Windows System Artifacts: Understanding File Systems
Windows System Artifacts: Understanding File Systems
Windows System Artifacts: Understanding File Systems
! File system
! How are files organized on the disk?
! Gives OS a road map to data on a disk
! In Microsoft file structures, sectors are grouped to form ! Clusters are numbered sequentially starting at 2
clusters ! Counting starts after a few initial sectors that hold the boot
! Smallest storage allocation unit: storage is assigned in record, and a file structure database
multiples of clusters (not sectors)
! OS assigns identifying numbers to these clusters, called
! Clusters sizes can vary from 512 bytes to 128KB logical addresses
(usually as powers of 2)
! Sector numbers are called physical addresses
! Combining sectors into clusters minimizes the overhead
of writing or reading files to a disk
L4: Windows System Artifacts
! File Allocation Table (FAT) ! Cluster sizes vary according to the hard disk size and
! File structure database that Microsoft originally designed for file system
floppy disks
Drive size No. of sectors per cluster FAT16 cluster size
! Location of FAT on disk can be identified from the boot
8-32 MB 1 512 bytes
record of a FAT partition (start + no. of reserved sectors)
32-64 MB 2 1 KB
! Root directory information in a FAT database begins 64-128 MB 4 2 KB
after the FAT (multiple copies of it) 128-256 MB 8 4 KB
! Contains filenames, directory names, date and time stamps, 256-512 MB 16 8 KB
the starting cluster number, and file attributes 512-1024 MB 32 16 KB
! One entry (called a directory entry) tells about one file/ 1-2 GB 64 32 KB
directory 2-4 GB 128 64 KB
L4: Windows System Artifacts
! An unintentional side effect of FAT16 having large
clusters was that it reduced fragmentation
! As cluster size increased
Cluster (8 sectors here)
! When you run out of room for an allocated cluster ! When the OS stores data in a FAT file system, it assigns
! OS allocates another cluster for your file a starting cluster position to a file
! Data for the file is written to the first sector of the first
! As files grow and require more disk space, assigned assigned cluster
clusters are chained together ! When this first assigned cluster is filled and runs out of
! The chain can be broken or fragmented room
! FAT assigns the next available cluster to the file
! If the next available cluster isn’t contiguous to the
current cluster
! File becomes fragmented
L4: Windows System Artifacts
! The OS stores the first cluster number of every file in a ! In Microsoft OSs, when a file is deleted
directory entry (contains metadata about file) ! Directory entry is marked as a deleted file
! Subsequent clusters are looked up in the File ! With the 0xE5 (σ) character replacing the first letter of the filename
Allocation Table ! FAT chain for that file is set to 0 (unused clusters)
No back pointer
8 9 10 18 12 13 14 25 16
! Available to receive new data from newly created files or
16 17 -1 19 20 21 22 -1 24
other files needing more space
24 28 26 27 -1 29 30 31 41
! Data from the old file resides on that space until it is
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
overwritten by the contents of another file
14 References