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Homepage Issue 456

Be an email expert, not a chump!

t’s nearly 10 years since the Wall Street can get more from your messages and
Journal reported that email’s reign as make your inbox as secure as possible.
“king of communications” was over, Our expert tips and tricks will help you
usurped by young upstarts such as protect your emails from prying eyes, add
Facebook, Twitter and, er, Google Wave clever new features that your webmail
(bit.ly/wsj456). “Email, stuck in the era of lacks and customise how your messages
attachments, seems boring compared to look. With security breaches now
services like Google Wave”, sniffed the WSJ, increasingly common, it’s vital to ensure
the chumps! Here in 2018, we’re all still using that your email isn’t your weak spot.
email and although it may not be as trendy
as, say, Slack (which is essentially Google
Wave in a new hat), we’d be lost without it. Robert Irvine, Editor
In this issue’s cover feature, we celebrate robert_irvine@dennis.co.uk
email’s 47th birthday by revealing how you #webuser

5 Things you’ll
learn this issue
1 How to view a more
rounded and realistic
rendition of Earth in
Google Maps page 7

2 How to lock your

mouse movements at
a specific speed
page 29

3 How to block PUPs
automatically using
Malwarebytes’ new
browser add-on page 32

4 How to create an
emergency login when
Windows 10 has locked you out
page 71

5 How to watch YouTube

videos in incognito mode on
your Android phone
page 69

p50 p48 Subscribe to

Web User!
Never miss another
issue – subscribe at
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special subs offers
ISSUE 456 22 AUG - 4 SEPT 2018

The Advanced Guide to


Secure your inbox, enhance your

messages and unlock secret tools p40

Should you be worried about We test 13 super-fast

facial recognition? p38 routers p20

IN DEPTH Articles on the latest tech topics REVIEWS Apps, sites and products on test

38 FAQ 14 Best New Websites

Facial recognition Take a bite out of Wimpy’s mouth-watering site

40 COVER FEATURE 20 Group Test

THE ADVANCED GUIDE TO EMAIL Get more from your broadband connection
Tips to enhance your privacy, security and more with one of the 13 super-fast routers on test

47 Which version are you using? 28 Best Free Software

Do you know exactly which OS you’re running? Play vintage games for free on your PC

48 Best free system-monitoring tools 32 Best New Browser Tools

Keep an eye on everything your PC does Auto-save text you type into any website

50 Switch to lightweight versions of apps 34 Best Free Apps

Save space, power and data on your phone Carry a powerful free office suite in your pocket

4 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018


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Group Editor Daniel Booth
Editor Robert Irvine
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6 What’s New Online Features Writer Steve Clark
Listen to NASA’s Apollo 11 archive Art Editor Laurence Hallam
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8 Need to Know Visit forum.webuser.co.uk
for technical and buying advice
This fortnight’s top tech news stories
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Security advice for PC and mobile Advertising Manager Alexa Dracos


18 What to Watch Online laptops so fragile? p74
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52 Workshop 1 Boost Windows
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58 Weekend Project Run Windows programs on LIABILITY
How to run Windows programs on your Android devices p58 While every care was taken preparing this magazine,
the publishers cannot be held responsible for the
Android devices – and vice versa accuracy of the information or any consequence
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64 Web User Masterclass available to Web User at the time of review. ‘Value for
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71 Readers’ Helpdesk the publishers. ISSN 1473-7094
Answers from our reader forums WEB USER

Subscribe to Web User at subscribe.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 5

What’s New Online
Listen to the Apollo 11 recordings
ASA has unearthed 19,000
hours’ worth of audio from the
historic Apollo 11 mission, which
saw humans set foot on the Moon for
the very first time on 20 July 1969
– and you can listen to the lot online.
As well as earwigging on the
conversations of astronauts Neil
Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael
Collins, you can hear engineers,
supervisors and analysts at Mission
Control. The recordings include some
well-known audio gems such as “one
small step for [a] man, one giant leap
for mankind” along with discussions
about the technical systems, and
even a joke request from Buzz to Visitors to the site can search for
turn the Earth around so the crew audio by title or description and
could enjoy a better view. see a breakdown of the recordings
As you can imagine, digitising for each day of the mission. Click
the tapes has been a mammoth Surprise Me to hear a random
effort. Teams at NASA and the recording, and check out the
University of Texas at Dallas spent diagram of the most significant
five years on the project and the events. It’s really out of this world.
accompanying transcriptions. app.exploreapollo.org

Help create an AI world Customise travel

worlddraw.withgoogle itineraries on Bing
Google has combined www.bing.com/maps
the AI recognition Want to find the
technology used in quickest and easiest
AutoDraw (autodraw route to an action-
.com) and packed holiday?
QuickDraw Then check out the
(quickdraw. latest update to Bing
withgoogle.com), Maps. Microsoft’s
and is now looking mapping service
to take on the world introduced ready-
– albeit in the virtual made itineraries for
sense. Its new World popular destinations
Draw tool lets you such as New York earlier this year, and
sketch 2D objects, which it then recognises now you can customise these plans to suit your particular
and turns into 3D models using WebGL. Use sliders to adjust tastes and travel needs. You can quickly add attractions by
the object’s size and hue, and World Draw will place it in an clicking the Find Attractions button on an itinerary or click
ever-expanding world made up of other people’s creations. the three-dot menu to move Bing’s suggestions to a
So far, around 175,000 people from 175 countries have different day. You can also add or remove days from the
produced more than 265,000 creations, which should give schedule, delete attractions and edit the title of the itinerary
you an indication of the scale of the project. There’s a lot of and its description. Once you’ve finished planning your trip,
fun to be had, especially in exploring the world in glorious you can save the itinerary to My Places or share it with
cartoon-like 3D, where you can pan around to see vehicles friends and family using a link. By pasting the resulting URL
driving over the roads, follow boats along winding rivers and into your phone’s browser, you can ensure you’ve always got
experience buildings springing up out of the ground. your itinerary with you while you travel.

6 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

What’s New Online

We pick the 10 best things you must do on the web this fortnight

View a round Earth in Google Maps NEW VOICE

Flat Earthers are likely to weep, but if you Choose a voice by
zoom out of Google Maps you’ll notice that picking a colour
our planet is now rendered as a globe. This Google is rolling out an update that
makes its depiction of the Earth more lets you switch between Google
realistic, because its land masses are now in Assistant’s voice options by picking
the correct proportion to one another. a colour rather than a number.
“Greenland’s projection is no longer the size
of Africa,” the service said on Twitter. Get a crazy response
Siri’s forthcoming Shortcuts
feature will match your routine

Sell your designs Track sharks in

with apps to make time-saving
suggestions. In the meantime, say,

on Amazon the Atlantic

“Siri, I see a little silhouetto of a
man” for an amusing response.

bit.ly/sharks456 Talk to Alexa in the car

Over the past few years, conservation Seat has been building Alexa
group Oceana has tagged 45 sharks into new Ateca and Leon models,
off the East Coast of America to track so you can talk to your car à la
their movements in relation to Knight Rider. Press a button on the
commercial fishing activity. Now it has steering wheel to ask for services,
added a new Shark Tracking layer to restaurants and music as you drive.
its interactive Global Fishing Watch
tool, so you can follow the sharks’
journeys and discover more about
merch.amazon.com each of these magnificent fish. See if Browse the web in VR
If you’re a talented designer, you can you can find Buzz, the shark who bit.ly/daydream456
now get Amazon to slap your artwork travelled 3,000 miles south, or Oscar, Google has added a Chrome
on T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts and who has swum more than 22,000 browser to its Daydream virtual-
more in the hope of making some miles in two years. Turn the layer on in reality software, so you can access
cash. The company has extended its Activity Layers in the top-right corner. the internet using a compatible VR
Merch by Amazon scheme to the UK, headset and enjoy an optimised
so participants can earn a royalty on ‘cinema mode’ when browsing the
every item sold. It’s a print-on-demand web or watching videos.
service, so there are no inventories or
upfront fees, and a Royalty Calculator
lets you work out how much you could Send voice messages in
earn. Best of all, your designs remain LinkedIn
your intellectual property. The only linkedin.com
downside is that you have to request LinkedIn has launched a new
an invitation to join. voice-messaging feature for users
who are too busy to type. To record
up to a minute of audio, tap and

Wake up to your
hold the microphone icon
on the app’s keyboard.

favourite song
Listen to old records
bit.ly/clock456 bit.ly/phono456
If you use the updated Google Clock on Android, you To mark Louis Armstrong’s
can connect your Spotify account and set the app to 117th birthday, Google Arts &
wake you up with the music of your choice every Culture has teamed up with record
morning. It works with free and premium Spotify label Deutsche Grammophon to
accounts but the paid-for version lets you choose your digitise phonograph recordings
preferred track, album or playlist. You can set Spotify from its archive.
to continue playing once you’ve woken up, too.

Tell us your favourite new things at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 7

Need to Know
CCleaner update causes
privacy-fears backlash
What happened?
The popular PC cleanup tool CCleaner
has been forced to step back from
changes that meddled with user privacy.
An update to version 5.45 of the
software introduced controversial new
data-monitoring features that were
designed to help the developers
improve the product.
CCleaner is developed by Piriform,
which was recently bought by security
company Avast. Piriform didn’t offer
much detail on the change in the release
notes, only saying it had “added more
detailed reporting”. Users noticed that if product improvement) into two so, open the Task Manager in your
they turned off the data collection, it separate systems, so users can enable version of Windows, select CCleaner
re-enabled itself next time the software either option or both, and disable one and click End Task. If you restart your
started. Also, it’s difficult to completely if they don’t want to use it. These PC, open Task Manager again to check if
turn off CCleaner: clicking the ‘X’ in the choices are remembered when the CCleaner has also restarted.
top-right corner doesn’t fully close the software is closed. Piriform also said it It’s worth thinking about whether you
program – it only minimises and would rename Advanced Monitoring, even need CCleaner. If you’re only using
continues to run in the background. noting that the “scary name” may be it to clear away old temporary files,
Following complaints from CCleaner alarming people and preventing them that’s easy enough to achieve without
forum users, Piriform withdrew the from using a key feature. installing a piece of software, while
update and explained in a post (bit.ly/ The privacy uproar comes a year after clearing out what runs on startup and
piriform456) that the information is the PC-cleaning software was hijacked uninstalling unwanted programs can be
collected under a system it calls and used by hackers to infect done directly through Windows.
Heartbeat. This is anonymous and computers, potentially getting access to We recommended the best free
designed to spot bugs, identify poor sensitive data. That was embarrassing alternatives to CCleaner in our cover
interface design and help the developer for Avast, the security company that feature in Issue 450 (bit.ly/webuser450).
decide which features to focus its efforts had bought CCleaner’s maker Piriform
on. It also admitted that it had added only a few months before. What do we think?
the new data-collection system to the Trust is important to PC users and
existing Active Monitoring feature, which How will it affect you? many of us are sensitive to privacy
watches for ‘junk data’ that accumulates If you use CCleaner, check which version matters right now. Any software
on your PC to help keep it clean. But you’re running and disable any features developer that thinks it has a right to
combining the two features made it – snooping or otherwise – that you track and monitor you to improve its
impossible to use one and not the other. aren’t happy with. If you’re on a version product isn’t thinking straight. Imagine
Now, CCleaner will separate Active before 5.45, it may be worth avoiding if you bought a toaster and it tracked
Monitoring (the junk file hunter) and updating to the newer edition that’s how often you loaded it with slices of
Heartbeat (the data collection for fraught with these privacy issues. bread. It sounds silly, but when
If you’re on 5.45 already, Piriform has developers assume they can monitor
promised a new version in the next few use, it’s just as ridiculous. Users don’t
weeks, though it hasn’t specifically said owe developers their data.
when it will be released. If you’re There’s a simple solution for CCleaner
nervous about your data being collected and other software creators – just ask
in the meantime, it may be worth permission first. Many users will happily
temporarily uninstalling the software or give it to get better software. That helps
not running it until the new version build trust, which is something CCleaner
arrives. But remember that clicking the and Piriform could do with right now,
An update to CCleaner 5.45 introduced ‘X’ in the corner isn’t enough to shut since the pair of recent security and
scary-sounding privacy features down the software completely – to do privacy debacles are casting a shadow.

8 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Need to Know

What we think of this fortnight’s top tech news stories and rumours,
and how they affect you

Fortnite for Android Researchers uncover

poses security risk WhatsApp flaws

Credit: Alex Ruhl / Shutterstock.com

What happened? settings to enable the
The hit online game option. This is designed to
Fortnite is finally headed to block malicious apps from
Android, but not in the way downloading to your
Google would prefer it. device, so you should
The battle game is already change it back into
available on iOS, locked-down mode after
computers and consoles, the game has installed.
but although an Android
app has been released, What do we think?
it’s not available via the If we’d made a game as
Google Play store. Instead, popular as Fortnite, we
fans have to head to the probably wouldn’t want to What happened? over 1.5 billion users, with
official Fortnite site hand Google a 30% cut, The mobile messaging tool more than one billion chat
(fortnite.com) to sign up either – estimates suggest WhatsApp has flaws that groups and 65 billion
for an invite to download that Epic avoiding the Play could let hackers alter your messages sent daily, which
the game and then install store will cost Google text and change your means the scope for
the app by sideloading it. $50m this year alone. messages, researchers misinformation is massive.
Security experts have On the other hand, the have said. Security experts If you want to check the
long advised Android users move may encourage poor at Check Point showed veracity of a quoted
to only install apps from security practices, how it was possible to message in WhatsApp,
official stores, but especially if other game meddle with messages, pressing it will take you
Fortnite’s publisher, Epic developers follow suit. editing quoted text to back to where it was
Games, has chosen to offer However, Google confuse senders, or originally posted in the
direct downloads instead deserves some credit for intercepting a message to chat thread, making it clear
– presumably to avoid its response. While it could a group in order to change whether it’s been faked
paying Google the 30% cut be bitter about losing out what it says. or not.
of all revenue it takes for on Epic’s cash cow, it’s The hacks require some
sales via its Play store. instead warning users security skill, as attackers What do we think?
searching for Fortnite in would need to intercept WhatsApp told the New
How will it affect you? the Play store that the the messages or be part of York Times that the flaw
When you install the game isn’t available there. the group they’re sent in, was “the equivalent of
Fortnite app on your That should stop malicious and decrypt the messages altering an email” and not
compatible Android phone apps taking advantage of being sent. But if used, a sign of any glitch in its
or tablet, your device will people searching for the they could effectively put encryption. But it’s a
display a warning, saying game by tricking them into words into someone’s reminder that even an app
that it isn’t allowed to downloading an imitation. mouth or plant that appears to be a simple
install “unknown apps”. It’s a classy move that will misinformation. texting tool may have
You’ll have to click through protect at least some serious repercussions if
to change your security Android users. How will it affect you? abused by malicious
This type of hack isn’t likely parties.
to directly affect most of That’s particularly true
us, but WhatsApp has for British politicians, who
been implicated in famously use WhatsApp to
misinformation that chat with and gossip about
sparked deadly mob each other – with juicier
violence in India, so any comments leaking their
technique to send fake way to the tabloids. If such
messages could be messages can be faked,
potentially serious. Figures the use of such an app for
released earlier this year serious communication
showed WhatsApp has may prove limited.

Discuss web news at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 9

Need to Know

BBC subpoenas Microsoft over Doctor Who leak

What happened?
Back in June, footage of the new
Doctor Who, Jodie Whittaker, leaked
online. The 53-second clip, set aboard a
darkened train, gave fans a glimpse of
the new series’ tone and Whittaker’s
take on the Time Lord.
At the time, the BBC refused to
comment, but it has since ramped up its
efforts to discover who leaked the video.
Last month, the Beeb asked US courts
to force the California-based message
board, Tapatalk – where the clip was
posted – to pass on the identity of the
perpetrator. It’s not known whether this
action proved useful, but the BBC is
continuing its digital detective work.
The corporation has now subpoenaed technically obliged to supply ‘non- What do we think?
Microsoft in an effort to force the content’ data such as names, emails and We appreciate that copyright law must
software giant to give up information addresses, if requested. be respected, but Microsoft’s users have
that potentially identifies the leaker. a legally backed expectation of privacy,
According to the BBC, the offending How will it affect you? and the company has the right to
video was originally stored and shared This isn’t just about cracking down on challenge the court’s subpoena (bit.ly/
via the company’s cloud-storage service copyright theft – it’s also a matter of datalaw456). Given that we only have to
OneDrive, innocently titled IMG_ l563. privacy, because Microsoft must decide wait until Autumn to see the 13th Doctor
TRIM.MOV. between respecting a company’s in action, we question whether this is a
Auntie Beeb is asking for “any name, protected property or the privacy of its good way to spend the licence fee. After
account name, address, telephone users. That’s a delicate line to tread. all, lawyers don’t come cheap. That said,
number, email address, birth date, Although we’re sure Web User readers the leaking of the Doctor Who content is
profile photo, device information, wouldn’t dream of infringing copyright theft, even if it is only a 53-second clip
browser information, location in this manner, you also need to and not a full episode, so we’re not
information, information from others (eg consider whether you’d want any surprised that the BBC isn’t happy –
Facebook or Google+) and time posted”. organisation who suspected you of we’re sure Sky and Netflix wouldn’t be
At the time of going to press, Microsoft wrongdoing to gain access to your either – and nor are fans who want to
had yet to respond, though it is private, personal information. avoid spoilers for the new series.

Android Pie here – disappointing news for those
bit.ly/pie456 eagerly anticipating AI-driven
features such as Adaptive Battery and
Android Pie (or Android 9, if you Adaptive Brightness. You won’t find
prefer numeric nomenclature) is now App Actions, either – a clever tool that
available for selected users to try. preemptively offers a shortcut to the
Google’s updated operating system is app you want: so, if you slot your
currently available on its Pixel phones headphones in, it may assume you’re
and the Essential Phone, with Android playing music and up pops Spotify.
One phones getting a slice of the Pie available gestures is tricky, but once Most notable by its absence is the
later this year. It delivers some jazzy mastered makes your phone’s Digital Wellbeing Dashboard. Unveiled
interface upgrades but right now, we performance far more fluid. at this year’s Google I/O conference,
think it’s missing the filling. Also making its debut is the optional- this helps you better balance phone
The new pill-shaped Home button orientation icon, which pops up when usage by displaying how often (and
offers productivity-boosting gesture the phone senses it’s been rotated. It how long) you use apps. You can then
support. You still summon Google lets you confirm that you want the limit functions and set reminders to
Assistant with a long-press, but you orientation to change, rather than take a screenbreak. Researchers
can now, for example, flick the button accidentally – and frustratingly – auto- recently revealed that we check our
to open your last-used app, or swipe it rotating the screen. Google has also mobiles every 12 minutes on average,
to horizontally cycle open apps – a added a text magnifier, and made it so it’s a welcome addition. If you own
design tweak that’s nabbed straight even easier to share screenshots. a compatible phone, you can sign up
from Windows Mobile. Memorising all Pie’s most-hyped features aren’t yet for the beta at bit.ly/well456.

10 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Need to Know


Is Microsoft going to
charge for Windows 10? WE LIKE...
Turn off Conversation
view in Gmail
Rumours abound that Microsoft The Gmail app for Android
Credit: ymgerman / Shutterstock.com

is planning to introduce a and iOS now offers

subscription fee for Windows 10. the option to turn
The operating system is already off ‘Conversation
preinstalled with money-grabbers view’, which
such as the game Candy Crush combines multiple
Saga and subscription services emails in one
including Netflix and Microsoft’s thread. Google
own Office 365 and Xbox Live. admitted that some users
That’s the price we pay for an OS prefer to see their emails
which, upon its 2015 release, was listed individually.
advertised as “free, forever. No
subscriptions. No additional costs”. a consumer program; it’s an optional Spotify to let free users
That promise hasn’t prevented ‘auto-pilot’ service for businesses, skip ads
industry insiders from speculating that which ensures the smooth running of Spotify is preparing
the recently revealed Microsoft their workplace without employees to run a test in
Managed Desktop transforms Windows needing to hassle the IT department Australia that will
10 into a subscription-based service. every five minutes. allow users of the
Allegedly, the service – which leaked free version to skip
last month via a job listing – is the next audio and video
‘product-as-service’ in the sweeping LIKELIHOOD RATING adverts at any time
Office 365 suite; a ‘desktop-as-service’, ✓✓✓✓✓ during playback.
if you will, that entails users renting We wouldn’t put it past any Listeners will be able to skip ads
Windows 10 devices and paying business to introduce a as many times as they like, as
Microsoft a monthly fee to regularly subscription service – not in an often as they like.
maintain and patch the machines age where films, games and even
outside of the bi-annual updates. sat-navs require them. But
If you believe everything you read, Microsoft has already foisted its WE DON’T LIKE...
that means we could soon all be paying “last ever” operating system on Butlins hack
for the privilege of using Windows 10. millions of machines, whether hits 34,000
Wade through the sensationalist users wanted Windows 10 or not. customers
headlines, however, and not everything It would be foolhardy to then Up to 34,000
is as it seems. force them to pay a recurring sub Butlins customers
It’s true that Microsoft Managed for the upkeep of the operating may be affected
Desktop is in the pipeline. However, as system. But if it’s true, expect by a data breach,
with existing Surface-leasing services Linux downloads to skyrocket. security
offered by authorised sellers, this isn’t specialists have warned.
Personal details such as postal
addresses and holiday arrival

What’s new on Kickstarter

dates are thought to have been
among the data stolen.
Our favourite new project on the crowdfunding site
Fax machines vulnerable
to hacks
PiShell Researchers have discovered
bit.ly/pishell456 From £4 critical vulnerabilities in the fax
functions of
Protect the exposed motherboard of your Raspberry Pi all-in-one printers
with the PiShell, a hardy plastic case that effortlessly snaps that could alloww
around the computer to offer greater security. Compatible an attacker to
with most Raspberry Pi models, the cover is crafted to allow easy access to all seize completete
ports and pins, with a designated slot to shield your Pi camera. Since the PiShell control of a
consists of three layers – the base, body and camera cover – you can mix and machine. More e
match between five colours to customise it. Pledge £4 and above to receive an than 300 million
engraved case, or £75 for the PiShell, Raspberry Pi 3B+ and a Pi Camera kit. fax numbers are still in use.

Discuss web news at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 11

Stay Safe Online
News about the latest threats and advice from security experts

SECURITY ALERT! | What’s been bothering us this fortnight

Reddit suffers massive “Although this was a serious The company ruled out the
security breach attack, the attacker did not gain possibility that any card or bank
Reddit announced write access to Reddit systems; they details were included in the leaked
that it had suffered a gained read-only access to some systems records but said it was contacting
“serious attack” in that contained backup data, source code affected customers to reduce the
June after a hacker and other logs,” Reddit said. The risk of fraud, because hackers would
intercepted its company has reported the incident to now be able to use their personal
employees’ SMS- the relevant authorities and is forcing details in phishing attacks.
based two-factor password-resets for users who may “We’re disappointed in having
authentication (2FA) have been affected. fallen short here, and very sorry for any
setup. The attack compromised bit.ly/reddit456 distress we’ve caused our customers,”
a handful of Reddit employees’ said chief executive Alex Baldock. “I
accounts between 14 and 18 June and Dixons Carphone breach want to assure them that we remain
gained access to some recent user affects 10 million fully committed to making their
data, such as email addresses, and all Dixons Carphone has admitted that 10 personal data safe with us.”
data from between 2005 and 2007, million people were affected by its data The UK’s data watchdog, the
including account credentials. breach last year – far more than the 1.2 Information Commissioner’s Office
Following an investigation, Reddit million initially reported. The retailer also (ICO), is already investigating the
identified 2FA as the most likely point revealed that customers’ Dixons Carphone
of intrusion, and said it now realises personal records, breach, which
that text message-based 2FA is “not including names, could see the
nearly as secure as we would hope”. addresses and email company facing
It has recommended that everyone addresses, may now be a massive fine.
moves to token-based 2FA instead. in the hands of hackers. bit.ly/dixons456

Security Helpdesk | Your questions answered by security specialists

THIS ISSUE’S EXPERT: between convenience with your interactions while password are stolen from
David Emm, Principal and security. This new you’re in your vehicle, it a website during a security
Security Researcher technology adds to the stores them in the cloud, breach, an attacker can
at Kaspersky Lab proliferation of devices that which isn’t completely try the same username
(www.kaspersky.co.uk) hold, send and receive hack-proof. Manufacturers and password on other
personal data, so it’s must do everything they can websites in the hope
essential that car to ensure their networks that the victim has
manufacturers ensure their can’t be compromised. recycled them.
systems are secure. There’s a growing
Are traditional
The Amazon Echo is move towards the use of
Could having login methods no
powered by artificial biometrics – fingerprints,
Alexa in your intelligence that stores longer safe? iris scans and so on – as a
car (see page 8) command history to help Jake Ball, Facebook replacement for
compromise your make the device ‘smarter’. passwords, but in my
This way, it can respond Many people have a opinion these should be
Thomas Christ, Twitter more appropriately to future single email address used to confirm our
commands. While the that they use to log identity in conjunction with

Installing a digital reasons for storing this data into all the services they use a password. If I choose a
assistant such as are sound, imagine what online. This puts them at risk poor password and it’s
Amazon’s Alexa in could go wrong if someone of being hacked, especially if compromised, I can change
cars offers a host of new else were to gain access to they use the same password it; if my fingerprint is
opportunities, but there it? Even if Amazon doesn’t across multiple sites. If compromised, there’s
has to be a compromise do anything questionable someone’s username and nothing I can do about it.

12 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 Email us your security questions at webuser@dennis.co.uk

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Best New Websites
Site of the Fortnight FI

Wi has
scr its old
Wimpy PDF menus and
its new ‘dish
wimpy.uk.com stories’
st reveal
the history of
Despite its US origins, there’s something classics
cla such
peculiarly British about Wimpy, with its as its chips
(no fries!)
fast-food-and-cutlery combo. The
heritage theme is strong on its revamped
website – it was the first restaurant to
serve hamburger meals in the UK, after
all. Reminding visitors of Wimpy’s place
in Britain’s heart, stomach and high
street, you’ll find a snappy timeline
populated with fun facts that’s a pleasure
to scroll, while its most famous dishes
feature their own historical overview.
Restaurant-site staples such as menus,
promotions and store locators are easy
to find and use, and the smart design is FUN FOR ALL
as delicious as a Bender in a Bun. Keep kids occupied with fun games and puzzles. The
only downside is you have to print to play them
Our rating ★★★★★


The Toy Box

Like a real toybox in a kids’ room, this
site is stuffed full of old-school action
NEW figures and accessories, vintage video
SPORT games, comics and annuals, and even the
The Open Auction odd pin badge lodged at the bottom.
The company has been on eBay for
theopen.com/auction a while, and also owns a sister site that
The Open Auction is what you get when you cross eBay with golf’s most high-profile delivers loot crate-style mystery toy
championship. The site is a repository of sporting memorabilia that golfers are boxes, but this marks its first proper
guaranteed to love: vintage programmes, authentic scorecards and even bag tags – ecommerce website, which accepts card
all at reasonable prices (so long as you’re not out-bid). However, as a new site, and PayPal payments. To rummage
products are currently thin on the ground. Navigation is best conducted using the through collections, just press the
tabs at the top of the page, where you’ll find items listed by category, end and start three-line menu, choose your category
time, and those available for instant purchase. Locating products via the search bar is and select a nostalgic range such as
more hit and miss, either displaying loosely related items or nothing at all. Ghostbusters, Marvel or Star Wars.

Our rating ★★★★★ Our rating ★★★★★

14 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 Reviews by Steve Clark

Best New Websites

We review this fortnight’s best new and relaunched websites and

rate them for content, design and features

A major step-up from
its last incarnation,
the restaurant locator
is intuitive and user-
friendly – ideal when
you’re peckish


Over a history spanning 60 years in the UK, there’s plenty to get your teeth
into, from modern social-media ‘moments’ to classic ‘heritage dishes’



Homes for Londoners Borderland Books Star Bargains

london.gov.uk/homes borderlandbooks.co.uk starbargains.co.uk
To address the continuing housing crisis, If you’re a horror hoarder, gothic gatherer Lots of empty space and a basic layout
Homes for Londoners is designed to or collector of cult oddities, Borderland make this discount-shopping site look as
tackle concerns and alleviate the Books is for you. Offering the sort of rare bland as a supermarket own-brand
financial burden by showcasing new- and specialist manuscripts Amazon product. But who wants pretty when you
builds for those looking to get on the doesn’t even know about, the site for this can buy cheap food, drink and household
city’s property ladder. Functioning like Lancashire-based bookshop is peppered products from brand names? Navigating
a standard property website, it’s easy to with vintage images lingering between the online aisles is simple, with prices
use but a bit dull; even livened up by an daydream and nightmare. As you’d (and savings) clearly listed next to the
alluring pink and black palette, you still expect from passionate bookworms add-to-cart button. There are links to
have to wade through mind-numbing who buy and sell everything from items for those with special dietary
tables and text. Irritatingly, a lot of screen supernatural fiction to detective stories, requirements, and a pound shop where,
space is wasted by three unnecessary each item listing is impressively detailed, unlike on the high-street, everything
bars that could have been rolled into often with numerous images, and you actually costs a quid. We like the way
one. Ironic, really, given that space in the can buy online, although there’s no essentials are collected under a Basket
capital is currently at a premium. search facility yet. Fillers tab, making shopping even easier.

Our rating ★★★★★ Our rating ★★★★★ Our rating ★★★★★

Tell us about your website via webuser@dennis.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 15

Best New Websites



Down’s Syndrome Incredible Edible NCISH

Research Foundation incredibleedible.org.uk bit.ly/ncish456
UK Incredible Edible’s relaunched site is a With mental health high on the political
dsrf-uk.org homely, welcoming hub for those looking and social agenda, Manchester
to get involved in the gardening game. University’s National Confidential Inquiry
The Down’s Syndrome Research The organisation is dedicated to inspiring into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health
Foundation’s relaunched website looks kids (and adults) to grow their own (NCISH) has never felt so relevant.
professional and contemporary, and has vegetables – for healthy living and the Established in 1996, the project collects
a more efficient, impactful and user- good of communities that Incredible data and publishes studies on mental
friendly layout. Taking centre-stage on Edible seeks to unite. Unmissable search health, so practitioners in the field can
the homepage is the About Us button bars and uncluttered drop-down menus better understand and help those in need
that sends visitors to a concisely written, make searching the site hassle-free, of care. The site details practical info,
comprehensive look at Down’s Syndrome whether you’re looking for local groups ongoing projects and a selection of useful
– an ideal primer for relatives and friends or the latest news. It’s a very green site telephone numbers for organisations that
of those with the genetic disorder. Also – literally – but what it lacks in colour offer treatment and advice. If you’ve
worth checking out is the People With diversity it makes up for with lively always thought mental health would
DS page, which is friendly and helpful, social-media feeds and a blog that benefit from a cultural slant, check out
but never patronising. showcases some fantastic projects. the poems by Char March.

Our rating ★★★★★ Our rating ★★★★★ Our rating ★★★★★


Perhaps understanding that the rising
popularity of ‘ethical shopping’ is a major
consumer shift, Ginikins offers mums and
RELAUNCH dads hand-crafted, ethical children’s
CRIME clothing – all designed and made
Crimestoppers in-house. From romper suits to shorts
and leggings, the unique designs are
crimestoppers-uk.org eye-catching, with cute photos of kids
The charity Crimestoppers has been part of British life since 1988, providing a secure modelling the clobber. Customisation is
and anonymous outlet for anti-crime tipsters who don’t fancy going directly to the readily available – just choose your print
police. Placing the most important links and info at the top of every page, the rest of and decide on the fabric. Elsewhere,
this revamped website is bold, bright and easy to read, with fonts that wouldn’t look visitors can pick up pictures covered
out of place in a large-print book. Volunteering and fundraising opportunities are with supposedly inspirational quotes.
splashed across the site, while tucked inside the Keeping Safe section are categorised It may all be a bit too twee for cynics,
tips to prevent visitors from becoming victims of crime. There’s also a searchable, but the site certainly has its heart in the
grimly fascinating database of the UK’s Most Wanted criminals. right place.

Our rating ★★★★★ Our rating ★★★★★

16 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

What To Watch Online
Pick of the fortnight
Save the world with
Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan
From 31 August
Does the world (-wide web) really need another spy-turned-
action-hero thriller? You can now watch every James Bond film
on Netflix and every Mission Impossible film (pre-Fallout) on
YouTube Movies On Demand. And there are Jack Ryan films
aplenty on Amazon Prime Video, where he’s played by Harrison
Ford and lesser actors.
Amazon reckons there’s room for more, though, and the pilot
of its new Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan series went down a storm at
Comic Con in July. John Krasinski (Jim in the US version of The
Office) plays Ryan, while Wendell Pierce (Bunk from The Wire) is
his CIA boss. The storyline screams cliché – Ryan is flung from
desk job to deadly field assignment in a bid to save the world
(meaning the US) from Islamist extremists – but Comic Con
audiences didn’t seem to mind, hailing the show for its edge-of-
the-seat action scenes and charismatic cast.
Judge for yourself when Season 1’s 10 episodes debut on 31
August. Meanwhile watch the trailer at bit.ly/ryan456, and a
teaser – created for the US Super Bowl – at bit.ly/ryanbowl456.

Watch Professor Guy Pearce £7.99 per month after a free 14-day trial
in The Innocents (bit.ly/nowtv456). Watch the trailer on
From 24 August YouTube at bit.ly/instinct456.
The first thing we noticed in the trailer
for this supernatural thriller series was See Andy Murray’s return
Guy Pearce in clever-person glasses and in the US Open tennis
salt-and-pepper beard, and frankly 27 August - 9 September
that’s us sold. Pearce (Memento, LA Amazon has all but forced tennis fans
Confidential and, of course, Neighbours) to pay for its Prime Video service. It’s
plays a mysterious professor who offers now the only place you can watch the
to help teenage runaways June and US Open tennis tournament, following
Harry, after June (Sorcha Groundsell, Tune into Alan Cumming’s a deal in April said to be worth $40m
from ITV’s In Plain Sight) discovers she’s Instinct (£31m). All matches and highlights
an unwitting shape-shifter. Can she be From 23 August will be available to stream live and
cured? Can the professor be trusted? Alan Cumming (X-Men 2, GoldenEye on-demand at no extra cost for
Watch the tantalising trailer at bit.ly/ and great Spy Kids villain Fegan Floop) Prime subscribers.
innocents456, plus an extra teaser on plays Dr Dylan Reinhart, author and You can watch dozens of clips from
the show’s Netflix page (bit.ly/ former CIA man, who’s sucked back years gone by on the US Open’s official
innflix456). into crime-solving after his novel
inspires a serial killer. Instinct is a
cracker of a story based on a James
Patterson best-seller, and the cast is
excellent, too, with Whoopi
Goldberg and Naveen Andrews
(Lost) coming along for the ride.
The first episode airs on Sky
Witness (the new name for Sky
Living) on 23 August, and you can
watch online with a Now TV
Entertainment Pass, which costs

18 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

What To Watch Online

We reveal what’s new on Netflix, BBC iPlayer,

Amazon Prime Video and other streaming services

YouTube channel (bit.ly/tennis456).

Later this year, the ATP World Tour Half of UK adults watch streaming services
finals will also screen exclusively on
Amazon Prime Video. Nearly half of UK adults have paid
to watch an online streaming
Watch a new season of Ozark service such as Netflix, Now TV
From 31 August or Amazon Prime Video in the
Season 2 of this Netflix Original will fray past three months – a huge rise
the nerves Season 1 failed to reach, since 2016, the last time a similar
ju by the survey was carried out.
tr (bit.ly/ According to the latest Internet
oz Access report from the Office for
Cr National Statistics (ONS), internet
en usage itself has barely changed,
fi with 90% of households reporting
pl Marty some kind of internet access. But the number who watched a subscription
Br (Jason streaming service has surged to 46% compared with 29% in 2016.
Bateman from YouTube and other free and on-demand streaming services are on
Ar the rise, too, with 62% of adults using them in the past three months,
Development) compared with 47% in 2016.
and his family The figures show it’s not just young viewers who are driving the change.
have upped “These services are getting traction among older groups as well,” analyst
sticks to the Tom Harrington told BBC News (bit.ly/bbcstream456). “You can see that
idyllic Ozarks reflected in the types of programming being made available, with Netflix and
region of others commissioning original shows pitched at more mature audiences.”
Missouri, but Read the ONS report at bit.ly/ons456.
they’re now
tracked down by the crime syndicate,
led by ruthless attorney Helen Pierce (and then vanished from BBC iPlayer),
(wonderful British actress Janet this intense psychological thriller may
McTeer). Family problems and local help to fill it. This time we’re in Finland,
crooks add to the mounting sense that where murder detective and single mum
this will end very badly indeed. Catch Sofia Karppi (Pihla Viitala) returns to
up with Season 1, plus the latest trailers work after the accidental death of her
and teasers, at bit.ly/ozarkflix456. husband – only to find herself grieving
all over again when she begins to
Get your Scandi-noir fix from identify closely with a woman murdered
Deadwind on a Helsinki construction site. Watch
From 23 August the trailer at bit.ly/deadwind456.
If you’ve had a big, dark Nordic hole in Scandi-noir classic The Killing is also
your life ever since The Bridge ended available on Netflix (bit.ly/killing456)
and well worth seeing.

In case
horror of his Over on Amazon, football
ambitious kids. fans (except perhaps fans
All 10 episodes of Manchester United)

are available to should check out behind-
stream on Now TV, the-scenes documentary

but only until 4 All Or Nothing: Manchester
October. Treat City. The film, which has
yourself to a £7.99 been available since 17
Entertainment Pass August, follows the team
Peep Show and The Thick (the Deadwood actor, (bit.ly/nowtv456) – or from dressing room to pitch
of It writer Jesse Armstrong not the floppy-haired spend your free 14-day trial throughout its record-
is back – only this time he’s physicist) as an 80-year-old watching the whole thing. breaking 2017-2018 season.
on HBO, via Sky Atlantic. billionaire who decides Sky subscribers can use the Watch with a Prime
Armstrong’s new show to stay on as CEO of his new Sky Go desktop app subscription at
Succession casts Brian Cox media conglomerate, to the (bit.ly/skygo456). bit.ly/mancity456.

Tell us your favourite new TV at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 19

Group Test
We test and compare the latest products

Super-fast routers
Does your Wi-Fi fall short of expectations? We’ve
reviewed 13 routers to find out if it’s worth replacing
your existing model with something newer and faster

here are lots of ways to improve the Wi-Fi in your home, HOW WE TESTED
but one of the easier options is simply to upgrade your
router to a new model. If your existing router is more We put each device through its paces in a typical
than a few years old, a new one will almost certainly offer domestic setting, with the router set up in the living
better technology for sending a stronger Wi-Fi signal further room and connected to a fast NAS drive via Gigabit
into your house. You’ll gain a number of fringe benefits, too: Ethernet. We fitted an 802.11ac adapter to a laptop
better software, more options and a better-looking device. and tested how long it took to transfer files wirelessly
Depending on how you currently get broadband, some of from the NAS to the laptop in a variety of different
these devices may need a separate modem, although most locations around the house: short range in the living
will provide excellent performance if you simply connect them room; medium range in the bedroom; and long range
to your current router using an Ethernet cable and switch off in the bathroom.
the Wi-Fi on your old device.

Linksys EA9500 Max-Stream | £224.99 | Buy from Amazon: bit.ly/lksy456 VERDICT

★★★★★ PERFORMANCE ★★★★★ EASE OF USE ★★★★
FEATURES ★★★★★ ★★★★★ VALUE FOR MONEY ★★★★★ ★★★★★

If this monster of a router had failed to The Linksys EA9500

deliver on performance, we would have Max-Stream is a
been very disappointed. The EA9500 is superb all-rounder.
an imposing slab festooned with eight It’s almost as
non-removable antennae. feature-packed as
It creates two 5GHz networks on
Netgear’s mighty
separate frequencies. By default these
Nighthawk X10 but is
appear as a single 802.11ac network,
while a band-steering tool works behind
far more sensibly
the scenes to distribute your connected priced. It consistently
devices efficiently between them. delivered terrific
We witnessed an impressively fast wireless speeds across
connection in our tests, with solid all our tests. The interface
download speeds of 13MB/s even at the Most other tools you could wish for are here, could be faster and better
far end of its range. It wasn’t quite the fastest including a guest network, timed access for designed but you can
router in every test, but it was always in the individual devices, dynamic DNS and simple work around it by
top three and never more than a whisker integration with Amazon Alexa (if you ask, the downloading the excellent
behind the winner. voice assistant will tell you your Wi-Fi credentials
smartphone app.
At the back of the device, you’ll find eight and switch the guest network on or off).
Gigabit Ethernet ports (more than any other The worst thing about the router is its Smart
router we’ve reviewed in this test) and an Wi-Fi web interface, which is nicely laid out but
Ethernet WAN socket for connecting a separate frustratingly slow. The graphical network map,
modem or your existing router. It also has a pair for example, is over-designed and would be
of USB ports. There’s no print server, so it can’t much more useful presented as a simple table.
run a printer in its own right, but it has a DLNA At least you can use the Linksys smartphone
and FTP server, so you can use it to stream app instead, which has a cleaner interface and
media from a connected hard drive, or connect lets you check your network’s status and even
to it from the internet. tweak its settings remotely.

20 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Super-fast routers Group Test

Synology RT2600ac | £217.36 | Netgear R9000 Nighthawk X10 | £408.38 |

Buy from Amazon: bit.ly/syno456 Buy from Amazon: bit.ly/ntgnh456

Synology is a name more If money is no object,

often associated with allow us to introduce
network-attached storage Netgear’s R9000
(NAS) devices, but the Nighthawk X10. Its
company’s superb advanced 60MHz 802.11ad
DiskStation Manager software network is superfast over
has been brilliantly adapted short range, making it
for routers, putting the perfect for streaming to
interfaces of rival devices in compatible devices in the
the shade. Icons, live graphs and illustrations help you find same room. It performed well on 802.11ac, too, proving the
your way around, and there’s no shortage of technical stats fastest router at the longest range in our ‘bathroom’ test.
and network settings. You can even install specialised apps Although six Ethernet ports is less generous than Linksys’s
for controlling hard drives, servers, VPN and DNS. eight, it has a 10Gb Ethernet port, and you can aggregate two
The RT2600ac has four Gigabit Ethernet ports, a Wi-Fi ports to create a double-size Ethernet stream if you have
switch, two USB ports and a handy memory-card slot for compatible devices to connect to them.
getting photos off a camera. With its smaller case and aerials, The star of the show, however, is the router’s ability to run a
it was outperformed at short range by the fastest routers in full Plex (www.plex.tv) server, so you can access media on
our test but was remarkably consistent at longer range, and storage devices connected to it from anywhere in the world
kept up with the best in our ‘bedroom’ and ‘bathroom’ tests. using the slick Plex interface.

★★★★★ VERDICT ★★★★
At £217 the Synology router isn’t quite a bargain – you get better performance This extraordinary router has more tools and options than most people will
from the Gold Award-winning Linksys EA9500, which costs only a few pounds know what to do with. It’s extremely fast at both short and long range, but if
more. However, it’s smaller and better looking and has great software tools. you don’t have any compatible devices, it’s too expensive to justify.


Bedroom download speed If you like the sound of the Netgear

Nighthawk X10 but don’t want to spend so
G Linksys EA9500 Max-Stream much money, the Netgear XR500
B Netgear R9000 Nighthawk X10
Nighthawk Pro (£239.99 | bit.ly/nhpro456 |
TalkTalk Wi-Fi Hub
BT Smart Hub ★★★★
★★★★★) has similar software tools without the expensive
D-Link AC5300
hardware. It’s aimed at gamers in particular, so it’s great
S Synology RT2600ac
TP-Link Archer C5400 for configuring bandwidth to specify which devices
D-Link EXO AC2600 should have priority on your network.
DrayTek Vigor 2762ac
For a more affordable option, we liked
Netgear XR500 Nighthawk Pro
Billion BiPac 8900AX-2400 the D-Link EXO AC2600 (£69.99 | bit.ly/
Virgin Media Hub 3 dlnk456 | ★★★★
★★★★★). Its performance was
SkyQ Hub
middling in our tests, but it’s very good
0 5 10 15 20 25
value and ideal if your current router is in dire need of an
Download speed (MB/s)
upgrade but you can’t afford anything more expensive.

Bathroom download speed

B Netgear R9000 Nighthawk X10
S Synology RT2600ac
G Linksys EA9500 Max-Stream BT Smart Hub (£130) ★★★★
D-Link AC5300 DrayTek Vigor 2762ac (£145) ★★★★
TalkTalk Wi-Fi Hub
D-Link AC5300 (£300) ★★★
BT Smart Hub
D-Link EXO AC2600 TalkTalk Wi-Fi Hub
DrayTek Vigor 2762ac (£30 for existing customers) ★★★
Netgear XR500 Nighthawk Pro
Billion BiPac 8900AX-2400
TP-Link Archer C5400 (£256) ★★★
Virgin Media Hub 3 Billion BiPac 8900AX-2400 (£250) ★★
TP-Link Archer C5400 Virgin Media Hub 3
SkyQ Hub
(free for new Virgin customers) ★★
0 3 6 9 12 15
Download speed (MB/s) SkyQ Hub
(free for new Sky Q customers) ★★★★★

Discuss this review at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 21

Group Test Super-fast routers

Linksys EA9500 Synology Netgear R9000 Netgear XR500 D-Link

Max-Stream RT2600ac Nighthawk X10 Nighthawk Pro EXO AC2600

WEBSITE www.linksys.com www.synology.com www.netgear.co.uk www.netgear.co.uk eu.dlink.com

PRICE £224.99 £217.36 £408.38 £239.99 £69.99

BUY FROM AMAZON bit.ly/lksy456 bit.ly/syno456 bit.ly/ntgnh456 bit.ly/nhpro456 bit.ly/dlnk456

WI-FI STANDARDS 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 802.11b/g/n/ac/ad 802.11b/g/n/ac 802.11a/b/g/n/ac


USB PORTS 2 x USB3 1 x USB2, 1 x USB3 2 x USB3 2 x USB3 1 x USB2, 1 x USB3

VPN SERVER ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

DIMENSIONS 318 x 265 x 67mm 280 x 169 x 77mm 224 x 168 x 74mm 322 x 244 x 55mm 259 x 184 x 46mm

WARRANTY Two-years Two-years Two-years Three-years Two-years

return-to-base return-to-base return-to-base return-to-base return-to-base

We gave our Gold Award to the Linksys
EA9500 Max-Stream. This superb all-rounder
has oodles of tools and hardware features that
come close to rivalling the most expensive
models we reviewed in this group, but it’s very
reasonably priced. It performed admirably in
all our tests, and was the fastest of the lot in
our medium-range ‘bedroom’ test.
The EA9500 Max-Stream’s massive bulk
won’t be to everyone’s taste, though. If you’d
rather have a smaller, sleeker router, the Silver
Award-winning Synology RT2600ac is almost
as good and a little cheaper. It’s also a pleasure
to use, with a magnificent user interface that
its rivals could learn a lesson or two from.
Our Bronze Award went to the Netgear
R9000 Nighthawk X10. This may be one of the to replace it again any time soon. It’s also incredibly
most expensive routers available, but it’s packed with fast, particularly at long range, covering areas that most
next-generation technology, which means you won’t need cheaper routers fail to reach.

22 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Build a Better Site

Build a Better Site

Specialist tips, top tools and practical help

Top Tips of the Fortnight Web-building Helpdesk

Choose complementary fonts Differentiate between image I’m having trouble verifying my
Putting a little thought into the and text searchers Q website with Google so that
typefaces you use can transform Tools such as Google Analytics I can join its Webmaster Tools
an average-looking website into (analytics.google.com) let you see program. To get Google to recognise
something special. Google offers how many of your visitors come a site, it appears that you need to
lots of interesting fonts for free, from search engines, but finding create a subdomain, then add the
but choosing a couple that out exactly what they searched supplied code. I’ve tried to do this but
complement each other is better for is harder. Google will soon be it failed. My web host won’t let me send
than taking the scattergun providing us with a little more an email or put in a support ticket.
approach of choosing any that information by identifying image TheClash, Web User Forums
take your fancy. A handy free tool searches, so you can separate

those from more traditional text I’ve
searches. This will help filter out always
information about people who are put
looking for pictures when you’re the google-site-
trying to find out more about verification
those looking for information. .html page in
Find out more from the Google the root folder
called FontPair (fontpair.co) blog at bit.ly/imag456. of my websites.
matches your favourite Google The WordPress
font with something compatible directory is already a subfolder off the
– just type its name into the Deal of the Fortnight root of your web hosting, and I’ve found
search box at the top. Namesco (www.names.co.uk) is offering ‘. that Google can find the file there without
Alternatively, browse through the online’ domains for just £4.20 per year, any problem.
predefined font pairings to find a down from £35.99 Sneakybeaky, Web User Forums
partnership that suits your site.

MINI WORKSHOP | Try WordPress’s new Gutenberg editor

Gutenberg: wordpress.org/gutenberg | 10 mins | Self-hosted WordPress website
WordPress users may have seen an invitation to try Gutenberg, the service’s new tool for creating posts
and pages. It’s worth trying this out now as a plugin before it becomes standard later in the year

1 3 1
1 2

1 Gutenberg uses blocks to add

content to your site, like other
web-building tools such as Wix. Click
2 Click a block to edit it. If it’s a text
block, click in the text and start
typing. A formatting section appears, 1
3 To insert a new block, click the Add
button at the top of an existing
block. A holding block will appear. Click
the Preview button from your which lets you style the text. The menu the ‘+’ button 1 to choose the type of
Dashboard to open a new post with button 2 provides access to further block to add. 2 This determines which
lots of example content already filled options. The column on the right editing tools appear in the Block tab on
in. 1 The usual tools on the right have switches to the Block tab, 3 which offers the right. Keep adding blocks until the
been replaced by expandable boxes a range of tools depending on the type page is finished.
under the Document tab. 2 of block you’re editing.

Email us your website building questions at webuser@dennis.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 23

Make sure you’re prepared for
the start of term with these
essential devices – perfect for
school or university

Apple iPad
FROM £319

The new 9.7-inch iPad and Apple Pencil (£89) give students the ability
to be even more creative and productive, from sketching ideas and
jotting down handwritten notes to marking up screenshots. For extra
protection, consider buying a keyboard/case combo too.

Chillblast XB2474HS-B1
b k

for students The iiyama XB2474HS-B1 is an ideal

solution for teachers and students,
chillblast.com/leggera featuring a VA 24-inch panel that
offers exceptional viewing angles, a
£999 height-adjustable stand and HDMI
and DisplayPort connectivity for
The Chillblast Leggera is a slimline aluminium compatibility across all PC and
Ultrabook that’s small enough to carry everywhere laptop platforms. And don’t forget
you go comfortably. Its svelte 1.3kg design belies about the three-year warranty, too.
its incredibly powerful components: an Intel Core
i7 CPU, 1TB M.2 SSD and 8GB of DDR4 RAM. Then,
to top it all off, a battery that lasts all day. Students
save 5% off the £999 price with code STUDPUB18.

Kingston UV500

Kingston’s UV500 SATA solid-state drives dramatically improve the

responsiveness of your existing system with incredible boot, loading
and transfer times compared to mechanical hard drives. This SSD is 10
times faster than a traditional hard drive. It also has end-to-end data
protection, thanks to 256-bit AES hardware-based encryption and TCG
Opal 2.0 security management solutions.

Chillblast Triton
game design
desktop for

Need a PC that can power through game

design, graphics and 3D animation workloads?
Meet the Chillblast Triton. With a powerful 8th
Gen six-core Intel Core i5 processor, GeForce
GTX 1060 graphics and 16GB of RAM, it’s got
everything you need. Students save 5% off the
price with code STUDPUB18.
Canon Pixma TS6150

This stylishly small all-in-one is ideal for fast document and photo printing.
It’s a flexible choice for students, too, whether you want quick copies of
documents or to scan in photos for later reference. With wireless and
wired options, it’s well connected for the modern age, supporting smart
devices, social networks and cloud storage services. And you can count
on its quality, with five inks to help produce beautiful photos, as well as
crisp text and graphics. Plus, enjoy smartphone-like touch control from
different angles using a tilting 7.5cm LCD colour screen, and cut your
running costs by choosing XL and XXL ink cartridges.

Nuu Mobile
£199.99 + free case offer

Beauty meets design. The G3

offers exceptional value for
money for students and parents
alike. Enjoy a 5.7-inch 18:9
display, edge-to-edge curved
glass, fingerprint ID, facial
recognition, 13+5 dual rear
camera, 13MP front camera,
4G Dual-SIM, 4GB RAM with
64GB of storage, a microSD
slot and NFC Google Pay.
Plus a free Tudia Lite case
(valued at £15) when purchased
2 Year Warranty & UK Support Centre
in Aug/Sept 2018.

Checkout code: SUMMER18.

AOC 24P1

The stylish and compact AOC 24P1 is perfect for dorms and bedrooms alike,
with three borderless sides surrounding its 23.8-inch IPS display. With a Full
HD 1,920 x 1,080 resolution, it includes a full range of display inputs (VGA,
DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort), 4 x USB 3.0 hub, built-in speakers and an improved
ergonomic stand with 150mm of height adjustment.

datAshur Personal2
8GB, £39; 64GB, £79

The datAshur Personal2 USB

3.0 flash drive secures data
you don’t want others to see,
so no need to worry about
private files falling into the
wrong hands! Incorporating
a rechargeable battery, the
user enters a 7- to 15-digit
PIN via the on-board keypad
before connecting the drive to
a USB port. Data transferred
to the drive is encrypted in
real-time, which protects from

Synology DiskStation unauthorised access even if

the device is lost or stolen. It’s

DS418play with Seagate compatible with all operating

systems, with drag-and-drop

IronWolf 4TB
encryption and plug-and-play
simplicity. In plain and simple
terms, without the PIN, there’s
no way in!

Don’t worry about losing crucial essays. Together, the Seagate IronWolf
hard disk and Synology DS418play 4-bay NAS actively protect data
thanks to the IronWolf Health Management app. For entertainment, the
Synology DS418play supports 4K transcoding for up to two channels of
H.265/H.264 video at the same time. And it should last as long as your
studies: the IronWolf’s RV sensors enable 24x7 RAID performance and console
multi-user workloads of 180TB per year.
WEX Photo Video, amazon.co.uk and specialist
photography stores around the country

Loupedeck+ is the PC Pro Recommended

photo-editing console that lets you be more
creative, makes your editing faster, and allows
you to focus on what’s important – your photos.
Loupedeck+ is compatible with Adobe Lightroom
Classic CC and Aurora HDR.

Microsoft Surface
Book 2
From £1,149

Looking for a laptop with a difference? The Surface Book

2 is certainly that, with the ability to work happily as a
laptop – and then become a tablet at the touch of a button.
Simply detach the screen and start scrawling notes with
the optional Surface Pen (£100). Back in laptop mode, you’ll
find the combination of a top-quality keyboard and 13.3-inch
PixelSense display mean you work happily for hours. Add
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 graphics for some after-hours
entertainment, and a battery life of up to 17 hours, and this
will make you the envy of your friends. Special pricing for
eligible students, parents and teachers – see site for details.
Web User’s Best Buys

Web User’s Best Buys

Web User and its sister titles test over 2,500 products every year

Linksys EA9500 NEW! Epson Expression Photo
Max-Stream HD XP-15000
£224.99 from bit.ly/lksy456 £251.96 from bit.ly/epsonexp450
Tested: Issue 456 Tested: Issue 450

The EA9500 Max-Stream is a superb router that’s packed Epson’s XP-15000 lacks some of
with features and sensibly priced. It delivers terrific wireless the features of a true all-rounder
speeds, creates two 5GHz networks on separate frequencies but it prints photos beautifully, all the way up to size A3+.
and offers an excellent smartphone app.
KEY SPECS 5,760 x 1,440dpi maximum print resolution ■ 250-sheet
802.11a/b/g/n/ac ■ 8 x Gigabit Ethernet ports ■ 2 x USB 3 input capacity ■ Double-sided printing ■ Colour touchscreen
ports ■ Guest-network mode ■ DLNA media server ■ 318 x ■ USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi connectivity ■ 479 x 370 x 159mm ■

265 x 67mm ■ Two-years return-to-base warranty 8.5kg ■ Three-years return-to-base warranty


Honeywell Evohome Asus ZenBook UX410
£199 from bit.ly/honevo449 £539.95 from bit.ly/asuszb447
Tested: Issue 449 Tested: Issue 447

The Honeywell Evohome is a powerful This laptop, with its compact

multi-zone smart heating product that lets aluminium body and impressive design, feels built to last.
you control all the radiators in your central Performance was middling, though it’s fine for everyday
heating system. This will save on heating bills, but it may tasks, and the screen looks fabulous.
take a while before you recoup the cost of the initial outlay.
KEY SPECS Dual-core Intel Core i3-7100U processor ■ 4GB memory ■
Remote thermostat ■ Battery-powered ■ Hot-water support 128GB storage ■ 14in 1,920 x 1,080-pixels screen ■ USB-C,
■ Individual radiator support ■ Alexa voice-assistant support USB 3, 2 x USB 2 ports ■ 802.11ac Wi-Fi ■ Windows 10 Home
■ IFTTT support ■ 13.9 x 2.1 x 10.1cm ■ 898g ■ 323 x 223 x 19mm ■ 1.4kg ■ 1-year return-to-base warranty

BenQ GL2580HM Palicomp AMD Gravity RYZ1
£109.99 from bit.ly/benq445 £799.99 from www.palicomp.co.uk
Tested: Issue 445 Tested: Issue 443
All prices correct at time of review

This BenQ monitor’s stylish slim This is the best PC we could find for
bezel and attractive design are under £800. It’s powerful, well built and
matched by its solid performance and good-quality colour well balanced, so long as you’re happy
display. However, it’s not suited to serious gamers. to use an overclocked processor.


24.5in screen ■ 1,920 x 1,080-pixel resolution ■ 16:9 aspect AMD Ryzen 5 1600 processor ■ Asus Prime B350M-A
ratio ■ 16.7 million colours ■ 50-76Hz refresh rate ■ 1,000:1 motherboard ■ 8GB DDR4 memory ■ GeForce GTX 1060
native contrast ■ 2ms response time ■ HDMI, DVI and VGA graphics card ■ 240GB SSD ■ 1TB hard drive ■ 475 x 468
ports ■ Two 1W speakers ■ 42.6 x 55.7 x 17.5cm ■ 4.4kg x 230mm tower case ■ Windows 10 Home 64-bit

Subscribe to Web User at subscribe.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 27

Best Free Software

Dashlane 6
Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10
File size: 733KB (installer)

We have so many online accounts

these days that it’s no wonder many
of us resort to reusing passwords
across different sites, even though
security experts regularly warn us
against it. The problem is that it’s
tricky to come up with secure
passwords and then remember them
all. Saving your login details in your
browser helps with the latter, but it’s
much safer to use a dedicated password
manager such as Dashlane for the task.
This excellent free software generates
and stores passwords for you, and
offers a handy Sharing Centre that passwords with people you trust. The latest update to the program
lets you securely share up to five There’s also an emergency contacts introduces a new Identity Dashboard
feature that lets loved ones access that makes it easier for you to review
your accounts in the event that your password health – identifying and
something bad happens to you. updating any weak or duplicated
Dashlane’s sidebar provides easy passwords. It also checks to see if any of
access to your stored passwords, your personal information is up for sale
secure notes, payments, IDs, your on the Dark Web.
passwords’ health ratings and more. The free version of the software limits
The software also has a password you to using Dashlane on a single device
changer that can automatically log you and stores up to 50 passwords. The full
into a supported site, change your version costs $39.99 (£30.90) a year
password to something more secure and provides a number of additional
and then save it in Dashlane. features, including a new VPN tool.

MINI WORKSHOP | Keep your passwords secure using Dashlane

2 1 3

1 3

1 Create a Dashlane account by

entering your email address and
a secure master password, then verify
2 Enter the URL of a website you
use, or click the down arrow and
choose one from a list of popular sites.
3 The new Identity Dashboard 1
analyses your passwords, presents
you with an overall security score 2
your account using the code you 1 Next, enter your username 2 and and shows you which passwords are
receive by email. Install the Dashlane password. 3 You can add the website safe, compromised or weak. 3
extension in your browser and you’re to a category 4 for easy management. Dashlane can also check the Dark Web
ready to begin. Open the program and Each time you log into a new website, 4 to see if your personal information
click Passwords, 1 followed by the Dashlane will offer to save the details is listed there – which would suggest
green ‘Add new’ button. 2 for you. that it has been leaked or stolen.

28 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Best Free Software

This fortnight’s top new software downloads to help you make

the most of your PC, and they’re all FREE

New Windows Apps

Kids Cartoons
Min requirements: Windows 10
File size: 20.14MB
This app lets you watch thousands
of videos and programmes for
kids, including content from Disney
and Sesame Street. You can add
popular choices to your favourites
for easy access.

Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10 File size: 55.5MB

If you want to play vintage console or arcade games on your PC, you need an
emulator such as MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, mamedev.org). Killswitch
MAMEUI provides a front end for MAME, making it easier to use. It runs on 64-bit bit.ly/kills456
Windows, and you’ll need to use 7-Zip (www.7-zip.org) to unzip the software. This Min requirements: Windows 10
update adds new working machines and clones. You’ll also need some games to File size: 8.5MB
play in MAMEUI, which you can find by searching the web for ‘MAME ROMS’. Killswitch runs on your desktop PC,
phone and tablet, and lets you shut
down any connected device. It uses
client and server components, and
you can shut down multiple systems
at the same time.

Send 2Me
SYSTEM TOOL SYSTEM TOOL bit.ly/send2me456
KeepMouseSpeedOK Prevent Recovery 4 Min requirements: Windows 10
bit.ly/kmsok456 bit.ly/prerec456 File size: 25.46MB
Min requirements: Windows XP/ Min requirements: Windows XP/ Send 2Me makes it easy to send
Vista/7/8.1/10 File size: 24KB Vista/7/8.1/10 File size: 1.8MB anything from
your PC to
Some people suffer from fluctuating Anyone with the right software can other devices.
mouse speeds: one moment the restore a file you’ve deleted in a matter You use
cursor is moving too quickly and the of seconds. Prevent Recovery stops Windows 10’s
next it’s too slow. The tiny tool that happening. It overwrites deleted built-in Share
KeepMouseSpeedOK lets you set your programs (and free space) and gives function to
preferred mouse speed and then locks it you a choice of 12 security algorithms access the
at that rate. You can minimise the to ensure your data is erased for good. tool, which
program to the system tray for easy This new release has been completely creates QR
access and open the Mouse Settings redesigned and is much easier to use, codes for
and Windows Ease of Access options with a wizard interface that guides items you want to share.
directly from the program. you through the process.

Recommend free downloads at www.facebook.com/webusermagazine 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 29

Best Free Software
Fenophoto 5
Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10
File size: 91.5MB

These days, most of us are reasonably happy

with the photos our phones capture, but the
results often require a little improvement.
Fenophoto can quickly rotate, flip and crop
your images, and offers a large number of
photo-correction tools, including auto levels
and auto gamma, the ability to equalise
shadows, red-eye correction, denoise,
sharpening, and batch and command-line
processing. The program can handle all the
major image formats, including
uncompressed RAW files.
The latest version of Fenophoto fixes some
problems and adds the ability to increase the
default value of shadow equalisation.

Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10
File size: 502KB

If you’re worried that Windows 10 is compromising

your privacy, you can use Blackbird to lock it down.
This handy tool scans your system and reports on
the main risks, such as autologgers, scheduled
tasks, ad-tracking and other threats to your
privacy. You can create a backup file, run a
thorough scan or start the app manager, which lets
you block or unblock apps. To speed things up, you
can simply apply all the recommended changes,
which include disabling Cortana, OneDrive, Bing
integration, Wi-Fi Sense, Windows Error Reporting
and more. It evens blocks some YouTube, Skype
and Facebook ads. We recommend checking what
Blackbird disables before applying the changes.

Windows Firewall Control
Min requirements: Windows XP/
Vista/7/8.1/10 File size: 3.3MB

The Windows Firewall is surprisingly powerful,

but if you’re looking for more advanced
features, consider installing Windows Firewall
Control. This offers a choice of filtering modes
– High (which blocks all outbound and
inbound connections), Medium (which blocks
outbound connections based on rules you
set), Low (which allows outbound connections
based on your rules) and No (which turns off
the firewall). The free version used to have
some limitations, but now it’s entirely free,
and features that you once had to pay for,
such as outbound connection notifications,
are available to everyone.
See our Workshop on page 54 to find out
how to use Windows Firewall Control.

30 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Best Free Software

Don’t install... ...Install this instead

Mailbird eM Client
www.getmailbird.com www.emclient.com
Min requirements: Min requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10
Windows XP/ File size: 51.3MB
File size: 78.7MB With a smart interface and plenty of advanced
features, eM Client is easily the best free email
Mailbird Lite is a great- software for Windows PCs. It integrates a
looking email client that calendar, contacts and tasks, and has built-in
also connects to popular support for chat. Setting up accounts is simple
apps and services, – it recognises most popular email services and
including WhatsApp, Slack configures them automatically without you
and Facebook. Sadly, the having to faff around with SMTP server settings
GAME free version limits you to a and so on. If you’re switching from another email
The Secret of Dank single email account and program, eM Client offers to import its data, and
Mountain removes some of the full if you use an Outlook.com or Gmail account, it
bit.ly/dank456 program’s better tools, syncs your calendar and contacts too.
Min requirements: Windows 7/8.1/10, including attachment
MacOS or Linux previews and email
File size: 24.6MB snoozing. Adding these
will cost you £19.50.
The aim of this first-person game is
simply to scale a mountain, which you
do by finding the best places to ascend
and then tapping the Climb button. Your
stamina is limited, so you have to climb
in bursts. There are a number of peaks
to ascend and it has a brilliant ending
that makes it worth the effort.

UPDATED | New tweaks and fixes for your favourite free programs


BCUninstaller 4.6 BootRacer 7.3 Macrorit Disk Partition TunnelBear 3.5
bit.ly/bcuninstaller456 www.greatis.com/bootracer Expert Free 5.1 www.tunnelbear.com
Min requirements: Min requirements: macrorit.com Min requirements:
Windows 7/8.1/10 Windows 7/8.1/10 Min requirements: Windows Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10
File size: 3.6MB File size: 13.8MB XP/Vista/7/8.1/10 or MacOS
File size: 14.3MB File size: 78.5MB
BCUninstaller can remove BootRacer tells you
unwanted programs in exactly how long your Macrorit Disk Partition TunnelBear is a free VPN
batches and clear away computer takes to boot into Expert Free is a hard-drive tool that’s easy to use.
any junk they and other Windows, and reveals which management tool that lets This release displays
programs leave behind. programs are slowing you you create NTFS or FAT32 notifications in the Action
This release adds support down. The latest version volumes on MBR or GPT Center in Windows 10. If
for Oculus VR store apps of the software features drives. It can also resize, TunnelBear has trouble
and games, detects improvements to the copy, move, format and connecting to the internet,
unremovable store apps Ultimate Services Optimizer delete partitions, and more. you can automatically send
and includes a range of and helps you recover This update adds a Clone an error report as soon as
new options for browsers. lost startup programs. Disk function and fixes bugs. you’re back online.

GET FREE SOFTWARE FIRST subscribe to Web User at subscribe.webuser.co.uk

Recommend free downloads at www.facebook.com/webusermagazine 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 31

Best New Browser Tools

Auto-save and recover what you write online

Losing the content of a long email, blog post or online form when your
browser or PC crashes can be soul-destroying, which is why many web
tools – including Google Docs and Gmail – automatically save what you
type. For sites that don’t, you can fall back on Typio Form Recovery
(bit.ly/typio456). This add-on works in a similar way to the now defunct
Lazarus (which, unlike its namesake, isn’t coming back). It automatically
saves any text you enter on a web page, and
you can recover it either by clicking its toolbar
button and choosing Open Recovery or
right-clicking the page and selecting that
option. There are even keyboard shortcuts. By
default, Typio stores your data for seven days,
although you can increase or decrease this as
required, or delete entries manually. You can
also disable the extension on specific
domains, and allow it to save typed
passwords and credit card details, too.

Block PUP downloads using protection completely. Malwarebytes

Malwarebytes Browser Extension is still in beta, so you
Malwarebytes has updated its may encounter the occasional bug and
excellent extension for Chrome (bit.ly/ false positive – where the tool mistakes
malchrome456) and Firefox (bit.ly/ a legitimate site or program for a threat.
malfire456), making it even more
effective at protecting you from online View random Airbnb rooms
threats. As well as blocking malicious on new tabs
code, phishing scams, third-party If you’re tired of browsing hotel-booking Identify propaganda bots
trackers and clickbait, the add-on now sites to find holiday inspiration, a new on Twitter
prevents the downloading of potentially Chrome extension called Random Bnb Twitter recently made the news
unwanted programs (PUPs), including (bit.ly/random456) could save you time when it deleted a reported 70 million
toolbars and pop-ups. Just make sure and money. It displays a random listing fake accounts, but there are plenty
the Enable PUP Protection option is from accommodation-booking site more where those came from – often
selected in the settings. You can now Airbnb every time you open a new tab, in the form of bots. These accounts
turn Malware/Scams and Ads/Clickbait providing a photo, a small map and look as if they’re controlled by real
on and off separately, too, which is details of the nightly rate. The add-on people, but they do little more than
useful if a site you’re on isn’t displaying was created by an American developer, automatically retweet or reply to
properly but you don’t want to disable which unfortunately means prices are in tweets that contain certain
dollars, but clicking the title of the keywords, often as a means of
listing takes you to the relevant page on spreading political propaganda. You
Airbnb UK, where you can view further can spot and stop these pests using
details, including the nightly cost in the Chrome extension Botcheck.me
sterling, and request a booking. (bit.ly/botcheck456), which uses
“advanced machine learning
techniques” to detect propaganda
bots on Twitter. Just click the
‘Botcheck.me’ button that appears
in the top-right corner of a tweet to
scan the account for “patterns
conducive to propaganda bots”. If
the add-on detects a bot, you can
either block that account or click
Disagree if you suspect that the
account is genuine.

32 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Best New Browser Tools

This fortnight’s most useful tips and add-ons to help you get the
most from Chrome, Firefox, Opera and more


Search the web
Block all adverts in privately using
private mode Back in Issue 448, we
recommended the European
You’ve probably noticed that when you switch search engine Qwant (www
to private browsing in Firefox (or incognito .qwant.com) as one of the best
mode in Chrome), all your add-ons, including alternatives to Google, because
your ad blocker, are automatically disabled so it doesn’t track you or store your
that none of them can save data to your search history. So we’re
computer. This means you have to manually delighted
reactivate extensions you need, and until you that Vivaldi
do, your lack of an ad blocker will leave you at has now
risk of exposure to annoying and intrusive added
adverts. This is where Incognito Adblocker Qwant to
(bit.ly/incognito456) proves invaluable. This its list of
new tool overrides Firefox’s settings so that it continues working when you open search
a new private window, blocking all ads on all pages, as well as unwanted external providers,
connections and trackers. Usefully, it also has a Go Incognito button that opens giving you
the current page in private mode, and uses the same all-encompassing filter lists another
as the popular ad blocker uBlock Origin. way to
search the
web anonymously (the browser
Add Clippy the paperclip to already offered DuckDuckGo
Firefox and StartPage as options). To
Clippy was Microsoft’s attempt to search with Qwant, either click
make Microsoft Office more user- the arrow in Vivaldi’s search box
friendly by including an animated and choose that option from the
character that offered help when it drop-down menu, or just type q
detected various actions, such as followed by your search term.
writing a letter in Word. He was
included in versions of the office suite Stay safe from
from Office 97 to Office 2003, until a malware and scams
deluge of negative feedback from Apply effects to YouTube Edge still lags behind
users prompted Microsoft to send videos Chrome and Firefox for security
Clippy back to the virtual stationery YouTube now offers a dark mode, but tools, but it’s a step closer to its
cupboard. Until now, that is, because a its other customisation options are rivals now that Norton Safe Web
nostalgic developer has decided to pretty limited. You can enhance your (bit.ly/norton456) is available
resurrect the chirpy paperclip as a viewing experience by installing the for the browser. This scans web
Firefox add-on brilliant YouTube Video Effects (bit.ly/ pages for malware infection,
(bit.ly/ effects456), which lets you apply online scams and “annoyance
clippy456). more than 50 filters to what you’re threats”
This means watching. Effects include broken and
you can now mirror, rainbow, crystal ball, displays
have Clippy underwater and ‘love’. Beyond playing its
following you around with cosmetic changes, you findings in
around the can delve into the add-on’s options to a pop-up
web from his force videos to play at the highest toolbar
spot in the bottom-right corner of your quality and maximum window size, panel that
browser (although you can move him remove the black space from around turns
anywhere on the page). This version of videos and even block adverts. green for safe sites and red for
Clippy is a lot less annoying than the YouTube Video Effects offers its own dangerous ones. You can also
original Office Assistant, but he still dark mode, and the developer view a full Safe Web report
tries to entertain you by twisting himself promises further features soon, containing further security
into different shapes, blinking and including a floating player and information and reviews of the
dancing, and making the occasional customised subtitles. It’s also current site by the Norton
quip based on the site you’re viewing. available for Chrome, Vivaldi and community.
Welcome back, Clippy! Opera (www.videoeffects.org).

Tell us your favourite add-ons at www.facebook.com/webusermagazine 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 33

Best Free Apps
App of the Fortnight
WPS Office Master the new features in
bit.ly/wpsdroid456 WPS Office for Android
4 10

Whether you need to jot

down a few notes now and
1 The latest version of
WPS Office for Android
lets you add tags to
then or access important multiple recent documents
documents, spreadsheets or delete them in batches.
and other files while you’re Press the Recent icon at
on the move, it’s good to the bottom of the screen.
have an office suite in your In the list of documents
pocket. Few mobile office that appears, tap the grey
suites offer as many circle to the right of a file
features as WPS Office. to select it. Selected items
As is often the way with have a green tick 1 next to
mobile apps, the Android them. When you’ve
2 3
and iOS versions of WPS selected the files you want,
Office have diverged tap the Tags 2 or Erase 3
slightly in their icon, as needed.
development but both
have recently been
updated with useful new features.
The Android version has gained some handy document-
2 Another new feature in
the Android version
lets you quickly convert a
management functions, including the ability to perform collection of scanned
bulk actions such as tagging several documents or deleting images into a single
multiple files at once, rather than having to repeat the presentation file. Press the
action for individual files. Another new tool lets you Apps icon at the bottom of
compose presentations quickly by scanning several images the screen, followed by
with your device’s camera. Owners of Apple devices, Scanner. Tap the camera
meanwhile, can now insert photos from iCloud storage icon (and give camera
directly into their documents, and also gain improved tools permission if you haven’t
for sharing on social media. done so). Swipe under
We’ve noticed a number of reviewers complaining the main preview screen 2 1
about the presence of adverts in the free version of WPS where it says Docs 1 so
Office. It’s true that the app displays some full-screen ads, that PPT 2 mode is
as well as a few smaller adverts in areas such as your file selected (in blue).
list. The developer is pretty
transparent about its business
model, however. Unlike many other
free office apps, which offer a very
3 Point your camera at
what you want to scan
and tap the round shutter
limited set of features compared button. On the next screen, 1
with their premium versions, use the bounding box 1 to
WPS Office Free gives you more crop any bits you don’t
or less the same features you’d want. Use the circular
get in the paid-for version (which, arrow icon 2 to rotate the
at £23 per year, is still considerably picture if you need to.
cheaper than Microsoft Office 365), When you’re ready, tap the
with the exception of tick icon. 3 To add further
some advanced PDF scans, tap Add Pictures
functions – and it’s and repeat the process. 2 3
only able to do so Tap ‘Convert to PPT’
thanks to revenue when you’ve scanned
from advertising. everything you need.

Our rating ★★★★★

34 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Best Free Apps

This fortnight’s top free and paid-for apps

for Android and iOS phones and tablets


News With Simon’s Cat Comedy
Friends – Pop Time Central Play
bit.ly/ bit.ly/ bit.ly/
newswith456 simondroid456 comedydroid456
9.3 bit.ly/simonios456 bit.ly/
4.1 8 comedyios456
Is your Facebook 4.4 10
feed full of fake You watched
news? Then this Simon’s Cat on If you love
could be the YouTube, you comedy and
antidote. As the bought the Simon’s you’re a Virgin
name suggests, Cat book and you Media subscriber,
News With played the Simon’s you should
Friends isn’t only Cat mobile game. Now you can definitely download this new app.
about reading the play a new, slightly different mobile Virgin customers currently get
latest headlines, game based on the popular cartoon exclusive access to full episodes
but also sharing them with your nearest cat and his adorable shenanigans. In of Comedy Central shows such as
and dearest so you can see which this follow-up to Simon’s Cat Crunch South Park, Russell Howard’s Stand
stories others are reading, and chat Time, your task is to pop your way Up Central, The Daily Show and
about the topics of the day. Stories are though bubble-filled levels, collecting more. Just sign in with your Virgin
carefully selected from established treats and freeing Simon’s friends account when prompted. However,
news outlets. You can’t currently from their bubbly imprisonment. if you love comedy and you’re not a
tailor your feed to your The gameplay is a little Virgin Media subscriber,
interests as you can with derivative, and the free you can safely ignore this
other news aggregators version’s ads are annoying, app, because it has
– this app is about but the game is fun and the precious little to offer
discovering and sharing. characters are cute. beyond a few short clips.

Our rating ★★★★★ Our rating ★★★★★ Our rating ★★★★★


Gboard Kindle
bit.ly/gboarddroid456 bit.ly/kindledroid456
bit.ly/gboardios456 bit.ly/kindleios456
(varies) 10 (varies) 10

If a picture Even though Google

is worth a and Apple have
thousand their own ebook
words, a stores, the Kindle
short, app remains very
looping GIF popular, especially
must be for tablet users – and
worth at for good reason. It’s a
least two great way to read
thousand. your ebook library,
And a short, and Amazon keeps
looping GIF finding new ways to
with some words added to it is presumably worth two improve the
thousand words plus however many words you’ve added experience. The latest update brings support for split view to
to the GIF. Which is probably why Google has updated devices running Android 7.0 and up. Split view was added to
its Gboard app to let you add text to your own the iOS version a couple of months ago, but
custom GIFs. To do so in Android, tap GIFs, My Apple owners get new features in their latest
GIFs, then Make A GIF (in iOS, tap the loop icon). update, too – namely a new green theme (tap Aa
Record your GIF, then tap the ‘A’ in the top-right while in a book) and a redesigned X-ray that
corner (or the ‘T’ in iOS). makes books easier to navigate.

Our rating ★★★★★ Our rating ★★★★★

Recommend free phone apps at www.facebook.com/webusermagazine 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 35

Best Free Apps


GAME 4.1 9
Alto’s Odyssey This addictive city-building simulation looks great and takes
bit.ly/altodroid456 the old-fashioned approach of allowing you to level up by
bit.ly/altoios456 playing the game, rather than making
Price: £2.09 (Android), in-app purchases.
£4.99 (iOS)
4.1 10 TOOLS
Released for iOS earlier this year, this beautiful endless Clipboard Editor
dune-surfing game has now come to Android. There’s a free bit.ly/clipboard456
version, too, but pop-up ads spoil the fun somewhat, so we Price: 59p
recommend paying for the app to remove them. 5
This lightweight app lets you access
EDUCATION and edit your Android device’s
Numbala system clipboard. You can copy text
bit.ly/numdroid456 to and from any app, and access the
bit.ly/numios456 clipboard from your device’s pull-
Price: £3.49 (Android), down Quick Settings screen.
£4.99 (iOS)
Who says learning can’t be fun? Designed in conjunction Hotel Transylvania CrazyCruise
with neuroscientists, Numbala enhances your child’s bit.ly/hoteldroid456
understanding of maths through this beautifully designed bit.ly/hotelios456
space shooter involving a young girl and her dog. Price: 69p (Android), 99p (iOS)
7 9
GAME Released to coincide with the latest
Pocket City movie in the animated franchise, this
bit.ly/citydroid456 augmented-reality app puts
bit.ly/cityios456 characters from the films in your local
Price: £3.49 (Android), playground – a bit like Pokémon Go
£4.99 (iOS) but with added swings.

Alto’s Odyssey Numbala Pocket City Clipboard Editor Hotel Transylvania


Don’t install... ...Install this instead

Custom Color Screen Filter Blue Light Filter
bit.ly/dontinstall456 bit.ly/bluelight456
Screen filters can be beneficial for your eyes,
particularly when you’re using your device Blue Light Filter is one of the most popular
late at night. But not all screen filters on Google Play, and it’s not
are created equal, and hard to see why. As well as educating you
Custom Color Screen Filter as to precisely why blue light from device
is a case in point. Despite screens can be bad for your eyes, Blue
claiming that it will “help Light Filter makes it easy to apply and
your eyes from getting customise your screen filter. A single
destroyed”, many of the button switches it on and takes you to a
novelty filter colours don’t screen where you can choose from a
actually filter blue light at selection of presets (candle,
all, and the incessant incandescent bulb and so on), or use
full-screen ads (along with sliders to adjust the intensity and screen
all the smaller ones) just brightness. You can set it to activate
make it incredibly according to a timer, and although there
annoying to use. are adverts, they’re not intrusive.

36 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Take a Screen Break
Give your eyes a rest from your browser by taking WEB USER
2017 BACK
our fiendish fortnightly challenges. Can you guess ISSUES DISC!
our capital-city emoji and our web year? Email your
answers to
– one correct en
will win a disc
1 2

3 4

5 6


Can you work out which year the following tech
news stories occurred in? No cheating!

1 Apple launches its

first smartwatch,
the Apple Watch,
2 Live-streaming
are all
3 Google causes
confusion when it
creates a
4 Windows 10 is
released to
a generally
5 Dating
which the rage parent positive Madison is
integrates as the company, reception, hacked,
fit Twitter- Alphabet, although and some
tr and owned and the UK’s users receive
health- Periscope and its rival Google’s best-selling emails from
tracking Meerkat attract CEO internet blackmailers
functions millions of users – Larry Page (pictured) magazine objects to threatening to reveal
with iOS. for a while. takes the helm. its privacy settings. their membership.

£130.6 £59.99
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Adobe Premiere Elements KitSound Slam 2
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Follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/webusermagazine 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 37

FAQ Everything you need to know about the most
interesting new technology trends and events

missing person. Less important uses

include logging into services, verifying

payments in shops and even organising
your photos according to the people in
them (as Facebook does – see bit.ly/
facebook456). There is a sinister side to

recognition the technology, however.

Why is it controversial?
Brad Smith, the president of Microsoft,
recently wrote a lengthy blog post
Technology that (bit.ly/msblog456) calling for facial-
identifies people recognition technology to be regulated
in the US. Smith expressed his concerns
by scanning their that facial recognition is getting better
faces is proving and faster thanks to improved cameras,
sensors and machine-learning
increasingly capabilities, and that it’s becoming
controversial. “deeply infused into our personal and
professional lives”. His worry is that
David Crookes databases are growing ever larger and

finds out why that cloud computing offers the potential

to connect multiple sets of data. This, he
says, “raises issues that go to the heart of
fundamental human rights protections
like privacy and freedom of expression”.

Are these concerns about us

being under surveillance?
To an extent, yes. Even
though we’re filmed
What is it? depth and angles of your face down to a many times each day –
Facial recognition is a technology that millimetre scale. Once this information is especially here in the
maps people’s faces mathematically and stored in a database, computers can use UK, where
stores the data so that computers can it to make matches either by scanning there are more
use it to identify them. You’ve almost the person’s face or using an image or CCTV cameras
certainly come across it, perhaps to log video. Of the two methods, scanning the per person than
into your phone or speed you through face is preferable to using a 2D photo anywhere else in the
passport control. Perhaps because of its because the captured face doesn’t have world – Smith fears that
ubiquity, the technology is proving to be staring directly at the camera. we can now be personally identified and
controversial, not least because it affects tracked as we move around. “Imagine a
our right to privacy. What benefits does facial database of everyone who attended a
recognition have? political rally that constitutes the very
How does it work? Facial recognition can help the police essence of free speech,” he wrote.
In general, these systems detect and solve crimes by comparing suspects “Imagine the stores of a shopping mall
record your distinguishing facial features. caught on camera with images from a using facial recognition to share
Older methods make up to 80 central database. Likewise, it could be information with each other about each
measurements of used to identify terrorists or spot a shelf you browse and product you buy,
attributes such as without asking you first”.
the distance
between your But surely the good outweighs
eyes and the the bad?
width of your Perhaps, but there is a danger that a
nose. More future over-reliance on facial-recognition
advanced software could lead to miscarriages of
3D-mapping justice. Big Brother Watch launched a
techniques scan legal action against the Metropolitan
your face using Police in July ahead of a facial-
light to measure recognition trial in Stratford. The
Facial recognition
measures your its curves, then Facebook says you shouldn’t be afraid of campaign group called it a “slippery
distinguishing features calculate the facial recognition – but maybe you should! slope towards an Orwellian society” but,

38 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Facial recognition

Credit: ACLU
Rekognition had found a match. The
system was designed to narrow the
field, Amazon said, not to make
autonomous decisions.

But what about the

The errors point to biases in face-
recognition systems, because accuracy
has been shown to differ according to
age, ethnicity and gender. MIT Media lab
South Wales Police’s facial-recognition van Amazon’s face-recognition identified
studied how well IBM, Microsoft and
should be ashamed of its poor results politicians as criminals – surely not!
Face++ AI were able to identify faces
just as importantly, it seems that the proves alternative methods are less (gendershades.org). Using a sample of
technology is by no means foolproof. In a effective. “It’s a real step change in the 1,270 images, it found that the services
previous experiment, the Met found that way law-abiding people are monitored as performed worst on darker female faces,
just two of the 104 alerts the system they go about their daily lives,” she says. best on lighter males, and better on men
produced were positive matches. than women, with the difference in error
But what’s the worst that can rates as high as 21%. This could mean
What have the police used the happen? some people in society would be wrongly
technology for? There’s a chance you could be targeted more than others.
Police forces have mainly deployed face- misidentified, questioned by police or
recognition software during large-scale worse, although forces such as South So is facial-recognition
events. The Met, for instance, scanned Wales Police say they are building checks technology doomed?
people attending the Notting Hill Carnival and balances into their methodology. If the technology becomes accurate and
and a Six Nations Rugby match. However, when Amazon’s facial- proves useful against crime, then as long
Meanwhile, South Wales Police used the recognition system, Rekognition, was as ethical checks are in place and human
technology to identify potential tasked with matching photos of all 535 judges are involved, a case could be
troublemakers at the UEFA Champions members of Congress against a database made for its benefits. It may also be used
League final in Cardiff last year. In all of 25,000 publicly available images of for less serious purposes – perhaps to
these cases, the systems compared criminals, a surprising 28 Congress replace physical tickets at a stadium, to
images of the crowd with a database of members were listed as matches. To make secure payments or to reduce the
people on a police watch list. Like the make matters worse, a disproportionate potential for identity fraud. Either way,
Met, however, South Wales Police found number of those misidentified were there are concerns over where and how
that the system was far from perfect: people of colour, alarming the American all this data is stored, who can access it
only 173 alerts proved to be correct Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Northern and how secure it is.
matches – less than 10% of the overall California, which carried out the study.
figure (bit.ly/swp456).
What did Amazon say about the
Surely if you’ve nothing to hide, findings?
you’ve nothing to worry about? The company said Rekognition has
According to Big Brother Watch benefited society and organisations by
(bigbrotherwatch.org.uk), facial preventing human trafficking, inhibiting
recognition systems violate articles eight, child exploitation and enhancing security,
10 and 11 of the European Convention on among other things. But it admitted that
Human Rights, which means they might “the results could probably be improved
affect everyone’s rights to a private life, by following best practices” and
freedom of assembly, association and suggested that authorities should act Current facial-recognition tech appears
expression. The Information only if they were 99% confident to be biased towards Caucasian males
Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, has
raised concerns with the Home Office
and National Police Chiefs’ Council, and “YOUR BABY LOOKS JUST LIKE YOU”
wants police forces to make a strong
case for the use of facial recognition that Sadly, some couples are unable to
conceive without medical help, and a
proportion may opt for egg donation.
To ensure the baby will resemble the
mother-to-be as closely as possible,
the Spanish egg-donor bank Ovobank
(www.ovobank.com/en) is allowing
medical professionals to use a facial-
recognition matching algorithm. Once
the mother has used an app to take a
photo and her facial features have
been mapped, the system compares hope that it will find someone with
Big Brother Watch wants the police to stop the it with a database of donors in the similar observable characteristics.
using facial-recognition technology

Discuss facial recognition at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 39

The Advanced Guide to

There’s much more to email than just sending
and receiving messages. Robert Irvine and
Wayne Williams explain how to secure your
inbox, enhance your mail and unlock secret tools

ven with the rise of social networks and messaging In this advanced (but not complicated) guide, we
apps, email is still the most popular means of show you how to become an email power user by
online communication and remains essential for unlocking the full potential of your webmail service.
registering with websites, confirming your identity and Whether you want to create a fake ‘burner’ address that
receiving important information. Most email services are forwards messages to your real one, block the annoying
far from perfect, however, despite the introduction of adverts around your inbox or organise attachments by
GDPR and improvements to spam filtering and anti- file type, we have a host of secret tips and expert fixes
phishing protection. Some of the most well-known that will make your email experience less restricted and
sevices fail to protect your messages from hackers, completely secure.
invade your privacy by scanning their content and We also review the best free providers of 100%
generally lack important features we all want and need. anonymous email – turn to page 42 for our results.

40 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

The Advanced Guide to Email FEATU


Barely a week goes by without news of another security breach in which users’ email
addresses are leaked. Here’s how to make your inbox impregnable

Create a fake ‘burner’ email delete or disable each ‘burner’ address Make two-factor authentication
address so you won’t receive any further easier to use
When you use your real email address communication from that site. Two-factor authentication (2FA) – also
to register with a website, you’re not We also like the Firefox add-on known as two-step verification – adds a
only opening yourself to a deluge of Bloody Vikings (bit.ly/vikings456), second layer of protection to your email
marketing messages (despite the recent which lets you create fake addresses account by asking you to enter a code
introduction of GDPR), you’re also on the fly using 14 disposable email when you sign in from a new device or if
handing over an essential piece of services, including Dropmail, Fake Mail you’ve been logged in on your current
personal information. If the site suffers Generator and Mailinator. Usefully, one for 30 days. In January, Google
a security breach, your email address it opens your temporary inbox in software engineer Grzegorz Milka
could fall into the hands of a background tab, so you can confirm admitted that fewer than 10% of Gmail
cybercriminals, compromising the your registration without leaving the users have enabled this feature
safety of your other online accounts. page. Another handy Chrome extension (bit.ly/2fa456) but if you’re security-
The best way to avoid being spammed, is Disposable Temporary Email Address conscious, it’s definitely worth setting
scammed and hacked is to create a (bit.ly/disp456), which generates up. Go to bit.ly/2step456, click Get
temporary fake address using a accounts that expire after 10 minutes. Started, then sign into your Gmail
disposable-email service. Use this fake account and click ‘Start setup’. Enter
address to sign up to a website, click the Stop third-party tools reading your mobile number, choose how you
link in the confirmation message that your emails want to receive the verification code
arrives in your alternative inbox and Google recently admitted that the and click Send Code. When you receive
you’ll gain access to the site without contents of Gmail messages are the six-digit code, enter it in the box and
sacrificing your privacy or security. not only processed by computer click Verify to add your phone number
Our favourite new tool for this task is algorithms but can sometimes be to your account.
Burner Emails (burnermail.io), as read by human third parties, when If you
featured in Issue 453’s Best New certain apps are granted access to prefer, you
Browser Tools. It’s available for Firefox user accounts. With so many can use
and Chrome, and also works with Opera useful tools available for Gmail, this Google’s
and Vivaldi. This browser extension situation is difficult to avoid, but it still Prompt
automatically detects email fields on pays to know exactly which apps you’ve feature,
web pages and lets you click them to allowed to access your emails so you which saves
generate and enter fake addresses. can block any that look suspicious. you having to
Messages sent to these addresses are To find out which of your apps can type a code
then forwarded to your real account, so access your email, go to your Google each time.
you won’t miss important verification Account (myaccount.google.com) and Instead, you
and confirmation emails. You can then click the ‘Apps with account access’ link tap Yes to
in the ‘Sign-in & security’ section. Click confirm that
Manage Apps to view further details you’re trying
about what personal data third-party to sign in
apps can access, and click Remove from another
Use Google Prompt to
Access to disconnect undesirable tools device. This
avoid typing 2FA codes
from your Gmail account. method is
Incidentally, some of the tips in this less secure, so Google recommends it’s
feature involve giving third-party apps used only on phones and tablets that
access to your email account, but rest have screen lock activated. You can also
assured none of our recommendations print one-off backup codes to use at
share or exploit your data. your convenience.
To set up 2FA for Outlook.com, go
to the ‘Security settings’ page (bit.ly/
security456) and sign into your account.
Under ‘Two-step verification’, choose
‘Set up two-step verification’ to turn the
feature on, then follow the instructions.
You can opt to receive your verification
codes by text message or phone call, or
have them sent to an alternative email
address, but the easiest method is to
use an authenticator app, such as
Microsoft Authenticator (bit.ly/auth456)
Burner Emails conceals your real email Remove unwanted third-party apps that or Authy (authy.com), which also works
address when you register with sites have access to your Gmail account with Gmail.

22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 41

If you want to keep the messages you send and receive completely private, there are
much better options than Gmail. Here, we compare the best secure email services

ProtonMail | protonmail.com | ★★★★★

★★★★★ PERFORMANCE ★★★★★ EASE OF USE ★★★★★

What we liked:
ProtonMail doesn’t look that different to
Gmail, which means it’s easy to master.
It offers a choice of layouts, so you can
choose to see just a list of message
headers or enable the preview pane.
You can move the messages you receive
into folders or label them, and sort the
contents of your inbox by size, date,
read or unread.
The service lets you send
and receive email from other
providers and apply end-to-
end encryption to all messages
so that no one but your
recipient can read them
(not even ProtonMail). Unlike
rival services, it doesn’t log
IP addresses, either.
The firm is based in
Switzerland, which means your very heavy email user, this should be pretty stingy. Upgrading to the Plus
data is protected by some of the more than enough. plan for €48 (£42.70) a year gives you
strongest privacy laws in the world. If you want to add VPN protection, 5GB of storage, which still isn’t a huge
It’s physically secure, too, because you can sign up for ProtonVPN amount but is fine if you don’t intend to
ProtonMail has it own data centre (protonvpn.com), which costs from €4 use ProtonMail exclusively.
located in a heavily guarded nuclear (£3.56) a month. ProtonMail also
bomb-proof bunker under 1,000 metres provides free apps for iOS and Android. OUR VERDICT
of granite rock! ProtonMail is very easy to use and
There’s no need to provide any How it can be improved: offers all the security features you’re
personal information to set up an The free version of ProtonMail limits you likely to need, although some of them
account with this open-source service. to 500MB of storage, which isn’t much, are only available to paid users. We
The free version limits you to 150 and you can only have a maximum of like the fact that it provides its own
messages per day, but unless you’re a three folders or labels, which is also mobile apps, too.

2 3 4 5EMAIL
Anyone who registers with a website these days risks their email address
falling into the wrong hands. Security breaches have become increasingly
and worryingly common – even at large companies that should be doing
more to protect their users’ data. You can find out if your email account
has been compromised at Have I Been Pwned (haveibeenpwned.com),
which catalogues all the email addresses and other data taken in high-
profile breaches. Search for your address and if the website finds it in the
‘data dumps’, it displays a red warning and reveals what was taken in the
hack. It also recommends that you change your password(s) immediately.
You can sign up for notifications of future breaches. At the time of writing,
Have I Been Pwned featured 5,369,990,274 breached accounts, across 298
sites including LinkedIn, Adobe and Dropbox.
To ensure you’re not logging into sites using unsafe passwords
that are linked to breached email accounts, install PassProtect (www
.passprotect.io), which uses data from Have I Been Pwned to warn
you about breached credentials. When you enter a password to sign
up with or into a site, the extension checks the Pwned database to see if
it has been involved in any breaches. If it has, it advises you to change it.

42 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

The Advanced Guide to Email FEATU


MsgSafe.io | www.msgsafe.io | ★★★★★ www.hushmail.com
★★★★★ PERFORMANCE ★★★★
★★★★★ EASE OF USE ★★★★ Hushmail is one of the best-known
secure email services. It’s not free,
What we liked: but you can sign up for a 14-day
When you set up your trial without a credit card. The
free MsgSafe.io service costs $49.98 (£38.34) per
account, you can year, which includes 10GB of mail
choose an address from storage, and uses OpenPGP to
a large number of email encrypt your
domains that sound like messages. You
other services, can create
including ‘outlookpro unlimited aliases
.net’ and ‘yahooweb.co’. You can create to protect your
up to 10 virtual identities (fake email How it can be improved: real address, and
addresses) for free, associate contacts Raising the number of outbound the service
with them and disable addresses easily. emails to 50 a day would be a big works in any
MsgSafe.io creates each mailbox with improvement. You can download a email client. There’s an iPhone app,
4,096-bit GPG and S/MIME encryption MsgSafe.io app for Android but it’s too, but not an Android one. You
keys and certificates. described as ‘in development’ and may need to provide a mobile number
All tracking activity is removed from be unstable, while the iOS version is when setting up your account.
incoming messages, so the sender listed as ‘coming soon’. However, you
won’t know if you’ve opened their can access the service through its StartMail
emails or not, and Email Path Analytics website on your mobile device. www.startmail.com
lets you see where any messages you StartMail is a powerful private and
receive have been. You can also use the OUR VERDICT encrypted email service. A Personal
program to start encrypted chats with MsgSafe.io feels like a work in progress, account costs $59.95 (£46) a year,
people in your contacts list. but we like its simple interface and for which you get a 10GB personal
Users of the free service get 1GB of reliable encryption. The Email Path vault, 10 custom
storage and can send 25 emails and Analytics feature isn’t found anywhere aliases, unlimited
forward 100 messages a day. else, which makes it worth considering. disposable aliases
and PGP email
encryption. A free
Tutanota | tutanota.com | ★★★
★★★★★ seven-day trial is
★★★★★ EASE OF USE ★★★★ available, which
doesn’t require a
What we liked: credit card. This lets you reserve an
Tutanota is open-source email address, but you’ll have to use
and free forever, a trial address that’s based on it (for
although there are some example, webuser.trial007@
optional costs that you startmail.com) while testing the
should be aware of. service. There are no mobile apps.
You get 1GB of email
storage for free, and Mailfence
mobile apps are mailfence.com
available for iOS and Mailfence uses OpenPGP end-to-
Android. All data is end encryption to secure your
encrypted from end to end, making just costs €12 (£10.69) a year, there are messages, and digital signatures
it impossible for snoopers to view your plenty of additional costs to bear in to prove to recipients that an
messages, including the subject header, mind. You can upgrade your storage, email has come from you. As well
attachments and contact details. but it’s expensive at €24 (£21.37) for as keeping your messages private
The service is very easy to use, with 10GB, €120 (£107) for 100GB and an and secure, it
a basic interface that places all the eye-watering €600 (£534.33) for 1TB a provides a folder
options within easy reach. You can year. If you want to use email aliases, for documents,
create folders for messages and switch you have to pay for those too. a calendar and
quickly between confidential and a contacts
non-confidential emails. Recipients can OUR VERDICT database. The
view your messages on the web, and Tutanota is one of the easiest services free version
Tutanota’s encryption ensures that their for sending and receiving encrypted gives you
replies are encrypted, too. messages, and it has a lot of potential. 500MB of storage for messages,
Mobile apps are available, and users are 500MB for documents, 1,000
How it can be improved: given a reasonable 1GB of storage, calendar events and support for
While the basic version of Tutanota is but it’s a shame you have to pay so two-factor authentication.
free, and upgrading to Premium costs much for extras.

22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 43

Want your webmail provider to give you more control over how you send, receive and
manage your messages? Here, we reveal how to fix common frustrations

Find out when your emails are similar tools that are used for marketing This free Windows program is
opened purposes, it doesn’t limit how many easy to use and works with all major
It’s useful to know that someone has messages you can track or make you webmail services, including Gmail and
read your emails, so you can tell if sign up for an account. Additional Outlook.com. It saves your messages to
they’re deliberately not replying or your features are available in the paid-for a central location on your hard drive,
message has ended up in their Spam version, which costs $4 (£3.05) per and you can search, read and restore
folder. Most webmail providers allow month, including details of where them directly in the software. MailStore
you to request ‘read receipts’, but the recipients are located and which links Home also lets you password-protect
feature is usually limited to their they click in your emails. your archives and fully encrypts
paid-for plans, and recipients can databases so it’s impossible for anyone
decline to send receipts. You can beat Back up all your webmail else to read your emails.
both restrictions by installing the messages To back up your messages in
Chrome extension Email Tracker (bit.ly/ Because webmail services store Mailstore Home, click the Archive
tracker456), which lets you see at a everything in the cloud, your emails are E-mail link under Quick Access, enter
glance when your messages have been safe from hardware-related woes such your email address and grant the
opened. Compose and send an email as as drive corruption, infection and theft. program permission to access your
usual, and when the recipient has read Even so, it’s a good idea to back up your account. The program creates a profile,
it, a tick appears beside the message in emails from time to time in case you and you can then click Run to import
your Sent folder. You can also click the lose access to your account or your messages from the web. Repeat
add-on’s toolbar button to monitor your accidentally delete important messages. these steps for any other accounts you
opened and unopened missives. One way to do this is to export your want to back up.
Email Tracker works with Gmail, messages as an archive file, but a
Outlook.com and Yahoo Mail, and unlike smarter and easier solution is to use Download individual emails
MailStore Home (bit.ly/mailstore456). as PDFs
Saving an email to your desktop as a
PDF file gives you an offline backup
that you can share or print as required.
This is very easy to do, and you don’t
even need a separate conversion or
download tool, although the option is
fairly well hidden. In any webmail
service, open the message you want to
save and either click the down arrow in
the top-right corner and choose Print
(in Gmail and Outlook.com) or click the
Print button (Yahoo Mail). When the
Email Tracker tells you if and when your MailStore Home lets you back up your Print window opens, click Change next
messages are read by other people webmail accounts to your desktop to the name of your printer and select
‘Save as PDF’ (this may be ‘Export as
Sign out of your email account remotely PDF’ or ‘Print as PDF’ in some
It’s creepy to think that someone might be reading your emails without your browsers). Click Save, enter a file
permission, even if you have nothing to hide, but it’s easy to forget to sign out of name, choose a download destination
your account once you’ve checked your messages. Fortunately, Gmail lets you and make sure ‘Save as type’ is set to
log out remotely, or at least find out if someone has accessed your account on ‘Adobe Acrobat Document’. Click Save
another device. In Gmail, scroll to the foot of the page and click the tiny Details again and the email will be converted
link below ‘Last account activity’ in the bottom-right corner. This tells you if your and downloaded.
account is open in another location,
and displays a list of recent activity,
including the access type (such as
browser or mobile) and IP address. Click
‘Sign out all other sessions’ to log out
everywhere but your current location.
Yahoo Mail also lets you review
your recent account activity and log
out on other devices. Click your profile
image in the top-right corner, choose
‘Account info’ and select ‘Recent
activity’. Click ‘Sign out’ next to any Check your recent email account activity
devices you don’t recognise. and log out remotely on other devices You can download a message from any
webmail service as a PDF file

44 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

The Advanced Guide to Email FEATU

A quicker alternative is to use the

(bit.ly/save456) to download both the
email and its attachments in one click. Keeping your email address private is a
It only works with Gmail, however, and sensible precaution, but when other
you can only convert 50 messages for people conceal their email address it
free each month. can prove frustrating – especially if you
need to contact them urgently.
Forward important emails by text A browser add-on called Hunter
message (hunter.io) solves this problem by letting
Research has found that 90% of text you see the contact details for a website
messages are read within three minutes at the click of a button. You can then
of being received (bit.ly/three456), add the email address to a list for future
whereas emails can sit unopened for reference, and view the person’s official
hours. If you’ve ever sent someone an job title and profiles on social media.
urgent email and then had to text them Any email address it finds is
to check their inbox, you should accompanied by an accuracy estimate, and you can also search for a person’s
consider installing Send Your Email to name on a company website to find their contact info. You need to register
SMS (bit.ly/sms456). This handy with Hunter to use the service, but this is free and allows you to submit 100
Chrome extension lets you forward requests per month (more are available for a subscription fee).
emails to people as text messages.
Install the extension, select an email and
click the phone button at the top of
your box. Click Create Account, give
CloudHQ (the developer) access to your
Gmail account (don’t worry, it can’t read
your messages) and it will create a code
for the email. Enter the person’s phone
number and an optional message, then
click ‘Send as Text Message’ to forward
them the email in SMS format. Activate Undo Send to avoid embarrassing
CloudHQ also offers a Chrome yourself with an impulsive email
extension called Gmail SMS Alerts (bit
.ly/alerts456), which notifies you by text the top-right corner, choose Settings
when important emails from specific and, on the General tab, tick the box
people and companies arrive in your next to Undo Send. Select ‘30 seconds’
inbox. This means you no longer have in the ‘Send cancellation period’ menu
any excuse to delay your reply either! and click Save Changes. You’ll now see
an Undo option at the top of the page
whenever you send an email.
Outlook.com has a similar feature –
although annoyingly it’s not included
in the new beta version of the service.
To turn it on in the old version of AFTER
Outlook.com, click the cog in the
top-right corner, choose Options and, in Webmail Ad Block removes all annoying
adverts from webmail services
Ensure people don’t miss urgent emails the Mail section, select ‘Undo sending’.
by forwarding them as text messages Choose the option ‘Let me cancel
messages I’ve sent for’ and select ‘30 Fortunately, you can clean them up
Give yourself 30 seconds to seconds’ from the drop-down menu. without resorting to blanket ad-blocking
cancel emails you send Yahoo Mail introduced an Undo by using Webmail Ad Blocker, which is
There are few things more mortifying Send option earlier this year, but only available for both Chrome (bit.ly/
than clicking Send on an email only to in its mobile apps. This gives you adchrome456) and Firefox (bit.ly/
realise that it contains an embarrassing three seconds to cancel a message adfirefox456). This extension removes
mistake, lacks the attachment it after it’s sent. banner ads from the sides of the page
promises or – worst of all – is addressed and sponsored links from the top when
to the wrong person, especially if the Block adverts in webmail services you’re using Gmail, Yahoo Mail and
message is rude about them. To help Using an ad blocker for every website Outlook.com. What’s more, rather than
prevent such mishaps, Gmail offers an you visit has its downsides – it uses lots leaving big empty boxes where the ads
invaluable Undo Send option that lets of memory, deprives smaller sites of used to be, the add-on fills the gap by
you cancel a sent email. It’s a good idea essential revenue and stops some types maximising your available inbox space.
to switch this option on and set it to of content being displayed – but ads It also hides the People panel in Gmail.
give you the maximum length of time to and sponsored links that appear around It certainly makes for a less irritating
change your mind. Click the cog icon in your inbox are particularly annoying. webmail experience.

22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 45

Webmail services usually keep things simple, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enhance
them with your own personal touches. Here are three of our favourite tricks

Personalise Gmail messages Dittach but the developers promise to respect

using templates improves your privacy and not to make any
Gmail’s simple interface is one of its changes to your emails.
biggest strengths, but it also makes management
your messages look rather plain – to make See exactly where messages
especially when you’re wishing someone finding files come from
a happy birthday or inviting them to a a doddle It’s obviously important to know
wedding. You can make things more who has sent you an email, but it’s
interesting by installing Gmail Email also useful to see at a glance which
Templates (bit.ly/templates456), which company or website the message
lets you transform your messages using came from. Perhaps you can’t
colourful, attractive templates tailored remember the name of the customer-
for specific types of recipient and support person who contacted you,
occasion. There are templates for party for example, or you suspect that a
invitations, legal letters, job applications security warning may actually be a
and newsletters, for example, and you phishing scam. A Chrome extension
can customise the designs to suit your email attachments particularly easy. called Gmail Sender Icons (bit.ly/
needs. Just click the Insert Template You can open the search options and gsi456) makes life easier by adding
button in the bottom-left corner of choose to show only messages with sender information and an
a new-message window. You need to attachments, but you can’t specify the accompanying favicon (usually the
sign up with CloudHQ (see earlier tip on type of file you’re looking for. A Chrome company or website’s logo) to every
page 42) to use the add-on, but this is extension called Dittach (www.dittach email you receive. Not only does this
free and easy to do. .com) solves this problem by grouping make your inbox and Gmail search
all your attachments automatically, so results look more colourful, but it means
you can instantly find files you’ve you no longer have to open a message
received, sent or both. Dittach keeps to find out which domain it was sent
track of attachments as a chronological from, and can tell straight away if it’s
feed that you can filter to show only from a trusted source.
photos, PDFs, documents or other types
of file. You can search within
attachments from Gmail’s main search
box; sort them by size, making it easier
to find and remove large files; and
download, forward and print them
without having to open the original
Make your emails look more appealing by message. The latest version introduces
customising them with templates a handy feature called Mass Attachment
Cleanup, which lets you delete all
Find attachments in your Gmail attachments that are older than a
inbox instantly certain number of days.
For all Google’s superior search To use Dittach, you must give the Gmail Sender Icons shows which domains
capabilities, it doesn’t make finding add-on access to your Gmail account, the emails in your inbox have come from

NEXT ISSUE on sale Wednesday 5 September 2018



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46 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Which version are you running?

version are
you running?
Do your programs need updating? What about your operating
system? Jane Hoskyn reveals how to check all your software versions
Check your Windows Discover your browser build
version and build Go to www.whatismybrowser.com to
You probably know which edition check your browser’s version and see
of Windows you’re using – 10, 7, XP if it needs updating (our copy of
or something in between. Go to Chrome doesn’t, but Firefox does –
whatsmyos.com for instant confirmation see below). This site also reveals the
and to find out if your PC’s system status of settings such as Flash, Java,
is 32-bit or 64-bit. cookies, ad-blocking and Do Not Track,
To dig deeper into Windows 10, click as well as your IP address and location
6.0 added a
Start and type about to open ‘Device ‘security (although this may be inaccurate, if
specifications’ (for details of your RAM, patch level’ you’ve enabled certain privacy settings).
processor and so on) and ‘Windows field for To find out more about Chrome, go to
specifications’ (for easier chrome://chrome. Your build will either
your version and checking
be Official (the standard version), Beta,
build number). Dev or Canary (the experimental
The version can then match this to a name at www version) and your Chrome system type
number is based .android.com/history – 7.0 is Nougat, for will be 64-bit (which offers tighter
on the month of example. The date of your latest patch is security and more memory) or 32-bit.
release (1709 is under ‘Kernel version’ and, in Android If the three menu dots are green, orange
September 2017). 6.0+, ‘Android patch security level’. Tap or red, you need an update – see bit.ly/
To translate this ‘Hardware information’ to see your updatechrome456. In Firefox, click the
into its plain device’s specification, including details menu then Help, About Firefox to check
English name, visit of its RAM, ROM (storage) and camera. and update your version.
bit.ly/versions456 Apple’s iOS provides information
– 1709 is the Fall that’s easier to understand but doesn’t
Creators Update, dig as deep. Head for Settings, General,
for example. The About to see details of your OS version,
build number tells storage and installed apps. Then check
you about the for available updates under General,
latest update Software Update. Only certain devices
to your support iOS 11 and the new iOS 12. Go to
Windows www.apple.com/ios/ios-11 and WhatIsMyBrowser.com shows our copy of
version. scroll down the page for the list. Firefox isn’t up to date
Go to bit.ly/
Windows 10’s About
page reveals your PC’s
vital statistics and type your
build number If your PC is packed with programs,
to see when it was installed. you can save time and hassle by
To see similar stats in Windows 7 and using the free, portable tool Patch
8.1, go to Computer, Properties. In My PC Home Updater (patchmypc
Windows Vista and XP, you can check .net/download) to check and
the version and build number by update them all at once. Items in
pressing Win+R and typing winver. red are programs that need
updating on your PC; the green
Find your Android and ones are up to date. The rest are
iOS version programs you don’t have but can
Tap ‘About phone’ or ‘About tablet’ add to the same junk-free installer
in Android Settings to find out your if you want (a total of 301).
version and build numbers. You

Discuss software updates at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 47

Best free alternatives
to Task Manager
Task Manager is the
Windows tool you turn to
when you want to speed up
a slow PC, optimise your
boot speed or save battery
power. Steve Clark
monitors the performance
of the best alternatives to
Windows’ built-in tool

Wise System Monitor | bit.ly/wise456 | ★★★★★

★★★★★ PERFORMANCE ★★★★★ EASE OF USE ★★★★★

What we liked: click, but we
Wise System Monitor prefer Wise’s
looks and feels like a streamlined
task manager fit for approach.
modern PCs, which is Close the
something even Windows’ main window
own Task Manager and the tool
struggles to do. Its smart continues
design brings together all the tools you to monitor
need to make performance monitoring processes in the
comprehensive and accessible. background.
Each process has a large icon A floating
dedicated to it, while the information window sits
– which ranges from processor usage to unobtrusively
send and received data counts – is given above the
plenty of room, so you don’t have to notification
squint and scroll to see what’s going on. area, listing
Two tick boxes at the bottom of the your ever-changing upload and redundant for anything more than a
window let you filter out system or download speeds, memory and casual glance and for ending tasks,
internet processes. To see every running processor usage, and hardware so you’ll want to make use of that
process, untick both boxes. Tabs across temperature. You can control excellent floating window to control
the top of the screen let you inspect the processes from here, too, quickly your PC’s performance.
workings of your hardware and shutting them down if necessary.
operating system in detail. It’s an It’s here that Wise excels, because it
elegant touch that marries hardware lets you drill down on details in greater OUR VERDICT
and software into a single task manager. depth with just a flick of the cursor. Wise System Monitor is a
To kill any process stone dead, simply lightweight tool that performs
locate the small down arrow situated to How it can be improved: seriously well. It lacks at-a-glance
the far-right of the process, then choose Wise System Monitor is easy to detail, but the information is there if
End Process. Here you can also Block navigate, but we’ve always liked the you dig around, and this slight
Network Access or view Detailed Info way the Windows Task Manager negative is outweighed by its
for a process. Windows Task Manager categorises Apps and ‘Background clear-cut design and ease of use.
lets you view properties with a right- processes’. The main window is all but

48 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Task Manager alternatives

System Explorer | systemexplorer.net | ★★★★

★★★★★ PERFORMANCE ★★★★★ EASE OF USE ★★★★
Process Hacker
What we liked:
Wh bit.ly/prohack456
Task Manager veterans Process Hacker is like Process
will feel right at home Explorer’s hip younger brother:
with System Explorer, it’s more refined,
thanks to its old-school better looking and
layout and long, ever-
la offers similar
shifting list of processes. As
sh performance and
with Windows’ own tool, you features – but it
navigate using tabs spread across the lacks the smarts
top, although these can be customised, and experience of
letting you add or remove 14 additional How it can be improved: its elder sibling.
categories from Security Info to Drivers. The column of shields under the One of the
Hovering over the icon in the Security heading is the first thing you handiest features is
notification area reveals everything you notice when opening the program. ‘Scroll to new processes’, which
might want to know. You’ll also find You’re supposed to be able to view makes system monitoring a breeze.
some of this information at the bottom potentially threatening processes here, However, Process Explorer is the
of the main window, but simply moving but when we tried this on multiple PCs superior tool.
your mouse over the tray icon is useful while running the built-in Security Scan,
when you don’t want to keep opening we received only HTTP 500 errors. WinUtilities Process Security
or tabbing across to the full tool. pcclean.io
Our favourite feature is ‘Click and WinUtilities is more than just a task
drag to select window’. Click the OUR VERDICT manager: it rolls all basic Windows
Crosshair located beneath the System Explorer narrowly missed utilities – such as disk cleanup,
Processes tab, aim it at any open our Gold Award. It’s a powerful Registry backup and an uninstall
window on your desktop and System beast packed with helpful features, manager – into a single program.
Explorer highlights the process on- particularly the built-in Virus Total WinUtilities
screen. You can then kill, suspend, file checker. But we can’t ignore the also offers
restart or prioritise it without having to broken Security tool. an insanely
scroll and search for it in the list. useful
Process Explorer | bit.ly/proexp456 | ★★★★
★★★★★ the
★★★★★ security
level of
every process running. The feature
Wh we liked: works, too, unlike System Explorer’s
Windows Task Manager’s failed attempt. As a dedicated task
greatest strength is also manager, WinUtilities is outshone
its biggest weakness: it’s by its rivals, but if you need an
light on information and is all-in-one system tool, it’s well
be used for closing worth downloading.
res apps than
studying your system in depth. Daphne
Process Explorer takes an alternative bit.ly/daphne456
path. By dispensing with most The real appeal of open-source tool
navigation tabs, it does its best to Daphne is its ability to kill processes
squeeze all pertinent data into the main politely. That doesn’t mean it ends
window. It’s a decent stab at increasing How it can be improved: tasks with a please and thank you
efficiency, but you might need a Process Explorer’s main screen is very – rather, it tells the program to quit
magnifying glass to make out the detail. busy, with little direction on how to once it’s
Despite the sheer volume of data on explore everything on offer. To get the finished
display, Process Explorer never feels most out of it, investigate the completing
entirely impenetrable. Each column is community forums at bit.ly/peforum456. any tasks. You
colour-coded, and you can add new can also
ones like Command Line and Windows bulk-kill by
Status, and even alter fonts and colours. OUR VERDICT typing the
One unique function is the ability to Process Explorer isn’t dissimilar to names of the
check the digital signatures of any System Explorer. Both have extras offending
executable file you’re running (you’ll such as a Crosshair tool and Virus processes, or drag that familiar
need to manually switch on the Verify Total integration, but System Crosshair over a window to decide
Image Signatures option). We also liked Explorer’s sharper interface and whether to Kill, Hide Application,
having the ability to kill an entire comprehensive process list win out. Change Size and more.
process tree at once.

Discuss Windows-monitoring tools at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 49

Switch to Lite versions
Facebook Lite Skype Lite YouTube Go
bit.ly/fb456 bit.ly/sl456 bit.ly/ytube456
Size: 1.55MB Standard size: 185MB Size: 55MB Standard size: 76MB Size: 28MB Standard size: 87MB

Facebook Lite’s interface ditches the There’s not much to choose between Unlike Google Maps Go (opposite),
circles and curves of the full app for Skype and Skype Lite, which is no YouTube Go is quite unrelated to its
blocky squares and rectangles. bad thing. As with similar Lite apps, clunky, browser-based counterpart,
Profile pictures, icons and text are media quality suffers, but that’s all and requires a VPN to install (see
smaller, too, which makes the app part of the box, opposite). You can choose Basic,
sleeker than its bloated big brother, data-saving Standard and High Quality video
even if it’s not always as fast. One initiative, which streams and
data-saving here includes see how much
change is the showing your data each
way Facebook data usage – a consumes.
Lite handles feature every There’s also a
photos and Lite app should button to share
videos. It have. The main downloaded
doesn’t refresh difference is in videos with
notifications or its messaging friends. Beyond
play videos options. Full-fat that, the app is
automatically, Skype lets you limited – which
while images send anything, is no surprise,
are low- from money and GIFs to extensions considering
resolution until from Bing, YouTube and TripAdvisor. how data-
you click them. Lite limits you to basic features such hungry videos are. You can’t
Impressively, most other functions as emoji, photos, files and location. subscribe to channels, cast to devices
from the full app have been Video calling has fewer options and or even ‘like’ videos. However, as with
replicated in Facebook Lite. lower quality, but it works at a pinch. all the Go apps, it’s a solid alternative.

Messenger Lite Opera Mini LinkedIn Lite

bit.ly/mess456 bit.ly/op456 bit.ly/lil456
Size: 18MB Standard size: 288MB Size: 25MB Standard size: 74MB Size: 3MB Standard size: 104MB

Messenger is a hefty, cluttered app Superficially, Opera Mini and its full LinkedIn’s mobile app is a drag on
for Facebook users who want to chat. counterpart, Opera Mobile, look the your battery and data, but LinkedIn
Messenger Lite shrugs off the dead same and offer similar tools, such as Lite refines it without losing features.
weight, with a single swipe bar a built-in ad blocker. However, while Both apps offer the core options –
loaded with messages, contacts and Opera Mobile focuses on providing a Home, Contacts, Notifications,
your profile. full, secure browsing experience, Messages and Jobs – but LinkedIn
Like Facebook Opera Mini Lite places
Lite, it doesn’t prioritises Notifications
load photos or speed. When and Messages
videos until you you navigate to next to the
tap them. a website in search bar,
However, this Mini, Opera’s giving the app
streamlined servers room to
approach download and breathe.
means compress the Profiles are
Messenger Lite site before stripped of
lacks popular delivering it to unnecessary
features such as your phone, so backgrounds to
games, mobile sites load faster save data, while
payments and encrypted private with less data images are
conversations. One feature we didn’t consumption. Using third-party compressed
miss was ‘Sponsored’ messages: servers this way makes the browser and videos don’t auto-play. As
either we were lucky or Facebook less secure, but it’s no different to with Messenger Lite, there were no
has yet to foist them on Lite. Opera Mobile’s data-saving option. ‘Sponsored’ messages in our inbox.

50 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Switch to Lite versions of apps

of apps Lightweight versions of popular apps are smaller,

faster and save you both data and storage space.
Steve Clark picks the best cut-down apps

Twitter Lite Google Maps Go Spotify Lite

Li ot r
bit.ly/twli456 bit.ly/gmap456 bit.ly/spot456

te ig
… h
Size: 3MB Standard size: 77MB Size: 287KB Standard size: 120MB Size: 15MB
Standard size: 105MB

Twitter Lite is essentially a mobile Google Maps Go is part of Google’s
version of the website, so you’ll get special ‘Go’ range of lightweight apps Spotify Lite is, ironically, too
exactly the same experience you that are preinstalled on basic Android lightweight to be effective, having
would if you logged into twitter.com. Go devices. been stripped back to the point of
While the full app places key tabs Like Twitter near-
along the bottom (ideal for one- Lite, Google uselessness
handed Maps Go is a – especially for
tweeting), the Progressive Premium
Lite version Web App – subscribers.
(which requires a cut-down Clicking an
a VPN to install) version of the album in the
shifts these website full Spotify app
to the top of squeezed into brings up a
the screen. an app. As track list with
Aesthetically, such, you have options to save,
that’s the only to accept a few add to playlist,
real change. compromises if share and so
You can still see you use Google Maps Go. You won’t on. In Spotify
trending topics, find many of the useful extras Google Lite, there’s just one option: Shuffle
retweet quips Maps provides, such as offline maps, Play. And you can forget about
and use the floating New Tweet sat-nav and location sharing, or the viewing songs on the album, beyond
button to let the world know what data-sapping ‘For you’ and recently a few that are squashed beneath the
flavour crisps you’ve just eaten. The redesigned Explore modes (see our artwork. Bizarrely, you can’t even
real changes are under the hood workshop in Issue 454, bit.ly/ download tunes to listen to offline,
– the app is designed to run well on webuser454). But if you need to get which surely defeats the purpose of a
low-spec smartphones, using cached from A to B, it does the job without lightweight app designed to stop you
data and compressed images. fuss (or excessive data usage). chomping through data on the go.

MINI WORKSHOP | How to download Lite apps using a VPN

Many Lite apps are developed for use in Asia and South America, so people in the UK need to use a VPN to
download them from the Google Play store. Most VPN apps offer a free trial, which is perfect for this task

1 2 3
First, Open your Google
set up Android checks
a dummy VPN app your IP
Gmail and use it to address to
account so connect to a determine
that Google location where the default
Play doesn’t the app you country,
know you’re want is so you
based in the available should now
UK. Once (Brazil is a be able to
you’ve done good option). find and
that, go into your phone’s Settings. In the Google Play Store, switch download your app from the Play
Select ‘Users & accounts’, ‘Add accounts by pressing the three-line Store. Once you’ve completed the
account’. 1 Tap the Google icon 2 and menu and tapping the arrow 1 next to process, disconnect the VPN and
sign in with your new Gmail address. your default account address. remove your dummy account.

Discuss lightweight apps at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 51

16 pages of workshops, tips, projects
and problem solving

Get to know the new Skype 8

Microsoft has updated its hugely popular chat
tool with a new look and new features. Here’s
what you need to know to get started CONTACTS
Explore the list of people
Skype: bit.ly/skype456 | 10 mins | Windows 10 you know, or invite more
people to Skype

kype has been available in two “for some time”. However, it has added
versions for the past year, as some tempting new tools to Skype 8 to
Microsoft tries to persuade users to entice us to switch, including HD video
move from Skype 7 (also known as calls with up to 24 people and the ability
Skype Classic) to Skype 8. Although the to share large files. It plans to add
company said it would close Skype 7 further tools, too. Although they weren’t
on 1 September, it changed its mind available at the time of writing, read
following a backlash from users, and will receipts, private conversations and call
now continue to support the software recording are all expected soon.



1 The new version of Skype is easy

to use. From the opening screen,
you can change your photo, 1 edit
2 To chat with someone, simply click
their name and type a message. 1
The conversation unfolds above. 2 You
your mood message 2 or start a new can quickly respond with one or more
conversation. 3 You can also view past emoji by clicking the smiley face icon and
chats and calls, 4 and search Skype for selecting one of the available options. 3
other people you know. 5 Search results Both of you will be able to see the emoji
update as you type. you have sent. 4

1 2 3 4

3 You can switch to an audio or video

call at any time by clicking the phone
icon at the top of the screen. During a
4 The Share Screen button lets you
show the contents of your screen to
the other caller 1 so they can see what
5 Click the ‘Show reactions’ button
during a call to send an emoji to
someone. 1 You can also take a snapshot
call, you can adjust the volume, 1 enable you’re doing. If you have more than one of your screen. 2 This appears in the call
or disable audio and video, 2 and hang monitor, you can choose which one to window, and you can close it, swipe it
up. 3 You can also quickly add additional share. 2 You can also opt to share away or view it full screen – either by
people to your call. 4 sounds as well as pictures. 3 yourself or with other callers.

52 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Workshop 1

Click the three-dot menu to access the
Application Settings, and the Audio
and Video Settings screens. You can
also sign out of your account

Instead of telling
someone where you
are, show them on a
map. You’ll need
to give Skype
permission to access
your location details

Click here to choose
and send ‘Mojis’ during
a chat. Explore the
options using the bar
at the top of the picker


1 2

2 1

6 You can easily share photos, videos

and other files – up to 300MB at a
time – by dragging and dropping them
7 Another new feature lets you grab
someone’s attention in a group chat
by typing the @ symbol followed by their
8 The new gallery makes it easier to
find links, documents and photos
that have been shared in a conversation.
into the chat window. 1 If you receive a name. 1 Select the person in the window. Select a contact and click the Gallery
file, click it to open it. If it’s a photo, you 2 They will receive a notification in link 1 at the top. You can filter the list
have the option to download it, open, Skype and also in Windows if they’re by file type, 2 and add items to share
copy or remove it. using it. Their mention will also appear by dragging them into the gallery or
under Notifications. 3 clicking the plus sign. 3

Subscribe to Web User at subscribe.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 53

Workshop 2

Boost Windows Firewall

with advanced tools for free
Windows Firewall Control: bit.ly/wfc456 | 20 mins | Windows 7, 8, 10

ome people like to buy an all-in-one security suite,
while others prefer to use free software to build their
own protection. If you’re in the latter camp, you’ve
Andy Shaw says
One of the differences between
probably got a preferred anti-virus tool, but what do you do
the previous free version of
about the firewall? Windows’ built-in firewall is adequate as
Windows Firewall Control and
a first line of defence but doesn’t offer all the fine-tuning
the new version is that you can
options you’d expect to find in a paid-for program.
now switch on notifications. This
Fortunately, you can bolster the Windows Firewall with
means you’ll see more of the
Windows Firewall Control, a handy tool that integrates with it
firewall’s inner workings, which
perfectly and provides much greater control over its settings.
can help you understand what
Until recently, you had to pay $10 (£7.75) to access all the
it’s doing. To see them, select the
software’s features, but since June, when Malwarebytes
Notifications tab and choose
bought the software, it’s been completely free. Here, we show
‘Display notifications’.
you how to set up the program and get the most out of it.


5 1

1 2
There are four basic settings to choose from on the Profiles We’d recommend setting the firewall to the Medium
tab. 1 High Filtering 2 blocks all connections in and out of Filtering level. 1 This has been sensibly configured to
your PC, while No Filtering 3 lets everything through. Low allow trusted software that’s been digitally signed
Filtering 4 allows outbound connections that don’t have rules (indicating that it hasn’t been tampered with since the author
(see Step 5), while Medium Filtering 5 blocks them. finished with it) to do what it wants, and should mean that the
firewall won’t bother you unless it has to.

4 3
2 2

3 4
If an unknown program tries to make a connection, a When installing new software, you may find you want to
pop-up appears. Provided you know what you’re doing, reduce the security level if the firewall is blocking
you can control its network access by clicking Allow, 1 something you know is safe. Scroll down to ‘Specify the
Block 2 or ‘Block for now’. 3 The mouse icons next to the top profile…’, 1 tick the box next to ‘Automatically set’ 2 and
two options 4 let you temporarily Allow or Block, while the choose the profile you want to return to and when – giving
bottom mouse icon 5 excludes the program from notifications. yourself enough time to install the software. 3

54 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Workshop 2


5 6
The Rules tab 1 lets you specify how you’d like the To change an existing rule, click the Rules Panel button. 1
firewall to treat new connections. The recommended This displays every rule, with permitted connections in
option is Outbound, 2 which means that if you add green 2 and blocked ones in red. 3 Some of these rules
a trusted program, it’s only trusted to send information out. will have been created by Windows Firewall before you started
If you want data to flow back to your PC, you need to set up using this software. If you want to make changes, right-click
an Inbound rule, too. and choose an option from the menu.

2 1

7 8
If you’d like to see what the firewall has been up to, click Right-click the notification-area icon in the taskbar to
the Connections Log button. 1 Press F5 to refresh the access shortcuts to the Main Panel, 1 the Rules Panel 2
page, which downloads a log of the last 100 firewall and the Connections Log. 3 You can also change the
activities. Use the Display section 2 to choose which types Profile 4 from here without having to open the software at all.
of activity you want to see, such as ‘Recently blocked’ or
‘Recently allowed’.


2 1

9 10
You can integrate the Firewall’s tools into Windows’ If you ever need to reset or reinstall Windows,
right-click menu, which lets you apply rules to executable you won’t have to go through the rigmarole of
files straight from Explorer. Tick the Shell Integration box setting up your firewall rules all over again. Open
1 in the Options tab. When you next add a new program, you the Rules tab, scroll down and click ‘Export Windows Firewall
can set the firewall’s rules by right-clicking its EXE file and rules to a file’. 1 Once you’ve reinstalled everything, you can
choosing Allow 2 or Block. 3 import your rules again. 2

Get more practical advice at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 55

Workshop 3

Block annoying website notifications

t’s not just emails and messages that distract you with unwarranted site notifications breaking
annoying alerts – now websites demand your undivided your online flow, here’s how to block sites
attention by sending push notifications, whether you’re requesting desktop access and quieten
currently on that site or not. If you’ve had enough of these any PC browser once and for all.

Browser settings | 10 mins | Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge


3 4

In Chrome, open the three-dot menu button and Open Notifications and set the switch for ‘Ask before
choose Settings. 1 Scroll down the page and click sending’ to Blocked. 1 Whitelist or blacklist individual
Advanced 2 to reveal additional options. Under sites by clicking the three vertical dots beside existing
‘Privacy and security’, click into Content Settings 3 to show sites and choosing Allow or Block. 2 Or press the main Add
settings for managing pop-ups, cookies and more. button, 3 then manually type the address. Click Add 4 to save.

1 1
2 5

2 3

In Firefox, type about:config in the address bar 1 Click the ‘O’ logo for Opera’s Settings. 1 Click Websites
and click ‘I accept the risk!’ to proceed. Scroll down to 2 and scroll to Notifications. 3 To block all notifications,
find dom.webnotifications.enabled 2 and tick ‘Do not allow any site to show desktop notifications’.
dom.push.enabled. You need to double-click both these 4 For specific websites, click ‘Manage exceptions’ 5 and add
settings – the Value changes from ‘true’ (on) to ‘false’ (off). 3 websites. Use the drop-down menu to Allow or Block. 6


You can’t block all Edge notifications – when ‘Let [site] Another way to block Edge notifications on a site-by-
show notifications?’ pops up, select No. If you’ve let a site basis is to wait until you receive a notification from
site send notifications, you can switch it off: click Edge’s a site on your approved list. Open the Action Centre,
three-dot menu, select Settings, ‘Advanced settings’, then right-click the notification and choose ‘Turn off notifications for
Manage. 1 Click each listed site to toggle permissions on or off. this site’ 1 to stop site-specific notifications in their tracks.

56 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Workshop 4

Feel who’s calling and messaging you

any of us keep our phones silent and in our pockets your phone to use custom vibration
so they don’t disturb others, but this means that patterns when a specific contact calls,
when your phone starts vibrating, you can’t tell who’s thanks to a feature built into iOS and
calling until you check your device. However, you can set available through an Android app.
Good Vibrations: bit.ly/goov456 | 10 mins | iOS Android

1 2
The ability to set custom There’s a selection of
vibrations for contacts predefined Standard
is built into the iPhone. vibration patterns to
1 Open Contacts and find the choose from. 1 Tap one to
person you want to assign a 1 try it out. If you like it, leave it
vibrating pattern to. Tap Edit selected 2 and your phone
and scroll down to Ringtone will use it the next time that
1 and Text Tone. 2 Tap contact calls. Now go back
Ringtone, then tap Vibration, two screens and make the
which will probably be set same changes in the Text
to Default. Tone options, so you get the
same vibration pattern when
you receive a message from
that contact.

3 4
If you don’t like any of Tap Play to replay your
the Standard options,
1 pattern or Record to
you can create a custom erase it and start again.
vibration. In the Vibration Tap Save 1 if you’re happy
menu, scroll down to Create with it. You’ll need to give the
New Vibration and tap it. Tap pattern a name and tap Save
your pattern in the grey box. again. 2 You can then select
1 You can do a quick tap for 2 the recorded pattern in both
1 a short vibration, or hold your the Ringtone and Text Tone
finger down to create a option screens.
longer one. Tap Stop 2 if you
finish your pattern before the
record time has run out. 3


5 6
In Good Vibrations Scroll through your
on Android, tap the ‘+’ contacts and tap a
symbol in the bottom- name to assign a
right corner, and select pattern. The app asks you to
an action for either a call, choose a preset vibration or
text, picture message or create a new pattern. Tap
app. Grant the app any New Pattern, followed by the
permissions, if necessary. ‘+’ symbol. 1 You can
On the Action screen, tap the manually enter the length of
Add Contact symbol. 1 This vibrations and pauses, or tap
opens your Contacts list. out your own unique pattern.

1 1

Get more practical advice at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 57

Weekend Project MTWTFSS

Get to grips with some serious tech tinkering to

boost your computer and other devices

How to
... Run Windows software
on an Android device
Wayne Williams demonstrates how to run some of your favourite
Windows programs on Android – and vice versa

indows and Android are very different operating systems:
one is designed for desktop and laptop computers (and
some tablets), while the other is mostly for mobile devices.
Programs made for Windows don’t run on Android, and apps designed
for Androidid won’t work on Windows. At least, that’s how it’s supposed
to be – but
ut some enterprising developers have proved that where there’s
a will, there’s
re’s a way. In this issue’s Weekend Project we show you how to
run some (but by no means all) of your favourite Windows programs on
Android, and also how to run Android apps on Microsoft’s operating
system. Foror good measure, we even look at how to run Windows
software on a Chromebook.

Run Windows software libraries and software you find in most runs most Windows programs flawlessly
on Android versions of Linux, which is why it can’t as if they were running on Microsoft’s OS.
Most people don’t realise that Android run Linux software. What’s more, you can use WINE as the
is based on Linux, just as Ubuntu and Windows has even less in common default installer for your Windows
Red Hat are. That’s probably because with Linux because it runs on the programs, saving you the hassle of
Google’s mobile operating system is Windows kernel, but it’s still possible to configuring them yourself.
a world away from Linux desktop use Windows software on Linux, thanks The latest version, WINE 3, includes an
operating systems. All they really share to a program called WINE (www.winehq Android graphics driver, which means
in common is the kernel – the central .org). WINE (a recursive acronym that you can run some Windows software on
component that operating systems stands for ‘Wine Is Not an Emulator’) is Google’s mobile OS. It’s not guaranteed
are built around. Android lacks the an open-source ‘compatibility layer’ that to work with all versions of Android

58 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Weekend Project

Older games, such as Doom, work well in

the Android version of WINE

Look for programs you can run on the XDA Developers Forum

(Oreo devices only seem to display You can’t simply install WINE on your
a grey screen), but the chances are your Android device from Google Play, either,
handset has an ARM processor, which which means there are a few steps (and You can launch programs using the
means it should be able to handle the hoops) you’ll need to go through to get Command Prompt or the Start button
software. A further limitation is that it can started. We show you how to get WINE
only run Windows software that has been on your device in our Mini Workshop, screen the size of a phone, and we had
ported to Windows RT. This means the below, and how to install software in our some stability issues. Running Windows
list of compatible programs is far from Mini Workshop on page 61. programs in Android might impress your
exhaustive, but it includes some good You may need to use an external mates, but you won’t be throwing away
ones, such as Paint.net (www.getpaint keyboard to type in WINE because the your PC and running everything from
.net), Audacity (www.audacityteam.org), virtual keyboard doesn’t appear in the your phone any time soon.
KeePass Portable (keepass.info) and app. An external mouse could come in
games including Doom (bit.ly/doom456), handy, too, because WINE’s buttons are An alternative path
Quake 2 (bit.ly/quak456) and OpenTTD likely to be very small, depending on the Another way to install a Windows
(www.openttd.org). You can browse the size of the screen you’re running it on. program in WINE is to download it to
full selection in a thread on the XDA If you have these things lying around, your device and enter the path to the
Developers Forum (bit.ly/xdaf456) and it’s worth giving this project a go, but we software in WINE’s Command Promp. For
download programs from there too, wouldn’t recommend buying extra example, type cd sdcard/Download/
which are more likely to work than peripherals until you’ve tried it out. It’s a [program.exe] if you’re installing a
versions downloaded directly from brilliant experiment, but programs such program from the SD card. You’ll need a
a developer’s official site. as Paint.net aren’t designed to run on a Bluetooth keyboard for this.

MINI WORKSHOP | Install WINE on your Android device

2 1

1 Before you can install WINE on

your phone or tablet, you must
allow your device to use apps from
2 Now you’re ready to install WINE.
Go to bit.ly/wine456 on your Android
device and tap the first entry in the list.
3 You need to give WINE the
permissions it asks for, 1 which
include recording audio and reading
unknown sources. Open Settings and 1 The APK version of the app will begin and modifying the contents of your
go to the Security options (the exact to download. When it’s finished, pull SD card. If you’re happy to continue,
name depends on which version of down the notifications menu and tap the press Install. 2 When installation is
Android you’re running). Activate the download in the list to install it. complete, return to the Home screen
switch 1 next to Unknown Sources, 2 and press the WINE icon to launch
and accept the risks in the warning. the software.

Subscribe to Web User at subscribe.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 59

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29 Aug
Weekend Project

Bluestacks lets you download and play Android apps on CrossOver provides an easy way to run Windows software
a Windows PC on a Chromebook

Run Android apps on Windows performance, making it particularly is currently in beta, which means it’s not
Running Android software on Windows suitable for playing Android games. completely stable and can feel slow at
is much easier. All you need is an If you want to experiment with times, but it’s still worth trying. To use it,
Android emulator such as Bluestacks cross-platform software, this is an easier install the app from Google Play (bit.ly/
(www.bluestacks.com) or MEmu and more satisfying option than running cover456) and give it the permissions it
(www.memuplay.com). These emulate Windows on Android, particularly if you needs. Use the search bar to look for the
Google’s mobile operating system on like free games, because there is a much Windows programs you want to install.
your PC, and you can run any Android better selection of games and apps Selecting the software may be all you
app you like on them. You can either run available on Google Play than there is in need to do to begin the installation, but
apps that are available on Google Play, the Microsoft Store. some programs require you to take
or sideload apps you’ve downloaded in further steps. If you want to see the
Android Application Package (APK) Run Windows programs process in action, watch the YouTube
format from the developer’s site. on a Chromebook video at bit.ly/covid456.
Bluestacks is the best-known of the Chromebooks run Google’s cloud-based It’s important to remember that
emulators and even comes with a few operating system Chrome OS. They can Windows programs, unlike Chrome OS
popular Android apps installed, such as run most online applications, including apps, are often large, and Chromebooks
Google Photos, Facebook and Instagram. Microsoft Office Online, but you can tend to come with relatively little storage
Another emulator to consider is also run some Windows programs space, so you may find you don’t have
NoxPlayer (www.bignox.com), which on Intel-based Chromebooks using enough room to install as many Windows
works in the same way and delivers fast CrossOver (bit.ly/cross456). The software programs as you’d like.

MINI WORKSHOP | Install Windows software on Android using WINE

1 3

1 When you open WINE, you’ll

see a classic Windows-style
desktop, complete with a tiny Start
2 To install a Windows program,
download it on your Android device
(or copy it from your PC), making a note
3 If you’re lucky, WINE will install the
software and you’ll be able to
launch it. If not, you’ll see some error
button. 1 Tapping this gives you two of where you save it. Then go to Start, messages. 1 You can attempt the
options: Control Panel and Run. 2 Tap Control Panel and select Add/Remove process again, or install and run a
Control Panel to open Add/Remove Programs. Press the Install button 1 different program. If you’re having
Programs, Game Controllers or and change ‘Files of type’ to ‘Programs trouble, check that you’ve downloaded
Internet Settings. 3 (*.exe).’ 2 Select your Windows program the Windows version of the program
and press Open. 3 and not the Linux one by mistake.

On sale
NEXT ISSUE How To... Add USB-C to your computer Wedn
5 Sept

Subscribe to Web User at subscribe.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 61

Web User Masterclass
Automate settings and actions
on Android and iOS devices

Which setting is best? Just automate

Don’t let your phone

it, depending on what you’re doing.
Select ‘Adaptive display’ and the

disturb your sleep

screen sharpness, colour and
saturation settings will automatically
adjust to your screen’s content and

leep better by disabling the rings, ambient lighting.
beeps and buzzes from texts, calls
and other notifications using your Adapt to bright
phone’s ‘Do not disturb’ feature. You conditions
can enable it manually, but it’s easy to If you’re struggling to see your
forget, so automate it instead. phone’s screen on a sunny day, don’t
On Android, go to Settings, ‘Sounds manually adjust the brightness setting
and vibration’, ‘Do not disturb’ and turn – solve the problem using automatic
on ‘Enable as scheduled’. Options adjustment.
appear that let you choose the days and On Android, go to Settings, Display
times you want notifications disabled. and turn on ‘Auto adjust brightness’.
Set it to start when you normally go to On your iPhone, go to Settings,
bed and to stop when you rise. General, Accessibility, Display
On your iPhone, go to Settings, tap Accommodations and turn on the
Do Not Disturb and switch on Do Not Auto-Brightness switch.
Disturb and Scheduled. Tap the times
next to From and To, and set them to Auto-connect to
the hours you usually sleep. Wi-Fi
Both Android and iOS let you define Phones automatically connect to
exceptions, such as alarms and calls Wi-Fi networks you’ve used before,
from family members. but in places where you know the
passwords for multiple networks,
Schedule Do Not Disturb to get an such as a shopping centre or even at
uninterrupted night’s sleep home if you have dual-band Wi-Fi,
you might want to automatically
connect to one and not another.
Schedule night vision On Android devices go to Settings, Android users should open Settings
It’s thought that the light from Display and see if there is a ‘Blue light and press WiFi, Advanced, ‘Manage
device screens can make it harder to fall filter’. Tap it for the option to manually networks’ and tap a network. Use the
asleep, because the blue light makes activate it. There is also an option to ‘Auto reconnect’ tickbox to choose
your brain think it’s still daytime. schedule it to operate automatically, whether to automatically connect or
Reducing such as from sunset to sunrise, or to ignore it. On iOS, go to Settings, Wi-Fi
the blue create your own schedule. Try using the and tap the ‘i’ next to a Wi-Fi network.
light and blue-light filter and see if it makes a Turn Auto-Join on or off as required.
making difference to your sleep.
screens On iOS, go to Settings, ‘Display & Keep the screen on
slightly red Brightness’ and tap Night Shift. Enable Your device’s screen uses a lot of
before the Scheduled switch, then select the battery power so it’s usually set to
bedtime From/To settings. Choose Sunset and automatically switch off when it’s not
could help Sunrise, or create a custom schedule
you sleep that suits your own hours.
Automate display settings If you see words that look like
Some Android phones have they’ve been typed in a
Reduce your different screen-display modes. To typewriter, follow the instructions
screen’s blue see whether your phone does, go to and type them exactly as they
light after
Settings, Display, then ‘Screen mode’. appear, paying close attention to
sunset to
help you You may see options for Basic, spaces and punctuation.
sleep better ‘AMOLED cinema’ and ‘AMOLED photo’.

64 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Web User Masterclass


More advanced tips for when you’re feeling brave

Unlock your Store and swipe down

phone to the bottom. Turn on
Mobile devices lock Offload Unused Apps.
themselves to prevent
just anyone from Install
picking them up and security
getting full access to updates
their content. On You should ensure that
Android, you can set a your device is kept up
PIN, password or to date with the latest
fingerprint as the key bug fixes and patches.
to unlock your device. To check that an
This means having to Android phone is up
jump through an extra Automatically disable a to date, go to Settings,
device’s lock setting under
hoop to access the Software Update and
specific conditions
device yourself, but tap the button
you can automatically disable the lock ‘Download updates manually’.
when you don’t need it, by using other To automate the process, turn on
devices and locations. For example, the switch for ‘Download updates
you might see no need to have your automatically’ and the switch for
Keep your eyes on your device’s screen phone locked when you’re at home. ‘Scheduled software updates’, then set
and it will stay switched on Go to Settings, ‘Lock screen and a time for the phone to automatically
security’, ‘Secure lock settings’, Smart install updates, such as 3am or
being used. Some phones can override Lock. The options vary depending on whenever you’ll be asleep and not
this timeout setting by sensing that the model of your phone, but some using the device. Also go to Settings,
you are still looking at the screen. On can be set to keep the phone ‘Lock screen and security’, ‘Other
Android, go to Settings, Advanced unlocked while it is on your body, in security settings’, ‘Security policy
features and see if there is a ‘Smart stay’ trusted places, near certain devices updates’ and enable ‘Auto update’.
option. If there is, switch it on. and when it detects your voice. At
home, for example, tap ‘Trusted Automate anything
Automate app updates places’ and set the current location to Android automation apps enable
Many apps receive frequent disable the phone’s lock setting. a wide range of settings that use
updates that add new features and fix triggers and actions, both of which
problems. You can manually check for Automate Android app are customisable. You select a trigger
updates and install them yourself by scanning and choose an action, usually by
visiting the Google Play Store, opening Android is more susceptible to changing a setting.
the menu and tapping ‘My apps & malware and dangerous apps than AutomateIt (bit.ly/ai456) is just
games’. On iOS, tap the App Store, then iOS, so Google has built a security such an app. Open the app and tap
the Updates icon at the bottom. scanner into the Play Store app to My Rules, then tap the plus button
You can automate this process to automatically check for problems. to add a new rule. Choose a trigger
save time and effort. In the Google Play Open the Play Store app, then the from the list, such as location, activity,
Store app, press the menu button, tap menu and select Play time, battery level,
‘Auto-update apps’ and select ‘Auto- Protect. Swipe to the calls or texts. Select
update apps over Wi-Fi only’. This bottom and turn on the Screen Off for the
avoids updating apps when you risk two switches to trigger, for example,
using up your data allowance, if you’re automatically scan for then choose an action,
between Wi-Fi connections when your security threats. such as Set Wifi State,
device notices the update. then select Wi-Fi
Some phone manufacturers (such as Clear iOS Disabled. This trigger-
Samsung) bundle their own apps, and storage and-action
have their own store and updates. Open Some iPhones and combination
Galaxy Apps, press the three-dot menu iPads, particularly older automatically switches
and select Settings. Press ‘Auto update models, have as little as off Wi-Fi when the
apps’ and you’ll see options to update 16GB of storage, which screen is off, saving
using Wi-Fi or any data connection. soon fills up. To save you battery power. You
Choose the Wi-Fi option. space, rarely used apps can create another rule
On your iPhone, go to Settings, can be automatically that turns on Wi-Fi
iTunes & App Stores to see switches offloaded and stored when the screen is
for automatic downloads. Turn on online until they’re activated. There are
Updates but turn off Use Mobile Data, needed. Open AutomateIt lets you configure dozens of triggers and
unless you have a particularly generous Settings, iTunes & App settings using rules actions to explore.
data allowance.

Visit our Hints & Tips forum at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 65
Ask the Expert
Roland Waddilove, computer programmer and PC
journalist since 1981, answers all your technical questions.
Email us for help at webuser@dennis.co.uk

everything these companies do.

GENERAL PC Your Microsoft account details give

Get Windows 10 you access to all Microsoft’s services,

including OneDrive, Outlook, Xbox,
apps working mobile apps and even logging into
Windows. If someone were to get hold

Q I can’t open any Windows 10 apps,

even those that come with
Windows. When I try, I get a file-
of this password, they could access
The best solution is to use two-factor
system error and a number, but it authentication (2FA), which uses a
doesn’t mean anything to me. Should mobile phone to authenticate logins.
I reinstall Windows? With 2FA enabled, Microsoft sends a
Clive Barton, via email If all else fails, resetting your PC may code to your phone when you log into
fix errors with Windows 10 apps your account from a new device, app or

A Resetting or reinstalling Windows

is relatively easy, but it’s still best
used as a last resort. Before you get
following command, all on one line:
Get-AppXPackage | Foreach
browser. You have to enter this code
into the device you’re trying to use to
access your account. Without access to
to that point, there are a few other {Add-AppxPackage your phone, even someone who has
things you should try. -DisableDevelopmentMode your username and password can’t
Open Settings (Windows+i), click -Register “$($_. access your account.
Update & Recovery and choose InstallLocation)\ To set it up, go to OneDrive in a
Troubleshoot. Under ‘Find and fix AppXManifest.xml”} browser, click your picture in the
other problems’, choose Windows To clarify, there is a vertical bar top-right corner and select ‘My
Store Apps. It’s worth a try, and may (often called a ‘pipe’ symbol) before account’. Click Security in the menu bar,
solve your problem. Foreach and a curly bracket after it then click the ‘more security options’
There’s also a PowerShell command and at the end. There are spaces link. Click ‘Set up two-step verification’,
that reinstalls all Windows 10 apps. before -Disable and -Register. which is another name for 2FA.
Unfortunately, it’s complicated to use. If all else fails, reset Windows. Open Some online services send a login
Click Start, find Windows PowerShell the Settings app (Windows+i) and code to your phone by text message,
in the alphabetical list of programs, click Update & Security, then but Microsoft also lets you use an app to
then right-click it and choose More, Recovery. Find the section ‘Reset this generate the code. Install Microsoft
then ‘Run as administrator’. Type the PC’ and click the ‘Get started’ button. Authenticator from the Google or Apple
stores, then follow the instructions on
the Microsoft website to enable it. Once
SECURITY accounts. However, some companies, you’ve set this up, your account will be
Improve security on Microsoft such as Microsoft, Google and Apple, much more secure. Apple, Google and
accounts have a single username and password others also offer 2FA security, so set

Q I’ve just taken the plunge and

started using OneDrive (onedrive
.live.com) but I’m using the same
for all their services.
This is a trade-off between security
and convenience. It would be irritating
those up too.
The downside is that you can’t log
into services that use 2FA without your
password for my Outlook webmail to have separate passwords for phone. What if it breaks or your lose it?
(outlook.live.com). I’m worried that PCs and phone apps often remain
this is a security risk, so can logged in so you should still be able to
I change one of the passwords to access your account and turn off 2FA.
make OneDrive more secure?
Don Ramsey, via email GENERAL PC
Fix Recycle Bin problems
A The best advice for password
security is to use a different
password for each online service
Q I seem to have a problem with
Windows 10’s Recycle Bin. At
random times, as far as I can tell,
or website. That way, if one a message appears on the screen saying
account is compromised, the that the Recycle Bin is corrupt.
hacker can’t use the password Make your Microsoft account more secure with Sometimes my PC locks after this
to access any of your other two-factor authentication message and I have to restart it. After

66 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Ask the Expert

this, it works fine – until the next time, at GENERAL PC

least. Is there a fix? Restore Windows Store
P Lightfoot, via email
Q I’m having problems with the
Windows 10 Microsoft Store app.

A The message is probably correct

and the Recycle Bin (which is really
just a folder on the hard drive) or
I haven’t been able to install any apps
since the last Windows 10 update (1803,
I think it was) a month or so ago. The
something in it is corrupt. There are two Store opens and I can browse the apps
things you can try to fix this. and even click the Get It Now button,
The first is to empty the bin. Right- but nothing downloads or installs.
click the Recycle Bin icon on the I’ve tried restarting Windows,
Desktop and select the option to empty restarting the app, scanning for viruses
it. You can also try to open it, select all and so on, but nothing seems to fix the
the files inside and delete them. Go to problem. Is there anything else I can try?
Use the Settings app to ensure Windows
the Start menu, find the Windows lets apps access your microphone
Dan Turner, via email
Administrative Tools folder in the
programs menu and select Disk
Cleanup. After the initial drive scan,
make sure the Recycle Bin is selected
the access they need. Windows is
becoming more and more like mobile
operating systems, where permission
A The Windows Store suffers from
various problems and has
occasionally stopped working for some
and click OK. must be granted to allow apps to access users, but getting it working again is
If the problem persists or you can’t things like the camera and microphone. usually easy. A solution that has worked
empty the Recycle Bin, you can delete it Open Windows Settings (Windows+i), for some people is to open the Store
instead. Open File Explorer, select the click Privacy, then select Microphone app, click your icon in the top-right
View tab and click the Options button. in the sidebar. On the right, turn on the corner and then Sign Out. Now find the
Select the View tab in the next window microphone access using the two app you want to install and click Get.
and select ‘Show hidden files, folders, switches. Go through the list of apps Sign back into the Store app with your
and drives’. Clear the tick from the box below and use the switches to enable Microsoft account, and you should find
next to ‘Hide protected operating access for those apps that need it. you can download and install the app.
system files’ and click OK. Select the C: That should fix the problem, but if it That should do the trick, but if it
drive in Explorer. Select $Recycle.Bin doesn’t, open the Control Panel, select doesn’t, open the Settings app and click
and press Shift+Delete to delete it. Troubleshooting, click the ‘View all’ link Update & Security. Select Troubleshoot
If that doesn’t work, there is one final and run ‘Hardware and Devices’, on the left and click Windows Store
powerful option, but take care not to Recording Audio and Playing Audio. Apps on the right.
make any mistakes when you’re typing
it in. Click Start, find the Windows
System folder, right-click Command GENERAL PC
Prompt, click More, then choose ‘Run as
administrator’. Enter the following Restart the lock-
rd /s /q C:\$Recycle.bin
screen slideshow
Repeat the process with any other
drives you have by replacing C: with D:,
E: and so on.
Q I have been using Windows 10
since the start and love the
photographs that appear on the lock
screen when I power up or lock my
HARDWARE PC. However, for the past two weeks,
Let your software hear your it has been stuck with the same image
microphone and isn’t updating.

Q I’ve been having problems with the

microphone in my new webcam.
I just can’t get it to work. Everything is
I tried going to Settings,
Personalisation, ‘Lock screen’, then
selecting Picture for the background,
Set the lock screen to ‘Windows
spotlight’ to see a new photo every day
installed but it doesn’t record audio rebooting and selecting ‘Windows
properly. If I go to Sound in the Control spotlight’ again, but the same old ‘Lock screen’ and set it to Picture.
Panel and select the Recording tab, image remains. I know it’s a fault Open File Explorer, click the View
I can see that it’s picking up sound. because another computer in the menu and tick the box next to ‘Hidden
However, when I close the Control Panel house changes the lock-screen image items’. Then go to:
and try any other software, it doesn’t absolutely fine. Mine does not. C:\Users\YourName\AppData\
work. Can you suggest anything? Kevin Davies, via email Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.
Claire Baker, via email ContentDeliveryManager_(random

A The lack of audio recording could

be due to having incorrect
A Sometimes Windows Spotlight
gets in a muddle and clearing out
the folder that stores the settings
Delete everything in the folder.
Return to the Settings app and
permissions set. There’s probably usually solves the problem. Open set the lock screen to Windows
nothing wrong with the hardware and Settings (Windows+i), Personalisation, spotlight again.
drivers, but Windows isn’t giving apps

This fortnight Roland turned his phone into a dashcam and has been recording examples of bad driving (not his own).

Find more solutions to PC and web problems at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 67
Your Top Tips
Our pick of the best advice from our
readers. To get help or offer it to others,
visit forum.webuser.co.uk

TOP TIP Issues
Snapshot your drive to prevent disaster
I’m always trying out and installing new HARDWARE
things on my Windows 7 PC, but when Find missing portable drives
things go horribly wrong, you either Every once in a while, I plug in my USB
have to restore from an earlier point or, memory stick and nothing happens: no
worse still, completely restore the drive appears in Explorer. Here’s a tip if
operating system. This can be you have this problem. In File Explorer,
extremely time-consuming but I’ve right-click This PC and select Manage.
found a way to get my PC up and In the Computer Management window,
running again almost immediately. select Disk Management (under Storage)
My hard drive is partitioned into to see all the drives and partitions, even
three volumes: Win7x32, Win7x64 and ones that can’t otherwise be seen.
Backup. By default, I use Win7x64. This Drive Snapshot is free and can help Find the USB drive, right-click the
is the one I usually mess up, so I have a avoid a total Windows meltdown primary partition (the biggest one) and
complete copy in the Backup partition, select ‘Change Drive Letter and Paths’.
created using MiniTool Partition Wizard Windows; update Windows with the If there’s no drive letter assigned, it can’t
(www.partitionwizard.com). I keep it things that weren’t in the backup; and be seen in Explorer, so click Add and
up to date using the brilliant free Drive take another drive snapshot and select a drive letter. Usually the one
Snapshot (bit.ly/drive456). restore it into the Backup partition suggested is fine. The drive will now
When I get into trouble, I follow ready for the next disaster. appear in Explorer.
these steps: reboot into the Backup Hope this helps – it works for me! Colin Hunter, via email
partition to give me a fairly up-to-date Coops, via email

GENERAL PC recommended setting on my laptop.

Increase text size on high-res It keeps the resolution the same, but
screens makes text and other items bigger. Click
Laptop screens aren’t getting any bigger, the ‘Advanced scaling settings’ link, then
but resolutions are increasing, which turn on the option to ‘Let Windows fix
means smaller individual pixels and apps so they’re not blurry’. If 125% is too
smaller text. To make text bigger, I tried much, use the ‘Custom scaling’ option to
using a lower-resolution screen mode set any percentage you want. Restart Use Disk Management to assign letters
but it just makes everything look fuzzy. Windows after making the changes. to missing drives
The best solution I’ve found is to open N Moore, via email
the Settings app in Windows 10 INTERNET
(Windows+i), click System and select BROWSERS Keep an eye on idle internet
Display. Under ‘Scale and layout’ is an Unlock Google’s new Material activity
option to change the size of the text. I Design on Chrome Your computer may look like it is idling
use 125%, which is actually the If you fancy trying Google’s lush new when you’re not working on it, but
Material Design interface, you can now there’s a lot going on under the surface.
get it on desktop and iOS just by If you want to peek at some of the things
opening Chrome and visiting chrome:// Windows gets up to without your
flags/#top-chrome-md. knowledge, click Start and type
At the top of the page, look for powershell. When it appears in the list,
“UI Layout for the browser’s top right-click it and select ‘Run as
chrome”. Use the drop-down menu to administrator’.
change your current setting to Refresh, In the PowerShell window type:
then relaunch Chrome and you can now netstat -abf 5
Select a scaling setting if the text on the experience Google’s extra-special UI. Press Enter. Your internet connections
screen is too small to read Frank Byford, via email are listed in a live, constantly updated

68 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018

Readers’ Tips

list. Press Ctrl+C after about 20 seconds

and take a look at the activity. I see
internet connections being made from
apps I’m not even running, such as Edge
and the Windows Store. To get more
information on what the netstat
command does, type netstat /?.
Patrick Knowles, via email

MOBILE Dark Reader lets you switch on dark

mode, wherever you are
Share web addresses with
your microphone favourite website introduces the feature,
Check your computer’s reliability with the
If you regularly share links with People just visit Dark Reader (darkreader.org).
Reliability Monitor
around you, the Google Tone extension There are browser extensions for Chrome
is even easier than copy-and-paste. Make the technical details of some faults. (bit.ly/drc456) and Firefox (bit.ly/drf456)
sure you and those nearby install it from It’s a good idea to check this once a that turn out the lights, as it were, on any
bit.ly/tone456. Then, when you’re on a week to see any problems that have web page. A toggle switch makes it easy
web page you want to share, click the occurred, and monitor whether they are to flit between the two, but what I really
Google Tone speaker icon. The extension, getting better or worse. It can help you love are the customisation options, so if
which needs a microphone and speakers to diagnose PC problems. night mode isn’t your thing, you can
to work, plays a little ditty to any nearby Simon Young, via email always aim for dusk mode!
computers also running Tone and they Fred Stone, via email
can receive your link. It’s easier than GENERAL PC
clicking those tiresome share buttons or Run EXEs with Task Manager GOOGLE
copy-and-pasting URLs into emails. Most people use Task Manager to close Search smarter with Google
Rhodri Bennett, via email unresponsive programs, but it can also We all know how to search with Google
be used to run apps and programs. Open but did you know the company offers
Task Manager by right-clicking the free online courses?
taskbar or typing task manager into The Power
the Windows search box. Click File, then Searching (bit.ly/
select ‘Run new task’. When the ‘Create search456) and
new task’ box pops up, enter the full EXE Advanced Power
name (such as winword.exe) and click OK Searching (bit.ly/
to run it. adsearch456)
Mark Halliday, via email classes teach you
Why email links when you can share them some cool tricks,
with a tune? BROWSERS techniques and
Get dark mode on any site strategies for better,
YOUTUBE Dark modes have become very popular more accurate Learn new ways to
use Google search
Open YouTube in Incognito and every week sees another program or search results.
Mode website unveiling the option to switch Google says classes are ‘self-paced’, so
If you want to keep your viewing habits from white to black backgrounds. But you can complete them in your own time.
secret when using the YouTube app on now, you don’t have to wait until your Rikki Hanson, via email
an Android phone, activate Incognito
Mode by opening the app and tapping
your profile picture in the top-right BLUNDER OF THE FORTNIGHT
corner. You should see an option to ‘Turn
on Incognito’. Clicking this works as it BROWSERS
does in the Chrome browser, erasing
your data when you leave. Now, no-one
Quickly retrieve
can tell I’ve been watching awful 1980s lost tabs
pop videos (it’s my guilty pleasure).
S Kelly, via email I recently found a way to retrieve
messages when I’d accidentally or
GENERAL PC carelessly closed a tab. This tends to
See a reliability report happen when I have a lot of tabs open
How reliable (or unreliable) is your and the displayed title is very small so
Pin a tab to avoid accidentally closing it
computer? Windows can tell you exactly! when I click to reopen it, I click the X
Open the Control Panel (click Start and and close it instead! It finally dawned by mistake. Another solution is to use
type control panel if you can’t find on me that if I pin the tab it will stay Typio Form Recovery (bit.ly/typio456
it), and type reliability into the there and not close, and because – see page 32) – either method is
Control Panel’s search box. Click ‘View pinned tabs shrink and move to the left better than that ‘uh-oh’ moment!
reliability history’ to see a chart that of the tab bar, they’re less easy to click Madeline, Web User Forums
shows every fault and when it happened.
Click a day in the chart and a list of the
Have you managed to fix a PC-related disaster?
faults that occurred on that day is
If so, please send your story to webuser@dennis.co.uk
displayed below. There is a link to view

Send your tips to webuser@dennis.co.uk – win a Web User Back Issues disc! 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 69
Readers’ Helpdesk

Readers’ Helpdesk
Our pick of the best solutions posted on our
reader forums. Visit forum.webuser.co.uk
– it’s friendly and free!


Avoid ‘unusual traffic’ on your computer

Log into Windows 10 using
a new PIN code
Q I’ve been using
the free version
of Proton VPN
idea why Google is
behaving like this?
Maybe the company is

Q I can log into my Windows 10 PC

using either a password or PIN, but
I tend to use the PIN. About a week ago,
(protonvpn.com) for a
few months and it has
generally been fine,
lau its own VPN.
The Shadow,
Web User Forums
however, my PIN login disappeared. except when it wanted
I went into Settings to add a new PIN,
but it wouldn’t let me. I was told I had to
be set up as an administrator to proceed,
me to reconfigure one
of my email accounts in
Outlook 2007. However,
A I had this problem
when I first used
the Opera browser
even though I am – I even double- I noticed today that and its built-in VPN.
checked using Command Prompt. every Google search I suspect Google
dawill, Web User Forums I perform in Firefox, is tracking you and
Internet Explorer and noticing that you’re

A If all else fails, enter an incorrect PIN

twice. On the third attempt, you’ll
get a prompt to use an emergency login.
Opera prompts the
message ‘unusual
traffic from your
Is Google expressing concern
about your VPN use?
suddenly in a
different location.
I used to have a Gmail
Log in using that temporary number, then computer’, followed by account that I’d use
you’ll be able to remake and save your five to seven picture validations. when I had to give an email address
secure code. I’m confident that I don’t have any but didn’t want to use my proper
Bedstor, Web User Forums viruses, and I changed the VPN one. If I logged in from a different
location, but the message appears computer or location, I would get the
every time. Windscribe (windscribe same message. It’s one of the things
.com), however, sails through Google that makes me mistrust Google.
unchallenged. Does anyone have any Castman, Web User Forums

programs are isolated in that mode. You box for (TCP/IPv6). Click OK, then reboot
could also try these Command Prompt and see if there’s any improvement.
or PowerShell commands, launching your If this problem started after the recent
Enter a wrong PIN for the opportunity to preference as an administrator. Type each Windows Update, see if you have a
reinstate PIN access in Windows 10 one, followed by Enter: restore point that lets you roll back to
netsh winsock reset the time before you got it. This won’t
BROWSERS netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt resolve the issue because you’ll end up
Stop Microsoft Edge running ipconfig /release installing the update again, but at least
slowly ipconfig /renew you can eliminate it as a cause. Failing

Q I’ve noticed over the past week that

Microsoft Edge has been very slow
to start up and run. When I timed it this
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdns
shutdown /r /t 00
that, I don’t know if you want to go to
the trouble
of resetting
morning, it took 30 seconds to open, If there’s still no improvement after the Windows,
then closed and opened again. Surely it reboot, try resetting the network retaining
should be faster than that? I gave Edge a adapters with the commands: your
good clean with CCleaner and disabled netcfg -d personal
all startups in Task Manager, but it made shutdown /r /t 00 files, but it’s
no difference. Can anyone help, please? I’ve read that TCP IPv6 can cause this cheaper
d307, Web User Forums problem. I have left it unticked because it than buying
can also cause internet connectivity another

A Check to see if other browsers have

similar performance issues, and
whether they perform any better in ‘Safe
problems. To do this, go Start, type
ncpa.cpl and press Enter.
Right-click whichever adapter you’re
Web User Selecting TCP/IPv6 slows
Mode with Networking’. All third-party using and select Properties. Untick the Forums some people’s PCs

Share your knowledge at forum.webuser.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 71


You can let us know your views via:
webuser@dennis.co.uk, www.facebook.com/webusermagazine,
www.twitter.com/webusermagazine and forum.webuser.co.uk

Star Email Issues
Companies are failing to comply with GDPR

found your ‘Reclaim state that “unsurprisingly request, and even then it was only to
your private data’ article Facebook decided ask me for more information.
in Issue 449 (bit.ly/ to transfer 1.5 billion Some companies claim that you
webuser449) very users out of the EU’s have an online account even if you
interesting. It was jurisdiction”. That’s in have never dealt with them before,
obviously well researched spite of the fact that, while another notified me of a possible
and very clearly set out to in theory, any company data breach in order to keep itself
help readers understand that handles EU ‘in the clear’, but is unable to provide
the intentions behind the citizens’ personal data any further information. One company
new GDPR regulation. still has to comply. advised me that it was unable to
The theory is clear and I have unsubscribed remove information from public access
concise, but in my recent from LinkedIn at least on its website because it had to retain
experience it doesn’t seem twice but still it retains my the data for many years.
to work to the consumer’s personal information and The Information Commissioner’s
advantage in practice. regularly emails me with Office is completely overwhelmed, but
Maybe I’m just unlucky, but many ‘offers’, such as salary surveys. Other even if it weren’t, it has no ability to
companies either don’t seem to websites ask for more and more data so enforce the regulations. It can only
understand or appear unwilling to they can ‘keep your data secure’. One “offer support and advice”. So much
observe the details, far less the spirit, major retailer waited the absolute limit of for hefty fines for breaching GDPR!
of the regulation. For example, you 30 days to respond to my right-of-access David A Jarvis, via email

Get your fax right! best operating system is plainly mistaken. many other savvy computer users,
I was disappointed to read in Like many Windows users, I ditched I didn’t close my eyes to newer
Webometer, Issue 454, that you didn’t Windows and moved to Linux when XP ways of working.
like the news that the NHS still uses fax bit the dust. This liberated me from slow I’d also like to take this
machines. While I’m sure everyone will updates, costly new ‘improved’ versions opportunity to ask for a few
agree that fax is less efficient than other and Microsoft’s prying activities. But I’m more Linux-based items in
means of communication, the reality is not here to promote Linux. There’s no your excellent magazine.
that we have to work need to do so when lots of businesses Incidentally, I still have
with what we’ve run it on their servers. The world’s Windows 10 on my laptop
got, and to the best financial systems mostly run on Linux. (dual booting), simply because there are
of its capability. Perhaps Mr Davies will think I’m a programs that only work with Windows.
There is clearly a Luddite, too. I liked Betamax, but like Hendrik Haye, Tonyrefail
reason why most NHS
trusts still use fax
machines, and I am
Quiz Answers: Issue 455
certain they help ensure
patients are seen by the right people at
Well done
the right time. I’d rather you placed this 1 Donkey Kong
to John
story in the ‘We Like’ section of Muir who
Webometer, not because it concerns 2 Pac-Man wins a Web
outdated technology, but because of User Back
what it represents in the real world of the Issues Disc
NHS and to the public we serve. 3 Sonic the Hedgehog
Lee Sharp, RN,
Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist 4 Paperboy
Linux is a better choice
I read with a wry smile the letter from
Clive Davies in Issue 454, ‘We need a
5 Mario Brothers
united front against Luddites’. He seems
to be a Windows 10 fanatic. That’s fine,
6 Castle Wolfenstein
but his assertion that Windows 10 is the

72 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018


Windows 7 users are not

I found the letter from Clive Davies in
Issue 454 extremely offensive. I may What you IWHY
have been called some things in my life,
and perhaps some of them might be say... DOWNLOAD MUSIC ILLEGALLY
true, but I have never been called (nor do
I consider myself) a Luddite just because, Yes, definitely. Unlimited data on my
like millions of other people throughout mobile means I can stream all the
the world, I continue to use Windows 7.
In my mind, the old saying ‘each to his
own’ applies to which Microsoft
music I want, even in my car. I don’t
need to carry an MP3 player or CDs
around because my phone does it all.
operating system one decides to use. PRIVACY CONTROVERSY Darren Branagh
Like Mr Davies, I started using computers (bit.ly/ccleaner456)?
at work with MS-DOS, and have moved Most new cars come without a CD
through all the different versions of I still use the Pro version on my phone, player now, so Spotify’s cheap
Windows up to Windows 7, which will tablet and PC, but Avast is slowly subscription is an effortless solution.
hopefully continue to serve me well for destroying it. Jason ‘Boz’ Bowyer
a long time yet. Paul @abertawejack
I can’t think of any reason why I should Pirating music used to be the easier
change this CCleaner has been brilliant for many option, but after nearly two decades,
arrangement just years, but since Avast took over there 10 of which were spent fighting the
because something have been quite a few issues. I’ll tide, the industry has finally caught
new comes on the continue to use it for now. up with the tech.
market. As for John Hewett John Moore @ondrive
Microsoft ending
support for Windows I will still be using it. Seems an Possibly, because streaming music has
7 in the future, I and overreaction, but I’m glad they become the “in thing” so there’s no
countless others will have to review the responded. need to own music any more.
situation when the time comes. For all its Chris Armstrong Fitzsip @fitzsip
supposedly brilliant features, Windows 10
will be replaced by Windows 11 one day. Nope, still using CCleaner Portable
Then I presume Mr Davies will take up his
keyboard once again to tell everybody
that Windows 11 is the best thing since
(bit.ly/portable456). Great program.
Zoran NeoGeo @zoran_neogeo G OOGLE HAS RELEASED
ANDROID 9.0 PIE (bit.ly/
sliced bread and only a Luddite would YOUR PHONE WILL GET IT?
use Windows 10.
Brian Walbey, via email F ACEBOOK HAS ADDED
(bit.ly/limit456). DO YOU
My Samsung A8 is still on Nougat,
so I’m not holding my breath. I’m very
DaVinci Resolve is the best THINK YOU NEED IT? happy with Android 7 though –
free video editor it’s much better than 5 and 6.
I’ve just read the article about video- No, but I could do with one for Geoffrey Boow
editing software in Issue 453 of your YouTube. I spend about 90 minutes
marvellous magazine. The programs cost on it every day. I have a OnePlus 6, which was in the
from £45 upwards, and none of them Si Mellor beta program (www.google.com/
offer a ‘lite’ version – only a trial period. android/beta), so not long, I hope.
There are a few freebies to be had, It’s easy to lose track of the time Paul Wallace
however, one of which is the fabulous when browsing social media, so I
DaVinci Resolve 15 (bit.ly/davinci456). think I would use it. I’ve yet to get Android 8 Oreo – I’m
There are two versions of the software: Pamela J Anderson still using Nougat. Very much doubt it
the free version is more than you’ll ever will upgrade unless I root my phone.
need for the most exacting video-editing Speaking as an adult, I know when it’s Phil Graham
jobs, while the Studio version costs a time to come off Facebook, so no, I
mind-boggling £299. Both can be won’t be using the tool. Three years! Only joking – I’ve got
regarded as professional-standard tools. Brian Brown an iPhone X. I like the security of iOS
Once you have worked out how to use and it doesn’t come with loads of
the program, you will never need Whatever happened to self control preinstalled junk apps. However, I do
anything else. I haven’t seen it mentioned and a watch? prefer Android’s customisation tools.
in your Best Free Software section yet. Gavin Green Ben Ward
Trevor White, via email

Air your views, write to us at webuser@dennis.co.uk 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 73

Page 404
Barry Collins gets nostalgic for the days
when you could easily fix a messy laptop

Crumbs! Why are

laptops so sensitive?
bout 10 years ago, there was Today’s laptops barely let you repair This is due to the design of the
a rather big row in our house. anything – they are so slim and slender aptly-named Butterfly keyboard –
We’d had our new Dell laptop that everything is glued or soldered into presumably so-called because it’s about
a matter of weeks when my one homogenous lump. You don’t need as robust as a fluttery insect. Once a
other half decided to check her a steady hand and a couple of YouTube crumb from your BLT gets under the
Facebook feed with a glass of Merlot in videos to repair the latest laptops, you keyboard, there’s no way of getting it
her other hand. You don’t need me to need a PhD in out again. It’s
finish the rest of this anecdote. electrical only a matter of
You could no more
The next morning, I removed the engineering. In time before it
keyboard from the laptop to inspect fact, you could no repair most of today’s laptops works its way
the damage. It looked like a scene from more repair most than you could perform into the sensitive
a Quentin Tarantino movie – claret of today’s laptops keyboard
everywhere. The keyboard was a than you could open-heart surgery membrane,
write-off, but the rest of the computer perform open- leaving it (to use
was working fine. I ordered a new heart surgery. It is simply beyond the a technical term) knackered.
keyboard from eBay, spent a tense average mortal. Worse still, it doesn’t So, Apple is now offering to provide
half-hour refitting fiddly ribbon cables take a full glass of supermarket plonk to free-of-charge keyboard replacements
and soon had the laptop back in full ruin a laptop keyboard these days. A to customers for four years when their
working order. Stand down the divorce few stray crumbs are enough to consign keyboard shows signs of malfunction.
lawyers. it to the scrapheap. “The type of service will be determined
Make no mistake: if you tip a glass of Apple recently announced a after the keyboard is examined and may
wine over almost any of today’s laptops, ‘Keyboard Service Program’ for nine involve the replacement of one or more
it’ll be game over. In fact, a colleague on models of its MacBook and MacBook keys or the whole keyboard,” Apple’s
our sister mag PC Pro had to buy Pro laptops, following persistent starchy website confirms.
himself a new MacBook Pro when his complaints that even the slightest bit of I get why today’s laptops aren’t as
young daughter did just that. Don’t debris from your lunchtime sandwich robust and replaceable as those of a
worry, I’ve informed Social Services. can cause keys to stick or fail altogether. decade ago. The Dell model I repaired
myself was more than
two inches thick, weighed
the equivalent of a small
child and could drown out
Tom Jones with its fan
noise. The MacBook Pro
and the other
ultraportables that have
followed its lead are
delectable devices that
Illustration: Andrew Torrens

you can slip into a bag

without risking a hernia.
But we’ve gone too far.
When a few crumbs are
enough to cripple a
£2,000 laptop, it’s time to
go back to the drawing
board. Just stay well away
from the breadboard.

74 22 Aug - 4 Sept 2018 Do you agree? Let us know at webuser@dennis.co.uk






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