MLC Part I and Part II Declarations Draft

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(This Declaration must be attached to the ship’s Maritime Labour Certificate)

Issued under the provisions of the



the Government of MALTA

Distinctive Number
Name of Ship IMO Number Gross Tonnage
or Letters

is maintained in accordance with Standard A.5.1.3 of the Convention.

The undersigned declares, on behalf of the abovementioned competent authority, that:

(a) the provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention are fully embodied in the national requirements referred to
(b) these national requirements are contained in the national provisions referenced below; explanations concerning
the content of those provisions are provided where necessary;
(c) the details of any substantial equivalencies under Article VI, paragraphs 3 and 4, are provided [under the
corresponding national requirement listed below] [in the section provided for this purpose below] (strike out
the statement which is not applicable);
(d) any exemptions granted by the competent authority in accordance with Title 3 are clearly indicated in the
section provided for this purpose below; and
(e) any ship-type specific requirements under national legislation are also referenced under the requirements

1. Minimum age (Regulation 1.1) Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)

Rules, rule 6 sets minimum age of seafarers 16 years.
Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)
Rules, rule 7 sets a prohibition on young seafarers
working at night which is defined as a period of not
less than nine consecutive hours and which includes
the period between midnight and 5am and prohibits
work that may pose a danger to the health and safety
for seafarers aged under 18.

Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)

2. Medical certification (Regulation 1.2)
Rules, rules 9 - 17 set the requirements for medical
examination. The medical examination shall consist of
a complete physical examination and shall have regard
to the ILO/WHO publication entitled Guidelines for
Conducting Pre-Sea and Periodic Medical Fitness
Examination for Seafarers (ILO/WHO/D.2/1997)
(ISBN 92-2-111129-6).

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Merchant Shipping Directorate, Malta Transport Centre, Marsa MRS1917 Malta
Voice: +356 21 250360 Fax: +356 21 241460 E-Mail:
The maximum period of validity of a medical
certificate shall be two years and, in so far as it relates
to colour vision, the maximum period of validity shall
be six years and for seafarers under 18 years of age, the
maximum period of validity shall be one year.

3. Qualifications of seafarers (Regulation 1.3) Merchant Shipping (Training and Certification)

Regulations set training and certification requirements
in accordance with the STCW Convention, in its up-to-
date version.

4. Seafarers’ employment agreements (Regulation 2.1) Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)
Rules, rules 21 – 29 require all seafarers to have an
employment agreement and specifies the information
to be included therein.

5. Use of any licensed or certified or regulated private Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)
recruitment and placement service (Regulation 1.4) Rules, rules 18 – 20, that stipulate that shipowners of
Maltese flagged ships, who use seafarer recruitment
and placement services based in countries or territories
in which the Convention applies, shall ensure, that
those services meet the requirements of the
Convention, Standard A.1.4 requirements.
Shipowners of Maltese flagged ships who use seafarer
recruitment and placement services based in countries
or territories in which the Convention does not apply,
shall ensure, as far as practicable, that those services
meet the requirements of the Convention, Standard
A.1.4.5 and Standard A1.4.9.

6. Hours of work or rest (Regulation 2.3) Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)
Rules, rules 38 – 47, provide for minimum rest of at
least ten hours in any 24-hour period; and 77 hours in
any seven-day period and set out the requirements to
display a schedule of Shipboard Working
Arrangements and for the format of Hours of Rest

7. Manning levels for the ship (Regulation 2.7) Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)
Rules, rules 30 – 37, requires a Safe Manning
Document and sets out the requirements for safe and
efficient operation.

8. Accommodation (Regulation 3.1) Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)

Rules, rules 87 – 97, sets the requirements for ships
constructed before the entry into force of the
Convention and for ships constructed after the entry
into force of the Convention.
The rules provide for the acceptance of certain
exemptions and equivalents that may be provided to
certain ships in accordance with the Convention and
stipulates the frequency of inspections of
accommodation and records to be maintained.

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Merchant Shipping Directorate, Malta Transport Centre, Marsa MRS1917 Malta
Voice: +356 21 250360 Fax: +356 21 241460 E-Mail:
9. On-board recreational facilities (Regulation 3.1) Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)
Rules, rules 90 – 91, set out the requirements for on-
board recreational facilities.

10. Food and catering (Regulation 3.2) Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)
Rules, rules 108 – 111, set out the requirements for
provisions and water and requirements for the
certification of ship’s cook.
Onboard inspection of food quality and water supply
and related accessories in accordance with the

11. Health and safety and accident prevention Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)
(Regulation 4.3) Rules, rules 115 – 118, set the responsibilities of the
shipowner to provide a safe working environment for
the protection of health, safety and the prevention of
accidents onboard.

12. On-board medical care (Regulation 4.1) Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)
Rules, rules 98 – 104, stipulate standards for medical
care onboard.

13. On-board complaint procedures (Regulation 5.1.5) Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)
Rules, rules 119 – 123, requires a procedure for on-
board investigation of complaints. A copy of the
procedure must be given to every seafarer.

14. Payment of wages (Regulation 2.2) Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention)
Rules, rules 62 – 68, set the requirements for payment
of wages. All wages to which a seafarer may be
entitled, subject to deductions made in accordance with
the Rules, shall be paid at intervals no greater than one

Name: .................................................................

Title: ...................................................................

Signature: ...........................................................

Place: ..................................................................

Date: ...................................................................
(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

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Merchant Shipping Directorate, Malta Transport Centre, Marsa MRS1917 Malta
Voice: +356 21 250360 Fax: +356 21 241460 E-Mail:
Substantial equivalencies
(Note: Strike out the statement which is not applicable)

The following substantial equivalencies, as provided under Article VI, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Convention,
except where stated above, are noted (insert description if applicable):


No equivalency has been granted.

Name: .................................................................

Title: ...................................................................

Signature: ...........................................................

Place: ..................................................................

Date: ...................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

(Note: Strike out the statement which is not applicable)
The following exemptions granted by the competent authority as provided in Title 3 of the Convention are noted:


No exemption has been granted.

Name: .................................................................

Title: ...................................................................

Signature: ...........................................................

Place: ..................................................................

Date: ...................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

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Merchant Shipping Directorate, Malta Transport Centre, Marsa MRS1917 Malta
Voice: +356 21 250360 Fax: +356 21 241460 E-Mail:
Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance – Part II
Measures adopted to ensure ongoing compliance between inspections

The following measures have been drawn up by the shipowner, named in the Maritime Labour Certificate to which
this Declaration is attached, to ensure ongoing compliance between inspections:
(State below the measures drawn up to ensure compliance with each of the items in Part I)

1. Minimum age (Regulation 1.1)

2. Medical certification (Regulation 1.2)

3. Qualifications of seafarers (Regulation 1.3)

4. Seafarers’ employment agreements (Regulation 2.1)

5. Use of any licensed or certified or regulated private recruitment and

placement service (Regulation 1.4)

6. Hours of work or rest (Regulation 2.3)

7. Manning levels for the ship (Regulation 2.7)

8. Accommodation (Regulation 3.1)

9. On-board recreational facilities (Regulation 3.1)

10. Food and catering (Regulation 3.2)

11. Health and safety and accident prevention (Regulation 4.3)

12. On-board medical care (Regulation 4.1)

13. On-board complaint procedures (Regulation 5.1.5)

14. Payment of wages (Regulation 2.2)

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Merchant Shipping Directorate, Malta Transport Centre, Marsa MRS1917 Malta
Voice: +356 21 250360 Fax: +356 21 241460 E-Mail:
I hereby certify that the above measures have been drawn up to ensure ongoing compliance, between inspections,
with the requirements listed in Part I.

Name of shipowner1: ........................................

Company address: .............................................
Name of the authorized signatory: ....................

Signature of the authorized signatory: ........................................................................

Date: .................................................................

(Stamp or seal of the shipowner)

The above measures have been reviewed by [Recognised Organisation] and, following inspection of the ship, have
been determined as meeting the purposes set out under Standard A5.1.3, paragraph 10(b), regarding measures to
ensure initial and ongoing compliance with the requirements set out in Part I of this Declaration.

Name: .................................................................

Title: ...................................................................
Address: .............................................................
Signature: ...........................................................
Place: ..................................................................
Date: ...................................................................

(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

Shipowner or owner means the owner or any another organization or person, such as the manager, or the bareboat charterer, who has assumed
the responsibility for the operation of the ship from the owner and who, on assuming such responsibility, has agreed to take over the duties and
responsibilities imposed on the shipowner in accordance with the Convention.
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Merchant Shipping Directorate, Malta Transport Centre, Marsa MRS1917 Malta
Voice: +356 21 250360 Fax: +356 21 241460 E-Mail:

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