Is Path Warm

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Professional Counseling Digest

ACAPCD-03 2007
A Suicide Assessment Mnemonic for Counselors
Gerald A. Juhnke, Ed.D., Paul F. Granello, Ph.D., and Maritza Lebrón-Striker, M.A.

Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death among all individuals for immediate suicide risk (American Association of
Americans (Anderson and Smith, 2003), the second leading Suicidology, 2006; Berman, 2006). The mnemonic is an easily
cause of death among Americans ages 25-34, and the third memorized question, “IS PATH WARM?” Each letter
leading cause of death among Americans ages 10 to 14 and 15 corresponds with a risk factor noted as frequently experienced
to 24 (Centers for Disease Controls, 2005). Annual death or reported within the last few months before suicide. The
certificates in the US suggest that over 30,000 persons commit specific risk factors are:
suicide each year (National Center for Health Statistics, 2006).
This includes 2004, the most recent year of fully collected Suicide Ideation: Does the client report active suicidal ideation
suicide data, when 32,439 persons took their lives via suicide or has she written about her suicide or death? Does the
(American Association of Suicidology, 2006). The numbers are client report the desire to kill herself? Does she voice a
staggering. Approximately 89 persons in the US commit desire to purchase a gun with the intention of using the gun
suicide every day (McIntosh, 2006). This equates to nearly four to kill herself? Does she voice the intention to kill herself
suicides each hour, one suicide every 16 minutes (McIntosh, with a gun, weapon, or car that she currently has in
2006). possession or can gain access to?
Unfortunately, the robust suicide numbers depicted above Substance Abuse: Does the client excessively use alcohol or
may inaccurately reflect the true significance of US suicides other drugs, or has she begun using alcohol or other drugs?
(Granello & Granello, 2007; Granello & Juhnke, in press). This Purposelessness: Does the client voice a lack or loss of purpose
is because suicide data are based on causes of death reported on in life? Does she see little or no sense or reason for
death certificates. Given that many suicides are likely continued living?
misreported not as suicides but as vehicular accidents, hunting Anger: Does the client express feelings of rage or uncontrolled
accidents, swimming accidents, or accidental alcohol or drug anger? Does she seek revenge against others whom she
overdoses, the true suicide number is most likely significantly perceives have wronged her or are at fault for her current
higher. concerns or problems?
Concomitantly, the current suicide rates fail to address the Trapped: Does the client feel trapped? Does she believe there is
number of failed suicide attempts. No governmental agency no way out of her current situation? Does the client
collects data related to suicide attempts, and there is no believe death is preferable to a pained life? Does the client
nationally standardized data collection among physicians or believe that no other choices exist except living the pained
hospitals related to suicide attempts. Despite this lack of data life or death?
collection, the American Association of Suicidology (2006) Hopelessness: Does the client have a negative sense of self,
estimates that 25 suicide attempts occur for each completed others, and her future? Does the future appear hopeless
suicide. Based on this estimate, McIntosh (2006) suggested that with little chance for positive change?
approximately 811,000 persons in the US made unsuccessful Withdrawing: Does the client indicate a desire to withdraw from
suicide attempts in 2004. This equates to one suicide attempt significant others, family, friends, and society? Has she
every 39 seconds (McIntosh, 2006). McIntosh (2006) further already begun withdrawing?
suggests that the number of suicide survivors in the US (e.g., Anxiety: Does the client feel anxious, agitated, or unable to
parents, partners, children, etc.) is approximately 4.5 million sleep? Does the client report an inability to relax? Just as
persons and rapidly growing. important, does the client report sleeping all the time?
Either can suggest increased risk of suicide or self-harm.
Discussion Recklessness: Does the client act recklessly or engage in risky
Given the frequency and extent of suicide, counselors should activities, seemingly without thinking or considering
understand how to assess clients and students for immediate potential consequences?
suicide risk. Although acronyms based on literature identified Mood Change: Does the client report experiencing dramatic
risk factors such as the SAD PERSONS Scale (Patterson, Dohn, mood shifts or states?
Bird, & Patterson, (1983) and the Adapted-SAD PERSONS
Scale (Juhnke, 1996) have been utilized for years, an updated Counselors conducting a suicide risk assessment should
and more thorough mnemonic has been created to help assess investigate each of the above noted risk factors both with the
client and, when appropriate releases of information are
provided, the client’s significant others to best determine who presents as potentially at risk for suicide. Clearly, it is a
immediate suicide risk. The presence of any of the above noted suicide assessment mnemonic that should be taught to
risk factors should serve as a warning and drive a thorough counselors-in-training and utilized by all who encounter those
clinical intervention that will insure the client’s safety. For who may be potentially at risk.
example, should a client report the risk factor “Suicide
Ideation,” it is imperative that the counselor create a References
therapeutically responsible clinical intervention using the least American Association of Suicidology. (2006). Suicide in the
restrictive environment necessary to insure the client’s safety. USA. Retrieved February 20, 2007 from
This may mean hospitalization or close daily monitoring of the
client, depending on the perceived severity, frequency, duration nTheUS.pdf
and extent of the client’s suicidal ideation. In other words, if the Anderson, R. N., & Smith, B. L. (2003). Deaths: Leading causes
client reported infrequent suicidal ideation (e.g., “I thought for 2001. National Vital Statistics Report, 52(9), 1-86.
about suicide one time about six months ago”) and the duration Berman, A. (2006, July/August). Risk assessment, treatment
of the suicidal thought was fleeting with little consideration of planning, and management of the at-risk-for suicide client:
how to end her life, hospitalization likely would not be required. The “how to” aspects of assessing suicide risk and
However, if the suicidal ideation was frequent (e.g., “I think formulating treatment plans. Family Therapy Magazine,
about killing myself every day”), and the duration of the suicidal 5(4), 7-10.
thoughts were prolonged (e.g., “From the time I awake in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for
morning until the time I go to bed at night, I ruminate on how I Injury Prevention and Control. (2005). Web-based injury
want to kill myself”), hospitalization certainly would be strongly statistics query and report system (WISQARS) [Data file].
considered. Available from National Center for Injury Prevention and
As is the case with all mnemonic suicide aids and scales, Control Web site,
their purposes are to augment the counselor’s clinical judgment.
In other words, no matter the outcome or prescribed intervention Granello, D. H, & Granello, P. F. (2007). Suicide: An essential
noted by any suicide assessment aid, it is up to the counselor to guide for helping professional and educators. Boston, MA:
insure her client’s safety. Hence, if the suicide aid used to Allyn and Bacon.
assess suicide risk fails to suggest necessary intervention and the Granello, P. F., & Juhnke, G. A. (in press). Case studies in
counselor continues to believe the client is suicidal, the suicide. Columbus, OH: Prentice Hall.
counselor must insure an adequate level of care is provided to Juhnke, G. A. (1996). The Adapted SAD PERSONS: A suicide
keep the client safe. Additionally, all counselors should assessment scale designed for use with children. Elementary
participate in regularly scheduled clinical supervision and have School Guidance & Counseling, 30, 252-258.
access to advanced mental health consultation opportunities McIntosh, J. L. (2006). USA suicide: 2004 official final data.
should they encounter clients who may be at increased suicide Retrieved February 20, 2007, from
Conclusion National Center for Health Statistics (2006). Mortality data
IS PATH WARM? is an easily memorized suicide from the national vital statistics system. Retrieved, February
assessment mnemonic. It has significant potential to help 20, 2007, from
counselors conduct a thorough and intensive suicide risk
assessment. Each of the mnemonic’s factors has been linked to Patterson, W. M., Dohn, H. H., Bird, J., & Patterson, G. A.
frequently present risk factors in persons who have committed (1983). Evaluation of suicidal patients: The SAD
suicide. IS PATH WARM? should be used with every client PERSONS Scale. Psychosomatics, 24(4), 343-349.

Gerald A. Juhnke, Ed.D., LPC, NCC, MAC, CCAS, ACS, is Professor and Doctoral Program Director in the Department of Counseling and
Educational Psychology at The University of Texas at San Antonio. Paul F. Granello, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in Counselor Education in
the School of Physical Activity and Educational Services, College of Education at The Ohio State University and is the Research Director of The
Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation. Maritza Lebrón-Striker, M.A., is a doctoral student at The University of Texas at San Antonio.

ACA Professional Counseling Digests are produced by Counseling Outfitters, LLC, in collaboration with the American Counseling Association.

Copyright  2007 American Counseling Association

Suggested APA style reference:

Juhnke, G. A., Granello, P. F., & Lebrón-Striker, M.A. (2007). IS PATH WARM? A suicide assessment mnemonic for counselors (ACAPCD-03).
Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

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