Practice Problem
Practice Problem
Practice Problem
1. The handle of the hammer is subjected to the 4. When holding the 5-lb stone in equilibrium, the
force of F = 20 lb. Determine the moment of this humerus H, assumed to be smooth, exerts normal forces
force about the point A. Fc and FA on the radius C and ulna A as shown.
Determine these forces and the force FB that the biceps B
exerts on the radius for equilibrium. The stone has a
center of mass at G. Neglect the weight of the arm.
Ans. F = 11.9 lb
7. The 160-N weights of the arms AB and BC of 10. Three uniform books, each having a weight W and
the robotic manipulator act at their midpoints. length a, are stacked as shown. Determine the maximum
Determine the sum of the moments of the three distance d that the top book can extend out from the
weights about A. bottom one so the stack does not topple over.
Ans. Ft = 618 N
13. The tower crane is used to hoist a 2-Mg load 16. An athlete is exercising while wearing a 5-lb ankle
upward at constant velocity. The 1.5-Mg jib BD weight at A as shown. Determine (a) the moment of the
and 0.5-Mg jib BC have centers of mass at G1 weight about the knee joint at B, (b) the magnitude of the
and G2, respectively. Determine the required muscular force P which creates a moment of equal
mass of the counterweight C so that the resultant magnitude about B, (c) the smallest force F applied at C
moment produced by the load and the weight of which creates the same moment about B as the weight.
the tower Ans. MB = 67.6, P = 21.2 lb, F = 3.76 lb
crane jibs
about point
A is zero.
The center
of mass for
ght is
located at
Ans. 4.97 Mg
14. Two tow trucks lift a 660-lb motorcycle out of 17. A person places a 2-N book on a table that is tilted at
a ravine following an accident. If the motorcycle 150 relative to the horizontal. She finds that if she exerts
is in equilibrium in the position shown, what are a very small force on the book as shown, the book
the tensions in cables AB and AC? remains in equilibrium, but if she removes the force, the
Number in the bracket show coordinates from book slides down the table. What force would she need
origin. to exert on the book (in the direction parallel to the
table) to cause it to slide up the table?
Ans. 1.04 N
Ans. F = 333 N
Ans. a) 859 N b) 380 N
20. The device shown is designed to position 23. The wedge shown is being used to split the log. The
pieces of luggage on a ramp. It exerts a force wedge weighs 20 N and the angle α equals 30°. The
parallel to the ramp. The suitcase weighs 40 N. coefficient of friction between the faces of the wedge
The coefficient of static friction between the and the log is 0.28. If the normal force exerted by each
suitcase and ramp is 0.20 and the coefficient of face of the wedge must equal 150 N to split the log, what
kinetic friction between the suitcase and ramp is vertical force F is necessary to drive the wedge into the
0.18. log at a constant rate?
(a) Will the suitcase remain stationary on the
ramp when the device exerts no force on it?
(b) What force must the device exert to push the
suitcase up the ramp at a constant speed?
Ans.139 N
Ans. b) 20.4 N
24. The 600-lb box is held in place on the smooth 27. Three books rest on a table. Books A, B, and C
bed of the dump truck by the rope AB. weigh 2, 3, and 4 lb, respectively. Determine the
(a) If α = 250, what is the tension in the rope? horizontal force applied to book A that causes
(b) If the rope will safely support a tension of 400 impending motion of any of the books to the right, and
lb, what is the maximum allowable value of α? determine which books move.
Ans. P= 0.900 lb
Ans.a) 253.6 lb. b) 41.84
25. The hydraulic piston AB exerts a 400-lb force 28. The table weighs 50 lb and the coefficient of static
on the ladder at B in the direction parallel to the friction between its legs and the inclined surface is 0.7. (a) If
piston. The sum of the moments about C due to you apply a force at A parallel to the inclined surface to push
the force exerted on the ladder by the piston and the table up the inclined surface, will the table tip over before
the weight W of the ladder is zero. What is the it slips? If not, what force is required to start the table moving
weight of the ladder? up the surface?
(b) If you apply a force at B parallel to the inclined surface to
push the table down the inclined surface, will the table tip
over before it slips? If not, what force is required to start the
table moving down the surface?
Ans.268 lb
Ans.b) F = 15.79 lb
26. The mobile is in equilibrium. The fish B 29. If the coefficient of static
weighs 27 oz. Determine the weights of the fish friction between the man’s
A, C, and D. (The weights of the crossbars are shoes and the pole is 0.6,
negligible.) determine the minimum
coefficient of static friction
required between the belt and
the pole at A in order to
support the man. The man has
a weight of 180 lb and a center
of gravity at G.
Ans. 0.769
Ans : 196.5 N