
that there would be too much liability in attempting to install our system at a
real operating traffic intersection. This was mainly due to finding out that
only Professional Engineers and technicians authorized and certified by the
State are allowed to have access to traffic control equipment at an
operational intersection. As an alternative, we decided to try to acquire a
traffic light controller to use in lab to simulate an intersection.
Our initial contact with traffic engineering departments at a few cities
in the Bay Area about obtaining a controller served to be very useful.
Although we didn’t have any luck with obtaining a controller in the
beginning, we did receive responses from a few senior traffic engineers that
were very helpful in providing us with information relative to our research.
One such official was the senior traffic engineer in Fremont. He informed us
that a new federal standard called the "2070 platform" is to be implemented
across the country in the years to come. He suggested that it might be a
good idea to target this platform for our project. After researching the 2070
standard and other traffic control protocols and standards, we decided that
we would attempt to attain a 2070 controller.
We composed a listing of all major cities in California and in the United
States according to highest population as a means by which to make support
requests. We found the traffic engineering department contact information
for most cities in the Public Works sections of the cities websites. We also
wrote to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) in Washington DC to
make a request for support, and they replied with the recommendation to
contact State DOT's, as well as provided the listing for the contact
information for each state. Before writing to each of the cities and state
departments, we researched the city and/or state and found any sort of
interesting news relative to development in the area of transportation. Our
idea was to not come across as sending a template to every city in the
country. All together, we contacted about 150 city departments, state
agencies and traffic controller manufacturers across the U.S. requesting the
donation of a 2070 controller, or relevant information about controllers for
our research. We found out that most state Department of Transportation
agencies as well as local city traffic departments are not using the 2070
controllers yet; so to this end, we received many responses denying the
ability to assist in our efforts. We did receive a response from Econolite, one
of the largest manufacturers of 2070 controllers, that is willing to provide us
with a controller and with technical support. Since none of our group

members have a background in traffic engineering, we speculated that any
technical assistance in this area will be beneficial to the advancement of the
project. We collectively decided that we would accept the offer from
Econolite, and they shipped it out to us this week!
Another major challenge that we were faced with was the attainment
of the Bluetooth modules. We have been researching modules since the
beginning of the project, and have finally compiled a list of candidates as
mentioned above in the Bluetooth module section. One of the early modules
that we considered was by Bluegiga called the WT12. It met all of the
requirements that we needed except for the mounting. We requested and
gained access to the Bluegiga Tech Forum to acquire documentation for the
WT12 module that was previously our primary candidate due to features and
lower price than the connectBlue OEMSPA333 (below). After reviewing the
documentation, we spoke with the sole sales rep in the U.S., and found out
further details about options for the mounting of the module for
development vs. actual implementation. We met with Prof. Peterson to
review these details and concluded that since it was a surface mount module
(it looked like we might have been able to solder to them, since they
protruded out more than other surface mount modules), we would need to
implement a layout and have PCB's printed for the development phase. The
module's cost $50 each, but we would need to spend an extra $50 for the
prototyping PCB + time for design layout and turnaround, and then later
have the real PCB's made for actual implementation. This led us to exclude
this module from our list of possibilities.
We also contacted connectBlue in Sweden to inquire about obtaining
their new OEMSPA333 Bluetooth modules, and also a distributor in Germany
that advertised carrying them. The distributor was out of stock, and the
manufacturer said that they did not have any available, but were shipping to
the U.S. last week for the first time to a distributor called Future Electronics.
We contacted Future Electronics in San Jose, but they said that they were
not in the inventory computer yet and they were not very helpful beyond
that. Next, we contacted the Rochester, New York office, but they said that
we needed to talk to the local distributor in our area in San Jose. They told
us that the head office was in Tennessee, but there was no listing for the
Tennessee office, so we called the Massachusetts office and asked to be
transferred to the Tennessee office. The Tennessee office does not accept
phone calls from the public, so we were transferred to the corporate office in
Montreal, Canada. We finally made contact with a representative there who
was able to look into Future's receipt of the connectBlue modules. She
informed us that there was an 8-10 week lead time, but that she had found
10 modules in Europe, and that there was the possibility of having two of
them transferred to the U.S. for us to purchase.

The OEMSPA333 module has both a pin header and is surface
mountable. This means that we can use it for both prototyping and
development. The cost is $115 per module plus shipping from Tennessee.
After excluding the WT12 from our list, and not yet hearing back from
Future Electronics in Montreal, we continued the search for a module that
was not solely surface-mountable. We found the Linkmatic 2.0 from a
distributor called RF Solutions in the UK, which uses Bluegiga's WT12
Bluetooth chip, but has a DIP package. The company has a listing on their
website of zero in stock though. We also found another distributor for this
module in Spain, but a challenge was that the website was in Spanish. They
advertised that they spoke English, but upon calling them, we found out that
this wasn't the case. One of our group members spoke to the rep in broken
Spanish and found out that they had three of the Linkmatic modules in stock
for $137 each + $86 shipping from Spain! We verified this shipping cost by
checking the FedEx and UPS websites for an estimate of such a delivery. We
also called RF Solutions in the UK and they informed us that they actually
have two Linkmatic modules in stock at $126 each, even though this was not
reflected on their website. We assume that the shipping will be about the
same as from Spain.
We also found out that A7 Engineering has a Bluetooth Research
Sponsorship Program for student projects using Bluetooth technology here in
the U.S. The modules that they make are surface mountable, but we figure
that if they are donated, we can spend the money to make PCB prototypes
for development. We found out that to apply for the program, we needed to
write up a proposal requesting support. They also asked that we take
pictures of our lab on campus that we will be working in, that we advertise
their logo, and that we make our final paper available on their website upon
completion of our final report. We wrote up the proposal document, and sent
it off and are waiting for a response.

With the above information, we prioritized our options as follows:

1. A7 Engineering
2. connectBlue
3. Linkmatic

The Future

Figure 2. Project Gantt chart.

The Gantt chart in Figure 2 shows the project status and our long-term
development tasks and goals. Alex and Thai will share the task of hardware
design in terms of PCB layout and FPGA design. Amir will handle mobile
phone software development, and Shawn will lead the FPGA programming
We are considering many possible features for which this application
can be used in additional to the minimum system goal proposed. One idea is
to install the system at bus stops to relay information about schedules and
estimated arrival times for particular buses at bus stops. Ideally, anyone

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with a Bluetooth-capable mobile phone would be able to take advantage of
our networked system service free of charge.
Another idea is that we could install transceivers at shopping malls to
provide store directories. The system could use the current position of the
user to relay information such as directions to nearby stores, restaurants,
parking lots, etc.
The possibilities of a generic pedestrian navigation system are only
limited by one’s creativity!


(1) http://www.bluetooth.com/Bluetooth/Learn/Works/Profiles_Overview.htm
(2) http://www.iowasudas.org/documents/13H-1-05.pdf

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