Foundation University College of Hospitality Management Dumaguete City
Foundation University College of Hospitality Management Dumaguete City
Foundation University College of Hospitality Management Dumaguete City
Instruction: Please evaluate the trainee's performance by checking the space provided by your correspondent's responses. Use the scale
below as a guide.
O - (Outstanding Performance) - consistently exceeds all requirements
VS - (Very Satisfactory) - oftentimes exceeds requirements
S - (Satisfactory) - meets required performance standards
FS - (Fairly Satisfactory) - at times, fall below standards
U - (Unsatisfactory) - performance does not meet the required standards
I. Technical Competence
1. Job Knowledge
a. Mental Ability
b. Knowledge and skills needed to efficiently perform the job
c. Application of new ideas and techniques
d. Interest in learning new skills
2. Quality of Work
a. Accuracy
b. Thoroughness
c. Neatness
d. Meeting works specifications
3. Quantity of Work
a. Productivity
b. Promptness in job completion
c. Consistency
II. Personal Competence
1. Initiative and resourcefulness
2. Dependability
a. Reliability
b. Punctuality
c. Faithfulness to assignment
d. Follows instruction
3. Honesty and Integrity
a. Trustworthiness
b. Loyalty
4. Problem Solving and Decision-Making
5. Attitude
6. Interpersonal Competence
7. Human Relations
a. Ability to work with people
b. Ability to maintain harmony with peer, superiors and other
8. Leadership
9. Communication Skills
a. Ability to communicate
b. Use of uniform
c. Observance of discipline and office ethics
Over-all rating (Please check)
( ) 1.00 (99-100%) ( ) 2.25 (84-86%)
( ) 1.25 (96-98%) ( ) 2.50 (81-83%)
( ) 1.5 (93-95%) ( ) 2.75 (78-80%)
( ) 1.75 (90-92%) ( ) 3.00 (75-77%)
( ) 2.00 (87-89%) ( ) 5.00 (74-Down)
(Signature over Printed Name/Date)