Skin Care & Cosmetalogy in Ayurveda
Skin Care & Cosmetalogy in Ayurveda
Skin Care & Cosmetalogy in Ayurveda
in Ayurveda
Prof. Dr. P. H. Kulkarni
Former Dean, Research Guide
University of Pune, India
Porf. Dr. K. M. Bhandari
Ph. D. (Auurveda)
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Skin Care And Cosmetalogy in Ayurveda
February, 2015
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December - 2013
No. Title Page No.
1. Know your Ayurvedic Skin type
2. Discover your Ayurvedic Skin type
3. An Executive's Guide to Skin Care
4. Charak Samhita - Kushtha - Dermatosis
5. Charak Samhita - Visarpa Chikitsa
6. Care/Cure of Acne/Pimples
7. About Acne
8. Acne Treatment with Antibiotics
and Ayurvedic drugs
9. Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
10. Leprosy
11. Living with Lupus
12. Sturge Webber Syndrome/Birthmark
13. Numular Eczema
14. Atopic Dermatitis
15. Psoriasis
16. Fragrant Herbs
17. Herbs for Skin
18. Speciality of Ayurvedic Cosmetalogy
19. Products for Skin Care/Cure
20. Common Skin Diseases (Cosmetic)
21. Food for Skin
22. Skin and 'Yes' / 'No' Food
23. Mercum in Fairnes Cream
24. Acknowledgements
Know Your Ayurvedic Skin Types
glow, as if illuminated from within. The complexion can be
pinkish or reddish and often there is a copious amount of
freckles or moles.
Potential problems : Among the many beauty challenges
of Pitta skin type is its tendency to develop rashes, rosacea,
acne, liver spots or pigment disorders. Because of the large
praportion of the fire element, this skin type does not tolerate
heat or sun very well. Of all the three skin types, Pitta skin
has the least tolerance for the sun, is photosensitive and
most likely to accumulate sun damage over the years. It is
aggravated by emotional stress, especially suppressed
anger, frustration or resentment.
Kapha Skin :
This skin type has dominance of earth and water elements.
Kapha skin type is thick, oily, soft and cool to the touch. It
has a glowing porcelain whitish colour complexion like the
moon. Kapha skin type, with its more generous collagen
and connective tissue, is fortunate to develop wrinkles much
later in life than the other two types.
Potential problems : It imbalance, it can have enlarged pores,
excessively oily skin, moist types of eczema, blackheads,
cane or pimples and water retention. Kapha skin is also
more prone to fungal infections.
Skin Care :
Vata Skin :
Recommendations for care : Since your skin does not
contain much moisture, preventing it from drying is the major
consideration. You can do so by following these easy tips.
Diet :
♦ Olive oil rich diet is particularly good for this skin type.
You can switch to olive oil as your cooking oil.
♦ Cook with fennel, fennel is the best spice for this type
of skin.
♦ Favour sour, salty and sweet tastes (natural fruits, not
refind sugar) as they balance Vata.
♦ Soaked and blanched almonds and soaked walnuts
provide nourishment as well as lipid support.
♦ Avoid drying foods like crackers.
♦ Eat lots of tender asparagus and zucchini.
♦ Drink 6-8 glasses of warm water throughout the day.
Protection :
♦ Draw a light scart across the lower part of your face
and pull a cap down over your forehead when you go
out on cold windy days.
♦ Stay away from skin care products containing harsh
chemicals and artificial preservatives. Avoid cleansing
products that dry the skin (like alcohol-based cleansers)
Lifestyle :
♦ You generally tend to be susceptible to the effects of
mental stress. Avoid getting stress and learn stress
♦ Take short breaks when performing tasks that require
extended periods of intense mental focus as it can take
its toll on your skin too.
♦ Going to bed erarly will hve a tremendously positive
influence on your skin.
♦ Laughter is powerful medicine for your skin and for your
overall well-being as well.
♦ Daily full-body massage with Ayurvedic massage oils
can help relax and revitalize your body and mind.
Pitta Skin :
Recommendations for care : The pitta skin type needs
both cooling and nurturing. Of all the three skin types, Pitta
skin has the least tolerance for the sun, is photosensitive
and most likely to accumulate sun damage over the years.
Diet :
♦ Avoid hot and spicy foods. Opt for bitter and sweet foods
as they balance Pitta.
♦ Eat lots of sweet juicy fruits like melons, pears and ripe
♦ Summer squashes, leafy greens (except spinach) and
cabbage are recommended vegetables.
♦ Include coconut in your diet - coconut juice makes a
refreshing beverage.
♦ You tend to have almost zero tolerance to hot foods
such as long hot red peppers and cayenne pepper.
♦ Drinking plenty of water helps wash impurities from
sensitive Pitta skin.
Protection :
♦ Avoid excessive sunlight, tanning treatments and
heating therapies like facial or whole body steams.
♦ Try to stay indoors or in the shade during the hottest
parts of the day.
♦ Sponge face and body daily with a blend of rose water
and milk.
Lifestyle :
♦ Avoid situations that give rise to anger, jealousy or
emotional stress, as negative emotions can adversely
impact the health and appearance of this skin type.
♦ Be sure to get your emotional stress under control
through plenty of outdoor activity, exercise, yoga nd
♦ Try rose aroma to pacify Pitta emotions.
Kapha Skin :
Recommendations for care : The kapha skin is thick and
oily and is more prone to accumulating toxins under the
skin. People with Kapha skin need internal and external
detoxification on a regular basis.
Diet :
♦ Avoid heavy, hard to digest and fried foods like fatty
meats, cheeses and rich desserts.
♦ Favour leafy greens such as kale, spinach. Cabbage
and brussel sprouts are also good for this skin type.
♦ Drink lots of warm water throughout the day to aid
internal purification.
♦ Sweet juicy fruits are beneficial for the skin, especially
citrus fruits.
♦ Olive oil is the best cooking oil for you and a little ginger
and lime juice can be taken before meals to increase
your characteristically sluggish digestive fire.
Protection :
♦ Take warm baths and use gentle cleansers to open the
skin pores.
♦ For whole body massage, try a dry massage prior to
bathing. Dry massage will open the skin's pores for
circulation and accelerate removal of toxins.
♦ Herbal steam treatments can be done everyday at home
to cleanse and purify the skin.
Lifestyle :
♦ Try to get some exercise every day to increase
circulation and help purify the skin through the sweating
♦ Practice deep breathing so that your body and your
skin receive proper oxygenation.
Ayurvedic Skin Type Analysis :
Look at yourself in the mirror, then check the responses
that best describe you. When you are finished just submit
your answers! Please answer all the questions.
1) Describe your physical frame.
Thin, tall or short, small bones
Medium, well proportioned
Thick, stout, stocky, well developed
9. What type of teeth do you have?
Crooked or protruded
Yellowish, sensitive gums
Strong, white, large, even
Discover Your Ayurvedic Skin Type
C. Softly iustrous
D. Shiny
E. Very shiny
My skin generally feels :
A. Extremely dry
B. Dry
C. Neither dry nor oily; sensitive
D. Oily
E. Extremely oily
Some problems I have with my skin are :
A. Flakiness, scratches, lines and sagging
B. Scratches and bruises, lines
C. Frequent pinkish breakouts, freckles, acne,
D. Eruptions, excessive oiliness
E. Excessive oiliness with frequent cyst formation
These situations trigger skin problems for me :
A. Slight mental stress or overuse of the mind
B. Moderate mental stress
C. Negative emotions or emotional trauma
D. Sendentary lifestyle, less rigorous cleansing
E. Oily foods, irregular or surface cleansing, lack of
These weather conditions spell trouble for my skin :
A. Cold weather
B. Cold weather accompanied by dry cold winds
C. Hot weather
D. Cool damp weather
E. Cold wet weather
How to interpret your scores : If you have mostly
A. answers, your skin is space predominant
B. answers, your skin is air predominant
C. answers, your skin is fire predominant
D. answers, your skin is water predominant
E. answers, your skin is earth predominant
Two sets of answers equal, you have combination skin
An Executive's Guide to Skin Care
nourish and soothe dry and chapped lips. Certain
formulations help reduce smoker's stains and prevent
pigmentation and darkening of lips as well.
Frequency : Use once every night, before going to bed.
Problem : Signs of ageing - fine lines and wrinkles
Solution : Unfortunately, the more you work, the faster you
age. No anti-ageing product works as well as a moisturiser.
It keeps the skin looking and feeling younger. To treat and
lighten wrinkles, lines and crow's feet, apply a small amount
of coco butter-based cream and lotions.
Frequency : Apply every night, just before you sleep.
Problem : skin looks dull and lifeless
Solution : Use a face or body scrub to exfoliate and remove
dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Scrubs
regenerate the skin, help improve circulation, and make
yuour skin appear polished. The process is quick, the results
are both effective and visible and it won't eat into your work
Frequency : Twice weekly
Usage and Application :
Plan a simple but effective skincare regime and fit it into
your schedule. Use your day and time off to relax, restore
and rejuvenate.
If you are using a product for the first time, check and follow
the instructions on the label, if still in doublt, consult your
stylist or a specialist. Always check the active ingredients -
the more natural the contents, the better. The date of
manufacture and expiry is just as important.
Charak Samhita Chapter Seven
Kushtha - Dermatosis
Prof. Dr. P. H. Kulkarni
affection, eighteen types of dermatosis are produced.
Dermatosis is never the result of the discordance of
only a single humor.
Presymptoms/Purvaroopa :
11-12. Anesthesia, hyperihidrosis, anhidrosis, discoloration,
eruption of rashes, horripilation, pruritus, pricking pain,
fatigue, exhaustion, excessive pain in, rapid formation
and chronicity of ulcers, burning sensation, numbness
in the limbs – these are the premonitory symptoms
of dermatosis.
Types/Names :
13. Hereafter, I shall describe the signs and symptoms
of the eighteen kinds of dermatosis namely 1.Kapha,
2.Udumbara, 3. Mandala, 4. Rishyajihva, 5.
Pundarika, 6. Sidhma, 7. Kakanaka, 8. Ekakushtha,
9. Charma, 10. Kitima, 11. Vipadika, 12. Alasaka, 13.
Dadru, 14. Charmadala, 15. Pama, 16. Visphotaka,
17. Shataru and 18. Vicharchika.
Kapalkushtha Symptoms :
14. The dermatosis, which is 1.dark red in color like the
broken piece of an earthen pot, 2. which is dry, 3.
hard, 4.thin, 5.very painful and 6.irregular in shape,
is named the Kapala dermatosis.
Udumbara Kushtha Symptoms :
15. The dermatosis whichis accompanied with 1.burning,
2.pruritus, 3.pain and 4.redness, which is 5.covered
with tawny hair and 6. which resembles the gular fig
in color is named the ‘Udumbara’ dermatosis.
Mandala Symptoms :
16. The dermatosis which is 1.whitish reddish 2.localised,
3.piled up, 4.glossy, 5.elevated at the edges and
6.overlaps one another, is named the ‘Mandala’
dermatosis and is formidable powerful in nature.
RushyaJiva symptoms :
17. The dermatosis which is 1.hard, in the margins
and 3. dark in the centre, 4.painful and 5.has
resemblance in form to the tongue of a musk-deer, is
named the ‘Rishyajihva’ dermatosis.
Pundarika Symptoms :
18. The dermatosis which is 1.whitish with red margins
2. which resembles the petal of a white lotus, 3.which
is elevated and 4.accompanied with burning, is named
the ‘Pundarika’ dermatosis.
Sidhma Symptoms :
19. The dermatosis which is 1. white or coppery, 2.thin,
3.which gives out fine dust when rubbed, 4.which is
of the color of the flower of the bottle gourd and
5.which generally makes its appearance on the chest
is named the ‘Sidhma’ dermatosis.
Kakana Symptoms :
20. The dermatosis which 1.resembles in color the
jequirity seed, 2. which is not suppurating or 3. acutely
painful, and 4. which displays the full developed
symptoms of tridiscordance is named the ‘Kakana’
dermatosis. It is incurable. Thus have been described
the seven major varieties of dermatosis.
Ekkushtha, Charmakushtha symptoms :
21. That is named the ‘Ekakushtha dermatosis, which
does not 1.sweat, which is 2. extensive in size and
which resembles in form the 3. scale of the fish. That
is ‘Charma-kushtha’ dermatosis where the skin is thick
like the elephant’s skin.
Kitima, Vipadika Symptoms :
22. That is named the ‘Kitima’ dermatosis which is 1.dark
in color, 2.rough to the touch like a scar and 3.hard.
That is known as the ‘Vipadika’, dermatosis where
there are fissures in hands and feet attended with
acute pain.
Alasaka, Dadru symptoms :
23. That is known as the ‘Alasaka’ dermatosis which is
1.full of itching and 2. red papules. That is known as
the ‘Dadru’ dermatosis which is accompanied with
1.itching, 2.redness and 3.pimples. It is 4.circular in
shape and 5.elevated.
Charmadala Symptoms :
24. That is known as the ‘Charmadala’ dermatosis which
is, 2.itching, 3.attended with eruption, 4.painful
and which 5.breaks open and is 6.tender to touch.
Paama Visphota Symptoms :
25. That is known as the ‘Pama’ dermatosis which has
1.whitish, dark and red papules with 2.severe itching.
That is known as the ‘Visphota’ dermatosis, which
has 1.white and red papules and 2.thin skin.
Shatarusha, Vivarchika Symptoms :
26. This is known as the ‘Shataru’ dermatosis which is and dark, which causes 2.burning pain and has
3.many fissures. ‘Vicharchika’ dermatosis is that
which has 1.itching 2.eruptions, which is 3.dark and
has 4.profuse discharge.Thus have been described
the eleven minor varieties of dermatosis.
Dosha and Kushtha :
27. If the provocation of vata is in preponderance, there
occurs ‘Kapala’ dermatosis; if kapha, there results
‘Madala’ dermatosis; if pitta, then ‘Udumbara’
dermatosis; and if all three are equally provoked, then
there occurs ‘Kakana’ dermatosis.
Dwi Doshaja Kushtha :
28. In bi-predominance of vata-cum-pitta, kapha-cum-
pitta and vat-cum-kapha, there occurs ‘Rishya-jihva’,
‘Pundarika’ and ‘Sidhama’ dermatosis respectively.
29. The ‘charma, ‘ekakushta’.’kitima’, ‘vipadika’ and
‘alasaka’ are resulting from the preponderance of
30. In Pama, Shataru, Visphota, Dadru and Charmadala,
there is mostly preponderance of pitta-cum-kapha and
in Vicharchika, there is preponderance of kapha.
31. All the varieties of dermatosis result from discordance
of all the three humors. (Doshas) Hence the time of
treatment should be decided after determining the
varying degree of morbidity of each humor (dosha)
by its specific characteristics.
32. The particular humor dosha whose characteristic
symptoms have become predominant should be first
alleviated and the treatment of the other subordinate
humor should be taken afterwards.
Dosha Kustha delation :
33. By the diagnosis of the particular variety of the
dermatosis, the predominant humoral morbidity is
known and similarly by the diagnosis of the
predominant morbid humor, the variety of the
dermatosis is recognized. The characteristics of
diseases throw light on the nature of the causative
humors and the causative humors in turn throw light
on the nature of the disease.
Pitta type Kushtha Dosha Symptoms :
34-35. 1.dryness, 2.atrophy, 3. Pricking pain, 4.aching,
5.contraction, 6.dilatation,7.hardness, 8.roughness,
9.horripilation and 10.dusky-red coloration are the
signs and symptoms of dermatosis of the vata type.
1.Burning, 2.redness, 3. Exudation, 4.suppuration, 5.
Smell of raw-meat, 6.softening and 7.sloughing are
the symptoms of dermatosis of the pitta type.
Kapha type Kushta :
36. 1. Whiteness, 2,coldness, 3.pruritus, 4.localisation,
5.elevation, 6.heaviness, 7.sliminess, 8.the eating
away by parasites and 9. Softening are the symptoms
of dermatosis of the kapha type.
Prognosis :
37. The wise physician should consider that condition
incurable which is accompanied by all the signs and
symptoms combined, if the patient be low of vitality,
afflicted with thirst and burning, and if his gastric fire
is almost extinguished and parasites have greatly
destroyed the body-tissues.
38. That condition where vata and kapha are predominant
or only one (dosha)humor is in excess is not
formidable; but the conditions where kapha and pitta
or vata and pitta are predominant are formidable/
Treatment :
39. In the treatment of dermatosis where vata is
predominant, ghee should be administered; where
kapha is predominant, the vomition (vaman)
procedure should be done and where pitta is
predominant, blood-letting should be done, after
purgation is given to the patient.
40. The various preparations of vomition and purgation
described in the Section on Pharmaceutics should
be resorted to in the treatment of dermatosis. In
dermatosis of minor types cupping should be done
after making incision in the skin and in major types
venesection is beneficial.
41. The patient with excessive morbidity should be
subjected repeatedly to the purificatory procedures
taking care to preserve his strength and vitality, for if
excessive elimination of the impurities is done then
the vata getting provoked quickly overpowers the
debilitated patient.
42. After the cleansing of the gastro intestinal tract and
after depletion of blood, a potion of unctuous
medication is advised, for vata quickly makes its entry
into the empty gastrointestinal tract of the debilitated
Vaman type :
43. In dermatosis affecting the upper parts of the body, if
the morbid hunor has got precipitated in the stomach,
the patient should be subjected to the procedure of
vomition by the use of kurchi seeds, emetic nut,
liquorice and wild snake-gourd mixed with the juice
of neem.
Virechanayoga :
44. Cold infusions, decoctions as well as various kinds
of honey and liquorice are used as emetics. For
purgation in dermatosis, turpeth, red physic nut and
three myrobalans are recommended.
45. Sauveeraka wine, tushodaka wine, sidhu wine and
simple wine may be mixed with purgative
preparations. When the patient is properly purged,
usual after-treatment of the purgative procedure is
Asthapana Basti :
46. The patient is to be administered corrective enema
prepared of Indian berberry, yellow-berried night-
shade, fragrant sticky mallow, bitter snake-gourd,
neem, emetic nut, purging cassia mixed with kurchi
seeds and nut-grass and with unctuous substances.
Anuvasan Basti :
47. If after purgation and evacuative enema, vata has
become increased and the physician thinks it
necessary to give an unctuous enema, he should
administer the unctuous substance prepared with
emetic nut, liquorice, neem, kurchi and bitter snake-
Nasya :
48. Nasal medication prepared of rock-salt, red physic
nut, black pepper, sweet marjoram, long pepper, fruits
of Indian beech and embelia, is curative of parasitic
infection, dermatosis and provoked kapha.
Dhoomrapaana/Smoking :
49. By using errhine smokes described in the Section on
General Principles, the parasitic infection in the head
and leprous skin-lesions situated in the head get
50. The firm and indurated skin lesions of the Mandala
dermatosis, should be sweated by the hot-bed and
steam-kettle methods of sudation and then the
congestion of blood in the lesions should be relieved
by rubbing them with the kurcha ( a brush like
51. After sweating the patient with the congenially hot
lump-sudation method (pottali) with the flesh of the
wet-land and aquatic animals, the elevated skin
lesions should be scraped with a sharp instrument.
52. And for drawing out the blood a horn or bottle gourd
may be applied after making superficial lesions (wet
cupping) in the skin. Or the part may be depleted by
application of leeches.
53. The external applications which are used after
thoroughly removing the vitiated blood from the
lesions in those who have been administered the
purificatory procedures, prove to be immediately
54 Kshar application :
Where the use of instruments is not advisable and
where there is anesthesia, application of caustics
should be done after removing the vitiated blood and
the morbidity.
External application :
55. If the skin lesions are 1.stony hard,2.indurated and
3.devoid of sensation,4.localised and 5.chronic, then
the patient after being administered antidotes as
internal medication, should be given an external
application of the same poisonous drugs.
External rubbing :
56-57. If the skin lesions are rigid and insensible, devoid of
sweat and itching, they should be rubbed with (the
kurcha) brush made of red physic nut, turpeth, Indian
oleander, Indian beech or kurchi, or with the leaves
of Spanish jasmine, mudar or neem or with sharp
instruments or with cuttle fish-bone, or with a dry
applications should be given.
Dosha Treatment :
58. In dermatosis of the pitta type, the same procedure
as advised for the relief of the vata-cum-kapha type
should be done as also elimination of kapha, pitta
and blood and sedation by means of bitter decoctives.
59. Various ghees medicated with bitter drugs and
whatever other foremost remedies, internal or
external, effective in curing hemothermia should be
administered in dermatosis of the pitta type.
Drugs for Kushtha :
60. Thus has been described the line of treatment of
dermatosis according to its classification with
reference to the predominant morbid humors/doshas,
in each condition. Now I shall describe the
medications which are curative of dermatosis in
general taking the morbid lesions as the common
feature of all types of dermatosis.
61. The potion of Indian berberry, or extract of Indian
berberry mixed with cow’s urine cures dermatosis.
Similarly chebulic myrobalan taken for the period of
a month mixed with the three spices (Trikatu) gur and
til-oil cures dermatosis.
Patolmaladi Kwath :
62-63. Reduce to powder 40gms each of the roots of wild
snake-gourd and of colocynth, the pulp of three
myrobalans and 20gms each of zalil and kurroa and
10gms of dry ginger. The patient may take as potion
the decoction prepared in water with 40gms of this
powder. It acts as a curative. When it is digested he
may ingest the meat-juice of jangala beasts and birds
with cooked old Sali-rice.
64. A six days’ course of this procedure will eradicate
dermatosis, edema, assimilation disorders, piles of
even a formidable type jaundice, pain in the epigastric
and hypogastric regions and irregular fever.
Mustadichurna :
65-66. The powder of nut-grass, the ‘three spices, the three
myrobalans, Indian madder, deodar and the two
varieties of penta-radix dita bark, neem bark
colocynth, white flowered leadwort and trilobed virgin
bower mixed with nine times this quantity of roasted
paddy flour and prepared with honey and ghee if taken
as a regular daily dose acts as an effective cure for
67. It is a cure also for edema, anemia, leucoderma,
assimilation disorders, piles, inguinal fistula in ano
and pimples, pruritus and eruptions. Thus has been
described the compound nutgrass powder.
Triphaladichurna :
68-69. Take 80gms of the three myrobalans, atis, kurroa,
neem bark, kurchi seeds, sweet flag, snake gourd,
long pepper, turmeric Indian berberry, Himalayan
cherry, trilobed virgin bower, colocynth, chiretta and
palas and double the quantity (160gms) of turpeth
and double this again of Brahmi (320gms) and reduce
these into powder. This powder is a great remedy for
skin lesions with loss of sensation.
70. A course of sulphur with the juice of Spanish jasmine
(Jati) and honey is an excellent remedy for seventeen
(all but one) varieties of dermatosis. So is the course
of iron pyrites (Makshika) with cow’s urine.
71. The person suffering from dermatosis may take
mercury amalgamated (consolidated) by its
preparation with sulphur (kajjali) or with iron pyrites
(Suvarna Makshika). This is a panacea for all
72. Or a course of mercury prepared with diamond and
mineral pitch (Shilajeet) or with the preparation of
gum-gugul. This is a panacea for all diseases.
Honeywine (Madhu Asava) :
73-75. Decoct 320gms of catechu-wood and the pith of
deodar-wood and add to that decoction 640gms of
honey and use it instead of water. Put into it 320gms
of iron powder and add 10gms of each of the three
myrobalans, small cardamom, cinnamon bark, black
pepper, cinnamon leaves, fragrant poon and sugar
in a quantity equal to that of honey; keep this in an
iron pot for a month. Taking this honey-wine, the
patient gets relieved of dermatosis and leprosy. Thus
has been described the honey-wine.
Kanak bindu Arishta :
76-79. Place 10240 gms of catechu decoction in a pot lined
with ghee and add 240 gms of the powder containing
the three myrobalans, the three spices (Trikatu)
embelia, turmeric, nut-grass, vasaka, kurchi seeds,
the bark of Indian berberry, cinnamon and guduch,
and keep it for a month in a heap of grain. A course
of this remedy taken duly early every morning will
cure the major types of dermatosis within a month
and minor skin diseases in a fortnight besides piles,
dyspnea fistula-in-ano, cough, leprosy, urinary
disorders and consumption. By drinking this
medicated wine called gold drop wine a man acquires
golden complexion. Thus has been described the
gold-drop wine.
80. The medicated wine prepared similarly of purging
cassia should be taken in dermatosis of vata and
kapha types or that of pitta type but more especially
in dermatosis of kapha type.
81. The medicated wine of gur along with the three
myrobalans, white flowered leadwort, betel nut
decaradix, red physic nut, cinnamon bark and honey
is an effective cure for dermatosis.
Food :
82. Light diests are to be considered whole-some in all
kinds of dermatosis and also vegetables of bitter taste,
and food and ghee prepared with marking nut three
myrobalans or neem.
Pathya (Useful), Apathya (Harmful) :
83. Old grains the flesh of jangala animals, green grams
and snakegourd are recommended as diet while
heavy and acid articles, milk, curds, flesh or wetland
animals, fish, gur and til are contra-indicated.
84. The application prepared of cardamom, costus, Indian
berberry, dill white flowered leadwort, embelia, extract
of Indian berberry and chebulic myrobalan proves
beneficial in dermatosis.
Chitrakadi Lepa (Paste) :
85-86. The powder of white flowered leadwort, cardamom,
scarlet fruited gourd, vasaka, turpeth, mudar, and dry
ginger should be impregnated with palas-alkali
prepared in cow’s urine. The lesions of Mandala
dermatosis when plastered with this powder and
heated by exposure to the sun’s rays, soon burst open
and dissolve.
Jatamansi Lepa :
87. Take nardus, black pepper, rock-salt, turmeric, Indian
valerian, thorny milk hedge plant, kitchen soot, urine,
ox-bile, alkali and palas. The application prepared out
of those is curative of dermatosis.
Vanga Lepa :
88. The application prepared of the powder of tin, lead or
iron is curative of ‘mandala’ dermatosis. The plaster
prepared out of common fig, white flowered leadwort,
yellow night shade, meat-juice of iguana, rock-salt
deodar and cow’s urine is curative of mandala
Medaka Asava :
89-90. ‘Medaka’ wine prepared properly by mixing clear alkali
solution of plantain, (kadali), palas, trumper-flower and
hijjal with flesh and flour or yeast is beneficial as potion
and its sediment of yeast is good in the form of
application in dermatosis. It cures mandala
dermatosis if exposed to the sun after application,
and acts also as germicide.
Siddharthaka Bath :
91. The bath prepared of nut grass, emetic nut, the three
myrobalans, Indian beech, purging cassia, kurchi
seeds, Indian berberry and dita bark is called the
‘Siddharthaka bath’.
Siddharthaka Kashay :
92. This decoction can be used as an emetic or a
purgative. It is dermic cosmetic and on being rubbed
on the skin, cures skin lesions, and all kinds of
dermatosis and edema. It acts also as a remedy for
92½. The application prepared of costus seeds of Indian
beech and fetid cassia is curative of dermatosis.
93-94. Similar is the action of the application prepared of
seeds of fetid cassia, rock-salt, extract of Indian
berberry, wood-apple and lodh. The application
prepared of roots of white oleander, fruits of kurchi,
Indian beech, bark of Indian berberry and sprouts of
Spanish jasmine, is a certain cure for dermatosis.
95. The paste prepared of lodh, fulsee flowers, kurchi
seeds, Indian beech and Spanish jasmine should be
applied or rubbed over the dermic lesions.
96. The bark of shirish, flower of the cotton tree, leaves
of the purging cassia and black night-shade made
into a paste separately make four kinds of application
curative of dermatosis. Thus have been described
the various applications.
97-98. Indian berberry and its extract, neem and snake
gourd, catechu pith, purging cassia and kurchi, the
three myrobalans, and dita bark are six decoctive
remedies curative of dermatosis. The seventh is the
decoction of oojein and the eighth that of Indian
oleander. All these are beneficial as affusions and
potions as well.
99. These decoctives can be used as applications or
powders for rubbing or dusting or for the preparation
of oils and ghees for the relief of dermatosis.
Triphaladi Kashay :
100. A regular course of the decoction prepared of the
three myrobalans, neem, snake gourd, madder,
rohan, sweet flag and turmeric cures dermatosis of
kapha-cum-pitta type.
101. Triphaladi ghruta :
The ghee prepared of this decoction subdues
dermatosis wherein vata is prepomderant. Similar
preparations can also be made of catechu bark,
spinous kino tree, Indian berberry or neem.
Oil, Dusting :
102-104. Costus, mudar, blue vitriol, box myrtle, raddish seeds,
rohan tree, kurroa, kurchi seeds, blue water, lily, nut
grass, yellow-berried night shade, Indian oleander,
iron sulphide, fetid cassia, neem, patha, cretan prickly
clover, white flowered lead wort, embelia, seeds of
bitter bottle gourd, kamala, rape seeds, sweet flag
and Indian berberry – the oil prepared with all these
drugs is a remedy for dermatosis. This preparation
can also be used as application, dry massage for
rubbing and dusting.
Shweta Karaveer Oil :
105. The oil prepared of white flowered leadwort and
embelia in the juice of the white Indian oleander and
cow’s urine is recommended by physician as a cure
for dermatosis. Thus has been described the
compound white Indian oleander oil.
106-107. The oil prepared of the paste of sprouts, roots and
bark of white Indian oleander, kurchi-bark, embelia,
costus roots of mudar, rape seeds, bark of drumstick,
kurroa; the paste being one fourth of the quantity of
the oil. This oil when used as inunction is curative of
dermatosis and pruritus. Thus has been described
the compound white Indian oleander sprouts oil.
Tikta Aabuka Tail :
108-110. Seeds of bitter bottle gourd, blue vitriol and calamine
oxbile, turmeric and Indian berberry, berries of yellow
berried night-shade, castor plant, colocynth, white
flowdered lead wort trilobed virgin bower, iron
sulphide, asafetida, drumstick, the three spices,
deodar Indian tooth ache, embelia, glory lily, kurchi
bark and kurroa; a mediacated oil should be prepared
by adding the paste of the above drugs to rape seed
oil and four times its quantity of cow’s urine. Inunction
with this oil destroys pruritus, dermatosis and cures
morbid vata and kapha. Thus has been described
the compound bitter bottle gourd oil.
111-116. Kanakksheer Oil :
Yellow milk plant, red arsenic, betel killer, roots and
fruits of red physic nut, sprouts of Spanish jasmine,
rape seed, garlic, embelia, bark of Indian beech, dita
bark, the sprouts, roots and bark of mudar, neem,
white flowered leadwort, Indian sarsaparilla, jequirity,
castor plant, yellow berried night shade, raddish, the
seeds of holy basil, hoary basil, costus, patha,
nutgrass, Indian tooth-ache, trilobed virgin bower,
sweet flag, shadgrantha, fetid cassia, kurchi,
drumstick, three spices, marking nut, sneezewort,
yellow arsenic, Indian borage, blue vitriol, kamala,
calamine, yellow ochre, iron sulphide bark of india
berberry and salsoda and rock salt. A medicated oil
should be prepared with the paste of the above drugs
in rape seed (Sarshapa) oil or til oil with four times
the quantity of decoction of the roots and sprouts of
Indian oleander and four times the quantity of cow’s
urine. The oil thus prepared should be kept in the
hollow shell of a bitter bottle gourd. The physician
should make mandala dermatosis to burst open and
remove parasytic infection and pruritus by mere
inunction with this oil. Thus has been described the
yellow milk plant oil.
Lepa/Paste :
117-118. Costus, cinnamon leaves, black pepper, red arsenic
and iron sulphide – all these mixed with oil should be
kept for seven days in a copper vessel. Sidhma
dermatosis when anointed with this oil and exposed
to sun-rays is cured in seven days. Recent leprous
lesions are cured by this in a month. Full bath should
be avoided though the body should be kept clean by
sponging during the course of treatment. Thus has
been described the ointment for ‘Sidhama’.
119. The oils of rape seed, Indian beech, bitter luffia and
zachum oil as also that of catechu pith are said to be
beneficial in dermatosis.
120-121. Cork swallow wort, Indian madder, Indian berberry,
kamala, milk and blue vitriol should be cooked in ghee
and oil and to this must be added yellow resin and
bee’s wax. By inunction with this ointment ‘Vipadika’
dermatosis is alleviated. So also Charma,Ekakushtha,
Kitima and Alasaka types of dermatosis. Thus has
been described the ghee and the oil curative of
‘Vipadika’ dermatosis.
122. Yeast, hog’s blood, great cardamom and rock-salt
make a good application for Mandala dermatosis. The
application prepared of Indian toothache tree and
costus, whichis curative of Mandala dermatosis, may
also be used.
123. The application prepared of bonduc, deodar, nardus,
pakwasura wine, guduch, green gram leaves and
small stinking swallow wort is a tried cure for ‘mandala’
124-125. (1) White flowered lead wort and drumstick; (2)
guduch, rough chaff tree and deodar; (3) catechu and
crane tree; (4) black turpeth, red physic nut and physic
nut; (5) lac, the extract of Indian berberry and small
cardamom; (6) hog’s weed; each of these six groups
mixed with whey should be used as application in
dermatosis. All the six groups are curative of vata
and kapha types of dermatosis.
Edgaja Lepa :
126. Parasitic infections, dermatosis of mandala type and
ringworm get alleviated by the use of germicides like
fetid cassia, costus, rock salt, sanveeraka wine, rape
seeds and embelia.
Udvartana :
127. Applications of fetid cassia, yellow-resin and radish
seeds mixed with conjee separately may be used as
dry massage for Sidhma dermatosis.
Bath :
128. Vasaka and the three myrobalans are good for potion,
bath, rubbing and application in dermatosis. So are
yellow-berried night-shade, fragrant sticky mallow,
snake gourd, Indian sarsaparilla and rohan.
129. Catechu, the star goose-berry, arjun, rohitaka, lodh,
kurchi, crane, neem, dita bark and Indian oleander
are recommended for use in bath as well as potion.
130. Take nut grass, costus, eaglewood, fragrant poon,
cinnamon leaf, rush-nut, sandalwood and lotus stalks.
The application prepared of these in measure of
arithmetical progression make an effective remedy
for dermatosis of pitta and kapha types.
131. The decoctions of liquorice, lodh, Himalayan cherry
snake gourd, neem and sandalwood, are cooling and
beneficial when used as either bath or potion for
persons suffering from dermatosis of the pitta type.
132. The application can be made of perfumed cherry,
fragrant piper, kurchi seeds, Indian atis, fragrant sticky
mallow, sandalwood and kurroa.
133. Inunction of ghee medicated with bitter drugs or ghee
washed hundred or thousand times or oil prepared
of sandalwood, liquorice, rhizomes of white lotus and
blue water lily are beneficial in dermatosis attended
with severe bursting pain.
134. If there is softening, sloughing and falling of tissues
or if there is burning pain, pustular eruption or lesion
of ‘charmadala’ dermatosis, cold application and
affusions, venesection, purgation and ghee
medicated with the bitter group of drugs, should be
135. The ghee prepared of catechu, neem, Indian berberry,
or of snake gourd is the most effective remedy in
dermatosis, where there is excessive morbidity in the
blood and pitta.
Ghruta Yoga :
136-139. Decoct in 2560gms of water, 200gms each of the
pulp of the three myrobalans and leaves of snake
gourd and 10gms each of kurroa, neem, liquorice
and zalil, and 80gms of broken lentil and when the
decoction is reduced to one eighth the original
quantity, it should be taken down and filtered. To the
decoction of 640gms thus obtained add 160gms of
ghee and boil it till it is reduced to 320gm this is to be
taken while it is lukewarm. It is curative of dermatosis
of vata and pitta types, spreading inflammation,
severe rheumatic condition, fever, burning, gulma,
abscess, griddiness and eruptions.
Tiktashatpalak Ghruta :
140-143. Decoct 20gms of neem, snake gourd, Indian berberry,
cretan prickly clover, kurroa, the three myrobalans,
trailing rungia and zalil in 2560gms of water and when
it is reduced to one-eighth of its original quantity, filter
and add to it the paste prepared of half tola each of
sandalwood, chiretta, long pepper, zalil, nutgrass,
kurchi seeds, and 240gms of fresh ghee. The ghee
thus prepared should be taken as potion. This is a
tested remedy for 1.dermatosis, 2.fever, 3.
Gulma,4.piles,5.assimilation disorders, 6.
Anemia,7.edema, 8. Papules, 9. Spreading
inflammation, 10.pimples, 11. Pruritus,
12.intoxification, and 13. Adenoncus, Thus has been
described the bitter Shatpalaka ghee.
Mahatikta Ghrutam :
144-147. With the paste of dita bark, Indian atis, purging cassia,
kurroa, patha, nutgrass, black cuscus grass, the three
myrobalans, snake-gourd, neem, trailing rungia,
cretan prickly clover, sandalwood, long pepper,
Himalayan cherry, turmeric, Indian berberry, sweet
flag, colocynth, climbing asparagus, white and black
Indian sarsaparilla, kurchi seeds, camel thorn, trilobed
virgin bower, guduch, chiretta, liquorice and zalil and
four times the quantity of ghee, water eight times the
quantity of ghee and twice the quantity of the juice of
emblic myrobalans, the wise physician should prepare
a ghee and administer it as a potion.
148-150. This great bitter ghee taken at the right time and in
the right dose will immediately cure 1.dermatosis
where there is excessive morbidity of the blood and
the pitta,2. Bleeding piles, 3. Spreading inflammation,
4. Acid duspepsia, 5.rheumatic condition.6.anemia,
7.eruptions,8.scabies, 9.insanity,10.jaundice,11.
Fever, 12. Pruritus, 13. Cardiac disorders, 14. Gulma,
15.papules, 16. Menorrhagia, 17.scrofula and 18.
Very severe diseases which remain uncontrolled in
spite of hundreds of medications. Thus has been
described the great bitter ghee.
151. If the morbid matter is eliminated and blood let out
and sedative measures both internal and external
have been given and oleation therapy administered
at the right time, there will be no recurrence of
dermatosis of the curable type.
Mahakhadir ghrutam :
152-156. Decoct in 102400gms of water, 20000 gms of
catechu, 4000 gms each of Bombay rosewood and
spinous kino tree and 2000 gms each of Indian beech,
neem, country willow, trailing rungia, kurchi, vasaka,
embelia, turmeric, Indian berberry, purging cassia
guduch, the three myrobalans, turpeth and dita bark,
after they have been well triturated. When it is reduced
to one-eighth its quantity, this decoction should be
taken off the fire. Prepare with this a medicated ghee
by adding an qual quantity of the juice of emblic
myrobalans and 2560gms of ghee and the paste of
40gms each of the articles used in the preparation of
the great bitter ghee. This great catechu ghee cures
all kinds of dermatosis when used as potion or
inunction. This is the great catechu ghee curative of
all kinds of skin diseases. Thus has been described
the great catechu ghee.
157. If the tissues are sloughing and falling off and if there
is excessive serdus discharge and the tissues are
destroyed by parasites, cow’s urine, neem and
embelia should be used as bath,potion and
158. Vasaka, kurchi, dita bark, Indian oleander, Indian
beech, neem and catechu used with cow’s urine, as
bath, potion and application are curative of the
parasitic infection and dermatosis.
159. The germicidal embelia and the dermic curer catechu
are the best remedies in skin diseases for use as
potion, or preparation of food, affusion, fumigation or
160. Fetid cassia, embelia, roots of purging, cassia, the
teeth of dog, cow, horse, hog and of camel are good
remedies for causing desquamation in skin diseases.
161. Fetid cassia, turmeric and Indian berberry, roots of
purging cassia, long pepper and costus are the best
detergents for causing desquamation in skin
Shwitra chikitsa :
162. Leucoderma demands the same treatment with great
force after preliminary purificatory procedure. In
leucoderma, laxation should be first given and the
juice of red-wood gular fig mixed with gur is good as
163. Taking this potion after being well oleated, he should
expose himself to sun’s rays according to his capacity.
Then being well purged he should take for three days
thin gruel as drink to allay his thirst.
164-165. The blisters which for on the leucodermic spots must
be punctured with thorns and when all the serum has
oozed out the patient should drink every morning for
a fortnight according to his capacity the decoction of
the redwood fig, spinous kino, perfumed cherry and
dill, or palas alkali mixed with liquid gur.
166. Whatever else is curative of dermatosis in general is
beneficial also in leucoderma if taken together with
catechu water. Potion of catechu water is likewise
167. For the relief of leucoderma the application prepared
of red arsenic embelia, iron sulphide, ox-bile, yellow
thistle and rock salt may be given.
168-168½. Orthe application prepared of the burnt bones of
donkey mixed with plantain alkali and ox’s blood or
the alkali of the buds of Spanish jasmine soaked in
the elephant’s ichor. Or the application prepared of
blue water lily, costus and rock salt in elephant’s urine.
169-171. Or the application prepared of the seeds of radish
and babchi seeds pasted in cow’s urine. Or the plaster
prepared of redwood fig, babchi seeds, and white
flowered leadwort in cow’s urine, or that of red arsenic
prepared with peacock’s bile. Or the application
prepared of the seeds of babchi, lac, ox-bile, extracts
of Indian berberry, antimony, long pepper and iron
powder. All these are curative of leucoderma.
172. Only a few people whose sinfulness has diminished,
get cured of leucoderma by recourse to purification,
depletion of blood, desiccation and a diet of roasted
corn powder (saktu)
173. ‘Kilasa’ dermatosis (leprosy) consists of three types
of lesions, viz. nodular, macular and leucodermic and
they are mostly born of tridiscordance.
174. If the morbidity is lodged in the blood, there will be
red coloration; if lodged in the flesh, coppery
coloration and if lodged in the fat, there will be white
coloration. These are increasingly serious in the
successive order of their statement.
Prognosis :
175. Those lesions of lepra-alba which are coalescent,
multiple, covered with red hair and which are of many
years’ duration, never get cured.
176. Those leprous lesions of lepraalba which are not
covered with red hair which are thin whitish, not of
long duration and which are elevated in the centre
are regarded as curable.
Causes :
177. Untruthfulness of speech, ingratitude, blasphemy
against the gods, derision of the elders, sinful actions,
the accumulated evil acts of past lives and
antagonistic diet are the causative factors of leprosy.
Here are the recapitulatory verses – Summary :
178-180. Etiological factors, susceptible body elements, various
symptoms, which humors are predominant in which
conditions the characteristic signs of the humors in
various types of dermatosis and a brief account of
the preponderance of humors; curable, incurable and
formidable conditions of dermatosis and the tested
remedies for dermatosis, the cures and symptoms of
leprosy, the degree of seriousness and mildness and
their treatment – these in brief are the topics dealt
with in this chapter on the therapeutics of dermatosis
by the great sage for the increase of the memory
and the intelligence of his disciple Agnivesha.
7. Thus in the section on Therapeutics in the treatise
compiled by Agnivesha and revised by Charaka, the
seventh chapter entitled ‘The therapeutics of
Dermatosis’ is completed. (Kushtha Chikitsa)
Charak Samhita Chapter Twenty One
Visarpa Chikitsa
Prof. Dr. P. H. Kulkarni
Answer :
10) Hearing these words of Agnivesa, Atreya
Punarvasu, the foremost among sages, declared
everything fully and precisely concerning the subject
Nomenelature :
11) “Because it spreads in various directions, it is said
to be ‘Visarpa’ because it spreads in all directions.
Types :
12) This disease should be known to be of seven kinds
by reason of the differences in morbidity and it
affects seven different body-elements. There are
three varieties of it due to the morbidity of individual
humors; there is one variety which is due to the
morbidity of all the three humors combined i.e. to
tri-discordance; and there are three varieties due
to the morbidity of any humors (i.e. bi-discordance)
13) Thus the vata type, the pitta type, the kapha type
and the tri discordance type constitute four varieties
and the remaining three varieties of bi-discordance
type will now be described.
14) The first is the ‘Fiery’ variety (St. Anthony’s Fire)
due to vata-cum-pitta; the second is the ‘Nodular’
variety due to kapha cum vata and the third is the
fearful ‘Kardamaka’ or slimy variety; this last is due
to pitta cum kapha.
Affected Dosha/Tissues :
15) Blood, Lymph, skin and flesh- these four body-
elements, together with the three morbid humors
(viz. vata, pitta and kapha)are to be known as the
seven sources for the rise of acute spreading
affections of all kinds.
16.21 The following are the causative factors of the
spreading affections : excessive indulgence in
saline, acid, pungent, and hot tastes; as also in sour
curds, whey, vinegars and in sura and sauveeraka
wines; the use of stale or excessive liquor or heat –
inducing condiments and confectionary; the use of
irritating vegetables and greens, of cheese,
inspissated milk and immature curds; the use of
such fermented wines as sandaki, as also of pastries
made of sesamum, black gram and horse gram and
of oils, the use of the flesh of domesticated , wet –
land and aquatic animals and of garlic; the use of
food stuffs that have gone soft or that are not
homologous to one’s system or are mutually
incompatible; over – eating ;sleeping during the day,
predigestion – meals, eating on a loaded stomach;
wounds, injuries inflicted by blows, ligatures or falls;
over – exposure to sun, over – strain and poisonous
gases or burns.
22. By combinations of the above mentioned etiological
factors, the vata and the other two humors getting
provoked affect the susceptible body – elements
such as blood etc., and spread in the whole body of
the persons who are given to un wholesome eating.
Prognosis :
23. These acute spreading affections have their habitats
in the internal organs and in both these habitats at
the same time. Their severity is to be known as
progressively increasing in the order of their
24. The external affection is curable; that which spreads
both externally and internally, is incurable is to be
known as serious and can be cured only with great
25. The humors provoked in the internal parts of the
body spread causing the affection in the external
regions, if provoked in the external parts then in the
peripheral regions, and if in both these regions they
spread everywhere.
26-27. From the injury to vital parts, stupefaction, the
forcible dilatation of the passages, excessive thirst
and irregular discharge of the natural urges and the
diminution of the gastric fire, the condition is readily
recognized as affection of the internal type. From
the contrary symptoms to these, the affection of the
external type should be recognized and likewise
other conditions by their characteristic symptoms.
28. The condition, all of whose symptoms and etiological
factors are severe. Which is associated with
formidable complications and which has affected a
vital part; proves fatal.
Vat type symptoms :
29. The vata that provoked by dry and hot articles of
diet or by the blockage due to impletion. Impairs
the body-elements and spreads in proportion to its
30. Its signs and symptoms are general giddiness,
burning, thirst, pricking pain, colic, body-ache,
cramps, tremors, fever, asthma, cough, breaking
and splitting pains in the bones and joints, trembling,
anorexia, indigestion, agitation of the eyes,
lacrimation and formation; the region where the
inflammation is spreading becomes dusky-red in
color and edematous. The patient suffers from
severe pricking, splitting of aching pain in the part
affected as also extension and contraction of the
parts, hyper-aesthesia and twitching. If not properly
treated it becomes covered with thin dusky-red or
dark eruptions which quickly break open and are
followed by thin, clear, dusky-reddish and scanty
discharge. There is retention of flatus, urine and
feces; and the factors described as causative of
visarpa of the vata type.
Pitta type symptoms :
31. The pitta accumulated by the use of hot things or
by eating irritant and acid foods, vitiates the
susceptible body-elements, and filling the vessels,
begins to spread.
32. Its signs and symptoms are fever, thirst, fainting,
stupefaction, vomiting, anorexia, body-ache,
excessive perspiration burning, delirium, head-ache,
agitation of the eyes, insomnia, apathy, giddiness,
excessive craving for cold air and water, greenish
or yellowish coloration of eyes, urine and feces,
greenish or yellowish appearance of the body. In
the region where the inflammation spreads, the parts
become swollen and acquire any of the following
colors; coppery, greenish, yellowish, bluish, blackish
or reddish. Then this swelling becomes affected with
burning and splitting pain and covered with eruptions
which break open soon and are followed by
discharge of a similar coloration. The factors
described as causative of Visarpa are not
homologatory to the patient while the opposite kinds
of factors are homologatory. These are the signs
and symptoms of acute spreading affection of the
pitta type.
Kapha type symptoms :
33. The kapha being accumulated by the ingestion of
sweet, acid, salt, unctuous and heavy foods, as also
by excessive sleep, vitiates the susceptible body-
elements and spreads slowly in the body.
34. Its signs and symptoms are-chills, algid fever,
heaviness somnolence, torpor, anorexia, sweet
taste in the mouth, formation of fur and sordes in
the mouth, ptyalism, vomiting, lethargy, rigidity, loss
of the gastric fore and prostrammation spreads the
part becomes swollen and is characterized by pallor
of slight redness and heaviness, and is studded with
eruptions which are covered with a thick skin over
them and are white, or yellowish white in color. When
this breaks open, there is white, slimy, fibrinous,
dense sticky and viscid discharge from it. Thereafter
it is followed by a heavy and firm network of slough-
covering and firmly adhearing to the wound. There
is pallor of nails, eyes, face, skin, urine and faces
and the factors described as causative of Visarpa
of this type are not homologatory. to the patient,
while the antagonistic factors are homologatory.
These are the signs and symptoms of the acute
spreading affections of the kapha type.
Agni Visarpa symptoms :
35. Vata-cum-pitta getting excessively provoked by their
respective etiological factors and strengthened by
each other, spread inflaming the affected region.
36. The signs and symptoms of this condition are-the
patient affected with this type of Visarpa feels as if
his body is sprinkled over with live coals. He is
overcome with fits of vomiting, diarrhea, fainting,
burning, faintness, fever, asthma, anorexia, pain in
the bones and joints, thirst, indigestion, body-aches
and similar other symptoms. Locally, the region
where it spreads acquires the color of extinguished
embers (blackish). They become covered with such
blebs as are produced by burns due to fore. Due to
its rapid progress, it soon spreads to the vital
regions. When the vital regions are affected, the
vata, which has become very strong, causes
excessive disintegration of the tissues and leads to
dullness of mental processes, produces hiccup,
dyspnea and loss of sleep. The patient who has
thus lost his sleep, whose mental processes are
dulled and whose mind is afficated, does not find
relief anywhere. He is afflicated, with this fiery type
of Visarpa is to be regarding as incurable.
Kardam Visarpa Symptoms :
37. Kapha-cum-pitta, getting excessively provoked by
their respective etiological factors, spread in the
body causing softening of the tissues locally.
38. Its signs and symptoms are algid fever, heaviness
of the head burning, stiffness, flabbiness of the limbs
somnolence, torpor stupefaction, repugnance to
food, delirium, loss of digestive fire, prostration, pain
in the bones, fainting, thirst increased secretion in
the channels, dullness of the senses, loss of the
zest for living, subsultus tendinum body-ache,
listlessness, anorexia and anxiety. Mostly this kind
of Visrapa spreads in upper part of the alimentary
tract. It spreads slowly and affects one region only.
Locally where this affection spreads the part looks
red, yellow or pale in color as thought studded with
eruptions. It is cyanosed black, dirty-looking, greasy,
very hot, heavy, afflicted with dull pain, edematous,
attended with dull pain, edematous, attended with
deep suppuration devoid of any discharge, rapidly
softening, containing moist and putrid flesh and skin,
and attended with gradual diminution of pain. On
being touched, it spills like slush and when pressed,
goes down (pits on pressure), and softened and
putrid flesh slounghs out, exposing vessels and
muscular tissues; it smells like putrid flesh and
causes loss of consciousness and memory. The
patient afflicted with this condition known as
Kardama Visarpa is to be regarded as incurable.
Granthi Visarpa Symptoms :
39. Kapha-cum-vata gets provoked by the use of firm,
heavy, hard, sweet, cold and unctuous articles of
diet, by the use of liquefacient articles, by lack of
physical exercise etc. as also of seasonal
purification. These two morbid humors getting
excessively provoked vitiate the susceptible body-
elements and produce acute spreading affection.
Thereafter the vata, being obstructed by kapha in
its progress and making its way by dispersing kapha
in various directions produces in due course a series
of glandular enlargements which are slow in
suppurating and difficult of cure, in the habitats of
kapha. And in the plethoric patient it vitiates the
blood and produces a series of localized swellings
situated in the vessels, muscles, flesh and skin.
These swellings may be acutely painful, large or
small, oval or round in shape and of red in color. As
a result of this affection, the following complications
arise-fever, diarrhea, cough, hiccup, dyspenea,
emaciation, faintness, discoloration, anorexia,
indigestion, ptyalism, vomiting, fainting, body-ache,
somnolence, listlessness, asthenia etc. The patient
who is affected with these complications is too far
gone for any therapeutic measures and is to be
given up as incurable. Thus the nodular type of
Visarpa has been described.
Complications :
40. Complication occurs as a sequel following and
resulting from the main disease. It may be in the
nature of a major or minor ailment. The sequel is
so called because it is consequent on the disease.
The disease is the main ailment and the sequel is
secondary to the main disease. It generally
disappears with the disappearance of the main
disease. It is more troublesome than the main
disease itself, because it appears in the later stages
of disease when the body is already weakened.
Hence, the physician should be very prompt in the
treatment of complications.
Sannipatik Visarpa Symptoms :
41. The acute spreading affection due to tri-
discordance, which results from the combination of
all the etiological factors, which manifests a
combination of all the signs and symptoms, which
spreads in all the body-elements, which spreads
very rapidly and which is excessively fulminating,
should be regarded as irremediable.
Prognosis :
42. (1) The three varieties of acute spreading affections
namely the vata type, the pitta type and the Kapha
type, are curable. The varities, namely the fiery and
slimy types of acute spreading affection, if not
attended with complications, if not spread into vital
regions, and if the vessels, muscles and flesh are
not softened, can be subdued by the systematic
and repeated application of the general measures
of treatment. If treatment is not properly carried out,
either of these types of affections will destroy the
body like a venomous serpent.
42. As regard the nodular type of acute spreading
affection, the treatment should be begun well before
complications have supervened. The patient
overtaken by complications is to be given up as
hopeless. As regards the acute spreading affection
of the tridiscordance type, it should be considered
incurable as it gets spread into all the body-
elements, as it is of the fulminating character and
as there are mutually antagonistic measures
involved in the line of treatment.
Chikitsa :
43. We shall hereafter describe the remedies for those
varieties of acute spreading affections which are
44. In the acute spreading affection that affects the
habitat of kapha and is accompanied with chime
morbidity, fasting and emesis are recommended as
also the use of bitter drugs and applications of drugs
that are dehydrating and refrigerant.
45. The same treatment holds good in acute spreading
affection that affects the habitat of pitta and is
associated with chime morbidity. In addition,
bloodletting and purgation are specially to be carried
46. Even in the case of disorder that affects the habitat
of vata, measures that cause the de-oleated
condition of the system are indicated at first. Even
in spreading disorder of the hemothermic condition,
the use of unctuous articles is regarded as contra-
47. In disorders characterized by excess of vata, as also
by disorders caused by pitta of mild intensity, ghee
medicated with bitter drugs is recommended; but
the pitta is of great intensity then purgation should
be resorted to.
48. That patient, in whom the pitta disorder is of great
intensity, should not be given ghee that does not
cause purgation, for the morbid matter thus getting
occluded, consumes the skin, flesh and blood.
49. In view of this, it should be known that in acute
spreading affections, purgation is the first procedure
that should be carried out and then blood letting,
for the blood is considered the support or the means
for the spread of the disorders.
50. Thus has been described the therapeusis of Visarpa
in brief. The subject is again dealt with in extenso.
Vaman-emesis :
51. In Visarpa born of kapha-cum-pitta provocation, the
physician should administer an emetic made of
common emetic nut, liquorice, neem and the fruits
of kurchi.
52. In Visarpa, the administration of emesis with the
decoction of the bitter snake ground, neem, long
pepper and emetic nut, as also with the pulvis of
kurchi seeds, is recommended.
53. Further, all those medicaments which will be
described in the Section on Pharmaceutics in
connection with the disorderd of kapha and pitta,
are recommended in case of Visarpa, for these
medicaments are eliminative of morbidity and
generally beneficial.
Decoction/Kashay :
54.54½. The skilful physician should administer, for the cure
of acute spreading affections, the decoctions of
tested efficacy of nut-grass, neem, wild
snakeground, or of sandal wood and blue water lily
or of Indian sarsaparilla, emblic myrobalan, causes
grass and nut grass.
Kirattikatakashay :
55.56. Or, he may administer for the alleviation of Visarpa,
the decodation of chiretta, lodh, sandal wood, cretan
prickly clover, dry ginger, the stamens of red lotus,
blue water lily, emblic myroablan, liquorice and
fragrant poon.
Pra poundarika kashay :
57. Or tubers of white lotus, liquorice, the stamens of
the red lotus, blue water lily, fragrant poon and lodh
may likewise be decocted and drunk.
Drakshadi Kashay (Hima) :
58. For the alleviation of the thirst accompanying acute
spreading affections as also of the disease itself,
the physician should give a potion of the cold
infusion made from grapes, trailing rungia
(Parpatak), dry ginger, guduch and cretanprickly
clover (Dhanvayas), which have been kept
59. The physician may also give the decoction of the
wild snake gourd (Patol), neem, Indian berberry,
kurroa, liquorice and zalil (Trayaman) for the
alleviation of Visarpa
Patola Kwath :
60. The patient may also take the decocation of the
wild snake gourd etc. (mentioned above) with the
pulvis of the three myrobalans, or he may be given
a potion of the aforesaid decoction mixed with the
soup of lentilpulse mixed with ghee.
61. The patient afflicated with acute spreading affections
should be given as potion the decoction of the leaves
and emblic myrobalans, mixed with ghee.
Virechana/Purgation :
62. The intelligent physican may also give for the
alleviation of Visarpa, the ghee named Maha-Tikka-
the Great Bitter Ghee, which is laid down as curative
of dermatosis of pitta type.
63. The wise physician may also give for the alleviation
of Visarpa the ghee made of zalil, which has been
described as a tried remedy for gulma.
64-65. For the eradication of Visarpa, the physician may
administer as a purgative the pulvis od turpeth
(trivrut) mixing it well with ghee or milk, or the pulvis
may be given in hot water or with the juice of grapes,
or milk in which zalil has been decocted may be
given to induce purgation.
66. The ghee mixed with the decoction of the three
myrobalans and the pulvis of turpeth should be used
as a purgative in cases of acute spreading affections
accompanied with fever.
67-67½. Or the juice of emblic myrobalance mixed with ghee
may be given. The same comined with turpeth
powder is recommended in a patient with hard
bowels. If the morbidity has passed into the
alimentary tract, this should be the line of treatment.
Blood Letting :
68-70. If the blood has been vitiated in the peripheral region
then it is blood-letting that the physician should do
at the outset. The physician should perform
depletion by the sudation method with the use of
the cupping horn. If the blood has been vitiated by
vata; if by pitta, by the application of leeches; and if
the blood is vitiated by kapha, then blood should be
let by means of the vaccum method with the use of
the bitter gourd. It is the vein that is situated nearest
the site of the affection that should be promptly
opened; for it is on account of the vitiation of the
blood that the vitiation of the skin, flesh and tendons
71. When, by the above-mentioned procedures, the
inside of the body has been purified, and the
morbidity remains only in the skin and the flesh, or
in the case of slight morbidity of humors from the
very outset, the external treatment to be carried out
will now be described.
Udumbar Lepa (Poultice)
72. An application of the paste of the bark of gular fig,
liquorice, stamens of the red lotus and the blue water
lily, fragrant poon (Nagkeshar) and perdumed cherry
(Priyangu) mixed with ghee is beneficial.
Nyagrodha Lepa :
73. The paste made of the tender aerial roots of the
banyan tree together with the pith of the plaintain
and lotus nodes and mixed with the hundred times
washed ghee, makes a good unguent.
Kaliya Lepa :
74. A good application may also be made from the paste
of yellow sandal, liquorice, fragrant poon, rush nut,
sandal wood, Himalayan cherry, small cardamom,
lotus stalks and perfumed cherry mixed with ghee.
Shadwala Lepa :
75. Scutch grass, lotus stalks, the pulvis of conch shells,
sandal wood, blue water-lily and the roots of the
country willow, together with rice may be reduced
to paste and used as an application.
Sariva Lepa :
76. The paste of Indian sarsaparilla, the stames of the
red lotus, cuscus grass, blue water lily, madder,
(Manjishtha) sandal wood, lodh and chebulic
myrobalan, makes a good application.
Nalada Lepa :
77. Nardus and fragrant piper, lodh, liquorice, himalyan
cherry, scotch grass and calophany mixed with ghee
make a good application.
Lepa :
78. A good application may also be made of the paste
of barley flour or roasted paddy flour mixed with
ghee, or of fried barley flour mixed with liquorice
milky yam and ghee.
79. The physician may prepare a good application from
the paste of heart-leaved sida, blue water lily, lotus
rhizome, milky yam, eagle wood, sandal wood or
lotus stalks taken with their tubers.
80-80½. Barley flour mixed with liquorice and ghee makes a
good application. Peas, lentils, green gram, and
white Sali rice, may be used with ghee either singly
or in combination, as an application.
81-81½. The cooling mud at the root of lotus, pearls and
rice-flour or conch shells, coral mother of pearl and
red ochre should be used individually mixed with
ghee as applications. They are known to be
beneficial in acute spreading affections.
82-82½. The paste of the tubers of white lotus, liquorice,
heart-leaved sida, lotus tubers, blue water lily, the
leaves of the banyan tree and asthma weed mixed
with ghee, are good as application.
83-83½. So also are the following viz, lotus-fibres, lotus stalks
and the seeds of rushnut mixed with ghee, and the
bulbs of the climbing asparagus and white yam
mixed copiously with the washed ghee.
84-84½. Moss and roots of the great reed, elephant’s foot,
kidney-leved ipomea and chaste tree mixed with
ghee, or the bark of the siris tree. Heart-leaved sida
and ghee.
85-85½. The cold application made from the tender roots of
the banyan tree, gular fig, yellow barked fig tree,
country willow and the holy fig or from the paste of
the barks of the above trees copiously mixed with
ghee is recommended.
86-86½. All the above-mentioned varieties of applications
are beneficial in disorders arising from the
provocation of the vata and pitta humors. I shall
now describe other kinds of application which are
useful when the disorder is associated with
predominant kapha.
87-87½. In such a condition, an application may be made
from the three myrobalans, Himalayan cherry,
cuscus grass, sensitive plant, Indian oleander, roots
of the great reed and Indian sarsaparilla.
88-88½. The physician may also give an application made
from the paste of the bark of catechu dita bark, nut
grass, purging cassia, cane tree, yellow nail dye
and deodar.
89-92. (1) The leaves of the purging cassia and the bark
of the Assyrian palm; (2) twigs of chaste tree, sword
bean and the flowers of the siris; (3) moss, the roots
of the great reed, milky yam and perfumed cherry;(4)
the three myrobalans, liquorice, milky yam and the
flowers of siris; (5) lotus rhizomes, fragrant sticky
mallow, the bark of Indian berberry, liquorice and
heart-leaved sida; each one of these or each two of
these or all of them together, may be used as an
application. The application should in every case
be mixed with only a small quantity of ghee and
92½. In conditions of provoked vata and pitta, these
applications should be mixed with plenty of ghee.
93-94½. Or, in such conditions an application consisting
purely of the hundred times washed ghee may be
given In acute spreading affection characterized by
an excess of vata and pitta in the blood, the
physician may repetedly effuse the affected parts
with the cold supernatant part of ghee, or with milk
or with liquorices water or with the cold decoction
of the five barks.
95-95½. The drugs which have been described above in the
preparation of applications may also be used in the
preparation of douches and ghees; they are also
good as pulvis to be used for dusting the wounds of
96-97½. The ghee prepared in the expressed juice of scotch
grass makes a good healing unguent for wounds.
The pulvis of the bark of Indian berberry, liquorice,
lodh and fragrant poon is to be used as dusting
powder; the pulvis of the bark of wild snake gourd,
neem, the three myrobalans, liquorice and the blue
water lily may be used either in the form of lotion,
ghee, dusting powder or an application.
98-98½. All the above-mentioned clarificative applilcation
should be given and should be applied at frequent
intervals having each time removed the previous
99-99½. The previous application being removed without
washing a number of thin coatings should be applied
at frequent intervals. In spreading affections born
of kapha, thick application should be applied and
removed when dry.
100-100½. The coating of the paste applied should be as thick
as one third of the thickness of the thumb. An
application should be neither too unctuous nor too
dry, neither too solid nor too fluid, but of the right
101-101½. At no time should an application that has gone stale
be made use of, nor should the same application
be used a second time.
102-102½. Such an application will cause softening, acute
spreading affection and pain in the affected part on
account of the accumulation of heat. If the
application is applied over the bandage it tends to
promote perspiration in the affected part.
103-104. And as a result pimples due to the retension of
perspiration and pruritus are induced. If applications
are made one over the other, the same undesirable
results are produced as those mentioned in the case
of applications over the bandage.
105. The application that is either too unctuous or too
fluid does not adhere properly to the skin and cannot
therefore alleviate the diseased condition.
106. Thin application should not be applied, for, drying
up rapidly, they become fissured and cracked.
Consequently the healing properly of the drugs does
not even reach the seat of affection, for it dries up
107. The undesirable consequences which ensure from
the use of thin applications are also frequently
produced by the use of of applications that are not
sufficiently unctuous; being quite dry they tend to
aggravate the disorder further.
Food Advice :
108-109. I shall now describe the diet that should be observed
in the treatment of Visarpa. To patients that have
undergone the lightening therapy, the following
articles of food are beneficial; demulcent drink that
is devoid of unctuousity and is mixed with honey
and sugar or that is sweet and slightly acidified by
the addition of the juice of pomegranate and emblic
myrobalans, or demulcent drink prepared with the
fruits of sweet falash, grapes and dates in boiled
water. Thereafter a linctus made of the flour of
roasted barley and Sali rice and mixed with unctuous
articles should be given.
110-111. When this is digested the patient should eat a meal
consisting of old Sali rice along with soups. These
soups should be made of green gram, lentils and
chick peas. They should not be made sour or if made
sour, they should be rendered so with the juice of
the pomegranate and prepared with wild
snakegourd and emblic myrobalan.
112. The patient should be nourished with un-unctuous
meat juices of jangala animals mixed with the juice
of sweet falsah, grapes, pomegranates and emblic
113. For such a patient, old and well-cooked rice of red,
white and the big variety, in combination with
shashtika rice, is recommended as food.
114. Out of barley, wheat and rice, only that should be
given to which the patient is accustomed and which
is homologatory. Barley and wheat alone should be
given to those patients to whom rice is not
particularly suitable or who have an excess of kapha
in their constitution.
Avoid :
115. Patients suffering from acute spreading affections
should avoid food and drink that are irritant, as well
as all antagonistic indulgences, day-sleep, anger,
exercise, exposure to the sun, fire and strong winds.
Dosha wise Treatment :
116. From among the remedial measures described
above, those partaking mostly of a refrigerant nature
should be employed in Visarpa of the pitta type,
those partaking mostly of a dry nature in Visarpa of
the kapha type and those of an unctuous kind in
Visarpa of the vata type.
117. In the Visarpa known as ‘Agni Visarpa’ or Erysipelas,
the sedation of the provoked vata and pitta is
indicated; in the disorder known as ‘Kardama’ or of
slushy type, the sedation of kapha and pitta is
generally indicated.
118-119. The physician who knows the right time for each
remedial measure should on finding that a spreading
inflammation of the Granthi or nodular type is likely
to result in a vitiated condition of blood and pitta,
treat the patient promptly with the procedures of
de-oleation, lightening, affusions, applications made
from the five medicinal barks, blood letting with
leeches with emesis and purgation and with ghees
that have been medicated with astringent and bitter
120. After the patient has been cleansed in the upper
and lower regions of the body and blood-letting has
been carried out, procedures alleviative of vata and
kapha should be resorted to in affections of nodular
type of Visarpa.
121. For patients affected with nodular Visarpa
accompanied with severe pain, the use of hot
poultices with ‘utkarika’ pancake or with unctuous
‘vesavara’ i.e. prepared meat, is recommended.
122-122½. Or, the patient may be treated with hot affusions of
oil medicated with deca-radices or with hot affusions
of the oil of costus mixed with prepared alkalis, or
with hot affusions of cow’s urine or with hot
decoctions of remedial leaves.
123. Or else, the patient may be treated with genially
warm application of the paste of winter cherry.
124. Or, the patient may be smeared with the paste of
dry radish, or of the bark of indian beech or of the
bark of the beleric myrobalan, applied warm.
125. In nodular Visarpa, the affected parts should be
smeared with the paste of heart-leaved sida, gingo
fruit, chebulic myrobalan, the knotty portions of the
bark of birch, beleric myrobalan, bamboo leaves
and the wind killer (Agnimanth).
Danti Lepa :
126. An application made of the paste of red physic nut,
the root-bark of the white flowered leadwort and
the milks of the thorny milk hedge plant and mudar,
gur, the seeds of the marking nut and green vitriol
will break open even a stone.
126½. What then need be said of nodular affections born
of kapha that are situated in the external regions of
the body!
127-131. For breaking open chronic types of nodular
affections, the following medications should be
used. Soups made of radish and horse gram mixed
with alkalis and the juice of pomegranate, cooked
wheat or barley mixed with sidhu wine, honey and
sugar; the top part of the varuni wine mixed with
honey and the juice of pomello; the systematic use
of the three myrobalans mixed with long pepper and
honey, or of nut-grass, marking nut and the flour of
roasted barley, or of honey, or of the bark of deodar
and guduch and of mineral pitch; the use of
fumigarions and errhines and of procedures
described earlier as helping to break open the
gulmas, and compression with iron, salt, stones,
gold and copper.
132-132½. If despite the use of all these various proven
methods of treatment, the nodular swellings do not
subside and are hard as stone, then cauterization
by means of caustics or heated instruments or gold
is useful.
133-134½. Or, after maturating them with suppuratives or by
incising them, the tumors may be removed. Further,
the patient’s blood which is in a vitiated condition
should be repeatedly let. After this, when the blood
has been sufficiently let, the physician should
administer medicine curative of vata and kapha. If
even after the above methods, the morbidity is not
allaved, then recourse to fumigation, errhines,
sudation, pressure on the affected parts or use of
suppurative drugs is recommended.
135-136. When the ulcers of Visarpa have become softened
as the result of the above-mentioned procedures
of cauterization and maturation, the physician
should treat the condition with the measures
employed in the case of wounds, by means of
external and internal measures of purification and
137. Kamala, embelia, Indian berberry and the fruits of
the Indian beech should be reduced to paste. Oil
should be cooked with this paste to make a good
remedy for the ulcers of the nodular type.
138. The intelligent physician fully conversant with the
aspects of place, time and classification, may also
treat the ulcers of spreading affections according
to the line of treatment indicated in the chapter on
the ‘Two kinds of Ulcers’(Chikitsa chapter 25). Thus
has been described the treatment of the nodular
variety of Visarpa.
Galaganda Treatment :
139. Whatever line of treatment has been laid down in
the cure of nodular type of Visarpa applies with equal
force in the cure of goiter due to kapha.
140. As regards those affections of goiter, which owe
their origin to vata and kapha they are prevented
by the regular use of a diet consisting of ghee, milk
and astringent articles.
Raktamokshana :
141. If all the therapeutics measures described here as
curative of Visarpa be put on one side and blood-
letting on the other, they will be found equal.
142. Visarpa never occurs without the association of the
condition of hemothermia. Consequently whatever
has been described here by way of remedial
measures is the general line of treatment.
143. We have not, however, omitted to outline in brief,
specific treatment relating to the special nature of
morbidity requiring such treatment. The expert
physician should call into service the entire
therapeutics procedure whether laid down in brief
or in extenso.
Summary :
Here are the recapitulatory verses –
144-146. The definition of Visarpa, synonyms by which it is
known, the morbid humors, the morbidised body
elements, the etiological factors, the habitat of the
disease, the severity of mildness of the affection as
determined by the way it spreads the signs and
symptoms, the complications, the nature of these
complications, the curability or otherwise of a
particular type, the remedial measures in due order
of the curable types – all this has Punarvasu
declared in this chapter concerning the proven line
of treatment for spreading affections, to the inquiring
and intelligent Agnivesa.
21. Thus in the Section on Therapeutics, in the treatise
compiled by Agnivesha and revised by Charaka, the
twenty-first chapter entitled ‘The Therapeutics of
Acute Spreading Affections’ is completed.
Care / Cure of Acne / Pimples
Prof. Dr. P. H. Kulkarni
It is summerised as follows :
1) Application of paste of Bakuchi (Psolarea corrglifolia)
every night and Triphala Tablets one gram per day help
to reduce hard and large size of Acne on face (Kulkarni
2) Tablets of Sookshma Triphala given orally for 2 to 4
weeks helped 700 patients (Sunita Kulkarni /
Karambelkar 1984)
3) One project conducted in Vidharbha area of
Maharashtra by using Shankh Bhasma tablets orally
and application of Shankha Bhasma paste on acne gave
70% results. (Talokar / Kulkarni 1987)
4) In Pune University Shankh Bhasma project was
conducted and found safisfactory results (Shanbag -
USA / Bhagwat)
5) Series of clinical trials with SookshmaTriphala,
Chandraprabhavati, Sundarivati were conducted. In
some groups oilyness of their face was reduced. It
suggest that drugs may be decreasing the sebaceous
secretions. During and after eight weeks drug therapy
none of the patients showed any side effects.
(Paranjape - Kulkarni - 1992-94)
6) One study related that combination of
Mahamanjishthadi Kwath and Sookshma Triphala is
effective. These drugs were well tolerated (Paranjape
- 1994)
7) A clinical trial with Mahamanjishthadi Kwath showed
45% reduction in the lesions (Shah 1992)
8) A clinical trial with Amrutadi Guggul showed 33% cure
(Bhagwat 1992)
9) In a Ph. D. Level project only solid extract of
Mahamanjishthadi was used. Product showed
antibacterial activity and 75% relief (Kulkarni 1999)
10) In Pune University second Ph. D. (Ayurveda) level
project completed. Trials conducted on 250 patients.
The product tested for toxicity, no toxicity observed. This
DC Tablet gave 85% relief to the patients.
Food restriction helps for cure. Avodance of fatty, spicy and
stale food helps for non formation of Aama i. e. toxic
substance. Constipation Aama & genetic factor may
aggravate acne formation in pustuler, nodular form. Aloe,
Carrot, Onion and Cabbage are useful for cleaning the skin.
It can be used as juice to be taken internally and paste for
external application, exercise in fresh air, minimum stress
and keeping bowels clear are helpful factors to keep acne
problem under control.
About Acne
Definition : Acne is a skin condition characterized by
whiteheads, blackheads and inflamed red pimples.
Alternative Names : Acne vulgaris, Comedones, Cystic
Acne, Pimples and Zits.
Causes, incidence and risk factors : The condition occurs
when tiny holes on the surface of the skin, called pores,
become plugged. Each pore is an opening to a canal called
a follicle, which contains a hair and an oil gland. Normally,
the oil glands help keep the skin lubricated and help remove
old skin cells. When glands produce too much oil, the pores
can become blocked, accumulating dirt, debris and bacteria.
The blockage or plug is often called a comedone. The top
of the plug may be white (whitehead) or dark (blackhead). If
the comodone ruptures, the material inside, including oil and
bacteria, can spread to the surrounding area and cause an
inflammatory reaction. The inflammation usually takes the
form of pimples or "Zits". If the inflammation is deep in your
skin, the pimples may enlarge to form firm, painful cysts.
Acne commonly appears on the face and shoulders, but
may also occur on the trunk, arms legs and buttocks. Acne
is most common in ttenagers, but it can happen at an age,
including as an infant. Three out of four teenagers have
acne to some extent, probably caused by hormonal changes
that stimulate oil production. It may persist into a person's
30s and 40s. Acne tends to run in families and can be
triggered by - Hormonal changes related to menstrual
periods, pregnancy, birth control pills, or stress.
Greasy or oily cosmetic and hair products. Certain drugs
(such as steroids, testosterone, estrogen, lithium, phenytoin
for seizures and isoniazid for tuberculosis). High levels of
humidity. Sweating a lot or friction from head bands, back
packs, or tight collars. Despite the popular belief that certain
foods (like chocolate and nuts) may aggrevate acne, this
does not seem to be true.
Acne Treatment with Antibiotics
and Ayurvedic drugs
Here's why your sore throat may not be getting cured with
In a country where the strongest antibiotics are falling like
ninepins to resistant infections, a popular treatment for
common acne is threatening to sink into oblivion and entire
antibiotic class.
Dermatologists of Maulana Azad Medical College in Delhi
trailling antibiotic-resistance patterns in acne cases are
stumped by their new finding - almost all the cases they
tested were resistant to azithromycin, commonly used to
treat upper respiratory tract infections and pneumonia,
among other conditions.
The research - genomic mapping of Pacnes and antibiotic
resistance - is currently underway, but those at the helm
have already sounded the alert - dermatologists should steer
clear of azithromycin. They point out it is an off-label (not to
be used) drug for acne treatment in any case.
Doctors said their fraternity has used a cannon to kill a fly -
a higher antibiotic like azithromycin to treat acne.
Doctors on the antibiotic resistance trail say the unregulated
use of azithromycin and its over the counter availibility have
only made infections more resistent to the drug.
'Acne is a trivial problem and we have created resistance
out of nothing. If general practitioners and padeiatricians
continue giving it, we stand to lose one whole antibiotic class'
said professor of dermatology at MAMC, who is
spearheading the clinical research.
Azithromycin is a drug commonly used to treat upper
respiratory tract infections and pneumonia, among other
The resistance has drawn multiple worry lines. Head of
Department of Dermatology at KEM Hospital, Pune said
dermatologists in India had switched to doxycycline and
azithromycin to treat acne after other antibiotics like
tetracycline and erythromycin stopped working on the
'Azithromycin is a good antibiotic, mainly used to treat upper
respiratory tract infections and could go out of circulation if
resistance continues to build up,' he added.
Adding to the resistance is the almost normal practice among
adolescents and teenagers of sharing prescriptions and
buying drugs over the counter to treat acne and stopping
the dosage midway asoon as the skin gets better.
The other concern is that of the population size that stands
the risk of being resistant to the drug - an entire generation
being raised on a heavy dose of azithromycin.
Paediatricians prescribe it widely to treat cough and cold
and general practitioners and dermatologists to treat
adolescents for similar infections and acne.
The most critical concern, however, is the use of this broad-
spectrum drug leading to the acne - causing bacteria and
also other microorganisms becoming resistant to other drugs
as well.
'There is no new medical discovery. We don't have those
many drugs' said Director of Delhi based Institute of
Genomics and Integrated Biology, pointing out how the
growing resistance to most drugs is an 'under-appreciated
Besides, unregulated use has only increased the fitness of
organisms, and reduced immunity of people, says Dr.
Gokhale. He explains that as resistance against anitibiotics
builds, the strains that are resistant to the drug can cause
other infections, more commonly in the lungs.
Chest medicine specialists have already changed gears. 'We
have practically stopped prescribing azithromycin because
of the resistance. We however, still prescribe it for asthma
and bronchitis, which is a three-month course,' said
pulmonologist at Ruby Hall Clinic in Pune.
Dermatologists say they have already changed treatment
'Antibacterials should not be used in mono therapy and for
a short duration. Antibacterials should be avoided atleast
for localized acne.' says dermatologist with KEM, Mumbai
consultant dermatologist with Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai said
the topical antibiotics are now being combined with benzoyl
peroxide and the resistant cases were becoming a concern.
Researchers say the resistance will only spread.
'The organism causing acne can spread from one person
to another if people don't stop using anibiotics and which
would ensure most people will stop reacting to antibiotics'.
A study published in the Archives of Dermatology had stated
that patients who had taken antibiotics for acne were more
vulunerable for pharyngitis.
Fact File :
♦ Acne affects an estimated 80 to 85% of adolescents
♦ Not all acne patients need antibiotics
♦ In many cases, azithromycin is given for 12 weeks to
treat acne, which can certainly build resistance, say
The right Treatment :
♦ Antibacterials should be avoided at least for localized
♦ Only moderate and severe cases of acne should be
treated with antibiotics. Mild cases can be treated simply
with topical acne lotions.
♦ It is better to stick to conventional antibiotics such as
Doxycycline and Minocycline to treat acne
♦ Mono Therapy with antibiotics should not be used.
Instead topical antibacterial with benzoyl peroxide can
be used.
The Right Drug :
Not for Acne - Erthyromycin, Azithromycin, Tetracycline,
What can be used - Doxycycline, Minocycline
The Concern :
♦ Over the counter availability of the drug
♦ A large population exposed to the drug becoming
resistant to it
♦ Azithromycin figures on the list of essential drugs of WHO
2) Comparative efficacy of Four Ayurvedic
formulations In The Treatment of Acne
Vulgaris : A double Blind Randomised Placebo
Controlled Clinical Evaluation
Dr. Prakash Panranjpe/ Prof Dr. P. H. Kulkani
Summary :
Eighty two patients with acne were randomised into five
groups. Ayurvedic treatments were given orally for 6 weeks,
while one group received placebo. Physical and clinical
investigations were carried out at regular weekly intervals.
A significant reduction in lesion count was observed in
patients receiving Derma-vati when compares with other
Ayurvedic formulations, which failed to produce any
significant difference from the pre-treatment condition. The
drug therapies were well tolerated.
3) Assessment of Comparative efficacy of
Ayurvedic Combinations in the Treatment
Clinical Evaluation
Dr. Prakash Panranjpe
Abstract :
Acne Vilgaris, a chronic inflammatory disorder of the
pilosebaceous follicles, is a common disorder in clinical
practice. Treating acne has become a problem since safe
drugs are not available for long term therapy.
Ayurveda describes acne vulgaris as “Tarunya Peetika”
meaning a desease of adolescence.
A Clinical trial was taken on 25 patients of acne at Pune for
the duration 6 weeks. Five Ayurvedic formulation were given
in combinations in five groups. Inflemmatory lesions on the
face. Facial photographs were taken initially and at the end
of the study.
4) Role of “Twak-sanjeevan lepa”
on acne valgaris - a scientific survey
Vd. Jayant Yashwant Deopujari (Nagpur)
Methodology :
Lodhra (Symplocos recemosa) & vacha (Acorus calamus) are two
constituents of Twak-Sanjeevan Lepa. The fine powder of the two
was mixed in proportaion 4:1.
No. of patients : 61
Quantity of Lepa : 50 gm (twice, morning & evening)
Medium for application : Water
Duration for application : Till it gets dried
Areas for application : Face, Neck; Shoulders
Review for application : after every week for 4 weeks
Conclusion :
Duration of trial : 1 month
Analysis of Data proved that external application of ‘Twak
Sanjeevan Lepa’ is effective in acne-vulgaris. Efficacy was
assessed for
1) Reduction of area affected by acne
2) Reduction in size of acne
3) Disappearance of previous scar
4) Freshness of skin
5) Clinical Assessment of Tablet PRASADAN in cases of
Acne Vulgaris / Pimples in young generation
Prof. Dr.P.H.Kulkarni.
Composition of drug (Prasadana) preparation procedure of the drug
is described.
Clinical Trial :
A) Tablet of 250 mg. Each three times a day were given to each patient
B) Period Of Clinical Trial : The period of the treatment was of 6 weeks
(42 days) (One Chakra) for each patient. Follow up medical checkups
were carried out every two weeks. So each patient was examined
four times (First examination + Three followups)
C) Inclusion And Exclusion Criteria For The Patients
From the assessment of Prasadan on Mukhadooshika, after treating
300 patients and studying the observation data critically it is observed
that Prasadan a Ghanasar Kalp is quite effective clinically in
Mukhadooshika (Acne Vulgaris)
Deerghayu International, Issue 93, Vol 24 - 01 Jan-Mar 2008, Pages 23 to 29
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
Paediatrician said he has been getting HFMD cases for over
one and half months now. 'I get at least two to three cases
every alternate day now. The virus infection is primarily seen
among chindren below five years of age.
The infection causes rashes on the soles of the feed, palms,
on the tongue or in the mouth cavity, which makes eating
and swallowing difficult. Unlike rashes in chickenpox, which
causes mild itching. HFMD rashes do not cause any itching.
If a child is not eating and shows loss of appetite and has
mouth uncers then its time to consult a doctor. Navarange
said 'HFMD is contagious. Hence, infected children shoudl
stay away from schools till they completely recover.'
Paediatrician said more cases have been reported among
school children in Aundh, Baner and Pashan areas. 'The
disease is self-limiting, hence there is no need to panic.
However, it spreads through contact, and it can spread fast
in small sized classrooms where kids come in close contact.
The child takes five to seven days to recover. Teachers
should be sensitised about the disease so that they can
play an active role in preventing the spread.'
Doctors advice frequent washing of hands, keeping the
surroundings clean and following hygienic practices.
A person with hand, foot and mouth disease is most
contagious during the first week of illness. People can
sometimes be contragious for days or weeks after symptoms
go away. Some people, especially adults, who get infected
with the viruses that cause hand, foot and mouthdisease
may not develop any symptoms. However, they may still be
contagious. This is why people should always try to maintain
good hygiene like handwashing so they can minimize their
chance of spreading or getting infections, the NCDC's
guidelines state.
Head of the department of paediatrics, Bharati Hospital, said,
'Along with parents, teachers also have a role to play in
containing HFMD which spreads very fast among school
kids below five years of age.'
Bharati Hospital's out-patient department examines around
200-250 children every day. The doctors have been seeing
quite a few children with HFMD symptoms. 'A sizeable
number of infected children have vesicles (fluid filled lesions
in the oral cavity) while a few of them hjave complained of
ulcers in the oral cavity. The lesions are more on the upper
and lower limbs and buttocks. Also, all children with these
symptoms are below the age of five.'
However Lalwani added that the disease is mild and does
not cause any complication. 'Usually oral healing takes
around four to five days and skin lesions takes around two
weeks. The rash does not leave any scar. The treatment is
mainly symptomatic with medicines given to relieve pain and
What to watch for :
Mouth/tongue ulcer and
Maculopapular rashes and/or vesicles on palms and soles
With or without history of fever
The viruses can be found in an infected persons :
Nose and throat secretions such as saliva, sputum, or nasal
Blister fluid
Faeces (stool)
An infected person may spread the viruses through :
Close personal contact
The air (through coughing or sneezing)
Contact with faeces
Contaminated objects and surfaces
Complications :
Viral or 'aseptic' meningitis can occur with hand, foot and
mouth disease but it is rare. It causes fever, headache, stiff
neck, or back pain.
Inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) can occur, but this
is even rare.
Fingermall and toenall loss have been reported, occuring
mostly in children within 4 weeks of their having hand, foot
and mouth disease.
Infection Control :
Proper hygiene including mandatory hand washing after
contact with patient, appropriate cleanliness during diaper
changes is imperative.
Personal items such as spoons, cups and utensils should
not be shared and should be properly washed with detergent
after use.
Patients with HFMD should be isolated and the usual
isolation procedures followed for infection control.
Articles such as toys contaminated by infected cases must
be disinfected.
Prevention : This is no vaccine, buta person can lower the
risk of being infected by
Washing hands often with soap and water, especially after
changing diapers and using the toilet; use sanitizers.
Avoiding close contact or sharing eating utensils or cups
with infected people.
If the outbreak occurs in primary schools :
Scrrning for children with rashes and blisters accompanied
by high fever before coming to class is recommended.
Ensure that the infected children remain away from the
institution for at least ten days after onset of symptoms and
must be certified free from infection by a medical practitione
before returning.
strengthened to detect and treat every leprosy case in the
society. 'In the initial phase (of the survellance), the number
of cases show a rise, but once all the cases are detected
and treated, the prevalence will go down. Our aim is to find
out as many new cases as possible and start their treatment.'
Manohar Pawar, joint director (leprosy), state public health
department told TOI.
However, other health officials blamed a complacent
government machinery and misreporting in the past for the
rise in numbers. 'After being declared as eliminated by World
Health Organisation (WHO) in 2000 and by the Union
government in 2005, everyone from WHO to the
governmentto the non governmental organisations (NGO)
seem to have washed their hands off the disease. And the
recent trends clearly show that cases were missed out
deliberately to show a good report on the elimination front.
These cases are returning and contributingto more cases
which are multibacillary and even with deformities among
children.' said a health official who did not want to be named.
Among districts, Thane has registered the highest 2,757
cases followed by Chandrapur (1293 cases) and Nashik
(1259) cases. The lowest new case detection rate was
reported in Sindhudurg with 80 leprosy cases between
January and December 2013.
'These areas are mainly tribal. Most parts of these districts
are inaccessible. Besides, as the incubation period of leprosy
causing bacteria stretches to up to 20 years, cases become
visible after a long time.' said an other state health official.
The global target of lepsory elimination, as set by the World
Health Organisation (WHO) was achieved in 2000. This was
the time when the elimination target shifted from global to
national level. Around this time, a lacuns of targeting limited
leprosy cases crept into the national leprosy eradication
programme (NLEP).
'That meant that once the stipulated number of leprosy cases
were found, health workers would cease to probe other
cases. This resulted in limited case detection, and
accumulation of leprosy cases over a period of time. This is
a big reason why so many cases are being reported now.'
said a state leprosy expert, requesting anonymity.
A cough or a sneeze sends thousands of mycobacterium
leprae into the air. Though 80% of leprosy cases are not
infections, the remaining 20% are.
Since no vaccine has yet been developed for leprosy, any
person with low immunity can be a prey to it, say experts.
Major Challenges :
Strenghtening referral systems/facilities.
Establishing new facilities within the integrated health
systems to improve management of acute an chronic
Developing more effective tools and procedures for early
detection & management of leprosy reaction & nerve damage.
Ensuring equality of life for leprosy patients.
Building and sustaining leprosy expertise. A strategy needs
to be developed in collaboration with partners that will cover
training programmes.
Improving community awareness to promote voluntary
reporting and to eliminate the stigma and social
discrimination faced by patients.
Ensuring such initiatives are locally appropriate, cost
effective and sustainable.
State Facts :
Indicator India Maharashtra
Active new case detection 1,34,752 18,715
Detection rate per lakh population 0.73 1.09
Prevalence per 10,000 population 91,743 12,659
Prevalence rate .073 1.09
Child cases 13,387 2,341
% of chiled cases 9.93 12.51
Multibacillary cases 67,268 10,304
Districts in Maharashtra with high burden :
Greater Mumbai - 435, Nagpur - 764, Pune - 777,
Jalgaon - 925, Nashik - 1259, Chandrapur - 1293,
Thane - 2,757 (Up to December 2013)
States with Highest No. of cases :
State 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
Uttar Pradesh 27,473 25,509 24,627 24,222
Bihar 21,431 20,547 17,081 22,001
Maharashtra 15,071 15,498 17,892 18,715
West Bengal 11,453 10,321 12,169 11,683
Gujarat 7,373 7,309 7,496 9,010
Developing reliable diagnostic tests for early diagnosis and
an effective caccine to prevent leprosy.
Strengthening Integrated supervisory activities under
national programmes to improve the quality of leprosy
services on the field.
Collaborating with all stakeholders to effectively share
challenges and work together to overcome them.
Removal of complacency in the execution of leprosy control
programmes, which is possible only with a strong political
High prevalence in Pimpri Chinchwad :
Of the 777 new cases the state health department recorded
in Pune district last your, over 60% were multibacillary, which
means they had progressed to an advanced state. Experts
said there was an urgent need to detect cases early to ensure
prompt treatment.
The collective annual new case detection rate in Pune
district, which includes Pune city, Pimpri Chinchwad and rural
parts, was 8 per one lakh population last year. The highest
new case detection rate was reported in Pimpri Chiunchwad
at 15.16 per lakh population, much higher than 11.23 the
previous year. The new case detection rate dropped both in
Pune city and rural parts of the district.
The disease prevalence at 1 per 10,000 population and
above is considered alarming. The collective prevalence rate
of Pune district is 0.60. But if considered independently,
Pimpri Chinchwad's disease prevalence rate shot up to 1.18
from 0.74. Pune city's prevalence rate came down to 0.32
from 0.36 while the rate in rural parts came down to 0.58
from 0.71 during this period.
When contacted, Anil Roy, medical officer of health (MOH),
Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation said, 'Large
number of migratory population moving to Pimpri Chinchwad,
strengthened survellance system & good diagnostic facilities
led to a higher new case detection rate in Pimpri Chinchwad.'
'The rise can be attributed to a robust detection system which
has been put in place to detect every leprosy case and put
under treatment' joint director (leprosy), state public health
Expers attribute the rise to the inherent lacunae in the
national leprosy eradication programme, dwindling expertise
amonggeneral practitioners to diagnose and treat leprosy
cases and the complacent attitude of state health workers.
Experts say that the number of doctors diagnosing and
treating leprosy patients has dwindled substantially over the
last five years.
'Till 2006, general practitioners were trained at regular
intervals to diagnose and treat leprosy cases. But, by the
time the general prevalence of leprosy came down to one
per 10,000 people in 2006, the training was no longer
required. Currently there are very few doctors who can
diagnose the disease properly and treat it. They are also not
motivated enough to treat the disease. This has led to delayed
detection and treatment of patients.' said a health expert.
Areas in Pune District New Case detection Rate (per lakh population)
2013 2012
Pimpri Chinchwad 15.16 11.23
Pune City 3.86 4.77
Pune Rural 8.11 9.56
Living with Lupus
Evidebce syggests that hormones play a role in lupus
pathogenesis. For example, the use of estrogen-containing
contraceptives is associated with an increased risk of
developing SLE, as is estrogen use in post menopausal
Environmental factors such as ultraviolet light and sunlight;
sunlight can precipitate SLE flares, particularly skin disease.
Smoking is associated with a higher prevalence and greater
severity of SLE.
Silica dust, found in materials such as soil, cement and
cigarette smoke, may increase the risk of SLE.
Symptoms :
Symptoms depend on which organ is involved. The first ones
may be fatigue and joint pains and swelling or stiffness,
usually in hands, wrists, and knees. Joint pain can be severe
and interfere with activities and work. Constitutional
sysmptoms, including malaise, myalgia and fatigue, are
common (70%-85% of patients).
Mucoutaneous symptoms include photosensitivity. Some
may have a rash on sun exposed parts of the body, often
the face (cheeks and nose). This is called a butterfly rash
because of the way it looks on one's face. Raynaud's
phenomenon makes fingers change colour and become
painful when exposed to cold. Some people have pleurisy
(inflammation of the lining of lungs), which can make
breathing painful, with shortness of breath. Cardiovascular
symptoms can include chest pain from pericarditis,
atherosclerotic disease, pulmonary embolism, or, rarely,
Affected kidneys may lead to high blood pressure and kidney
failure. SLE may affect memory and mood and cause stress
or confusion. Excessive hair loss may be seen.
Diagnosis :
The doctor makes a diagnosis from a medical history,
physical examination and laboratory tests. X-rays may be
done. Laboratory tests include an erythrocyle sedimentation
rate (ESR), complete bolld cell count (CBC), antinuclear
antibody (ANA) and urinalysis. The ESR measures
inflammation. The CBC counts blood cells and platelets. The
doctor may order an anti-DNA test, which is more specific
for SLE. The doctor may also suggest seeing a
Treatment :
According to the Lupus Foundation of India, currently there
is no cure for lupus. However there are treatments that help
ease and manage your symptoms, minimising the effect that
the condition has on your daily life. This disease is treated
with immunostippression drugs.
Treatment depends on the sumptoms and which organs are
involved. Medicines help reduce inflamation. Nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) are often given first.
Prescribe prednisone, which works quickly. If they don't help
enough, disease-modifying medicines can slow the disease.
These incude Hydroxychloroquine, methotrexate,
azathioprine and cyclophosphamide Prognosis is variable,
depending on the systems involved. Moratality in the first five
years tends to be from active SLE or infection. Thereafter,
mortality results from coronary heart disease, end-stage renal
failure, or severe infection without active SLE.
Do you know? :
Lupus is the Latin word for wolf and the Romans used the
term loosely to mean 'eating and devouring.'
There is no one test to diagnose lupus and it may take
months or years to make the diagnosis.
Most people with lupus can live normal lives, but this disorder
must be carefully monitered and treatment adjusted as
necessary to prevent serious complications.
Control lupus :
Here are the key ways to learning how to cope with this
chronic and often unpredictable illness.
Maintain a good doctor-patient relationship. Support from
family and friends can mean a lot.
Take all medications. Visit your physician regularly, and learn
about lupus, your medications and your progress. Get
involved in your care.
Stay active. This will usually help keep joints flexible and
may prevent cadiovascular complications.
Avoid excessive sun exposure. Ultraviolet rays in sunlight
can cause a skin rash to flare and may even trigger a more
serious flare in the disease itself.
Avoid smoking. Minimise stress and fatigue.
Maintain normal body weight and maintain bone density.
Young women with lupus should time pregnancies for periods
when lupus activity is low. Pregnancies must be carefully
monitored and certain medications should be avoided.
The possibility that the use of estrogen may cause or
worsenlupus has always been a concern for rheumatologists.
SLE Factoids :
The disease favours women - more than 90% of people
with lupus are women between the ages of 15 to 45.
The disease has a genetic association. Family history may
be notable for relatives with SLE.
It has an elusive trigger.
DOS and DON'TS in Managing Lupus :
Do tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to get pregnant.
Do have your blood pressure checked and blood tested for
diabetes while you are taking prednisone.
Do see your eye doctor yearly.
Do get sleep and exercise. Alternating rest and activity helps
manage fatigue.
Do take your medicines as prescribed. Call your doctor if
you have medicine side effects.
Do call your doctor if you have a temperature higher than
1010 F, bloodin urine or stool, shortness of breath, chest
pain or severe stomach pain.
Don't stop taking your medicine or change your dosage
because you feel better unless your doctor tells you to.
Don't give up, if one medicine doesn't work, talk to your
doctor about others.
(Reference : Times of India 7-2-2014)
Sturge Webber Syndrome
disorders but SWS, though congenital, is not inherited.
Hence, it cannot be detected before the birth of the child.
The changes in the foetus for SWS take place right after
conception. It is caused by a somatic activating mutation
occuring in the GNA!gene. This starts affecting the cells,
which lead to abnormalities that can be only diagnosed after
a throught MRI scan and neurological tests. Many studies
are under way to study the somatic mutation and the
Indian Academic of Paediatric, said, 'Apart from
abnormalities in brain and intra-cranial lesions, SWS also
affects vision. Though it is high morbidity rate, almost 40
percent mortality or fatality rate is comparatively less. But
internal bleeding can cause death if not treated on time.
Saying there is no preventive measures against this rare
disorder, 'symptomatic treatment is the only solution.'
Emphasising on raising awareness of SWS among parents
to avoid complications. In the last seven years, we have
registered five cases of SWS. To stop the seizure, the
affected of the brain or the lesions are removed surgically.
Since these seizures are not life threatenting, symptomatic
treatment is recommended.
Nummular Eczema
Definition :
Nummular eczema is an allergy-related skin disorder causing
characteristic itchy, coinshaped lesions.
Alternative Names :
Eczema - unmmular, Nummular dermatitis.
Causes, incidence, and risk factors :
The cause of nummular eczema is unknown, but thjere
usually is a personal or family history of asthma, allergies,
atopic dermatitis or similar disorders. It is a relatively
uncommon disorder that most often occurs in elderly men.
Eczema is generally a chronic, recurring condition. Exposure
to environmental irritants may worsen symptoms, as can
dryness of the skin, temperature changes and stress.
Symptoms :
Skin lesions that may be macules, papules, vesicles or
Nummular (coin shaped)
Primarily located on the arms and legs
Spreading to the trunk
Oozing, crusting over
Scaly or excoriated (raw) skin
Skin redness or inflammation
Signs and tests :
Nummular eczema is diagnosed based on the appearance
of the skin and on personal and family history. A skin bbiopsy
may sometimes be needed to exclude other conditions with
a similar appearance.
Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
Definition :
Atopic dermatitis, commonly referred to as eczema, is a
chronic skin disorder categorized by scaly and itching rashes.
People with eczema often have a family history of allergic
conditions like asthma, hay fever or eczema.
Alternative Names :
Infantile eczema, Atopic eczema, Dermatitis - atopic
Causes, incidence, and risk factors :
Eczema is most common in infants, and at least half of those
cases clear by age 36 months. In adults, it is generally a
chronic or recurring condition.
A hypersensitivity reaction (similar to an allergy) occurs in
the skin, causing chronic inflammation. The inflammation
causes the skin to become itchy and scaly. Chronic
irritation and scratching can cause the skin to thicken and
become leathery-texture. Exposure to environmental irritants
can worsen symptoms, as can dryness of the skin, exposure
to water, temperature changes and stress.
Symptoms / Signs :
Clearly defined patches of red skin.
Silvery gray scaling can occur anywhere on body.
Treatment :
1) Tarrpreparation
2) Corticosteroid cream
3) Ultraviolet light
Notes :
1) Condition is mild / presistant
2) Affection nails - type
3) Form of arthritis - type
4) Cause not know
5) Common in women
6) Appears 1st time Age 10-20
Fragrant Herbs
Sanskrit Name : Kasturi
English Name : Musk
Botanical Name : Moschus mosehiferus
Description : It is collected from a specific variety of deer
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Pungent, bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Heavy, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
It alleviates Vata and Kapha
Action & Indications :
1) It acts as an antidote of toxins
2) It gives strength to heart and brain
3) It acts as an aphrodisiac
4) Reduces foul smell and oedema
5) It is beneficial in convulsions, Kapha & Vata disorders
Preparations :
A) Kasturi bhairav rasa B) Mrugamadasava
Chemical composition :
It has musk xylene, musk ketone etc.
Sanskrit Name : Latakasturi
English Name : Musk Mallow
Botanical Name : Hibiscus abelmoschus
Description : The seeds of this plant have fragrance similar
to kasturi
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Sweet
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha and Pitta
Action & Indications :
1) It increases agni
2) Gives strength
3) Relieves thirst
4) It is beneficial in disorders of kapha, eyes and urinary
5) It acts as an aphrodisiac
6) It also acts as an cardiac stimulant and gives strength
7) Local application relieves itch. It is used to make other
oils. Fragrant.
Preparations :
A) Udwartan
Chemical composition :
It has volatile oil, gum resin, albumin
Sanskrit Name : Chandan
English Name : Sandal wood
Botanical Name : Santalum album
Description : The inner wood or heart wood is kept to
mature. This improves the fragrance of the sandal wood.
The oil is extracted from the wood by distillation method.
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Dry, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
It alleviates Pitta and Kapha
Action & Indications :
1) It relieves burning sensation, excessive thirst and itching
2) It acts as a diuretic
3) The oil from it stimulates kidneys, generates urine.
4) Sandal wood relieves offensive body odour
5) Acts as an aphrodisiac
6) It is beneficial in urinary tract infection, burning
micturation, skin disorders, diabetes.
Preparations :
A) Chandanasav B) Chandanadivati C) Chandanbalakshadi
Chemical composition :
The bark has volatile oil, tanic acid and gum resin
Sanskrit Name : Agaru, Aguru
English Name : Eagle wood
Botanical Name : Aquilaria agallocha
Description : The fragrance is present in the stem i. e. The
wooden part of the tree
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Pungent, Bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Sharp, Light, Fragrance
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Vata and Kapha
Action & Indications :
1) It stimulates the nervous system
2) Acts as an aphrodisiac
3) A geriatric medicine
4) It is beneficial in breathlessness
5) Skin disorders
6) Gout, Rheumatoid arthritis
7) Hiccup
Preparations :
A) Udvartan (Utane) B) Chyawanprash
Chemical composition :
It has a volatile oil which dissolves in ether
Sanskrit Name : Tagar
English Name : Indian Valerian Rhizome
Botanical Name : Valeriana wallichii
Description : The fragrance is present in the roots of the
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Sweet
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Sweet
Guna (Properties) - Unctuous, Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates all the three doshas
Action & Indications :
1) It is beneficial in convulsions, Opthalmic disorders,
2) It acts as an analgesic
3) Helps in Insomnia and Psychological disorders
4) It is also beneficial in Rheumatoid arthritis, Ostco arthritis,
gout etc.
Preparations :
A) Prasham
Chemical composition :
It has volatile oil, containing sesquiterpenes, valeric acid,
terpene alcohol
Sanskrit Name : Padmakh, Padmak
English Name : Mild Himalaya Cherry
Botanical Name : Prunus Puddum
Description : Dried stem has a very good fragrance. Though
it is light by weight it is hard to made powder
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Astringent, Bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Katu (Pungent)
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrance
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Pitta and Kapha. It increases Vata
Action & Indications :
1) It acts as an analgesic
2) An antidote to toxins
3) It is beneficial in the growth of the foetus
4) It gives strength to the body, especially to rasa and asthi
5) It has an inhibitory action on vomiting and bleeding
Preparations :
A) Chandan-bala lakshadi oil
Chemical composition :
It has hydrocyanic acid in its bard and also amygdalin
Sanskrit Name : Jatiphal
English Name : Nutmeg
Botanical Name : Myristica fragranse
Description : This is a commonly used spice. It is found in
the fruit of the herb
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Sharp, Light, Fragrance
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha and Vata
Action & Indications :
1) It improves the appetite
2) Relieves foul smell of stools
3) Relieves Bad breath and Body odour
4) It is beneficial in worm infestation
5) Cough
6) Vomiting
7) Breathlessness
8) Weakness
9) Rhinitis
11) Cardiac disorders
12)Being fragrant it acts as an aphrodisiac
13)It is also used for the treatment of premature ejaculation
Preparations :
A) Shankhodar B) Khadiradi vati C) Fortex forte
Chemical composition :
It has light yellow coloured volatile-oil and a thick oily
substance called nutmeg butter. Volatile oil contains eugenol
and iso-eugenol.
Sanskrit Name : Javitri, Jatipatri
English Name : Mace
Botanical Name : Myristica fragranse
Description : Javitri is outer covering of nutmeg. It is
brownish red in colour
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Sweet, Pungent
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha & Vata
Action & Indications :
1) It acts as an appetiser
2) Digestive
3) It improves complexion
4) Cough
5) Breathlessness
6) Irritable bowel syndrome
7) Worm infestation
8) It also acts as an aphrodisiac medicine
Preparations :
A) Bhadiradi guti
Chemical composition :
It has a volatile oil alongwith sugar, dextrin etc.
Sanskrit Name : Lavang, Devakusum
English Name : Clove
Botanical Name : Caryophyllus Aromaticus
Description : Clove is the dried bud of this plant
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Pungent, Bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Katu (Pungent)
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha and Pitta
Action & Indications :
1) It improves the appetite and digestion
2) Gives taste
3) It is beneficial in disorders of the blood
4) Excessive thirst
5) Vomiting
6) Flatulance
7) Cough
8) Breathlessness
9) Hiccup
Preparations :
A) Lavangadi vati B) Aeladi choornam C) Avipattikarchurna
Chemical composition :
It has 15-20% volatile oil which contains 85-92% eugenol,
galotanic acid and caryophyllene
Sanskrit Name : Ela
English Name : Cardamom
Botanical Name : Elettaria cardamomum
Description : There are two varieties of cardamom - 1)
Greater 2) Lesser - The fruit and the seeds have a pleasant
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Pungent
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha and Vata
Action & Indications :
1) It acts as appetiser
2) Digestive
3) Being fragrant it stimulates the sense organs
4) It has a specific action on urinary system and hence used
in disorders of urinary system
5) Cough
6) Breathlessness
7) Haemorrhoids
8) Urunary calculus and infections
Preparations :
A) Eladi choorna B) Eladi vati
Chemical composition :
It has 3-8% volatile oil which contains terpinene, terpineol,
terpinyl acetate and cineol in less quantity
Sanskrit Name : Twak, Darusita
English Name : Cinnamon bark
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Description : The bark of the tree is fragrant and used as
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Pungent
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha and Pitta
Action & Indications :
1) It acts as appetiser
2) Digestive
3) It stimulates and gives strength to the uterus
4) It is used in amenorrhoea
5) Dysmenorrhoea
6) It acts as an aphrodisiac
7) It is beneficial in excessive thirst
8) Dryness of mouth
9) It increases WBC count in the blood
10)It cleanses the wounds
11) Relieves pain
Preparations :
A) Sitopaladi choorna
Chemical composition :
It has 0.5-1% of volatile oil, tannin and gum. The oil has
cinnamaldehyde, eugenol and following in less quantities -
methyl-namyl, ketone, p-cymene, I-philandrene, L-a-pinene,
L-linalool, cumic aldelyde, nonyl aldeluyde, caryophylline and
esters of butyric acid
Sanskrit Name : Tamal-Patra, Patra
English Name : Tamala
Botanical Name : Cinnamomum tamala
Description : It is found in India and Srilanka
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Sweet
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Sharp, Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha and Vata
Action & Indications :
1) It is beneficial in haemorrhoids
2) Tastelessness
3) Rhinitis
4) It is used in indigestion
5) Abdominal pain
6) Flatulance
7) It tones the uterus which prevents abortion
8) It generates sweat and urine
Preparations :
A) Chyavanprash
Chemical composition :
It has a volatile oil with fragrance similar to clove oil
Sanskrit Name : Nagpushpa, Nagkeshar
English Name : Cobra's Saffron
Botanical Name : Mesua ferrea
Description : This is found in Himalayas, southern parts of
India, Bangladesh etc.
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Astringent
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Dry, Light
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha and Pitta
Action & Indications :
1) Being hot potent it digests 'aam'
2) It relieves excessive thirs
3) Itching
4) Excessive sweating
5) Nausea
6) Foul smell
7) It is also beneficial in skin disorders
8) Herpes
9) Bleeding
11) Rhinitis
12)Oil prepared from the seeds has analgesic action on
local application
Preparations :
A) Vrushya vati B) Pushyanug choorna
Chemical composition :
Fruits have fragrant, yellow coloured oil
Kumkum - Saffron
Sanskrit Name : Kumkum
English Name : Saffron
Botanical Name : Crocus sativus
Description : Saffron cultivated in Kashmir and Spain is
one of the best varieties found. It has a very good fragrance
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Pungent, Bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Unctuous
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates all the three doshas
Action & Indications :
1) It acts as digestive
2) Appetiser
3) It improves the complexion
4) Gives strength
5) Acts as an aphrodisiac
6) Diuretic
7) Mild analgesic
8) It is beneficial in urinary disorders
9) Diarrhoea
11) Dysmenorrhoea
14)Shiroroga (various types of headache) etc.
Preparations :
A) Kumkumadi Tailam
Chemical composition :
It has stationary oil, volatile oil, picrocrocin, crocetin, crocin
Sanskrit Name : Ushir
English Name : Cuscus grass
Botanical Name : Andropogon muricatus Vetiveria
Description : The fragrance is present in the roots of the
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Bitter, Sweet
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha and Pitta
Action & Indications :
1) It is cool potent
2) Digestive in nature
3) It is beneficial in fever
4) Vomiting
5) Excessive thirst
6) Poisoning
7) Herpes
8) Urinary infections
9) Wounds
10)It acts as a galactogogue
11) Being fragrant, it relieves the bad odour of the sweat
Preparations :
A) Ushirasav
Chemical composition :
It has volatile fragrant oil, gumresin, acids etc.
Sanskrit Name : Jatamansi
English Name : Spike nard, Indian nard
Botanical Name : Nardostachys jatamansi
Description : The roots of this plant are used as medicine.
This is found in Himalayas, Sikkim and Bhutan
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Bitter, Astringent
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Sweet
Guna (Properties) - Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates all the three doshas
Action & Indications :
1) It acts as digestive
2) Appetiser
3) Diuretic
4) Mild laxative
5) Analgesic
6) Blood purifier
7) It improves the blood circulation
8) Gives strength to the heart
9) Helps in relieving insomnia
10)It is beneficial in amenorrhoea
11) Dysmenorrhoea
13)Skin disorders
14)It iscreases the grasping capacity
15)Improves Memory
Preparations :
A) Prasham
Chemical composition :
It has 0.3-0.4% volatile oil. Alongwith this oil it has ester,
alcohol, seski terpene
Sanskrit Name : Mustak
English Name : Nutgrass
Botanical Name : Cyperus rotundus
Description : Musta is commonly found near water bodies
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Pungent, Bitter, Astringent
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha and Pitta
Action & Indications :
1) It is appetiser
2) Digestive
3) Helps in diarrhoea
4) It is beneficial in disordrs of blood
5) Fever
6) Tastiness
7) Worm, Infestation
8) Excessive thirst
9) It generates sweat
11) Menses
12)Stimulates uterus
13)It also acts as galactogogue
14)It is good for hair
Preparations :
A) Navayas Loha
Chemical composition :
It has a volatile oil, fat, sugar, gum resin, carbodydrates
Sanskrit Name : Karchoor
English Name : Zedoary
Botanical Name : Curcuma zedoari
Description : This is commonly found in Himalayas and
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Pungent, Bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha and Vata
Action & Indications :
1) It is appetiser
2) Relieves tastelessness
3) It is beneficial in skin disorders
4) Haemorrhoids
5) Cough
6) Breathlessness
7) Worm infestation
Preparations :
A) Udvartan (Utane)
Chemical composition :
It has a volatile oil, pungent soft gum resin, starch, sugar
and organic acid
Sanskrit Name : Talis patra
English Name : Himalayan yew
Botanical Name : Taxus baccata
Description : This is used as a spice in cooking. Found in
Punjab, Kashmir and Afganistan
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Pungent
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Vata and Kapha
Action & Indications :
1) It is beneficial in breathlessness
2) Cough
3) Tastelessness
4) Amenorrhoea
5) Dysmenorrhoea
6) It acts as an appetiser
7) Digestive
Preparations :
A) Talisadi choorna
Chemical composition :
It has taxns present in the leaves
Sanskrit Name : Kankol, Sheetalchini
English Name : Cubebs, Tailed pepper
Botanical Name : Piper cubeba
Description : This is the dried fruit of a creeper
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Vata and Kapha
Action & Indications :
1) It gives taste
2) Relieves bad breath
3) It gives cooling effect on chewing
4) It is beneficial in cardiac disorders
5) Stammering
6) Excessive thirst
7) Urinary disorders
Preparations :
A) Tambul
Chemical composition :
It has volatile oil cubebin, starch, gum resin, cubebic acid,
calcium oxalate, phosphate
Kamal - Sacred Lotus
Sanskrit Name : Kamal, Padma
English Name : Sacred Lotus
Botanical Name : Nelumbium speciousum
Description : This is an aquatic plant. The roots of this
plant grow in the mud
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Sweet
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Sweet
Guna (Properties) - Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha and Pitta
Action & Indications :
1) It is beneficial in burning sensation
2) Skin disorders
3) Herpes
4) Poisioning
5) Cardiac disorders
6) Wrinary disorders
Preparations :
A) Arvindasav
Chemical composition :
It has gum resin, glucose, metarbin, tannin, nelumbine
Rose - Taruni
Sanskrit Name : Taruni
English Name : Rose
Botanical Name : Rosa centifolia
Description : Various varieties of rose are found almost
every where
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates all the three doshas
Action & Indications :
1) It is digestive
2) Mild laxative
3) It improves complexion
4) It is beneficial in skin
5) Cardiac disorders
Preparations :
A) Gulkand B) Gulab Arka
Chemical composition :
It has volatile oil, tanic acid, malic acid and gum resin
Sanskrit Name : Bela, Varshiki
English Name : Jasmine
Botanical Name : Jasminum sambac
Description : These are the fragrant flowers with four
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Bitter
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Light
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates all the three doshas
Action & Indications :
1) It relieves oedema on feet and on the breast
2) The paste of flowers is applied on the breast in oedema
due to stagnation of breast milk
3) It stimulates the uterus
Preparations :
Chemical composition :
It has volatile oil present in it
Sanskrit Name : Malati, Svarnajati
English Name : Spanish Jasmine
Botanical Name : Jasminum grandiflorum
Description : These are fragrant flowers
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Bitter, Astringent
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Light
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Vata and Kapha dosha
Action & Indications :
1) It is beneficial in the disorders of head
2) Eyes
3) Mouth
4) Skin disorders
Preparations :
Chemical composition :
It has salicylic acid
Sanskrit Name : Champak, Champa
English Name : Champak
Botanical Name : Michelia champaca
Description : This is a yellow coloured fragrant flower
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Pungent, Bitter,
Astringent, Sweet
Veerya (Potency) - Cool
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates all the three doshas
Action & Indications :
1) It is beneficial in skin
2) Opthalmic disorders
3) Gout
Preparations :
Chemical composition :
Volatile oil is present in the flowers
Sanskrit Name : Ketaki, Suvarnaketaki
English Name : Screw pine
Botanical Name : Pandanus odoratissimus
Description : This fragrant flower is easily found in the
coastal parts of India
Characteristics :
Rasa (Taste) - Pungent, Sweet
Veerya (Potency) - Hot
Vipak (Postdigestive effect) - Pungent
Guna (Properties) - Light, Fragrant
Doshaghnata : (Action on Doshas)
Alleviates Kapha
Action & Indications :
1) It is beneficial in Opthalmic disorders
2) It gives strength to brain
3) Releives bad odour
Preparations :
Chemical composition :
It has volatile oil present in the flower
Herbs for Skin
2) It acts as a deodourent
3) It improves the quality and texture of skin and improves
the complexion
When instead of applying paste only dry powder is applied
to the body, it is called 'Uddhulan'.
3) Mukha Lepa : Various local applications have also been
indicated for various common skin diseases and for skin
care purpose in general for improving the complexion of
skin, improving the tone of skin. All the herbs explained in
Table no. 1 are usefull for this purpose.
Name of the Herb : Turmeric, Haridra
Rasa : Tikta (Bitter), Katu (Pungent)
Virya : Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Ruksha, Laghu (Dry) (Light)
Route : Ext. Application, Oral
Uses (concerning skin only) : Ex. Application-Kustha (Dermatitis),
Kandu (Skinglow), Wound
healing, Coagulating blood.
Oral : One of the best
Treatment for Shit-pitta (Allergy)
Name of the Herb : Indian Barberry, Daruharidra
Rasa : Tikta (Astringent), Kashaya
Virya : Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Ruksha (Desicant), Laghu (Light)
Route : Oral
Uses (concerning skin only) : Internally - Blood purifier &
hence cures skin diseases
caused due to impurities of
blood. Varna Prasadan (Colour
Name of the Herb : Bird Cherry, Padmaka
Rasa : Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya
Virya : Cold (Sheet)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Prabhav : Vedana Sthapan (pain reliever)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Laghu (Light)
Route : External
Uses (concerning skin only) : Application improves
complexion (Varnya),
Kandughna (Anti itching),
Kusthaghna (cures dermatitis)
Name of the Herb : Nagkeshar (Mesua)
Rasa : Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya
Virya : Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Ruksha (Dry), Laghu (Light)
Route : External
Uses (concerning skin only) : Application helpful in
decreasing bad odour due to
excessive sweating, Varna
Prasadan (improves colour)
Name of the Herb : Keshar (Saffron)
Rasa : Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter)
Virya : Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Snigdha (Oily)
Route : External
Uses (concerning skin only) : Application is Varnya (Improves
Name of the Herb : Ushir (Khaskhas grass)
Rasa : Tikta (Bitter), Madhur (Sweet)
Virya : Sheet (Cold)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Ruksha (Dry), Laghu (Light)
Route : External & Internal
Uses (concerning skin only) : Application has cooling,
soothing effect on skin. It is
varnya (good for colour),
Helpfull in various skin
diseases. Rakta Prasadan i. e.
purifies blood and cures various
skin diseases due to blood
impurities, Kusthghna (dermatitis)
Name of the Herb : Rakta Chandan (Red sanders)
Rasa : Tikta (Bitter), Madhur (Sweet)
Virya : Sheet (Cold)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Ruksha (Dry), Guru (Heavy)
Route : External & Internal
Uses (concerning skin only) : External Application - Cooling
effect on skin, cures various
skin anamolies.
Internal - Rakta Prasadan,
Name of the Herb : Chandan (Sandalwood)
Rasa : Tikta (Bitter), Madhur (Sweet)
Virya : Sheet (Cold)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Ruksha (Dry), Laghu (Light)
Route : External & Internal
Uses (concerning skin only) : Ex. Application - Removes body
odour, varnya, cures various
skin diseases, has cooling effect.
Internal - Kusthaghna, Raktashodhak
(Purifies blood)
Name of the Herb : Yashtimadhu (Liquorice)
Rasa : Madhur (Sweet)
Virya : Sheet (Cold)
Vipaka : Madhur (Sweet)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (Oily)
Route : External & Internal
Uses (concerning skin only) : Externally - gives soothing
effect in burning sensation of
Internal - Varnya, cures various
skin diseases, Kusthaghna
Name of the Herb : Manjishtha (Indian madder)
Rasa : Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya
(Astringent), Madhur (Sweet)
Virya : Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Guru (Heavy), Ruksha (Dry)
Route : External & Internal
Uses (concerning skin only) : External - Kusthaghna, Varnya
Internal - Raktashodhak
(purifies blood), cures Visarpa
(Herpes) & other skin diseases.
Name of the Herb : Sariva (Anantmool)
Rasa : Madhur (Sweet)
Virya : Sheet (Cold)
Vipaka : Madhur (Sweet)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (Oily)
Route : External & Internal
Uses (concerning skin only) : Externally - Cooling effect on
skin (Dahaprashamana)
Name of the Herb : Khadir (Cutch tree)
Rasa : Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya
Virya : Sheet (Cold)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry)
Prabhav : Kusthaghna (corrects skin
Route : External & Internal
Uses (concerning skin only) : External application -
Kusthaghna, usefull in treating
Internally also - Kusthaghna (Best)
Name of the Herb : Nimba (Neem) Margosa tree
Rasa : Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya
Virya : Sheet (Cold)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Laghu (Light)
Route : External & Internal
Uses (concerning skin only) : External - disinfectant, wound
healing (Vranropan)
Antieczematous (Kandughna),
Internal - Kusthaghna
Name of the Herb : Kustha Costus / Kuth
Rasa : Tikta, Katu (Pungent), Madhur
Virya : Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry),
Route : External & Internal
Uses (concerning skin only) : Ext. - Removes Body odour,
Varnya, Kusthaghna
Int. - Purifies Blood (Rakta
Shodhak), Kusthaghna
Name of the Herb : Lodhra Symplocos racemosa
Rasa : Kashaya (Astringent)
Virya : Sheet (Cold)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry)
Route : External & Internal
Uses (concerning skin only) : Ext. - Skin diseases
Int. - Skin diseases
Name of the Herb : Jatiphala (Nutmeg)
Rasa : Tikta (Bitter), Katu (Pungent)
Virya : Ushna (Hot)
Vipaka : Katu (Pungent)
Guna-Dharma (Properties) : Laghu (Light), Tikshna
Route : External
Uses (concerning skin only) : External application - Varna,
Kusthaghna, Removes body
odour (Durgandanashak)
Speciality of Ayurvedic Cosmetology
Products for Skin Care/Cure
Product Name : Sookshma Triphala
Main Ingredients : Triphala, Kajjali
Dose : 2 Tabs 2-3 times with water.
Uses : Rakta Shodhak (Blood purifier),
Twacha Vikar (Dermatitis),
Mukhadooshika (Acne) Etc.
Product Name : Bharingraja Taila
Main Ingredients : Bhringaraj, Triphala, Sariva, Mandoor,
Dose : As required.
Uses : Useful for Body massage (Abhyanga)
Product Name : Padadari Malam
Main Ingredients : Tankanlahi, Kharpar, Sarjarus, Narikel
Tail Vaseline Base
Dose : Apply 2-3 times
Uses : Cracks on soles
Product Name : Lodhrasava
Main Ingredients : Lodhra, Karchur, Kustha, Bhunimba,
Vidang, Tagar, Nagkeshar, Triphala,
Privangu etc.
Dose : 2-4 spoons 2 times with water after
Uses : Chronic skin diseases (Kushtha)
Product Name : Amrutarishta
Main Ingredients : Guduchi, Dashmool, Parpat, Musta,
Trikatu, Nagkeshar
Dose : 2-4 spoons after meals with water.
Uses : Raktadushti, skin diseases
Product Name : Vidangarishta
Main Ingredients : Vidang, Pippalimool, Rasna,
Paripatha, Amalaki, Pippali, Twak Tail,
Tamal Patra
Dose : 2-4 spoons after meals with water
Uses : Leucoderma
Product Name : Saraswatarishta
Main Ingredients : Brahmi, Shatavari, Vidari,
Ashwagandha, Vidang, Guduchi,
Kustha, Vacha, Usheer
Dose : 2-3 Spoons after meals with water
Uses : Bringhtens complexion (Varna
Product Name : Paripathadi Kadha
Main Ingredients : Paripatha, Indrayava, Bhunimba,
Parpat, Guduchi, Shunthi, Musta
Dose : 2-3 Spoon after meals with water
Uses : Alergic rash, Reduces burning
sensaton of body/skin, measles,
chicken pox.
Product Name : Bhoonimbadi Quath
Main Ingredients : Bhunimb, Nimb, Triphala, Patol, Vasa,
Dose : 2-4 spoons after meals
Uses : Alergic rash, purifies blood
Product Name : Gandhak Rasayan (Barah Puti)
Main Ingredients : Gandhak, Godugdha, Twak,
Tamalpatra, Ela, Nagkeshar, Guduchi,
Triphala, Shunthi, Adrak, Bhringraj
Dose : 1-2 Tabs 2-3 times with milk
Uses : All types of Skin diseases
Product Name : Laghusutashekhara
Main Ingredients : Shunthi, Suvarnagairik, Nagwalli
Patra Swaras
Dose : 1-2 Tabs 2-3 times with water
Uses : Purpura, Itching, Allergic rash
Product Name : Shankh Bhasma Vati
Main Ingredients : Shankha Bhasma
Dose : 2 Tabs 2-3 times with warm water
Uses : Acne-pimples, brightens complexion
Product Name : Triphala Chorrna
Main Ingredients : Haritaki, Bibhetak, Amalaki
Dose : 1/2 to 1 spoon with warn water, honey,
Uses : External application - improves skin
of colour
Product Name : Chandan Bala Lakshadi Tail
Main Ingredients : Chandan, Balamool, Laksha,
Yashitimadhu, Ketaki, Ananta, Ela,
Usheer, Devdaru, Kushtha Agaru,
Musta, Champaka
Dose : As required
Uses : Usefull fr daily body massage -
Product Name : Narayan Taila
Main Ingredients : Ashwagandha, Balamool, Bilwamool,
Patala, Gokshur Nimba, Punarnava,
Chandan, Shatavari, Kostha
Dose : As required
Uses : Usefull for daily body massage
Product Name : Vranaropak Taila
Main Ingredients : Triphala, Haridra, Nimb, Bhunimb,
Dose : Apply 2-3 times
Uses : Helps wound healing (fasten the
Product Name : Vranashodhak Taila
Main Ingredients : Nirgudi, Karveer, Nimb, Dhattur,
Dose : Apply 2-3 times
Uses : All types of infected wounds Dandruff
Product Name : Bavachi Lep (Goli - Tablet)
Main Ingredients : Bakuchi, Gomutra (Bhavana)
Dose : Ext. Application
Uses : Leucoderma, while patches due to any
Product Name : Chandansava
Main Ingredients : Chandan, Usheerm Musta, Padmaka,
Lodhara, Manjishtha, Yashtimadhu,
Dose : 2-4 spoon after meals with water
Uses : Raktavikar, Burning sensation
Product Name : Lohasava
Main Ingredients : Trikatu, Triphala, Ajmoda, Loha
Bhasma, Vidang
Dose : 2-4 Spoons after meals
Uses : Chronic skin diseases, Kushtha
Product Name : Sarivadyasava
Main Ingredients : Sariva, Mista, Lodhara, Anantmool,
Padmaka Patha
Dose : 2-4 spoons after meals
Uses : Skin diseases
Product Name : Khadirarishta
Main Ingredients : Khadir, Triphala, Bakuchi,
Daruharidra, Nagkeshar
Dose : 2-4 spoons after meals
Uses : Obstinate skin diseases, Kushtha,
Eczema, Dermatitis etc.
Product Name : Mahamanjishthadi Quath
Main Ingredients : Manjisrha, Nimb, Triphala, Haridra,
Khadir, Ananta
Dose : 2-4 spoons after meals
Uses : Rakta dushti, skin diseases, Itching,
Leucoderma, Erysepalis etc.
Product Name : Amrutadi Guggul
Main Ingredients : Guduchi, Patol, Triphala, Vidanga,
Shunthi, Guggul
Dose : 2-3 tabs 2-3 times with warn water
Uses : Acne.
Product Name : Arogyavardhini
Main Ingredients : Kajjali, Lohabhasma, Tamra Bhasma,
Shilajeet, Guggul, Abrak Bhasma,
Chitrak, Katuka
Dose : 1-3 tabs 2-3 times a day with warm
Uses : Skin diseases, various chronic &
others due to raktadushti
Product Name : Abhrak Bhasma
Main Ingredients : Krishna Abhraka
Dose : 125-250 mg. twice with honey, milk or
Uses : Chronic skin diseases, improves
complexion (Varnya)
Product Name : Loha Bhasma
Main Ingredients : Loha Bhasma
Dose : 125-250 mg 2-3 times
Uses : Improves complexion (Varnya),
obstinate skin diseases
Product Name : Suvarna Bhasma
Main Ingredients : Suvarna, Suvarna Makshik
Dose : 60 mg. 2-3 times with honey
Uses : Chronic skin diseases, Varna
Product Name : Utane Choorna
Main Ingredients : Useer, Kapurkachari, Kachora,
Shweta Chandan, Nagarmotha
Dose : Ext. Application As required
Uses : Varna Prasadan (Improves
Complexion), Remove bad body
odour, Itching (Kandu) due to various
skin diseases dermatitis.
Reserch oriented and extermely useful
preparations for skin care/cure.
1) Derma care kwath 2) Manobalancing Kashay
3) Rakta balancing Kashay 4) Rasa balancing Kashay
5) Sweda balancing Kashay 6) Virechan Kashay
7) Yakrut Kashay
Dose : 20 ml with equal amount of water after food 2 times a day.
8) Sundar Lepa (7 ingredients). Prepare thin paste in water, apply
to face or affected part. Keep for 20 minutes.
Common Skin Diseases (Cosmetic)
Name of the Diseases : Vanga
Pathology : Krodha and Shoka etc. causes
Vata-Pitta vikruti and they give
rise to Blackish spots on the Face
Dosh-Dushti : Vata-Pitta
Symptoms : Itching, Burning sensation
Treatment : 1) Blood letting 2) Externlal
application Buds and Twaka of
Kshiri Tress 3) Ext. Application
Arjun/Manjishtha with Honey.
Following external applications are also usefull
1) Rakta Chandan, Majishtha, Kustha, Lodhra, Ral, Masur,
Vata Buds 2) Jeerak, Shahajeera, Sessame, Shiras in Milk.
3) Leaves of Mango and Jambu, Curd, Haridra, Jaggery,
All the treatment mentioned for above disease usefull for
mostly all skin diseases mentioned above.
(Asthang Hrudam, Uttar Sthan - 31/26, 32/15)
Tab. Dermadil
Dermadil is useful in skin diseases. Neem and Haridra and
againest symptoms like itching, irrtation. Gandhak (Sulfur)
& Jirak (Cumin) are useful for the twakvaivarnya (skin
discoloration), Arogyavardhini corrects the Samprapti
(Pathogenesis) of skin disease. Manjishta and Sariwa kwath
act as blood purifier.
Composition - Tablet of 300 mgm.
Neem (Azadiracta India) Ghana 60 mg
Haridra (Curcuma longa) Ghana 50 mg.
Suddha Gandhak 50 mg.
Jirak (Cumin) Churna 50 mg.
Arogyavardhini 100 mg.
Bhavana drawya (Triturated with) - Manjishtha (Rubia
Cordifolia) Kwath and Sariva (Hemidesmys Indica) Kwath
Indications - Psoriasis, Acne, Dermalities, Scables
Dosage - Adults - 2 tabs twice a day
Children - 1 tab twice a day
Tab. Rederma
Ingredients - Each Tablet of 250 mgm. contains
No. Name of Ingredients Latin/English Name Wt. in each tab.
1. Anantmool ghana Hemidesmus indicus 40 mg.
2. Bavchi churna Psorylia corylifolia 40 mg.
3. Manjishtha churna Rubia cordifolia 40 mg.
4. Vidanga churna Embelia ribes 40 mg.
5. Ashwagandha Ghana Withania somnifera 40 mg.
6. Haridra churna Curcuma longa 25 mg.
7. Khadira Ghana Acacia cathetue 25 mg.
Bhavana drawya (Triturated with) - Nimba patra (Azadirechta indica Juice)
Indication - Skin disorders (Twachavikar)
Can be used to treat symptoms associates with eczema of acute and or chronic
origin, kin allergies, Psoriasis
Dosage - 1 to 2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day
Food for skin
11) For proper maintenance of skin Grains, Pulses, Liver
and Egg to be consumed daily.
There are wrinkles on the skin sometimes. It is due to loss
of fluid and salt from the body, excessive sweating,
diarrhoea, vomitting are other causes. For relieving such
condition drink common salt mixed water sip by sip many
times a day.
If eczema or wounds on skin are weeping or with more
secretions then do not consume salt.
If skin is dry, rough and with pruritus then to get rid of this
condition eat Cabbage or Drink 50-175 mil of juice of
Skin and 'Yes' / 'No' Food
Kokam butter Garcinia purpuria
Vegetables :
Bathua leaves white Chenopodium album
goose foot
Spinach Spinasia oleracea
Mint Mentha sylvestris
Coriander leaves Coriandrum sativum
Kessor Scripus kessor
Releives burning sensation
Hermaphrodite amaranth Amaranthus tenipolins
Kalashak Phalugium tuberosum
Releives oedema
Indian sorrel Oxalis corniculata
Siriyari Blepharis edulis
Round podded cassia Cassia sophera
Cabbage Brasica oleraseb capita
Carrot leaves Daucus carota
Celery leaves Apium graveolens
Curry leaves Murraya koenigii
Drumstick leaves Moringa olefera
Small carltrops Boerrhavia diffusa
Ash gourd Benincasa hispida
Bitter gourd Momordica charanita
Bottle gourd Langeria vulgaris
Okra or Ladies finger Hibscus esculenthus
Frensh beans Phaseolus vulgaris
Snake gourd Trichosanthes anguina
Ridge gourd Luffa acutengula
Roots and Tubers :
Beet root Beta vulgaris
Carrot Daucas carota
Onion Allium cepa
Potato Solanum tuberosum
Radish Raphanus sativus
Nuts :
Coconut Cocus nucifera
Oils :
Safflower Oil Carthamus tinctorius
Sunflower Oil Helianthus annus
Olive Oil Olea europoea
Castor Oil Ricinus communis
Cereals or Millets :
Bajra Pennusetum typhoidicum
Barley Horduem Vulgare
Jowar Sorghum vulgare
Maize Zea mays
Ragi Elucine coracana
Wheat Triticum sativum
Pules :
Grenn gram Phaseolus mungo
Lentil dal Lens esculenta
Black gram Phaseolus radiantus
Spices :
Asafoetida Feruls foetida
Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum
Cinnamon Cinamomum zeylanicum
Clove Eugenia caryophyllata
Coriander seeds Corriandrum sativum
Cumin seeds Cuminum cyminum
Garlic Allium sativum
Ginger Zingiber officinale
Nutmeg Myristica fragrans
Bishop's weeds Carum roxburghianum
Pepper Piper nigrum
Fennel seeds Foeniculum vulgare
Turmeric Curcuma longa
Tamarind Tomarindus indica
Saffron Croci stigmata
Miscellanuous :
Unsalted butter
Ghee made of cow's milk
Camphor mixed with water
can be consumed.
English Name Scientific Name
Fruits :
Cusard apple Annona squamosa
Guava Psidium guyava
Palmyra palm Borasus flabelli formis
Unripe mango Mangifera indica
Strawberry Farigaria vesca
Raspberry Rubus lasiocarpus
Mulberry Morus indica
Tomato Lycopersicum esculentum
Melon Cucumis melo
Lakooch Artocarpus lacoochaii
Watermelon Citrullus vulgaris
Jasmine flowered carissa Carissa corandal
Vegetables :
Bengal gram leaves Cicer arietinum
Mustard leaves Brasia Nigra
Brinjal Solanum melongena
Broad beans Faba vulgaris
Double beans Faba vulgaris
Calabash cucumber Luffa aegyptiaca
Cluster beans Cyamopsis psoralioides
Cucumber Cucumis sativus
Peas Pisum sativum
Soyabean Glycine soja
Roots and Tubers :
Yam Dioscorea bulbifera
Nuts :
Groundnut Arachis hypogaea
Cashew nut Anacardium occidentale
Chest nut Aesculus hippocastanum
Pisachio nut Pistacia vera
Walnut Juglans regia
Water chestnut Trapa bispinosa
Oils :
Sesame oil Sesamum indicum
Cotton seed oil Gossypium herbaceum
Pulses :
Horse gram Dolichos biflorus
Bengal gram Cicer arietinum
Red gram Cajanus indicus
Flat bean or Goa bean Dolichos lablab
Miscellaneous :
Betel nut
Sago Sagus leavus
Yeast Cervisi actermeutum
Fruit milkshakes
Hard cheese
Milk with salt
Fish and milk
Meat with curds
Causative Factors
Mercury found in 44% of fairness
creams in India, says CSE study